HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-20, Page 24 4 REALESTATK 11101 SALJ. ARM IN STANLEY FOR. SAGE --For wale Lot 9, Concession London Road, near the village Of Bruceflald, containing about 100 sore& ea aeresr cleared and to a good titato of cultivation the re. mind° !shard wood Multi. There aro golori nga ;Meares of wheat, 37 seeded to grass, a good orchard aid plenty of wat)r. Will be sold cheap and on ettaY terms. Apply to A. S. 1033, Brum). field P. O. 1676-tt irlESIRABLE PROPERTY IN SEAFORTII FOR jee Seete-Reauefelly eituated on Centre Street adjoining yeattie's Grove. There are two Iota pleated with the choicest of fruit trees of all Rinds and Shiubs. A innate house, atone cellar underneath the _ whole house, a sitting room, dining room, summer and winter kitohena and four laecirootns, hard and oft water. It la one of the meet plenaontly 10eated, eoinforoable and- convenient -resideritea in Seat nth 1, and will be sold cheap. Apply. to -JOSIAH WAT- ' SON, Seafortin 1700 -ti • 'VINE FARM FOR BALE.-Fer dale Lt con. X emotion_ 3; Stanley, containing 100 aores. The land Is ail clear.bttt t2 aores which la In good hard.. wood bash. Fifty acres are under cultivation, 13 aorea lain wheal and the halanoe ia aceied to grass. There la a good franto houso, frame barn and stablos The farm is well fenced and underdrained and has sinfilt; nm,er falling sprieg croak running through one- corner of it. It Is completely free from all font weeds. Terms cash. Postioaalon given Immo. dtately. For further particular!, apply toJOHN GILMORE, Brumfield P. 0.' ••--. ...v. • ••• • - 1kRIN MULLETT FOR SALE ---For sale, let ic 4. Cortoession 13, Huila& containing 75 wee, all cleared, underdrained, well 'mooed, and about 40 Area seeded to grass. There aro fair building. There is a good orchard, and a never,failing epring :meek runs through the farm. ead a good well at the honee It is near school and post ofhoe, and con. vonient to the beat markets It Is a splendid farm, not a foot of waate land on it, and is adapted for attack Wising. Et wilt be sold cheap and on °my terms. Apply to the undersigned, Seaforth P. 0. JANE ROBESON. •IMO tf riARM TUCKER3MITIE FOR .5,t,LE.--Foir gala r Lot 24, Concession 8, II. R. 13„ TuckerstnIth, aontaining 10Oacrea, 90 acres cleared and in a jood state of otaltivat'on, 10 acres of good hardwood bush. There Is on the premises a good brick how° and kitchen ; large new bank barn, with alone stab:hie-- Underneath ; an open shed ; driving house, and other buildings ; two good wells and orohard. It is five miles from Seaforth and Six from Clinton on a good g.ravel road. School close bv. WIII he Bold cheap. Apply on the premise's to ROBERT MeYETY, or Ste forth P. 0. 10,39xatt FAMI Lot 11, Concession 8, Tuckerstnith, containing IN TUCKERAMITI1 Fa711 kLE,-For eon) 190 acres, all cleared but about B area of good blotto It is ut dordraitted, well, fenced, and in a high stote of cultivation. There is a good storm house ; good harms, stables' and out.housee. It aljolne a good echo! ; is within five miles of Seanarth, and three trines from Kippen. There ,is plenty of good water. WM be €•old with or without the, orop. It ha one of ,the best farms la the townabip, and wilt be cold on easy terms, an the proprietor wants- to retire. Also 60 warm within w mile and a quarter, a good grantee - lot, well fenced, but no building& Will be 801ii to gether or separately. •Apply On the -premise& or ad- dress Egutondville Pa O. JAMES MeTAVISII.** , 1031 it FARM FOR S 4,LE-4er sale Lot 13, Conceesion 3, Tuebtirentith, naps Iron Seaforth, smitten -p- rig nil mere& The land is In a good finite of cultiva- tion. On the Owe is a large frame home in good repair and heat,oi by a furnace, bonk barn with goad otablIng, new atone pg pe o• 24a40, driving Kited, woodshed and ever} OAK in Bret cites cm:titian. Meaty of g I wa tor and w;n4n.111 to- pump It. The land fs underdrainect. There jai -about aorea of fall wheat and the ploughing Is all done. It w1:1 he Sold ohtn,p and on easy tonna as the prop(Moe 13 going Wed. Posseeelon elven at arty time. For further partieulare apPly to WILLIAM` EBERIIART, on the pvirot,ies, or to do/Ito-01 po otri T. lea att • • MISSION OF DORCA L ssons Draw of H VARM IN STANLEY FOR, SALE -For eel& Lot ole' 0 and the weat half ot Lot on the lath COnnes- skin, or Browneort Line, of Stioloy. This farm coo. taloa 160 aeree, all of which Is cniared, except four acres. It h in a date of • firat-cla.s cultivation, well fenced and all underdrained, mostly with tile. There tea largo frame dwelling house as good af now, with clod stone foundation and caller, largo bank barn aith stone stabling underneath, and numerous other buildings, including a large pig house. Two good orchards of chotee front, alio nice shade and orna. mutat tree& There are two spring creeks running through the farm, and plenty of good water all Lh year round without pumping. It Is well situated for markets, churches, seheOlit post MR &o:, good gravel roads leading from It In all direction& It is within view of Lake 11nren, and the boats Cart ho seen passing up and down from th house. This Is one of the beat equipped farmo in the county, and will be sold on may terms, ea the proprietor want) to retire- on account of ill health.- Apply on the prom, Ins, or addreerBlake P. 0. JOIIN DUNN, 10194 F'Rif IN }TAY TOWNSEIIP FOR SALE. -FY We, Lot 22, on. the North Boundary Of gay Township. This farm contains 100 acres, 85 aeree- °feared, the rest -goad hardavold bush. It Is well mu. dordralned and termed, Tnere far &good stone house with a No. 1 cellar; largo bank barn, implement shod; eheep house 70x75„ with flrat.class stabling and root oeilat underneath ; a good erehard ; 2 good watt and Cistern. There ia 124- tiaras of fall wheat flowed oa riOil fallow, well manured ; 40 acres seeded down recently, the rest in good shape for crop. Thla Is a No. 1 farm, well situated for market, churches., schools, poet etc., and will be 'told reaaonably, Apply on the premise& or address ROBERT N. DOUGLAS, Blake, Ont.I0611x8tt • OPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, a splen - la did farm and hotel pretperty. This farm is on the 13th concegelon of the Township of MoKillop, at the Village ot Loadbury. oontains 114 stores, all of which are cleared, except about three Aare& Dols in a good state of cultiyation, being well fenced and underdralized, and Imitable for grain growing or gook raising and feeding. There is not a foot of w ,ete land on the farm. There are two good dwelllog houses, a large bank barn with stone stabling under. math, a large Implement house and all ntheesary building's In tin Wises repair. There are three or- obersitand four never.failing wells. The farm ad- joins the Village's! Leadbur3 , where are /storm poet office, blaoksmith shop, achool. etc, The well known Leadbury hotel la on the farm, and will bo isold with it. 11 la now under Lew for a tarn of years. This one of the best and most profitable farm proper - tient In the County of Huron, and will be sold dump • On may torws of payment. For further paatioulara, apply on theprendses, or addrese the undersigned proprietor, Leadhury P. 0, 101INSTON KINNEY. 1053 MUSIC • ra. W. If. Bullard, Teacher Of Pianoforte. Mrs. W. IL Bullard will take a limited number of pupils for inetruetIon according to the moat modern and successful methods. Spetial attentioe given to Dr. Ma on'a touch and teonlque„Muelcalaa win be given at Intervale to accustom the lotions tolperform in Reel -donee corner of Iiigh and' Marhut •Streets, Seafortb, 1695•tf MONEY TO LOA Finds_ ot private parties, also ootapany loan at lowest rates on flat mortgage ; term borrowers. J AM F.S L. KILLOR AN, Seaforth. unda, to • to suit arriater, 100.tf „.„ t,ary. Eurdka I/ et e ri BALSAM. 1- • I A Reliable and Speedy Remedy for Curbs, Spliete, Spayins, Sweeny, Etc, tee., .••• In --an be used in every ease of VeteriniarY P-eactlee where Stimulatirig Liniments or Bilatere are pre - walled. • See pamphlet wh'elt accomptuiee every bOttiv. It has no attperier. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to 0 sati 'faction:, Price 76e a bottle. Sold all druggiete. Invaluable In the treatment ut Lump daw in eatttle. See Pamphlet. a - Prepared ity•-•- TUE Et'RF,Ka. ARV MEDECINE Co. London Ont.. 10o4 etpeeial Attention to 'Hers, ehoving and Creatr,s1 Johbieg. r I t, Robert Devereux BLAASMITH CARRIAGE odi MAKER i?„'t,' • Seaforth, Merton Stock • Farm, („,x(1:-.:sp h, 1IIIJIlleItT Thoroughbred Durham Caws, Heifers and Bulls of the nio.4 Lollionahlp strain,. for i onable prices. Poet office tia7dreaa, DAVID HILL, Stan. • Leiner - Frorii'tha Story er I, A LEVIATING UMAN ords Works of Bon 'rhos vielenoe DISTRESS Engaged i A Etch ite ward Assured col Then at :the Las when ibis Viet- ry rii .W n, ' 'ash ington, j uu ge, Who is 51,1 ert• Europe, has ing rat )ort of he utters helpful ar di. ely -1 5 Tal I traveling in tiOrth. forWarded fol SektiOn in Whiel to all wh tins' 'Imelda_ sueh wor lusts . text the ye d ow, wet showin lents whicl Was 'avitl. werds eng-eged Le allevi Lresses and -shows .110 wi 1, be. orowne at th Ac s ix, 39,- " se( od hineee'Ceeping bit the ',Coati; a ul„.gari. 1)3 reas made W irth0 I nom." . opflia 18 a. most abao the orient. lel ) her I of Lel emelt% of .1 erusalen non'e xen drawingi! h the town. Itere 500. prieoners tetelss I he elms mg.nificen ' tem t twit was .stari I by. D ruts, a wo• needle mubroiderin ethly b to the, beet orld, see her sit 1001C: n the dome ealtotit, the bulldin she Atte at or. She 11 ! pities thei ts• for thou , trattured - 110 fet St led the Lane 111 which the tmilt., Solo logs throll No polvon had ac Ono of 1 eh tri ties of the ed in this seitpo nit t) Witt). her. he • name . ineflac fie OWL, of the w [(Jig in emider e vety and! armee Et t„ Le al i 11 ,tu 311 tu 111 g-1 os'' wi slu s bit ti rollO.11 it st reet tAte " )(writs 1is row r tt grEttefully to he hand pe the Et t 40S1 ill) 1.1 lilt hope s they 11i. Ets 11 (Moll eau ' tt ten) I • had. 0, (dressed hem, and as She ,f2;001,1 '01 L. with sin f light abut t tette o' glory MI her p it 11'.% tty, TI at nig! t a letlf-pit .siipwright elite bs the I anti. retie. 110111e find t•ii (44 h I (1 le .boy e ad and sit "IVI ere did the le ot lies 'only ft . nti the,y` r!t(11 him, "I) ircas I Is been here'. 1,ni 0 o 1 her .0 iCe vonetn is trimming' a 1 lawn Dorm.* bough the Oil: n . ntiot her\ 'direct - family that. 1111C1. )1 /t,'' htm.111 0,1/111 t)1, litany vdieliis- •ti nolst„ - for "1, Dorcas 1 lit s tie,' otter 0 arbOr .,011B 1.1.11011 eeda 1(1 in Lev rifts': evlie;re ) pale 'faces o the le s -their sh 111 she • iiittkes gaining .adjusts he '.1itan 0. Sill a beet form of this 1111E1 woe:este end et. t• the cripp at (s)mester iselitig .his hands d fihe gi% es 0, coat) to this e, she- givde • ,alifittis to .thtit. . t h t,lie- gilts igl es : 11.1..tyte s la Ii1r8 Old 'Christ it 11 ententrape - Hee Thee g(o8 • out to l.e -opted On the -street co,rners ;by and 1 cry h•i Inotrt lie sick look face ns• si e urtiente • I 1rON 10 oil •..11 $t11 1 Will' 11 eV •14C1 Vie. ple I' the me .1 repared . ehe -hist for the p eiv( 'riders .• bet meiotic • df the hi 4u?t.airis 'n the ancient dushe-onet the .chariots . • mon. it 1. rovide& the ro • tifeebetenr and be high / low . pine Fa by • the fire . ter's 'bac --log (tied 'undo . th.e. flesh of tho 1 cha delteel every here, it has (lothese eakedeess, it hta8 preached the, gosie 1, it has over mne hosts of. d want with the warcey of stitch, stiech! ' The opers- Ve. found a liv lihood by it, tell it the Mae Merle of the d.. tmphs . in all \\Ili the con - 1 admit its admit its erucities. It has inareyrs thee the flee; it: ured the eyee t has pierced it has etre* veaknees into the 'lung " it.. -.hull sent madnese into the heal ; it has fillet . the. potter's leld it 8 Pi t died he stiffet Mg into eieme If .E (loess . al (i Woe: lint n i el leieg- ( f Dorcas and tiro tee pc- or, 1 shall chttli1 ics of -.tile novd1o. was a representative of • Make get tildes for elle (testi tuLe, who 1 ttn IL .soc ts for the bere-footed, who • pre are beeidages foe ,he lacerated, • who fix Ip hoxes of, clot hieg for mis- ithetries who go into the asylums • if the eufTering and El 144 that gospel svlti eh- i, eind and hearing- for t vhich metes the lent& " I ten y .di!. From t in the garde Melt taken oor the 'need!. of kindness, n. It • &dere :.;•11 priest, it. eyes h tlf pel-- )y. see1. halo •E. • and a THE HURON EX I the. praises ,fig leaf rope,. of Ellen to the garment.. has wrought nerosity and 1 the girdle ihioned • the taber n clee t f Wing Solo - bee. of Queen ilexes- and in of the pion- penury• "81 Rah levee ha ea • ter° 3. (It ployer are construct Amid 1. ie • greatest tri t fTs and ,lends, I set d ( ueets o the eremite, (limes; 1 nd mot 1 UR punc, the side; !armies of and wreteh- ele lisut I. run ler niStries k of the - Th is woman all those who leeiught bread. 1 I But, thee° (8 3 _sudden paUse in th 1 N'o1110.1t'b minis( re' • They 30 .. '[Wherd is .1)01*C 137- Wil ', We havee't i eke her foe Le my cto d ty, Where ie °tie of t mee poor pc - knock at the dor euystesr, solved. .A11 . teas of wretchedness cas is eickl" m the pulite° of a Icing's ly eettited•for . beeefactress, las, for -Joient the e is. Wailine; .ailing! That voice-- --Lich hkel t t4 ered 60 mei y cheet el words ie t ushed; that 1 and which _has _made eio many gartnients for the pow. • is old and 1itill;3 the star which- had oured light vret•ohedness 1 sug 11138 13 that ef 'dealt . In- every lot that toyan, W1 erever t >alai, NV bread, I 110 • Cc nunisseralion, Is a broken hettet add there. "are .deepairing ening pyee and frantic • 8 • theY ell'. "Dorcas . , . or the. apostle Peter, be in the suburbs of I ore -aster And 1 le godst up an 031(1 fu ds, the 4 trough the hi the• .1101V8 COIl11e8, "Do No build la fla.thing fr ate t Mug t 10 Stage t isease is atora urodou, titan thal IletV8 • rom thii 3. nip thet midnight; of clemned hy the.blind- ge up tout the river eaken place inf tere 18 4.1. siekt )(Never thete. vherever -there ( hild hanger 1 guil vherevo o col 'looks ut (1- 113) no • and there atm.( , (Isire gesticith tions is aldad! ' I They send . vim ha liens t thIthe placic: stet ping .With a tanner of e haute of fi' mon. 1 Estee urge8 .1149 : ivay 1 hiottgli he ere\ d around the Etoor and sten s in -the . presence. of • he • (lend, 11' utt -dem )nitration of . _ rrief • all Mu ut ',hind Ilere stand w 1,. ee of the leen- peoei 0, whoI Show 'he gar 1!('14 LS which t iis pode Ivo - nen le. 31. tattle - Cot them, Thoir rd.& cannot, bill appeus tlo Pet el AVallt8, 1,0p (tele, „1., i ti Will not do, exited 1..0W(1, 30 h0: 0 • viloie r mitt be cleared .11111 1 gainst .. tlat, ift • tpostlo statals 1101- N 0.11, 'It 1.110'W, • lifeless (10 NVII thell he pf this land in i, h e rem l rise!" tit in8 nor'os ( 1 rill; the ('13 (''1 s;• she sits up! in this stdyjei Doren s 1113' he- lamented, I. • - , id !not seen (.1 a 1 wOrd d Is- , .11,‘. .1 ext, .1. \\*culla 1113.1 1' lilowV., mum \vas .1 •t'. Ire:Ulan.' y•zuell''' IS i il a I.'neV er eil the f ro tn. . 0; a...a. }mart 'which is _not "clianolod taani st rtifoe . Ihy (Iia joie • 110,1 00. . Before .1,. shirw ylou the needle._ Nvorli of; :this m oniiin I want . tii i•.;lityw .you her re-_ genera tiAil heart , the sc urea' of it pi re life and1 of all Clit-ii-n inn •tiforit it's, si . wish 1 hilt 1 -the NV. it es unia mot flora; a Id .di toalit ors onti slater* cif ail 1 I \give telt -would imitate Dorcas in her discip es. ship Defore you cries.) • the 1 Iii''-1- c11of the hospital, heron. oont (911 '3. zini..1 1 03,11, .0f 11 in the' noole 111011. onsi • 111-a 0 (1. The epos- erf oral e tat r- 1.1 amid the - rders the t the rrho door is The thedead, -• a serious • 1110111(3111, you, - 'hen y00 are elope maitih body t The'. apostle eeLs pi.ays., 11 3d: 1 i feless fotni. he sepulcher, him weo • is m his; knees a comed to the nie already for Ito strength •0 rrect cr es, . loa", ,There, 134 u Stir thrfot u- tile; illy heal% 'hitters; the, t• II usheAr, t'i 1003-18. tho be neTo cf. reas, .ioreas the re - eye opei We set Portals su rreet, t. I 11 oiplo in this' \\ 11)30-13' ).s Li tate, bear - eight foe the he deaf,, and man leap. like hurt and bringe the dead to • twunortae health. botteding in . their .nflees. -What a centra t ',betweei the trod loni benevolence -0 i his WOnian - 111(11- 0 greatetleal. • of 11 e; charity of did not speed • hie day riles women I Ler ?time key Planning ioSy. the poor of the 'c j.y of •eoppa W as to be re- lieved; elm inok her noodle and re- lieved thein. She was- .161 like those oclreons -who sympelhizt will! image n - try sorrows, land go (set in he teereet tind tenet et the- boy" elm bas •upsee his, inteket ' of cold vietuals, pr • like flint eharity which entices tte rousing speech on the benev fleet. phaferin, Etna goes out to: kiek II n beggar from tht ! step, drying, "Ifu. h y -our 1131303.-' 31 howling!" teltifierer wee) t not So nefele theo met nuseh tgill'S cis ( 21131411, kind' we -thee as 13 note so much -smiles t1.8 . „ 'God hlefas yott: and. frocks., T will pt Christine man, hard wOrking, against five3 thouseed mere She risle on the -subject Of charity. e'e. Eire a great many who have fin( itleas about eh elect .R eche ee u re ivh ilevor in their life • helped to build a phitrell There are men who ean •give1 you the his- tory of Buddidisut and ism who:never (tent. e evangelized i on. • - TJdro who. 1 elk heautIfel y ebout the suf- f n g thf t hp orl d Who 11 ever • had: - the courage like Deete s, to take the micelle and asereult ite• rein) glad that tiVeoe Is not page of Ole svorld's history syhich is not o record of female benavoicece. • Cod 1 says to lends and! peoide, Come now and .hear the .widow's mite rat-, elle' (Iowa into :the telior box. The ' Priecess of Coed sold! all her, jewels that she might 1 heti •the -famine • stricken. Queen Blanche, • the wife :of Louis VI1t of France, hearing that there were some personsunjustly in-- . carceeated in the prisc ns, 'went out 7 0110 (11the rabble und olc a stick and :struck the door as -a setnal that they might all etrike it, a. I the prison door, and 1 prisoners, • Queen Mau • of the world w as practice; °liars; _not so aVes of bread; shoes; not Ad 1" sus jackets •one - earnest Mohttennedan- fa r leg- for are • women 1E1 down went out came the ci the • wife of JULY 20. 1900 taeorate nut °tenni, out in tho! damp cellars ojf the city and th ouglee the lonely hut of the mountait glen! there will be 1 mourning, inott nitig,1 motiening, because ]oras 15 t"Blessed are the deadwho die I Lord; _they reef, freak their 1 and their Works de follow the I spea,k to you of Dorcas the rode& The ct-Lostle mine to • she was and seld, "Arise, and s UD!" !Inwhat a short couipa. great wriLer pet that "She sat What a, time there must have around that WWn when the a brought her etit a1I3QJ3& he friends!--, How the .tears of joy bitve started! What a clappie hands there mest have been! singing! What laughter 1 Lou all through' that lane! Sho down that dark alley! Let al -pa hear it! Deems Is resurr Youe and I hale see the 14ain Many n tirne; net -a -dead bot ct, the deceased complisltee. If la. man labors • 50 years of age, serving le od thee dine we are apt to thin his earthly, work is, pdone, 'N influence on earth. contint the world Oast* , Service- r for • Christ nevelt etepse A el to i Is foe the trphuildh church th rough Many 1111 through, many self -denials wit ers and tears, and then she di Is 15 years since she went Now. the spirit of God descent that church, huedreds of soul up -and oonfess -the 'faith of Has that Chrestia,n WO man woe, away 15 'years ago, not do with these things? I floweiring out of her noble h hear the eche of her footstep the songs over sins forgiven, the proeperitee :of the churc good that seethed to bo burl come el) again.. Dorcas is rt ed1 . . • After awhile all • theee fiiiends of Christ will put dos neeele fofever. After makin • ments for others, some one tv ft gement for those the last ever wour—the robe for the You will 'have beard the • las pain, -You will eavo et-It:nes lase orphanage, • You will, ba eade thei bors, 1 enure vherce te 8a.ti s tfie upte: been )0Stlo, oldi muse* g of, What it t Jape ted! thing Y re- ,'"*"'--'----oming Up again' after 'teeth in tee good ac -1 p , to and that e tit ncierec ristied g of ietiesi pi.a.ye )5. awayd s upon-. stand Christ ling tO ee the art. in a1). in all il The ha.s stirrecte el -leery 1, wen1 down amid the poor,* ' and washed their florets and adminis- tered to them cordials ------Mrs', netson, at itettagorda, appearee on tho bat- tlefield whilo the miseiles of death were flying atoned and cared for the .watneker. Is there a, man or womafl. who has ever heard o the civil war in America who has' not beard of the women of the sa3iita0 and Cheistien act ilea before ) from Gettys- ale the. 11'0111011 WOMen of the south oa thebee tlefiad, forgetting all their atilmoettiee w dle they bound up the wounded mid closed the • eyes of 'the slain? Dorcas, the beneface trees. r COMe 11.0W 3pon,k of Dorcas], the lamented. When "dehth struck down thet, good woman, oh, how much sor- • row there was in the .oven of .Toppa.1 seppose there werewomen there. vi th larger fort tines, WOrnell, - Pori ,haps, with handsomer fat -es, but there was no grief •at their departure like Ole at the death of otscase There was not more turn -toil and upturning in the -.Mediterranean spa,' dashing againet the wharfs a that- seaport, then ;there wereeurgi ege to and fro _of grief becenee • Dor .as was dead; There are a great teeny who goout of ,life and are unuesst be- % very large funeta a great inany ca Rig( ed hearse, there may ing eu *the bel t he cemetery- gate, th very fine antarble_ shit ft resting place, but th May, he a falsehood• et church of God has Le, world has lost n oth i n emisance nbated, Tt 3. iu.ao the tempta 1 ions to -1. wrra N.\ , elk,. IT yt if od null, by the tin pf the judgment day. 0. W0111(0, that 01 tend 1(1 the fillst,, 11.'illes1 y of ff.0 I th 11 Ina, Vol 1 1.30, i! see Dot Ity.uf'ir,%- has Of cany. to •10010 potit Inta '811110. of 'rho the poi, torttl Poet, 111113 o'For lye a -,t • ta`t IT coa •1 leo he: 1-- 3)1the stor s.•1.1.,-, feel of the redolence,- ef eover. tops Etiel a rustle 'with Et silk 4 the 'eerie isde fielik timi praiava oit, . 1 • , c-oteiniesions or the f the smoke had• gone 11 burg 'and feotith Mount of -the north met the zee:Teern. et seemed nee. en age. A.f; feet - ' the -manhole opened nude the orchestra carne ttp. That in itself ,,was a hit with tue. Where. they came from was past un- deestantling. Nobody. near me seemed to know, but when the leader blew his breath against space and thoustuels of lights burst inte,bioom, I grabbed bold of the railleg aud held on.. I had no idea when the wheels 'would- move and tbe whole theater SWIM. eff into eternity to the =etc that rippled under us, -Yet al- ready the, great wonderful bending was Welling from side to side, like a elite) in a storm. Through the mess' �f enchant- . ment came the sharp, keen tinkle of a bell. It struck into harmeny a multitude . of sounds just as' the swirling melody in the ordhestra pit swooped away: 1 was at the time devouring a bag of dates when zome bronzed denizen of tbe docks leaned over the tier above Inc and grab- bed the bag. I wae about to protest when he made such a, hideous face ffeene I sneaked away ,down to the other end of the seat and remained breathless. Again the hell tinkled, and up.went the -curtain! A. vision of lovelluess smote me to the heart! You could have run ever :me with a hose wagon, and I would have been - glad. lily lower jaw fell, my eyes-oPened, and the rest of the night I was its a ' trance. . "From a woods where trees grew in velvet stepped out A human being that was Dot ell human. Ile was part divine, wearing boots that looked ten. feet high. "His hair curled in 'unisonl with his mustache, and aeross that stage!' he Strode , like a king. "It was confusing, •Still I knew that eomewhere on earth:people walked like that. Perhaps in the palaces I had read about in the yellow backs. Somehow I SeeTned to hnee n faint recollection of them and to hive ,bcen ameng them, but that was thousdnde of years before. "I was `withihime for he had no more idea .of fear Oulu a mouse has of Thanks- giving day. • followed, him through i envie with pis els and with swords. • I saw him kille( three times, and three times he aseehded and went hack to .wove, I mark!ed the villain and would have gladly goee evened to the 'stege en- trance and. put him on .to what was be-, Ing Trained up ; for , him .hael -I known there was e stage entrance. But I - , li'ved -to see. tiVitt same villain get worse treatment at the hands of my ideal than ever a broncho got from' its buster and. i went home full of benign gratitude. ' "That night .my pillow was dampened with tears of joy as the events of the evenihg paraded tthemseives across the imagination. It was the itiitial night of illy life, wherein virtue and manhoed triumphed and villainy got its 'rewadd. Siece that time I have Been se many pictures on the same line and all 'so- bed- ly out of drawing -that the drst! one shines all the clearer, and I am indeea thankful for ehat first eeening with 4 114 neoole ola %Emelt Noe 1( oula 01Y 91 their g Ore ill make,. robe we gyavd„ cry of ed the 'e come in WOC,13, out from yeeer last 'amid •qe mercy. 1 do no e know where eu wiU sleep, nor .whttt your epitaph will bee but there will be a hemp litviiing. at. thttt tomb, •and • an angel -of God guarding it, and through all the long night no Tilde fait; . will dist els • tie -El- dest.- Sleep on, sleeP on! - oft bod, pleasnat shadows, undistu 'bed re- pose! ;Acme -on!. Asleep in -...1 eSt18 I Blessed .slee Front Which none eVer wake) Theh one dav there will b reudering and et whir of wheels and the .flush of a pageant, arinie march- . ing, "elm ins clanking, banner 'Nt.!0\-- fug, thunders booming, alId that Christian • woman 11 ill rise Yr yin the dust, and she will be suckle. ty ene- rouuded---efettrrOttuded by the wander- . er s of the etreet whom she r &elute) , surrounded by the wounded sot Is to WIMM she had administered.. er of Ciod, so strangely stir wheet means this? 11, means ward has come, it hat the vi t t yry won, that. the crown is Teat the banquet is Spread.' la through all the crumbling ea it through all the flying Dorcas is resurreeted! In 1855, when 'some of the came back. from the Crimean London, the Queen Of Engla tributed among them beautifu • called Crimean medals. (Jane erected for the two houses o meet and the royal family t There was a, great audience t the distribution of the med colonel who had lost both fe lett tle. of biker mann was pull a Wheel chair; others came, eng on their crutches. Ti Queen of England arose bef . in the name of her goveenm tittsered words of commeeda the officers -and- men and di those medals, inscribed with great battlefielcie—Alma,•13 Inkerniann and Sebastopol. Queen gave these to the men and • the Wounded offi bands of music struck up th al atr, and the people, with Ing eyes, joined in the song: o weep!! sky d. '1 hero may , there may be s and. ,a. • plum - Le high sound- ma.y toll at ;re may be a reared over the • whole thing d a tham. The t nothing, the 'l et is only. a only a grum- bler, ceasing •t o find hetet. It is only an idler stoPped yaweing. It is only a dissipated fashionehle leveed from pe *the other in leaves the; iesed the svine cella 0, W11 114-1 hand no useful Christi --Aworld without being - 'Ph u (-11 of God et . prop)) , ' fowl. r cvdar has fallen wit 011(1 3110\VS 1.111( garnw • departed had made, lifted up' to look eke of the sleeping berefrt ed vagrancy comes ai cold brow of her who ies out like the tree, • for the oeheed COMOS 11.3 WhiCil the ()COMM; t1.00 the talfe face tress.. 'Reclaim - d kisses the rharnied it stlavala trout ond a. 11 .1 lirough 1.130 Stre 'la of • .lonnot there (a; mourni 'mourning becuirse Dore is is dead, t1 hen Josephine of France' 11.11, 0-1C-1ic(1 nIll " to .11or gra c, -t here ',3. 03.0 a great, nian•a. mon 11(3133(3(1 or pomp and prlile and pa:Atkin Hutt v, oat out •13-0- 1119,. itora ion 1 em 13301,1 attlectoti • loc tho at (Irv; 01. lio-tota ilia3 tot that. (Ida thore v...ro too 3 lottiao .11 01 [no lonir. 01` 1- it 3.' 1;s 1;doa, tol tar i•oltati,- a000laole onti V. oiloie, 1.1,111 1111' agst t t .11ti"31.11,;1•0. t fr1ln,(1. 31, t* Ito tv.ioil 3 Ishi 3.03 her hu % 0 533 (31 ove,111:. ,111 t...irs ' , in , , „ th111,t: er 3' 33013 _ 1 .e • „ ina teet. hate even exheined froei a 131tilt901. Cit tuna e' no moss for the dead; I:11 111.1, he 110 me.e. be, et) Dudish .- oundee , that re- • se that tout it th. Sing 1iaen. soldiers ar id dis- medals ies were Purl fee sit 41. witne88 tis. A- t in. the cl in an • limp - en the re thetn nt and •ton to tributed the four le,klavet, As the vouneed ere the nation- stream - God save. our gracious- Qt en! Long live our noble Queen! God Have the Queen( And then they shouted, "Hu zal" Oh, it was a proud those • returned • warriors! brighter, better and gladder come when -Christ shall gate who have toiled in his sere' soldiers Of Jestes Christ. I rise before :them, alnd in the of all -the glorified of heave,: . say, '!Well done, good and -setvant," and then he Will - the medals of (Sterner Victory, not let - scribed with works of righ edusness which we lin.VO done, but with thoee ft:tee great battlefields dear to earth and dear to 1 heaven—Bethle ent, Na- zareth, Gethsemane; Calvary! za, hug - ay ter But a clay will er those e, good e shall presence he will faithful stribute Are Ail Alike. De Ca-verly--Prodigal sons, all ap- pear to have one trait in ceeteneon, • Van Clove—What's that? , De Caverly—They . like fatted calves. • llire Vengeance. She -4 hotted about the el lemma, leas her Mother forgiven the n'?- 1Te--I think not. I un erseand she has gone to livo with ti one, 1114.•1 •••••••••••••, FIRST TIME AT A SHOW The Lamtingjmpreesion on t eilifeiner , ory the Piece Makes • • Chance and a rainy' night fot nd a lit- tle box party at a frugal repa t of old fashioned melodrama. There was the "reel thing" villain doing a bov 130 striae acrossthe stage and .mastica beg his whiskers, a frail girl who leaky( like she ueeded a three course dinner u ore than the husband for whom she w s pining and the foreman of 1111110 W11 Was de- , tern hied to die honorably in ant for the love of somebody. "I ceyou remember the first how you ever saw?" asked ono. "Yee. Itwns !Hazel Kirke,"he sinew 'cam; to my little home anvil up 0 Maine. My guardian took ne) to ace it. For tetVo Wee 's tater it -left I. haunted out old mill- dam leuking for young !allies e ho might: fall into it. I became ito hifernE 1 morled the 1 octet. took it for liver cone taint arLd MIN me full of calomel. My ei lers11(1(1 - ey 'melee atom. house a f" w nights afte -ward. I swallowed a len k �f the stuff :and SVIIS 81131111e11 fer a nu nth." . .inc xviis It:inch No. 10,' or SOme- thin like that," said another. "I never can forget the play. For an ho tr before the .urtain rose I sat in the gal ery front Me »4 triecl to. look tkrough the dron 1 1 ' I Fooling a Typevrillter. There were two typewriters ,!ffl the room. One was in use and the ether WAS not. The young 1111113 Stlt down near•the one fleet 33.'118 not in use and watehed the young Malan who was busy With the other. Inadvertently the young man itouehed the bell of the machine near hine where- upon the young woman yanked the car- riage of her machine back and started. a :new line. The young man chuckled, and � minute, • later he touched the bell of the thachine near hint again. The young WOMBli start- ed another new line. -The young man laughed and tried it .again with equal success. "Willieer called the young w man to the office boy when she had ta en the sheet out of her machine, "telep tone to the typewriter people to send a rtlan over here right away to fix this achfue. It' a ail out of order, and I can't for the life of me see what's the matter.' The young man laughed some n ore and then made his escape. lie has not re- turned. He is afraid to go back.-011ica- go Post. He Wanted Charts. Lippincott's tells this story illtistrative certain g cetes: Thhye. swide- recently ed into of the prevailing ignorance co the work of the hydrographio ofl mere fact that the United St drographie office issues "charts" ly understood, as was shown when a spruce little man bust the office and asked for "charts. "What charts do you want?" "All of them," was the tivree ing an- swer. When he was told that they numbered many thowmads and therefore it was necessary t� specify ter what seas or harbors he wanted them, he showled great surprise and disappointment &nd an- nounced tkat he was a "ladles' tailor" from • San Francise• seeking "dress • charts." rink Pearls. Ono of the most important industries of the Bahanta islands is the gathering of pink pearls. It is the only place in the world .where these pearls are found. They are not taken from the oystor shellj but from a shell resembling 4. large iail shell, called a "conch.''' These peaIL *hen perfect, bring very high vices, it is said, ranging from 00 te $15,000. • A Feminine Batter. • "And now, children," said the teao er, -who had been talking about military or- tifications, "can any of you tell Inc what "Please ma'am," erted littleWilliiii , is ts buttress?" • ' 1 6'.1PD144 bie 411#9F,f, "tea a nen -6-ritilaaelpItia Press. ay/oat aspect home, l -Mr. Frank Kahle, a highly young man, died of cancer at his mthoern4ing, thconcession of Logan, on SaturEl 30th ult. His remains were bor to the Lutheran cemetery on the afterno July 2nd. Kb WAS in his atjth year. 11 Itching MI es A Fearfully Bad Case -Much Iain an Acute Mleory From the Terrible ltenin -Cured by Dr. Chase's Ointment. It is doubtful if any remedy ever r ceived so much grateful, urreolicite le testimony 'as Dr. Chase's 0 ntmen . 'The reason is not far to seek, or it i the only preparation known jto ma which never falls to cure pile • • Mr. F. G. Ife.rding, a retire farm- ", living at Nilestown, county, Ont., writes as 1 haVe been. troubled with bleeding on 1 itching plit-c$ for four or five ye.tra, fill 1 suffer --d Intense agony oat tinioa, 1 ho. 1 rtfri)t°1(11 i rat gi I ntahlt. t (!Na'Vet.lrtTltdb• g- t '.3 1- hearieg of .Dr. Chase's Cent/Le-et 1 Pee clued a box, and it only requi std. pee t of: it to c.Pmpletely cure Tile. 1 faM ri- ('('11113I"i1difl( It to all ttilltotall ftat 1:•411011 inantiraVertible CiVitieltlee free1 restemeible petete.e ottnnot, for a noont, to: drafhtfal, fi.w applierttVir.3 of 14r. Chase's thotinont Will coiroloo the 1:(11.4 skepti- -I of 118 1V01144. healing and tom'. hinaa hilluenota .A b 1.- 01' two will positively cure the- :meet fa7.i- vere case of plIte'; GO emits a • Lee, et all dealers, or ledinanson, Bette: et. Termite. • a is N •..s.N•k.,.N.,‘ a, "awl. 1 • Ca4oria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a hirmless substitute for Castc•r Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing. Syrups. It contains* neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years" use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria, destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria cures Diarrhcea and WindColic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, • cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels! of Infants and Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panaeear-The Mother's kriend. Castoria. • "Castor's .is an excellent medicine for children. Mother& have repeatedly told me • of its good effect upon their children." , Da. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Aiass. Castoria "Castor -Is Is so well adapted to children that 1 recommend it as superior to any pre- scription known to me," 11. A. AB:Villa, M. D. Brook/an, Y THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON gVERY WRAPPER. • THE CCNTAun COMPANY, IT mtinNAY ISTRCET. NCWV0TIK he :Red -.Front Furniture .Storo. Has been renewed, renovated' and. enlarged, and now we are in a position to offer the public all the newest designs of Parlor, Bedroom and Dining Suites at very tempting p;ices. Also a very nice line of Chairs in all ,the newest styles. New line of Pictures just in, very cheap. We extend a cordial invitation to • every one to come and'see us and our stock. efillfgetergie ellet a -CT/LTDMIZZALII\TO-- This department is Complete with a large selection of the best goods and obliging attention given to this branch of the business. Night calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goderich-street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. • • BROADFOOT, BOX & CO., SM.A.FORITTEE.. 17.767•7- I 74' N!tf. N OXON NEW VIOTORIA 33I1\1-131Rfs. 5 rt., Di FT. AND 6 FT, cu.. Highest Drive Wheel made. Brass Boxes, Roller Bearings, Seventh Roller for Elevator, earths latest and best improvements. The Oxford FRONT AND REAR CUT i„ M 0 WE R. S, In? ALL SIZES, With Roller and Ball Bearings. Serrated Ledger Plates if desired. •Ask our Agent to show you the new patented Ball Bearing, Knife Clip,supplied only when specially• 1- t • - k ordered. I • -. atoll ,0••••••••••..rt ...,....npo....*Vemnswars.esenrs• • .10,012aeg We also manufacture the best and most complete line of Cultivating and Seeding Implements on earth, comprising Spring Tooth Cultivators, (fitted with grain and grass sowing attachments i desired), Spring and Spike Tooth Har- rows, Disc Harrows,' Grain Drills (al kinds), Horse Rakes (friction and ratchet • i dump), etc,, etc, • qi- ci If you need anything in our line, sen for our 1900 Illustrated Catalogue (sent free.; You will find it very much to your intere t to do so. 1881 The Noxon Co. lad., Ingersoll Ont. DUNCAN Me0ALLUM, Agent, Seafortli. A WONDERFUL „ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND A Mcdleated Toilet Soap f the Purest. Awarded Silver Medal Greater ritain Exhibition, 1897. • A FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVO. WHAT IT WILL DO. Reg. No. 30074 i 1 -Prevents all contagious themes from. 13 -It will clean and remove paint, oil and approaching where 11 18 ueed. 1, grease stains from -woolen and cotton cloth - 2 -It Will clean and polish paint* work end mg. Also cleans coat eollare and hats. not kill the glees of the paidt. 1 1 7 -It contains no alkali and is strongly re - 3 -It will clean carpets without taking I commended for washing the head, as it them up. ,1 ; - I i imparts a silky and natural gloss to the 4 -It will clean linoletuns likt new. ' hair, and is especially useful for children. 5 -It will clean bicycle chaiei and rims. dirctions on blocks. &eater on lasarket. Try it on finger marks on doers. i Fu • DRICE Hound 20e a BLOCH ll e Novo is claimed to be the cheapest and beet paint Estate JOHNSON BROS. Hardware, Seaforth 1057-01 ICE are 1203 Coiteelootione 40e• person ti GOMB.-Igqiiisft 13 sellable outfit 1. d' bart to JOH TICE Ff. B. S. Is .1ASIES 1639It SAL ,11,7 cocupi Ilse house is bard and so acre of land. OLIN BB Cut, iellancer, 4nvetted 1.0 matte store MAZES „DI 1 eey in, each. Alto • Bees taken Foultry.-A winoers at:( largc, gad table, Egg ILAKTRY, T; friEACHER! ,1 No. 19, veeone elms ,mence Ottob be recall •.D. MaDONA LE V Beetle ingeilher flf • to cortmuni of 19(0. Al• -experience, 1 • iress all on ;Wore July I eery, Barri TIO PIG B' on Lot 11 thoroughly bred -Yr -mum be admitted of -service, White Pigs 1 VICE, - &t the Erna Tetcworth ; -Payable SCIMIng 11 1 bred young auait*.o6 BE 'DOR BAT: •r Lot 12: house and upon, applic 171 OUSE I andel purhey will t ion,plattku lea goodlta soft water. Alvan raaral premleea Mr • ALUAI the al pltataantly : The pripe•Z -dratinad at hemo marry curb eon water; :apples, Oa - Units• sear or mar to WM. C. - A al Ef Moliff eared and ar.4 Welt 1.0, anie lathe thud and t house and also sheep other neve- the ninth g churches, and ten mil farms in th *A the prop premit.es or 3011. mont tic . Ap Head, BILSON, •3ear. arliag retothe ol !gyve. I shirt loar A. G. SW V Mule Noties delivered I 0, .01 the ed by aaid of the Lis apresengl feud rouni, humid:pal tive MlEe the eta 1 Witthrop, there for Eh dor *334 11 3(11 therein„ 4, said eraor Per sale brit k star, stable at t ell faith, I good rem Seafertb,4 Au ecutorti.- entity, if vit. •At - the said aiscts of thereto.. notice h liable fa perfion 110 $igieitC3 • Owi uded ei Piano, SPP