HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-20, Page 7aal hu- tehee -re lip ot for :Were are , Their ‘then one rpeedy know fought rrencle ping lerated tho U hale: and, iwife :Writet: e4 but mired te is t, Sea -- ,..Large liut it the e its to leave ter is v re the the • kly ..,hed in, thc. iwera et Well ,f lime for water as a, over ten by t, US:h 0 diaape han icaially re lard tend 's*i done itt;ly to 'leaner -red for every burnt. bit of ,r aro if vell eult to eeeeiar eat um. a.1 put aegar w min- 11,:anae 1.• in agh titter ; e Move :tix1 that n but.. tepe L A -. 0 03ITIG who hint lo that ht to t er ie duty. d men , r -f wili ,,,-• land, th •,1 in V E. r zwt tj f.; - - Then s erup- t beeeA e • r ray hat, Lew re fat r to r. rtser4 [-dente --teleets ! k!ors • the :tel., ge; out, JULY- 20, 1900. Seaforth The undersigned having purchased from the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Montreal, the well-known Seaforth, Flour Mills, Are now prepared to do all kinds of Custom Work, . . TO MUCH • , Special Attention will be Given. - - The very best quality of Flour given ie exchange for wheat. Chopping of all kinds done on the short- est natice. Price, five cants per bag. The best branda of Flour always on hand, and witl be delivered in any part of the town free of eharge. 'The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kinds constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1689 The Seaforth Tea Store Is the •right place to get great bargains ia all kinds of geode. You can get four lbs. dried apples for 25c; 4 lbs. of good fresh prunes for 3c;2 3 lbs. tea for 2.5e ; 3 Iles, lemon biscuits for 25e ; a few her- rings left at 15.1 a dozen ; 6 bars of soap and a nice large picture for 25c ; Ills. of rice for 25e ; 5 lbs. tapioca for 2.5e. ; salmon trout, 5c a lb.; a line lot of F. NV. Fearman's star hams; long. clear bacon, btst Collingwood lard ; Amu, rolled oatmeal, corn meal, granulated oattheal, rolled wheat, st !nerd oat- meal, ferina, split peas, pot bar ey, but- ter, egge, all kinds of garden ,teeds in paper or bull; peas, corn, p tatoee, beet eariety of matigolcl and urnip seed, flax seed, red cloeer, timote, and alsike, potato onions-, alienate, tch rets; china, crockery and glasevear ec; china tea sets, dinner sets risd toilet sets in, all colors and deigns; teas -green, black and Japan; teas and coffees a specialty; everyehing r ght ' down in price. A cordial invitetiou to all to call and get eeme of the good bergains while /they are to be had. A G. AuLT • SEA FORTH. Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points, Canadian North West Via TOronto or Chicago, British Columbia and California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them 50 Slut everybody and PULLMAN TOUR - ST OARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Giitnd Trunk Railway. Trelne feave Seaforth and Clinton stations ae ollowe Lloitto WEgT- SNAFORTIL Passenger ,, .. 12.46 r. M. 10.12?. M. 9.20 A. M. 6.16 P. M. Passengee.... Mixed Train.... .. Mixed Train...... Goners Emir - Passenger.. 7.6a A. M. Passenger.. .. 8.11 P. M. Mixed Train 4.60 P. M. CLINTON. 12.65 F.14. 10.27 P. M. 3.0.15 A. M. 7.05 P. el -7.38 A.M. 2.66 P. M, 4.21 P.M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. it 0WG NORTH- Bruletels- Bluevale.. Wingham_ Gores Bourn-- Wingham Biuevale Ethel - Passenger. 8.07 r. M. 8.17 8.27 8.38 Paesenger. . 6.63 e. 7.02 . . .. 7.18 7.28 Mixed. 1.40 r. M. 2.10 - 2.86 8.26 Mixed. 8.55 A. st. 9.17 9.46 10.02 London, Huron and Bruce. CIOUta NORM -- London, depart Centralia ..... Exeter_ Mensal! Kippen- . .. . . Brucetield Clinton Londesboro Belgrave_ Wingtarn srrtro GOING- SOU'rEI- WinglAm, depart.... .... Beigrave,..:.... Blyth Londeeboro........- • • • • Clinton- . . . Brueefield Kippen ... ... Passenger. 8.16 A.m. 4,40 P.n. • 9.18 5.66 9.30 8.07 9.44 6.18 . 9.60 6.26 9.68 6.33 10.15 6.55 .. 10.83 7.14 10.41 7.23 _ . 10.66 7.87 11.40 11.10 8.00 " Paeseiver. 6.53 A.M. 8.15 P. M. 7.01 8.40 7.14 8.66 ' 7.22 4.06 7.47 4.26 8,06 4,49 .. 8.16 4.67 8.22 - 6.02 8,86 6.14 8,46 5.23 9.87 .A. U. 6.12 Centralia. - London, (arrive) HICH RADE F u.r n.itu- re EMPORIUM Legherdale &• I LandsbOrough SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-class Furniture of all° kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture fram- ing, and a choice selection of picturps always on hand. Curtain poles at all prices; and put °up. We are alsc Agents for the New William's Sewing Machine, bet in the market for do- inestic use, no travelling agents, no !high prices. 1:71\1"13 ••[ 'TIN. IK INT In the Under taking Department, we buy our goods freirn the best houses in Ontario, and guarantee setisfaction in every depart- ment of our work. We have always made 15 a Point. to furaish chairs, and all other re- -ateirlitee f, r funerals, FREE OF C1{A.Fir/F1. .-erieee better than heretofore. Arterial and celerity embalming done on scientific: ie P, S. /tight and Sunday calls will be attended to al; Itil\nedisandeborough'e reel. dence, dirt, t le io the rear of the Dontinan Bank. Leatherdale Landsborough, SEAFORTH. esearnommemaammensenv D o 6 this ill s- • trate your e xperi- e n ee? And are you wQr- Rried for fear you are soon to be bald? Thcn cease worry- ing, for help is at hand. Yo -ii need something that will put new life into the hair bulbs. .You n eed a hair food, such a- S V1190 It- brings health to the hair, and the fall- ing ceases. It always restor s color to gray 4a You need not look thirty as if you w fifty, for your gr hair may- have ag all the dark, rich col of youth. a bottle. Al! druggists " I am a barber by trade and h had a reat deal to do with y Hair gor. I have found tha will do everything that you el f e. it. It has given me the ru t. -complete satisfaction in my b nese.' HENRY J. GE0R0E, IlIaa eh 22, 1899. Kansas City, Who the 00010P• If you do not obtain all the4one ' vou expected 'from the uae of Vigor, write the Doctor about it. Address, DR. J. C. 4.YER, Lowell, DI ve ur it st si- DISTRICT MATTER . liht.fitvon 040 itot. iThe following items Were istended- for liast week, but were reoei too late.] Wroxeter. Becines.LMr, J. B. Vogt is now the old, est reeident _f Wroxeter, and was ne of the first, settler -Mr. George Town,• f Wing - ha. it is II id, will take passeesio of the e , mGoftion Hcluse. Mr, Town has tI.e good wishes of the community. -Mr. Oliver. Smith is to change the window free es of the Methodist church for the colored •g ass that is to be put in in the near future.- r. Jas, ForSyth, who has been buying wool in Mild- may for some time, has returned, a d is now in his place in the woollen mill here. -Mr. J. Seburger, of Listowel, has the contract of papering and painting the 11 ethodist church. -A worthy and well-reepec ed rad - dent of •Wroxeter passed away last week, in the person of Mr. William Lawrie at the good age of 91 yearn. He was a Je eminent resident of the village at one time; and fpr many years- occupied the position -• f village treasurer. •He was a worthy ma and a usefUl citizen, and leaves behind him a good name. • Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach, INrer and kidney troubles, and feel the results inlos of ap- petite, backache, nervousness, headache anti tired, run-down feeling, but, Electrte Bitters are just the thing for a men " writes J. W. Grtrdner, of Idaville, Ind. "when he is all fun -down, and don't care whether he lieu, or dies. It did more to give nee new strength and good _ appetite, Shan any- thing I could take. I could now eat any- thing, and have's new lease on life." Only 50c. Every •bottle guaranteed by L V. Fear, druggist. • Brussels. BRIEFS. -Rev. Mr, Ross and fa ily leave this week for a' six weeke',holiday at Pres- ue ,Islo, neat Owen Sound. The out it of Mr. Ross' church -will, be qcupei during • hiseabeence by a Mk. McKlay.-Mr.lArchi- bald Hislop, M. P. P., for East if ron, has purchased a bicycle, and will here fter visit his' constituents on- this silent ste d. -The Brussels fall show will be held on , hursday and Friday, October -4 and 5, • Brussels civic holiday is to be held on th - Oth of August, the day • of the races,• Thomas Bloomfield, of this places left last wbek in charge of six ear:loads of -dattle, shipped to Manchester, by John Scott, of Li towel, - At the Brussels races, on the Oth o August, $775 will be offered in purses divid d among four races. -Mie James Burgess, who re- sides near here, had a good maredie from inflammation last week. -Mr. Rob rt Watt, previous to his departure „for Toren o, -where he will in hitter° reaide, was pres nted by his friends with a handsome gold handled ebony walking cane, -Mr. Walto Smith, who has been recording eecretar of the Canadian Foresters' lodge here ler )1 years, ever since the Court was. instit ted, has been made a. life mealiest of the rder in necognitiondef his long and efficient services. This was mb;rit gracefully eekuo ledged, and is alike -creditable to Mr. Smit and his brethren: of Court Prince Alex ndria.- There were 286 tickets -gold -at Brussels station for Listowel on the 12th, A SA D Accinenn.-An old arid ighly re - speeded resident Of Brussels, in th person of William Aldridge, mot with an accident, on Monday morning of last week, hich re- . suited ia his death. It seems the Mr. Al- dridge, on the morning -named, • ad- risen early that morning from his bed an dressed and in some way, that, will never b known, either missed his footing at the t p of the stairs or beortme dizzy headed, the result of whieh was a headlong fall to theIs ttom, re• Rutting in instantaneous death. Ti e side ,of his head was bruised, where it ha( come in contact with the steps 'int -he rapi ' descent and a concusaion on top of the- Ilea received by the fall. A donor was called at onee, whel soon ascertained that ala Idridge's nec c was clietocated. " The proj ction 00 two steps of the stairway was broken off, shoWing the force with which the iody des- cended. Deceased was borninthe township of Beverley, Wentworth county, .and was married to Miss Grace Stark, near Cale- donia. His only years were spen in Dum- friee and Seneca townships, from here de- m:laic(' and his bride came to the 3.d line of Moria township, when he purcha ecl a 100 nerd farm, now ovsned by Quintin nclerson, On disposing of his farm .in 1862, or there- • abouts, the family moved to Bruse le, where I • • they have resided continuously, exeepting shorb time• spent in Galt. The subject of this natio° was associated with the late John N. Knechtel in the tanning business; he elan bought cattle for the United States market, and later kept a grocery both here and ill Galt. Mr.' Aldridge was the oldest • child in David,Aldridge's family of twelve children, -four of whom died , in infancy, and the only survivor being John, of Thedford, who attended his brother's funeral. Mrs. Aldridge was away from home at the tirne of the melancholy accident, having gone to Caledonia the Thursday previous to vitit re- latives and did Dot reach here till Thursday • afternoon. Beeides the widow there are two children, David, of Plattsville, and Miss Aldridge at .home. Mr. Aldridge was in his 78t1; year. He was an enthusiastic Liberal in polities and held adherence* to the Presbyterian faith. • One LAXA-LIVER PILL every ufght for thirty days makes a complete cure of biliousness and con- stipetion. That is -just 26 cents to be cured. • Grey. 'COT:RCM-At the last meeting of Grey Council, held oti Juno 255h, a petition was read from Dancari McLauchlin and five others for autherity to extend a ditch under She Ditches and Water -courses Act through and into more than 7 original tovvnship lots to 4 proper outlet. Moved by ,Robert Liv. ingston, seconded by Isaac Lake, that this Council authorize the extension of said ditch to a proper; outlet, provided the cost ehereof does not exceed $1000,00 -carried. Moved by James McDonald, seconded by Adam Turnbull, that George Oliver be paid the sum of $1,870.13 on account of contract of Government Drain No. 2 and outlet as per engineer's certificate -carried. Moved by Adam Turnbull, seconded by James Mc- Donald, that pathtnasterg requiring the use of the road grader in their road division shall make application for same to Robe t Bell, lot 16, conceseion 3, he being the pe son employed by the eouncil to operate t e said grad er-clarried. Applications -Rob Murray for wire fence on side road 3,'rit 1 15, concession 9; Henry Keys for wire fence outside road 3, at lot 16, concession ; and Wm.. Hallenbeck for wire fence on ei road 5, et lot 26, concession 9. Moved Isaac Lake, seconded by R. Livingston, th the Council pay for half the wire tused i said fences -carried. Moved by Ada Turnbull, seconded by Isaac Lake, that th s yOuticil allow the Turnberry Council the tilIM of 25c per clay for every day's stat e labor done by them on the boundary b teen Grey and Turnberry, and also pa for half thegravelput on said road-carrie. Moved _ by Jas. McDonald, reconded b Adam Turnbull, that the petition of Jam s Perri° and others for a municipal drain e received and that the clerk be authorizrel to notify John roger, Ontario Land &rye: - or, to make an examination of the area o be drained, and prepare to report pian, specifications and estimates and mako n assessment of all the lands liable to be ass- essed for said drainage -carried. Mov d by James McDonald, seconded by Retie .5 Livingston, that an iron bridge Ibe bui over the Beauchamp creek at lot 11, cot • cession 16, and that the reeve ask for tend- ers or same --carried. After passing n number of accounts the council adjourned to mcct at the cal ,of the reeve. • • DR. L'..W'S WORM SYRUP Is a safe, eure and re, liable worm expeller. Acts equally Well on children or adulie. Be sure 3' u get Low'. 0 , • , Presbytery of #uron. ( The Huron Preebytery held Ha regular 1.) i -monthly meeting in Willis church, Clin- ton, on Tuesday o last week. In the ab- sence ' of Rev. S. A. Carriere, of Gran1 Bend, Moderator, Rev. James A. Andersoii, of Goderich, was cptlled to the chair. Re4'. J. H. Henderson, Of Carmel church, Hensel • was elected mode ator, for the coming 13 X f , months. There w s a large attendance f merribers. Rev. Ir. Craig, Presbyteria minister, of Tex s, United States, bei present, was cordi Ily invited to sit and d liberate. The del gates to the ,meeting f the late General ssembly at Halifax gee e in -their report. hey spoke of the meeting in glowing terms o activity and harmony f the church and o the hospitalityof t e brethren down b the sea. Reve. Stewa 5 and Musgrave we e appointed to prepare a suftOble minute in reference to the late D McDonald, of S aforth. Representativ s from Bayfield and Leeburn were heard, an while bearing test'inony to the good wor being done and Ste abceptable services f Revs. James Ham Itori and R. Henderso still in consequen e of the work being o ardious, especially for Rev. Mr. Benders° I of Auburn, it was agreed that the old ar- rangement ishould be again returned to. Rev. Mr. Larkin, of Seaforth, was present, also Mr. Leidlaw, of, Knox College. The following committees were appointed fon She ensuing year, the first named in each list being convesor : Home Minions -Revs. James A. Ande eon, James Hamilton, Robert Headers n and elders, Church Life and Work -Rove. Aches() ewers, Shaw and elders. Sabbath Schools -Revs. James A. Ham- ilton", Stewert, J. S. Henderson and eldera. Finanoe--Revs. Shaw, Musgrave,- Larkin and elders. Superintendent of Students, -Revs. Stewart, Fletchet, Mingrave and eiders. .Christian Endet vor-Revs, Sawere, Oa riere, Martin and Iders. Ad mentation -Revs. McLean, James A. Han* ton R. Hen Foreign Mired° ere; Lorkin and el Conference Co and coavenors of Revs. Sammie appointed as a c Bend and Corbett in the amount of erson and elders. s -Revs. Musgrave, Sa • ers. mittee-Rev. S. Acheson 11 the other committees. Acheson and elders were mmittee to visit Grand in the interest of lease au umentation grant these congregation he next meeting wi be held in Willi church, Clinton, on t second Tuesday in September next, 1 Nothing Further Said. In a carriage mo a Scotch railway sat a ri number of gentle en on the way to bueinees in Glasgow. Con picuous in the company were two -one an old man With a very betd, 1 1 One of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms of • kidney Disease Is 1 OPS for which Dodd's Kidney • Pills are the only certain cure. In Drepsy thb Kid- neys aro actually dammed up, end the water, which should i e expelled in the form of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of the flest, and -puffs out the Skin. Remove the filth 'which pitegs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine 'S 1DNEY PILLS THE HURD head, and the other a youn great crop of red hair, would outrival the setti well on their way most of down their newspapers and EXPOSITOR. fellow with a hose fiery hue g sun. When e travellers put began to yawn and look out lazily, awleitin the arrival of the trainat their destin tion. Tiring of this prelsoie silence, the You g man with the red hair selected the old ma aa the butt et his wit. "I say," he r marked rudely, "Nature surely had no ha r in stock when you were made ?" "She ad, sir, she had, replied the old man ; "butit was 41, red, and I would not have any f it r' A long and painful silenoe followed • • MILBURN'S STERLING HEA cure the word headache in from utes, and leave no bad after-effee 8 powdere 10e, 10 powders 26o, • Plucky Black Watcl. Drummer. A Black Watch Reservisb,I in a letter from Bloemfontein to his friends in Dundee, re- fers to the bravery of a Black Watch drum- mer. He says : "1 see tjiat at home a deal i being made of Bugl r Dunn, of the Dublie Fusiliers, and some o her youngsters who have shown pluck dur ng the recent fighting, but I am sure we have quite as plucky a boy in the Black Vatoh. Drum. 15, and he has and Marching eginning of the in the fighting also at Pear - away from a way with the comes of a , it Dumfries he First Bette, - steward in the second. He has two brothe s serving with the First Battalion in India,, and his broth- er, Color Sergeant, Wm. Mitc iell, was killed at Paardeberg. General He tor Macdonald takes a great interest in idne, and often stops to °bat with him." • Changed the Su • One of tho most difficult gracefully is to change the unpleasant conversation. boy can do It if circurrista.nce eery, " Thomas, will you please you pulled up the onions fro onion -bed ? How many time you to keep away from the g Thomas grew red in the grandfather went on to depic was sure to befall the boys wl destroying what their elders 1 • Meantime, Thomas had pul gether,-and, as the harangue. he said, with a smile, referrin of the previous week : " Pity our old ,rooster d grandpa." 0 HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL cure sores, wounds, cute, frostbites, chi nseots, burns, scalds, contusions, et • Exciting. " This road isn't travelled it ?" pelted a tourist who had e drink at a log cabin, which humble habitation he had AblIE POWDERS ve to twenty min , Ono powder 6a mer Hugh Mitchell is only been through all the fighting with the regiment since the war, and he has always been line. At Magerefontein, an de -berg, he took the rifle wounded manand ,blazed best of them. Young Hug fighting family. His fathe man, was color scIgean'. in lion, and latterly Was canted j ect. things te do current; of an ut the small make it neces• tell me why my Danvers have I told rden ?" face, and his the fate that o weat around ad planted. ed himself to- es concleded, to an event ed, wasn't it sprains, bruises Waiter, stings of e Price 25o. horira The woman of whom he question replied : " Well, I reckon you'd 'a t, tree/idled if you'd been here week. There woei o. four -ho man on it mule, au' it buggy, hot, an' an ox -team hitched went over this roadall in o you it was real exeitin'l " • News Note • -Diphtheria in a mild for Thornton, son of am and Atwood. Another case has She family of Mr. S. Peter, 8 Elms. Itt the case of Mr. doctor is of the opinion tha cause is the cellar of the pars wet most of the time. -Mr. Christopher Rode, died suddenly, on Thursday week. His funeral took pia afternoon, aad his romans we the Lutheran cemetery by a sion. He had reached 'th man, being in his 72ad year. ly respected. • -Mr. James Elliott, of near Avonbank, died on Thu 285h ult., of cancer of the had been ailing tor over a ye took place to the Avonbank was largely attended. Mrs. this eountry from Scotland, of Mr. Adam Oliver, with for a number of years. She band, Mr. James Elliott, an' three daughters. -Quite an exciting rune Monkton, on Monday morni Mr. D. Keillor had his t Standing at Mr. Irwin's bl when they, by some way, and made a quick start. trying to get the lines, was wheel on the shoulder, whic on his face'cutting and bru severely. The horses wer without any further damage --Mies J. A. Norton, the teacher at school section No the school at Irialitown, h position there. She purpos Normal school in the fall, h make the teaching her life w ton, during her incumbenc won her way into the hearts extremely well liked, by h their parents. Before scho term, the pupils gave tang their appreciation of Miss by presenting her with a go opals and pearls, and a gol very much, is stepped to get was the only seen for two ad asked the ought it was one day last s teatn, an' a an' a man on to -a hay -rack e day. I _tell hen attacked Mrs, Fear, of broken out in h concession of ear's boy, the the primary nage, which is f Brodhagan, night of last e on Sunday e followed -to large proees- allotted age of He was high - the towilline, !day morning, stomach. She r. The funeral cemetery and Elliott came to • ith the family hom elle lived eaves her hue - two sons and ay 'occurred at • g of last week. am and wagon clOmith shop, • ere frightened Ir. Keiller, in •et -ruck by the knocked him sing it rather soon caught effieient young 5, Mornington, s resigned her $ attending the ving decided to rk. Miss Nor - at IriehtoWn, of all,- and was r pupils and by I closed for the ble evidence of orton's serviees d chain set with chain bracelet. -The apportionment of the Legislative school grant to the schools in this county for 1900 is as follows P ublie schools in townehips : Ash6eld, $346; Colborne, $209; Goderich, $306 ; Grey, $` 98; Hay, $381 ;. Howick, $475 ; Hullett, , 318; McKillop, $311; Morris, $325; Stanle $273 e Stephen, $460 ; Tuckeremith, $300; urnberry, $277 ; Usborne $294; East 1.1- awanoeh, • $233; West Wawanosh, $246 -to al, $5,152. Pub - lie schools in towns and vi higes :• Clinton, $318 '• Goderich, $442; Seaforth, $296; Wingham, $271; Bayfield, 68; Blyth, $115; Brussels, $146; Exeter, $22 ; Hensel', $106; Wroxeter, $53 -total, $* ,039. • Separate schools : Ashfield, 557; H y, 541; Hullett, $13 ; McKillop, $19; Ste hen $40 ; West Wawanoeh, $22; Goderich town, $54 -total, $246, Grand itotal, $7,437 .-The Wingham Advanc says: " There was considerable stir here ecently in con- nection with .a land adv rtising agency. It seems that three years ago a number of farmers in this vicinity gay permission to a Guelph advertising agency o advertise their farms for sale, the agreeme t being that two per cent, of the price aske wais to be paid the agency as a commission if the, farm was eold, or if not sold at the e d of three years, to cover cost of advertis ng, The papers have been turned over to legal firm, who are now collecting the pore ntages. For in- stance, one farmer, valuin his farm at $6,- 090, was called on for $ 20. Many who have had large bills pre entecl have paid them, eecing no way to avoid doing so, ()there have'compromised f sr a reduced sum. One experience cf this kin will satihfy the most of the sufferers," -Hie Honor Judge Masson and Messrs. Britton, Coats, inspectors:Tom a.nd Robb, arhitratore to consider te advisability of forming a union school section between parts of the townships of Unite t and Goderich, met at Summerhill on Sate rday, Jene 23rd, After, a careful consideraton of the :situa- tion •they came to the colialusion Shat greater changes hould be made Shan they were authorized to nia4e in their instructione from the councils of ships concerned. They finally de to edit:num to meet at Clinton on tea as to allow the councils to iesue structions. Messrs. Britton, Mi &ebb met at Blyth on Monday', Ju to hear argument, for and againit th tion of a union school section betwe of the townships of Hullett and Mor arbitrators determined to form a n school section. -a-A very pretty wedding took the residence of Mr. W. McCulloch chell, on Tuesday of last week wh daughter, Miss Ellen, west -united in mar- riage to Mr. W. J. Bartja„! of Fergus. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Mc- Auley, under a horse shoe of merger tes. • John's Handkerchief Just now, in commemoration of t e relief of Mafeking, packet-he.ndkerchief's are be- ing sold in Glasgow covered all 'ov r with portraits of Baden Powell Roberto Buller, etc. A worthy old fellow, had p issessed himeelf of one of these articles and was making too frequent display e of (5, hen at length his employer remarked : " hat's a fine handkerchief you've got, John." "Ay, 'deed it is," replied John; "and Sten, you see, sir, every time I use it brings ne into close contact with the Front !" 1=2 e town - ermined ly 2Ist, fresh in - ler and e 25th, forma - n parts is. The w anion lace at of Mh- o their -- ia iretihioned Dinners the ext. Many people who are constantly trying to concoct new and tempting dishe over- step the mark. People who ea large quantitiee of tho various preserve feold are not always • the strongest. h fashioned meal of roasted or boil d beef served with its own juices, with two plain vegetables and a podding, as far more wholesome than the eight course dinner whieb is served nowadays. Few people know the true flavor of 'p tatoes or rice. In this country seasoni g too often morals stilt nnd pepper only. Peo- ple in the eastern countries, especially tir Turks, 'rake most delightful stews end soups by using 11 combinat on of vegetal,les, cooking them slowly nough 1,, draw out the flavor. • Extrac s and s prepared chemically and mustard e imam taidish may be taken now and thee, poi haps to advantage; but as a hint Oilers Or thiSlund shoold be avoid - cel or used sparinglyd-,--Ladies' Home Journ 01. • • Foy -innate Indeed. "Well. Maggie," asked a teache littln girl, "how is it you are so corning to school today?" "Please, sir," was the reply, "the a wee bairn cam' to oor hoose this in." "Ah!" said the teacher, with a "And wasn't your father, very with the new baby?" "No, sir; my faither is awa' in burgh the noo, an dinna ken about But it was a guid thing my mith itt hame for gin she had been wadna litte irent what tate dee St. Andrews Gazette. And lie Could Have Carried "I shall never speak to .him agai declared, vehemently. "Why not?" her chum asked. "When we were at that cone rt the ,other nrght I told him if he dldn t take me out of the crowd I would fain t, and ho would have to carreome away." "Yes ?" "Well, you'd have thought his Ile de- pended on etting me out of the e in a hurryr-Chicago Times-11erald. of a ate in -e was morn - smile. leased Edin- It yet. ✓ was we' I est,. ,' she • Sometimes atter getting overheated, the a chill, then a severe cold. The Equickest remedy for the worst kinds of coughs an Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Try it. A Mother's Opinion. Mre. J. Snelling, Underwood, Ont., says has used Dr. Low's P.easant Worm Syrup i ily for tho past eieht years, and ehe knows eo good for children who suffer f:orti worru Deo% let headache wear you oil% and re unfit for bueinese or pleasure. Milburn's Headache Powders will cure you quickly, no bad atter effects. They do not depress Price 10e. and 25c. e follows nd best • colds is rice 25c, that she her fain- t nothing der you Sterling nd leave he heart. Hagyard's Yellow Oil Can be need externally or taken internally. It cures cuts, burns, bruises, contracted cords, stiff joints, painful swellings, quiney, sore throat, etc. Is le a reg Aar family medicine chest. Price 25e. Laxa-Liver Pills cure Biliouenees, Sick 1 eadaehe, Dyspepsia. Sour Stomach, Water Braeh, Sal ow Com- plexion, etc. They do bet gripe, weaken o sicken. Small and easy to talce. Price 26c. Severe Toothache. "I have used two bottles of Dr. Low's oothaohe Gum and find it splendid. It cured me of he worst toothache I ever had." EIXINA Him, Ely , Man. QEALED TENDERS addressed to the un ersigned, and endorsed "Tender for Dredgin Sarnia, Ont," will be received at his office until Tuesdey, the 24 Inst , 1900, Inoluelvely, for dredgl g in the Harbor of Sarnia, Onterio, according to a plan and combined speciticetion and form of ten er to be seen at the office of H. A. Gray, Ecre, E gineer itt charge Harbor and River Works for Ontari Confetti. oration Life Building, Toronto, on applioat on to the Postmaster at Sarnia Ontario, on applioati n to the postmariter Chatham, Ontario, and at th Depart- ment ofi Public Works, Ottawa. Persons tendering a -o notified that tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied and signed with their actual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted band cheque made payable to the order of the Honourable tho Minister of Public Works, for two thoueind (82.000.00) dollars, whioh will be fedi:Med if the party decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to complete the work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or 'Iv tender. By order, JOS. It. ROY Acting Secretary Department of Public Works, 1 Ottawa, 10th July, 1900. f 1700-2 MONEY TO LOAN. Money to leen ati 41. per cent, on fIrst-class farm land security. Apply to R S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Buildiee, Statorth. 1607 THE SEAFORTH , AND . . Chopping Mills RL. CLARK Having pun:leafed from Mr. Jordah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mille, has placed in the mill new A, and improved Grain Crusher, And is prepared te crush grain oa the shortest notice, and for 5c a bag. Give us a trial. • R. L, CL ARK 04th. • 6843-tt 111.1~1.11601%."4941.6"1111"11" A01116441,4, 7•"* 4.4 ........11••••••••••••••• •EliNGEROUS DYSENTERY. Mr. John L. Carter, of Bridgetown, N.S., in the following letter, tells. how it saved his lite: "I had suffer- ed with dysentery for fourweeks and could get nething to cure me. I then , tried Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and I feel that it saved my life, It restored me to health when everything else failed. 1 con - sitter it a wonderful remedy that should have a_ place in every hotrie." Soothes the Irritated bowels, settles the stom- ach, gives prompt relief from pain, prevents col- lapse, and cures Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cramps, Colic, Summer Complaint, Cholera Infan- tum, Nursing Sore Mouth of Infants and all bowel complaints of young and old more safely and speed- ily than any other remedy. • 17 YEARS It IBE. Mrs. Middleton Wray writes from Schomberee Ont., as follows': "Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the best remedy 1 know of for Summer Complaint and Bowel Dis- eases of children. I have used it in our family for the past seventeen years and never had occasion to call in the doctor for these troubles, as the Fowler's Extract always worked like a charm." Always asR for Dr. Pewter's Extract of Wild Stravvb-erry and refuse substitutes or imitations. _ AM. - _ STR NCI EVIDENCE CorroboPated by Many Reliable Witnesses. 0,,-fAtstM4 trbAktt.****Attitte,.-t What will be the Verdict? SEA/1'0Rn', March 22nd, MO, Mews. Lumaden & Wilson, Seaforth : Gentlemen -Fully eclat° viedgine the benefit I have received from the use of your "Equine Colic Curd," and the many ,s tint I hive relieved the severest suffering, and, I ean safely say in .some oases, saved the livee of ealutble home by its timely WC, 1 cheerfully give my. story of its or:gin, so that others may procure and hare ready, in ease of emer- gency, what has proved with me a never failing rem- cdy. Some 16 years ago, when about to sail from Liverpool for home with four valuable horses, I was advised to have, in exec of eicknees on the voyage, a botVe of a celebrated horse medicine, then exten- sively Used in England. I fortunately took my friend's advice, and procured a bottle, and found that in CAN of colic or inflammation in horses, it gave such instant and perfeet relief, that I was very e rry that I had not brought with nee a larger sup - p y, as I thought I would never be able to get any. thing to equal it. I had, however, s little left in my b ttie, which I took to you, asking you to analyze it nrpd. if poseible, make me ennething like it. In about two weeks r called on you, and got what leek - o4 identical, and, 1 con say with all confidence it ht s proved not only equal to the sample; but I be - Nye superior, as after testing it for 15 years, I have _never yet Been it fail, 49 farmer or horse dealer, in my opinion, ebouid be without it in his stable. FRANCIS COLEMAN, Lot 6, Conceesion 7, Stanley. SEAFORTH, June 27tb, 1900. Mr. Alex, Wilsen, Druggist, Seaforth Deer Sir -In recognition of the benefit I heve re ceived, I am glad to bear testimony to the value of your " Equine Colic Cure," although, as you Mate, you have advettieed the remedy in THE HURON Ex. PCIalTOR With PIA as strong teettmony in its favor as I can give. I moot say I never 'notieed it, or, 31 I read it at all, it must have made about as much lin- premien on my mind as patent medicine advertise- ments gensraily do. But now 1 would not be with. out your -medicine In my stable if it eost 83 per bot- tle, instead of 81. When out road grading in Tuck- ersmith township last week, one of my horses was taken ill. He was bloated as tight as it drum, land nOti able to stand I thought him a very sick horse indeed. I called at Mr. Coleman's houte to get some ginger and soda, but this well-known horseman said: "I can give you something better then that," and he produced it bottle of your "Collo Cure," We gave him a teaspoonful and a half, and in half an hour he had perfect relief, and was ready to eat his oats. I drove him eoven miles thet night, and in the morning he was all right and ready -for his work. Mr. Coleman gave me some of the history et thie medicin and I think you ought ta let every horse- flies in the country know about it, as so many valu- able horses are lost just for *ant of such a remedy at hand as your Is Equine Collo Cure" has proved I itself to be. Yours truly, GEORGE MURI3,AY, Sea - forth, Ont. ALEX. • WILSON, Seder& SUCCESSOR TO LUMSDEN & WILSON. BRIGHT BROS C4th's Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store AAAAAAANAAAAA, .See our window this week for bargains in Hats and Ties. Your choice of anything in the window for 25c. These goods are positively being sold out at half price, in order to make room. • You cannot afford to go past us this month if you wish to save money on your gents' furnishings. Amongst other articles worthy of special mention is our $2.75 Christy, which we are selling off at $2. Ask to see them. Special linest of Negligee Shirts this month at 50c, 750, 85c, $1, $1.25 and 050. These include the latest and most stylish patterns in washable goods. Remember the place. ++++.1-144-144-1-1-144-1-1-1-4-+++++ BRIGHT BROS, FURNISHERS, SE.4FORT.11. H. . Jackson CENTRAL & SON. Hardware Store, DIRECT ImPORTERS OF Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognate France; Jno, de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth's Torn Gin, London, England; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson'm Irish • Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and • Spain,Agents for Walker's Whisky Ontario; Royal Distillery ,and Davbs Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC • We have opened it retail store in connection with our wholesale busi- business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, , • where we will sell the best goods in 1 She market at bottom prices. Goode ) delivered to any part of the town free. 1 ELEPHONE 11, 151&-lif FALL TERM.OPENS SEPT. 4th .grtob 1.7)131 ir1,99411,retrvit4rcr or rn Terri vic)er•• . take }lake:, thst e‘ter the Baia 310 dav of July, the ' Exeeutore vine preeeed to dietribute the testate Itifouvtrioacntee,0a,,,,,-,tibciadie,ot(t1:eide.aal5.,itl'odlf, who died on or about -the (poet paid) to Richard Illeke, one of the Executors, at Egineed: Ole P. 0., it full statemeet of their claims aud the nature ef their eeeerile (if any) held by thew, duly veriad Ly en Affidavit. And further anteug„ the pne:.ss eTititied ttlerPto, having- referent:a only. to is Ca': .3 as they diall then have received • 1 they shall not then have -received notice. Thiel no creditor for aoy art of tri;:ottyel:19111310'rwilli'loesetoCiaenhyn wawa by their Solicitor F. HOLMESTED. " tice is given pureuarit to the etatute in that behalf. RICHARD HICKS and GEORGE JACK8O.N, Ex - 17904 Machine Oils for Binders and Threshers' Use • At Bottom Prices. Consumers' Cordage Co.'s Binding Twines. Sills & Murdie • HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth In the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. In the Estate of Christina Stewart, de- ceaffed : Notiee is hereby given, that all pereone having any claire against tbe Etitate of Chrietina Stewart, late of the Village et Ugreandvitle. itt tho County of STRATFORD, ON.TARIO. , No less than eight large bueineess celleges have applied to U8 Uitititi the last Six weeke for our gradultes to take positions as te.ach- ere in their schools. As many as five busi- ness firms have applied to us in one day for office help. This is surely the best school for you. Catalogue free. W. 3. ELLIOTT, Principal. . 444442