HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-13, Page 3aary pure
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:a ratchet'
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JULY 134 1900
FOR SALE, -One set weigh soaks,
pounda, also two c Mee desks etal etie
to MRS. E. CASII, Seaforth,
'cigh 600
r. Apply
ekTOTICE TO BERRY PICKERS. --Any ono tres-
IA ramble on teem Leta 2, zed 3, Concession 4,
11. B. S. Tuekeremith, will be prosecuted.. JOHN
te JAMES sruoAT. 16003
comfortable lfr atm - frame house
eccupied by Mra. Muldrew, tn grnondville.
The house is in gOod repair, and there Is plenty of
herd end soft eatet on the pren3leee. Also about an
_acre of land. Apply a Tim Exeosrant Office. 1692-tt
TOHN BEATTIE, Clerk gat the Second Division
0 court, Ootuatir 00romba1onor, of Eturonatakm.
ssyanoer. Lend, Lout tend Insurance Agent. Funds
eaveeted and to Leen. Office -Over Sharp ao
Weis' dere, Mn street, Ileatorth. 1289
BEEs AND PouvraY.- 20 colonies of Italian
leer in gcod painted hives, at trent 86 totatati
each. Alto full line cf bee keepers? supplies.
Bees ts,ken in tat:barge for oupplioa.
Poultry. -A grand, pen, of Whitecks, prize
wineers cad
t Cat a'biggest ho s. Blac Minorese,
large, gar d mica, a*very clearable fowl fir eggs and
table. Pggia for fetching $1 per eetter.g. WM.
HARTRY, ceatorthe' 1089-tf
U rent for a term of years, Lot 14. Cohoceiden 2,
L. R. 8,, Tuckerenath, coetaining 100 acree, about
+:0 acres under cultivatioe, about 66 acre s1 seeded to
grant. A good trick honata and bank barn, with
stone etabling underneath. There is a splendid
orcbard and ihenty of water. Is within a mile and a
half of K ppen ad three and a eat from Hensel',
and 7 miles !rem Scaforth. Apply on the premises
or to Kippen P. O. WM. M. DOW. N. B. Also for
sale a thorobr.d Durham bull, registered , and a 2-
yeer-old general purpose filly. 16,7x4
MEACHER. WANTED.-Want..d for Schodl Section
j_ Nc. 10, Tirekeremith, a male tere..her holding
seconi class prof easional certificate. Dttties to Com-
mence Ottober lat. ApplicatIons etatinghialary etc.,
will be tectivcd by V e secretary up till August lst.
D. MtDONALD, Secretary, bax 34, Chieelhurst.
1114ALE TEACHER. WANTED„-Weeted in School
jae Secticn No. 2, Usborne, a reale teacher hold -
Rig either that or Wand elaes ce tificates Duties
to cortmcnce after the holidays for the remainder
of 19CO. Arplicareta to state salary expectede also
experience, pertonat applicatione prefereed. Ad-
dress all come unica•ioes t.) ANDREW ,HODGERT,
before July 21e`, 1900. ANDREW HODGERT, 'f co-
retary, Farquher P. 0. 1699e3
all10 PIG BREEDERS. -The undersign d will keep
j_ on Lot 26, Cencession 6, L. R. S., ucketemlli,
a thoroughbred Cnicrennt Wurre PIO, aIs4 a thoreugh-
bred YORKSHIRE Fla. A limited numbe of Ewes will
• be _admitted to each. Terms, 81, payabo at the/ time
of service, or $1.60 if charged. Alro aetew Chester
White Pigs tar sal°. JAMES GEIrillilLia 1608-52
VICE.-The undereigeed will keep for seedcase
al ebe Britooteld ahesse Faatory, a thbroughbred
Tamworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Torras,
11; pysbIe at thre of 'service with privilege of turning if necessary. Alio a number of thorough-
bred young Tamworth Boars and Sows tot irate.
- HUGH Meel&RTIelY, Brucefield. 140641
FOR SAL?.—ie aorta cf land for sale, being
Lot 12, Coecessicn 8, Hay. 'There is a inure
house and bare riso email orAard. Particulars
upon application. MRS. ROBERT KYLD, SR.,
Zurich. :1699-tf
11_ undersigned cffees for sale his cdtte.ge in Hay.
purhey with 3 acres of land in gocd stet° of cultiva-
tion,plaet d ith fruit and ornamtn .al tree. There
ia a good stable on the place, with plenty cf hard and
eaft water. Forces ere in god ordere There are
even rooms in th3 houn which is good repair. 'The
promisee may he viewed at any Mine. JOSEPH P
FORhALE.-TI e Gale Farm, one of • the best 100
acre farms in Gederich township, tluron
county, leing Lot 17 and part of 18, Sth -concession
si miles from Gorlerichi 7 from Clinten. The farm
curtains gcod buildings and good feneea, is well
watered ar d well underdraincd. There is a large
Bearing °relied and garden. 01 small fruite. Thrum
to snit purehaaer. Apply to WM. GOULD, on the
pumices, or Guclerich P. 0, 16974
IN TIIE 01 rill G?
Sleep not bring
Do You feel wretched, rnea4 and
ble in the mornings- s tir d as
ou went to bed? erIoiis con
too serioes tat* neglect, and slides
.ave the theart and ‘' erv us s
trengtaene1d and .the b od nrich
d by
'Milburn's 'Heart and Ne
is almost aertain to ensu
Gtaham, a we .-know
Barrie, Ont., says: -"I
deal of trouble with
was easily agi
eased my hear
iffees and sh
and often rose in the m
tired as Netball I went
terribly nervous. Mil urn'
Nerve .Pi ls have done won
They ha e restored na Ebra
healthy 4cti.on, giving me
restful sleep, and rnakin my
tem stron and vigorou ;"
Milbur s Heart and
a box or for a T.25 at a
mail. The T. Milhurn
ronto, Ont.
V the Sillage of EgmoLdville, the, valuable and
pleasantly located,- premises of the- underoigned.
The pre pea ty cc nre1a s of two ac ea of good land, wet
draiecd Dad matte-at:ed. There is a comfortabl
frame louse, a geed stelae, pig ten tied other nec
creary outbuilding:tr. on the pumice% also hard and
soft water. 'There are also 14 goed, fruit treea
ar plea, patimcs &r4r eareaal-ah &Keno choice small
ireits- It is. a rarest d alah1eT faca,fOr a retired fart-
rtrn Mkt t gaMentr, and %till go cheap. ApplI
to WM. C. Clark, Ehnt:tich We. 1808-11
ALE OF LAND -There will be (tiered for sale
by public rention on Mooday, Jade' leth, 1900,
atJt.8 ph Weber's Betel, Dublin, at 2 o'c'ock p. m.
the following property Part cf the eetete of the
late Res. James Murphy, viz : the north halt Let
No. 6 toe nslap of Mefell:op, co."ta!ning 60 sores
more cr lase. This w al Vrnbered property, with a
first ems soil and In good locati' n en the Huron
Road 5 miles from tha town ot Seaforth and 11 mato
from the Wage of Dublin, makes a di3eirab1e proper-
ty: Terme made kr own on' day of sale or given on
wney, at.
AN, Sea-
app'.yieg to Rev. T. Mat and re.ephen
Celumban, Execu` ors, or to J. L 1tLL0
feith, Eolieitor. THOS. BROWN, Anctio
years. I
eitemert c
I had diz
ve Ils, callapse
e. . r. Fred. H.
yo ng triart of
aye had a great
y h art for four
ated and iny ex -
to throb violently.
rtness of breath,
rnings feeling as
to ed:- I was
•Heart and
ers for me.
t to regular
back sound
nervous sys-
erve Pills are eoc.
Id ggists or y
Co. Limited, -
rtABM FOR SALE. -For sale Lc t 21, Concession 0
ecntaieing 100 acres60-of which a o
elearcd tied ready to: crop, being well underdrain d
ar d well lenctd eith cedar aed telack ash. , The h l-
ance is timber ar d pasture. There I is a small o
chard and three good svelte. There ia a good fra e
houle and wood shed, a barn and stables bleb() fe -t
also elh. ep houee, pig pen, irupli merit hon -e and 11
other neeeesery out buildings, ltie la miles cast of
the inith gravel road mai is conventeet to sot
efurchts, pc st cllice, etc. 18 7i miles from Seatottlt
and ton ittile8 from DruSsols. 1G is One Of the -btst
farn.s in tiro tow nship and ill be sold on easy ter, al
as the propritter elehes to retire. Apply on the
premites cr addrets ,,,,Nintlerop P. 0. WM. MORRI-
SON. 1.6a3 -1f
cu bs, 'and Al
ms Of
Works th • -sands lor alias an "rally
best breed rs and thorsemen teyyw
for S5. •• a lluithent foF far t;ly u
We -tt L-orne, On aria,
Dear Si year ago 1 Ita
got lame. r took him to VI
pronottnec (reettlt gpitvla and g
o.ltliongh re applied a sharp h
only worst and tholtor,o bee itt,3 se
not stand tp. Art.er trying everyti
went to a eighlto and told Win In
DOR SALI.E.-4w0 Short -110m 1111s, one iisio 1
yt ar old arca be other 2 3 tare Id, red in cot r.
Or e r.gister el, the ether Ftpply on Lot 2,
Con,:tesicn 7, Ilullett. X. T. ADA.NIS•, Consta ott
P. u. late'
Endorsed by the
tere. rr:re. Sr; NIX
it has no equal.
1 a .7. -at table horse which
Voter nary Surgeon who
VO me little hape,
Thi I made matters
Pone th3t it could
in.if in my power I
It the catith Tie nave
me one of your bo lis atal l s..:1:ell t carefully and be-
ing reset ed to do the utmost n fat( r °Piny beast, Went
to the ne vett drug:Aura r.I19( ot I. bottle of your Spavin
Cure and moiled 15 strictly a cordin 1 to directions. Be-
fore the f nt. bottle we:, vo-ed netio; ft an improvement,
and when the seriutth bottle ,wmi a out half used, my
horse wa completely cured n.lta withoet ldaving a
blemish n Iiiin: After ceas ngitr fitment I 'gave the
horse got zt care alut ditl some light 1 orle withhitnovialt-
ing to se if it had effected an- tre.1 t, ten startec to work
the hors hard and to my l entire se. isfaction to never
Showed a y more lameness through the whole summer.
lean r COMM end Kenclall'st4parin Care not only as an 1
excellent, bot as a. sure remedy, to ny ono that it may
concern. . Yours truly, 8 IllUEL THITTEN.
Ask petit' druggist for gentla1P8 _envie Cure,.also
"A Treatise on the nom)," the b ok free, or, address
cei nOt T I: ORN fitaLL FOR iciA LE. - Twe ae
0 lac nths cid, roan in color, eli ible for registre-
tic r. Arp" t. cn Lot 26, 1st Co ccssirn, London
no cl, 1 ', Mill 8 ilellth c f Brimfield. JAMES P4T-
Ielteola, Lame tleld. lett) ta
C1iio1.TI1ORs S Full SM. IS.- One pow Dad 2 tWoe
0 2 ear old hi-IN:Ts, suppoEcA t3 gable in Octol fq• ;
I 3 earlit.:: Left r, 1 luifir calf arta 1 bull evifi le
Mt lithe old. All go:d ra.imals m ith rt.gister. d pltd-
igree. I alto keep for st nit e an improvtd YOrk•
thin- boar. bred Inc Ili TOTOt to SO... pstat e w inn .11.
A. 0. 8M1LLIE, Hemel! P. O. • 16117 t
• --1
Seeerea th: jpAaternianneoemitinonehtihnee.heof,ler7,
ti _ .
The moderu . re t .uck, besides carrying
longer laddcas and , a greater variety of
theta than the old Orme fire tatuak, has a
far more club° atte nquipment of contriv-
ances of one $ 'rt a ul another feta use in
4etting at and ighti ig fire. Improvements
are constantly mak ng in all these appli-
ances, and new things are being added all
the time.
•' Ces one of th, Chiang° trucks there are
12 ladders, the lane st of them an exten-
sion ladder that ce be raised 90 feet.
This ladder is of the kind that is raised
on the truck, te wh ah its foot is eecured.
By manes of ken s aud the mechanical
appliances atti che to it, eight men, four
of th.ern stand ng n the truck aid four
OD the ground
can raise this leader, ex-
tended and in. a %Wats for use, in 31 lei=
(sada. Beside e he $0 foot exteniion there
is Carried on • is truck a 1141 tee extent-
sion, which is taken eft Ow truck iwken
used Alia rills free! the' groaaa. There
Is also a 13 f ot eitenoien leader, ealied
a janier exte slime weld' is eased when
there is occasi n *carry a. ladder Aside
of 'a building he,re the stairways alight
be narrow ant where it would ke Napoli-
siale to carry 151-fOot ladder vritk solid
side pima If lded,1 a man can carry Otis
ladder on his haul er almost aeywkere.
Besides the hre extension 1 shiers de -
scribed, there are on this traa two 33
foot ladders, ue 20 foot, one fost and
tale 10 foot la der, and four le foe seet-
he; laddars o are -
men climb th teem
ha vim; each 'witk
handles runni 1 ky,
and with a le c end
at . right ang ok is
thrust throe um
the sill. The truck
four' sealing k tke
scaling ladle
There are four
:axett, ten cro kam- .
:mer headed . ointed
on the other, icking
holes throng
ejoining build' n cut-
ters, 'long- le i cut-
ting holes i
up the tin. 9
ers, iron bit
cord. A m
iron ball ova
.dows,evith a
its batkwari
smoke fled
der the WO
. ced of the tr
- tacre is one
means of ' r
.coupled on t
are also telo
called' the , d
tachment tie
sure of wat
distributor 1 -
is 'cut in the
thi:net threat
Another .ci
the cellar p
pipe with t
pipe is susp
on the grou
• to swing th
able the thrt
canal uot be
There are
which to pis
if the truck
in check 'un
Is it portab
which can
by means o
anybody fr
could lower
liue guns fl
light line
building, •
masks and
to flag trai
For othe
the kied with whie
fro a of a building,
sin Ile shaft of wood
ig through it to hold
g beaklike book at •
el t 1 the Shaft, wk
1 a 'window to reit
e are carried on the
elts to be used -vi
s. ' . t
ended on this true
tarta and two picks
one side and pick
which are used for
wal s to get late
ie. There are two
udlett implements f
the tin roofs and lipping
here ere two window break-
s attached to a lea th of
1 o the roof thro s this
the Cdge to break the win- .
ach it comes in contact ens
swiag and so let out the
anal te the building Un
is way -down at the rear
k is It horse reel upon...which
lore th of haat?, which, by
duct en pouplings, can be
fire hose of any size. There
of tozzles, one of which is
-frit; tter. This has an tet -
t whirls rapidly under pres-
✓ praising through it The
used in caller fires. A hole
floor, and the distributer is
rious sort of pipe carried is
pc.. This is a rather long
es bends in it. The cellar
ded from a holder standing
d, Oils making It possible
'pipal and point in dkfferent
'he 'hende in the p pe , en -
wing Of Water to points that -
reached with a straig it pipe.
two fire extinguishers with
out small fires or ta keep,
should .get there -first, a -are
il an engine melees. There
e fire escape, one ma of
c atteched to a win : ow sill
which a fireman can lower
m • a building or a- person
imself. There are two life
t will. throw a slug with a
tacatad 300 feet up over a
• jumping net, two smoke
ignall flags and red lanterns
is on the elevated railroad.
uses 1 there are twc white
- I
iusicaI inst ume t
EMPO !Mild
Owing to hard times, IN
eluded to sell Pianos and
.0reatly 'Reduce
Otgans at $25 and
Pianos at .corresponding p
See us before purchasin
e have c n-
rgans at
pwards, and
Farm loans taken rt lowest r
suit torxower ; satisfa,ction guar
eponderree cheerfully eneeered.
Wingbare, Ont. thee -At porn
Petri* etreets ; every Saturday
re1 ea
toi; payments t�
nteed o all corre.
r linnie and
11 day. 1667
Ladie4 arid gentlemen; thatikin ycu
patroneee and new that a new re est n is
ill in th
dune wi
wieh to t ycu icuow thet I am s
ready to ,do my !beet to give .you
In doing 3 our weak id the line of
gcntienicear rted ladies' clo',hing,
ripped As well as to have them
geode atatrentf ed to give gocd.
tat nctiee. Shawla,. curtaine, etc ,
prices. ?entre do tot fail to eh, me a c
and eggs taker' in exchange f r work
NICHOL, Gederich street east, o ,poralte
rh McKillop ual Fir
Insurance Com any.
11 for pa,
at hand -I
atiefaeti to'
and dyeing
bout being
• All wool
n on Fhert-
II. Butter
he Outholic
"1 Can..„- Et
What _.:11.4
. Many people snfferterri ly with
ln n- the stomac aft • every
.monthful.they eat, •
Dyspepsia -and in4 gqsti n -.keep
them in constant wise •
After trying the hen red .$ nd one
new-fangled remedies "tho t much
benefit, 'why not use ti e did reliable
Burdock Rlood Ritter -andbtain -a
perfect and permanen cure
• Here is a case in point :.‘
"I was troubled with indigestion and
dyspepSia for three'or fon years, And tried
alrnost every doctor roun here nd•differ-
ent dyspepsia remedies, b t gotl' ale relief.
"I taen started uSine 'Burd ck Blood
. -
Bitters, and when I had n Isheclt e second
bottle I was alniost wet, but ontinued
taking it until I hadcon pleted the third
bottle, when I was perfec ly Well Before
taking B.13.13. I 'could s arcel eat any-
thing without having
pain In iny stoinach. No
I eat whateverl like hvith
out- ea:tieing me the iieas
discornfort.". -
Ont. 1 -
J R. M -Lean, President, Kipp n P. 0. ; Tho
Fraser, s, 1,!e -president, Brucetield , 0.; Thornm
Hays, &Lay -Trees. Beatorth P. 0. W. G. Br ad -
feet, reap:411er of favaaes. Seafor h P. 0.
W. G. Broadfoot, Beaforth ; Joh G. Grieve, WI
threp ; Geargo Dale, Seaforth ; John #enne cis,
Dublin ; James Evans, Beechw d ; John 1att,
Harioek ; Thoreao Freese. Bruceff ' John 13. Idel
Lean, Kippen ;.Jarces Connolly, liriton.
jatettat.eStartrintpiu, KilttErglornekon;dvitobet: jeft. SW* ;
valuildettE,48!).; (I rge Murdie and °Who. Y0e.°_,Mo eon,
?antes deeirous to effect nreeoes- or 131.
rot 0th4t buulnesa will' bo prop= y attended ii cre
-ppiteetion to any of the above 011 Gen, .ddrOEs4l2 trz
Theft teepective poet °Bless.
Watch him earefull_y,—On the
• first indication of Diarrhcea
• Ce Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Hot weather comes
hard op babies, espea
cially those cutting.
The little form soon
wastes an fades
away when diarrheas
or cholera infanta*
seizes upon it.
• As you love your child, mother, salt
korisla to save his life, give him Dr. F•wItet a
act of Wild Strawberry.
ere is no other refnealy so sato to
to children and none so effectual.
rs. Chas. Smith, Shoal Lake, Mac.,
: "1 think Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Strawberry is the best medalists that
ever made for diarrhoea, dysentery
summer complaint. It is the best
g to give children when they ate teeth -
1 have always used it in tour awn
ily and it has never yet failed."'
E. & D. Quality Siltj.sfles
-The E. & D. -wheel is the Only Can
adieu bicycle that has bailt up United
States business. it is the only bicycle
with Four -Point Barings
(4' ,
r4 XIS OF fit/fi
en four -point bearings the load is
mitted in a direct line, and there ts no jam-
ming of balls in the races. In ordinary bear-
ings tbe load is transmitted at an angle,
wl ich greatly' increases thelpreesete on the
parts of the bearing. In 04 Jib & D. four -
paha bearing, the bearina never sustains
greater pressure than the mallet load on the
bisycle. In ordinary beariags the pressure
is often three times the aatual load. E. &
D. locally guaranteed Natienat bicycles have
fo inpaint bearings in the crank -hanger, the
hubs, and the head. The hearinga are guar-
anteed for three years.
• E. & D. Road Models, men's; $60
E & D. Road Models, ladies'., $60
E & D. Special Hectare witb gc ar case 870
E. & D. Racieg Medan 470
Wel, tically guar-
iberal rptions are given id saddles, gers, tires.
The E. & D. being a nationalhe
teed. Catalogue on applIcatien.
In the P molegleal Department.
: At the A ituta exposition in 1S)0 there
Was a , " romait's building" •on ' the
groends, ni a the committee in charge
ma1a o a str ng effort to secure a diversi-
'fie exhibit from rta parts of, th a smith.
Tot that cu mancratia letters were ads
dressea to 1 romincnt women asking thine'
to -send' an thing that ,would • be curious
,and attrac ive. Among those . who re-
sponded w s 'a lady who lives .n Rich -
weed and vim is a member of the old .
Vieginia -a istoctacy. - Being r aturally !
proud. of h r descent, it occurrel to her '
-that the ft med !copy of her fateily tree
would be n interesting object and :it
: was accoi ingly expressed . to the com- .
. mittee.
• :Later on he lady visited the exposition, -
aud, of corse, a le Of. the first things she
Iodised for vasIt c own contribu ion, but, ,
-strange to .ay, s leaves tillable to find lt. '
Thoentire exhibit was neatly catalogued;
and, runni g over the book page by page,:
she at itt enc inntatred the eatry she
was after, "Family tree, loaned by Mrs.
----a of We mond." , .
When sl turned back to where itlivas
' locatea, he .. 'treed Virginia blood curdled
in her veil . Ite was: in the "Po nological
t To facilitate yo
you scoured
• The charges; ea
Local Manager
• phone Company
gao.e you rates.
r bee nese, have
f the
ill bo
ate. The
Bell Tele -
pleased • to
For over a year we have bird i e ileac tor the sale oi
INDAPO. Our first order itias f r a quarler el a dozen,
our last for One Hundred and For 4011/ D liars worth.
an of,
THE Gite,sq
1-11TiO00 REMEDY!
Results in 30 (laws. Pares
all Nerrus Diseases. Failing emery
Paresis Sleeplessneas, Emis-
sions, e r., caused by past nee , giv
vigor anti size to shrunken' or ans. a
surely lestoros Lost itianitoo4 in old o
Resit • marled in vest peicket. Price $
Six for $5.00 trill& a written pttarce
atone refunded Do102 510 Y Alf I
f sour d
instst n hay) na mrD .
,,ca it, we w,ill send it peepai
uesetio neeene co.. Pro.:prs,
This rapid increase proves it
who trio it speaks well 01. Y
' I
rs respe
d gni Ia but
.00 a package,
ea /0 care or
u,ggist has not,
. or our Agent's.
y that everyone
Moral, Ont.
Two bic
town on
to take tit
to inquire
to the rid
e aro
you kindl
nd Paxplicit Directiours.
•clista paesing througi a sMall
he Long Island short decided
o traio from there home. Being
with, the Place, Alley stopped.
of a colorad woman the •way.
Way ata t ion.
'sty:thetas," they sake "Would
direct us to the station?"
ly sale" she replied. "Keep
umsden &i Wiison,
�u -M
a-goin rig t on till yo' cimles to de corner
wha de o e postotlice used tea be, den
teal to y4' ler an , yo'll go right to de
station." 1 1
As they rode off she beamed with pride,
. they with aniuslements and, althoegh they
found .the station, the -y haee 3 et to dis-
cover the "caviler erhe de ole postoilice
used ter e." I •
. Gei 1ng DoNV.n ;to Business, ,
The law yee was tall ng ot the great for-
ensic effort he intebtl
ed to make when
the case :nine to trial.• , .
"Sir," le said impreseively "I shall
cherge"- , -
"I see, lateen:peal the litigant, "that
businass is bniiiiesa with you , awyers as
well rel tvithebther marehanta end per-
haps you ere right in wanting :lie matter
settled itt the atert. How much wit) yoe
sintorested Affection.
"I'm a mail, aeu'ec marrying
me only 1 eeause Ivo inheritec Iran my
- uncle 100 000 crowns."
"Why, Blanche, how can yen' think'
that of •ne? •Your unele, is hothing to
me! I ivould marry you, no matter from
whom- y u inherited the money1"-Der
Floh. *
:if you have Sile, Creenish,
or Sallow Coriiplexlen, Cold
Hands and Fec4, Loss of Ap-
petite, Dyspepsia, .Laok of
Energy or Sto0aoh Troubles,
A Case Where Good, Hard Grit Captured the 1111411ance Coratnittee,
and Where Tears and Ple,adinga
Would Have Proved of No Avail.
"A man's nerve is a good thing to have
with him," said a mining expert who has
been all over the' west for the last 30
yams, "especially when he is in my busi-
nem 'When I was a youngster back here
in the east, I always avoided fighting
with other boys simply because I didn't
like to fight, and they used to liek toe on
all occasions, not So tench- because I
emaild not fight as because I would not.
When I came west, though, as a man
and got into the atmosphere of straps I
fotand• th'at if a man didn't ha.ve kis nerve
with hint. he never would amount to ally -
thing, so I braced up aud foiled I ceuld
hold my Own about as well as tke aver-
age, t'hough I kept out of *rouble as far
Afl I could.
"The nerviest chap I ever RAW was a
horse thief in Nevada. It was 25 years
ago at Pioche, Nev., whicb. Is off the map
now, I guess, and the town was all torn'
up over the loss of horses by the depreda-
tions of thie-ves. Finelly Mike Corey, a
well known Piochan, lost a fine bay mare,
and Mike thought enough of her to take
native measures to get her back if possi-
ble and punish the thieves. He sent word •
out to all the camps and settlements, and
hi the course of several days he heard of
the mare at Desert Spring, about 15 miles
atvaye A man had bought her over there
from a party he did not know. -
"Mike made all the inquiries he could,
and at last we had a 'round up' -that is,
we put guards over the town and called
on all the inhabitants for miles around to
come in and be identified. Four hundred
and fifty men reported, and all were duly
accounted for but three. These three
could not satisfactorilyi explain them-
selves, and they were locked up until we
feould have the Desert Spring man pass
ies them. He came and at mete said that
4,-t .ey were the crowd who brought the
is are to Desert Spring.
- "That was all the testimony,we want -
el, and after a trial by a picked up jury
taf Iriti socloi.slep.otecothiLosIgieisnali,o.osT:fnenii.lneii toeemina: asIcle:seiat1),Ilt.aitfdlilgio.ti ;tint:nil-I: eiejisIdelsish:et.la-tilifein,t;:ggrotehoinu-aticgitth,tanhoicedaglts rehliiiioatiu[nh.sn ecil. leiaAriieleti
ti he hanged that same afternoon down
s onotdetriauletrh. elawr,rai:oinngaltIldieida,rivoenne Iiiintadiret:tvtiates
1 nib of the tree with the rope dangling
own from it, and when he was properly
djusted for the application of the rope
ur leader took a ktank book out of his
locket end addressed the prisoner:
"What's your name?' says he. 'I don't
can the name you go by out -hem but
our real- name the one they know you
.y at home?'
"The prisoner gave his mune as re-
ltuested, and it Was not .the same by
hich he was known -by in the west.
'"Now your address,' continued the
ceder, after writing down the name,- 'se
ve can notify your folks that you are
cad. Of course we won't' say that We
ung you for horse steeling, but will call
t accidental or something like that, ao
.hey will not feel so bad over your loss.
Anything else you want to say or word
eei want to send will be put down in this
bock and your last wishes will be atteud-
ed to as far as possible. Now, what have
you got to say?'
"The man begged and pleaded to be let
go, making alasorts of promises, tbelead-
er in the meantime writing down all the
facts he wanted for his final report.
"'Drive on, he said briefly to the man •
at the airs, and the horse thief was
awung from the wagon Seat and held up
by the rope around his neck.
"Then the wagon was driven around, '
and the second man Was put in, and
when he was under the limb and the rope
'fixed the leader took out his book and
pencil. and asked him the usual questions,
winding up with, 'No*, what beve you
got to say?' .
"He told subh a pitiful story of wife
and children and temptation eind bad
company that the crowd began to weak-
en. Tbe ieader closed his notebook with
a snap. 'Drive on!' he commanded, and
the next instant the prisoner was swing-
ing and the wagotemeed around for its1
third and last load. ,
'This chap was an ugly, little sawed
off cuss, with a face like iron, and be
had watchea the entire proceedings with --
out turning a hair. He stepped to his,
place and* teak his seat like a •soldier
facing a fort, although his .arms and legs
were tied, and he couldnot move with
much grace. The leader, as well as the
rest of us, was more or less moved with
admiration for his nerve, and when the
old man took out his notebook an -d pencil
he was quite pleasant in his manner.
" 'Well, Shirty,' lie said, addressing
him familiarly,. 'what have you got to
l'"Drive on!' said the prisoner as calm -
la as if he had charge of the funeral, and
tie effect was so startling that the whole
e -0and .broke into applaese and asked foit
stay of proceedings.. It was a case of
good hard • nerve winning, against big
tsiuED AT _
. NO
When you do no ‘isc Di'. Ward's
Blood and • Nerve P41;.i1s to counter-
act these. conditic.n$. ? Be-
catisthey ccrita*.r.ti nat-aral
elerntats up the
human syste.rn. v:.77 • te
to tile and
is ac..,2.-1,On Ly tivf.. si
pared for al-:so'..yElon
Dr. \lard's ; r
pr hehela
fsse it el'e.v Ire.thh Career:h. the.
whaas hu,nan fre -a.
You f3al
whall I/Cs:3 'La
atici C711 :; • -
411 cf.; pee hox, Ile, li 1.*:"41 rr al. All (Ivrea
..e.; or s sSi aa e, ear 3.
Grist mill running night and day, and all
kinds of work done ou the shortest notice
First-class roller flour exchanged for wheel.,
H1:2-3 C Q 13,1NT
On hand a quantity of good feed corn for
sale at lowest prices,
All kinds of first-class logs wanted at a e
mill, for which the highest cash price Neill
be paid. Call and' see us before dispoaibg
of your logs.,
Our guar-
antee means
We are not
to:morrow ;
to find us.
back. No guess iwork.
Accurate, scientifiC measurements and
tests. Difficult cases a specialty.
Ask Your Friend
about Ring Otality Shoes.
Ten to owl she'll say "there
are none better."
They are favorites with
good,dressers, because they
are comfortable and yet
stylish—stylish and yet eco-
Ask an expert their price, and he'll
say "$5"—he'd be wrong—for while
they are worth it, eur price is $3. TRADE.
That's one secret of their success.
Ask to see King Quality Shoes." 1jHo QVALIT
here to -day and away
you; know just where
vision or your money
to get the Best
A cheaVy made cream separator
is dear at any price, because faulty in
construction, liable to break, and diffi-
cult to operate. The Sharpies No. 1,
with a capacity of 325 lbsan hour
and the Sharpies W. H. 8, with a ca-
pacity of •300 lbs, are the finest pro-
ducts of the largest and best equipped
cream separator factory in the world.
The materials entefing into the con-
struction of these, machines are the
best obtainable. The work is done by skilled -workmen, and is subjected to the
most rigid inFpection. Without fear of, subEtantialiContradiction, we can say
that for ease in operating, clean skimming and durability, there is no other hand
power cream separator made by any one anywhere that is equal to the Sharples,
We sell these machines on their meiits. We bait vS, that the buyer should be
allowed to decide which machine is best for him to buy. We leave them to any
intending buyer for a .s‘rtek OT ten days, 'with privilege of -returning the inaehine
if not perfectly satisfied. with it. Price of No. 1 achine, 9O,$W. H. S. ma-
chine, $75. Write fer illustrated catalogue. See -sample machine at Hinchley
Brothers' warerooms, Seaforth.
W.' L. OUIMEfTE, Lond.esboro, Ontario.
edds, and the prisoner. was told he might
liave a chance for his life. ne didn't
break down, then, either, but said he
would do nothing Or say nothing until we
had released him from the ropes around
his arnis and legs, and we sooli had him e
loose. Then he told us that if we would
ke him have any old ping of ft horse and
ten lioars' start he wouldn't ask any
odds of anybody. • He got the horse, and
he got the start, anti he got out of the
conutry quick, and we _never Lteird of
him again, but I have always theught we
Jet the worst one of the gang get away
simple because Te had such a high re-
gard for nerve."
The Backaching Kidner Sufferer
• Is Not Referred to Far Away reople For
ackache Kidney Tabi,et Evidence.
Rolls Up Volumes of Proof in Every Olace.
Mre. John Pinkney, Goderich St., West,
Seaforth, says My little girl, aged 11
yea's, has from childhood been delicate.
The back and kidneys have given lots of
pain and trouble, particularly in the bed
wetting, so common in children. Nothing
eeemed to release her in any way until I got
a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney
Tablets from Robert's drug store. The
tablets began to take effect inInicdiate)y,anct
by the time the first and only bottle was
done,`the treuble that had existed so long
was gone. I am delighted with them, and
recommend them heartily."
• 3, 13. Thonapson, grain buyer, Board
Trade, Sea -forth, aays ;-" Some years ago
had an accident, resulting in a back and
kidney trouble. The pain was first in frost%
and finally shifting to the small of the beck
and hips. Change in the weather or exer-
tion aggravated it. After using meaty tbings
suggested without relief, I got a battle of
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets at
J. S. Robert's drug store, anti found them
juest what I wanted. They took hold an -
mediately, and although 1 Aid not quite fin-
ish the bottle, tbe pain, soreness and kid-
ney derangement was cleared away. 1 am
glad to endorse there."
If you bave the slightest symptoms of Kidney or plaider trouble you can test this
great medicine free. Arrangements have been made whereby every reader of this
paper can obtain a trial package of Dr. Piteber's Backache Kidney Tablets absolutes
ly free by enclosing two &mat stamp for postage to The Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto
Ont. When giving address mention this peper.
If you are convinced Pitcher's Tablets are what you want, you can obtain a regular
size for 50 cents per bottle. If not obtainable at druggists, mailed free of postage on
receipt ofi price."
Treatment That Failed.
"Fen have been suffering from sleep-
lesmiess," said the physician. _
"You hit it the .first time, doe," said
the worried looking patient.
• "I don't want to give you any seda-
tives if 1 can avoid it. -Ho -re is a plan
that works well sometines: Just try to
picture yourself another person asleep.
Your own sleep will Come through sug-
"Huh! It is the othaa fellow asleep':
tbat is worrying me. I get a roommate
that' snores like a buzzsaw going through
a knot"- •
Had Read it
"Dia you read my latest novel, entitled
'A Terrible Experience?'" asked the
novelist, -
"Yes," answered the bluntly candid
friend. ."...and that's what it weal --
For Infants and Children.
the in-
ot! Can't
THE . .
Imperial Oxford
Will make in your kitchen—until you see its patented improvements.
. If you're a housekeeper call at our nearest agent's and examine its new
features and devices for saving time, trouble and fuel—the first cost of th
Range is a small matter when you consider the years of economy, comfort and •
convenience it will give.
For sale by SILLS & 'ORME, Seaforth,
The Gurney Foundry Co., Liiiited, Toronto, Winnipeg,
• Vaneou4er.
J. D. McNAB, C. E.,
Engineer for Wingharn, Seaforth,
Howick, &c,
Cement Sidewalks, Sewers and Townahip
Drains will be given special attention.
At, Queen's Hotel.
1693 -if
System Renovator
A specific and antidote for Impure, Week and Im-
poveziehed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplesenerra. Palpete.
-Mon of the Heart, Livor Cenrtplaint, Newsier', Lose
of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Mehra
Jaundice, Ki- nay rend 'Winery Diseases, St Vitale
Danee, Female Irzegularieles and General Debility.
LABOItATORY-Goderiche Ontario,
j. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann,
Sold by 3. B. ReseaTs, Seifertb.