HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-05-11, Page 5A
...... ------ -
.7 XP04-
to of US W h
f e4 o*AV
we 0 Mark*t $roots
_4WOA whi'410Y ibiilz;J ZI to $6 Clio"
found so 'o qS at a 41111, d 50 4001 oaboice 5V flou4'w" . zYg, the $out Ad � M
Maleki 4 Affiem, wvFn Whicii 1 TAmbs SheePt bael-, H 0- *Ud 4 06 -it
marke Was mt oW
bas been the B".. .0 long -4mbo
. -i , - - ON11-1 C
sop'. and 6
I ; 0000,
Sh 2wift DUN A PROArRmw ow _X*W1_ #U,
DUIZ; 48 to' xi C Pv_ Nw
Id at suag
04 for tw
ic , a
P* k r
Ur A00"n-flory
to $4 of -hbavy
to mixed to $0451 V 'ar A, 'i W
at's the m igie wor Tat hat most People are af ter—,
twder -presidelit'' Olvelan&# *dmi
A8 v4uses, success b asm"ess, Inciden ally thift Ine"
-4tdpt: , or-' to 'Pit" that
-A� tm � $6,40 ;� 0 d0114rNt bUt
tion, died at his home if 06's OAVY Ydrk go mean t4t i
foll.01#1 days'." iniy be e*pWedj and le s0cesOful busi iess is dae -ne tfiat sells goods at the highest
Ail it- 4 pigas 05 rou $4. 80 --.to o
z I it
r+ IP gnppex dy Y i
t th 0"
c age of, lfidy'.�ho, desire . Prides. On and� i; generally iitagmw that the �goods 0" soU at th
He was lath r Urt. qhamborijj�, w IS
o of w fe of may Y,_
tie, Thq only x0rol, Wo
i g,bn lArge sale# and g664 Management for."not poft, Novy�
aition of the marl, I we wish to
ig. 004.400 d our Oiford,'Tjej. ad 9- that we are ftr large'sal an it
my a
retat 11 -Sfata for the colon resultai and- this is the
-borl n, wfiath6r Aoulo ia- lowest, a T EN
alborlalas the So -Hon. osaph 0ha Was feeling. a the _"Otatlolill
er in -fokmor seasos h we -do i
ave *e way
_1URD ON TH,1- GUSi:;on Bu for ord bitt- b 'I
TMm.-TUe .14 bu hat 00 is, us nom
oittle from W*6 bout ov showtii-96chla- comprehensive btopk-'
6ttou*dev�# heavy_ weight
so as we are showing vrorth 00 to 190� Iresiv and Cheeks. now *oAh-ldo, for 12jo. o�
tMOhlblition of the ind -411,31, of an4 rything. was, sold _1000011ades. inintripso and chtoks, worth. 14o, for 106, C
-South America ha#�:Usea, 00fistern%tim out,-. Th re W ti prott fair demand fo �-Jimong shippers and ; - 11 , , , -
ex#6ort a-* 10 Y
y Shir ing, stripes
d Shirtl�g,
It is ford
id� G114ego- vi th" kle .11toady an tin. large, and falt"Colorm, worth 0, for 10o; Linen Boiler Towelltn
-4 �aor ed, -d' aprises
tle'arid sheep have ad-Im 0. Rhalaged t -per poun 44,
The prices of 0 ir a 4! tow worth
J , 'Set
d* fo
: well t an, cot f0r�5o, Grey Cotton, yar4'wide, iow worth 6o, for Areases and
ed-toi'tho M h
Black $*teeni, for
2id, ipil,100i FA h
'll the 164�.t. waists, worth I
P to 5e for prime ithe ia eat at, rles oy colorso Aow -"Orth so for 40, mealfif 1
to reap luaher I
3u uaher
0 Vor hq6V3
Blue Denim weigi tr, worth 01, for 756. .'Arb Musil - witt
b6efitt and if, is anticips andg6b&, 0 ch in, ii border, for car.
ted -that , ab
an attempt, a stus a ktrs. at po�uhtr* and very
d from R. to 4ja 9 r
talas-50, 80, 100 and 12jo.' JAdieso Shirt Waists, fine perede. worth 650, for 500,
will be made to the Board of' Ag-_ p Mi latter fiy was tbi' Laid- rmho-der',
-or opung"thl latter fig on 4: r exar4pl Ladleop� Button, Do: 1#014 Shoes, hip h
tip, worth $1, for Sol -
oullturoM. deoree by shipping Arge price, and Q 40 w, cuts worth $1.60,4or $1.25, I^diW Oxfords, patent
as &Vera -See we ar6 Selling th' an's hea;�y plow b"tso viorib $1.25. for 00C, Uan!$ plow boots;
ond artq oOlrd is season
t1a t -o Antwerp for n vattl had it downward
1�ughtor �ad.traushjb-
Mont to Hagland., tendo oyo, but,wai Ladies' Dougols Kid Ox&iidg, L.50, Men's fl" Dongols Shoe% at- 01-26p $1.60 'and S2'", _.turn soles, OxWnh asola4, worth $1.", for $
quotbly ch
ad, A the offeripgg all 0
re 11 Ladles' Do 14 Kid Oxfordi bettor grade,
so, F tug, a conductor on t a stter 1W in Buffawj &MTX) C32TM3
and were in botter mend at firincr-- Ladies' Don
Chici�go and -Gr
ilw' A, a
and Trunk Ra
reat styles and shape$ &4 $L715
two can. w man
killed on t1he 28th ult. We 'Ay at from' a to 8
fligur and probi'6 Kid oxfordfit King's make, rw
a qkJaran ormer resi i ut ly m uId have go
as iof i8t. Mi�rm.wai'ln wo '140 t staut! at $1, A, pair,
by taill't botwbf n Axpol b6� lie sold W101-1 to.
About 1hirty milk co KIN N & U0#5 BLYH.
ie vil.00und. � a Mo, i NU Ri I
ore hate, and 00 d sit prices, ranging from And 'fof our best mak� we !ME# carry q fapious 11 Empreso 11 Ox.
i0w 1141 k1k pog - to $40 - '5 �nd'$50 was paid in a
ea6h ; %I -
or AM
d be deliolited Good' milk in demand.
-Ba7fleld. J, I , i fordo 4 $8 a4d $2.50 a pair
John Fr"er, nota, v o and coilvo�. ; : - ,,
ry ubli ON WDrO steady At t'Dm 4 to 41
sneer. wins, dead - p - I V o per W C0
without the a and morsp- s drawn � Gal 1&066,
nd, Ppheep-Sheen A
. steady'and uw-
WOOD. Mone Joined on goodif,%'rm sotarlo,
Wen away be- ed all CRU N HAILM
sold.. 90 in yearlings,:,
ntiou'a In lemand. 8
ry (Air pr mg..
Dr. Apow, Dontist, W,
111, Vid B loge
At from to and occamich.,
At the River HO.01, Ovar wed,301dl Afan an
ally So 030
during the summer, inning Wedne -are 0 all t1ae fyo now. rhey aro st i8h and nest
Any nie"Age, 1aft M be River Alotal QCA yl and, are suitable.4o
3, 4 a iyay, way Hogs--�-Ho so yet4,un. Crqsh hats
`111111 receive challg� d, I ut prospeo s or for 0, decline in
200 a prompt stt:61atlom ne lid evety one. Our 50c H' have sold well and are'ne ly all gone but
prices at a a early da.e. r prime 1ogs,
501 P. few I u
f am 160 to we - Air o�
k, brown and gray. Got yo
r 200 a de), the top
rioe .5 61 re
14re. yarn, P light hogs Pic ofo we are OU of gizes,
bringing BIC
*r Po
r WAY0470, May 10 3000
Fall Wheat (now), Standard ..... .... #o od to #0 a INV
spriEg Whc 0 04 to c 66
it i U1
0 21 to 028
sim per bwW 0 " to 09-9 01
Barley porboh 04010 6 do M
a 12 to 0 la ea r sweaters are !new and --up to date, no 6yolist or Sell I b TJ'
60 ld- be wit6u
OY Y �'n
one, Itoys, sizes sell at 85c, -men's at $1. e
01260 is -PENI ITIARY SUPPLIES. Ever ook 'and. corn�r --;no worse for 0 9 60 611 CAPITAL.( blue -black, red.,
per 10 it *11ite and olive.
20060 200 g.rL 11)
flay parton ady; --- �-breathes the �brighf, fresh albamos�here' the new.
e 1000 tJENDEM addre" of eveilthing new.in ties and colored Shirt of
7 0� to 7 50 Six in ol f, Wd "Inspector rice
Rldiva POT 100 142 - lj000-L ''k We have p *1 to
6 0 to 5 60 flifles"Ottawsoll and endors a that will not. fal.
ad Ton.
loth of luor, Sheep Hkillso.# 0 60 to 0-70 4or lot supplio, w0l he received unill Hatutdar, please 'ou.
WoOL.a... Y Counters and shelves laden d')wn
0 13'Jo- 0 16 EAFORTH IR with
ANCH. "no "'ve, team Parties des"Ous Of con' Try us for up to -date furnishing a. now marohandisa,. an
40tatoao �, for i;u� supplies, for
(now), L 0 25� to 0 80
NAH (yetst 1,� per barm- - 0A gen'ooa7: no UsIness tra ar thogtoliolwing inatitutiono,
10040 0 00 ou
N Dt#*'dIzcountod,-i Incent do Paul Penitentiary.
food roy Cord (long).. _ - �, �,, 0, Hivaton pollitontlary'l ght to Dlease you
1 4 00 to 4 75 Zt*t I -
Wooc�lper oord, (short),.... ,,, _ .
'r 00 to 2 50 r.ad apqolal a#entl tho4. robester PonitentlAry, Ure Yo
91von +
A ploo 40 to I Do '00, ectlaft of Sal
I a firta, tht
;,;i'boo to 5 50 )t N British Colunib' +4 ombiLialvion to with
Rogina In- 9,11 'here gua
%Ao 2 00 SAVtN(*xS BANK. l0terost allow -
Prince Albert Jail.
Fork, pot Iva b- 57 10 5 60 od on deposits of $1 2 ef Upward L a. Soparato tondero will be reaelved for o1oh of th for your approval s6d s0ledion,
Jib. 011 to 0 06
Spoplal fA6111tion r following cla§206 Of 800109:-
I Flour (Capadian Krone,, B;tkorfe),
In -the Klo" dl*o Dliltrict.,
BUT11, May 10, 1000. and
on of
2: Beef Mutt� B)Vl 'I BRO
, �n
n Oroo, psyable at at q IU k, fesuad at the
8. Farago,
4, Coal (9inthYAO160 and bRuminous).
....... ......... ........ 0 60 to 0 02 dori - $10 -08 520, to $80 32 0. Cordwoad�
........... 08M 0 42 10.To $20, .10 U
AD&t4 0 120 to $50 14 Z&HERS, )SEedFO.&T.H.
R-TH e, wilfat k, ................ $0 03 to 80 64 low ra a 0- Gr000riaoAl
020 027 F, HO UESTED, Fla. 0. MIN , coal Oil (I
Bu Ht* ...... 0 It to 0 12- Tyl n barrels).
0 00 to 010 Manager, e d
4) 60 to 7 00.. Fork, dressed. au,
. "' ' 01
g; Stru @' a
III, .. .............. 6 00 to Goo 10 -ood onlyL. Shoop Skin#_; ....... . ........ *##.. 0 60 to 062 11 Haedware.
Lumber, TA116w .................... 0 04 to 000 Births. Cured�Hams a 16 to..o 11 FOX r -lb Broesels, on May 7th, Ili# Detsil of infohnatida as to form of poutqot�'tq-
3, Gro- a wife of Mr. �JAV, 1111, rme ot. tender will be furnished
Cardwcod ........... 2 60 to a 00 ro-V of &;son lyth, on Ation to the w4rdena a various f notitution .
4ril �Sbh, th(
Cordwood 1 .76 to 200 HOLTR AUiR Zipplic T and teao., ), wife h Stovo � wood � ...... of us, Ell HoltzhAu& of a d6ughter HOU 1109aresUbject:to the approval.of tho,Ward.
................ 2 00 to 226 ftovo Wood (graen).... 100 to 175 DROWN. -InZarif 9, on May 2n&' the wife of Mr,
Ray ........ ....... o oo to 7co J, A. Brawp, of a sou All toniltra subtaitted must Orbiff clearly the in.
I of t
a w4olleremith on AT ril 26th, --the wife of StibutiOut Or 11101tutionill wh oh 10 proposed to
mpply, and must,. boar the onglorl4tion, of t IcAst
vorth 'tire price W.. Aaqe;T# Diopl, 01 a daug htor.
-fat its Dairy Maxkets.
P,%Y elf in two responsible sumCes.
�io vicinity have TAo=o, May 8. -Butter-8 apply con. DOUGLAS STEWART,
Inspector of Penitentiaries
id to tbie grasit tinues large and dem4nd firm, Pfices are Itu
XTE9R�U8SELL_3_q May� bopartmant of J11661660
Ca 11 ounty., Ontario Mr,'40ooph 4:uuter, Ottawa, blay �Vh, 1900
A2d getting steady at 11 to 13o for both large and pound Yd ve for
dairy -of D)tro Orly of ssols,to Miss xva
A foist week dflF rolls. Creamery is quotod at 18 to 1001.2
M ithodist pa
&ggs-Are reported scarce in the jobbing.
of, the ea -20o for prints, and 17 to l8o for. packagek- 'I. ! ' L M L.. ron
P We' via t iermanent'Pat!
"Oul doolthe
May 2nd, by 11 m John 1101mal.
Now P&W &AL A. -A, A, 04 A A AAA A AiA---
MONTRUAL, May S.-Choese-Tbe season Gray* WWI hi
S W LL0 ff�- WRIS-At Do, 114 AlSor n-
ril 2661 bj.Rev. Mr. U as, o
trade, Ind prices hold stomily at 12 to Win, 114�10 Mies Eum Dal SIGN I
has, opened up with-consideribly more ctiv, 'Ap g, Me. 0arman A! Laos UrIldne
-bout 800 boxes of ).W�, a 010 told ace Guy, daugh-
ity than last year. A swall 0 F T H E SAW -as we a
flafff With me- Ur j 0 u r";, Mot to is"Smal ,Profits and Quick Returns. Such r1e 011ing,: b
-Quebec were offired at the wharf this morn. torof of Bruesele. are OunULO
recommend themisilves to those wk6
Offlooff latol Od. andIoall found a ready sale at 10� to ersmitli, at tile Of consi#'erable, COIL reside Ace of the bridelo bi bar, Duncan Me. imp 0
recognize,good qualit W flee womafi wit -a love
-y he
vNeirs Wnk, for ixed lots of white and T Rev.& SswerN, log Sarah MoTavlob, beauty a 31r, Duacgia McMillan of North E%fith
10 ersivere asking 10§ to 101c for'eastern t:v1s] , b� OPID# ul it, T
ePerth o0i n6y, werf ) gr4in Of eeavomyt is our display _0�4
flurry. choose iina vre terna were value3 at around i We "trust hat the people of Peaforth and no ghboihood
AN3-1, box 0 Yoh, Go or on, will Appreciate
DA our purchased direct from the nianu ar� and th et which the"
6mV to the we t now We tUrers at Nottingham'-aitd are xaro'bar�,,
- I " 8 1 O. Jamos effortS'Lo %Uper, r article at the lo at possible p ce. us 0-!13
Borst easteim townships ilf f 17" Vrior E, T. _00r4st 0.
t moon, The Hi, 'Butter s The market continues irm. I ri
Any creamexies are sell? Aprr YIA Charles loyi ',I Tor tooto �3 oodo
11Yy our -a and raking out odd's end ends, gains at the prices we ask.- $1, is ome of the big baqypina fita per
waia re -rte4 at 17 to 17, -&9004 sized late, and- at wissAl Jaearlotta, d ug. ter of Mr. cargo are going, thro g b, took every morning,
Ing of
a Nice 'bedroom jourtairi f
the ISO to ars from 141 which OX pe t the late buyers ill be A`�dy to.'piok up at bargain prices,
WHITE 50e per pair. Heavy net eurtains, Igo a line f
i OJInton on Aptil 8 at �90 SO A line Of
,,,,,,,Dairy tube bring
9me, spark�L had to 151 ng to""quality. Eggs -The 80th, t SC, Jasoph's RomAn �Cgitfiollo ;Jureb, by B AR KALE, - You gc.t a good� big.vai4ty of these goods to
ancing. ti At-
ot, Mtge Mao lo,youggeet d
AU per-foet fitt bg summer 00�toet Steel. fd
.ich was quickly -narkat Is stroa and prices are av - Rev. aftr We nabtin, of Inton, to Mr. J W"
ter of Mr. D hah
that the now T6 secure stookin the wtab 110 has Ito be select from, an ybu get the prices extremely e.191se, as we prefer to sell these yards long, wide wiu�h,'
Mae[ 3td.k 1" of oods wbile W, have the tWs t.. devote to it,
-James Abbott id, and prices are quto stiff. This wouI4 9 Fine ditto, n, Yards long, ark ad, double tl(read net, p
2claid down here for
fully 11� or 11.� �A speois lace trimmed, good aotton, 470, A aic finer ditto 3J yards Ion $1.69 th
uy Vacated by mearn . I V
a I G Straight &took, peat
as a produce' OW11 A special aad a beauty, best lines diflbr�nt pattirns, 2 alJo other
Sales! are taking place at empire tyle, embroider trimmed, 68q,
ELLSwa, tu 11 Ukborne, on 4ill Both, wobard
years 15 months, VIA L b
had a long ex., 11 to Ilia for No. 2, hnd 12 --to. 1%e for No. Ellow , t d materl 98c, Sdme ng extr% beauifuLdesig, $1,19. Special lines at
�by �18 obliAing 3, thisL being an adva a of STEVON1 _1i Zxo, ri, a r Way ot, wMism
UTim, X. Y., Mil 8 Steve I yearp, . ths and 16 daye. EXOELLENT WHITE, SKIRTS, wide' with deep embroidery frill 03,60 and $4'60' pecial lines
Luce, to buaXness 104 1 ob� Dree's 'Goods
$2.26p � $2450, $2.76.1
two lots
ion, in the way of 66, boxes large white at IN five loto of COLE-li A4111; Agri) t F� Earl, only son of oppoial ab M. AAoioe Skirt, fine cottoia,,deep llAn excellent 8 xrt, inet Ourtains at $3..50, $3,65, $4,t $4.75
,a cold 1 204 bdrxes do. at 10jo three lots of 104 d3yo, insertion and. d u rtment
Mr, 6, S, a 0 0 a s, 1 months and 20
jpall, is ble embroideied frill, $1,50, and $5.75. Special lines SOW
-OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is right tip -to -date, 4iid we at. ain at $3.50t $4,50, $5,60, $6, N
Atle of green, boxeii'lipirge, colored, aD 910 two iota of 1,110 ELLIOT r, -In Vullat b, on.. Noy b,' JAY114 J111106, Agod 10 Y(Airs, A mootbol nd days, 9U 60
-Oc to lo - ts.of 90 boxes do, LLEN flec'' _4 Grey, �t : tire 8 It 0 come here for Hats, bonnets or other Millin. 88,75, New Muslia, 41ifte an
iff now do. at'] HO on,Ap Both, hhe 11o1q antee on aflf ctiob, to all ivh
at 101a ; 8 lots of 405 boxes small I k, at ad 8 yearp, j d plored
.clulor to Uagin colored enhe ery
at lowest plices" Dimitiemi, Organdle TfAek-ed I
ire . A Mo at 9*o - one lob of 40 boxes small white at LFVr,, 1018 G K_ �l n tr0fordi On' PHI 2M, George new Piquem, at No,
a ov� �Ja ; nine lots of 594 boxes sold on oommis. Uvo a e con ty treaturor, ad 12 yeggre,*
0 1 osb� n April 20tis James
ground LAI -1 1� WOO wam. LACE CURTAINS at re uced prices—worth 30c, for 19c; 40c, for 26c; caep 8-tsm
L�The sion. Total males, 52 lots, 2,644 boxoLo. 13ut- aged 71 Onth AD4 B dayo. 76c, for 60c., $1, for 75c ; $1.15, for 90e; 41,76P for $1.25. new Oish Skirtings
noun clean- i OX
are thti paper ter, creamery, 61 packages sold at 18 to FOUND- on MA ard'. Eliza J., wife
red 6 IN. BUOK'DRESS GOODS, we show rewarkaWe lines, Ohoiee F 1g. We laoe rease. to fuel twoud, , ur�. and
ars and 9 montha,
0 derich, on N let, -�Hclon Yane, ured Mohair and Lustre for 25p, 38c, No and 75e. Choice Black Cashmere at Oarpebs I so I Tt, d bo hard
lict a late James Conn 0. woul 'dig 5
46c' 560' -H=6 un skirb ploces in '.cheeks and plaids, the nor, - to -n f solectioll than o
MoLAUGI LI �Ilj Gorrie, on A Al 26th, the infant 100 and 90c
-, re three calseff f Alf, And -H TouoNTO, May 8.�-Dull and u est, at reduced priceo. have. Our car
�u ing will avo
,journed owing Car lot3 are told on tp*ck at &be t 30 to 35c We wanb all the �Bufteriand Eggs that you can bring us', One, nrice to --all. yo many a dol-, r,
per bag, and at farmors, wagoL no at about 35 Every Tuesday is bargain Day, Sixty yards Bnosehl Varpoij new
to 40o per bag ,. out of atorep �hoioe Btock
ter arm Remember the place— colors, at speoiale a 40q,
bring about 40 to 45o per bag.
ad, $1,25, Full range of Axmin- a.
J udg- - From A il 17th merges ini"'O'. the samme
pe were or n from July 3r,4 in the
Af dera on Sat- ToRDNTO. May 8. -Current pr!6' steis in P-11 this re -west colors ind de!�
Signst Tapestry Carpets from 40a to
mare as Central Businem Colleg'e, _VV of
Hows --Red clover fe quoted at from $5 JR WW
ters.-The ex- 'N.3, pecial line til $5.75 per bushel alaike ia quoted at TORONTO, 1
new b 0
from $5 to $7.25 per bushol. timothT SbIls A strong, fellable seboo-1 'with iplendi 710c, An fllled Carpet," wil
'Osk Seaforth's L Only Pash Djy Goods Store, under the Town Clock,
equipmoi t, including sixty
at $1.40 to V2 per bashal, arst-olses typi tt-on warpq new designs t 570,
-Mat writing taellines. There are no vacations
terisu charch yApanese tinge, reirer8l
Initted at any tiMe.L
Liva'Stook marlmti; adn�ewbero are ad
at 12,lao, 18e, 22c. 26c, 28c and
Write*for' PArtioularn.
ied carpet ends. in unions
-Americans fi xb� Qd, W. l. SHAW, Prinipal.
Mo4day eve aud wools, at 14c, 17op 19p, 22c, and
go and a�rrjird Toren
V ON= kr,, May S. -The butchers were' Yon
LoDoN, England, May,,8.,-4No Cangidian
- is C no
held an ap L
'44"d p at in lirge numbers; and trade w" .35c 'each.
Depa' 0 with higher prices paid for the cattle
MU g rtment
the Erworm g
round. ch the 14r-er numb -or of eat. clothin
no h4i been' t16 were in fair to good condition, but there :BTAXT No Es. 0 .a
were no really prime beeves on the market, $tap; All sorts and sim for the past CL�Wfoftgi - __ ,
Olt SAI ble a se?l lot ana or _-E"
E very Wy shoul(I have a
h, at Mr. after looking our Staple De- will fl-nd- 'net -wU+, th�s m
for protty- ood Large fat
Cowa sold sit from 4 to 41o, and the We are il&r in seeing Yon fiew
milk. 6A�L a Paper
-Opp U ni Mill, wfit Oldf 381i'MIStou-4 short; Qu A&
ored- art effe About 26 of i6e beat cattle were sold at Fv 88A Ott r-Dn�
und, and, from that down to &,J, qall. A p to A Venry Forst
vdaj 0 (3 per. v Forev
on D ALvzFA FOII -For 0.�h
"]a I we good 041voo, e4
men's Orippors at from 31 to 4c per i -one 11 fe moiftol old a Table linen spec41s,--0re4m v markelsneet, ScAldrib pound, . nd the othei tw P or' half 8OUX4 (Selfish, o COUM),
D9d 9RC PONO AN, 0 wooRg in
ALII';the good calves were bought up before Irish flou, guaranteed . P.11 is as -inu(,,h pofit US
rosohing thllg� market, and pricas here rang. puro If pen, satin finish. 10 inches -wide to ou, 1r, o i w-ra
ed fro 4 each but some of
i OR SALE.-Blaciptulth sbo I louse, @table and yarl Hand a ano white the Vu
the I must reduce 'the. enriiaom stock of Wall Pitper carried by the old firm .40a a, w them
f 2 lots. limosin on 11Z
a0b anything poorer once were only fit* for dog meat, Good b4io 91 wation 11
or window Shippers paid 4o per pound for good large Orr's beAlth h Had nju 01.11, . A6 130farolke: and to do so aS quibirly possib e, 1, have nwde w sweeing teduction in prices, Itish Unet 97 iloh"'wide, 70e. a Y f
0 M sweet ide". W6, *0
b X 8. Blyth, WSJ
imith Apply a andeome Mr,
@mqp, requiring paper, In the near future, would make their purchuies now. Sell
um,A, and irri. Martel bought*12 sheep, mostly yeirlings, _-VNGINF El N ED;-Afflets t engineer A the or
per pair. uiral, Iterials in t
Mt 26 o vio Ug and
-U.-talf - ADd at $5 each =W
e MOA01 sheep, and the butchers paid lrou� 31, to in view of the fact' that anufa',,turers prices are -very much aJvanced, any one With want$ nearly5oper nound forthe otherA. R61 ends red bordirm all H I 'them,
dol well to meap large slzej
u 1"firtt Vqr 9., Steady work
toot. man who We had somff ex..
M 'M Window Shadba and'Ourt4i Poles at reduced *ces, also numerous other 21�'� in t Mfg f -S a
la Pill P 9
heal b tght six chole given to a tr _0k
lainbs for $30, S;Ivoglambs mold ialtapfrriom wide, AX line'", fk . -13 441
90 Ire.
perience wit elvAr Ill a, a do to el 'ar ou�,f cheap a
Ing. -beautifled V2,26 to $5 each, Fat hogs sold at about of " " . rob imas of gob b Large range of Gingk�ms -at -let 70, 104 Of -genu,
fcrred�, A; th I'mleot p p
to t a Be me,
510 Per pound for good straight -lots, and 6a He&, 0 1 1 ,r6. 1091- 1 NOP ORCAMPSIE. 9 - among vur
McCoonall I& St, and U Urge ranp of Pnoti,
per poun cars.
swort, Propriewr. anteed fast; Mors, utwest. patterns, 4gocl; waWoed- oafts
-tions will be To. N�ED.�-Ao ippoet
a were plentiful, and therL- goods, at $9,30. All i �and shoe seemed ltout vhp, it d for slect, weighed off the
to be litt b domtind fori them, Pric 8 to 'jaihip.0 D 'I k, UP to the I f- luly, -for a
�?Suudo'y Ise arza, at blorray's Irool, fok noon; then
F th Scoretavy a fthool Section No, 5, 4ind go 66 V Ill leave his own stable,* at
I Mondoy-
�q i LEX 1118,
were ssAiz -4 �of blue Aud
from $5 to 88 esoh, MAIO 4 r ld n a Arst !t' 6 COMA- blwk w -
34 onda last J by way of 4he Bronson Line to 81ake Hotel, for orsW auifA for $7.2
oil 110atl n Du
or a u nor BuRTALo, Maly to beat cate, er 1 0 ties- to night. Tueoday-Out the Town Line to 1111h; Green, T D L DI 'IN & WIL84._ vslues I
pro D &ORMAN, see b I f at Jobn Cochrane'#,. for noon, tbon,to Sbaffaes Shiftin
,g 01or hai
inooth fat export Cattle, $5.20 no for h t. iiednoids --F40 11 846 and 95a, A
rle 0 1pot 0 of "60 ow xl� .11 ., aot6r h,
.0 . V,
; export mileolban Y.Way of: a 2nd conetsision and tho
the corner ImprWl Oxford Shirtinges 29 In,
ajft�k inun to of large assort =bber-lined Smwks' at- T -Y
PA T1 Gemmill'oolderoodlo ho.KippenRoad to fiestorth, PRINOE OF :WIDLOTHULN.. FORTH ,010 at
anders for PSJB6161L 40f 8J, fhursdav L i — tnent -of sped&4 in y4rs agq, $4.60 -to $-4,86 ; go at the Com erafal, He #I, for sight'- By POMMO f W 12JCi 1A
26 kogAL'to ohoi,, b u tWo hee stebt,
i elde,road, 49 Rob$. agay's, for poon; thap on BE YEWORKS
od to best butchers' 4-2 (9649), lo
soxforth .,gathor with tft r, 'ed bw teorsU, 50 to 4175 good to befit fat bulls, way of the uron R d, t L 1a4 61416men, thwkwir you- An. for put nugei b
aa 0J h&ff4L I 0 Mol4u Olafklgr,
Yuri,?, 0, fteor blousing, f
V -541o, $4 feeders'. bulls, $3.60 to $5 Y, wl recolved by the 1han by, Wa Of prich's siderolid to George JPrq,j Istor and'Mauager. patro L nowba* -n lt stripes, 6uj table
!iU be , BOO und _0� .- M lot nool James Leiper, 6 allow tow for P In new hats Fyiday, � Us th, : plam and' Turner,# wed and, tog 41011. iftiday-Thell out to Wish, - uk"dW thStIaloStillinthe bUdn cuffisi,
for P'fi�ying common'to good bulle,43,50 to 65 good to e.sian at tho nadian Back df Monday -Will lesive �l oWn dible Lot'h Con
vi Witt "IJOUL21i my bad.$*- give you ovary 04 Y
--$4,86 fair to Commorae, 7 1 west or a too or not nooesur, the Lonaon Road, to so for'noon; by way d A= neck" in fut ever
JA*L heifers, $4*50 to W aud�p ased no th i6 Joh 'Cottons -y jn� in M 41S
'ny of the Looden Bond., Wthe Commercial 11ote1j, 011n. 16mi ur Work In th6.11no of 010salp and 4
copto 1, -T, 0 rden; fair noon; 4hado orth b draw d Oottons, Shestings, J.VillW shings in
ily so FO, hur3h I # 114=1
tonj for the al ho. of turglap-My way of 00.2ad If If, L61469
84 to. $4.60 fat cows, good, to 11ohn I for the DIC01-o', ad ad east gentle and ladlos' Ihipg, done W, thoul,
Tickingsj - Cottonades -,and* Denill"t �Va
concession- of Me, lo his own stable, where he long the st1% co Is k@ons - Opped Well " to bAvIlMhoto rip Id. All. wool
JOE. -A i 11 be I d at Da I# -Hall - 'lopdrip Monday moral lor noo o, tbonote sollth b Harlook, to a st;� 0 do arsnt*,ad to Igive't wionon*hart� 41to lowex(prlices Ac�ver read�ed.
t cown, common to fair, 2,50 In Ao, who 6 bo will/ 0 1 a oon a a#. Sho% 'Gur"t"
*4 to $4,50 ; -mod ium fat cowat 01`26, ke at ihs leading atylas At special prices,
ook place to $i--75 ; f Jolvrt W, 11 ramitin until the ft, _ocd saWslaci
holne of
on. atU.A At ma,dersta
140 he In.. r
claim V 50 ; feeding steors, phofee to exra oo-katurd prices P1048 do not tall to Rivo mo a call, Buttvr
T d trial ei BA BOU nopn_wIp!�1 ills own labial fi 4 00.
I Z'clook a. xr. foi L GUM ISTAMP, rhu.1 %,v i
11, 60 to 84 75 ; fair to good, $4 to $4.25 # ioO the il and 1 9 f4lion In exchange for work. 11WRY
t tC %WVDShIL uOk. (14 - to Hinbura for the
k against The 48906 onc ont To) 0 L.C4 I ) 5 , n
Canada sto� .1190 fty-7.will D� - 0 Gaderfoh street exit, opposite, the Wbolle
John M, yeg r, Manager, pro sad '1,40uth to Vowlerls 82ooi N10H
eteeO� $4.50 to $4.85 - I eivwlth, 101 the yo a
at the age Of parties
I Mond&YWi 1 legiVOLL o n dAble, Lot go, 060c xillar's, for noon;
tok6"n(1166.1, ouic, thence w t to way, then
wl n rding Y.
calve", Choice to dxtra, $4.85 to $ PAf,,Os Whc bgvc =sad 111 a- Wing islon 4, Otanlay, ud:: "d k vest and north to Tholvise Feal'o, gmyol TOO, for
fancy yearlingal d int 0 he night, 0 NOT10F.0
lt�nh fifffieffe z 1%bov, lvoontbon"vo do, Hawesville, for ght Atux4ar-Will proceed cast to ills own DIU, CT�
P-75 to 84 Calves, good color etock, $4.75 date or the !Tuedayw4o Asiph WOV000 f,Qr noon itable, wberelldwil.romaiia until the followl Kon -
t em it 110�012!
$3 stook bullr
h' 11 bo 00.11 MO Oil the to I
night., Wagi;er
clintoti to William infilil 6,191
0] �r
on Tt*ad&Y Htoel�& -to $3 stock U �Ax 91 Tend e the undelpipcd.
to $5 Jeroy 101or pt T , '0 10, 1001.8
ro, lk ra: WN
Dodtv, M op for pon ana penco To will baecajva hy until
heirera, 43.75 to 54M iftab.'e fied cows !TO Thomas 11 t 0 Is of pill a uble May 281b for cOl of the Garalse Drain on
pank Ol 0 ab r ol(, H#o 2nd sin
'F, ito Thomas for'nfi; -C thurod To OG LO WT' bf fb#
thp act 6f
Of U"*# Speda"ons
!w baok with ' toi extra, $3 65 tio $4 60 ; fresh cu�va: G, LD N C So noon - s 4 tbi i0d W uts t ird
-xtra good N ringers LOYtOWN, for n1glat, Is — 0 Our Wh VA*J I bro t an W I I a
cholcedV e round call be HOD 46,4138 Iffeldeboo
0, a for Van -Alit, the, Council,
-a, Tondoss wilt be OC44
InO& el ding to
Co ng and JLObn MQQ Jibe re r ad, W. W
feet$, - good to extra, $4,0 to $4.6 ; a 6privgp r at the, Town,H eit, colnMoh -to Room ov or v Is Dom DAnk, Wn We* =4 b, for t, 0% 0 14 2"d of ovis 411, a ft)Wte T"n B*1&gj eft"r, j 'in A" -Naw- sts', $0104k
goOdL, $2 to $27,50 calves, n109lx2 V, M. W. CLAIR, 1010*00, 15JYW F, 0.
691 0on" Ion's Aley 1 0,
001*$175 to $6.50 choico to ex I -
teal $6.50 of n