The Huron Expositor, 1900-06-01, Page 4�7­77­ 77 77W!717 A, a t W.. 4, 7 T-7777, 77, 77-j, IT UN Fill 19'" W -WE :1 hereo the moot of them: a -bum the wistest a may, ratump �aobchi We bayt ratifatbor-in- aw.—Ma. 0. F. Rawnworlip &EMENTS- of �bem. Whichever way it may bf It mg her anut, Mrs, C Ito is annual tea meeting hold in 4 NEW ADVOR7 loarooly ohurA service avoty second Sunday in a of Detro visiti A. dc esnot require the gift of proph"-y for 'any and: It, to "in rely possiblet, though, i o0umi 601 wm`aus THINGS re B001VcIN'Cx oo WThaftvt*b@tw#4A0o pW4Jh0d#,, or each - private-houss" pro4b�oqiant 01 five yearx I the cold -sh xwoy evening of denota ib* I ths h the 013 6 to f0r6t8I that R 'Party row. inch h to b i * 1phool, built this sum. the- Methodist 3buroh on Ti *a that probable, th to the $oo an Thursday t paw an whic we era 0-01 Avc Mf Charles -ks� will bej* work I The lead. Is I"b wooko was wall attended and a success in conservative 1641. -of oppooltion has worked a nt= MI.: S wo miles of uto a( W raging to the '2b - #to as" Party, ad thWhs now desires montly"taken up that in the homesteads, in a respe , To& was served from 6 to tablishmenU. We W otboauy�u4ft - defeat theJ of h oar�, a W)at cortain to secure this . # # # AT THE d its sottlors fore, coming in, not by car 8 a relftwo 4 credit upon -the 'ladies. ImuWita—s. W. ortwoln-5 �3fr. R. Young -to busy �pavb of an honest Politician, *Mir& noung-14we J00son Tim —5 a polka fsw� months,hcqco,. even' the an go Jews #Wtor, occupied the chair house. Ho alswo had a ps rty at th load# but by train loi a, There has 'be %d P Ou Ir A&VrtwMent—W. piehrd Q0.-5 wjj re their prospects for success vastly more But against this hopoq�wd are told on good, over oars -of settlers'; affect# unloadealn w U he mu foal eirt of the programme A. T-_ Cole, 7fn lin Auction 8416-31m J, Giriev" droughbred Yorkabire rd cannot ch &mods this spring ; Alameda is a live 0 $Pox ors th sodvy Wdtt 11. 0haw-5 favorable than they would otherwise out atithority, that ',-the loop. 5098� Al w d oi by t a choir. - Th k - I I - thl I& hi ki�", little town With 2 dry, goods tit Vf the 10'. fow the -,bard of �Xameai N um In t . I wArest grooprienj a aknoos shop, 3 IMNev sniii'll ; Rev, Mr. Brown, of Xxbt LOV. bum—The shower on nc We oba motwan-5 rn w of e visitor, mad Duthlies Tiarn D 870. -A —.8 ior000 3, a I are Riv. G. H. Lonj, of _p seed . Young far this unseemly 1, ' pas.- �j Ong the his sypti nc f t a 11 Rev 31"ous Wanted --J roue con$ratulatory telegrams reosivod term, a, large feed stabqe� which will hold I J. S. 0-andersols, of Honeallj- andlLv. S. The- - Co�rne St dome Ing Aotio0oti, 6f Kippen.—Mr. Alex. MoMor- Huron Notes. 04 few more like it. Every ror'sAle--J. D. WAlker+6 by Stir CharleiTupper on the occasion of the horxe#$ I boarding house, but no intoxio t allbwayp of Clinton bag liquorsivold, Seeding is,& thing of blis past rout an is r AUrN. James White, were I i the orops Uvb not.grov U, W.1. lil. 4 a wccl-��Ja& PASU10-4 oelebrationof the foifty-second annivemary �_-�obt. mot here S$r the Wheat JfUPW%VingW -now. Fail wbt-Ab -is ver, purghosedb adentalpraoticoof �Dr. ko'' ith the in St.! Joseph a a Tuesday. of his entering publio.-life, which 000urnd is IN the poorman's country. The Th* senta of swu4t t Mrs.M. bo##on---8 In Winglis' win Th a �eou� al ale—H h lohmond-6 were are out on Tuemq�y of last week, wax the ollowing 0 day as opurt, of revbl )n, Mr. Da of Winghai% has purchased weather -is beautiful, and the Bluevale. �WITH THE- FR N -ed Excursion ToNlAg Fa to -01-8 y-Wnoy Chinat etc. Young-�S from hl� Robert Birminghaml, the chief or. and taken 800044:0n, of a I ivory. business in in oloom.11 W, McKenzie Messer, olon The new ab _r1a '4-8 Walkerton, -A ease- 0 cousi4eirablo, interest haU are very bandy tq al Hau:-3urk the ntari D. 'It is oripp Of Mi. Wrn.'Memr, successfully passed the %nizer-6f the party In 0 G rdeft kaiiy—s 9 Messer, jf Blueyale, has tried at Clintono on Tuesday of last week, nt ext 6 College of - Watson.f.,56b, line, nt a. r. Win. race anied lfit$-Miss Ma-Itin-8 4 his final examinable, at the Toronto before Mayor Jackson. , About 50 residents mination at the vebuilt. oho, and reads as follows: up Girl Wauttd-Mm A.S. 8 a of Summerbill eep Nome t Phar Toronto, We heartily congrata- 41 arinsayt were in Attenda 0 in 0 Unless payment of cnt, 5ub- 9ohool of -P mroionscr. All examinations pertain - Help Foir-Tho Suffering -4 late 9 no'12th of July -Thos, Steven" mitted to you yesterday, an( the.teruis. of -Mr. J.1 H. : Cameron, of the Brussels sot as witnesses and others merely to bear We are placi�hg on our tables some specials, for ho lid build or A Ing to medicine are each year becoming ay 'Ina 1as been, building a future engagements, as hand id W Dr. Mon. public soho 1,1 haft beou'appointed a member the case, It appears Nelson Bingham had more 1diffioulb in Ontario. McKenzie is week. o taine last night, are accepted b'you I *hall oft of Provincial (Oxaminers. a-soreen &areas a part of � the crook running Utely. -M,r, XA' ) 7t at present enjoy ng a wal uti on fth line this am a. he Boar I I earned holiday at 1, 7 wire the Premier. to -night ;o extend- -The a tract. for laying granolithio his place to catch fish) and Henry his home here. -Mr. George McDonald' in - "rough d not think it was right, thus s vqatigations to iaclud� from 182 1890," to Mr. J. L. Glazier di walks -in B siols'lial been let A lot of beautiful Silk W affist d zes shutting eff thq run of the flab up.the creek. 11 eater of choose factories' for the. counties assorte Summer orton, at I cents a foot. Bru Grey, erth 4aon, barri bar, of Goderich, This :was the bame of tW To thie Sir Charles seat the following Lloyd, of lk 3 Huron Bru -nd B. 0 complaints be, f ambbon,commenoed 1 Dufferin, a 'IRSIDAY, ju 0 jut, 19()o reply, which is equaly orisp and spioey arts b Widdl sex and L and patterns, your cholce'for$2,95. nage at Bingh n h%o been ap ointed in& r for �Csnada of' Ing made again m by Glazier, one I I Your memi� the seasonlo w4 rk this week. This is his 6te.. to Seaforth on Tues ls age of May 22 reeelved' 'You the Etirope Exporters' and Inves rs' As- for assault and the otbe for obstruotin the co will never receive another dollar from.,any sooistior. I begoida's #0 ad.year a i inspector. . Mr. McDonald, secured a aituatlj=7 --cree e a removex to Toronto. som ord heari b The Wa. y;Matt, Who was bw rd was formerly t ii excellent cheasemaker of d -fund which I can control. !he me�nbefa o� Xirkton Sun A school the complainant sad do andaut. The cave Grey Cotton, speci Bluevale Cheese and Butte 0 the r ornpanyt to ti Geneml Roerts took possess1lon of �Tohaq- (Signed) C%LA Broinlee, h" mmoved P4Es Turrmt. recently propented-Mixe Annie Gi with a against Bingham for blocking the creek., and is well up in knowledge. pertaining to per LO meaburg on Wednead - and. 4 is expected 'These telegrams could n�t haye I been gold watob,'Jorior to bar 1; 0 ayp .#epar re in that was dismissed, but a fine of 81 and costs w. as h is -hat by to -day (Friday) he will reach Pre. was incurred for assault towards Mr.' cheeme.-Court of Revision and Turnberry -the b# pulpit -WAs S*P t published except at the initaboe of gir place.� Jay by Ituml Wau Hodg! council meetill were held In the village on A lot of Nuslinsi and Prints regul 00" party he --,-The oeft�t-sunual rheating of the Loyal Glozior. C. Lowery and -ab mtoria, His entry into Johannesburg was Charles Tupper. As leader th a Lodke of,the'distrieb of Blddulph -Through theInstrunientality of. Mr, Mond4y.-M ra. Wni, Messer, El. ar bough 1 Sunday School Convent- n, (,ran- no doubt knows his An business,- best, bob Otang ron, a now lfqtti lt. X. D and others 'attended the aflaoted without opposition, alt wilt be heldlat Con�ralia�,_ on June 14bh, at Holmeo, member for West u 1-2 and 15(,,! your choice 5e er Reform Conve tion in Brusnels,on.Wedues- Tluedaiy.-Ur. Undsay�s Ael oral Frouch, who wait opqrstin with a it does again appear to ah unsophisticated f 2 o lab ek.-Mrs, Wm. 'Sanderson, On, to e4nipletition. vad V-1, g 'the 1 - o'clock p., in. post office is to be established at Harriliton's an gies Jenn-1 a Diment, of Toronto, vill be a vp-r, imposing e 1i 00 Whil; Mr. S,'Oldley,'of Eieter, was go- Cornerso 9th concession of Satifield, ab the cavalry. brigade a little to the west of, OUtaider to be mighty bad tactics. to exp a are into hi's itore, on Tuesday -morning of house of Mr, W. P. Treleaved, � to ti o 4ifficulties 4 of the party In this w visaing their tomes here. -If rain in much TOM Was On hI6,9ffle1S1 TOU'A main army, had quite a severe ��Ougag;ment ay, arid wnshio last week, h' Otumbled and fell fracturing treasurer, who will also be post master, The MO, Boys' - Washable Linen suits9 your it would have been better had he lo*r4ltheld halwill be a very light- crop yAnd ]seemed W elt 8* new office will be known. as - M afakil) with the enemy oa:Monda. It is gqnorally th at one of his hi; in this section. r. Andrew Grey, of the stato of alAirs'.—Mus q lot burned the, tolegpamg I stead of WI h' has let -th ntraot for the will have a tri -weekly service, and v AGO a ly n or thodght that the 6coupailon of Johnannes Vfil b ere sprain t of the village, is building a Veived a -4ev n It, aml the grancit'h0io walks to be supplied from, Luo,know by the prevent co boundoryi CAB choice f tpl..004 burg will iractically and. the war�. The pabl�shig them. Thejoe D n ,pnto World, the aying 11 now house. G. B.. Wray and son Rua. thering ig ge in thellifirn 0 Ls t�udtod thery this car, to Mr. A, tractor for the Lucknow at nes ser or a ge bereAre el D a Boers have been deserting the ranks and junior organ of the Cone4vative pat , -I Graham, of London, at 11 cents per foot. vice. Crowe post office has heretofore been Nel, aft ouple of. weeks visit. The OrAii men eturning to their farms in such numbers Its issue of Saturday, makes the following Ing Mrs. Thynne end Mrs. Bailey, returned In Millinery we cleaned tip a lot.of travellerr.' samples at 'much lesF. th tensive Pi -,Tennbtto SuA&nnhh,, daught0i of Mr. supplied'from 4 -weekly, Mr. Mo 00 Dunganno ' admi lauation, wh -'measure rri to their home.! n Stratford on Saturday last. half price. - You get the benefit, but don't wait too long. Hi�tory, as Nvell �as Carter, of Xodesboi that President- Kroger will moon not Fbe a ioh may,. in some Robert Shiels, of Winthrop, died op Satur- Sherwood having been's faithful maif-ca 'er D. Rogers spent Queen's Birthd MTN. J� H. Lowery ay -able td muster a sufr d Ma w our own experience, teaches us' this faot—that individuals this It will also a7p 37 loth, aged �. 6 years. The little between these two nti.i, but Ore I a will f as Well as nstions� loient, forrse to offer any f u rnish a key to the situation. A ill -about three weeks with be added to the Lu ow L%nas-*lfast'con- with Mr. -and Mrs. Win. R. Stewart, of Mrs. Lowery spent'. Sun girl had bee 010ni )uff seem to rise to an altitude of success and prestige that made them. the _eE vy, of lion aoua rtaistance. It has been reported be very interesting reading to all who Now amburg, -Messrs. Bailey & Holineaville. neumonia. tract, and will have ai tri-weekly� mail in. 'in Co. P ive llilae-e to ()them that Pr�side_ have so'ld nine Oresent bojelos v far this others, Then success and prestige deca ed, only to g ut Kruger is ready to surrender i created nadian politics, as it. gives -Miss Hattie Molloy, aughter of Mr. stead. y eon[�Mrs. omerville, *ho haj been in Apply the above to thietore. We have been. telling the, people, throug th at, say tilmo,'whila other reports affirtalthat. an inkling Into the inside working's of. a_riot D., Mulloy,� formerly of '01 ntoo, (I ad at the -Avery sad and falu-41 accident occur- n TO -t For M y roc poor health of ate, was able to dri%re out last press and otherwise, that wide-awake. Bhoppers-people who ompare alues- he haa overy,preparation in 4de., for a hasty very happy family, The World'says;. residence of her sister, in Detroit, I on Sunday, May 20bh, on concession 3, week. -!-Rev. D Rogers,pastor of the Metho- 20'L-h. The remains were nought' to East Wawanash, Juat -opposite Mr. )Fred must hopitug here if hey regard their own inte Vuts Alp -A good eelebrattion V flight to V46a, of safatty, b *bly to one The abatement in the World yesterday h d ' elmore and I rox. do their s rests. Toll's gate. While Mr, 'Radford's chil-dren dist church, pr iao a in Sitshd my and the�calebratioi ro, ;oment th that Mr. Robert Birmingbani, late Conaer. Johh Brbwfi,'of the 10th con.0 asion f were driving home from church, acoompan. oter lamb Sabba)h. R��v. 0. V, Lakeo of ton for interment. of the European countriei, t1a 70i lall up to the staudar& y4tive organizer, had put a pistol to he Wroxoter, ocol d r. Ro era' pulpit i Br In an Grey,-Iofton'T4esdaymor in ofiilastweek led by fhe Misses Br itish gob dangerously close. y event a nook, the horse be. 'John eat little �d hoad of Sir Charles Tupper was confirmed the morni a d kerr, of Wing - for a trip to $eepaws, M nito He will ca�ie frightened by a cow running, against- COME WITH THE CROWDS TO full It will now be,onl few with Mr. Birming a decir'sted for ihe jolu h in by a n9c _.days until the lif an interview be away six or eight w-,eks,. reiarning in -him, and sprang off bhe road. The two:� ham, Prenii 6d in the evening, -The asera. I Pa4ked condition o -the real war is. only a thing of the a9b. "r Genlr roporter of the Tor nto Star. meat of the Lord's Supper will be dfa. 0 time for harvest. Bradford- children were thrown out, bu lualeato that all the (IFor some me] h there hae boon a steady oral Roberts has issued a, proclamation an' 6 Bradnook pensedin the Presbyterian church next Sab. Mr J were n t injured. The Misses -The pastor, Rev. . W. J. lages and had J movement wibh1j'a'J"h8 H. Dulmage, o� the Brunswick bath morning. old ut- to Mr. G. P. jumped, M ig uninjured, i but hotel, W $ e themselves into Epxater lor t ing the Orange Free Sta a, under the ugham, has a ilgie scaph ation and to improve � a 0 inge the organin h Aggie n er head, fracturi Prill Conduct the service. On McLaughlin, 'of Montreal, who will take A fell o ing herilitill. -Be GlU NNT EAFOR: 11 n=6�of the Orange River State,, By the n ethoda'of -the of�ief party worker , 4ut Friday i U crowd is variously eatiumte -i the- 20th of r Willing hands were on the scene &4 _�orni ig a preparatory sermon will posses-sion on' Tune. DI . D-ul no3V itri- three thousand, The 3el acoupation of Johannesburg, the wealthy a rery effort of this: kind was am�ered�and ma;ge will'retire for the limsent. mediately, and she was carried into -Mr. be pr46hed by Rev. 14r. Mal;olm, of Tees. ham bat ham w, d MR f riiinds, by e woked by Mr. B ened water, The Methodist Sabbath _Oh the 16bh June tl �e people of Dash - Toll's residence.- Medical aid Was summon. eh nd t mines at that plaw- have been sebil from school Ore,, IrmN be B Hon, Dr.-Uontague an HiDM! M�; HaggArt, selected Maser . WhiLfield Jermyn, Robe the diotruction threatened by- the Boers, -heBe latter and a few other 6 on a Vy-laNy to their ---No. 1 Dry Goods,' ladies goods 1) tereated And pleased 0 T deter. wood iltvo� - raiai by ad, but she died about 4 o'clock in the aft6r- to represent TIIREE STOUS g fl� noon never having regained consciousness debenture 'for the 'purpose of punil!a'sir) L. Stewart, and others nly SO Vy the same movement the Boar. com- niln6d, that Mr. Birmingham Bir. battle raged for --a Itime I fir3 Of i_ in U fire - engine and other �poken, Deceased. was thr, youiiq6ab school at the Sabb th School Convention, NO. Cloti4ing,, meii's goods No. 3 Gio- 'the Naal distriob.havo bee applia aces and nor I Ware Just in the sot P_ mingham's ways sho Id still dominate the held in; Bru'sse's Iast Tuesday, The Preaby. paty, Sir Oharles Tupper, IV is believed protection. daughter of Mrs. RachelBrad k, of ceries—specialtieS, panned koods-. butter and �eas. trenches with axod bavonet is piku m a v ry awkward position, and will in _L"t week Erid Gorby, of He s4ll, had Waandsh. teriatt Sab Mi school appointed Mrs. W. J. WRe run 'by the Boors - _11� tried to make a change in the direction in. the misfortu West, �Mis Mary Scott and Miss Annie up lity- have to surren or ae to have his foot ba, lk crush., -James Hodgson, son; Of Mr Hodgson, .�captured. After the bati li all _p�r( d ' to General dioated, but Mr. Biriningbam held'it back Aitoheoon o represent them. -Mr. John ad and the ankle sprained, owing o, it be - of the 2nd conoeapion, Jobor a, died in or �ake a long and wearisome m6rah Mr. Birmingham said he had olaims,1fdr un, was formed -and marehisd U. Leeoh,'of tie Bratidon district of Manitoba, the marriaize of Mrs. Oray's sister, Miss (FridaV,)and Rev. Mr. sawers, of Bruce- ing caught in! the wheel of a lumber wamn id salary and other things, and Itbat he Palmerston, on Sunday, �Oth ul , Deceased an 9 I -vine Im . ry beaded by tho Exater bram is -visiting his 'ill conduct the th k g, as, driving*,'whi Al m. led a in d a -cold in J.uly, and in September nor only to be confronted by looked to Sir harles - to make them good, many relatives and friendij Emma BrovVn, to Mr. Thomas- Atkinson, of field, w by Lord Roberts in -a tart 1* 05% th clan which he w a at contraote General 1�oberts7forca. Every .)person will. lie's place0ulTuckdramibb in Huron tcouuty, Mrs. F. J. Oaten, of, Usborne. 'The ceremony was performed by, on Monday. -Mrs. Grant ighter, W nall in a ON fi� Bub.it- is believed thab­- all the tithe, Mr.- bad a severe attack of bronbhitia, w4ich and aa; u Age, the -A five Belgrave, his daughter, - and Messrs, R M Leverton, of' Bothwell, in the of Morden, Manitoba, s�rs paying a i isit in - be glad to-- see the end -of the'war; The re. -The. othe evening, at Joseph -British soldiers, Birmingham and bis' friends weto opposing Querrin's compelled him to quit work, He spent a Joseph' a &E r this villagoo pr�'oence of large nutftbj�r of that relatives the village with Mrs. GrauVa fa1heru.l%VV,, the Boar pi an7 change they were worki�g themselves born raising -Hugh Cunningham. mQntbfj'.in Muskoka, and was under the oar Uumber of bigi re brailier of te friends of the bride. The Mr. Peter Grant, -Miss ulholla d of 'he be Bulb WaY�. Of Murse, apparent from t knocked in G ray, as, hom Was bff the bearn ie wag standing of some of the best doctors of the 0. a his. The Leech family at and h3tima M a to: side-track Sir Charles Tupper. In a T. R. 4rosse match.was ple. .-be -yea ginning, -but throagh Kruger's stubbornness I brothers, but widding feast was well prepared d boun- Harpurhey, the past'week, *am call ng on on to the ground, a dista a of 19 feet, A ath ended On" time 00 p load ten tall An word, thofact is that instead of being a staff, lidtfailed to get relief till de of Exeter alld q111 0 was, 0011 larger number of'valaable livesbavo been a - him, He siderably -bif, sufferings. 11evas b6rn in Richmond 41wo 114 each -,lub Acming tt -W 10 of the party, Mr. Birmingham has ihakon. up,,:as h in 'me brace fell, atl families, there are' some tiful, and the wedding presents woke useful frieuda'bere.�-The grand rain of - ih 3 first servant, aa landed o some ratter n the town. htior; -Mrs, T. J. Watt, Mrs. and pretty. Of the bride, we, might say part of the week, which was accoir. panied loatt and an immense amount- of money been a dietator'of the. party, and - claimed a in Hill, but spent most of his life i' ' c �l 4 . I cultural da were th i - Snell and d Snell visited Mrs, Mills, of that her amiable and gentle qualities caused with a good showbr of hail, has had- i goodi the failL hi f V borne, till he accepted a situation afternoon, spent. that. all the Mini6terial selections from On- traction fl!bo T6esday, 22nd ulb.., Nobli) Baker, "If 0 Ischeeker on the G. T. R., at palm. Hullett niar Clinton, last week.-Misee* her to lie a favorite with every �person of effect on the graut'and n' the Conservative' Ministry under as teight rep crops f this -a rates, hov; -type the �eloome Lillie Patterso 2, Jennie Gannett and Laura refinement. district -Mi. John Thonipson has a a n Te- -Since the above was in tario. i lion of Mri.�Pfiilip Baker,of Grand Bend,died erston, about fifteen years ago. "mar -They go to reside in Exeter warcheld. �Th v what tame, owing to JAM 01 DK Sir John Abbott, Sir John Thompson Sir . the hqs�itiil at London. de6eased A Miss Elvina, Johns ban years ago, who rg now in The' Rab of Wit ham, visited with Bluevale followed by the best wishes of a Is a circle turned home from' To t - un* rsity;. a has been received that Pretoria wa a Mackenzie Bowell iwere made through his rie frie ey' I _g 0 "a d. were ot equal to fic rt a , over, Sunday.-Evi r. Thompson ac� I ds orybody had a of friends. luitted ;%slf wit .11 hon. the whole, had unddq�on!e an operaton for'appendicibis, with a, daughtei mourn the lose of a kind oociipled on, 'Wednsday, without OPPOsi- office and through his influence. He was a. however� the oe ol ki ddaygmlao, -ion in'all the 06d'too.much for him, Deceased husband and loving father. ' The remains Place It amo a out observing the orm in his examin�t and it pr tion. President Kruger has fled to small a kingm,aker mor.e than & party organ. :1 success aud the thousands 0 ­ Was' only IS Y�ears of age, were interred in the Fxe4er oemotery. colipse on Mot rning.-Mr. and Mrs. Fairquhar. As he considers this his hardesti coul se, we to feel - that ithey had enj town on the road rom Pretoria zer, Another incidenti that 'showed how' -ability. as a to Delagals, Robert'O, Kin ;, their little daughter, and congratulate J ohn on bia of ternoon of last week, as he worked, and little known as - yet, in that I It's not the nature of things for any home day!s outing. out Mine Ett& Situ ta, of Godericb, were v 81 1 h about I years of Bay, close to the bordei of Portugese terrl' during the election of 1896f and only a few Thomas �MbBti a, a y -a-days to e spring. and early student and his sucees an Mrs. 'An in, the'! village this week. -M age, was 0 James Morrow and two ngaiged moving cars on a track Hens�U. Pil re. Helm, 1001 now a i1rin tory.. No, official news had been received from days before polling, lion, Dr. M ontague, ati summer without having some new interior 0 at that con,"� 'itone from the river -each to The Misops Me ugh, late of fjondQn hav- Winghim, ape t the 24th with her sioter, Mound, Manitoba, and! son-in-law and General Roborts " 'to the time of going tof the instigation of Mr. Birmingham, sudden, decorations. The E. MoFaul Co., Seaforth, the breakw tee -at Goderl Way ing purchi Mrs. RutherfoA.-Mr; Win. Smith h UP , a n ome �, Bainaking Imainew! of Miss daughter of Mr.; William WkDoagall, Hen. -The MUehell Methodist 4 ly resigned his position in the Oabinet, and aued the re! prow. The good neww is being celebrated a have anticipated your wa Into and have just got,under the cars, the result bein that) his Hagan, V39peCtfUlly 13611olt the patronage of'not only large barn raill ng last Friday. -Miss Emma sall, are ab prep0 g a few weeks hu forwarded 416 to Vho In R a9ked,Sir Charles Tupper- to make hini all her old customers but - inany now ones' and are what you may rejuurire in carpet th -a, r6ughout the land. In Seaforth - bells t "nbloumal visiting amoDg/friends, h left leg�was broken in two places MoOrsoken spent the;'winter in Lou- de, h -Dr. - A� F, WKenit -61 arant c satiofaotion In the way of a ains, Tape try Goods. 'ardiner, per flta latest styles. 16904 t ad to tier home on the Blue. 694.1 age ,'!a no, owing Kirkpatrick. ir Oharles said. he could be of our Vill W[ ape taking a post graduate coarm -e' Goverpor of Ontario in place of Sir George preparted tog e don, h4s re'ur 0 floor oils, Lace : I I have been ringing and whistles bl -On Friday, 18thini; fec �u and'all classes of choice Draperies.1 Ing a few wee relict. of the I' te Robert -Osidiner vale rood, aoc ad by her -friend, Mine visiting a=2 friends at right-aud Brant. ever sinceearii morning. a Of Us- �� FARM SOLD. -Mr, DEATH OF I MRS.` R. -The Monkton cheese I These reports spared from the Cabinet, bu. he could not James Murray, of this Dolly.Lee -N GARD'"R.-Mr. ford. Theold gentlem -be t Bell, of ev.�, a a many ri be Governor of, Ontario M , Birmingham .,borne, passed away, after 1 rief 41nese, at place, has sold his farm to Mr,1 Al r iss abel Scanlon, daughter Robert Gardiner, senior, paBood'pesee ends the first make of thesse �t are correct the war is practically over. the soe of 76 � Years. . Deoc ased wi one of Mr. S( n1on, is visiting her gvand- fully here wish him a inle"ant me and- Afe re - was very sore that -his frie d - was not in son of the late Robert Bell, who has already away on Friday evening, May 18th. Her round., ---!A despatch received here at 3 p. in, the pidheer settlers, 'and vas hek in high parentii, Mr. aad:Mrs. Wm. Smith. -Mr.- turn. -Mr. Balfour, of Moubt Fbreit, the alled iii Govornment Hou a. - Two days taken possession.. ' This"Iarm is the last one Andrew Jeffri(s, of London, is visiting his sudden death'oXsed much surprise and -Mr. Thoin" Boyle, an 40 14 yesterday, sayingthat since the 000uuation Mr., Gardiner died seve-al years on the,London Road in the township of - paeb week was calling on 1is - brothecr, Mr. after this interview Hon. ' Mr. Haggart sadness to many, as few hp4 heard of h -resident of Logan to - k o, ' Her remains were interred in RoY',O Turkeremith. It is one best in the cousins -1 the KAg family. -Mr. Estey has or John Balfour, of the village. -Mr, Cad - county. of Pretoria by the British troops, President hunte up Sir Charles'in M t I and im 9 illness. She had been around inthe morn - on r;.ao, but to cemetery. urcha6ed a very nice little driver from Mr. more was at London on Weduesda d -from a cancer on h'm ned1r. o let the dooto g Mr. Mur?ay resided on it for about sixty m ing as usual. attending to her -ousehold y Kruger has been -captured some sixteen pl,,,d hirn not t Na as Loutit, f Wingh d Due take him Vaok -Clara 8'. C.oad, daugbte� of Ea%er Cload am. -The orchards business. Mr. Ou,dmore has upw r a of -The . services in co 0 110 as he was t orle man who years; and only left it when -he retired from duties, when aout noon she took famitin ud the late Thomas Coad,,- led or: . Were 8�40vely ght last week, in all their 1,000 tons of bailed hay on hand, d still miles from,thvit place, and is now a prihoner could carry Ontario. Sir Ckrleo coneented, arming a couple of years ago, to come to spells, which oontinued to grow Worse unt duotion of Rov. Mr. McAuli OM. Mr. A. MoRwen's he is ke c his pressesAnd gang c f men torate of Knox Phurch, b it morn-ing of �last th reside re. We hope the new purchaser withiXX the Britisfi lines. week, at a i ��e owf 19 waalth" of bl an' 9 and- Montague and Birmingh'am-ran. the V, about'll. o'clock at night, when i3he passed in East apple tree years. Deceased was born in an- al was very,much busy. ore is ibusy men iud he &ld Onunis elections in Ontario and undertook to de- py itse long, and -do as well]on it as peacefully away. She was the 'widow of may oce Ur. Cudm -Mr. Fred eal,,carpente and was paa,,ed as thick as snow with a hope'to hear of him w, &king a good sale osh but had lived with her parents in.Wiug- his predecessor. admired. It i I of very nice, uniform- shape, is: bound to make a spoo � feat Clark Wallace in Weab ork, f or spoil a horn. Eas, Huron Liberas r M -c- If he does he will have no thelate Robert Gardiner, who died some ;W bam for a 'number of years, where she at. cause, t quarrel with! fortune. The old years ago. and Neill inNorth Bruce, and some half e. dozen She was 76 years age. leaves lef t: last week for Manitioull 3 blos orns, Af the a;ir wait petfumed with The Liberals of East Hur , as constituted ti� bded school. Being seized with a severe Of hay. -Mr. H_ Ricker iwas -with friends, ,on other equally good Conservatives. Rodger ilia church, which was one of the a family of three daughters, and 1two sons. he expect$ to find plent, ot M the sweet flow atB gh b over the 24bh. ---�Missi May I Mellid Pold last Christmas, it developed nto quick his ers.-Mr. W. -J, Duff sold a ri suirim. toric niidings of this district wa er in buildiagperAtia w "From $5,000 to $7,000 of -party funds wae -of a . in for both Dominion and Provincial. purpo4e s, consumptioni located good horse to �Mesors, Ourrie and Rintoul, of Mrs, Gardiner was ki d and',,enisl dis. was, the past week, spending a fe* days had a very aucces8ful convention at Bruoels spent in West York alone. After thb t1l. on , this f a1rm, but it was remoied a few position and will be much missed a large -A party of 27 girls t'ui -Mr. John Sheill, of M awasooh, Winghami on Monday. -Mrs. Ann Arm. with friends in Exeter, -Fish pOddlars years agD. circle of friends. under 1:2 years of age, d dissensions arising out of the Manitoba oil Wednesday of last week. The locafre fate met with a serious loss oi Satur Is 19Lh strong,: who died at Allandale, Ontario, a warin our village these da home in Spi*tford from Eng 41 go 0 r. R. Bullard is busily few we John p sch I question, many membersi who were resentaives met for re-organintion, and the wheil hi's barn and itraw were eks a , at the remarkable age of 108 NOTES. -D. MdDougall and Jeckell, B has moved his saw mjlTaQk Mr. !17 anxious to sed a reunion take place.. thought engaged repairing our oid6walks and gener- i morning of lost -week,, burnod,the causeof which I doubtful,butit is years, was the grandmother of Mr. Robert teachers, attended the teachers'ioonvention �Tcgeth'a, Stanley. ."Mr. Doig has also ally improvingAhe streeto, -Mr. Frederick. Dominion for- the purpose of selecting a it would be gbod policy to have a. now or- held- in Goderlob,'on Friday and- -Saturday oi Musgrove, of this plaoia, and Councillor some heavy contracts in the way of build. eat roil matches. Filty hogs were burned as of last week, -The copious showers of rain, supposed to -have been th( childre 1 Ilghllng 'Manna was in London on last, John Musgrov of Turnberry, being their I H. L of Mi 11;;r candidae to contest the constituency at gahizer, one who had had no part in the well as 1ng new barns. 'John, wi vilitin r Gordon. -Mr. Thomas 11 not find hirnself is brothe the approaching Dominion election., There feud, but this was decidedly objected to �y�' a large amount of grain and a thoisand dol. mother!a moth8r, and hsd visited in our which fell on Monday ward welcomed by all very idle for sovie time. frA*tu of the I ir Joit t. re n, of Hullett, sold a very fine four mom Mr. Birmingham. Three or four no lie wret w Or- lars' worth of mwehitieryi The toW iniur- vi ture of the old lady appeared as the- crops were not progressing very rap. -week wbi i _Tlinwith i n4 e James wag a large attendance of del gates, every anizars were however, %p ear -old aiding, last week, to Mr. 1.1age. A pi ance amount6d to $1,500. In'the Toronto Globe of 'Saturday, May idly in this neighborhood. -Quito a num- hat day while v The ot Warker, of Haknilton,'(oh frinted, Mr,'8 Archiball polling 8ub-division in the riding being rep--, Mr. L�avkt of Seafortb, for the handsome -A. 0antelon, of the 9 bh donc ession 19th, and the bar stonded the Queen's Birtlidgav aelebra. Constaiice.' sum of 8220. -The many friends of Mr. mragraph which, accompanied tion int Exeter on Thursday of fast week, 1 resented. After a thorough organiz%tion Mr. A, W. Wright and Mr. Broder, id she wai probably the oldest woman D k Appe me M. P Goderich township, happened witi a inig- Qolija Smith will regret to learn of him death, it as ojou , eep in touch with the E, Me. - But none of these got much assistaboe from' and r'�port favorably. A. Towers is a 0 wela In 011 hi I Was afflected, the work of selecting a candi. fortune, the O:ther day, at Mr. Jar ies Swit. in Canada. C Dunoillor Musgrove paid her Faul o.,- Seaforth ? No do -w I ht Wt. ubt you have -friotion his d goods from them and bee M�,, Birmingham. He has rather been zer a barn raising, White they we which occurred here, on Sabbath afternoon about f )or years ago, hauling tdne for a foundation under his often bouqht t date was pkoccedod with. This, under the hamper' re pulling last. The deceased had been in ill -health a visit and when com- the largent7%,oge. I � ing t4em ; and so the e al Ing away r value n cirgum up one of th6 plaies the i?p d off an' bade her good-bye in the evening, house, and if indicationor count for anything, pleased w3h hey stances, was a -very easy business, been increasi6g,.-until the threatening letter TV d for the past four years, and was very much given, but he* about -Mr� Valentino' Doersim, a fell: on seat to Sir Charles. th plate Mr. 0& talon a shoulder, reduced at the time of his death. Mr. Smith thinking she would -not be up in the morn. Archie intends to surprise us all in the near Clothing ? It's their now department, try. pioneer died Sonday the 1� There were no two opihions in -the conve.n. dislocatibg it and break Dg a boue. 'He Ing ; but the old lady said she would bid future, -Mrs, John Hewitt, who. spent the was borii in Bowmanville, but had resided them for your next suit. !Boys" ant#, can. 77 years. He wim kndlwn A41 a Lion When -Sir Oharl6s first got this letter he cer foi a while, In the county of Huron for considerabi over her sister, Mrs. J Scott, of adian. tweed, well side, 2,5o a pair. 1604 1 gentlemaim, and-wm. much. T4 bert Hanley got hit on -Blyth, is home here again, and '�'s looking and 'he unanimous cholco fell upon. tainly suffered great aj D him good-bye n the morning, and Would be -winter with P Dr. MGD29,ld, who has so ably and offici. was very muph incensed, and he is said to Ro �he heal with a up as soon as h mself. She did get up, and -ATH L,Aln4 I -known an an d set. UZ -The officers of the resided of late with his so 2_� 30 years, and was well have turned ground ith some significance commander which, fell fro prepared him his breakfast. Mr. Musgrove remarkably well. -Miss Agnes Ann. Ha Epviorth League;of Christian Eadeav, r for Fink, where he 41ed. ant i above, tier. ' He was possessed of a kind dis Yt ly ropr�seated the riding for several to Dr. MoAtague and remarked: .' See. buncan Lamont, a Jockey, of Viontreal, osition wfil not likely ever again have a woman 104 who is atittendIng the Collegiso at St. parliamentary terms. and obljaing_ manner, and will be missed by the prevent year'are - Honorary pre,x�ideot. -Taviabook weigh zeal,09 W4 years old to serve him. Mrs. Armstrong Marvs, passed through here onei day last Rev. F., Copeland ; presidbut, E, Dr, M, -,Donald was what this dauged scrundrel says to - nie, I ieceived a severe kiok from -a her is at -the many, *-h-o had known him for so many Farn- the 'ground on Wednesdari present and accepted th aion. That Whereupon the doctor said thatSir Charles Commercial house stables, in Exe;er, Wed. re. -116�bad resided in the township' of was born in' week, on her way'home to visit her parents, ham firab vice wesidenti, Mrs. E. L., Fa a nomi had better lot him t y to fi�c it up, Ireland, It has. been observed I . MI --week. The ork is iaid he will he re�eleoted I nesday morning'o last week. I � appears that most of the ver aged people who have '-As announced previously, the dounoil and ha second Vie IT f 11 go.es Without sa gay, nearwhat is khown as Dixie, for a y e, Robert Clark third yIng. -he It isnow known that Mont&gUa, Birm. 126 was passing behind the bei 696, when died in Otinada of late ye8ra have been Irif other parties interested in a dr a Andre Vice Even the Conservatives would be sorry, to number of years, and had only moved into ih, vice, Miss Laur wo fourth a stock a the� ingham and Sam Hu6bes were the chief or-, it kicked moot viciously, striking he young Hensall a a -The Queen's Birthday colebrati?n, in met a short time ago to arrauge dIffnranuctelest, ouplaof weeksago. He leaves Mies Susie Wheatley se retar Bo,,2j&min' company fm lose the doctor as a "rep e on ti bfve, as h a is -the"notoriotiq ministerial bolt in' e, i�'_ r a ganizers of fellow in tile � face,,:j U8t b Blow th ey Wingbi6m, was well attended by people but as no agreement was arrived 4t the an- Snell ; treasur' be I to mourn h a lose a wife, �one son. and two ep, Miss 1 bar ark d Syl the Administration of rg d The gineer into be called on to decid6.-John corfepondin a credit to the riding, qu& all are proud of Sir Mack,�rlzi6 Bowell. flicting a 14' . a an ppa af ul wou ad. from this neighborhood. The 24th used to Daid as slid h daughters. I The remains were interred g -secretary, horse was owned by Mi, Graham, of Sb, Pollen, our old mail carrier, who: has -been Oully ; orgaiia t1* factory, in -1411 These anda few7others werro in �th� hait of Mi. 7urrit hts 'a be celebrated fn Bluevale. ies Lottio Mo - the Hills Green cemetery, on Tueiday after. t, Milan Ch rlotte Clark. Thip rurday Jut and gof:a bad running the Ministers, the patty and th Marys, and 1ad recenti been urchased ve 7 poorly for jsome :time, is convalescent, An evening -ineeting. was h d, at which a noon last, sod were followed to their last meetings will be held So day evenings, so bim, upfor some Urrie. He 4rom Mi...James Eth an2 we hope to see his genial- countonance usual, at balf-past seven clock, Th members from 49 West King� street, To- ering on, of b ore, resting place by a large number of rel%tivem, to I there was a large attendance, and the ronto. Leadburv. 0113e more in Her Majesty's service. -twenty feet and light -A pleasant event took place, on Wed- neighbors 4nd friends. 1 The widow and, was taken up by Mr. MaIntosh last on h ed on greatest enthusiasm was. manifested. Able "The Mail newspapc r was largely used �by nesday of last week',- M t reside 11 a of Mr. famil have -the sympathy of all in their DON'T WOR bough we do have lots evening, and next Sunday evening th topic, Ux, cutting rgill, of We ofecorch How to be a good neighl *r," will b tak it -Wbi6t might have addresses -were delivered by Dr. M�cDonal d, Mr. Birmingham and 'Dr. Montague to aid George Fotbe itfield, Jvhen his sad ereAv ement, -Miss 0. LaTouzel and Ing ho'�W: 7aher, We your fa'ult if Too a Kippen. elde'st daugh op Mo orately coal, ir purposee an by Mr. J. H. Medd. at happemid to Janice m3m ullen, M, P., Arehi bald Camp them in the' d when the m4n. or, Miss An ie, - was united in 'Miss E. Stephensonj Assistant teachers don't ke The E. Mclaul wgeri;of that renegade sheet came knocking ni'arriage to r. H. M oVi �,tie, of b1 lat place,. Seaforth have the' neoesearies. You There is a store in Seaforth, it seems to of I"b week., -on t bell,. M. P., ArohibEj& Hialop, m. p. p., spent'the 21th'with their parents in Gode CO-, NOTEs,-S. S. Cooper, who'bas the con. 'urd at the caucus door at Ottawa, �seeking to be the ceremon� being performed by Rev. J.',� rich and inton.-The Misses Gibson, of can soon o6leot a summor dress, hat, gloves, Us, determined to do one of two -things. To 'tract of erecting a now mc hool house'� here, VIM= Foster, at - W( and others, and aa�oj�hausti_ve discussion of be taken back, it waE Dr. -Montague who Kennedy, of Auburn.- _Tbe bride was at. Goderich, ere in the village on Frid parasolt hissierr and underwear from their sellyou better goods than you can buy began operations on Tueid 4riving sy the team bitched, +A egati a and gave pledges of by 8 old soho I house. a in. from 1040 field 16 both Dominion '�ind' Provincial questions introduced tho del tended by M. as Susie: Mo 'ittie, sister my immense stock, If new styles and Prot else wdhere for the same money. To sell you g yy ? the last.-A.la a number of our villagers at. pulling down th was going was endulged in, 1 The meeting throughout for the future. room, while, Mr. Will F heigill, I �rother of . te�ded thei aising of Mr. Robert MoLaren's patterns pleas -11 you 'll find thern there. the same goods at a lower than you tends to begin building a the tangfte b you once. I i the 2n some way 11 So the the bride, supported th he dere. fine now ba barn, about half a mil 1694.1 can get them elsewhere. �Ireice& MQF&ul meantime the tomperan throwz of, the roller pas a I room. waff enthusiastic and harmonious, fight that is now on is not me're. a north hall has been -hool and shows i - M012Y Was witnessed by at otit 180 NOTES. -Th 3 tea-mesting at Bethel was Dry Goods Company, Sesforth, can be de. converted into a me -ko ly a struggle between "'Sir Charles Tupper tit 180 licate. of our 'vi, a a, on Wednesday afternoon am. Wh(a the 10 in that the Liberals of Last Huron are ready and Mr. Birmingham, [t is ended upon every time. 1694.1 ne a struggle The results of the � Ef ster examinat' no last��Mrs, o' as Holmes, of near Ripley, very successful. The refreshments were P w building is completed it will add great. 9 M the Ontario Agriculturi choice and ple itif ul and the attendance was MARWED,-The young lady referred to ly to THE) XARK for the fr'ay,. como when it - will, and that I College are out, was in thi village during the past week, the appearance of the village, and tween t.ho pro ressive and clean Conserva. 01 and among-tfiern we notice the niales of ii- visit' h father, Mr. Alex. MoMorran," good. The.mu oal progransme was excellent, in the following paragraph, which we take be much etter for pu i and te%oberx they will give a good account of thems elves tives in t. Toss and the died redited or. ganizer number'of Huron be a. S., Atk neon, of Miss 118011ei from the Cooper county Evening News, Mike. -Mrs. B: %a they have always done i and ex-Miuist a from Ontario for a, Poplar Grove, was here last the following persons taking part : Mrs, enjamin Rity,-of thia place, Fall wheatlnow), sundad.... n the past, ggniondville:; R. R71oa a, of B lyth, and week, visit ng Mrs. J%mes White and her Tiffin, Miss Dora, Kinney, Miss Mamie Me. Calumet, Michigan, was a highly esteemed had a rather strange experience oa spring wksiatorbusbil,_ aseend4ney, It is the Ad gang and the old he crowd and the old orgab that are and have C' B. Gilpin,!of Gorrie,- have passel in all brother,, Yr. Alex. MoMorri6n.-Miss Jan. Ewen, Miss 'rittenden, and Messrs. W. ladk of this vicinity, and eldesbfdoagghter of night of the 24th. It appears her hu aband Mr. and Mrs. T. McClymont, a village A' Row in the Camp., beenlrying to control Ui pafty and to pie. subjects in' iheir first year ; to take sup. ie-Murra- was in Wio4hain during tie Pollard, W. F &I and J. Morrison, of Wai- had retired, and about inidnight she was Thfare is, evidently, a fierce plemental are G. Dick, Hensall, . i geology cFt week; ton Methodist church choir, and Miss Her, many friends ill unite with -internal strug. vent any� re -organization and progrea within visiting her brother, John, mod Ma Us In sitting quietly readil3g.- and on haaring and English literature in his first ear, sod friends in t E Raej Miss Alice Dundav, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hoag a most he, its ranks, r man hat town. Mr, S. Miss Emma ouia the camp of the Conservative Sir Charl Tupyer will beat y PPY moana outside her -door, opened -it ad, to Sob them all ant of their b a,' n a few d e and prosperous life. The . N4ws says her 11 of the Del thbor- party at Ottawa. HovV--fieree it � is, t W. J, Know,,." of Belgrave, iii--pract.cal pool- Ingrain, bf this villag , has been in [ Lucan ForbesAnd Mr. Jobn'Rae, of Bethel. Rev. urprise a young man try in his second ear. Huron county has during ih( past two we %6D a visit.- Mr. Cranston deliv A very quiet but pretty wedding occur may be n' the orga Nation will be oomleted, t] y eke, dred an address which - hood was lying helplm, h kving imbi d too DOW_. Judged froin the fapt tha,� a gooq deal of the wage will be hustled out, and the C �e sea ons6rva' dome we)l. Quite a numbe'r from Hiceter kii��a neighbor. was highly ippreciated. he proceeds red in the parsonage of the Frat CongregA- much loyalty. . Mr. and Mrs. Riley' too -A fami 7 _k liar figure in Goderich, has been ing, laces %ttended the tea -meeting hold in amou 0. -Mr, William Rae, son of van- ....... &3 Woll as the smoke, has burst forth, tive party will present a solid. front nted to $ tional church at nine `0' clock last a charge 'ti to its of him, and in due ime he wai iable removed,by the death. of Lewis E143tt, who, Mr. John Rae, and late of Toronto Uni. ingbytheRev. Dr. -Hooter, when Miss 0 roes 0 a V 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4"� Find how the outside publio have got a- Antagonists. Sir Charl a is not only fig4t. the Mthodiiiit church, on Thursday evening t p ad h m .-M . i in R do Is pre- (howh- f failk 0 ippent a summer.-�-J. after some month ig healO, passed last.�Misfl)uffies, of Thamiesvillt, was in versity: has� I een appointed exchange ad. Mary MeClymont, f Ki Ontario, 'be- an P**Aow D 0 the madhine of the"Ijiberals, but he� is ng to go out west for ith Alitfir) .'g bW I glimpse ` f what is transpiring behind the away ion Monday morning of - last week, at the village last week, renewing a itor of' the Et. Paul Globe, the leading camethebrid6of Mr. Herbert Carrington f�lnghting the Conserv%tive machine (now out equaint. 8okroik and J. Staples spent a few da,,7a at Wbodpaomlo 9 scenes- Althou h it is nono of our funeral, of business-- the age of sixty-eight years. M, Elliott anciaii.-Mr. John McFarlane has ould his I)emoofatic pa )er of that city. The many. 'Hoag.,of thio'city. N to am, wood �Pervord I .9 and badly shattered) as fr. HoB4, Who B field last week.�Last Monday mornin we can't help re k Was born in Done iendet-of ' 9 Its vo gal, Irel nd, and' Rae in this section -are, ployal by the Calumot-HbcU ,Mining Com. I i wl 1 lagers u mNg- ing that to an onlooker what an hone3t man .49ir.' came to village Idt adjoining Mr.'Duiel Nic.olls to fr the v Marcy, Q�artes thi� coutitry 'when qu to a number of co 'd be ine for the lea(IL tim� in Lon- lativeo and friends in Whitochuroh no' the:death of Mr. W`. -J a year and enjoys the respect ind confidence was plainly Osible to, the aked eye w, � uiue Cm to be ing r 10'ased'to beai of his oontinued syceess, pany, has be�n a resident of this city about seen! watching the eclipse the a=, it does [so . thirte a years! of age. Mr. Nicol. -Mrs. Mowbray is visit' i It mighty bad party tactics is, according t the �Vorld. _'Thos who, After teachi g school for i d tho; PC sk-. *-r too 2* the paty to bB airing have watohed his politic�l career don townsh p, be learn)' the trade of V Shannon, of all who know him. Mrs.'. Hoag comes folr icinity.- r. T.. Murdock has added- a township of MaKillop loses one of its ablest.. 0 clock, and'lasted some ti e.-- A COT, ipany their dirty linen in, pubuc just before -a gpu- ;five yem blacksmithin n London it at d. abou ery handE covere and best men. The heartfelt sympathy of among us as a a a will smile t v ome double tranger, but ihe will not from this neighborhood '�aid their yearly r 'at this certificate, of fort However, perhaps they havo -two d carri ge . to oral election. y ye ra ago came, de*rj ch,whero his flvery.�--The Messrs. Smith Br thers, th8 00Mmunit7 goes out to the family in long remain so, as her attraciiire nd win. character'; t�oy will incline to the opiniqu, outing to Biyfield and ape t a good ti me.- Dah7 x7a. t he had sin resided c) tin oui ly. Mr. of GodeNch, 'are this week open. their beceavement.-Mrs. Glass, of. Wipg. Ding personality Is sure to -win-. her - hosto of Mrs. W. B. Cookpent the 24th wit i tier UTICA, x Y. may !m - C given U-P�411 hopefs of winning the election, and -they will. not be far astray, that if Sir E Mott had a en service in on, at friends. They will be at home to their niece, Mrs. J. W, Oka, of Exeter aw 4180 ilia pal life. ing out dr� goods store' it the ham, is visiting friends in th�is_ secti recent- and think they may ars well r of the public sch)ol oard east store f M rahallo' block, pres r. n C-Tbe spring crops and mead�ws friend 6-ir cozy residence.ola Lske Lin. paid her brother a visit near St. 'Ma ya.-_ 'Colon havp A is working for the destruction iot lie was a me' br b 0 a sin th :01 5 8 ld� to 01 hou5`01eaning 110W as at wiy other- th-no., tj� for twenty y Ars, and also oat in the, town ly oce'upib I by Mr, J. are ounring very mueh from want of r 9, -den avenue after June lot. -Many ]!a ;rt 9 ie Old Consetvative in hine it'la beca W, Ortwelh.-The frien 0 qe epuneil, Bes'jdiis his WI Wilharn Rion and, R; U6,0411an 4ppo the dow, he leaves one exeontoro ofthe Marshall estate iptaga - R4 a nar bar from this section joined An(l Pt tile utllllc�asftnt biloi.neaA aver, It it ia really extend their cordial, co�gratula sold at 8�0. 'Bitur �adly gliattered," and t -biO48 to Mr; 24-th at Exater.-141ho Bel �e Ri I bar hat pia '-son and four 4sugf.erfi. ok olike this aL faring Oba U p to wi with haRt wish -04 Pinter, uro, Jobn UaGre r of tock, ,an arshall bick blook and Qbber tneaq the laying of t a -200, 40 y rftt0,:a1thGUg11 it is and Mrs, Hoag, tog- t IrY replace'It by one of a�Y b 4, of Moilris, wbo rea (it the n the beat t T 04 Mar 9. roved ao'd affe0ts P 0410 n 8040a h4t 11to Affor4ft, A VlAitQ4, thi a A r 0 1.) to lBa prieflible that i the- -tire got 4arui norer tn�4e ll ffowever, lubg haW wAy N00b W DA Y? bbig jw)a 0*1 0 Ronigar 0 rph:0 DWI", ITPhe .00pomiggy WA4 -T- b 941'rA pd P1414FPni of PPRA4* ArIl -WAII 99 P.- 444 MA, L44?m lot IfIngar 114 to (10111)1, th writiell b4p, Ra tP11)Wg q o4pana got flobi,1.4d I go vt 4T111W q Wf )V9P Ph@ WPP@ Ill PhA ViIIA-4@ MO% �hp 044 W 0 op 1AMP W## o4t, PV-AJrj@, ff�,Vp ppl, ill MAPP14 pfag@4 gq #@Jghhqp� Vig R 11fR111 M 4 q Innis for aa e9 very v t It cam 6 thl 1�10 ra anwin r P"i �y;dc ff w a r