HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-05-25, Page 7AY 19 THE HURON EXPOSITO THE SPAFORTH AND Chopping Itilis L. CLARK gee. If shse sive, she -oouIdedef congregation wan aylleble from ed up in a shrill • ;he trouble begin*. trn the verdict that for ghosts is no prep4ratfott ftcovery of Dr„ A. W, idea. Th -5 great kid - • cents a box, and mody for the many the .A.Miskan and ell began :ape Nome. Four the cape. Tiro of iinounts in raining ,h etartled them at Cape Nome e" naid one., the othere. detneeden exclaimed one -the fifth Man 'a nbout Gape Nome v out, c4 ten people think We in the even put their wet of Alaeka, is a pen - ape Prinm est, point t0 po is on the egid is be- like."—New York it or Ito - about to marry ae !salon coneisted Oa the day set a friend of the of the children, d, to see what - ted her with— tangle, all dreseed iose wedding V' was -s. Noble going to she in an Astonish - ow ? She's going liaDACHE POWDERS MOO and stire to onto eeem that it must - n who would find la it. had one more . by the advertige- 'way% the beat a customer to that being just nt. The house, of repair; and the seek. to the a,gent's E•roerie house, he house," atiewered the agent be- e kitchen, din - end two bedrooms!, han any two oth- to the cure. They 2ffe aura sted. don't pan night. As ape's& on nee to rreet it, and then • Frequently -she arid asks me to • negs at me • resolved to give a up a lot of old ndle and laid the • dow. Of course- r me. Then 1 e and -crept eyelet oho nudged So I got sape then flung in below. It atm° nente. The room. Idn't see ray :sties with his rage the morning 17 nin and went ta o minute et Email e Back' geneses pelhewben to Bittern, sble, 3111. I oould net dread ere w holly cured ire old, 1 nownera nie," 'It overcomes • Having purchased om gr. Josiah Wa the Seaforth Saw ills, has: placed in the mill A new and improved Grain And ie prepared to crush grain on the shortest, notice, and for 5o a bag. Give us a trial. 1688. f The Seaforth Tea Store Is the right,plaoe to get great bargaige in all kinds of goods. You can get fotir lbs. dried apples for 25e ; 4 lbs. of good fresh prunes for 25e; 3 lbs. tea for 25e ; 3 lbs. lemon biScuits for 2501 a few her- rings left at 15e a dozen ; 6 bare of soap INT. Fearmanhe star 'ham, long clear bacon, brat C Ringwood lard ;I- flour, rolled oatmeal oern Meal, gr ulated oatmeal, rolled wheat, demi rd oat- meal, ferina, split pees, pot bar ey, but- ter, egge, all kinds of ga.rden de in .paper or bulk s peas, corn, Potatoes, best variety mangold and turnip seed, ilex seed. red clover, timothy and rots ; china, crOckery and glaesware at cost ; china tea gene dinner mete and toilet sets in all colors and designs ; teae—green, black and Japan ; to* and , coffees a specialty ; everything right' down in price. „A cordial invitation to all to call and get ' some of the good bargaine while they are to be had. A LT SEA PORT 0,00 Ladies. afe, effec tu al. Levities rink nt.„. your druggis for Cook s Colton hoot Cern- sound. Take no other an all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. .Priee, No. 1, $1 per box,1•to, Z, 10 degrees atronger.$13 per box. No, 1 or 2. mailed en receipt of price and two Ineent ;stamps The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. Wilson, druggists, THE SEAFORTH Musical - lInstrument EMPORIUM. EatABLISHED, 1873. Owing to hard times, we have con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Greatly Reduced:Prices Organs at $25 and upwards, and Pianos at corresponding prices. See us before purchasing. SCOTT BEOS. Give a Youth Resolution and a course in Business and Shorthand at the and who shall plaee limits to his career. Catalogue fiee. J. W. WESTERVEI/T, The McKillop Mutual Fin Insurance Com y. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED 071,1031147. Fraser, riot:provident, Bruceneld P. 0, ,• 'rivomae Hoye, Ssoyaream. Eleaforth P, 0. ; W. 0. Bros foot, Inepootor ef Losses, Seaforth P. 0. lamp ; George Dale, Seaforth ; John Noumea, Dublin ; Jaunt Evans, reeohwood ; John Watt, Lean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Olden. James Chumming Egmondv e ; J. W. Yeo, Holmes - vine P. 0.; George- -Morella and John C. Morrinon, auditors Pffiff'463 denizen* to shoot Immanent Off titian rot other businesa will be promptly attsnded to ov •pplioation Want's,/ the above officers, • addrented iv their reepective post oft/ ees. H. R. Jackson & SON. DIRECT Ieironnens or Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac', France ; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Rol- Booth'e Tom Gan London, England ; Whisky, Dublin, -Ireland ; also Port and Sherry Wine from 'France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky, Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie' Ale and Perter, Toronto. To THE Pliikle We hafre opened a retail store in bonnectson with our wholesale hue!. businessi in the rear of the navy Do- minion Bank, in Good's old -stand, where we will bell the best goods in the market at bottom prioese Goods delivered to soy part of the town TELEPHONE II. . 151a-tf 'Ever have them? Then we can't tell yolti any- thing about them. You _know_ how dark and how you are about ready to give up. Some- hoW, you can't throw off the terrible depression. Are things really so blue? Isn't it your nerves, after all? .:That's Where the trouble is. Your nerves areb eing poisoned froth the impurities in your blood. purifies the blood and gives power and stability to the nerves. It makes health and strength,,aetly- This is what "Ay{er's" will do for you. les the oldest Sarsaparilla the land, the kind that Was old before other Sarsa- pari'. As were known. Ills also accounts for the saying, " One pottle of Ayer's is wrth three kbiontdtlse,s, of the ordinaVY mov bottle. M1 druggivas. Wale the Coclool. If ou have any com laint Whatever and esire the best me teal aci ice you can possibly receive, write th Motor freely. You will receive a pr impt re - Some Things Worth Irnoveing. , Salt placed in damp rooms will ebsorb the nsoisture. Hearty meats withoutexerei are a heavy handicap to health. lb is said that nine -tenths of all our ills nmy be attributed to errors in diet. newspaper will clean lamp chinineye. To keep cider, put half a pound of Inns - tend seed in a cheesteoloth bag and put it in the barrel. ° , Before curling feathers, spr kle salt on them, and ,the result will be uch better than if &ion in the ordinary, wa . Two drops of spirit of oam hor On the tooth -brush will produce a fre h feeling in the month, and prevent Hore tongue, gums, Crepe, if stained, may be leaned by a liquor made by boiling a handfu of fig leaves in two quarto of water until educed to; a When people have! learned te adapt their food to- the requirements of daily life a pers ceptible advance will show Iteelt in the general state of the health andewell-being. • The •Orange Free State's area le about '72,000 square milei, and the number of 'farms is over 17,000. ° Sahara]) is the greatest desera ID is 2,000 tnilee from mint to west, and 900 from north 30th ult., adopted a vote of Aa, 30,000 for The Britislo Howie of Com 0 on the the completion of the Uganda Ra 'we,. Favoreble reporte have bee received from all parts of South Rusgla regarding the prospects of the corning harvest. ' The army of Lord Roberts would require in Eurepean conditione about twenty-five miles of wagons, with two, otir or mix horses apiece, It is said that some of the Imperial Yeo- manry are eo much taken with .the agrieun tnral qualities of the Free State that think of taking up farms after the war. Heavy frosts have done mue damage to the Middle and Southern Stet . - °ill fruits and vegetables over a , lar e section of it To make a farm suecessful, termer hao got to use his brains ; but th y :should he used in connection with musol And mare • If you would have good -milk, keep it in small quantitiee over night, and, when it can be :welded, never mix the , hot with • Where the manure is not immediately applied to the land it should be ee kept that it will not be exposed to the leeching or die - solving action of rain, es this necessarily caueestdeterioration in value. At a flower show recently held in London a vine was exhibited that • wen maid to have been grown from reed taken from the tomb of au Egyptian mummy two hundred years old. The vine is of a variety much like the sweet pea. In preparing a house to be closed for the summer, the simple expedient of putting a /few drops of oil of lavender on the shelves of the bookcase will protect the books from mould. Every home should haye a " tool box " in which cakes -of glue, twine, paste-poes, brushes, oil and varnish, male and tacks of Resorted ' sizes saw, hammer, carpet fork and screw-dri'vers, etc,, should be kept handy. To prevent the reine from catching under the borseas tail a new harness attachment is formed of a metal yoke eceured to the back strap, with fingers' extending on either side to carry the lines, a brace being set at right angles with the yoke to hold it vertical. Salt and water makes a good gargle for an infiammed or chronic sore theoat, and an outward application will etrengthen the chest after an attack of bronchitis ; it -may be used to strengthen a sprained lirab, and for those who cannot enjoy sea -bathing a bath of Balt water occasionally is very re- freshing. ' Wallpaper, if not -ver di ty, May be cleaned by means of t so ye vet duster, tied over a long broom, he alls being brushed up and dolga]. SW br ad or dough rubbed -on very dirty wall pap r, cleans it, but first of all the -dust must swept off with smolt brush. Dirty int a tedious matter to dean, butathe a gret; of aliening it is to use very little water and dry qpicklen FOR internal or eisfernal uso flAGIYARDS ICEL. LQW OIL cannot be excelled as pale relieving and soothing retuedy kir all pain, I KitohOn Chris malty. [From the Ohri' etian Endeavor World.] We have received a very anteresting let• sr from a working girl, whd wae moved to write by something in ono of Penny's 00U. tributkons to this paper. 'The' letter is a bitter ope, but the bitterness is almost justi- fied. For oar correspon ent, though a Christian oung lady, has ade a trial of Hellen hristeinity, and dt hen rendered her pitoperly indignant. She was a chureh positien in the society of the church, w neverl noticed, arid wee treated with the cold neglect that might have been expected by the Iowan; outcast. " I never had is positien in gresieby to lose, bub I did hew)* ,hearb, and a desire to live for and to oer my b cued Redeemer," but she wae net given u opportunity to attend church or th enjoy ,anything of church lite. "If you wish drive girls to damnation," is this young! wornan's ‘conclusion, " never advise Christie homes in their relation to their them to accept' anything. so meniel ini hones labor es a means of eupport." No of mum this is not a picture of all kitche, e. We know of families nob a few where the servant is treated with the Same censid ration that would be shown any other Orson. Orders must be given and restrie ions must be lsid down, and obedi- ence ust be required, and work must be done a d well done ; but the experience of these °umbel& proves that none of these thinggis incompatible with Chriatian help. fulness' and courtesy. We have no idea., however, that this condition of affairs is at all conimon. We go into the church socials, even in the most sensible and neble churches, and we do not find the kitchen girle there. We have known instances of kitchen girls trying it, but they tried_ it only mice. 'The blond has boiled within us as we, obeerved the cruel neglect, -the, haughtSe stares of gentle, honorable Chris - thus ladies on such occasions. Not a word passed J their lip; but in actions which spoke in thunder tones they cried, " What is thee bold thing doing here ? The pre- peulainepet4lim of it I Doesn't she know her own Whet ie a Christian servant girl's place, anyway, in the church family ? The trouble lies in the wealtuess of many mistresees, who know no way of preserving their aUthority except thie cruel way of treatink the servant not as a Christian sis- ter, kit as a creature of another race, a brute. The merchant receives his elerke afraid ,of rendering them insubordinate. into p meant social intercouse, and is not, EmplOers and employees meet on equal terms in most Christian churches nowadays. But with strange inconsistency the line is drawn at the kitchen. , An aesoeiation of'Boeton women has been makin strenous efforts as persuade gide de art ent 'stores with their constant natural more lucrative, and comParatively easy v7 rk of domeutio servants. They have ifi gather statietics with great care and in- ers to tell them what wages they pay, what kind of room is given their servant, how much time Eshe bee to herself, and the like, and they have tabulated this information and scaetered the renlies broadcast in the hope oflinfluencing the girls to go into the kitchens ; but they will not go, Is Ole reason far to seek ? And is there not something to be done about it ? And Who can institute the refoem better! than the young woman that read thie paper ? • HEART PALPITATION. are bored," 'Ater his royal highness asked where the young lady wts born. " At X. I have lived there all my life" " How many years did you say you lived there ?" inquired the Prinee, tI am boredt sir," said the lady___.quietly.—__London Chronicle. World's Clutinpion Healer. " I tried many renledies to cure piles,' writes W. R. Smith, of Labhanis " but found nh relief till I used Buoklen's Arnica Salve, I have not been troubled' with piles since" Grandest pile cure on eirth and the best salve in the world. 25c per box, guaranteed by I. V. Fear, druggiet. sasemmummensmainatmenasaussemseamosemeiri PUBLIC NOTICk Common, Things, It ia a great mietake not enjoy and ti make good_ ose of common th ngs. Most likely you cannot commend th best that life has to giver but you can, et least, get near to it by improving whatever comen in your way. Happiness depends ' very little upon tbe vastness of one s pose mons, but tt does very mach upon a spirit of content, - melt 'whieh, coupled with willi gness and ability-, enables a man to get a, I the good possib/e out of bis lot. Extravagance is one of the many results .of des Ming corn- !: mon things, and, if you value pe ce of mind and self-reepect, steer clear of it. Life is chiefly' made up of common th go which few, if anyocan afford to treat vsith con. tempt. To do iso is folly ; but U80 them honestly mid to the best Advantage is wis- dom. ebeo Lady Relieved From Great Buffering. She Had Tried Many Medicines Without Avail, _But Ultimately Found a Cire Through the Use of&Dr. Williams' Pink afflictions a -re. more' terrible than daises° of the heart, To live in con- stant d ead and expectation of death,. sud- den an with last farewells unspokene is for most p ople more awful to contemplate than the in at serious lingering illness, The alighte t excitement brings suffering and danger to snole people. For everal ears Mrs. Vravel, wife of P. H. , Grave ,Iforeman in' Barry's I cigar factoryi St. John's suburb, QuebemwaS such a sufferer bub thanks to Dr. Willianss' Pink sh is again in the evjoyment of good health. Mrs. Gravel says : general health was bad for several years, y appetite was poor, and I was ciao ily tired, but it was the frequent eharp pain!! d violent pal itation of my heart tried m ny medicines, and wee treated by , ORM s poorly that I was not Wen° do any ho sehold work, and was 'frequently confine to my bed. At the suggestion of one of y friends I decided to try Dr. • Wil- liams' ink Pills. After taking a few bones I began to gain new atrength and vigor, The pa in my heart were Jess frequent and les severe, and in every way my health wao im roving. I continued tieing the pills until I ad taken eight bone, when I had completply recovered my health. I have gained in flesh ; my appetite ie good, and I am able to do all my household work withou6 g the awful fatigue I was be- fore subject to. I am very thankful to Dr. Willianis' Pink Pills, for they have truly released me froth much suffering, and I hope that others may be induced to try this wonderful medicine." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by going to the root of the disease, They renew and build ep the blood, and etrengthen the nerves elms driving dieease from the eye. tenn 'Avoid imitations by inenting that evety lar* you purehans is enclosed in a wrappet bearing the hill trade mark, Dr. Williams' Pink Mlle for Pale People. 1.f your dealer does not keep them they will be sent postpaid at 50 cants a box, or six boxes for $2 50, by addressing the Dr. Williazdid Medicine (lo,, Brookville, Ont. ' One on the Prince. Here M the latest anecdote cencerning the Prince Of Wales : A young lady was pre- sented to him at a social function, and not knowinn how long she ehould talk to him, naively eequested him to tell her when she should leave him. " On the contrary," said the Pri ce, it is for you to tell me when you ante Wornout Nerves. So Wo k she Couldn't Sloop or Work— Hand Mrs. 'has do the len trembl pint of sleep, 14 Sin I have walk a Thoug able se PrOVed lereatee vett is pill fo or Ed Trombled—Cou/d Infirmly Walk °rod by Dr. Chase's Nom Food. Margaret aron, Tower Hill, N. e me a world of good. I was that I could not walk twice th of the home. My hands d so that I could not carry a water. I was too nervous! to nd unable to do work of any; e using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food mile witkout any, inconvenience. 76 years old, and quite fiedno, own housework, and consider., ing, knitting, and reading bee Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has of inestimable ,vaiue to me." age's Nerve Food le the world'e restorative for pale, weak, mire en, womene and children. In , 50 cantos a box, at all dealers, anson, Bates & Co.. Toronto. ..Don't cough, 1160 Dr. Chase's SYruIll Of Linseed and Turpentine, 25 cents it bottle. ' A Cheap Medicine est. " I have. need Hagyard's Yellow 01 for Burns, Scalds Sprains Brulees, Sore Throat nd for Pains in the'Stonvaoli and 13owele, and lb has always given relief. My mother says it is a reg lar medicine closet lu itself." WORMS, these pests of childhood c destroyed and expelled by the use of D Syrup. It is easy to take, and contain n be readily .Low's Worm its own pun. Dyspepsia for Eight ears. popela and Pains in the Stomach, after had euffer- Nine bottles of Laxa.Liver Pills ouredre of Dye - ed eighty eng" and could get nothing to do mo any Mrs. Asa Hamilton, Bear *yen N. S. A severe cold Bottled on my. throat ahd lungs so that I could hardly speak. After other remedies failed I tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, and ono bottle of it completely oared me. Mrs. Thos. Cotter, Nor hport, Suffered Intense P in. Mrs. Chao. Miller, Bowling Green, On enYt : have !suffered greatly from hniarornatory rheum - Mem for two years. My joints would swell, and the pain was meet severe. Could not get out of bed. Milburn's Rheumatic PlIle have cured e," Cramps and Coll Nothing gives much quick and offectUal relief fron3 these distreeeing complaints as Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, • Seaforth The undersigned having purchased from the Ogilvie Milling Compapy, of Montreal, the well-known Seaforth Flour Mills, Are now prepated to do all kinds of Custom Work, Special Attention will be The -very best quality of Flour given in exchange fon wheat. - • esenotica. Price, live cents r bag. Chopping of all kinds donepr the short - The best brands of Flour a Ways on hand, and will be delivered ite any Ipert of the The highest price in cash gaid for all F dfofraall kinds constantly on hand. The Seaforth Milling Co. 1689 SIGN ' OF THE SAW W td 1-3 H tml twl 0 tij ci liaW CAD CA, of -01 Aft Tenders will be received by the undors gned until Ma 28th, for completion of the °eras Draiu on can be Nen at *be residence of the reeve, Lot a, Con. cession a. Tenders will be opened at e Council Meeting, at the Town Hall, an May 281b, t 8 o'clock May 7th, 19Y), 1001.8 Shorey's Clothing is sold by Rel a le Dealerst' only others cannot buy it, consequently you can 1,e sure it is as represented. Shorey', MI Wool Busines$ Sitits Retailed at $8.00 Cannot be be ten. The Thoroughbred Shire on The above is an exact representation of this It rs SHA.ZZAR, Will stapd at their Sale Stables, EXETER, F°11 0 14)5 IMPROV ENT OF DESCRIPTION.—" Belshazzar" (1a856) is considered by competent judg s to be a t and the finest stallion ever imported into this country. His proportions ars exe lient, has quarters, large fiat bone and abundance ot line silky hair, which, with well shaped and per all that is claimed for him : The finest Stamp of shire horse in Canada. His Weight is 2 PEDIGREE, —" Belshazzar" (13860) Vol. 14, Shire Stud Book, Color, bay, Richard Tomlinson Micklehey,Riehton, Blackburn, Lancashire, Imported by WDonell & London, Ontario, September, 1899, after a voyage of 17 days, beating a large fie d. " Major" (1468). She won let prize at the Royal Agricultural Society show of England also received prizes at numerous other shows and never left a show ring without a prize. For further particularii see cards, which will be furnished on application to he proprie TERMS—To insure a foal $15. . ue type of a shire horse, sive shoulders, handsome et feet, withal, constitutes 300 pounds. oaled in 1891. Breeder, on let at Western Fair, years in succession., She POPULAR STALLIONS School Children s Eye The follovring well-known Stallions will travel during the season of 1900 as follows ROYAL STATESMAN. McKay Bros., Proprietors. Monday—Will leave the liable of John Baker, Lot 18, Concession 9, Stanley, and procteed west to the Goshen Line, then north 8i:InifeKto Robert Elliott's, for noon ; then miles west to the Brunson Lino, 'then sou& 2 miles to Hoary Sticklea's for night. Tuesday—Will proceed south 1 mile then west * milea to the Sauble Line, then south 1 mile to Joseph Roush's, for noon ; then tenth to Dr:I:dale, then nest 24 miles to illake for 1 hour, then east notice to jOhn Baker's for night, Wednesday—Will proceed end along the town line to Schaffer's Hotel, riippen, for noon ; then seat two and a half miles then north two and a ha f miles then east one.half mile to hie own stable, Pieter McKey's, Lot Sn'00118811e0r1 6, 11. R, S., Tuokorernith, for night. Thureday—Will pro. coed east 2 mhes to tbe Hibbert Boundary then eouth 31 miles to John Fitzgerald's, Chiselhurst, for noon : then south o -e and a half miles to the Cabana boundry. the west 11 miles to Wood Brun Canoes. lion 8, Mc e boundary, for night, Friday—Will proceed west wo and one half miles then north 11 miles to the urioh Road, then vvest two and * half milee to Jamie Hagan's; Parr Line, for noon; -then north 2 1.2 miles to Hills Green, then west 2 miles to John Baker% for night. ilaturds,y—Will proceed south along the Bliivd line 2 and one-half miles then west to Zurich for noon ,• then north 2 and ontnhalf miles along the Goshen lAne to John Baker's, whore he will remain until the following Monday moonalrg. It Pays to Attend the Popular ceivpii• ST ATFORD, ONTARIO. Before you eci4e to attend any other school let us corres ond with you, Our magnificene catalogue ex laine our superior advantages. Students ar. in attendance this year from Canada, Un ted States and Newfotindland. A large num er of our recent students have accepted eh ice positions. Enter now. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. 4441.82 AN ITIEM OF INTEREST/ Finn loans ken at lowest rates; payments to ndence oho :folly answered, ABNER OMENS Inghstro, Ont 001ce-nAt mrner of Minnie am Pate.* etrests every Saturday all day, 1007 Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feiture of our Optical Department. SEAFORTH SEAFORTH DYE WORKS Lidice and or ntiomen, thanldng you' all for patrenago and timv that er, new mason is la hand wish to let you know that I am still In the bushman ready to do ms beat to give you every Illtafffladien in doing your work in the hne of sinning and dyesing Ontlemen s and !Attlee' clothing, done without being uppe,d ad well se to luive them ried Ali wool goods guaranteed to give good satWacion on short. old notice. Shawls curtains, ete,, at moderate Church. 1691.tt HAVE YOU TRIED THE NEW METALLIC Long distance telephone lines between MONTREAL, TORONTO, HAMILTON§ BUFFALO, LONDON and DETROIT Service Perfect. Half rates from 6 p. m. to 6 a, m. -The minimum Ni lit Rate ia 250 eocept where the day rate lege. TATE OF son Bros SE POATIL Speo;Ial Sale of CIVM S. For ti'ie Next 10 gap nin sell Cook , .gtioted. Ter odpodunity -e_er offered ionOneo pSeez One Maple wo At One B g se ne Oxfo the following list of Word and Hetters, tt !niece here strictly etch. trhe greatest ateuring torgaing in Stoves r Range, Price $32 on Range, price $24, uveulr, price $25, will gel' k, price $25, will eel' for Idea, with reservoir, price Graduet,e, with reservoir, ne Bright Mesa ivith reservoir, price as Oxford frarlaate, pr co $26, will sell One Oklord ilVoticl cook, price $20, will, sell for $14. I One Family ' Wine 824, will sell for Pne Orienai Cook, price $.25, will sell for Also a number of 011 and motrzo Stines very eheap. IC their orders, E. kr. nen-