HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-05-25, Page 54
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Honoring a Politieil Leader. :
Standing on the' desk of Sir Oharbse Te -
per When he GU te;'‘ed. the chamber Tuesday
afternoon Was a magnificent basket) of ram,
placed there by his admiring followers, Who
marked, in tide graeefui internee, the 46th
anniversory of their 'leader'e entrance to
publics life. 4 silk ribbon- twined around
the buket bore the ineeriptien r ” Forty-
five year of public! 1ife-1855.1000," ; end
, a (mad attached to it bore the words i
, 14 Presented to the Hen. Sir Charlen Tap.
,I per, Baronet, on a the 46th annivers-a
ary of his entry into publio life by his.
loyal suPporters ist the House of Com-
mons, ad =Item armee An the venerable
leader of the Oppoeition "entered the
ehamber he was greeted with deem by the
members who sit behind him on the Speek-
er's left, and ' the ',Cheers were taken up and,
re-echoed from thP Government benches.
- Sir Charlee beweeL hie acknowledgementa,
arsd as he. took his Item behind the baekee
of flower; whiela cornplesely obscured him
from the observatide ef those on the Gov -
eminent benehes, Mr. Foster laughingly
advised him to "hide hie blushee behind
the flowers," s
Before the orders of the day were milled
Sir Charles rose and read :-" I ask the in.
dulgence of the Holm to say a single woxrd
in reference to the very kind meaner in
which I have been 'received here to -day by
both sides of VI e House. (Cheers.) I need
not eay I have been deeply touched by the
manner in whi h my friends on this side of.
the House hay marked the (Completion of
the 45th year f my public life and in this
Houma, and by the very kenerOUS Manner ill
which the same epirit has been ovineed by
, gentlemen to whom I am oppoted tiolitieally.
(Cheers.) I was elected to represent my native
county of Cumberland, Nova Scotia, on the
22nd of May, 1855, so that to -day le the
conspIetion of 45 yeare of oontinuoue public
life, 1 may lay that daring that period f
' have been engaged in the active praetice of
the medical )rofension for 29 years, and that
I heve had the good ordiaad fortune to hold
the higheet office! In my native Province
and in the Dominion of Canada for 28 years
of my public life, . And I think almost every
• person would agree that unlese I was a great
slattern both for office and the emolument
arising from it, I ehould be abundantly sat-
isfied with the past. I can only say that if
I were half as polite a perszon as the eminent
Lord Chesterfield, who -apologized to those.
whom he h-ael detained some time standing
around his bedside before he expired;
I wouldmake a humble apology fOr
lagging Superfluoue upon the publio
stage eo long. (Laughter ;and !sheers.)
it is .1, not. my desire that that per-
iod should be very much longer continued,
but 1 am afraid 1 will have to remain, at all
event!, until the electorate of the country
shall deeide which, of the two great parties
who are now contending for power , in this
country are to enjoy it, during the period
whieb, is to come. (Cheers.)
Sir Wilfrid Laurier, representing the Lib.
oral, made pleasing and fitting reference to
the ocourrence,
; iwommiwAmons
News Notes.
-The Canadians have Floored again. Lord
Roberts wires- the War Office that Ma.'
horde advance to the relief of Mafeking was.
stubbornly opposed, and that a detachment
of Canadian artillery,lw job had reached the
scene by a series of for ed. marches, ren.
dared very valuable us stance." The boys
.seem to have the knack turning upett ,j,he
opportune moment.
• -The trial of Nolan, Walsh and Dolman,
the, three psalm accused of attempting to
blow up the locks on the Welland canal
with dynemite, opened at Welland on Wed-
nesday, before Chaneellor Boyd. Mr. E.
F, B. Johnston'the well known criminal
lawyer of Toronto retirements the Crown,
and Nolan and Wo,,lsh are without ceunsel
to defend them.
-Mr, James Cowin ex.Dominion Arbi-
trator, died at his residence, "Omagh) Lea,"
Galt, on Tuesday, in the 98th year of his
age. Ceciased was born near the Vale
Yarrow, Scotland, in 1803, and had been a
resident of Galt and. vicinity since 1634, He
for several years sepresented South Water-
loo in the old Parliament of Tipper Canada,
end Was a leading farmer and stook ratter.
874AVoReTII, MAY 1000
Fall Wheat (new), Standard , SO 64 to 80 65\
Boring Wheal per buelsel,..- 0 04 to 0: 65
eine per 0 27 tO 02-8
Peas per butthel- .0 57 bo 0 68
_Barley per bushel- - - 0 40 to 0 40
Butter, No. 1, Iowa- 0 12 to 048
Butter, •Iftw ...11 •••e • • • 0,12 to 0 18 '
Eno por doz„ • . 0 9 -to 011
Flour. per 100 U.- *0 ....A ••• •.• • • o• 200 to 200
7 00 to 7 50
5 00 to 550
Sheep kine, -• • • • 050 to 070
Wool 0 18 to 015
0 26 to 0 80
1 00 i0 000
Hey per ton new_ __„,
Hideo ter 100
_Potat:Oes per ‘usb
Salt (retail) per barrel -
wood par cord (long) ---
Wood pot owl (ehott),.........
Apples per has
Mover tr;r0kr •• •• 10
Timothy Seed- 41,4*•••••1(ff •• ****** t
Pork. per 100 IF* ear wif •.• OW
allow, per lb- -
Erma, May 28, IWO,
Wheat ,, 00 68 to 80 64
Bees 0 60 to 002
Bewley 0 88 to 0 42
Ooto ................... 026 to 0 27
Butter 0 11 to 0 12
0 00 to 010
6 60 to 7 00
0 OQ to 6 00
0 60 to 060
0 04 to 005
0 10 to 011
2 50 to 8-00
1 75 to 200
2 00 to 226
1 00 to 175
Hay „ „ . „ „ ........ . 50 to 700
4 00 to
2 Oa to
0 40 40
6 00 to
1 25- tO
6 er to 600
0* to.. 0 06
4 76
2 60
5 60
Pork-dream:4.f SkA•••••••••••••••••••
Sheep Skins -
.0 •••••••
-Cured 11.66.e. .... . r•••••••••••••••
Cordwood (green).
-Steve Weed.... • ....... It"
Stove Wood (gieen), • „
Potat oes.
Tortmeo, May 2 -Car lots are sold on
.trick at about 30.to35o per bag, and at
farmers' WagonS at about . 6 to 40c per bag;
out of store, choice 4001t?l:wing about 40 to
45c per bag.
Dairy arkete. •
Uerea, N. Y. M et 21.-Cheeee, - 7
iota- of large white: 39 'poxes, aold at no ;
8 lots do., 500 boxes't ; 10 lots large
colored, 600 boxes, at ; 16 lots do., 960
boxes at fige ; 20 lots, 70 boxes, at 9go ; 6
lots, 500 boxes, at 9ic .5 lots email white,
420 boxes'at 8o ; 61 tat small colored, 370
boxes; 'at82o ; 4 lots! do., 350 boxes at 9e.
Buttere-Creamery, 62 paokagee sold at
TOBONTO, May 22.--d-Better-eSteady to
firmetnd in 'keed demand. Creamery steady,
Loftier% here sell to the trade as follows :-
Dairy tube, 2 to 130 for &Mae ; large
rolls, 13 to 14(3 ; eznall dairy pound prints,
13A to 14o; carmen, tubs and .boxes, 17
to 18o, and poundal 18 to 19e. Cheese -
Sales are being made in the ordinary way
at 13o for old, and 11 to 11 for new.
Eggs -The market is eteadye Dealere are
now paying litio outside. Sales to tire trade
are made at 12 to 124c.
Idea:enure May 22, -Eggs -There is a
fair demand and prices are firm at 11 to
1* foe choice. 13utter-The market con -
gum firm, with factories holding for an-
other advance, but dealers (state that they
are unable to twelve any large orders for
preeent quality of butter at prices asked.
Expiate are praotically nil. We would
quote * good demand for finest °memory at
17i to mc, but enything over I'Pso ie maid
to be e apeOu1eettV0 price. Cheese -The
ahippeneeontinue to he,miner mama_
under thednfluenue of rather gloomy cables,
English holders are not anxious for new
cheese at any prices until °Id stook fe all mold
off, and there le dill much of elle highapri(ed
article on hand in that market, , On spot we
hie.* ening inito:
bite at 0 to
On the arf
4: •
idiVad St
iThState. , Low 0, Engle
ite es o
13a pe pound; at•
to lei per pound
and ye On it are s
r po
did not
the Pr;
4# to 5
from 2
at from
from 01
pound f
ik; sups
for hogs
train $6
port ca
*ere ste
were in
little off
per owt,
heavy 1
cher, $3 0
cher, $3 to $4 ; inferior hutch°,
$2.75 ; tookers, 0 to $4 ; Lam
$1.50 to $6 ; sheep, $2 to 64 ; lb
$3.50 ; ows,'625 to $50 each ;I c
ok kets..
•d, Ma 22nd. -
e are quoted at 12
Live poo Klee' ar
dre ed eight) ; s
ad at 8 to 130
Ite rigeratrr ef le firm at
we May 22. Th butehere
In considerable . num ars,- but
*cern to require uoli beef, and
(Attie was- rat ' ragging,
rs about' the ism n Iset Th
ket. Prime )3 eve mold at f
per pound ; pre ty- clod tocIi
; the corn o
om ,
o ,40, and the lk en's st ip era
to 4o per poen . elves scd at
o 87 each, 8hi to r paid 4e , for
go siicep, and the butehett aid
o 4iii per pound f the oth re.
tribe 601d.ttt fro 60 to . 26
at hogs sold Mei ent 54. to Bee pot*
r !straight lots, Weig ed offthe a re.
or lot of 35 hoge fro the efts ern
a were gold at 4e pe 'squad..
iro, May . 23rd ---B shim . led
the cattle Map et' .clay. P ces
took another j p p, -advan ing
to $64,31i, he emend for ex
hivighasargli ' rwittel 1-Pnait.- igrtocv errYs
dy at $3,25, $3,90 a, d $4. HS vy:
ere firm at $4,40, 'dater ea tie .
iir demand, but the nality w - a
Choice exporters, .50 to $ .15
Light eXporters, 0 8 to 64, 0 ;
ens, $4,15 to $4,40 ; hole* ut-
to 84.25 ; medium t good • ut-
.0.50 to
per cwt.,
eke, .82 to
, Ives-, $6 to
et° each j choice hogs, $6.3'714 per cwt. ;
light h ga, $5,75-- per cwt. e heavy hop,
63.62i. t 64 per cwt, ; spring earths, 63 to
65 each: e
BBFPALO, May 224-70attle ood to hest
smooth et export cattle, deal able quality,
$5.40 to 5.85; good- tubeot, 25 to $6:50;
export . lls, ohoiooto extra, to 84.50;
good to Icaltoice butehers' a ere, 0 • to
,e0 ; good to best butchers' steere, .75
to 6d 10 ; good to 'hest fat bells,, $4.25 to
64.tel ;, r to good fat bulls, P.85 to $4.25;
fe • ;ere' bulls, 0.25 to $3,601; common to
goad ho egna bulls, $3,60 to $4 ; good to
best fat afore, $4.50 to $5.10 ; fair to good
heifers, • .25 to 644, 1 fat cows) good to
beet, 1 5. to $4.5 ;,' media . fat cows,
$3.6010 .76 ; fat cows, ohm On . to fair,
82.50 to ; feeding steers, eh ice to extra,
$ .50 o $5 ; fair to go d, , $3 60 to
$3 85 ; anada etoekesteers, , ,60 to 84.85;
t cic cal s, choiceato extra, 5. to $5.40 ;
stock bu Is, $3 to. .75 ; calve , good. color
eteela, $4 760 V. .t.8heep and Lambs -De-
mand fox lambleof Atilequality was active,
and sold oti.th hasW of 66,50 o $6,75, lane
. .
sheep wer edie.4.sande ,kower. Lembo, choice
to extra, $6:50.40 lo,„75 ; geed to . choice,
$6 to $6,01 sheeporrixeu, 6!,75 to 85;
wethers $ to $5,254 hexporto w there, $5,25 '
to $5.351. Hogs-eavy ho $5.40 to
$5.45 ; wiXed, $5,36e. to, $5.4 a Yorkers,
heavy, $5.25 to 65,3(r; Yorker ,'liglat,$5.20
to $5,25 ; Pige, resughs,$4,80 to .85 ; stage,
$3.65 to M 90; doge steady.
Bank of Commerce!
Six Dollars -4e .000,000.
A gen re Banking business tran-
sacted. Farmers' Notes discounted,
and, special attention leen to the
oolieeti cif Saie Notes.
SAVI BANK. -Interest &ION -
ed on d posits of $1 and upwards
Special etionities for transaction of
• businee in' the Klondike District.
Money 0 ersrpayablo at any ban homed tho
following r tee •'
Undo . 010 .08;$20 to
. 111 to 820 .10 880 to .14
. 'Bohol r,
BRETT-It Reafortb, on May 7th, th wife of Mr.
R. A. rett,, of a eon.
HAYS -In 1eleillop, on May 22nd, the wife of Mr.
John Fl Vs, of a daughter. -
BUOHANA -In Grey, on May Oth, the. wife of *.
Alex. 11 chanan, of ,a eon.
HULLEY- MoKillop, on May UM, Ow wife Pt
Mr. Aar•n Halley, ole 00n. *
HAOKWEL -In MaKillop, on May 5th, the wife Of
Th Haeltwell, of a son.
MoPARLA *din Gtey, on Moy loth, the wife of
Mr. Geo e McFerlane, of a son.
roureiee ey, on May 16th, the wife of Mr. GeO,
Ford, Of II eon,
PARSONS in Stephen, on Ifay 14th, the wife of
- Mr, Se PEMODY, of 14 daughter, „
HOGARTIT in Stephen, on May 6tb, the wife of Mr.
Fred Hrgarth, of a daughter,
SAMBROO Orediton, on May llthi the 'Wife of
Mr. Wm Sambrook, of a or. •
MoDONAL Wingliam, on May. 16M, the wife a,
Mr, T. McDonald, of a eon,
ItINTOU In Winglism, on May 141h, the wife of
Mr. Ww Rintoul, of a eon, • 1,
GtpIN-In finton, on May 7th, thof wife of Dr,
Gunn, o dau hte
M NYING8-In Goderieh township, May 12th,
the wife Of Mr, Wal. Mtionings, of son.
TAYLOR -I Tuakersmith, on May 140, the wile of
Mr. Wm, Taylor, of A daughter.
!TENDERS N --1n oderieh, on May 18th, the wife
olldr. Orden Henderson, ole 000i (0t111 bOrne)
HALE -16 Odorieh, on May 10th, the wife of Mr,
Frank We; of Guelph, of a daughter,
WALKER- h Paden, on May 18th, the wife of Mr.
Wm, W licer, of a son.
HOOD -In Stanley, 00 May 17th, the wife of Mr.
Joseph nod, of a eon., •
COOPER- ELSON-At the reoldonce of tie bride's
parents, On May 101h, by Rev. Mr. M rtin, Mr.
George oper, of London, to Mi Annie, Only
deughte ,of -Mr. John Nehion, ot E eter North. •
SIIEPIIER -EDGAR-At the reel erica of the
bride'e arents. Irowick, on May icte, Mr. Shop.
- herd;,to Mies Lillie, eldeskdssughte of Mr, Goo.
WILLIAMS N-DENBOW-At the res donde of the
bride's other, on May 16th, b Rev. John
Holmei, r. Robert J. Williamson, to Wes Al.
bort* D bow, all Of Brunel?. I'
rucore-e KLATER--At 'the 'residence of_ the
bride'm •stelae, Lower Wifighom, On Ma 10th,
by R.ov. „ Perris, Mr. Anthony Nicihol, 0 Wing.
ham, to Mies Annie, daughter of Mr. . oma,
eluelato ,
onnetni-1 'ilerputhey, on May 2Is6, owes OrIOV0,
aged 50 carrandex dayp.
MEGAW-1 Goderieh, on lloy.181b, S Ilegaw,,
• aged 80 earl end 2 months.' i
POLAN-In Farquhar, on May 1211, tbe Wife -01
- J. Polon -aged 07 years, 1
KERR-ln orrie, on lifoy 10th, Francis 'OharlOtto
Higgins, riffle Of Mr, W, Kerr, aged 2t9 years,
, 1 month :Id -4 dope. I I . .
BENNETT iliussele, on May 18th, Ellen Ben.
nett, ag 02 yeas%
HAYS -In G 441014.013 -May I.1th, dames Hays, eged
(IL re ,
.KNIGI1T-1 Grey, on .MaY 16th,- Joh - IL, con of
'Joseph ahd Barbara Knight, aged cr yore.
Sixty S condi; make a inute
Sixty minutes make an flour,
But 6 type -writing maehines make t
finest e dement in Canada or produ
Ing exp rt operators. The
Central, Business ollege,,
Has that equipment, and, besides has t
largest staff of export teachers ployed
any Canadian bumineee sehool. is oollog
is open every month in the yet!, and et
dents may 'enter any time aud Edify fo
buainees positions on short lotto Specie
Summer terra from July 3rd. batalogu
free. --
Nome) suckle rird sts., Toronto.
U 52
Duthie% Tomah, Seed.
White Oak, saddlesere Mir& 4th, I
IldreW Yea% StitsfOith t
oar Sir: WAS adved to try .
Duthielt turnip seed, ne Me you hen ed
hot eteaeon. It was late W110,I1 1: found.' oo Id
get it from you, and, for 'this roman only
ordered a !Small quantity. X want , to lay
that I had very good results, notivitlistand.
leg the exceedingly dry'Meilen, Something
like 800 bushels per acre, X think. Now,
you will kindly let mo know if you intend
llhPorting nein from. Mr. Duthie) I will re
Quire from 35 to 40 lbs., perhaps more.
:Kindly give an idea of price. An early
&newer wilt oblige, yours truly, FRANK R.
i The above ehoompion putile, top swede
mold by A. Young, Seefortle. only, who i
ports it direet from A. Duthie as Co.,Teiv
Aberdoen, Sooelanct, who grow it on
oven farm. All men (lettere, promptly
tended to. Price; 2ec per pound.
A. Yoewo, Seaforth.
T\OG LOST, -Lost Or stolen from the F.gmond.
Li villa flits on Sunday night, May 201311, a Week
and white hull cl,g. Any Information hewing to bis
recovery will be reWarded and any 'person found
bothering him will be proecouted, - A. , HUGHES,'
Iron buyer, Seatortb. 10984
Co res er ' M
Market Sreeta
Dry ..Csocetta lend
Four Counties.
a ' Weal' r is &ening, evert if it isn't here yet. Are you prepared for it?
e If ot, call; at our s re nd &fleet a summer coat awl vest that will
ma warm weath a p enure to you.
• i ,
Now 0 the ti tit to examine your took ofaummer under clothe% It is low (and
it u ually io at this time of year), you. cannot do better than to cern°
th.e from :50e to S .00 peri mitt
and examine out e tens ve range of this class of goods, We have
at is up to date in g nts' furnishings and clothing will be found in
Everything t
our tore at the lowest piossible tprices. We are satisfied that we leap
plea elan, giveus triel, 1 _
16-1ARM FOR SALM-Par ale Lot 21, COneesslon
I! MoKillop, containing 100 acres, 80 of whieh a e
cleared and ready for crop, being well undordralnele
add well fenced with 'order and. Week ash, The h I.
fusee is timber and pasturS, ..-,There le a Mill or
'chord and three good wells. There is a good lrenie
hone° and wood !hod, a bern and stablee 51x80 feet
also sheep house, pig nen, implement house andII
other necessary out buildings'. It iii 1.1 miles eaetd
the north gravel road aud le convenient to school.,
ehurehes, post office, eta Ie 7i wiles from Seefor h
And ten miles from Brussels. It le one of the belt
farm e In the township and will be sold on easy te e
as the proprietor wiehes to retire. Apply on th_e
promisee or Wrote Winthrop 13, 0. WM. MORRI-
SON. 1698.t1
Jo Do IGNAB Co Es;
. ,
Einelneer for VViegham, Seafo th,
. a
Cement Sidewalks, Sew0i and Townshi
Drains will be given speolitittention;
Meeting of Huron :aunty Ociutici
The Couneltof the County o Huron will meet
the Connell Chamber, in the own of Goderleh on
the first Tuesday in Juno next at 8 o'clock p. re.
W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderloh, May 21st,
Court of ReviOon.
A Court of. Revielon for the Osseo -Mont roll of the
town of SelsfOrth for 1900 wille- held in the Connell
Room on Monday, June 40, a xt, at 8 o'clock n
th, mj,,
for o consideration of an}hid
y appeals apsaid
ro11,1 WM. ELLIOTT, Town Clerk. J Do, ad at 13
forth, May 28rd, 1000 I 1008-1
Seaforth's Leading Shoe Store.
Unlike most bicycle 'hoes of other
makes, the Slate Bicycle:, Shoe
. looks as well as a walking shoe as
it feels when worfking the pedals,
It is made of Seal Brown and
Black Kidduck, tellich resists war
ter and dust, and. Is proof agains
perspiration._I is unlined, fo
coolness and li htnessaeTh
shank and quarter are stiff With
re-inforcing strap _ p the back to
prevent backseare from lapping,
-while the forte d part of the
shoe is as pliable. 4s a meccasin.-+
Certainly 1he best bicycle shoe at
any mono in Canada,--eprice $3-
,a pair. .For saleeil-ntSeaforth.only
Opposite Commerobsi HotelSeaforth.
The Nol Ns Bank.
REST . .
I Money advanced
notes, with one or
Collectione made
and Mures prom
ratezi of exchanges.
in Canada, the Uni
Sterling and Anted
Interest) alio
ng bar one month or more at current rates.
(wings Departm
eposits of $1 and u
Speeded attention
farmers' sale not
The Benk le ope
dneral banking bu
. . . $1,625,000 00
'ROAMS, . Oen, Manager.
to farmers on their own
ore endorsers.
In all parts of the world,
tiy remitted, at loweat
rafts mold on all points
ed States and Eurepe.
an exchange bought and
ed on deposits renialn-
nt-Intereet allowed on
given ,to the collection
daily forotrainsaoting a
Mese, .
ent, Henson Byanch.
Don t Haug n
the Rear of he
hariot of P ogres
Ancla-be yanked along, with a chau f the tailboard gMng wy..
Get on the seat with the iiriver, and Set the -pace. We hold the
. ribbons and set the pace fpr 'everything -in dry goods, This ow.- '
munity looks to us for ieroper styes, dependable merehandise,
end lowest ' pnoes YotI confide ee in us is not misplaced.
Every safeguard is given ou, every tateinent we make is ful-
filled. Each season we have shoWn that which is newest and
that which is best. Every article w sell you is guaranteed. If
a garment tunes out wron, we mak it right, and our prices are
always the lowest that reliable mere andise can be sold'for.
cI yoke bick and fro
Black 'Roman satin waist,with cord
ed and 81*red yoke baek and front,
$2.50. •1 *
411 siI black and white shepherd\
$ -
ncy ored silk Waist, $5.#).
full range nelored
.11O'n3. 38e up to 82,
We make no comments, but let the
they do some
Lace Curtains, 2 yards long,Lat 19
and 75c. Nottingham Lace 'Curtains,
rattier, at $1. Farley Flannelettes at
for boys' suits at 25e, 30e, 369 and 40e.
hite Cotton, 37 landless wide, w
while they last. A epeelal line of Frin
hams in fancy checks and etripee, 12c,
special, at 10e, 120, 150,,20e and 25c.
25e. Spot Muslims, large and emall sp.
black and white, at 65o and 75e. Blau
teen for Dresses and Shirt Waists ae 10
and colored, at 50o, 75c' 81 and $1 25,
750. Men's Red Printed Handkerehiefs
at 20e, for de. Men's Phew Sheen, (tide
90, $1 and $1.25. The Williams' Pate
fine Oxfords at 76e) $1; $1 25 and $2,
at 61.25.Boys' Standard Shoes at $1,
gooda and prices speak for themselves, and
loud taking. Listen
and 251L .1401$ Curtains, three yerde long, at 50o
yards long, 54 inches wide new patterns, it's a
prices -4 '
o, 7c, de 10c and thic. Strong 4!weeds
Grey Cotton, yardwide, only half 0, bale left, at
rth 8o, for 6c, New Prints, 34 inolsee wide, at 5e
X, fast aolore, worth 10e, for me. Scotch Ging
150 and 20o. White and colored Piques, very
alley Organdies in neve designs at 1210, 20e and
ts, at 8o, 10a, nee and 16c, AII.over Lacer!, in
and colered Batelle at 25e and 30o. Black Se-
• 12-io and 15o. Ladies' Shirt Waists) in white
op' Sweaters, navy 0,14(1 cardinal, at 5fle and
special at 5o. Men's Suependers, made to sell
ion soles; epochal at $1.50. Men's Plow Shoes at
t Adjustable Shoes at $1.65 and 62. Ladies'
Dongela Show, buttoned or laced, epecial
$1,25 and $1.50. Children's Shoes in endless
c_Azia ...tsa\TiO low* PRIam.
There are different grades of "CRESCENTS." My price
nembere are as follows:
NOS. 3 and 6 each $27 50
51 and 2 eh 30-09
15 and 6 ,eaoh 35 06 --
Pi and 8 91,Nr 54 00
Get a catalogue and see the difference.
kir the various
Baby Carriages, G Carts and ExpeesEt Wagaiis . also in various styles and at
' ‘ close t figures a .
ON S, Seaforth.
We: Want Your Pe
Our Motto is Small Profits al
o itio
nit Patronage
. :
We trust that the people of IS orth and,
efforts to supply a superior article a the-loWest
are going through Our stock every anon*, an
which we expect the late buyer8:wi1.'beereidy to
select froth, and you get the prices e
goods while we have the time tri,de Otte),
NIGHT ROBES, --A special,
Gown, empire style, enibroidery trinime
material,- 98e. Something extra,-- e fit*'
special at 85e. A choice Skirt, fine Icotton, eep
insertion and double embeiidetedl.fri I, for 50.
antic, entire satisfaction to 'all who conte -he' fo
ery at lowest prices. ' , k , , ,
LACE CURTAINS at redited prices w
75c, for 50o; $1, for 750; $1,15, for 90c; 1.7
ured Mohair end Luetre for gu, 38e, 500 an 1 7
45e, 55e, 70e and 90c. Homespun skirt pi ces
est, at reduced prices, ,.
. We rant all the Butter and Eggs that
, Every Tuesday is Bargain Dv.
• Remember the place -
(kick Returns.
• f • .)
• ••,.• a '
rhood wil appreciate our
e price. Just now we
g out odds and ends
ck up at bargain prices.
ig variety of these goods to
e, as we prefer to sell these
ed, good cotton, 47e. A nice
epeetel, and a beauty, best
$1.19. - -
with deep embroidery frill,
frill, 95e. An exmllent Skirt,
• ht pp -to -date, and we guar -
Hats, Bonnets or other Maw,
rth 30e, for 19c; 400, for 26c;
for $1.25
lines .25t. Choi
tekace Fig.
. Choice Black Caehmere at
in cheeks-4nd plaida, the new-
ou on bring us. One price to all.
• e
r 7
Only, Oash Dry Good t
re, under the A
Travel over
the World
And you -won't find a better stock o
Parasols than we have waiting to shade
your pretty face, became we have cull-
ed the daintiest and smallest creations
from all makers. The styles, desiges
and colot effects ere all pretty and
special line, steel rod, fast black
top, for 75c.
A special line, steel rod, 'silver
mounted, natural wood handle, pare -
mate top, for $1,
A special line, steel rod, silver_
mounted handle, gloria silk top, $1.25.
A special line, steel rod,. sterling sil-
ver mounted handle, glom. silk top,
for $1,55.
Other specials at 8185, $2,$2,50,
$2 60 and $3,20,
roe CoOds
Special 'striped Mualins sp fs. Muslin at 10e,
25e, 38e; rhite and colored
Ot mid 22 ; Piques at 10e,
170 and- Se • _speeial line
*rtingi a bit, 16e, 22c -
Mereerized Foulards, a new en
Made -a c Want but the nearestrl
Proach to' ilk ever produced, the aele4--
signs being, -equal to Silks, for 25e,
No woman Will sit 'down and make
her own Underwear if she knows what
we are selling and the prices we are
charging. The wcrkmanship is good
and the style is dainty. Durability,
prettiness and economy have been cm,
blued in a delightful manner.
Corset covers at 14; 17; 25e, 28e,
34c, 54 560 and 70e.
Drawers at 14e, 25e, 35e, 33e, 47;
60e, 55e, 60e, 70e, The, $1, $1.50,
$1.75 and $2.50.
Skirts at 48e, 750, 85e, 95e„ $1,12,
$1.19, 81.35, $1.50, $1,75, $2, $2,25,
$2,50, $2,85, $3,65 and. $4,
Gowns at 50, Theo $1, $1.19, $1.35,
$1,45, $1,60, $1.75, $2, $2,25, $2,45„
$2.75 aild $3, •
Chemise at 50e, 53o, 70e and 76c,
Infants' Robes at, 60e, 75; $1, $1,25
and $1,50.
Child's white pique Reefers at $1,
Infants' Cream Cashmere Cloaks a
$2,25, $3.25 and $3.50.
White Shirt Waist Specials.
White lawn wallet, tucked back and,
front, 75e,
White iawn waist, straight insertion,
trimn3.ed front, plain tacked back, 900.
White fawn waist, insertion yoke
back and front, $1,19.
White lawn waist, front diagonally
trimmed with tucks and insertion, plain
tucked back, $1.19.
White laW11 waist, tucked yoke back
and front, With lace edged frill around
yoke, 81.33. - -
White lawn waist, front diagonally
trimmed with tucks and insertion, plain
tucked bock, $1,33.
White fry muslin waist, with, lace
yoke haelt and front, f1.75.
White pique waist, -trimmed with
wide i'user bee across the front, $2.10,
Iliatek oaten waists, yoke back and
front, 95e. -
Ilia* sateen waist, straight tucked
front, $1.75, t
Twill black sateen Waist, diagonally
tucked, front, 81.90. "
Black Boman satin waist, uith ear
epa !tient
If t1ie0 Were not such a diffe
in cloth*, we'd simply tell you LW
much lower our prices are than others.
Two suits cen be bought from the 110,1118 '
bolt of cle'
th and one might wear a1
year while the other would, Shoddy in
a month.1 here's as much' in making
as in materiel. We are !selling the
best readyniade clothing ever produced.
All coats shrunk duck iter1ined. You,
can't get beater elothi
Special mania tweed e
brown mixture, all size's 0.
Special line black or blue worsted,
all sizes, at $7.20.
, Special line brown woreted, heavy
,Weight, all sizes, at $9.75.
' Special line men's weming pants at
We, 840 and 95e.
Special in me OIL
. I
't any
Children havenelothing, elide dowfaliplint
-err board -in their best trousers with, ani
/11110Ceitt calmness that makes that?: 1
mother's hair slowly risc. Now, we
don't 'Ruben& "to iell boys' clothing that
will withstand the persuasive '
of 'utile, when the two Come
but we do *fell the stoutest, trongest
and best stuff we eau find, ;
Special line boie allLwool
,20 and $3.50,
me Very special lines in. c
three pices, sailor collar, from
pposite To w`A B,
iklren's wash suits, apemal
, for $1.
mol'eliildren's white duck,
three pieces,' colored sailor collar,
95 te.
Let us remind you .,that
Hats, Oapi, Shirts and Ti
rnzshinga, eontaits the .
ne* gods.