HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-13, Page 7- alia> - a.. a nee lefty ; •locke Radian e re. 2 per IdUn- pains, 4et ugh etreet. egiu eesty te un - Do others 1, made ' with a,1peak tituted !to the Kt 9- .V.1k.banci annark. atee re- ot, k le, hrkle b where id when !;it.IIIUI - „ lady es good he will ore the ne Kan. e leave nil kid - et ration (4tle valk 1f4t, like ne, from. Sleep- zzy Try y 5nee -Ong. :L1Ciety lpialation fronts racticel ; in the for in - Fr seninels 'rrans- th Amer - ye never talleee e whole, pen or they :.(1 a piece to beet ot milk, of ueing silference n ill, it is Inlet the he leaet t mper- t clean eser and to show a Five women n, and .ne of tie rout- in a plc the ate jelly. utttr iivk.” it is halo t 0. tO :or • -rug eh. fee i epira- t, en hit, e ill the deility Of et. vomit- , dropee gen- tonna golden. h.7 ouncee unee of aril of teed tin. to melt L•ri client, ;re togf.ther tin, and 1 araiaee. 1 at ione ate Irg irr.do k and t-q•be riaroe 'neer. A nte: foil at. !delivering is rfoil will Po that, When Fier coon- uie ballot ler.ee 4't baatieert JULY 13, 1900. Seaforth The undersigned having purchased from the Ogilvie Milling Company) of Montreal, the well.known Seaforth Flour. kills, Are now prepared to do all kinds of Custom Work, Special Attention will be • Given. _ The very best qtaalityl of Flour gin in exchange for whea, Chopping of all riada done on the short- est notice. Price, five cents per bag. The best brands of Flour always on hand, and will be delive ed in any partof the town free of oharg . • The highest pri e in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Feed of all kind constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1080 a The Seaforth Tea Store Is the righe piece to get greet bargains in all kinds of goods. You can get four lbs. dried apples for 250; 4 lbs. of good fresh prunes Lr 25o; 3 lbs. tea for 25c; 3 lb. lemon biscuits for 253 ; a few her- rings loft at 15a a dozen; 6 bars of soap -and a nice large picture for250 ; 6 lbs. of rice for 25e ; Sibs. tapieea for 25c; salmon trout, 5c a lb.; a fines lot of F. W. Fea.rmarn's star hams,' long clear bacon, best Collingwood lard; flour, rolled oatmeal, corn meal, granulated oatmeal, rolled wheat, standard oat- meal, ferina, split peas, pot barley, but- ter, eggs, all kinds of garden seeds in paper or bulk; peas, corn, 'potatoes, best variety of mangold an turnip seed, flex seed, red clover, timothy and alsike, potato onions, alienate; Dutch rets; china, crockery and glassware at cost; chiea tea sets, dianer sets and toilet sets in all colors and deeigna ; teas -green, black and Japan; teas and coffeeEs a specialty; everything right down in price. A cordial invitatien to all to call and get some of the good bargains while they are to be had. A. G. AU LT SEAFORTH. D e s your hair split at the end? Can you pull out a 'handful by run - Ring your fingers through it? Does i seem dry and lifeless? ' • Civ- your hair a chan e. Feed it. The roots are not dead; they are weak because they are starved—that's all. The best hair food Is If y{:in, don't want your hair -to die use Ayer'si Hair Vigor once a day. It makes the hair grow, stops falling, And cures dan- druff. It a Way color t gray or • hair;. lit never fa' $1 .00 a hottie. All dru "One bottle of Ayer's TI stopped my hair from -1fal and etartedi it to grow agair JurrosWx March 28, 1890. Canova, — • tore a,de 17. J gets; it Vigor lug lout, nicely." TI S. Dak, i?letely th which rowth of n seine- r ^ Oa; N.Y. benefits the -Halt Wyeralia. NAir Vigor co cured me froth dandruff, w I was greatly afflicted. The my hair stripe its use has be thing wonderful." I LENILIG. 0rtrE • April 12,11399. .NewY If you do not obtain all th you expected from the use o Vigor, write the Doctor abou t. Dit. J. C. AER, Lowe 1L Mass. • I. DISTRICT MAT Our direct cow:motions will save you time and money for all point. Canadian North West Via Toronto or I -Chicago, British Columbia. mid Oalifo la ° points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them so suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR - ST CARS for your accommodati n. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railwa • Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton a etione as °Howe : Paesengor. .. . ... Passenger........ Mixed Train.. Mixed Train...-. Goma EAST— Passenger _Eatimenager- Mixed .. SEAVORTH. 12.40 F. U. 10.12 P. M. 0,20 A. M. 8.16 P. M. 7,58 A: M. 8.11, P. M. 460 P.M. Clanrois, 12.56 P. TA, 0.27 P. M. 0.15 A. Id. 7.06 P. ad 7.88 A.M. 2.65 P. M, 4.2i P.M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. Gongs NORTH— Passenger. Ethel ..... ..... 8.07 P. ie, Brume's.. .. .. 8.17 Bluevale.. .. .. 8,27 Wingham...... 8.88 GOING SOUTH— Passenger, Wingharu 8.68 A. U. . Bluevale .. ..... 7,02 Brussels.... ...... 7,18 Ethel- 7.28 London, Huron and B GOIHO NORTH— Louden depart.... ...... 8.16 11...n Central Hassan Kippen Bruce -84u- . 9.18 •11.1141 1.44 9.60 0.68 - 10.16 Lendeithoro 10.18 - , 4 10.41 Belgrave—. Vinghana arrive...... Gorge Bourn- Winglaam, depart Belgrave. ..... Blyth. • 41.41. Londesboro ..... Clinton- ...... • - • • • • • • • 13rueeflold Rippe n.... og,,f4 ..... Henson-. .. . ....... Exeter. .... ... . 8.85 Centralia..' . . . ... London, (arrive) 10.51 11.10 8.58 A 7.01. 7.14 7.22 7.47 _8,96 8,16 8,22 8.46 9.87 A. Mixed. I 1.40 r, ts, 2.10 2.86 8.26 Mixed. 8.66 A. U. 9.17 9.46 10.02 CO. .40 P.M. 1.66 6.07 6.18 6.25 6.88 8.66 7.14 7.28 • 7.17 8,00 or. LISP. U. 8.40 8.6-6 4,06 4.26 4.49 4.67 6.08 6.14 6.88 U. 0.12 • Tuckerkinnt Cousca, —The Council met at Daly's hal on Saturday, june_30t1i, as per adjourn- ment. All theineembers were present except Mr. Genamil1,1 Accounts were passed amounting tO $600.50, end ()ram drawn on the treasurer fer their Payment. A by law was passed. to re -arrange the polling pub - divisions of the municipality by repealing Bylaw No. 8 of 1875, un'dpr, which the • township had been divided into four polling sub -division.. ! Under the new By-law, there will be sixdivisions, as outlined some time ago in these columns. The next meet- ing will be held on Wednesd: y, August let, at 1 ! One LAXA-LIN1ER PILL every night for thirty deys makes a complete cure of biliousness and con- stipation. That itt-just 25 cents ta be cured. drain on the MOved by Mr son that eaid consideration signed by a clerk to neat -Carried. 1:4,th and 10th iconcessions. Slum, seconded by Mr. Jack- ition be laid over for future as it is not clear that it is a ity of the parties, the r. Cookerline accordingly. a otion of Messrs. Code and Shaw, Messrs, Joseph and Robert Smith were allowed to er orm their statute labor for north half lo 1,20 and 21, cony:maiden 7 on mide line bet et3n mid lots. On motion of Messrs. Code nd Jackson Mr. Shaw was instructed to ha s ditch opposite lot 26, on -2nd line, cleanse out. On motion of Shaw and Jackson Mr. Code was instructed to expend $9 in gra ailing at lou 10 and 11 on 6th concession. A commimioation from W. R. Belden of olesworth,, was received claiming damage for an accident alleged to have been cause by sheep lying on the road. Moved by Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Jackson that no dim be taken in the mat- ter, -Carried. On motion of Code and • Shaw. the Reeve and clerk were instructed to borrow five h ndred dollar's to meet our - sent expenses, f ter passing numerous ac- connts, the coun il adjourned to' meet again on August fish. HICH GRAD Furpit re EMPORIU3 Leatherdale & • Landsbor •, SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-class Furnitu e of al kinds, in latest designs. UPlolsterin neatly done. We also do pict re ham ing, and a choice , selection 01 picture always on hand. Curtain pol s at• all prices, and put up. We are .alsc Agents fori the New Sewing Machine, best in the marke for do- mestic use-, no travelling a- cuts, no high prices. trzTi3 In the Undertaking Departmc it, we buy our goods from thelbeet houses in Criteria and guerantee satiSfaction in ev ry depart- ment of our work. - We have alvFa,ys made It a point to furnish hairs, and a 1 other re- tuirsites fee° funerals, FREE OF CHAPPE, 'ricea better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalmin done on scientific principles!. P. H. /eight and Sunday ca;la will be attended to at Mr. Laeadeboro igh's resi- dence, direetly in the rear of ths Domin.en Bank, Leatherdale Landsborou.gh SEAFORTH. The, Pro ct of Education. Helvetius sea' : " Man is the -product of his education.' The- properly educated, trained and coal fled druggist, it he is ac- quainted with tr &business principles, must win the cenfieence of his townspeople. The liberal patronage bestowed on us up to the present is ample proof that our efforts to please the nubile are appreciated. Family dispensitikis our special- forte. Watt' AND UNFAILING. • Under all c rcumstances of sickness and disease Paine's, Celery Compound is safe, sure and unfailing in its effects for all ages and conditions ef people. Paine's Celery Compoundesaves life when other medieines 'fail, and itfdoureS are permanent. • LUMSDEN A.; Wiesen, Druggists, Seaforth, Ontario. • Hullett. SCHOOL R3 PORT,—The following is the report of school Section No. 5 for June, based on tho results df a written exami- nation held June g8 and 29. Senior fourth, total 350, Garnet McBrien, 247. Junior Fourth, total 350, Robert Vodden, 270; Viva Mair, 229; Albert Vodden, 223; James McCocl, 218; Mary Snell, 207; John Vodden, 206; Lily Snell, 20'2; Mabel Brown, 199; Sadie Id cOool, 162, Senior Third, total 350, Bertie Hoggart, 218. Junior Third, total 450, Harry Mi3Cool, 266; Alf. McBrien, 243; Willie Hoggart, 101; William Snell, 188 ; Annabel Snell, 172. Senior Second, total 300, Mabel Me. - Cool, 224; Bertie Nott, 204; Elsie Brown, 106; Chester Beacom, 180; Frank Hib- bert, 142. Junior Second, total 300; Mil- dred Snell, 177; • Gertie Vodden, 165; Esaie Mair, 156,; Ella Webb, 138; John Wallace, 119. Hay..- Sciroot Reeonn.-The following is the monthly report for school election No. 2, Hay, for thenonth of Jtpie. Names are in i order of Merit. Senior 4th, J. • R. North eat, H. F. Jo! naton, Luella Munn., Juni- or 4th, 'Daisy Dilling; Cora Munn, W. E. O'Brien, - Senor 3rd, W. J. ussell„ R. F. Northcott, A. W. Johnston. • Junior 3rd, W. J. Gould, Mary Johnaton EvelYn Gould. Second, Edgar Munn. Seni r seoond part, T. Ballantyne, W. W. No thpett, Carrie Northeott. Junior second p rk, Alva Me - Mahon, Chester Harvey, Rey Melisk. First part, Vh let Dilling, utile . ildfang, Bertha Munn. The, best seller: in the niionthly spelling niatshes • are : Pourth, Luella Munn ; senior 3rd, Abort Johnston; junior 3rd, Mary Jehnsten sec nd part, Alva McMahola ; drat part, Bertha, Munn. • 'DR. L5W'S WORM SYRUP Is a safe, s Ai and re, liable' wenn expeller. Acts equal • well d children or adults. Be sure you get Lew'., , • Dazzles the World. No Diecovery in medicine has ever tweet- ed one querter,of the excitement that has been caused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Its severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has re storedIdeperfect health. For Coughs, Colds Asthriia, °reap, Has, Fever; Hoarseness and whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. Ibis sold by I. V. Fear, druggist, Seeforth, who, guarantees satiefac tion or refund money. Large !bottles 50 and 81.00. Trial bottles free. Hibbert. PRomoTION EXAmINATIO .-Th follow- ing is the rep rt of the promotion examina- tion, held in school Section o. 4, Hibbert : Number of maids required t pass to eerier 4th, 400; to junior 4th, 41 ; to enior 3rd,, ;370. Promotion to senior 4th Pet r McIver, 505 ; Effie Hamilton, 643; (mph Connolly,. 423. Promotion to junie 4-th William, Morrison, 531; Jenny Hamil tn, 5 3 ; James! ormolly, 262 Promotion o senior 3rd - Lucinda Drake, 470 ; Pere • Smale, 424 ; David Davis, 413; Julia Gormley, 398 ; Frank Connolly, 394; Ste art Hamilton, 424 ; Agnes Morris, 374. MILBURN'S STERLING HEM ACIIE POWDERS cure the worst headaehe in from five to twenty ir in Sites, and leave no bad after-effect , One powder 6e 8 powders 10c, 10 Powdons 25e. Morris. Noel...sr-THE Ex i•osrrou -The cherry crop is almos year. -The weather has be able of late, -14Ying has B few days will be general. got his dwelling house pa ig improvement. -Rev. M ives the news. a failure this n very change - arta, and in a John ! Cook has ted, making a . Hall, of Bel - grave, has started on a hohilay trip and will alaaaa - Q ▪ fff. THE HURO EXPOSITOR. Belraore. NoTEs.---Mr. and Mrs. William Bar -to have returned to their home in Cartwrigh after a two weeks' visit with his uncle, Mr Barton.a.-A number from here attende the camp meeting at Deimerton on Sunda laiit.-Mr. John Hartley presided at the entrance examinations at Blyth last weekt -The Presbyterian Sabbath school held annual picnic in Mr. Irwin's grove on Dol. minion day A most enjoyable time wa spent by all present. -The Epworth Leagu held a lawn social on Mr. Mulvey's lawn .o Friday evening of last week. -The Orang Lodge and, Joung Britons of the village_ aocompanie ren, attend dist plunk V. Lake pr quent Oran " If heaven a One cordial 'Tie when a y In other's a Beneath the , fog g WIDDIN events that meat over. Mune ef Mr. Robert Breen on WedneIaa evening ef est week, at 5.31/ &clock, who his yeungee daughter, Miss Annie, w united in marriage te Mr. William Mine of Morris. by a number of visiting brethi. d divine service in the Metho- on Sunday) morning. Rev. C. edited an Interesting and elo sermon. rased of heavenly pleasure spare s this melancholy vale uthful, loving, modest:Fair ass breathe out the ten er tale, illk-white thorn that soents the eve le." BILlen-One of those pleaein always 'east a ripple of exolt neighborhood, took lace at th leg Attired ribbon and and Mattie bride, acts ad very be - of 'ream ea ducted by son rind evergreens ing ef the and about various pa •exeelleatly and all the A most e music, ga be very to recei costly p es enjoy ingti farm in fiel " 0 fortun When a Among the Like a n And rolled Into the be absent several Sabbaths, vFaii wheat is beginning to turp a little, A. Nichol, 6th line, had a logging bee on i1hureday of last week. A social hopwas Ito have taken place in the evening, but w e broken up by a number of young men who made things hum for a while. It is n b known what made them behave so, an perhe.-Ps they don't know, themselves. COURT OF -REVISION AND 'COUNPIL. -a-The court of reyision mot accor ing to adjourn- . moat, on June, 25th. Me bars all present except Mr. Cardiff. Jame Nethery • enter- ed owner north east lot , coneeseion 6 ; • William Sholdice; enteredl wner Routh •11• lot conceesiou 9 ; Anchibel. McDonald en- tered M. F. on south half t -i1, Concession ; John Munn, entered M -F,, lot 22, G. S., Bluevale. Oa ,motion Of Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr! Jackson, he court of re- vision was then closed anc the assessment roll as revised and correetel, was adoeted. Council business was theni proceeded with as follows Moved by Mr Code, seconded by Mr. Shas4that we pay o bills for gravel until the road listsareret rued end certi- fied- to by the pathmasto .-Carried. - On motion of Shaweand Jackson the irepo0 of the reeire re letting contract of Garness drain was adopted. A p tition Signed by ! Mr. Cockerline and other was presented asking that a resolution of the council be passed under the provisio s of the Ditches and Waterc urea Act in onnectien with -a -The Missionar r kg feriae looked nude char n Steam silk trimmed with lac, earls. Misses Myrtle Fortune reen, two little nieces of the as maids of honor. They leo itehing in ,their neat coetum hneere. Ti. ceremony was co he Mete W. Hartley, of Win of the heuse, under an arch 4d nd dowers. After the fasten- uptial knot the wedding partly tie hundred invited guests from ts of the province sat down to an prepared dinner of fowl, fruit delicacies of the month of rose. 13 joyable evening was spent D es and dancing. The bride mut ular among her friends in order uch a number of beautiful and ants. The young couple are new e sweets of married life on his rris. I be, 0 happy day, ow household fIndi its place myraid homes of earth, ow -star just sprung to birth on its harmonious way boundless realms of span." • °invention of the Christian ;nd Alliance at Grimsby Park as brought to a close last week, and Ron A.B. Simpson and'Rev. L, Lsoheur left at once for New York. At the close of the meeting a woman from Bradford, Pennsylvania, handed Rev. Mr. Philpott a large' diamond ring, which she had been wearing, asking him to sell it and send the proceeds to the treasurer of the alliance in New York, The ring is worth abotit 8125. 'Her husband was present when the ring was handed over. The convention was very seccessful, and over $5,000 was raised. ' * Do Not For et It. It is a fact that Norvili e pannot be ant- Vassed by any combinatioz for the relief of pain. The reason is a good one. Nerviline contains the best, most powerful, and the latest discovered remedies. It is a magic pain cure. Rheumatism, tiff neck, cramps, neuralgia, colic, in fact at pain, internal, external, and local, are subdued in a few minutes. Go at once to an drug store and get a trial bottle. It will nly edst you 10 cents, and you can at a sin 11 cost test the great pain cure, Poison's erviline. Large bottles oily 25 cents, • News Not s. was general throu hout Manitoba and very hea y rein in the pd roisvted. rict. Crop prospects have hieves who have deer breaking eta' offices in vario a places of the art of this provin e and stealing from, visited Ga t Saturday or g'unday n'ght and stole gold out of the offi- ces of Dr.I Moyer and Dr. Fr nk Buchanan. -Mr. Arthur Pew, of Falkland, near Paris, lost five head of catt e on Thursday morning f last week, by ightning. The cattle we e lying under a tree in the pasture field, and all of the five were killed outright. None of t e others in the herd Were injured. Loss abo t $150. ' -The Exhibition Hall' on.. the Fair grounds, at Brampton, the tiroperty of the county f Peel Agricultur 1 Society, was destroys nina last week. The building f three stories n insurance ef likely that the ction of a new ed the residence arinee, about 9 when one of the fronted one of -dal of loot, the then broke a r her, severely east. She was alone in the house at the time and the burg- lars! escaped. -Mrs, Henry Perry, a young woman 20 years of age, went to Brodkville, the other day, from Smith's Falls, toi egiend the holi- days with friends. Whil ' at tho station waiting for the train, she s nk in a faint in the waiting -room and ex keel.-- without a struggle. She had been ie delicate health for some months with consumption, and this spring, before going to Smith's Falls, was treated in Brockville hospital. -Mr, L. Wolverton, of Grimsby, secre- tary of the Ontatio Fruit Growers Associ- ation, says that the fine crop of fruit in the Niagara, peninsula is of unusual importance. The peach trees are so filled the fruit grow- ers have been forced to resort to the process ng something which is seldom done. it is of excellent quality. Pear not no well loaded, but the fruit is Apples and plums are fair and grapes excellent. --aTuissday, September 46, 1900, has been fiXed for the trial at St. Thomas of the petition of Daniel McIntyre against the elec- tion of Andrew Brower, for the east riding of the county of Elgin, on December 12th last, and Wednesday, September 5th, for the trial of the petition of Donald Main:Ash against the election of Finlay G. Maodiar- mid, fo the west riding, On the same day, bthuet paest -Li avery andvie the Mo -Rain on Sunda Winnipe greatly i -The into dent western old tiler by fire one !nor Lightning was the cauee. was a large frame structure and a to er. There was $1,800. It is altogether society ill commence the e and modem building at ono -A trio of h urglars enter of Mr. Alex, Bain, St. Cat o'clock Saturday night, and family, Miss May Bain, co them in the hall with an art man chloroformed her an bottle of carbolic acid ov burning her left arm and b AIIMMINIMINEIPPINESSIntlin oman's eakness A woman's reproductive organs are in the most In- tense and continuous sym- nettle, with her kidneys. rhe slight est disord er in the kidneys brings about a- •orrenesonding disease -hi be r6WociuctiVe organs; Dodd' s Kidney Pills, by re- storing the kidneys to their 'ler-feet condition, prevent: irud cure those fearful dis- rders peculiar to women. - Pale young girle, worn-out mothers,seffering wives kind women - entering -upon • the Change of Life, your - best friend is Dodd's lOciney PiOs of thinn The fr trees ar perfect. et the names of the judges to try tire are not settled. t Monday evening about 7 o'clock, eavy wind swept over Brantford nity. About three miles south, on nt Pleasant road, a large oak tree was blown over, and in Its fall caught a passing buggy with two occupants driv- ing to Brantford. Mr. Hartley, black- smith's helper, Mount Pleasant, and Mr. George Kilgour, a brother-in-law to Mr. Bowberry, Mount Pleasant, were in the rig. Mr. Hertley escaped with some bad bruises, but Mr. Kilgour is seriously injared. The buggyr a eomplete wreck. -Hcn. A. R. Dickey, ex -Minister of Justice, and a member of Sir John Thomp. son's overnment, was drowned last week while e.thing-near his home at Amherst, Nova Scotia. During the afternoon he utart.edL for the Amherst shore, saying he was go ng for a bathe, and remarked that he see ed unable to onvim ae well as he used to de. He did not return, and at 7 o'clock friends went to look for him. His lifeless body was found in two feet of waternhis clothes lying nearby. He had evidently been taken with cramps. He was only 40 years of age. -Joseph if ton, a wealthy farmer of Lomb; township, fell from the roof of his barn d was fatally injured on his wed- ding.day. Mr. Sifton was to have been married Saturday to Miss Amy, McFarlane, of.London township, and everything was in readiness for the ceremony. Saturday morning he went ihto his barn and wend - ,ed to the peak to repair a lifting tackle. The board upon which he stood gave way, and befell to the floor, sustaining injuries foam which he died in a few hours. Mr. Si! ton was a widower and the owner of several hundred acres of fine farming land. His intended bride was -completely prostrat- ed by the shopk. -A shocking shooting tragedy occurred at Orangeville on Monday afternoon of last week. Prompted by jeadoney, Ottawa Hun- ter, aged 19 yearn, shot and probably. fat- ally injured Genie Nixon, aged 17 years, and then shot himself dead. The terrible affair took place at Idylewyld Park during the progress of a lacrosse match, and was witnessed by nearly 1,000 people. Hunter had been paying attentions to Miss Nixon, and beginning tired of him, she went to Tor- onto 'and secured employment-, that she might b1and got work. They both went to out of his way. 11e also came to Toront Orangeville on the Monday, and while she, in company with sense Mende, was watch- ing the game, Hunter shot her in the back. -James Beattie, a well-known farmer of Westminster'started on Tuesday morning of last week, to drive to Melbourne to visit his son there. The day being very hot and the roads dusty, Mr. B.eattie drove leisurely along, and was some time on the road. The daystlas consequently well spent when he near- ed Melbourne. At this time a passer-by not- iced that Mr. Beattie was apparently asleep in hie buggy. His head lay back and he seemed unconscious. The horse was still jogging slowly along When the horse stopped the discovery was made that the occupant of the buggy was dead. Life had fled while deceased was enjoying the ride, and must have come as peacefully as it was sudden. Paralysis of the heart was the eaus4 of death. Deceased owned a farm at concOsion 6, lot 8, Westminster. He was 68 y4are of age. His wife died last October, and our grOwn-up '3hildrert survive. -Figures compiled by Mr, George John- son, the Dorninion statistician, with respect to electric -railways in Canada, show that during the year ending December 31st, 1899, there were 104,033,659 passengers car- ried, which is equal to parrying every soul in the country twenty times. Compared with the previous -year, the number of pas- sengers carried increased nearly nine and one-half million. The number of transfers given in Toronto was over ten and one-half millir. These are not included in the par - imagers carried. The amount of paid-up capital invested in electric railways is $21,- 700,000, The steam railways in 1899 car- ried 16,166,191 passengers. The total num- ber of miles run by the electric oars was 29., 646,8479 46 against 24,294,859 miles for the steam railways. Together the steam and electric railways carried over 120,000,000 passengers, and the proportion wise abont 13 by steam to 87 by electricity. • New Method of Lighting Tunnels' A newi method of lighting tunnels is about to be adopted in one constructed in Paris for an electric road. Electric lamps will be tamed on automatically as the train enters the tunnel and out off automatically as it emerges. The lights are arranged on each side on a level with the windows of the oars, so that during daytime it will not be necessary to turn on the light in the ears. This mode has been, devised 14 a French inventor, and doubtless will be found of great utility. • Forty Frogs. That the cigarette is deadly poison is sus- ceptible of proof. A few months ago I had all the nicotine removed from a cigarette, making a solution of it. I injected half the quantity into a frog, with the effect that the frog died 'almost instantly. The other half was administered to another frog with like effect. Both frogs were full grown and of average Sie,e. The conclusion is evident that a single cigarette contains poison enough to kill two frogs. A boy who smokes twenty cigarettes a day has inhaled enough poison to kill forty frogs. Why does the poison not kill him ? It does kill him. If not immediately, he will die sooner or later of weak heart. Bright's disease or some other malady which scientific physi- cians everywhere now recognize as the natural twits of chronic nicotine poison. ing. In place of the often beautiful, many times wiekedly obeeene pictures which cig- arette manufacturers often use in connec- doll with their packages, or often as a premium, every package of cigarettes ought to bear a skull and cross -bones, and should be marked "deadly poision," like rough on rats, strieknia and other deadly drugs. -Dr. J. H. Kellogg. The Art of Talking. A very clever woman, clever because she knew how to hold her tongue, was once heard telling a friend in confidence, when asked why she had not taken part in a con - venation of the previous evening, in which nearly every one had joined, that she had kept quiet becauae she was ignorant of the subject under discussion. " Whenever I am pot thoroughly informed on a subiect, and eel incapable of talking intelligently, why, just hold my tongue. I believe I have the eputation of being a good talker, but if I talked about what I did not understand I should soon lose it." This establishes an excellent -precedent in the art of conversation. • No Hindrance. Some things should never be omitted, if the small boy is to be the judge. "Hans, you mustn't go in bathing to -day, as you have the stomach-ache. "Oh-, that won't make any difference, pa ; I on swim on my back, you know." - German, Exchange. • Work While You Sleep. If you take a Laxa-Liver Pill to -night, before re- tiring, it will work while you sleep without a gripe or pain, curing 131lioueness, ConetIpation, Dyspepsia and Sick Headache, aid make you feel better in the morning.' If there Is a cavity in your aching tooth, plug it with a piece of Dr. Low's Toothaohe Gum. It will stop the ache promptly, and act as a temporary fill- ing. Price 10c. Chest Felt Raw. " I eanaht a severe cold, which make my chest feel raw and tight. I used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, Which loosened the phlegm, healed the lungs, and made me perfectly well," I !Neil McKay, Ripley, Ont, Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup is sure death to the worms every time, but harmless to the most doll. cats child. It contains its own cathartic, so there is no need of giving castor oil or other:purgative after- wards, Price 26e, —4111-• Painful Periods. Women who suffer terrible pain every month can find ready relief by using Milburn's Sterling Head- ache Powders. They contain no morphine or opium, and leave no bad after effects. Price 10e and 260. Don't leapt common headache powders, they'll sure- ly disappoint. Bicyclists and and athletes generally will find flag yard's IthoilOw Oil the most effective remedy for lim- bering sip stiff! j Ante and sore mimics. The best thing for cute or wound' of any kind. Pelee 25e. SION OF THE* v)1 0111CULAil SAW 0-1 • e+ Cf C=7". 2.7 et - c/a e -s What solid comfort in the hot weather is a rest in o 0 4 STRONG EVIDENCE Corroborated by Many Reliabie Witnesses. What!,will be the Verdict';. SEAFORTH, March 22nd, WO., Warp. Lumsden &Wilson, Seaforth: Gentlemen -Fully acknowledging the benefit I have received from the use of your "Equine Colic Cure," and tho many times that I have relieved th3 severest suffering, and, I can safety inky in some cues saved the lives of valuable horses by its timely me, I cheerfully give my story of its origin, so that others may procure and have ready, in case of emer- gency, what has proved with me a never -failing rem- edy. Some 15 years ago, when about to all from Liverpool for home with four valuable Loam, I was advised to have, in caste of sickness on the voyage, a hott e of a celebrated horse medicine, then exten- sively- used in England, I fortunately took my friend's advice, and procured a bottle, and found that in case of collo or inflammation in horses, it gave such instant and perfect relief, that I was very sorry that I•had not brought with me a larger sup- ply; as I thought I woula never be able to gat any- thing to equal it. I had, however, a little left in my bottle, which I took to you, asking you to analyz3 it and, if possible, make me something like it. In about two weeks I called on yon, and got what look- ed identical, and, I eenasay with all confidence, It has gloved not only equal to the sample, but I be- lieve superior, as after testing it for 15 years, I have never yet seen it fail. No farmer or horse dealer, in my opinion, should be without it in his stable. FRANCIS COLEMAN, Lot 5, Concession 7, Stanley. SEAFORTH, June 271h, 1900. Mr. Alex. Wilson, Druggist, Seaforth Dear Sir -In recognition of the benefit I have re- ceived, I am glad to bear testimony to the value of your Equine Collo Cure," although, as you state, s you have advert:sed the remedy in Tim Heim Ex- . Pow= with just as strong testimony in its favor as I can give. I must say I never noticed it, or, if I read it at all, it must have made about AS much im- pression on my mind as patent medicine advertises. manta gen 'rally do. But now I would not be with- out your melicine in my stable if it east 85 per bot- tle, instead of 81. When out road grading in Tuck- ersmith township last week, one of my homes WAS taken ill. He was bloated as tight as a drum, and not able to stand. I thought him a very sick horse Indeed. I called at Mr. Coleman'e bouee to get some ginger and soda, but thie well-known horsemansaid : "1 cal give you something better than that," and he produced a bottle of your " Colic Cure." We :gave hlm, a teaspoonful and ,a half, and in half ATI hour he had perfect relief, and was ready to tat his oats. I drove Min seven mike Ott night, and in the morning he WAS all right and ready for his work. Mr. Colemaa gave me some of the history of this rriedicina, and I think you ought to let every barge- man in the country know about it, as so many valu- able horses ATO 10St juat for watt of such a remedy at hand as your " Equina Collo Cure has proved Itself to be Yours truly, GEORGE MURRAY, flea - forth, Out. ALEX. WILSO N, Seaforth. SUCCESSOR TO LTIMSDEN & WILSON. BRIGHT BROS., C4th's Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store "11.040WWWWWeeeNkleANYVVVYN See our ,window this week for bargains in Hats and Ties. Your choice of anything in the window for 25c. These goods are positively being sold out at half price, in order to make room. You cannot afford to go past us this month if you wish to ,save money on your gents' furnishings. Amongst -other artcles worthy of special mention is our $2.75 Christy, which wo are selling off at $2. Ask to se them. Special lines of Negligee Shirts this month at 50c, 75c, 850, $1, $1.25 and $1.50. These include the latest and most stylish patterns in washable goods. Remember the place. BRIGHT BROS., FURNIASTER 8, SEAFORTH Estate Johnson Bro‘..Seaforth AGENCY FOR THE IVIERICAN.4i.WOVEN WIRE FENCE Jade of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily Galvanized: WW2 Amply provides for expansion and contrao; -tion. Only.. Best Bessemer steel wires used. Always of uniform quality. Never goes wrong no matter how great a strain nrgo, is put upon it. Does not muti- late, but does efficiently turn cattle, horses, bogs and pigs EVERY ROD OF AMERICAN FENCE GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURERS. Call and See It. Can show you how it will save you money. Send for booklet. Prices per rod -35c, 40c, 42e, 45e, 480 and 50e. STEEL GRANITE WARE.—We have a large stock of Preserving Kettles, Sauce Pans, Pie Plates and Tea Pots at about one-third less than regu- lar price. BISSELL CARPET-; SWEEPERS.—A full line of these unequalled sweepers. SHERWIN & WILLIAMS PAINTS.—The best is the eheapest. We have a full line of colors, and sell for 20c per gallon less than regular price. Balance of Robertson's mixed paints at,$1.10 per gallon. CHURNS AND WASHING MACHINES.—A full line of Daisy and Favorite churns at close prices, and the Knoll double acting Washer,acknowl- edged to be the most perfect washer now made. FARM TOOLS.—Forks, Scythes, Rakes, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Al- though these these goods are nearly double in value this year, we sell at last year's prices. BUILDING MATERIAL.—Glass, Nails, Barn Door Hinges, bought be- fore the advance in price. We give our patrons the benefit. PLATFORM SCALES.—We will sell you a scale complete with wheels, 1,200 lbs., platform, $15.75 ; 1,600 lbs., 20x28, drop lever, $27.50; 2,000 lbs., 23x30, drop lever, $30.50. THE TIN SHOP is in charge of Mr. Charles Soole, who will do you a first-class'job in Eavetroughing and Furnace Work, and at the lowest possible figure, Dairy Pails and Cans, and all kinds of repairing, a specialty. 'Why it pays to deal with us. We buy for CASH ONLY. We give you the benefit of our cash discounts, We pay no rents. Our expenses are light. We can afford to make it worth your while to:give us your patronage. Courteous attention to all. 1 Estate Johnson Bros Seaforth H. R. Jackson' THE SEAFORTH ez SON. ; DIRECT IMPORTEiRS OF • I Jules Robin & Co's , Brandy, Cognac, e ,. •miff Sills ceno land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ; ! Opplilg 1114 Fean; J. de Knyper & Son, Hol• 1111 Booth's Tom Gin London, England ; i Bulloch & Codfi fieflieli Whitiky, Wag- 1 V....10•••••• S.A.:VsT . . AND , . ,:,v ,-y, Scotland ; Jamieson'e Irish 1 R. L. OI_JAIIK Whielty, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky. and Sherry Wine from France and " Ontario ; -Royal Distillery and Davie' Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC: We have opened a retail etore In connection with our wholesale busi- businese in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE II, 1518-44 Having purchased from Mr. Josiah Watson the Seaforth Saw Mills, has placed in the mill A new and improved Grain Crusher, And is prepared to crush grain on o the shortest notice, and for Sc a bag. Give us a trial. R. L. CLARK 04th. 188-tf