HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-06-08, Page 8f
!:::I!, A
JUNE 8 900
prominent'man of that township, calf Henry Smith, ay, two two-year-old C.
every d a once,
thing oxibloas done for an
that problem is referred bo�'-the people of house, and d cows and one MR YEARS WELL
DISTRICT MATTERS# lieved that an him, but he died the foolIDowing day, without was in town on Saturday and. made his heifers, two four-year-ol
in a H Ilett, th a three-
Ontaricio Jt is hoped and be
having. regained consciousness. The cause many old friencip here glad to see him. Mr. calf ; J& e Snelli, u al to:the publio genexally of our proy- ho year,�old heifers, five-year,old cow at
appe of the brai with. a Anderson has a eoi; in the Klondike id Ulm
ipoe will not be in vain, nd that appeal in of death was concussion w ca -year-old KNOWw1m, BUT ece al
i a How to ieaoh 41 the fraotuto at the ba
now being -me a.
he of the skull, ut.six a claim aboi Dawson. -cow Samuel Rannie, Zurich, cow and calf
aged - with sever other Stauler boTop is �orkiiig David Hill, Hibbbrt, three
forty mi as ro
rn, and it is - h been in British Columbia abo
people then becomes the roblei
n He likes the coi
ond was enga N
d In the I irbering
at 0 Id heifer; David Milne, Ethel) GE 04
-le; now going on TT.1 . i
The Big 1) months autry and is doing well.— and year -o BETTE
thought th beat plan to do so wilf be.*b five oo d two calves James Johnstool
I , ex- The annual convention of the Huron Sunday -we an
one at arl business at Lillociet, wCers. he was Ioiuq
the �iganiz tion of local associalbi
ticket- Drganizatioi oeptionally well, and where he was univ
er. School Association and Young Peoples' So. Fordwich, three four-year-old cows Amos
Tn,ki i.,LLERs.—The following- were
busing a centreo, hioh 1 0
M. weity4hre cieties will We hold -in the Moth bwbridge, two two-year-old heif-
satly respected. He was just
the alo g several lines odist -ehurch, Smith, Tr K
BOOKST. RE. OF -ad out -to distant points this week'at W 'forth, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the era mud four-year-old cow and calf ; James
may do'goo4 work
aSomerville's ticket agency Mrs# V'-: Poll they. may'become a mea, a of,edacation as to years of age, ind was a most exeinolary and 8 a bon, Nyalkerton, four ar-old T
onth. A compre- Full thee -ye
Ile Miss oing y6iing man. The rem4ina were 19fih and 20th of this in
Leadbury,- to Bowmanvi well d,
t lard, the ptevehlbion and con geon oonsump This can be smiA of the peop
inlock hensive and interesting rogr four calves and two fo
&mine has been 'heifers ur-year-old
cDonald ind in 'store, Seafortb.
WAT0HES' F16r% M other, Gu tioni and'also in the c tinued raising of interred at Lillooet, mud the kospeot in
to Mount Clemens,. Mich. by 11 ge foremost Sabbath cows, making 417 head in all. They re as
.street, 8eaforth', ins ad, and as some of It is constantly being advertised by its
funds to aid in this we thy object of treat.—which he was hold was fully exemp
3- county will take part, fine a lot of cattle as has ever been gather -
Chicago John Down. chool workers in.th4
igan SQldon Ross, to
Ing tbo poor consumpti, We doubt not the many floral tributes which sUrned hill a
I aff
CL ph Parker, to BDO10 ill an interesting and profitable tln�e may be ad- together in this county, and every One Of friendsFad by its enemies also—thart.is if it
-ey; to 0eillia Jose orth how - herself ooffin. The heartfelt sympathy of!, all w has any.
our town of Seaforth will a those from whom they were purchased is a
ison, to 'Orang Ville a'
Falls ; Robert' Moir n thij:i �ritorious work. be extended to the parents in theit sudden expect6d. .—Mrs. James: Grieve has sold her
equal to others in It is no trouble to spen money to &dvan-
Hugill. noted andsuccessful breeder of shorthorne.
aJEWelsor .Brit.
W L- Charlie Crich Tuakeramitht to __0 farm in Harpurhey to Mr. James rede f people go ham
and sad bereavement. tagetbere. flnd
F., r as and hey repriseent a lot a money, as t o Were
olumbia. mine about thirty aor
lob 0, INDUCT103; The induction of The farm cont and tell their neighbors about the excellent
was sold for $1,750, Mr. Hugill intends all purchased at good prices. The were
into the pan
AND Tim, SEAFORTit. RAC'Es.—The two days' %forth, taken place friends here of the you' age neighbors can ob
Rev. Mr. Larkin torate of First SHAvouTn Boys ABROD.—Th" many values they secured. Then again, the -
coming to reside on � it.---�Mr. Archibald b u�ght for an sfi1pp to Messrs,
Presbyterian church, 8 ng inen men Hyslop, M. P. P. for East Hur Cowan an uller, of Iowa. This is ow
race meet of -the Seaforth Turf Club, on on, wail in
two olelock, The the followin hich a take them sonfe material or garm, ent that the -
on Wednesday next at g paragraph, w
boorne Free the third lot of the, kind that r
sday and Wednesday, July
ad induction sermon will belpreached by Rev 'Cowan bad purtibmed at this same store and h
a Shel town on Tuo;day. Mr: Alex Gardiner, of d hances are'that th
-from a recent Issue of th c
succeii s, a couple has purobas6d and:shipped to Iowa within
19th, promises to be a great ev. Mr. rn that. he are MoKillop, le t,�ith u -them
Mr. Sawers, of Bruiefle d the R Press, will be pleased tb lea y has been tested and :given to
everything points to a bi crowd on both ir oper. of stalks of fall wheat pulled at random �,th at- six months, thus showing that
Fletcher, of Thames Roady Usborne, will erin& and are- exteding th: best of satisfaction
Which are being sold Olt da The track -is now [it first class condi- from a twenty -acre flel on his farm. The cattle from our Canadian breeders are sp
-d aaddress the people, and Rev. Mr. Musgravet ra uates of This is the kin of thing that adds t
ations. Both gentlemen are gra mean- proc
iated by the Americans for breeding
�ia�, the fence -has been, completed, and this� of McKillop, will dlivir the address to the the Seaforth electric lighting static n. Ttw� stalks were fully heade out and one ad three feet and theiotber two feet ten purposes.
0. week work hits *beep commenced. on the r 8 van
0m, t off the, iniste'r. The Rev. Mr. 8tawart) Of Clin' Free Press says The electric light at It is not paper talk that bm gi it to
fr nebei. If it rogresseO until harvest as it
grand stand and stables. Tho grand stand in of transform -
capacity. t de. --Themus tionimstpresent in a state
on, will presi io on he. occ-a- strong a footing, but rather its goods, its
will be a fine covered and, with, has done thus Kr NJ r. ardiner will have a
furqished by- the full choir ation from an are to an are and Incandes. McKillop. prices, its -management and its service,
sion will be
REGULA PRICES to seat from 600 to 800 people and will big yield. The fall wheat generally in this
hder the leadership of Mr. James Scott'. cent, system. The new proprietors� Messrs. You should -buy them because they - are' Its regular customers know that there is
section never looked be ter at this time of
0 refreshment booths beneath. the u
At the close of - the ir duction services a Wri ve the We are talking no under hand -methods or -unbusinese-like
hav to the best of the kind made.
ght & McKinley, are fully ali
—Mr. George
a num er
the conduct in any one of its many departments,
stables will be .120 feet long, Th b the year. Kirkby, of Morris,
social tea and rooeption will be furnished by possibilities in the way of extending about Ready -To -Wear Clothing, and the
A �they are the once
of enquiries for entry forms indica't 9 that popular and m ell known auctioneer "verytbing that could possibly be the ladies of the congregation and a short lighting business, and to that am mi
id North kind that The R . MdFaul Co., Seaforth,
a large number of good horses Will;, here, programme of addresses and music will be making extensive changes in the' building and implement agent Of East
nn a f iw days
The earlier you Came, thd,better the selec- r handles. You might get as goodsome. ad in done for its customers and in this wmy
a n
th a ore given. and plant. They* will build a brick addi- it ba the Manse$.
so that everything looks bright for tk Mr. Larkin will enter upon his Huro was in tow Fo
tioir, and we co assa-re you rter of a' a, intury A4!O Kirkby where else, but whaVa the use of taking 0. won lasting favor wi
ties�%nd k boiler.
allgLural meeting of the Ass6oistion, pastoral du preaoh his first sermon tion to the power -house, new bric about a qua
g�m�uine bargiinstq_s�e had, as a are chances. Buy where you are sure, not oal
did a very I is in thei'above lines, y
on the following room, and re -roof the whole building with a rge busine of a good fit, but of good material &Did
up tho JdVrefry Branch f- -our OgLpastor of the church
TuE HEAV Ly INUERITAffOH.-�W@ have but when he reached the three score mile
SabbathJune 17th.. Rev. Thomas -Gold, tasty gable roof. The flooring will be of Drkmanabio well. A fiew Things To
post he pulled out, gave up bdainess and re. W,
business. just received a bopy of a treatise on the
ato and the first paitor of be PARiTY.T-A garden party under
amith, of Toro cement, to complete what will practically GARDMN
above subject, written by Mr. D. Stewart, tired to his fine farm in the township at
this.0hurch, who has been oupplyifig, the 9. fireproof building. To the present light -
of Hansall. in this little work the-pttfior Morris, where he intends spending the re. the auspices. of. Cavan - church, Winthrop, The.
ulpit for the past three months, will preach Ing outfit Of two are dynamp i they' have ill be held at Mr. Archibald Somerville's,
has delt with the subject in a mainder of his life in well earned rest after
coml rehon -Sabbath evening burden and heat of IN Note
Kis Ima sermon hake ci� i * rumtor for th concession, on Friday evening, June
added& new alte incandescent
ay, and 'has, at -the same-bime, So ith 1, having borne so long the
give m Goldo -6 con* 15th
as, served th
r. IP lihts, beautiful mud costly piece /of ma -
REMEMBER next,; M the day, It would., no doubt, be agreeable There will be a good programme and
shortened and :implified his remarks ba thin
I and th
y we're
PAPSTOS grg# thfully,and well, and th f tate' Mr.
THE PLACE ion fai chinery, the produc6lo the CauvA Geaeral
;,j .. � 6. - . lots of refreshments. Everybody should be
wide subject a to make- th6m -not a aly i.- to many others if they could imi
e hi services. He b 6,13 Electric Company, of Toronto.. T�his ma- MILLINERY NEWS.
fortuhat' in securing a
struotive but interesting as well. The au- last none of his old-time pulpit power� and china has a capaoiry of 1200 Is, -and will - Kirkbyls good example in thin respect.— there mud hive a good time.
thor has sou.ght-to --be scriptgra:mh ell as Several farmers are complaining that grass- d of
BOOKST ithat aiding his advanced Tbiantorebas bad the liveliest ki
e�ciqu!nce and notw be"ustid on the commercial ai in
a 'long r ttrement fro ;the _vt
scientific, and his work shoild be of in. man r hoppers are already becoming a pent and selling in its Millinery Department, but at
years, and hi lighling circuit, leaving the ar dy a i t
ular interest to all who are desir us of me places are so numerous" that they are NOTES.—Mr. Andrew Taylor, 5th
tig t a stre he stock was bought for an extra, large
is has kept uso in lig� Ither will be !0.
active work of the' min :*y h' eta. ther
learning of Heavenly things. It I'a.w ill and injuring the, growing ceope.—Mr. mad Mrs. has got his house raised up and will soon be
't serv' haLt -and
to the stre Lee,
fully abrbast of the timi ich, no' d three new I to added trade, the assortment shapes
should be ve -y'gen- A. Young go to Ayr on! Monday next to at- ready for the m sons, John Douglas, 7th
QM1110N'BANK. pi 0
eafs.ingly written, and accounts in a large mea iure for his continu- millinery supplies is yet good,
a system will �a role struoWd
D LX nd the wh I' I i
orally read. A_,perusal of 'its pages jannot tend the marriage of a ueice.�Mr. Gut- line, went to London on Tuesday with the
'It is not a question of your being p
ad popularity. His ma -y old time friends With new copper wiring. / Messr94 Wright
)ridgeia this week �building volunteers.—A good number went, to 8L ith the bat you may select mud -its warlK.
but enable he thinking reader, a id we te granolithic
PL here, as well as those hose friendship a & McKinley are confide�t� that Tt
CA ITAL (Paid UP), $o,600,000. he large
would heartily . recommend it to all inter- walks to the residencei of Mr. John DoddP the circus at Wingharn on Tuesday.—A eon 1A)T I
0 -during h i Oom
i present sojourn expenditure necessary 9
has -,formed f r the lotion of a manship forgone coueluslob, pro -
$1,500;000. eated in this, important and- &be and at th Presbyterian Manse.—Miss Bell of Mr. R. Young got very badly hurt one
orbimg sub. vided you make a choice sooni, before the
'be gla to or -
have the a - justified by the
treatise oan�be had from amongst us., will- the work will be more �han
Copies of.the' Bethune, who has been teaebing, ackool in day last week by being struck in the tace
Slattl d impiovemen secure and the
vice 'LOT
tunity of seei and he Ing him I an finthes V assortment is broken,
ISEAFORIf HL BRANCH, auWor Mr.. D. te wa t, Henamll On. itobs for some time, as returned home.* with a stone.—Mrs. James Craig, 6th line, ar, t your h
the will hope that- a will b long spaK 0 coal numbe Man Are you particul bou at I
consequent increase th
is dangerously ill this week.' Path
Main Street Seaforth. tinue in the goo& work )a whch his -16bg suirners of the light a With. an ino ndeacetit Men were at work this week remoying masters Watt somethiug -extra large or very
smaa been so earnestly devoted, the telephone, telegralih and electric light got their lists this week. Statute lab
ONDVILLEl' NOTES, —Mr. life ha yatem in use ther is vo b tter or safer light
A General Ban kin Business trans" EwNt Willia Bur- . I A 1L.OT
ces -orj!,l oomm#r. poles on Main street that were in the way' next.—Farmers should keep a good look out-', Something known to be nobby or looked
Boal on for
btainable id
-ers' Sale Notes collected, who hag been� wotking Ili -are very numero
alki It in a for caterpillars as they
acted. Farm cial purposes,ka9d it is expected of the new granolithic sidew
same at lowest the past year. or lea, -has- returned. h)me.on ,Besides buying wool I or cash, the Wo for eii�er res !that #e suffou to be mod -est.
pilby that these- abominably unsightly ob. on the trees this semson. xcuralon to A plain, fancy,
e or f ew home special color.
are al@0 doing oustorn 3ardlqg, apinul publi f 1! wig fi
Ris inany friends c will ta ull adva tage c :,
account of 'ill hei-lth.. Id You very likely do, th go th oo
rates. ot be removed fromIdain street Guelph Model Farm on June 15th. Every -
o -a P
a glad to 13 34 him system."
und this vicinity ar =10yuand placed on the back streets and one who can should go.—C. Whieeler, 4th
Drafts sold on all JtN . -W.- RE FE-.Nci,.%,o
points in Canada., H,iRDN1*,kRE D pWa Popular 8tore. 'r 41
Monday by
lanes. If this coiLld be done it would cer� line got badly hurt on
g- a f all
again.—The fine rain of. Wednesday ini ,ht
the United States aild -Europe. those whc in gone'ral hardware, f%rM
Vde the bay fields nd crops 16o"k An�.— tools, paints, builder's suppiles,.stove tinware, eta., THE DE11ARTEV.—The great'
Willy improveMain street very materially from m building. -
has been:ViSit- kindly read' advertise inent of Estate- ohneoq Bros., been bu% in 3hiS Vio�nity la.Wy, and and would be we"ll worth the cost the change
'a re- Ifardwaro, Seaforth, on page 5. many Uou
allowed on,deposits of One Dollar and arnim during thei. winter, r respected citizens have been
Ing at, S 0 would incur.—Mr. William Lovett, pro Philadelphia.
upwards�. im �W AND
burned to this village, and is spend in, OOL, WOOL,—"' Bring your with or called away during the prBsent y"r, Mrs- duce dealer, of Exeter, was in town on
0 No. 6 John Hugill, of J. 0. Kalbflelach has been on
W. X. PEARCE, days with- Mr.` ancl Mrs. w thout your'whest, pens, oats, bar'ey, eta., died on
John stre
Tuesday. Mr. Lovett is one of Exeter's the sick list for the past few days, but is
ad '4ched,the
alicitor- of thhv�- Fri'day Imat. Mrs, Hugill h leading citizens and principal business men.
a were gi�d tOL hear of'bh6 falli, warehouse. yo4 are always. sure oflhe b' ghest
tie, Sea- now able to be around again.—Mr. and Mrs. PILLO W .�6
_�ut our pro -Boer w pricolnelithet:cashof trade. Janies B )LIDT veto as o.6king'.' orth. ooq'age of 81. years. She had b I n in fee- He expressed himself grea'tly' pleased with Ed. Datars, of Heinsall, were visitingfrieuds
r-l--james Boland, w 6 has blehealth for some time, a d very sad a "acath was the prosperous and b in this vicinity on Sunday last.—Mr. J.
n h r a ce of Sem- The store is anxious to have a
ato&, at the 000per- ScREEN_ Doo WI-.iDo_Nvs.--How e .-usy appe ran
Bicycles For Season 1900. been ' , *. 1* . I +. n9t unexpected. , She was a nativ,[.' ofEng7 forth. All visitors to our town are like Hye and sisters. were- visiting at Mr. J. Cleaning" time of'cotton goods fo
U cool and coni for.table hose I reep the house, how free ihome
LOT 7 -
ing - during the past winter, has ret rned froni flies mud i6sectsi 'Stc eks the largest, variety wat a sister of the Messrs. Plewea, minded in this respect, and when M purpoees. You may now ge't the b4t kind
I a
§0 low 38t. �nd, and tlyl 8hilbe's an Wednesday. —Quite a number of
yea in shor of values in bleach
W, X. W11TfS0-NL, North Main Strbet, hdm, looking as'hale an'd bearty ai ever. the greatest, Piices Bold Wilson,'803. of Tuckeremithb For many ts she re- street is in the shape It will - be the farmers in this neighborhood delivered or unbleathed. �ahee -
line attending to hig--valu-
Jim. likes. to'be-ho -d d on the Huron road, an the larm now Seaforth will be even more attractive than hogs inHensalloaMonday last. WhileMr. plain or twil . You mayecur
8"forth. JOT 8.
able'game. hes;—M r. Ben Colbert h m been tOOK-KELPIM, d usine tice are and was it is now.—Mr.- Leo Dorsey, son of casings the kind you like, at no advance.*On
oecupied by or son, Mr. A, Hugil
-eridoraon Bievale Compa ra a a& as Phrathe Central AKenf for the if ny, Goder Medinger was unloading his bogs, one of
9 at dig -
is College on. one of the pioneer resiOnt IvIrb. John Dorsey, leaves here on Tuesday it -he animals broke i a leg, but, as the but- latit ye es prices. The samean be sai -a of'
Ich, Oat. A full. 11.16 of tb(- JaCest up�to.dite wheels visiting at his brother's, Mr. ry 'olbert, thoroughl� and su
i Ont. Th o of th
logo,, tra _t
joys a superior rep for high grade work and next for WesV'Superior, where he intends t a fine range of white bad spreads in honey
The AfeCr9ady," of this village, for the.past coupi of' 'weeks. Busin egg Coll . a
for the atia0bin of 11100 on hand ation' trict.. Aft r Mr. HugiIFs1 dew;b, abou 0 cher was near by, he disposed of the an
Coinuion Sougo an(i Goderlob.", Also agen for 11 prietore appl� she re
'business call y to for twelve years ago ov6d to Seaforth, reside in future. We wish him every sue,
h who has been in combo or.Marsaills. Thyare lmrge size,
her d
M )Mny FOOT BAL. —The g a between the River- graduateu to teach i Is ere with —Mr. George Kalbfieiac
the colobrated " Whiti! Sewing Afa0hina Co th . Frr'E ohoole. 160-tif and ban rp6ided h in ter, Miss case In his new home.—Mr. Bradley, organ. the�past i�ile, has returned good material and beautifu
ble of Clevelnd, Ohio. All wheels aran oed Detroit for w dsignqd.
an ea ri a orth at� Hugill, e4er slaae. She 8 ad living zer for the United Workmen, ban been in
hL and yo Toronto,. the . Hurons, in' tb 9 home, and intends staying for -'the summer.--
pri( nine before., U. ur. side's, of anh-;nt Speaial excursic n tra a leaves See
d I k t 6:80 a.m. Thurbd7, June 10b, for Niagara Falls, ,�oman, at kind neig or a orking up recruits
ch o, A f of bic3 ale partg a w
post- Man to 0 -k In. stock- and repidrinic (ion o. AlsO a and c'ellent societ
for this ex —Miss G. Sobilbe was under the parental
a Pallo. Farepom - 3oaforth $2,05, ohildren y, and has been, we
sun r e '
n1l, 11 6 ko a 4�tago of this opportunity Mr. J. Oesch has gone t Berlin on busi
Uri Ilue, d lVestern Football Asociation series, ached d.a ver thought- LOT 14
1, r 1�i -?R uled for Friday night last, had to bA ful and affectionate wife and ther
WoRd,, and Whitj Stiwinft- h1mlito 9, need oa, 'o town for several days LINEN. CRASa SUIT -
d uqt�l the following day on aceou6t of particularly th me�l barn
$1.05. 109611 was an care to are -pleased to learn, fairly successful.—Mr.
parta, tte. I I root on Sunday.—Miss Annie Albrecht has
Pon 7E van then there wai a higi wind of her own tamily. She was a T I
the ir%in,�. INGS, PIQUES
-W_A2rS 0 3�4% and the weather was a IiCtle; threatening, WANTIPM-500 'Luba of butter,- cash or OODBistant Pierson Chesney, of Tuckeremith, who has been visiting friendR in 7,urieb. —Quite a
trade. ER 110 a trade. We buy wool. member of the Methodist church, and been ill for Ek year and has been a severe number attended the circus hold in Exeter
away, _X 110 a
NORTU MAIN T., SSUF6RTIT, Which undoubtedly kept the crowd Our goodweare -date and not aurpa;8ed in her health permitted was a most -egular at. sufferer from some nerve affection has gone last Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. David Schnell, AND DUCKS:,
and in that way th6y missed one of the beat variety. G. K. K 1391 wingliftin. LOT i�
tendant at the church serviaes. Although to 8 tratford sanitarium for. tr�W;7t�eut.—. of Zurich, were under the pafei2tal roof last
ace Agent & Deal- We are opening something ery nice Mr. Peter Hawthorne, a -me to -rations for yQur
Oeneral Insurai s that has been plaTed here for a long out she had lived more than the allotted time, f the Hullett and Sunday. Wit ti, make prepa
game For the first half the Hurons kicked she will be greatly missed, and by none more McKillop town line, has just completed a summer wash dress.
or iri:Sewiag Machines. time. In fanc* china to me(t the demand for June trade,.
1090 with the w�ind I and - succeeded, in scoring wedding presents etc. eta, Call and goo them at than by the members of 1 her own family. We mo' than likely a fe.minutesearth
A. -Young% Sealorth. nice new bank barn. Mr. Thomas Gammill,
after about twdnty. minutes play. n this W. Cook, of Egmond. of the second concession of Tuckeramith, through the' wash good's section would
Hugill, Mrs. NOTES. -.r -Miss Bertha Jamieson, of Ford -
Best American i3teel Barbed Wire, $3.50 Mr. A.
half the RiveraideR failed to score. They Ville, and Miss Hugill are �the. onl r members east'of Egm.ondville, is al bri4i to light the very material'aad pattern
peri 100 pounds at Re] d & W loon'a, 8 dRforth. so erecting &'new
wich,,gradliated a couple of weeks ago from.
started the second half.w rush, and it 1696.1 of the family who are now' hee. bank barn and.expects to have it cognpleted oui fancy would wish. Special valGes aud�
E looked dangerois for the home Many were surprie�d to learn of the the nurses' training school, in connection
JUNE -W DDIRCS boys -for a Girl wanted to go t Bayfield July let.— - - for this sepson's crop.—T�e West?Huron with the city hospital, New York. Miss Igood assortment in being shown in crash
time, Put it took nearly half an - hour f6r cornbotont girl for-g(neral house work and to assiot. death of Mr. Samuel Broadfoot, of the Mill I I armers' Institute have arranged fait tin ex. lineza, white piques, *white and Jamieson pasped- her final examifastion with TjOT I
the visitors to score'. With the score a tie, -with children. Salkry 8,0 per inonth. Apply, Load, Tuckeramith, which' took pla-le on diieka, white and dimities, rpo'-slins,
hot . b teams were out to win and go good Rtatlnfag�, to Dr, 108 Brainard street, ' oursion to the Experimental Farm, - Guelph - first-class honors and was the youngest
Monday last. Mr. Broadfoot had been! ill I etc-.
-an, or td Mi a. Chesney, Johi on Friday next. The excursion promises to
football was'played -but. with a ifle in Dotro b, blichig, -- nurse that has yet graduated from that
1696.1 ' with appendicitis for about'two eeks, but, be an intereRting one and all who think Of
At this seawa we make a specialty of Scaforth. hospital. iss Jamieson hAs & clever
_,,favor of the Hurons, and they took advant- few'bad any idea that his case was so seri- WASHABLE DRE 88
going can got full particulars in our adver-
wedding and, eugagraon rings. Also a y 9 goal' about The excursion t o� Ni g rT Falls will leave sister, Miss Mary Jamieson, for many years Lor 11.1
age of it and put in' thewifinin "I oup. Mr. BroadfoA was a mail a -&
Somforth by special t �aln a 6-:3 'a. in. on ThUraday, in, the prim tieing columi3m.—One of Case Co.'s de-
4-alutymsurtmerib ot.weddin.-prosents, M was he a practising nurse in New York city.
five minutes befdrB 'time wtw The a, being 56 years of age. livery homiii took a run by itself on Wed. 'J. Jamieson, of
PP. -June 14thi Excursio Aiits Ill iave 8 hours at the. of lif 'MRRIED.—Mr. Robert FABRICS,
Riveraides tried hard.to even up the score, Falls and will leave t 3oro a 7,30 P. In. 1096-1 third son of the late r. Alexan or Broad- i
nesday moriiing. It ran foul of the fence, Fordwich, was n�arried on Wednesday of
but: in vain. They are a splendid tearri, but to iagiira Falls on the foot, and a brother of Mr. j, H. . roadfdot, LOT I i.
Are you going in front,oi the agricultural grounds, upset, last week to Miss Sarah, daughter of Mr, Merceri7,ed oods in navy and in black
were just a libtle _bc hind -the Hurons, and, it 14th ? to the question ovo yone I@ asking,,. k695-1 Seaforth. He Was born on th a Id borpe ting the wagon and coming to a, stop. The William Finlay, of Ma�le Grove Farm, con- gre. lids with fancy colored designs make
W.Ciatilis little that ost -them the game— , f hi h
Go Am & SON ow is the time to sell your wool- stead farm in Tuckersmith, whi - adjdins
HUMBER The next match here 60000pouodswante� ato 3of reaLfhattheWoollen a which'be only damage done was the breaking Of a cension 14, HoWick. Rev. Mrl Stewart, ve. prettydresses and blDuses.
the best team won. the one which he owned - and a shaft.—Mr. Robert Douglas, of Blake, in
istore ban a very good pattern seleo�
Presbyterian minister at Belmre, made T
-will be with Berlin ff the bdy w;in that Mills, Sonforth. 1016-1.
JEWELERS, SEAFORTH. Ai'd. His older brother;,Mr. Jarries Broad- at present in town viefting his - daughter, them man and wife The bridesmaid waR tio'131 LOT I
',3r disinfectant go 'a
161.8 match the cbampi0'AW.p is about as good as Try our deoder,;v,,3r d rmicide, foot, died only about 18 . iii n the ago$ Mr. M r�. (Dr,) Rops. Our people will bi pleased -nd
25C % pack�,go, S. M llo�t k Co., Seaforth. 1096.1 Miss Jamieson, sister of thd groom,
Broadfoot was a quiet, unasaut ing, man, to learn that ibere is a prospect of the Van
The last auctio sale of calves of the sea- an dbligin neighbor end a-'wortl T cit, n the beat man was Mr. W. J. Finlay, ATTRACTIVE LY. PRICED LOT
Egmond woollen mills being started ago
L11 eon will -.be hold at he Commercial P)N, 'be
brotherof t -bride. The wedding march
It �Fap to Attend the Populo'm A HVRO' Y -]total, Seaforth, He was of& kind, generous, genii dig soon and- will- be run by a strong joint stock
h. was played by Miss Lizzie Higgins, of urn-
SWTEN.—T e following ac-,ount of at 2 o'clock p. in,, n Saturday, Jue Oth, Thomas tion and was liked by all who I new him. H )ME FURNISHINGS
ronites a ilk
Brown, Alictionoor. 1096.1 company. The mill is now prepared to do all berry'l- The bridies dress woo of whit 'LOT
the success of one f nenic". 'the custom work that o6rs.—Mes"r . El -
He had a host of friends and np.�e
rem 2i
Nio'person "coia rightly complain about
was taken from a a0er published in Hen- Screen'doors and windows, gasoline and With pearl trimming, and c m satin. The
He had no ambition for public pool 10110 Dut liotb, of London, were here this week, the
1A coal oil atoroB at rig]: t 'ptidos. ullett & Co young couple were married undera floral
drum, Nortbern in'ueso.lba.- The pet -son preferred -to live quietly, and aacured guests of their cousin, Mr. B. B. Gunn-.— the!prices asked for House Furnishings and
of amoe-Lwng, formerly &rob on the lawn, the bridePs parents stand -
d to is a ion' Ad riments.
chief enjoyment in the home ci le and in
_04NTARIO.�. 1f),000 pounds of m -dol wanted, 14hest Mrs. John Dorsey and Mr. A. J., Bright
ing near bar 'side and the- groom's par -
of Itudger,ville, Ontario, who h6w roidea'in -flannols, faun gocial intercourse with friends ad neigh- hmveeach had granolitbic sidewilko laid Iri is true this department is kept, fall of
price paid In exchanp a for blankets, onto on his aide. The exceellent supper was
Bef( re v(,u t:) an�, offier school WinnLpog, Mivnitoaa:, 11 At a I& ely at- or an), other Koods i our 11 no. Wrn. Pickard, Sea- bore. -Re was a good and successful farmer, down 'leading to their residences. —Mrs. the ivery cream of taste, in all its 'goods- but
Tresby, 1695.2 served dii the lawn to over 250 guests.
let wA earie.-paild vLh you. Our magnificent tended meeting of the Wea.Dministe� forth.. and leaves his family 'in comfortalle circum- McNamee, of Lucan, visited her sister, -Mrs therices are modest. All that Is possibly
:0 - The wedding presents were valuable and
milwrior advanta qs. terian church" f Duluth, on the_*lQ.th'inst,., Trim your bul' -by using Farr's stances. He was twice married, iis seepild' B. B. Gunn, last week.—County Council- pretty can -be - founa
neeaed to make a home
9 gy very numei hi's
fitudeuts are in a tiff a ace this year from a unanimous oallwlA dxte�ded to Rev. M- Carriage (;loss and lloyeoid Top DroushiR. For lore Hays and McLe'an are in Goderl6b, this 76us. The groom's present. to
wife, who survives him, is a daug itor a - lbh '
aug, Of." fi.ly Minnesota. . Mr. Lang .8alO bYs. brfullett & (0-, 90110th- 160511 bride was a' purse of gold and a dismond
Clana United :�wv, and Newfoundland. lan L late Mr..John Land6orouglL. H) leaves a week attending the meeting of the council.
A large number of ur recent students have preaalied far one Salybath to this church, iblid comfort in the family- of two gone and one idaughter, —Dr;'and Mrs. G'ibb and Mrs. E. Latimer
hot weathor to a reet n a hainniocic. Beld &Wilson, theL
h0cepte.-I ehuic'c linter now. and the people word so well leased with latter being about ni- a yoars spent Sunday with the doctor's father in St. BRUSSELS CARPET
SLsforth. 1005-1 Hensail.
his aurmou that they determined to have of age, He was a cousin at mom
I arys.—Mr. McQuade,ofthe 3rd concea-
1 Principal. him for their pustor. At the large gather. LOCAL BmEra.—Our sidewalks and streets TAPESTRY CARPE
bar of the Presbyterian churn Bruce sion of Tuckersmitb, came W town last
ing there was not one'dissentin 4 -voice, Mr. A LOY,%LTY kfoNsi RATTO,'C.—On' the re,- il politi6s. are now claiming the attention of the conn. field, and was a true Liberal Saturday evening and tied his borne in the AX T STRE CARPIUS
'toria, oil, and as there are no large dernaods . this
Lang ba accepte, the, call, and be will -bb. ceipt bf the nows of th( capture of Pro, The remains were laid to rest in: Mi%itland-
shed -adjoining . Kling's. hotel. When he GOOD
gill his Nvork on L�h� lab of J�ne. On the on Thursday mon I th town -Jairl y bank cemetery on Wednesday, and the re- went for it about nine'o'clock the rig bad year on the public exchequer, we look for. LINO I u."Ums
...... e evening his pliurch at Ely met -to in. sizzled and bub n�gd osvte'e' with 1*�yftity, spect in which he was held in t coknmun- ward to great improvements in the smaller PRETTY FLOOR OILS
vite.him to be th . 11 pastc has served which fouiid expi sai�o in the blowing of disappeared, and nothing has been seen or requirements, such as sidewalks, streets And
r enu
28', TEA 28c it -was amply manifested by the arge num heard of it since.—Mr. Hugh Alexander, HANDISOML
them with crodiTto himscif, a 9d under his whistles, ringing f be Is and other, y tended the funeral o �pay a, last who some years ago ow ar street lights,�The Methodist ministers, FLOOR OILE; -
modes bar who at
ministry the peo,�Ic'have been lgged, The equnall. - an hillaric uFJ. he s6hool children Rev@. G. Jewitt and G. H. Long, together HANDSOME OljRT A'INS
with a accord, ump beir jobs and tribute of respect to� one whom they had 80 Broadfoot's bridge, in Tuckeremitb, and withthe rep�esentatives of their different
people of Kly feel rnuch disappointb& that highly respected and to sincerely I ART DRA .1
-, I. �� 7, 1 ro� it Dved while! now owned by Mr. H. Crich. but who for 'enera;l M51 ETC.
01cy cannotocure him, but tbe d6reh at holid was p ,laimcd for them. They in life. appointments, are attend ingetthe G
Thtit-.'e no uvii wwl� liaut our 2Si, tea. several years lias resided in the -Shoal. Lake Conferehce at- St. M These are to be had from
r r r isi Myrtle
made good use of it too ; all day,, Ion they arys. M
I)uluth offers. a much larger Wd Lk district, Manitoba�, died there about a
T�y an for parad cd the stree ringing bell and putt.
and the people'thir k be is jus� th LorAL BwEFs.—In the list of -i successful month ago. His death was the result of Hedging, who has been in Taranto since last
all Mr. ing-offfire crackers and no person interfered' . candidates in the law examinatiois at Oa- He was a cousin of the Meere. home this week, and intends I
the occiision. y aocop�ing this fall, arri
Lang enters upon i most impo r a rocess in- remaining
rtant ork, Shortly aft6r sup, e ion was for goode hall, Toronto, we find tire asme of 0 a month or ao,�The annual
i Elcoatand w�ll be. well remembered by Oil tl
The church has be n' `g'r wing rapk ly, dur. ed in front of the town hall, and headed by J,., meeting of the 19outh Huron Farmers' In-
1�uohan%n, son of Dr. Budbaban, a
some of the older reeidents of the vicinity.
BEATTIE BROS., Seaforth. ing the last year, nd t a papple 'ook for the b rid, the firamen, the -school elfildron Zurich, who passed his -third' stitute was held in :thin village on Monday
I yegg- examin- —Mrs, W. H. Kellett, of Guelph, attended afternoon last.—Miss Aggie Buchan
pmen now an has
still gmator develOpmen N r. Lang 'anda number of the pr6miuent ci - �izeus. atiOn, standing first in the r pass M r. the mariage 'of her sister, Miss Ell& Shaw,
f hureh
wa p3s tor 'of the at lfpndr�i -n until paraded the streets an(I over to the ark. returned from visit' friends In Be forth.—
John-A, Jackson, of Seaforth, �assed his this week.—Miss Ella, Shaw, of Seaforth, a. SmithInArothers, of Gaoderich, E. iV' cFA ITL.
The Moser
Tbere a e many a buri
recently. Ifig M0 y. f6endal will rejoice One of the beat things in the pmcesi;ion. was second year and Mr. S. A. Didicson, his was married on Wedneaday evennig last,'to
over Isis bright pro pactal" eewue on uger'�,trek to,a plade of first , year.—Mr. -and Mrs. Jo� . n Jepson have opened out'a stock of dry goods in one
nourily io will un�kto w th T -us safoL3, he rig couthi 1i President Mr. Bates, of the Bayfield road, Stanley, Of . the stores in the Marshall blook, form_
-nd Tru t -y ds
G r k Railway in this.. W ned moved to Norval on Friday last, where Di 00
X v()s rro it i n iv i8h rig Mt. Lar v in'uch- himself anl his xife, nd their bagga�le, The marriage took place at the residence of erly occupied'by 'M. J. W. O.rtwein,—Mr,
Wir. Jepson has a situation ar's tMllbr.—On Mri Ge6rge Paternon', and the officiating
Will Run 60- day� EXCUrsions succu.m ii) his now luld 1, lal)()r, ari I in� the even down to the ever-present pail, n -the Tburpday afternoon last Mr. A. 11. Borman, clergyman was Rev. Rural Dean Hodgine, H. J. D. Cook, barrister, was in Goderiab on
hope that he may, be spiled toJorig "60tinue park, stirring potvioti. ddreBaes were do. of Dublin, had a runaway accident in town. Tuesday la8t.—Mias Ragan win Ixtt week c4th's Greatest' Cask
Mrs. Bates has boats of friends here who
He was driving a tearn of horses
in his good Work., livered by Itev. ather oCabo' Rev. the guest of Mris. Henry Cook.—Mrs. Ber.
. . . I In a glad- 'will unite with'Tiu,. HxposiToR in wishing
CANADIAN NORTHWEST %V, E' d Mr. Croldsmitho Rev. A. atone, and while coming around he corner bar a long and happy married life, �Messrs. nard ThorMon brought into the village, this. K) 110 urli:
Diw oods re. rot
N S I'M PT I I athune and Meagre, F came off
at Gunn'o store, one ofthe wh
L, R, ssT1'19gi)r. 13 week, some of the finest ferns we have peon
e4 Reid & Wilson have had a new vo� . I
6d awn'ng for some -hime.—Mr. John Stacey is ad -Jing
Holirstedf. 0. E. JickE on, T, B. Hays a and the horses ran away. The rig collided
of To
—A,lr. oseph Wa, ronta repre. erected in front of their hardware store.— -welling.—On Thurs.
AJr,L MoLaron is one of
laniLari-iiiii Association - The nice warin rains at Wednesdv ni ht
seriting the NatiorlD.1 h M. Yii McLean, while Mayor Wilson pre. with an electric light pole in front of Mr a new addition to big d
fine! appearance,
9 day afternoon, of last week, Mrs. g of
sided The band playid a number Of'excel' Aut's store and was considerabl smashed.- and Thursday have refreshed the ear-th and the' -ahead andli�uaeesoful Urmers Of the
of who ha, i iwem visiting the towns
lent Fulections and the evening was wound Kippon, entertained the Lsdies' Auxiliary of jo
and cit ioa of Oatar lo w! 0i the objoc� of or- Alr. Borman was thrown but, buti was not - vegetation a new start.—Mins M. L on rod.—Miss Minnie Sheff-er has
tip by a diopl*q (f fire works and' a 'grand given —]�Tr, Ed
been spending the Paatl' two weeks With
on c r ganiz*-ng local assol. Ltions. fo�. 61 aid in the inj ured. —The band and eafoftl�, company St. Paul's church, of this village,
maintoriance of. th( NaLional'VAo'lloopital bonfirai The HImonfitration was a goo Cash and Mr. A, T. Carrie spent the past ward Peart, who has been in A-lanitobo, for d Mrs. Babcock - at-
e patriot- frie a in Seaforth.— ber I'!
d of volunteers left here on- Tuiad�y, afternoon week with relatives round Hamburg,—Mr. the past year, is home visiting his parents,
(at or nd displaye I to a n. J
for conjiumptivem, !,n' Alus4oka, reached our i 013c 11 -,nicety th for the annual camp at Londo �t is said NNT, D, Bright is now the champion fisher rivdd in Hensall last welt and they are now 1A11 A loyalty ( f the people of 8eaforA and intends returning othe West this fall,
town ou Wodneaddy' mor'niug.: Ile' hopes I the Clinton company c comfortably settled in tbi dwelliaL F formerly
t n or onsisted of,A first and man, He was out on Wednesday, and
I ins Reite
and yiewity. A though it has sinice been
our wople Will' be ad: to 'take hold of second 000k'and nine officerw brought home wRh him the finest catch of —Rev. W. J. Doherty, of St. Paul's church, occupied by Mr. J. W .
prov,in-that the demonstration was was recently ordained to priest's orders by
Lhisy'oo(l work. ' 51�011rlltji will be made to little Young is visiting friends in Ayr,t'-Rev. A, fly%e�j I
A, trut, we have 6vor seen, which w has been gres;t rejoicing in '-our village this
have it hna�r fulurn, and prem.tture, titich ianifestationa will eerve to L. Rua8ell left on Tuesday morr� rig As at Once Bishop Baldwin. In this, as in, former ex.
'SOMERVILLE elit; the envy and admiration of the locol fra- week over the good wAk news ianl1bo ew
9 it is hoped -the organization ofa local asso. imph Lit the love f couriLry and a spirit of tend. conference at London.—Nellt Sund aminations, the reverend entlemau was
,rue )aLdotiam r ore fi,mly in the hearts of my ternituon account of no Official ann:ounee- trsnceof the Briilshairay, into Pretoria.
ciation -will n.-tiult. 'Jibe Nluskloka will be choir 8unday in thet unusually successful, taking 95) per on
Oapital Mothpdist urreiider of, the divialt course. Hill many friends here ment vitz been made of the r. V -
it,15 n in operation for twoi years pulit, vening Pe laliysong ser, , a it - y the y)uug and W 11 MAO them better and church, In the a ri services arranged for
Ite set-ond aifrival report is bofore'us, and -. ij given air. Mr, W. arepleased to hear of his brillant course,
Thomas church, on Sunday evening
certainly very ano-oura ink'an stand wish him abundant success in the min- It matters not bow 6110 A bome yo.bave,
more manly citiz.-na of the Oreat Empire, vice will be by the'k go -bo
P .9 satiafactory, A. Kerr, of McKillop, hag panne his, final. were postponed until next Sunday. An there
CIALS Duriog the one year 99 pat ientq I - - istr . Mr. A. Bishop, ex -M, P. P., was in it may well fell proud of its interior ftings
were treat- RAI) ND FA'%k1j John -examination before. the Ool 6 oof)?hy y
81014M] is now no doubt of the occupation of the town 'if they've been boufgl�t from The X - MkiFAU1 ell,
ad, atid of theric '0 received the village this week, renewing acquaint.
I �reat bo'nefit, AVafli ce. of ltjxb r)ro, h a j uet received wairio and Surgeons, of Ontario,
H, P- ROON by �ord Roberts, a special service of thanks'
their vrmcral hoalth being roatorc,l to them, from Lillooct, liritish Qolurnbia, announal-ok of INeter, hag passed his interniodiate ex. ance, an I his many friends were pleased to CO.Oexforth. A selections from theiribs-i-
Ful giving will be held on Sunday ovening.—A
'Lace Curtains slid all
and 1)eing enabled to reaurrio ther uoual the d aiab of his i on Th mas, ay '23rq -hmination, andMr. A. Murdock,';' n party, under theLLaUepioea meet him —Meahro, G, Doichert, F. G, ')eta,
u p on iDf Bruce of the Bontbron, Alonzo Ortwein, and J. a
work with a projipfm for yearo tio iomn of as th, r4ult of fal acci, ant. On h f Art i;raerfes would make ally
John�had previ. field, his primary.—The Stratfqld Beacon Women a Auxilldry of 8t. Thomas' church,' e f C pre y
141- Oak fcr for $2,75. a tolerably healithfliul life. Of hose seventy ous djay,' Middleton. left thin ritati Dmelik omfortable.,
f�e nd 1�i"1,1,,ro her gone makes tl�e following reference. to a former Mond on On i PlaO look bi tt
ahi was held on y evening, n the lawn Tuesday morning, an in-imbers of and at the name time be iexpennivei
Ni'ver Islatatil,'-riy l6ah fl,,. so Were believed �to le thor. out oh a Ing x di,ion,:� and 'were --rid.; eaforthlite - J W. Elder, f this of Mr. E. A Fox." The evening was some
the Exeter compan of volunWers I
f,'6 far in.tho history of the ifig h�tn in the van,,, Ion he Met with city, ban been appointed 'inspector of ex- what chilly for a full enjoyment of ice
oughly-,eured. �o attend" furnishings isa specialty with tbein. 1695-1
hi� y
the a6cid nL-W rem! �lw d in big deiii th. port cattle to the United States. This Is a camp at London, —The telephone ser
Muakokp6 HoHA4al the poor peQpie have vice be- I PRrjvi.Nu,. —Mr. Robet Armstrong, who
been entirely sbutut from it,. on account of Wb6n a 0 rom the town, nd �governrnent. appointment, but carries no ere b lb d ite that drawkaek, all pres tween Honsall, and Zurich is uovv estab- a few years ago won the gold medal awarded
U, a ent ��enu a' m"opat enjoyable efening. The
sting ditch, covered salary with it. Mr. Elder is the on] li-shed and will prove quite a convenienoe.— by the Agricultural and Arts AsBoeiatfo Of
Ikitter at 1-1. the necessary -�reekly Aarge* 'of $6,0o or �while er ��siug an�irirf y bano was,in attendance, and, as they- &I, Mr. G. MoRwen was in Goderich this Ontario, for the best ordered fardi in the
FLuil spoon -i' -'silver $7 00, - To protide'a remedy tar
I[W sad with a lew polps, i� hdrse's- foot went veterinary surgeon in Stratford who is per.
wajt do, delighted all who heard them,
Gal! in nil inffpe�. ili!r atock. Tatiotia, Sani. thro I i to gain it lf�ot- mitted to charge fees for oiaminipg export i I i g township of Hullett, is this summer further
stat of things Is. what the _N I gh, hrid t w a unable week:—Mr, Gildeis, of Godericb, i's via _t
tarium Association has now resolve ma3 was h ve upon, ing, nd the youri t rown �for- cattle,"—Mr. W, W. McGregor; formerly his daughter, Mrs, Joseph, ffllio.—Re impoving the ap earance of his place by
THE OPTICAN and,the conclusion atrived alb is to erect ward with his f 11 melght, striking Ithe of Liotowel, has been engaged as head sales. TnOROUGHBRED CATTLE S. Henderson, and Mr. William Moir will levelling mud seeling down the fence site
and equip a houpital especially for the poor. ground with his f o ead, His brother went man in the. Estate Johnson Brothors' hard. following is a, list of the thoroughbred Dur- attend the general as4embly of the Preby- and roadside along the town
A LY AND JE*ELLER �Already the site h"; been secured, Uie plan to his assistance,b it found him unconscious, ware otore.—Mrs, D, Sproat, of �Belgrave, ham cattle recently purchased by Mr. James terian church to be held at Halifax, opening farmer he is deserving of credit for wark of
prepared, agid the money, is in hand for it. and toiug.unable rev vd him, sent to the was in town thin week visiting ber sister, Cowan, of Seaforth, and the namos
of the- on Monday, June 11thi—Mr. Robert Me- this kind, and it would be- well: if many
The problom thou looms lap -m -how al out its 1 town for mediew! aid. The unfortunate Mrs. James Lowrie.—Mr. George Ander- parties from whom they were purchased : Laren�s fine new bank barn was raised last others' could be stimulated to emulate so
SEAFORTH. continued maintenance T The scili, tion df youn man was thi a taken to a neighbor's son, one of the pioneer settlers of Stanley, Robert Charters, Tuokeramith, cow and' week without an accident. It presents i� good an exarnple�
hn I