HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-06-29, Page 21‘
OR sar.t.—o. comfortable etory and a half tram
house on North Mita street, Seaforth, 4 doors
oorth of the Queen's, Hotel. The house eontaine 7
rooms and a spiendld Well. ALEX. STOWE, SU -
forth. 169241
9, Cenoeeslon 1, London Road, near the village
of Brueefield, containing about 100 acres, 90 ares
cleated atici In a good litate of cultivation, the re.
n Fin& Is herd wood hush. There ire good build.
riga ,12 sem of wheat, 30 seeded to grass a d
orotund anti plenty of wato. Will be old oho p
and on easy terms. Apply. to A. J. ROSS, Bruins.
field P. O. 16704
'VINE FARM FOR SALE.—Fcr sale Lit 24, Cin.
,U cession 3, Stanley., containing 100 acres. The
land is all clear but 12 aores which Is in good hai&
wood bueh. Fifty acres are under oultIvatioo, 8
acreis in wheat and the balance is seeded to gram
There is a good frame house, frame barn and stables.
The farce is well feiseed and underdrained end haa
a small, never failing spring creek repining through
one eorner of it. It le completely free from all
foul weed. Terme cash. Posseesion given imme-
diately. For further particulare apply to JOHN
GILMORE, 1.3ruoefield P. 0, 1631.-t1
4, Voneession 13, Haat, containing 75 acres,
all cleared, underdrained, well ;fenced, and about 40
. ores needed to grass. There are fair building.
There le a good orchard, and a never -failing spring
creek nme throogh the farm. and a good Well at the
Imuee. It 113 near school and post office, and eon-
venient to the best markets. It is a splendid farm,
not a foot of waete land on it, and te well adapted for
stock raining. It will be sold cheap and on easy
te,rme. Apply to the -undereigned, Seaforth P. 0.
Lot 21, Concession 8, 4. E. s., Tuokereinith,
eontaining 100 ares, 00 acres cleared and in a good
abate of cultivation, 10 acreof good hardwood bush.
- There le on the premiaes a good brick home and
•- kitchen ; a Juges now bank barn, with stone stabling
underneath an open shed ;driving house, and other
building's ; two good well's and orchard. •It le five
miles from Seaforth and eix horn Clinton on a good
greyer road. School close y. Will be sold cheap.
Apply on the prendees to ROBERT MoYETY, or $ea -
forth P. 0. 1039x4tt
U bet 11, Coneension 8, Tuekersinith, °ordaining
100 sere% all cleared but about 8 items of good hush;
It IS ur derdrained, well homed, and In a high state
ot aultivatian. There is e, good atone houee ; good
barns, stalka and out-houeee, It adjoins. a good
school ; w jthin five miles of Seaforth, and three
trace train KIppen. There is plenty of good water.
Wilt be eold-With or without the crop. It Is -One of
the hest farms In the township, and will be Bold on
(may tonne, tie the proprietor wants to retne. Also
50 mores within a mile and A quarter, a good gremlin;
lot, well fenced, but no buildinge.•_WIli Bold to,
gether or eeparately. Apply on the preialees, or ad •
drew Eginondville P. O. JAMES Actxxvisff.%
100 tf
TiAM FOR SALE.- For eat° Lot 18, Coneesaton 3,'
Tuekereinith, miles from ,Serf forth, contain-
ing 97i acres; The land Is in 4geied date of cultiva-
tion, On the place Is a large f ratite house in geed
repair arid heated by a furnace,. Wank barn with gdad •
etabling, new etone pg P00 24I(., drivirig shed,
woodshed and everythiag in &els class oniclitton,
Plenty at ;C:, ad water And windmill to purep It. The
land lis well underdrained. There. Is -about 12 acres
ot fall wheat and the ploughing Is ell done. It wlIl
be sold divan and on etsey terries 'PM- the proprietor
Is going West. P9SHOSSIOn, given at any time. For
further particular° apply to WILLIAM EBERIIART,
on the protein% or to kleafoth post Mille. leil-tf
.12 9 and the west ball of Lot 8, on the 121h coneee-
elon, or Browinion Line, of Stanley. This farm con-
tains 190 eeree, all of which la eteued, except four
acres. It in in a gate of ilret-olve .eultIvation, well
fenced awl all underdrained,minitly%tvith There
is a large frame dweling house as good as new, with
ood etone foundation and eettXr, large bank barn
',eh atone underneath, and numerouti ether
buildings, including a large pig house. Two good
orehards of choice trait, aloe nice shed° and orna•
- mental trace- There are twa spring: areeke running
through the farm, and plenty. of geed water all the
year round witheut pumping. It Is well situated for
markt etturehes,,eehoole, poet aloe, &e„ aad good
gravel roads leading from it in all direetione. It is
within view of Lake Huron, and the4boate cen be
veer" passing tip and down from th bowie. Thle le
one of the beet equipped farm al the county, and
will be sold on easy terms, ma the proprietor wants to
retire on account of health. Apply on the prom-
isee, or addrese Blakto P. O. JOHN DUNN, 161041
Dr Talmage's Reasons for
in the Bible.
r -
Thai Effect ofih1e TeaseatInari n :Hue
titian It,y-The Charge of Infldo is That
Christians Are a Gullible re Plo Re"
fated by anis _Fatuous Prs4sp1ea..
Washington, Jima 24,e ---1i. the
great conflict now, ragieg Iii 'prop°
as in this country between Ch istian-
ity and agnosticism Dr.: "Eaton. go has
taken a decided stand and in this
sermon, declares his unwaver
lief in the divine origin ctf th
tures; text, Matthew vii, *10
men gather grapes of thorn's?'
ng be-
Scrip -
Not in this country. Not. in any
country. Thorns stiek, th(
cepa% but all 1,11.e thorns
wither never yielded. one •clt
caLawba, or Isabella. grapes.
-alio was the master of apt a, id pot-
ent illustration, is thus Settit g forth
what you and -I well know, t utt You
catmot get', that, which is a leasant
and healthful and 1good l fr ai that
which Is bad; .1f you find a round,
largo, beautiful, eltister _ 91 grapes,.
you know it was :produced by a good
grape vine and pot:from a tt ngle of my - friends, ,as
Canada thistle,: Now,if tI 'curl silo* company when
you that this. holy. Bib. yin"
fruit, grand fruit, splendid- fr
will come to the conclusion
good Bible, and all the argu
the skeptic against it when
to show it Is ea bad book
O verb mtrd,
. "Do moil gather grapes'sof
Can a bad book yield 'good
Skeptics with great, vehem nee &-
dare that the Bible .is cru
They road the story of the a
attort of sthe Canaanftes and
the -ancient "Vara and of the
of David an. Joshua,: and th
to thee cone' usiori that the
in favor of. 4cer.at to n and man -
fits la--
)ut O-
ster . of.
X sale, Lot 22, on the North Bouudary of Hay
Township. This farm (tantalise 1.0e acres, 89 acres
°leered, the root good hardwood bush. It is Well urea
derdrained and !enact There le a good steno house
with a No. I collar; large bank baro; implement
shed; Sheep house .70x76, with Orst,oitt•s stabling
and root cellar underneath; Acod orohard ; 2 good
wells and cistern. There le 12 aims nf fall wheat
sowed on a rieh fallow, well
1 naanured ; 40 sores
seeded down recently, the rest In good shape for
erop. Thie is A No, 1 farm, • well situated for
markets, churchee, ocitoolo, post °filen, etc., and
will billfold reasonably. Apply cm the premien, or
address ROBERT N. DOUGLAS,Blake,00t.1068x8tf
,a0 PUNDIT) FARM FOR SALE.—For Bale, A splen -
0 did farm and hotel property. ThIS farm is on
the 18th coneeeslon of the Township of MoKillep, at.
the Village of Loadbury. It contains 112i acres, all
of which aro cleared, except alma throe sem. It 10
in is good elate of cultivation, being well fenced and
underdralned, and suitable for grain growing or stack
raising and feeding. There Is neit a loot of w tate
land on th ferns. There are two good dwelling
s% a tar re bank barn with st4te etabling under•
math, a lar e Implement
house:" and all neesary
buildings! In Ire Wheat repair. There are three or-
chards and f nir nover-failing,wells. The fares ad-
joins the Yil woof Leadbus, where are store% post
- cilia% blaektimith shop, Belida etc, The well known
- Leadbury hotel is on the farm, and will be sold w;th
It. Hits no under teams for alarm of years. This
Is one of th hest and od proStable fa
mrm proper -
thee in the unty of Huron, and will be gold cheap
, etri-easy term of payment. For further particular%
apply on th weirdoes, or address tho undonsigned
,proprietoratleadbury I'. O. JOHNSTON KINNEY.
gooey to loan at 4i per cent. on first-class farm
land security. Apply t,o B. S. HAYS-, Dominion
Bank Building, Sestforth. 1607
t)Fe" "ter' TOON Ph081110ainel
' You. intuit muei
• authors of the Ili
fermi), ages and
turies, They had
.with each other;
an idea a$ to wha
sign of the Bible,
• ings, sot up from
lands and all.thes
all these different
together make a
the ()Pinion of tin
of all lands,- Is -1
nutrkable fact? .
Again; infidels
that -he Bibl
book. • n a formcr discourse 1 show -
was no collision
nd revelation, and
• to point in • .the
w let us have &n-
atter. You and
50 or 00 years ex-
udy of science that'
Jet us have author -
is a. collision be-
revslation? Well,
Tyndall, Darwin.
a discord betaveen
elation; • but I will
of • Jnen :who have
tccord between sei-
nen. as much
TM great Engailt Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggiete in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered, fitz
akages guaranteed to cure all
forms+) xna Weakness, all effeeta of abuse
or excess, ental Worry. Excessive use of To-
baoco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt
of price,one package $1, six, $5. One witt please,
I1"014 cure, ranlPhlarsalree to any address.
, • • 'Oa Wood company, Windsor, Out.
Wood's Phoophodine Is Sold in kleaforth by turno-
ut St Wflson, druggiete.
alter tlso that the
)1e c ime front
from different cm -
no communication
they did not. have
t AVa. the chief de-
tnd yet their writ -
all these different
diff rent ages and
• con titles, coming
irfe t harmony in
-very best scholars
ot that a most re• ,
vehemently charge
• 18 an unscientific
ed you that timer
between science
I went 'eons poin
discussion, but n
thorit3r in this n
caimot give 40 or
cinsiVely to the s
soine men give,
ity in this mattei
Who says there
tween science a
Herbert -Spencer,
They say there 1.
science and res
--bringi you names
found• a perfect
t expect us to believ
Xf you found on d, honest letters in
Ji 10 or 20 cruel, iyin
how long would
9 19
ail Vie old, DeiOW the eitiosy and to add ful gathered
an orrirelope the shirking ending in a nar .ow band
g, filthy let- covered with ribbon, laeo in,'ertion or
Yoh allow embroidery.
n. Beautiful summer evening toilets are
tb t honest letter to sta, therk? I
hal a minute you NV 0 Id either made of white India sills mull or white
sn tch it out of the envelope pr you Italian crape, elaborately decorated with
Uld destnsy the whole envelope, black applique patterns and both wide
d narrow insertions of black venetian
bo a 00 Your undergdeoes which reach to he wrist,
NoW, do you. suppose tie Lor
would allow theee pure iprophecies, or chantilly lace. Rows of fittest lingerie
these prophecies - which you admit tucking alternate with these trimmings'
must have come from the hand of on both skirt and bodice. --:-New York
from divine inspiratiotc—do you P
phecies to be bound up and put •
pose God would allow these pure
the same envelope wit the Book
.Tob and the book of 'salres, and
A project is under way to In!tild a new
th ater in St. Louis to seat 3,000. •
the book of Deuteronomy, and the
- '.rhe representation of Rostand s
other books, if those booke were not
god books?
estdes that, you mt.st retnember , "If.A.iglon" may be forbidden in Aus-
that this book has been under fire for
centuries; and after all the bombard- he
xnent of the skeptics of all the cen- Pe
turies they have not knecked out of
this Bible a piece as large as the se
small end of a sharp needle, Oh, how vi
the old book sticks together. *tine
sanctified geologists try th pull away pl
the book of Genesis. Thasr!: say they
do not believe it; it cannot be there
was light before the susa shone; it so
•hakespeare was intrbduced as the
.0 of a play lately produced at Buda -
Lute Wainwright announces that next
son she will play Hamlet in vaude-
urr McIntosh has been engaged to
ty Philemon in the produttion of
anice Meredith" next season.
he gross receipts of Mrs. Fiske's sea-
of 34 weeks in "Becky Sharp" are
cannot be all this story about Adam said to have been over $300,000.
once' and revela ion— and. Eve; and they pull at the.. oo c
they have been pulling a, 5
higher in. intellectittal character -above Gene,sis and
sose whom ha ,e mentioned as the great while, yet where is the book of I
Alps! and Mount Vashington and the _Genesis? Standing just wpere Ft stood ' 5
Himalayas. are -higher ,than the hill all the time. There is not a, man on
back of -your lipt earfh who has ever erased it from f
• • —
A Reliable and Speedy Remedy for Curbs,
Splints, Spavins, Sweeny, Eta
s good •
it, you
it, is a
ants of
-word of Go(1.-•—v
• Now, I might,
Se. French& , Kep-
s are in respectable
we believe in the
ry respeetable cora-
1.18 11111(1(4s have
failed to prove hats the 13il?le is a
0 'tries 'cruel blook, that M
• the 'Mier is an
yin . go impure book, the ; the. Bible is a con-
, tradictory boalesathat the Bible is an a
horn' unscientific book ---I (night move a w
result? . . nonsuit in this . c Ise c J`
-plain tiff, against Ch as
defendant, but I vat • A
lege of the ciret instr v
'the skeptices goon I. g
are o. gullible pZo de, t
ler, Leibnitz, 1oss, IsaacNewton.
the Bible,
• Then all the undevout astronomers it
went to work to pull away the book
of Joshua. 't They say, 'That cannot
be true, the sun's halting ,ab,cive Gib -
eon and the MO011 over tlie valley of
• Aj;alon; it cannot be Adssible,
m st pull that book ; of Joshua
a ray," And they pull etwa,y at it,
d they pull 'away at it; arid yet 11
t has becdme of the pooit of
shua? Like the suns above Gibeen t
(..1 like the moon over the valley of
atm, it stands still. All, f -le f
ut anatomists and physiologists a
t hold of the book ef Jonah, and t
ey pull a'S-Wa y' and they.)sayS "That g
r about Jonah end the whale t
of all
y come.
Bible is •
slaughter and itiassacre. No
book will produc;0' a .had 4
cruel book will. produce a
8101, . . , -. --
You have 1friencp-i Wiwi hav
the habit of reacting the ilibl
many years. Itaare you 1
tendency to cruelty on theft
liave• you ever heard any
come out and practically
have been reading the story
the exterutination, Of the Co.
-and I tun seized upon with 1., dispos-
ition to cut and .slash and •xfatil and
pinch and intitrder and i tui'ck to
pitfces (ivory iltibM
g Lean 'yst ty hands
oil?" "lave yeiur friends' la - propor-
tion as they s become -diligent . Bible
stetdents and ,diseiples , of ti
of the Bible shown a tend
ward massacre and murder
slaughter? Has that been
seit•vation? .
• What, has 'been the, eflect u toil your
children of this minion. book? Or if
you do .not ! allosy, ihe, book •to be
r a bad
•ruei .re-
been in*
• a great
ticed a
of them.
say, "I-
- about
itL;m 111
so('y to-
num -
our 01) -
It ran he need 6-ifvery cage of Veteritiery Practlee
where Stleinlating Ltrilmente or Bileters are pre;
$pe pamphlet a Weil accompanlee every
bottle. It bets no impedes. Every bottle sold 13
guaranteed to give satisfeetlen. Price 76e a bottle, -
Sold by all druggists. Invaluable in the treatment
of Lump Jaw in eatttle, bee Pamphlet. •
Prepared la —
London On 1691 52
to Horse
hoeing and
'eloderieh mt,reel, - - Seaforth.
Merton Stock Farm,
ThoroughbraA Durham Cows,
eifers1 and Bulls
of the ino t fashionable strains for sale at
reasonahl prices. Post office address,
DAVID I ILL, Staffs.
read in your household,
been the effect upon, the .c1
.cither households where the
Cod is.honored? Piave the
suit .of reading this Cruel b
forth with a. cruel spirit to
wings off flies and to pini
hoppers and to rob .birc
A cruel ,book ought te.m
peoplef If ,they- diligen .ly1 road
it and get • rorbed vith its
principles that:- Ansa nt ist pro-
duce that effect-. At w
did you notice. that th
--.ings of this holy Bible croa
ty fn. the heart and. the life
Peabody, of Miss Dix, of
Nightingale, of John 11
John, Frederick .
Laurence? -Have You notics
big the biograPhy of .tly
that in proportion as sthe
friends of the BiltW they
emieS to human' t y? litao
on the contrary, nOtiCed th
institutions of mercy sttablished
were chiefly supported by t we friends
of this 'book?
Again, infields go on and most ye-
hemently charge that this I ible is an
impure book. 'You all kno that an
impure book produces iniptu a results.
No amount. of money could hire you
to allowyour child to re d an un-
clean book. Now, if the D hie bo an
impure book, where are th( victitins?.
Your father read it—did its make hirn
a bad man? your nni-ither read it --
did It, make her a bad- won an? Your:
sister 45 years in hea •en died
in the, faith of this gospel did ft de-
spoil her natufe, Korrin say there
aro 200,000;000 'copies of the Bible
say there are 400, -
It is
ate • stae
tisties, bat suppose there re 200,-
000,000 copies -ef • the 131b1 abroad,
this onbook rad more' th 'n any 20 .
. pri n tad,
for cen-
le? • Hollow
ictims of
an impure book. ShOW ame .100 de- •
• epoiled of the Bible. Shotv inc 50.
• Show me 10. Show me two. Show
trat 'one! TWO 1111.0red. )nfIllion copies
of an impure Wok' and not one Vie-
t lin of 1 Iie Impurity!' On the con-,
tro.ry, you know very, well that 11. _is
Where t he iflmh ha's t he -most power
that 1he family ;Dist it tills) i is I most,'
respect (..d.
hat haS
llama of
word of
EIS a re-
ok gene
pull the
n grass- •
s' nests?
tke ruel
at time
, teach -
ed cruel -
f George,
ward, of
of Abbot
In read -
se people
'ou not,
it all the
In existencet son
000,000. ‘copies of the 13ib
Impossible to get- the ace
f Itifidelity, the
istainity, the
tot take advan-
tices, for when
o say that we
'hen ha goes on
often does,
• the impeoe
like to believe
to say that the
a lot of menu-
, hero and an-
anot ler • from some
_hat the whole thing
bit the crednlity of.
Mt s1 reply, to that -
to say, - as he
that the - gsjoate
bability the in n• w&
It. when he goss on
Bible is made u i of
scripts, One pitiod
Opier there an
other place etn(
Is .4r imposition
the human inc
-chat go,
The'. Bible is made
.rrestameo t d
1,i1 us take th
:Why do 1 bellev
.to my- heart?
be traced. back
Smits as easily
traced to that
tothat door..,
Jerome and Euseli•
century' and OrI en
tury • and ()the Writ
and fourth centuries
the New Testament
a etly cor resP
Showing that ti e s
men f wht611. NV ave
fourth. century and
and the won( emeury and the &St
century. But 'When) did they, get the
Nev' ! Testament"? 'They got it frotn,
Erroneous. Whole
He got it fro 1
polyearp get t
John, who was
ate .of the Lord
valid fa t h er gc. v
ther, uiy fa,th r'
It to iny• child.
ty in tracing h
On communior
shalice at the e
the chalice w 1
books that thee world eve
this book abrOad for. ages,
teiries—where are the, victl •
ioe 1,000. Shaw Me 600
Again,: climbs -ties go on still fur-
ther, •and, they say the Bible is a,
(piths of cent rad Jet ions, and _the'y. put
prophet ago inst iirophet , evaagaliet
against evangelist , apostle 'ttgainst
apOstio, and they say if this he true,
then, can that, be trtio.'? ' Air'. ',Ain',
who -.1/41 as , a friend if the Bible, 'said
Imo had discovered .,80,600. different-
rea d lap. of the 1 Scriptureil„and yet
not one i was° I an 1 .d i fieren ce--n 0 t
one haportant ( ifference ' out of 30,-
000—only. the - difference that you
mieht expert from the fact that the -
hook camp down from generation to
generation and was copied ,. by a
great- many hands. • And . yet I- put
-before yoit this fact 1 0 -day, that all
the Dible \\Titers agree in the four,
great _doctrines of the Bible.
Whit t, -‘ ' aro •those -• four' great dec-
. . .
trinsie? God -00d, - 11,arld, . patient,
a L '
, iltliff,; loving', omnipotent. :..Mari ----a
ilost ;sinner. . 'rwo tlestinies—one for
- belle\ ars, . the rat her for unheliev:-.
ors; ell who atcept e'brist reaching
time,' home and wily those destroyed
who destroy . thenn:elves; -only those
who turn their. back upOn Christ and
come to the precipite and- jump . off,
for God never pushes - a man. off,
he jumps off. Now, in these four
great doctrines all the Bible writerto
uj of: -the Old
re'Vtr Testament.
Testament first.
Why de I take
s becaeSe it can
the :
clivilia heart
t aisle can be
and that atsle
us in the lirkt
1 the seSond cen-
prii in. the third
gave a list of
vriters just ex-
• with our list,
tnie New Testa
they had. in the
he third 'century
110 Is
a the
other end of
difficolt to tree
chalice? No
one AVill _
ones," and thi,
It. to that on
so long a, lin
New Testatnei
at the .fact. -
this was ham
way, ‘1410 k'n(
ing impostors
thelr testlino
truth of that
for a, lie cheei ft
,They were no
died in triurn
New 'Testamei
"Well," say
ready to beli
ment is from
how abput the
do you believ
• Old Testae/lei
•cies- fdretold
thousands of
which afterw
, far can you
and years?
dred years?
iutnute? No
• amoun si to n
prophets too
nd tim
must - 321 iem
n. and 'in
t wet
I le
Irenaetis get it?
carp. Where did
t it from St.
is Christ. MY
(kik to my• fa-
gav it to mne, I give
Is there any difilcul-
s e?
da will start the
id of the and
along to the
-le. Will it be
line of that holy
y at all. This
gave it to that
vill say, "I gave
flit it will not be
to trace the
is easier to get
o say, "'Although
rht down in that
s but, they were ly-
11 can you take
" hey died for the .
ok, Men never die
lly nd triumphantly.
yin ,impostors. They
for the truth of that
ti e al
11 licul
porup nd sp
pheciess these
they . Will b
les had archit
houses' of moc
*significant, ,
walked right
tont streete a
got: to come
ing to bo love
• Suppose a n s
these oities .1,
will be ham:
whore these r
these' streets
tle.'' Such a
the insane as'
prophets did
is -Babylon to
over the ruin
will Abt find
can't be' true," Every infidel carries
a harpoon espeoially fo :that whale,
and they pull away at the book of
Jclinah, but where is the to9k..of, Jon-
- 'ab to -day? Just where it has been
all the tirnee-the grand -,et thing that
wlas ever written to Inc ve that when s
cl sends a. man to N1ievein,41e can- f
t get to Tarshish, if Clod %o stop
m has to upset the Mediterranean f
a with a, cyclone.
And so the infidels have been trying
te pull away the fail etcles,pulllng
a, sate' at the blasted)! fie !tree, at the
turning of the water i ito wine, at
the raising of Lazarus 1 t'orn the dead.
Can you show me a X31lle from which,
ohe of these miracles has' been erased?
How marvelouely the o[Id, hook stieloi
ing_ alt these
tem in deeper
o the other
-mu one, "now I am
that the New Testa-
e hetet of Christ, but
Testament? Why
" I believe -the
use the prophe-
s hundreds and
• ahead—events
ok place. -How
d? Two thous -
see ahead a hun-
ts see ahead five
Human, prophecy
. Here these old
mends of. years
foretold events which
tr e far on r the
n y
t f
a le
of those solos id
arid in the st mn et
actually blisttr h
t� ihe prophe
Where is •
pomp tile Pr(
men Will dry
city steeds."
th4tt place 1
that literally.
ing their nets
ciy of Tyre
1 et
t mair
ier that Tyro and ,
veh were in full
whoa these pro -
prophecies, said
royed. Those cit -
that make• the
ties perfectly in -
hese old prophets
gh those mignill-
d: "This has. all
This is all go-
ould stand up in
and say, "There
wheat and corn
ioiv• stand, • and
e pasture forcat-
wou11 he sent to
Yet the old
very thing. Where
You go and walk
abylon and you
or a- grasel blade
hanging gardens,
time the ground
troyed accerding mummer silk, veiling,. udia Mull, etc.,
feet of the tray- Among tho imported goWns of foulard
re models, showing s 111 petticoats en
Isial i.(titile,,,drabye fisher -of itom with flounces made o fabric match-
uite, which are finiehe" around -the bot -
nets where • fills • ugthe gown. •
If ;sou shou11 go to 1 "Celery" is a new col r among French
day;liss'ioui.inislvecnuladro ciiiii;c1_
Tin t'. ummer textiles, IL co ulaines ivory, the
inti. Deis much admi.ed in the list of
n,t le rocks whene the i aintest shade of yollasia iituil pale green
rer tied : without expressing either, but delicately
nets; suggestive of all three. .1. -
• ' 1 :Short boleros are 'nide of -cut work
I am and of embroidery and lined. with thin,
fletientely tinted silk. '
red vary stylish with -
own., _ giving it a pre
oth smart and beconai
It is beconaing more
to cut the sleeve of th
toflare in War or bell s
of the old book. They
a bundle lof loose man
c-onsumedi by the fire.
of the last day are kinc
b• on this side, froi
ard Revelation and o
o this side from Rev
eriesis, and in all tbi
rill not !find a single c
s ngle verso out of plac
be the first time we c
without the Bible.
But I 1clei not think 0 w1.4 give up
the Bible even at that, time, I think
we will want the Bible. in heaven, 1-
rea11y think the fires of I the 'last day
ill- not consume the test dopy, for
when you and I get ou
ut of the dust we ss
them just the pas
promises, which cora°
the dark day of lute
Will want to talk ov
ienii who have had tr
gles, and we , ill
them the promises tha
gether1 All {the siri
tapiers only 'driving t
idtei Ntvifitori are o Ts, of
eterni,EY. ' used later as a foundation for a jelly. If
rid tho book is going to keep right lut sirup is as rich as it Should be, it will
until the fires of th last day.are tend an equal amount of water. When
ladled. Some df theni1 ill begin on hu s diluted, it is sweetened to taste end
le side and some on 1.te other side ised with dissolved gelatin in the propor-
Will riot find ion of little over a half a box to every
Ocripts easily ilea.
When the fires
lleddenseorise will! N
hers will burn
tion tOward
)ir way they
hapter or a
it That will
n' afford to do
t is reported from London that E. H.
thern has secured the rights to Justin
uniley McCarthy's nest play, "The
artled Fawn."
latnie Adams owns and engineers a
rm. at the extreme eastern end of Long
land, taking special interest in the rais-
g of Shetland ponies and collies.
Mrs. Leslie Carter is to appear next
.ar in a piece etnitled "The Queen's
liming Room." David Belasco is nem -
as author, but little is known about
e play.
Tolstoi's latest book, "The.Dominion of
arknoss," is being translated into Eng -
))£'n' use in this country. The play has
ready been produced at the Royal thea-
• in Copenhagen. -
The Actors' society of New York of -
Ts a prb$10a
ie of 0, to be warded by
vote of tre.Veling companies, to the
eater, outside of the large cities, which
'es the best accommodation back of
e curtain.
Serve salad whenever possible. It is,
'ways 'acceptable and refreshing.
Green sweet peppers fieely chopped and
winkled over stuffed tPmatoes just be -
re they go into the oven improves them.
In putting cakes on the griddle be care-,
il to form them a regular round shape,
nd put on only dee tit each dip, so as
ot to spill between the cakes.
If you want to powder parsley to sprin-
le over new potatoes or any other dish,
c ip it first quickly into boiling water.
hake the water off and put it on a plate
r paper in a quick oven for a few Min -
tics. When (mite dry, rub either be-
weeu your hands or through a wire
The, juice from a ran of fruit if not
eeded when the fruit is served may be
'dead children
ant to show
ages, just the
•ted us here in
*sent, and we .
r, with Christ- 1
ads , and strtig-
•lint to show
I especially re-
freshed. us. I think 1 r shall have
the Biblein heaven.
; ph, ;.I want to hear
et NV11 voice rea,d, gar
shepherd," 1 want to
.I is own voice read, "
od that giveth us th
rant to hear the
aul's march of the r
he 1 same trumpet
woke the dead. .
oed enough for eart
or heaven. Dear old
espattered with the
11•Yrs who died for ifs
sprinkled all over Writ
hose who byit were
t in the haridSof yot
heir birthday. Put
n the sitting room N,
o keep house. Put
ead when you. die.,
press it to My hear
y lips.
'avid with his
e Lord is my
ear Paul With.
-hanks be unto
I victory." I
*change' play
urreckion with
with which he
bleseed book,
, good enough
ook — book
lood of mar-
the tears of
oomforted. Put
✓ children on
t on the table
hen you begin
ti under your
ear old book!.
I preiss it to
Lemairs and Ilk
i:olost• ••
A singer in gran( pera contra -
Jots the statem4nt f &peaty made
hat lemon juice is xce11ent to re -
leve & slight hears ress. It may
lea,r the voice at first, but only for
short time, and th etrong acid is
xtremely injurious to the vocal
horde. To soothe nd relieve- the
ongestion that prod e s the hoarse -
ens this singer says bat nothing 18
otter than the e rhite 'of an egg
hipped ta a stiff fri the
Thus far among the short 'jackets of
ilk, satin and brocade lack is the chief
Many of the handsom e designs in lace
re copied among °lab ratelY embroid-
red cream white aud eclmulbetistes.
Cool and pretty are the Waists bf pink,
lite or cream white lib Irty. pill( or satin
ado in regular shirt vaist style, with
oke back and slightly f all fronts, fasten -
211 with small gilt or mo Is opal buttons.
Turk n 0(1 U1 a "am
on the roeks.
"Well," sa.,s. son
ready to t .he
froin the he rt of
readyready. to bel
is, 1
you inust ren
• "that the
small Dart of
t nod . Tarta
frying their
e one, "now
av 'Test eine it 118
Christ and 1 ant
t ie proph ec..ies The
rind ail dispui e. But '
rte)lie les are only a I
ribe ," says my friend,
he book. You
'hese are consid-
me, sort of wash
finieh that is
nil more popular
waist or jacket
• abe ii few inches
Taxes imposed with reference to the
bility of the person taxed have been
evied since the foundation ef the govern-
ent. That a principle so -consonant
dth natural justice should be declared
mind in law is gratifying.—Brooklyn
An inheritance tax differs from. an In-
come tax. It is not a direct tax on prop-
erty or on -earnings. It is an excise on
he privilege to take property by will