HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-05-18, Page 7-,17"W3 7,7V _q
.1900 T
R14 J Cathill.Alo suder XaTaggort- lath oaniciessfoui- 9
THE SEAFOR."M feet btghj aud lso- 'lot his -H& in & fire in Brooklu,
Oil Sat rday
loth toncealsiono has- t kert A altuatio
-4 10i bridge. on sideroAd At Eli yillet 8 �eet I night.
naBeato th, ]tc 10 &.good
WAS job tO" the Pattesono Ilia, Nhol 1h the Klondy-ke region in miftluter th'
WO and sets SSED
liferary,,antertain. Company, 6f So. M4 a first at 0355 -Run rig" from 9:30 to 10 a, 41.4 'T AN
Ito cr UV
mon6-WI46 )fold in A08,14 elluroh''.0a 1hi fror me M. -avoids mitifty 4
day. -.4%nd the.other at $2 . HE W�LC
extra dep to 1 2 to 3 M. I -
to be ing looks as pleasant to tho lawyer
m a postal, for In proportion. Orde the Rough edges alotig.the pakhwayof iftv
Oven 139 f IMb"we ok. 'All-krosent had
AND . . 't I I
Ott it it fieloure an approved aid F trm
me.—John .86ibli and A X: -does to the firmer-,
over to Tees iv�ter and, spent' 91 am ntI04 to of Perela's
e catal 2
were giAnte in so t ie lawyer's �work
ab ut 11, Thd Son- wAlmout of account
OW a"I 'ti
V A15o Tie long tails of the Shah
day at. J=4 J k
r tl 8
the t*
3rd,concession, he y are reAsiant,
C400pigg Mills I f� th e formerly Of -the ext meeting of counoil Saturday, Una hort as are dyed crlr�son for six inches at
god 4fter oo4rb of
cow at Cat Reland, has
reported 6 be w ble. ad with their new '—The Hay eoj-noq riiet on m ay
k styles e
TY a Uni school$, Infietin all the rnkmbers presebt, A v
.i . ft all their ,exhaustion. home,—T-h Mecrouagh,
gab th iqu sitiol w birth to a calf which, h%s two mouths,
I au 90 in the Smith mob
:koir make. 'job 01 b 001, resumed 'oper. the police trustees of the- 1 vifilage 4 f Zu joh eyes and three ears. -vrnuw ar.-Sho
R. LE i'LAR I about four" if e re' s0qthing
Sabbat ift o�n, Uva. Ni -U,. asking the counci Y,
I to levy a speola, ratA
wti Of If virien rcqulr� water at the root apply
reat ; 1;
on shoes 11aving purchased �from Mr. osial� Watson Riphardsonfle the 0001 otent one mill on thq issemeMoup of tile v Ilage for heated water; but remember it is a
V eta
res uoon 4331f. _y
the SWorth Saw, Mat has, plavlotl in the the current year, as ree4ived and grai ited mattgr to overwater when the: lfquidnimeap- are -we'll dresse' 0)
an t
XCM�c thiow com
s-a0im Zill by the council. thurtiontiot of the plied warm.
FOR Intern or ex Ulo H &
ternit AGY RDS YRL.' LOW
Yo;u . f 'Renoill, 1 ard
eel * reevo and olork q to Bread as. daily article of food is Wg', , , ad -by
OIL coingot be a Iteelle a a paln- relieving OR4
"I shape, --new Emd fimproved Grain W
A potitionini the county oun 0 very itc
.9 re itiothing renledy log a 1 pat I the only about one third of the 1,600,000,000
ave to your E St I s� Guarantped.
.'Crusher same to 7buy road-ma�chin ;r?,y for It use Of peole that constitute the present, popula-
i .8-nd youl the munielpalitiam, was ea. Th follow. tion of the earth.
ge of n -r a 0 01 0 -be id -. 0. 01 to pound of Indian to& will make. 170
61 str
"a -seam is _qyerc qt A
shortest T f 11 viag. is. the V -J";
orb Ne. 2, 1 lay for the month
Aid, is prepared' to orush gra VOUS 'Scaom Ing accounts were orderi t
in on the V
noticot aul f4 Austin Comp points, $82. )g cup$ of tea.
-e t ';,s to bd of erit
(ave, us V. trial. monthly rep 'IT lmgr 6
'�2 order
of April. Names %ro IbAvisch, TU bor, .$ 6JI Magel, Be nitas removes ink, fruit and wine stains
Senior Uh,-�_Gerte' Hixvey --H F J $ X ; W,_ Kal fas, frory white cotton goods.
R. L. QL ARK, C4th. �one P Oh working grader..,S. 0. no L r1p..
toanit f0t4radoir; S. Bi: 6 HIRUD , t am tIA
Junior itho-Dai
Wortbi Ott.. p of lemon juleein a cup of
!*y for -grader, B Willerb,*toam for W3 c coffee will sometimes relieve a bilious
Dilling, Cora M u. Senior dd
013 n, L elli Muo
Vader, S. B. $1,60; H, Mael, I wort: Ing bea�ache.
8rd,"Alberb-6huston R. F. Northeott, 9 f
Ethel _Harvey� Ju C%Ifaa, or lu
OR 5 ta
grader, X. B., $9 Sh rev Clothing m be ob
nio, Srdt�Mary John. W, earn TV house choosing it Is we'll to remember
Vi ston
11, W Ilie Gol
grader,. X. B , $6 H. Rapp, tea for grad- that bed-roome facing to the north can never
�tah of -W*rnith 'Ed M n. sel cad part.- My.
The S'aforth ' "d' Seconal or, B., $6 H. Mawel,�, workin graiter, be c mfortable or truly healbby.-
ip, ed fromthe best d lers 0
I I 1 1 M :igimd- T clean knives take a strip of old.oarpot,
Upp. team 01
Bill antyl let Carrie Northoobt.
a heaTt of this T'lars
iorthott, W1llle London road, $9 ; H,
-he best spol in t�la monthly agelling., art London road, $6.; W.! j" for taok: it tightly on the knife -board, sprinkle
r ih, - Blahe le a -r a c
1V ef
other, the lovinil r Store matches we o Four he J allan. grader, London road, 66 p H. Magol, wwrkr- wit bath -brick. This *Wproduce 5,
J ea Tr Ual ity an onsict
nd. It adds tyne eeuior 8rd, Alb mg grader, 0. R., $16 H. Ru wt b am polit h without scratching the knife.
a] b4ohnston ; jonior,
-enhances the for grader, 0. R., $10.50 i W. Kal tA am A ready-made useful wardrobe for hang -
3rd Iberb Johnabou ; junior
all k; ; second part, Willie Xorthoott. y
at bargaitts firoty 'Years t bas + =A
favored. and. ib is the righD pl ce to get gre JO�UA
ston rader, C. R,, 06 R. Magel, rep 4irs ibg resses in is made by putting a elf in
woman app�wr in nds of ods. You can got four O 9, all ation. ak for and' $:ee'
and oil for grader, .$2,50 V. Zi 3enh� 'er, 'a oorner of the room about ix foot from the
p 6 e dis-
wndlco 0LO, yield to the ourk. Ung'aud make
0 LM W love& 'tbs. d 4 lba'of good LIVER TROU do, sallow complek.
f lk, ried apples for 25G ; repairing oulvdit, con"Opion 9. $1,50- floor, with a brass rod along the! front adixe,
a for 25c - ving $on, yellow eyes, George Thiel, repair na culvert 0. 50 foot' which"ourtains are h the
fresh runes -to - 25c,; 3 lbs. W -ted rest to
for 25o ; a few her. cro of
overi,orked, DA A-) alVER P LLS, They are eure cents - L, Wurm,- work ofi 0, R, ts - door$ of the wardrobe,
S lbs. Temon bit cuite; 0 -uet ori::, tit a Ini d tiv
rings left at 151a a dozen; 6- Vars of soap in., Ing r'dreshini sicep to H, Upphart, asoetoor's salary, $6
One Day. I. a picture- ior tbz 0 Z 50 ; J" in buying poultry the fowls should be
nd a nice
,0 tic oncession 10i 91.50 - Ca Rc all. young and plump, while at the ame time
Quinine 'Table Oesob I
Mpicion, for 25o -
�Uney if it fivils Iverts, concession 14, 6 St, not too at. They abould have a clear-tikin,
A '1,46
F. Yov.xo MAx DhOWNGD.-The unforturt-
of ricafor25a; 61ba. d IT= erAith.
malmon, trout, f c a lb.; a une lot of ego
ung man alli ger repairing eulv6rb, oonc 'ion 14, broad breasts,, smooth logo and pliable toeo,
io IV. rearm$u's st0ir hAns, long clear ro age: �ded ;o in the following My& btflb
h, which i 7e tali a 1rom the pilot )JI
n beat- Ringwood 1
Ayei S 1&
d Bend %N Torritoryo of 601' assessid for $1,753,410 persondl pt op. Whi ged fo Is and, chickens should be
t. - 6'9 a assessment roll of 1900 ; Xo. of a6ea, i2, with the skin full hairs and very ooarse,
ares it# F dlowing are some figures from the Ducks and geese when old are red and hard,
baeo d flour,
isdom. rolls oatin %I corn meal, granulated p N 0 ui!�, ho Of
11 1111 ;; April 20tih, a on of a former resident arty, $29,460 ; taxable income, -i $1,00 ; rifiedwfolreggailing, am theylook most delicate
ibrolla is, to, carrv, �oatme4l, rollei � wheat, standard cab* dC. r Of the was
mith, afid a Id- before- other , opulation, 3,452 bond Of cattle, 4,8 )5 ; whei dressed darkwlegge4 once are best 4
meal, ferina, al lib peai, pot barley, butt. t was -of Tuckdra litiew of essrs. 0r6 s
can find. ter, e all k nds 0.. garden seeds, in Hugh and omea
I IoEvV ng, of palmorston orsen, 1, 612 ; sores of fall whea �, 5,! 5. for casting.
'aw a build were 'horn 1 9 er m ath b drow, iing ON
paper or bulk - peas, corn, potatoeo,. A sad do urred 'last The cognell will meet &Adn on. Mond my,
a Rigby
sti. , .0 - , Aterprof 4
going up., - beat variety (if marigold and tu k. ThutMayv vanit g -at Willapi, Clair. Jane 46hi at 10 9olook, a,� in , as- a court of
at NC n Of S- �'S- MOEW- fevision, and* for general- business KS
e* SEAFORTH DYE WOR bout the 010"st- eed flax seed, red clover timothyriz Ayerls PHIS'ald t McHwilig, oh a'
potato years,
AVWs Sar -this 9Tnrm -This ao�nollll- met on" 'the 7eh
Jil !a -,t ing� aged 22
onions, shellilts, Dutch was the victim. of
am vr" his rib, frets akery and glassware at fatality, and diad', Mile bravely atr�ggllbg Ladles and. gentlemeni thanking you ll, for paf t
china, or 'Thdy ure. W M all members present. A. oo�imunioa- p&tr
I IOUs myv C 'I .
make & womaim no a an now that a new; season le"at hand I
-oog, china tc a sets, dinner sets and 'to do his -duty anc , oav 3 property in his
25 �id a box. tion from the coupail, of 'Honsall Oas I aid wish eb You ktio that I am still In the butinesnp
ur letters in ft a in all looloris Charge. It t o - boatto give. you every Satisfaction
tlloo iet and designs; eat i th after the,.�-Aayli before* the council, asking for co-apdratfox � to
2-yer's modViegror vork in the a, IrVd,' rki env a -POPULAR STALIONS
teas --green, bI %ok and sapan teas and ne, oetiti coun6il to re4a a a -gontl I lbal clothing, done w t#out eing
liat' and half of-, o vats 6 on the t ng You' wo n ttio line Of el I d d Ing
-alld lave said ea imen's an S CM OF COLDEN
m to
1.4a wwy eiatt t 3' a stone oru ci�d Yother. r�ad ma have them IF ed. All, wool
coffees a �peejalby; everything right th it made -driven hisA the t r t vistoi 'tliiiii isherea ing � na- rippo i as well As to
M! dle'N
down in iprice. or)d, his oustotn;%
&me when she T�e 1XuAranteed to !ova good #At a notion on short.
and'wash them off, as
ohin�ery,on,4-reti6the'samototb-c qpeeftve good
�A cqoial to all ca, ra ved my il boin� ab tke point select �trhe only avAI'L municipalities In the eoun6y. Ord red tt b t1c0- SbAwls, Otd, at
to 11 and get irs ago. prio Plasoado nob fall to give me -a call. Butter
Aled, Hibko-Sweftzet, That b
somwof the gODd bargains, while they ita now able point in that vi I y -le quite- obe d
-fu Prid an, y law 0. tau
ilosophical d 110 r until it strikes a I ag rook, . This rol 4, of 190-0, to'appoint m ate o, fe a. on In ox6hange for work, HONRY
are to be. vocir lite, icines"
bad., b p4thmas NI01 6;doxioh -stroot, cast, opposite.the Catholic
rran with a square, is large enough to rive team and, wagoo, ..,yiewerst and poundkeeporo# being -read a
Tan, 24,1$99,. Enon 'itnsno; The fallowin we 1 -known Stallions -Will
ever do,," sai on nd turn them. roun on it, but the
A the -hird time, be parsoed,;40irried. 'Will
% I -travel.during t a e son of 1900 as -follows
ur-fadq is very ppety and , the edgew... 3Yearlay-That thd A NOTIOE.
ork notify'W pe a a
inging over your .011 have nny complailit
ATOM, ehelvd alm Ilarly into water of,
you, ibberested in the, road. allowance, bet an PRINCE OF IANP
the bt )1y r
low.. Oti 2.1, oonocasions 3 and 4, to a
`40 thereto in f I;rl o from sipcteen to t nty feet depth ab tend! 1e T -enders will be received by the under
bea III doetor
W signed until (9619), Vol. XV,
r000lyc P rjr myt e" tide. Mr. M oE w g hal i used this 1 sp Drain on
Ot for �n&-t conooil meeting and ir. ob so-
.&Iarm clook. As MIS !$hb, for.complEtlon, of the Gariniss
U 0
I 06M Awak-0 in a BE sixteen- years 2ult nd Ord Concessions of Morris, Speofflastione Jame Lelper, Prop#ebor and, Man
APOR Lwwo)l, with no acoidento.. The sup. 40no, if -an w this road illow� ager -
can be icon at the reoldoutto of the reeve, Lot COD.
Mouday-Will leave Its own stsb1s, Liot 10 Can.
position is that t a horses wentl too n6r ib'ould not bie.61 iti- oessfi in. 8, Tonders wil
lo�el up. -.'Carried, - A p� too I bo, opened at the Sou"oll colivion 11, Rulloft had rocood no-th to John Bil
onn the vicinity f hill, on may Ift, At .8 0 Ol"k
topayers' i ham for noon; 1honoe north 13Y 131 th, to Andrew
yOu're, 41 the odge,and slip frit (in the rook, word". -
4e from the r4
rown I
on the town line
1111 1 0. Mor In, 816an a, for the isight, rucWay��W if propeed ca it
between Stophea about him "Vol"AAK, An k" Blyth P.
Precipitated into pep water. Mr. T, K 1s $13 oy�.witness to this struggle Ivray, was laid before the. coun. %long the Sth concession of Morrig to Wm. Jauklon's,
rd wifel." Gook's Pol to 1,00,6 zv 0 DISTRIOT MATTJ�RS. for life. He had just cr�
for Donn; tbonos south )OH&rlook,tihis own 9W
stops in the tosed the bridge near 0 h to appoin An
Ii sllapej;sf I over oil )Rtlbg t am t arbit at. o, who be wilt ;rvinsin-untlI Tburslay noon,
F A DL 00K
Sat,--, offectu &I, Jid log ask ,Mr, MoRwing's rooldece, and only a fe to -Yoarl6y-Thab Mr. Henry E. ThursdAy noon -Will leavo his own stable, and r -
for C-3olt e; cation voot ardo above the scone 6f the drowning when Hueston, of Exaterj be and is hereby ap-
w P 0
a siquirt Iftile coed e4st thanoo south to Wnbu*p for the nigbt,
Do, pills ano
�et teacher to,� ex.� a board a plunge iiond ai snort 'and stopped Friday -Will to it'awleles 83001
f t- f4vo pointed -an* arbitrator to 0onsider; the
d�qakc no otherl us all 1, S - aforth Mills
onA are dr. I r sillooft blifteS,
,ngaraus. rrice, o. Xi *1 HOMO# thOnde WONt to WID, M par box o. back on the brid to home *bat the trouble tion.. -Carried. - Resolved that .�h eve
the word sweet- box No. 0, 10 dograes s�rongpr,,q rc west and noith to Tbomav Feariii grvl road, for
Pleases meam, I or �. malled on receipt of price And two XW111ir was. He saw tg� horses, harnessed t6geth- and councilmen Willort, and Yeail0yo try - T a underof nod having purchased -from the night, Saturday -Will pkriceod oist to his own
stamps The Cook Compayt"Windsor,Ont. -cap star and n stable, where he will remainuntil the following -Mon.
ar,_ swimmivg in ttlement about bhe log,
tw-Nos. landj2holdanctrecommetic Hli lott lakitlg and wake a satisfactory'se .2
led by. all 1, . 0
the. . I T.he vain attemptWto egain. the 'shore by the the Marti gilviG Mi 111119 COM114'uYj (ff, Montreal, day morning, STATE, OF
saying Lab responsible Druggiatp In Canada. 11ORTalim.- 'a sideroad, and reporb next meet b
80HOOL "RE follo wing is the he well,known
cand I don% p INCE OF CAMP,9IE],
rq U steep and sli rooks, Clarence wadd ing. Resolved tbab the gravel contracts be PR
port,of school ffectio - No. 5 for April
Y". d 14 Boalorth 84 t do in the water and on., let by public auction the,'firsb Mond% -in 'Re -Connell & Stewart, 'Proprietor#,
Wilson, dru Fifth "Claosti-Estolla Snell. Senior. 4th, o. I and No. 2 sol by, tual out until ware
Wr-lUt ought to deavored to assist he, horses to "land but h Flour Mills,
Xabel Vodden, Ro jorO Gibbs Mary Wal. eptember.' Council indota �gaiq A ay Blondky-wilileave his own stable, at Drutteflold,
on S�afort Joh ow. Rros.*
laws of a"nation, was unable',. do a . Y nillY 6ne1oroe 26tho at 10 a. m. and go to Varna. Rt Murrat
lace� Junior 4bh,-- oVert Vo�lden,. James ere now irepAred'to do all kinds of is HOW, for noofi; then
ho folk who make came dieentaingled, from� his - mqtb and the byway of the Bronson no to Blake Hotol, for
McObol, Mabel Brolxn, onio sea.-E&O
harness 'and mana'ed tre e night. Tuesday -Out the Town Line to Hille 0 WARA
THE �EAFORTH Jackson, Bertio Hc ggart, cousibi. 111% feby, 0 The ot or ho . roe' swam. further tom Work, at John Cochane's, for noon; then to Johnnfe Snoll, illio . H6 Hotel, )KIP on, for ni
Junior 3rd,-Annabe 4 down the river -and again attempted 0 Ep 8`8 i Coco cus 2nd ooncoosion And the
the Puritans, did ar TO WHICH mlloo' then y wxy of f 8
nior Zad,-Be
side road, to Robt. Mo a, for noon., thion -out
I lymouth nstrumot ro in a very steep' place. Clarence P
Rook Muoical oho
wot�, Elsie Brown, Frank Hib rt, - Junior into the water and- s-eiz.. GRATEFUL.- COMFORTI G Gemmill's.11derosd to the flipan Rcaa to SpAtor1b, i
aport their knees. 2nd,Gertle Viodden, Mildred a I At tho Commeroill Hotel, for Righii. lhutiifty!�-By
the bridle and gave the horse all. the as- 8*4al Attention will be
L;j Johnnie. wowj�; EMPORIUM. Distinguished every!where for De- way of the Eturon PAW, to Melvin Clark% Aluis,
Redior'd. 1 j?art 2nd, -Ernest 17 on,' Ede 'Ooorge A A A A A A Rio A A
xlext,�thiug esistance in his power. - While engaged in licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality, for n000 ; then bv way of Crich's oldorosd 6
die Couains, Arm5n 0, 'Given. Turnerle wost end for night, FrIday"TWen out to
this hazardous undertaking, the If6rae sud.
eand Highly Nutritive ; Properties. the Lonaon -Road, L� Levi Wilteesi fornoon ;, by
the &b.
ZSTABL�SHZD, 1873. WORMS canl t exist d" iiin-chilaren'or adults �erily filippede and.fell over backwards, pull. Specially grRteful andi comforting of the London Road, to the Commercial Hot,
whenlDR. LOWS WORld SYRUP io mwd. 20& Al oung to the nervous and dylipeptio; ery bag-,qq.Al1by of Flour given in ton, for the -night.' Saturday -By way of Q fad
0113h town spbud. ing Clarence in with him. When the y The v opucial. SOO -Of
concession of st to his OW)i stafile, Where to
d0AIM, main came to Oki surface he struggled inan.- Sold only in quarter -pound tins, exchange for is Uti
di will remain until the ollow.ing Monday m I
iwindier 14 T �Owing to .!. mes, we h&ve con- fully to reach the shore, but he soon sank labelled JAMR� EPPS & Co., Chopping kf'46 done on the horb-
one that it
to sell Pian O*S and UGIE STAMP,
was at once given and a large party beg n London, England. The best bra a -01f Flour always on hand,
and was seen no i more alive. The alarm Limited Romowpathic Chemists, eat notice. P-ifee, five cents per bag.
-Division court wag J3ALBO
to flee `4 DMsm Courm
me frae ahelq fiere on Wqduouday of lao� week before thb search for the body. The water is John McGre or, Mattager.
AVA no mair than and will be delivered in an part of the 9
en a very)- �Intereatin 'AKFAST p6nces-
12"reatly Reduke loese Judge Doyle, wh not BRE SUP1 Monday -WI I leave his own shble, Lot 30,
quite deep in that vicinity and it was town free ol obargd. slon 4, Stanlyj:nd rooeed toJohn G, Sti4lYs
nd iijr, )me3JlJl6, for
!the bther replied. docket was presented,' the cases being o until next morning that the body was fou The highest price in cash paid for
dy that the era -we all 11o2n - thence H. Elfordle, 1,1( night.
more than usual interest to the large crowd not very far from where it Brink. , Clarence 101% for noon' and by
Organs at $21; and upwards, and kw*do of grain. TuoWay-m-To R&Iph T101
pre ant. - The first an so was on 1. C 'or -"he Wxt'10
a , . an'accOunt McHwing wait a pleasaub, industrious young Epps" s foeo Feed of all kinds constantly on hand, Clinton to williAmilrers, or night. wejn�adsy- F t
ePianos at corresppriding pricell. for threshing by Me srs. Bengough & Blair, man of excellent habits, and his untimely To Thomas Dddde, MoXillop, for noon: and I thence
wade, his � ap. 1660.26 uald'o Thurads—To of Wood
.19ee us before reliasing, of 11onmall, against James orkman, of and is sadly regretted by the entire com- to Thowas Mc for night,
We will sell the following 11st,
The Sea -forth Milling Co on - And thence to kraii
ale, day Ayp W, is Slimucl Carnoch-In's, for no
Hillil' Green, !The defence vras that the unity. A large concourse of people from Uyioolo, for night, Frid �o Roger roppals, for Cocks, Ranges and Heateri t t1oft
1h with
�a do the work accord. tmhroughoub the whole valley and a number A Cheap Medicine Ch aih.a ?�Ie gr
plaiintiffs had- failed est. flocn ; and Jelin Idol3rego a, ard 0cw2ession,Tuoker- quoted. Terms strictly a �64154
stulth, for night. Saturday--Xo Jitnes 2nd opportunity for xecluriig bargaiap irk Btovtm
'T B 0 S- in o contract, and a counter claim was from tiiis community attended the funeral, Mrs, D, Williams, Goodorbam P. 0-, Ont., writco
for he was
ovej a joke, *1 Do, 9�_t for neglience, J I udgm ut rooerved. and the flor rdlo Yiollow, '611 for Burns, Stanley, for noon tbance 7=519own ver offeed in Boxforth,
&I offer 0 -go *ere numerbus and 11 1 have ined Hogya
are out called Mae SIGN 01HOULAR Cone"w1on
stable, for night.
H"J. D, Cook -for p aintiffs; L, H. Dick, very beautiful." Sualde, Spimine, Bruisee, Bore Throat and for P 4ina IV
In the Stiiraach and Bowels, and it hao always lives One Souveni
e, price 482,, will sell
son for -defendant, The othe case, which rollof. My mother usys It Is a rogul;vr inc �cljw but ye ken -
took the remainder 'of the a temoon and OF THE SAW for $18.
-ea �Youth HOW RELIEF CAME, close( In Itself.
inam be Give, a Wax; severely conteate 61, was fo ayment for One Perfection R-suge, ptize $24 will -to
Resolution al a' a course 112 feeding and caring fol 16 head ofeattle dur. WORKS, these poets of childhood can be re fly
do8troyed and expelled by f be use of Dr. Low'@ Viom One Hom-i Souvenir, price *24, ul 10
Businen and Sborthand at ing-ifiep N�inter, he plaintiff, Henry A Welland' County Man's Inter -
Et Byrup. It it easy be talco, %nd contains Its own 11"s-
ettblv Used. f$18,
the Doitz, claimed $78 " being aWut 80 cents esting Experience. UJ UJ One Maple Cook, price V25, will ooll f bir
or montb. The del udant bad offered him
0 iT 1120, sixteen wit ages gave ovidence,'
He Had Suffered for Yeare from Kidne Dyspepsia IDA T*o Atlas, price $16, will sell for.S12 SQ.
y for Eight Yeersi
J Utiginerib,was r the plaintiff with 8%ht I
8 -of All X v` n 1108tored 01me Bright Idea, nh r
at costs. � J G, ry Exeter, for plaint. Trouble -Many Medicines Were Tried, lqil)o bottles of IAxa-Liver Pills cured me Ol Dys- ow"Ir. Wtatb 0 la anti PAInoin tboftomach, after I had auffer. t351 w III sell for $25,
%kers. PC r i
iff,,L.H.'D1okoon fo defendant. but Failed -Dr. Williams' Pink Pille odplight years and could got nothing to do Me Any Science points One Oxford Grsduate, with roarv�olr#
f ViatorLa B, 0.P go
MILBURt4IS STERLIN, 11tiDA01110 POWDERS Mrg. Asa Hamilton, Bcar,River, N. S.
Wa to
Mr, James Upper, of Allenburg, is a gen- One BA #Ioe
price $22, will sell for $22.
old out the
�g ��00 are ogaytotako, harmlet0in-action andsuretoottre _ht Idea, with reserval
I ba4 suffi. any heaftcho In igom 6 to 20 minuted. tlelPlan well known In Welland courity. Mr. A oevoro cold settled on my throat and Judge so the restoration of will Still for i$20.
X1 Upper was proprietor of the village hotel bbat I could hardly opoak. After ?�befr rewidies radue w It
f1snupl, cloth, and who.. shall place limits to sight. One Oxfo.rd G. -tot prico III Set
.-nderwear atorgd. for over thirty years, and no bettor landlord failed I tried Dr. Wood a NorwAy R190. Syrup, and for $16.
one bottle of it compl
ot 100.4
ca, thport, 01 it, i
a. couple of his carier. Catelogue free. (From an Oomlo�nl Corroaopideal t.) ever catered to a tre veller's wants. Mr. Up. lily One OxfoAr Wood Cook, priee $200 vill,
Alre, Thoo" It your Vbion is sell for $14.
J. W. WEBTERVELT, 11,&T Bra EGO . RVOORD,-The Manitoba per"s acquaintance also extends over . On. defwflve we can
Ise 4to T
Frl�lclpal. i One Family Jewel, price $24, will sell ter
for two ot record of big egg lay�ng you p tario as a me1qual to his prominence in
_ublimbed last Suffered Intensia Pain.
-by Went'
po. After week is a big one, Oven comfb from the, Orange and Masonic circlem,_ His pr�sent Mru, Cb#s, Miller, Bowling, tifla
dweprovince. A ation is farming, and in this, call- Groba, Ont, 0 One orist"I 0081--p Pike V251 *11- sell for
old Materials I I 9 ccording to tie figures, voo tuaveuffered greatly from 1#11ammatory 20 methods mmure
The lAcKWop blutual Firt oars, My oint�. would swell
amond byo% to Mr. ruse got. 1,101' q3ggo days, from- ing he has been very successful, Mr. U tism for two an he
in was 11105 favors, J-OU14, Hot got 0& 0 ad,
I I the defect and
�rug patteras, I ton hens. Some of �them must have --laid por has been a sufferer for ycars from kis'. Also a number of Oil and (IvAollne stovag
Wbilin,@ Rhoumi�tic pills hAve cured me,"
Inur4SIL 0 (30'Mpailly,
they are so -'hand- two eggs P. day. This shows that mr,", ney-trouble, and began to thick that good supply the very cheap.
amire, them. Tne Beirnes has gob onto the new� Yankee do. health had altogether paused him by bat,
FARM AND 1180LATED TOWN eta Cramps �nd Colic, necessary glasses.
�k, the beat aua vise, and which is up. d to work wonder in the time came when he found a c I
Nothine gives ouch uJok Apdoffectual relief frorn ing. I cortainl PROPERTY ONLYINSURED the egg laying busin no. The lelootria light care, and is again strong, happy andomT, or 11 into a ito restore it.
flx, those die raising 00 d Dr, Powlorls Exi ract
PE make mat's toures are ut int ohi�ken housem on "�nd of Wild Strxwberrrn�/'�
s, In regard io Mr. Upper's sickness.' FRESH
without the Mwledto or, consent of the cure, he 8�ys : ,.In December, 18017, 1
plon"Unt, KI on -P
Bracoflel?Pl. 0. - Thomas H,
J. 13, mounn 0. ; Thoms J. S, ROBERTS,'
he how to in at duski, one by was prostrated with a sev6re form of kid- Some Thin4s Wo.qh Knowingle
Frase�,, vice realdou
awy. go". e Orth P. 0. 1 V. 0. Broad- one, as usna , satisfied that they have done noy trouble. Provioug to this I was ol lit' The Lord Mqor of Dublin receives 0, 000 7
foot, InSpooibf of L44JM, al-Afolth P. Q. DRUG( o -T A N D OPTIC
-d- Of OU -r all that could reasoolably be demanded of -ly afflicted in Tthe same way but at this a year. AL
r it9i
M 0 g my- thexesult Of 0�-, There are shoe fae6ries in China. i
*0110d 60 years of W. G. m-Afcct, Me sforth,, John G., Griove, W I the � in tho way of ' I Ingi and withone' matters o�me ;0 a climax;�; H
to aleap, when, presto, posure and over pxert on. TO say that i rea,of �he worli is
It -at 1-19 years in Goorge - We, Boafbith ; John Bennowola, eYe 01034 1
�d, go sof t t One-tentlVqf the land 4 SEAFORTH.
Dublin; Evans, Bo"hwood; John Watt, the lightsta�rtti.up, ibe old rooster in com. auffereA does hot express it ; the pains in
still unexplbrad,
Harlook; Thomm Frimfer, Bmeeffold; John B. Me maitd of the hareta crows, and thb hens, my back were terrible. I gradually grew Of The
-at, retaini Marric#/l rway are privilEgad
abo ing vupleo in No
1: an
Lean, Hippsn ; ames'Connolly, Clinton. thinking morning 'has come, hop down, one worse, and was compelled to keep my b6d, to travel.lo fare and a half.
vo-thirda of our egg. e dre pleated d for months 1 existed as though in a a railways at a 'he Molsons kill
the- other third Robb, _dwltb, Harlook; Robt, McMillan, Swaforlh by one and lay.anothor Rhou�fttism is most severe in Denmark,
Jamed Cutinating Fgmondv 0; J, W. Yeo, Holmes- to hear that Manitoba is up, date in the hideous dream. I had considerable nauses
V1 popitions are re from thisVis-
0,, q where 70 deatho 4U 10,00 A Nq�west 0 u--- d olo P, Aeorgo Murdlo and John 0. Uorrition, +
egg bu and lothinj for food, was greatly reduced In INCORPORATED, 1855.
0 people assurn asauditor
flesh, The Pain daily grow more intoler.
ihe cheat 06, that, Fargles 'dmfroax io offoot lusamnoce or ilmoo The're are twenty-moven Royal Famili in
pot oAhor buldne" will be prompil atimuded to ot Son cedl,. to Deebth. Able. I got little sleep ; was left weak and CAPITAL . . . . . .
complete. Tit E 'pq, two-thirds of vvh ich are of Ger an ery
- onsumn- despaired of getting well : , REST...,. $ItM0W09 I
o, p1lotion to awy of the abovo officers, addreftod It you are in the 1&6t stages of C exbaueted,.and )r a In N'llint;
.,The 198fir respeouve post offloes. tion, and cannot live more tbs is onth'), Different remedies were tried without bone a 0
,.!4; vor tho, arms In IgIum penalties Are imposed on Per- F, WOLFERSTAN 7-HOMAS, Gen. ftnitf
0, fit. Vinally I was persuaded td try Dr. gor.
were the words of doom heard Mrg. Roe s6ns who have the right to vote, but do: not
b, -Riobard6on, of Laurel Springs 0., from Willi4mal Pink Pills and procured six boxes. Vail, themselves of it.
id is p, For t
to her doctors, 11 but she bega io, use lyr,, This was, about March . -lot, 1898, 1 took -The Japanese do not care much fr no olo.
L have room
irge "ace, nor be King's �New Dig w ites, R. L. the p4ls faithfully, and at the end of -two,, Money advanbed to farmers on their own
on oovery -yr aat y ar,
ck Among 27,000 now books printed I VO%
notes, with one or more edorser,
months Lfelb well, ble to ation
Daug4tonkof that place, an was wholly f ga lua ngd a only 402,wlre works of fiction.
cured by it. She is now a sto t, well we. to my work; The 0110 a I r, - In proportion to population the little re- 4ul aD i0ollootions made in -all parti (if tbs world, OfMay-
pa.-416roujh it 0- Man." 'It's iho. supreme cure for desperato perienced a ali ht recurrence of the trou , a, public of Switzerland can boast of hai Ing 1W and returns promptly remitted, ab lowest
and again usela few boxes of the pills, -a'nd rates of exchingex. Drafts sold on all points
a -1d.
which soon be- dise sea of throati and lungs, Infallible for a -larger army than any nation in the wo
ON Coughs, Oold,'Btonchitia, Asthma, Qroup, now oonsider my cure complete, as a Ayear in C&nada, the -United Stateit and Europe. orspiratiOns frOntk At a recent sale of ture in London 1, ng- (:=,
DIRECT Imron-m-as 01? Sterling and American Aw -lit *r
-ttles 50c has since passed and I have not exper�i e cohningeboug -d
It makes Whooping Cough. Guaranteeia bd need land, one choice silver fox akin -r al zed -
Jules- Robin& Co's krandy, Cognac, nd$1.00. Trial. bottles freb �b VV. Fear's apainolaoho. Ism now able to,Jollow oa� Olt sold. Interei t all6wed on deposits remain.
France; Jno. do Kayper & Son, Hol- drug store. %Fmin pursuits with perfeeb ease. My ing for one i tionth or, more at currout rate*. 00mmerolit Notal, O"fortb,
ne, 4ide# The street accidents; of 014 Lo on
on. 0
speaks as wa Pepartl�ent-Interosb allowed on
rmly in fav�r of Dr. -nearly .0%
g land 'Gin., Rotterdam, Holland amount to about 3j,500 a: year
arnathin _. wrong Y. WililimsPink Pills an I do, ha de Wis of 81'and upwards,
Booths f0m Gin London, England d SAFE
roba, pis ky, Glas. NOTS.-The dredge h ri sume'd wor them f r headache, dizzh 084 of ap. peolal attention given, tv the collebtlo
;then, A healthy' Bulloch & 06. gootoll Whim as 0 611he value of the potaboes imported Into
b Petite- the pills always glvl�g mfort SU4 Engla Of firmers".smile notes, THE 1UPEN
A sleep, on ther. gow, Scotliud ; Jamieson"o Irish on the dit-o two milessouth of )ranbrook. 0- nd yearly- is estimated at about, a A
The Bank to open daily for tros
an, The council ruee�i ng and oourt A revision on relief, Since my illness I hav learned that 000. "tins
the other, 6VO,% Whi -k Dn�lin, Irel i dl;; also Port
on a general
nd - good remedy is none the le good because Tba personalt -of the' 1 to Mr, H D banking b miness.
Marry -Wine from AFrance May 286h., , Any whose' Doi= have be
Gn"Pit ill runum4g i2ight uad 4-Y
Xt I a 00 t was 86 much less th I expected," Traillp editor of Zitersture, has.beer, sworn
Agents for Walkers Whiskv left ff the roll and Who want I vote at'ne "ed nsall -Brah
Aft -
r, E. KARN, Agent,'He eh, kinds of work &fie oA thethort-ft
Ontario Distillert, and Divio' -election thould have their narn is put on at, 0
at Z1,860. JoUr Ior wheay. r
finister. AIeL and 12rotyer',' Toronto. talo Ina 16fort" to thin now Will "CoX
eitiug.* Atter Tbwnship ancils. Nearly f,1,000,000 we th of psteht medi-
A meatin was eines at
i save a he ble- this Council Talted King
T. W. Vornonji SP of trou -�Ohn _US�ORNZ,-7 exported from 'the T_
McDermott, of H6-wiok, has. ased the El- hold all mUbiari; being
In May 5th. prexent dom each year,
a qua�utity of W4 jesd, 40rb for
For a long To THE PUB 10 In unci mea dogs in -Chicago are to be 00 HAVE YOU TRIED
on MY Hof b residence in RtAol amad oved there The name of Sa uel Rowe was al
We ha 0 ened a retail store tri THE NEW METALLIC n last waok.--�Mro- Geor H rth int d �for th t of Benjamin Jiggins, as pathmaster ad, by electricity.
81- taking a t ro
1 benefit Nain �vel rip fotdi isionai south7 eab ward. By-law .* Chicago has four'bank 1, - ephon
box connection h our wholsale ba" to Englau"Itbis in State Prison, Long. distance tol lines between
Ura and a, w -IS WAf41r_
business in tie rear of ! the no*. -Do- sail on the All & 'steamship confir ning the appolatment'of -pathinaptero and expects to send two imorp.
.which mowTREAL, ITORONT0,% AWLTON, AU kind t- log wmted At tifte
ak, in Goo&� old otand, from the for Whist 34 piee VW
no a--
oured'Me, miniQn Ba unsi fro"In Montreal.'. )u- Saturday, for 19)0 was passed, - Wgued and sailed. Fivo million bushels 09 ecru go AN ITEM OF INTEREST. ONDON ind: DETPWIT a of firs 0100
I , BFFALO. I the hiolw
�ru`pli im where we will 11611 the bqit godde in 26th inst. and will probably . I a away sov- The court of ro�isi�u of the-- assessment ro.11 Uhited'States to Barone, every week. pure, I ents to
sh arm loane taken *A lowed ratel 041 and a" before 4ispoit1log
the market a� bottom -.prices. Goods oral Months if the chango-of ol mate is, im- for 19PO, will be h6ld at township hall, Elfin- Seven 0oun Westen New. Vork re- ; sAtwootion, gu&mb RU 0017e. Serviamp to
ind in lectria bies In jil � borrower - a-"*, _erfact. Half 'rates from Op. m, your logx.
delivered to any part of the town 000 for their a - fully Answered. ABNER COSENS. 6 Z, m. The M'inimurn. Might Riste 'a 250
rifier that bso- provin# her health. -06merou Brothers, the ville, on Satur(14, June 2nd, at 10 o'clock. celvod nearly $5,000, PPI0` %�denco oboe?
f Cranbrook flax inen, have sawn some ABC The e6ntract-to/build Portland cement con- Qrop. I baw, Ot. OMco-At corder of Minnie ,�nd except where the day rate-ts less. -MON"M Kippm-
undea by 1. V. TELEPHONE If.' 151&4f -fields- With flax on the farms of 'D. Johnstom a book-keeper, lost POK oketreeWevoryaAw dAy 11-111 "Y. crato �butme� for -bridge over creek in John 0, Donaldson
:,arge, bottles on-
I-OnItt Any