HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-05-25, Page 1I900 Wd $to-ok, a- t VRE ri tly ep' 91, dut in 'this, IRTY-FIRST EA&, ter ever lastig ad TO MAV 259 19000 MCLEAN BROS., PubUshers; whole newapaper ful-t WH LK.- NUMBER, 1,693, H, FRIDAY, 42. JL $1 a year M� Advance. of learniqg the true, ff "'A DEPENO.M -OF MR. %ION-. result will be a large and prof table yield, went to bed at a hotel at I o'clock Saturday berb Kingley, hap juab where diLipl Vy. pentag id- best way of THITH' M. P. P.- at tf ulay fe.. Sault Ste. Marie shows the most remark- IN morning, and before retiring either blew out, with great finding W 111616(!handise that are able Improvement and signs A prosperity, the gas -or opened the valve after havig ca ught him in his -arms. Ht Was -nub -of DsALa EXPOSITOR, -You have see proper Large pulp, paper, iron, carbide andAkali turned it off. - When called at 'six. o'clock ioc arse, able to hold him, but undoubtedly this stor to refer, in your desery fRotories and lumber and nich el steel I mills IN a scileota edly ap reciated they were found unconscious, and were at saved him a great deal. Ho strudjc. his
I to give cust�mors the are' in working order or under progress. first thought to be beyond hope, but bT re-
pap1r, to th t I' f, the I of Mr' bead on a heavy irionylpe, cutting his egf .400king ior, Brown, M. 'Ple. 1s,',7nnt9h1ePfooa1l I e -gill kefure, 6 Mt, White had a poixonal o sorting to heroic medical treatment were Ac rose And bruising his orehead - -over the reunite the- county of Porth for reg stratioli successfully revived. right eye severely, grade of goods verifying'eve'ry -detail of tlinv'Atrulonultay ine! WALL PAPERS, [hey want ; the prim Urposes. - In your reforence y dustries of Mi. F. H, Ofergue discussed at -"Tuesday, morning four men attacked a on s6y that ff Nelson montiftht M. P. P., fo South the Toronto Board of Trade, as in prOarams - policeman in Parkdoe, and bound- hilts Perth Notes. limited, but May' is X Perth, tried to turn* a corner too E ierp for at Sault Ste. Marie, and he Is of the opinion . with z wire and c irried him to. an presents tons were ex- -Mitchell a have raised $M"to. depirtm-ents are line, him, but that Mr. Brown, M. P P;, for that Mr.'Clergue'm re 5c and'6o papers for 4c old stable, while a companion WAS W! 4s the pin er ioyele g4th betw#on -that f
at work attempting -,to drill the vault,of the Ser North Porthobas carried out bin i unt all ceedingly modest compared *w th the results 10o papers for 8o to d Stratford, Active trade is goi, -,right. Now* *that you halve �iveu he case to be seen. The Algoma Ce bral . Railway- Standard Bank at that place. They were 119 epapers for 100 11Vn l2i ey - r. 0. R. BrItiginoe, Toronto, has' Ae- against Mr, Monteith, with ii &ter or hail alrilady constructed and I a operatiom a frightened away, however, before th' got epted the position- of 4rganlob ana tahoir Did it ever, occurAo �.rou th"i 1 so perversion of facts, you will a wtainly di ision of its system ,ranning from Vlohi- 0 into the Vault. -not sure that We el at �f we were ther lines at reduoecl prices.. - V,NTT T' not object to give a true statemai t of the pi otou HPPbO r to the Helleh mines, where Borders and Ceilings to match. -Robert Blackmore's hardware store,att in' aster in Mitohell Metl.iodiot church, -Mr. J. W. Green, wbo ataredth-ioTxvi. IKE a, in 011i ent 91aims 1 for our ds -day ht were' m- ear i - - goo came in relation to both Mr, Monte 6 and It spa a mountain of the Dullest hematite Perfect ijoods ()nly. St. Thom" was burglarized Fri nt( ck Gazette, has sold -but to a gentleman In Mr. Brown, ithout perversion of fallto: �re I& hustle in i a fro we k eek, that e -would do ourselves more br wn ore,- calculated to coat du many mil- sud:$150 worthof goods taken., The -burg-' na ne Litater. d lie You state fairly enough the historj� of the It tons, � This ore I beir g rained for A lars cutAhiougli the -door. A year ago this 0ri the -ratepayers of St harm 4 In e store � ffi ,
Me stand% out prord- 'rai .-On July 21st
-Pn n,oO ? 6k tance 'we'' ake .-the In divisibn of thee 11EX, W1 TEr"
smeiting at Sault Ste! Marie, Mf4loud, A was robbed of $40-0 worth of goods. Fur ish D6art- ounty of Perth for Wgistra. 49 Mi rys will vote on the advisability ef Ao- ki ),S' tion purposes ; abd of,"tbe county council lieronto and &Is)' at Cdlling. Four burglars were captured, two at ism- quring and oper-Alugah oloot-doi htplauti,� -yS 8- oe n1, f-tting1heir eyes o sn'to the fact that -when smelters are pu up a,,t the goo.. ars and two abBuffklo. Allwarecouvi a-, peopi 'that there.never WO a I betterVa�tie in bp t HamilGn, De
__S1EAy0RT]R. Thia del wood, -Anson Moore, who stole $21 "foin Mr. latter place me t -1 w call 11.'Muleskiin" ay d ';-icre is no neces W IIIami Love age, ef Tallartan, has been lent&r the town than, he .ne, and sent to Kingston Penitentiary. the inerjased demand sity or two such offices sell at 25c _t� -1i 4 the cost of maintaining the second of- Another brooh. of the Algoma Central -Mrs. Helkey an ;-old resident of the re is was not an actual't we would. it tow sot tonood to term of two years At Kmr e Is donfliderable ; t6t the county 10808 0, way is being copetruoted from a n' all ham, who lived near the Ott no assillrdly be' dc ing-.ourselv rU 0 oouslderb near Sudbury,;tap '6 the nic popu a ion is about 310PO, probably�--4ud the village of Selkirk, was killed by light s b a, The same ru le --sum annually in fees,- and of pi g Ilel belt �'Pfotho t* in quality rl 0 Rail hip of Rai!!a as select a, stook as can '17 -Tho Ems Cheesfi' 0 hipped distriet with no view Of sup I 'i ig the nickel business oentre and town -of the S"katchetw on Tuesday afternoon of last week. 25 ') boxim of April obeem,for �"_YBXiiaoin atside thi city stojea. also applies to ill the Other' le'a,_ ing -1,4es. which'we lay ! Ile preparation Of the bill and the (intrust p yi wan district. The land u It i a I - I ore via the Capadlan Pacific Railway to- the hilly, heavy altorm was coming up and she,vyas muol, f it, by a unanimous vote of the ng * ere is -At 11 cents per pound and 119
so stress upon. There iw, our own �make f 0"o '11'n t'y 0 0 u inly WO oreed with bluff a abounding I'D outside Elacing a barrel under,; & ions, nail, to Mr. Brown to n lneer it smelt' rk* aud rolling mills at tho, 800, J an 'save bo me My oheelse st 1% bents per nd e -0he - am It is especially adapted to trough w en the lightning struck her, kill -
'GOODS � It _11"Grop,
lor Us guid.. and t olting works on the grand small agoons. $1.0 and. $12,.the,boys' sphool pan S A little'son Of Air. na.-17 Huriburt, Of its at hro h the Legislature. Uni mixed farming, wheat growing and ranch- log her instantly. filice e bill passed the firb.resAing, the Trunk R%'Uway system from Little Current by water to the ports of Midland and,Coll. Ing. The farmers here have never had a 0 Mitchello whil!�, playing on thie school larks, Are often madj� I -A Toronto correspondent writes: Th at 50c, 65c an 756,- -the wqlariri g P-4nt- l'or inen-in bue', Privat Bills Committee and the second. term' are grounds Tuend'y afternoon Of lost v �tock. Well, women 'skin and - tweed -sellin reading, without �the least oppoitioi i, - But ingwood. The main line of the Algoma total failure from frost. Our win embers of Sb. James Square congregation thfnking and drosing 9:at.$ AS We qaid) it would be when it came before the committe of the Central Railway is under 'come bruction and cold and frosty and -not much wind. W -a are quite- decided upon the minister whom hail one of I hie -elbows-knooked out of -� joint. Air. And Mrs. rthur -.Holmes itad This diversity of the reverse of good polio 1; romi 25 miles of it will be completei� by Jaly 1, never have the blizzards characteristic of they will call. The Rev W. J. Clsrkip . , of oukton, -left' Monday of- last .,y 0 make thqse lines P' .. * Mr. Brown lost heant, and th family, of vt Foolree ILI u lbe,' 1900, an' d an additional 100 mi a I e plains. Most of the rain comes in, Jun
ionse, range of styles 11 to be strangled In his hands, .0 Wore the el London, Ontario, brother to,,the Rev.. J. A. eTit if they wero not up to, bh - committee opening.of navigation ne Thi ; week for Manitoba.; 'They *,ill locate, this store has them. 0 Markin every'- respect. vithout a proteot,'by� the risin xb yea fl� line though last seamon we had it wet nearly all Clarke, of Cowan �� Avenue Presbyterian W long it *ould take 9 traversetithrough. one of summer. So far this season the weather has about 200 miles southwesb of WIMIP li�oub reporting the bill, which was In the be b portions of- ehurdb, will be as6d to take charge -of the
-George Harrah, of Blausbard,le I ext been famous. Farmers have finished wheat op - I Tf yowva not filing of the bill. Now Oii 6arlo, end there are a ready �.Cing ilgregatiOn. Of bin rig while driving home from 3b the ki You s iy Mr. You may be intereste some ofthe following isprecials: - ereete1onits rightof way\ Itrge lumber 90 Ir"cig, and are renting a little on their -Arthur McIntyre, the 13 -year-old boy, M xyz on Monday evening -of last weekt eas %3 yet corue to this ntbith � voted igainat the bill in tie com. 8.1� - -Of the whole House, which to a per- It Oar .M. heavy-Oxforde oth- s rt, h s the. me ofbeino, -easily Mille t6 saw both hard and pint lambs of.Toronto, who shot--- his fatheri Peter Mo. out tained ome severe brusles, Atr-firstib v , n of the facts. The bill did nc t come will bring to the pup an pa er m 0 at Intyre, dgring a qua;�rei will not be tried -that biabsok bad -boon brolken. was thought washed, sells -a 5,00, a 6hild's Whie 0 fano �eolored to vote In that committee, it &rose before Sault'Ste. Marie the almost u limited, $up. for murder, The G)4,ad Jury, ib the Sw IMILLINEY y -A house belonging to Mr. Roheirt Tbnp�. I ! 91 of TuIpwood In the viciti y, and, also gbt in Q indictment for man. sailor hkt selli at 250, A yoUt.fil ote wa;o taken and, thorefore� Ithoult -The. Yukon garrison will be withdrawn " izes, brbul I whit&. str Mi Is, of Gownstown, w" burned to Ahb. linnry business better lyre will be tried. on slaughter, and MoIn ther ores found in the viol ity of, the that charge; It is anticipated that he will fr Is sn' posed wheive cauglit am the, s fine a' hat on' th nickof and as soon as navigation opens. nd -on Tuesday nightf last4leek. The,
I W re rting the bill, 71ing own fo reduoti
In navy-�lue an ells, for - 25ci,it hen'tho motion to rise wan ado, if icely trimmed with 6
a. li,xperioam' is, &I -Mr, Betty,,& recent graduate of Knox country it passon thro'�u h Th so vaFW vn, be sentenced to a perla4 of confinemeuChila, it hm had years of M Brown had moved as an ame dment College, has been called biy the Presbyterian th mney. Mr. Timmins is a man about Imay
�d be menti ed.in connbotionWith -this line that quiftly populate
torprizen will uhdoubbe reformatory, as he is too small to be sent to
Italish millinery know the committee do not how rifle lb 6 pro. church t Cobourg. c irs W Age and has been keeping bacholors' several custom, rs in.the h it of. bn ying 40 and 5C c oe with the consideration of blib bill, it Now Ontario. the penitentiary. VT. anywhere it will be d The flehing Industry on, Gootgian Bay is Montreal flrms ; have been fined -A special Grand Trunk trairt of mmil. C. I for about tbtrtk years, Id have brought the matteeto th ' test.' costs' for on of .-Miss h1sud Abraham -a Windsor feach. $20,000 ad bhe:uuder valuati, tire -ithows a go geous hats for their bo's ht enough of his 25cline to reported, so far as they have g)ne this� year g4nts arrived at'the Union station, Toren- B , Mr. Brown did not do this, his movith goods 00 lug. through the customs. -hats and bannott, de- er, Itso received w-ordthAt she has been left of recognIzed ab - ility. take it in place of higher jificed lines.1 The sporting was- closed ; the deputation from Sti M %rye as being above he average catch. Tholflah to, Sunday afternoon. The train was made er y Kay, 12 years of age, was -struck - $5. 00 by t1le death of her- nuclei iG E. - -sent to! the markets of i lop of twelve coaches and baggage car, on had knowed him dumb. It was seen ;that a is being Buffalo,!''! Do. b street carin St. Thomas on Thursday., eorge rant in the way of season is with us', and with A -comes t demand' or few Reform -votes were in da trait and Ohicago. , Thorughoub the entire board of which were'nearly 400 Germans. Tui�kott, who controlled the big tobacco
In find instaptly, killed. nger o. b§' bw to respond to dc aneoll In: Jlamilton. � Alias Abraham s a, Georgian Bay 41striet, and h portions o About twenty remained overi '11� Toronto daughter,of-thiq late Jobstou A sweaters, bike, '[Lose, belts, Woo ers,� b sti-its.. and, all adversely effooted in South Perth 0 f -Tho, detectives claim that the e - big
always: has* a kO if- th w ere plot to f 'd materials for were pushed throqgh, thoreby rquderi ig the No Ontario as Mr. hit: lofted, th blow up'the Welland canal looks was of and will be distributedito. western O' tario, Stlatford. wante "the neoessa I' con, 7 KY quipment - needful for summer wear. ohan6am of ever -O appeared to bean air of -prosperity su4 Fenip,4 41gin, another batch will go - to the Northwest, _1011 M ondAy evenint- qf last week Mr, leepin a oupPorter of the tentment, Mr. '�Clorguo being vldentl� the a and the balance went on to Chicago.
imply say- �hat We'have - a rang .-that Will .Governmont Ili' that riling more h(polooll -F. Villfrt n Thomas, general man- Le it Erb, while withdrawing the We Mmy s e 41, 4ges an hae been," and Mr. Brown 13t his leading In Now Ontario. -The R. B. Eddy Company, of Hull, hail oul, of his % -;had!, a narrow th iger of the Molsons Bank, and one of the volve4 bill die a premature death. best ktidwn of Canadian bankers, died � at -erect all its manufacturing Os' of the -t' Isatisfy moist. deolded to re frc m being killed. car r go#
it Mr. Monteith will lis e diffl6ulty In ex- Useful Hints On Road Mak,inig. buildings They will, for the most part. bio
Montre4l on Friday morning. ex6loded and the bullet lodged in his�� 1W a of the very fnow6at ning on the- s�me locations, but will be differ-, ni seven -P. Sehl 'the thumb and first Boer. PIS It in the ma4er, what will be (Viom the Mu iloipal World.) -Th6 -year-old'son of Mr. a 0 between, Aa in !former It ha s been -more or le 3s Wi�sely remarkedj� 11-suffibient till t 0 the diffic Mr. Bro n explaining to was drowned in the river at New H I am urg, ently arranged. - hey -will have a larger I Uble)) the unanit P101'r county h bad trusted The importance! of using m?dern ma. b icity than Fore, Orders for the nee, DA Taylor ex6racted th LU� Very tia4- raiige the day is the evil the MOP' and 11 ne'ver borrow �i-6 Imoust w I chiner'y in making lgo�.d roads has become Thursday afternoon, The lad, with some cSPI -A very- pretty wedtling took plao, an W a .lid, that is in th4 town. hi1m, the abortion of his ill; that after it pretty gener6ll compani�ono, was fishing and fell into the canary machinery are now being placed, VJdnesday aftornociii oflast week at 4,30 I _k recognized ainde the�oom Iola in &uay atid black :and - some othei sister' wisdom slices.: Now i to odr ha"d been brought to the Irth with every - idoy'ement in water. The structures will be built withoub delay. in. I at co, -of - Mr. nd Mror'. mencement of the good roads the residen biat they are very indication, of a healthful-] delivery, he out. Ontario. -The(Obtawa.and Hull relief fund has A staff of architects is at work. pre"Paring L n the� boundar t
-are q plans. id Adair o eas ,of
i A road grader has i b000me a potion the reverse of theselthings uite iIieedfu 1. -heir I - fered ip to be strangled thr ugh lack of bikok. standard implement, emplo reaohed.the sum,of $829 426. It is estimst, f Mi Sol Cootelloj of Modirton, it being the marria, t
We say suffidient -unto .the da� is thd good thereof" bone to efend i he behest of his. majority ed by § great 0 --A ittle no: o ich _g# of . of townships, an w orever;they ed from"the registration list -that 15,000 secould Jau ter, Lm2ie, who jdiiod. tmuds,- I 7 Belleville, had' , terrible experience the for li& wit cal boases? How will he explain the con. roperly used are a great sav nj of labor people loob. their homes.
k I T S and also "-be Sure fte V , a, pr6sperous and bor�ow trotibl) borrow the ither day. He and another boyere plav- f the loss to- thei county in. sal- He]'. N. Clarke Wallace has rooeiyed fn far or of Logan, in the of
and do their work more effiolelitl thao can annual fees, 004orequeut,uon hie i ith-a collie dog when-1he animal oul- yo' 1" -d by its goany ahirt, liftle troubles, '11haf the large troAlejwill not come 9�,4es an be done by hand. Municipal olerks r�poFt word that bin son, a member. of the first In ab ut 60 invited guests, I i .1. - dealwy sttaeked. him in a, vicious man. "sed, ,of U-114 most qt- thei� Use in two hund'red'and fifteen wn. Whitfield McCormik has Atop falilure ? How.will he -explain to his con-; to Canadian contingent, who was seriously ill, Look well to the clothing ofy0ur I , =Iarly Sbrltford, Its failure its now out of danger and is convalencin nor. With Iiii feeble strength be was un- his 100 a an you enter ad xhipo,,a considerable number of theme having ore forth on the Sth - tonoefiltiono md on didj& small things an4- the larg 4tems will n ver bother v u. to secure patronage for an I * g which Minto, t laxw abl to ward off the sessult, and before as.. w, atyle" -6 two' Sevoral�' &men are -The vaul and safe of Mr. R. G. Elina, to J. B. Hamilton, im, for 1116tonoo arrived the lad's face &nd threat erin,g portlh� t 'ce in that city Trajalgar,, T000msch, Toronto ter's private bank at Burlington was wreck. Ven on Mai,* 1ft, 19010 king and a wond and plym- this one and how Mr. N onteithl as ion[ is three or four. vere'terribly I 7 &oersted by..the Animals teeth possession to, be gi sev( , his ow: ppio, - simply this ptoli Own ed with nitro -glycerine Thursday night, but and a portion of one ear was bitten off. wb an D. XlehoPs lease expires, I A
vate J dgment, find! n $1,200 in the bank was overlooked by, the
ce om. because if pays us! and we had, i Wha 3 dwaships and numerous towns 00d place, *11 cleared, -with, a _* that the )eople of Perth ore not Uumne thieves.
�irt take much-pri We offer this free wis4 12 I 1 84veral t -good bri
have supplied themselves with 'Took c Ush. -On Saturday night and again early foisise and baUk barn, -and eheap act the mind some of tbe spebial val uos-in boys clothil 9,, moi e mouo by'any ;neans, for tic reunion of the -The platform on W`hloh Ingersoll Monday. morning atte - ts were made to money, Mr. McCormick stilf oWns,,, 270
i school
ero. Among the townships qwning these burn the lumber ystdTF George Wilson & ind tlifq etare a,. firot county f )r , registra ion pOrpooes, however in. Am ildren v/ere rehearsing for the Qaeen's
t ) li�nes selling at $2.50 and 123.51C ne a plements are - Notta,wasa I blias- ch acres neor Trowbridge; which is aboui\_ Cially thE qP )i Company, St. Cath4rines. The first blaze tr small things as well spe ad Lansd 6waei- Mara, 0 in work. unanimot a the. council Might be# he deemed: burg, Front of Leeds a Birthday celebration, collapsed on Fhday, was discovered Wore any damage was oh land as he cares to ate Is own opinio 0ausing y.,ohildran I r. and 4r, . Walkohm, Of Kirkto�.. piece and the other piece line.. it -his duty to rijabordin n8' Winaboster, Bastard and -Burgesaj, Bath. �Sinful injuries to Man done, but the accona was more buccessful, WO on e, and h an ,exciting experience in' 34iltobell th
Hosiery. to -the wiahes and esires f hie constibu-, among which was one broken leg. urst and h1mole,y, Bertio, Rear _1he Montreal sugar refiners have made. as a storehouse, a barn, o2le horse, buggies -ot or day. - Just onto, as eveiv true represen �atp. Y Irloten- for
ehould do,
H000tt, Smith; Williamsburg, nd wagons were destrdyed -valued at. be- a's they were starting T especially when no great motal, industrial, burg Joruoher and traction engine) and another out of five , cents a hundred pounds a I ho 0 the pole of the bit 'gy slippea 'ftj�cUgb� monthe or com m(- roial interest is In, rolved. in the price of. all grades of suga to meet tween .42,000 and $3,000i Three.
North Grimeliv, A number of townships, th( necky-oke and the horses ran aAy. ago the same firm had a fire from incendia- :he competition of America Mi i. Walkolni jumped from this rig, ut Yours truly, of which are Koppel, Elmsloy South, Beck. .n sitgarin West ism, causing $30,000 loss. X6 '�F RIT RTH VOTER, ern Ontario. wa, i not injured. Mr� Walkorn ieU vrk with; -Pittsburg, Elizabethtown and Ram- --�-The Canada PaoffioR%ilway has received to North Perth, May 15th, 90O. -I sy, �4iris- a artiher or contract for broken -Alexander Tate, of London, Ontario, the lines and about two 1 -miles o� Of -the
was several reports on crop conditions through -
was shot and killed and Mrs. Tate ED. *TLU.-WO� feel' I olined to 4bink tome The county of Hastings uses a �com- tomn brought thil _00 to & Vtana that out. oofrespoxitlent� has not impirovedL fatally wounded by Charles Panstain, at but the districts in Manitiobs touched b its not e the w6roo for their' mad ran. plate" outflt of road aking machinery, at We posi)4on of Ma., friend, Mr. Monteith, roller', crusher, grader and traction 6noine. Butte, Montana, and the murderer then lines. The reports nhow that rain is, -Tuesday, morning of last W081r, Just after breakfast, the little son -of Mr. Emerson Me-lita, Clearwater, Killarney, very niat 3rially. He seems to think he will Victoria %loo has an a* tfit ofroadmaFkIng shot himself dead, Lsude , and brief i showers ab other points U ',,help Mr. Monteith by mk�klng Mr. Brown as maohinery for the use of' the to Vrashipsi and -While discharging a giant fire cracker coursey Hutchison, merebaut S,4ff&t 'Was, 0 o bad as I e is. We are af raid our corres- Wentworth route its crusher to the town- Friday nigbb, Frank Mitchell, a 'prominent within'this territory. Th crop i1i shown i6ting in A .window on the second floor. o poadont s more anxious, tc make Political 'ohips within' the county. The window was up, buV'there wag is fly Oa the S6drio and anchem, the FA UL I business man of Sarnia, bad the fingers of. to be in good condition at neArly Al places� a frame, against. which the 011 reports state that wheat is up four or five his left.6nd blown off and his nose- 8 Pipetoni br
cgital 'in favor of theione andba ainat the broken stone, roads are, when proerly screen in the
Ot er, thin be is that th, i pu to should open, mado;, more seirviceable than I ravel roads, chid's back rested, Thim PvAyf. oes Co. have a proper understanding of the affair, and wherevei there is a plent, ful supply of -01hief William Smith, official inter.prQt- inolies, and is looking healthy and of even the little one was precipitated to the Even 'if Mr. Brown did, i egleot his dut good stone, pa*4ieular or fo growth. I - i"
ly if gravul isoarce or X the Six Nation Indians, was driving Fond below, a d stance of 19J Uist. Chatham a few years ago put in a seffi-
ihat doet not relieve Mr, I lonteith of tZe of pDoi quality, a crusher wft i screea at. to Brantford, the othenday, when hiti horse' Ar &nge to may no Injuries whatever wore ran away. He was thrown out and had mentation- basin for water puri6cation. atcs-c CotA I �obliquity of having turne( himseff inside taghtrient should be used. It its flt&bLl Bull isined, I - . . , " I OEro 0 two ribs and a collar bone broken, besides The reservoir held many million gallons of out in order. to -retain political favor w th 'at -so to. qualitici the &bringville pub certain gravel Water. Thursday the wall gave wajr and 4The Rev. E. Burn, of do5 some of his constituents.- His otstonfent through -a stone I crusher, such g,,Rvel I as con- other hurts, BvOogelleal church, gave a, thancial, atatw-
4� the mass of water rushed out and needed tains a quantity oflarge stone. If there is -as resigned his seat mej �b the. other d to the memb that Mr. Monteith did not vote againat the -Mr. W, B. MoInnis h the near -by landa. Ib is thought that bill in the committee of the wholeouseii. much olay or earthy mate'rial in the gravel in the Houie of Commons for Nanauinio, 000i gregation an 1f061TIOW-15 For into British 00LIUmbia, and will run for the Pro- Muskrats had, dug their way through the nad foreign, $696.0.9 �- for other b eat a, bundr6d because the bill -did not come to a vote it will be well to reqiove it by � , wall, thus nt which finAll using a re- tile- aiflewalk he %I Legialatur glVltiq a VLe there, is simply a erversion,of the britith. v an attached to Ith And 0. Mr. 34,eInnis is a son par. Ones, $14 for the sulforers in India olving scre e c rusher. washed away a -large'secton, of the wall.
1tcrilately on the The committee couNd not rise without a. Townships should, whorever possible use of the Lieutenant. Governor of BritiahCol- $40 10 - ministeez salary and nmotion, and Lif the Motion �o rise was car-- road roller, particularly if broken stone Is umb Is. q L I it ? - Fortunately the buin has not been. render- ii.Frcet, unti a con iecttoa� with the - 6uroh d useless and the water Bupply is io no ried without a division, it� was because all used, A roller will at once car solidate the -During the thunder storm the other e terfored with. tot4l, $2,295.56; whiolimeans $1,4. per me - - M. awl b-11 in, a heap were,in f vor of it, and, prac ioally, although metal, leaving the road ip the best condi. night, lightning struck a tree at McCollPs WAY'lu eri � And Sunday, Is.w- inxb.,; 4 collection On Thursday afternoon. F. 0, M -uff In, IhW Ottavvs- V -1a"4 arld after not teohdically, every, on(.-Vv,h6 gave hit' tion for travli at �he me school h6u8e, concession 8, Westminster, art4hall, waf taken for the a ol�e4- n - same tj resulting wwa taken to Middlesex county, and stunned several.of upholaterer,'of King-tilton, went to Garden Hu I fire, which smoun 4.1.7 aseent to it voted,1or it, Mr. Monteith in in a great saviu:,of gravel or alone. With- to,$4 x Was done this W y gave his assen1b to the committee out the title of, a roller, the rc ad reaches a 'upile badly, Fortunittely none of them Island in a sailing skiff be got lumber. � The - -P. Dierlamm, srt�a ra; orai, a.., p wind was blowing at a lively- rate -when he _ltt of :St if bat r. Emigh ar. rising, knowing 'that this action would kill condition.fib for travel only after a long are serious. pat ited three pictures and �sftnp tliern o started out, but -he reached the island safe- from head ---to foot. the bill, and hence !t is 'quib ling to say- '.-A boy with a fire cracker set fire to the 22 s, France. They have boon favorablv he period, du.ing" which time -the loose mater eight-year-old daughter of After getting his, load, be left the ��*d 1111irLiLtred - ----- �The did not I vote agalliet:-the bill. We also ial causes much Inconvenience 4 d is mixed clothing of the !y. iogston at 7 p. in ace pted by the two jurors. who solecl6ea '8 Making ex- every oonsible, honest person, 'with the soil beneath, largely destroying its Mr. E, Mann, of Galt, the other day, island for K' He,did not tlke very best forthe 11'aris -exhibition. think that The on he're. he- d's mother held her in herarmauutil murntothe city, and his friends were
wMprotest againat the vioioue,, abominable Th re are vry� few artists whose work -is ueef uluess. Townships should own a horse chi, anxious about him all day, Men were seb ui htition house; doctrine hioh our correspolident lays down roller, or betteri should rent a steam roller the flames were extinguished, Both were c ddered good-endagb, and the success of in skiffs to search for him, but they could 0 1ji_- overhauled and in the co cludiug paragraph of his letter, from a town or 6-ity in the vicinity possess. seriously burned. 1.1 Dierlarnmiu therefore the more pro. nd a dace of him. Friday after- -Russell Paxton, the seven-year-old eon not fl The throo pam ii- viz.: tha a, representative must effa.08 him-' Ing one. nou oad, igs ,t�-k, iviv--re it will be Ylark and another men found a house only� self - and act a'lie simply to please hiscon of R. M. Paxton, of 0hatham, fell under a n901 W. If % steam roller fe'lavailable J to use may Man rait of Stratford oilbizen," " Canadian; Ej arc, to lie remoted atituento. -If Mr. Monteith can iustjfy`� his be further extended to picking up the road ravel train Thursday afternoon and. had Marshallaist and, boat near Wolfe d. and " Beautiful Eve -plol In tha at t the of the ew �111othier� and Forms' be- rs action to hi S. fis leg smashed' It in believed e was drowned. / , by such on ense and loosening,the old material before lao- he knee. With wonder- . fort idden fruit." 02, 1 - -Kennedy, a guest at th ell
Is presence of mind, he rolled off the track Mr. H . e Russ' Vn ing the now inaterial on' the road ; if M of t is laegati- he po
t say nothing of satisfying his OV ter wo sweet toned belle was
we ad may be rolled down solidly, to heard at the -L�tharan oburA,obo.ok,ox co ( ' have no. objfietions. which the ro being orushold 0
and. saved himself from House, Ottawa, was in a high state of ex
11.'adgh ior the pur- enc�, tbea
I . citement the other -day over the loss of a day, 13th when the dedication ang kiidt,- the railway It should, howilver, require' stronger. logid the new mate wallet, which he dropped from hie pocket. le death. Sun
rial and the old road autfac are anecees- May than this -to' extricate Mir from the hQle haviag'a perfect bond. The.imports for the month of tool: lice, The Rei,. Mr. Wolgatid,' will be fitted 11f. on the, Wriong-Zide o in which he has placed himst Road graders are commonly Dporate by totalled $13,938,065, an increase of $1,500'r The owner stated it contained about $180 in Bro 1hagen, Re,�. Mr. Langholtz,�of Phillpt. the Stre6t, caelf and a deposit receipt on the Merchant:tl d e000. The dut collected A we, however bur 11 local pastor, Rbv. Theae two teams of horses at a cost of $6 per ay. SEAFOR Bank of Halifax for $9,000. Mr. Kenned -einent. 9 A traction engine, ouch as is use d for thi esh- a decrease of 741,900. Theexports for the' . Y' Blu iek, fficluted in the. forenoon isud. after- ..ATRONG BL 1DK The' ro'ress 'of' New Ontario. is an elderly Englishman, who registered u� 06 9 month were valued at $8,363,29-8, an in- i. The Logan choir sa'ng some Void lug machines, 11A, hov�ever, a very much from Loadon. None of the uests, or �em- The- progress of- northweal erp Ontario has better power, and is sometim s hi d' for -tione, The churchwas crowded to tbi
re crease of $1,422,000. been phenomenally rapid ( uring the past ' f -Mrs. Carlisla, wife of Mr. James Carl. ployees noticed the wallet, and, though the $3 a day, or ha'lf the cost of, Using ,a �vill be 1;etter to go about doa - ; A silverollection wao taken, which two years, and inspires the utmost confi- isle, of London, died very suddenly on Sat. Ower thinks he dropped it in the hivator7 am(unted to $95.19. The "Q& �N'e are going to horses. The eDkine gives a steady draught y night. Until& few Mi or rotunda, many think he may have lost- it re ere denoe in the future of th it great regio�, and does not need to stop to rest twoj'ad. urds nutes before rej out from the neighborhood. Tavistook, ,�hLr st)(m. Are yoq Mr. Arthur White, the di0sional freigHt her death she was in her usual health. Her on the train or street, It has been adver- 9tri tford, Sebringville, Milverton, New vantages over the use at horses. Ibis �ous- ised for and the bank has also been notified ton, t of the Grand Trunkl, who has been Itomary to go two or . three list' with a death was caused by thb.bursting of a -blood we lealey AD4 Logan, rcal heat van- of the loss. wil leave Owen Sound T11'esdays, Thurs- "" Ilirl, tlyroiigh the aistkiot, says there traction engine before turning, and �by mak- a leadin so -a which the- ssC. P. R. boats trave vesadl in the region of the heart. I � - There died at Detroit, Michigan, on �One of th has been a, marvelloue,improvement through. ving a ject Ith Of I av 'h seventieth Ing one or two circuits up one side of, We -Franois Anthony, a farmer It the 4 inOr Year, Ire D. -May Ist, for out the Georgian Bay region since the is gene short distance outside of Brampton, hanged wl I tike up during the 192 ay I -) P;�Ilne Halloon-, widow of t req s and Saturdays, c mmencing the..Soo andt own the othtr, it Methodist church. Mrs, (Rev, rally
road and d coming conferences will be- the proposal ip r' out by the himself Monday afternoon, in a4 out -house late Rev� Adolph alleen� formorly lAstor, 18981 109 possible to out off the square odges WAioh Ltivent of warm Fort William. Throu h tickets issued at thi$ office 'for 'all Ole g mouth be got at his brAther's farm. He was about aev*enty made some time ago, that one he Ontario, Govenmegt. Every have formed, restoring the crown and yro Of the Lutberafi;vhureh, Stratford. D -e,. umJ bIl along the route hail been equip- jears old. His mind had been failing aside by the memb church for A have assurned era of the maalnifice eil Q, ad wan laid tt�ide in the family lobN iat pointallVest, either al. 'rail or via, Oul! ut paring it far aJnew coating of grave or special spiritual reflection find work during cea test Improvements, oeveral 9 An ndale cemetery, Btratford, LOU May 7- ped with the IS If4ely. th, d t o tLke place t Atone. which time no social duties shall be under- IifteeaMe WUh d lder, Dompster st eflli- now mills have -been areoted, and both the' Sir Charles Tupper has cancelled his en- the year 1,876 Mrs. 11alle
Also ocen tickets via �Iontreat an g o f I I I I � 99 taken. This suggestion w6lfi first made by old and new mills: are nee rly all running. - A Detroit vilespatch sa id ge gagemen her fa utry and Mad dowa t at W hitby,. and consented to be wily to this call usiness re I ' I Kr, Chester Massey,, meeting of the I graphy and mon tratford the Rev. w hej liad his hoac � pect ,I 01 ship lines. Teleg ey 'or -e t and day, supplying their own electric Donovan divorood.Mary from ames rk, at the Parkhill patriotic demonstration on Methodist Social Union hi Toronto, and ban at wilerp her husbanV, -hinery of his BMW liget, the whole region now having become a and gave her $10,000 alim?ny, The �coi ple May 24th. The celebration promises to be A, I �S,len, served the- Germa Lutheran at-arl reco-YOrOd- found favor' among many congregations -fully solicited. soone of reaewed activity and prosperity. formally married, but as J ley most, successful. Ten thousand visitors are chu ch until 18'77 when he died. Sovtrid were never corres-pon- __9 t Kilt The tothl quantit" of lumber expected to had lived togetber for over 201 years as l us. expected. in which it -has been broached.- It has been eal a after her h�KZdls deth; Mrs. Hit.' y recom f4f pathmaaltorg in'the .. . ....... . smended that the subject be made and her family'left Stratford and mov. ie
be- out is about' 235,000,0K feet this year, band and wife, and had two children, it - -Miss Edna, Hoagg and three other gir v, the m' Is from � Parr sonatituted a com a riagis" . dr. w6re riding their -wheels in Brantford, on ed to Detroit, Mitbfgay. hore -she remain. two and this only embAoi mon law m r optional with congregations and that the dis- Sound north to bliard's . -janding, 9a the� Clark is a wealthy man, Aftei the �. coi ple Monday, with arms interlocked, when they first two wee ' 6 be made devotional in & ed t util she diea'.' a will be private- way,-.' while the � last two weeks We PrCaunll 'Sault Ste. Marie rier, crossing, ' I oil Th( loge for this started living together in Detrolt,,- tiey met a rig at S btreet a &Vol Ing Wednesdayf last week the shop Of 'will bean immense ,ad and might take the form of a general revival. out were all -safely seoure� and drawif to moved th Goderich, Ontario.' A few, p ars a collision Miss Hoagg fell on her he Simon Grundborger, Sabring4111%,was v1si- itliplo tree the strealm* tributary to th a bay, but the ago belefb her and went to Bufralo. in -the -austained-,coacusalon of the brain. .-Mr.Many sfiggented Clabober as the proper tedby two burglars, while th t onfleman a goad beginnin' onth to set apart. My niesl. eleven -year-old in a in this A L D unusually rapid shrinkage of the creeks and meantime one of the children, a dan er, -Stanl6y - Darling, the WAI.Quietly Partak-Ing, of his n:m -MACDO-N — 'g— � Were up(n hearing of, the 9
Uite L a streams has causei q considereble was married. - Her husband weat to Bu o son of Carpenter James Darlingi Chatham-, and %we Pairs 'of shoes valued at46 D ,ant-elon, of Sea- i Mattinlay, had a bad ac- d fell into McGregor's creek ^ Sunday evening Mr. Thomm m. ier
quantity of these loge to be bung u in the to see James Clark, his fathei -in-law, neeUrtag L 'their boty. they' P owood drowned before assistanoe could cident at the Listowel gas works on Friday Ust a basty retreat into th 'tow'PAIM 4f a, and unless the Juno rains are ex- Mr. Clark in(ormed him that I e' was ar- and was no -freat many of its Poo- -f i ceptionally beavyi they will be unable to ried 6 ainothqr� woman, and that he !bad be rendered, The little. fellow Was playing - evening of Iasi -week which, fortutiately, Dov mie, where they- damosed 0 uo -bula beAdether creek with oi -h VA -cos M Forbes nit a me 6ther boy#;_-hcL and Se U P, R AGENT Seaf9'rth,, bring, 'o a percentage of I heir logs toL the never been nia�ffied to Mrs. Ma 7y Clark� ad wever, will not result in permanent in- weg at a very *Iig t� 110e on. 0. nd-ing the fUnera,l of He was engaged in lowerm th �$or mUsed his In did not intend! return to her.
V when he lost his balance and fell in. 0 the meantime Mr. -0rundhe The deceased The rg; It in.paMit�_f ire* bolder into the tauk anT was pro ertv and W�ffl _rita with all copper industry at ound doe -The following intereatin tic are. . -Ira Goodman and AdraW Bowesit, two tb-
r litaitding on a built up pile of timber blocks wb to overhauled on tU-2nd 60116886101 erlin MLtUal; Dot appear to be developing UP As rapidly taken from &'�'IoAer written b W. L. i. young men hailing from Lakeport,, but cd. -The comical lad working in Port Huron, went o 1eet from the groumd, when, �eitber- Apd With. the anistanob a$ n 0. BE�HUNE, Agent fqr Merchants and B als.was anticipated. Bone ed energy;.has Quarrie, formdrIV of,. the 4th acessio1a of ver to Sarnis, about 15 K p he relief of Msfaking, and through- overbalancing or i d himself to the, been thrown into the 06 or Work@ at' Grey, to 6 Brus''oolite: to help celebrate t 1 l6a," block he P�, i,ud otherls, secured -his hoes and em- Eaders rni-a his fannv I, ten miles His tall was �roken poll a the thieves to retam the Bruce Mines A strong co pany is being from Prince Albert# a town built onithe both ha& an execedingly narrow escape fell over backwards. mwy Companies. Come back ag Fire surance e last host, partly by a brace, and one of the wb4cmell, ceiv.-d to,their customers. They biissed th 'formed, and it is now antio pated that the bank of Norib Saskstchowa a river. Its from death. n —7 ---