HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-06, Page 37'777
JULY 6, 1900
oy pro -
e lateat
eating oriel
ttd witlt
dii liar -
1.,1 ratchet
; ton €10th-
. • '
-I, arit
to the
tat ir EN WANTED„ -Wanted two gcod farm bandit,
_a_L ono married and one single. Steedy job and
highest wages for good men. Apply to ToomAs
RUSSELL, Themes Roed, Ushorne, ...aeter P. 0,
MEACHER WANTED. -A male teacher Wanted
for School Section No. 10; Grey, to take 'Margo
after holidays. Applicetions tating salary, received
up to July 14th. A poracinal application preferred.
WM. BUTTERY, Secretary•Treasurer, Cranbrook
P. 0. 1698-2
TOOR SALE. -The comfortable lt story frame hone°
J' occupied by Mrs. Matthew, In Eginondville.
The house is in good repair, and there is plooty of
hard end soft ureter on the premiees. Also about an
acre of land. Apply at TER EKPOSITOR, Moe. 16024f
1011N BEATTIE, Clerk ni the Second Divielon
e) Court, Cooney CommieelOner, of Huron, Con.
reyaocer, Land, Loan and Inieurance Agent. ,Faands
!eve tod and to LOAD. Office -Over 8brp
era' stoo, Main Arcot, Seeforth. 1289
BEES AND POULTRY.- 20 colonies of Italian
leer In stead painted hivee, at from $5 to86.60
each. Alto full lima of boo keepers' supplies.
Lets taken in txcharge ter supplies.
•Peultry.-A grand pen of White Rocks, prize
winners at Canada's biggest elbows. Black Hiloorenue,
large, geed color, a very desirable fowl for egge and
table. Eggs for hatching 1$1 per eettleg. WM.
HARTRY, deaforth. 10804f
_U rent for a term of years, Lot 14, Conceesion 2,
L. R. $., Tuckersuilth, containing 100 acres, about
hO mom under cultivation, abut 66 acres seeded to
grass. A good brick house snd bank barn, with
atone stabling underneath. There is- a .eplendid
orchard and plenty of water. Is within a mile and *
half of Icppen and three and a half from llonsall,
and 7 miles from Seaforth. Apply on the premises
or to Kippen P. 0. WM. M, D010. N. B. Ale° for
gale a thorobred Durham bull, regietered , end a 2.
year-old general purpove tlIIy 16e7x4
elSTRAY CATTLE -Came Into the promisee of
1/ John Morrieon, Lot 28, Concession 9,_11cKil1op,
throe a carting red heifers. The owner can have the
emote on provirg property and paying charges. If
not claimed in ore mouth they may be sold, JOHN
MORRISON, Winthrop P. 0. 1696.4
TRAYED CATTLEt-Strayed from the proadeoa
of the undersigned, being Lot No. 20, on the 7th
Conceseiert of the Townthip of Hay, on or about Mao
16th day of May hat four ,i.-yertr-old cattle, viz :
3 steers, one being groyt ono red and one red with
Eome shite at the beak of, hips, and one rod and
, bite spotted; but mestly1 red, and all havirg
bores. Such informatiod as ; will lead to their re-
covery will be euitably restarded. GEORGE H.
GRAM, IfentialL 1 1696x4
110 PIG BREEDERS.- ate undersigned will keep
on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S. Tuckerstalth,
A thoroughbred Cririsree, WIliTe Pio, deo a thorough.
bred YORKSITIRX Pio. A limited number of sows will
be admitted to each. Terms, $1, payable at the time
of etervice, or 81.50 if oluirged. Also a fow Cheater
White Pigs, for aide. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-52
VICE. -The undersIgnedl will keep for sere -toe,
at the Brueefield Olteose Faotory, a thoroughbred
Tatoworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terme,
111 ; payable at tare of service with privilege of re-
turning if neoeesary. Also *number of thorough.
bred ,young Taxuworth Beare and Sows kir Bale,
F111011 Mo0A.RTNEY, Brueefield. 1406.14
11 undersigned offers for sale his cottage in Han
purhey with 3 acres of land in good state of cultism.-
tioreplanted with fruit and ornamental tress. There
is a good gable on the place, alto plenty of hard and
soft water. Fences are in good order. There aro
even rooms in the house which ie good repair. The
premises may be viewed at any time. JOSEPH 1'.
FOR SALE. -The Gabe Farm, one of the bot 100
acre farms in Gcderich township, Huron
county, 1 eing, Lot 17 and part of l8, Eth conoession :
tti miles .from Goderich, 7 from Clinton. The farm
contains good buildings and good fences, ia well
watered ar d well uederdraincd. There is a large
nearing orchard and garden of small fruits. Terms
to suit purchaser. Apply to WM. GOULDe on the
premises, or Goderich P. 0. 1697x4
V_ the village of Egmoudville, the valuable and
pleaeantly located premises of the undoraigned.
The prcprtyaonsiats Of two %Mee of good lad, well
drained and oultivated. There is a comfortable
frame home, a gocd stable, pig pon and other nee.
mare. outbuildings on tho premieee, also hard and
soft skater. There are Moo lat good fruit trees,
applea, plumes and -cars; besides some choice small
fruits. It is a most desirable plan for a retired far'k
riser cr minket gardener, and %Ingo cheap. Apply
to WM. C. Clark, a:emcee:1N ilk. 16964f
tuARM FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 21, Concession 10
irieK11Iop,-eantaining 100 acres, 80 of which aro
cleared and ready for crop, being well underdrained
and well fenced oith cedar and black aah. Thehan
once is timber tied pasture. There Is asmall or-
chard and three g,ocel wells. There le a good framer
house and wood tired, a barn and stables 61ati0 Not
also sheep home, pig pen, implement house and all
other neemary out buildings. -It Is 11 milee east of
the north gravel road and is convenient to school,
churches, peat efilee, etc. Is VI miles from Seaforth
and ten tulles from Bruseele. It ia ono of the best
farms in the tcwnship and will be sold on easy terms
act the proprietor wishes to retire. Apply an the
prentieee or addrera Winthrop P. 0. WM.• MORRI-
SON. 100341 .
Splendid Farm For 'Sale.
Lot 21, Con. 11, Hibbert, 100 acres,
Of whielt of, acres ere cleared and -15 acres in bush,
Comfortable frame house and bank barn, 45x80.
FOOL in good state of cultilreti
ion well foneed, well
drained, plenty of water, gocd, roade, and within a
reaeonable distsoce or market', church, eehools, etc.
Thine cf Hale easy. For particulats apnly to F.
liOnMEST.t 0, Eeq., Barrister, Seaforth, dr on the
prendeve ta WILLIAM DUNLOP, Orornarty P. 0.
ee Hofer BOLIN .gtLI FOR SALE. - Twelve
n orator cid, roan; in color, eligible for reglstra-
n. Apo's. on Lot 25, 1st Concession, London
Read, 1, miltsteouth ef Brucelleld. JAMES PAT-
ERSON, Br ncerield. ' 1t39-tt
itoternoitee FoR SA LE. --One cow and 2 two -
0 3 ear -old heifers, suppoeed tn enivn 10 October ;
1 3ear1ires heifer, 1 heifer calf, and 1 bull calf, le
recriti.s elti. All good animals with registered pod.
mree.1 alio ker.' for Eunice an ireprott.tr York -
Olin 1 oar, 1.red Inco Toronto Swe'_pstak w innenr.
A. 0, SMILLIE, lioneall P. 0. 1697 tt
Tired Hous kee
Disordered' ICid4
a multiiude of
8 bring them
Ins and aches.
ften women
otft before the
yla work is fairly
gtui atel sink into a
air utterly worn
But the houlsework
wit _ bo even
t ough the baok does
he, a the head
rattly els raly to burst.
These romen welt
u derstand why they
a e nevir.strong, why
t e night does not
b int rest, why they
a • always tired, hey°
ne appetite and seem -be pains aud Rebel
all over.
As a rule the Teal ofie of the troubletiis
the last onethtght o 1
It all comes from e 1dnye. These
delicate filtersilei the bl4xl get out ei
-Order, an.d as a result t e uric oid and other
poisons that they ough to ear y off are sent
back into the eyeteed.
Therett no use tryi g to g t relief until -
the kidneys are rester d to he lth.
The easiest, safest, quioke t way to ac-
complish this is to tak -Doan' Kidney Pine
-natures' oven rem dy io all kidney
diseases and &mug* tits.
Mrs. Mertha, S. Vrcls , Littl River, Digit e
Co„ N,S., recently «oto as follows t "
have much pleasure in statin that Doane
Kidney Pills have won erfull improved my
health. I had been uffering with lame
back for a number of eau med at the time
I begen taking Doan' Pills I was almati
unable te do any houe work.
"I have used three boxes end must say
they have taken the .itin out of , nay baca
and restored try stre Oh. I don't think
thero is eny other med'oine ec nal to Doan's
Kidney Pills for kidne troub es."
Wpm W. 11. Bullard, Teacher.of Pianoforte,
Mrs. W. II. Buller(' will take a limited number of
pupils for inrtruetir n act ordinr‘f to the wor,t ihoderet
and succoseful methods. Special attention given to
Dr. frlieten*s touch and-teenkrue. Musicales -will be
given at intervals to accustom the pupils to perform
in public. • Residewe corner of High and Market,
Streets, Seaforth. - tenet
The undersigned having purchased from
the Ogilvie Milling Company, of Mont real,
the well-known
Seaforth Flour Mills,
Are now prepared to do all kinds of ,
Custom Work,
. . . TO WHICH . .
Special Attehition will be
- -
The very best quality of Flour given in
=exchange for wheat.
Chopping,of all kinds done on the short-
est -notice. Price, five cents per bag.
The beet brands' of Flour always on hand,
and will be delivered in any part of the
town freo of eharge.
The highest price la cash peal for all
kinds of grain.
Feed of all kinds constantly on hand.
The Seafortli Milling Co.
Funds of privet° parties, ale° company funds, to
loan at lowest rates on first mortgage ; terms to fruit
borrowers*. JAMES L. KILLORAN, Barriethr,
Seaforth. 106941•
SpavInspiling olive ,Splints
Curbs, -and II Forms of
Lamenes YiCId to
Works thousands of cures nnually,1 Endorsed by -the
best breeders and horsemen everyw ere. Prieto, VI six
for SS. AS a liniment for f mily us it has no equal.
west Lome, ntario, an., Doe, 11. 1808.
DR. B. :J. KENDATiL co..
Dear Sim -A year age 1 lad a.v.ali able horse which,
got Janie, I took 'him 'to the Veterl ary liorgeon wh:o
pronounced It Occult E4pav In and gmijvo mo lItt.Io hope,
although he oomlied a sharp blister. "his made matters
only worse and the horse be ,ame so ame that It could
not stand op. After trying everYthing in my power I
went to a neighbor,and told mlmo about the ease, He gave
me one of your books and 1 indled I; earefully and be-
ing resolved to do the utrnos in favor (Amy beast, went
to the nearest drug store am gots bo ;tie of your Spavin
(lure and applied ltstr1tly ceordInv to directions. Be-
fore the first bottle was user I noticed an hunrovement,
and when the seventh bottls wtui about half used, my
horse was completely eur 41 and without leaving a.
blemish on him. After ce sing treatment 1 gave the
horse good care and did son). light work vrith hlm,wish-
ing to see if it had effected a. cure.I then started to work
the h °rile hard and to my e ttIre sat Motion he never
showed any More lameness through, the whole summer.
-I can recommen 1 Kendall' lJpavin Cure n, ot only as an
excellent, but as 4. sure rome4ly, to al), onto that It may
concern. Yo re truly, SAAWEL TRITTEg.
Aslryour drugg et for itendalre Spavin Cure, peso
tt& Treatise on tihe Horse " the book tree, or addreSs
Earth [Mina taken at I west rake ; payments to
emit borrower satisfaction guaranteed; all °erre.
spondenee cheer fully awl .cred. ABNER, COSENS,
Winghrine Ont. Office -At corner of Minnie and
Patrioic ctreets; every sa urday al) day. 1667
Ladiee end gentlemen, haeking
u for 'poet
patronege and now that a r.ew aea on is at hand I
o LEM to lot you know that I am st 11 in the businees,
ready to 00 tny•beat to trios you yory satislaction
In doing your work in the lino of o caning and -dyeing
ono without bein
ppeid. All woo
ideation on short.
cot nctice. Snhawls, eWire, etc., at moderate
prices P.oese do not fall to give me a call. Butter
and ogee 'taken :in exch, nge for, work. HENRY
NICHOLa Goderich street 3a8t, oppoelto the Catholic
Church. 1601.4f
gentlenieree and ladieAir
s' el lag, d
ripped 110NA'Cii as to have them r
gooda eurtrautor
red to give cel sa
A Severe ease l'irmanently
Cured by',
"Ihad Salt Rheuh in m
for three y -ears and could's-I
to cureene till ausettl nedoc
"On faking the first bottle' there was a'
great change. for ti e bet er and by the
time the second boll wa. finished I was
have 4i ad no return
face and hands
(get -anything
c Blood Bitters,
As It Is Now Enforced in t
State of North Dakota.
-Adsian titckes Accruing to the People:Fr m
the Absence or Saloons-PopuIati n
Has trembled, Motif( Deposita Inere se
ed, IprOme De/erased, and Gene I
ProeOrity Has Resulted. -
The ollowing letter. from Jud e
Pollock„.bf North Dakota to W. 1.
Muloek, Winnipeg, Man., w 11
be read...with - much interest at t •
present time, as- it pertains to axle af'
the leading- questions of the day:
• Fergo; N.D ,- April -13, 1900.
Hon. W. Redford lilulock, • Q.
Whin peg, Mani,toba'.
My I ear Sir -1 have your favor
the 101.1i, instant, wherein you aSk
-to the efTect of Prohibition in Nor h
Dakota, and whether it has been e
forced satisfrt ctorily
101)13 g, , \you] Say: The effect
heen1 •einaricable for the betterme
of our people. We have arrived
a. point where the enforcement of t
law lits rNtched such a momentu
that ottr people are constantly seeiig
the 11dt:ening& .coming from. *the
sence f salloonS and "blind pigs.'
You will' remember our law we t
July 1, 1890, about six
after the advent of 8ta e-
"heeda For several years we had o
content with the problems growl g
oot of a change of systems, a,od t e
'enforce nent of an excise la,w. T
const it itionolitts ref the law must
he teSted in Ithe- courts. Assaults in
the int_eislature .against its veal° is
provieions had to be met and ov r -
thrown Aggressive action 1.011'41 r
reirn b m tting the question of cons 1-
tutiont 1 prohibithm to the pee le
had -to he thwarted.: A public seri •i-
inent ciumnensurate with the needs of
the 1 lie. iiitist, be developed aid
made table. All these matters have
been net emir people with such d gL
nit,Vlid dolfgC(1. determination 1-11 t
110-110 it can be truthfully said t e
laW.15 Moro popular ainong th rut
t;hati before.
In. 1 v district, covering the cot n -
ties ( f Cass, Train and Steele, duri g
I he 1 e list; CI' 10(1, there were about
1 25 ent .00ns. Fargo, then a:city of
0,000 inlmnhitnimts, had 41. There is
not -a Mt1oon to -day in the 'entire dis-
trict, 't nd, at this monient, I am not
we r of a single, place where- it is
claim there 16 a "blind pig.'"ithat
there may he a few :tech places I
have no doubt, but if they do exi t,
it ite se under cover as to avoid he
ding( n .0 of the- officers.
g now as •then, the matt: -or o-
ils o he State, 'has not suffered in
her n ter int groat' t h Then she s as
,withot t a block of pavement; no v,
'all jir ncipal streets, both busin ss
abd esidence, are paved. , The city
has 3 own to contain about 12,0*0
finial i ants. There areno vacant
anent houses. More aro et 11-,
bcing erected. She did 'al) ut
0,000 'worth of wht les le
.n _farm"- implements, gr wet- es
tits during the past year, a
daily • deposit in her banl S,
to check, about $1,70,0(0.
( same Utile, when con paled
9 of the large cltieS f
, such as Minneapolis,
Denver, Milwaukee, Ni.
, Philadelphia; etc., pOy
smaller per eapita' incebt d- .
, nd only two have a s nal er
)Ita tax levied in 1898.
.1 tver eitho. State just such (t-
ents as this are consttan
, a,nd all without =the ad of
7al' Uri
tAt t
• 001171
e,rt t
poll k
cola n
trail c
cove d
lic (
10,0 .1 majerity, hnvinta the 'ollc
ing milt in its pla Limon:
la,litive in the strict Slescr.y-
(ince if it'll laws, and especially t tat
no 1 .1:ward step should be eken in
. completely cured an
of the disease: sinde.
" I have great fait
for blood 4cl skin c
Bruce, Shelburne, N
1 in B.B.B. ris a core
iseasete " Mi,s Maud
'Are you
going to
ba ?
If so, sion't forget -th
distriet its tbe Prairie Pr
Real Estate, Loan, Insura
then is the arm of :PAR
t Dauphin is the finest
tvilicei end that the loading
co and Commission agents
1N0 & MURRAY. Office,
cornet of Main Bt, eet and 'Wakefield avr nue; en-
trance, Main street. Cor •espondenre solicited which
will Ie promptly attend° to. Seed for list of term
and town properties for Ole. ' 168618
Par over a year 'we have
INDAPO.; Our first order
otir last for One Hundred -an
tt (MEAT '
Itesults in 30 (law. ()u
all Nerrone DitteaRett. Fed
Favorite, Sleepteseness, N
sIon e, ete„ enused hr Pas
vigor rind oleo to ehrrinke
purely restores..Losl Neer,
carrle 1 in VeP
Six for etir,00 wit a ter
?Plotter, ref,* ritirl. DO,
on having ITTDAP
liclItS 1It P1
16 Wlial6Vii47(cti
This meld Increase prov
vvbe Oki it speaks well of.
had the agency for she sale of
as for quarter of a dozen,
Forty- our Dollars worth.
Made a well
Man of
gittly Ernie -
abuser, give8
n organs, and quickly but
ood in old or young.
ket, Price $.1.00 e package,
teen ortaranteg to ware of
T AN IrarraTrou, but
• If your druggist has not
paid, •
rot Chirrup, Ill, er oar Agents.
S 11 1* a reine.dy :het everyone
YOUES respectfully,
1 -V. VEAL &Mona Ont.
lieonsod soloon. Verily, a State
prodUced annually 5 5,0
of hard wheat, to say
her other, vast inclustri(
e, • oats, / corn, cattle., -611 qv
has no need • of the sal() m.
timo. was in the State' Nvhen
uor. elements controlled ?he.
s of the parties. Thattime is
and public 5(4)11131Na is be --
r SO strongly in favor oi pro -
y methods of dealing* 1.11 the
that party leaders are dise
rre means to satisfy tha
nand, ' At the last Stat
about, .16,1100. votes wet'
ij epublican part y triumph1(1
the otintenanco and enforcement of
the initilition. law."
• (te ornor 1 leo Me, in his message to
thu tst. leo:isle tore, snid: "The law
me y lot 11(1 ''0 accomplished 41 1 hO t
itat riends h•oped, but that it baa
boon a powerful instrument tor the
ition of intemneranco but fev.
will c ony. Rainy days havo. iot tho
torens for °lir fa loners . as before.
Alerelnints nntl business men ( ngaged
in 1 t dvent-
ds of
30 10
est of
t the
El glel•
-VL101 11
to I'S
trac e
sale 0 1 18 an outlaW, and. tItat, the
if In as a bevel -11g° is
ive .to the good order ef the
eful pursuits enjoy the
if cash sales, , which -
secured by the saloons
instead of being filled
t buildings, nre building
pace with tho denian
and cemeeeuent incree
vtla , Ceneral prosperity
y1/4:vherre; to uhound.
- the children of the Stitt
ving to understand th
St a e
'Phi- testimony of tho Governor, I
know, was given, after his havieg
trnve led quite thoroughly ov r the
C)1t11'4 Slate.
n lug last year I was in 12 dif-
ferent counties (the most populous)
holdiog court. My observatit n leads
me t r fully oonfirm the statemewe of
the overnore
At the. pitesent! Moment,- lel this
count[y of Cass, eonta ning a popula-
tion of over ',30,0e0, there are in our
coon y jail but tin ee petsone They
are yaiing trial for grand larceny
•at the corning April term, begineing
week after next; whoream, milder the
newt law form, 803' 188d tp Beta
wh 14 1 wits thO prosecutin tittor7
noyf lwe had at this time.. of he year
The Old Reliable Remedy for
Diarrho3a and Dysentery.
Grandma Mrs. Thos. Sherlock, Arn-
Used Itrlor, Ont recently wrote:
. r
My little girl, three years of
age, was taken very bad with diarrhhea,
and we thought we were going to lose her,
when I remembered that my grandmother
always used Dr. Fowler's Extact of Wild
Strawberry, and often !Saki that it saved her
life. I got a bottle and gave it to my child,
and after the third dose she began to get
better and slept well that night. She Im-
proved right along and was soon com-
pletely cured."
"E. & D. Quality Satisfies."
E. &I D.
The E. & D. wheel is. the wily Oan
adian bicycle that has built up United
States business. It la the.: only bicycle
with Four -Point Barings.
If we ever do open fire cn Constanti-
nople, we will inake the fa ious old city
look like a scrambl d alphahet-Wichita
Maybe Russia is led to put an end to
the horrors of exile in Siberia beceuse, of
England's revival of competition in that
field at St. Helena. -St. Loves Republic.
A good many.Am deans cPuld very ap-
preciably improye heir English by giv-
ingclose study to the Chinese minister's
after dinner spec
If the government will kindly make an
appropriation, the armor plate makers
will endeavor to movide an armor that
will shed the new s ft nose projectiles. -
Omaha World -Hera d.
Another British c ncessloW made to Ire-
land is that the rid halfpenny postage
stamp shall heron ter be tereen. • The
change has the mer t of not[costing any-
thing. -San Fraud 'co Exanfiner. -
The largest Ainei lean fleet ever manu-
factured will float from the top a the
Eiffel tower in Pai•is on the Fourth of
July. Its broad stiipee anc.1 bright stars
measure 50 by 20 feet. Huiirool-Boston
Everybody in creation wants to come to
America, and we Can't teethe him, but
this country ought 'not to be a dumping
ground foe the lama and halt and blind,
and something shohld be done tit limit
Who will say that hearts are no longer
stirred by verse tc actual deeds? The
handling of Kipling's "Absentminded
Beggar" has peodaced the, astonishing
•eum of $485,000 for the fainilies of the
men fighting in South Africa. -New York
Oleo consumers -ill be ohliged to take
It straight. While it may aot appear as
apbetizing as when colored to resemble
butter, the virgin nrticle v1i he just as
healthful, (even thrugh it be embarrass-
ing when "compihiy callst"-Pittsburg
Commerical Gazet e.
That the system of registering letters
by mail carriers h s proved'succesi3fu1 Is
evident from the 'act thatl it has Just
been extended by the poste] authorities
to 103 postoflicee.• Less then 100 ities
having free deliver., are non, without the
house registry system. -Ne York Her-
In four -point bearings the load is trans- ail
initted in a direct line, and there is no jam-
ming of balls in the races. In ordinary bear-
ings the load is transmitted at an angle,
which greatly increases the preesurc9 on the
parts 61 the hearing. In the E. &D. four -
point bearinge the bearing never fsustains
greater preseure than the nettle
bicycle. In ordinary beariugs
is often three times the actual load. E. &
D. locally guaranteed National bicycles have
four -point bearings in the crank -hanger, the ,
hubs, and the head. The bearings are guar-
anteed for three years.
E. & D. Road Models, termite 860
E & D. Road Models, ladies' $60
E & D. Special Models, with gear case •7O
E. & D. Racing Models $70
Liberal options are given in saddles, goers, tiros.
The E. & 0. being a national wheel, is locally guar.
anteed, Catalogue on application.
= load on the
he pressure
Lumsden & Wilson,
Heart Humbug
It is fashionablti today t� have a
new heart' scare every 24 hours.
The commonest tyraptoms 'of dye.
peps* or nerve trOvble,- such as pal-
pitation; weak spells, lois of appom
tite, and poor circislatIon, are magni-
fied and distorted into serious signi
of heart trouble, With the object of
frightening the public into taking
this or that heart remedy. If a
hundredth part ofthe heart !trouble
we hear about were -real, the_ ceme-
teries would be Lliedi in a month. A
wrong construction is put upon corn -
mon ailments in ora:er to humbug
the people- into the belief that heart
diseaee is prevalent,- whereas rea)
heart trouble, aellieh is so sadly and
suddenly fatal whea it e .r.:•CC7-1r, ia
a rare niitioott.
tannea ce.leinee art iraa
Iron is the, via.d Caere:eat ay: !`-.1•7; blee
'Toe liat:e i: --::n v, ea., -aa. Leal,
of cla eaa,. ca
breath, `: _ rotinO(.1•
loss of v:tal catliag
breala.down. T:aa 'a-cn
Blood and Nei
ble formyou ne aJ, i i ae:
with other. care ,;‘, e r. n -
. mariner that -a.ao cae'z
action, You .f •a•
well when yea 2 . •
13100d and .1'.-Teeva.:
f0e, 14.‘7, 0; 41 lr: -
Grist mill running night and day, and all
kinds of work done on the shortest notice
First-class roller flour exchanged for wheat,
On hand a quantity of good feed corh for
sale at lowest prices.
All kinds of first-class logs wanted at the
mill, for which the highest cash price will
be paid. Call and see let before disposing
of your logs,
JOHN *NEVIN, kippen.
mei' ni
Any Spectacle
is no more adapted to your
face than any coat to
your body.
The fit of the frame is as
important as the fit of
the lenses. ,
We make a scleci'plty
of both.
The body of the irone be is hardly so
long as that of the queen, b t it is much
It is bad manag went to lace and re-
place frames, us1ng the full set in the
hive at the same ti ne.
One of the great st hindriinces to large
honey crops is all wing tho bees to run -
short of stores at tl is time.
When brood rearing is cOried on ex-
tensively, more 'WI ter than usual is ree
quired. Supply it couvenicrt1y.
Fertile workers t re work rs' bees that
lay eggs that will ,liatch, b t they hatch
only drones and n ver worker bees, and
the drones are sn idler than the drones
produced by the qt eens.
In nearly all cas >s when a bee is crip-
pled or diseased i i any Ivey "from any
cause It crawls aw y from the cluster out
of the • hive and rid the commuuity of its
presence as soon a- possible,
• To 'keep honey yith uninipaired flavor
it must not be subjected to dampness. If
'water coudenses n the surface of the
comb, it soon dilutes the }ley, and then
it sours and spoils. -St. Lo is Republic.
Congress is talking aboet controlling
trusts; mind you, only talking. -Buffalo
The sun of pul lielty will shine hot
enough to melt th ice trost yet. -New
York World.
U.'here is a move) tent on foot to organ-
ize a banana true . It will require no
supreme court to ti ke the hide off that. -
St. Peel Globe.
It is most desirable that Monopolizing
corporations shoult be conyinced that It
does not pay to b too greedy. That Is
a lesson which the Amerioan Ice com-
pany seemto be in the Way of learn-
ing. -New York T mes.
The czar of Ru sin, (Thee some things
In a refreshing mai ner. lie learned that
the Standard Oil comnpauy, which oper-
ates in Russia, • w as doing the "gouge
act." Thereupon he appOinted an auditor
of the trustee accot nts. Now that auditor
allows the trust a fair profit, and the rest
goes into the impeial treasury. And the
price of oil in Ruesia is aot fluctuatiug
to any noticeable extenteateinaha World -
A Woman's Shoe
should be like herself
—dainty and delicate
—yet strong to endure,
This is the King
Quality all over. It's
as pretty as a shoe can be made and as strong also, and.
yet it doesn't look as though it was made for a man.
People who don't know it, guess
the price somewhere around $5, and
yet it is only $3.
Ask to see King Quality.
'The weight of r41 the air on the globe
would be eleven end teenthirds trilIion
pounds if no deduction had to be made
for space filled by mountains and land
above sea level.
An English pht sielan welter, In The
Lancet that he btlievee the time is ap-
proaching when th study of diet will do
away with the nned for most medical and
surgical treatMent
The government of Neve Zealand has .
requested propostills for dighting Welling-
ton by electricityfrom Kartari falls.
A scheme is -already under way for using
the water power from these falls for a
cordite factory nett IMMO g in the vicin-
ity. The idea is., to cote -bine the two
'Fortunately this country is not under
bonds to engage it nIl th were cut out
Lor it by the I'aris paper .-Minnenpolis
Paris 3001113 to W ant to ese Uncle Sam
as a catspaw wi h whieh to pull its
chestnuts out of the fire.-Itidgewood (N.
J.) News.
• Paris has anothe pipe dream. Now it
is that Germany is sidling up to England,
so it will sit out • while William the un -
silent does up th Unittd States and
scoops South Arne ace. This vision has
all the spectaculat earmarks of Canna-
bis indica. e •
It is believed thet meth ng short of an
earthquake could destroy the Washing-
ton monument, so solid is its foundation.
The stairway le ding tti the tower of
the Philadelphia --ley hall contains 598
steps and is said to be he tallest con-
tinuous stairway 1 the world.
The highest po tit _of he new Mont-
gemery Ward bui ding in Chicago is 385
feet, while that 0 the alesonic temple is
only 822 feet. T e, Auditorium tower is
270 feet high.
For Infan s and phildren.
Teo tee-
th:ale -
Eeono y‘
to get the Bisi
A cheaply ma e cream separator
is dear at any price, because faulty in
construction, liable to break, and diffi-
cult to operate. The Sharpies No. 1, .
with a capacity of 325 lbs. an hour,
and the Sharpies W. H. S, with a ca-
pacity of 300 lbe„ are the finest pro-
ducts of the largest and best equipped
cream separator factory in the world.
The materials entering into the con-
struction of these,, machines are the
best -obtainable, The Work is done by skilled workmen, and is subjected to the
most rigid in pection. Without fear of eubetential tontradietion, we can say
that for ease in operating, clean skimming and durability, there is no other hand
power mem separator Made by any one anywhere that is equal to the Sharpies.
We sell ithese machines on their merits. We believe that the buyer should be
allowed to decide which machine is best for him to buy. We leave them to any
intending buyer for a week or ten days, with privilege of returning the machine
if not perfectly satisfied with it. Price of NO, 1 maehime, 90,$ W. 11. 5, ma-
chine, $75. Write for illustrated catalogue. See Eample machine at Hinchley
Brothers' warerooms, Seaforth. —
• W. L. OMMENTE Londesboro Ontario,
'The Backaching Kidney Sufferer
Is Not Referred to Far Away People For
Backache Kidney Tablet Eyidence.
Rolls Up Volumes of Proof in Every Place.
Mrs. John Pinkney, Goderich St., West,
Seaforth, says :-" My little girl, aged II
years, has from childhood been delicate.
The back and kidneys hen° given lots of
pain and trouble, particularly in the bed
wetting, so common in children. Nothing
seemed to release her in any way until I got tion aggravated it. After using many things
a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney "suggested Without relief, I got a bottle of
Tablets from Robert's dug store. The e Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets at
tablets began to take effect immediately,and J. S. Robert's drug et -ore t and found them_
J. B. Thompson, grain buyer, Board of
Trade, Seaforth, says :-" Some years ago_I
had an accident, resulting in a back an
kidneyetrouble. The pain was first in front
and fluidly shifting to the small of the back
and his. Change in the veeather or exer-
by the time the first and only bottle was
done, the trouble that had existed so long
was gone. I am delighted with them, and
recommend them heartily," •
just what I wanted. They took hold im-
mediately, and although I did net quite fin-
ish the bottle, the pain, soreness and kid-
ney derangement was cleared away. I an
glad te endorse them."
If you have the sPghteet, symptoms of Kidney or Bladder trouble you can teat this
great medicine flee. Arrangements have been made whereby every reader of this
paper can obtain a trial package of Dr. Pitcher'Backache KidneyTabletsabeolute-
ly free -by enclosing two cent, stamp for postage to The Pitcher Tablet Co., Toronto*
Ont. te When giving address mention this paper.
If you are convinced Pitcher's Tablets are what you want, you 1''eatt obtain a regular
eize for 50 cents per bottle. If not, obtainable at druggists, mailed free of postage on
receipt of; price."
For Breakfast
Are as easily made as porridge
—if you have an
Imperial Oxford
Because its oven can be made as hot as you like—
checked down again as soon as you're through,
-Not a minute's waste of time—
Not a copper's waste of fuel.
Better see them at our nearest agents.
1 eneyer you
For sale by SILLS & MURDIE, -Seaford".
The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited, Toronto, Winnipeg,
SEAFOR,TH - - - P. O
Engineer for Wingham, Seaforth,
Howick, &c,
Cement Sidewalkie Sewere and Township
Drains will be given special attention,
At Queen's Hotel.
System Renovator
A pocilo and ant/dote fer Impure, Waite „and lm-
ovorlihod Blood, Dyspeptia, Eileepletenees, Paltettee
'Mon of the Heart, Liver Courphtint, Nannies, Lois
Of Memory, Bronchitis, Oonaumption, Gotil Stove ,e4
Janneiee, Money and Urinary D•Wriees, Vitus'
Deno, eeeniee Irregularielet and General DO/My.
LABORATORY-eamiterieh, Ontario.
J. M. MeLEOD, Proprietor and Mau
Bold by J. S. i:s, Se -Mort