The Huron Expositor, 1900-04-27, Page 4___ � - �-.__ -_.1._-__-_-1____-_ - �M,_ , I - -11 - .1 _1 — --- �- � _ -,-- . - . ,� . - -_ - � V �
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. . THE � - HURON EXPOSITOR ' . . - . - APRIL 27, ig
� 10101 , I 1111111--___ - - I : - I
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NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. clients that he wait doing, -something in their morrow. To I hurl I Priemor Ross from entina or_U t ,
I ff , r iguay within 36 hours af ter time for the funardl,-,Mr. F. Mo6' ell sold 11 - I .
I , : 0 -m -m -m-" _"" M
� . . 6 a � . ; ... , . I
: interests. But, be'this' as it may, by a co. power will requir a considerably stronger lading at"Dept,ford foreign animals wharf ; his handsome pony and outfit this week to a :� I ft t I
- . AW The figure between the parenthesis, or each - huriler than Mr. hitney," ; , --- .. '.... I
� lition of the � also the sliughter of animals of any other gentleman in the city. -Mr. Robert Jarrott- � "I ...
I . - � one, denotes the page of the paper on Which the a 0 p sition and a few of Mr. orner ore , ",
. . T _ e; C St ��
; , adveriltoonsent will be found. . country -within five days after laudin at hai added a very handsome double carriage ; . I 0 - - 'Jorrnxag,
. Be Not UucloAu-arehr & MaWonald-i "German's friends i n the Legislature, the will ' Mr. Alexander McLaren, Mi -P., for South such wba a e a fa I � I ,,
.. - .�f, exclu ive of th d y of nd- to his livery outfit. -Quite a number of our I \11 the seasoll "
.. - -
, 1. -
P) IQ,� I - -11. I"
I -
_� !Window Shadto-C. W. Pave" of the Governmen; was over ruled avid the Perth, ,delivered a most instructive addiess Ing. , . villagerm attinded the funeral of the late I � � - . They -are 11
. . . Absolutely Free-CanAda C;,rsot Cc. -8 - � -Mrs.-J.- G. Lindsay, of West Zqra, Ox- Mr. J, P. Marshall.-Duzing the absence of i - I . 11 - foundation .
Spectolt"(6)--Reld & WilEon motion carried. . lence the joy and re*oic- in the day; ago.
-8 � J House of Co mono a few '
I I .
� Bu3 For bsie-Win. Bubo,z-& ford county, presented her husband with a' the pastor of Carmel church, the pulpit was I I -- Dearink's 1i
Eggs- -G. E King -8 . I se to. confine daughter the other evening. This is the supplied In the morning by Rev. G. Lou a i . - � Bailey, wl�jc.
. ' - L I
! . I ing of the Opposit ion, and somb of the papers Mr. McLaren had �he_good sen' ''WITH.THE BLUE FRONT,
I Waghlrig-Mrs, %latter Paynts-8 which support them. The event had no go : - I L I .
. I himself to what he knows something about, seventeenth time tbat Mr. and MOo. Lind- brother of Mr. Loy. -The frovery atore of I : LLL box rtturne
, . �
mi . � . i 4, 11 Mr. iand ,3
- Empress Shoeff-R. Mills& Sen -5 - political t�aignificance, furbhor than to show yj havie been parents. Of this large Mr. Joseph Case, o this vil age, was broken I
� . %%a People's Popular Store -E. McFaul 0c.-8 vi7.: Dairying at d the dairy trade, and 86 a ; - - - I
11 � I -�. I . - I
i � � family fifteen a�e still living. into on Saturday night or in the early hours � their ,da"g,
- I Bees and Poult y -Wm. Hartry-5 what exec dingly, small favors the Oppos i- consequently he I
� TA%llor's Attention -W'. Pickard & Co, -8 * 9 I �id well. Says Mr. Me. I
� � --Visitors to the World's Faif will find of Monday morning, the tools having. been I . � ...... 11 � . barle was v
f, tion are thankful for. To our view, how- Laren : 49 Lett 1 �
�k - Saturday Sho i Specials- 11. WitIls & Son -8 l - 6. Canadian farmer stand I
. . � ' -31. Brode-ick--4 - tW, special arrangements hive been made procured &C Mr. Welsh's planing mills. ' days 188t Yv.
1� . T( niders Wst.t d . I , -
1i __ - �be corre . I ,
:. I ever, the Opposition have greater reason to by the good Gld ow and there will be no by - spondenta, in Paris, of the Can .dressed the
I ldillipery�Xlaa Martin -8 - Fortunately, however, there was a pwrently
- � p
!.:� - - b3 ashamed of th necessity for'his oys to go to the Klondike. adian Ba k of o � iz a I
; Shot t Horn Bull For Sale -James Patterson -6 , eir part in t" matter than - ce, fo om- -There
.1 _ - n 0 mmer r the aco nothing missing when the store
�. 0 Housekeel.or Wanted-Jah � MoCp.%-S . They will find a eritable gold mine -on the mo4stion of strangers, both at their city by Mr. Case, except the ! -*Vm. Chic
- 6 I Grand Trunk Railway -W. Somerville. -8 to rejoice over the result. Had the Govern- . M.1 ` �o cash register, I . �, . . . I.".
� � . 11 Wauted-lAirg G. Clarks,)n-& tar ' What Ust ada must do is to improve offi4ev, 19 Boulevard des Italiens,and on'the which only contained a little over on - dol- i � L ishould b6 a;
. l � ment been leas careful of the interests and * I 0 1 - -
. I � Clothing-& 0 nniDg--8 . the quality'of its )utter and advertise it in Fair Grounds, where reading rooms, storage Jar * rid it was- af I bie fhe resin
; L In coppers, a - torwards found- . --FOR . - I h e La
q Four Spe2lsls-B. B. Gunn -4 resources of the country, and had they England. He gave also, many valuable rooms, a post office, and a special staff of on the railway track, a short distance south I-- - .. ear t
� Save Doctor- 131'19--Brlght B. os -5 . ' 1, . . . y - �
" I
- � I placed party interests before the I the checaeand butter in. attendants have been established. Custom- of - --gl
� . � . Well Boti-lat is Half S.)Id-KoKinnon & Co -6 ' aterests facts copcerning i the village, but was considerably injured 9,9 yelPS 8
� 'or f right and e �
. � � 0 dustries, suggeste I.methods by which Can. ere oUthe Bank and others, who hav pro: . by rough usage.
. . Hair 0 ,J8-11rofe&ror Doronwond-5 justice, they would have ab I �
. � Dissolution of Partnerahtp-L�imadon & Wilson -5 . ada could rise st,il � highbr in the estimation vided themselves with -the extremely con DEAiH.9.-The many friends of Mr. John i
; i lowed Mr..German to have his way, instead ' I . I
I I Field and Garden Seeds-Beatila Bios-8 � of the foreign con itimer, and- lef G on Hansard venient 'letters of credit issued by them, Gou do of the township of -Hay,! and the . � - .
. 11 � 8Dcci-ale-(6],q_1%fullctt& ce-8 . . I
�� 1, . I I A i ITIOTTINKA - �4s
� - � The W , ondor of tbo Age -8 - of antagonizings supporter as they did. :one of the most us!eful speeches of.the whole will be entitled t6 the benefits of these ar. eldit eon of Mr. and Mrs. Jose It ould, � - , "day ,
11 . 11 everiln
� t ! - ��
� ! Fornialln-Alex. .�Wil, on -8 -- : But, the Oppohition failed to rise to the 'budget dbebate. rangements without charge, of this village, will learn with t APREEN-27th and 2.8th'
. i .. deepest I .
� " � EZzia. F6r Hatching -IV. Copp�-6 . i. . -Dr. Laberge, Montreal's medreal health regret of his death, which occ . . � . I I I duced by I
.. , importance of 'the occasion, and instead- of urre on Tues- , Bruxidson
, _ '
t -1 � � Annual MeetinK-G.. E.Heudem, n-8 � . ____ . , -1, 1
. t - in making another effojrt to . prevent d y fternoon last, afte ief illness . I
� . 4 Home ftoutee-6 � The bill introduced into the Oatario Leg- officer, a a . i
. r � i. � aiding the Government to conserve the in- . � r a very bi I -
� r , ,,, - I 'Week, is ,sin
�� .. I _1 - islature the other day by Attorney- General the shipment of I aw cattle to and with a pendicitis. The deceas'i d was a , .
. 7 p I p man. is �stffl
I L 4 1
: L I F* � through Mo - flitherto these diseas i, mery, Ki __
r f -.1 -
I , �
I 1% . ,silo - highly respected and prosperots farmer - I
A "I , * terests -of the Province, they preferred to 'Gibson wing solicitors to make contracts ntreal um M'Uh d Glove�s, Laces Cashmere .whittle -a
I . It ed animals were confiscated and destroyed, I � Hose. �- -11111' yi
I . score -a trifling and unimportant party ad. of Hay, and much- sympathy is felt, not . I � '. - -ewat
. .
. � � - Of VA
� . . I i . I ___� ,r
7 F sh %_;�( twou (Expal"tot , with their:c1lents to un I dertake oases on a but this did not stop the .practice. Now only for his bereaved wife and Ja ily, but I .1 : .
. . 1 C116 , vantage. 'Seeing that the Government had I I I i f
�. T, I � W,eek--10.
� - 1. . . percentage basis, or t6r a Jump sum, I' a he will ship them back to the consignefs at for his aged parents, ,who feO ii8 death ' We have a kid glove -'the very finest glove made -and WLe - I
.. � _d� - — � 9 . . __ 0 give a gu&ran . *tudies in I
���� L . committed themselves ,to the motion, and . their own oobt On Wednesday morning very keenly, not. knowing tb ti�e with every pai in colors an �
� step in bhe right, direction. From a busi- - at�� e was seri. A,dams retv
I - - �'�� I-erman .and his friends were, .L . - ni" cattle were shipped ba,!k to Prescott. ously ill.- We have to ch , this week r- d blacks, at,$1. If theubove glove don't - - ... � I
, i5BAFORTH, FRIDAY, April 27th, 1900 that Mr. (x de 4-
.; o - ron0f give - West laitw
LL . — uses point f view. the proposal is aq6 much In addition the medical health department the death of an old and much respect - I e6tire satisfaction, we will give another pair for them. . . . . .
- , __ termined to force a division, the Opposition . I ,
�' 4, in the interests of solicitors as of clients. - .ed fro -In his -at,
I I 'L . . I
-. will prosecute the shippers of these. dieeared residebt of Rodgerville, in the . I . Aliss LeFaife has been obliged to procure more help, and is
._,iT, The War. seized upon -this opportunity and voted &L The public will be much more ready to take erson of -now in a pogi- _ turned fron
i . cattleI the law imposing a penalty of $200, -
� I ..� Mr. John Pascoe Marshall, which event oc- tIoTL to turn out Hats on the ,shortest possible notice, and we would be delighted - . Ust.-Mr. -
� AL After a considerable period of inactivity, most solid to turn. a card against -the Gov- advantage of the courts if they can be Re. L I
- - L�� � -The work of procuring remounts in .. boLliZa'y
� curred at his home on Friday, afternoon, to have the ladies call and make themselves perfectly at home-, without . I I . - . _ a at
.� I - � the British troops seem to be ag%in on the ernment, entirely irreap!�c�iye of the merits sured that the costs will be limited to 9, cer.- Canada, for the British and colonial cavalry April 201b, after a somewhat long and v the - 3a,Lurc ,
� � ,�,.' - ' ' tain sum. The reform will have a tendency . I ery least sup . ,on S, I&,
I , .
I - 1� I , * onward march. forct a in South Africa, is progressing . a .gestion of buying. OUT milliner business, so far, has been away be. , � .
v � t'i , ,� je the amount e
. - With Bloemfontein as a of the question. This, certainly, is not a to decrease the cost and increaF f ,vor: painful illness. Mr. Marshall was a nativ .y I n I
i .
. � , ' ably,and-the agents of Mr. yo d our most sanguine expectations, and we are going to � ..
L ._ � - - taking the proceeding to bosit of, or to be proud of, of litigation. The contract system will be W. H. Har- of England, having been born inj Bodwin, , n im- I ?", , N,
. centre, Lord Roberts is again Wall'L make it a very� - J
� -- ! I - � . land Smith, of Toronto, who has been com- Corn .. I
I I , -
7 . L .f I offensive, and his troops are spreading out but, on the contrary, it shows to their d a- especially desirable in the collection of small . in the year .1821. -, �n'the year portant part of our already large and increasing busibess, . I
: - - -
. � __ - - 1�� A A PosT �_
- , �� : L acebunts, where the solicitor's' charges will - . I - .
� .. r --, I lAr-hiteo OU
I - miesioned ito secure the animals, are meet. 1846 he Canada, ,and in the Two hundred pieces Silk IAces that we bought job, in widtlis 3, 4, 5 and
� � - 1�1 and forward, apparently in consort with a credit in, so much'as it provds them to e . Ing WIL6 �,little difficulty in getting the following year he was married to Min$ Mary � .
7 .1 i "I I .
�, I ,� be 15111 proportion to the amount collected . I" horecs rfq ired. "The It " . returned b�
, $ well devised. and matured pl more anxious for party. advantage than t e n orses already accept- 6 inches wide, in white, cream an, d black; regular 12�,, 15c, 18c wid 20c a yatd, I .
� -in for the final Jane Marshall, of . Devonshire, England, .
� �
� - � . L, . addition to this it will enable an ho eat . South Afr
I 1 I .11 ed are in ood condition, and Major Dent B hi I I had twelve children, 6 AT SEVEN CENTS PER YARD.
� �� I subjugation. of the Boers� During the past public good. client, who feels that he can only ge� proper .Y t I ni is I I
i , ,I A i ,_ � . I , ex- 'Sol U6 lighters, 7 of whom still sur. I I :1 � I �
z . and Vete inary-Major Phillips have as an 413ibraltar t,1
I I H . week several amdll engagements have taken There was one honorable exception on the redrees in the courts, to know that "Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, made from pure Cashmere yarn, ' Amrmlea
� � . - in order pressed themselves as delighted with tbe 'ye him. hey are, William H., of Cleve- 1. - for, 1-11 .
�. ; " � � to secure this j6tice he will not be ruine V1 - i TWENTY CENTS A PAIR. . � I - � I patch from
� i � place with the enemy, in each of which the Opposition side.. Captain Thoma Robson, , sort brought for their inspection. It is ex- land, Ohio ; �Mrg. Samnel Oke, of Morden I
I r f � a y law costs. He will know in- advatic P - �
I t - . -
- . i . � *L1 - �
I � , .
� �� 1, 11 - . �&Tmy mcapto�
I t . British have xiet witha comparativeamount the recently elected memberof E"t Middle. what his law will cost him, and w pected th�i the first shipment by transport Manitoba ; ra, E. Grant, of Manitoba; - � I
I . IL T if � hebber o . . I
. . I icalled upon
�: - . � I ?', :Li . of success. The roads are in very bad con- -t he can afford. to run the, risk ; he wil to South Africa will be made by Hay 1. Richard G., A Colorado ; Mrs. J: Birch, of . �1!
- ii� Is : . - � ,.stock yardi
- i ..'!J F� dition, but tli-y are pushing gra!dually for. ciple in preference to party advantac'fe, such not have to take a leap in the, dark as is now 1� 0 Mo King Store I
, , I .- sex, had the courage to stand up for prip. no
. _:I . 17 . . This trad '�ehould -materially increme the- California ; Ezra H., of Ari *na ; arid' . -
I- At the Clot I
� - i � � IR :- � n the case. � . : ri e of ho'rseflef,h in this country., Francis, of Hensall. Mrs. Marshall having; - . I -. �4 what tbQy-.
, ". ,� � � I
.1 -II - - ward, and the Boers are compelled to fall as it was. We hope Mr. 4obson will con. -A di0olical attempt was made Friday departed thi . . -
I ht "I , , for the Hn�
1.� �_ . - life in the .1 .
�x 11 — , year 186, Mr. � � . 4 � -Sou,.h Afrii
�- � "n back, although disputing every inch of the tinue .to exercise his own ' " -in like The Toronto W ys : "If. ever rnornirig )&at, neg,r Prinectown, to wreck Marshall waf married the' second time, inj Smocks and Overalls, s'4ghtly -damaged by water, not a bit .the wo - - I
: I � '
- �� I iv , � I . , �,&rn en it orld, sa ' tibe I rse for
. I . ,�,11111 -1 .rna:fea in th
- : the Grand' Trunk exprens; which passes the year 1880, to Miss Elizabeth Edmonson, wearing, at 7 5c on tire do] lar of whol - sal ' cok �, �__, t� .
I . � I e e tmd tbie� Nv
� A .
. '. �. way. Very little of the plans -of Lord Rib. manner on all subjects, and if he does, the' danger of a single chamber was proved to thirough Woodstock at 2 30 a. in. - A tie of Rodgerville, who died in 1897. The de- I i 14 130EXt M
I - , -
I T, � I : ;
I . - 4
� to . ac Boys' Pants at 25c a pair. Goo all wool Tweed at 25c per yard. -
� I. �i -, -Al - erts have been allowed to leak out, but it electors of East Middlesex will not forget be a f t, it has been provod to be so in the was placed between the rails at the swifoh ecaseii was a man who had travelled a gr ,� I
I �
I -
: I _1 _� . � - ! . .
: AC . eat, . 9 - � frow a oun
� i I C I I -
: I near the station, in such a way* that the deal in the earlier part of his life. He was - - . _.
: : . I � would seem from what has taken place that hicn. case of thp Legislature of Ontario ; and it _..
L -.1 '$ "I
; � 1 7 . - ,., .; - - . wreckers calculated on sending the train � rdb6ratvs a
. .* I
� �� ft . - he is now prepared and has his plans fully gh the whole, therefore, while it was, no wo' for ma by -yea ra actively engaged at his trade . � � - .
I . �, 2he writer
� : - � uld be an act of Providence if in some over a steep embankmilitiv. Fortunately as a m eon and builder and wits a skilled - i At the Grocery h -1 A
I r
� . li_,'��-.-
. - , -, rnatured for Pr�Saing r the campaign he I - � .
� �, I -. a I sab; rel
I � i - itary
� - - _.,
. I �T � � i , to , , doubt, annoying to the Government that a way we had another chamber and it govern- the tie was a somewhat rotten one, and the -workman, working on the very largest and Fifty Tea Sets -44 pieces -in a variety of colors . prieioners tz
I t -_ # , . I
. - P
� _� I � �
I -1 v il i i I -', tl �L. close.. As yet; Nlafeking has not been precedent so Oankerous and so ,ausceptible of Or who would exercise a veto power upon wheels crushed it. Somewhat' further on beatcontracts. And besides being well post- � ., , at $21.50 per set, , .�, �
I t '
- 1, T � �il'� � -
� ,�V- �,�_ � I .
I A, - ,
. - relieved, -and from dispatches received . . c ,- hoppital.
. j-*- _,!��,i _ ihouldl be established by the Legisla, many of the transactiona of -the Ontario As- 10 . I � �
I -
I - 4. ,�itik��; the abuse, * tbe-gates, which served as cattle guards, ed &long his Own particular line of busi em � In
; -, - 1, � -_3;1��u ' I - I . � . - 'p, an
- . - . to, stri
- .
. � �, 9. i, , garrison and residents of the place are in ture, the (Iov',ernment will suffer nothing in 2 11 ' were placed acrofis the rails. These, too, he was possessed of much more than ordin- - - �, -
4 ' - I ' . found they
- "" , �
- - R � �� Z' very ,sore straights. in the engagements the sembly.' 0 , psbaw ! You'r t),lking none. failed to serve the purpose. They were ary intelligence, aqd was well informed on COME '.
. .; -
. Ve
W I`- lli',�i__� . -are simply annoyed I
- ': - It , country 'from the course they ha sense, .brother. You WITH THE CROWDS TO , � The wriber
, � thrown aside, and the train passed on un- nearly all the questions of the day. In poli. � I ...
3 'i 11. _:.!_�� - which have taken place lately the losses t 'k I just now. because the Legislature has the I I dead,oa bw
I - -
� , en, and we are equally sure the Op 08* injured. The speed at which it was mov. ties he was a Reformer, and in religion he
; , 7_ ! t,� ," -, I- ' �
, I � � I . _"11 , p , I -L
. � ,
I . %:-1 . ,
. wom* n Sim
I I , "- -
� I - � '
a . �;t� k ii�:� 'all, it bas 10:
. - . rl _ii"'t ever. ary but not I . - I
4 � Two members of the tion will not, r- .
! 11 11 I , 4n, I - -have been small. ood sense to sit on some .of the wild. goose, I
A "i i in anytbing. ing'pridoubtedly saved a calamity. L �
': ga by their tempo Me flying schemes Which Toronto always . . was a consistent member of the Methodist
� L. -
' World -says : The de. church. Previous to locating in Rodger. 0 1
. 'Canadian contingent have died of fe creditable triumph, desp' -Thb Toronto . -5, -
� I ,_ � __ � I ite the 4as on hand in plenty, to try and relieve its B � GUN SEAFORT11 been
� �
I � -�� u: : .�,, �, "E" �& mand for cavalry horses in Great Britain ville, he bad liv�,d for a -number of years in i I �, � .
� ., � _ , .
- , � I 0 . guilty
r 1. , , - "i�,t — inane Ecreechings of the Mail and other or. Utizens of some of the evils of taxati- � . 5 4 led, eric., mv
- I � . �_
� . 1 �L4 ; ��',� �'. ; 21 . on will not cease whe,u the South African war Exeter. He was also well known in Hen.' . � - il
r �_
; _ :.; ; I
, - . � � . I ATT�wK-_
� �
� _ iFF1 , - The Parliaments. W,hich the mismanagemetit and extravagance comes to an end. Henceforth the mother sall, and did much to improve th , - appe I � I - �
I � " � �. 1�, , gans, who should not be envied any trifling I F_ I
I �� :�' �'� e ar, f I
r I A _ 1; � of its city fathers heap on them, and pile it -
i � .- . J
r 11 i 14 The interminable budget debate in the ' L
r I qi�L,i-`L modicum of comfort they can pick up by the country will maintain a large number of &nee of our village, having erected - What id, I - � farmer livii
� -
r " � - i : , " L�'. _ ' , -
� I � zoo, michi.�
- " , " . on �he corporations within its borders and mounted rioldiftra, and ther THRE� STORES—NOA Dry Goods ladies' goods -only I ,: �
f :�7 1 own as the Marshall brick block one of 4 L I ) * . .
. �
I 'r 4 .. � I I I" I , - flock of --ro
. . I—. liament, Obtaws, which is way these timep', when there is so Much to on outside municipal itice. Ontario has got why the colonies'should hot get the first th No.. ' .
- , ,
: ,: i I "', i Dbminion Par
. - ,4 e is no rewlion kn
L . ': - � �,�-,
; , - , - L e finest in the place. Some fe'w yearar, i C, I ime,u 8 g -
J " still in progress,. was varied this % eck by a depress them. along very comtortably since its existance a,j 2' Clothin o,' Yoods only. No. 3, Gro � day 1�st 1
, i�_�,; . . y 1,
I 'A '�' L ', � 4 . L
: " V , :, " . __ . chanceof supplying the necessary hois2s. agohealso erected and owned the fine;. I i .
i - - 111111 � J I 0 6 W&K
;. - , i! . � I eccond chamber ; - bas For years to come there will be ! - enes—specialties, canned goods, butter and teas, -_ i Hind �
i _ lively discussion on the Prohibition ques. a Province without a . . I
. '' 1 done very much better, in fact, than any of I I I � T �
I _':�`_ � 7 - L �� TbLia was brought" up by a a ready dwelling at the rear,of his brick block, and __ I- � t sw4rl
� ,I- � �4, tion. - *resolution Editorial sale for all horses that this country can pro- in addition to this real estate, be, owned 11 r ea
1- _ ,
� w�. i 1�otes,and Comments..- the other Provinces where a second �hmnber duce Horses that a year or t ; ___ . � - � . I The
� - " ,
. ; - _r
I i , I introduced at the instance of the executive . could considerable- personal estate. and leaves hial � � rein %I
� , I �1 � wo ago I i ..
, � i � 11, Mayor Ceorl A., Clare, of Preston, was exiats, and vastly better than the %�mjni`)n not be sold for ten dollars, now bring five family well provided for. The funeral, to, �ic Morris, ' i ' I. in thky 11061
.. �, I 0 � 1,
; 4 ,., . � !'Where, for most of the time there ha"I been a of I& grippe, bothare seriously i1L_ Mr. J. , , off, bqt-1mi
I . - -� . _� of the Dominion Alliance, which declared is, of Hil a I de farm, second line of
t I �_, �' . nominated for he Commons by the Coneerr. tinies that sum. The supply in Canada and the Exeter cemetery, 6n � M'onday last, wasi by Rev. D.1 � ogers. Mr. and Mrs. Bosman I ��._ I �
I k � -I- 1� shouldgrant legislationin - Tory C(,mmons and a ranker Tory Senate. I G. Stanbary,p barrister, was in Bayfield, his . -Wei I I � Al
� . ,I- � I
� �
�_ �
- , . abive3 of South' Waterloo. - Air. Clare is, In'o � : - largely attended, inc�ud dist! 'Will live on their farm on the second litiei�' old home on legal business on Saturday I - I best. CA
1; - - --' the United States has almost been exhaust - ing the Methoi �il
. k. _. _i favor of total prohibition in all i - - - - ed. We think the farmers in Canada can I .- . - as
� T. � .- - �
I -
I �__ " _� i 'he Pro- doubt, a very igood man and will 'Make a The &ntentioti of some th church choir from thi village, who attend -11 --Robert `W�nn, who died atSylvia, North Now the aieason, is at band when the :. - . . .quite, S nut
7 % � - - � I
. I
I . I - vinces which had at the preference make no mistake. in paying considerable at. ed in a body. . ' Carolina, onlMarch 29th, and John Al riStarts' out with about $5 1 his fi;eei .A
� � . 1, �
� -
o .�. j �,: , . given a majority in favor strong candidate, but when election day- given by Cana�a to British manufactures tention to the breeding (if horses, particu- . � Burgess, who die'd at Laudee, Manitoba * worth of garden tools and seeds, on -which brouitit hii
I I -
I i-, _ I L
: il-� - , , of the plebiscite; An amendment to this I .
� - 1� .1 . - I
� - - ;
. '' � I �
- ., , ,'� - comes Jim Livingston will bury him under coming into this country benefits only � the larly of the class that it, suitable formilit ary � - - w
� I � w � i on April 6bh;, were brother and nephew of he may expect to realize something more gunii Sevi
I � I � � an moved to the *effect that'the Govern- such an avalanche of adverse votes tbac, he rich and is of no advant,age to the ordio' purposes. Brucefleld. . F I .
� , A iv,
- I i
i .. ment should introduce ! ary . i Mrs. Daniel'J,ew's. f thia village. -The than 99 cents worth of 6' gardeii ease.'--: . � Aocl-, And �
I I legi;lation� giving won't know %ivhcue he is. . -It is a fact'admitted by everybody who B. R. HiGGINS, Brucefield, Notary Public climate of this ( 11 I
. : . I I
. I I . 3-anad of ours is indeed �a J. W. Broderick closed out the bala I I
� i � �
I A -
I I �
- I — . citizen, is not born out by the'facta. The has given the matter any attention, that the i trying one.' In a lea we are out of pene- his stock this week and returned to_'-Gode_ . �1 ed bb
` effect to the wish. of -the people, al� shown' Conve,vancer, Fire and Life lasura Twenty-eii
i . nce agent. Any -nee of
� P .1 amount of mi6ney to loan at 15 r cent., on first�-Cl&s ' .J RMIM
golutions "
- � - I I
I r. D. K, Erb, Al. p. I Brandon Sun �oints out- tbab -in so far a,3 trees of -the forests in the vicinity of Walk. 01 tiating cold into exh usting heat, and We ects to be back again Boon I . after the I
� I by the plebiscite, vote, These re It is said that M farm security. Mortgages drlelwn and money ad-! rich. He exp
I �
� � the representative of South Perth in the that port is concerned the reverse is the erton, Bruce couriby, both maple and beech van -ed free of ex enic to the borrow oft,en have to jump ba6k again. When the with another stock of boots and aboes.�__ 1, -ei
: I or. Also a 1 -
: were discussed for a day, when the debate I ; case. First on the' list, of British imports are slowly but sure�ly dying. Various - reas! limited amount or private funds at 5 per cent.1 roads break up in the ,spring 1, - - i -quite Aev
I - was adjourned. Dominion Parliament, iFi tired of politics and At home every morning and Wedns2day of each! we declare it Ground was broken on Wednesday for- the 9. . _, of the
, . Whether or not it will . I � I comes woollen goods and carpets, $5,039 ; ons for their decay are a3eigned, the moat .week. Several good farms for sale. will be July before the ice -and snow will �e foundation of Mr. I -
-problem. 00; . I . - -
I � come up again this session is a will not again be a candidate. In the event next manufacturies ,of cotton, nearly 83,0 being the ravages of the caterpillars 157 � melted off the . worst places and eeveral. block. R. R. Knight?a new � � tbe W4"tCj
� � I ig I Carpets and C * 1. � I The work will be � a
In the Local Legi4ature, the peo I of his withdrawal it is not improbable that then oilcloths, nea,rly $2,000. These ux. shortly- aftefthe trees leaf out. But - now urtainn.- We are eel Ing .rushed to a finish, :
p e a rep. nice patterns of carpet, a yard wide, � weeks at least before the mud Ivill dry UP n and is to be completed about the middle of - .
- � either Mr. T. H. Race, of' the Mitchell Re. uries "make up $0,000 out of a . total of camfs another reason. Mr. John Hogg, of at 25c, I those stretches where the snow lay thinner. July.-M-emarm' Bawden & M01),onell have _34T. J4
reaentatives have been working ov m,r-time, $12,000. The value of the silks imported Carrick, recoutly got a chip off a large 30c, 35c, 40c and 50c per yard. Floor Oil I Farmers dr I I . 11 I -
� � corder,' or Mr. (41. H. McIntyre, a private was $505. A like resul j - Cloths, dark and light colorings, from 2 - : iving their 'horsed through - . the sol(Itheirshire'stallion, it 'I) I . � - thell, havle
I . oging, mire, I I . I i
� so as to get to prorogation this week.1 At the banker of St. Marys, would b t will, we have no Is. In this chip are two dead " bor. I 00, " glarr " say words at the plu i d to Mr. Charles -Beau, of M:!Gillivray, for , -mine k
I I 111ap Mountain Rufus
: . e the choi4e Of
� time of writing the expectation is ti doubt, be experienced at every other port era." Mr. Hog has studied out the modus per yard up. Alattings from 15c up. La
I �hat the the Liberals. They are both able menland 9 e i brutes for *hich, when they were y'Oujo;, $2,000. This h etairs one I
, in the country. . operandi of this in6ect. Curtains trom 0-5c per pair up to the pact - orse was imported last winter.
� � - _3&rg. i
business will be cleared'off by Frida� night, either would make a good repre,matativ It lights upon the t � their mothirs would have rubbed alum on He is seven years old, and weighs 2,200 1
1 and that the formal pror . ogation *jt �- - . tree and with ita lo slender bill bores . a imported qualities. ,Aet Draperies as low their tongil'64 and set them in a corner W I I -
� . � ill take Considerable excitement was "I . rem as ee, with a great . ith potinds. Mr. Bean is an old horseman , d
� . There is a statement to- th- . occasioned hole through the bart Here it 5c per yard for common u ".an time a, reel'
; '. a - ,
. ,4 .- 11 e effect !that 1-1 ain their faceeto the wail. Ozhers do not act14. in his last purchase he has got one of the . , ' week.,
. . � - busy sea. on Monday last on it becoming known that Eucking in the sap until It can get no, mor -
I place on Saturday. It has been a I i Mr. W. M. German intends resigning his . � _ ef showing of better goods. . Co . me to ma fc r ally swear, but they put so much 'Mean � I -Mr� Ji
I . . an attempt had been made the previous and then diea for want of nourishment. � anythina you may require in RouEe Fur. into a simple 11 blast 5P that it sounds 9 " I he has ever . A
� � I sion, and an immense amount of legislation .ing beat of the many ood horses
. has been considered and dispoxied of.- This seat for Well& ' nd in the Ontario L: gislawre The tree can stand a reasonable amount of nishing. The E. McFaul Cc , Seafortb. worse, while a few of a less vehement nai. owned. . . � I . I of Mitche .
i -toba. - ' �
� I with the view of being a candidate for the day to blow up the locks on the Welland this thing, but, too many " borers "- saps - . 1689-1 ' ture whisper a soft " darn'," as if they were Stanley. � I !" I 11 11. -mug -I',
I is the first sesiEiOn under tire premiership of Dominion in opposition to M canal. Three men have been arrested, and the,tree of its life. This e planation of the NOT05 -*Seeding operations are now i� putting the baby to sleep. These are all �
Dr. Ross, anci. it i3 r. IN cClearey . x
I not sayj . P ' _
ng anything to the present mem ber, who is a Con lervative. are now held in custody who are gappoeed decay of so many trees is 1�_ - ,full blabt, the.spring being a very favorable good men and true, and temperate in their . (TOO late tot last week.) . - I . been engs,A
I di at least reasonab e- i - I ]public �acb�
I the discre t of his illustrious predecesgors, Wh any man of moderai to be the guilty parties. What the object and may be the . cotrect one. t one.-MiEs M'a'ry Gibaon spent Eascer boli- speech, exdeptirig in sore mptation, But ; , LAKF, SIDE NOTY-S,-Mr. Alex. Sparks /_ I -MT. ]p
I y te abilib,, ondon.-Mrs. Nevins, in a few da a what h diff this Eprin
i " when we say that no session since Confeder. . for committing this: depredation is, is not -_ days with friends in L ' - y rence ! Ice all heads the liat for early sowing L. !Aiteb ��
P Mr. Cerman should resign his se tt in' who has spent the past winter, with friends . having sowed oats on the 1 -6th inst.�,Alg' - � �
�r, ation has been produc ive of more legislation the gone ; dust flying, W11 r I
�, __ �v . � . 'a it was. muck ; Thomas ,Nicholson last wte0
I- gislature- . in Dakota, has returned to her home here., dogs running about with t eir tongues out, � . 1
- of a practical and beneficial character, while Le where he can be somettiing if lie known. Some surmise tha it was done by flensan. sold a splendid 3-yearr.- 11
iJ . . I -
v- tries, and si a seat in 'the Houst of Co a in old colt for the handsome a � - I
.! . the emisaries 'of pro -Boer sympathizet- Mr. and Mrs. Moore spent Sabbath withi ti for breath, and t e thingi in the The purchaser was W �� Wum of $130' - ' -
7 11A� MATRIMONIAL. -A very happy event took frip-nds in Tecawater. �
,fnz� . " the United States ; others affirm that th place at th-e home of Mrs. W. -Smallacombc an'inngup to quite a littlq height. Child'.
, 14� the progressive policy of the Glovernment moris where he would scarcely ever ba�,heard -bliss Edith Sawers," �a d r,� es Annas, 6f -
. " Fenians had a band in' it, And ,still oth,re after spending Easter holidays at her home kena . . . Hibbert. -Several of the farmers h&'V I
� re out barefooted ;' fri,ogg are singing ; , ebee.1 - ..
I , on Wednesday evening last, when her j at the manee, returned to Red Bay, last i
�� . I., -i; has done much to strengthen it in the coun- of, is somethii,ng occuliar. Mr. German's are of the opinion. that Jtl is the work making maple syrup this sprin
� :1. I i�,�T tr - - strong point his I uperior otrawhats are out, and' mosquitoes and .g And some I
� I . , �: �A yJ and the Premier's candid and affable abili,res as a parties in Buffalo who are opposed, f Of neice, Mis3 Ads J. Westaway, second elde t Saturday. -Mrs. Appleton Elcoat, 8r., of I have met with good success, I -poll Wheat I
'I �,1111 canva--ser, and abould he do as it is Paid he or busi- daughter of the late Mr. Samuel We8taw a butterflies anjd snakes. Y" The most up- Spr!bg Who
� � . *
1, � 7 .."i -,:
- � ,I �_ par after year i .
5 _. I 1. I
I V1. aY, Tuckersmith, wbo � the wirter with her .3 .he same thing Over again, yet, we neve tio-date ethod of making ;syrup is on ex- I . oats par t
- I -
. - � � , T . ai manner to friend and foe alike, has increased 'ictends doing, he would likely beat Me. ness reatons, to the Connors syndicate, of Brantford, was united in marriage to Mr. son and daughter, os Angeles, Califor. earn not to ha surprised a, the rapid chan in ��' Fes.e per br
I �4 .. Fell,
- .. .� ie�� to divert con- hibition at the farm of Mr. J. Westlake, of - j- �
, . I- rie the Saublie line. Mr.,, Westlake purchase - 8strIC7 PDX �
- - vd popularity I � Clearey and thus gain a seat fon- Mr. Lau. William W. Chapman, eldest kon of Wil. nia, reGurned home this week. Alf,hough a and growth. -It, is an old an erstition thge . d
4' his influerica a who by thF,ir scheme exp in, L
: _r. - . u the Legisia- - i
� . ,; -iit .. siderable of the grain carryiniz trade from liam Chapman, Heq., of Hensall. The ,ere- I . p at . � I
� _1 1. � ture. He hap, also, teen well &. r, although the change mig t r6ult in the Buffalo to Montreal. T lady of 80 years of age, Mrii. E'lepat inad a Ch ,
-1 � ._,� _ h
; , . rid ably
Z .1 �. I _� 2: Buttor, No.
� i�,4, A. �� ne ills the first s
� I I- L� ,_ aided and Supported bi �:colleagues. loss'of a seat foe Mr. Rose. I . here is nothing to MODY was performe4py the Rev. G, Jewitt, e if one aake they see in the ii in, Mplon- evaporator from the Grimm I .
. . � 1� - 7 . .- the trip alone, and apparently, withoub Montreal, during the 'winter and'has I � Bawr. tub
I - j.- ": - Z - � - show, however, tha,t any of thesq. interests __ - r I d:
1. - � - - __ .
. 1'. " - 4 ! . ' of Heneall, in the presence of the rela 11uY s�mmer they will have good luck all ithe' - 'i P-ggs per
m, . .�� - ---- are in any i tives fadgue,-Quite a number attended' the placeditin his newly erected sap bo.q9e, . .
. , The statement was made b3 the Mini -for the outrage. and a few inbimate friends of the contract- year arid rise, as triu phant over all ,t I L :Hay Ver to
, , j way r4sponsible - Poor, per I
� : , t� 'L, :
1- ;� -11 L heir
it-, , V * -
I . LL - � � spring show held here on Wedneed y. where he is busily engaged making a P L . Hides per -1
. 4 �
ster Everything is _�ure Eurmiseq invented by Ing partiev. enemies as the herc , rievel daily. The evaporator consists of � � . 1.0
. S_ j � -, ?., Mutiny In the Park. " . I
wij: �� li in a, commo
. � somewhat striking heading th or gpnerally does at the close of the book, with a large Shoe 61(i
- I - VOOF
i - ,�� ., 1, i Mail and 13inpire says �, 1. I �
- - �� � � hp newspapers to excite, the people and so Mary Westaway, sister of the bride, while- years for the spring show. -We are plen ed teel arch, lOx3 feet, and � I
11 .7. Under this ' : of Education in ,�he Legislature the other t The bridesmaid was Mies The weather was the finest we ba,ve had yrili
� � e
� . i� a r ne r4stored, his reputation resting ci�-, this . - -
. I
I 1, -, ,I, 11 . . . , blame-' ' I .
. �Z ?,)ti p
� ,-, - � is Jefinitely known about the affair is that man, of Hensall * brother of 'the groom. � quite ill, refoitr'largetinparrisinwbi,ch the Cap is �,
. cut loose from Legislative control - to relate that Mr. Marks, who has
, day, that Upper Canada College is to be rn�ke largersales for thcir paper - All that the groomsman was Mr, Charles W. Chap his fo' tu
� ": and is b :
� I., 1. "I ; 1`11 leas ano.the girl he fell in eve with in the I .
7 � �;, I 7 ion that rule* 0 de a is recovering. -Mr, Pie 1� . I evaporated. These paLs are conuecljid -by . - 8161t (y0tA11
: . I 1, �� is - wes is first cb.%pter still oonBtant, while his e,,c,"y,' siphons, . � Wood par V
several of the locks have be�,n damaged by Th bri w 9 ma'de the recipient of a num-1 also slowly recoverieg.-Mr. J. Robis n which
. - 6i Tile discredited aggregat hereafter to be ran as an independent edu. dy�amite r-xplo,qivc8,.and it is eupposed that Iger of valuable present o the vill &in poor wre xh, w,bo had tried to
. I I
. . �, I I -1 th P�ivince rewived a rebuke yeetorda- carry the sap, that 4jis 1 Wood perool
,, �._ _� a. After the happy who has bee,nquite ill, is recovering, posted through the ,various - 4
1� ,E y cational institation.and will have to depend tho parties now, tinder arrest * .
L.. I , - that has been Ion delayed and well de- - are the guilty -Mr. " breal: ti� " the apartments, . . it
- , �'. g �
: � i hero and hero
. . I
T on its own rosources and the generosit . ine when he � . -PPICO P -at
I .� :_1 , served. The mutiny &tnong their up couple had been warmly congratulated by Hugh McCartney this week ,shipped ar nice, NR 96 . When the evaporated
. I i followers, ones, *rid they are sup . Clover Best
Z - " I w hen' two- goin' tolgother," lies In Timotty M
- , 1;
; r _ -
. .
S i ir � . I � y of I posed to have come the, guests, all sat down to a 'tiumptuous re. Tarnworth pig to a breeder in Kenton, Ohio- Prison 0 helpless, as pitiful, and ag-little to from pan to pan. . -
I I - - ,� resulting in an adverse majority of sixteen its friends and patrons for it from certain cities* in the Vnite sap has reached the ,laat pan it quickly I r(rk_PeF N
i , _r i i � support.
� I k�z � Z . al , I will be Z
Z d was bred by I where, by means of an
Z t �� , � .
i I � � cant, and. may be taken as a forerunner [)f approved of by the public. damaged, and the whole affair is li U . bef�ared as a trapped rat. ,� i � a7low, -pbr!
I � I
i . 4.�, I - j I � I �
� ,I � I This is a proper move and one thoat Pleasantly spent in social interco rae, Mr. McCartnev, He hav filled several pr. . adju�table tap, ills sent into t e syrup re� �
in an important clivilion, is deeply - States. past, after which the evening was very' It, was five months old, an passes into syrup,
gnifi. The locks, fortunately, were 6ot riouOy
� I t, I . - i th6 collapse that is certainly i It should have blow ly soon games, 'etc. ; I b
i . ,� - � been made long ago. to I We j6in with the manyfriends- ders from the 8tates for this breed durilng . m0111100111 — I - �
I �� Impendin over and be forgotten. — . ceptacle, The syrup is of an excel t . I .
. I .
� I . . � �
. . N - By ways that are dark and trie; , of the newly married couple in wishing the past winter. . I , ten _. � / �, I
r - � ,ks that afe, — . I
I I �, I k - I : rids the highest mar.k,et
. 1. - i quality and comma
i - � , vain a, f u tile effort has � . I ? I them long and continued happinees in their Es eter. � price- Mr. Westlake deserves credit for I - . Teumd
� . . I �, �� .been made to hold 6n We notice that Hon, Mr. Foster is-tio, comfortable home in the township of Hay, J. (,,.i iSTANBURT. B. A., (late with Me-� 1
� - �
I .
I � : .
; �
. i, x ; is a' Canada. :
� ?� ' , *' 11 to the reins of power, .but the end " p- - I : i his ambition and $kill as a mechanic. I � seems tid
. . � Z, , Cmithy, 08ler & Co., Torento,) Barreatkir, Convey.; .
I -
. � , , � proaahing with ever ine' carrying out the agreement he ' _* the Chapman homestead farm. Bluevale. . A I weak -at I
. � . - made with -Dr. Allan Haley, A4. P for I - slicer, Nola Y,,, blonelt i o loan. omecs in
- Al. � ! . Aely oc.� great many people have visited the sugar, ery -i's steA
I 4 - _
_.., I I I I reasing rapidity. The Hants, LoCAL B_R1Er,s,--Trado is a little quiet in NOTES. -Mr Daniel Lewis, who has been oupled by,V, I 9 & qibury, over oweillij Bank,'
. i- 9t soon be timo ago in NovazScotia, d ed in the R I ho P Ob- the village at present, farmers being busily in poor health for some time back, is much or, 00.
� , a -PPC -al to the people ithat mu, Sir Richard Cartwright a short i . . 6s."'i use I bush of Mr. ",stlake and express their ,
I the ressult of' Exet to Igo to
� . - . yesterday's d tawa, Sunday morning, of -Bright2s disease 1681-tf I satisfaction in glowing terms of the working . I t, :
� -
I f 1, ivision the I -louse of Commons, to have the speech I 0 engaged on their land. -Mr. and Mrs, John improved. Miss Ina Thomas went to To, HY m F,-,4 i A T,, I I marke
I L i in the Legislature 11r,ay 'be taken as an index after a Ion 'and painful illness. -on
I - 9 - ednesday moming, at of the sap evaporator. This evaporator has .' I _� only mod,
I �
I - �
� of each on -the budget printed and circulated Shepherd were in London the fore part (,f ronto last week, where she has a situation. 7 6'clock� the marziage ceremony, which a oapacity 11 . I liew laid �'
7 Al - I , of the condition of the feeling that now -The first boar, for this rieawn left 0 for th6 Ea collected f,rcm,five
� . I in one pamphlet so the publi Col- thin week. -Mrs. Wilson Wood is in the -Mr. Walter Huggin is unable to work made Mi0s Ida G uld,' daughter of Mrs. hundred trees. Next year Mr. Wmtlake instance$
I : prevails. among the people of 0--ita-rio.11 . c could see lingwood on Sanday .last This WaR the village at peesent, visiting her parents and this week, on account of illness,
I I_` . �
. �- . : � It may be necessary to explain both sidesand judge.,for themselves. All steamship Telegram, S � -Mr. James John Gotild, of E
. ., �
� �_
- I t - . el -er, and Al I
. i I r, Charles ititeridemextending his sap house, adding to . M o "N, -ZR
� I that the . ho went direct to friends. Mr, Wood was also here during Terriff, of Moorefield, visited his brother -in- Coates, abr, of Mr. T36mas Coates, of Us. it a large woodshed and �
_� the Tory papers are now send' Sault Ste, Marie' and from the. .
, . I Ing 00 sup. - ; nee intended the week. -Miss HoLham, of Mitchell, for. borne, hus�and and wife,
�, , I r
I �� I tario Government,- and "the mutin ' . - wafi performed by machine day and night. Visi ade eel
I . i I - . . .�� 9 ' discredited agregation " refers to the Oa- plarnento cont%ini ig the speecFes of Sir to proceed up lake Superior, law, Mr, George CaEemore, this week.- t�Unnien�, the ier tio-a:43
`� � �
� 1. ,
I . - - � . . 0 ' ra ar M I
i building a Rev Mr.' Brown, Lt the residence of the cordially welcome by Mr, Westlake,wbQ stock -in
i i Charles Tupper and Mr. Foster, but thes of Shoal Lake, Mani6o- in Hensall, Chiselhurst and Sba,6.�Mr. high board fence along their track, betw bride's in, i �
� - 11 �- y among -William Kenny, merly of Hemiall, has been visiting friends The Crand Trunk Railway are I have b
�. . .. the followers 11 relates to tho di,isio, . supplements do not --contain any mention of ba,.was killed in a runaway accident at Ra,pid een Other. B)th Mr. and Mrs, Coates takes great . .
.1 - , �,
I .
; I ; r . I which . delight in explaining the ap-.,
T IL . . City, ,Saturday n igh t;. : returned fro C ar . �
. - . , - took place in tire L�gisjature a few days ago the speech of Sir Richard and Mrs, H. Arnold have in the 'ro8sing and. the bridge, to keep the e memb6ra Of our oldest and most re- paratus to a I enquirers.
. � .1 . �� ..' thus ? . How is this The unfortunate London and Aile �heie they had snow froin drifting on that piece of the rail. spected Eioneer cit;,ze no - and were numbered I =eStatteirloall
Z . . .. man was driviDg one, of Jery's a Craig, w - I -
. On a motiog made by Mr. German, of We . � creamery- been spending a week at Kister.-Mr. and road in winter. .. ter, reck
. . -Mise Alice Duff returned to among t 16 most respectable society in town. -
7 . - ,1. � D teams down street when the horses took M ra. H. �
I ! � 4 . L-
I - . . �Cheeee is
7 � - t . Rundle have moved from our vil. Clinton Collegiate Institute, on Monday.- The newl� married�'couple start out in life,s .
. . - # I for new v
. ; land, a aupporter of the 0overnment, and The Ontario 4! c '-- fright ind became unmanageable. - I -age and are now settled on the floe farm Dr. Toole has built quite an ingenion age ourney with the very brightest prospects A Great'Store.
I C I i
� . . :1 Ev u ational Association, at Alma.
I i't o
i ?�! . �_ which motion Ivas opposed by members of its thicty-ninth allnuQl Inaeling, held in To. -Mr. Edward Hooper, one of -the oldest a c J -The E. McFaul A., ivaler .
, _Q I r
, nm � AeOU
I .1 q e � e n Sea 0 to 5 a very
. 1-r I q� - - I which Mr. Rundle resentiv purchased from 'for hi's pet Fcluirrel, and one for Miss Cora before th I m, and wil! make their born in f r It i Co'
I the Covdt re*dderta of Toronto-, passed away on Sat- st,or i -wonderland.for , - .
� 9 *ichigati, where Mr. Coates is eg. all kinds of we , I ;
� I - Mr. D. McInnes, on the Thames Road, Us. M6ser's also,-Mias Ma gie McAllister, of Pontiac, I 1�c to re
ent, ' and on being pres. ronto last week, in the ele2tion of their offl- urday, in the 92ud year of his age aring appare C
! med to a division cers, made a - The borne, -Our young men and boys are I and House
. . I
I ; �d wa's born ii be- Hills Green, is Mrs. BaileY's dressmaking tablielted4n the hardware businc3s. Furnishings 0-
, -
� P 'L .� " assistant again this season. -At the anni. were the iccipient of many very v uable are splenkd' -
I I - was : carried -somewhat startling innovation. deceas( i London, Englbmd, and ginning to taik foot ball and other sports a They Not many stores more u t
i i . I by a small majority, ' vame to Canada in 1832
� The circum. They elected klra. A. M. Hughes, of Toron. - - He haA been en- a All tFe departments
� �
. - . j� . al date.
� I
ii-, i . " TioitoN_
11 - -
IN - stances are as folloNvs - ,�01-nc twent sure abign that spring has come. -Mr. E, 1J, versary services in the Presbyterian church, and hands'orne presents, represented and you will fi.nd ly
I 1. y fi ve to, as their preaident by an unanimous vote. gaged �� in the wholesale drug business for McRo ert , general insurance which shows the it a most I
I .- . y . � -
man ears. . . agent,of Lon. ! last Sabbath, t - he collections, which were esteem in1which they were regarde The mat
; lm' ' ,::� .' or thirty years ago a lumberman in ' Mrs . Hughes is the first woman to . d. Your pleasant p1sLice to do your shopping.
1 17 1 don, accompanied b3r his I
1. 1, . -- Peter- occupy -Mr. P. L. Woods, one of the oldest of daughter, Miss given to the Indian Fainine Fund, ftmount�ed correspondent joios their boots of friends in 1680-1 track at:
I � . boro, named .1)vott, w,ts charged with de. the highest office in tile gift Of Edna, was in"the village on Friday last, to about $32. The Missionary Society, in wishing them a happ married life, farmers"
I I .
� i, . � ' Bramp on',, citizpno died at his residence XiTni-.10NIAL.-A pret
I I � � the association. She ) t y
i,-, I fraudijug the Goverpment by making false _� combining -- b ' V Wedding took
'. . I
I , n. ad i- out lof ab,
: - - ii the wif there )n Saturday night. siness wit,h a visit with Connection with the church, gave a RIEPSI-77Thefuner&lof Mr. John Mar. place on Tuesday, April lOtb, at Poplar- �
, rf 0 'Ile came to friend o. -M ra. I Iff. Collins and Mrs. J. ics church,. Tu n- shall, at Oni6time a much respected citizen I 1, the residence of Mr. 0 I �Doe per I
.� - c f Mr. James L. - Hughes, the in. Bram pto tional five dollars. Eadi Grove, TuakeraMILLI
. �
7 i % Ise Harriett'R. Dale
;i . returns of timber cut on Crown lands. , n in the early fifties, and waq well Stewart, of Exeter, were in the village this' berry, to be a small country church, ( id -ex. of Exeter, took place from his late resi. (;Leorge Dale, when M
- I -
. I
� 2 f - spector of sehooJ8 for Toronto, and she her. known in the jewellery trade in Canada. week, renewing acquaintances. -Mr. A. A. ceedingly well, ntributing 840,.1-Nirr. dence, At Heneall on Saturday, was united in marriage to James H. Cam L I
. .'' I
I 'r I . These charges were thoroughly investigated self has beeu for a number of years identi. . When he retired four years ago he was tl-,e I co . V_
�� 7. at - the time. 1)"6139 tho iuvestig lied with educational work, especially the oldest business Man in Brampton. . . is, of the Commercial House, has sold (jeorge Haney has been suffering' with old an( rf,espectei Pioneer citizen, in t bell, of McKillop, in the ne TbRox
I I . . abion, 02.0te hf7 -Another
�_ - b
I 1; u � be I
, � � however, - Scoft I became 1n3anc and aubse- kindorgarten branch, which through her -The Schofield woolen mills, at f)jh * sineBs for the balance of the term, I a sore hand. - Mr. John Barge a person of N r. Thomas Werry, was laid to hundred guests. The ceremony was per- 1, I
k � . quently died. effortg principally was made a part of -the A by fire early awa, of his lease to Mr. Cantelon, of . : spent Friday- last ussels,_Nves rest in jtbq�' Exeter burial d on Satur- d timothy
4', I Ile estate was required t ere partially deatroye the, Metro- in Br . $roun forme by Rev. Mr. Tiffin of W on. The
I �. I - . Sun- politan hotel, Exeter. Mr. Wetz, we learn, I M a ry Schoal, 9. - Mominal
. �, 1) school system in Toronto, I y m,orni i3g. The centre section, which intends visiting Europe thi of Witigham, 'rvisitid day. j6llv party off young peop from bride was beautifully s6ti'tired and looked . I nominal
� - �,iderable sum
� - refund to, thd Province a con, - --- da le � alt
I . a Aul 7
I �. ; I wer, and many ex-, on Tuemday._ here t o ,in t e concert, at, Hensa)l, on W 9. Her *48ter, Miss Lizzie, .. - . Toroutto -
I taking in the Paris Exbibition.-Mr. J. E i Willie Burke, -of Z tla di pe t th .,aat3r Thursday i,night. -The lacirosse concerb com, acted as bridesmaid, while W. Rollinsono of
The London Advertiser says : - 1 (Oa a non - pensive machines, was totally e In a D e W, I
which it had b3reri pz,oven the Peovince ha,1 contained the office, to Mirier, and ! her eigiter; Mrs. John King, ery"charmin
I bOE'a defranqed of by Seo',t. T,ie mattee 0overnment motion, on no There was also a lbt of destroyed. McDonell was in Wingbarn this week.-' ' holidays with his grandfather, Mr, George mittee are making prepar4ti - $4.75 as!
i I %I ._1 Wed - sday-last, raw material do. , MaKillop, supported the groom. The pres- _( - bushel,
� -. ,� . ons for a good I
� .
. Was all attL;11_faN(i1y clo,�(,(l for a select committee of iDq uiry into some. stroyed. Th Mrs. R, Wright is in Gorrie, being called ,' Cme more. -NJ iss Aggie Herbert vi@itell 'a entertainment on the evening of May 24th. ,ents were numerous and costly, showin - - �
. . UP tiverity-five elOSSiSe3timated at $25,000, tbere-'the first part of this week, owing to.' Brusselg last Fi iday.-Adam Gray, of I Lg the .
I -_ I
i urill. � �
� years ago, and is fully covered by insurance'. . I H. Rica), 6iomedian, of Toronto, will siu !populari t 7
1 - b . her -daughter's illness. -Mr, Robert Mc. - ville, was visiting his father in the v1lagp, I The b,st, local talent i 9. _y of the bride among her acquaint� , �,
� .
. I Mr. GvinlaLi's niolu,n wai, lrotv- thing involving no' censure of the Oovern. Speaker Evanturel leaves Montreal for ances. After congratula - I
I I .
. I
I � _- � , ever, to o - I I 0 also on the vro. � i I
Z - , ; -pen up tilid ol,l tMnsaction again, nle.nt, the Covernment's view Laren, of the 'London Roado near here, is ' last w(ek. Adam is I ti011s were. over a
.� ..
;,! . against re- Ettrope on May l2th, in or . assistant to his ,I gramm _4mr.- H. Cantelon, late of to the dinin Lwip'
Z � I . der to represent prepariDg'to erect a fine n , the xe-paired
7 � 1, . 9 room, where a sump- �
.� . and have rt (��omziiitltee appointc,l t-) investi opening the matter was no' Ontario at the Paris 1.�,xpo _ ew ba,rn. Mr ! brother, Mr. William. Gray, tailor. r-,Nl r. i Met I - 4statvs e,
. I .t, Upbeld. This � i sition. He Will ropolitan hetol, has ]eased, for a term at tuous repast was provided for the occasion. .
� . . � '' Alex. Mchwen is aleo preparing to raise' Harry Stowe, formerly of this place; but I years, the �Commetcial House, at Hensall, The remainder of tbeeve - Lxvmi
I sail- on the steamer Parisian and will first 11 ; . Ding was spent in -
, � gate it. is a thing that hap�ens occasionally to ev his and make it a bank barn. -Mr. and Mrs. : more ve"ritly of Ooderich, was visiting in ; and will take possess __ 5"d to f.
i . . -to London, where he will sperid a wtek J. Sutherland vv ion about Alay is social chat anddancing- and it, was in the -1
P I �. ery. gol
I I .
i �
. -
. I I
. - What Mr. Gi riirjn�s ul) Wns in bring Administration. However, it has afforded or �ien days. ere in Mitchell on Wednes. i tire village this week. -While ap1lit.ting ; Al rs. . Andrews, i Miss Gould b. of I gueats . - . _3rFlm
. I � in- up the motion and pi 6ssing it to It di some si,tisfaction to ()ppohition J , The trip will probably do INIr � nee ' I �vea smal "outs when the I
. I , 11 - - day last. -Mr. William Henry Marshall, of wood on Thursday of last we k, !Johu � Pontiac Michigan, was ihome this pa,3b S. after wishing the happy couple - best sn I
! b - - -
- I which indulge in stcrem.�p tl predictions province. Ohio, was e , at- ' Haney peculiarly cut both his feet It ' week- or a Visit, a186 to p esent�--' the 1
. �'� i.. Vi6an, it is impo�siblo to say. Mr. German ournah Evanturel more good than fie will do the Cleveland, h rie this week, 6 , their home ,quality, 7
�q I - a . - a bright and Pro3peerous journey T,hrough
.. ;�_ I that 11remi(,r lto,s ,vvil e tending the funeral of his father, the' late ' seenis part of the wood pile fell on' him, I marria e of her sister, I I life. $5.15 ; 36,
. I . � . Miss Ida, to Mr. �
. . 14 � I be 'huried frorn -Thdfollowing 4ablegram. hag been re- J. P. Marshall. A number of the family driving the iLxc into both feet. One foot * Charles Coates. -Mr.' Job McNaughton, of , I - 3choieh b,
I i I. f, , ,
I as
w --- � to best
I I is lawyer, and it is not improbable that lie Power '-that is tile cnovetitional plir e, ceived by the DepaVtmeqt of Agricul'ure at were unable to arrive here in- t4ime, o %ving to gob quite a gash, but he will *soon be all i, Brucefi Id,- was in town on Saturday. -Miss I - --The dwelling house of 11r. Alexander . . good to
I i
I i I-' - has a brief froln eo"W of the surviving heirs we believe. The Advartif,er ventures to Ottawa, !rom the -high commissioner in the Ion distances at which the� live. -Mr
I � 4 ,
I . i - c_ reppat what"i t said a,few, days ago, namely, .. 9 , right again. -Mr. Harry Bosmano son of �� o f 11 oun t Fore4 to Ji a the guest of her I llender,AOD, 14th ConceSSion, k1tria, Was C -
!-. - to procure fiiir them a fefLlhd from the (;ov- Lofidon, dated 20th April, 1900 : " The Samuel Ok6, f Morden, Manitoba, sop -in-. : Mr. Edward Boaman, of Morris, waa mar- I cousin, ��Ties Martin, at !the manse.- ,oM_ . feedere' '
, i I w. I r � D 8 I Martin
� I - eirintrient, and his action waB to .Dhow ilig that, Premic' It'M is 8t, o g r to -day than Board of Agriculture has issued an order law of I I � Messrs. I pletely destroyed, �
� � - - �1 0 he was yesterday, and will be, Mr. X11ball, arrived here on Mon, I ried, on Wednesday of last week, to Aliss 1 George 11y dman and Vxecyge Manso I
t � �. -42 - . a
I i I I i - I - strobger to- rcquiring the slauahter of animals Irom Ar. � n along with the coutents, bologna
, - �_ . � .- - .. 4 � 0 day last. He was not able to reach here in ' Mary, _,iecond dpughter of Air. Henry Per- ' laid up thi6 week with a vory severe n are ; one mo - rning latelyj !the inmatet bayel fat 6ii
; � I., .
� , I L_ I 1. . I attack escapin _y
� �
� I i i . . hei,;rwrs, �
I � � - . ! . I - I : I 9 with their lives, I
. �, -i I . I I __ . - � . . I
i -_ . .
I , I I - . �
I i � I . :
I t" . I . I I
% % � - . � I
� 11 i - I I � -0
. . - �_
. . . -
7 a ,
I . . i .
. t. . � . � . I . I .
� I __ i I . �
o � - .
! � .
I i I � i� I � � . . . �, �
It. - '. . I �
f- I - - - I
. f�- � - - ,� . I : I D .
. � I � -
. I . . .
i � I . ; - � I � . . � I -
. , . . . i I I .
b I
b u
r I
I- I
__ t
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i i N I
I �
7 1 1 i _1� I-
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I - : . -
I . � I I . . i I I � �.
- - , 1- I I - . � � I .
. � I I - � - - -
I � I � 1. -_-1 I � - � _ - -, -_ _ i I - , I � .- �_ -1 _
I � -_ � - - I,--- - . I - j
I I . ��, � I . .- ,, ,� -________ -
I __ _ ____ __ --O_ I __ -
. I
� .
. .
I I I :
. I
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I . I - .
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I . - . I . . �.
I .
- I
. I . - - ___1
I I I � . �. - .__
. - � ___ 11. � ___,._
___ - I . . _..__.________._._. �l----.,--�l------.--�---.�-,--�----��..,_��. i I Ll