HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-20, Page 3and
I ess
, .
JULY 20, 1900
ere hereby instilled that trespassing -on Lot 17,
eel/Ione 3, Tuekersmith, is striotly forbidden,
Anv per&Ofl trespassing ant be prosecuted. if, 3,
URUYE SON, \ 1700.1
THRESHER WANTED. -40 experienced, steady,
reliable men to take Charge ot et'steam thresh.
ng outfit turd to run the eeparator. ntoady work
mid bIghetit wageo to a suitable man.. Apply at
ono) to JOHN' THIRSK, Blake. 1700x2
peeing on form Lots 2, and. 3, Concession 4,
II. R. S. Tuckeremith, will be prosecuted. JOHN
k JAMES SPROAT. 1090.3
'CIOR SALE. -Tb, comfortable 1 °Wry frame house
ccoupled by Mr. sauldrew, in Kgmondville.
The house re in geed repair, and Ahura la plenty of
hard and soft looter on the proMitet. Also bout an
aere a taw. -Apply at 'DIE EXPOSITOR Office 1002 -ti
rOlIN BEA.TTIE, Cava of tbo Second Division
J Court, County Commielioner, of Hu n, Oon•
otoadoeo, Lend, Loan and Insurance Agent. Fonds
;needed aed - to Loan. -Ofticte-Over Sharp_
WOW' store, Mein street, &WOW 1.289
BEEK AND POULTRY.- 20 colonies of Italian
I eor in oral painted hives, at from $j to$0.60
each. Also full line el bee keopor9 4uppUo.
Bees taken ha txcharge - for supplies, ,
Poultry. -A greed pea of White Rocks, prize
wintere at Car ada's biggest eho e to 'Bieck Minorcao,
boor, trocd color, a very clearable fowl for cggo and
tribe. Fogs for hatchlog $t por eettit • WM.
IIARTRY, rtettiorth. U8941
OPEACTIEit WANTED. -Want d for Sehoo Section
No, 10, Tuokeremith, a male tea.her holding
vecorti elates profedsional certificate. Dull° to com-
mence October let. Applioet:ons stating eal ry etc.,
will be received by t' e ecoretary up till Au est 1st.
D. MeDONALD, Secretary, box 34, Chiselhurst.
_Di Section No. 2, Uwborne, o male toile tr hold.
ing either tint or eecond class ce.titicates Dotter!
to commence after the holidays for the r minder
�! MO. Arplicaote to strati ,salary expo ed; also
experience, personal applications( preferre Ad.
Oress all counnunica lone b ANDREW Hs DGR,
adore July 21e1, 1000. ANDREW HODGE IT, Seo -
retry, Farquhar P. O. 1609x8
vo PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned Will keep
± on Lot 20, concession 6, L. R.'S., Tuckerenni.th,
a thoroughbried ClittilTNIL MUTH PIO, also a thorough-
bred YORKsituts Pio. A limited nuMber of bows will
be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time
of service, crif $1.00 if charged. Airo a tow Cheater
White Pigs for oak), JAMES GESIMILL. 1608-52
L VIOL -The undersigned will keep for services,
at the Brut:101101d Obeeste Faotory, a thoroughbred
ramworth BOAT, with registered pedigree. Terms,
• 11; payable at t:tre of service with privilege of re-
. burning 1 nooessary. Also s nurober of thorough-
bred young Tamworth Boars and Rowe tor sale.
HUGH MoCARTNEY, Brucelleid. 1406-0
-DOR SA LF. ---Nine aerce cf land for ea e, being
U Lot 12, Coricessicn 6, Flay. There is a frame
hOU(10 and barn a`so entail orekard. Particulars
upon applicotion. MRS. ROBERT KYDD, SR.,
undersigned offers (or Bale his cottage in Liar.'
purhey with 3 acres of head in good aticte of emitter'.
tion,platted with fruit and ornamental trawl. 'There,
lea geed Stable on the place, with plenty of hard and
soft water. Fences are I good unier. There are.
even rooms In the home •Ineh le good reposer. The
premises may he viewed -a city 1 me, JOSEPH P.' '
1605-tf :-
V tbe tillage of Egrn ,deille, the valtiable and
pleaeoutty located pen ises of the undereigued.
The pr( petty (totals; s of st o cm es -Of good hind, well
dratted at,tt cult:totted. There he a comfortable
Orente louse, a gocd eta le, pig pen aed. other nee,
etean outbuildings on th promisee, also hard' and
leoft water. There are oleo 14 good fruit treee,
iapplea It'unice anti peen ; beeides seine choices email
ifrotte. It is e meet doelr ble place for a retired far.
`intr er !bailee t gardener, and will go cheap. Apply
ItoWM. C. Clark, 1,..I•gri1en %ille. 1606.tt -
utAi01 FOR SALE, -P r sale at 21, Concession 10
McKillop, containing 100 acres, 80 of will& are
leared and ready for crop, being well underdraincd
old welt fenced eith cedar and blaek nob. Tho bal.
ance is timber and pasture. There is a small en.
hard -and three good wills. There le a gcod Mono
Koine and wood shed, a barn and et:dries Hobe Net
11120 sheep house, pig pen, implement home and all
other neceeeary out buildings. It telt miles cut of
the truth glove1 road aro** convenient to soltoole,
churches, poet office, etc, is 71 Miles front Seafooth
and ten miles from Ertisscl. Ws one of:the hest
farms to the townohip tool will be sold on easy terms
act the proprietc r tt is hee to retire. Apply on the
prenilwok addrcos Winthrop P. O. WM, M011RI-
30N. 1693-tf
1,3 months eld„ roan to color, eligible for rogistra-
men. App y en Lot lie; let Coneessien, Loodon
Rood, 11 mtles south cf Bruceneld. JAWS PAT-
RitSON, 13Lucfl Id 1689 ti
ci}roRTtfORIc S FOR SAt E. -One COW and 2 to -
ear -old he ifer B, supposed to calve in October;
1.3 carting heifer, 1 heifer reit and 1 hull min 12
roe rates old, All. geed animals with registered pod-
•ree. 1 alto keep fer etivIce an improved York'
o ire lora. bred In nt Toronto Swe:petake winner&
A 0. WILLIE, Henson 1'. 0. 1697 tf
4 -
Dressmaker's Duties
Are Such as to Cause Backache
A Toronto Dreosmaker!has 'Found a
1 Positive Cure and Glad y Tells
seems as though
But those who
!nos whofollow
the iar eous men -
notion of dress-
=nein or sewing
have oubles of
their o .
Run ing sewing
maehi es all day,
long, b nding over
worn ti at requiree
the gre test epicene
these a e the things
that h ve ra a de
Matt,: Ri woman
exclat i, "every
time I ake a atitch
y rieedle it
gniy own
, with
I am i)ieroi
headache, pain fn theBide
ofrro a lybttaeorkaaochgoe,. ,
ment of the kidney_s will be gladto know
that there is a rextiedy that ney r fails oven
in the worst case. --
- It ie Doan' s Kidney Pills. -
Mrs, P. Coylea„ the well -k own• drown;
Maker, 224 Bathurst Ste Tolonto, Ont.,
gave the following statement o her expera
once with it: ' .
"For some time I suffered good deal
from weak huh, a tired feetina and pains
and aches in verioue parte .f ray body.
ince I have used Doe,ng Kidn y Pills the
veins have left me, my back has got stronger
and the kidney trOubles have, lse n correeted.
"That tired, dull, drowsy feeli ng that used
to come on me has now gone, an am happy
to say neve neaten) so well i years as at
..• , • 1
preeent, , •
Doen's Ridney!Pille cure bac ache, 'lame
or weak back,. Bright's nisei e, diabetes,
dropayi mist_ before the eyes, leo of mernarY,_
rheumatism, gravel and urinar troubles of
young or old. T e Dean. Kid • ey Pill Co.,
Toronto, Ont. I
VOTERS'.!• LIST, 1900,
.Municipelity of the Township of Melnillop,
Countylof Heron.
setae- a tierna etean oat I hove trantonitt d or
dent erect to the pereons mentioned in Seztions13 and
11, of the Ontario -c ten,' 'Asti Act, the copiefOr«tuir-
ed by sant et ctio(1i 101)e 80 tranemitteu orldclivered
of the List, made sursinintlo sold Ac, ol all perorate
opr tome; by the ast revioi d AbeesemootRoll of the
said n.unieipality 10' 1.1.' entitltd to vote in the Said
turn 1(11 ality et lectione fot men,here of the to giallo.
five AseloolOy, end at nrunlelp51 electione, and that
the said Litt r,s, firk,t otttql up at my ctlIje, at
Wit thrcp, on thorth (ley of July, 19CO, and realm:no
tin rt. for In pectidio
1.1(1 re aro collOtt tolon to examine the eold Bet,
arid if any c1,11I41rn8 cr any other erroat aro found
thercin, t 111(0 in nictitate prom:1.611148 to have the
e...(1 (Toots careen:51 according to iaiv.
Cleric of OfeRilic p.
Store And Glrocery Business
For Sale.
Fee folio in the hrivin
brick stare, eith dwe;
stable at the hook, aleo
all fresh, best part c f te
good rerteeos for trolling.
Seaf..:irth, Ontario.
• Curbs, a
n6bonfs Splints
d Ali For 8 of
ness Ylel to
, -
Works thonsando of oroa annually, Endorsed by the
hest brand
eeders hal aenieverywhe .0. Pew
,1; er; ,Ixfor %S. AS a- linimen for iftImily use . t has 110 equal,
woe, 1 nnio, Ontario, Cal., Duet 14.1808.'
,D11,...B. ',T. TCENDAI,L !O. - !
Dear Sa
irs :-A year 4c0 I luiel a value, do hnrso which -
,got lame. 1 took Iihri to the Voter' lia ry Hurgeen who
rprorietineed it (Weld t
. although he X111)11(41 n
only worse and OA In
not sty up. Arter
went a neiglibor en
MO ono of your books
In reaolYed to do the
IO 010 Ifeareot drug
Cure and applied 110irtly n1rooichIiig t directions. Tio-
[Oro the firtd, hoitlo w'.t 10,0,111'netleed 1 n Improvsment,
and W1I0R the Hev(1t,1 baffle we,' it,b0)1 t met eon. my
hone was efinipletely eared and wl 'limit leaving
Mendell on him.- Al. er (Taxing treat nent 1gave the
Ito me good care i nd 0.111 Home light Ivor c with hitn,wish.•
Ing td sect( It had eft eted•tt eure.I thei started to Nyork
the horse hard awl t( my entire sotisfaction Ito never
• town of Seaforth ; a good
int; abote, en gn-d b?icle
•Ilret-elasi sleek of groeuries
vn rani &Iwo got d • busin
Apply quiekly to box 372,
Notice t
In the matter of th«.stol.e. of Very -Reverend
Jan Murphy, late of the t.:win.iiip of McKillop, do-
etati d. Notice 13 her thy give1(110.1, . pursuant to tho
Sainte, cn tied behe f, that all paeans lowing
( lae tig
irbairAtthe cote. e of the isafd Very Reverend
James Murphy, decesoe d,l..,
%%111 dicd on thir 22nd d ay
of May, 1Poo, aro meth d on or Lefore tho let day of
August 1000, to deliver or Herd to tho mon niceed,
Soli( in:r for itev T. Weot triol Stephen Downy, coo
-el ubore, full 1 artieulars of their claim end tile Be -
11 any, held by them, duly verified by allide.
Nit. At ti notice is here J3.• hiven that after sald date
the said I xectitors o ill proceed to distribute tho
, re Ill t4 ct 111' said (ottani among the parties entitled
, thereto, hot ir g regard ionly to the claima of trhieh
ha e lace orvenOand that they will nob be
. lieltie for the maid amens or 0113 port thereof to any
. 1 erson co %%hone chow they Mien not holve received
rut t wit to J, L. KILLoRAN, Staforth, Ont.,
Folle,tor for OA: exeoutcre, Datoti July 31d, 1000.
, ..... ,.. _ - ...,
Spoilt' and gave me 1 lttlo hope,
sharp. blister. -Thht made -matters
r,o hovamo NO ta Ile tow t It could
ovine ev( renting In my -newer 1
r1 told 111111 hout he case, Ile gave
and I studied- lc carefully and be- •
1.1:41101113 111 I'Oi.or filly beast, went
110110(1 fotfl boil 0 Ory011r SpOVIO
showed any more lam
1 can recommend K
excellent, but as a Hu
concern, Yours
Ask your druggist f
ol'A Treatise osi the
g1es,4 through 1110 whole summer.
ndall's Sun vl n Cure not only es an
0 remedy, to any One that it may
ruly, - 1A:1WEL TIUTTEN'i
leeminti's Sp Mrs Cure, nose
forme," the bool tee°, or addrOss
, .
Farm loans taken at lowest rate 3 ; paymentsto
6ult borrower ; satiofaction .guaranteed •, all woe•
spondaic() cheerful!: anrwered. .PNER COSENS,
Winghare, Out. Cr- lee -At corner of Minnie and
Petri* streets ovjry eatuida0111.14yOi 1607,
i I
Ladies (Ind genii en, thanking 3 cu all for past
patre.nuge and now hat a oew seaern is at !hand '
wiab to iet you knoi that 1 am still in tho business,
ready to do•tny bcitt to give you every satisfaction
in doing 3 our werk n the line of cleiniiig and d volng
gentlem(n's and lad as' clothing, do io without bolii
ripped as e'en as to have them ripped. All woo
goods euaranteed tc give got(' satiefaction on Phort
• cot notice, • Shawl , curtaine, etc , iat moderat
prices 1.):08e do not fall to, give me a call. Butte
and eggs taken in exchange for work. 'HERR
NICHOL, Goderioh utrcot oast, opposite the Oatholi
Church. e 189 L•tf
hen .Trarfiling
Always take vilsiltib you a bottle of Dr.
Fovrier's :xtract o ik Straw-
Musical - Instrument
°will.; to hard !times, 'eve have (ton -
&plod t eil Pianos and Organs at
Orgatly Re uoed Prices.
.01gans at 4325
PIfilifIS lit con etqa
SPI• lie -before p
and nuesvards, and
nding Orices',
;The ct ange of food
and ova; cr to which
those who travel or
subjec to often pro
duces an attack o
diarrlicea, whiell is ,a
unpleasant and die
eornforting as it ma
be clamorous. _ •
.A beetle of Dr
Fowler's Extract o
Wild Strawberry
your Frip is a guaran.
tee oisafety.
On the first indi
cation of Cramps,
Clic, iniarrircea o
Pyseritcry, .a fe
doses • will paompti
check the further, a
vane of these di
1 eases. -
As Dr: Fowler's Extract of Wild Stra
berry is being wieldy and shamelessl
hnitated, your eafety lies in seeing that th
full:lame is on every bottle you bay.
Erl!7. Ter" vIll _play nearly all au
Viola 'Allen will ret at her cottage ate
Great Neck, N. Y. -
Joseph Gristlier -le turning "Way Down
Munn into a novel.
. Mane' Gilmer may take Lulu Gnatter'e
place! in. the Prencis Wilson company.
"Tile Vleeroy':' will be the principal op-
era in the rep rtory of the Bestonianr/
next season. 1
vaudeville veut re will be that of niche.
on ;will tuistu e in his contemplated
ong the c erecters that J. E. Dod•
liell:4111e Berger*, anther of "More Th n
Queen," has written a comedy, "Le 01 p-
itai4 Blonice," that A.ntoine will p0 -
In ineuis N, Perker's version' of R s-
tand'S "L'Aiglon" the play will be in foar
acts Snstead of Ifive, aud blank verse will
replace the mig nal alexandrines.
' Maude Adama went four times in sue-
cessien to see "L'Aiglon," and Sarah Ber
hardwave lea riesupper, with a sdoref
distiiigurshed aetors and •authors, --
Eddie Foy, iv ho did not go te Land n
after all, will, appear next Year, Itis a
flounced, ina plast of which he is hims If
the author. Its ?name will be "A Night n
Towa." , .
George Broadhurst has written anoth,er
farce, to which has been given the tine
"The House That Jack 13ui1t.'n Mrs. An-
nie Ycainnns and Thomas Wise probably
will head the producing cest. .
, 1 Nearly every theatrical production of
recent years belying the word "girl" as a
putt of its t41 has proved to be a sue -
eves. The renx girl to be exploited will
be Mr. A. II., Cl amberlyn's "Cadet Girl."
•afro Rudolph Aronson has now ferrate
lilted his enrols for the establishment of
American re if gardens in Vienna. Lhe
arritligement lois been completed In c n-
juection with IIerr Edouard Strauss, the
imperial musical director of Austria.
• To feeilitate your iusiness, ha e
- you secured a
The charges aro at derate. T
Local 'Manager of the Bell Tel
phone 1Compauy will bo:plcased
-'quoLe non ratee.
For over u year wo have had file arney for (he sale ol
INDAPO. Our first order was toe a under fel a dez 11,
our loaf for One Hundred and Forty.tou Dollars worth.
TRADE ARK 4visei
" I 47N
Every hive houicl have an alight ng
pInce of seine 1 ind in *front of the bee4.
The frames o comb that generally c n -
tale pine hone are mostly found in he
outOdc comle.
Caro should bo exercised when taking
comb honey to driVe the bees from it at
.obniecl and get t e honey as soon as, possi-
Tb , first seri ptoms we have indicating
that rone layi g queens are invading the
hive the irre ..ularity of the eggs in the
IIIO ey thc t has been allowed to be-
cothe thoroi gl ly ripened before being
tato oyt is In ich better than that ev-hich
tal u out as soon as it is capped.
In very ca.e where comb is to be
,built furnish t e bees with foundati us,
anti' se full sl eets, in tne broad fret es
espe ally; am) the samennny be use in
sectul) 18.
If al coloeics are required with yo ing
queens in the .eprieg, 'ssvanning will be
great y lessened during the senson md
the cdonies beeotne stronger. ThF re tilt
is mo horn y.
Exmine the hives now, and if yot do
-not find brood in all stages it is a
that the ritieni is dead. In that ease take
a fra no of hood from another hive, Ind.
the b( es will rear a (niece for theme] 'es.
-St. Louis Republic.
Titit (MEAT
Results In SO (inVop Curets
all Nervous pisomoo: Falling Mona • ry
Sleeploa0eFF, .tlighttyl E
ole.. caused 'bg O
L)) prig , Ivo'
vigor and 5[Z8 to ahrunkun Or :inn and quickly b t
euro1 restores "Art Manhood hii o 11)1' YOUngt
EntlilY carried in vest pockot. 'ric $1,00 a packa e,
Six for $5.00 wItit a -written 'no antoe to cure
refttlid (•- DON' 't Wu A IMITATION, tit
inet On.linvincr INDAPO.I your drugidat ot
got it, we will iid 113 prop1I.-
CO., Propro, .OHim 0, 111. or our Ag
Tins rapid lacreese proves it leaf !Indy that Wry of: -
who -tries speaksotell of. Yours re peetfully,
1 I 1(.1F R. Seaforth, Gat
, —
Doi 't allow file fowls to drink stagnant
Tii pion -loge of old fowls tends to
shad light° :.
Mo .e meat and better, meat and in a.
ehort .r time can be produced from eoul-
At Oils ti ea, it Ss visually a good 111-n
try tl ap from any other source. ,
to cu -1 out and sell all the youna chic 'ens
that -Oil iv( igh two Donnas, except those
waat al far breeding. . ,
Ot er tbiliga being equal, a brood fed
with cooked food will grow faster, be
more plunn . and better feathered num
' one r lisen c 11 raw grain. Ins
011 of ths best thiugs to feed to yoang
and g,eovvii g chickens and turltey i is
curd made- frOm sour milk.. There is no
clang ...r of fuelling too much.
Cr wning • the hens- .compels *them to
cots ete and 'struggle for reon1 and for
food. Wli m i„ so cro vded, the weaker
ones svill beconie wen er and the stiang
Ones strongernnSt. Louis Republic.
1 , -
' Queen •V
part of her
isles, ,
The Geri mil croWn prince iuherits all
his 'ether', lava of militarinn, e Is
als9 food o 1. music and playe the vio in.
The Ishii; o Siam is very rinxim s to
visit the tarn el Stenos end \rill- probably
corm,. tc0,Iii1 country within- the next
in one n -t- the veesels of his own turv
T1 0 len Seer Appeared ia 1 1(.1.1111 eec .ntly
WV; 'Ilan ill 1 (Minim to other think:4, a
pai 0E twarlet trousers and a green plume..
lii Hs Awl dgpar, The people cheered
liin . ,.
I is awn )red thnt the Prince of -Wales
Cenit.'2iitpliii..8 a trip to the . west of. Ire -
lain in .the Autumn. Ile will make a
coasting tow.,111 his yacht and will touch
ut Ile mos,. iniportant points.
1 . •
ietoria has 110101! seen any
clonirnions except the Blatant
Bitte s.
Mrs. ernes Carr,
Infrav Ile, }I as t -
In s Co.:; Ont., says:
y lit le boy, two
n lfyears old,
was in a errible con -
dition and suffered a great deal from
scrofulous sores. My husba 4 bought a
bottle of Burdock Blood Bit era for him
and gave it to him, and by the tirne he had
finished the second bottle the * Was pot 4
sore to bo seen. On a... -;count of this won.,
derful 'cure I aan honestly Oconamend
B.13.B. to all who suffer from any disease
arising from bad, blood," as
Me. Oliver J. Murray,
writes as follows:
"'About six months ago
I was tronbled with
*painful bone, for which I
• could get 'nothing to cure tee. As a last
resort I tried Burclock Blood IS ateri. One
bottle completely rid me of bolls, and my
health was never better than t Present.
"E. & Qua* lig
y 011 r
sfies "
An AchnoWledgod Authority 0
Rules 'Which Cieevero.
• An acknowledged authority. on 'the
pronunciation of Chinese bionics iris
.; transliterated into English nasal es as
' that there need be no serions clinical-
, ty • in sounding the rnanY Chinese
1 names now appearing in the news-
, papers if the speaker Will !remember
that &he vowels in these names are
uniformly those of the talian or
1Vea $0111 6
The E. & D. wheel is the only Can
adian bicycle that has built up Unitt ci
States business. It i3 the only bicycle
with Four -Point Baring.
In founpoint bearings tha load is
rr4tted jun direct line, end there is ne jam-
ming of balls in the races. In ordinary bear.
ings the load is transmitted at an angle,
which greatlylincreases the pressurei -1444
parts of the bearing. In the E. & D. four,
point bearing, the bearing never sustains
greater preseure than the actual load on the
bicycle. In ordinary beariegs the pressure
is often three times the actual load. E. &'
D. locally guaranteed Nntional bicycles have
four -point, beaaings in the crank -hanger, the
-hubs, and the head. The bearings are guar-
anteed for three years.
E. & D, Road Modele, me,Ofr $00
E & D. Road Modele, MI& F400
E• & D. Special Models, with gm ease. ,S70
E.& D. Raeirg Models, $70
Liberal options aro given In eaddlee, gore, thee,
The & D. being a notionel wheel, II locally gear.
ranteed. Catalogue on apptionon.
'Lumsden Wilson,
continental alphabet, namely:
11. A is always about as a. in far;
e always approximately as coin. they
or them i very like 1 In machine or
pin; 0 as either the 0 Of song or
how; and u always as the' a of. rule.
2. Also, it should be rknembered,
every .syllable has an independeat Va-
1110 tualf should be given that value
in pronunciation.
8, As for consonants, they are pro-
nouno,;c1 exactly as written
These three rules will secure as cor•
• rect a, pronunciation of Chinese
nanles as can be secured without oral
For examinee under the first rule,
one would' say tah-koo, for Taku, net
take -you. as one may frequently hear
the Word pronounced.
Lee-hoong-chahng for Li Hung
ashang, not lie-hung-chang.
Pch-king, for Pekin, not •peek -in.
Shahng-hah-ees for Shanghai, not
shnag-high .
oong-heayahmeif for Tsung
Yarnell, not tsung life ya,ymen, and so
• on.
Instruct' tn in the operation of ire -
tette telegriti ph i tied ruments will. be !lye':
! the class o naval ollicers which is o be
formed 'fa Neiteport, 11. I., tins summer.
• Televap wires are better coach etOirs
on Monday limn on l;httarday on 00 .ntint
of t iele. SI nday rest, mid a rest Of three
weelisnuld 10 per cent to the cond wine
ity ();.f a W pe.
A. in rge silt ;intent of electrical er pare -
tits _has bon ardered to be Fent from
Pittsburg to the Clive. Nome gold ielils.
The shi pm nit includes a In r,ge num ior of
" dynamos 1ni motors, 250010 pout ds of
! hist lilted wie, 125 tome of bare °Liver
wire and otb r. nnh nery;
It eppenrs that the sultan of' Turkey
has inject cams frie ids who hnve con-
vinee(1 nil 1 that Iniele Satirels- blu 111 ng.-
Washiega n Post.
The sultan 'appetive to be more then
nue ch for the dipleSna is of the hoested
eivitized ewers of 1 the world.-Itelge-
swoo(l N. ,) News,'
The tra ttironal ettitude of the Turk is
that of si dine ,lienee possibly the sul-
tan s aot a sine to the occasion in this in-
deutuity b sineas:,.:-V.,biladelphia. Times.
that you can ot possibly be
• happy or succ sful -unless you
sleep soundly, eat heartily, and
digest what yoll. Fat.
that, if your
needs toning y
able yourself
you come in
nervOus system
u wi1 be,miser-
nd Make those
ontact with mis-
that in Dr. W
Nerve Pills yo
that has n
Greenish 0 7 S
Loss of Ar,,
arid Stom.
Lack of Ellk21"
Dark Circle:,
Pain in f.-13
rd's 13lood an 1
it hz.vea rcii.c..1!
yet iailed to cu: -.1
c -,used. by
0_1, st!' a a:,Ic
tJt1 C,i
,y,ruffiness f-ral
aael ,
tr I. ; (11-••••:'
otn. per boo, If t o
or 16.0' Wil.1 :!.. . J„ '11 04 •
Grist mill running night and day, and all
kinds of work done u the bhortest notice
Firet•class roller flour exchanged for wheat,
of good feed corn for
es logs Wanted at the
hest cash price will
us before disposing
On hand a quantity
sale at loweet prices.
An kincla of first -el
Mill, for which the hi
be paid. Call and ee
of your logs.
Under the second eulo Tien Tsin
pronounced teeyen ! accenting
the yen syllabic; not teen isin.
General- Ma's name is Nee-yela
The Chinos() coin tate is not, tale,
hut tah-ale pronounced 9nick1y.
Yun-nan fu is yoon-nahn-foo, not
In like manner all words are pro-
ilounced with syllabic distinctness
and No i Ch un if or m vowel sound
Under the third rule the province
name Szechuan is sounded, not, v.e-
keen, but nearly as zehehoordni,
touching the choo Very lightly; Ngan-
hwoi a inggahnghoowayee, dropping
the initial i sound; Lian-tong peril n-
sula is Ieeahoo-tong, and the German
poesession .Iniatn Chau is Keeahoo
Chaho 0.
Arithmetic Before Hoses.
'there is a rely • of. vindintive com-
fort, for 1 he modern schoolboy in the
Inc; (11 it for thirty-six. hundred
yeers his schoolboy progenitors ha; e
Leen worriled by just such desperate
probleins in arithmetic as ,. 11 Iloy him
mOst .
Among the • recent nee eaeological
diycoveries in Egypt, is a. papYrns
F ill, In excellent condition, . dating
icinn a, period about 1 700 13.C. Th ie.
roll, which hes a long heading be-
ginning, "Directions how to obtaifl.
the knowledge of all dal k things,"
1 roN es beyond a doubt"- that the
i.::: 1(
1.t%livil of that time had t1 11101.0U1-11
Is.nnwletige of the elements of arab-
i.N III nerous examples show that their
I-ran...teal operations with emits end
freetioes were made 'by nuMns of ad-
d it ion and multiplication. Subtrac-
tion and division were nOt known
in their' present farm, but C ()rivet re-
tell:1i were obtained, nevertheless.
}notations are also. found in the
1 apyrus. 7 I fere is one Ivh eh 1)1'171148
flio Egypt Inn schoolboy hone to us:
Ten 'Measures of narley are to he di-
. -el(lest among ten persons Ip 81101) a
manner that eac11 subsemern; person
shall receive one-eighth of a measere
less than the one before lean. Ao-
otaer example given. is: There are
('11 111101) linen, ea -ch one has stveit cats, e.)siit .
cat has eaten seven mice, .eaeb mouse
has eaten SeVen grains of 'Carley. Patch
grain of barley would have yielded
seven measures of barley,. How much
barley has -been lost? . .
The papyrus also conta ns caleuln-
tions of area, the calculation of the
aree of a circle, attempts to scoter --
Mg the. circle, and finally ealculat ions
of the cubic measuremente of lenras
oNEVIN Kippen.
1. When their e
2. When they
see the blackboa
3. When readi
hold the book sid
4. When they t
or studying..
All sure signs t
be derived from we
Satisfaction guar
Royal Proposalin
The circumstances under which the
Queen and -Prince Albert, Omit InV
gagod have often been described. Tht.re
Is also a pretty story as to where:
tlu• Prince of Wales first Het eyes on
the most popular of our Princeesses.
Concern big the popPing of the (flteS-
thin liy some of the other royalt Ono
less is known, but there is an art ich•
-on the subject. In the current Univer-
sal ',11 itgazitoo. When, in 1 87 1, 1181
Duke of Edinburgh brought home loho
• Rusoian bride it Was •oonsidered a
good 0111011 by many Britons who
still. recollect ed the terrible days of
the Crionean war and our former feud
with Russia . No More splendid our-
rotindinns (*could possibly be immrined
for "propooing" -than . the precinels
and :colors of the flrand 1'11111(.0 of 81-
Pe1-ers I tame, oN her() 1110 finporial fit 'H-
ilo' yes -isle.. And here it, was that Oho
ltessian Princess first reeeived tho
proposal of our. Sa ilcw Primo!.
es are. not straight.
cannot .distinctly
g, if they squint,
ways or too close.
re easily of reading
t gt4at benefit will
ring glasses.
When a woman buys King
Quality Shoes she saves $2.
They cost $3- andhave the
appearance of $5 hat is
how she saves $2.
These shoes are irre-
proachable in material, style,
fit and finish.
All trimmings are of silk, and they
are the best shoes foillfrhe pri e on this
earth. All the w ords in the English lan-
guage could not tell the facts plainer
than k
ne4 enaa'naa'e
Remembeg TR ADE,
ING Quad
totget lite Best
A cheaply made cream separator
is dear at any price, because faulty in
construction, liable to break, and diffi-
cult to operate. The Sharpies No. I,
with a capacity of 325 lbs, aui hour,
and the Sharpies W. H. 5., with a ca-
pacity of 300 ihs„ are the finest pro-
ducts of the largest and best equipped
cream separator factory in the world.
The n3aterials entering into the con-
struction of theso,. machines art the
best obtainale?e, The yankl is done by kkilled wenkmen, and is subjected to the
most eigid inFpection. Wi hout fear of. tubstantial contradiction, we can say
that for ease in operating, c can skimming and dmability, there is no other hand
power main Eeparator made by any one anywhey that is equal to the Shalples.
We sell these machines on heir merits, We beh, ve that the buyer thould be
allowed to decide which mabine is best for him tt., buy. We leave them to any
intending buyer for a week or ten days, with privilege of returning the machine
if not peifectly satisfied with it • Price of No. I machine, $90, W. H 8 ma-
chine, $75. Write for illustrated catalogue. See Fain* madame atHmehle,
Brothers' .warerooms, Seafoilh,
W 14. OUIME.UTE, Londesboro, Ontario.
One of the Mac's.
The London Out look re\ io es a Ir110
1it0l'' of the provost Of h: irkeably;
w ho is 'vidently not A purist in -111,*
us() of language,- Ile: had Peen la4lo13-1
ed at for prommneing nantipodesn
as if it rhymed with "modes," mid
'resolved in future to be on hIN poiard.
Sir . Harcourt, accompan-
ied by Mr. L. V. Ilan:011N , with hon-
oring the burgh with his presence,
and the provost had to discuss- .with
'Ins guests the lament able unoanitary
:stole of the plaCe, •
''And • you knoW, sir," said lio,!
'you know how much people nowa-.
days think of Mae -To -lies I!'
Again and again did he dwell on
the !flys( ic name, until Mr, Harcourt
was moved to ask: _
'About- these mac-ro-hes, 'Mr. Pro-
Vost., Are they a local china?'
an Old maws Endurance.
A rare instance of ithysical endur-
ance 113 a's mentioned at- an I mpu•st, at.
La nu teth , Engle lid, reeentloo.
A man over 60, a, night 'iil chiffon,
'Wes rion 013 er by 0. locomotive -at
Queen's road, Battersea,' and though
17 of his ribs wore broken anti his
right foot crushed he picked himse•lf
up, walked- soino diStanCe Along • 1 he
Jine, ai131 1fl(1-
dr nitld lycitreatseptso ohf
1-1e was found there by a Tmlireinati,
still alive,. four hours later. •
For Infants and Children.
ot af-
othOr and Son.
Two Lives Freed From Suffer-
ing, and Hospital avoided.
The remarkabe adaptabilitly of Dr. Pitcher's Backeche Kidney Tablets to all forma a
Kidney and Blaster trouble is shoven in tho experience of Mrs. J. C. Paisley, Munrce,
Toronto. A great feature of tibis medicine is, its action is no gentle that women and
ohildretecan use it without ex erieneing the ill effects of other kidney medicines on eitaer
the bowels or stomach. Mrs, aisley says :-"1 had been a great sufferer from rheuma-
tism, aild had been treated tori it by physician% Afterwards my kidneys seemed effected, -
know that -they weremy neck caused me much misery. I had dreadful headaches.
was nervous and could not sleelp at nights ; the kidney teeretione caused. me mush incon-
ven'ence, and it languor mornilige made me feel more weary than whch 1 retired at
nig‘it[ havo used Dr. Pitch r's Backache Kidney Tablate, and I can say that not only
my backache has gone, but th se other afflictions thab 1 have dotaile.d have elisappeare
I oxn vouch for their being a rompt and positive agent for relieving the kideeye.
My little boy of ten yearaI was afflicted,- his kidteye being inactive. I ha& concluded
Fo send him to the hospital fltr treatment, but, when Dr. Pitchers Baekathe Kidney
Tablets performed or mo WhajII ether remedies failed in doing, I gave them to bim, which
eaulted in to perfect cure."
Any reader -of t1iis paper eau test the merits of DE,
PITCHER'S Backa he Kidney Tablets FREE by bnolosing
two cents postage' for trig package to THE PITCHER
TABLET CO., Toronto. Regular size 50 cents a bottle.
fon Can't
• II
Imperial Oxford
Will make in your kitche
If you're a housekeep
features and devices for s
'Range. is. a small matter w
convenience it will give.
11 011
gaer, 'nipper.
—until you flee its patented improvementP,
r call at our nearest agent's and examine its now
ving time, trouble and fuel—the first tost of the
en you consider the years of economy, comfort ana-
For sale by ILLS & MURDIE, Seaforth
The Gurney Fou dry Co., Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg,
Engineer for Wingha
Howitk, &c
Cement Sidewallso, Sewers
Drains will be given special
At Queen's Hotel,
C. E.
System Renovator
A epecifie and antidote tor Imphro, Week eud
poverlshed Wood, Byepepsie, Bleeplesenose, Palpate.
Mon of the Heart, Lire)! Cowplalot, 7,7eura1g* Ur*
of Memory Bronebitis, Consumption, GAM Strauss.
Jaundice, /Cioney, and Urinary DISOSSeS4 St, Vitgle
1)0100, droplet° Irregularities and General Debility,
LABORATORY-Goderielo Ontario.
J. M. MeLEOD, Proprietor and Mann
1693 -if t 8101d he' S. RoBERTS, Seafortla
• 16014
, Seaforth,
and Tow