HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-06-29, Page 5[Has
-A it at
I it on
ci child
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just let
er, how•
tilt,. you
,ly you
y Gro -
el teas.
7oung man's
,eta assiating
well and
own into it,
fell to the
run particu.
his friende
r started for
a very sore
, who have
liart with a.
Lan. Much
Has Robert:.
iri,4 a pleas.
MeM urchia,
Le past few
r. Alexander
on vacation
.isiting with
of this
and Mrs.
,all of Utint-
&Ring at the
all. -Mr. R.
:onto attend -
tock holder%
Fieher ancl
..ursion freer'
d it imrnenee.
R. P. Bell,
Halifax, re.
eek. Rev.
a few (bye
ver hay cut-
thie vicinity.
the coining
ing the pa$t
vho for some
ying, is now
le-Mre Wat.
et the home
he village. -e-
on, wae the
th' manse,
end trqueiit
e'awers, of
cd to with -
preachers hf
cefield people
lur foot ban
d team On
rth grounds,
was he'd on
was a grazed
and a large
ort wag put
an to enternake all feel
- place fq
e band were
Fe pareivell
wherries and
im Sea-
Utheir ex -
v appreciated
he proceeds
band is to
.ebs of their
heir het
)r the use
played a
Sat urday
held in:
iater Wil.
• 12:1 (1 Wit 11
Edigho ire r
rre.- Building
day. -
last Thurs.
ieg friends
• week.
, .1th con-
fer a
in U. Box'a
-4, pit ehing
• of hin
; although
lia Box,
t he wheels
• reified
tr;y last.
Ind when
• rei in ha
JUNE 29,1_900
eThe entries for the raoes ere comi g in
ry fast. No doubt ydu, win see 'the gres i II die -
le y of well developed race horses that has ov r been
in Seeforth. 1 -1.
NOTES. -Mrs. Weight, who has b en ill
to some time, is recovering nicely. Mr.
✓ le is visiting his daughter, in Lous on. -
al . and Mrs. Nutkins, son of Ald rman
N tkine, of London, spent a few da last
w ek, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Irdwin Jo es, of
, th north end. -1A ehrietening wait h Id at
M a. Jarrott'su last Sunday, when four
b hies were christened by the 'Rola Mr.
Wilyard. The babies were, Mrs. Ri hard
3 nes', Mrs. Norman Jarrottls and Mrs.
N tleirts', of London.-Mr.and Mrs. T email
8 ith spent Sunday with Alma Jarrot
Tohn Fraser, notary publie and co vey-
• r. Wills, deeds and mortgagee drawn on short
doe. Money loaned on good farrn eeourity.
. 1 81-tf
What is the best paint to uee ? mai-
e l painters of experienee, whose opinion - is, not
bought, say that the beet is Pure oid Whttc Lead
ar.d pure Linseed Oil, mixed by a practical painter,
whose experience enables him to properly mix the
p int for the special work require But len ranee
and critical impudence, without tiny practi al, ex-
perioace, and knowing nettlingi bout wha they
St. . te, say that Yankee Mixed pint is th. best.
Any Canadian mixed paint le as god or bett r than
YI nkee paint and it le heapar. Why b y the
Yankee kind? Sanders , Per y & Co.'s, Is the
ol est and most reliable of the mi ed paints and is
'oId at the Drug Store, Be) field for35o a oan We
re ounnend It for home use, but for larger Jo s get a
practical painter, pay Ishrt & fair price, give him
Imre had and pure linseed oll and let himmix his
-F. A. Edward's makes a speciarr of
pa nt to stilt the work.
ea cling to the trade of campers. and cot gore.
0 ods delive:ed. F. A. Edwarde, Bayfield, ext to
th Albion. 1 984
uring Jute-, whatever your wants may
b in the largeat Steple Department ou'Il
lii d right prices at The E. McFaul , Co's.
at re, Sdaforth. It's not the poorness Of the
p ices they're so anxious to have youl look
at as it is the goodness of the goods. For
survey boat, Bayfield, were hon e for
al classes_ of cotton materials and sub -inter
pat ffs, go to see their goods and hear l their
ices. 1698-1
BLows,-Mrs, Cowie and her sister, Miss
0 Iliday, visited friends near Kipperi this
w ek.-Vin. Ross, Harry Falconer; Ed -
rd Reid, Dan Spencer and A. Bro n, of
St nday and Monday, the vessel having
co e to Goderich for supplies.7-1\.Ir and
M s. W. Jewett, Miss Moorhouse, Miss
(I- rdner, Alfred Erwin, R. Bailey, Caa,rles
C rd and Miss L. Ferguson took in t•Fie ex-
cursion to Detroit last week, and enjoyed
th trip very much. -Miss Lily Elliott. TO.
_ turned home Monday, from kVindsor, hoe
sh.. has been visiting, --Mr, L. Naffel, of
G derieh township, preached in Trinity
arch Sunday morning, the rector, Rev. -E,
Jennings, being in attendance at the
nod. -Miss Ella Tippet left last wOek to
seend the summer at Marine 0it7 and
otter parts of Miehigen.-A number of -
37e ung men from London were camped this
w =ek at the river bank, opposite the
hi use, and caught good. strings of
pi kerel and trout. They have been
in , in different places foe the past month,
as d proceeded from here to the Bend. -
T ernes Stinson has disp sed of his bitainess
or the roa,d from Seafozfth to 13ayfield, to
1.\ m. Clark, who now,. livers brea4 here.
' 0 r residents have no r ason to coitnpmain'
atout the price of brad, Thomas King.
hi ving set the price at four cents w en be
c mmericed business, and now Thoma Stai-
ROA has followed suit. %e would dr w the
attention of those who ' purpose camping
h re to this facie They else can proc ire all
their requirements at proportionate y low
mites, so there is no necessity to bring sup -
Oe with them. -Picnics are alm st an
eery day occurance. That of the EtanIey
schools on Friday last was a large 'ore, but
w Wel have been much larger had not the
w ether been BO threatening. -The English
c urch Sabbath schools of Varna, Goshen
, a d Bayfield unite in holding a pieni1c here
n xt Saturday. There will no doubt be a
large iettendance.-F. A. Edwards bas er-
ted a refreshment etand adjoining the
rth pier. -Rev. E. A. Shaw deliveeed his
rewell address to a large congregation last
nday evening. During their stay here,
Ir. and Mrs. Shaw, have model many
ends, who are sorry to see therm leave,
d who wieh them every prove ity in
eir new hoaie, Ben iller, whers they
ved on Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Yelland,
ed to preaCh Sun-
k. -Road vork is
days. The 1 coma.
Cameron ts0 over -
camp -
all they wat4t at Ito h re. Quotations are
10e fer No. ,stock; lle for straight gather-
ed, and a ha f cent or so higher for select
caudled sto4.
LIN1)SAY, June 25, --Victoria County
Cheese Boa d- met this morning, 1,696
boxes board d by 17 aotories ; ,480 boxes
sold at 9io, jt35 bexes b ought 9git ; balance
Hold eff boar 1 at 9 134 . •
TOR ONTO, 1 une 26.-- utter -Receipts are
fair and wh t doesnob ell to the lout de-
mand is beli g put into old storage. Prices
are quoted nohanged t 15 to 1140 for dairy
tubs and ere mery prin 's at 19 to 20e, and
tubs at 18i1 o 19o. Eg:s-Light supply at
present, wi h weak d mande holdsprice
steady at 12
Tonceero, June 26. Ofterings are large,
but buyers nd senors re ,sornewhat apart.
Prieeit seem irmer, and are (opted nominal
at 16e for wiashed, srid i0o for unwashed.-
Li e Stock Markets.
LODON, ling and, J ne•25-The follow-
ing- are the qiattie qtiots tions in this market
to day :-B st United 'Wes, hid ; Canad-
ians, hid:
LIVERPOO e, June 25 0s.riadian,8id. Trade
is firmer. -
MONTREAL, June 26 The butchers were
de was brisk, with
d cattle, but the
ewer prices than on
out in full force and tst.
steady price for .all . go
commoil sto k brought
Thursday. Mr. 0. Mairtel bought 19 prime
-cattle at_Se per porn ; !pretty good ani -
mats soldat from 4 to 7 per pound, and the
rough, half -fatted ben ts from 3i to 40,
whilst BOtne of the lean Id cows would not
bring over 3 per pound. Good calves were
scarce and s Id at from 6 to $10, while the
common vea 8 sold at f om $2. to $5 each.
Shipperapa'd 40 per p und for goo(11 large
paidfrom 3ilto - 4:tc
rs. Lambe sold at
Fat bogs sold at
und for heavy, and
d tor light weights.
lattle-Good to best
tlp, $5.70; good to
port bulls, choice
the new pastor, is expo°
ch y morning, at 11 o'clo
ing on in earnest thee
c has appOinted Thome
• e the work.
B. R. HroGiNs, Brimfield, Notary Public
C aveyancer, Fire and Life /insurance agen . Any
& ount of money to losuab 5 ,per oent„ on fiat-clase
a m security. Mortgages drawn and money ad.
✓ need free of expense to the borroWer. Also a
11 ited amount of private fun& at 6 per cont.
A home every morning and Wednesday f °eels
w ek. Several " good frame 1f0 sale. 167
-Mr. James. Stewart,' of No. ' 5,utter-
rin hail been engaged as principal f the
S bringville sclaool, to succeed Mr. -1-eorge
amilton, at a salary of $475 a year.
-Miss Gertrude Hord, of Mitche 1, laid
o e of the corner stones of t,he new etho-
a st ehurch at Mount Pleas nt, on T esday
o ort, for the Epworth League of th coa-
, g egation there.
-Egerton Rae, a Prospect Hill b y, had
ti e big toe of his right foot arriputa, ed on
kriday, lrith inst. The necessity of the
ation was caused by getting hi foot
c ught in the sprocket of a bicycle.
—.A. P. -Harrison, of Stratford, w o has
b ,en found guilty of having eau terfeit
o hie and dies for making them in is pee-
s seem, was sentenced to two years nd six
n onths in Kingston penitentiary on Sater-
dhy, 16th inst. ;
Saavoun, Juno 2$, 1000
11 heat (new), Standard -I- .... 60 70 o so 76
r114 Wheat per bushel,- ...,_....... 0 70 0 0 76
ea pop bushel- - -._- _ - ...... 0 26 .0 27
gip°, bushel- ...: - - - ...'.... -... 0 66 et 0 67
dela' per bushel.. _ _ ... _ .... 0 38 o 0 40
8 4btr, No. 1, loose- - _ _-_ .... 0 16 io 0 16
B tier, tub- - - ........ - - "........'.. 0 16 to 0 17
.. 016 to 0r17
F our, per100 24— - - - -.7- - .... 2 25 to 2 25'
ay er 5015 new- - - ..... - - - ... - 7 00 10 7 60-
ide per 100 the 6 00 0 6 60
.4-011 • •
8 Oa EMILIO • . • • • • • • ••• I • • • • ..• e • • O. • . • 0 504o 070
ool - -. - .- - — -- -........,...• 0 17\ 4,3 0 19
1' ba oos per bush (new),- ....... _ 0 25 to 0 30
iii It retail) per barrel- ...... ... 1 00o 0 00
ood por acted (long),„. - - _._. _ „.... 4 00 so 4 76
ood per cord (ehort). . - .4.. -... 2 00 to 260
Aplee per bag......-- - — -0-....... 6 40 to 1 00
a over Seed_ •• . 600 to 6 60
r mollify Seed .. ., ... 1 26 10 200
I? rk, per 100 Ibe_..-..- - -.... - - 6 50 10 675
, "Bow, per lb... — -------- - I 04 o 005
Dairy Markets.
LenEnsou„ June 26.0fferings to -day,
1,296 boxes, principally third week June
i ake. No sales ; 9ic offered ; salesmen
holding for 10e. Ma ket quiet, tCheese,,
shipped up cloee.for June make. { "
Lreqoa, N. Y., June 25. -At the, Utica
Board of Trade to -day these saleS were
made : Cheese, 128 lot of 10,255 boxes of
large cheese sold at 9 to Re, ruling price
9e ; email cheese, 9 to 9-ic. Butter, 37
packages at 19e, 110 packages at 19!it.
MONTREAL, June 96,-Oheese-At the
boatsthis morning there was not much coni
t ctition, and prices were lower at N,to ne;
western in quoted at 1() to 10i,, ilatter-
Ilere \sap nothing neW noticeable in the
Ularket to -day. .Phe general report was
that trade was dull and prices were firm.
1Vancy eaf.tern townships creameries are all
for direct export, so that they are hardly
f,,itiotable on the local mai ket. 3titter,
guarantmed to be the lineet, i8 quoted at
•:,:t)::, to 20, and 21e. Egge-T1 or is no
change to note. A few of tl-se countey 4eal-
ere are holding off, and refusing to let -go at
the lignres peered, but, dealers are getting
! 1
ehep, and e butchers
per.pound f r the oth
from $2,75 t $5 each.
froni ,5` to .54jo per ,p
from Q to.6ic per pou
Burear.,6,' 'June 26.-
smooth fat • expert- ca
best, 55.35 to, $5.50 ;
to extra, $ .25 -'to $4460 ; good to choice
butchers' 6 eere, 0,00 to V.15 ; good to
best'butche s' steera, $4.85 to 55.15 ; good
to best fat hulls, $3.95 tio $4.25 ; fair to good
fat bulls, 50 to $3.75 ;feeders' bulls,$2.50
to 150;Fc rnmon to good bologna bulls,
83. 4 ) to $3 75 j god to beet fat heifers,
54 .15 to $4./5 ; fair to good heifers,$3.75 to
$1 10 ; fat dows,goocl to best,53.60 to $4 30;
Ledium fat cows, $3 to $3.40 ; fat cows,
cemnion to fair,,- $lJ0 to $2.50 ; feeding
steers, geo'. to extra, ,,,4 to 54 50 ; fair to
good, 5350 -to' $4 ; Canada etock stere,
$4 to $4.45 'stuck ca1v.9, Michigan, ch,,io9
to extra, Si to 54.25; c' 9,, Canada, 54,25 to
54.40 ; stook bulls, $3 110 90 ; calvee,L oaa
eolor etock,1$4.25 to $1.75--; i'lo. fair to geeil,
54 to $4,25. Sheep P.i7-t Tem h' -The shca.o
market *as in unsatishaltory aondition, ar 1
the general basis firm, 25c to 35 : lo.vor ;
yenrlingla4iba, choice o ext a, 55 75 to $6;
good to oho ce,54.75 to 55.25; wether sheep,
choice to e bra, 54.75 to $5 ; mixed sheep,
choice to e tea, 54 to 050 ; good to ohoice,
$3,55 to $4 ; heavy ewds,$3. 0 to 54; spring
larnbe, goo4 to ehoice, 6, to .7.25 ; the close
was &ill; and weak, wi 111 'seNeriti loads left
over. •Hos—Fairly active c emand at 55.55
to $5.60, a thheld tha wa throughout ;
Yorkere an1 pigi, 55.55 to $5,60 ; medium
and heavy, 55,60, with few grassy heavy
hogs at $ .55 ; rough 54.75 to $490;
stags, $3.6C to'53.90.
TORONTO June 27. .:Hogs lower, common
cows lower, stockers Weaker . export oattle
in weaker demand, rices steady, choice
butchers' slightly weaker, o her cattle un-
changed, elle p and leanbe st ady, quality of
fat cattle only Med lum, co siderable holt
stall -fed Btock offer dl, too many common
butehers',cattle. Tr de all ound was brisk
and stook spld out fairly we 1. Export cat-
tle, -Prices held fairly Stead at a range of
54.75 to -5,5 25 per cwt,',but he demand was
hot strong. Market was s ightly draggy,
no doubt on acempit of weakness in Eng-
land., Sonle etock wes u rid at noon.
Butchers' attle-Prices fo choice ' steers
and heifers of 1,000 to 1,10 , pounds were
but slight] weaker at 54,5 1 to $480 per
cwt., and ood cattle at $4 to $4,4 per cwt.
Medium a, d common vver fully 25o per
cwt, weake , some coavs Belli g as low as, 53
per'cwt. i Feeders -Very few offered.
Steers of 700 to 1,100 'onnd 'sold at' $3.50
to $4.40 per ckvt. Th re w s moderatede-
mand for short -keep st ere, 1,100 to 1,200
pounds, at $4.40 tp 54.170 pr cwt. Stook -
ems -Had an easier feaing, teere-'of 400 to
675 pounds selling at ,1,3 to 3.40 per cwt. ;
off -Colors and heifere sol lower: Miloh
Cows -About 20 Bola to opd demand at
530 to $50 a head. Sheep an Lambs -Large
run met a Steady trade at p ices quoted in
the table. Hogs-Seleiction of 160 to 200
pounds, natural weigh, off ars, 12ic per
cwt. lower at $6,504 r cwt ; fats unchang•
ed at $5.7 per cwt., nd rghts 12io per
cwt. lower at $5,624. iier t.
Ba of. C!
mem I
Six Mil ion DolIrs
. T
A general Baniang b
sacted. Farmers' Not
Ind spei3ial MttffljtlOfl
colfection of Sale Not
ed on deposits of 1 an
Special facilities for
business( in the Ki _ndi
Money Orders, payable a -any
following rates :-
Under $10 .08 620
' - 1 610 to no .10 $30
Soliol r.
UP) •
se .000,000
sinus tran-
s discounted,
given to the
terest al I ow -
ransaotion of
• District.
ask, hewed ab the
to $130 .12
10 850 .14
F. 0,0. MINTY,
On Saturday, July 7, 1900, at 1 p. m.,
on Lot 23 Conceasion 5, H
taining 1 .1O acres, Farm
Meats. . Redmond,
Phillips, cuct4oneer.
y. Farm, con -
took and Imple-
roprietor ; B. S.
Central 1 Bustles
offers an excellent op ortu
and senior students t. enjo
in the Busineas, Sh rthan
ship departments.
Members, may .ent r at
spend from two week tip
Special terms. Writ for
Regular work coat nes
the Fall term, which open
4th. Catalogue free. ,
W. 11.1 511
Yonge and Gerrard sta., T4onto
ity for teachers
a short term
and Penman.
any time, and
ards, as desired.
ight along into
on September
W, Prin ipal.
, Stial
das g
• Births.
-In Mitchell, on June 14111, the
ohn Downey; of a eon.
Wingham, on June 16111, t
P. Kennedy, of a daughter.
In -St. Marys, on Juhe 141h, the w
Evan", of a son.
Downie, on Jame 16th, th
Monteith, of a eon.
-WALSH-In the Roman Who!'
rye, en June191,11, by Rev. Fath
r. Lavelle Jerman, to Miss Ellen
ter of Mr. Patrick Walsh.
PERRIE-At the homo of the
. Jnne,13th, by Rev. D. Perri,' of Win
slide by Rev. John Rose, B A , of
Mr J mee Grant, to Miss Maggie Perrie
Orpy ownehip,
MELAD FERNEY-At St, C lumban o such, by
Re . ether Fogarty, on Juie 201h, M . Frank
Me a y, to Mies Cecelia, youngest dui hter ot
the 1 te Martin Feeney, all of 1 Hibbert.
PAFFAR -1fo:NTYRE-On J ne 218t, at St.
Paul' church, Bloor Arcot, T rent°, by the res -
tor Rev, • . J. Cody, M. a., Mr. Ar, hur IL
Pea d, to Miss Agnee C. McIntyre,oldoet dau0i
ter of John McIntyre, Esq , Seaforth.
wife of
e wife of
fe of Mr.
wife Of
r Bren-
s cond
ride, on
ham, 'B-
both of
BOY WANTED. -Good strong boy to work In
Oie se Fectory. Apply at the factory, Win-
throp. 1
MEAC 11 R 'WANTED. -A Int teacher wanted
-L for S hoot Section No, 10 G ey, to take charge
after hulls
up to J sl.
P. 0.
aye. Applications stating salary, received
14th. A personal application p °tarred.
TERY, Seeretary-Treasurer, Cranbrook
Tend r
R530 T AC
18th, w 11
Secrete y
JONES -In Seaforth, on june :7th, Robert Jonee,
aged 81 years, 6 months sed 27 days.
SUTHERLAND -In Buffalo, Nw Yore ote!te, on
June 23r0i Robeit-Suthorla d, forinerly-'of Eg-
mondville, aged 47 years.
STEWART-In Egcnondville, on Juno 24th, Ohriatina
McLay Thompeon, wile of the lato Richard
Stewart, aged 72 years and 6 menthe.
IRW1N-In Clinton, on Aisle 1 th, Elizabeth .Asin
Ire in, mother of Ur. Riche d Irwin, aged 85
yOftra. ,
LAVIS-in Holsneeville, o Jun 14th, MO. tavis,
mother of Mrs. .l. W, Hill an Mr. George Levis,
of Clinton, aoci. Mr. ,Edward Lavis, of Holmes.
ville, aged 87 years.
oth Privilege
for the Booth Privileges �n the eaforth
, on the days.of the races, July th and
e received by the Secretary up to July
CUIDNO, Preeident ; M. BRO ERICK,
and sus
Dr. Ma
given e
in publ
8, W. H. Bullard, Teacher of Planofo te.
IL Bullard will take a Umitsdntlnibor of
to instruction according •.,0 the naost modern
c send methods. Specie' attention given to
o 's touch and tecnique. Musicales will be
intervals to accuotoni the pupils to perform
o.i Res dence corner of High and Market
Seaforth. 1606-tf
To facilitath your business, have
you necured a
The charges are oderate, The
Loc 1 Manager of the Bell Tele-
pho e Company will be pleased to
ciii&e you rates.
\- .•41t,
EAII; TEN ERS addrowd Ito the und reigned,
0 as ender ed "Tendoro for dredging, Coiling-
wood,1 t." wil be received at this office ntil Fri-
day, ti e )0th J ly, 1000, inclusiviely, for dr dging in
the ha b ur of Collingsvoeci, OM., accord ng to a
plan aid combi ed specification and form f tender
to be s e at th office of II, A. Gray, Ea , hlneer
In chaHerb ur and River works f nt do, Con.
fedora fo Lite 3uilding, Toronto, on application to
the pots aster t Coiling wood, Ont., and at the De-
partm n of P blre- Works, Ottawa. ,
Pers 13 tendering aro notified that tendere will not
be con 1 orod u less made on the form euppliod and
sign d w th the r actual signatures.
Feel t nclor suet be =annealed by an accepted
batik e i que m de payable to the order of the Hon-
ourabl he Min ster of Public Works, for fl e thous.
and ( 5, 00.00) dollare, which will be forfeited if the
party e line 1. enter into a contract. when called
upon to to so, tr it he fail tOcomplete the work con.
Cecile f r. If the tender be not aeeepted the
chews( fill be eturned.
The 9 4artm nt does not bind itself to abeept the
lowest ot any t rider.
By order,
Acting Secretary
Doper nentof ublio Works, 1
Otealwa, 21s June, 1900. f
and r
in C
of ,fat
F. 1:CA
cn y ad
f exo
nada, t
gs 1)
ial at
e Bank
rak ban
$2,506,000 00
... . $1,625,000 00
LL1OTT, Genera/ Mannyer.
anced to farmers on their own
ne or more endorsers.
made in all parts of the world,
promptly remitted, a lowest
an es. Drafts sold on all points
te United States and Europe.
American exchange boeght and
t allowed on deposits remain-
ionth'or more at current rates.
partmenti-Interest aliowed bn
and upwards.
ention given to the collection
le notes.
is open daily for traniacting a
ing business. 1
N, Agent, Hensall Branch.
a ort
s Leading Shoe Store.
The I rgd
T omps
M ntre
tall at
We att
se ured
sh es, -o
pe pl.e
° amuu
of hne
prices t
goods d
We •u te a
Chil r
Lad es
Men s
n's D
Is, si
ent t
ce 89
ce $1
s 11
25 a
o 6,
id 0
e pri
id g
✓ pri
ce, $1
re b
be fi
nd well known stool
n Shoe Co., inset
1, was sold by auctio
amilton, a week or tvd ago.-
nded this sale and sia h result
ome exceptional valineei in fine
which we intend 'giVing the
he benefit.
Saturday, June 30th,
our annual 1mid-sum
oes, when the goods b
n along with out regal
ill be sold at greatly
make room for our
e to arrive in August.
ew prices to show you
a,ving opportunity t
of 1 the
ants of
in de-
rigola kid button boot
,es 5 to 7, regular pr
e ,56e a pair.
ola kid oxford ties, hea
caps, regular price
IA pair, size' 3 to 6:
la kid button boots,
25, with heels, patent
t� 2, sale price 98c a p
we in-
er sale
ught at
r large
ew fall
what a
is sale
oKIN ON & CO.,
This week we are f lly prepared for hot weather with a
full range of light summer goods in all the newest.styles and
fabrics. The hbt weath r is pow upon us in earnest, and
there is no use suffering with heat when you can get nice
cool goods at prices like these :
Ladies' Summer Corsets, all s• iz s, at 85c. Ladies' Summer Vests at 50, 8o 10o, 15o,
25o and 50o, Ladies' Gloves in ta s, ,browns, greys, etc., special, worth 20c tC, 250 per
air, two pairs for 25o. Ladies' wh`te and cream Taffeta Gloves at 15o, 21e and 25e.
Ladies' white and cream pure Silk 'loves at 25e, 35e and 50c. Ladies' Crash lkirts, very
special, worth 75o, for 50e ; ask to ee them, they ire a great snap. Ladies' Crash and
Fancy Skirts at $1, $1.50 and $2. Fine Zephyrs, for dresses and waists, at 12c, 15o and
18o, Organdie Muslin, in plain r nd floral designs, at 14e, 15o and 20c. Black Stripe
and Cheek Muslim at 15c and 20o, sakes a cool dress or waist for summer, 131ack Gren-
adier Silk and Wool, 42 inohes wid 75e. Swills Check Muslim, stripes and cheeks, 80
and 10o. Spot Muslin', large and s all spots, at 8e, 10e, 12ic and 15o. ; Piquerwhite
and pink grounds, with spots and ft ral designs, at 12c and 15c. White Pique, sman and
large cords,110o, 121,o, 15c, 20e and 5c. .Allover Laces, white and cream, 50c, 65e, 75e
and $1, Ladies' Lace Ties at 20o, 50, 35e, 50c and 75o. A special line of Ladies' Ameri-
can Ties at 50 and 10e.
And our Low Prices Must Win
, spring
ce 65c,
y soles,.,
1, sale
oe caps,
at -rap slippers, regul r price
air, turn soles, self tip, sizes
ale price 98c a pair, I
-ford ties, regular pric# $1.50,
,vamp, a hot weather shoe,
e , $1,25, sizes 6 to 9.
itera, toe caps, sizes 6 to 9, reg -
e $1.7A, sale pride l.37 a pair.
utton oots, regular price 51.75
good ..oleo, sizes 212 to 6, teals
.37 a pair. 1
ta few of the many )argains
uhd here during July. Can
a to miss them?
What we advertise is strictly fulfilled, and our goods are
new and AL
Our Millinery is strictly up-to-date in every particular.
For the next two*eeks we will sell all trimmed hats at and
below cost, and. will be able to fill orders for summer hats at
short notice and at low prices. Give us a call.
Our Whitewear Salle for two weeks will be something
wonderful, and it will pay every one to call and see our Tag-
nificent styles at reduoe1 prices.
Organdies,, Muslins, Dimities, G-inghams, Silks, Satins,
Lustros,Qashmeres, Co tons, Shirtings and. all Staple Dry
Goods, are sold at close prices. Purchasers will save from
15 to 20 per cent. on t eir purchases by buying their sup-
plies at ouir store the n xt two weeks, as all lines in Dry
Goods have advanced in price, and merchants will all have to
advance on all clafes o
We want 3,000 lbs
pay 16c and 17c per lb.,
of good butter, for which we will
and more if the prices advance.
Remember, we have come to Seaforth to stay. We fear.
no foe. Small propts aifid quick returns is our motto.
Seaforth's Only Cash Iry Goods Store, under the Town Clock.
Estate Johnson Bros., Seaforth
WO of arge Strong Wires, !foully Gareianizeti;
Amply provides'forexp
tion. Only Best Bessen
used. Alwaystf uKiifor n
Never goes wrong no m
great -a sttainl
is put uponit.Lt__
Does n3t
late, but
efficiently turn -r -I''
cattle, horsc,,s
bogsand pigs
n and contrac-
steel wires ama
tte how
77' r-771:
54 int41
'4)itig.rdoesoMai441001+1101:46Ata.ra.au,giiii. ,r," • •
C8Il and See It, Cart show you how it ri11 save you money.
Send for booklet. Prices per rod -35c, 40c, 42e, 45c, 48c and 50c.
STIal'EL GRANITE WARE.—We have a large stock of Preserving
Kettles, Sauce Pans, Pie Plates and Tea Pots at about one-third less than regu- •
lar price.
BISSELL CA_RPET SWEEPERS.—A full line of these unequalled
s weepers'.
SHERWIN & WILLIAMS PAINTS. --The beet is the cheapest. .We
have a full line of 'colors, and ken for 2.0 per gallon less than -regular price.
Balance bf Robertson's Mixed paints at $1,10 per gallon.
CHURNS. AND WASHING MACHINES,—A full line of Daisy and
Favorite churns at close prices, and the Knoll double acting Washerracknowl-
edged to be the most perfect washer now made.
FARM TOOLS. -e -Forks, Scythes, Rakes, ShoVels; Spades, Hoes. Al-
though these goods are nearly louble in value this year, we sell at last year's
BUILDING MATERI L.—Glass, Nails, Barn Door Hinges, boujght be-
fore the advance in price. W give our patron' the benefit.
PLATFORM SCALES,- We will sell you a scale complete with wheels,
1,200 lbs,, platform, $15.75 ; 1,000 lbs., 20x28, drop lever, $27.50; 2,000 lbs.,
23x30, drop lever, $30.50,
THE TIN SHOP is in harge of Mr. Charles Soole, who will do you a.
first-class job in Eavetroughin arid Furnace Work, and at the lowest possible
figure. Dairy Pails and Cans, and all kinds of repairing, a specialty.
Why it pays to deal with us. We buy for CASH ONLY. We give you
the benefit of our. cash diSeou ts. We pay no rents. Our expenses are light;
We can. afford to .make it orth your while torgive us your patronage.
Courteous attention to all.
Corner Maln
Market Smits
The Largest
Dry Goods and
You might climb
all over the Earth,
And you couldn't find such a unique array of bargains as we
are going to offer for the next week.
Our Semi-annual Clearing Sale -
FRIDAY, JUNE the 29th.
In the past these sales have been marked by success, and we
don't intend this one to lag behind in point of profit to you.
Rare Values will be found in every
Estate Joh son Bros., Seaforth
Ladles' Department
Never before have we been able to
aerve you so well or so economically in
this department. Two large purchases
at a low rate on the dollar, gives us the
opportunity to offer values that are
simply unapproachable. Among
other bargains we will mention these:
Fancy muslin waists, insertion yoke
back and front, new bell sleeve, worth
$1.75, for $1.
36 Ladies' Cambric Waists, fast
colors, at 47c.
60 pairs more of our popular summer
corset, steel filled, double thread net
lace trimmed, for 47c.
The Crest corset, for stout people,
elastic sides, steel filled, at $1.19.
D & A high bust corset, extra quali-
ty, grey jean, steel filled at 95c.i
A full range of Misses and Childs
Gloria corset waist, the best in the
36 pairs child's corset waists, made
of good quality of jean for 250 a pair,
all over embroidery, in three designs,
special values at $1, $1.18 and $1.25.
Some beautiful designs in embroidery
isertion 14c, 15c, 17c 18c, 20c and
Also very fine range of very fine em-
broidery at 100, 12c, 14e, 150, 17c, 19c,
22c and 25c.
Ladies' new ;,handkerohief ties to
hand in blue, red and purple at 50c.
- Ladies' satin bow ties in .black, red,
white, cream., blue and pink, 25c,
36 Ladies' white wash net ties, at
36 Ladies' black elastic belst, jet
buckles, 25c.
36 Ladies' black elastic belts, steel
buckles, 33c.
4 Specials—Black lustre skirts.
Fancy lustre skirt, single box pleat,
Fancy lustre skirt, single box pleat,
Plain lustre skirt, single box pleat,
$2,75 and $3.
Dress Goods
This sale means big losses to us -t,
big gains to the customer. Our dress
goods stock roust be removed whatever
the sacrifice All new and desirable
goods purchased this season.
Special line of dress goods worth
35c to 50c, your choice for 25e.
10 pieces dress goods, silk mixtures
worth from 75c to $1, your chthce for
Also special clearing prices on all
summer dress goods.
A few ends of waist silks worth 500
a yard, for 20c.
A few ends of fancy silk worth
from 75c to $1, your choice for 50c..
Special prices on all colored =alms,
white and colored pique.
Special clearing prices on all para -
so1 from 750 u s om 11.
All hats and Rowers in the Millinery
Department will be cleared at half
30 dozen all linen towel, 20 inches
by 39inches, hemmed, fancy bolder,
all linen,' at 50e.
Our stock of roller towellin
defy competition.
Special linen towelling 15 iiebes
wide, red border, for 60 a yard.
All linen crash towelling 17 ches
wide, colored border, for 1010,
AII linen, absorbent towellin 18
inches wide, colored border, for 1
Heavy crash linen towellin 16
inches wide at 8c.
Large stock of hand. made Russia
crash, from 8 to He.
4 specials in table linen.
Special 72 inah all linen, heavy,
half bleached) 40e,
Special 70 inch, all linen, liWry,
fine half bleaehed for 50a,
pecial 66 inch, 1i Jinen, fine half
bleached, for 60c, -
Special 74 inch, all linen, &lei half
bleached, for 70c1
10 dozen napkins, 18 inches sqnare-,-
good linen, for $1.18 a dozen.
5 dozen napkins, 19 inehes square,
hemmed, fine linen, for $L25 a dozen.
6 dozen napkins, 20 inches sqnares,
fine linen, for $1.50 a dozen.
25 pieces heavy damask print, at 7e
a yard.
5 pieces special bleached apron
cloth, inch border, 12ic.
Also many special lines ifl shirtings,
cottons, cottonades, denims, tielaings
and sheetings.
Get the best. We know wJiat
manufact.urers make ti46 best, Imost
stylish and most sitisfadtory clo4hing
and we get it 0Iothrna can't be too
it you buy your spring suit here
you get the best, you get the ate8t
style, present and futuie, satisfa tion
and long wear and this is all it will
cos you.
few odd sizes in men's Halifax
tweed suits, brown shades, for $3.25.
Special line of all wool KAU in
browns, greys and fawns, sizes from.
3,3 to 44, to clear at $4.25.
pecial line of black and blue wor-
st d. suits) all sizes for $7,20. -
Special fancy worsted suit, worth
$11 to be cleared for $8.25.
Special line of fancy worsted suits
worth $12.50 to be Cleared at $8.7.5.
Full range of new stunmer shirts to
Special line of f3bort bosom colored,
shirts for $1,
Special soft front colored shirt; for
A few odd shirts worth $1: and
$1.25, to be cleared for 50c.
• Impoitixos
Opposite Town Building, Garner Main and Market Sts„ Beaforth.