HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-06, Page 5ees
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JULY 6. 1900
SaaFonnt, Su1y5, 1£100,
0 70 to o
Whet (new), Stendard 70 to $O 7
Spring Wheat per
Getpor 026 tO 0 27
Pees ra bushel:a.. ---.... 0 58 to 0 67
BerleY Per 0 38 lo 0 40
Butter; No. 1, Iooso_ - 0 16 to 0 17
13utter, tub_.... _ .... 0 16 to 0 17
„Eggs per doz..- 0 10 to 0 11.
.. .2 25 to 2 26
Flour, per 100 the
By per ton now- _ ..„ - 7 0 7 60
tildes per 100 IA ••• -.......6 0010 6 50
0 60 to
Sheep Skins....
Wool— - To - . 0 17 to
leetatoos Per -1:1118-11 Claindt • • • - 0 25 to
gale (retail) per barrel- ..... 1 00 to
Woad Per cord -(long),. - 4 00. to"
Wood per cord (short). 2 00 to
Apples:per bag 0 40 to
Clover Seed-, .... 6 00 to
Timothy 26 to
rk, pr[00 me_ .• - - 6 60 to
Tallow, per lb-- - Otto
0 7
0 1
4 76
2 se
6 76
0 06
Dairy Markets.
INGFarsotr., July 3.—Offerings, 1,380'
boxes, balanee June make' no sales
bighest bid ; fair attendancemarket quiet.
TORONTO, July 4th.—Oheese—The de-
mand for cheese from the local trade is mod-
-crate, and the market is steady at 104Ic for
June. The Liverpool cablegram was 6d
lower to -day, at 48s for colored and white.
Butter—The offerings of dairy are fair,there
If a good demand for the local trade, and
the market is firm at 16 to 17e for choice
pails' and tubs. There is little or no com-
mon butter offering, and it is quoted at 14
to 15c. Creamery is in good demand and
firmer at 20 to 21c for boxes and prints.
Eggs—The supply is fair and the market is
ateady, with lots for the local trade going
At la to 131c. An effort made here recently
to bear ptices was not successful.
Live Stock Markets.
LOND N, England, July 3—Hore and at
Liverpool trade is slow, and prices weaker
at 11 to 12:ke, and occasionally 13c pea
pound, dressed weight ; refrigerator beef is
lower at 81 to 9e per pound.
MONTREAL, July 3-1)ernand good and
pricee well maintained. Choice at &Om 5
to reile per pound ,- good at from a to 4?..lesper
pound ; lower grade'from 2 to 3c per pound.
Calves svere sold from $2 to `..4.3 each. Sheep
brought from_3.', to 4c per pound. Lambs
were sold from -3.1, to 4e per pound. Hoga
brought front 51 to 6c per pound.
B I -4A 1.0, July 3.—Uattle—Good to beat
amooth fat export cattle of desirable quality, $5.40 to $5.60 ; good to best, $5 to
85.30 ;export hu11s choice to extra, $4.25
to $4.60--; good to choice butchers' seer,
f•z1 to $Ze. ; good to best butchers' steere,
:51.40 to 84.85 ; good to beat fat bulls, 83.75
to 83.85 ; feedere bulls,82 59 to 83.50 ; good
to beet fat heifers, $4 Id) $4.60 ; fat cow,
freed to hest, 82.60 to $4 25 ; fat cows, cona-
cr'rion to fair, 81.50 to 82.50 ; feeding steers,
good to extra, 84 to 84 ; stuck c4ve4,
Michigan, choice to • ( x•rn., 84 to 4.5;$
Stock bulls, 82.75 to e315 ; ealven, good
color etoek, $3.75 to 4. Sheep and Lambs—
Choice to extra spring lambs, 86 to $6.25 ;
good to choice, $5,75 to 86 ,• yearlings choiee
to extra, 84.75 to $5 ; good to choioe, 84.50
to $4.75. Sheep, mixed, ohoice to extra,
83.75 to $4 ; good to choice, $350 to $3.75 ;
wethers, choice to extra, $4.25 to $4 50,;
good to choice, $4 to $4.25 ; handy ewes,
83.50 to $3.75 i • heavy fat" ewes, $3.25 to
sa.50. Hogs—Mixed, $5.40 to 85.45; most.
rS5.40 ; Yorkers$5,40 to $5,45 ; pigs,
85.43 to $5.50, moilly 85.45'roughs, $4.50
to $4,65 ; stags, $350 ; closecl steady.
ToaosTo, July 4th.—Trade fair, run mod-
erate, hogs 12kc per cwt. lower, export cat-
tle and good bUtchers' cattle steady, cons -
men grass-fed butchers' cattle lower, stock-
ers easy, other cattle steady, sheep, and
lambs steady, too many rushed grass:fed
cattle are coming forwrd. Cattle that were
stall -fed and then put on grass for a ehort
time sell at good prices, but quotations in
table are for grass-fed cattle of good butch-
ers' quality, sell about 500 per cwt. higher.
Offerings of such are now very light. Ex-
port cattle—There were some very good cat-
tle offered, and, as the dernaiad was steady,
prices were unchanged, as quoted in table.
Butchers' Cattle—Really choice stall -fed
cattle are in good demand, and sell at high-
er prices than quoted. Prices in table are
for grass -feel cattle. Good, well.finiehed
Attie sold readily, but common stuff was
weaker and drugged the market. 'Stockers
and Feeders—Offerings were light, demand
moderate and prices steady, as quoted. The
feeling in stockers was easier on reported
weakness in Buffalo. Miohers—About 12
milehers of medium quality sold at -$30:to
$45 a head. Sheep and Lambs—Large rtua
met a somewhat weak demand at prices
quoted in table. Hogs—Decreased 120 per
cwt. for selections of 160 to 200 pounds,
natural weight, and 25e per cwt. for lights
and fats. Selections are quoted at $6.37:1;
per cwt, fats at $5.50.per cwt., and lights
at 85.31 per cwt.
Births. .1
SCOTT -In Morrie, on June 26th, the wife of Mr.
r aloha Scott, of a gen,
' POCOCK- In Eaet Wawanosh, on June 24th, the
wife of Mr. George P0000k, of a on.
DICK1E-WDONALD-At the residence of the
bride's mother, Detroit, by Rev. Dr. Jonning
on June 27th, Rev. Robert W. Diokie, of Orange-
ville, to Mies Agnes Alexina, only daughter of
the tato Rev. A. D. McDonald, D. D., formerly
of &Worth.
CLUCAS-FAIR- M Willis Preebyterian church,
Clinton, on June 27th, by Rev. A. Stewart, Mr.
W.' L. Micas, of St. Loule,:efiesouri, to Min
Dolly Fair, youngest daughter of the late Thomae
VALLOW-PHIPPS-In Holimesville,on Juno 271h,
by Rev. J. Green, Mr. Frank Swallow, of Tor-
onto, to Miee Aggie Phipps, of liolumeville.
EVANS HOWELL -At Waterford, on June 20th, by
Rev, C. Porter, Mr. 0. A. Evans, of Toronto,
formerly of Hohnoeville, to Min C. F. Howell, ot
EfUNIIIER-OAMERON-In Goderich, on June 20th,
by Rev. J. A. Atcheeon, Dr. Arohibald Crosse
Hunter, to Miss Grace Emily, 3 oungeet daughter
of the late Hon. M. C. Cameron, Limetonset.
Governor of the Northwest Territories.
FARRISH-HORTON-At Leaburn, on June 200,
by Rev. M. McKay, of Godericla, Mr, John D.
Farrish, ofAshfield, to bliss Mary Ellen, young.
est daughter of Mr, James Horton, of Colboroe.
WREN-POLLOCK-At the reeidence of the bride's
father, Morrie, nu Juno 20th, by •Rev. C. L.
Mitts, Mr. John Wren, of Oneida township,
}Tahiti -nand county, to Miele Mary, youngest
daughter of Mr. Jane t Pollock.
OONSTABLE-HANNA-At the reaidenne of Mr.
• Alex. Young, Wingham, on June 27th, by RON'.
D. Perriti, Mr. Leelie Constable, to Mie Emma,
daughter of Mrs. C. Hanna, both of WInghanr.
DYER -AIKENS-At the reeidence of tho bridle's
s Wingham, on aline 27th, by Rev. R.
}Tebbe, Mr. Edward Dy -or, of Detroit, to Miss
Sidnee. Elizabeth, daughter of Mr.Robert Aikene.
CaRTER-LEPPINGTON-In Clintomon June 220,
by Rev, J. F. Parke, Mx, John Albert Carter, to
Mies Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. Wm. I.;.p-
pington, all of Clinton.
HAMILTON WATT -At the reaidence of the Jeri e's,
father, on June 2001, by Rev. J. A. Ilamilt n,
liwirm.t.Jtaines Hamilton, of Hullett, to Miss Jell i0
FEEGUSON-In McKillop, on July 1st, Janet Mc -
Nati, reliet of the late Archibald Fergueon, aged
79 even.
JAMIESON--At hie residence, in Londegioro, on
Jane 3tith, Andeeve Jamieson, aged 88 yenta.
•Iii Brampton, on June Met, Ahnie Mac-
aulay, to of Mr. J. W. Pearen, formerly of
ItiSSETT- b Go.lerieb, on June 20th, Margaret
Bite:tot cf the late George- Bissett, aged
yvars, 11 menthe mai 16 days.
0oderielt, on June 23rd, Joeoph P.
Meal oy, aged 22 y ear'.
SCOTT- le Morrie, on Juiiz. eeth, the iiitant son of
, Mr. Mid MN..10h11 Scotr.
'LOYETT.Iri Iiiiliett, at the residence of Mr. Gvotge
Te ou Juue eeth, John Lovett, sr., aged see
On Saint -flay, uly 7, MO, ad, 1 p.
on Lot 23, Ceneesbion 5, Hay. FrArin, cou-
talPing leo acme,' Farm 8took and Imple.
tricots, C. A. Redmond, proprietor; B. S.
Phillips, auctioneer..
by Many Reliable Witnesse.
ill be the Verdict?
SEAFORTH; Varch2Snd, 10e0.
Meesre. ImMeden & Wileon, Seaforth
_Gentletnen--Fully soknoWledging the benefit I
have reo .ved from the use of ;your "Equine Colic
Cure," ai el the manylthnes that I have relieved the ,
severest uffering, and, I can eafely say in some
ceses, sa 'ed the lives of Valueble horses by its timely
uee, I ch °dully give my gory of its origin, so that
others may proeure and have ready, in case of emer-
gency, 1hathal proved ,with me a never.falling rem-
edy. Sono 16 years ago, when about to sail from
Liverpo I for home with four v !noble borses, I was
advised o have, in eitses of sickness on the voyage, tit
bott e of 1 a oeiebratedj horse medicine, then exten-
sively u ed in Englarld. I fd tunately took my
friend's advice, and procured a bottle, and fottnd
that in case 'of collo or inflammation in horses; it
gave euoi instant and perfect re id, that I was very
sorry that I had not brorght with me a larger eup-
ply, as I thought I would never be able to get any.
thing to equal it. I had, however, a little lett in niy
bottle, vs hieh I took to you, asking you to anal3ze it
and, if ,poesible, make no 211 °thing like it. In
about two weeks I called 00 y u, and go-, what loak.
od identical, and, I coo say vith all confidence, it
has proved not poly equal to he sample but I be-
lieve superior, as after teeting it for 16 3 ears, I have
never yet aeon it fail. No far re or horse dealer, in
my opinion, should be w:thout it in his stable.
FRANCIS COLEMAN, Lot 6, Concessiot 7, Stanley.
SEAFORTH, June 27th, 1900
Mr. Alex. Wilson,Druggist, Seaforth :
Blunt' Sir -In eecofinition of the benefit I heve re
oeived, I am glad to bear teethnony to the value lot
your " Equinelie Cul)," although, as you state,
you have adver teed e remedy in Tux HURON Ex.
P081TOR with j a t ae strong testimony in its favor se
I can give. I mse say I never noticed it, or, if I
lead it at all, It -trust have made about is much ina.
preesion on my Mind no patent medicine advertise.
mente generally do. But now I would net be with.
out your rnedleide in my stable if it cost 85 per bet
tle, instead of 8 :' When out road grading in Tuck -
breadth township last week, one of My horses was
taken ill. He was bloated as tight as a drum, and
tilob gel° to stend. I thouglit him _a very eiolchor e
endeed. I called at Mr. Coleman's houee to get some
ginger and soda, but this - ivell-known horiemen
said : "I cal glee you-something,better than?that "
and he produeed a bottle of your "Colic Cure." We
gave him a to spoonful and a half, and in half iltn
hour he had perfect relief, and Wa8 'ready to eat his
oats. I drove him seven miles that night, and in
the morning he was all right and ready for his work.
Mr. Coleman gave me some of the history of this
medicine, and I think you ought to let every horse.
• man in theemir try know about it, as so many virtu-
able horses are .ost just for want of such a remedy
at hand as yadr " Equine Collo Oure " hat proved
itself to 11! Yours truly, GEORGE MURRAY, Sea -
forth, Opt.
AUX. W N, $eaforth
C4th's L.e.adi`ng Clothing &
rnishing Store
See our windowl
Your,Oliaice of auythin
are ositively being soh
roon You cannot. aff
wi 11 to save mioney
oi her articles woliiy ol
Is, ilia. we -are off
Special lines of N
85p L i$1.25 aid $1.
stylish iatte1'1 1 n wa‘mbable
is week for barg ns in Hats and Ties.
,ii the window lor 25c. These goods
out itt half prio4, in order to ma]e
rdyto,go past us this month if y u
n, yqur gents' f rnishings. Anaong, t
special mentio is our $2.75 Christ
at $2. Ask to ee them.
,glige Shirts tb.
0. L1iese inclu
roods. 11
s month at 500, 75b,
e the latest and most
ember the place.
, OTIPE 'TO BERRY. PICKEhS.-AnY ono tre8.
ra4ping oh farm Lots 2, and 3, 0nceasion 4,
11. R. S. 'Tucittrernitio will be i resecut d, JOHN
FOR S LE. -One set weigh scales, weigh 600
poun 8, ate° two office desk and et air. Apply
to MRS. E CASH, Seaforth, 1699-2
'DOR SA La. -Nine aores of lend for Bale, being
12 Lot 1 Conceseion 8, Hay. Thor is a triune
house and harp a'se small arehardi Particulars
upon appl cation. MRS,' ROBERT I YDD, SR.,
Zu. ieb. 169941
'DOR SAI E.---1-Two Short -Horn butte, one rising 1
_U year id and the other 2 yeers eld, red in color.
One regist red, the other eligibl e ape y oe Lot 12,
oneeesion Bullett. N. T. ADAMS, Censtance
91EACHER WANTEI).-Wanted for Scheel Section
1, No. 10, Tockeremith, a 111310 teaeher holding
secOni ulnae prOtb.itaiotal eel -tine to. Dittiesi to corn-
mence Oetaber let. Applioations statin lealitry etc ,
will be received' by to secretary up 011 August 1st.
D. McDON1ALD, Secretary, box 34, phi olhurst.
ALE 'EAOHER. WANTED.-Wantod in School--
jyj Sec ion No. 2, Usborne, a exist° t acher hold -
ng either 1rst or second elate eortlficates Duties
to conerne ce after the holidays for the remainder
of 1900. 4pplboante to Etta° sa ary exPected, also
experience, personal applioatio ea pref rred. d- 1
dre.es all oommunica'ions to Ah DREW HODGERT, I
before July 21st, 1900, ANDREW HODGEKT, Soo! ;
rotary, Farquher P. 0, , , 1699x3 . '
SALE Oie LAND. -There will be offered for sale
by public auction on Monday, July 16th, 1900,
at Josrph,Weberet Hotel, Duhltee at 2 o'clock p. in.
the tattooing property: d'art othe esbete of the
late Rev. Jaeskherphy, viz : he norbh half Lot
No. 6 toWnship of McKiP;)op, ;Ambling 60 acres
more or 1 a, Thie well timberid property', with a
first class oil and in good Wee ten on the Huron .1
Road 6 inil es from the town of Seaforth and 11 mita i
from t110 \tillage of Dublin, Makes a deel able proper- I.
ty. Terms made known on day of sale or given on 'i
applyingo Rey. T. West and beephon Downey, S. 1
Coluinban, Exaoutors, or to J. L. KILI ORAN, Sea- I
forth, Sol citor, THOS, BROWN, Auot oneer. 1
, 160.2 j
. .
Bos ih Privileges
Tondere for t c Broth Privileges on the Seafo th
ItIce Track, cn the daya of the rapes, July 17th ind
38th, will be ra• eived by the Secretary up to Jkily
7th, J CA DO, President; M, .BRODERIe K,
1698 -
1 Money ad
notes with
and returns
!. rates of ex
in Canada,t
Sterling and
j sold. Intere
ing for one
Bank of Commerce!
Six 1VIi1lion Dollars—$C .000,000,
A general lianking business tran-
sactedFarmer.'i Notes discoUnted,
and si Dula! attention given to the
collection of Sale Not s,
SAV I N GS 13A N K.—I nterest al I OW"
ed on eposits of $1 and up+Ivards.
Spec al facilities for transaction of
busine s in the Klondike D'strict.
Money Orders, payable at any bank, issued at the
following rates :—
Under 8108 82 to $SC .12
to 820 .1.0 - $30 to 85C .14
N floe to Crecli
In the matter of the eetote of Ve
James Murphyl, late of the town hip of
ceased. Nottee is !hereby given pur
Statute, on -that behalf, that all pe
claims against Ithe estatit of the sa:d V
James- Murphy, decease ; who died on
01 -May. 900,' re require on or before
Auguet, 900, o deliver or send to - the
Sole:liter for R v T. West and Stephen
enters, full e rtieulars of their ' elahne
mirky; i any, h,1d by them, di ly verit
vib. An 1 notiee is hereby -Rivet that af
the said executors will proceed, to d
assets ofi tie! said estate among the pa
thereto, having' regard, only to the elai
notice h a been given and th t they
liable foi• the said assets or any part t
person of whotie claim they ehel not
due nolo°. • J. L. , KILLORAN, Se
Solicitor fier the executolie. Da ed Jul
ors. Re veren
feKillop, de,
uant to the
ry i
eons havin Reveren
the 22nd day
he let day of
nod ereigned,
Downey, exl.
and the se•
ed by affida.
stribute th
er said dal,
ties entitle,
ns. of which -
will not be
erect to oink
aye receie-eti
forth, Out',
3rd, 1900.
I .
Q EALED T NDERS, rddrese
ed, and e idorerd "Tonder
eine Onterio," ill be . received
Wednesday, July 25th, 1900, fru
struction of a Driii Han at Winc
Plans, and specifics-1,04ns can 1
tender ,and i. 1 nceessary
thie Department, mid on app
taker at the I oet Office; Winds
Persdne tendering are notifi
not be ponsidered uoless made'
and aigned with, their actual alp,
FaehtendLl nusb Lo avec III
bank itbeek, made payable to ti
orabie the filinistet of Public
per cent. (10 p. e.) of the an
which will be forfeited if the p
inte a contract a here called upc
fail to lot -Dial* tho work een
tender, be not accepted, the ohe
The -.)cparittient does not bb
loweet or any tender.
By garde
- ;.•
d to t 6 undersig11-
for Dri 1 Hall, Winfl-
' at Ilia office until
'naively, for /the cen-
sor, On ario.
o teen and form of
illation obtained at
Weikel to the Dire-
r, Onto, bo,
Id that tender° will
n thee no eupplimi,
anted itv an aCcepted
o erder of the Ilan -
Works., «fuel to ten
ount o the., tmdpr,
rty deeline to enter
n to d so, or it he
rented for. If the
dc will le retuinecL
d itself to accept tho
Department of Public Works, 1. ,
Ottawa, June '29th, 1900. '
-' •
R. It V,
Acting Seerefery.
Savings p
deposits off 1 and u wards:
Special a,t1tention wen to the collecton
of farmers' sale note
TheBankt is ope daily for transacting] a.
general ban ing pus nese.
F. E. KA N, Ag -n, Hensall Biroa;Cith,
RPORATED, 1855. ,
• . . . $2;500,000 100
$1,625,000 00
LL/OTT, General Manager.
anced to farmers on their own
ne or more endorsers.
made in all parts of the world,
promptly remitted, at lowest
anges. rafts sold on all points
e Unitd States and Europe.
Arnericn exchange bought and
t allow d on deposits remain-
lonth olj more at current rates.
partme t—Interest allowed on
and end reed "Te
wood, Ont." w 11 be roe
day, the 20bh uly, 1900
the harbour Coiling
plan and °mill Mod spe
to be seen at t e office
in charge Har our and
federation Lit Buildin
the postroaate Colli
partment of tine W
Pereone ten °ring are
be considered unless ni
sign d with t oir adult
Each tondo must be
bank cheque ade paya
'Durable the M Meter of
and (85,000.0) dollars,
party decline o enter
upon to do so, or if he
t.aoted for. I the ton
cheque will bz returned
The Depatt ent does
lowest or any tender,
dreced to the undersigded,
niers for dredging, Coiling-
Ived at this office until Fri -
inclusively, for dredgini in
ood, Ont., according to a
ifioation and form of tender
H. A. Gra, Esq., Eneitteer
tiver works for Ontario, Pon.
Toronto, on application to
Igwood, Ont., and at the De.
rke, Ottawa.
notified that tenders wilt not
do on the form supplied and
owe:Tented by an accepted
be to the order of the Hon.
ublic Works, for five thous -
which will be f erfeited if the
into a contract when celled
11 to complete the work con.
er be not xecepted tho
not bind Molt to accept the
order, r,
Department o Publio orks,
Ottawa, 2 et June, 900. j
Seafort Le
ding Shoe Store.
+++ .1-14 1 -1 -1 -1 -
The montl of July is usually coneid.er-
ed a c u11 mo th from a busiriess
man: stand]: oint. Not so at this
store. We!re planning an un-
usual y busy month by means of
a gen ral re luction of prices on
-all 'k nds o Summer Footwear.
This includes . Thompson Shoe
Co.'oods, ought at auction at
25 p r cent. below regularpries,
as well as o r regulai. stock, which
is ale. ays lange and well assorted.
You ire ceainly not doing your-
self justice it. you overlook ur
Mid ilumnie • `S-Isce Sale Here
are t, o gels l speCials for Satur-
day's selling
Ladies' Do gola Kid Oxford Shoes, patent
toe Eva, tu .n soles, regular price
$1..2i a pair, Saturday 95c a pair,
Mer' Dont ola Kid Laced Boots, coin toe,
nick 1 eyelets, a dressy shoe, regular
, • pric( $2.50 a pair, Saturday $1.09 a
Now for Bigger Business.
'We swing into July with the record back of us of the best trad -we have
ever had, and we are all the more pleased because every day we are winning
new friends who have not been accustomed to such excellent goods for the
money as we are asking this month, nor have they had such satisfaction in buy-
ing as they experience here. But, while business has been unusually brisk, we
feel greater possibilities are before us, that this store's business can be lextended
to a larger degree, that more people may profit by our unequalled buying and
selling facilities. To that end. W@ are putting forward every effort, by offering
greater inducements for visitors at this store. Next Thursday We cominence by
Ladies' Fine Cashmere Hose, worth 25c for 18c. Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose, fast
blaok, 5 pair for 25e. Lathe& Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, worth 150 2 pair for 25c. New
Prints, 34 inches wide, worth 100 for 50 New Prints, fast colors, worth 10c for 'Tic,
Extra Heavy Prints, fast colors, worth 12;ke for 100. -Grey Cotton, yard wide worth 5e
for ne. White Cotton, yard wide, worth 8o for 6e. Good Sewing Needles, worth 50 per
paper, for 2e. Good Pins, full count, lc per paper. Fine Valencia Raisins, 3 lbs for 25c.
Cleaned Currants, best quality, 3 lbs for 25e. Baking Powder, Lir lbs and sealer for 20c.
Best Gold Medal Baking Powder, 100 sizes, for 5c, Extract of Vanilla, regular 8e, for 5c.
Laundry Soap, the 5c siie, 2 bars for 5c.
And our Low Prices Must Win
What we advertise is strictly fulfilled, and our goods are
new and Al.
Our Millinery is strictly up-to-date in every particular.
For the next two weeks we will sell all trimmed hats at and
below cost, and will be able to fill orders for su 'lamer hats at
short notice and at low prices. Give us a call.
Our Whitewear Sale for two weeks will bb soi iething
wonderful, and it will, pay every one to -call and see oiir mag-
nificent styles at reduced. prices.
Organdies, Muslim, Dimities, Ginghams, Silks, Satins,
Lustres, Cashmeres, Cottons, Sbirtings and all Staple Dry
Goods, are sold at close prices. Purchasers will sae frona
15 to 20 per cent. on their purchases by buying their sup-
plies at our store the next two weeks, as all lines in Dry
Goods have advanced in price, and merchants will all have to
advance on afl cla,sses of goods.
We want 3,000 lbs. of good butter, for which we will
pay 16c and. 17c per lb., and more if the prices advancle.
Remember, we have come to Seaforth to stay. We fear
no foe. Small profits and quick returns is our motto.
Seaforth's Only Cash Dry Goods Store, under the Town Clock.
Estate Johnson Bros., Seafort
Pad° of Large, Strong Wires, Heavily. Galvaniz4'
Amply provides for expansion and contrac-
tion. Only Best Bessern,r steel wires Amp
used. Always of uniform quality.
Never goesstwrarionng no matter how
is put upon it.
efficiently turn
cattle, horses,
bogs and pigs.
Call it'd See It. Can show you how it will save yot: money.
Send for booklet. Prices per rod -35c, 40c, 42c, 45c; 48c and150c.
0/41.11111 all 11111M1111111111111 ell Ell 111101101 I
1.9A1 taza Gam CCM 111111111111.1.1611111.1111 Mel IIBN I
MIN aim nom omill111111. MEM NOMi i11W1
.51o1 -
STEEL GRANITE WARE.—We have a large stock of 3 Itreserving
Settles, Sauce Pans, Pie Plates and Tea POts at about one-third less han regu-
lar price, - ,
.BISSELL CARPET SWEEPERS.—A full line of •these nequalled
SHERWIN- & WILLIAMS PAINTS.—The best is the chea est. We
have a full line Of colors, and sell for :20c per -.gallon less than reg ler price.
Balance of RobertSon's mixed paints at $1.10 per gallon.
CHURNS AND WASHING- MACHINES,—A full line of Daisy and
Favorite churns at close prices, and the Knoll double acting Washer, acknowl-
edged to be the most perfectwasher now. made. s
FARM TOOLS, --Forks, Scythes, Rakes,. Shovels, Spades, Hoes. Al-
though these goods are "}nearly double in value this year, we sell at hist year's
prices. : a
BUILDING mikegtRIAL.—Glass, Nails, Barn Door Hinges, bought be-
fore the advance in price. - We give our patrons the benefit.
PLATFORM SC kIES.—We will sell you a scale completewith wheels,
1,200 lbs., platform, $15.75 ; 1,600 lbs, 20x2S', drop lever, ;27.50; .2,000 lbs.,
23x30,: drop lever, $:30.30. . .
. THE TIN SHO[:1 is in charge!of Mr. Charles: Soole, who -will do. you a
st-clase job in Eavetr ughing andeFurriace Work, and at the- lowest possible
figure. Dairy Pails andeCanS, and all kinds of repairing, a specialty. -
'Why it pays to deal with us. We buy for .CASH ONLY, We give you
the.benelit of our cash discounts. We pay no rents. Our expenses
We can afford to make it worth your while to:give us your
Courteous attention to pl.
are light.
Estate Johnson Bros., Seaf
Corner Main •
Market Sreets
The La gsst
Dry GOods and
Concern in
Four Counties.
You might climb
all over the Earth
And you couldn't fIndl such a unique array of bargains, as we
are going to offer for the next week.
Our Semi-annual Clearing Sale
FRIDAY, JUNE the 29th.
In the past these sales have been marked. by success, ajnd we
don't intend this one to lag behind in point of profit to you.
Rare Values will be fdund in every
Ladies' Department
Never before have we been able to
serve you so well or so economically in
this department. Two large purchases
at a low rate on the dollar, gives us the
opportunity to offer values that are
sinaply unapproachable. Among -
other bargains we will mention these :
Fancy muslin waist, insertion yoke
back and front, new bell Sleeve, worth
$1.75, for $1.
36 Ladies' Cambric Waists, fast
colors, at 47e.
60 pairs more of our popular summer
eoraet, steel filled, double thread net
lace trimmed, for 47c.
'1The Crest corset, for stout people,
elastic sides, steel filled, at $1.19.
D & A high bust corset, extra quail -
y, grey Jean, steel filled at 95c.3
A full range of Misses and Childs
nC4-11aorketritteorset waist, the best in the
36 pairs child's corset waists, made
of good quality of jean for 25c a pair,
all over embroidery, in. three designs,
special values at $1, $1.18 and $1.25.
Some beautiful designs in embroidery
isertion at 14c, 15c, 17c 18c, 20c and
4.130 very fine range of very fine em-
broidery at 10c, 12c, 14c, 15c, 17c, 19e,
22e and 2.5c.
Ladies' new 'handkerchief ties to
hand in blue, red and purple at 50c.
Ladies' satin bow ties in black, red,
white, cream, bi.ue and pink, 25c,
36 Ladies' white wash net ties, at
36 Ladies' black elastic belst, jet
buckles, 25c.
36 Ladies' black elastic belts, steel
buckles, 33e.
4 Specials—Black lustre skirts.
1.F1an.cy lustre skirt, single box pleat,
Fancy lustre skirt, 'single box pleat,
Plain lustre skirt, single box pleat,
$2,75 and $3.
Dress Goods
This sale means big loeses to US 'but
big, gains to the customer. Our dress
goods stock must be reed whatever
the sacrifice All new and desirable
goods purchased this season.
Special line of dress goods worth
35c to 50c, your choice for 25c.
10 pieces dress goods, silk mixtures
worth from 75c to $1, your choice for
Also spreial clearing prices on all
summer di. eS goods.
A. few ends of waist silks worth 50c
a yard, for 20c.
A few -ends of fancy silk worth
from 75c to $1, your choice for 50e.
Special prices on all colored musline,
white and colored pique.
Special clearing prices on all para-
sols from 75c up.
All hats and flowers in. the Millinery
Departme9t will be cleared at half
30 dozen all linen towele, O inehes
by 39inc1es, hemmed, fancy rder,
all Him, at 50c.
Our stock of roller to ling will
defy competition.
Special linen towelling 15 inches
wide, red border, fot 6c a yard.
All linen crash towelling, 17; inches
wide, colored border, for 10c,
AiI linO, absorbent towellinet 18
inches wide, colored border, for 10e.
Heavy crash linen towelling 16
inches wide at 8e.
Large stock of hand. made Russia
crash, froni 8 to 14e.
4. specials in table linen. .
Special 72 ineh all linen, heavy,
half bleached, 40e.
Special 70 ineh, linen, heavy,
fine half bleached for 50c.
66 inch, all linen, fine hair
bleached, for 60e.
Special 74 inch, all linen, fine, half
bleached, for 70c.
10 dozen napkins, 18 inches square,
good linen, for $L18 a dozen;
5 dozen napkins, 19 inches square,
hemmed, fine linen, for $1,25 a dozen.
6 dozen napkins, 20 inches square,
fine linen, for $1.50 a dozen.
y2a5rd.piecee heavy damask print, at 7c
5 pieces special bleached apron
cloth, inch border, 12e.
Also many special lines in shirtings,
cottons, cOttonades, denims, tickings
and sheetings.
Get th best. We know what -
manufact rers make the best, most
Stylish anl most satisfactory clothing
and we ge it. Clothing can't be too
if you buy your apring suit here
you get tlje best, year get the latest
style, preeenS and future, satiefaetion
and long year and this is all it will
cost you.
A few dd sizes in nsen's Halifax
tweed suis, brown shades, for
Special line line of all wool suits in
e g '
ireys and fawns Sizes from
33 to 44, to clear at $4.25,
_Special line of black and blue wor-
sted suits all hizes for $7.20.-
Special fancy worsted anit, worth
$11 to bel cleared for $8,25.
Special line of fancy worsted suits
worth $1,50 to be cleared at $8,75.
FuJi ra ge of new summer shirts to
Special line of short bosom colored
shirts for $1.
Special eoft front colored shirts for
A fot odd shirts worth $1 and
$1.25, to be cleared. for -50c,
• ............. .LL
Opposite Town. Building, Comer Main tincl Market Sta., Seaforth.