HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-07-06, Page 2REAL ESTATE FORSALL
FOR SALE,-Acomfortable stay and a half trans
house on North Main street, Seaforth, 4 doors
north of the Queen'4 HOWL The houoe contains' 7
roofli3 and a splendA well. ALEX, EiT0131.14, Sea-
led . 18934f
$1. STANLEY FOR SALE --For sale Let
9,Concession I., Loaaon Real, near the viliage
of B ncefield, caitainIng about 100 am*" 90 eau
-alea_ed and in *good shad of Miltivatiort, the re-
n ai do is herd wood hush. There ere pod bailie.
uI(,12 stores of wheet, 33 eeedei to gram, a geed -
ere enti end plenty of wet3r. Will be sold cheap
and on easy term. Apply to A. J. R033, *Brueo-
Bei I P. O.- - 1137041
FINE,FARM FOR SALE.-Fcr eat° LA 21, Oon-
i cession 3. Stersley, conteining 100 stereo. The
Tana teal! clear but 1.2 mores which Is ler geed herd -
woad neigh. Fifty, scree arv under oultivation 8
aorps le An wheat and the ballatute le sealed to grass..
Th re lain good frame home, frame barn and stables:
Thci: fart is welt (cooed and .underdrained end has
*1naU. never felling epring creek Tanning- through
onn orner of it. It is coMpletely free from ten
foul weeds. Terme Omit. 1.104410581011 giVOn,
lin no•
dist ely. ,For further particulare apply to JOHN
GI MORE. Brueleftelci P. O. 1
ARM latTI,LETT FOIL SALE. -For stale, Lot
.. 4, Concteralon 13, Efullett, oontaining 76 acIres,
ell cleared, underdrained, well fenced, and %bent 40
..3 es seeded to ;grass. There aro fair- bUUdinH.
-There is a good orchard, and a never -failing sp Mg
a eic rune through the farm and a good well at the
ho e,i It is near oohed and poet Oleo, and on-
• lent to thn best markets, It is a splendid farm,
no &foot of Waste land on it, and is well aclapted for
$ k raising.; It will be sold cheap and -on asy
t fi. ApplY to the undereigned, Seaforth P O.
3 p.: ROBISON. ' 100 If
_ .. .
Lot 24, COISOOSSiOtt 8; If. It. 8,, Tuokersn Ith,
taining 100 eereo, 90 *ores cleared and in a goo.
to of cultivation, 10 mores of good hardwood t,mat
ore is on, the premises a good brick house an
tchen ' a fares now bank barn, withestone sta lin
underneath ; an open shed ; driving house, and Othcr
buildings ; two good welly and orchard. It hi Ilv
miles frotn Seaforth and six from Clinton on a goo
gravel road. School elm by. Will he sold cheap.
A ply on the premises to RORERT MoVETY, of Se ,
f rth P. O. --- - 1639X411
Lot 11, Coneeesion 8, TOokersmith, bonteining
190 acres, all cleared but about 8 none of good buste,
is ur derdrained.'well fenced, and in a high state
of caltivatioe. There is a good stone hotsso ; god
b me. atebles *ad out -houses. It adjoins a, go;
eihool-; is within fiveo miles olSeatorth, and water. throb
ties from Kippen, There is Way of good rater.
lithe eold with or without the orope It is no of
the beat amain the township, and will be sold on
masy tame, as the proprietor wants to retire. Also
fici ;Ores within a mileand a quarter, e good g eating
t, well fenced, but no buildings. Will be sold to.
ether or separately. Apply on the promises. Or ad.
rose EgmondvIlle P. O. JAMES hfoTAVISH.1
1639 tf
ARM FOR- SALE.-Fer sato Lot 18, Callen ion 3,
Tuckersmith, ii mitee from • Seeforth, contain -
ng 974 acres, The land le in a good etete of oultiva-
Ion. On bite place is a large frame house in ood
epa.ir and heated la. a furnace, bank here with ood
tabling, new ktone pig pen 24x40. driving 0 ed,
oodshed and everythieg in firet °lase cindition.
Plenty of geod water and windmill to pump it. The
land is well underdreined. There is about 12 aoree
of fall wheat and the ploughing is all done, It Will
be sold cheap and on easy terma as the proprietor
is going West. Possession given at any thrtet For
further pertictilars apply to WILLIAM -EBERHART,
on the premises, or to Seato.th post ottlee. 16-4-tf
9 and the wet hall of Lot 8, on the 12fh conces-
sion; or Brownaon Line, of Stenlay. This, lard con-
tains 150 scree, all of which is olearecir`daeept four
acres. It is in a state of firstedaes cultivation, well
fenced and all underdrained, mostly with tile. 'There
to a largo frame dwelling house as good so now, with
ood stone foundation and cellar, large bank harp
with atone stabling underneath, and numeroue other
bundIngsrincluding a largo pig house. Twel good
orchards of choice fruit, also nice shade and l orna.
mental trees. There are two spring week(' running
through the farm, and plenty of good water all the
year round without pumping. It Is well ;situated for
markets, churches, schools. poet °Mee, &o., and good
gravel made loading from it in all directions. It is
withtn view of Lake Huron, aid the -boats an be
seen passing up and down from th house. 'This is
one of the hest equipped farm. An the coun y, and
nts to
will be sold me easy terms, ae the proprle or w
reitire on account 01 111 health. Apply on the
roles, or address Blake P. 0. JOHN- DUNN,
sale, Lot 22, on the North Boundary 01 Hay
Township. This farm contains 100 stores, 85 acres
cleared, the rest good heideyood bush. It is well un-
derdrained and foncedelheres is a good done house
with a No. 1 collar ; large bank bun ; implement
shed; sheep bowie 70x76, with fir t-olaes et ;bang
and root cellar underneath ; a good orchard •,12 good
wells and cistern. Theret is 124 nor of fall' wheat'
sewed on a rich fallow, well manures!; 4,1) mace
seeded down rectently, the rest in good sh pc for
crop. This to a No. 1 farm, , well situated for
markets, churches, sohoole; post office, eto., and
will be sold reesionab'y. , Apply on the prendses, or
address ROBERTN. D•U01AS,Blake,Ont.1008x8tf
"Thou Hest Kept Pack the G o
Dr. Tnansage Clearly Pkosea te the Joioulf
ifeatures of the Chrietian
4 "
s Christ enpplies ThIngalin Ahmed -
• 11-11
e If Chi istliens 11V111 Only As
Was "ington, 'Tidy rem
able Ilitstration of :the ubiquit
Engli I ,Speaking peeple is Went
by -I e requests • the,t'ha r(i!tt
Dr, Talmage ill northern Europ
serhion in out of, the way places
where he did not expect -to fit ci
siiighl person who eould '1111tlet'S and
him.; There, as here, he present re -
as a festivity; and invite,. all
and :
every orow ctia. )1
beautY to cover ti
'of ell the. graVe,
to creete" water? I
not , by the cupful
full, a, lake full, al
beg le out until, all
(nigh to .dr1nk,:
wh felt to wash.
.Does Jesus prey.' I
is •not little salv
u. little for that a )
other, but enough
ever will; let him
an ocean°full fey
di, enough. With
the ghastliness
oes he go forth
Te • pours it out,
but by a river
ocean full; pour -
he earth has en-
nd enough with
,redeniption?. It
eeesae i.e.', prefer teat nou:r, * , pi! tten. lane merease may ue generai
e ty had dome, and on the week day pert cular part, as the fa.ce, the hands or
Cristian home in Poland great Pov- a fro the entire body or confined to some
the man wan obliged to move out of
the house with his whole family, Ilion
That night he knell. with his fainilY 1Y 6
and prayed to God. While they were nect
ilkneeling in prayer there was a. tap
on the window pane. They (Tenet!' hill
the window, and there was a. raven ncil
eet. Protium sweating is Tees? coin- i
in easee of debility and in eXcessive- 1
out persons. It occurs,also in con -
on with various diseases, such as
innption (night sweats), pneumonia,
minatory rheumatism and -certain
oils disorders: Sudden mot on may
ton tor this one, ,that the family had fed and ,trained, CRUFO increased perspiration
. -
1 a little foti the and it had in its bill a ring all set The opposite condition, a great diminu-
with precious . stones, which Was' tion or absence of sweating (aril idrosis),
. "Whoso-
ing belonging to is much rarer and occurs usuall in
r allcon-
. mien ' found out to be a r'
•insolf.' Promises the royal family. n , p nectinwith some disease of the skin.
me" Each
It was takeu
to the king's residence, and for ' the Sometinies the character of the secretion
Is changed, and cases of black, bine, grey,.
yellow or red sweating have been de-
The treetment of profuse perspiration
depends nfion the cause. Tonics, cold or
cool bathing, especially salt bathing, tem-
fort1.43 young, prci iises for the old, .
honesty of 'the man in bringing it
promises for the 10 ly, promises for back he had a. house given , to him
the blind, 'for the alt, for the out- ,
and a gaaden and a farm,
cast, for the aband( ned. Pardon for, You mourned over your sins. You
al), comfort for 1, mercy for all, could .not .find the way out. You sat
heaven for all,
ful of gospel s
ions. Aye, the
peetance are 'al
• ' God's bottle and
_Eng before the th
er Cup o f deli gh t
itt .fo
not, e
aj did farm and hotel property. This farn is on
the lath concession of the Township of Molallop, at
the Village of Leadbury. It oontaine 112i items, all
of which are cleared, except about three kerma It is
in a good date of cultivation, being well fenced' and
underdrained, and suiteble for grain growing Or stock
raising and feeding. There to not a foot of w este
land on the farm. There are two., good leaning
houses, a large bank barn with stone` stabling under-
neath, *largo implement house apd all neeessary
buildings in firs Wiese repair. There are three or.
°bards and four never -failing wells. The farm ad.
joins the Villageof Leadbure, where are stores, pot,
office, blaoketnith shop, school. etc, The well knownv
Leadbury hotel Iran the farm, and will be mild with:
It, 11 11 new under lease for a term of year*, This
is one of the beet and most profitable fans propos..
ties in the County of Huron, and will be sold .heap
on easy terms of payment. . For further particulars,
apply on the promisee, or address the undersigned
proprietor, Leadhury P. O. 101I1STON KINNEY.
Money to lona at 41 per met on first -clam farM
land security, ;Apply- to R S. HAYS, Dot:Melon
Bank Buitdincliteatorth, 11307
81/6"` After. 17700ali P1101010 blef
The Ore(it English RemedV.
Sold and reoonirnende4 by all
druggists; 111 Caned* Only reli-
ablemedicine discover d. Bt.%
ages uaranteed to o re all
forms o Sexual Weaknese, all effeots; f abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To -
teem, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
af price, one paokage $1, six, $5. Onelei I please,.
viz Ulla cure. Pamphlete free to any adiress.
Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Wood's Phosphodine is Sold In Seaforth by Lump
on & Wilson, druggists.
world to come as guests
-in its holY ;ffierrimente
ii, .1,0, "Thom 'hast :kept
Wille until neW.."
chapter invites US to 0...., tar-
, 1,
celebr at i on . • It is a , :wedli
onimon life, tWo plalln p °pie
Y pledged each othdre hand and
and their. 'f 'lends havingl :ome
-congratulat on. The j Y
le less because there is' nol pree
tensieu. In each other they fill all
the 1 ture they want. The dal y in
the e p onathe table maylmean as
much as a score of artistic garlands
fresh from the hothouse..:, When a
daugl ter goes off froia hoine with,
nothi ig but a plain father's bles-
sing nd a. plain mether's love she
, af-
is - mislead as mueh as, tholtigl
a pripeess. . It seems. har
le parents --have • sheltered
8 years, that! in a Jew --
is her affectIons should
carried , off 1 by eatother,
e* remembers Tow -it wb,s i
ease when she was young,
e braces vp Wail the wet ding
iassed and the banqueter are
gone, and_ she has a, cry all akne.
'Weil, AN't1 - ar o ,to -day. at the we( d,ing
ie Cana of Galilee ., . Jesus an his
mother have been inyited. 'It i, evi-
Skutt that there are More people Ithere
rt,hrtia le ere: expeetech - Either :some
peop.ci have -come who were, n
vited or more .invitatioes have.
sentout than ilts wale supposed ifs.
be aecepted. Of course there
a, salliclent _ supply. of Wine.
know that there is nothing mot- ens-
1iax4ssing to a Imusekeeper than a
scatiti supply: &Sas sees the. ei Wer-
ra -sr -anent, and he .eonies. up iiii eeda-
atelV to relleee. it: , lie sees stand-
ing- eta water ouile. Ile 'order.
set -vents to fill them with -sea
then! he, -waves his hand oyer th ,
ter, land inunediately it is as in
real 1 wineea Taste of. it and s e
yourselves. No legtwood in -1
streehnine in its bat :first rate It
I will' not arm* be dtverted t
question so often discussed i
own ciotintry whether it is rig
drink wine: ... r am describil
scene as it wits. When God I
wine, he makes the very best :
and' 180 gal1ons 61 it St
arot nd in these ear ter pots.
so ood that the ru er of Ahe
taet s it and says: "Why,. t
real y better than .anything .we
had. Thou hast kept :the good
until now," Bertetifel. Mirecl
priz was offered to ahe peeso
ShOt id write the best essia,
the *miracle in, Cana. Long
scripts, were p'reseoted to he
ion, but 'the poet won the
usa this one line descript
miracle: "The conscious.
its iGod and .blushed." •
,learn frorri this miracle,
place, that Christ hes 'sann
h o usekeepers .1 - You migh
ight that Jesus would' hav
ter L
for 3
mon t
so sl
1,.)••i •
Eureka --
, in -
. W
th 01
"I cannot be bothered wit
houSehold deficiency of wine.
not for me, Leird. ofeaven
earth, to beeonle c terer t
feast. I have vaster things
this to attendin."-, Not s
. . .
Jests. The wine gave out, a
sus by mire:01110as .poaker ca.e t
the rescue. ' Does 'there ever c me
e calS
✓ yoU
mi ree
u$ei ir
re be
eAusTic pAris AM. *_
A Reliable and Speedy R?,medy for
Splintre, Simms, Sweeny, Et
It can be used in every case of Veterinare Practice
where Stimulating- Innirnents or Biisters are pre.
scribed. See pamphlet wh:ch accompeninsilevery
bottle, It has no euperior. Every bottle bold is
gueranteed to give sett faction. Price 76c a bottle.
Sold hy druggista,- invelnable in the treatment
of 'Lump Jew in eatttle. Bee Pamphlet.
Prepared by- -
London Ont, 1694 62
Special Attention
to Hersesheeing and
General Jobbini.
rjoderieh fared,
MAKER iceter
Merton Stock Farm
Thoroughbred Durham Cows,
- Heifers and Bulls
of the moat fashionable strains for sale at
reasonable prioes. Post office address,
it to
gf the
is is
! A
ve of
n the
It i
nd o
• thi
id .T
scant sepplY.:e la 'Iyour hon
flaw you to thatihea very elo
culsi.tion? 1.9 • it • hard work f
to :carry on thlrigs : decently
spe tably? If so, 'don't sit
and cry.' Don't go out- and fr
go o hill who -stoodi in the hi.
Cana of Galilee. PraY' in the ,_
Pray in the kitellen.' Let th
no room in all yeur`hoase. tu
cra ed by the .slelee 'of prayv. -
yin have a MicrOiecOlie, put u der i
one- drop of water and see :he I.
s floating about, and when ye
that God makes them an car
ti em and feeds 'them come to.th
-are (1
r ply, but 130 gal- down and said: "fled will not be
t merely a cup -
=retail. He has cast me off." :But perate exercise and rubbing of t e in
ars of godly re- in that., the .clarkest hour Of your are .usefill in eases dependent upon gen-
• day, stand- ter
, history, light broice from the throne, eel debility or obesity. Spraying or
gathered Up into
no, 'We will lift i and Jesus said: "Oh, wanderer, Oome spoeging the body with brandy and wa-
home; I have seen all ply sorrews. , vinegar and water or a solution of
rid ask that it be In this, the hour of thy extremity, taaain or of boric acid is useful.
filled'Iwith the wine i of heaven, 'and I- otter thee pardon and everla.eting
to diminish perspiration are s
ttleof tears, will mete .
cup, ana we will, i Trouble came. You were almost employed to reduce the night s
consumption- when these are so
We do not want , torn to pieces by that trouble. You
as to weaken the already debili
tears!" And .Te- braced yourself up against it. You
v y -e not that the ' said, "I will be stoic and will not tient and to prevent much need
he wine of heave eare. DIA before you had got -Youth's Corcipanion.
y endure for a through making the resolution it
eth in the morn- brokia down under s,ou. YOu felt
Certain drugs which have a endency
vents of
ated pa-
d sleep.
Jesus„friiM_that b
begin to pour in le
cry; ."Stop, Jesus
to drink ati r Own
ius Will Say, "Kn
tears of earth are
en?" Sono*
; night, ' but joye:o
ing. '
1 I remark, turtlee
t,Ifiletlow the; joys
own griefs. lie m
-in that wedding
sc) much trouble,
so much persectits
coming.- shal
' the gloom of -ray
1 rows shall a be
group." So said
to himself: "He
starting out in a
'asjoyful oecasii
own --grids. , wi
There are many
I know a househ(
many little cbildi
yearii the musi
I been kept shut beer
trouble the. h
folly!' Parents
have. no Christian
holiday _because t
ble inthe house.
ing up stairs!
any joy when the
trouble?" And
i thing consistent
I their •sons and
I iv i Ch. the gloom
Ohe my dear 1
know.. these childi
enough of -their
glad t they- Can
yoursg. Keep ba(
nese from your d
your head is do v
the toullaspoverty
betrayal :to her,
Keeps:back the
you can. aDo yot
son may after a
brokee? Stand I)
harm.; You ; maY
ties.- long. Fight
may. Throw not
°am desporid
ther, be like* e
ejn cey
• wedding hiding 1.1
kindling the joys
learn from -
Christ is- not inint
tiries of life. It
that Ctriey shoid
Hued ds of peopl
without any win(
that a,ny of the
short. When Chr
it was not a. 'le(
ttve luxury. I do
-Wants us to eat
on hard mattress
them' the best.
stances will allos
, to the. luxuries 4,
'of diet and the i
There is no more
-Coat than in a. ri
Cone' tsion that he -will take
yo and feed you, 1 • • .
boy asked if be alight $w
w from the steps lofI a hou
of the hot s-ehold satd,
seem very Por.'' Ile s
very poilor." She says, --"Don
yoU sometimes get .discourag d en
feel , that_ God is going to. et 'you
titarve?" Tho. lad looked. up in the
woman's - fe-e and said, " 0 you
think_God will let me starve 'lien I i
trOst, hfin , 1141(1 . t non do. the best' r_:,___ -
can?" ..0iough 1 heolOgy for
peOplei• Trnett in God and do:. 11 0
beelt you' cnn. ,Anlid all the wOrri-:
-mein tee of housekeeping go to hint;
he . wiki help you control yotir tet+ -
per and 'stilton. ise. your domestics
and aeitertain yeeiregeests and ma l-
ege your home offii6mics.
T ivarn also fi:mn thia mirtiele that
ehrist floes thitm,s in alum& reeie. . I.
think a .smalle supply of Win( wpu d
haVe h made up . fee t he It (11 neiali 1 •
thni ;- cert allay,. I they stilust h tve..11;
(ninth for half The Vtlest s, One -'gr
lon : A -Wine Will do; ' (190 in" y - 11
gallons Will he -Nunn:eh; c rrtain
ten. But .lesui. lroes on, and he er.,1
es i Ilene .30 gnillrens and .10 gall()
ned 50 gallops
i ( P,0 gallons and
eeie- hest wine.
-- Itting' everyt
,e,1 most tri '1
1 "-iri,A , sear .rreator, go fortItelo ma
' ° ,-.-- e Ile in kes then by t e.
weals forest !till; -not ched like the -
-,. .
form or idlyertH1 like - dile s span
broad lifie the a alio; thicket e in t
.1 ropirs, Oregon", forests. Does he 'r0
-f'-.rt h to make ems ers? 'lle IntikeS
'plenty of. them:, they flame ,from t e
diedge; they hang Iron' the 11 p of the
Irrapevind in 1 bl&SomS, they roll . in
•1 4.e blue waye of - the \( obs 5,
tliey toss theta • white Stla 1 in the
siliraett—enough , -for every child's
'ftnild la gower, enough to.- Llako for
(1 111
.ep thle
e. Tir
• :- that all your resources were Psone. '
Jesus does not And then Jesus came, "In the fOurth. story of a "Frexii" Young Man 'Who
edt? a Farmer.
others with his watch of the night," the Bible Says, A
ht Mese) sat down "Jesus eaMe walking on th seae." Farmers, even those who are consider-
nd said: "I have Why did he not come in the :: first i ed "ni•gb" in other respects, are useally
o much poverty, wrath Or in the second watch or in ' quite Willing to. give foot passengers- a
11, and , the cross the third watch? I do not know. "lift," bet they like to be asked for the
not rejoice, and lie came in the fourth and gave: ate, favor politely, • A native of Hillville Was
returning froM the county fair at Brook-
ce and of ,my. sms. liverance to hiis dieciples. ' Jesus in
fist overall this the last extremity!. . . by with an empty wagon, when he over-
took a smartly dressed young man who
t Jesus. ,1-10 said . r wonder if it will. be so in our
was plodding along with the disgusted
are two persons very last, extremity, We shall . fall
air 'of one unused to country roads an
tried life. Let it suddeely sick, cind doctors ! will
. I 'will hide my dl
came,. but in vale. -We will try, the 8andY ()11.
"Hello, hayseed!" cried the foot pas -
kindle their anodynes and the stimulants and the
1 instrument bas get a lift to 'Sconset?" and witl out wait
n, w VAG Ot
use there has been What then? .Jesus will come to us,
sc. Alas for the . and as we say, Lord Jesus, I am "I might as well ride with you
'13.rirlg: "WO VITill afraid of that water; I cannot wo,dta I guess. Now, then, start up yo
I. irele- this coming through to the other side," he will The farmer looked at the your g man
:re has been trou- ,_ say, "Take hold of my arm." i And 1„iLtitte Isiii:a:,i;ply, but said nothMg eyond
'flush that laugh- . " will take bola of his arm, and addressed to his horse.
fow can there be then he wilI put his foot in! the After two or. three miles h d been
traversal the young man paused for s
surf of the wave, taking us On down moment in his inconsequent chatter an
senger, turning round as he heard the rat -1
SQ wise as: that. bathings, but all hi. vain. Somethiag •
tie of W112;011 wheels and standing kik
d Where there- are will say, "You must go." No one until the -farmer drove up. "Can a fello
, to hold us back, but the hand e of
eternity stretched out to Pull us on, ing fora reply he vaulted into t
as walk
r nag."
has been so much
. they make every-
dolef 11 and send
o deeper, deeper, deeper, and our souls „marked: .
3 ' will cry, "All thy_ waves and billows '
daughkrs to ru.in i Tee - wedding scene is gonefnow.
• I supposed. -
"It's more of a distance to 'Sconset tha
t ley throw around have gone over me.
"It is quite a distance" responded th
'The wedding ring has been lost, the farmer in a noncominitti;1 tone
I will have trouble . eis-radrinelecil.-istv10)1(111dinjges.lis -inYveittiesknuo
swto the
the young Man inquired:
Another 20 minutes passed, • and the
ilds, do you "not tankards have been brokenT the •house
'11 after awhile'? 130 "About, how far is it to iSconset?"
the cup of bitter- Lamb's wiPe, and the Lord will af- straight ahead, the way we are. goiii.
"Well," replied the farmer, "keepin
t appreciate all Bible says (that the church is the
ter awhile come to fetch her lvome. uanw, I sh'd say 'twotild be a matter o
in the grass of •
There will be gleaming of torches in , 23,000 miles or so, but et so be you wa
ghter's lips. When
may come to her, the sky, and the trumpets of i God favorable t' gettin aout o' my wagon a
1 ereavement to. her,
, will ravish the air With their MUSIC, booth's' it back, it ain't much above eigh
and Jesus. will stretch out his ,hand, miles."
O -rows as long as and the church, rebed in white, will The young man got out with great ees
\riffle have his heart put aside her veil and look up into lerity and proceeded to "heat it" in 04
tot know that that
tween. him and. all the face of her Lord, the King, and opposite direction.
DOI; light his bat- the Bridegroornawill say to the.bride: "I cal'clate," said the farmer, tellin
them while you "Thou bast beeh faithful through all 1 his wife the story afterward, "1 cadet
these years! The mansion is teady! his mode of addressin the next man h
over his soul. Ra- Come home! Thou art. fair, mY- meets will be eome diffeSent.".e-Christia
the chill of your
who came tO the love." And then he will put upon Observer.
. -
s own grief and tl crown -of dominion and
the table will be spread, and it will
tea 70 gall ins d
1:10 gallon; of t
'n jUst Ake Prom
ling the largost
orous grub . es
serve 0 od draw'
harness- as certailly as When We go
afoot. Jesus Chr st will dwell with
us under a fine c ilIng as Well as un -
;der a thatched r of:
I learn, further from this miracle
that Christ has -1 o impatience with
festal joy; other T.iae he would not
have aceepted th invitation to that
wedding. He certainly would not
have done that s ich increased the
hilarity. There 1 lay have been.many
in that room vet o were happy, but
there .was not o e of them that did
so much for, the joy of the wedding
pkerty as Christ imself. He was the
chief of the 'ban ueters.• When the
7 -Wine gave out, he *supplied it, and
Sp, I te los it, he will not deny us- the
'ittYs t are pc) itively festal.
';„I thirk the ch ldren of God have
More right to laugh than any other
.peoPle, and to c
-loudly. There Is
"nied them that i
peoPle: Christianity does not clip
the wings of the
not frost the flol
tianity? I take
• proclamation fro
of emaxicipation
and a man a
that 1procIamati
-has he not- a. rig
pose a father ht
eicin and large g
will he give the
these- grounds?
children; you ;nu
these paths or Is
trees or pluck i
for outsiders,
-• them." No fall
thing like th
"The first .pri
grounds and, a
for my own children." And , yet -men
believe that God's
the limits. and. the
s iind enjoyments of
ders and not for his
It is stark atheism.
• her brow le
this miracle that reach across the skies, ! and the.
1 others.
mighty ones of heaven willconse ins
tient with the lux-
was not necessary garlanded with beauty and striking
I "have that wine. their cymbale, and the Bridegroom
nevi bride will stand at the head of
, We do net read.. the table, and th.e banqueters, look -
have been married
tiler provisions fell sinak3;:nPa will wonder and admire and
"That is Jesus, the Bridge-
st made the wine,
groom!' But the scar on his • brow
essity, but a posi-
aot believe that he is covered with the coronet, and the
ard bread and sleep stab 1,in the side is covered with a .
,s ,unless we - like robe!" And "That is the bridelf-The i
I think, if circum- weariness of her earthly woe lost in ,
, 1
we have a right t:1..e flush of this wedding triumph!" '
There will be wine eoough at this
dress, the luxuries ed wedding; not coining up frbm the
xuries of residencI poisaned vats of earths but; the vine -
religion in an ol
ar one. We I -can yard S of God will press their: ripest,
clusters, and the cups and the ,tank -
by golden plated ,ardse \yin blush to the brim with the
heavenly vintage, and then all the
banqueters will drink standing. Es-
ther, having come up from the bac-
h li revelry of Ahasuerus,
thousand lords feasted, Will
ap their hands as
net a single joy de-
. given to any other
soul. Religion does
-ers. What is Chris -
it to be simply a
the throne of God
for all the enslaved,
:cepts the terms of
n 'and becomes free
• t to be merry? Sup-
s an elegant man-
Punds. To whom
first privilege of
Will he say: "My
t not Talk through
t down I under these
e fruit. These are
'hey may walk ,in
'or would say any -
t.• He would say,
'lieges -in all the-
I my - house shall be
try .to make u
children are on
ehief refreshmen
.11f0 are for outs
oWn children. -
There is no innocent beverage too
rich for Cod's. c
is ne robe too
wear, there- is I
for, him to iedu
too eplendid for
has a. right to
shall: hese a ri
hea vet . Th nu
hardahip may c
him rejoice. -"liefeice in the Lord, ye
righteoini, and a mill I Say rejoice."
I remark, riga 11, that Christ. comes
to us' in the licur our
He kneW the - v InWas giving' oUt
before_ there :Wu ;- trey embarrassment
or, Mortification Why did he -not
perform tht; cle sonW
oer? hy wait
until it was all gone, and no help
, could eme
then „come in ai
a cl e? Th is iS
when he did eat
hxtretnity, 110 11
so that they er
kept the good wine until now."
Jesus in the hour of _extremity! lie
iild to drink, there
costly for nil to
o hilarity top great -
in and no house
him to live in. lie
he joys of earth; he
,eit. to the joys Of
, tribulations and
one unto him, let
•0111 1111,‘' F011reei tiliti
perforin. the iliir-
t'hriet's way, and
ite at the hour of
tile first rate
al stilt, "Thou hest
c ana
where ae
be there. And the queen of Sheba,
from the banquet of Solomon, will he
there. And the mother of. Jesus,
from the wedding in Cana, will be
there. And they will agree that the
earthly feasting Was poor compared
with that. Then, lifting their chali-
ces in that light, they shall cry to
the Lord of the feast, "Thou hast •
kept the good wine until now,"
"Hard Luck."
An English charity society recently
investiglated the record of a man,
who, aeicording to his varioue "hard
luck" stories, had lost three wives,
17 children, four fathers and two
mothers; had four times been made
a bankrupt by a treacherous brother;
had once lost his place because he
Was a staunch Catholic and had once
been ship -wrecked and lost all he had
in the World.
Canadian Salm-on,
The catch of salmon tit Canadian
waters last year was valued:At $3,-
159,806, a decrease of $2,b20,1168
when compared with the returns of
the previous year.
This Is Hard to Halloos.
. A faster says that the discomforts
of living.. without eating for, several
weeks are not s,erious, and after the
first week �f fasting they are hard-
ly noticeable.
A Cootition Practically Confined to
Men, Monkeys and Morales.
Perspiration -is almost pee:Wins to men,
monkeys ,and horses. Horses Sweat all
over the body, and so do human beings,
but monkeys, it is said, sweat ' only on
the hands, feet and fee. The use of
perspiration is mainly to cool the body
by its evaporation, although it is gener-
ally believed that waste meteeials are
also ofcreted through the meat glands
when the action of the kideeys: is inter-
fered -with. In animals that perspire but
little the °coling of the body is effected
by evaporation from the lungs, as we see
In the case cif a panting dog,
The -amount of perspiratioe varies
greatly, according to the teMpereture of
the surrounding air, the conditien of
health, ale degree of exercise tekeu, the
'amount of fluids imbibed, -etc. , 'rho av-
erage attempt of perspirntion ia thought
to be ,about two -pints a day, but this is
of course much increased in hot.-weether.
In damp weather eVaporatimefrom the
skin is lessened, and so one *seines to per-
spire more profusely than in dry weath-
er,. but this is only apparent,* for really
transpiratien 18 lessened whim the at-
mosphere is charged With moisture.
II3Terhidrosis is the medical term used
to denote an abnormal increase in per -
Table Rock.
At the present time but little of th
rammer promontory known as Tabl
Rock projects over the Niagara falls, 1t
Is at this point that the finest front vieVv
of bre falls is _obtained. Originally
great mass of rock dverhung the cataract,
but in 1850 a huge section of the led e
200 feet in length and 100 feet thiejlc
broke off and crashed into the chas
carrying with it an omnibus that w
standing there.
bickens wrote as follows of the vieyr
from Table Rock: "It was until 11
came on Table Rock and -look d---greik
heavens! -�n what a fall of bright green
water that it came upon me in its mig t
and majesty. Then when I felt ho
near to my Creatoi I was standing file
first effect and the enduring one, iustairt
and lasting, of the tremendous spectac e
was peace. Niagara wax at once stam
ed upon my heart, an image of beaut
to remain there changeless and indelible
until its pulses cease to beat forever."
A. 4inaint Epitaph.
The epitaph by its assumption of aec -
racy is often delightfully humor us. I
ways enjoy, enjoy, for instance, this o e, whitlh
Is to be found, I understand, at !Ilia s-
port, Lycoming county, Pa. A. the t p
of the gravestone there Is a rud carvi g
-indeed, how could It be any hing bilt
rude? -of a boy, innocent of clo king,
iRg kicked by a horse, arrange for tb.
purpose. Then the epitaph foll ws:
"Sacred to the Memory of H nry H r-
ris, Born June 27th, 1881, of enry a d"
Jane Harrts his wife. Died on he 4th
May, 1837, by the Kick of a olt in is
bowels peaceable and quiet a iriend o
his Father and Mother and respected y
all who knew him and went to the wo id
where horses cant kick where sorrow a41d
weeping is no inore."-Roche ter P t -
3131X 6, 1900
What is
a aeasas seesastastasa-seas , -sea s a a,
1 •
C aStOriat is for Infants and Chil ren. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, ,
Morphine nor other Narcotic subsiance„ It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' 1 use by Millions of'
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worlilfl and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhcea and Wind dolic. Castoria ,
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
, •
Flatulency. CastoriatIssimilates I the F9od, regulates
the Stomach and Ilowe s of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea -The Mother/ Friend.
"Caltoria is an excellent medicine for
children, 11ga-hers have repeatedly told nee
of its goOd eficet upon their children." -
DR. G. C. ossuop, Loweli,Afius•
"Cas oria Is so Well adapted to children
that 1 i-ecomineud it as superiorto any pre-
scription known to me."
IL A. Aacertn, M. D. ihvokipt, N Y
Stationary Youth.
Rich rather -My daughtetls too you g
te get iiiarried. She is only 8.
Lupe unions Loyer---Z know, sir, but I
have wlalted patiently for years, and She
doesn'eseem to get iinr older. Tudge.
-A clespatch from ,Manila, 4ated J ne
27, says,: "Nine of the Filipijto lead re,
includirk Generale Pio Del Par, tpo1ncePtirn1
Garcia and Alurez, were released here to-
day upon taking the oath of aiegiancej to
the Government, and renounce) all fo ms
of re's-I:du/Lion in the Philippines.'
for1- Yettrp.
e Red Front Futuiture Store
Etas been renewed, renovated and enlarged; and now we are
in,a-position to offer the public all the newest designs of Pa.rlor,
Bedroom and Dining Suites at very tempting vices. Also a
veg.-nice line of Chairs in all the newest styleslt New line of
Pictures just in, very cheap. We extena a cordial invitation to
every one to come and see as and our stook.
Torl`i FlEctpig
This department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and
obliging attention given to this branch of the business.
Night calls promptly attended to by our -Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes,
Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church,
Buffered Much—Was Unable o Work or
Sleep—Dr. Chase's kidney- Iver ,Pille
. Made Him Well.
Too many endure the mise of beik-
nein- withoaajanowing. that it is he
uemistakable symptom of k dney IA-
(: IL4e. As ,you value your 1 fe do -r.it
-gct a backache. It tellof the -e-
E;:n.- inn' &1. -the most *fatal of ditsea 1es
,..-1-,right's, Disease of the k dneys.
Mr. -re C. Simmons, Ma ate, Ont.„
We ite s :-" My kidneys and back w r.r..-,'
r :1 Iva that I ''t‘ Ps unable to sleep3 or
v. srk. My iirine had sediment 1 ke
1 iieloluet, and I had .to ge up Ulf ea
(..:. f-ur times every night,
' I r ate Dr. Chase's KI lney-Ll -or
1 Ille advertised, and decid el to a es
Veen a trial. I,lia-ve only used oss
' a. and arn a well man again. 1 t, IA
:. ..V. li and or do airy kind of work, 4:1
. n not h,tiirred w,th hac'karhe or ii, i -
lo ,y iroublos. 1 PlPo enjoY gliod )1.-v t.
' • -1 "w-hft'li 'n a grea re 11 .i." Ise -
ter suffering for eighteen years."1
1/r. Chasiee Kidney -Liver 'Pills, tore
pill a dose. 25 cents a hex, at i all
.4kalors; or Edmanson, Bates and Vo.,
5 FT., 5 FT. AND 6 TT. OUT,
Highest Drive Wheel made. Brass
Boxes, Roller Bearings, Seventh
Roller for Blevator, all the latest
and beat improvements,
The Oxford Clipper
With Roller and Ball Bearings.
Serrated Ledger Plates if desired.
Ask our Agent to show you the
new patented Ball Bearing Knife
Clip,!supplied only when specially
We also manufacture the best and most riomplete line of Cultivating and --
Seeding Implements on earth, comprising Spring Tooth Cultivators, (fitted with
grain and grass sowing attachments if desired)r, Spring and Spike Tooth Har-
rows, Disc Harrows, Grain Drills (all kinds), trorse Rakes (friction and ratchet
dump), etc,, etc.
If you need anything in our line, send for our 11)00 Illustrated Catalogue (sent free.)
You will find it very much to your interest to do
The Noxon Co., LIcIL, Ingersoll 0
DUNCAN Afe0ALLUM, Agent, Seaforth.
4Medicated Toilet Soap or. the Purest. Awarded. Silver Medal (4reator
cf,1 Britein Exhibition, 1897.
Reg. No. 3007. WHAT IT WILL1 DO.
1 -Prevents all contagious diseases from 0 -It will clean and remove paint, ell and
approaching where it is used, grease stains frond woolen and totton eletle-
2-It will clean and polish paint work and ingi Also eleans:eoat cellars and hat8.
not kill the glees of the paint. 7 -It, contains no alkali and is strongly re -
3 -It will clean carpets without ta,kiag commended for washing the head, 943 it
them upimparts a silky al?cl natural gloss to the
4 -it will clean linoleums like newhair, and is especially useful for children.
5 -It will clean biopic chain and rime.
Novo le claimed to be the cheeped and best paint
cleaner on matket, Try It on Linger marks on doors.
-DEICE lek and 20c a BLOCK
,1„ Full diredlone on blocks,
Estate JOHNSON BROS. Hardware Seaforth