HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-06-15, Page 5r, a.o4day sizes 5 yard 10e, ard. your eestlian w1I as n &, of others. the e*ehtes---e- only. Gro - teas. Chicago lie death, a,in hopes iso was a way He :v1. Dunn, and Long - place on as passed to L'rtiver- , and -ear- v entered per, and Llay , who have re the Ort- r,.:feons oae mil A. .L week, a 's furni- vas smash - do o. is ,t the reel - line, Marshall mited ixi ik. The a. L of Dick- ' 'caving , or -21st 'olerace ii • Robert - Mr. W. R. is Laura Mr. and ito"were rch, Tor - the fifty 7ey,--which ,100.' Mr. to' town - t another into pos. - West perty $3,200 ad of cat. 2,337 : it roll of Founts to i -sons be- nt age; zst.1 of eat. were five ear. /lied on c Sunday d gone not re- otznd him ItE18 condi- lzitelv of vear ex- rith B. A. rother of itd in his ()ugh, of .ear with :C.rt ha, the 5th ent in a deal of to wash into the w ing 8. The her es Craig, e of orria, Thur- fi taken James there (r -at • iends alting .r t he ae JUNE 154 1900 Perth Notes.] i -Mr. James Sharman, of Stratford, had a narrow escape from being run over at the station in that city the other morning, It seems that he and Mrs. Sharman were go- ing to London. They were a little late in 'getting to the station and Mr. Sharman went to the ticket office to purchme tikets while Mrs. Sharman went into the tJrain. As Mr. Sharman emerged from the office the train was in motion and he tried to catch the second last coach, but in doing so his pocket book fell out and he made a grab -to get it, only to fall and eirme very nearly being run over by the train. As it was his hand was slightly injured and the wheels passed over the pocketbook, scattering itti contents. -Elizabeth, beloved wife of Mr. William Iteal, of Fullerton, died on Monday of last week Her death was not unexpede , as she had been ill for some tithe. In the. year 1853 decemecl vegs married to William Heal in Devonshire, England, the hotne of 1 her birth, and in the same year came to O&ad and settled with her husband in easter On- tario, where they resided for a few jrears and afterwards came to this neighbor ood and settled in the town of Clinton for two or three years, after which they took up farming in the township ef Fullerton. Al husband and a grown up family of two sons and two daughters remain to mourn the oss of et kind and loving wife and mother. 1 Brucefield. B. R. Moans's, Bruoefield, Notary Pubiio Conveyancer, Fire and Life Insurance agent. Any amount of money to loan at 6 per cent., on first-class farm security. Mortgages drawn and money ad- vanced free of expense to the borrower. Also a limited &mounts of private funds at 6 per cent. At home evaery morning and Wednesday of eaoh week. Several good farms for sale. 167 TI31.3t MARKETS. SEAPORTII, June 14, 1900 'Fall Wheat (new), Standard 80 63 to Spring Wheat per bustle!, _ _ ,,, 0 63 to Oats Per bushel— _ — .. 0 2i5 Peas per buehol- — 0 66 to a Barley per busbel- — 0 38 to 'Butter, No. 1, — — 0 15 to But 7, h — 0 15 to Eggs per doz.- - a-- — - 010 to Flour, per 100 /la- _ 2 00 to Hay per on new- - — .... 7 00 to Hides per 100 fee.. 6 00 to Sheep Sicilia.. . 0 60 to Wool.... - -. • 0 16 to Potatcea per bueh (n0W),— 0 25 to Salt (retail) per barrel_ _ 1 00 to woad per cord (long). _.._ 4 00 to Wood per cord (shoat). __a...a200 to Apples per ba.g 0 40 to 1 00 a .010s -or Saud 5 00 to !6 60 aimothy Bead 1 25 to 2 00 Pork, per 100 lbe- 5 57 to 6 60 1 allow, per lb- - _......_..._ 04 to 0 05 80 61 O 64 O 27_ 0 66 O 40 0 16 0 16 O 11 ' 2 00 7 50 6 50 0 70 0 18 030 000 4 76 2 60 Potatoes in Toronto. Market very slow, and values in all are citify. New Americans ieeare of- poor qual- ity, and sell out of store 'at $3 to $ge50 per barrel. Canadians in cer lots, are sold on track at, about 32 to 33a per bag: and at farmers' wagone at about 40 to 45c per bag. • Wool in Toronto. Dealers here are paying fiirmers 15c for -washed, 100for unwashed; for country round lots from country buyers 16c, deliver- ed here, is top price. _The market is weak, and dealers feel disposed to move elowlv. The lateat mails from 'England quotes Lin- coln hoggs, tel to 8d; and selected Irish hogga, WI Ito 7.fd. In -face of these values and of the fact that fully 1,000,000 pounds of last year's wools are held here yet for -American account, (sold but not delivered), to mills that ought to have used ie up, and be in the market for more, it is no wonder that dealers hesitate. • Dairy Markets. Lcrest, N. Y., June 12 -Large cheese sold at 9f to 92c, bulk at 9er,c ; small cheese sold at 8!-, to 9c bulk at 8ic ,• creamery butter sold at 14 to 19e, bulk sold at 19e. TORONTO, June 12. -Butter -Receipts are increasing, and, as prices are above export basis, dealers expect stocks to accumulate, and would not be surprised to see lower prices. The future of the butter market de- pends on the export demand, as there is more produced than can be consumed loc- ally, Dealers were selling to retailers to- day as follows :-Dairy, tubs, 14 to 16c for choice ; 12 to 13o for aeoond quality ; small dairy, pound prints, 16 to 17c ; creamery, tubs and boxes, 174 to 18-hc ;-pounds 18 to Cheene-New is selling here al 10 to 100. Egg -Market is quiet. A tendency for stocks to accumulate, as a number of icklers have got through pickling, and the ocal trade cannot consume all the receipts. Easier prices looked for, but so far there is no quotable change. - Dealers are selling in the ordinary way at 124c fpr choice. Deal- ers are buying outside at 10i to llo. Meetesseere Jline 12.-Cheese-Offeringe of Quint) cheese at the board this morning were heavy, being about 7,500 boxes., The market was strong, prices ranging frem 9ft to 92c, with 9P,c rulieg. Western cheese were costing as high as 9Re' In the conntry • on Saturday, so that 911 to Ac is fair quotation here, though buyers claim they will not pay 10c yet. Butter -There is not mueh offering, but the market is about steady at last Saturday's prices, finest grass goods being quoted at 19+ to 19!.o Trade was rather dull Monday Morning. Shp- pliee remelting England very. slowly. It was reported that 19+ to 19io was paid at the boat to -day. Eggs -The market is easier this morning, local merchants being deter- mined that, commencing with today, their eggs are ' net to cleat more than 110 laid down. Live Stock Markets. Losoos, England, Juno 12 -There is a deeided sVeakneas in the live stock trade, due partly to the tropical weather. United States cattle are firm at 13 to 14e per pound, (dressed weight) ; •refrigerator beef firm, at 10ic to 110 per pound. Sheep eell at 14 to 150 per pound. MONTREAL, June 12e -The butchers were out in considerable numbers, but were rather disappointed at the small supply of good cattie and the high price asked by the drovers. Really prime beeves sold at•from 5 to 51c per pound ; pretty good animals brought from 4 to 4i'c and the half -fatted rough beasts sold, at from n to no per pound. Calves brought better prices than on last Thursday, ranging from $2 to $10 each. Shippers paid from 4 to 4+c per pound for large sheep, and the butchers Paid from. 31! to 4:fc per pound for the others. Lambs were a little higher in price than on Thursday, and sold at from $2,25 to $4 25 .each ; good straight lots of fat hogs sold at from 5.1 to tic per pound, weighed off the afire, BaeaFALO, June 12. -Cattle -Good to best smooth fat export cattle of desirable qual- ity, $5,65 to $5.85 ; good to best, $5,35 to $5.53;.exporObulle'choice to extra, $4.50 to $4,75 ; 'good to ahoice butt:hers' steers, $5.10 to $5,25 ; good to beet btitchers' steers, $4.90 to $5.25 ; good to best fat bulls, $4.50 to $4,75 ; fair to good fat bulls'$3,90 to $43; feeders' bulfie $3.50 to $3.75.; common to good bologna bulls, 0,75 to, ; good to best fat heifers, $5 to $5.25 ; kir .to good heifers, $4.25 to 84.15 ;fat COWS; good to best, $1.50 to 81.75 mesiium fat COWff, $3.75 to $4 25 ; fat cows, corn - mon to fair, $2.25to $3 ; feeding steers, chola) to extra. $4 40 to $4.65 ; fair to 1300,d;- $3.40 to $3,65 ; Canada stock steers, Y4.4 0 to -1.(*J5 ; stock calves, Michigan, elloi,(.:e to extra, $1-.25 to 84.50 ; do., Can. to $4.80 ; stock bulls, $3,25 to ; ettives, good - color stock, $4,50 to do. good to choice 25 to $4.50. m Shoop and Labs,-Vturf'1,. ing lambs, choice to extra, $6,25 to:P6.50 ; good to choice, SO to $0.25 ; spring lambs, 86.50 to 7; Sheep, ini,xed, $3.60 to $4.85 ; wailers, 2hoioe to extra, S5 to $5.25 ; export wethers ‘ce " - 30 ItO5.5); ewes, $4,25 to $4.50 ; the HURON EXPOSITOR. THE N DRY Goons lathing 1 and Mi 11111 . itttitettftteteet# linery St tete*** We have opened a new store of up4o-dat Dry Goode on the strictly cash and One price basis, believing that up-to-dateles' best qualities, good values, sold for cash only, will be to your advaintage as well as ours. Every one 101ows that in doing business on the credit system, the ash dustomer must pay Lir the loss by had accounts, also not giving one pingo a er goods for a year's tiie at the:same price you pay your cash for, but ca • and one price to all, New Dress. Goods, new 81 ks new Clothing• -, hew !Muslin Ginghams arid Piques, new Gents' Furnishings, new White Under- wear, bargains in Mil inery. Special Ic4 Ladies' Sailors, worth 50c and 75c, for 25 cents. ITH •BROS. & CO., a0DERICH AND NSALL. offerings were well cleaned up, and the close steady. I Hogs -Heavy, $5.40 to $5.45; mixed, 440 to $5.45; Yorkers, $5.35 to $5.37l,; ipigs, generally $5.35 ; : roughs, $5.60 to $5.75; stags, $31 0 to $3.75. The close was steady. _• ' TORON'0, Jane 13 -Ex ort Cattle -Large run met a good demand at $5 to $5.25 per cwt. for Choice, and $4.60 o $4.90 per, cwt. for light fock. Butchers' Cattle-Offeringe, i comparat' vely were not la lir; a and p rices a trifle fi •,94 a0 per fcwt. for choice, ges .d cattie, $3,50 to $3.90 le .diurn inlixed lets, and $ THE CANADIAN Bank of Commerce! APITAL (PAID UP) Six M 1 Dollars—$e .000,000. S ge. Demand wa A CM i mer at $4.35 t sacted. $4 to $4.25 fo and sp per hundred for collect 25 'La 83.50 for SA V I common oaows. An odd cow sold as low as ad on d $3 per evvIt.- Export Bul a -Good demand Speci cleared moderate offerings at $3 75 to $4.75 busine per cwt. Stockers --Bu firmer, but .the tone here changed from Friday. St ($3.25 to $3.75 per cwt. F steady demand for short.k to 1,200 pounds, at $4.25 t or a trifle better in some ale market was eems but little °kers sold, 'from eders-There is a ep steers of 1,100 •$4 50 per c cases. Offerings were light. Milch Cows -About 20 milkers mot a good demand at, $3( Most of the offerings to -1 mon stock Sheep-Arei of la.rger receipts of esprin tions wer Lambs - $450 tos$ firmer at changed a e frail $3, N? earling were per 0it., lant'clt 3 50 to 4 50.fa h d firm at 86:871 lections of 160 to 200 penn $6.25 per eviL for:ate, -4 lights. •. it , - to $50 a head. y were. of com- eaker on account - lambs. Quota - to $4 per cwt. shade lower at ring lambs were ad. Hogs -Un - per cwt. for se - s natural weight, $6 per cwt. for Births. MASON -In Emit Wawanosh, o June bth, the wife of Mr. John Mason, of a da ghter. 'LOCKWOOD-In Clintag, on Ju e 6th, the wife of • Mr. Lockwood, of el daughte . MOGRE-In Brussels, eriaJune 8 h, the wife of Kr. M. H. Moore, of a aan. ' FINKBEINER-In (arediton, on June 6th, thewife of afte.' George Finkbeiner, of a daughter. DEARINp-In Stephen, on Jun 4th, the wife of W, IL Dearing, of a son. SHIELL-In East Wawanosh, on June 6th, M s. JeMes Shell!, of a son. HICKB-an Centralia, onJune 2 d, the vife of r. Andrew }Hoke, of a son, Marriage • McLEAN=JOIINSON-At' ;the reeidence of t bride's mother, Seaforth, oh Juno 12th, by R y. Mr. 'Rumen, Mr. W. D. MOL an, of TIM Heaps Expos:Toil, to Mies Florence Mary, eldest deugh- ter of the late David W. Joh ison. TII0MPSON-MATHESON-At he residence of the groom's father, Goderich, o June 4th, by Rev. James A. Anderson, B. A,, r. George Frederick W. Thomson, of Owen Sound eon of Mr. George ,,Thomson, to habeas, daugh or of the late Hugh „ Matheson. BENNE,TT-CHAMBERS-In To onto, on Juno 6th, by Rev..1. W. Pedley, B. A, Mr. C. H. Bennett, agent of the Bank'of alamilt n, Blyth, to Miss L. K. Chamters, of Winnipet. JAMIESON-FINLAY-At the orne of the bride's parents, Ilowick, on May BOth, by Rev. Mr, Stewart, of Delmore, Mr. obert Jamieson, of Fardwiah, tp Miss Sarah, dat ghter of Mr. Wil- liam Finlay, of Howlek. LAMONT-LANG-On June 6th, at the residence of tlae bride's father, Grey, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. John Neil Lamont, to Mise Matilda Jane Lang,all • of Grey. RUSSELL-MoDONALD-At the residence of the bride's parents, Thames itoa4, Unborn°, on June Oth, by Rev. Colin Fletcher, Mr. John Russell, of Wooaham, to Miss Mary J., daughter of Mr. 'Alexander McDonald. LIVERMORE-MARf3HALL-In Goderich township, on June Oth, by Rev J. T. Mardook, Mr, James Livermore, to Mis. Emma daughter of Mr. Mar- shall, of Goderich townsdp. • Deaths. LOVE -In Chatham, on .1uma 11ta, Jimes Love, for. merly-of Seaforth, aged 48 year.) HAMILTON -In Colborne, on ainie 6th, Thomas • Hamilton, aged -7,6 years and 4 anenths. CRAIG -In Morris, on June 6th, :Mrs. James. Craig, aged 20yeare and 1 month. - WALROND-In Stephen, on June ?and, George Wal. rond, aged 85 years and 2 Li -lentil's. SOMERSETIn Brussels, on, June and, William Somerset, aged 79 years, 4 nionths and 12 days. DEANS -In Wingham, on June 4th, •Peter Deane, aged 80 years. • • • Seaforth's Leading Shoe Store. Two Specials n Men's Shoes for SATURDAY, JUNE 16th. • Last Saturday was Ladies' Day at our store, and a great success. NextSaturday we intend giving the men a chance to save a little • money on their fine shoes. How could 50 cents be easier saved than by taking advantage of either of these specials: One dozen pairs Men's Dongola Kid Laced Boots, coin toe, nice light summer shoe,,• regular price $1,75, Saturday special only eli25. One dozen pairs Men's Dongola Kid Laced • Boots -a good wearing shoe, and well • worth t,he regular price $2, Saturday epeCial only $1,50 a pair, Caretaker W nted. \Vented, a earetaker for the Public School. . Ap. plicatiOne will be received by ti e. undersigned until July 6th, 1000. List _of duties can be seen169a0t.IR. Willis 8.c Son's store. W11. ALLANTYNE, Sec- retary al BoArd, ••• Money following a Und $10 F. HOL Soli *FIRTH BRANCH., raid Banking business tram - Far ars' Notes discounted, Jai attention given td the n o Sale Notes. GS BAN K. -Interest allow - urn ts of $1 and upwards. fa fifties for traniaction of in he Klondik• District. ere, ayable at any bank, homed at the 08 : $ 0 .08 820 to $30 .11 , to 8 0 .10 $30 to 860 .14, ST D, F. C. G. MINITY, Manage • 624 PORTANT NOTICES. aLlSTRA CATTLE --Came into the premites of J ai John orrison, Lot 23, Concession 9, MoKillopa th roe year 1 g rad heifers. The 'amber can have the same on p Nang property and paying charge. If not dame, in o c month they may be sold. 1011N MORRISON' Winthrop P. 0. 1698-4 T_TOUSE hnd purhey wi tioiaplant 18 a good e eaft water. seven roo premiees BRINE. ND THREE ACRES FOR SALE -The ign d offers for sale hie cottage in Her- , h 3 a res of land in good state of cultiva- :el wit fruit and ornamental trese. There 'ail° in the place, with plenty of hard and Fen es are in good order. There are s in 410 house which is good repair. The be viewed at any- time. JOSEPH P. 1605-41 AI Lit TRAY E aj. of the Concessio 1640 day 3 ateers, o eo me , a hi white spo horns. " Su eovery wil GRAM, He CAT LE. -Strayed from the premises rider 'goad, being Lot No. 20, on the 7th of th Townehip of Hay, on or about the f May last four 4 -year-old cattle, via. : d bein grey, one red and one red with e at t e back of hips, and one red and ted, but mostly red, and all having h infornaetion as will lead to their rc. be s itably rewarded. GEORGE H. eel'. 1696x4 VALUA LE PROPERTY FOR SALE -For sale in the 'Doge of Egmondville, the valuable and pleasantly located premises of the undersigned. The prope V consists of two acres of good land, well drained a d cultiv ted. There is a comfortable frame hou 0, A goo1 stable, pig pen and other nec- essary out mildings n the premises, also hard and soft wate . There are ' also 14 good fruit trees, apples, ph Mies and care; besides some choice email halts. It la a most desirable place for a retired far- mer or marl et gard ner, and will go cheap. Apply to WM. 0 lark, E mondville. 1696-tf Mao. W. H. Bullard, Teacher of P1ano1orte.1 Mrs. W. H. BulIarc will take a Dinited number of pupils for inetruotion according to t e most mOdern and succeerful methods. Spec al att ntioo Omen to Dr. Maiona touch and toonlque. Musicales will be given at intervals to accustom the p pHs to perform In public. Reeidence corner of HI h and Market Streets, Seaforth. 1695-01 Splendid Lot 21 Con. Of which 81 sores ar Comfortable frame Farm in good stab drained, plenty of roseonable distance Termsof vile eats HOLMESTED, Esq. premises to WILL Farm Fo I, Hibbert, I Sale o acr s. cleared and 16 aores in bueh. house and bark barn, 45x80. of cultivation, Well fenced -well ater, good road ea and wit in a of market, church, .hoo14, eto. . For particulars apply F. Barrister, Seaterth, or o4t the AM DUNLOP, Cromarty . 0. • 1618.4 The , I C APIT A REST . • JAME Money notes; wi Collect and retu rates of e in Ceded Sterling sold. Int ing for o SaVing deposits Special of firmer The B general b F; E. IC lsons • Ban*. ORORATED, 1855. $2,500,000 00 • • $1,625,000 00 ELLIiP TT, General Manager. ENS ALL BRANCH.. a vanc:d to farmers on their lown one r more endorsers, tis ma e in all parts of the w rld, xis promptly remitted, at lo est Olen s. Drafts sold on all p ints ,ithe nited States and -Eu nd American exchange bough test Lillowed on deposits re e mont ope. and ain- h or more at current rtes. • Pepe tment-Interest allowed on f $1 a d upwards. etten ion given to the colleetion ',sale ootes. nk is pen daily for transacti g eking bu-siness. RN, Agent, Hensall Bra ch. 168 * -!t E EC TORS' SALE. In the m tter f the Estate of Rove •,J a s IMur hy, deceased. There will be offe ed for sale on the prerniee No, '0, Con 681013 1, MoKillop, by Thomas B auotioneer, o TU SDAY, JUNE 26th, 1000, o'clock p„,1 the f Rowing property a First, fa rh sto k, implements and effec follows: our.drir ing horses, 3 mileh cows, calm &pig , 1 firs -clad° phaeton, 2 lumber wa 2 set of s caghs, 3 000 feet of lumber, 2 cutter robe's, 20 ords of a ood, a number of cedar p sot of single hem as, nearly new, 1 set doubt new nearly new, 1 set of light double h nearly now 1 plot' ,h, 1 set harrows, 1 hay r safo,a. qu n ity 800 lb ladders, 1 cut saws, a library, an Second eat half alcKillop, 2, North 1a containing Concession 2 1088, 4. T vey, in ton perty, BUT) amount 4 ric A dlocoun credit am( cent. of purchase terms ma particulars WEST, Go ban, °aeon Solicitor tioneer.' ond Lot Own, at 1 0 al dry 0138, And to. 3 her - meow ke, 1 ity o hay, 1 got of weigh scales, e pric. 2 eu • ar kettles, 2 wheel barro e, 2 aindeto e, 1 tool chest and tools, 2 'row quantity of household furniture, and thor dicks too numerous to moiltion, e fol owing lands, viz. ; Part a the f Lot o. 9, Conceselon 1, Township of Iiiioistti g of 137i acres more or i tem ot No. 6, Concession 1, Mcl illoa 0 &era) more or les. 8 Lot 14o. 6, MeK Doi). containing 100 acres mere or n Lo No. 127, Canada Company intr. of M Wien. Terms for personal pro. of 5 and under, cash ; over I that nths' credit on approved joint ootee. of 0 per cent. per annum Mimic! on lints 1 r cash. Terme for lands, ten per one). on day of sale Further e kno n on day of eale. For ft rther and ohditiona of sale apply to REV. T. erich ; STEPHEN DOWNEY, St. 0 him. ,. era ; o to J. L. KILLORAN, Sea orth, 4 exo utore. THOMAS BROWN au°. 10 0-2 cl{.INNON t'& J31'19a.. The policy of this tlitore is to gilve our customers the heneft of all our under -priced purchases. •We are constantly on the alert for new lines of goods, no ma ter how large thel quantity, provided they can be bought under price. The m ny unusual values which we are now offering show the great saving to you though our methods. This announcement forms an extraordinary list of except onal values. Organdie Muslins, newt patterns, worth 20o for 15c. Fancy musIine, in beimtifut ef- fects, worth 15c for 120. !Prints, in light grounds, fast colors, worth 100 for 5e. Ladies' coath 5mo.e e hose, fast black, Worth 250 for 180. Women's cotton hose, fast black, worth So for Women's heavy ribbed hose, great value, 2 pairs for 25c. Men's cotOon sodka, seamless 4 pairs tor 25c. Men's union socks, very special. 2 pairs for 25e. Grey cotton, yard wide, now worth 5c for 3 -ie. Bleached cotton, yard wide, worth 8c for 5o.' Ladies' summe vests, in great variety, at 5c 80, 100, 15c, 20c, 25e, 35c and 50c. Cottonades in stripes nd checks, worth 15c for 12ie. Extra heavy cottonades, now worth 34e for 2:50. Check inghans, fast color, worth 8o for 5o. New parasols, fancy handles, worth 75c for 50cTe best cotton shirtimg at old prices, 100 and 124e. CASwm paRaam. goKINNON: & CO., BLYT American Wire Fencing BEST AND CHEAPEST. Estate JOHNSON BROS., SEAFORTH. Barb and Twi STE We can supply all s .ARB WIRE t Galvanized Steel Wire, $3.50 per L CUT NAILS At $2.75 per cwt. WER PIPE zes at special prices to corporations tnd townsh :sem OWL Ps. SCREEN WINDOWS & DOORS At 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c and 90; $1.00, $1.15, and $1.25 complete. PAINTS AND OILS We are sole agents sell there for 20c per gall mixed Paints for $1.16 p ✓ the•Sherwin-Williams celebrated house Paints, and n less than regular price. Balance of Ro ertson's ✓ gallon, EN MEL .WAp,ES. -We have made a lar e purchase, for 'cash, of enamelled Preserving kettles, Sauce Pans, Tea Pots, P dding Dishes, and other honaehold wares, which we will offer on SATURDAY at 25 per cent. below regular prices. Call and ex- amine it. Building Hardware f all kinds, Farm Tools, Harvest Tools. In EAVETROUG ING, Mr. Charles Soole will do you first-class work only, at,lowest price possible. i BARGAIN TABL S, where you take your choice, eve y day good, for 5c and 10c of Tinware, Graiiite Ware, and articles needed in th\e house every day. , Gasoline and Blue Flame Oil Steves, some very elegant Ones cheap.1 1 COO( STOVES,—We have still a few odd lines, which we will ,sell for I little over 'half of usual p -ice. 1 SPECIAL NOTICE Owing to difficulty at present in disposing of this extensive business en bloc, without sustaining serious loss tb theiestate, it has been decided to continue the business inde- finitely, and the support of those who have long patronized this well-known establish- ment, as wel as that of the public in general, is respectfully solieited. Our geode are purchased for CASH. We give our patrons the benefit of our cash discounts'and offer many special bargains. Caieful and courteous atttention is extended to all who favor us. Estate Jo ii‘s' on Bros., Seaforth 1 TO DETROIT AN RET URN. CITY WILL Thursday, S=_A_M/IMI:t OF TOLED LEAVE GODERICIT June 21st, 19,700, • 8.00 a, m. Eastern time, arrive at Port lion 12.00 noon, and Detroit at 4.00 p. m. Returning, leave Detroit gin FRIDAY, JUNE 22nd, at 2.00 p. m., Port,/Huron 6.30 m., arriving at Goderich at 10,30 p. m., an leave for De- troit on Saturday, (Tune 23rd, at 5.00 a. . Eastern time. The fare on this trip will be $1.00 single. Special train will leave Stratford at 6.30 a. m., and will stop at Seaforth. Return, will leave Goderich on arrival of the boat. Train will probably go to the dock. C. F. BIELIVIAN, Traffic Manager White Star Line. Notice to Orei:litors. The creditors of William James Shannon, late of tho township of McKillop, in the eounty of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died on the 27th day of May, 190, are required on of before the 16th day of July, 1900, to send to the undersigned„on behalf of the exenutors, full particulars - of their claims, with statement of the securities, lf any, held by them, duly verified by affidavit. After, the said date, the said executore will proeced to distrlibtito the *sects of the estate of the deceased aiming the parties entitled to the same, haying reference only to the claims of which notice has been given. • rid after such die- tribution, the executors ehall no be liable to at - count for any part of the assets o the estate; to any penal of whose &aim they shall not have received duo notice. This notice is given ursuant to the statute in that behalf, F. HOLM TED, on behalf of exeoutore Seaforth, Jtine12th 1900, 1096.4 MONEY TO- L AN. Money to loan 41 4i per cent. On -first-close farm land lieouritY, Apply 40 R S. HAYS, Dominion Biagi k ButldIiig,Sostorib,, 1007 See My Writing. "I revel in my freedom. Compare it with the first you saw from my pen." So writes a teacher from North Simeoe, who spent a term with us last summer. We can develop good busiaees writers be- cause we have two of the best penmen in the country on our staff, Wee are quite as strong handed in every other department. Enter' any time. No vacations, Special Summer Term from July 3rd. Our cir- culars explain; write for them, Central Business College, TORONTO, W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yong° and Gerrord sts., Toronto. ' 1586-52 Comae Main and Markat Sreets Seaforth, Ontario. ickard s The Largest Dry Goods Clothing Concern in Fear Counties; tivoly Juno Surprises. wwwww~A~AAAA•wo The sign of the dollar is what interests the balk of the buying public. When they find where they can save or make. a dollar, they are at once interested. We'll keep Jane lively with Dry Goods sUrprises, and this week's offerings are a fair sample of the extremes to which we're going to gain our, end. It'll be a sorry period for prices. The whole store is billed for a determined series of price cuts. Dress Goods Department A week of extra value offering in the dresa goods departMent for the economical. Don't miss this money saving opportunity. 20i pieces dress goods, worth 50 cents, in fawn, grey, navy and cardinal, to he cleared at 25e per yard. One piece Shepherd's check, blue and white, • correct for skirts, worth 55c, to be cleared for 40c a yard. Special lines in black lustres for skirts at 25c, 34c, 45c and 70c a. yard, extra value. Five ends of wool delairie to isclear, worth 30c for 12L -c. Seventeen ends double fold cotton dress goods, checks and plaids, worth from 20c to 25c, for 10c, Silk Department - Six ends of striped summer worth 40c for 20e. Cwelve ends fancy silk for waists, wor h from 75e to $1, to be cleared fora 50e a yard. Special line of wash silks, in stripes, worth 60c for 50c. Carpet and Curtain - Department Curtain chances not likely to occur again in many a month. Lace cur- tains, of the desirable, dependable sort are to be sold here as kou never bought them before. Special line, 34; ,Yards long,, taped edge, bow knot pat': tern, regular $1.50 for $1.25. Special line at $1.75, 3- yards long, wide width, beautiful designs, buttonhole lock stitched edge, to be cleared. for $1.50. Special lot of carpet remnants( in wools, unions and Aapestrys, in lengths from 5 to 20 ''a.rds, to be cleared regardless of cost. , Parasols Two specials in parasols: A 75e line to be cleared for 50e, a $1 lino to be cleared at 75c. Whitewear,Sale One of these saving opportunities that come so seldom. We have pre- pared a feast of bargains in the white - wear department for this • weel4 Corset cover, n3ade from fine white cotton, trimmed with lace- around tlae neck, regular price 17c sale price 14e. Corset cover, made from fine white cambric, yoke trimmed. with fine em- broidery regular 'price 320 sale price 27c. Corset cover, made from heavy white cotton, yoke trimmed with 1 row embroidered insertion, 1 row em- broidery and 2 rows feathers galore, regular.price 40e sale price 34c. Corset cover, made from fine Eng- lish long cloth, gathered. yoke, trini- need acrogs the front with embroidery and insertion and around neck and arms with Swiss embroidery, regular price 560 sale price 48c, • Drawers made from good white C-ot- ton, trimmed with three tucks, regular' 20c a pair, sale price 17c.. Drewers made from good white tot - ton, trimmed With fine Swiss embrolid- .ery, regular price 25; sale prite 21c. • Drawers made from fine English long cloth, trimmed with five rows of tucks and deep frill, reviler price 37e, sale price 31e. • Drawers made from fine English long ' cloth, trimmed with three rows of tucks and fine Swiss embroidery, regular price 42e, sale prize 37c. Drawers mede from fine English long cloth, trimmed with four rows of tucks and wide Swiss embroidery, regular price 50c, sale price 423. S KI RTS. Skirts made from good white cotton, trimmed with deep frill, three TOWS 10f fine tucks atound full, regular price 60e, sale price 52c. Skirts made from fine white cotton, trimmed with three rows of tucks and deep frill of fine Swiss embroidery, re- gular price 85e, sale price 730. Skirts made from fine EnglisW1 long cloth, trimmeki eeith three rows Of tucks and an $ inch frill of Swiss em- broidery, regular $1, sale price 85c. Skirts inacie from fine -English long cloth, trimmed with two rows Weirs and frill of fine Swiss embroidery ten inches wide, regular price $1,32, sale price $1,13. Gowns made from good whitecotton, embroidery triMmed, regular price 56; sale price 48c, Gowns made from fine white cotton, yoke of embroidered insertion and tucks, regular price 75e, sale price 64e. Gowns made from fine Englisb long cloth, trimmed with torchon lace and insertion, regniar price $1, sale pride 85c. Gowns made from fine English long yokc made of fine tucks and. torch= insertion, trimmed with =A- lin, frill:edged with torchon laces repl- ier price $1.32, sale price Vela Gowns made from fine whjte cotton, yoke of fine tircks and embroidered in- sertion, trimmed with fine Swiss ern- broidery, regular priee $1 35, sale priee $1.16. CHEMISE. Chemise made from good white cote ton, lace taimMed, regular price 40; sale price 34c. Chemise made from fine English. 'Deg cloth, Swiss e broidered trimmed, re- gular price 50 , sale price 42e. Chemise nade from fine Englieh long cloth, tr mmed with fine tucks and fine Swias embroidered, regular price 68e, sale price 58e. WM. PICKARD & DIRECT IMP 0 RTERi31 Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Market Sta., Seaforth. BRIGHT BROS C4th's Leading Clothing & Furnishing Store "AeWAAAANAA'ANNAAAAAMOV*A0e In placing before the public our lines of Summer 101othing, we claim to give the best possible value for the money. Cheapness alone is not our nine, but a combination of low prices and good quality in wearing, apparel that I've ean conscientiously guarantee, is what we are striving for. That we have been tolerably successful, 18 proven by OUT ever creasing trade. Before buying, come and see our stock for yourseivee, zo that you eau compare quality and prices with others. Our lines of Readymade Sumner Coats and Vests cannot be equalled, prices ranging froM $1,75 to $4 25. You can save money by giving Us a call, BRIGHT BROS., EURNISBEB8, 8E4E0BI:a