The Huron Expositor, 1900-04-27, Page 66
APRIL 27, 1900
TOHN GRIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario
J Veterinary College. All diseases of Domestic
animals treated. Calls promptlyeattended to and
charges moderate. Veterinary Dentstry a specialty.
Moe and residences on Goderioh street, ono door
East of Dr. Scott's Oleo, Seaforth. 11124i
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and NotNry
Public. Money to loan. Office over Phdrard'e Store
Main Street, Seaforth. 1628
T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
LT • Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over C. W.
Papet's bookstore, Main Strett, Seaforth, Ontario.
IjENRY, _ BEATTIE, Barritter, Solicitor, &o. Money to loan. Ofilee—tlady's Block, Sea.
forth. 167941
ARROW & GARROW, Barristers, Solicitors, &o.
Cor. Eland tcn St. and Square, Goderioh,.Ont.
J. T. GARROW, Q. 0.
M0. CAMERON, formerly of Cameron, Holt &
. Cameron, Barrister and Solleitor, Goderich,
- Ontario. Office—Hamilton street, opposite Colborne
Hotel. 1402
RB. HATS, Barrister, Solicitor, CollveYancer and
Notary Public% Solicitor for the Dominion
Bank. Office—Cardno's block, Main Street, tleatorth,
grtney to loan. 12115
T K. BEST, Barrister, Solloitos, Notary, &o.
4.1Ofliee—Rooms, five doors north ofOommerola
Hotel, ground floor, next door to C. L. Papal s
aweiry etore, Main street, Seatorth. Goderieh
slate—Cameron, Holt and Cameron. isits
OCOTT & efeKENZIE, Barristers, Solicitors, ete.,
Clinton and Hayfield, Clinton Office, Elliott
block, Isaac+ street. Bayfleld Oflicie, open every
Thursday, Main street, first door we of post office.
Money to loan. Jame Scott & E. H. McKenzie.
TIAMERON, 1101..T h HOLMBS, Barristers, So -
k) Holier. in Chancery, ho.,Goderich, Ora M. C.
CA11120111, Q. 0., Pause BOLT, DUMMY HOIAMIS
F. McCaughey & Holmested, Barrister, Solicitor
HOLMESTED, successor to the late Arm of
Conveyancer, and Notary Solicitor tor Abe Can
adian Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Farm
for sale. Office in Soott's Block, Main Street
FW. SeaTWEDDLE, Brussels, Dentist, (formerly of
forth,) Graduate of R. C. D. S., Toronto.
Post graduate course in °roan aed bridge work at
Haskill'e School, Chicago. Office over A. R.
Smith's tore, Brussels. 1669-tf
DR. BELDEN, Dental Surgeon; Crown and Bridge
Work and ail kinds of Dental Work performed
with me. Office ever Johnson's hardware store,
Seatorth, Outario. 1650
DR. F. A. SELLERY, Dentist,. graduate of the
Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Moo
honor graduate of Department of Dentistry, Toronto
University. Office in the Petty block, Hensel'.
WM visit Zurich every Monday, commencing lion.
day, June let. - 1687
nit. R. R. ROSS, Dentist (suoceseor to), F. W.
Tweddle), graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario ; Brat class honor graduate of
Toronto Univere ty ; crown and bridge work, also
gold work in all its forms. All the most modern
methods for painless filling and painless extraction of
teeth. All operatione carefully performed. 3ffioe :
Tweddle'e old ets,nd, over Dill's grocery, Seaforth.
Or. John McGinnis,
ECM. Graduate London Western Univereity, member
of Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeon&
Office and Rosidenoe—Formerly °coupled by Mr. Wm.
Pielaard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church
litrislight calla attended promptly. 1463x12
,a HOTHAM, M. D., C. 11, Honor Graduate
21.„ and Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Gra-
duate of Trinity University, Member of College of
Physicians and Surgeous of Ontario, Constance, On-
tario. Office formerly occupied by Dr.Ccoper. 1650
IYARMSTRONG, M. B., Toronto, M. D. 0. M.,
Victoria, M. C. P. S., Ontario, successor to Dr.
Elliott, office lately -occupied by Dr. Elloti, Br -mo-
ld ,Ontario.
A LEX. BKTHUNIC, M. D., Yellow of the Royal
C/ollege :of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston.
Snoceseor to Dr. Mackid. Moe lately occupied
:Dr. Mackid, Main. Street, Seaforth. Residence
—Coiner of Victoria Square. in house latSly occupied
L. K. Denney. 1127
mate resident Phyeician _and Surgeon, Toronto Gen-
eral: Hospital. Honor graduate Trinity University,
'member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
at Ontario. Coroner for the County of Huron.
Office and ResIrlenee—Goderich Street, East of the
Jelethodist Church. Telephone 46.
• DRS. • SCOTT & MacKAY,
Goderich street, opposite Methodist church,Seaforth
COTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
member Ontario College of Phyeicians end
ogeons. Coroner for County of Huron.
. MeolCAJ'
Z honor graduate Trinity Universit,
gold medalist Trinity Medical College. Member
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario.
Dealers in first class Furiaiture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We also do picture fram-
ing, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and. put up. We are alsc
Agents for the New William's Sewing
Machine, best in the market for do-
mestic use, no ,travelling agents, -110
high prices
-CT 1\1- ID TR, `..a.9_ 3K I 1•T G-..
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses in Ontario,
and, guarantee satisfaction in every depart-
ment of our work. We have always made
it a point to furniah chairs, and all, other re-
quisites for funerals, FREE OF CHARP.E.
Prices better than heretofore.
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
scientific principles.
P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be
attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi-
dence, directly in the rear of the Domirnen
Leatherdale &
McKillop Directory for 1900.
JAMES LOCKHART, eeve, Seaforth P. 0.
ALEX, GARDINER, Councillor, Loadbury P. O.
JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0
JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0
A RCHIBALD MeGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P.0
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0.
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0.
WILLIAM EVENS, Asseuser, Beechwood P. 0.
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0.
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary impeder, Lead.
bury P. O.
Frolickinr with her bay makes one of
home. But nothing is sadder to see than
the unhappy Inether, weak and nervous,
striving in vain to hush the cries or her
weak and nervous babe. There can be
no happiness for
either mother or
child without
health. Doctor
Pierce's Favorite
Prescription " has
done Wonders" for
many a woman,
by restoring her
health and open-
ing for her the way
to happy mother-
hood. -This really
wonderful 'medi-
cine is not a cnre-
all. It is a prepara-
tion specially ,de-
signed to. cure dis-
eases peculiar to
women It dirks
debilita Ing drains,
heals i flammation
and ul oration,
cures f male weak-
ness, a d retnoves
the ca sea which
generally make
women nervous
and sleepless. -
There is no alco-
hol in (‘ Favorite
Prescription" and
it contains no opium, cocaine or other
Mrs. James W. Blacker, . of 629 Cather-
ine Street, Syracuse, N. Y., writes: " Your
Medicines have done wonders for me. For
years my health was very poor; I had four
miscarriages, brit since taking Dr.iPieree's Fa-
vorite Prescription and 'olden Medical Dis-
covery,' I have much better health, and now I
have a fine healthy baby.” A
Use Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets with
ttPavorite Prescription" if the bowels
are inactive or ireegular.
The New York -and Chicago limited train,
composed wholly of vestibule " sleepers"
(with a subsidary baggage car and a com-
fortable dining car), leaves the Grand Cen-
tral station in New York, every morning at
ten minutes before ten o'clock; and about
three hours later it arrives at Albany, where
there is itdjoined to it another sleeper (of
the same vestibule taehioning), which has
left Boston at 7 o'clock that morning. Then
the train which has come up the valley of
the Hudson, lengthened by the added oar
which has come acrosi the valley of the
Connecticut, starts out of the Albany sta-
tion at a quarter past one o'clock on its
journey up the valley of the Mohawk, and
thenoe along the shores of lake Erie, and
across the broad prairies of Michigan to
One afternoon is the last week in Septem-
ber, when this train drew out ofl the Albany
station in the teeth of a driving rain—the
tail end of the equinoctial storra—there sat
in the car which had come from Boston a
young man of perhaps twenty-eight or
thirty, solidly built, with a firm mouth, and
with a pair of resolute gray eyes, which
&Mitres* with his thick, brown hair. He
occupied the forward section on the western
side of the sleeper, and a heavy leather
valise lay on the seat before him, with the
October number of the Arctic Monthly
tucked beneath one of its straps. A New
York morning paper was held tightly in the
young man's grasp. But he was not read-
ing it, although he lead his glasses on. He
was staring out of the window on his side,
though the pane was so bespattered with
rain-droas that it was scarcely possible to
see even the telegraph poles at the side of
the track. He had chanoed to notice the
date—September 27th—and then he sudden-
ly remembered that thts had bee is his wed-
ding da. September 27t1 was the day she
had set for them to be married; not only
had the engagement been announced and
many of the wedding presents received, but
even thacards had been ordered. Yet here
he was going wet, alone, almost at the
very hour wherehe hoped to stand with her
at the altar before which they Were to be
made man and wife. And it was all because
of a foolish quarrel. about nothing, in which
both of them had been wrong,' no doubt,
and for which both of them were paying the
penalty. He loved her as mush as ever;
and he cursed the miserable pride that had
prevented his going to her once again to
find out whether she did pot love him still
in spite of their disagreement and their
silly parting.
Her figure rose before him again as he
continued to gaze out of the window—in-
deed it was rarely that she was not before
his vision—and he saw once more the flesh
of her blackayes, mid he caught again the
glint of the sunlight on the coils of her black
hair, and he noted again the trembling of
the semative little mouth as she told him
that they had made a mistake, and -that it
was well that they had found it out before
it was too late, and that they had best pert
forever. And as the rain beat hard upon
theaaindow through which the youug man_
looked as through it glase darkly seeing
nothing, he wondered why he had taken his
dismissal calmly. He marvelled n w that
he had accepted her unjust aocusatams, and
that he had not defended himself m
getically. He recalled his emotion
moment ot the _parting ; he felt a
hot wave of indignation that sh
the prett est spectacles ver seen in the
re ener-
at the
ain the
think so meanly of him as to believe him
capable of the fault with which he was
charged. He knew now by the chill ckt his
heart that his pride had been misplaced.
He knew now that it had been his duty to
char himself in her eyes then and at once.
He knew now that he had restricted for the
best. And it was too late, for the day had
come which had been set for the wedding ;
and here he was going west alone, and he
did not know even where she might be—ex-
cept that he and she were parted.
After five years' hard work in the west,
Hallett Larcom had earned a _aacation, and
he had come east early in July for the first
time since he had been graduated from the
Havard law school. He had gone to spend
a few days with a ahem -laza at Narragan-
sett Pier, and there he had met Anita Ver-
non, and there he had staid trail he had
made her promise to marry him. She was
an ophan ; a sister of the Classmate at
whose house they had met. the lived in
New York with an old maid aunt, Miss
Mary Van Dyne, and she was spending the
stammer at the Pier with her brother, Rud-
olph Vernon After the lovers' quaiael
that night she had left Narragansett by the
earliest train the next morning, sending,
back, without a word, the engagement ri
he had given her but a few days before. On
receipt of this, Hallett Larcom had been
seiz..:c1 with a desire to rush off to New York
after her, and to insist upon explaining all,
and force her to lore him again as he loved
her still. But his pride was strong, and
he knew that he had been unjustly accused,
and he did nothing. He lingered at the
Pier for a week or more in hope of hearing
from her ; and then he had gone back to
Boston to his relatives there, forbidding
them to ask questions, and indignantly de-
nying that Anita Vernon was in any..wey to
blame for breaking off the match. et -s5 last,
cutting his vaeation short, he had started
back to Denver, in the hope that hard work
might bring surcease of sorrow. Until his
eyes had fallen On the date of the news-
paper, he h -ad not known that he was tak-
ing a journey on the very day that she had
set for the wedding.
So' ietent was h in following the train of
bitter thoughts a d of delightful memories
whieh the discove y had started that he had
not noticed the Movements of the other
passengers in the car.
listotitteltstliststRitata. tatnatatalstststitit-,
'Tested and Tried
for 25 Years
safe to put all your money
Would you feel perfectly I
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have just heard of?
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But how about an old
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One that never failed; never
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You could trust such a bank,
couldn't you?
1 .
like suck a bank. It has never
disapp-ointed you, never will.
It has never deceived you,
never will.
Look out that someone
does not try to make you
inveet your health in a neW
tonic, some new medioine
you know nothing of.
;oz. and St.00; all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
A•-••-•-•-•-• • .............
As soon as the Bo ton sleeper had been
joined, at Albany, t the train from New
York, the two lad es who occupied the
section immediately behind him had left
their seats and gone forward into tbe dining
car for luncheon. Hallett Larcom had
barely remarked them when they passed,
and he was too absorbed by his own
thoughts to pay any attention to them when
they returned.
One of them was an alert old lady of
heady seventy, risk and cheerful, with
ample gray hair and the meet wonderful
bright blue eyes. The other lady was
younger, scant sikty, perhaps'yet of a much
more sedate appearance, as though conscious
of her duty as the ohaperon of her more
frivolous companion. She called the pleas-
ant old lady With the curls and the smile
" Miss Marlenapuyk," and the pleasant old
lady called her " Mre. Hitchcock."
As the two ladies resumed their seats be-
hind Hallett Laroom, they resumed their
con versat ion.
"1 met her last year in -Washington,"
said Miss Marlenspuyk, " and we werel hay-
ing a delicious chat, when sonie man broke
in and carried her oft. That's the trouble
with Waahington—it's so hard to have your
talk put '• it's the city of magnificent dis-
tepees and interrupted conversations. Now
in Philadelphia, nobody ever interrupts
anybody. That's why I like to go there ;
they let me have my Bey out. You see, my
mother was a PhiladelPhian, so they toler-
ate me. You know in Philadelphia they
hold that the Tree of Life is a family tree,
and they think tbat Columbus discovered
America juat to get acquainted with the
itchcock laughed lightly, but with
digeity. " What a remarkable woman you
are I!" she returned ; and so restless, too.
You( are going now from Boston to Chicago,
atid last winter you divided yourself be-
tween New York and Philanelphia and
Washington. I dee% believe you will be
satisfied in heaven--; you will find it Ado
Oh, I shall make out, I am sure," re-
sponded the old maid, cheerily. "1 have
read that in my Father's house there are
many mansions,' and I expect 1 shall go vis-
iting eround.."
Thise time Mrs. Hitchcock's laugh indi-
cated that she was slightly shocked. All
she said 'was, "Oh, Miss Marlenspuyk !"
" You mustn't mind what I say," eadd
the old lady. "1 must, talk. I'm a obis-
vereational Gatling-gun—at least thet's
what Rudolph Vernon called me last year.
You now Rudolph Vernon, don'tyou, Mrs.
Hitcheock—the brother of Anita ?"
By chance these proper names fell into
Hallett Larcom's ear and roueecl him from
his revery. He had no desire to overhear
his neighbors' conversation, but the soiled
Of her name was an irresistible temptation.
1" I've met him," Mrs. Hitchcock replied.
",Anita spent part of the summer at his
place at Narragansett Pier," Mies Madera-
spuyk continued. "It was there that she
met the man sins was going to marry ; but
Pm afraid he didn't know enough to ap-
preciate her, as the engagement seems to
have beea broken off suddenly. She's a
good girl, and ellen make a good wife some
of these days ; and when I heard that she
was going to marry this Larcom froin out
west, somehow I had hopes that she had
found a real man, and not one of the little
whippelainappers we see every summer at
the watering -places now:a-days—mere br il-
ers, I call them."
The conversation was getting person 1 ;
still the man in the section in front of the
speaker could not help but hear.
" We must take men as we find them,"
said Mrs. Hitchcock philosophically. She
wore black, merely edged with crape, and
there was the faintest outline of a widow's
cap inside her bennet.
"1 wonder how it is I never foiled a man
who would take me ?" returned Miss Mar-
lenspuyk, with a smile and a shake of her
silver-gray curls.
"So do I, indeed, my dear," Mrs. Hitch-
cock responded. " I have often • said I
dont see how it was you never married."
" Nobody axed me, sir, she said„ " the
old maid returned, laughing heartily ; "and
I'm not like a government contract, I can't
advertise myself under the head of Pro-
posals Invited."'
"DO you mean to say, really, that no
man ever proposed to you ?" inquired Mre,
Hitchcock, with real interest.
" Not one," answered Miss Marlenspuyk.
"1 thought one was going to speak once,
but he didn't. He was a lieutenant in my
father's regiment, and he danced with me
three times running at a West Point ball,
just before he joined his company and went
to the Mexican war. • He was killed at
Chapultepec, and I lost my last *chance. I
believe odds now-adays think nothing of re-
fusing h7tlf a score of good (lifers before they
pick the right one. I've a great mind to
go forward into the dining car again, and
ask Annie Vernon how many times she had
to decline with thank,' as the editors
allett LarCom started. It needed all
hi self-control to prevent his turning around
an1 breaking into the conversation of the
two ladies behind him. If he understood
what the old lady had just said, then the
woman he loved was in the very same train
with him. And if she were? His heart
gave a bound as he realized that fortune
might still favor him with another chance.
A sudden gust of wind again flecked the
car window with little drops of rain, and
then they passed on out of the storm, and
there was even a hint of sunshine at the edge
of the clouds on the hill -tops acroiss the
river. •i
"Mies Vernon is- a pretty girl, as you
say," Mrs. Hitchcock returned, "and that '
gray suit lie becoming to her. No doubt he I
hiss had her share of attention."
Larcom listened with an intentness ef
which belch ashamed. His ears had not
deceived him, then ; there WAS a Miss Ver-
non in the dining our. The old lady called
her Annie, and this was the name by which
Rudolph Vernon's sister had been christen-
ed. "Anita," was little more than a nick-
name given to her by a echool-nnate, because
of the black eyes and brown skin, which
seemed to insist on a Spanish name. 'Yet
" Vernon " was not very uncommon, and it
might well be that there were other Aenie
Vernons in the world besides the one he Was
longing for.
"And she deserved it all, no doubt,"
Miss Marlenspuyk responded. "She'l a
bright little body. Nothing is more liad-
dening than foolish gayety, I find, and so
many girls now -a -days are giddy and giggl-
ing. But Annie Vernon is wholesome. Yet
I don't believe even she can thaw out the old
couple she is travelling with." ,
"Who are they ?" asked Mts. Hitch-
cock. "They seemed very plain people;
not used to society, I thought."
"His name's Carkendal," Miss Marlen-
spuyk answered. "He's from Rhinebeck,
or Catskill, -or somewhere up there, I be-
lieve, and he's the new Second Vice -Presi-
dent of the Methuselah Life Insurance Com-
pany. That's the company of which Annie
Vernon's father was President until he died
three years ago, you know."
" I remember now," said Mrs. Hitch-
" Mr, Carkendel ts taking his wife with
him on his annual tour 'to inspect all the
agencies of the Methuselah company in the
West," Miss Marlenspuyk contined. "And
I suppose Annie Vernon is going out to
Denver with them."
This last sentence Hallett Larcom did
not catch; for as soon as he heard, that the
Annie Vernon on that train was the (laugh-
ter of the late president of the Methuselah
Life Insurance Company, he knew that the
woman he loved was near him. He spang
to his feet and eft, the sleeper.
"Dear me !' cried Mrs. Hitchcock.
"That young n an jumped up so suddenly
it quite startled me."
"1 wonder what we said that scared
him ?" Miss Marlenspuyk responded. "Un-
less Pm vela much mistaken, he has been
taking in our conversation intently for the
last five Minutes."
"Listeners never hear any good of them-
selves," quoted Mrs. Hitchcock.
" And rarely of other people, either,"
added Miss Marlenspuyk.
Hallett Larcom was resolved to see Anita
Vernon again, and at once. Putting his
pride in his pocket, he intended to make an
urgent appeal for her forgiveness. He did
not know how she would receive him, but
he determined to insist on an interview,
brief though it might be, and inconvenient-
ly public as it must be in a crowded railway
car. He knew that Mrs. Carkendal, who
was Anita's aunt, did not like him, and had
always been opposed to his marriage with
her niece, and he decided that it would be
wiser to kekep her in ignorance of his pres-
ence, if this were possible.
The Boston deeper had been attached to
the end of the train, and when Larcom pass-
ed across the vestibuled platform he found
that he had to traverse three long New
York and Chicago sleepers before- he came
to the dining car. Even when he reached
this, he had to go down a narrow passage
by the aide of the kitchen and pantry be-
fore he came to the broad central space
where the tables were set.
He was all aglow for a sight of her face
again, and with the ardent desire for a
reconciliation. He glanced right and left.
as he passed through the train, fearing that
she might have finished her luncheon and
returned to her place. But when be came
to the dining compartment, thee she was
before him. ,
He dropped into the nearest vacant chair
without taking his eyes from her. She was
seated on the other side of the car, three
tables away from him. Her place faced his,
and in front of her sat Mr. and Mrs. Cark-
endal, whose forbidding backs were turned
toward the door though which Larcom had
entered. At first she did not see him. She
was looking out of the window still dotted
with little drops- of ram. As he gazed, he
thought he discovered a weary droop of the
eyelids, and he was sure that she, was pal-
er and thinaer than when they parted a few
weeks b.efora at Naeragansett Pier. He saw
that she had suffered from the separation,
and he longed to take her in his arms again
to comfort her.
The new second vice-president of the
Methuselah Life Insurance Company was
concluding an elaborate luncheon, in which
pleasant task his wife had been aiding and
abetting him ; but the little food on her
niece's plate was scarcely touched. Lar-
com saw Mrs. Carkendal speak to Anita,
evidently urging her to eat, but the girl
ehook her head languidly, .still staring out
of the rain -besprinkled window.
Larcom could not take his eyes from her
face, even when the waiter eame and stood
by the sidii of his table. At last the lever
became a ere of the attendant's presence,
and wavedhim away impatiently.
"1 don't want anything," he cried. Then,
suddenly recalling his situation, and finding
himself-aeated at a table in a dining car, he
said -hastily, "011, well, you may bring me
what yob.' like."
" Soup ?" asked the man, a little sur-
" Yes, soup," he answered ; " that will
_A moment later the waiter had gone back
to the pantry to give the order, Anita Ver-
non moved uneasily, as though uncomfort-
able under Larcom's direct stare. As she
turned her head from the window, he was
gazing at her imploringly, with the ador-
ation of love in his eyes. Their glances
met, and for a second they looked each
other full in the face.
She flushed instantly, and then she dropp-
ed her glance and the color fled from her
A woman's reproductive
organs are in the most in-
tense and continuous sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
The slightest disorder in the
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease in
the reproductive organs.
Dodd's Kidney -Pills, by re-
storing the kidneys to their
perfect condition, prevent
and cure those fearful dis-
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, worn-out
mothers, euffering- wives
and women entering upon
the Change of Life, your
best friend is
cheeks. His heart heat quickly, bub he
continued to watch her with the same silent
submission in his eyes. She broke off a bit
of the roll beside her plate and (rumbled it
nervousl in her fingers. The blood slowly
came ba k to her face, and then deserted it
again. he reached out for the glass of
water b fore her, and took two or three
little sip . As she set down the glass, she
raised h r eyes again, and again they met
his ; an this time she could not but see his
expression, pathetic in its self-
surrende In that second glance, brief as
it was, Ole recognized that he had suffered
also. There was a line in his forehead she
had never seen before; he aeemed worn and
heart -sore. She was sorry for him.
In the golden days of their summer court-
ing at Narragansett Pier, when they wer
often in the midst of a crowdof merr
young people on the beach,. at the Casino
on the ' Rocks," off yachting, or away o
some excursion, he ha1 devised a littl
signal whereby he could communicate hie
desire to have speech with her alone, if onl*
for a minute or two. Untie noticed that he
had taken off his eye -glasses temporarily
and hung them on the upper button of his
coat, she understood that he wanted a word
in her private ear • and if then she raised
her hand to adjust' a °hawse hair -pin, this
told him that she had seen his signal.
Now when they sat apart in the dining
car after the long weeks of disheartening
separation, he removed his glasges, and by
an almost automatic movement he hung
them on the accustomed button of his coat.
Apparently she was not looking in his direc-
tion, but shwas somehow conscious of this
signal. A ain the color flushed her cheeks, 3
and fled ationce, leaving them paler than
before, and .hen a hesitating hand stole up
to thrust ba,ck a straggling wisp of hair. MI
at once hope returned to the man who Was
following ,her every motion with wisqul
glance, and now he made sure that she was
willing that he should speak to her.
The waiter brought Lareom the' soup, and
was sent away impatiently. Soon ,it was
apparent to the young lover that Mr. and
Mrs. Carkendal had finished their repast.
The waiter withdrew from their table with
obvious dissatisfaction hearing in his hand
the exact money needed to liquidate the
bill. Seemingly the new secOnd vice-presi-
dent of the Methuselah Life Insurance
Company asked Anita Vernon if she were
ready to return te their own oar. She nod-
- ded, and rose to her feet; and than ,once
more and for the fourth time, her clieeke
flamed up and whitened again. 1
As it happened, the dining car had been
slowly emptying itself, and a scant half-
dozen passengers remained in it when Mr.
and Mrs. Carkendal left their table and
turned to go out4 Oddly enough the hat
which Hallett Larcom had been holding on
his lap for a few eeconds fell on the floor,
and he had to bead down to pick it up. So
far did he stoop that Mrs. Carkendal fol-
lowed her husband down the aisle to the
door without catching sight of -'the man to
whom her niece had been engaged. Miss
Vernon came after her aunt. Her hand
hung by her side, and as she passed, it was
seized by the young fellow who had gone
down on his knees but a moment earlier.
She withdrew it gently, but not before he
had managed to imprint a kiss on it, and
not before he had' -felt, a faint answering
pressure of .her tapering fingers.
(To be Continued.)
A Chippewa Lady Tells a Story
of Suffering and Release.
Suffered Fcom Heart Tr
Her Misery Furth
Kidney and Stomach
From the Star, St. Catha
uble for Years -e -
r aggravated by
ines, Ont.
In the village of Chipp wa, and along the
Niagara frontier, there is probably no bet-
ter kdown or respected re idents than afees
and Mrs. David Schabel. Both are of _Get-
man descent and display uch of that old-
fashioned hospitality so o ten found in the
fatherland. To a corresp ndent of the Si.
Cathariues Star, who rece tly called at Mk.
Sclabel's home, Mrs. Sc abel related' the
foll wing story :—" Year ls ago my physi-
cia told me I had heart disease. I have
beea troubled at intervals with palpitation
anc severe pains, and sometimes my heart
wo ld almost cease to beat. I would -be--
.cone dizzy, restless and frightened. At
other times I /slept badly and had trouble-
some dreams. I lingered in this state -until
last winter, when exposure to cold affeotad
my kidneys and completely prostrated Me.
The spring came, when my complaints were
further aggravated by stomach trouble. I
loathed food, and could realize tbat I was
daily growing weaker. My physician's
treatment would sometiahes slightly benefit
me, then again I was worse than ever.
.lainally, after all hope was apparently gone
and a large sum of money had been thrown
away for medicines that did me no good, is
friend strongly advised me to try Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, two boxes of which were
brought me at the begianing of the summer
of 1899. I used them, and to my joy
noticed improvement. I continued the use
of the pills faithfully until I had taken eight
boxes. I am now able to attend to my
housework, feeling entirely cured. I have
never had better health than I am now en-
joying, and sinee discontinuing the pills
have had no symptoms of the old complaints.
I feel that I am under life-long obligations
for the benefit I have derived from Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills, and will continue to praise
them when opportunity offers."
Hair and Character.
Did you ever notice that people of very
violent temper have always close -growing
hair? It is a fact that every man having
close -growing hair is the owner of a decided-
ly bad temper. It is easy enough for me to
note at a glance how a man's hair grows. „
Then I know how to handle him.
Men of strong temper are generally vigor-
ous, but at the same time they are not al-
ways fixed in their opinions Now, the man
with coarse hair is rooted to his prejudices.
Coarse hair denotes obstinacy. It is not
good business policy to oppose a mau whose
air is eparee. The eccentric man has al-
ways fine hair, and you never saw a man of
cIrratic tendencies, who at the same time had
a sound mind, who was not refined in his
tastes. ,
I Fair hair indicates refinement. You may
have noticed that Men engaged in intellec-
tual, or especially in aasthetic pursuits,
where delicacy is required, have invariably
fine, luxuriant hair and beard. The same
men, as a class, particularly painters, are
always remarkable for their personal pecul-
The brilliant, sprightly fellow has gener,
ally a curly beard. If not, his hair is curly.
Ie's easy to bring a smile to the face of the
man whose hair is curly. He langhi whete
colder natures see nothil to laugh at. ,
There is a great differ° ei3 between coarse
hair and a hair that is harsh, though it re-
quires an expert to distinguish it. For ex-,
ample, a man's moustache may be as fine aa
silk, and yet cannot be trained to grow inte
a graceful curve. That's because the hair ba
harsh. Now, people whose hair is harsh
have amiable but cold natures. They are
always ready to listen, but it is difficult to
arouse their feelings. In men ot this' dis-
position the hair of their heads is generally
—in fact, almost always—of a shade darker
than their beards. When the beard ie
covering the entire face, the color varies
from a dark shade near the roots to red,
which colours the 'ends of the hair. Therms
men have very rarely a good memory, they
forget easily, and often leave a cane or an
overcoat behind them in the barber's shop.
s it Once was.
When the human 'foot was
first introduced to shoes it was
exactly as nature had made it,
It has been revolutionized
from what it was to the foot of
to -day by sixteen centuries of
distorting tightness and freakish styles.
"Slater Shoes are made to,fit
feet as they are -to-;day, comfort first,
but good appearance, never forgotten.
Twelve shapes, six widths, all ,
sizes leathers and colors.
Goodyear welted, name and price
stamped on the soles,
$3.5o and $5.00.
-riiEr -
They 'are great procastinatots, and are bad
at keeping appointments.
Think over your acquaintances, and isee if
the man who is habitually slow, has not a
moustache or beard of a lighter shade' than
his hair. It's always the case..=: -These are
the men who come in late at the theatre,
and get to the station just in time to miss
the train.
So thong , t a Quebec man until
Dodd's Etidnev Pills cured him
of Bright's Disease.
Quebec, April 23—Narcisse Mangy, of
109 St. AnnelStreet, this city, considers
himself an, extremely fortunate man. He
lias come through the ordeal of Bright's
Disease alive.
Bright's Disciasel is an extremely fatal dis-
ease of the kidneja. The sufferer lingers
on, growing we ker and weaker, slowly
and miserably dyi g. Once is fastens itself
upon a victim the e is only one hope to save
him—Dodds Kid ey Pills. But they never
Narcisie Mangy says: "1 have endur-
ed Bright's Diseas for over five years. Doc-
tors told me 1 w uld never get well. I
thought my time had come. A friend told
me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have just
finished the 'fourth box, and am cured,"
Bicycle Song.
I lov
Do t
on fhe paddle,
n the stars are bright,
to steal upon my wheel,
Into the night,—
upon the pedal,
n the road ts fly,
e ridges and the bridgea,
eps the landscape by.
Thro gh the moonlit spaces,
Wh re the shadows lie,
Breee a facing, onward raoing,
My old friend and 1!
Where the wan light traces,
Ferro fantastic, strange,
By the river, where lights quiver,
Scenes that quickly change.
Under no man's orders,
Running where 1 will—
By the highways and the byway's, e
Doe n the windy hill,
' By the dark pines' borders,
Where the moonbeams play,
I Through the clearing, onward steering,
Onward and away.
' , In the Jaws of a Lion.
The' gallant Major Swaine tells of being
knocked eenteless by a lion that lacerated
his arm. His thrilling escape from the
jaws of *th is only equalled by Dr. 4King's
New Discovery for Consumption, whioh has
saved thousands from desperate Throat and
Lung troubles. "All doctors said mfr- wife
would soon die of Consumption," ,writes
L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn., "but
your wonderful 'medicine completely oared
her, and saved her life." Satisfaction is
guaranteed by II. V. Fear, druggist, Sea -
forth, who give i trial betties free. Large
bottles 50o and $L0O.
Foreign But Pertinent. '
A Noeth Omaha- Sunday school eattperin-
tendent always cohducts the lesson eview
in his school. He spends about five Minutes
in explaining the leason and then asks ;
" Now, has anyone a question to ask ?"
Last gunday be explained the lesson as
usual, dwelling at length on its chief
thoughts, and, wound up with the usual
question :
"Now,has aayone a question to ask 7"
A mener of the boys' junior claim raised
his hand.
" Well, what is your question ?" asked
the superintendent.
"Please, sir, are we going to have a pic-
nic thin summer ?"
His Wonderful. Nerve ,
Alone sustained Editor F. M. Higgins, of
Sena* Ill., when all doctors and medicines
failed to reiieve his pain from piles. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured _him.
Infallible for Injuries, Pains or Bodily ernp-
tient. Cure'guaranteed. Only 25c a box.
Sold by L V.1Fea__.r, druggist.
Commoii Things.
.Th' is a great mistake not to enjoy and
make good use of common things. Most
likely you cannot command the best that
life has to give, but you can, at least, get
near to it by improving whatever comes in
your way. Happiness depends very little
upon the vastness of one's possessions, but
it does very much upon a spirit of content-
ment which, coupled with willingness and
ability, enables la man to get all the good
possible out of hit lot. Extravagance is one
of the many results of despising common
things, and if you value peace of mind and
selareapect, steer clear of it. Life is chiefly
made up of common things whieh few, if
any, can afford to treat with contempt; to
do so is folly ; to use them honestly and to
the best, advantage it wisdcr.
- • i
Discourtesy in PuNic Places.
In the rush of modern btanness road social
is failing into innocuous desuetude. Either
life there are indications that real courtesy
the World ir becomi g selfish and inconsid-
erate, or the selfish land inconsiderate peo-
ple ere putting themselves forward most
extraordinarily. L ek of good breeding, a
total, disregard of the comfort of others, is
everywhere apparent. Politeness is to be
cultivated only "when it pays." " Is it
worth while ?" seems to be a question that
nearly everyan and woman asks himself
or herself wh a there is an opportunity to
do a kindly o a courteous act for a stran-
ger. The exceptions are so rare &alto at-
tract attention, and occasionally cause con..
ment. Every woman must look out for
herself, so also must old age., Youth bas
no hesitation in jostling either into the
street if ither happens to be in his way.
Nor is youth only -at fault. If given an
opportu ity, woman frequently presumes
upon her sex, and old age sometimeupon
his gray hairs. -The one has no hesitation
in occupying two *eats by spreading out her
skirts and the oth r sometimes has tre be re -
for bis bundles. he by example and pre -
minded that he is et paying for teat room
cept teaches ber children to be as ,selfish
as herself. And this disposition to " look
out for number one "isl noticeable in prac-
tically all public places—the stores, the
theatres and on the Streets, as well as on
the cars. EverYwhere there seems to be a
growing belief that courtesy is something to
be put on, and taken off like a dress quit or
a ball gown', something that is not for ev
da' use.—Chicago Post.
Brave Men Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney,
troubles and feel the results in lots ef sp.
petite, backache, nervousness, headache and
tired, run down feeling, but, 4‘ Electric -
Bitters are just the thing for a man," write.
J. W. Gardner, of Idaville, Ind., " whoa
he is all run-down, and don't care whetter,
he lives or dies. It did more to give Int
new strength and good appetite than any.
thing I eould take. I could now eat ley. -
thing, and have a new lease on life." 04
alc. Every bottle guaranteed by L v,
Fear, druggist.
Popular Superstitions.
Some people believe—
That for every fog you get in March you!
will have frost in May.
I If the thread knots while sewing the.
sewer will live to see the garment worn' -
If the sun goes down behind a bank & -
clouds on Friday, it will rain -on Sunday.
While peacock • feathers are kept in the-_,
house sickneas will never he out of it.
If a pen drops and sticks in the floor, tile,
owner's lover lives in the direction to;rani.
which it inclines.
If one mends a garment while westing
every stitch taken represents an enemy
which will be made.
If a spider is found on one of your gar. _
ments, it signifies that you will soon have a.
new one of the same sort.
If a person's two front teeth are wide
enough to place a gold coin between them,,
he will always be rich; _
A ring around the mood indicates :bad -
weather, which will last as many days as,..
there are stars enclosed in the circle.
If a hairpin sticks out. but does not faller
the wearer will have a disappointment ;if'
it falls, her lover is thinking of her.
If a silver coin, or a fresh laid eggle.
placed in the hand of a new-born babe, long„
life and prosperity will be assured to it.
If a peahen calls, a donkey brays, pigs
carry straw, geese flap their wings, a pot
boils dry, or the clouds move northward, it -
will rain.
Diamond Dye Rug Book.
'Have you ever tried to make a handsome -
Hooked Mat or Floor Rug from old repot
yarns dyed with Diamond Dyes ?'
If you have not tried the fascinating
work, send for a free copy of our illustrated
"Diamond Dye Rug Book," that fully ex-
plains how to do the work and how to peses-
cure the Scoteh Hessian patterns made by
The "Diamond Dye Mat and Rug De --
signs" are the newest and most popuiar
sold in Canada. Orders are pouring in each
day from all parts of the Dominion. -Send
address to Wells & Richardaon Co,20as
Mountain Street, Montreal, P. Q,
Why Americans Win.
One of the many reasons why American
manufacturers are po successful competing
in foreign markets is to be found in the foV
lowing episode, which occurred recently.
An American manufactruer of steam spec-
ialties was visiting an English firm which
made similar goods. A certain article -
'Which both firms made -was under discus-
'What is your price on this thing ?"'
asked the Ameriean.
" Well, in your money &bent 419," re-
plied theEnglishman. " What does it cost
-rn deliver it at your door, all you want,
at seven dollars apiece," said the Amer --
"How in the world do you do it ?"
"Well, Pll illustrate, answered the Am-
erican. "Look out of that window ands
across the street; See that man painting a -ea
“ He's on a ladder, isn't he ?"
"See that other man sitting on the side --
walk holding the foot of the ladder ?"
stand rip by themselves—don't need a map
Now,in America we have ladders that
to hold em. So, you Bee' in this instance,
we divide your cost oflabor exactly by
"1 see," remarked the Englishman.—
Electrieal Review.
Your Physician's Prescription.
You should be deeply interested in tbe
correct and honest filling of your physioianae
prescription. In every ease our dispensing
is scientificially and accurately done with a
view to best results for. the sick.
• A Great Medical Discovery.
Paine's Celery Compound is the crowning.
medical discovery of the century. This -
popular medicine is our great leader. It
gives the Meet results in Ueryoup diseases,
neuralgia, dyspepsia, Bright's disease and
liver complaint,
LUMSDEN & WILSON, Druggists, fSeafortbe
States Consul Hay, of Pretoria, South Af-
rica, has received six and a half tons of
presents for British military prisoners,-
moatly from England and the Cape, com-
prising luxuries, groceries, cigars, cigarettes
and beds for the hospitals. It has also been
admitted duty-free to the Transvaal and
every facility afforded, which bas greatly
gratified Mr, Hay. He recently visited the
prisoners at Watervel, and says that he
found everything as well as could be expect-
ed under the circumstances.
pondent had an interview a few days ago -
with the wife of President Kruger in regard
to the war. Mrs. Kruger said that ashe
hoped and trunted that God would soon put
a stop to the present mereilesa bloodshed.
But, she added, the independence of the Re-
public would be vigorously defended, even
if Pretoria should finally be taken. She
said that up to the present time 33 of her
grandsons, four of her sons and six of her
sons-in-law had gone to the front, in addi-
tion to numerous other relatives. Up to the
present time two of her grandsons have
been killed.
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