HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-06-29, Page 6ME N EXPOSY-Wit his me and tell her that her troubles were EWILDERMENT OF T1177 B over, us ni h -b LIEUTENANT 0'90N�40R- It was ten o'clock of an Aug b ty when he crossed the ferry fr 1 Jersey 0i After like "lightning not io T lu(4.1 A15'j6SO-LU E to Xew York. The dulcet ton a of After the were floating out from i Coney motion—althogi it is the ipeed of its Island boat, and O'Connor felt that he know 192 iy prety rapii sometimes -7 -but, in the in ihe hu. why the tune was p6pular. Nexb morning way in which it is stored up he took a hansom . i the- Savoy, man 14r, Costello. In a.up bit b . t from rove n 0 generator� ma b mud sent up big ca d to SECU, I ner0us energy, - good healthoo or perhaps ltes, Miss Costello's some morbid, condition, until the ful . charge the course of fifteen min -and said that MrXo belle, n( a ite f id came down is adeumulated, aa4 then it expe ma wasnot, in, but that the young lad�;would inew object genc ra,l)y upon -the moat prom cenuine "Unding - Cou9try-, I hive Wen. flee him. in t io Burro O'Oonnor felt light headed. He walked lighming strike a clump of Spanish bayoll.eb and into a dromm of a e opt�of the elevator two feet high on an Arfzoiia d so] t. n Why ff 11 like lb*, I . would boudoir. There was no explanatio gone ma had Miss Costello was in town, but obc'�vident- Carter I gat i5n." ;` hav been "lied, a case of ait ow to make herself comfortable. lv knew h 9he was,half lying Ia a hen I.,ieubonant O'Connor real r piled wicker chai S enviable tipn as the one cm, O'Conor 0 h I wit i cuohions, and she greete d e Fortfeas nroo, . d went ack Ig mLittle Liver Pi an fferi wita gentle languor. regifti aored 0". ant a6i Highlo, he wab ou 'a Am soon as' the maid had disappe recall. what, may be called the Th re W1 ust SeaLr Signtiture 011i months before he had Cooste: Cot nor fell on his kneres beside her, and put He did love hter of tho- great Peter Costallo, the higarm, across her shoulder. WA# But her. retty giil she COP or king, in,the big glasa* ball. room a iqobead- of the reception he expected, Miss over heelt k9 what a P ve hint a little pueb. the ge�a, and had fallea head illo sat up and ga h her. She 'w.as a prett Ii. �1,le Co4te in I wit V�O�.Td Lve r. OV onnor," she Bald, icily, "what hi whom an astute n t i�g in- 'is t-�,e meaning of this conduct ? Will you slintle *rapper UCIOWL A nds &o Fac- Oms as a singing ch'amberra Priw ir�an looks 6.t his embling h viilti theatripals, and who wet Id b bl and says: t, I f Pee aky this rnorts- be good enough to sit in a chair?" a ro 'y 60 Hamnib'your father told you AU viond as 0AW -1 lit if or f! th. shall nei a b C�entll His real bav) played the rale rea 'upon the, stimulant, but nerve 11I Told me what ? That yo� have lost &4 64garf, e.T. iho great Peter bad remain). is not tier bi a strength, Dr. re -cels 0olden Medical mind 9)1 watt, her a ri I eat- her your old sod, As it WHEAGA911t; L:to the nervous your health - French education and, her r no, plothee Discovery gives it] engti ".That in consideration—of builds S FOR DIZZMESZ. set her upon a pinriacle w�bere the outt of isystem, It does lot brace up, but he hag ab last consented to our engage CAUER r0R70tUoUSjK'S*s the country came to worship. -tip. It is entirely free f ro'ni a coliol, and meat,'�. u,coc�ii�e,itii,l'other.iiarcotics Did E to the time of' that artillery bal a a. from oplul Whew!" whistled Miss Coitello. h- FOR -TORPID LIVIR- P Ilen con� �u ly.found ir tAD-ca 9d nerve hm� shown herself such an exec usual xne4i- d%4 tell'you The. fragile invalid was R16001STIFATION0. ro tar that all the sholf to launched iber ad cinis, feet. -h art Ute f) Gold 0 s with got 0 straight through her head a id Accept no aubk ti uto� f en We d. 11 9�mre is his leffir," O'Connor 'aid fo Ing the -ic off I cu Ire P mn� laaded:at hei feetFy4thout al Discovery MR."- 0 NMI P -slightest ditmage, But ij� was v strong iss Costello looked at it, and' than at 9" must Va WATU Dn%irld PuK film, V9q., Of flot Cy., ef;, Ohio -Co., T ugi a ate 0 writes-. *NV, let) 1 1) PC& ;headed girl wh6 coiAld Paso throi !gau adn" Dr. 1lierce's hi and then she burst into Is of laugh - Golden 81 -fed cit I Df :0, ery I k I had nervous and spun around the room, of O'Counor's adoration without nto Thete b last. r bello a great or seeneral debility of thret ear.4' durtion. I Poo, old Allen 1". she said it ave miss coal took three botfics wf tile I 1)[Ocovery,l During t all GVRZ 510K HEADAGHS. if 8 lingering walks ci�- Voc lbiskwaterj tile ttme i woo, takii ig'It, lit qlccp became -more Now 6onfeas ! You had forgoit an 7.� ed wm ounds weight, -the m'oonhg b be to ire refresqUig and I gair wi the Rlprap -Ili abbut me when you got papa's letter. 1, trl!ll eay,y) d alsogined s Her head w 0 face an them; �herc were breezy moralais -on th an on one side. 0'0onnor'� RLNARY casamateo, and thea one day O'Con aor a ant Dr.' ier'els TI(dical 4dviser is sent W a scarlet. know it knew it VETE' P c Id have sent me flowere and books and a Wuple of lab6r!ouO- hours Campo] Ing a let- frie receipt of starn )is to Pay Cost of Y u n And I— CLUSto S olt�'. selld'3i one if you hadn't. T0U bonor graduate OIL tCr asking the 'great. Peter, in a busirese alid triailing try and things for the hand of a giyen lb"o—somebody eenhis any daligh cent - tanips for b( kit diseases of Doinoutlid like fashion, ok hNind in paper, or you up long ago. Calla! prompti, y a nded-to. ter, and incidentally for- th ap of 5p stanips for clo,,.:h Wifling. Address 61 Yad must go away.- I can manage _Iq treated. coj� ty c61 chalrgu.4 ailode rate. VjOrinarytiontatrykap ffal Di N. Y. 11 P ved Cho letter one�,dQor moriething like tan million n fature Dr. R. V- Pierce, Bu with this And she wa ffice and reiiiiieno con Ooderich street, -felt like,,* -,.v NUNN@" h glatier of her Kam ofr, Scott's awl he very propLerly iresur iing invalidism all gone, the dau up of a] conflict. itart while he did iti prepared for fish young daught6r, whose impishness A dr. 7069-tello' entirely agreed mith hilm. as O'Connor boarded the ferry boat that made O'Connor Ill tit the igbt of her, ataud. lonuot a lebte in, whic 1 he night he now a large military figure ahead H( wrote - Alr. OT, a a of gleefyI xcite- L G A L ter iiuded him thab- the last t vaceindar t of hig on the pizza in a at, OUhim. His nerves gave a start is he saw t 6 be in l,' L Mnt' Chi: Irish kings wits not li$htl ted that it was olonel Basil, and as' that old ore They've gone Tley've g tar I tu"ponny fia"pariny lerb6na ib and made w r dog rob nized him. dAMES L KtLLORANIF Ia.,!' in the MP, 11rltor she s3reamed. Hello, O'Connor what are,you- doing -to 11 lazy brags but t a ridial w'ith'i ut. on y zge a O'Connor-, . witi an ejaculation which oil h ley 0101AY). 001000oferPickard's8tora delicate peraig. f the mining camp.q.. t Ili horse a dig ith the or, Mis ril and he Main jt�qtri, sestorbil 1 1628 Wien the lott�r 0 OnA bounded ugly, gas a h nipiration came to O'Conifo ad, r, and spun arot rid An I out on blie ro Coltelfo bad already depa'r d with her fo lowed- it�- He would got out of that b Tphero they war(, Lnd the only ur attalched ii� 4 R. S. H AYSt gu rdians, sumry�oned y promplbory, ;ale. faced Was Biddle, who be�astly-lctter somehow, air r' ftter, Soli ultor, cons-(:) anot rand NotaryPolille, orarnfrom -Sle ad; fluaghe a. -femol i w, a a p �ott3 I came to ask you to let me marry your 0111JO—irl r-O%r Of h4t wanted to talic hcroo. jSolivitot Nr thti into 0 o 'arms and ti d him doughter." mho never would love qnybodyVoe, that Well upon my son On flank Boaforth, M000Y to 101n; her a' tdie - aine or ten miles OT),onnor rode . she Fbr This sort of thing to Miss Park q clung 0yalio.", would arrange ad O'Ooi inbr Itiong in gloom sounds like old times. I didn't know we 03 up stairs, q I . 'gimself with hq r 0.'z W. had. I,,$ T, - solicitor, ot fro o o buoyed Pa. until thlat Basil's side. T�3 road 4ah open most of were turning out men who *ould follow a Notary Publi(I. U1110 a mv- the way bu '00 Dnor now of a, ravine. er half over the world4 to plead w,4ji%stro t, 8tafortil, Mt. rio. - lettr t c . Then humiliat6d, disgui ted, girl's fat 1627 1 1 0 ottonwooda ma4e- after weeks,of comr4ete ailedcle.-- from qias just bey nit wh(r( big a their cause. We will talk the nl�atter over not 'a ray of Oil the way We'st." doaCello,, he had ned fto of the road am black a i pitch. and I, ­N K y DO2 lit filtered through, As theyeame ooll itor & 11113 and gone back to h'is regirpent, in 9 As they draw nearer and nqareri to Riley tBnt nature ft,"Aaral a vsQti�am, Aftcr'be at the �,e left oo Biddle in the -the Oolonel told O'Connor that Xitty had n, a 1pon idi Ia overI heart wen tortil. (d disciliourso on docking, g xpen(ILed his youthful passion, In of il, lear - thbre—the I 4ne back Somo ow hie hoise ,xrristera, Solicitors, &a. M Iso Costello and had. roe* iverd not�ir g. in and forged ahead. bo. a led tow& oxluto o lower and lower, Dozen of imeo he t o, Godorich, Onb. Lg a a, but Cor. If. tiliAw, bt, 01"I sill"'? nature began otarin l,,, and broke-. in between' eil take the colonel into his nfioene' The,, at High o to' Miss Basil's spiri al makc and the big cay. a arge W&B lrothLi4g could n she wo4ldixb marry a at, Of course interest a Man, and O'Oo6n6r made hilingelf alry horse, Parket rode. It w easy enough ty an who had beenready a, day or two ago 0. julft am -darkr m a mare a dig, as Notary, A mi8crabl he kpow how. But. in the semi ass to g ff &cry Another but he made: up' him mind no nia, live d,.)qrs and er. She obo� d 'h"r him, in, a I n,a4e her4. i a r anc mp - in a , won 9bb with a beautiful -country a4put hi torso' Nbiah m - h Id ask h I Lictol, xroul floor, door to G. L. nnor'o and Miss, rid �Odqrloh tp ride, and a sky overhead, .,man mu it be meat the two hc rf pea, 011 a;yh?w. Mailowalry stall and neck in a seem. 103d 0111MOTOn, ill to remci-in unh� [As, the train drew up at the station, 0' 1216 appy. Baoil'g, flew along neck the fort to Int rest I ng- bolt. -An orderly as no ody in )up at the for There W Connor saw a gro L'arrieters, Solicitors, @to., him only two or three captains' wives with How dared y Di ol a gasped. hold two $�ddled horses, and beside them sa -ld, Clinton Office, 411iott horses syere a maiden sister or two- It was dark, 1. u., �ayeri,, prettier all -1 15tc)(IL the Dther on a big bloc bed by -the W'i ds of al, the close be He ]laid his lialf."iad ev .' T Thum Main i4roeb, Orilt door weElt of Post offiqe. 14 troet. Ba�field Offloe, open every their babies, and raking gray, th faces tan hind 1,116in] er he � colonel ba telegraphed hoiso with five, ong fin 4ers, and put his imi.d one of the horses was for hirn'to ride. H.� me-Kenzia. t ritories, and w4h !�Ieiisu a in the, ate so iety of the handocnie you lieutenant. other hand on I d then he choked. She knpw it all, O'Connor: th4ught, and 9 h he hid prel age was 0 go. W ion did much. to o 'onnor's self- The apeoc d t 0 long. yp,� she had come to meeV him 11 There wa 'a c nd others were at in' her . eyes, and EMMO, a re pact. By tile timer the wind w C� aa.,Godarloh, Gat, Id. 0. '4s blowing He only had a 0 soffiething deeper, sweeter, Paz th yellow poppies of June, 6erc was new their horneal heel i. All that he ould get - - her hand -clasp. O'Connor wal fx aoj4 Duinjill HODUS11 a caning in Ii in the upaurve Of- OTDanor's mus. out, was, 1.1.1 Your. fathor." His tulble, As he mounted, th Wan; be see h colonel, say t,)Dn. hu1MF8TZD, Ruact3dHOr to libo Into firm of ta4h�, and brightening. fano5 in his eye. voiao was stiff W 0 emo Ing someGh',Ing about 11 busine a "'trotted of F0 900411, hajl� earn. The charge 'was alrrosb reacy to You mean tile could "not resist ill another dire'atiou, and left hem alone to Itor for the.clion it, and Notaty SOIIO Money to lendo Farm Oak forth again, The ruso had deligh bed hero gibber. V a 'Wife, aitting 3n. O'Oonnor's pi cc ale it ad. No. I an i, This is the first time:. I have beeon on adlim kauk of C for s3lo. 0 Roe' to BootVil Mook, writ aptain Lao �iier plizz bw I bn( ay -to see yo4 father before I see sit night—tha '�night i saw him*going down Officer's R d ing b )roeback since th i ?C; a. w: th bhe --least' leathery of fho,fem nine ijain, 'If I Willi bring u Message 1from --rode," -she said. a p. follosvoyal- boldirig her ob an hi.-m—will you O'Cofin,or rode close to hqr*iitg%ii1, and. Pu Ave papa. n y ove he said as the i intereating- piglo. Ivir's. 'Lacy lau ;had oat his ban. behind 'har,.book then sh6 ut: it d)wn, rest of the party i iu rroun 4d them, What did yow thiai ivhe� ave 86riclus, conalderatio to the & you gob tba The situation* intereating. letter? His voice was full ofandety. H( Ril S. t �OttiDg 'i�v Cdlonel Basil had at y for New muBb got it all over. He must know BELDENs D'. D. 4 �1� , may have been -abanad that I itty Vbrk tw 'weal befo,Q. But O'Connor, aked.� DMTIST. What letter V1 she a %Vaa this:ber way., out Lsil ie 4aught;ci of thip colonel ab 13 iley, . I ve lb b ak Street Bi n , home ;v,th -do light in his heart.' Blidesed woman sholl hayb; bedniqvited t vialt mi�s. acy -6 fi�lt tha � he h inaft � the right move, Would she -pretend that she b ad never re at ju t thi' -arid.Abat he comnrided Ole .9 nation. 16 obived it now that she kno�v that everything I time., 11'erhaps it., was he., an- DUltiht, 001"lleflY Of tire di8sim a Costello th tit. Wam with the in atal tue W of a ponquer. as right AVthat instant 0"Pon' inor's horse W. T W E 1), ilaf4 to Nhe w, an u raw- back -;� st0p, and he saw F Ipbrativato of Toronto. Mo i: courue ill vro% n anct bridge i svork rt tracted 0'0onnor's notm d ng hero that fie tj ampe ntobis quarters ol mbled and d beenphance which made acy cal bi 001 Glilellgiij. ollice, A. R. Mrs� I d dcked his six feet two under him door- something sticking in the seldom used Poo 'the�back IOUD-tf in and koep'llim until I,%'Jtibyr4a4nie ilack of -her saddle, which she ket under - from her ride on the morning aftpr liep &r - The last mail lily on big table by the side hDA had a6lflighlo, -'It was allette'r. With ELLfuty, i)onttst, �traduato of the dark, as she dashed rival. Tal tw, ). o'clock- in the an intentiortho pulled it out, Dental Surg-tiono, Toronto, also of his pipes. -It ffas iixnd�felt like a honor grarlual 0 qf of bentletry, Toronto ur to -the door on the captain's bloick :.bar- morning, but he %Vrj s: not _4eopy. He burn. a unter on a, board moved by� faio. It was 011lit,,il in the I,otty block; 11onoull. OU inWli eyes took h- on it,' 7 He thrust it ghbred O'Coi or in ag- medu IiUlo song a lie tqa off the end of a u 3opened shW bad'not: so d b see will u -cry Monday, ooiffluL101119 Moo- or Yi AD �m(,d as thou h sh nt], her long busine.as edvelope, He hadn't read into.biscoat while Kibiby lobked serenely day. Jijac 13t. h �oo had nado'.fo %oh th lines when I ty glance at a lead, And then' he rode close to -her two a . I gain. pity to spoil. tile sym ag. avjD has mat,y a the thq signature a ; v despairing Oh, he maid, "I have seen 'Your W 8 oyal College of 1,ourltal pi 11 tire by bepatiati"�, .-them., But who she gradtiatu'uf Ito ord !3 ther, e sayo* that I may asl� you, to -fly,telms hullrr aprang do it b.--fota he or the captain ould RAUL HOTEL, Juily 9. arr W yd HurgLuw! of ullt,kriu; y me, asU Toroi-f­ I'm reholi her, 4nd lifted the edge of. her 0 iort, I A DrA. Kold niltf foruiti, All tile lllol6l; t U.�S. A. ilodern A 0' for), tirilcis" filling soil tantali7 g glimpse of PEAR 8171 —F� riding t hat yodi attentions. 'Ali performett.' )jlice: -�hb of poliAod riding boot ilf, tile most A Bundle of Nerves, My Dusli -ddluli OILNI`511d, Enlre gromr, SLatOrth, hen ishe walkod�up 60,1 Twe 'Mightful dimennio-od to daughter Ia 7 i6juied her 1WO a o of intinand every organ she rhust: forao is tile v6ry lif free, 11 1 hoided hoalth, and the pl,,ysicimnaoftying 0 � upon it, 3ust as 1tile human body Is idopondont have t Or own way I retr ct lily refus 'onuor io 6 to be 7 rn�vomont,,'and tin.. O'Q al to floon am tile bloDd Ketl 41111 and %vataty abd Ciolle to to ber, he tia+ aa--tb ugh th Youir proposals last. larch. Come at sopply nourishment tw-tho nervos� thoke conitti a ga. ell 0 _4 e llao�l beelt ell ill he lance, tain of nervous disordurs, norvdus pro3triation, itralyals, epilepsy, inlianiby and dos�h. Dr. Chase's Yours resp4( tfully Plerva Food.robuilds and revitalizoollic colls -it COSTELLO. wasted by diserlie, overwork and svo�ry. It is beyond 'he Open. parade groqnd, ill com�lnon- cc dyubt the worl, beeftine au enJ1aotpc1 Weeno The old'ass dig Krestont routorativili A.-coniniend. tKi _ ��pj b� yourfnilly V11yelcian, All druggists ro30111- Ph713!(.1ana gon AhW. and -alack, '-O'Connor ! Had B urgoons. ;UO1w that,, he'_coultl alroll, Lharo with this jDon "d a 11 It, -ed by Mr. Wal. y is.' in -to it 11 W office jrf� ocoup) Md you ever fall love letter come months earli(ir, uijg godRe to tho fim-lioliv 0hurch MIX!, w W a real! army 'girl, daughter and gdand. you wouldyx'b be sitting ithere with your ftrN�Olt vall" bb"OOT11i I A Novel Feature in Advortising. daughter �nd coubin and noico of -a ozen ees btaring blamkly at the wall. I of way Thatoronto Daily tar h4a introduced ((raduato ar-ny belles who traditions would be'against, your fi 'as a harbiigor of AW. 1101 -low (�,f to alay.1 If not,', there uf u ( - t th , a[ ' t- W i iq ryin joy into Cariltda a feature ' hich is as ovel as it millur'ot College. of yro noW all' af, 0 Tilere are hemea who might know the igoonspl�uous in connection with pewspaper to I you., 'If You 11 ve, )out O'Connor advertising. Ib prints a lind�" in! red ink win't r: if In VrXcopt-r. 100 it he 0an ferlad'. and-0quetto Until' You Obvio lie thing in such a crisis. a ;� on the brink of'doapair and wild with was.just an ovciiy day young nian, He' every day acro.98*the top of the page adverr "'YN . k U., To ranto, V. D. 0. Im. a" er . , and then, With i ono flutter 'of the walked-tho flo' tiseme of 'one f their largo advertisers. or *c n d aigI ed. ey lash or one kil t curl Of, Lhe'Oorner of Poor girl I I O)r ohi'd Tho marvel of its readers is as to, how the 0.11co 133!191111 by Dr. �1101i, 13ructo fit, 14 her lip, she call bripg'you back to. your ori. It is a terril ing t0i IlRVO a gi thig is done. A& the same time it prints rl (lying aginAl OLMO of adorj�gelglosstiesa.' far you. Of' am r io he loved hero. lik ial announcements of its own; upon the or the full ob lrallr­ a.' We Ito- al Kitty Basil led age, -4 front page Ofito Par from time' to time, weak I little sistar�but I-Citty ! C.'r1oriolia 0, urgk;ona, Hinxtison, June andJuly wt,44tby, aid"his orld, had Kitb !, He-was.1' onel also 'in colored in c, sometimes printirig a y o start to see the cot n rrowed to the r dius of a pa f W ,Ic that day.. He' Unew the jolly colonel, p1tragraph at the bottom of One of the Dr. Ifail-diii, Mv- mra!il Swourilb., "Idence 0 1311, ill the yei"i he bad applic I or W, hat would they t hi*i)k of him 9 He was a c�lumna of the front page, and o0ca9ionally L'. S. llwv ii Y. 1127 leave Rir AuguaL, und tlj' 0 0 apormispion had Cad. N , ho. couldn'bi sli rk his reispohsibili- a rongthening, ilo frorib page eart on with -4onit, butbu paid� no att,60on to' itl It ties. If that poor 'litile (Joatella girt loved 0FZ, F. J,, SURROWS; m:ght-bo useful If IKitty Went back to 1�.iiayj. him eipough to diq for Ii ar, he ought to do. to CJV 41 all heard thitt Rilek was a Ia 8ant. hpiso himself thrt -be return the 11h Toton 11 - 3 h. 'Ailt,� p VT*I rf(aldbal. Hoaw ;v%J!kand Trinity UnMiralty, plItco to spend the bot months. feeling. His wox d was 6at pledged to tier. -)f phy4olitiall krid, Surgoons a the weeks oil, other lientonants. She mubt not be lloivod o suffer. ullilue,.r of tl� rema of Oatar!o, Uor ri.or tw U -i Goiintv of Ituron. lita fillown Ifighlo the-si Bters to I itt I+ -it 1), Strvt of tho Linip, miad to its, Of"'Mil the young married. wckrne� had %mo rab 10, 010 )Onor qat down write 'to Kiti, Ais he f�niohed the pages feativitica w ich in which he r a to op't, and t!hero �ar' d make Rome a ()'Connor out of I is 'head.' Trodbles I ty eluded Lion, h 3 an explana addr:t4sed the letter to SCIO ')T7-,& MaCKAY, h4n like a will V t'ho. wifill. �8h�. tlevcr lot Basil " at d cal hirs striker. H �Idnby and Bladder Aftents that Would ill �ee tier alono fDr u nioniopt. )ne (Ivan- lI A throw some 6ing � into A bag, and started Yield Only to Dr. Chase's Kidney-11.1trier t dozen of Lherri started. f 0 light at daylight towal or a moo d8 the railroad, leaving a oohur�,'�ft,seaforth ga�llop across tile c(�uhtry, and O'Oonn(r, its upte t the comilrandatit, Who had expected Pills, ho tightened his girt,h,,mhdo up h is ri due leave. Iiiir.- Will. Gilea, carpenter, Sault Ste. xild wn 1V;ur, und, his ov x -I d that idic would sa Lho wordo that ni-ght,. Unt-in) of llh.yol� land -%nil E lie had mean tao deatinatio:ri, of that leb- Z�Iarte, Ont,, state.s:—" Unsolicited I c6ime what would. Ile bad beeb mode'. ter to Kitty ! Th 3 soM ior whose duty -ib -krite to ton you of the good,q f (if long en ualltlex oug hvite,r Tr!nit� ;:nlwerafty, WaA-..Tb_ care for 9r. onnor had long At ti g wOrn down to Lhe 16 gall of Dr. Chase's Xfciney-Llver� Pills in alve lookc4 fdrWard to his li as a period of 0 Phyi� -7 i -j Iota I iur4uunlf, Utltr-3`10. ill to i'vlrs. Lacy a house, and fouoO her qel,. rig urinary troubles. I do riot write relaxation, and be atop U d on his �ay 'to for your especial profit, but for the Captain La6Y's' to visit Lie oanteen, Two ood of those afflicted a I have been. 4 hours later, he wa weepi g on the teolk of I, have usea eight boxes, and do not Noti -e to Oreditors. the; lieutenant'fl It orse, I fter. Ilow feel the old trouble In the least, rid dhortly a Nyard was repo8ir g in fi guard house to sober up at hic leisu akinir- (if wililAull vi.1 ii lato of The stableman I felt relief one hour afte'r t at �l . great gource:of g e first pill, It is a pickerl up a very s iled mod trodden letter, cbmfort to rne to know that there Is. a t, w1r) u�i the -11-n idg) of it ri-i itred on or tile lt;v. :iii� of.itity, and spelled out it u'laddr so 11 Miss Basil," 7�1�dlctne to help - my weak -kidneyls. di-ead h*ot i��eatlier. They 7 1�t im tio, il- Ott of the Sure, an' it nuat; ha, Thooe wishing further particulars may th�lr i%ith hnow how it w6AeDs and 411 Ve dropped out o o' thu t4t-eiiriti, i, v tiny, Yiela ij-, the pocket o' the a4dresm tyie as above." thein, oung lady's saddle, io Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver ]Pllls riq,,i how thIs' affects t1le baby... said, and �oing inW th! harness room, he. opecific for all IddrieY, bladder, - -and All such 1mothers need bite nit- lit m4 'lie o.sititled put it urinary derangements, and liver Cott 'as ous sale t.) tL 4; wdy to tilt! t ding of S S Emulsion. Itgives Meanwhilo 0' 'innor was flying It, tfoubles, and have an enorji� u lkf�vti Ail-] After 8nOtdim- Perbaps his gre test a dreriug came from aal over this continent. One pill a dose, 1(,5-;tittmf not 1w to ne- them' strength an,d makes the inqtability of ii'ws owit , emotions, As he 2 cents a box,'at all dealers, or Ed - I I'att, fthe baby's food richer and li: x9fli thv 41111 riot f. thought of Kitt he lalb as though hia a as an o., oron o. d She it -as the core of his Dr. 0 ase's Ointiment Is a positlie, Iniq -n louratiaw to tile more abundant. btat-j Lit nd absolute cure for piles.' It is the 'fl .. ell bellalf 60c.andS1.- Alldru Ist,. soul ; 4nd then, i -lien tli( poor child who 0 ly Preparation which to guaranteed 99 was ll�in for bill- canic alp before his eyes, t cure every fQrm of piles. T T ht y ad F - 1L T 11PT E LL it helono' to tak( the 16or little. thing to some colored ink. As an illustration Of th a lattler, upon the a that it was an- t my � been taken by' no noe4that Preb-orim had Mn'eralt erts, the Star printed a cartoon A wIng " obs " with a brush in his hand 44 ; airittag the map of 'South Africa a British Tied," painting it from ocean to oclaql, am in geographies hereafter, that pa -b of the world will be colored. It was on) of the most striking bits' of newspaper work ever produced in Canada or elsewhere. More recently, an adaptation by Sam, H inter, the cartoonist, of the 'celebrated pj)tuiel of What we hav , a we hold," repre. semted General Roberts as a British bulldog 1. fQ -4,.h Africa shown IuIN OF TRADE MARKS Trade marks were used as far back as fib the :16tli Century. They originated from the signs that, �in IN -i R tbe, early ages, were hung -over the shops telling of the WaTes inside. To -day the theS f: + ;4C 1-%r MAP, -1 nn tbe grlMs them- 8154,111iling on t, eximp - - -nei .of a British flag, which was A in the form br ghtened and strengthened by a red cross selves,, enablilig thle purcli-aser to Identify the good worked'into the foldis of the flag by this froin the bad and indifferent.: wonderful Star -color proceso. And ia I an up-to-date newspaper shortest the Toronto On a Slater Sboe the naitte and price appear ion thve tar ecli Da ly eo all its rivals. It in digm - Give T. ni ad without reing heavy bright without sole in a slate fraine $3.50 alld 4-00. 3�very, pair b 11 g flippant aggressive without being iMnatured. Goodyear welted. DYSPEPSIA'S I Th -1 R.:WILLIS, SOLE LOCIAL AGENT F -OR SEAFORTIL The Cause of the Trouble and ome It. How to Overe To we fought, advancing from ko.pje to kopja befote evening Bervice and ge-quested the I ]frequently Produ4s Headache, Heart. under a terrible fire from rifles and sbells, a tan of the rector to make Them one, as Close ail 100 in lair the groorn was obliged to con - and with the Boors often -burn, Dizziness, and Other Disturbing i a al Fist �at he bad failed to provide himself yards. We, went for 33 hours before we fe lb -3. 4 Symptoins—� A Vietim, Tells ot Her Re. —one piece of meat one with that most necessary article, a ring, got our second meal lease. aches, How wherewith to take unto him -self a wife, as inch by one inch by three i 3 Ibsi Wom, the Telegraph, Quebec. did we stand it? Well, I didn't feel much is the� orthodox prastice. This - oversight The primamy cause of indigebtion or dys, put out an placed the clergyman in a quandary, to yway- and escape from Which in time- -to - -commence of vi P ip lack of vitality ;'the absence of tually required quiek 5 a BY Common Consent. e7eiii serviep, pune D;prvslo force ; the lose of the life-oustaining 141m, thought. His Arst idea was to. use the key 8 emenis in the blood. No organ can prop. It is admitted by common Comment that of tbo church oloor, but old Father Time do. our long experience in the drug business, mly perform its functions when the source and our cisively negLatiLved this way Dub of the difli* o'nutriment fails. When the stomach is our perfect oymtern in dispensing tholaot howwever,, uch h modern idema, culty.i Another happy robbed of the nutriment demanded by na. efforts to keep in to wit i dithe -mind of the worthy rector, -aud, corifidence enbeto Meal ti trei, assimilation cessen, unnatural gases entitle us to a large measure of out of his wife's workbaslwt he quialtly a. -.e generated, and the entire a yetern to, from every -class of people. All fished that housewifely article called Beis- Ur, ds'to the discord. We are headquarters for that Vest of spon Medicines Paine's Col mors,o with themid of the finger end of which Pape A practical illustration 6f the symptoms cry Compound, 11 the bem Every bottle is fresh d the,66uple were transferred -into a happy sad torture of dyspqpsia is furnished by the kind that cures." an pair ond the rector reached hie church in case of Xrop A. Labonte, who lives in the. every drop Of the noted medicine is full of alsik v Wage of Stadscona, Quo. When intero virtue ana healitig power. If you are weak, time for the service.t A i v�ewed by a reporter of the Quebec Tele- nervous and sleepless, try a bottle. I i - of Ls, SeAfortll, ..,The Boundarl Linb 9 -apo, Mrgf, Laboute looked the pictur LU318DXX & WILSON, Druggis toitel 110 Between comfort and dfei3omfort is v gorous health, showing no traces of the Ontario. . , 1 �# very slight. Have you rheumatism* Or al d made her life for the time neuralgia ? or are you a suffer from obscure leaking of her illness, Mrs. 'It land Wisdom. inera a. nervous pains ? Why -suffer longer 9 you aboute said For about two yekrs I —Troubles alre like babies ; they grow A can purchase for 10 cents a bottle Of that 801MG sidered dreadfully. My difeetive organs larger by nursing. king �of p-ain—Polsoes Nerviline—or you are t14 were impaired, and the food ate did not —The legae-yof heroeo—tbe mcniory of is a' feeling -eat a Vn gob a large bottle for 25'cents.� It great name and the inheritance of a go a wimilate, and left me with of It )tly. is Sure, Pleag cure i prooni.1, ant to flatulency, pain and acidity of the stomach, uds and never fails to care all ki a id frequently heartburn. This condition —Love at first eight is 9,11 right, but wb ta�e Don,t W A pall]. A* mit an bour, but tend to an of affitirs soon told on my system other a girl wants is a m%n who will love her drug store and get % trial bottle. Nervilinai, waysio with the result that I had frequent, every time be sees her. Dhe sure painbure. headaches, di zziness, and at ti dimness —It is better to have loved and lost than 0111 f Vi4ion with ote appare. dancing be-, never to have loved at allm­better for the fare illy eyes. Ofbecame so m ch rub down jeweller, tKo floritit, . the -confectioner, [*rid boating * catastrophe occurr-pd- at t hat it was With difficulty could do my Cedar Ball, Quebec, last week. reaultinrIff in TJ sometimes fbr the lawyer. parDy the drowning of a lisbirig nS1;ti)3g E ousework, and at all times I felt weak de- My dearest E ditli ! I haven't seen r ressed ond nervous. While I was at my you for four . months, How is your Charles "" of Mr. James King, the Well-known lumber i of my friends, seeing that the exclaimed Addle. , "'Oh, my Charles bma merrahant, of Quebec, mid ex -NI. R 1'. for or n. Megulatia ; bire. 'Nolia L !I n, Owas.not helping me; urged me to try changed very much since then. His name %0fe of Air. R, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My hu Nolin, manager of hiesers, Kinir Brotherb eband is now Robert?" then got me half a dozen boxes, and I begad awiWIle there ; her son, and three. -men, It is said that YOU hardly over find a taking them. . After I had used two boxes bald-headed man in a- penitentiary.. HOW Joseph 81�. Pierre, Alfred DesChamplain4nd Joseph Fournier, all tingle and Bged Aout 114 I *began to enjoy my meals, and the varioul, do you account for that '," "Account for qmptome of my trouble began to disap, twe&�. The party. 'Were Out flishir[g in Pear. it ? Th&Vs.;e%sy. It was some bald-headed I continued the pills until I had used the man who -sa . id it," lake Metapedia about 4 o'clock, w1ben -a win� �alf dozen b6xes, when I again fel� perfe3t- sudden galemprang up and upset- their sail- --LBlevins, I am delighted to see you. OR- bomb, throwing all into the water, The ly �rell. Xy stomach was as healthy as But what a stormy night for a: call.!" B lake is very deep and bas many eddi�a. The �Yer it had been. .1 could sleep well, and Ltick (hanging up his dripping Coat) iy head was -clear and L free from the dizii- know it is bad, but iC is an ideal might for acci4ent was witnessed from the share, but i Cgs and aches -thatoo long hdlped make me finding people at home." theta being no beato available no assistance 'I )iserable. It is more than a year since I � —A teacher was explaining to P. little girl could irendered. It was fully an hour topped taking ;the pills, and - health bag how the trees developed ilicir foliage . the later w4iin a boat was procured and -a search f9*1 ring time� Ab, yes," said the welel las, madig�.for the bodieb, but up to a late hour -continued better than it was for years be'L an I)re," Mrs. Labouto added that she will Ale 11 1 understand ; they keep their sum- the only one recovered was that of Mr. See 'U� always feel gratefulto Dr. Williams' Pink m" King� Mrs. Nolin leaves a husband mud a, i at clothes:in their trunks," Fille for'the misery they have released her The man that just passed doesn't look young child three yearoOld. from, and she always advises friends 'Who as if he was hard He does not." are ail to. age them. Yet his business is �uaf�Lays flaggin�,)) 94 Is TORONTO TO THE FRONT. Dr. iwllliams� Pink Pills cure by going to that so ? What business is he in 9' 1, He the root of the disease. They �enew and is t grial man at the rail -road crossibg."' GO i he ail V. Splendid Showing Made by t tuild up the blood, and strengthen the There is no occasion for you to envy Dodd's Kidney Pins v erves, thus driving disease irom the eye- me,L" said the prosperous person, "I have tern. Avoid imitatioxim by insisting that me many trouble as you." a pose To in Queen City - mister", y mal Dawson - ery box Ou purchase is enclosed in a have admitted Die June 25th, —It is intereaLing a, per'bearingthe full trade mark, Dr. but ihe difficulty with me is th%-t I ai&t -got' TMO,­'TO, to Filams' Pink Pills for Palo People. If an thing else,l) note.,that this efty, the' headquarters 'of our dealer does not keep them, they will �!How did it happen that your maiden Dodd a Kidney Pills in -Cana d4. and - the a sent t 'd at 50 cents a box, or six aunt left you all her money 1 8he must place, where they were first disedvered, a 110, foors ?2-.'50, by addressing the Dr. have Been -the best iide of you." "Ibegged keeps well in the front as. regards the nurn, xes in t Williams' Medileine Co., Brockville, Ont, her once to2let me be best man at. her wed- bar of those cured the towns. and �citiies ding, and that flattered her so t I hat she. of Ontario. As Dodd`g' Kikney Pills have '-Big Milk Without Pasture. made her will in my favor." since made friends L all over the civilized woAd, thim.fact is of wide Mr. D. James, a successful . farmer inear —An Engliah tourist -who bad left a and significant in- g ? Thornhill, -York cc y, says: go Up to last. waterproo�f Lin a train went back for it. On terest, showing that Dodd's lCidney Pills a M. retain tbeirholdonpublicesteem. purelyon askingthe occupsiato.of a third-claos o N'reek the sea on Wng Yonge pbreet, To route, had been exceptionally dry. Th L ere partment, whether they 6,dseen anything of their tried merits, atically no rmin for weeks, the 9, 11 Maelintoth NA na," one of them Alexander Brown 11-0 Elizab-16th 9treat ad been pra 7 i at seed was lying idle in the ground, replied, 11 we're a� Macph4reone here." I have been 0oubled with Rbeu- 11 i�ringagrain was making hardly any growth —A minister, well known as a great matiom for three-yeard, also with pains in - all rid b dancing a a my back. I have tried seveml romedies but It pasture for the cattle there was dancer, was one nigh b a b H, when the following conversation took place coul not get any relief. I have used two -3 lone. Fall wheat alone, which hold- secured q good start in the spring, was Making mat. between two old women : First old woman, boxds of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and new a I i%factory 1progreso. said Mr. What dae ye think a' oat minister V Wall. man. il. amegy 11 we are making 60 pounds of butter Second old worn 111._11 Faigs, I think, he's S a ome Things Worth Kno vizg. A week. If such a season had occurred tin eddicated &V the wrang end." yearsago our output would have been 50 to Young man," said -the old gentle- are no bands in the - Boer armi". '0 per cent, less. ---The water in the Modder River has J4,xplain ? Ten years ago 0111mao, my. daughter is too young to marry'. ounced to be of ex� i -xnd a ive had no silage, Now every year w A girl of her age cannot be sura of her own been annalysed Lind prou e put 44 1 - -adraw's I tip an abundant supply of ansilage and this mind in a matter of such importance." celleat quality. It is ou at this oll with pea meal, clover hay and a little br " fully realiso that," replied the young man, pposed that the average depth -of V60 for 1 is keeping our cows up to a full flow of who had, just secured the fair one's consent. band in the deserts of Africa is froill thirty ;;;*t fit. inilk, even without pasture. Some ofthe' 11 That's why I don't Want to Wait", to forty feet. ull flow, as my practice is a' ntrvoue cowe are not in f —A son of the 14,merald Isle was removing —1. a not startle a claild. 33Y PJAnson t-) try and have one or two cows coming in from the bouse which he had occupied for 0. diaedises may be traced to that source, fresh every month in order to keep up the considerable. time without Paying any rent, . —A vanifla, , bean Itext in the ougar box when the landlord (wbio was har �mith 'nip -Gray goneral average of the milk.'-' fatal arts a delicious kavor to Buji. The him) appeared on the scene, and mys French do this i0gjo Nrob Hallo Pat why are you flittingl 1.0alve —The motto of President, Kroger Give Troubles of a Minister. Works Vo paid no"reatat all. Sure you can't be get. me liberty, or give- me deatht'--hairgs- ill big 1110 )t. ob" To benefit others Rev, Ji T. W. Vernon, ting a cheaper Ouse, .01 rep ie Iiat parlor. Mr - Hartwell, Ga,, writes : ",For a long 4 11 but Pin getting a lar er garden." Read Pealm. 83. 'a euemT time I had a running sore on my leg. 1 9 SV) not -be w. —0 fixeiif their falth on Psalm Such le e supplied, tried many remedies without benefib until I dvloo -of President Kruger to the gdueralv lied a bottle of E'leatric Bitters and a box WORATS WE LFARE. 80' f commandos. of Bucklen's Arnice, Salve, which cured me regulAtion are 90,00(..) #ees in the city of 06 11hell eoundland Well," Sores, Eruptions, Boils, ding 15T)OU willow -B, 17,000 '7: Eczema, Totter, Saft Rheum, show im PAINE'$ CELER`�' COMPOUND, Par* inclu inch Ou Ua ebestnuts, and 126,000 pane troes. I ilood, Th sands have found in E lepetAc —The cellar is a good place to winter be a y Gives and Maintains a Perfect a m4oh Bittera a grand blood purifier that abio- lutely oureli these troubles. Satisfaction is Condition of the -Bodily if the temperature does not ket too high or bauk tbeq too low, so as to make the becs restless or uaranteed or money refunded by 1. V. Health.. consume too much istores. per -eant. Pear, druggist, Seaforth. Large bottles on- .,which will ' —The whole mystery of gla7ing linen lies nto A iflon ly The great susceptibility of women- to in etkreful attention to these three poin jail to .nervousness and worry is heightened by the Havo the linen -damp, -the polishing iron hot� -letider bA.: In a Bad Pliglit., fact that, in the majority of cases they lead and use greati pressure. Th6o There is no doubt but the 'anadian-volun, con ne an . monotonous ives, narrowed an a canin 0 OWN teers are having a rough time in South down to the four -walls of home the greater to ewreful to bold t 6 nito quite flat., and Afrioa. Between hard service and sickness part of the day.. draw it quickly backw4rds mail forwarAs, their ranks,are becoming seriously deplOted. Paine's Celery Compound is jueb what If the knife is not kept flat lit will probably Tho following letter from Seargdnb Fred such nervoila and depressed women neerl w- catch in the board and turn the edges. Rutherford, to his father in Hamilton, Ili restore therr-'nerves to energy And' to lift Sorneof the London; England, doeturig, D ]out 06 sample of many that have been pub. them out -of their constipatee,,, dyspeptic are going in strongly for a new and It lish6d. , It is date I from Wynberg on May habit of body. able cure for tbeiradult patients who suller fth, and Continues No other remedy known to. buedical men from,' indigestion, etc. They- pr�aariblc We completed the fi rot half of our trip is so rich in flesh-formiog and a' - quarter of an hour's vigoriousexerev" in the ner y -pro to Kroonstad last night after a sixti- en -mile ducing conBtituents for women morning with skipping ropes. a as T"aine, (I His. Anarch, and 9,11 the men are played out. Celery Com�ouud. It, is also a true and �au­ _Yor tapioca puddiAg fake an ounce an "'bis afternoon we slart on on, all-night failing regialatori keeps the blodid piare and' a balf Of tapioca, two eggsf, m Plat Of milk, 1 aroh after the flying Boors, whose trans. -rich, and maintains an even eonditiop of two ounces of sugar, An ounce of butterj orts are played out, three miles of them. good health, that makes a woman conteilted lemon rind, vanilla, puff paste. � Method— The general. advance is on, and we think the and happy. Mrs. - Wilcox, of Creemore, wash- the tapioca, ate* it in the milk for f nigh is near. We hear that General Hufit. Ont,, writes a8follows quarter of an hour ; inix in the butter, J or is in the Transvaal from Ladysmith, with For - years I have suffered from ebn- sugar, eggs and flavoring. Butter a pie-diab, ethune in the opposite direction, and we stant sick headache and nervousness. ; At linelt with puff paste, pour in the pudding a are forming the t of a wedge advancing times I had been so bad that I * have been and bake for three�quurteriiof au hour in Poll' on Kroonetad. To -day General Hamilton unable to sleep two hours a night - for -moderate over). complimented our brigade, the- Fighting weeks. I have tried many medicines and —0nions are almost the 'best nervine Ifineteerill;h, for its great record—a 100,m ases lie doctored a great deal, but never received a known, No medicine is lie useful in a march in three days, with nine victories, hundredth part of the value from them that of nervous prostration, and there is nothing i I toberts is advancing up the railways, and I obtained from Paine's Celery Compound. that will so qo-ickly relieve and tone a worn - with him the other columns. Taking it all After using, three bottles I can sleep well, out syste m-. 0nions are useful in alL cases to f ,�;l h or , we form a broad arrow. my headaches have ceased, and I eel health. of Coughs, coldn and inflaeriza, In 0ousump- he regiment has dropped off terribly, ier and frealber than I have been for years," tion, sleepl"sness, scurvey, grav�l, and and I hear with the draft that came in to, kindred liver complaints. Exten every othir ITO �af they are not more than 400 str That the routine of clerical labors does daythey soon have a cleaxing, whitening 60 onel Bueban is in command, and Olng; not—, deprive' 'reverend gentlemen of their effect on the complexion. boye would die for him. He addressed natural ingenuity w�a humorously demon- --Teach your children to sleep without them to -day, . and feltoo badly at the small. strated at Cornwall a few evenings ago, pillows, if possible, In ank case, -only a b nese of the regiment that be broke down when Rev. Rural Dean Houston, rector Of very thin onethould be allowed, for it i's and cried. The b4a felt justo. as badly, Trinity church there, was called on to deal impossible to relax alL the muscles of the W t We have a great name now and feel justly with and solve a matriffioniul difficulty of bead if much higher than the rest of -the and. PerRonally apeakirg, have the bes frequent occurrence, but one which, it in body, and so the rest is not as refreshing &D 61tr health, and hope to go on through with safe to say, was never obviated so simply itahould be. If the little ones are ba py tb,e game, and offectivaly before. A lady and a go out, the pillow try raising the Items of with "Oh, that fight at Hoets Nek, with the tleman, the former from, Southville, New -the mattress veryalightly, and lower a little a barpnel breakinz over us, so that -they may become gradu- I will never York, and the -latter from Winthrop, New at a time ally accustomed to it. forget it, Froni*3 a, in. till. dark Monday York, called at the rectory a few minutes