HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-06-22, Page 2HU-RON EXPOS7OR
MICR SALE. -A comfortsble Beery end a. half from
JU house on North Mein street, Seeforth, 4 doore
nareh of the queen's Hotel. The house contains 7
room o and a oplenditi well. ALEX., STOBIE, Sea
forth -
, 1602-tt
JL P, OOlideeSiOrt leLondon Roadenear the village
of13recefluld, contsining about 100 ecree, 90 (scree
°kart d end In a good state, of oultivation, the ro.
n eine* le hard wood buith. There are gaod build.
no ,_2 sores of wheat, 30 tweeted to grass, a good
etch& rcl and plenty of water. Will ,be mold °beep
and "oe eaay terms. Apply t� A. 3. ROSS, Bowe.
0. 167041
fl la
ri/NE FARM FOR &eh -E. -Fee sale Let 24, Con.
eU melon 8, Stanley, containing 100 acres. The
land la all clear but 12 mires which is in good herd -
wood buh. Fifty acres TOO under cultivation, 8
acres is In wheat and the balance 5 [Seeded to grass.
There is a good framehouse, frame barn and stables.
The f rm. 5 well fenced and underdralnect and has
a- orn II, neveafelleng spring areek running through
one canerof it. It le completely free from all
foul cods. Terme cash. Poeseselon given imme-
diate y. For further particulars apply to JOHN`
OILN ORE, Smoothed P. O. 1681-tf
, Concession 13, Irullott, oonteining 76 acree,
all el sued, underdrained, well fenced, and about 40
soros seeded to grave There are I fair hundIngs.
Thor iea good orchard, and a," never.failleg spring
creek rune through the farm, and a good well ,it the
hous , It is near sahael and post Office, and, con-
vonle it to the beet markets. . It is a splendid Nem,
nob * foot of waste lend on It, and Is Well adapted for
stock raising. It will be sold- claw; teend on easy
term . Apply to the undersigned, Soaforth P. O.
IAN ROBISON. . 1669.tf-
je Lot 24, Concession -3, H. R. EL, Tuokeremith,
con ning 100 toms, 90 acres oleared and in a good
!tete of oultivation, 10 acres of good hardwood bush.
Thar is on .the premises a good Molt house- and
kite eft ; a large now bank harn, with stone stabling
undo oath ; an open shed ;delving house, and other
build nge ; two good went( and orohard. It is five
mile from Seatorth and six from Clinton on a good
greet I road. School oloaa by. Will be sold, cheap.
App1, on the premises to ROBERT MoVETY, or Sea-
ted!) P. 0, 1639x4ti
Jj Lot 11, Coneeesion 8, Tuekersmith, containing
100 a roe, all awed but about 8 aoreo of good bush.
ederdrained, well fenced, and in a high state
of ou tivation. There is a good stone house ; good
barn , stable') and out -houses. It adjoins a good
echo I ; i within fly6 miles of &Mortis, and three
vane frore Nippon. There 5 plenty of good water.
Will o eold with or without the crop. It is ono of
the est terms in the township, and will be gold on
my rum as the proprietor wants to retire. Also
50 ea is Within * mile and a quarter, a good graoing
lot, ell farmed, but no buildings. Will be sold to.
eth .r or separately. Apply on the premium or ad.
nee Egruomiville P. O. JAMES MeTAVISEL1
1630 tf.
"DAM FOR SALE.-lsor Bale Lot 18, Oceicossion a,
Tuckersmith. 1 tulles from Seefortla, contain-
ing 9 acres-, The land is in a good Wee of maim.
Oen, On the place is a large frame house in good
repair and heated hy a furnace, bulk bern with godd
steal ng, new stone Tele pen 24x16, driving shed, -
woo ohed and everything in arab elms candition.
Pion y of esod water and windmill to pump it. The
land is well underdrained. There is about , 12 acres
of f II wheat and the ploughing ie all done. It will
be e Id cheap and on easy torma ea the proprietor
le g Ing Wed. Possession given at any tune. For
hut) er particular') apply to WILLIAM EBERIIART,
on ti cpromisee, or to Seaforth post also. 1684-tf
9 and the west half of Lot 8, on bile 12th minces -
Mon, or Brownoon Line, of Stanley. This farm con-
tain leOefores, all of which is cleared, except four
acro.. fI. le in a etate of firet-claes oulthrseion, well
few d and all underdrairted, naootly with tile. There
le a sage frame dwelliiig. home as good as dew, with
goo • stone foundation and cellar, large bank barn
with stone stabling underneath, and nunserous,other
buil ings, including a large ,pig bowie. Tem) good
orch rds of &mice fruit, alio no shade and erne.
men I trees-. There ere two spring ()reeks running
thro gh the farm, and plenty of good water all the
yea round without pumping,It is well situated for
mar ets, churches, Gob:lore post canoe, &o., and good
gra s el roads leading from 11 10 all directions. It is
wit in VIEW( of Lake Huron, and the boats can be
ace pegging un and down from the house. This- is
one •t the beat equipped farm, tri the couney, and
will he sold on easy terree, as the proprietor wants to
yeti e on account of ill health. Apply on the prem-
ises, or address, Blake'P. Q. JOHN, DUNN. 1649-t1
este, Lob 22, on the North Boundary of Hay
To nehlp. Thie farm contains '100 wee, 86_ atom
ohm ed, the red good hardwood bud]. It is well un-
der rained and fenced. There is a good stone house
wit a, No, 1 oellsr ; large bank barn ; Implement
she ; shoap house 70x76, with fIrst-olaes eteblin
and oot collar underneath; r‘kood orchard; 2 gooct
wol and cistern. There is 12 : aorea of fall wheat
now d on a rich tallow, we..1- manured ; 40 none
seed dewn twenty, the rest in good shape for
orop 'reit Is a Zia. 1 farm, weil situated for
rear eta, churchee, Reheats, post office, oto., and
will sold reagenahly. Apply on the premises, or
add se ROBERT N. DOUGLAS,Blake,Ont.1668xStf
OP ENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, a oplon-
did farm and hetet property. .Thls farm Is on
the 31h conceosion of the Townhtp of MoKillop, at
the Maze ef-Leadbury. _ It ciente, no 112a sores, all
of w leh are °leered, except about three acres. It lo
In a ood state of cultivation, being well fenced and
und rdrained, and suitable for grain growing or stock
rale' g and feedings. There is not a foot of wade
land on the farm. There are two good:dwelling
hone et, a large bank barn with stone stabling under.
neat , a large Implement house and all neeeesary
bull Ingo in firs t-ehtes repair. There are throe ar-
cher s and four never -failing wells. The farm ad.
join the Villageof Leadbury , whore are atorea, posh
ottio blaolcsmith shop, school. etc. The well known
Lead ury hotel Is on the farm, and will be sold with
11 It le new under lease for a tone of years, This
Is on of the best and most profitable farm proper,
ties the County of Huron, and will be eold cheap
on e sy terms of payment. For further partieulare,
on the premien, or addresa the undersigned
toter, Leadbery P. 0. JOHNSTON KINNEY.
Mo ey to loan at et per cent' on firsaclass farm
land security. Apply to 11 S. HAYS, Doneniee
Bank Building, Seatorth. 1607 ,
After' WOOre Ph001110ainet
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reliel
able medicine discovered._
packages guaranteed to care- s.11
f0 «80 Sexual Weaknese, all effect a of &beige
or e cols, Mental Worry, Excessive Use of Toe
beets , Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of g ce, one package $iesta, $5. One will Amer
cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Comp/nay, Windsor, Out
Wo 'a Phosphodine Is Sold tn8oaforth by Lures.
en Wilson, drugglets.
A R liable arid Speedy Remedy for Curbs,
Splints, Spavins, Sweeny, Etc.
It c n be find In every cage of Vetaiinary Practice
whim Stimulating Liniments or Blistere are pre-
scribe . See pamphlet which Accompanies every
bottle It luso no euperion Every bottle aold is
genre Iteed to give sal emotion. Price 760 a bottle.
Sold 1 y all drugglate. Invaluable in the treeturent
of Lui 1 Jaw in °attic. See Pamphlet.
Prep' ed by -
Lend n Ont. 1601.52
ciai Attention
Ge eral Jobbing. MAKER Hotel.
to oraeahneing and -
`Jed rich etreet,
- - Seaforth.
res That Tired
cling •
Which the husinete man haa while
anxiously waiting replies by mail
or telegraph. Use
It le instantaneous and you don't have to
wait for an answer.
The Divine Sympathy for Those
•Who Are in -rouble,
- • 1
Dr. Talmage's- Prestription-Bind Up
All Your Grelefs Intel& Bundle and
So i Them _.en Fire With a ,Spark
' From God's Altar. •
.Washington, Juree. 17.—Dr. .Tal -
merle, who has finis-hed his tour in
England and Scoelancl, where thous,.
ands thronged to ;Mae him. whereso-
eret ho preached, is new on his wayi
to Norway and Iteseia;• in "which
countries he is. already well known
through the Publicat.on of •tratielat'
tons of his sermons, Lathe folloyi-
i4g discourse, which he has Sent tor
phblication this week, h.e.gives a/pre-
scription for all anxiety and ,Werril
meat and illustrates the divine sytti
pathy for all who are in any kind of
struggle. . The text is Matthew adv.
12,- "And hie disciples W t and told
• j°rns- outrageous ase ssination had
jest taken place. • Te appease a re-
vengeful woman lking Herod ordered
the death of thatenohle, self •sacrific-
eng prophet, john.the Daptiet. The
group of the disciples_ Were thrown
i4ito grief and dismay.- They felt
t iemselvee utterly de en,celess, There
Wes no authority to which they
crould appeal, anci yet :grief mist .a1. -
Ways (Ind expression. If there be no
I union gar to hear it, then the ingone
i ed -soul will cry t aloud to the
inds and the wood?, and the wat-
ils. But there Was..an ear that was
illing to listen. = There is a ten -
r pathos and at the same time a
ost .;,dmirable pictwe in the word
0 iny text, "They 'INSUlt. and told'
j sus." - He could uederstand all
t I . eir grief, and he . immediately
seethed it. Our burdens aro net
I tote than half ts° heevy, to carry if
either shoulder is -put under the
her end of them, . Here we find-
• rist, • . his brew shadowed with
ief, -standing • amll the group of
sciptes, who, -with tears and vio-
nt gesteculations a d wringing of
Ijuftrids and outcry of berea,vement,
re expressing 'their voe. Raphael,
) ith his skillful Weis): putting imon
the wall cif a palace come scene of
°tercel :story, gave n t so skillful- a
tiroke as when the p ein hand Oil the
,. angelist writes, ' hey went and
11( ld ;feet's." , •
fe,e1 that I bring to you a most
tiropriate Message, I mean to bind
• 1 i all your griefs in o a bundle and
t them on fire witi it spark from
ct's altar. The p eseription, that
et red the eOrrow• of tie disciples will
et re all yottr headaclit s. I have read
IU at when Godfra . and his army
11 rehed dut to cep uro Jerusalem,
as they -came over t to hills, at the
titst flash of the pinnacles of that
beautiful city, the army that had
Marched in silence- lifted a shout. that
made the earth trer bte. I- 'Oh, ' \you
40d1erS of Testae' Chrt te mar:thing' ott
gsvard heaven, I would that to -e
ay, by some gleam rom the palace
• f God's mercy and o'd'e strength, -
you might be lifted ,into great re-
joicing, and that( as the prospect of
lite peace breaks ere our enraptured
ge,,ze you might rais one glad hos-:
eerie, to the Lord!
I In the first place, commend the
behavior of these d sciples to all
1 erclened souls who ere unpardoned.
' here comes a time in almost every
1. an's history wher • he feels., from
skim° source that he has, an erring
nature. The thought may not have
such heft as to fell hi it. It may be
Only like the fiash in an evening
elbud just after a very hot summer
e[ley. One man to I. et rid of that
Mpeession will gO to prayer; an-
ther will stimulate himself by az-
(eat spirits, and areother 'man will
IV° deeper into eeeularities. But
eraetimes, a man carnet get rid of
hese impressions. The fact Is, when
1 man finds out that his eterriity is
•eised upon a perfect uncertainty
ncl, that the next moment his foot
z ty. slip, he must do something ViCt-
le it to .rnalte himself forget 'where he
eta.nda or else fly far' refuge. ' _
,I Some of you erouch -under a yoke,
and you bite the dust, when this mo -
tient you _might rise up a croWned
conqueror. Driven (tad perplexed as
you have been bye sin, go and tell
40SIIS. To relax . the grip!. of death
from your soul and plant' your un-
shackled !et upon the golden throne,
Christ let he tortures of the bloodY
Inbuilt transfix him. • With the beam
of. his own cross he will break down
the door of. your dtingeon.. From the
th.orns of his own crown:he will pick
ttnough, gems to 11141 CO your brow
1. -laze with eterhal victory. In every
tear- on,,hisl wet cheek, in every gash
of his side, in every ,ong, blackened,
mark of laceration from shoulder to
ehoulder, in the grave shattering,
heaven storming death groan, I. hear
h 1 in say, "Him that cometh Unto me
t will in nowise cast- out.
You willInevee got 341d 0C3rOlir SIDS
1 any other waY. Aini remember
that the broad inv tation which I
extend to you will no ,- tilwayti be ex-
tended. King -Alfred, before modern
timepieces e ere inyen ed, 'used to di -
1(10 tile day into WI ee parts, eight
h Olti es each, and then had three wax
cendles. Ity the tints' the first can-
cle had burned to el e socket leight
1 ()pas had gone!. and when the seeond
c mile had burned to the socket an-
ther eight hours. had gene, and
s Olen all the three candles were gone
out then the day hed passed. 0h,
that Some of us, instead of calcul-
ating- our days and nights and years
by any earthly timepiece, Might ea -I-
-rule te them by the numbers of o pp or -
teeth ins end mercies N IliCh aeci burn -
tog deem and out:, I ever to be re-
lighted,- lest at last 1 o be amid the
foolielt virgins ' wilt cried, "Qui;
Ittinpa havu esone out 1 ' ,
-A tei la , I" commend the behavior -of -
the dieciples to all wl 0 art tempted.
T latve litettel men in- 1 iellife say they
fired never heen led 313 to temptation? .
If yo U have not felt temptation, It
is becntise you hate rot tried to do
right. A man hol pled and hand-
cuffed, as long as he lies quietly,
does not test the pow ir of the chain,
but when he risee. u and with -de-
termination resol.k.esto snap . the
handiculf or break the ,eopple, then he
finds! the power of • he iron. .And
therJ are mon who have been. for 10
and 20 and SO re TS bound hand
ap'd ,foot by•eyil habits -who lave
never Ifelt. the power of the cite n be-
cause they have-neVer tried t break
- it. 'It. is very 'easy to go dn down
'with ithe 8 tream and -with- the wind
lying on your oar, bui jut turn
around -and ,.tey ',;0 go /eget let the
wind and the tide, aid you -still find
it ism
. e, different tati . •As long as
• we go .down the -cue ent of our evil
ha:bit we seem to ,g t along .• quite
sineothly,1 but if /ef er ae.vhile- we
turn around and ileac the. Other way,
etoward Christ fincl p retort and heav-
en, Oh, then .le w. w have to .lay go.
the oars! Y�u Wil lave your temp-
tation, r -Ye4 have o e kind, you an -
ether, I yo ' another, not one person-
It. Ise all folly Ai yeti to 'say to
some ;elle, .'"I could not be tempted
as ..yote are." Th s lion thinks if Is
so /strange that t e. fish should be
caught with a hook. The fish thinks
it is so strange that the lion should._
erie eaught, with a. trap. You see
sonee man 'with a old, phlegmatic
• temperament, •and you say,' "I sup -
,pose that man has not any tempta-
tion." Yes, ,. as much as you have.
In his phlegmatic nature he has a
temptation to bidet nee and• censor-
iousness' and. °votes ting and drink-
ing, a temptation to ignore the great
work oflife, a teriptation to lay
down all obstacle in the way of all
_ good enterprises. The temperament
• decides the 'styles of temptation, but
sanguine or lymphatic, you will have
teneptation. Satan has 'a grappling
hook. just., fitted ler-your soul. A
man -never„ lives beyond the reach of
temptation. .
• .
A man who Wanted a throne pre-
tended.,.he was eery weak and sickly,
and if he was eleened, he would scion
- be gooe. • . He crawled upon his
crutches t� the . t\hrOne, and liaving
attained it he Was strong again. He
said,; "It Was well for me while 1
- Wee 'looking for tee- scepter of an-
other that I should 'stoop, but noW
that I have found it, why shoul4 I.
stoop. any longer?" and he thew
away his crutch F1 1-3,11d - was ve1I
again. How illtietretive of the pow -
e, of temptation! You think it is a.
Weak arid crippled Ir fluenee, but t1ve
it a, chance .and it W 11 be a tyran in
- your soul; it wi I grind you to
atoms. No man has finally and for-
ever overcome temptation until he
has- left the world ]jut what are
you to do withthese temptations?
Tell everybpdy about there? Ah, what
a silly Man you weuld be! As well
might 'a Commander in a, fort send
word to. the enemy Which gate of the
castle is least bar ed as for yeti to
go and tell what all yourfratillties
are and what your temptataiont itre.,
The world will only caricature on,
will only scoff at ',Tou. What, ten,
Must a man d0/ When the ave
strikes him with. eoific. dash, sr all
he have nothing t hold on to? ' In
this contest with ' the world,. . the
flesh and the devil, ' shall aMan have
:no help, no cotinstl? Our text hiti-
. mates something ( itferent. In t ose
eyes that wept wit h the Bethany sire-
ters l'see shinin hope. •. In. that
• voice which spa,ke entil the • grL ve
broke.and 'the wi lc W of Nain ad
back her .lost son lid the sea s ept
and sorrow sttipeetious woke .up in
the arms Of raptul e in that yoke I
hoar-. the command and the pro Ise,
"Cast thy burden 1 the Lord, an. he
will sustain thee." Why should ou
carryyour .burden any longer? •h,
'you weary soul, C rist has been in
this • condict. He says:- "My • gr. -c�
shall be sufficient 1 I you. You s tell
not be tempted al ove that you re
able to bear." hetef ore with all
your temptations, go, as these 019-
ciples did, and tell Jesus. -
-Again, I commend the behavior of
" the disciples to 4ii those who re
abused and to the s:andeeed and -
secuted. When H od -put John to
death, the disciple &newthat t elm
own heads were n t safe. And do
you know that \ ery John has a
Herod? There are c Mons in life be
do not wish _ you %ery well. Y ur
misforttanes • are ho c ycombs to th M.
• •Throug-h th.eir teet they hiss at ou,
misinterpret your 1 letives and w uld
_be glad to see you t pact. .
No man gets thr gh life witheut
having a poramelin Some sla 'der
comes after you, I • riled and hus ed
.and hoofed, to ger and trample you.
,Arid what are you t do? • I tell ou
plainly that all ho servo Ch ist
Must stiffer . persec tion. It is Ithe
worst sign in the 1. orld or yolil to
be able to say, "I ave not an ne-
my in the world.' A woe is ro-
flounced in the Bib against the ne
of whom everybod speaks well. If
you are at peace s th all the w rld
and everybody like you and anP y-
es your work, it i •ecause you re
an idler in the Lo l's vineyard and
are not doing you duty. All these
who have served rist; however emt-
nent, I all have bee maltreated -at
some stage of their experience. All
who will. live god in Jesus Ch ist
must suffer .-persecu on. And I set
down as. the Very orst sign in all
your Christian experience if you re,
any of you, at pea e with the wo Id.
The religion of Ch i t is war. .I is
a challenge to "th world, the lcsh
and the devil," and •f you will bu kle
on the whole armo .of God you ill
find a great host d sptiting your •ath
between this and h even.
- But what -are yo 1 to do evben yo
are assaulted al slandered an
abused,, as 1 sup se nearly al o
you have been in ur life?. Go ou
and hunt up the ell derer? Oh, no
silly man! While •u are explai tin
away a falsehood i ono place 5
people' will just ha heard of it i
other paces. • 1 co itsel you to an
.other course, Whih you are not t
. omit any opportani of setting y ur
selves right I want o tell you of on
who bad the - 11 dest things ai
about 'him, whose s briety was clis
.puted, whose mi ion was scouted.,
whose companionsh was denounced
who was pursued as a babe 3,nd spi
upon as a, man, evh was howled a
after he was • dea I have yo g
unto him with Iyo
senrie humble, chi
'I see thy Wounds
wounds of feet,
Now, look at m
what -I have euffe
what battles I .sem
treat thee by thos
sympathize With
sympathize, and he
tell Jesus. •
Againe I tommend
the diseiples • to
How • Many iii g
How many emblem
behold everywhere/
-way. of taking apa
must get out of th.
generations. We 11
stage that others n
for this reason the
cession reachimeId
• bruised sou ln
prayer, say ng:
wounds of h
rounds of he rt.
woutids and see
d and through
and 1 en -
wounds of. thine
' And he.
vill help. Go land
the behav i or 1 of
t 1 the beeea •ed.
t 'I) of mourning'?
God has his wn
Of sorrow i;e 00
a family. We
way for con ing
1st get off the
ley, come on an
is a lone 7ro
all the time
• ...._ •
into mb _valley or shadows, neri
emigr tion from time into eternity is
so va t afl enterprise that we cannot
under tand it. 'The body, of the child
that was folded's° closely to the
mothe 's heart is put eaya,y in t.1:10
cold nd the darkness. The laughter
f freeze to the girl's lip, old the rose
scatte s. The boy in the harvest
field ShUnem says: "MY head! :My
head!" And. they carry him home
to ie on . the lap of hie mother.
Wido Tho,od stands with tragedies - of
woe truck into the pallor of the
cheek.. Orphanage cries rin vain .for
for it
mangled and crushed.
Is t
We c
the o
are g
and mother. Oh, the grave is
With teeth- of -stone it clutettes
prey.- Between the cloSing
of the sepulcher our hearts are
We sit
pa -
Lt soon
the ear-
odr, Ithe
w days
in deso-
lation listening for the li tle feet
will -never again patter through
11, or looking for the entrance
se who will 'never come again
ing into the darkness—ever,and
coming across some book or
nt or little shoe or picture that
s former association, alienist
the heart. Long; days and
of suffering that wear out the
and expunge the bright lines
arid give haggardness to :the
id draw- the fleeh ' tight Own
ere any earthly sotace
me to the obsequies,
lee grief stricken, We
lly to their soul b
sequies lia.ve passed,
have left us at the
Who stayed for el, f
ne, and the heart site
the, h
of • th
• germ
of lif
. over the cheek bone and draw. dark
lines nder the sunken eye, and the
hand is tremulous, and the voice' Is
husky and uncertain, and the grief is
weari g, grinding, a.cc.umulating, . ex-
haust ng.
. No'., what are such to do? ,Are
they icrely to look up Into a brazen
and npitying sky? Are -they to walk
a bla ted heath unfod of stream, un-
° shel to • ed by overarching trees? gas
God turned us out on the barren
.com on to die? • Oh, no! -no! Ina!
He h s not. He conies with gym -
path arid kindness and love._ 110;un-
derst nds all our grief. He 'flees :the
heigh and the depth and the leegthi
and t e breadth of it. Ile is the only
at can. fully sympathize. ! Go
one t
and ell Jestas, Sometimes where we
have trouble "Are go to our friends
and e explata it, and they tryto
symp thize; but they do not under-
• steed It. They cannot understand it.
. But Christ . seesall over it an all
• through it.
; It i often that our friends have no
powe to. relieve us. - They Weuld
very uch like to do it, but they nen,-
' not disentangle our finances,- they,
'•citnn t cure our sickness and raise our
- dead, but glory be to God. that he to
whon the disciples event has all pow-
er in heaven an.d on earth, and ,
• our •all he will balk our calamities
and t just the right time in, the
presence of an applauding earth and
res unding heaven will •raise •.ou'
• dead. He is mightier than Herod.
He i swifter than the storm. He is
gran er 'than the sea. • He, is :vaster
than eternity. And every sword of
God's omnipotence will leap from its
sco,bb rd and all the resources of in-
finity be exhausted rather than that.
God' child shall not be delivered
• when he .cries to him for rescue. Sup-
pose our child 1Nrqs in trouble. How
much would you endure to get •him
. out? You would go through any
e -hard. You would say: "I don'i
care vhat it .will cost. I must get
tam •ut of that trouble." Do .you
think God is not so good a father as
you? Seeing you are in trouble and
having all power, will he not stretch
• out : is arm and deliver you? He
will. He is mighty to save. He can
level the mountain and divide the sea
,and an extinguish the fire and 'save
the s•uI. Not dim of eye, not weak
of are, net feeble of resources, but
with ,all eternity and the universe at
his feet. Go and tell Jesus. Will you?
Ye 'those cheeks aro wet . evith the
night, dew of the grave; ye who can-
not look up; ye wh-ose hearts- are
dried with the breath of sireideo;. in
the name of the religion.. of Jesus
Chris;, which lifts every burden and
• wipes away every tear and delivers
every captive and lightens every dark--
ness, I implore you now, geand tell
sy rap
uanb toil;
ou go to him for pardon and
thy, all is well. Everything
righten up, and joy will come
o heart and sorrow will depart;
sins will be forgiven and your
ill touch' the upward path, and
hining messengers that. report
what is done here will tell r it,
the great arches of God resound
the glad tidings, if now, with
tion and full trustfulness , of
you will only go and tell jesus.
I am oppressed as I think of
who may not take this counsel
ay remain unblessed. I cannot
sking what will be the destiny
se people? Xerxes looked off on
my. There were 2,000,000 men
aps the finest army ever mar-
. Xerxes rode along the lines,
'ed them, came back, stood on
high point, looked offeupon.the
,000 men and burst into tears.
At that moment, when every one sup-
posed he would be in the greatest ex-
ultation, he broke • . down in grief -
They asked him why he wept. "Ah,"
he said, "I weep at the thought ,ths,t
eo soon all this host will be dead?",
Sp 1 think of these s;iist populationi
of immortal men and women and
realize the fact that soon the places
whjcll now know them Will icpow
them no more, and they will be gone
—wh ther? whither?
tniq e ReadIng of the Grand.Sernion on
• the Mount.
A zecont, 'decision of the Gerinan
feder 1 court indicates how carefully
e secrets" are protected in (ler-
mauel. It appears that a forte:tan.
in the employ of a certain establiih=
!merit ine anted a substance widen, hilt
erriLloyer used in finishing: "resat le'
velvet, The use of this substanee
-was considered a trade. or businese
secret of -the firm, The foreman;
however, imparted the composition
to others, and the firm had hilIl tried,
and he was found giallty. lit the lower
cottrt. *
The case was aeipealed to the -feder-
al coUrt and the defense made .theo
7point -that the foremen had only. im-
parted his own invention to othersi•
that the same was his intellectual
property. The federal court dis-
missed the appeal on the following.
gre unds;
'rho foremen was employed a's such
by the firm, and therefore it was his
duty to try experiments by ;which the
methods of work could be improved.
Hisachievement in inventing -the
tubetmce was tieerefeee °n1' a riart
- - _
„TUNE 22, 1900
or trie services wmen he owed to his
employers, The invert tion belonged
to his employers, and therefore the
action of the foreman in imparting,
the secret to outsiders was in viola-
tion of the law referred to. Only art
employe is entrusted wleh experi-
ments which may lead to such In-
ventions. A stranger, whose labor'
'does not belong to tho establishment
Is excluded from such experiments.
The foretnan was admitted' to the
experiments only on account of his
employment by the firm, and it fol-
lowed that the invention in ques-
tion was made by him in consequence
of his employment by the firm for
which he was paid.
Isictlne Made to order.
The publisher of fiction in paper
covers was notfeeling very athiable
when the young lady novelist called
on him.
• "I called to see about my story,"
said the young lady novelist. -
"Oh, the Olata which is entitled 'Ma-
rietta's Marriage; or, a Life 1:iito,rY
from -a Book of Cigarette Papers?' "
"Yes; that's it."
"Well, it's a pretty good, novel.
But you must bear in mind that, as
litteratoors, we're responsible for the
education of the public to a, certain
degree. We must not be too impro-
bable. Sometimes you have to be a
little improbable now and then in
order to fascinate your reader, but
you -can be reasonable a good. deal of
the time."
, "But if yod, try that, isn't your
reader likely to become unfaseinat-
ed?" she inquired,
"Not if you're jedicious. Now, the:
only objection I have to your story
is the incident which represents the
heroine as jumping --out of a third- •
story window: on to an awning over
meat • store in order to escape the--
abductors who are on her track: It's
too much to risk on an awning. And,
besides,• it's more than likely any
'abductor who • know his. -business
would . have a, confederate posted out-
side to catch l her when, she bounced
off. Of cotiree, you've kat her :cor-
nered, and she's got to get away
somehow. =Bet I must say it doesn't -
sound quite artistic to me." -
She had been thinking while he
talked, and she remarked.:
"Suppose 'we fix it up this way:
She was on her way home from the
where.she bought the most
f a sh i on a bl e hat7 n the yondow. she
• was walking through the park when.
she saw hbr nirsuers on her track.:
She knew s e must act quickly.
_Without a m limit's hesitation she
took off her hat, laid it on the
ground, and then crouched behind the
bunch of mammoth, hyacinth blos-
soms, which the milliner had -told her
would cost her $17 extra. How she.
rejoiced th at he-hadsnot carried out
her threat to igo without rather than
pay so muchil The men who had so
often- elided -Led her were. foiled at
last. They came within a few .feet
of her ;hiding I place, and one of theta
paused,. but only to remark that he
had never before seen a flower bed
and shrubbery in that, part of the
park. Marietta was saved!"
And the publisher nodded his- head
approvingly and exclaimed:
"Now, there's some sense to that."
Quick Work.
The wonderful advance made in the
science of farming during the last few
years is one Of -the best examples of
Canadian. progressiveness. A little
incident recounted by an exchange is
One evening a short time ago -a, so-
ciety in Jefferson needed a gallon of
cream The ecimmittee called up by
telephone the ,proprietors of a milk
farm two miles north of the town
and asked if they could furnish it.
The reply wo,s that they could as
soon as the fai king was done. In
30 minutes ifrom the time the call
was made th cream was delivered.
The milk had been drawn from the
cow, put into a separator, the cream
extracted an sent to town by a
man on a bic ele.
A few years ago the committee
would have had to send a boy in. the
afternoon, "yesterday's milk" Would.
have had to *5 skimmed, and if the
boy had not I treed too many chip-
munks on the way he might have
got baok in time for the festival.
Ge.41 Shoo Dressings.
Here are tWo recipes for making a
dressing for Shoes. No. 1 is as fol.
lows. Take g drams of spermfeeeti
ciil, 8 ounces of good molasses and
4 ounces of finely powdered ivory
black and • stir them together thor-
pughly, Then stir in half a pint of
good <vinegar, and the dressing is
ready for tile. It gives a bright,
clean surfs., and makes the shoe
look almost llike new.
The secondl dressing is for rainy
weather and is said to make tha
shoes waterproof: Take an ounce of
beeswax, an ounce of turpentine and
.a, quarter of an ounce of Burgundy
pitch. Put them into half a pint of
,cottonseedi oil and melt together over
.a slow fife, being careful that the
mixture does not take Are.
•;-A Frenutt physician has discovered that
Iia healthyito yawn; he goes further and
advises artifteial yawning in capes of sore
throat,' buezing of the ear, catarrah andisim-
ilar troubles. The process is said to be as
efficacious in its way as gargling, -with which
operation it should be combined. fre.,e','•"-8
She Was Pale
and Languid
Too Nervous t Sleep, and Daily Crew
Weaker and saker--41r. Chase's Nerve
Food Restore Health and Vigour.
nrs. : E. Me eaughlin, 95 Parlinanent
el reef, Toroiitoj, states:-" My daughter
rest pale, wee. , languid, and very Derv -
(1 ;, rier appetite was poor and change-
:. •Ie. She ecu d scarcely drag hi,rs,-.11"
tit the house, and her nerves were
t epletely unstrung. She coule net
,./) tor more than half an hour at a
ie N. ithout starting up and crying out
eyeiternent. .
" ea 5110 WAti grcwing weaker nne
Vi •Itiq' 1 beca le alarmed, and Obtaie-
e , ... 1.0x of D .' Chase's Nervel 1'i,1. - ui, I d this treatment for Sesatee.1
• and fro n the first we no iced a
. 1 illlprriV 1nCrit. Her appetite be-
- better, sl e gained in weigat, the
. Iue returnei to her face, ar a
, iduelly beea e strong and well. l'
c: ene t say too much in favour rf the
e. -,
s. enderful trement, since it ha. prov-
(', such a hies Ing to my daugl ter."
1)r. Chase's 'cq.ve Food is a Nood-
le:littler and nee ve: vitalizer of most un-
usual merit. In pill form, 50c. box,
at all dealers; r Edmanson,,,,Bates and
Co., Terellthe
Wb a t
•Vt. • ..ee aseetetteeNteaatee-se.- teaetes ee-seeteeet ‘is
j and
, heal
of its g
ia is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a
less substitute for Castor 041, Paregoric, Drops
Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
thine nor other" Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
ers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays Feverish.
Castoria cut -es Diarrhceaand,ViriudColic. Castoria
ves Teething Troubles, cure, s Constipation and
lency. Castoria assimilates' the Food, regulates
tomach and Bowels of Infonis and Children, giving.
lty and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
cea--The Mother's Friend.
los is an excellent medicine for
Mothers have repeatedly told me
effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, MIMS,
-"Castorla Is so well adapted to children
that I recommend it as superior to any pre-,
seription known to me:"
H, A. Aacimet, M. D. Brooklyn, N. '
The Red Front Furniture Store
Has been, renewed, renovated and enlarged, and now we are
inTa position to offer the public all the newest designs of Parlor,
- Bedroom and Dining Suites at very tempting vices. Also a
very nice line of Chairs in all the newest styles. New line of
Pictures just in, very cheap. We extend a cordial invitation to -
every one to come and. see us and our stock
iBl3C..1E3 til2 fi3i1EIMEereTtegagelt
This dep rtment is complete with a large selection. of the best goods, and
obliging Atte tion given to this branch of the business.
Night e lls. promptly attended to by ourThdertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes,
Gocch stre t, Seaforth, opposite the Methodisttl church.
b" FT" 5-.1 FT. AND 6 FT. CUT.
Highest Drive Wheel made. Brass
Boxes, Roller Bearings, Seventh
Roller for Elevator, alt the latest
and best improvement%
The 0
With Rolle and Ball Bearings,
Serrated Le ger Plates if desired.
Ask our ent to show „ you the
new patentei Bali r Bearing Knife
Olip,suppliei onl when specially
We also
Seeding Imp
grain and gras
rows, Disc Ha
dump), etc., e
If Vou need
You will find it
ianufacture the best and most complete line of Cultivating and
ments on earth, comprising Spring Tooth. Cultivators, (fitted with
sowing attachments if desired) SpIring and Spike Tooth Har-
rows, G -rain. Drills (all kinds), Horse_ Rakes (friction and. ratchet
anyt ing in our line, send for our 1900 Illustrated Catalogue (sent free.)
very lInuch to your interest to do so.
The Noxon Co, VW., Ingersoll, Ont.
DUNCAN McCAT,LUM, Agent, Seaforth.
1\1-0-V0 1
Medicated Toilet Soap of the Purest. awarded Silver
Britain Exhibition, 1897.
1 -Prevents al contagious diseases from
approaching where it is used.
2 -It will clean nd polish paint work and
• not kill the gloss of the paint.
3 --It will clean carpets without taking
them up.
4 -It will clean inoleums like new.
5 -It will clean bicycle chain and rims.
Novo is claimed to le the cheapest and hest paint
cleaner on market, Try it on Anger marks on doors.
ledal Greeter
6 -It Will glean and remove paint, oil -and
grease stins from woolen andeotten cloth-
ing. Also cleans coat collars and hats.
7 -It contqns no alkali and it strongly re.
commended for washing the head, as it
imparts El silky and natural gloss to the
hair, and is especially useful for children.
-MICE leo and 20e a BLOCK
I, Fun directions on Meeks.
dware, Seaforth
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