HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-06-08, Page 41-1 0"m -V Nip! V EXPOSITOR JUNE 8'igoo URON .......... NEW ADVE RTISE EditorW Notes and iComments. threes 11thim Rb hard I -labor, without thi Gilesonkins will offlotifie in the Methodist 4isftea over Sanday at' Mr. George We - .0 0-daLyt Ia the absenee of the In Allison is visiting at Mr. option a fine, for the second breach. Thi churc 'next 8 The British Columbia Provincial eleotiont gff The figur6 betw6en thp p4rontheils, )r wholes r manufacturors'will not bi pastor'. —An eleo"krlc� lig t has lint Is, Tarn' THINGS'a e BOOLIWINC.4 been placed, James HI berry.—Ur. and Mrs. one, denotes the ?age of the paper on whibb the take' lace on the 9bh of June. There are materi y am as they aresprotooted by by the trustees, on the, ulpit of the Motho. M. H. Hillo b -and family, of Winaham, I p dvettleamatwil be found. about one hundred - pandidatem in the' field the Do inion h ws of trade and commorsoo dist church, for -the benoft of the psiatot, — visited at Mr R. N. Duff's the beginning of well x0own-R. Moran 'I bubso r " thi it Province Is concerned they :The 0?aernamoi have dmpleted their part -the week.—h r. John Diment, junior, is rew S 0oulation v- S. VAlt1Q_Gr0JLg MiloiiAld...'I of -which duly thipt-eighb can be elected. will no derive one -cent of revenue, except of tb�0 work on tha, $riok blookf and the d o r confined to bad. -Smith Oros, -6 bi -0 bt oring slow 0 and is still AT THE raw pry Goods Premier Martin in utting up a w gey; from li it ill e re tribe'red that he fell from his n or allo ad to drug stores. Under bricklayers will comin'6400 in a few days. — iro Millinery-MoKinnon & Oo.--4 He has a oand Wte every constAtue the act, the' 11 a a' prohibited from making A few of our citizens wore in Wingham on barn three w ou rolon-Went, 11tiron Farmer's Inititute-li roe w ks ago and severely injured Mullett & Summer Speclails and his supporteriJorm a solid '41in na; Wilton—$ sales of. any Ln in the. Province ex9ept in Wednesday, attondf oourt.—The direote his thigh.—A the communion service in the' while his opponepts are divided info half a % the instance at& ad, but will #till have the orm- of the Aorlcultur,Z Soofetiy are having Wool -W, Pick4d-8 Presbyterian hurch, last Sabbath, five now dozen difforent1iotions. Hurisks Medicine Compan- power to Imsort or to anufatiture for the their grounds scraped A�d levelled down for mbers war added to the church roll. ustlo Balsom- : Daly -8 OXCellen trade utol a the Pet vinoo. They will, the coming season, which, after being com- An preparato sermon was Hairo".115 a stor th to however, be prohibited from giving free pletedt-wfll booneof th y at has jamb come me r The -Corner St a best ag&ufturat preached the prov� rot P. Brino-6 ions Frilay morning. by - Ind e rTwia hand, -says the' Glob Kruger sent a, dounty.—Minis S%dIe Rev. Mr. Mal 3olm, of Teoow&Nr. .0 lot i1d) 11a drinks )r dispersing liqi or b .(,he bottle or grounds in Huron Barbed Wira -Raid& Wiloon-8 Mali over to England some time &gOL to find fl-Nilk to their f I n'd Anot or feature of Emigh, of Goderlob, wai visiting friends in lard wore and Wire VoneluK-Johnton B b L CON Irl wouted-Dr, Atkinvon-8 the soi � wil that a) man can import town thin week, —Miso Edith Lowe loft this t It W& W001—p)—woIllon Mllll�-8 it the man's arrival -in Brighbv -way foe his ow privat( use. s still tabllmhmen6,­�-Misiv Tu4g and M s -4 out if there were obill any.Ten left inthat -liquor I y the bl ttle, flas c, cask or any other week for L � nctOn, to enter a dress ak X11jg.AirA- PAN 9xcur@lon-[3)-8 -country, and o fte r. WITH THE BLU 1; A MI:- NoTFs.-Whilo little Willie Heideman, vii E FRON lie ActlouNale.-Mrs. Oakes And F. Marehall-6 ion; he sent 4 telegram to Kruger,." on th 0 of ma y that tl iey would be able to Stevens, of Clinwat WOO visitin friends in child of six ydars, non of..8d. Heideman, DissoluVon of Parintrahip-Gadko & Leino-1 ho 0, T. it giaursions-W. ftnerville-8 sands of men _hefe'" 110 then paid visit in was,?laying too near a horse belonging to br elot their itily st at from Toronto town on Sun#y. st Mil. or W. oil h Willls& Son -6 here, I ut: even this connotation is a sairrial kicked him on the lef b i Two SpecIA14 to London, and from there wired, side lions bere," The next to4n Wait Birming. denied" hem. a he wor Ing out*of- this law of bin face and forehead, inflicting a Sodom 1, of will be with ve ,rest inter -cat by very painful but not serious wound, &I- We. are placit2g on our ables -some sPecials for holi ham. Froni-Phere. he wired, "Hundred NOTEs.-The late raivis have 'improved thousands.." Xexb he went to Staffordshire the Poo le of 0 Is and 0 OrTovinces of the though the accident might have been a fated, id and a the crops in thiaueighb6rhoott wonderfully- one. -The ..,horse wai grazing on the street week.- ay aw the men coming up from bho, mines -Mr. A. Hooper hap placed a new fence in in fro at of Mr. Neil's house, and his little In tinges. So he telegraphed For God's 4 front of him rooldence, which makes a marked Id so hat! hold Of A To,ontq cc rreepondon the halter rein. aske-otop the war. They are brfnginF them t says - Colo.. six -year -o a he appearance Of big finO The little ebap also received a kick on the Improvement � In t A lot of beautiful &'k Waists, as `-d @zes 8th 1900 up from If— here, eight at a, time.' el Denison, in' writing from Great Britain, f Sorte si SKAFORTH, FRIDAY, June arm.--Miss'Pergueon, our to h r, rode to thigh which will cause him to walk lame for The election in North Renfrew, to fill the a short time. No matter how docile horses genera, -Mr. 8. 8tan. may be, they should not be allowed where 'ext erns, y tt our choice for to &'friend In anada, states th&6* lio. cep. her school on her new'wh;?tfoer the first and The War.' tainly will not be the I of the time on Tuogd morning. aosixoy in the Legislature,' cauxod by the v not may 'that he lake? eiis the League on Sunday little children are in the habit of playi 404diou forces, Ire do or,, will itair ng. a'yr CoLfto "it take place �harj beem invited. to takb such a position, evening next. -Abe, Dearing, jf,; finds It Mrs. Fowell and daughter, of Woodstock, The reports of the recapitulation ol PCs- death of Mr. Andreiv White, wi JL The L berals ba-�e selected 0ough x1most as. much is intimated in the ride- ount oft increasing business,' have rented the rectory and moved therein vaa essary, on ace toria, the Capital, of the Trann-a Five pieces Gre, n, spe 5 'er y" f la6t on -.J--L'fne 20. cial t p- re son w a to place the second wagon on his milk route. on Monday. -Miss Andrews, of Clinton,, week Mr. John W-f'MLunro -as their candid4te. proved to be a little previous, b t the letter. 'The hi h he,givon for not oonsidei Ing Th"reamery that has Abe. for a drawer, visited at the home of A A. Rome, during ood news has now boon sent -out froi a the The ConaervApives have not yet,named their ou h's'ponition in that he has can not fail to have large quantities of mik, thp past week. -The Exeter volunte mosed be limi of age. a Which a Canadian er de- A lot of Muslins mnts liar 0 e, War Office -at -Loadonp thn bl�e I ritish candidate. Me White the deceased -mem. s re oldier'l can be a commondlog officer of a ta6hment of the 33Lrd battalion lefb for 9 occupy the city, General- Robe rt i has her, was 'a supporter of c Mr. Whitney, Pre- r bruoefleld. g1meiit.11 The valiant Oldhel "ad not camp at London on Tuesda. -Principal eIce of the surrea or 0 viouoly to bin olecti-oh'the riding. had been 'concern hi feel eop -12-le. and 15 r choice 5C per oniblod the lVar Ofh in lel as moo _,Ia will have a Boyd, of. our pub hits been ap. 2 represented by -a 'Liberal. There is good better c pin on (A'ATUBRINGS.-7-Quite 4 number from here the city, and the British tr form- 6 the f the pow. pointed associate examiner of the odu- goc sause 0 attended the funeral of the late M Oolia fighting'gr6unds, therefore, and if the Libor-' ors -tha, be, b an to believe for a moment r."Sam- cational department at Toroutoi His dutien at entered the city, on Tuosday.1 The 31 Broadfoob Pilo: su000ed in red6eming the ConfiLtitUonoy it that tl �y w uld serf usly consider aD. u( which took place. on Wed. will'oommence In July. -Miss Bunwell and 100 Boys' W a-shable Linen u" Doers mado it fit(iind in' strongly 0 iahea. will give the Bonn Goverarricift it good boo5b; pointinj him to shy 0 go nestfity from his late- residence in Tucker. sister, Lela, of LOdent were the auests of S ptrel n ch position. T ts, y ur positions near the city, bub wore" if.they fall, the Government will no6lbe any uolonel has m ny good �points, but he ha;s omith.-Rev. E. H., 9P%yers 'prosiohed in their cousin, Milo Fisher, during the past worse off, than ow. . There will be,6, flerco entirely too m ch wind and likowtoo well to Kippen om Mon choice for $1,00, day lant,"Tho Sacrament of driven out,. and finding resistance ull6lonst no m wook. -Application by the defendant for a -fight, and the. result will be awaited -with b a- the Lord's 8 or will! be dispensed 6ir hiniself t in the a , for a porson who knows upp now triM in the ease of Grieve vs. Folland, at Bothit attompted to in cagor Interest by-bobli -even r a a out Commanda ake hat he Priiabyteiian church herb on Sabbatili.-Mr. aor has b mg to think t r: was refused y Judge Doyle, Mi Goderich n of travelle than teaorail Roberts, but ncthing ared for any such Position. �ery we cleaned up a 10 A samples overtures to G 10$8 would be 00"Mil Arthur Ketoliou, who has been travelling last week. J. G. Stanbury for plaintif in 'Milli -at niuch ai Icept. Dr. Edwfu.H, Horsey, on -Wednesday af. In.short, he -is oo much Of the 8am H em short of a complete surrender was 0gh for some time, returned home this week. T, H. Dickson, for deforidarit,-S. Huston half -price. You. got the benefit, bu don't wait too 'llong- Ifistory, tornoon Of 11tatwook, wall 6 aable, which was finally granted, One of h6een. by the un. order. and on, of Varna, were guests of S. J. o last eok,�Rov, Messrs. Millyard our own experience, teaches us this f act—that individuals, as well a ti� aninf6us veto of thii North Orey Liberal An. K1pV firit scts was the roloano of the Bi �1 seem to rise ltd an altiade of and prestige tfiat mad thel;1I t e Pre. flociation, inj onvention asivem4led, to u in ovening,­�Our local M;thod:ist pastors are 01 konors wh;�ch have been Our 6yern rGencral Lord Minto, and an Brow,� exchanged pulpits last Sunday h Of pr be the Utess: of Minto%� paid v. visit BI der,twine now in �took, several well others, Then success and prestige d cayed, oly to give Place: J0 to h-nown bralids, close -prioes: Jamoo CanniV9, KIP- -hem Of them� the Libor�l,fi bearer at the next gon. ria since early in the war. Most. in attendance ab the Methodist -conference Apply the above to this store.' We IL-avo been telling to lie", t. a short t me ago,, and spent ug the were left ia the city and are in ' od ho4th. cr4l cleotion, -Dr. Hftay Is a oon.in'-law of being hold at St. Marys. prdss,and otherwise, that -wide-awake hoppDrs—people who are -The momb 90 several ay t are, NOTHS, on of the Gauld M is. o.111par The madi) their home -10 111rogidont X.ru-gor had loft the city, but h is Dr. McDonald, M. P., forRast Huron. I sion Band, of St. Andrew'ii, church, propose inifat do. their shopping here if they q,ard th-eir owil Is departrr, in in the peake onto of: tbe Legi he most popular men in lative I uIldin o, and they were. so much in sad to be one df G h oldf ng a itrawberry foh,�ival on the evening Bayfleld. k wife and Mrs. Botha remained behind, the oQuiaty, and 6ne 'of the most brillia of Friday, the o2ad Of �unei' Fuller parti. F, Ai F dwards has an wi oellent lot of One unfortunate occurrence, during the nt please d with their stay in Toronto that platform speakers in the Province, -):his oulars will be given latee on, -Miss Smith, j3hirtwalgts, IlAvoyoukloonthol they-,' b ve Prossod tioir into ti n week has marred, Udo of viotory, A a of 1? t oonstibuency is now represented by Hon. 0 of Forest, who has been -spending a visit COME WITH 1HE.CROWDST0 I rotiurnirg ij�n So ptombe and op� John Fraser, notary public and convoy. ndIn 61 with hQr sister, Al ro, Sutherland, of �Lindloy, in the Orange River 0olony, a oo"m-. William Patterson, Mfuister of 9 Toron- Customs, WITO WaL, mouth 13 th 1 The Govcrno�, it seems, to, ancer. Willo, dood and inorig as drAwn on -short _If, visiting with her 16'ster, Mrs. R. Mel- notice. Money loaned on good Trio seourity, pa WIL ny of the Imperial Yeomndry 9 largely 6 elected there after bin defeat in his in very on oiaqbio horp.oman, and hereto. 1191 of Ihe villdgo.-Mr' W. J. MoLpati, on sild constituency in South Brant, It in un. fore his visit" AV4 always happened ddring tiakimborod by the Boor d taken pris ou an 'to Goderieh, via. D . Agnew deretood bhat, Mr. Patterson aturda last, wheeled, ill reprosent rao y Oestvat, will visit BayfioLld, k r hor,!0 how O!we(, a molto n'd little hits Clinton, and took -in the *ights of the oQunty a 0 River Jlo�ol ior WodneedAy Moro,' Oranoral. M'etfill(In wits immediately. North Bra,*, a -Liberal hive aftornoo n B Big U N SEIFO in thd next been' doi a ital t, of reeciviag until this town, also the big circus' returning home by u )ng the NuIllinar aln Parliament* X James -80mmerville, who I)e in g Wednesday, Alay 16 routed the OUOM,"y an A ! son� in pursuit and r.. Py mesna�o loft t t 0 that the priaoL year. he of sch eivilnont' River Hotel itrill receive h" represented the constituency for twenty vifl, Bayfield, the same g. -R �S. Ache. t 'y i in expectod nors will 87hDr I itors wi I be groap tiventi for pf L om t i evenin ev, p attention, years, retiring to make WayLfor him* ronto no. son and Mr, R Boil leave here on Monday lie roloased, oiety ut if th Govor or Is any. tJoiriTiso.s.-Last week, when nown of the T ,Dry Goods, ladies'- gooCISL 0' JY4 e pr000n next for Halifax, where the 0 as delegates fall of Pretoria arrived the reeve at once HREI E hing li P While at Pretoria., Gonoral'Robe'rts will A eignifloant warning to the buslubso his re ocesuor, Lord Aberdoen, t -O the Gonoral Assembly. Yl#e wish them v extolu ad oibin Ontario's C:Pital pro(laimedo, holidayin order to celebrate No. 2 Clothing, �nenl 0-13 only. No. 0_ Will a and profitab] s go make his headquarters in Keuger!s community, which it would be Well to heed, pleasant 16 trip. -Mrs, (Uev,) I - 3, Gr P : L : , I the event, School wan dismissed and a gen. be of g; eater oervice in olibor. anc more im- 10 k once. Barnby and children, of Bridgen, are visit- oral r pecialtie$- canned -goods, butt was givgn ii f6w days ago by lion, George ?ortant direotlons, - cing took place. -1$team whistles cenes—s e)! and Ing hor parento, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Ivison, ting of The Canadian Mouned Infantry ink outh Were eftoiwn and fire arms dbacharged, and X- Drummbnd,ab the annual'mee the of the village. -Mr, and Mrs. Upshall Qf the every one did their best to a ow their tie - 41 the unqoi the p ovisious of oxiouo in. sod at1he resent session of weeks' visit among frionds at Port Rlgln,- a ter -light procea- ell, and if the ratepayers would do their roll for the ye 1900. After the close of' argoonof ar Canadian L r generally satisfatitory condition of tr do sion was f 7med ancT parade the streets, duty,and complain to the council when the court the cou Africa will hereafter be known as &he Royal Bank of Mwitreal. Haviag.alluddd. i10 the hoot, In the evening village, returned home Monday from a two light. 8 Rap, P06 ot thp.Ontarlo Lf gislatd nicipality The'new buggy to or seems to be on in good noil eat for -general buid. iroo 0 cry m a v during the past. �ear, So and at -midnight a royal salute was fired tbe1`E_,-zqJgbbors violate the laws this season, judqWg by-1he . flne dis, aa0pto 11,01 the a A 10 -law nator Dru'n4mond. in' - ., the couxi- ness. Tbirty-foULr jobs of gravelling war shall bape from the big Rupsian canupg on the lake 'Oil would at once take steps to have such let by teaderin various P Wn bank. - Thin week, on the nelwa being coa- obstructiona removed. An to other eoune0a ship, at ratbe in. uch In advance of ig saoming year notice Mr. JanieN arf a of the o The Doixanion Parliament there are Pep tiors to insp )lay in our vicinity. some indicationa of ovor-productio'n, Stocks aPpoint one or more ins! oot, all MoMurchie, among.the latest, sporting a rmer- The political warriors are still sweltering large, and orDhardi and enforce the r gulations 13Y an flne vehiclo.-Tito offluers of the South firmod, the village was again - shaken by ii, giving such liberties we ara. not responsible years. A communie tj $all in the- morchants" bands aro too a mtb ordor-i ed salute from the big n couna 1, iosu ot may aL a gun.-�evejral of the for their actions, but no cou il can luwf in tile trenches on the I'arliatrfentary 1,.opjc in some diatricts oollootiols are divappoint. f ot Huron Farmers' Ins ti tu, rpose holding, in no u council re the purchase Of road m o rogul tions- has boon of our town have'�gone to Loo. give such liberty. Mr. Swa wescribed for the young men n has, as -i Ing.- n fact,, at the m this �Ieinity, during month, a grand sid erad, t ObLamfli. There was no serious an 4h Pau he chiney by county council was 00 Pagaing a oment there is some- deaGruotlon of [,he codling moth,'one of the f don to attend the a drill. -Mr. asserts, been a resident and taxpayer of this but no action taken. After M. th nnual ea, armers, P'Onio, This shouldnioet with the ment during the past week, only. a serl(3 a of iing of 4 1, check, which, - bowever, may most in urioup inueot TfioZn Liddy h b 1, but is no townibfp for 62 years, and, so -far &a PC a to, wh eon v w I ber of accounts prove highlk 'spiutary if the commercial oval of all. -Our grain market is now the council ailiourrie to onirriUnit­ y cus damage io the a pie, crop, -M r. 0. Dona Eon and wif know has been a good, law-abiding citizen, meet again an June 30tb, 0,;t 10 0, miahes, in which tho citatialtios were n 0 1 ski ot car do� s scri recovering. y *ill only - proceed with caution -Under tio8o rules every 0 0 rL ving a good share - of grain Farmers, took kip to Lucknow last Saturday. Mr. but his long residence will not give him the PRoi,-%un.4z ArDj- -In respLenHo numerous. The' r-nutiny in thLQ Coneerva� till the new crop -is assured and upior f a lobia who are pretty woll loaded u with old at -matters Donaldson returned he rt of the Queen�s PC I a municipality wheroi til oeo ru so artA me' Tuesday. Mrs. right to fence in any pa tivo ranks has, pparently, booJ subd uo d, have adjusted themoolefs on a more satio. grain, have got to make �room for the 13'w' Donaldson goe on a v tition signed by G. V. McKay ando�bero, force wi I be obliged 66 -placet'ban( 0 upon all crop, 'friends in, Mus and theirank and filo are, to outlide-appear- factory basis, fait highway. I think it but right that! the Mr. J. B. Laing, provincial bearing ppld i nd poar tees ,an � upon all koks.-Mrs. William Rathwe.1, sr., of the council should be exonerated from an7 litor hold a proliminary examinatitin of, au( ances at any rate, working i-;armou1i6uaIY - ThS Globe'says oro -hard reeo cf hearing ago witl in 40 feeD Goohen line, is visiting Mrs, John Rathwoll, fault in tliis matter, and - that the public the boohe of the' The Mail all'yo that it Tuckersmith treasurei on of thern, The bands shall!! be ma� e of bur- Bluevalei of Blay,field.-wThe rain, which' loll last week, should know thab under no pretext what- Tuesday. last, itt Hensall, and After under the goneralship of, Sir Charles TuP- is absurd to accu8e Sir. Charles T upper of lap or sitoking, or similiar suitiabl material, NOTNS,-Reverontly and fervently we can id a great deal of good, and prospects ever has any person 9, right to fdnee "in any ful examination, expressed himself as 1weit rl d for per. A9; Drum Maor Birmingham ha not disloyalty because he o Posen. impirial fed. not less than four Inobee wi-de say, 11 For benefi to bestowed, God bleas yo an abundant harven, are good madehis threatened revelatiOnsi the a' p ind three u --LMr,'James part of a road allowance. In future I trust Ploased with their appearance and the UP- ortation, It �hon goes 6 inghes tb iek, to be securely fastew d- betweep Bobo 1�'-The cheese fa�tory is now well McGee has been awarded the contract for ratepayers will make complaint direct to a to argue that the tom by which they had been kept, Heigaid, Position ia tha; he has beon� appease I in Lib the crot(h of the tree and the ground, he' 'started in the'sesoon?o Work, and the milk carrying the mail for the next four the council wheLD they ha've grievances and h that %e the petitioners required sit erala are years. owever, some way by Major General Tupper, id it disloyal because they do not occupant shall avothe b0nde removed and. wfigonB are once more .. attliq past with Jim is a genial fellbw and de. ervedly pop, the council can then take steps to immediate audit of the books ad take Sir Charles' view of ace unto preferenbial octed, -all larvae t6erein' le8tro ad' �heir daily burdens, Mr, Jamen BurgeaN in ular witti everybody, -Pionics are the order have the cause, of such grievance removed. is n tin y F- forthepsotten ysirs, and specially: the ob likely the pqbIlo will hear' from hi trade, Prom which it would appear that anlithe bands -oplaced a intervals of I -e �the efficient choose- His assistants of the day. Eve 'body and �io wife and Thanking you for so mu�h sp school fund ntfr he not mak r more thin two weeks hi brother, Walter, d Fraser Little 3hildron eon to IV your and drainaigo ULCCOU r ng in ti-aleas his salarylahould once more fall our loyalty In, duogtd Sir Charles, or,that me Layfleld to 3 -rive a good valuable paper, I am yours tru ace in would7send on' expert audit Be, July Is or in a! few and Aug job. 0460 of n gloot I o comply of Orono. - Our cheese f ory is the means in arrears. bfr.Tu�ppofl jr.,has been coniums time. -Rev. E; A. Shaw and weeks who nothing in loyal or'dialoyal unless he says left Tues- would make a thorough x min - day, to attend Conference, &t St. Marys.- of p in onsiderable powder. ventilaiting. Yt kon so, 'It seems so 'inexpressibly billy or with the act, t ie iu6pooto� . sy order the� o� ciroulating 4 lar. q: o o Reove 9 t, . ation of the same and rt thereon amr. done, an( the cost.,el arly,' and its - 1"On ty is ia. ever&IL of ter d (in the col. Y our young men a e attending e remernbered th" this !ORO public men- and * ominent . public oA r stt hat the �epo affairs. It will b in r audit could �0� be Jo n would. be VO ng them Richard El- '�va,liantwitrrior lut o' Y_ hurling- these made by the expert in less urnafri to be conif ualf leotor's r3II agi inst the ow %er. It jr.est. Long in it -Not 0, little camp at London, amo I;* co IiOtt, Wm Charles Card Chiselhurst. than one m. - tb. hurled a yu oharges ot di ng every muniol pality would success of rn is due to Me Oamond, me 4, sloyalty at citch other. There of the -John nd that ib -might take him - three too kon, bomb into the avail- itso If of t, io provision6 o Cameron and Neil 'Cameron. -Mrs.' Robinson, who has an Ministerial ranks, wNio-h fe no party and no. individual that has a f this act. The William Messer' the talooman, whose good --On Sunday dam be. �vill 'receive eight -or ten direob..00sb'en�ailed wouT b!i more than business judgment dnab�es him to make evening next, Mr. Wm, Yeo, been -visiting her father, Mr. Win. Boa, and 'expenses, the Tuok*, was more -conspicuous for its immeno size Monopoly - 0� -loyalty, and'one party, both of Goderich per day and a, compensat nal� Yield in ast year a- pretty fair t people can easil B re oat the bill he than for the ifijur� which. it caused He collectively -and individually"is just. as ley ed I, ir in'the sq. it) good sales. L wit,h township, will preach in. the Methodis other relatives for the past monthi left her, y y ar, the other, and 'any fruit and in saving of valu�ble rees. regard to -price, and we ope for better this church, as Mr. Shaw is away at Conference, last Friday to join her husband in Dutut petitioners will sadle the townsbi4p with. man or any jour'n.al --bas adopted the sitme method of watfare who tries to mak& the public believe the -There will likely be some 8 orts here n Ids a position ion the railwa yeirAr. Our choose has a excellent repu where be he thispesoion, onl in contrary is a charlat' tioD in tbe.old country, market. Dealdrs July lat. Nothindefini We wish Mrs Robinson happiness and�prr iT y a somewhat modifled an 'anda humbug 'and Drysdale. to 11 -form. He has an evil worker, andshould be obigm TOM8. The fine shc bave often'said that 'if they could put t,�e cided on, hub must a done sooh. per Brusels. moved two resolutions on ati;�,ed Bity in her new home. Mrs. Ballan,t as Pweri wpich we had of russels is visiting her sister, Mrs. W, LoCALS.-Gorrie base ball team viii -ted such by. all who ove their country and de. Riftevals mark on their Acene they codid this subjeot, bli.e firob- on7'e was -so long that sire its unity and prosperity. last week have put a" gref a appearance on sell it at better prices, Davey, who has been ill for the at ga the crops and t, e farmers are busy getting An English gentle. t f Brussels and played si fri n ly me with Speaker Bain almost fainted before he got man told us that those. *be see it piled u LesdburV.. days. 'Little Lonisa Dav y, Who has be our boys on, Wednesday which resulted 'a p 1, their summer lowingdoi�,- r.,...J. Del. R ill wqi� the scarlet. fevere victory for-:Brusoels by a goo .34 at Liverpool think Bluev le is a large, im- WB ALr, HAvE TDRALS.-Your ideal of a is recov re of 20 to through reading it, ana Hon, James But her. The annual ineeting of the West Huron gaty ched very inter(sting- sermon to pree J. Peppor,"of Brussels, assiste land declared it so involveC that ino person, oftaut place. ow et -no etivious neith,- Ready -To -Wear uit ismost likely to be .41 the wAs held at Du, the young peop a on Sunday last, and was erin!. Reform Associati.9n gannon Mr. J. Wren is home from Hamilton on Friday, * There was listened to witi great Auterest.-Quibe a Eor, who has no good cheese factor in is found in Sbaforth, somewhere in the B. Me. the surnmer vaostion.-Uies Hanna Drover to detest the RiVersides, of TorontqI -in Seaforth, on Saturday. not even the writer of it, eoUrld underistand a large representa. town, insinu w Miss Berths Humeston, Mr. Georas Park large crowil ate that it as a luevale Faul Co's Clothing stock. Their cofkto, its real purport. He &Is( ap�ko voluminous- tion from every part of the r'iding.- 'large nut, iber ol our. young People attended hiah Je ime� carried from Liv. vests, and pan I from Brutsels attendd -A The old w row e K. Jere and others attended the circus intxeter, 0 the circuit at V Ing. the cirioudinGcderioli on S'Aturday last.- to possess that style and ly in: support of �oth reffoutions, but. t Otb� executiVe. was unanimously, cloe6d, and a Sh e Ph ping a the o erpool to Condon, to oblige a friend, the finish which careful and critical dreesers 4e- Friday list. -Mr. John Morrison is at pres ham on 'Wednesday. -Some person to* a rder A the day, Mr. trainsporvation of which b so amusingly de. e a fancy to-41ittle d Un­ my,are organization efficted, Addresses id fifty a mand. The Corbliany"Is co�tent proving og of Alex. Rose on -Aetachmente of the great ir evident. strong Mat -M )UNNO. ippe wito a at with Dr. Am , of Exeter m ecently. - We a leased ti; ce that it ly tired of this mode of warfare, and the en b sheep one day scribes in his Three Men in a 13oat.11 reasonable profit, so you know where to.� his holidays. We are much p Aay night,and tin were giv fgO has not come know be so successfully passed his exa back, an a search is being made for it,.- , Messrs. Holmes, of West r ant to know who can beat Cheese is a very old too miich confection, if that is for our ideal suit and not this. -Mi. 8..0 sve had a be pi"y 1695.1 ti6no, taking firrat' class 1onor% Hurot junior Tupper was not very well sapporl ad. Huron MeM ullon, of N � on. Fflday orth Wellington ; last oacki ig his arn, under wb the proper name to call ib.- When Jesse, of mohey for same. James Bur. osh hits the stone work of � his even by his own oalleagues,fin arms, while McClure, of 'Colchester, Nova S' ich he intends Bible history, sent the � young lad David Ji6iTiNas, -In giving a list Ol -the persons 'boys have distinguished themsel new barn n4rlY completed, It will done ootia, and toput a g H. Rau has veg at tbt -an his opponen which were�heartily re his 'Varsity, and if John is not one, h' provemen-t over ihe Hon. J. T-.--Garrow ' with provisions for his brothers in the army who furnished music at the late to m t n a cotnej Im -ta� dild little nore trhau vote stone wal comr lete and wil raise his barn a an I g old. one.-Ar�hie eived and loudly. aplauded. Resolutions 11 a fewk of the Israelites, among other things he at Bethel, we Inadvertently omitted th very near the dividing line. -On Thursday Scott, of Sarnik, wag vwltfog rclatives: in down his resolutions, so �hab his amili '_ ' a I ay. The framers are buby get. a On endorsing the Dominion and Lo bade him ",carry these ten cheeses to 'the names of Mr. and Mrs. W. last the ger, Death, entered the town this Willie of grim mossenj week,-Brusseln Is niaking Cal Governa ting the mate!ial ready. ­The fish gi PrIe- private ments were un -ani' sly passed, and We 19 captain of their thousand , who gave a number 10f' wa parations fo moul which eafs at thi point, drove a' In those- days home of Mr. James Connor, and bore a r a big day on the 022ud -uae beautif al of J shore near butter was churned in a ikin which contain. Aelections, to the delight of tfose precent, y bills have been isous8od and. passed, %nd proceedings were, closed. with che�rs for 'the a his, second eldest daughter, Jam Th have already,engaged, at a great oo By# o St. Jualopli, last - 8aturd owing to the �ie. Fo� re some e celebrated gh Dvention' heavy-fog.which was provai ng at the time. tree or post, while the dairy woman held which appears as W. Feal, but should be To air progress hits been made with the Queen, Lour"r and Ross, The 'oo' ed. the cream, one end being fastened to a There is also a mistake in one 6 � the names, 9 she has been a great on ere� 0 i lundoral ba 'of th was only*for re -organization and not Assistance w from rumatism, and although everything Toronto. he sports will b mates, but there a,6?a� yet no rigus as immediately sent and it'was _e the boat they in au tion being i -disease, The remains were laid to res� -here is no doubt taken from its perilous position with little forth until emed' oebmaster of t i to select a candidate. But t th.i4 other end and waved it steadily back and Neal, the young man possible was done, she finally succumbed tO have ever had, Don't forpt th da esation of hostilli6q, and no pers-on soem.3 to "on this score, The seleotion of a c"did the granules qa�thered ; but we" lie The new cement sidewalks have been start - ate damitgedene to her-keel,-J1r.'R. J. Drys- �on of Mr. Neal, the cote have any �dea of when the session will 'by either pirty do not know in what imi ive manner they Walton. -What with the We beautiful in MeTaggarVe cemetery, whither they were ed and an engineer is at work our for come will only be a maittler. of dale is at )resenp visitin- friend's aid rela. re t, form, When the election comes on the 11 two big sewer to go -down to -a close. r. cheese. r in an old aa 6ins, and this roe followed by- a large concourse of friends, a bives in Mich' - an, 9 made thei ilor's Id fl y June weatf er, and the ma ry 'the arena again, ag in, anied 6y his Bobs will bL if they aro. . -deecription of his first hie ole ride. You the dear o The family have the sympathy of the cqw�, and Queen treets. os o Younge 1 ar rof eser& H. Howard never heard it before, forwe got it as it was victpr,"nea rybo is haPF Y, t forth, will miss the belp fiom Fr'.& JO or at least Sir Wilfrid Lauier has not been long in both itlive goi i victory to and ale to kick at that bi rly eve muni y in their. bereavement. They allo Implementing his prom, ise to appoint a C)m_ oand iinsto jr., who h ve secured the diopped fresh fr have the c a om the old ealb's lips. In shoul be -Elder Tomlinson, of the L%tter on. olation of knowing that she who ban been one of their beat aick rite of bui doing he American rield. Peirce, was hold g meetings bore - her illness with Christian. fortitude is compeRed to retire from the - game On in, this -section,'Ieft for Hibbert aifew days The Canwdian Copper Qompany and other have been for the past r. comin' down the"ill like a, flyin' light when and has gone to that land the inhabit at 04 inflammation of the liver- We wision to investigate bbe alleged elecilion fei doys sit M his broad, deep voice he said : "I Day Saints, who has been irregularibieii. He anuou-11'ced in the7 Hot He, nickel companies. in the Sud accon bury disteiot Alex. ThP pson�,s, Blake, 1 utting up ant of this t, the have given the Ontari f -The old on Monday Ian Dundas and his sister, "�Mr, George, ap; oi a 0 Government, notice' ence. M . Thompson thin a highly o . it. sdomtbing stroock the -blamed hold thing �Sp,-Mr. George which cannot say I anisick. wish him a spaedy recovery. 0 bile ey . intend' to - contest the -We are lwayi glad to see 'any of f 0 amidships, an' she,stove' In 'or fo' caslet an' Miss Alice. have been on a pleasant. Visit to Connor, of Wi5odstock was home attendin� fence arund tbe park is being taken -away COMtaission, and laid on bile tabl&!bhe Order that t�l recent ui she laid me on ma bearne. Man I- was friends at Goderich, Port Albert 'and other thefuneralof his sist-e'r. -Miss J. Dryodalites retuin to Our— idet and this Vanhorn, and the post -holes filed up. This will be w xaCouncil which gives t e commisaitiners -mining Ia' which Was passed at the last foamin"! You'll never see me skipper o' oints to the went of h' es of of London, waa home for the 24th. an improvement, as it will make �the Week wb a -re-, pi meed to 6 ere. -The. hom ate that Miss in' fri tee again olomon Bell, Aaron Hully grounds larger. missioners %r Hothr MA Murray ha and J. F. thairi4tructiong, The dom e session of the Ontario Legiola�ure,.,in the one 'ol them blodm a a ain courts. circle. joined our Mrs. Charles Garnins analtalby spent last Hackwell have been gladdened by the sr - Sir John Boyd. and MrJ Jastide Fal n- -tb%t the Jaw �s evidently, rival of bhby boys. -There are many bright They say week at the residence of her father, Mr Tuckerenuth. bridge, of the Smperior Court, and Ja%ge -an d Plainly ubconatifultional and bhey base Wm. Isbister, reeve of Morris. -Mr, Georg young Misses I Zureh. a n McKillop. Now how would "Quarters" and "Dollars" can b e -saved Aitchoson is the oldest Imilk 'drawer that Me Favialh, County Court J uage, of ()tta, va. their contentions on te clauso in the act. of TA:�PVRY4,B. A., (IaIR wih Xv Blyth. it be il a number of them would go in pairs by, any man buying his clothing at the t Car Y, tb unkn ancer, Notaty. money to John, 01 minion GoVernment the otty well onto starving creatures of India. hey would d you by The E. MOF sui. The commissioners ae to' investigate y BreitTh North 'Am, erioa which teserves rinoon'thD body of an own -young man occupation pr slir Co.. Torun floas Bi,;nuj&D-D ON TRE TRAWC. 'Sunday.af- co-mest6thefActory. He'has followodthis and gather up some money f r the poor lit place. Have you -ever, -worn it i en tb 0 to to 0 alleged fraudulent control of �as a score of yearn. alterations defaci w ..foufid on the railw ril 180 ly isoull o., Seaforth ? cupled by Collins Stsiobury, o 4 olxttj ay lin i e rs ime with hie iead ompletely iever6d from his 6 t t ' -he has deserted Morri.-Oater To -Wear tam 1. er - Ontario Gioverfiment has -no -right. to" place and thi'people would lot in -markin iling, substitution or track near, here He has e in Turnberiq this season, the' accomplish a good work; for t luffering, 0 Exeter, ont, 9, opm trade and commerce. They say--that.the a rout They have exceptional] tting, Ready- M3 i ing-ia I respect.of body., His bea was f a -a trifle. suits for men, d can please BRiEF9.-Civic holiday will be held ion election baillots, or 'by' an export duty on* anything, ound about three- pillars ire thick on many trees and shrubs. What -do you say, girls ? you with natty clothes for yo r toys. ne 13th, -when all Atiainesi placem will be Tee u The Ontario �Iuarters ol. mile from the b(dy. - The party As soon as a plant or vegetable gets above of any fmkiduilent conduct i Government anticipated thin objec and is not known hbr , but is au'' n respeo of tion, have also a good place to buy you co Jars, ties closed. The public school pie-nic will be it was'the difficulty in get posed -to ground -there is some bug or worm waiting braces, socks, underwear, andete. 1695-1 the poll bjoks, baliot-boxes, or the lawful I h a iting around this fallen off ci ous train, which ' passed Stanle' held at Gand Bend on. -that Aay4 All point- which caused a' to gobble"it Jupi-Rev. -F.' J. Oaten, of AVEst E.,�i) NoTris. -Charle Criah left on should -go and have a good day'4 outi no long delay -in the through aturday night frorn God rich go-* lBelgra;ve,. was in the village on Friday last.- Yom can get the best varieti e contents, or what,should ba lawful conteu ts', fram ibg of the In ' e addition to - t,hb' Ing to Kin aardin . An inqu a, the best Tuesday' for -Nelson, British Dolumbia, Mr. N. 1). Buchanan h passed his rot esb was hold on' -Rev-. D. Rogers. reached in - Wingbam stock and best values in all clai sea of Dry where he will visit relatives. -Mr. Thomp. year a ot-boxes h th -by, way 6 opinions of- the Atto Of the ball w a .,.e f fr%( u- _rneyiGeneril, Messrs. the body. Evid hce was heard fro P an Jent altertion, additon, w xamination in modiine at Toronto in ithdrawal mem- Methodist church last Sabbath morning. Goods, Millinery, and n, the pasto� of Tuck S. H. RI ke, and 0. O� Robinson were con- bers of Lemen B others' ciroas -yj at the top in the first - or erarnith 3ircuit is Unilversit Rev. J,�IW. Goffin, formerly pastor of the Clothing at The E. McFaul: Co" i Store Sea- attending the Conference at St. M nor list. 1, e6n ate him Otherwise, t1uriug and ulat I the close of the sulted, and both fironouncect in fa of which e. aryal, this class ho vor of the ceased wae a eiknivasman. It appeara! that he -Congregational church, Wingham, took Mr. f ve that this staterne t is qrue by 'week. -Mr. Herbert Turner has returned �bis success. Mr. ohu 14' sler, Of the Goshen overn ment. riiul oleetion, and until the re ru to the Clerk of nervd6 disposition, ald ire- Rogers' work here.-Rev..D. Ropers is at. going to their store for any of y from the West, sifter- line, Stainley, has also passed his tecotid the Crown in Chancery." Hugh Jo ur summer a prope ting trip quently avvoke during the -n�ghb and went tending the annual White the - kt. hn t d nald, Manitoba's now- Conference at St. Marys, rants. They show many special through California,, British Colu bia and out of tie. leeper for a stroll ra� year ex Premier ha among this week. Mr. Rogers is�chairman of this sole, sihirt waists, white -wear, liosie'r,� the Northwest. We believe he inZendisset. akina a very creditable. stand.-Mirs. 0 t6utic'a Of the commissioners is especiall m Pt aminatiou at the same institution, t y en e his pledge to the the wagonh on the other cars. It is pre_ district. Messrs. Thom'as Jewitt and gloves. directed to a. period incli e. Prohibitionists,'and'as a o . brisequence there 1695-1 tling in British Coiumbia, and will return Jarvis, of Markbam, d 'M rs Foa an ter, of adiog' and aub3 surned that in this Way fe-stumbled in Robert L. Stewart are the lay delegates I TITAT FE-'q0E--MR- EDITOP.,—I notice in With hiiJamily at an earl date. --A nm.. Holmeaville, passed through h;� n Wd, i.q likely the dafkne!s an y quent to the 'goner&l elections of 18oc), they to be a lot.of- real -thirsty Manito. fellunder the wheels of from this circuit to the Conference. The your issue of May 18th a letter signed by ber of the far m''eri-here are busy improving nesday and renewed old acquaintncox.-I the traft). The case W44 adjourned until former represented the circuit at the last Mr, Andrew Swan, I are not linited to thitt ti+e, but may ex. biaina after the firt oi june, 19()1. In the the 15th in it. n which he makes as. their buildings. �Ve note the following. Mrs. Philip Hauch ba gone to Brussels to tond their investigations t4i an emrlier perlod Legialatuie, on Tues-4,ayt i ' districii meeting, held in ..Wingham. The sertions which are erroneous ard mislead. E. Walters is putting a stone stable under 7isil. ber brother. -Mr. John Delobert,:ant aet, Mr, Mac, LOCALS. -41r. W W. 8loan, who has finv6noial statement of the circuitwas pub. inginregardtoa fence which he -admits his barn E. Ball is busy re. shii: gling his has gone to New Hamburg and Berlin on a don. Md introduce if they deein it desirable. IThey are 0,1 d his Prohibitioid bill and been in the of Louisian,�for the past iobed in blay, $2215.25 wais raised for the encloses two feet of the' road allowa cc "house Ira' Jbhiis is 'also putting isit.-Rev, Theo Valentine held confir- ex- is '34.69 for the across the front of his farm, an([ which in *ion services this week. The bishop a the power (4 surnmoning witnesses and plained,its -provisliollff;' winter, ip el endin &few weeks with n stone v It is f said -to be a rela. wentieth century fund quiring them to give eviden drastic -anti as far re 'as tives in to re. James Sims 'left on miseionar� fund foundation' under his barn. -Ma ray & ma. 7ers of., Wednesday t -0 ce on oath a7ing -he �o superanuittion, $42; trus. in violation of both the township by-laws Crich are busy cutting wood for the farmers a ni nd a few w e amber of priests ere present to aasist, ks with her tee board, $171,98. May it continue to and the -statutes of the rovinc orally, in writ , id�' or (11t 801em� Olirmatkn' the Legishiture'lvill P irmit. The � act (toes parents ir, :"-�p ley toiwnship,��NlpaiyrLu, I - p He as. here, with'a circular saw. -Rev, George and Mrs. J�rown have been (11hey to iipp(jin 'lot come into 'Ciffe -until June lat, 19(jll David -Chan ')Lai grow as it has during the past year. -Mr. , sorts that the fence was built wit' the con. COUNCIL, -'The council met at Da Ya ball here visiting old friends., About 25 yeairs t t�vj) thus g,v, g iberle and James Da�is have A. NJ cE won has sold o gb t R uor gell6ri and liquor drinkers enlisted as volunt ors. and are now in pajnp t is to assist Lhem, and almo it regiotritr of t�lc I d Bird hie cles Pont of the Stanley council, a yeftr to prepare for y wh h is not on May 26tb, and Hat as a cour� of. revision ago Mr. Brown was statione(l. in this vicii[i e. It, pro. 7 at London. -_Rev, u,--Nlcs. R. G. Casemore and true, an no such question Was n the aesessment roll, The o y appeal on ity. Hepreached in the Bvangelical:ehur prceoedilkgti. It will th hibidH the af- all ke c' Wm, Penhall. and- hter, ev r put be. 10 Oh Uff be 80W, that th �y y our g are iads�a.ogf spirituous ttending t1io ai) daug Olive, attended the Jamieson-- fore the council, and as tho bou aries are the docket was from Mr. H nry Carter, last unday morning and his old frien.0 in hulk or by. the 'glasg,- w.ith& ferenoe in (ion -no tion with the in ay wed are given the Wide"t POssiblu 1�owvr.s, iw(l if oding, near Belmore, onVednes. in charge of the reeve, I c4n say that I was owner of the north half of lot 3 concession were plaa�ed to have the plea'sure of listen - Methodist d y,bf last *eek.- Mrs. C th -xception of drug sitores� which are per- church, whioh is asomore � is a, his. never 48ked for my consent. to at ch an ac. 3. L - pt, w a8sessed '12,2 to him again.-Yjr, H. Baucri of Heti any irregularitied, bVell J)"LuAbjed it in 11 unddr very fftri session ir St. 'M a ry s. t r of the groom. ho was 0, and in�- itted to s gebt regula. Mr. Herb Aabbury -Miss AnnaBell raser, tion. As far as other ratepayers being thought it too high. Hiw ap Sal ill. be the faulL of the P -of Thor I was sus- 1, hyient Sunday with bin parents bere,-4- overnme 411(1 for illuo,,s only. Ellavered Mr. Ed. Zellar has the t' at� (I tions, obiogy uuder orders of"'a 011, is spending o Turriberry, visited hi6 Irene McEwen giv ting fences ti� tained, and the assessment 7.0 a few Monti s of midsummor with his - 'Par, . a d Miss Mary King lost week. en the liberty of construe elephone office 'iaot of the commission or hysician, '100. 1 n�ng thp act will bejiubjoct, t t 8 working order. -Mr. S. Brown, of Crediton, Akiy person caught in. -Mrs, Will the road allowance, no such e iisent has A few changes were made in roll re- I' Qnts here, alter which he will accept a posi., Miner and Miss Dova Walker, of Toes. ever been given or in fact could l4wfully be -garding properties Which ba e een- here visiting hie brother-in-law# f ri fl not ffiore.than S1,0()0, under the is- me hr he was given to construct a fence on the road I. habde since being assesed, and a fe J. Precter.--Mr. and Mrs. W. J. gline will tell wh it in that is afraid. for the first offence, and iin'prisonment of Mr. �ohn Burgess' this week. -Mr. and lowance. That such things do xist I ad- were struck of. The roll as thus re *sod -Trumner, of the 14th concession, have been 8 if they Airtjuat brought to ligh L an(l expofie 1. not He th 4n $200. and o a fine -o tion as book-keeper in an qffica iti Toronto w4ter, visited at Mr.. John Gardiner's and w doga mploved with in. Thorold,-hlees s. John lVilfird V1 and Mrs. James Hinchloy and son, of Kinburn, ralt, bat not with the consent o the coun�­ was then adopted as the revised aeE essment east attend ing the weddlugof a relative - V 110 Frill