The Huron Expositor, 1900-04-27, Page 3Drops 'asar t. ►iii: of ct'a;il- and innate: f#s'ing tdrE`ni's f 1a i24 rest any pre - 0 F itore are 1'eGkr, Le of an to goods, and F. Hu}lnles, torsi Ee arrow ha3 :al just- eature is in - and. .tor ina' at- !:istle .:titters , test work - 1 ult iv for te;Ils lir, •;ily who -I ;fru-. E1) Ws 'ressrurt. t are Es) well �. 1 streak for t>i :4 6%000 .l ,:inry. y, which we eeial atten- ster, also our !t -tea. ft will or lers F lse- •li,_tri11tg rat ern. trae- . of 1r lir .chs APRIL 27,. 964) IMPORTANT NOTICES. REEs FOR SALT:. -For sale, f 00 or 600 stung chestnut trees, from four to eight feet high, et $16 per hundred. JOIi.N DUNN, Blake. 1887.4 �. Division �OI:IN Bl%AT'1'IIE, Mirk et the 13eraosid Covert. t. County Oo}nealssioner, of Huron, Con. veysnoer, Land, Loan And Insurance Agent. Rind! Invested and to Loses Otlioe--Over Shin) _ !t weals store, Main street. p,Iforth. lsev STOOK FOR SERVICE. OAR FOR SERYICE.-Tho`undorsignel will keep for service on Lot 8, Conoeselon 7,Tuokorsruittb, sthoroughbred Temw¢rth boar. Terms $1 payable at the time of service. JAMES STRONG. 1673 10 FARMERS. -The undersigned having - pur- ehaecd a thoroughbred , rng;steted Hereford 1J11tt, trent the herd of Mr, William Elliott, of Gader-! ich to nship, r+1t1 koep the osteo for service on Lot 11, Coneession 9, Hullett Vents 41.26 payable in t J. near} Qt st E. L. ARNHAM_ L CLataece..1688x4 110 PIC BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep ov Let 26 Cencession 6, L.'R. 8. Tucker :rah, thoroughbred Cues'cate Warn Pre, also a thorough- bred Y ONNBUU t* PIG. A limited number of sows will Le admitted to each. Terme, 111, payable at the time et service, or $1.50 if charged. Also a few Chester White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608.62 A ti.WORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR AER., �' ICE. -The under ter• ed will keep for sorvieo, .t the Brucetteld ,leeeee Factory, a thoroughbred Tatnwer;h Boar, 'nth reglatered pedigree. Terme, In ; payable at time of sorvtoe with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Also a number of thorough. bred young Tamworth Beare and. Bowe for sale. *Wein licOARTNET, Brumfield. 1406 -if STOCK FOR SALE. L'FIIA3f BULLS FOB. SALE. -1 he unch reigned Jej has for Bale 3 your -g thoroughbred Durham 1:ul:t+, eligible for rtgtstrtttion. They are all red in color and are txcellent deck. 11ERBLILT CtcICH , Lc.t 2i, Cont esston 4, 1I. B. 8,, Tuckersmith. Sea. forth 1'. 0. 16774f OR SALE. -Six grand northern bulla, 10 to 17 months o'd, the bed Scotch breeding. Also a pair of agticulturat home, rising 8 years, filly and gelding, gccd ones, ti e•1 bre ke and u+ed to all kinds of farm work. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont. 1834-tI OITi FOR SALE -Three heavy draught colts, ,two year's scid and I ono year old. Havingin K rented my farm they must be sold. Apply on Lot 5, Concession IS, Grey. ROBERT BLAIR,'ton. 16 Our direct connections will save yon time and money for all points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia iaand California points. Our rates are the lowest. We have them bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR- IST OARS for your accommodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk Railw . Trains tea,ve-Seaforth and Clinton stations ca ollows : Joni° Wali- Passenger Pa8eengt•r ...... , Mixed Train.... ttdirod Tr:ir Goma EasT- Pa,tsens4er....... Passenger.. , Itlixed Trsta.... .. '1ArOr.Tr1. CLINTON. 1.tlr.4. 12.66 P.M 10.12 P. el. 10.27 P. M. 11.20 A. M. 10.15 A. M. 6.15 P. M. 7.06 P. M 7.13 A. M. 7.38 A.M, 3,11 1', Ili. 2.65 P. b1. 6.20 P. M. 4.85 P. M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTII- Ethel Brussels.a.... Bluevale Winger= Goma Soorn- Winghaau Binevale Brussels........ • Ethel ....... Passenger. 10.05 P. M. 10.17 10.30 10.37 Passonger. 8.60 A. M. 7.00 7.16 7.28 Mixed. 1.40 P. M. 2.10 2.35 3.16 Mixed. 8.65 A. M. 9.17 9.46 10.02 BSOOTE SECW1ITY. Genuine arter's Little LiVer Pills. Must Bear Ignature of See FaaSicnllo Wrapper Below. Very small and as eas7 to take as sum' FO -HEADACHE. FO DIZZINESS: - FOR RILiOUSNE$L FOR JORPID LIVER: ,OR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN., FON THE COMPLEJIi0N -=moi e London, Huron and' Bruce. GOING NoaTE- I Passonger. London, depart.........: 8.16 A.m. 4.40 P.N. Centralia. . 9.18 6.66 Exeter.. _ .... 9 30 6.07 Bengali- .. . 9.44 8.18 Eippea 9 50 6.26 Brucetield 9.68 6.33 GIintq 10.16 6.66 Londoro ....... 10 33 7: 4 Blythe. 10.4123 Belgreve-.10 66 7 37 Wingham arrive...... A.M. 8ge I1.10 [1.63 Paeaengor. k Gor.'lo Scum- Wingham, depart... 7.043 1.15 P. M. Bolgrave 7.16 3 80 Blyth_ 7.24.- 3.55 Londesboro Clinton.............. 7.47 425 Brumfield 8.06 4.49 Kippea_ 8.16 4.67 iieneall .... 8.22 6.02 Exeter 8.36 6.14 'Centralia 8.46 6.23 London, (arrive) 9.60 A. M_ 6.26 " P. & D. Quality Satisfies " E. 8c D. CARTERS Reg PILLS. r'►0f!hil£ 44010Nv r9ID MV.TMAVe NATURE' t ts 1 Pnirel7 Vegetable.' .0enie CURE SICK HEADACHE. The E. tt D. wheel is the ally -Can adian bicycle that has built up United States business. It is the only bicycle with Four -Point Barings. a. `'"%iiif,7�?] _ c,r VIser 1 In four -point bearings the load is trans• milted in:a direct line, and there is no jam- ming of balls in the races. In ordinary bear- ings the load is transmitted at an •angle, wh iibh`greatly-i creases the pressure on the parts of .the bearing. In the E. & I). four - point bearing, the bearing never sustains greater pressure than the actual load on the bicycle. In ordinary bearings the pressure is often three times the actual load. E. & 1). locally guaranteed National bicycles have four -point bearings in the crank -hanger, the hulls, and the head. The bearing nutted for three years. E. & D. Road Mod( is, tren's E & D. Road Models, ladies' Is. & D. Special Modelo, with gear c K. & D. Rasing Mod -lc LI',eral options are Given in saddles, ggc The E. & D. being a n%tional wheel, is antecd. Catalogue on application. Don't r�eSSI At Result I ez (' This man k s ows what be did and how be did it. Such endorsements as the followingpare are a sufficient proof of its merits. a Oshawa, )!r 'ar., Feb. 22,1898. Dear Sirs: -Please send m. o s. c your Treatise on the Horse, your new book as advertised on your bottles, English print. I h" 'e cured two E{pavin. 1 and one Curb with two bottles of your Kendall's Spavin Cure in four weeks, TRANS JITBERIEN, - Price, $1; six for $5. As a liniment for family use it has no equal. Ask your druggist for KENDALL'S SPAVIN CUBE, also A Treatise on the Horse," book free. ar address DR. J. B. KENDALL GO., ENOSBURO PALLS, VT. Spring Backac THOUSAND of People Complain. of Persistent Backache in the Spring Months. EILLIN CLEVER WA SNAKE THE' HURON EXPOSITOR. A RATTLER. IN WHICH. THE 'KING DOES THE JOB. A. Rutile to the Death In �Vhit4h Lightning 181viitneas and Muscle Were More Than a Match For Ven- omous. I{ an gs That Couldn't Strike. If -the rattlesnake is justly called the ' king of Amer'ica's woods and rocks,. yet his erowlt is not held without danger, . r t,_ Mace he is hunted diligently and success - fatly. His fangs are indeed deadly, an& he wears a tine snit of armor, but the doer and the wild hog never fail to at- tack him, and -he has an enemy of his own kind still more dangerous to hitn. Shakes may be divided into three class- es. those which are venomous. the .con- strictors and those which are neither.-. Unless the secmnd of these are tvonderful for their size they secure little of our at- tention. and yet they are generally beau- tiful in colors, Most gracefulin action and often [roto lg our best friends. In Florida we have two cousti•ietors es- pc'c•in1ly noticeable, the black racer, which grows t, the leugth of 1.2 feet and tnekes n business oft wit 'ring o11 rats, and the ling snake. whose mission seems to ht' the extermination of the rattler. Ont• clay i wits returiting from, a day's hunt. at peace with the world tied myself, a Len 1 heard asquirm scolding as if he . we, t• a ward politician the night before gk'rt es) The noise he [Inde was so loud mid insistent that I tttrued out of my w:t' In see what could be the matter. 1 f:t: lel the little fellow on the trunk of a 1.1, atitottt ten feet rrotu the ground, truing about as if in convulsions. lie ;d tlourish his tail wildly. scold in ,.c•r, tltrenteu nu assault, run thick a I.e way up the trim: and them return .,ti scold again. � [ looked carefully and saw that his an- ger n -get• was directed nt a rattlesnake that lay. coiled at the foot of the tree. The snake ‘vas compressed into a ball, frnn the middle of whish its tattle, sounded con- tinuously. Its . blazing little eyes were fixed ueehnngingly upon those ' of the squirrel. The buzz, buzz droned on the summer air with a sleepy effect, but the squirrel scolded in an ever ascending key. But for the hint of the squirrel's eyes I cei:ld nothave located the rattler. Ills color and ,his variegated markings offered but little Contrast to his surroundings. Ibis Monotone of noise was indefinite, and to sight as well as in sound he seemed only a blur on the background of dark sand on wlhich he lay. Was the squirrel only curious to satisfy himself as to the character of 'thal strange object or was he hypnotized? have often amused myself by exciting the violent curiosity of the little animal, but never did a waving or jumping object awaken such intense and painful emotion as the rattler always demands. 1 .knew„ what must follow soon -that the squir- he 'Om law ing my the :her e, Sometimes it's pin Often extending to the shoulders, Accompanied by headache and constipa- tion. Sometimes it's just a dull ache or weak feeling ; You can't sit easy, cannot rest, Back all the time calling for support. These are some of nature's kidney danger signals that the' 'track of health is not clear. These symptoms are the forerunners of seri- .ous Kidney trouble, and you . need the "Great Kidney Medicine," Dr. Pitcher's Ba'kache Kidney Tablet, -because it deals directly with and removes the cause, faulty kidney action, and - its results. Seaforth evidence is the kind you can believe, .be- cause it is' so easy to prove, and among the many who speak of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablet merits is J. B. Thompson, Grain Buyer, Board of Trade, who says :- " Some years ago I hal an accident, result- ing in a back and kidney trouble. The pain was first in front, and finally shifting to the small of the back and hips. Change in the weather or exertion aggravated it. After using many things suggested, withoutre- lief, I got a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Bacache Kidney Tablets at Robert's drug store? and found them just what Ineeded. They took hold immediately,, and, although I did not quite finish the bottle, the pain, soreness, and kidney derangement was cleared away. I am glad to endorse them." ' If you have the slightest symptoms of Kidney or Bladder trouble you can test this great medicine free. Arrangements have been made whereby every reader of this paper can obtain a trial package of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets - abso- lutely free, by enclosing two cent stamp for postage to the Pitcher Tablet-o.t Toronto, Ont. When giving 'address mention this paper. If you are convinced that Pitcher's Tab- lets are what you Rant, you can obtain the regular size fcr 50 cents per bottle. If not obtainable at druggist.', mailed free of post- age on receipt of price. are guar - $60 age ..S70 870 are, tiros. locally guar - Lumsden & • W !son, SEAFORTH. Special Attention to I-forseshoeing and General Jobbing. ,Toderich street, - R0Iert Dev reux BLACKSMITH. and CARRIAGE Opp. MAKERIote�. Seaforth. Look To Your Closets. rel's cries would grow weak; that would grow dizzy and finally tumble fi the tree, hang a moment by one c and then drop into the jaws of the li death that lay in wait. 1 had raised rifle to save the little fellow, when tragedy was interrupted from ano quarter. Swift as light a form raced on stage. It was clothed in a gleaming coat of beautiful white and . black spots. It shifted and shone like a necklace of pre- cious stones, and "knew the king snake claimed a victim. • The newcomer was smaller than the rattler, its ground color was a greenish gray, and the spots scin- tillated in the sunlight which sifted down upon the scene from the tangled branches overhead. At the first rustle of its ap- proach the rattler lost all interest in the squirrel` which ran back into the tree. The fang snake held his bead high and raced round the rattler in a wide circle, while the rattler tried to slink away. The king darted forward as if to attach. and the rattler threw himself into a coil. The king was again away and racing:around with a swiftness the rattler seemed una- ble to follow with his eye. The rattler was cowed already. His crest was low- ered, his buzz, buzz was jerky and un- even, and although he presented a very different appearance from the self confi- dent arbiter of the woods which he had seemed when I first saw him I could think of nothing but some human bully surprised in the act of torturing his help- less victim and suddenly compelled to, face an adversary worthy of his strength. The king spake seemed to enjoy the situ- ation as ti cat does her cruel dallying with n mouse. ' Round end round went the king snake, tint) the rattler -followed the movement till its neck, was twisted. Whenever it ntteuapted to tura, the king would spring forward, and it was evident that the first failure of the rattler in swiftness would be the •signal for muscle to clinch with venom. The king would race from left to right and then reverse, and if the rattler failed to follow that would be the end of hitn. This happened, and 1 saw the' king in the air, but could not catch the strike so instantaneous was it. There was a confusion of flying pine needles in a cloud of white dust, and 1 saw that two inches . of the Ring's coil was about the throat of the rattler. Over and over they went, the king's bend above that of his enemy anti n curve 'of his body fisting as a buffer to keep up the motion which enabled him to take another turn and still another. And so the struggle continued till the rat- tler could not writhe freely, and he was. held as a vine wraps a tree. When be lay still, the snake began to UTacoil himself slowly, and at every mo- tion of his enemy the constrictor's folds c'ontrac'ted and crushed with killing ef- fect. Evan when there was only a quiver of the -tail the king still gripped the throat. It was plain he had a wholesome respect for the fangs that were still terri- ble. Asa last precaution the king ap- plied his nostrils to those of the rattler the A MOTHER'S KISS. hen but a child, if e'er I came to harm-- 1;'2rhaps'twas but a scratch upon my arm - I'd run to mother, and she'd always soy, "41'11 kiss it; then the pain will go away." Ah, every time it seemed to me that, though The mark remained, it never hurt me sol Iter Wing hisses div for me more good Than any kind of ointment ever could. Long yours h;tve passed. 1 may be childish yet. That youthful faney I cannot furget, For to my aching head 'tis soothing now To have those dear lips pressen upon my brow. For 1 remember how since long ago She's ria9led me it. her loving arms, and, lot ' i seem a child again and hear her say, "I'll kiss it; then the path will go away. Kansas City Independent. MORPHINE BEAT THE GAME. Tt Made n Young Gambler Quit While He Was a Winner. "l.see gambling is running wide open in Colorado again," said t cattleman of Topeka. "1 don't suppose, though, it is as wide open DOW as it was in the lute eighties. I was. in Manitou every sum- mer at that time, and the high games that used to ru a at some of the clubs would be an eye, opener to the gamblers of the present .day. Cattlemen were malc- int; money then, as were the miners, and they used to limit in Manitou and try for each other's pocketbooks, with the result that the professional gamblers got the money. „1. remember how one young fellow was made to quit a winner against his will Web. ' heR He e �� nsa Ile p His name was �• his one of the. big reaptl men, and folks kept him -supplied with money, wancc. He had been gam - cent of it. letting bills pile up id livery and everything else. His people sent word that they wouldn't send any more money and said if he got into trouble he'd have to get, out himself. His creditors weie just about ready to • r jump on tel him, whoa one night he made a big winning. He was playing faro in the club that's torn down now. It used - to stand over ft'oni. the depot and was the place for high play. "l strppOSe he bad $4,000 or $5,000 in front.of him when his friends began try- ing to persuade him to quit. Ile was just like all the; rest of them, going to break' the hack -and all that sort of thing, and he wouldn't quit. "It \vita a red hot night for Manitou anti ticith the excitement and all Rich hnd pulled off his cont atld rolled up his sleeves.- There was n doctor among his friends, and though he hadn't said any- thing to Itich./L suppose he felt a i'espon- sil,itity. becit4lse the young fellow had -come out here- for his health and had been referred to the Manitou doctor by the doctor he had at home. '•1 was watching the play, though 1 didn't know any of the people. 1 saw the doctor turn his back to the crowd for 0 minute and fiddle with something be had -taken out of bis pocket. Then be walketJ over to Rich and put his bitnd on his bare. man. 'You need a sedative,' he said. Quick as a flash he took the hypodermic syringe he had in his hand and fired a charge into'Itich's. arm. "Rich s:lid 'ouch' and grubbed at the- place heplace tt here he had been_iricked, but the deal was going on, and he turned- to that again. Before half the cards were out his bend settled on the table. he com- menced to draw goo was asleep. `The doctor took them in. then took a for the money and gave it to another friend of fich's to keep. Then he took 1 him into a carriage, took s office and watched over him to around the next day. Rich regular all( bling every for hotel a A FEAT FUL EXPERIENCE. • Row a Dog Saved 111s Taster' From an Awful Death. In "Wild Animals I Havie Known" !1"a, Erirast Seton Thompson relates a ter ble experience. IIe had gone out No to a remote district on his pony to nl„c ped some wolf traps. In one of them, found a wolf and, having killed it, w engaged in resetting the trap when ilhf advertently he Sprang the next one, and his hand was caught in the massi!ce steel jaws. "I lay on my face." he says, "and stretched out my toe, hoping to draw e within reach the trap wrench, whichT had thrown down a few feet away. Wolf traps are set in fours around a buried bait and are covered with cotton and fine sand so as to be . quite invisible. In- tent on securing my wrench, I swung about my anchor, stretching and reach- ing to the utmost, unable to see just where it lay, but tr1Ysting to the sense of touch to find it. A moment later there was a sharp 'clunky, and the iron jaws of trap No. 3 closed on my left foot. "Struggle as I would, I could not re- move either trap, and there I lay stretch- ed out and securely "staked to the ground. j No one knew where I bad gone, and there was slight prospect of any one coming to the place for weeks. The full hcirror of my situation was anon me -to be de- voured by wolves or die of cold and starvation. My pony meantime stood patiently waiting to take me home. The afternoon waned, and night • came on -a night of horror! Wolves howled in the ' distance and then came nearer._ and near- er. er. y upon on and devoured the carcass of the qne I lead slaughtered, and one of them, growing bolder, came up and snarled in..my face. "Then.there was a sudden rush and a fight among the wolves. I could not see well, and for an instant I thought my time had come when a big fellow dashed upon me. But it was Bingo, my noble dog, who rubbed his shaggy, y panting Iltln g sides against me and licked my face. He bad scattered the wolves and killed one, as 1 afterward learned. , "'Bingo, Bingo, old boy! Fetch me the trap wrench" Away he went and came dragging my rifle, forhe knew only that I wonted something. " 'No, Bingo; the trap wrench.' This time it was my sash, but at Iast he brought the wrench and wagged his tail in joy that it was right. "With difficulty, reaching out with my free hand, I unscrewed the pillar hilt. The trap fc;11 apart, and my hand Was released, and a minute later I was f ee. Bingo brought up my pony, which rad fled at the approach Of the wolves; and soon we were on `the Way home. With the dog, as herald, leaping and barking for joy " Parties desiring to have their closets emptied before the warm weather cornus on can have It done zloty and without any trouble -to themselves by the undersigned, Charges moderate. A card addressed -to Seaforth ppostctilee will receive prompt" attention. WSi. COOPER, Segforth. 1688.2 MONY TO LOAN. Roney to loan at 4i per oent. on first-class farm land security. Apply- to R S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Seafor$b. Are you going to Manitoba ? 1f so, don't forget that Dauphin is the finest district In the Prairie Province and that the leading Real Estate, Loan, Insurance and Cornmir+slon agents there le the firm of STARLING & MURRAY. Office, corner of Main street and Wak fisld avtnuo; en- trance, Main street. Correepoude CO solicited which will bo promptly attended to. Send for list of !Arm and town properties for sale. . 1885'13 Por over a year we hsve.iad the INDAPO. Our first order Was for our last for One Hundred and Portyf TRADEMARK 41112 EGISTEISTERM gcncy for the sale of quarter of a dozen, nr Dollars worth. apo a well Man of er INDAPO Mk GREAT HINDOO REMEDY ?AODIJJOIES THE ABOVE Renato in 80 days. Cures all Nervous Diseases. Failing Mentor? Paresis, Sleeplessness,_ Nightl7 Emir done, eta., caused be part abuses, gives vigor and size to shrunken orgens and quickly but surer restores Lost 3lanhood in ofd or roung. -E.sily carried in vest pocket. Prins #1.00 a package, 81z for 95.00 with a written guarantee to Dore or money refunded. DON'T DHT AN IMITATION, but Insist on having INDAPO. It your druggist has not got 10�rwe will send it prepaid. IitNDOO Iagt1EDY CO., IPropr., CYfeaMre, M. .t oar Arsets. This rsrpld introns proves it is .i isdy that everyone Ngo tries It speaks vigil of. 1 Y PEAR, &afertb. Oat.. e Ie S1 and repeated that several times as it to detect the faintest breath. Satisfied at last, it released its enemy, but still wntelied, ready to resume its hold at the slightest sign of life. There 1 left him, keeping grim guard over the body of his vanquished foe. -Youth's Companion. long breaths and the chips, cashed nd wrote tl receipt Rich. toa*. him up to h until he can paid his bills, but he did no more gam- bling in alnnitou. They wouldn't let him play again."-De'_nver Republican. Different Circumstances. "Remember." said the young man's fa- ther, "that when 1 was your age I earned my own living." "Of course." was the answer. "Yon did the h st you could with your opportu- nities Rut I'll venture to say you didn't get nearly as good a living as I get now without working." -Washington Star. Italian Policemen. Everywhere we go in Italy we see a pair of gendat mes standing in the rail- way stations up and down One is never s in couples. r in a lazy way parading lie platform side by side. en singly; they are always, 'hey are generally hand- some young amen, immaculately dressed in black, with cocked hats, white gloves and swords. They never appear to be doing.anything but looking -about and are apparently too well dressed to think of soiling their clotbes with men's duties. Their doubt been a mystery t They must be oxceedin; they are seen at even. the smaller stations and always in inseparable couples. They me known as cernbinari and are made up-hf picked menj from the Italian tinny, who receive increased pay, serve for eight years and then have a claim for some civil post in the public service. They are said to -form a very creditable and eflicient national police, and without their watchful surveillance acts of brig- andage would be frequent in Italy as in former times and perhaps political out- breaks also. -Letter in Detroit News. "When a man wants an excuse," said. Charles Kingsley, "the devil *Ill soon fit him with n good one." Brinks are divisible intd two classes - tate' books of the hour and the books of .1) , n,,, Itnal:in. ordinary police- xistence has no many a traveler. iy numerous, for MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SEAPORTS, .ONTARIO. MO WITNESSES REQUIRED.' A Practical Question. G. R. Glenn, superintendent of public instruction of the state of Georgia, tells this story: , One day he bad Escplained the powers of the X ray machine to a gathering of clavicles who had assembled at a school commencement. Atter the meeting was over a negro called' ltitn aside.and want- ed to know if he was in earnest about the Machine. M1. Glenn assured hits that "11 et el thiel, oto' an 1 lien Ituskin's li'anity. In one of his lectures as Slade pro- fessor of fine. art at Oxford 'Mr, Ruskin confessed to his hearers something of his own appreciation of his literary style: "Norte of my writings are done fluent- ly. ".11ie second volume of 'Modern Painters' was all of it written twice, most Of it four. times over, and these lectures have been written -1 don't know how Many times. You may think this was dine merely in an author's vanity, not; in a tutor's care. To the vanity • 1 plead guilty. No man is more intensely vain than I ans. But my vanity is set on having it known of the that's I am a good master, not in having it said of me that 1 am a smooth author. M vanity is never more wounded than n being called a fine writer, ,meaning that nobody need mind what I say-" It is a curious circumstance ti at while his mastery of language won for him and' his ideas on art a wide audience throngsH out the English speaking world his Ox- ford lectures wer slimly attend d by? the students of that Diversity. T e ledture; of which we are speaking, for example,] although' nomin lly given before "thel University of Oxford," was in 'fact de -1 Iivered to four hearers, aid three of the four, as the Slade professor bluntly told them, ought not to have been at Oxford tt all. -New York Sun. A Woman's Shoe should be like herself -dainty and delicate -yet strong to endure, iThis is the King Quality all over. It's }s � J retty- as a shoe can be made and as strong also, and 'fl' for it doesn't look as though it was made for a man. Ir Ss � who don't know it, guess .Peoples the price somewhere around $5, and TRADE,and, yet it is only $3. t Alk to see King Quality. MARS guni he was. nss, wants ter ax you ef er nigger ticken kin you look in hi m an see Thy, yes, Ephraim," said Mr. Glenn. 'ell, boss, 1 wants ter ax you, one niestion. Kin ypu look in dot nigger what. dat chickeu cum from 7" - phis Scimitar. The Difference. "When 1 came to this town," said the man on the dry goods box, "everything I had in the world was tied up in a red bandanna handkerchief." "And now?" nsked the tourist who was waiting for a train. "And now," -replied the man, "every- thing I've got In the world is tied down with mortgages." -Chicago Tribune. - Clear to HIM. "What's an educator, pa?" "You ought to .know, Freddy. One dined with us yesterday." "Aw, yes, I know. It's- a teacher with her Sunday clothes o -n." -Indianapolis Jotirnal. glattery Is like a fairy tale; even tholugh one does not believe it, one listens willingly to it.-Fidele Blatter. Gorgeous Swordie. Of gorgeous swords which are not so much weapons as settings for preCioup stones, the most valuable in England iS said to be the one presented byl the Egyptians to Lord Wolseley and valued at £2,000, but thia sum is compara-Ovely little for a bejew led sword if the vain() of the sword brot ght over to Europe bly the late shah of ersia on his first Visit+ - namely, L10,000- an be taken as a Stand- ard of what a iamond hilted weapon ought to cost. T ose who can recall that wonderful saber Will be somewhat skep- tical about the eiistence of the gaikwar of Baroda's sorgeous blade, which ',is supposed to lbe worth more than '2,0 swords of equal beauty _and value to the shah's. But it is popularly supposed that the diamonds, rubies and emeralds with which it is thickly incrusted bring up its value to about £220,000, Which at 4 per cent riepresents an incomie of al- most £9,000 a year and renders the pos- session of sirch a sword something more than a mere Iluxury.-Chambers' Journal. Trnest economy to get the Best A cheaply made cream separator is dear at any price, because faulty in � • ; ' �_ � �„ s . • � construction, liable to break, and diffi- cult ` to operate. The Sharpies N. Is with a capacity of 325 lbs: an Hour, .and the Sharples W. H. S , with a ca- pacity of 300 lbs„ are the fittest pro - duets of the largest and best equipped cream separator factory in the world. The materials entering into the con- struction onstruction of these, machines are the d workmen, aid is subjected to the best obtainable. The work is done by skilled retial contradiction, say mcst rigid insjeetion. Without fear of sub to it Matra is we can hand that fpr ease in operating, clean skimming and durability, el to nole other owel steam 'separator made by any one anywhere that is qbuyer should s. P s on their merits. We believe that the buy We sill' these machines lIl e e allowed to decide which machine is best for him- to buy. We leave them t h ne for a week''or ten days,. with privilege of returning the mac intending buyer W. H. S. ma- chine, - satisfied with it. Price of No. 1 machine, X90 ; a if note perfectly We -want a reliable man, wit chine, f�t 5. , Write for illustrated catalogue,0 McKillop. Will with - home and 1i to sell the Sharples Separator in the Township f P ho., � g� paysalary or commission. Write at. once. W. t. IME , TE Lon des borO , Ontario. Time moves along at the seine old pace -no matter whether 'your watch Is run- ning or not.-Chiengo News. CASTOOIA For Infants and Children. Ths fur dulls dpasurs IF YOU have , .to paint them now. There is but one paint to use, THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO'S SPECIAL FLOOR PAINT. Put on' at night, ready to walk on in th morning. It drieS with a gloss. It is put up full measure. IT IS SOLD BY Estate Jo nson Bros., Stator* Sl China, in Country t the modern exchange. w Going China. any respects the !greatest e world,- is without any of eans of transportation and ts immense traifile is still handled in the most primitive manner - strings of camels that reach from the city gate to the horizon carry the tons of coal for the people's fuel. Pack inlules from western provinces laden with dried fruits, silks and rugs return with salt fish and senweeds. Heavy carts grdan beneath casks of fragrant wines-. TOwboats are dragged along the canals and rivers -by dozens.ef straining men. The traveling merchant rmty make his trip by cart, boat or sedan 'chair if the weather be mild, but if it be winterrthe mule litter will carry him over the rough- er country, or he may skim along the wa- terways on a ight Sled propelled by hu- man arms and legs. -Leslie's Weekly. , pet of pieces from the leading filik Houses of Canada,' and. aro mailing theta In packages each containing a choice assortment of finest silk, in newest patterns and brilliant colors, enough to cover over SOO square thews. Notbingliketlicin for flinty Work. Mailed for Ifietit. Varlane,1:10 Yctigo St., Toronto. Eargain List, we Will send four 9-11n h Dollies for envie k is. Thum Dollics ale t stamped in the latest and prettiest tie- t signs and are sold. ge,,.rularly at 10 tents ; ea, h. Don'tstnel stamps. Johnston A : Aux bricks up that "Ye did, sor "Well, I've you've only d The other ha the ladder." neatly nted and bound In ono votumo. A 1;1 grand lioctiou of Musfeiti Gems, sent mental. -path- etic, ca 'c • A veritable treasury of tbeiworld'a popu- lar and beautiful songs. Price, 70 cents. postpaid. JoHNETON &MCFARLANE Yonne St, Toronto, Can, Chi.° Uma !tine. TSHIF/II Etiquette of Courtsbip,“juat out. A feW 0. -the dYcjbaiponunggPte'Etoti-"LadnquitettYreL7Cht‘ar'llierMadettersh.Wecd'.gasYllytille$S.°:asoure61c-71biroroallmaPraontoevrt:417Wciatd: ordinary -pipe MI ofOncori. Wittiest (revere Twenty. smokes of Havana to- lia.cco.for tho price or ono poor re or. Latest novelty out. Battu ;defer We. Agents Haulm- L 401matoll Mast -ion n, Tomer. -B4O,,Y,,,,:zeSffs.PaRboitaeNTr. ufd.12. A complete printing office, containing a font of changeable ribber tyw, ink moralism, ongene. Toronto, Cam CHARM PENCIL •UenutiniliVangraved' ed pencil. kesaprettyan ineful v_tch charm. the lead screwing In and outas desired. Mailed. 110 for 10 tents trIblItieept"azd tea Negro, Yankee, Irish, and Patch dialects, both la prase and verse, as well es humorous compovitiana of every kind andcharacter fientpasipaidior 10c. A WONDERFUL ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND 1\TO-STO ions to Please-. ight I hired you to carry - ladder by the day." been watching you, and ne it a half a day today. you spent coming down it Detato Its Purpose. "Don't you think it's very rude to talk during an artist's musical performance?" said Willie' Wishingtorg "Yes," answered Miss Cayenne, "espe- cially when one considers that the Inueie is designed to give relief frolm. the stu- pidity of conversation." -Washington tars Working overtirici.e. Eight hour laws are ignged by those tire- less, little workers -Dr. ing's New Life Pills. Millions are always at work, night and day, curing Indigeitibn, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stom- ach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, Pleasant, safe, sure. Only 250 at Fear's drug store, A Medicated, Toilet Soap of the Purest, Awarded Silver Medal eater Britain Exhibition, 1897. A FEW REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD USE NOVO. Reg. No. 3007. WHAT IT WILL DO. approaching where a, is teed. it -It will clean and polish paint work and not kill the gloss of the paint. 3 -It will clean carpets without taking them 'up. 4-4.t will clean linoleums liks new. 5 -It will clean bicycle chain and rims, 1 -Prevents all contagious diseases from 6 -It will elean and remove paint, i1 and grease stgns from -woolen and. cotton eloth- ing. Also cleans coat collars and hats. 7 -It contains no alkali and is strongly re- commended for waehing the head, as it imparts a silky and natural gloss to the hair, and is especially ueefel for children. "DRICE 12e and 20c a BLOCK cleaner on market. Try It on fingermarks on doom J._ Full directions en bloat,. R. H. LAYERS 66 CO Ltd Atlas Werke, East Float, Birkenhead, Liverpool, Eng. Novo Is claimed to be the cheape.t and ee pn •) Estate JOHNSON BROS,, Agents,Seenerth. 16874.2 System R6novator • -AND OTHER - TESTED - REMEDIES. A and antidote ter llama, Weak and Im- pove bed Blood, Dyepepida, Sleeplessness. Palpate Mon jot the Heart, Liver °antitank Neurelgis, Loss ot Memory, Bronchitis, tftntiumption, Gall Stones, eauridme, Lie neer and Urinary Disease', Vitus' Noes, Tamale Inegulauieles sad General Debility; LABORATORY-Gaderich, Ontario. J. M. DfoLEOD, Proprietor and MR/111 Sold by 3. 8. ROBERTS, Beafortb. Merton Stock Farm, LOT 2,7, CONCESSION 8, RIBBERT Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls of the most fashionable strains for Sale at reasonable prie,es. Post <Ace address, AVID HILL, Staffs, slots MONEY TO LOAN Funds of private parti,,s, &Ise oompony lulu* .0E1 at leered rates on first mortgages terms to sun borrowers. JAMES L. ILILLORAN, Banisher.