HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-06, Page 8h TE[Ei ON EX POSITQA JULY aq igoo
'DISTRIOT MATTIMRS. treat, and �marcbed to the recreation nee. or 0gle here as the dealers in Lou- big dimy's bores rseen on Agust 6t, $800 Is, bead�d by the band, I ivas com. on$ 11 I'D paying for the best Irish in purem—Tw hundred and eighty tickets rouu( a
Jf prices do not go ways NEWWW" osed b the Boor lacro so teaur, in Sea or, th. Races and asiall hen fruit. were sold from B It's Al I . - . �ussols to Guelph on Wed. f �rl gohn �oer uififoim! and -a cam o tin red up co 8iddr-ably before fall there is not like. nesday to visit the Model Fam—On July
V* pate, while John Bull and U,ao a Sam bad ly to a much margin for shippers bare at ftd, at 7. a, m -i the fir I a A arm wi 'laces. 0 y f me Bus -at the
romincob p 'e rn reaching h`e grounds ha r te. The Misses Smith, of Hamilton, soundedt and the brigade g6t out and
w I tw"n the lacrosse mate was phq daugh era of Dr. Smith, of the asylum, are found- the , stable of Jl� D. Ronald all in PITB CIA 1'tclh� as W& JU Y 1-7 and. 18 t t WON T T a fhatch created no. I wo Gov) G sale bmitending forces, A it! g their grandmother and other friends Raman, caused by putting hot ashes in B ogels, a form btle amusement,, ut, althoi irs "b
or - student of the Sea rth .it gh I Ili hh The many friends of Mine Queenio barrel in the stable,, This is the only fir Collegiate Institute, has been winning aur. howed. some skil, th y were ft al LoPholfor M eCo , daughter of Rev. J. McCoy, for- Brussels has had Mi one year Peeple's
h kI ; on the same ele for herself and the school which sh Qr- ritis a ii I and endu ance andl of course, 17 O IN PU $1, RSES erly of Egmondvillet will be pleased to d0o last year the G. T. R. station was
The band plays i .. . mcilyattended. $he li�p-just gradu ted cot. a numb r of eiecel. h eat selections, and th larke' or wd present learn f her success in her musiail studies. borned.—Mrs. Thoas Haycroft in visiting It honors from t!le� Chicago ig In th( recent examinations at the Toronto im� Hamilton for a few weeks. U with higlies POP' I -A ..'store,
School, winning ith' edal for the igh. fully enjoyed the ei ening's rogramme. 0 6ning of New Half Mile Jral�k ANovol thaVs -orth While.. 4 gold 0 t Conse!vatory of Music she stood first in the THE' RXIDPEMPT ON f bAVID OORSON cot standing, and i gold il for the i m,dal �ih- The proceeds -of the d y amoun ad to over VOO&I 3611111 and graduated with the degree Grand Stsud,- etc. Brucefteld. 9_=RR B est average during� the year. 9he has a so $175. y of -A, r. 0. M.—The Ladies' Aid of the ;B. R. HIGGWS, Brucefield, Notary Public Charles Frederic Goss. passed the examination qualifying bar O be Moth. diet Church will serve a hot dinner i It, could hardly be otberiise. being the fa. PROGRAM M R. n C�uvsyaocsr, 'Fire and Life Itiourance a ut. Any
Alf -i, NATO he amount of mioney to loan at 5 per ce ge
a on first-class vorite shopping,. place of t vjEry.—Ab a meetin f 111' Masses
any fr�eds will be glad EGIMONDVILLE CHRI TI, : � E -N. R SO—.— theb ementouthe 12ch of &uly. T A KENT SQUI E teacher. Her In this FIRST DAY, U, he
0 society the - 141rrn security. Mortmes drawn 14 woney ad -
By to learn of her suc?e9s, ' - $26 00 Salva lob Army will also serve one in their visnoed free of expense to they keep it bj&6ing, durig he liv'
following officero we a elected for the next 2-40 Noe and Trot . ................. Purso 0 She borrower. Also a ........... soo Oo barra ke.—Mr. Henry Campbell,' of Buf- limited amouni of privalle funds at 5 cent. IqOuthe otphe ear,
—Mr. B irus, term: President, Mis M. A. McGregor 2:80 paoe Tot:: ........ F, NV. Hayes. BU'N SCOTCF� CONCERT. 2:10 Pads -&no �00 00 fald, ow York, nephew of Mrs. Sutherland, All home a rnd Wedhooday esah trade PHILIP WIINW OD 2.26 Trot very morning I 77!
L 'O'C y
la 0 vice president, Mr. ohn Me sy corres- itait infle a. 2 in Then, again
Scotch 11pported bi. Tyl M. Lean. 126 00 Coat 0 streett spent a few days this week week. lJoy-aral Rood faraid for sale. 167 In the quieter months ip
By with L_h as
187=9 ponding'secretary, Miss Bella Carnal, SECOND
rano lugs; bh rionds rkin will Their best, is your beat Ready -To -Wear every Spare moment. io who is I& rich ac cot- July and Augmt
X Stevens, .110itt recording Se3retary, Mi]os G, E. Elliott - 2:24 it here. -Rev, Mr. Lai laud, and Miss Annie MoZlsy, piano been d 2:20 Purie, $goo 00 prao a special sermon to the Canadian diothing. If The E. MoFsul Co., Seaforth, is taken -advantage of by itg im Xnalize.
treasurer; Miss Porter; organisto, 2: 10 Pace an Trot ................... -060 00 O
THE' PREPAR TION OF and' accompanist,�of Toronto, will---gve A. C a of Foresters in the Presbyterian hwro not been selling better suits to thlir meat to make improvements Misses Orertie Vatmig 4gis M. Irive-sighth lie run; 2 in 8 ........ 126 00 nd sti�dy-
-RYERSON EMBURY high elms coqoefb in Cardno's, hall Son- end and M a chur h, on Sabbath evening next, 'and the c' the public wan
ustomers than they would have got else- ts in the new and fash
DY forth, on Friday' 4veniuv, July 13th.. NJ r. Sproat. - Conveners )f commi tees.-LOOk Rkl�WA RATU.-Ons Ci:l and one- mom ere of the lodge will meet at their hall wkere for -the same money, then their effaits ionable goods the coming geato
R, Carman a Out,� Miss Flora. Dinney; pra er meeting, third from i ill skallone no fun i - - t nz so miles. M, 111. I
Barn comes to us with the hitghes�t r com- at 6, skarp, preparatory to marching to have been ffuitles% for tht was the point They strive toalwayis have in Stock
dn-g6 MI — 11an; social, Miss Ll me lucl,.4 Sy Is Is -VA J choice Of every dry goods demand. A GENTLEMAN PLAYER mandations as a Scotch m' , a nd hter- turnino not &ter likan day aflor last dx.1 wf mo-oting. till a urch Mrs. J. R, Lyon, of Toronto, they sought to attain. We honestly be. tainer and is de'se ire Mist Jennie 8 roat, rving of a airge Ouse. was i9iting at the residence of her brother, lieve, however, that their eust6mers are If y M. BRODERICK, our present trading 1plae does not ex. ThB, 4�-
L. N. Stevens. All who delight in the 11,guid aul 0 e ngs," Mr. D. D. Wilson, this .week,—Messrs. ing values tbatre going to send �bsm 1096 Sea. Tort Club, Geatotth Ont. ; Wear f actly provide f A DOURLE TUREAD will mine a, treat if do not iittten E0 110'.4'MVILLE No S. Mr. obert Haw. - William McKay, J. F. McLaren and Alex. or your shoppinz wants back their next now suit. a We believe, or then ite an in thorne, who has been away working in Win- they'll never find anything in the ex-memble, i4ustice 'both BV a Oldh1aw e up with the Toronto Old eve ailso that
raelf Ind to your parse to Pa Tharneyo, b r. nipeg, returned hom last we k, His old uent�addross of -welcome to the' visitors. sy and stoppe.& Off at Soxforth srb of clothes making there, but tbe'.ver to you I d to ve, him agai and have a without ,givi
Fowle OF TI(E RApF, TAA O.K. -Th new f ri ends, are glad to ve, gai need this store THE, MARKET PLACE, I ng it a trial 01 he mayor of Goderioh also read agi address to vi it friends here. -Tee*ther in warm best production. 1699.1 race 6ack of the, Seaf6rth Turf Asso iatiou hearty 1'shake hands. e s er a vacation of woloor. is and presented the villpori with but averable for saying the 'hay SCHOOL E=XG.—A meeting of the This isn't So be By the, " glorious crop.-
wasfirst opened to the publio riday commenced in 'our- T' Max Thursday is ts in Priut� Valt be� P i ichool On Friday last. caute i Harold Frederic. P- on the keed4 of the town for kho qay. To and im- trustee board of school section No. 3, g v -goo liand the cause the people, the d
evening last, w�eo. the 'band, a their Ttyis time for sevell weeks. Miss Agnes this addri as, Mr. W illison, on beh�lf of the mor &I twelfth," and it is expected to be a Tuckeismith, will be held -in the school on prices have made it so.. STI�ONG A.P.41 weekly. concert there in place of the park, Cummi of the vill ige, is -ape ding a' few Toronto 2d ,Doys' Assooh�tion� replied. red letter day for the brethren who attend Monday evening next, at eight o'clock, for THE D The annual Despiti the cold weather - -w goodly or wd orf days W' Mr c xr gor, f Tuck. the Seaforth. demonstration. 'BY ith and N, re, M Ili P he county,j in -t the transaction of business, in connection To create additional shopping interetauri. most Robert BArr, pleasure d ivers and others - were P esent.' ersmith.-Mr. Jameo Boland, f our village,' addr4rais eloomed the visitors o*1 behalf of bowling tournament will be held'i on the with the school All who have complaints July. special$ are being �.O w rden of t a no&
r eazi fenced in, must be a faithful workm4n, shown in
Also tw book th tare atilt selling The grounds haN'.e all �b a he has so the c�u in here on'Tuesday and Wednesday next. to make Lagdies, Plowio ut F, and: Mr- Di Weismill�r replied green re requested to be present, 9 End KerZhief Ties er call tol commodious an comfortable grand 4tand cured anoth' it -the ,k to work at on behalf of the Old Boys. Mr. Aloore, the L JoTTixc;s.—Mii# Edith Sewers returned Collars� the very latest sty H DAV I D Woodsto adies are cordially invited to %qSj in all th R the coppering. Its
y cry,,
green. —A o has been ereoted and Stable accomm datrion fo 6 ball match betw a the Kip. home last Saturday for the summer va- ner lines Underwear. author a that beautifal and patriotic song, e Sum
OVI L ed has been pr for race 'horses The Ze-1 a play cool Edward Noyes estootL Th� M le Leaf," who scoomp*ni Pon club &ad the junior Hurc ad oation.—Mrs. Scott and MissA gio Beattie noted for its ness Ribbons for
ad the half mile track a in the piuk of eon ition. B u ,Q I x. H,,� s Fon StLE—HiWing had the -6 f Toronto, delivered a4 eloquent on the recreation grounds on Fri0ay even. have returned from a v it to estmin' B KIT KXNN X D COUNrRY BOV 4! 4st ore i om t elteandWeckwear- Gloves made to, thing is n w i n an offor of. a good will offer illy decided to give up buin so In Scato th and A Patri)tic address, This concluded the r; to in the most Popu. Every n readi ess for th 'gr alturtion n'the nea future, I have ng last, in the Crawford cup sepies. The a—Mr. 'and Mrs, George, Hart nd 4fle, fit and wear; Corse openiDg races on July l7th and 18 h an �lp score of I goal to 0. cfor sale y nice new sto e with dw IlIng above, to. formal p.-oceedings, and the 'visitors dis� pen boys won by a Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Sootb nd Mrs. M. lar makes. I105: tickets were sold at this 4tation on Scott went to: Goderich on Weduesdav 'on the only thing !required to insure a gra th flin Al stock of abolee M. pers d ti 1 t grocerlep, he various hotels fdr dinner. Isuccess a S is fine 1we bher. he entri cellent programme of In These books ii stock at Afte di er an ex Wed iesday, on the Huron Old Bo.ysexcur- the Huron Old toys excurelion. —Dom" ion CURTAINIS AA N-1 D MUN d Af very quietly here. Anum. Pure Manila hay rope, Ply.. outh binder ic by, the bands wa in Sion.—Misses Cecil, Terems and Agnes Me- Day passe 0 n be big orowds of peoplei so and L,,r Inc inachl o oils All at right Kepna, daughters of Dr. McKenna, Toronto, bar of our citiz' i the day in Bay. PAPSI jhe�e on both aye, twine, Peerld REM EM BES large, and judging f rdoi reports the a- will spo "I I " ultural paik, and this ad ens spent THE PLACE rig her aarlia, Of ugrinviesuh 1 g
pribe W J11ttI& Co. soaforth. 1099.1 DRAERIES. ArcTrox SALE', ( F F amukenie t for all for the remainder of the re;visiting at the residence, of Mr. Thomal �eld.Mr. R.: B, Higgins received a. letter -ANN Ay ACCIDENT,—Mr. WillM 0 URX T('RF,, — Thop. dayJ T a visitors left Goderich on the -RUN by publi auc!tl�on if r Mrs, WrLloyd, Zidd.—Mrsi Leonard Smith returned 'this week Irom, Dr. R.; R. Elliott., of Dan- These are two essentials in the perfect. BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. nochan, of . Tuckersmith', and, Re Brown will soil The pr t her residence, on Sa urtin 3, at 2 Wc*ock, a retain t p about eight ' I 0. Monday from a three weeks' visit to friendi 'ver, Colorado. The many friends of Mrs, ing -of a home. Well the La�e Ca r ek.
y quantity of flrs� ol"s h usehold f 111ture. ceedings passed off mo:t 0 Elliott will be Pleased to know that's)ie has taint t Larkins Of Seafortfi- h 'q�ite an itin ,,� fu in tratford and vicinity.
ad on Tuesday venn y war Pleasantly and hey're showingare much prettier experience fully recovere4 from bar long illuese.—Mr. -4th.- FALL. TER. 4 OP -Ems SBPT. g ink ft irpurh all Remember -Bur 'a Sootc Concert in wer� par icipated in by an immeo'se � crowd in design than; those hown in must .drivin i;wn cardno'? Hail, SeAforth, July 13M 169911 of Oonstance. 'Nelson was seVerely injured on Tuesday stores. _eOpI from the surro naing1towns and
The dainty 111my
when opposite I the. re i a ce Of be eflacts to be WAXTEb. by July cou0try, and a great many!more *cold have LSAG un. —Mrs. -Copeland took charge o �last wbiloworking in the saw mill. He got —500 it be of b bter .1 I I seen in the finer nets, would add eels cia in e, o th 16th. Eggs 13c, butt ir 18c. W mus have the beeld pre ept had suitable ral[w epworth league topic last Sunday eve, :caught in the bolting �and came out with a per This Scott one of the f,ront'wheels' came cent, to the Appearance -of any rwin abuggy, M r. rrange- th -jumped I , t a ri quantity, Cash or trad �rkia G. E. King, Wiugb%ni. tnen�s b a made. The day, nccaloulbt, will Ding, giving an excellent missionary ad broken arm and was otherwise badly in. leap (I I I � filled out with and at e I 4jury. Mr., Carnuch n a 1698-tf improper haughwe. be Iong remembered by rn�ny, a0d we have dreils. Nexb Sunday evening, iss LOW jured.—HayiDg has commenced and the Many of the drapery in& not go fortii1nate', so'be was thrown ut 'An terials are 8TRA OD, ONTARIO, iT Ti. BEST. Don't fo I with educa- eve�y as urance that many. old. aqd pleasant McCully will take ihe topic T e power o farmers are kept busy mowing the heavy rich in desi ag-and colorings. Jud had his hand h*rt, . The* wheal 00 Ing Q tion, if you wanb it th rough'bual ess or ehorthand assop!%ti no were renewed'iand a crop.—Mies Jtssie Ja7mieaou and Howard orse and it for h
No less than it large. business colleges train 16�, . attend the Ce tral au* imss College, atrat- .11 b �l who took small things.11 The monthly ro., I call an�
frightened thel h d (. 14 hold from the efCta these ainty ooloritigi-
T,,,Ipe lo Pr tl -pplied to s w t4in the las6 six weeks -his-college has quipped usaude of young r4 in t a 0, I e� p eased to oo�secration Service will be Adams, of Dakota, are the guests of Dr. have a with a' teli gr ford.. pp demonstratio -duce, oWd-think thomvery.e 'Armstrong.—A Xpenw collidi a pro y men and wumen for bu ihoss Ile. ion-tt hay an her similar visit.,1 for our graduat, w to taet positions as tbach - Ire. Long and children, Of ud madef r hbm We "Ot SO. You can pick out where A i'aft" a byy a Siva, but h London, spent. Ist of!July with her father 811O'RT11X,D.—T e deman for first class —0 Summerhill. some very suitable things ers� ia their schooli, As- many as five busi- at a 12" 10 clip. buggy wa badl or is daily Increasing a d if you Intend and mother,Mr. andMrs.J.B.JAm1p'on y, tud 6 f Clinton It - room at a cost yoxellhardly n neas firma have applied. to us in one, day for -Bmuys. —Mr. Robe inter Zoo., smashed and t e harness �vas prett badl saltuod; ny "Or" tbAnd and t ewrl In tlo ( �A L 'NOTES.—Mr. Rove a v
you should —Dr. J. A. Baird, who paid a short v,, to Of1i h I This iA surely the best school demoralized, b t the: ge�ntlemen 'm y 'con Oholral Rms iese olleg shi0ed car of fat cattle to* Toronto on conducted service here lasto a& free. a high speed engIne of theii y r; hism)other and brother in Brnc6fielil, has SUM for you, C 8 Con Robert Montgomery, of arm yo a,
gratalate the. iselves that they a$ a d 1698,- f Me day —Anew Lb, i; vlelt MER it Was -the returned to Al4ntroal, where he *ill' a I well as they did and tilia o y th Miss. Currie Me a ow� ma a ing relatives here this eek.—M J. Lower L,ciwith. tvlr. Burns. at is being placed in tOe Seaforth surgeon in J. _ELLIOTT, Principal th. I ian of house the Roya, Vic- 44 2 rig that was a ashed74 the Scotch Concert, 0 0 13bb, Is an' f dry his week, This has b a at.Blyth tbis� week acting a presiding WASH GOODS. .'Artlot who excels 40 41 W -selection# len render. I 'ayer nt of the peavy. rush ex h ;a 44-6' oil = Hospital. Hii brothe
oto ad ce-i ary on accou &miner, at. the Departments, Examina r, Geor e H. and stands at the top o air pr�ooles lan in Toron Birdl.i n the s filling animportSut position
Tim'CALEGIATE INSTITUTE' 'AT TY F, CO of Work t the foundry, f, IJ. -Melville, tions.—Mr. 1. Brownlee, and V�ife,of Sea, There is no scarciy of them in t'hie,
ticket and passenger office of the Nbithern oFs.—The followlng ex vici ity.—Mra store. The woo f the Sea- h erf town last spring o engage in far1hi ligoods secibn forth Collegiate Institute h upile 0 Xaltr in nea Londesboro, h 9 11(14 big fam a effecti i a. This speaks your every want in tblo.ParticMlar- Aid of the Met) yea hot dinner iodist burch will a r well for the be
JE W;, �`ELRYN p T\v.w,,Tq 010 JUL - �Dnx �uR --The w forth, spent Sapday in this Pacific Railway, at St. Paul"
av� pass�e e Ladies' 9 F.Alcllveen is tecovering from th to inations at the variouo college n univej - in the basement of * th church oi 7rhursda�j, July 1h, ra a intends returnin to tpwn: to re7 of a fall from a bicycle a few Aye ago. of B ucefleld. d -rtment, 1t places e to ..,uy Watc4es, Clod pa just enough a trat be price i of 'the supe sl Melville's man friem(da ill be ion on t Wher ks, 12tb, . Come and h.%vo a good.dino r; n our nice cool a. N r a
bies Fourth year,' -:-Miss Janet arr,,- I sido Mrs, John Sheppard, nee Miss Emil Jewelr Silverware, etc. A., Queen -'s University Charles P. Bishop, room4 Everything onitortable. I Tickets 25c. �eaforth, Thompson, of 'Winnipe it' rior A 110 pleased 0 welcome him b4ok to [E g, is vial Ing unde Lumley., qualities to make you feel like -select* supper will also be sor ed At tille 81 mp place. ormore than one mu B. Ai, University A, bi. Thom� - Mips Al is McDonald, onl� daughter the the parental robf.—Mrs, John Colbourn i NOTE& —Th annu I picnic -of school material mWer The 'q4estio is easily au'awered, if you on, veriDg fromi the effects of her late sick section No. 10 was* held in Mr. John Be. leased with the A,,, R. Belt, Detrot' 1016 Re . A. D. McDonald' Irge
-Miss Matean M X -en _,D. P., former.- reoo
I ie, ho 9 You'll be p Will cma, to a, her & Son's old $Ltand op- Law School ; Dr. IV. A. K - accomPan- ly of So forth, w e marrie�d in Detroit, on ne83, Glenn's w ods. Although the weather Many different, Tstyled patterns shown err, M d- les Mr. Burns at the 8 oJoh 0-- 0
:Poaitel Reid & ilson'a hardware store, fjon the lath is'a ical Council -. Dr etirriag scotch singer f gre er and oweetnes' to! 4e. Mr. somewhat disagreeable., a large numbor T. Y W �dno sy of last wee:�, Di6kie, � pastor of St. � And 4th, where I avo opened out a bran new Univereity Awe. IWOI-ntosh, Kl [00 ondesboro. were present &no report a pleasant time.— sum ME T
stook of th b �e-mentioaed lihes. I R Oringe'ille. The many of Mr. -ind Fox banker, - of Al first class hoDL ra-and first privem trong man in I r. and The Time is Here hen you need bb .. TI hD tr B r,.—Tho f � i a rde.' goods; warr Special Bon,
year,—J,A, J ck, B.A,# M Soliool, T businces-lo,the man'w th business ducation, Borne N1 i a, Di kie here will unite with �sl in, ex. lightest, coole#6 garments that it is possibI old, station E 8 ILK8,
Seaforth, and'wife, �Alr. Har' BLOUS bargains durink, th� opening mouth, )nbo; 1)'LJR�r men got it b3i hard c perienco, ot ers acquire I rc b by ter ding most hearty congratulat" to to.pecare. We advise all a 0
�rioilyll�ledic, I ta'Idni a course' in tie Oentrai b p f Hansall, " and wife and Mrg, _R101 4s branchea will h -ave my College,; F Clarkson, cult3, Stratford. m star of Chicago, were, last Svinday, the Weve something now in Silks, som re &sea at I E. at a. ��J!e n i cot ball olaba, and t4�.All have Cdls,:-Store, Seaforth; It's t e you'll ge guests of Mr. James Horton. thing different, in colors and pAterup Juslno"" college, th4m. , Oeaforth can bear off tho Oilm, for to,make their �u wom n Adams',
&tteati,. a, Toono Univ F. County of Sou ' ��(e —Mr. gamuel r — h Huron grand Orange citi Jeucitin: Tnatcheo. A match oll this kind batgains in Prints, Piques, D Ities, wn eiirlier in the Season,
Couni �Iwdry "Establishmet, JaCkBOD; 80ho I ene ; Job I celebration in Seafort on the con Ing iptb of JU13. Mug Horton and sister, Ellen., of the bou#dary, froin those sho Esler, Medical aculty, Toronto Un, veri The - mombers of Sou h Huron L. 0. A. Intend bol& wa hel 'I on Saturday - b4tweenj the Parks ling, Ginghamill' Hosiery, were, dnring the past' week i Iti rela- range -consists of tempting effects . lsl,.,,�.FORTH. r1lovea Vast$ an VIS: The r r I -Miss A. R. M Rinlay, Toront Ing their annual colc�br 4lon in the to%,n.o1 Soaforth, aul the Shamrocks, when P' rks. scored W. R. COVi o Un*vers�ity; -and bar all elasscs of gpode suitable fo the war tives and renewing a a i'n3j]Dear. at tempting does. fakvl ure yuged
Man arteby invite all n m inu - s, an ham, Belmont, -and On, Toronto. tjni�,ersiu take p in m*kIng,t Is one of d bh� wi6ather Feason� L "Id They ad a T. j. Rob-inson �rethren d their friends to thelfirs, four.goals in te' thevalues a own -at Boo, �600, 650, 7be Morri6on� Trini y Madical College, i`6h fir t celebrations dyer he] largest and best in the 0 nty. Spocial rail- Sha�uro. ke became so 4ishea tengA that NoTn.s.—League held no in eting thi pleasan b visi b, t�Mrr. A. Cole, who has I been and 90c per yard. rates ani train are pro ed lot that day. thei �e t, he field in disgu�t. T. ig� � I DOM irst..y'e&r,—S. A. ickso way I at. any w0ek, on aceouit of the social h Id at th Visiting relatives, in McKillop has ret red TOLN BANK Hotel accommodation unoqrpisse ; -mo4is served. Toronto La?v ;School -, Miss MoDo - at rate� is, the story of the P eorge Pilemb terian church. There h ITO busy' IN MILLINERY rks r "' ome,—The p�ople of this vicinity t� reasonable ratesi Cot a one I Co e all! and enjoy. Y. as such ald, Toronto. Diversity : P. W larksot , yoursels-os. Look ou � for poste a and p Trott, i 1 former eeforthi a, w era this la�ge crowd that the programme had t with their bay, and report i fa rly good rize lists. 00000. Deatal Collegge ;� Mis j, B, McKinley wit � For'aay Informatior that is i 1 I. weeIr v sitino, oldfPiAnelff X r o b CAPITAL (P idUp). -, S-15 is (5131, y 0 w emaps v vere n 1, a ylatnodist nu on. rr �.&VF. TbomauStephong, sofreti4y of- )omnitt f �= o �11 i enu on. 1 ou ve a great -chanceow to secure a - RESTO honors, Torooto�Univorsfby; 40 Wa a Few � ee; James to w�ith itand the ravages in, we , and ceeds amounting to $70, - Mi a Adeli stYlish *ailor� You may choose from- $1,600 000. F. WeJoh, N. M. f I d pit er, Dental College O.- . Neal; Medioi 1 1670 td his �Ia i s must have be n a sed 'to see Wilkes of Clinton, is visit lots bearing Such popular
0 i i - 9 iing her sunt, mexinop. names as the
Faculty, Toronto University, secon, in fire t hktn Jo in so well. -Mr, -D. cLarep, of Mrs. Pair If ou wish to trade in one of the best Admiral, theiDefender the Coli ii.
.�EAFORTH BRANCH ner V present. -Miss ate Me -
y unb
class honors; Wirl-'P, Gimm-ell, Tri ity Co - 1x(o.-The following ari Glen ich farm, Hibber , spe t D minion Court, of Clinton, is also Main ireet, '$.eafoth. lep, first class hoore, second so olarabi 3 r 0 isiti g friend i Dry Goods places in the west, go to Th6 E. Also from afangil of the L-adiee Lstest
the numbE of ca didates w o wrote �u the day I own with, hill so r. J_.. P. l c - here at present. -Mies Edith Alill , ol Ham. Merl aul Co�3.' Store; � Senforth. Felt Outingiffats in black, in' light" and first pri"man, � This i's only �art- I entrance examinati6n in th insp"torate of L Mr. George B:c VA A, Gerveral Ban Un Business trans. arr whoi has resided 100k, is the gu6st of Miss A. B igham rey, and in fawn. 9 I their fault if you're not already. a customer, list, for a number of iour "young p acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected 6 �!.e -East Huron - in, ;Ile` rth for a couple of ye re', havin pries�nt,-Mrs� and Miss Coup ad ape everythimlgabut the sitoreisa fradein- 9 i
attending colleges iw4ich have- not at pu BO, , a Girl Total secu asituation in Ow ml�So d, nt-eade 8anday with friends at, Kin is Iand advances made on same at -lowest n -Mi Der. They will handle your butter and eggs,
inton 21 35 to th t bri I pd - K.Izz%r, of rates. hedthoir report, 57 io m :0) I hi f
g is aml y
P pros Clinton, was the guesti of Mi and �ive yow the very. highest prices that Wingharn LN 8 perou �town shortly,- r. OKAY Allary gden- this week. , 1 34 5 Bro
oints in Canada, Drafts sold o -n a 14 are being 'paid,. 1699-1 the United S Blybh 14 12 -6 left f6r his borne in Algo a th He Rurope. week, tittes an T. -The Detr it Jon O-Ok th him a lot f A,,,OTJIIIR 1510wmn DEAD. -Death has re-, Dal' o t t oroug bred cattle n I 0 60 8.1 I'll and , Zurich. moved another of the respected pioneers of lonlars of the rnariUge oi Miss Alie M - see. He drove fr m he�e to Owen Allowed on deposits of Dollar and, daughter'Of thel-late'Rev, r. 35 71 Son ith the horses, a m there he TANDURY. B. A., (late ith X this township, �Irs, Archibald Ferguson 36 SAVINGS PE PART M ENT. -tiritei-est t. I f June 27th, gio,'vs the follow �.g 'Pa Total Seaforth, 11 n upward. died at bar rehidenee on the 7th concession Donald 21 29 CarthY, Coley &1 Co.. Torento,) Barrester. Convq3: S. III W. K. PEARCE, and Mrs. ae' r, I o %ty. Money to loan. offices lately oc y morning. Mrs. Ferguson bad Donald, 252 Fiederlok s�reeb, is D be th, d by Collino & Stanbury, over ow il11 Bani, re, Tile - 50 will go by boat. -Miss horoo df Mrs. Ag es , Tyl Bruss 11 d e r 113ro of Marine X t en Sunda Wroxeter -18 '15. 1.3 dity,! ichigan, is the guest of r. Eq 8olicit, r Mana Fortwiv, 6 61 1� McDougall, 1419mov mcbed the good aje* of 79 earp. , She bad
gor. Bootie of the weddiag this evellin f he . % y I 1681-tt been infeeble. health fo)r about two years, 'font,
J' S. P rterhas disposed of hOr handsome 0111y daughter; M isi Agnes Alexina M d "B fancy rices f( r: but had only been laid aside from the more Gooe 0, residon a in ndvile to Air, -8. b US active duties Of life for about two weeks For Season 1900. ald, to Rev. It -'W, Pickle,. of 'Or& FgmO Tf, you buy from us prices re go, ii a
Bicycle, Dry he fl rfs t group of 19estoth to lie per pound. Oat. The wolding is to be a Mi The examiners for t, Geoch" and intends. coming to -Peerless n, 0 0 rom t2f c -h, P 91-1100 up. Great bargair centres, viz, Oliuto Wi ve. 4- isses Guseia and E gr!J if 'before her death. Mrs. Far&
a ni ke t1we on6, The'bay window of the r . oa n n ham ndBlyt J. ickard, son's maiden fy I NL North I'Von Sbroot, L a W068 a n%tive
where thiough pretening season
takes place is' banked wit We sell the c of Perthabirej. Scotland, She was mari W. X. tile Wromony n are Messrs, HO L stOD' Lo gh and Rpbb, 'do,ught re of Mr. William '_&rd, wbo see our 8e count, r name was Janet McNab. I
I arlie-les worth loo to 15c. eapest h ---'est Th fie so ond group. of were �a tending the Conservdtp�y d see us for I lg�bsrjal ear. -palria. studded with fclubters, of daisie a examiners t r t veat mitts in towo, dayan ed tb 0 Music to Mr.- Ferguson- there about fourty-five A.'etJ for tho (fe dorwn Col0pany'GodUr- Nlapfics of th centres a -re Mesa a. Clarks n Shillinglaw at Tor nto, are- home fop Id at tbe b4z hardw4re. The above are c an prive 0 same b,iossIms hido the stal Stara 'of e I Milt wi I be young couple at once to. it -it, Onf_ A fullf I 0 of Ulf.- to -date wheolo I The fai ily of Mr. W. K. C. Ilartl�ib, Zurich_ 1609.2 years -ago, add the
and Robb. Th bliahed �e rc. oly"t'he fqr thc peago oil able corner," -1 ev. D perfi ab, tur- to. Canada, and coming direct 'to P100 aiic from view and � al'u pu, Dom�ni.on bank, went to Ba ry Goods- found in every I vbil' born a, c in4 the lodal pa out Ju y 121fth, Ae d 'on Sa started ofF
lTjiu Nnw IlAnDIVARP�, A
t L Some have alrOA�r been the county of Huron settled on the fa the (elebrated (Jomp:k - o wor twin rm on 0 �,nnings, of the First, 1) -by day,' ore they Will Ppend he summer, orian c;h urol , y y i n you bu YOU the 7th cesip; a of MoKillopt and on Wh4 mouth Brand
a '-Al David eatisfa,cu Boiling at loic to 12�c It ou want a which She continued to reside Of CkV0 nd, Ohio. All whoolo'guaran tew w i r havin . cottage in the Cod re sure 10
'It wi I Tup, 1AT " M S.: STEW UT. -The late W&V 0 "a' a(J'all and examino bololc)'oll pur' b a of Chatham,'an ol r xo'[;i t win until bar sibLle,. Prigr to bin sad laffilotion he
8 ottdr;d6d by tho.r6latives;aiid a iwti� was cheap t we have the Banner
read -the service at 8 q,cl,04-, 9 peerle's death, Here she did well her par A, ft,51 1111� of Muctle pArt3 and sundries kept few a�f - 'Mrs. Richard Ste ait, whoa death as re. o oil Boa per gallon. Diamond axle grami e t to con. busy and active hfo
C of Iii, and bad a jar,
Juoull %n(f Mi to- sms ing biaellij)cti, go circle 'In alw-h and riklwi Ing done, Aloo doaler in at�e friends. - Miss i lle�body,, -a J, riend ( f forred - to in Tj f m, eXi in tow on Monday, While -Nero be W as 4 boxes for 25c. Give us a call. Thei larger oi r to a comfortable and d friends and ae
!6 Week, vert the forest farm.ill
need -Joe, oil, the bride, -will play-ithb. inarche . was born the guest of Messrs, Robert. lawl; George tu.e, the lower quaintances who
8co �Iad, I we supply your wn.A94 Appel k fruitful hmestead,and hereLher children deplored his great In . 4 eep�y
g f In 61al gow' Turn, Mr. Wanles" was bar of 'Zollar, Zurich. isfrtu a. ow I in
11 riage us: mom wed h an eice6dingl (taut Soon 'a bi i fl. n 11 0.
rhe ter her ivi- h her I& grew up around her. Mr. Far
_W_A_r_VS C) MT� one of iltite o 'iade wi a ,a -f it n a, Rev. i I Ir. Larkin s' congregatipu in Chat G.' 1HOILtirrial guson died the 81st'yeat of his ago at the -tim And ehey em Nozr-'Alr, 'and Mrs, a about 18 years ago. he leaves a familyf death. of b 8 n th looked bi 'g-ra be4 to Oitario, settling bam" aid was delighted to hav� another op. ha,ve"returned from
skirt t�llmmed it .thted deep cooraka first in 'the towns, ipJ of E's luesing, 'Michigan, bringing wil
NURT11 MAIN bT., 6liATORTIT, where h :tr! o sons' and three dLaughters. She was a -Mr. Robert Haines who w" plaited flouno6s. 'he. wa:i8t i s, tri portilin ty of hearing his formerl pastor here thern their two grand children. em -
mm cl they remained.ten ears, 11hey 'then came oil 8u day. -Mr. and M enzie, of -Mr. living, 'worthy woman, and plyeoin�the Mitchell oz .1gin Advocate offio for ance Agent & Deal- 'It" lace and accord:on plaited ru as, a d to the township c N�orris, in this county, ran to. - - ever Of' neighbor, a wise wife and re. cK'
ME ur Gelieral. ; 8 oak, spent Sundv and on J�ibler, of Toronto, 14 visiting his pa' the only Ornament U be worn'. wit -14'js a which �vai theii al WOO 4ay with Mr. -0. Fritz one of our popular shoe' counoill big wife * few days Ago er =Ing Madnnei4. 6�1rlawillerness.' There an affectionate'motber, She -oar" b Mr. tin Mrs. 0. W. Papst, Mr. Frank dealers, was mar 3y y eight hours' illness.�-, 'She - pearl brooeh, the if of tile brid-o' mothe - sh6 with her huab n ve f ied Ea'�itoba afer
103D acellithe pri. Scot on Thursday latti, i t h a S186 as spent her. full time here and her mem.
Scott, Ceedito r of An aigrette in thd hair and a sh ow b vations' o *. V. uqu b io e r fe, a in time, Itke of Blu6vale# brother o Dr, n, to Mrs. Wurtz. They left on tf a cry will be long and. lovingly cherished -by AIDxikt I con Mi en unday and Monday witf bisi father, early train for'Buffalo d th - America a those who were, near and dear o her. The; -The d' e mo 6 'most Indil on
Aito Won C We wish th U M t 1hernaelyea-it er eath of Mrs. William Anderson, -
found r: Scott, sr., and othc� �iends here. hr
_�.rifty people,
B e the Cook, 'b000ing' to to P f every needed, Mr em allo�Ossjblehapp�- remains wereLlaid to rest Mon: L- Don't Trow, of tratford, Ont., wi�l,bo't c tt is one of the ol i*b an' in the E d Poole occurred Friday a brid p earthly ad�nfort.. d�ancing years, however, d 'most D600 --Rev. Mr. Whitesides, of Dear Moa-' vilte cemetei . y on Tuesday, beside b ese of. She was the thir morning,22ad ult. abtenclant, ho is tc 't nec6aff r for bol h to retire fromL highj� respected residents and �usiuegs men teeal, who has been visiting Mi. J, A. him who had daughter of Mr. Andrew, only vve�r p le pink rendered I
so long shared her joys nd' Burnet. -sick only abo t twoj of Blu Yale and seems to weaP well. - Mr. Vvilli!tms, preached n the Evangelic4l sorrows in this life. he h44 been. on muslin -gown trimmoil with L d paure toe exii6ing duties o� farm ife and about T h 0 6 'Grieve, of the 2od �prioeogio of weeks, and, althopgh her death was -not un- (4ve Y()tiv 11)(4c chance wit,h our 2,w volvet, and will carry pink 8wopt'i As. Y&ii ago they sold their fine farm and M nw, church on Sunday eveninglast. C, Steiel. a J'yakin Will Brown, of il op, has put in a now iga'olino engine me Tea litild (iold Se Powdor ; tbere D606tit, will'46 , e t n dame-�to. MOT � expected, yet tho i end CaL 1esido in 1,ggorn tow. was in 8,eaforth on' Mond�y - very Suddenly;
Mr. i
will ho woreL 01 and Mr. Robert McDonald, - of 14 1 from t. 'a works of McCulloch, r,, -held a family at Gr -d Notes. She leaves a husband and eight in horne and more 11 8 4rt - iedearly L 'g�nearsla i 01,0R.ndWeirn-ceS that Goldie Tertb,
Ir tile I ad 'alt; "d intends s.n an, th rnou�y in the- t;(,�Lli)ily purse. brotherof--thobrid.e,� will -give her awa u i g it' fd11 cut P'eni6 e yunges�itwo weeks old, to mourn
And don't event Mrs. Stew Ws heal h steadily de. fod- Rend on Monday, The L -A couple' of cases of d phtheris are re- g Wife utheM choir wi a y
to give thit wWih Following the ceremong a weddin a der,'orushing grain and oth I tin pur, peesent.-Mios Tillie Wells, of ported from a lovin ""voted'mother,
erwoman our ten upp r olined-till the vit I m` aebine ceased action faim, - the vicinity of Atwood. and
Wil Woodstoc U(JI(I for"" served by Cunningham, aft r. 7whi h and she was c%Ile t P086. It is adwirably ada d �or this "Pont Sunday aG her home here.- i -The St. Marys firemen aptures second o th rest, promised the young o0uple will leave for 4-� al ort ni, only -to those who in thi the being used Maggie Well,p of London, is spending n the Ingersoll tournament. i Gand Trunk Railway.
work and se engines are no
p a WOrld Do justly, in b4 r prize I
ZIA before going to, their hotnel'in 0 love,morcy, and alk - hu 8 of the country r these pur- hbliday n bid rd, bag Trains leave aNyth
+ny. part I
BEAT I' B* h'uw 11 f -Duncan F. Stewart, -of Stratfo,
tr wo ROS�, Seafortfi. wN mi y with God," shore -Miss Mag laHoltz'ma- So And lutou statong at=
P.,-whero Rev. Air. Picl�ie as or posqs in preference to any I tber! power. the misfortupe fall on the floQ - ated from Rush Medical College, vilows: Of k family of nino c hildreti t rvives to mourn to slip an gradUL
Andrew's Presbyterian church,,F Mr.iGrieve is the firs to'intro ace them -in bi�eaking twoi bones in one, ic 0 the loss of a moth ir whose �eatost earthly of her ankle's. -I Chi a . JOING WROr— t, of 0 i ChINT01f. a- 0 thielpart.-Major Elli one to Manitob chosen 1p� V� X. 11n te �es t was. con ered in contributing t Don�inion day with hiost Tbtr�n t M�' r Spent Mr. G. BaAanan has g Perth Liberals �bav fiflo.wea't er eve y their happiness, Of these seven reside daul a. T. where be expects to practice law. _Milt� 'George Goetz,'reeve of Ellice, for the Com- 1:0.112 P. bl� In R. F. Oase.-Alr. E. C.-,Colem4li'itud Mixed a..I
Grand 11 Railway person hud an opportunity to 0 ljoy tie Manitoba and tw. in Ontari family Buchanan hv4s returned to his studies amon 9.20 A. 3 Mrs.'Knight ret4rned from the south last w� -Mixed Train,.;..... 4-115 P. X� .1onday last. Al olr se, and � i ronto. 7.06 holiday on N goo y -resides at Aleir ob Sara' spe4d the summer hero. -Mr. W., 3. Coun -The will"Of the late Andrew Forrester, oomo zAn— always remained � home, iinistering with of Mitchell, has been entered for probate Passeng 7.63 A. M. U8 A.M.
Dominio,� Day' Fares. number of our citizeDs went f to.w 0 ter has opened out a jewelryl. businesi in 8.11 Whil,d' t1yv '
fl� d h has ek Sad will To the Majorify, hoWever, retriained ere a d unettnted care t'o every wo t of - her aged The estate amounts to $96,369, single either attende(L-tbe, kports -in - Lhe r oreatl n parefits, This w ks by no ineana a light Humber & Brussels. Ned Train-. 0 P. M. Ud the formerly occupied b 1 � M 4 t
young,aonof Mr. Alex, Xenvedy, of
.'(�ing une ��rer. Alex. Ross,. of thZ loth, uly Tet and -2adl mods, orpent the day qUiotly. at hom .' duty, as both war - fie Sow,,, 3th' concea- new cemenb walks on W. I_' outh Wallace, ree )pleas or long time Sion IcKill6p, has sent no wcouple of stalks liam Street are finished. It will also eived a bad-kiek in the L wellingt04 -Orev and Bruce. Dayfield, ae ual; ot h r . quot, , and a before the end Oat io, Thus another of our :of *heat of the Dawson gold ],a face from a cow one- day recently, 11UM off q . I J)ub in," d �y f ill of years, and a e a variety -A number )f Mixed, vitpub Ilight. for ber took i the plowri t While residents ha's e h laid on several other street. -Alr. John R. Byrs, druggist, of Oak- Passenger. I W which he took from a to-acr Ethel ... 801110 of the sporte. took in -the Itratfo a higlily respected - field on his people from Brussels spent the 2nd 0 V111e, and a former Mitchell boy, was 8.07 Y, Y a0lawho were favored-, 1, t Ju y mar�'
-farm, aiid which measure a ttle'pvcr six at Guelph, Stratford, Seaforth andl Wro- ied in Oakville recently to Miss Agnes H. Bluev&le
races. Tivo rinks Of the bowlers ISO we it with her friefideb p. r 8.17 2.10 feetr----:Mrs. Kirkman and Mis T borter, Of that place. OXE 8.27 W, a L LLB, Agent to Stratford, where they bad -'a -friend ytIer have eter,-The big dredge, wb- has be n F
gad, 00milig OUL at the snial gone to Muskoka, where th y will spend v6rking on the big drain throughXf Ima ar d -Mies Nellie Thompson has resigned her XA FO I It' Galwa SouTa— Passenger. Mixed.
'e In by ni ic Tim H(TRON 701, 1) IJXCITR8103�,—Tho the summer.r
NJ iss Annie Kill ran and Miss Orey townships, is making quick work th g 6.68 A. Id. 13.65 A� 9,
010t6i A fikir crowd gathered . in Wir-ghtra.. . he redr pro .. 1!od-,vilsit oi thVHurO () d Bove' of Fergus Camp�ell, teachers in indoor, are season. The employee -position an teacher of Black Crook school, on Bluevale .. .. 1.02 9.17
ore . is Toronto 0 this c mlity, too�. p a gave a taking a Brussels... )i,l
to on Wed; hero on their holidays. -Mr, N 910
tion grounds in Lhe aftern' h t a g plen 0 aecount of ill health. . She intends Orman Camp. on the .2nd of July and an immense' Pro d 'trip to Manitoba next ,nonth, for the bene. 10.92
were quite confident, &I litahell and Scalorth la' osso ea Ill Toronto by 1, bell ofthe Bank of:Xommerce, Piterboro, was prese -The Canadian Order of F* fit of her be 'th, crosso tea s -play d nesday last. Th visitors, I f 1.28
Go a schedule game.- The Niitiehotl onthuolas e I special train add arrived �derih nt.
�kLS i about is home on a wook"ovioit to his mother and esters', picnic, in Stewart's bush, was po -Annie Roper, eldsp daughter of Mr. is
rted, it was r1ainly seen th't th6 to. Clinton. on their way u ortan ad off qt Seaforth nd 6thir.friehdo,-The 11' ses Ba�lanttne have I ly attended on Account of lie many attra Henry Roper, of L died on Wedneo- Gonfa liojtTa�_ bu� when h a I nbon. A few dro London, Ruron and Bruee
had sta- , L'te t hg6a I d he day also come home to spei2d the h0lidays under For um, VvNldl Ig presentg. oult, could only V6 a �10;ry for t e -ho c ith fri' I P' 8 P ou', tions elsewhere, -Cargill defisted Wr a stricken With loondoWepart AA0 T. -O,
placepo A . day of last week, 8& wa
on( o in one out three the;parental roof, -As Mr. Jaineg Smith, of iter in baseball by a score of 10 to 11, ,t inflammation, and an operation wat fou Pee-alation being t. 0 size of hundred reached o ......... 9.18 5.66
B0411tiful ma�tol vlocksjrurn $,t up. bo ' ys, the only a eachd Ceta8.16
the core, The game was al, no ti =d derich. The excursion -L 'MeKillop, Wai-, drivin' d J .4 Divy Oak or �IVatxlut c a exe t- P g own Main street Wroxeter 6n,Dominion Day, July 2ad. Tile necebbary but she codd not withstand the Zzeter- 9.07 ock for ist8 were a000.m wed by the 48th High.- with a very heavy Idad. of baled Lhay, on r, of Go l- .44 6.18 ing, and proved to be 'Only -a f�ifood racti a landers' Ba obstacle race was won by McIvo 9
nd, of Toronto, all dieffsed in Tmosday last, the hind wheel � ?* ....... F. P.
iilver plaLcii �Ivrry I)iH i for S-2 -ill. for the lWa�ers, who won easily b & tie re ;of hip wagon 6rich. In the five mil race M clvou� win -Mr. and Mrt, G, X. Matheso' Drucefield 5,0 fl.215 shook. . Kippen ........ 111ghliind casturn . The co nmittee pf man. n, of Mit- 9.68 6.33 the load to Cowan, nd and D. Ka*ak�, ebell, leave this week Oil a, trip to Scotland 10.15 6.65 C%4 e IAm It t 11 ini 1. of li o 6, mid half of these they,ah lcd b collapsed, causing capsize and first, D. seco, Clinton.
u a a ligement at God rich had the town nicely Spill on the street. Another N� Lcnd'e#b;;7'0 10.3S 7.14 Prevented- their ottli g. be half -mile dash, D, Kaak), Mrs. Matheson han'been in poor health for 10A1 7.211 Pickle opponents from, gett agon had to third. In t decorated and ev ry a made - for be P -lay a good e� the suitable and oml thir . Some time. They will likely visit the Paris t they are rl' jun or,ga 'Men' procured and Mr. Smith aiid his . assist, 69t; A, Ray, second; D. Cowan, The glitchell b�� ang
bu �rta' fe entertainment antfi got a good .perspiration b4th re-loadiug J
ot in the same class with t Wi Fruit Spoons, c of their guests. -LWingharn baseball team visit d Brussf is exposition before their return, gham arrivi ... 1150 18iob and f* Y the:'hay bales.�Haylniz is nov� pretty gen. on Sturd evening and played a friend -Nearly eight years ago Mr. Henry 00100 SOUTH— d tbeil prekdent, n' J. zillison, ver plati d I I Ll 11. J3eavera. 'Th18-,Was followe by afoot bill The vis4oril, beaded b mate �d - t man- oral in this vicinity, The cro�. will ot be game wit y Wingham, depsrt_�,. 6.153 A.M. 33b Ti a boyor inning by a Squire, Logan, received a severe paralytic 1141PAvo, 7.01 .8.40 O ingpe0l Our atw4. h between the -Brucefield R ver -oftth GlObe a met at the an extra heavy -one, but it w;1I be a fair to 14.-Kincard0 stroke, since svhich time he bad been an -
a4d aging.0 I 'Or I h the Brassel
the junior Hu�ons, ',�(d t station � by the c rn m i t i-e"b owlers vis *I. 7.14 3.60
for Br hold by a Score -Mr. 'George Stewart is shipping- ted Brussels on Friday top] Londeaboro .. 7.22 4.46 X , ad a large num-_ aelrage, score of 10
THE OPTICAN W&O u"e' Of I It ber of citizons, a d w . .
a good 0 Wnveyed in car. out, a lot of old- hay almost dAfly, Himself game. The home team beat a friend y !irely powerless -and unable to be] himself 7.47 vALYj AND d-Z'WELLER �l game and created co sidera ]a 'riages, to� the to a, A platform had been hem by 6 in any way) until death JntrveneToiiTueso I exoi efrient and,ilnterest.' Durib he ft r. area and r. W. Ct'idmore distribute lot of shets*. Pn Monday they ad& d Brucefield,..... ._ 8.05 U004 the bed on the o urt bou square and to moll onem 6 (lay of last week A put an end to'all Kippant- 8.16 40
ba.ad. 'enlivened the r 000 i6g this the v1si ey through the country �n a year for Win to their list by going to L stowel a d earth 'During his long Siege of Ilensall-*1 .......... .... 8.22 defeating that town by 10 ah ts.-W, illness he received the beat of. aLteution witli some pors Were di ected. Mr. D. bay and it is to be hoped that' their ieturn ly iroublqs. I evenling 4 a . .. .**., SAS ')F? T H, ekoelloat - aelootions, In the McGillicuddy, ch irinan of the committee, are. proportionate to the large- business they Scott competed at the Highl nd games Jin from loving friends,_and nothing as I ft 8.46 SEA FC Prftekfftlon� was formed, n Nlain p�eaided._ Judge Doyle delivered an* alo- -do.�-The egg buyers are now paying as high 9.37 A. V. 11,= Ouelph on the 2ad.-Brusselz ill give oile undone to make him as comfortable as Pee. <!
Swa ber 1 21
(All boats�