HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-06, Page 4NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.
zr The figure between the parenthosio, er each
one, denotes the page of the peper on whir& the
advertieeinent will be found.
Purcheses-Orelg litodoneld-1
Bargains -Bright Bros, -5
Olotaing---11. B. Ounn-4 , -
A Bigger Business-Kciannoti &Co. -5
Notice To elredirors.-J. L Killer= -5
For Sele-Ifse Ifyrid, sr. -6
Burn's Scotch Conoert.-Sii -8
For Sele-tirs. E, Cash -6
Otovee-Expositor Ottice---8
Male Tee her Wanted -A. Eiodgert-6
For Se'e-N, T, Adates-5
Teeeher Wented-D McDonald -5
12th, of July DInner-Ladies' Md -8
Jewelry -W. It. Countor-S.
Summer Bergaine-B. Willis & Son -5
Buider Twfae-C. Bertlelb-8
New fiardeare-Appel & Zeller -8
Sale of Larri-J. Eilloren-6
Business For Bele-M, Jordan -8
Menne Hay Itope-S. Mullett Se Ce, -8
Notice To serrs Plokers-J. at J, Sproat -b
Auction sale -Sirs W. Lloyd -8
Tenders Wantod-Asn, Ftoy-6
Strong Paidence.-salex. Wil4on-5
loot txpooitof„
hIDAY, July
to investigate alleged election frauds
" The Commissioners seek to have brought
to their attention eny ana all oompla nts
respeetin the general elections of 189 , as
well as el diens prior and eub, seauent th re -
to, and the conduot of the ciffientls ther at,
in order to make inquiry and tniestiga ion
in celery ease in whioh good and reshon ble
. _ ,
grounds eppear. • . .. .-
" Persens aggrieved may •.forthwit or,
during the pendency of the Commies on,
notify the Commissioners of the comp' hits
they make and the growl& thereof,' v'er fled
by statutory deolaretions, and forward the
same by mail, addreseed to the Registra eat
75 Youne street, Toronto. John D. Fat on -
bridge, egistrar." .
A Deserved Triblite. ;
There is no Canadian, in . fact we n.ay say
there is no colortist, whca Stands 'higher in
the estiMation of the people of Great Brit-
ain than Canadats Premier, Sir Wilfrid
Laurier. By his patriotic utteranoes, his
Witie words and his judicieus actions.. he has.
not only eedeared himself to the peep e of
1900 the mother land, but hail secured for. Can-
ada. a prominence and favor there such '..at
she nevpr before enjoyed, ana such, per -
The DoMmion Parliament.
haps, as!she would not ha.Va attained in any
, Our Dominion, lew makers ere still await. other wily, If for !nothing else than hiii,
eking fur their country's good at Ottawa. Canadialne owe Sir Wilftid much, and no
4hit nn evidence of -their desire to haaten matter iehet his _critter; May say, they will
worked all day, Monday nOt ferget it. The penple of this country
to a close, they
, bile other less illustrioua 'citieens enjoyed aro iota owl generous arid itigratited , can
themselves le ...holiday attire.' The expect, never, be oherged to them. i They are proud,•
ation now le that the close of the session as they have reason tb be, of their foremost
willbe reached about, the encrof next week, steteste e, and • the pepulitrity tie has
The ditto:lesions now are allot* and the pro, aehieve abroad is as pleesing to them rie is
oeedings largely of a formal ahd c.ompara.• i8 eredi -able to himaelf. The Brieish Week•
tively uninteresting nature. Thei discussion ly, a loading English journal, makes the
of most public interest during tne past week followitig reference to the speech roc fitly
watt that which took place on the Temper- delivered by Sir Wilfricl`•• in the Ho se of
ance and Prohib4,ion. questions Mr. Flint Commons. It says : _1
moved his resoiution, Ideelar ng that the a Sir Wilfrid Laurier' epparetrely !be teves
Governnaent shoikkl furniith le 'elation give lhat ' many battles have yet to hetet ght,'
ling effect to a prohibitory ,aw in every and he does not under -estimate the gray tei Of
the problem's which await us when th war
Province except Quebec. An amendment
is over. British subjects.- the world Ovar
WWI in favor of entire and gen rat prohibi- will re-echo the prayer that the, life a Her
tion, while ,o, eecond amendment declared Majesty may never more be disturbe
war, and that baler° her "glorious
le not- yet, -pre axed for a;
' comes to an end her subjects in South
The discuasion was of an- •
rice ' may have learned to apprecieto thee°
entirely non-political complexion, and slows British institntionswhiell in this age -a, d in
ed membera, and particulaely the teropet- everY land aigpify liberty and let ual ri hta.'
lsolatyd.ef those who have ead With tea, s end
with pride the noble spe ehes of he F ench.:,
anee members, t have as varied views as it
is poesible, and. careely two can be found ane tan Premier_ durin the war niti 1-, feel
trhh Prescribe t e Bartle reroedY for the. evil that: ois the ' day whein,, we aveleotn heime
complained of. In the end, all the motions Lord Roberts and his army the pees ce of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier- must not be lac' i g eo
above referred ts ware voted (limn, end au -
the general happinesel In these t sting
other anaendme t cerried by a mejority of menthe we have learned what me the
one, &eking the Government te extend the° world over ere most pre4ious to the e pEre.
• , .
provisions ef the Scott Act so as to include a Before all, and separate from (testy ther,
cornea the,60neen s noblest subjeet, Field
group of counties where desired, intiteed of
hlarthal Lord Roberts. 1 After Ihir ie thole
one. And thus the matter vva.s left. •
that the couutry
prohibitory law.
- --------
The Wars.
Little newe as come, during the peat
'week, from Sou h Africa. A few skirmishes
attu take pleese ciccasionally, and the work,
of rounding up !the remaining Boer forme
goes steadily on, and General Roberts and
his aids ere gredually drawing the lin es
tighter aboet tlietri. The Stratheona horse
had their baptism of fire on July 1st. ' One
trooper was killed and one is reperted miss-
ing. Corporal Irvine, of S6. Catharines,
who was weunded at Black 'Mountain, on
May let, has died.
The outlook in China ii indeed dark, and
the gravest fears are entertained that a 1
the foreigners in Pekite have been murdered,
The lateat authentias reports say that the
foreigners were all at the British legation,
where they areheing econstantly fired on by
the mob, and naleree,relief speedily reaelees
them they will meet (loath. The German
Minister has been mtirdereci;. and `the Em-
peror / William has stated' that vengenee
would' be exaeted for his murder
. -
and for the insults _ to the German
flag. The powers ere all united, and
definite and concerted action will apeedily
be taken to settle -tasks. Prince Tuan has
usurped the tent of government, and the
i'mperor and Empress are prisoners in the,
laoe. The city is in the hands of the
oxers, who are inciting the natives to
deeds of depredation. The situation irk a
most perilous and dangerous one for the
foreigners, end only the prompt and decisive
action of the powers will save greet loss of
life. .
any name we should mention In prof nonce
to Sir Wilfrid Laurier ?it • .
Prompt Action. g
The Government did not loop any time in
appointing the Commission of Judges to en-
quire into the allegedelection frituds. The
Commission hes been equelly prompt in or-
ganizing and making preparationa for getting
right down to business. The first meeting
Was held a few days ago, It will be remain:,
bored that the appointing ot legal 'gentle-
men to conduct the investigation before) t,he
Corrimiarsion was left -to the Cosnmiseiondre.
Ono of the first acts of the Commission,
therefore, was to appoint these legal gentle-
men- They have made a most wise and
judicious ehoioe. They have selected a
Liberal and a Conservative, both gentlemen
being leadere in the legal profeseion in On-
tario, and both gentlemen have had, probab•
ly, mote _experience in tate years before
election c'ourta than any other two legal
men in the Province. These genileinen are
Meson. A. B, skyleswrth and Wallace
Neebit, both of Toronto.: Both men are of
the higheet standing in the professien, and
both enjoy the highest confidence of the
-J. I). Pickard, wh
in Dakota. for the paet e
has been te ehing
hteen.meetlei has
returned to his home in °limas/1110.-
-M iss Delia Sperling, of Wingha
passed, her final examin &ion at the T
Conservatery of Music, to.king the de
--Whire getting off a tr i the
A. T. C. M.
night, Ma. 'Nichol Rohson, o Olfhto
heaeily to the groond,
and knee severely.' -
-The Benmiller E
twisted their late ,past
with a handsome toilet ease, prior to
bag to his new field at Nile.
-Before leaving for ie new field a
in Beyfield, Rev. Mr. elland as pr
with a purse of money by the congr
at Rate's ehurbh, Grey townshi .
-george 13. Buchanen, a natiye of
;rich, has been appointed disbursing
of the•Ameriean army t Havanna.
foxy is $2.000 a year. ' ' " '
. ,
.-The employees of the Unites fu
factoey, 'Wingham, ha e presented
Bondwith a purse f $20. Me. Bon
reoently met with an accident in the actor
which will lay him off !work for sem time
-George A. Evans, druggist, of T, route,
formerly of Clinton and isliolmeavill i wa
merried at Waterford,. on Weline day o
last week, to Misa G. IP. Howel . Th
ceremony was performed at the resid nce o
the bride'a parents, hy the IRev. harle
Deacon, Ph. B. I •
-The home of Jamee Herten, of L eburn
was the scene of a }very quiet weddin . Th
()entrusting partieti were his youngest daugh
, has
ree of
and It:Jared 19 le
worth Leagu pre
r, Rev,' Mr, ilson,
is sal
ter, Mista Ellen, and John Ferris, i A h
field, who Were united' in the linly b
matrimonyl by Rios. ,,,lursloole Mc
-About three Weeks since Joireph P. Me
Avoy was broug t eo Goderich by hi
brother, from Fa monot, Minn., w ere h
but 22, was Berton ly 11 from tube culosi
had been living. Thi deceased, w a Iva
and uteadily sank, paling away on Satu
day, 23rd ult.
-One evening r
the congregations
Ferdwich, met at
ride' o
d sled putting in is resignation. At
oast r, however, he off red to hand in his
esi ation or take t o months' leave of
bs de, and the boar granted him the
bee ce. At that time Mr. Halls spoke at
the oard, and no one resent thought the
min , then apperantl so strong, would
have ost its power wit la one- short month.
16 lee than one mont ,from the time he
obtain leave he was s ruok with paralysis,
the etre e affected one ide of his body and
the brain, and from th day until the call
came, his ;mutat power never fully return-
ed. Some 24 years sin e the late Mr. Halls
came to GoderIch to ake a class in the
high sohool, a positio he held until five
years ago, when he w appointed Model
Sohool principal,- a posi ion he held at deatb.
Before coming to the ounty town the de-
ceased taught for 15 y are in the township
of Usborne, most of w WI time he weer the
effloient clerk of the m
-There died in Tor nto on Wednesday,
June 13th, Elias Smitin aged 80 years,
formerly of Clinton. e first began busi-
ness in Niagara, after ards in Clinton aird
Winghatne Then he mimed to Toronto,
where he lived up to t e time of his death,
which Was nutted fro cad age and a goner;
al break-up of the a etern. His ancestry
traces bank to the Un ed Em ire Loyalist
very pleasant e ent tea p ace et the
-leime. cif Mrs, Phipps , of Holmesville, on
Wednesdayethe 27th 1 ., when her (laugh.
ter, 'Aggie,,was united matrimol to F.
Swallow, of Toronto The nupti i knot
was tied fit•12 a. rn., b the Rev, J. Greene,
in the preaence ore, lar number of relatives
and friends of the con r eting parties, after
which all sat down to inlay tastily arrang-
ed dinner. I
-On'Wednesday of 1 et week, Miss Dolly
Fair, youngest (taught of the late Thomas
Fair, of °Linton, waslu ited in marriage to
Mr. W-. ota08,8, of St. Louie, Miseouri.
The ceremony was alarmed in Willis
church, by Rev, A. S wart. Miss Cave!),
of Paris, Was bride' maid, and Mr. H.
Clime was groomsm The bride has,
until recently, been orgaoist of Willis
chtirch, riAd the truste of the chureli pre-
sented her with a bea iful Bible.
-An interesting ent took place on
WednesdaY of last we at the residence ef
Mr.. Alexander Young ef Wingham, when
Mr. Leslie' Conatables of the North End
grocery, in that town) as united in mar-
riage to Miss Ernmae aughter of Mrs. C.
Hanna. Rev. D. Peril was the officating
minitter. The bride . as ably aseisted by
Miss Meniies, of Beet awanosh, and Mr.
Herbert Wightme.n, o Wingham, perform-
ed the duty tor the gr m.
-His Honor Judge Marson, on Tuesday
(of last week, game ment in two 9.0tiOUS
recently tried before him at the county
copra. In Gardner Cooper, ite whieh
there was a dispute a to- the amount to he
paid by defendant to laintiff for hie work
as a plasterer, his hono gave jadgment for,
the pleintiff for $70.3 and full. county court
costa. In Butler ve, Motelicken; in which
plaintiff sued an old udgment, judgement
was given for plain, for $283,42, with
county court costs of stion.,
-A large number ere geehered at the
residence of Mr. a.nd re. G. Watt, of Hul-
lett; On Wednesdo.y, th ult., to witneee
the marriage of thei daughter, Miie Jen-
1nie te James Hamilt , of Hullett, Rev. 3.
A. 'llemilton perform g the ceremony, The
btide was pleasingly ttired, and thetpres-
-lents were many as at 11 as valuable, Tho
bride is a popular - oung lady of Hullett,
and we congratulate r. Hamilton on eecur-
Ina such an estimal I wife. They go To
tifeir new horno wieh he beet wishes of a
largo circle of friends
-pn Wednesday last week, shortly
after sloe°, Miss Jen , second daughter of
Mr. Wro, Burrowo,- in dottier, and Bon-
jamm Munnings, bui er, both of Goderich,
*ere in wedlock's joi d bonde, at the resit,
cleric° of the bride's ents. 1The ceremony
win performed by R Jaeper Wilson, pas-
tor o_f North Street' ethodist church, Miss
Maggie, sieter of th bride, being brides-
_ maid, and Melville well best man, The
ceremony was witne d by relatives and a
few personal friem of the contracting
-The members ef
Clemente whoehae ju
Ontario? street M etho
were not forgotten b
the eongregation. it
enttfd with several h
by the members of
others, while to Mi
League gave a black
Sunday school class
Mrs. Cleinent was
dozen silver.knives
of the Ladiel? Aid.
-The Wingham
Reading hail a post
heed, a Wingham bo
Africa. The card w
April 8th, and traly
siderably the worse
on June 26th. Fro
had been under fire
ment was at it ever
think mech of the
the company he was
nihilated, At time
well, and looking fo
-John Lovett, sr
was a resident of H
ber of years, but lat
,igan, died at•the re
2c,:. A. Tyner; Base
years, on Tueado.y,
nees of about two m
ago he lost hie wife
daughter, tensed a
years. Thelate gen
Irelanda,and iormer
nephew lives on in
owner some_years a
about a mile from
• -Still entailer oet
pewit away lin the
et Bissett, whose d
nesday, Juue 20th,
Death was the re
The debeased was
&Wand, and in 18'
Murray. In 1842
came to Amerioa
where they lived fo
to Canada end sett
Mr. Murray died
1856 the deeeaeed
of Coderioh, who d
after Mr. Bissett'e (
to Blind River and
of years, afterward
For the past four
Mr. and Mrs. W
Children, but they
cently a gatberi g fro
f Newbridge, Ma ne an
he ehurch and p esente
their pastor, Rev. R.! I. Hosking, with
purse conteining $40, on the ocoasio of h
leaving for a three months!,Visit to surop
-The'buildiagl at Elliott's brie Yar
I .
nearl Wingeam, h d A elm eall on unda
-9.4th ult, A kiln of•briek was burning, an
eh° sparks ignited the roof of a shed Pa
of the shed, a enantity of avobd and a bin
er were burned, Ry meana of p esiste
work, fire extingniehere and the lib ral u
of water from twO Welles further dame
was prevented. . ' ..
-Mie W. E. Ellie t, eon of M , G. lit
Elliott, of Ooderich, has sueoeede in s
curi g the annual go d Medal for firet in
gen ral proficieney in the ahort 'h nd d
part tent of the lanada Business Colleg
Chaiham. His sl orthand epeed is ne hut
dred and fifty wo de er minute, aid typr
writing sixty wlds.
--On Tuesday f last week Mary IcKeg
aged 84 years, died et the House of Refug
whe' ci she had been an intnate for f isr yee,
and for three years and seven moi ths w
bed h whe
ere se
st ill
ying ti
who h
Brussels on
Grieve, of
tanee ahead
first money
two pacts
was trying
sights op th
week. -We
gathering i
music and
gaiety whio
This, couple
is a nice,
plenty to ea
out:, the or
money left i
make it th
lost or thro
idden. She came from Goderi
she las relatives, and the remains
public, both on eecount of their professional up t, rere for interment. There -ar
ability and etanding and their probity. The inneldes at the 'lodge' who are enj
Commission have also issued an announce- sum ner fairly well.
iss nese i ia e i ens,
meat calling upon all who have any inform -
been living in !Windsor for ;son e tim
attest bearing on the subject they are to in- deughter of Robert Aikens, of SN ingha
vestegete, te cammunwate Inforromtion was married to 1 dwerd Dyer, boo
Wire Fence COM
to the Registrar of the Commission. There f" the Ameriea
has thus been provision made for the fullest '
Dettoit Wedbesday of last wee
aud moat impartial investigation of all these performed by R
so-called election scaedals of wheel We haye eace of about 25
ether. The comp
v. 3. Hobbs, in
invited guests.
hoard Co much of late, both inaide arid out- -.On Sunday morning, '23rd
behoves, -the curteins that, cover tha brine.
side of Parliament 'and it now on :fire at the -Enterprise salt
- '
these --alio were 80 loud in making thee Brussels, and burned same 35 feet
rgr's to pleee the ix:fen:ration they eoe. abouta, When James Gibsoli go'
• keep
, t
ny w
, one
an, g
r the
to t
e -
rem eoeseening them before this trams:el block, about 9 o'clock; he drench° the fire
out with a few pails of =water. p delay
whieh hen been *purpeselv formed forTheir tho manufacture of the' salieo's bstance,
inveatigatn.n. They are invitcd to do ti ie and was a close call to a tempi ,to n
without meney and without prise. to num. out,
selves, Lind if they ao not acetyl. this hive --eA well known reeiderd :of Go erichi
o the pertion of S. P. Halle, fNl. A. Prineip
baton, they should for ever afterwards hold ef the Geeeske model -•:ehool, ere:sod t
thew ptace, and go and inde theinselvere river on Wednesolay.afteolnocn of 1
after an illuese of a month's duratio
The following isr the .notiee whir:11 luta been '
amblielted by alitlunity cf the Cenunission ! dece"ed gentliensere. had it-ot beet
. - hest of health tor seyeral menthe, .1
ere X , - . last fall he intiniated to at leak, or
" Public notice is gieen to an coneernsd i ber of the schre 1 b041%.1 his intenti
that a Royal Commiation has been appointed : tire but at the eext meeting he fe
t s
in t
nd ear
e me!
n to r
t bett
e -
he family of Rev. B,
been removed from
ist chureh, Clinton,
their many friends iu
88 Clement was pres-
dsome pieces of silver
e Senior League and
Freeman .the junior
marble clock and her
gold fountein pen.
e recipient Fc1ha halt
d forks froth members
clvanee says C. J.
d from Dave Lough -
at the front in South
written in camp on
ached Wingleam, eon.
✓ so long a journey,
it we glean that :Dave
e times, and the regh
ay. 1:ifive does not
ere ea marksmen, or
n might have been an -
.writing, Dave''was
ard to n big battle.
, evho thirty yeara ago
llett for a great num-
of• Pert Austin, Mich-
denoe of his nephew,
ine, Hullett, aged 88
une 27th, after an ill -
the, About six years
nd hie only child, a
ay at the age of 12
eman was a native of
owned the farm his
ullett. He also was
of the Shipley farm,
enarian of Goderich has
erson of Mrs. Merger-
th occurred oni Wed -
her eighty-ninth year.
It simply of otd
orn in Wigtonshire,
was married to Peter
r. and Mrs. Murray
d settled at Buffalo,
two years, coming then
ng in Aehfield, svhere
few years later. In,
arried George Biesete,
d In 1870. Two years
eth the deceased wenb
ved there for a nurnber
returning to Goderich.
ears she reeided with
nook. She had three
I predeceased her.
jubilee day, Couhoillor tiohn
oKillop, came in a good die.
f all others, and of amine tiook
A Syrian peddler calling
d leading a horse, whioh he
to trade off, was one of "the
Leadbury line one day last
hope, there will be a large
Sesforth on the 12th. The
bright oolors give the day a
young people much admire.
with the fact that Seaforth
lean town, and that there is,
on public dam should bring
wd. And again, A little bit of
town, espeeially by thoire who
ir market, is not by any means
n away.
Thi8 week i is our sad duty to chronicle
the death o Jean Beatrice .111en-, Gauld,
youngest d ughter of Rev. William, and
Mrs. Gaidd after 17 days of *lanolin with
bronch al p eumonia, which win borne -with
great patie oe and humble attbmiesion by
thw little- a fferera, till such , time as. the
Great Reap r saw fit to call Elie little child
home t th age! of 19 months.; ' Everything
that te der and loving hands ;could da for
the recever of the little sufferer was alone
but II wh does all things well had a better
work i sto e where there is no more, wife
fering nd ain, and•in that better home He
will b her °sober, andtehe will take: her
piaci° mon the angina: The funeral took
plane tn T ursday last and was largely at-
tende by ympathieing friends. The rd.
maitre -ere laid to reste.in the Brucefield
cemet ry. Mr. and Mre: Geuld have the
sympa hy f all in theithtimb 'of mourning.
NOTES. ReVe S.-Ao eson returned home
on Th teed lohtlrorn HalifairS greatly inn
prove in _ ealth:tby is long trip. • Mr.
Aches n ea s in -his travels of some :3,000
miles e eer; ' no finer country than there is
in Hu on, nd especially in this section.
This a rel speaks well for us! es a people,
and we eh° ild be thankful for our blearing:.
-Rev s. A emirs. Martin, of Exeter ; J. S.
Rend non and H. Long, of Hensel' ; and
Sewer , of rucefield, assisted at the- fuuer-
al ser ices f Re*. Mr. Geuld's child. --Mrs.'.
J. Ba lour during the week, was in London
combi ing businees with pleasure:e-Mies
Mary Moo e, of London, was the gireet of
her b ate e Mr. William Moore, of the
tiling , an calling among friends.-Mes, A.
Baal , of tratford, was spending the first
at th home of T, Nellie and other friends. '
-Mr. Geo ge Gauld, of London, was in -the
villa,g th past week, attending _the funer-
al of I is b other's child. -Mrs. (Dr.) Hut-
ton, 1 Fo est, a sister of Mrs. 10.: Menlo,
who as - leo here attending OM , feneral,
retu ed home on Monday. --Mies Clarissa
Mell is s ending a weekhi outing at the-
hom of Ir. James Mulholland, :Harpur-
hey. , Her sister, Maggie; is epaying e
moat, '0 v sit with friends at Stretford, -
The a niv Teary services ot the Methodist
°hum he d last Sabbath evening in connec-
tion ith he layiiig ot the- corner stone,
wore yell ttended, Rev. Mr, Salton, of.
Cent alia, preached in the afternbon and
eveni g t goodteongregatione, and was list
tenelflueri del very, while his !matter is of the
l to ith rotch interests HU has EL
choicest. Thesethank :offering- c lleetion,
which wa taken up at each tier ice, was
liber ily r sponded to. In this wa re great
deal f me dless work in the , way f a tea
meet ug at eaved. The congregation is to
be co gra ulated on the'success of the ser-
etroit, visited a few days this week with
Mr. and Mrs Wm. Sellers. It is 14 years
since Mr. Thornton left Bluevale to reside
n Detroit. -Mr. Daniel McDonald, of Palm-
reton, spent Dominion Day at Mr. George
cDonald's.-Rev. D. Rogers will preach a
Wad sermon to the Orangemen in the
ethodist ohuroh next Sabbath. -Mise Fan -
pi Thompson and Mr. Charles Dodds, of
russets, visited at Mr. Charles Herbert's
$in Monday, -The holiday passenger traffic
*as unusually large this year. -Mrs. Leon-
erd Blain, of Le Reviere, Manitoba, is visit-
ing her eistmein-law, Mrs. Bailey, and will
Wait relatives in several parts of Ontario
befere returning to the Prairie Province. -
1 'dog killed Miss Edna Pattereon's 'ix
uinee, pigs one night last week. --Mrs.
ook, of Brantford, •is visiting at Mr.
Spence's, fliyat line of Morris, -Mrs. Moffatt,
Of Galt, isited her sister, Mrs. Robert
Maxwell, of the Bluevale road, last week. --
r. Joseph Warder, of Woodstock, former -
y of Bluevale, Was calling on hie many ac-
quaintances, this week. -Mies Jennie Di-
ment visited Mrs. Robert C. King, of Gode-
rich this week, -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.
Stewart, of New Hamburg, are visiting at
,Mr. Stewartla old home here. -Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Davidson, a Belmore, visited over
Sunday at Mr. John MoVittiehi Morris,Mrs.
Davideon'e former .1some,-Mrs. John G.
Nicholiton, of Toronto, spent the let of July
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert
Maxwell, of the Bluevale road. -Mr. and
Mrs. ChaWes W. Leech, of Detroit, visited
at Mr, Abraham Jackson's, Morris, and at
Mr. Joseph Leech's, in the village, this
week. -Mr. and Mrs. David Sproat, of
Belgrave, visited at Mr. Robert Black's,
Wroxeter, and at Mr. R. N. Duff's, Blue -
vale, this week, -Rev. R. Paul and Mrs.
Paul, of Brussels, ,_visited their daughter,
Mrs. Joseph Nigh, a few days this week.
We believe Mr. Paul was the first Method-
ist minister stationed _at Bluevale.-Mr. E.•
W. Bruce, Ii. A., principal of Huron street
school, Toronto, staged over Sunday wit
friends here and joined the Huron Old Boy
at Goderich on Wednesday. Mr. Bruce is ;
Bluevale boy. -Was there ever a summer a
full of excursions, picnics and celebration
, -
as this ?-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowling
of Harriaton, visited at Mr. Frank Scott'
last week. -Mr. Wilt McCulley, whb form
erly worked in the cheese factory here, was
Mellwen, a wealthy lady of Stratford.-hIrt
married on Wedneaday of this week, to Mis
and lelre.Xrank 13. Scott visited over thtli
let and 2nd with relatives at Scaforth.--th
Three pupils from our School wrote on the
part 1, examination in Wine= this week.
Only two Bluevale pupils wrote for entrane
last week. This is the timeliest numbetehir.
MeEwen ever sent to' write on the entrance
examination ; but he'll make up for it by
preparing a whopper of a class next year.
Albert Denman is home from Chatha
Business College for the holidays.-hir
Rutherford is visiting her daughter, Mr,
George Pocock, of East Wawanosh.-Mi
Alice Duff was home from Clinton for D
minion bay. -Walter Burgess, while tes -
ing milk at the cheese factory, one day las
week, got some poieonous matter into a
ecratch on his arm, which caused blood -
poisoning. He has been very sick since. a
Le bury.
have got to dodge eat every turn in the
11.1,11cFaul Co's. e re, Seaforth. Their
counters, shelves, and tables voice the
!mealy golden chene s that, are yours, Sum.
mer goods in odd ends, and in dress
lengthe, . you may mire at -.prices you'll
hardly netiee. It's there you'll find what
you are after in P mots, Sailors, Gloves,
Hosiery and Vest , suitable for weatt sr
such as we are ha‘ mg 1699-1
Nieves -The fall heat is doing fine. -A
few more) days likt -what we have been get-
ting end a crop abo se the average will ho
eisured.-The pros ices -for apples is again
-very glad in -this se ion, and we hope there
very eseful men, be apple buyere, will
again . come to 11 front and not. bo al-
together discourage by the reverses of last
year. -Mr. Samuel McPherson has built a
huge addition to hi bero. ,Haegy Brothers
had the job. --The tomes of Mr. Isaac Bol -
ten and Mr, in Crozier have been
cheered by the arri% I of nice baby girls. -
Improvements on t echool house in school
section No. 9, ha _commenced. -In the
foot race for then o r 50 years of age at
Jo n F a.ser, notary public and convey-
ancer. Wi la, deeds and mortgagee drawn on short
notice M ney loaned on good farm seourity,
W at i the beet paint to use ? Practi-
cal mint rs of experiense, whose oPirlion is not
boug sa that the best is Pure Old 'White Lead
and p re inseed Oil, mixed by a pra thal paieter,
NI hos carp +rimier) enables him to prop rly Prix the
paint for tl a spacial work -required. B ignorance
and Min t impudence, without any practical ex-
perie oe, nd knowing nothing ahou what they.
state, say tha Yankee mixed paint is the besti
Any ana ian iixed paint is as good or better than
Yallr e p int rid it le ,cheaper. Why buy the
Yank k nd7 Sanderson, Percy & Co.'s, is the
oldes and most reliable of the mixed paints and is,
sold . t th Drug Store, Bay field for 36o a oan. We
ream men it for home use, but for larger jobs get a
pt act oal minter, pay him a fair price, give _him
pure cad nd pure linseed oll and let him mix hia
paint to 8 it the work. 1098-2,
BI BEV. S. - The schooner Cornet, of
Sande, landed two Loa& of 'prober in
our har or from Johnson's Hfirbor last
wee he examinations for hi h school
entr nce and junior leaving were °adapted
in o r a hdol lent week by Mr. agan, o
Zuri h. Mr, Holman, of Bayfi Id, °it'd -
Mat d i the same capacity at queen. -
Mr. Ja es Ferguson is' at home this week
for fe days holidays. -Mr, Ch rles Mc
Don Id, accompanied by his wife and son,
are visi ing at hie father's honie in Bay
field -h Ramsay and family, ,of Cleve
land, ar -visiting Mre. Remsayse mother,
Mrs T omas Hoard, er,-Goldie Newton
the you g man who was so terribly in
jure in Perdue's mill on the 24th of May
has so ar recovered as to be able to be re
mov d o father's home last week.
Hopes a e now entertained that he will en
tirelar r oover from hie injuries. Ile is be
mg tte ded by Dr. Pallister. -Mr. J. G
Sta bur , barrister, of Exeter, spent th
Bret of July at his mother's home in Bay
fiel .- Ir. Donald McKenzie feels ver
hap y ver the arrival of a strange boy a
hie om on Thursday of last week. -Th
Sal atiol Army Ants had another change o
lea ere ere. A young gentleman who ha
bee qu rtered in Clinton for the past yea
ie i • rge.-First of July passed off ver
hap ily in our village. Large number
,fro th surrounding country and from ad•
jam nt owns were here, and passed a ver
hap y ay pionieing, fishing and boating,
As Ba field is an ideal place for thee
am sem nts, we have large numbers o
pio• ic parties neerly every day of th
su mer -The summer boarders have oom
me eed to arrive. Several of the cottage
are ociupied and the hotels are: alread
nett ly illed.-We notice another nun f
$5,i 00 i the supplementary estimates for
our har or.
we k'a
con s p
phaeri th.ot
pai ter
did th
Du a
Br ntf
Spe nce'
Ex eri
at lue
- r.
W A' ve
of he
been re
ca e t
it no gr a ac
des .
not sui
wh ele
esvgi)1. pbac
Mi L'ly Young went to Buffalo on Satur-
day.- he Bluevale Orangemen will cele-
brate t Listowel thie year. -Rev. W. J.
West, 1, A,, and Mrs West returned home
on Sat rday lest, the former front attend-
ing the Presbyterian 'Assembly at' Halifax.,
and th latter from visiting at Allem 'Craig
and odslock. .0n Sabbath morning, in-
ete d o a sermon, Mr. West gave a resume
of he Assembly proceedings, which were
bot nteresting and _ encouraging -Mr.
We ley Thornton and lietle daughter, of
Bluevale. -
..—The ,priee received for la t
hipment. of June. oheen was 10k
r pound. -M rs. M °Hardy has ha 1
se freshened with a new coat f
The well known - veteran hou e
. Mr. James Collins, of Wingha
work. He painted Mr. lt,
house also. -Mise Mary Spence,
rd, is visiting at Me. :Magn a
eMorris.-Over 90 tickete to t e
bntal Itarm,k at Guelph, were sol
'tile station the day of the exeureio
ohn Diment, ire is still unable o
thout cretches -Fraser Little, sit e
saistents at the cheese factory; h
ry bail. with inflammatory rhenin
mother, Mrs. Little, of Orono,
see him last weelteland as the doe.
sed him to cliscontieue eheeseenak-
took him home with her on:Tires:-
lie atmosphere e eheese factory is
ed to perstess disposed id rheuma-
neuralgia -Mr, - Harry MeHardy
to Goderich last week where he
employed by the Goderich Lumber
y.---eMr. and Mrs. Ira Etcher and -
I t,
JOTTINGS. -Mr. Willertsm Young, of Ne
Orleans, left on Monday last for his sout
ern home, after spending a week visiti g
friends in our village. Will is one of ti e
many Canadians who is prospering in st
land of the free. -Mr. James MeGratl
wife and child are visiting in town. -M .
Samuel Green and wife, of Toronto, a e
visiting his mother and other friends in a d
around Gorrie,-Mr. and Mrs. Spotton f
Harriston, spent Sunday with her motI'm
Mrs. Samuel Greer. -On Saturday last t o
base bell claim from Fordwith played
matches with our clubs in Victoria park.
Our men defeated the Fordwich- men by a
score of 21 to 14 ; but the Fordwich bo a
beat our boys theecoee being 29 to 24.
Mr. Wm. Wilson, of Newark, New Jerse ,
was in town last week. Willie left Gortie
15 years ago, when he was a little boy on y
12 years of age, to seek his fortune in Uue e
Sam's &unit:does. He spent 27 years in a
drug store, after which he took the dru
gist's course ae one of the leading colleg 8,
and atabe olose of his course was &cloaca ,3
rdeliver the valediatory address. Mr. W 1-
son'e career itlustrates what can be emote
fished in not the most favorable circumat a-
ces hy a boy of ability, pluck and persev r-
anee. He now runs a drug store in t e
city of Newark, where he is doing well:
Our Sabbaeh 9chools pieniced last wee
the 'Presbyterian on Wednesday-, the Ep s-
coptilian on Thursday and the Methodist n
Friday. -Our sahool closed for the sum er
holidays on Friday. -Mrs. James Perkins is
visiting in. and around our village.- . -
Robert Tait, of Sherbrooke, Quebec, 18
spending a few days under the paren al
roof. -Mr. Herman Evans, of London, son
of Mr. John Evans, of this village, is in
toven.-Mr. Willie Bradnock, of Pittsburg,
Pennsylvania, is viaiting his parents and
other friencla here at present. -Miss Robina
Keine, teacher, is home for vacationet-Pe-
minion Day was quiet in town, the lovers
of sport going oet of town for the day.
• .
JULY 4, 1900
d at Special Prices
. . AT .
he Corner ,!itore
We have just closed the biggest month's business in the.
history of our store, and are prepared to deal very liberally
with you for the next ten days. For &le :
Boys' Suit ma4e froth excellent tweed,
eleg4ntly tailored, gopd Italian lining
for special, $1.50.
The boyS, young men,'middle aged men and old men,
who have any regard for their pocketbook, cannot afford. to
overlook the corner store with the bide' front. Come, ex-
amine anICompare as much as you please. We court cm -
prison. When we go into • the markets to buy- goods, we
sometimek do a good deal of comparing. You come and do
We -have about fifty untrimmed Hats ; some were. as
high. as $05. You can take your choice until after the 12th
for FIFTY CENTS. And Miss LeFaive will trim it for
you. while__„irou wait
Fifty 1Crash Skirts, plain and trinained, regular 6'1.25,
for 90.c.
• - Lakelet.
SPARKS. -The lawn social held by the
McIntosh people at the beautiful reside ea
of Mr. Hugh Halliday, !oat Monday ev ,n-
ing, was very largely attended,. notwi h -
standing the unfavorable weather, V ry
lit tle use was made of the lawn, as the c ld
damp weather drove the crowd to war er
quarters. The large house was crow ed
and everyone was well entertained. Mat.
McDermott, the genial Irishman, at-
tended to the horses and gave all the du b
brutes shelter. A good programme as
furnished by local talent end was well re-
ceived. The proceeds amounted to ab ut
$46, a very nice sum. -The elephant.liike
bull, the property of the Howiek Steck
Compiny, passed through here last Satur-
day evening for Fordwich, from which place
he was shipped, on Manday. He is an im-
mense animal.. The company have purchas-
ed another youpg animal. -Mr. Thomas 8,
Dulmage, eccompanied by hie wife and little
boy, are visiting at the old home here. -The
blackamitha are kept very busy matting tites,
etc. The weather is uncommonly dry' at
preeent.-The lawn social held by the
worth League of this place, on Mr. Hooey's
beautiful lawn 'oat Tuesday evening, was a
grand success. During the proceedings two
members of the League came forveard hnd
one read a nicely worded address to Rev.
Mr, Smith while the other presented him
with a gold hearied cane. Rev. Mr. Smith,
who started the League here, left for Port
Stanley on Wednesday morning. His -sue-
eeseor here is a Mr. Marshall. -Mr. James
'Ritchie returned to his home this week,
having spent it short time up in Muskokli.-
James Douglas, of Gerrie, the all-rohnd
gentleman and mason, built a wall for J hn
Fergusou, S. Ray, J. Darroch and B. ute
tan in a short time. -William Blackw ocl,
of Harriston, will teach in the Orange ill
eclictel after his holidays. Mr. Shearer, the
present teacher, haft been there for • s me
14 years and during that time has t one
work which will never be forgotten by the
presex:t generation.
St. Joseph,
Nueue,-A largo numher of people ele.
brat( 4 Dominion Day at St. Joseph, Bel ing
d boating. They seemed to enjoy th
eelves. People who visit this place say "to is
jut the spot to go to for a day's out ng,
The coul refreshing breezes and sple did
fishing grounds make it a most desir ble
place to spend the holidays. -Mr. Ge rge
Campbell finiehed sawing his stock of ogs
on Saturday laste-Mr, Resell O'Br en,
while horse racing at Grand Bend, on o.
THREE ,'STORESL---No. 1, Dry Goods, ladies'. goods -only.
No. 2, Clothing, mEm's goods only. No. 3, Gro-
ceries—specialties, canned goods, butter and teas.
minion Day, was thrown from hetieborse and
badly injured. -Mrs. D. IL Tennant and
family, of London, have moved up to spend
two or three months at their sun -liner resort,
south of this place, We hope they will en-
joy the breezes of Lake Huron to the full
extent. -Quite a number of guests arrived
at the Queen's hotel on Saturday last, -Mr.
Nelson Contine has returned from his visit
to Moiitreal atid eastern points.
Machine Shop is *gain in operation and we are pre-
pared to do all kinds of engine and boiler repairs,
also mill work and general repairs. We will keep in
stock a full line of plow points and repairs, engin-
eers' brass valyell'and fittings, iron pipe and fittings.
Pulleys, shafting and gearing made to order.
Orders taken for belting, hose, etc. The shops are
in oharge of Mr. Fred Lange, who will attend
promptly' to all work entrusted ta him. Hoping to
bo favored with, ail our old custopaers and many
new ones. A good, smart, steady boy wanted as an
apprentice. Hobart Bell, Jr., Seatorth and Bengali.
, 1898-8
The execntors of the estate of the late
John P. mseshale have plaoed in the hands of G. J.
Sutherland, conVeyancer, of kernel!, for sale the
fine block of two 2 -story etore's in Hensel!, known
as the Marshall Brick BlOok, also the fine fro.me
dwelling at the rear of the stores. Both are first-
class properties and !will be sold at a great bargain.
For full particulars apply to the undersigned, 0, J,
Sutherland, Office:A the Port Office, Hentall.
LOCAL BRIEFS, --Dominion Day was ob-
served here at a holiday, but there being no
celebration, nearly all our villagers spent the
day at different points along the lake shore.
-Miss Lilliau, youngest deughter of Mr.
Robert Haskett, merchant, of Watford, and
formerly of Hawaii, was on Wednesday,
June 27th, united in marriage to Mr.George
Chambers, a popular and well to do farmer
of Warwick township. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. S. Salton, of Centralia.
The bride wee beautifully dreseed, and the
presents were costly, including a piano, the
gift of the groom. Miss Haskett's many
friends here will unite with her Watford
friends in wiehing her long and continued
happinese.-Mr. Pearson, of St. Marys, and
Miss Henriette Ileore, sister of the bride,
acted -as groomsman and bridesmaid at the
marriage, on Wednesday evening of last
week, of Mr. Thomas Simpson to Miss Hen-
rietta Moore. The wedding march was
played by Mies Hicks, of London. A num-
ber of guests were present from a distance.
The bride was made the recipient of a
number ot very valuable presents. -Our foot
ball. team played the return match with
Dashwood list week, which resulted in a
tie. -The teimatere of Hensel' enjoyed a
very pleasseit day's. picnic at Teylor's
grove, on the lake shore, on Thursday of
last week. They were accompanied by our
councillors, to whom they extended an in-
vitation. -Mr. Wm; Mitchell has recently
been improving the appearance of his dwel-
ling by painting the fences, sidewalks and
verandah floors. -The annual Sabbath school
picnic of St. Peirl's church will be held at
Bayfield, on Wednesday next, and is always
being looked forward to with very mueh in-
terest. -Mr. Leslie Colvin, who is engaged
as public school teacher at Marksville, St.
Joseph Island, is home apending his sum-
mer vacatiom--Mr. D. A. Cantelon recently
received 1,000 heakets, which_ he intends
using for freit ahipment.-Mies Latina.
Cook is visiting friends in Goderich,--Mr.
and Mrs, William Harburn spent Domin-
ion Day with friends in Parkhill.-
1 ,
Mrs. Doherty, of London, has been in the
village during the past week, visiting her
son, Rev. W. J. Doherty. Mrs. Doherty is
1 „ Mrs. McLaughlin, of -Gerrie, was_ here last
accomphnied bY Mrs; Paterson, of London.- .
week, visiting her parents, Mr. end Mrs. R.
"Wright. -Bishop Baldwin, of London, will
-conduct service in, St. Paul's church, on
Sabbath afternoon. -Mr. A. E. Wright and
wife, of Oxford, Michigan, was here during
ehe poet week, spending a few -days with
Mr. and Mrs Richard Wright. -A large
number from Ilensall and vicinity attended
the barn raising of Mr. Alexender MeEwen,
of Hay, on Tuesday afterneon last, Mr.
McEwen is having it fine etone basement pit
under his barn and hes also had it widened
and lengthen:O.-Mr. John eddied', Of
Tuokeramith, also had a raising on the same
afternoon. -Mies PeartGrant, who has been
visiting at the manee, with her aunt, Mrs.
J. S. Henderson, has returned home. -Dr.
.i McArthur, of LonOon, wee in the village
this week, visiting his brother, Mr. J. Me.
Arthur. -Bev. G. Jewite is in Brussels, this
week, visiting relatives. -M re. W. R. Thrunp-
son, who was here recently visiting her
parents, Mr, and 14re. Robert Carlisle, has
returned to Initersoll.-Miss McHugh has
returned from London, where she had been
on a visit for a few'days.-Mrs. McPherson,
of Clinton was in the village last week,
visiting drs. Shirray and Mrs. H. J. 11
Ceok.-Mre. A. A. Goetz and her sister
Miss Phalan, and eon John, were in the'
village part of last week and this, on their
way to Grand Bend, where they intend
spending the summer months.-Mre. Swnn
was in Westminster and London during
past week, Sheen, accompanied hem y
her daughter, Miss !Tense who has "nen nt-
tending the Business College there,-Mlss
O'Neil, of London, !spent part of last week
and this, the guest of her causing, the Misses
Hodgine.-Mrs. All•iston, of London, is vie -
Ring Mrs. G. C. Petty and Mrs. T. Mir -
dock. -Mr. Joseph Norris has paned his
-final examination as a dentest, and intends
shortly practising in the Statec-Mise Nel-
lie Bell, who has been attending the London
BusinesaCollege, ire home on a visie, -Mr.
John Murray, of Wingham, spent Dominion
Day here .with his parente.-Miss Bella
Sparks, who has a situation in London,lis
here for a couple of weeks holidays.-Mes.
Short was in Seaforth during the past w k,
aimiting her father, Mr. J, W. Ortwein-
Mr. Alexander MeNenzie has returned frarn
Auburne-Miss Hatton, E. Rennie's milfins
er, is home at Owen 'Sound, spending the
minim er menthe. -Miss Hilda.Beck returned
is spending a couPle of weeks .at his Old
home, near C011ingWOOd. MT, Daniel Wean
will attend to his -duties during his absenpe.
_visb,iitinisegAiriii:Petteyreh.as returned home frem
London, -Miss Sloan, of near • London,; is
-Mrs. J. T. Hicks, of Mitchell, has ire -
caved a letter from her son, Harry, (if the
Stratheona Horse, weitten joet as the felee
was leaving Cape Town for Durban, to join
Buller's command, He speaks of being
very tired of the long delay at Cape Toevn,
owing to the great loss of home on ehe
voyar, and the difficulty of getting a w
-The laying of the corner stone of
new Methodiet church at Mount Pleas
drew together a large gatherieg on Tries
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDoug. afternoon of last week. The day was be
all will regret to learn of the death of their tiful and many eanie for the enjoyment of
infant ROA, Chester, who had been eeriously the drive and the refreshieg summer bre ze,
ill far a nuMber of weeks. The remains but they quite at much eujoyed the reeeatta
were interred in the Rodgerville censethry Biota and especially the refreshments, eater
Wednesclay. afternoon last.-Mh and arriving at the scene of the event Several _
Mrs. Henry Fosryth, of near Seafortli, for- of the former pastors of the circuit were
merly of Beneath spent Dominion Day with present, but the eervices were opened and
Mr. and Mre. J. IL Chesney...le-hire. Mc- cooducted by Rev, Mr. Henderson, presh
Gregor, of London, is here this wsCeek visit- dent of the London eonferenee. The chief
ing her sisters and other friends. -The corner stone was htid by Mr. William
organ recital in the Methodist church on. eon, who placed $100 upon it, even thortgh
Friday evening last, by Miss Amy Murdock he had already given $501.) tower& the new
and her pupils, was very Well attended and building. The second stone was kid hY
mueh enjoyed, The instrumental Beieem Mr. R. D. Roy, who placed $10 upon it ;
tiers by the pupils not only reflected credit and the third One by Mies Gertrude Hord,
upon themselves but also on their teacher, of Mitchell,- who did her work very daintily
Short and appropriate addresses were with a pretty silver trowel, which was sno-
also given by the Reverends Messrs. G. sented to her, and she depoeited $25 upon
Jewitt, W. J. Doherty and J. S. Render- the stone. At the concluelon ef this part
son ; while Mrs. 3, B. Hoover, of Clinton, , of the eeretnony, au excellent tea was
and Miss Phalen, of Stratford, added to the : served. The proceeds of the day amo ted
pleatitire of theoccasion by rendering solos,- to about $400.
Fell Wbeal
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