HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-04-13, Page 6I ,
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___ 7 - I . � H TO POWDOR. she sipped from each of herl glasses, and The men gabbled over their wine of what I - - __ I c I I
, ,
VETERINARY ASOCIAL SUCCESS. I'HIS TORC did not. interest him, of clubs and . horse I . il
' 4
. . Drch to thq dipped so deeply into the iced champagne - "
. . Touch a lighted b which cooled thirst excited by highly sea- ' races, and the fluctuations of fancy stocks. I . 0 I �
ontents of a Powder mill and The StAmp of Security I
. - 4
�_ - . .
d to of Ontario � it goes I But soned viands, the heated room and agitation He neither smoked nor drank, and was the : .
OHN GRIEVE, V. S., h ra PAKT II. --- Up His I I I I �
Onor lldlsO;:O otDomeatic . ore vivid only man there who did not do both.
Veterinary College. , Al . it isn't the torch of spirits, that her bloom was in I I I .
i m t'lly atten to - e e I " Slatier Shoe ", put there b the
ded to and The evening. meal -an excellent one, . e wifals music was to him the only redeeming i 0 t y �
animals treated. Calls I -- - that blows up the when she arose from dinner than w6en oh i . :
charges moderate. vctoX�ryrDentetry a specialty. ice- VTA� _'1% e occasion, and he would have I I �
office and residence On Goderich street, on, door which Mr. Cornell did ample just W�s I mill 6 it, s the pow- zat down. She was quite- at ease now, and ' feature of th . L ER
- ft. . a 9 Make s a uaiantee of wear -value -a protec- Z .
as, So&forth. 1112-tt over. Father land mother, as Was their der.' The .stuff is enjoying, with the zest of an artistic nature, enjoyed that more in his own varlor. BaC V, 0" F
East of Dr. Sootva OT. . custom, had visited the nursery in company, . I \ all ready to ex. the features of the novel scene. with everything and full I . tion aillSt le:itortionate profits.
------------ � heard the ebildren's Prayers, and kissed i . plode. It only I �
LEGAL A & _N The tempered light streaming over and of delightful anbicipations, ' 11 Everybody 11 ' I _� -_
The orderly house- i needs one touch- Many men would readily pay More for a . I .
them 11 good -night." t. repeated by silver, -china, and,dut-glass ; the had been so nice and kind, and what did ill. � I �
, '
- - hold had saffled. down into cheerfqf quite I . of fire to start i he lace table. natured people mean b 7 saying there was I - I I ( I on - ... - _,_� --
L. KILLORAN, W h e n a man's flower -borders that cries -cross t � I �� Slater Shoe " we�e not the price stampec . ..
JAMES that fell like dew upon weary nervei. Susie blood is all ripe cover laid over rose-tolored s%tio, the sup- no teal sociability among fashionable Pao- � � - I I __. I
Barrister, solicitor, coDvoyancer end Notiry went t the �iano preaentli and played a . and the fault- le ? For her part, she believed that the _- . the sole - this sta�dp gives the actual mariet
money to loan.. office over Pickard's Store Peru I I and ready for dis- berb costumes of the women . LL - I ; .1
Public. 1628 siv: noct 1rne, then mang softly a couple ease it only needs less gaimente of the men ; th'e rapid, noise--- ,ligber one mounted in the social scale the IN value of the shoe determined by the Manufac-
Main Street, Sestorlbb- . ,, of Arthur's'f vorite ballads. The might was a littlia touch to lees exchange of one delicacy for another, . ,more genuine goodness and refined feeling rc i . I
ta going.
.. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, blustering, and in the silence succeeding the start hi � ome of the dishes being as new to her as she would find." Several of the ladies had I . turers. i iv
JM. . . a . . I
Notary Public. offices up stairs, over 0. W, music, the wedded pair, seated before the . Maybe he gets a e ft� promised to call upon her, and, as one said, I � ',-,�J'4 _. *
. Made iu t 1, i
pspeVs, bookstore, Idain 9treet, Seafortb, Ontarlo. would have be'n an entree' of peaco6k
1627 soft -coal fire in the- back parlor, beard the slight. cold gets . Welve , �i �
-by echoing sharp. wet feet or sits in a ,draft; brains or a salmi,of nightin�gal&' tongues- 11 to ' take her in with them." -He had never . . I 0 . 11 I ,�, I'll I
. hurrying tread of paesere re fascinating to one whose love of the Arthur harkened ailently,� � 0 foot -Model. shapes, all .
. then off he goes -into -a gal- we , � � .
. Barritter, Solicitor &0� ly from the f -ozen stones. loping consumption, . ctureaque and be"tiful w: as a passion. boen able to give her such pleasures, a fact .1 . U - I - ., 1.
itENRy BE&TTIR, ffice_�,&d Is Block: Sea. Arthur. et ded the restful pause. His . I � 11 I a - . sizes, widths, leathersi . .
Money to loaa. O y But it isn't the -draft that This was the sort of thing sho h d read of that amote him hard when he saw how zest- : I I I I 1. - .
forth. 1679-tf choice of at] keme and the lightness of his does it; that only starts him. His blood ija English novels and American newspapers, fully she drank of the. newly opened sprilog. �, colors and styles. 11:very P r Good- - . � �_-
tone were he -oic. -was all ready for it in the first place. It was - - wet 1planket " her enthus- � I I I .
ARROW & GARROW Barristers, Solicitors, &o. the enchanting mode of life for wbich she He would not welted. I.; I �
, nt. 11 Low neo r and short sleeves for me to. thick with bilious poisons; clogged with year . . .
flami,ton St. &'nd Square, Godericb, 0 , had arned secretly, the atmosphere in iasm, so did not hint at a discovery made to . . I .
GCor. J. T. GAILROw, Q. (). morrow nigh,, I suppose, old lady ? That germs of disease all ready to be roused into a guest to the I � . . 5o and .
CHARLES GARRoNy. L.'L. B. is to say,. claw -hammer, and low-cut vest. fatal activity at the least touch. whiX.,he should have been bo!rn. him by -a chasee remark of I 1 $3 �5 - 00- - DRI - - . .. .-
- irto . . The return in feminine file to the drawing host, Invitations for this particular dinner . Rw
It's lucky I had them made for Lou Wilson's - my wife had a severe attack of pleurisy and I -1 -
. .
of , Hol - !er, Usq., of Rock- room- Of - part of the company WAS a stage of party had boon out for tan days. , A I . -WiLLIS, SOLE LOCAL -AGENT FOR SEAFORTH. . -
NCl. CAMERON, formerly Of Cum art . wedding laf t winter. There wouldn't be lung trouble " s Abram Fre ' - 11 Then Smais and I were second fiddles," I - . , .,
camoron, Barrister an& Sollolto a bridge Gre�nxo., Ill., in a thankful letter to the pageant with Jaue Eyre's life at Thorn I - -_ — I ��
.. 0McO_:_11jmHJ.on gtreat, oppos ��� olb-o time to get t p the proper rig, and regrets Dr. R.V Pierce, of Buffalo, N.Y. "Th*doctors hill, and Annie Nwarde and 10aida's stories inferred the sensible cashier. " I wonder . - .
Ontario. -1462 based upon I No dress -coat ' would be rather gave her up to die. she commenced taking Dr. � 11)
noteL � . awkward. " Piercals' Golden Medical Discovery and, she be- of hospitality at English country houses had why she asked us �Iat all I I healer orl loud -mouthed demagogue. Re- weather of the winter they have to sera
I Pe"
I 8, HA . syl Or, t e� cot and 11 Decidedly ! No man of whatever . age gan to improve from the first dose. Bythetime made her familiar. She hoed bdelse (To lie continued.) ligious opinions and convictions, in a maj.pr- away the snow with their fore feet and get I .
I Notary Public. 110ito, for the Dominion . she had taken eight or ten bottles she was cured. noticed Arthur's surpriied sialre, as the men t ity of casos,'are the crude product of other at the nourishing dried grass beneath it, I
O's look, Main Sims%, Beaforth. should be- without one," rejoined the nascent and it w,, the cause of a large amount being arose and remained standing,with,no move- . . 1
1236 fashionist. " Some men never sit down to sold here. I think -the I Golden medical Discov- GLAD SPAING TIDINGS. - minds. A good deal of intellectual swoll�w- This, however, is not always .necessary, a. �
Bank. Office- . � ' _j I � ty those who would doubtless the snow in the Chinook belt is taken - �
40ney to loan. - dinner exce t in evening. -dress. It must be ery I is the beat medicine in the world for lung ment in the direction of the i esca lag fair . . ing is done It . win - .
P h trouble." - ones. With flutter and bu�z. au4 silken credulity. Some at ftequent intervals by these warm , �
- X. BF,6T, Barrister, 801101t0l. NOtQry, &G- very nice tc live in that way. I like sue � Not only for lung trouble is it the most rustle,,the dames swept through the hall PAINE'S CELERX COMPOUN I D reaent the . imputation of I . .. when ridin ch
a office-Etoorog, five doors north ofoornmerola graceful ceremony in ef riderful medicine in the world but for. � I . I who prate about their prieat-ridden 'neigh. It in surprising . g pas -
Tanud floor, next door to 0. L. P&p@t s prday customs, " I VV back into the drawing roomLand disposed � I r bore are quite as effectually saddled and horses in mid-wiuter to seb how fat they
label, g Goderloh Arthur cait about fo'Fsomething neater toj� every form of weakness and debility. It akes Sick People,well.
swalry store, Main street, Soatorth. 1215 clay than the disma3ed ejaculation bitten off.' redeems the very sources of life from these -themselves upon couches And easy chairs, - M i '�111 bridled, if they only knew it, ai those tbe� look� their bellies.often having the appear.
ezits--Camaron, 1101i and Cameron . . 11subtle p6isonous. taints which lay the sys- where tiny glasses of pbrtumerliqueur were — � pity. � This is an age of brilliant mental sued of being inflated. Wben most of'the; -
ust in time, - , I .
. 3, It us disease. It g7ives handed to them. I drinking -places are frozen -up they get alogg.'
COTT & MaKF-NZIE, -'Barristers, Solicitors, Ott-, It must help a fellow to feel altogether tern open to dangero, . I life,,, THE GREAT BANISHER OF ALL effort ; bat brillian-,y seems to be confineil '
. to C)p its "Exactly like a story of riental By CARFLESS LIVING. to fixed stars, from whose radiancy the very well with nothing -but snow to quench
- S Clinton and Bayileld. Clinton office,. Elliott at his ease in his company accounterments'l- digestive power; It I s the liver � � 1. TROUBLES BROUGHT ON , . .
open every . elYood; builds up&' lid - I
block, Issaa Street. Bayfield Offi6e, f post office. inspiration coming in the nick of time. work; enrickes the b mused entranced Susie. ' I . i surroundin ffmassen are satisfied to gather,16 their thirst., though it is said a b&nd of .
. Thursday, Main street, il I Now', fo*r the first time, Xitty had the ! borrowed I ulg a L
xat door west o e ence. What the ra
Cott & E. H. McKenzie. . 11 Moat men look, and, judging by mysalf, strength and vital force. . . world ho es will travel miles aeros the frozen
money to loan. James- S 1698 feel like newly -imported restaurant wait When you find -yourself losing flesh and opportunity to show to her se400l-friend the The cities and towns of Canada in spring- dent individual prairie to get at an open spi�mg. This lift -1 I
. ere tite * growing Jistless by day -and . wants is more indepen I
� when decked out in their swallow- tails. " PC I ss , by night there is an . eviemy . pointed and peculiar attenti6na the rhap- time are full of people who are in a thor- thought. Let business men quit the ruts naturally enables them to --stand hardshipw -,
AmxRoX, 90= & HOLMNS. EAFTIsterb 00- ash see I - sodies� of yesterday had an6orized her to oughly wornout, 11 unstrung," and � out out thinking path@ for themselves. that would kill an eastern horse, and ofj4_,
llgibor# tn Ch&nosgy, &c.,Godexich, 0 1 M. C. , The conventional" dress coat" is rewd lurkin ready to apply the torch. Write t. - Up to this moment nobody had dition, brought on by careless and heedless An hour of careful thought and wise plan.- a rancher will leave- his horse tied up ,ont..
C flana, Q, O., pame norm, DuDiarnHoLmas teat of innate gentlebood. A thoroughbred to r. ierce. Your letter will be con- exPec . ' I
a never moi � e truly one than when thus �P. sidered strictly confidential and - he been introduced to her except the man who living. Sleeple,E!iness, irritability and des- ning is -worth a whole day of aimless plod- ; side for hours in the coldest weather, Ima- - .
noLMESTED, successor to the I pareled. T e beat it can do for the plebein, n ad Ice. His great 'k her to dinner. I And this perhaps after a ride of 15 or 20 mil
his Arm of , too pondency help to make the cup of wietebed- ding. -Ponder the path of thy feet, i i OL .
FMoCaughey & Holmested, Barrister. solicitor -page book, TUC People's Com- 11 I must have you know 4 these friends � , country -
0 who would perfer to eat his dinner in his t6ousajad ness more complete. let all thy ways be established." Needless to say, most men in this I -
Conveyancer, and, Xotaiy 80110i'101 for the Can Mon Sense Medical Adviser, vifil be sent " of mine," she purred, taking The army of broken down men and wo. � are not so neglectful as tbis. Consequestif,.
. 6. Money to lend. Farm shirt sleeve , is to bring bi.n up to the level §usie'a hand in . I &_
adisu Bank of Commere Main street of a hotel -waiter. . hee paper -bound for the bare cost of cus- both of here, and leading her wi.th engaging men should know that new and vigorous , eep Mystery. 11 they would, in a campaign where bay andi ' .
for we. office in Scott's .Mock, .. I . tomg and malling, 31,one-cent stamps, or 4, gash" up to the mauve-& dfwhite mar- health depends on purified blood, regulated 6 food were scare find nourishment in cooxst
lestorth. I Arthur lo ked like an una,SSUMIDg gentle dress Dr. : I It is a mystery why women endure Ba k- . _. . �
- � man 0 following . evening, when be ft. v. Pierce, BuSlo. N. Y. �� -!' vel. . nerves, sound sleep and perfect digestion. ache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, asses and scrub bushes, on which the bigil-
I 11 Mrs: Vani8ttart t4is is 'my dear old FE
� DENTISTRY. joined his wife down stairs. If he had not - - _____ __ ____ I Theme happy conditions come Only by the Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells,when no -looking cavalry horse. used ta.. atten- �
. wile in going tc� � r i -
titt, (formerly of an air of, fai hion, he had not a touch of the * the beigtened hauteur of the ernart Abigail. schoolfellow, Mrs. Cornell, a- while " use of Paine's Calory Compound'. thousands bare proved that Electric Bitters .. tion and a stable all his life, would be an. � ,
- I
W. TWEDDLE Brussels, Den' vulgarian. Susie's- mien was, an he assured- With pureed mouth, and distainful .finger. play something for us now, and after If any have thus far failed to get rid of -able to exist. I
FSeatorth,) Gra3uate of R. C. D. S., Toronto. I I somethings, and when our nervous diseases, impur I will quickly curesuch troubles. I I I. suffered 11 A finer and more serviceable lot of ' -
duate coursein crov�n and bridge work at her, that of a queen. Her head was set tips, she removed the evidences that the to sing sev6ra e blood, 1 kidney and for years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs. , Wn �;
,er A. R. - - e �return of the liver trouble and dyspepsia, it: is because �
Postgii,r�.l BL.h,,I, Cbioago. Office Oi well above a pair of graceful rihouliers, she' wearer had trudged over'muddy streets to audience is enlarged by t.b - ; � I hard to find than, thow .
Hask I . Phebe Charley, of Paterson, I&., "and a 4 male it would be -
,5mitWo store, Brurivels. 1069.4 d her train clever. get h -ere, and as gingerly fitted on the dry men luo us lone women, 4he will, if theyhave not need Paine's Celery Corn- which left with th6 western division of the- - - ,
carried hers If and manage 4 lame back pained me so I could not dress '
- Susie's cheeks scorched properly entreated, give 8 some of pound. � ' Canadian Mounted Rifles, and rauchmen all.-, .
- wBELDEN, Dental Surgeon; Crown and Bridge ly. Arthur had brought her a cluster of slippers. The heat in citations. Ali I y . . I myself, but Electric *Bitters wholly cured , agree tba:t it will be a splendid advertise. .
Work ane all kinds ot. Dental Work performed pink roses, All Of which she wore in her cor- the delicate akin when she'found that the her charming re . you ma The past testimony of clergymen,lawyers, me ; and, although 73 years old, I now am . L
with care. office Oyer Johnson's hardware store. , sage except one ,bud which she pinned in his' time consumed in her preparations had de- well look surprised. It is g�anted to few physicians, merchants and people of re- able to do all my housework." It overcomes meat, and have hopes that the imperig� L L
Seator.th, Outario. . 1650 buttonhole. He put a careful finger under ta,ined her above stairs after everybody else women to combine 60 XnLn�, talents, but sponsible positions, who have 1 been made Constipation, improves Appetite, gives p . er- authorities will . buy mounts here in future.. I
- . her chin, ar d ,, lifted her face to let the full had gone down. And Kitty had e6joined when you have heard, you wi4 see that I do well by Paine's Celery Compound, should I 0 . - I �_
. r, Dentist, graduate of the . t promise too much. t feat health. Only 506 at Feaes drug store. I
, .,,
R. F. A- SELLERI light of the chandelier rain upon it. punctuality I She met her husband in the no .. I induce every ailing man and woman to carry 6— � A WOMAN'S - ADVI[CE. ,, -- -
DRoyal College of Dental Surgeons Toronto, also ; . � - I
honor graduate of Department of DenUi;ij, Toronko II It would have been a pity to 'keep you upper hall with a distressed look. 11 Mrs. Roberts !" to thei symphony in . home a bottle of nature's life giver, so that - . � - I
University. Office in the, Patty block, Hensall. all to myself to -night," he said. -I'--- 11 We are horribly late�21?.she whispered, pink -and-silver-" I bespeak � y;ur admira- they may test it for their own leatistaction. Telling the Truth. � To Sufferers From Wervousnesw
Will vif3it Zurich every Monday, commencing Mon- � � 101-cronV " te., .
day, June lot. 1587 The weather -was raw,with mefiace of rain I I I don't suppose it makes any differance," tion for my friend and polic b4tante was Do not allow any dealer td offer you'a The Palmyra, Montana. Spectator under- and Heaclaches. .
I — or snow, but.ueither of them thought of the responded he to comfort her. - -'I It's fashion- etc., until the blushing de the substitute. Insist upon. getting " Paine's," takes to show by satire what might be 'ex-
. . ' � . - It '
R. R. R. ROSS, Den I tist (successor to F. W. extravaganCe of a carriage. As she had able to be late, isn't it ?" . focus for six pairs of eyes, ctitical, indiffer the kind that makes sick people well." pected were editors sometimes to speak
44 ! Mrs. Robins, of Port Colborne, Tells How-
D- Tvr eddle,), graduate of R'Ysl Wiege of Dental done upon previous festal occasions, the wife Not at dinn"cra,". she had barely time to ent, and amiable,- and wisl�ed that 'dear . 8 . 'their minds and try to follow out Rev. Mr. 4 _-
dnt clus ra ' aArrionish him when they crossed the thresh- Kitty were not so incorrigi�ly enthusiastic 9 , I Sheldon's pref - She Found a Cure, and Asserts the Be.
Surgeons of Ontaxio; ooped upthe trailing breadths of velvet, . A Story of Kru I er. icription for ranning a paper. �
Toroato Univeis,ty ; crown and bridge -work, Paso and secured them into a 'I walking length " hold of the drawing .r,00m. � . in praising those she loved * J A good story is told of President Kruger Here are a rew of the Spectator's sample$ : lief That the- Same Remedy Will Care-
, gold work in all its forms. Adl the mot.t modern I - , ,-1 t Anyone,but a refined novice would have . * and Bettie Bloomers -
methoda for painless filling and painless extraction of of skirt with *safety pine. Over her gal& Kitty advanced with empressement o I ' f passing her 08 a young man, which shows I that he was 11 Willie Shortike Other Sufferers.
teeth. All operations carefully performed, Office : attire she cast a voluminous waterproof, meat them, but that they were babind time divined at' once that th 6c'o once were married at the—ohnrch laat evenifig. i � -
6 0 a quite able to take care of himself. Mrs. Daniel Robins of Port Colborne,
. Tweddle's old stand, Dyer Dill's grocery, Seafortb. iot ciles, argued one The church was very prettily decoraWa . I
11 1640 buttoned -all the' way down the front. A was manifest from - the celerity with around, like a plate of I 11 it when out hunting on foot, after climbing to I Ont, is one of those who believe that when. �
bonnet woild have deranged her coiffure, which abe introduced her husband, and of two things' -either that a e was a pro- ' ,, borrowed I
. I the top of a kopje, " Corn. Paul " found that with flowerd and potted plants
and she wore, instead, a black Spanish lace without the interval of a - second fessional"' of some sort, Or t lather hostess ' ' promiscuously from over town from people ' a remedy for disease h -as been found, it is t,h&- "
MEDIOA-L. . ' he had been seen by a number of hostile: na- .1 duty. of the person benefitted to make it
- I . scarf knotted under her chin. Slippers and 'the-mau who was to take Airs. Cornell in to was laimentably ignorant of t 3e law demand- tives, who were then running toward him, wh6 didn't want to'lena them: The docor- !
� I " 1 4 knol,wm, in order that other sufferers m '
� . light gloves went in a reticule aluug upon dinner. Then she whisked Mr. Cornell up ing that the one to be honor -1d by an intro- some to' climb the hill, others branching atiDg was done under pr6test by some of i &T .
. i &Is �'find th road to renewed health. Mn. � .
, e
Dr. John McGinnis, her arm. . to a dried-up little. woman in pearl -colored duction . should stand still an i have the out to surround it. He knew those on, the the members of the church, who were asked 0 'ins says ,- " In the spring of I -
It lacked five minutes of seven when they velvet, presented him, asked him to take other party to the ceremony brought to her flaf could out him 6ff before -he could deacend to do so by the bride and couldn't very' well Rob co 897 my- -
� Hon. Graduate London Western University, member , * . health gave way and I became mpletely
of Ontario College '01 Physicians and Surgeons. &lighted from a ELtreet car within a block of charge of her into the dining room, herself Kitty, at least, was no no ice, and every- se. The ladies are of the opinion that ,
* ,
-Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. the Hitts' abo6_. Four ca'rriag L es were in laid hold of another man's arm, and signal- body except her 11 school- rony " compre- and that his only chance lay' in " bldff refu pro�trated. Nervousness, palpitationof the - ' -
office - and Residence, ' hended exactly what the soc . pe mean Stepping on to the uppermost ledge in -full if the couple were so bent on a stylish wed- hesit and severe head -aches were the chief-
Pickard, Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Church line before the door, and from these stepped -ed her husband to lead the way. t. Al- view of,the enemy, he calmly lq�id down. his ding they should have been willing to have II toma�' The nervous tr;buble was so
*rNight Win attended promptly. ., 1463x12 men swathed in long, light ulaters, who me. Arthur seldom lost his perceptive and though she tilid not suspect it, she was on - I . symp �
— �a,& as to border almost upon St. Vitus7- I
— .— I rifle, dtrew off first one And theulthe other of paid some one to cha,qe all ovef the townJ4 f or' 4
— ate sisted to alight ari-d ascend the stone steps reasoning faculties, and having read descrip� trial when she eat down tc the piano, the day getting flowers together and then _ severe
W. ECOTHAM, M. D, C. M., Honor Gradu his home made hide boots, aud,J after quick- a 7. dance. The least exertion, such .as go' 11
' - . . Ing
A and Fellow of Trinity Medical kjollege, Gra, apparations- in furred and embroidered opera tions of state dinners and breakfasts. be- how -woman beside her, As the guileless ly knocking the sand out of ithem, drew ing them home again. .. - � . -
of Trinity University, Member of College 0 81 up stairs for example, would leave me 4- -
duat; f cloaks that ravished Susie's wits, in the thought himself that had his wife and him- guest supposed, to give her affectionate en- 41 The bride wore a handsome Silvereteln 1,
ph3Ls1cians and Surgeons of Ontario, Constance, On- them on again. By this timelthe natives : -W a most breathless, and my heart would pal. ,- �
o ' wfft tran3it of the, gorgeous beings from self been in truth chief gueats, they would couragement. The first flaah of her fingers gown, made at home, and the groom I "I
tario, office formtrly occupied byDr.Cooper. 1650 11 .-,r A - had stopped to obser !e then 11 A y appetite was very .
i� - urbstone to the. hospitable entrance. A have been paired off.*ith host and hostess. across the keys was the signal for general .. ve bi�-ni g n -me-down suit. I fick , le, and I was much reduced in flesh. -� -
c . ed his rifle again, and, tu to a ,decked, out in a $10 hand'
- 1. - . .1 . . . . .1 dizzying sensation of unreality, such as one Moreover, altho6lili there was i vast deal of silence, and the clapping of gloved hands at P'cK . rrowed "
I I . . imaginary force behind the kop e, waved to The ashers wore out -away coats -bo'. Th� usual remedies were tried, but did not
I Victoria 4. d. P. S., Ontario, successor to Dr. experi6nee 3 in finding- himself unexpectedly talking at the table and he did his conscien. the conclusion of the brilliant overture at- the right and then to the left, a� thou- h di- for the occasion. Sally Potta_wai maid- of hell . me, and eventually, I bee
' � She wa the consesuq of opinion was that .
Iniott, office lately oocupled by Dr. Xtioirt, Bruce- �, 9 ame so weak..
� ,ld,Ontarlo . � . upon a gre it height; �6eized upon her. Could tious beat to make conversation with the tested intelligent appreciation. 8 recting them to chaege round eabh end of the honor,and th I was unable to perform my household, � -
these peoPle be collected to meet her-? velvet-31ad mummy consigned to him, he not a' ,lowed to leave the mu iia Etool for half hill. The next instant the Ka' - . . she was two -to -one better than the bride. a � es, and the headachea I suffered i from aC , � - ,
M. D., - g balled �Irs were in �
LNX 9,9THUNIC FatlO'w of the -Royal Humbleod, yet elated, she entered the house, bad all the. time the feeling of being left olit an hour, one piece after ano 5her bein, full -retreat. I The young couple took the morning train --- .
College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston. 0 0 a I ti * a made me feel as tbough m3 head, -
and obeyir g the directions of the footman in the cold. Nobody addressed hirr directly f,or, and the choice of selections putting her for St. Louis, h nd rn� 're - ,, -_
Ocoes r to Dr. Maokld. Offlof lately occupied . . . , woild burst. I was feeling very discourag- -
A eoj' I - at the foot ot the stairs,- mounted to the in word. or indirectly by glance, and at on her rnettle.' Her auditors were u-.4ed to 10)000 FREE SAMPI LES, money in a few days than,, Willie- can m;e __ I
, , Maekid, At&'-' Street, Seaforth. Residence
I , Dy I . good music, and the assumption that she . I in three months. . .1 ed �hen a cure in a case much resembling-
-Corner of Vtooria, Square - in house'lMely oocupled dressing room. I .length, in gentlemanly despair of diverting - — I mine, th gh the use Of Dr. William,?' ,
L. X. Dancey. 1127. - Four ,wc men in such elaborate toilets that the attention of his fair companion from her would gratify them :Was a delicate cOmpli- I i 11 Willie says that now he's martied h�'s Don .
' A Guaranteed Cure for 1 Catarrh, going to settle down. Some of our merqh� Pi�k Pills came to my notice, and I decidea
� - our heroine felt forthwith like a crow among plate to, himself, he let her eat in peace and ment. i I to give them a trial. After using two boxes
DR. F. J. BURROWS,. birds of baradise, glanced carelessly over pleased himself - by comparing the rosy, Kitty came to her elbow at length with a Bronchitis, Asthma, IThroat ants think it would. have been better if he
. I .. n liquid, sparkling with pounded ; a . If,dund so much relief that I -was greafly -, �
,,&to resident Physician and Surgeon, Toronto Gen. theirshoulders ather without suspending piqluantfaccof hiswife-with the bismuth. glaps of cledir . Irritation, Colds,'&c. h%d settled up first. The groom gets Sal- rejoiced ta know that I had found me44-- _
5rai Hospital- Honor graduate Unity University, their eba"tter to one another, and went on and-rouve- powdered visages to the right, ice. I ary of $27 a month, which in about the a' ..
� anember-of the College of Physicians and Surgeons � 66 Only lime -juice and water," she whi2p- - I allowande Kitty has been used to for ' i I cin 3 that would cure me, I continued uslor ' ,
! .
of Ontario. 0,oroner for iho County of Huron. talking land aha;kiDg out their draperies.. left and front of her. Susie seemed to be praised Don't let that Catarrh or Bronchitis run , . , Pin Dr, Williams' Pink Pills until ,I bad takZ ..
office and Residence-Goderich Street, East of the Each, in resigning her wraps to the maids in getting on swimmingly,. The man next to ered, I 11 to clear your voice. I.have - money- We wish for Willie's sake that the . mmy.
nietaodist Church. Telephone 46. waiting, stepped forth ready for drawing her was chatting gayly' and evidently re- your singing until everybody is wild to hear OD- Boot it out before it -beco es chronic. old saying that it takes no more to support eig at or nine boxes, when I ,conbidered . I .
. 1388 1 yl The beat, simplest, and quickes remedy for � our e complete. The palpitation of the ' ,
� . - - room parade. 8'usie retreb.ted to a corner cognized a responsive spirit in his fair com- you." two than one wasn't a lie. . . . . - �
Susie smiled happily, Planoing over her these complaints is 11 Catarr ozone." It hel.rt, nervousness and headaches had dis . I �
and began, hurriedly to disembarrass herself panion. How easily and naturally she met and gracef ul costs nothing to test, for we w 11 send 11 The bride sent us a sh�e box full Of a . earf d, my ap - )od and- '- z
ake. ,petite was again g( I . �
DRS.. SCOTT & MacKAY, ot her wat-.rproof and to let down her skirt. his advances, and how gracefully she fitted shoulder with an uneQnscious - . you, cloDgiomeration,of stuff suoposed to be c app
. t suffide t ' , I Kad gained in weight nicely, I rega -
A maid followed her presently. into her gesture of -gratitude ; a bow, alight, but free, a 20 cent. outfi , in many . rd rg- I , ,
� novel position ! What were pomps If this is a sample of. Be4ie'a cooking' we i -
PHYSICI_,�Nfl AND SURGEONS, . " Can I I help you ?" * profession;ally super- and vanities to him accorded with her tastes. comprehensive, she might have but had not cases to cure,and one thousand estimonials. feel sorrow for Willie. Our janitor's Jdog scIt as completely restored, and I -_ .a,,. -
I g as I did to give"
. . � i
Godorich street, opposite Methodist churoh,Soaforth a Another run Enclose 10 cents for boxing, ootage, &c. ur4e other women sufferin
I .
� . ciiiou . I Again he thought bow niggardly would have copied from a prima donna. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. ; I fell heir to the cake and no�v he's lying in Dr� illtams' Pink Pi: a a trial, and ain - -
- . 11 Tha 1, you. If you would be so good been the refusal to allow her to take the of the nimble fingers over the responsive � the cold, cold ground. But this weddirig is .
J� G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and A�nn Arbor, and , � 0 I' . they will have equally good reason to- �
' �
�mombor Ontario College of Physicians snd' as to take off my boots, I should be oliged." place she so adorned. ivory, and she glided into the prelude to I none of our funeral. If Willie ana Bettie sure
Surgeonti. Coroner for County of Huron. _ The firmula was ill-advised and .justifieA Not even love's eye penetrated the ,Gonnod's never -trite song, 'I Chantez 1 Riez ! Have You a Temper. so, rid their praise," I
. I I are satisfied we've got no kick coming." . I here are thousands of women -th .
0. MACK.;,Y, h�nor graduate TrInity University. . doughty visor she kept jealously closed .Dormez !" S� An exchange has lately publiphed an -ar. � 0 - � �
__ . -1 � � )I ;
gold mWallat Trinity Medical Coll6ge. Membnr , - , 4", . W - � thronghout the meal. 'With, she She had sung but a few bars when her ear ticle on " The Girl with a Temper, which . th( country who suffer as MrB. Robins 4id,
o �,�X'� r �,,� To bFgin . What a Tale It TeU& '
C)elle-I-. -I Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. I . ,-',,,: .. I ..'�"*_!r3 - 111; `1 I
. -
. � . 11, , ,:" '�,� .,�_-7 _01 V., I --,, ,-,. -the ball. contains some excellent advi e, 1 i wb D are pale, subject to headaches, beart -
.1 ly -1 took the wrong fork for the raw oysters ! caught the muffled tread of feet in and will
1483 1 ., ; �� I ,; " :5 �� , , .�. '71, -1i '� (1, If that mirror of yours shows a wrete,d, pa: pitation and dizziness, who drag alongv -
I . , , �. - I I I - - I .`� -I 0 0 1 M -
., ,. � - � _7 " 111. I As course succeeded course, the dreadful A side -glance at the mirror showed her Pic- bear repetition. t
__ - J, -,. -.1'.
; - ,1�,� � `!, ; - 11 When a daught6'r -nott sallow,compiqxion, a jaundiced look, fre I aently feeling that life is a burden. To
` I , .
- . ,
t� � �, " � �: �*"� - - implementi in style so unlike those 'Left be. ture that might have been clipped from her on��
.." - , --�_
, , ... -,: .y begins to
,,j---� - � ; ,� �, ,� - �-_x r-, �- -i , patches, and blotches an the skin, it's liver �all.Buck we would say give Dr. Williame - I
� T, f.1_4 � . . British contes de societe, the grouping of show decided signs of temper, blut is inclin- � I -
IiI.- . -.% - ,._., 1� I side other plates,. aclWally grinned at her I
�-"-�-:,.S:7�1: � t-1,; .� - .. -4.1 N_':, " trouble ; but Dr. King's New Life Pills Pi4k Pills a fair trial. Th ae .
k-��-ea�;,�' ck:-, �- - -
'"10 I C H CRADE " " -,,,,,,,.......��� " � with every prong. Everybody must 'in manly faces and fashionable dress coats in ed to boast that I I am not 'ne of your � � -
. .
. - ��, 1. �, �� 1, -.1 , _ - -�:, 9 regulate the liver, purify the blood, give rich, red blood, strengthen the -nerves, bring: . �
�Z-','..Z_ C " . -elf nambly-pambly girls, who cannot stand up �. � I
, 4-,&,- -.: 9, t .-O, 1i e -
, ,,� i, . . I
_, J ) '11 av lt,ycm -... , aware of the solecism and deduce'the truth the curtained arch, all intent upon hers
,,-,t.�-:.,' �1_111." ; . clear skin, rosy cheeks, rich complexion. the glow of health to pale and, sallow cheeks,
_- X I V - , . I -�'r '1� a was her fit -at dinner party. She as the enchantress who held them mute and for her rights,' it is time to convince her of I
�W;, / .,- -, ", .w " k D 0 i t. You . ,,_� that th only 25c, at Fear's drug store. 4
.. , . Nvae sur � I I ,
�, I',. - '1;��,";_,� , . e that she caught the waiters ex. eager. Electric fire streamed through her her folly, or she will reap lastin Y discomfort an4 make the feeble and despondent fe& -
- y --�,.� . . . k - -
"r:� " 1�, Wi -'. � changing winks over the fork, and that out veins, her voice swelled and soared as never later. �_ I I -
.1 ,K_11'� th, t lift is once more worth living. The,
� ,� �,V_ " - - " � - - I 0 w a I I " . _
. -
C1. l-, �,�"-,--v_-,i..,)� ^ il. I C4 If . - ge uine are sold only in.box�s, the wrapper
� . , -
.F-arn 16-ture , �' )out -the 1� ce, t the woman'7'with an aurestrained The fiorses of the Northwest be Jami? Rink .
'y - \, .1., _, � � ;� 'I .. of sheer mali hey. allowed the tell-tale to bafore ; her enunciation, exquisitely pure Ill ran the full name, " Dr. Will
- k_!�- t�-�-o �.,, - .;,, 9
� , N J . lie in,full sight. The apprehension that she and clear, carried each word up to the temper is young atid beautiful, much may
I ) I'---- .k r 1 0 A Correspondent from Regina writes �: Pi
4 yl;,;71 hnvy -, e e I ii n or I s for Pale People." May be had from
I ll I _. g ._11 would eventually be compelled -to use -the loftiest story of the stilled mansion : be forgiven her. In her aimalJle momenta �
- )� . V - . Ranchmen in the west look forwar to all dealers or by mail at 50c a .box, or Aic :I
C'-� I t ,1,.-y,7-t"`Lq t.�i� �-, stolmlficb, flne � frail absurdity or leave untouched some- 11 Ah ! riez, ma belle ! riez I riez, tou- she is so charming that the woros uttered in good time3 for horse breeding, on accou t Of boxes for S2.ZO, by addressing the Dr. Wn, )
. - 1,
�, I ,'� . 11
..-- I -, thiDg-meat or game, perbaps-assailed her. jours ! I her unreasonabl anger are almo t forgotten, , 4i
ENITORIVAI - J " " /Z:-.., �, S,th�. () �
, , � -ID-"' lntir�). -, liama' Medicine o , Brockville, Ont. I
. I . 11 - _4 of ( � h the number of horses which accomp nied
1, - , i:. -1 - P
I � While she harkened to the flippant nothings 11 Fine, by Jove, now !" cried a big mus- and the chances are that shel will plunge -
I", I 9. �1.21_. the mounted contingents to 8outh A ica. -1
i / �_ I J .1 'I *— I w�
�'., Z_ ,')�, I sick lie.ada-�111e, , ., her escort mistook for elegant small talk, tacbed man at Arthur's side, as' the last some man into life long e Some years ago the price of horses dro b*pdd ' � � � ;
.- . i - . F 1
[r111,Z/'fri111-J, gep:--rial V",Ca,kness of .' . I ecstatic ears. " Patti habit of tempestuous fits, ic not firml - When is Easter? . ��,
:�p I and plucked u� beart for repartee, hot and' notes died upon ; I
Z.- I- � y to such au extent that they became a 4 -rug � . � - 1- -
. - i 14,
Leatherdale & tV " I �, cold swimts brolie out all over ber. Had couldn't have done better !" checked in time, will strergehen with the Since the time when Presbyterisidfam Was 1-�
. i- ,,vHb-!d.1 ody.' I on the market, and men who had formerly � - I
. I " t. ._� I - 0 . she obeyed inelinatibu that approximated The husband repeated this with other the years. I .
- I � lb 'f
- I eat- firtt introduced Scotch z lk have boen in &.
� I �> ,q -, I T- UL 1, - y ' h a temp ' had large bands of horses went into the - , I . A
t, 44 1 O'Ll C21i t have -it R wCeN ,�v � frenzy at times, she would have crept under encomiums to the songtress when the got 11 If the woman wit be plain in - i
:% ), tle business. Daring the last _year or two at*.te of hopeless ignorance in regarci to I
d over on the floor in home. He made the tired but animated person she will ren I ,
I V �', -w i ai o u t your blood , 17 there has been'rnore of a demkQ for horse3. ka*ts' days and the festivals of the ,ch h I
.Landsborougb � . - 11� the table nnd.-rolle der life v ry . dreadful 1: are .
. I . . . being i-ni . .1 W mortification., If her slight -of -hand had littlewomausit downinan armchairand for herself, but not 'neceB , ily so for Until the recent buying of mounts for�the geiaerally�, and Easter being determined by - I
I � been equal to the rash adventure, she would pulled off her rubbers and unbuttoned her many other people. Her "Ir . �Z
. J V I . rolations and contingents a fairly good saddle horse **ild t age of the moon, it was permissable for .
" i
. . I .1 , � have pocketed the wretched bugbear in de3 � them never to be quite sure when it woula F'.
ncrves 0 exhatived.- ' .r - bootsinfar different fasbionfrom thatin friends will learn in timeto s4ut her out -.be bought for $40, but stich a horse , ald �'
, �. - :i
'Dealers 1P. first-claas Furniture of all . 1 7 .1 peration akin to that which makes the mur. which the sleepy Abigail had put them on from their intimate pounsels-to form a life n �p - -
I . ; There* s just one refnedy " ' d whose , out ow be valued atg from $15 to $20 r0ore. falO. This year, however, the, eaclesiastiml -
kind,%, in latest designs. Vpholsteruary r ,� derer fling far from him the weapon with the feet and helped truss up the train of for themselves towar ei circle For service in South Africa western horses authorities themselves are in a quandary 011 I
* �
0 � for you j , i which'the deed was done. . 11 the woman who hadn't come in a carriage she will recede by degrees, and in the end th6 subject, and even inclined to- be dispu- 11 -
T�Te also do picture fram- 4 L'. . ; should hai,e a great advantage over eastern _ - � f
neatly (lone. like decent folks." will stand alone. � : ta�ious. It may or may not help our .raid- � �: i
. Z�e-177-. When the gastly petty torture was ended animals. The sturdy, blocky Jittle � cow I I I
' -,- , , , . , e h,_11
'\�:i�,�l A �� 9V k , r '�T-- -, C',4 �L� � eral to a correct understanding of the point - I .
W .. - A1,KN-.:, e,5' ��:,-�__,7t�l !�_The woman with & tempr r is seldom horses one sees in the ranebing country are . f, -
in.rr and a choice selection of pictures A ;, At , ,7 � 3:- ,.-'!,"7 _-, by the removal of the obnovious article, and He had had a stupid evening. He couldn't . -
, - ;;�, v�, "C .!, the substitution of one larger,- plainer, and urned out on' the prairie from earliest at is � 11
4 t N sue, it we quo V
I 1. . �,_ti� '. , a - M of mind which lei d to the ac- i
" - , 11 _", vious, the poor woman could have colthood, and are left to rustle, as it is- e considered an bitfallablI& I i
, ? '11 - 1� 4_, - - ,; t� , "�'i . make the women talk to him. He was not well educated. She has not the concentra- t te the old Scotch rbyinev �
A , , , I
always on hand. Ourtain poles at all 'el _� ,., , .--. , * �
I - " , , is a ladies' m n," and every mother's daugh- tion and cal 0. �A
- prices, a,nd pi -it iip. We aze a1sc .-,, � ,��_Y.-, I � 4
, _',
�� 'I- I - 68 � ,I i
__ .I
, I
� - lial , -
_,t 4� 1-C ��` kissed the perfunctory hand that lifted the ter of them took ia the truth at a glance. quaintance of knowledge. She may posse led, for their food, along with the other guide ; ; I
_,�":�A � 11 ---
Agents for-tlie New William's Se'wlno' __ - -Ili LIN
- , ,
" �, -k, �- � i�pe?;t��� '1q_1:1:_:V1.* -1
i �
C) 'C�. " .�� incU�us from her soul. . -11 wvmn� a share of accomplishments, may be : . -
- . - - ___ . a little -horEe3 in the bunch. In the most severe - First comes Candlemas,
Machine, beet in- the market for do- �)_, .. : 1;
. musical, a little artistic, may pass muster ; a I
. , ;_ - She made other blunders, but none that .
.�', .
� �
I klf�A , k-'�N ltj-,�) �� -1 L .;� .-.-." ,-'. were so glaring as this. Each was a lesson The next Tuesday af ter that I
r 11. �ro �,. 7 t. %, vut � And then the new -mune ;
I 11 .-., ., , ( I If. -I R;��--, among
mesti USP,, travelling agents, no -0-,-) t _ ,�J.l � the superficial, but � chances are
le 1-3 - 9 0. .��'i %� V. � , �
I 6 , - - I against her possess
. y I ;�l V., I
lii�,h prices. I , , 11'r U1, � IV,., 4 - r I
0 V,% .4 . " , ing the restful knowledge . I 11
N-�� 1,�,-,J J�t, _Ie .i .
,.: �4 .; � . .. � and a stimulus to perfect herself in the min.
W5 ; , _�, �
'd� M � " �� r? Is aye Fasting e'en.
. . Y�� r
� . — - ,V 't ,� L .�' *"'* rti:o of social -etiquette. Vefore long she � that comes of thoroughness. �� The Twanging Pains.' That, mune out,
. _D M. (-4 2- %47 14_11G,8;.- ,i U*� ,
-.1 � � I . . "Then beware of the girl �vho boasts of I I
I 11: � W0111d need nq schooling ; would lead, in- I -And the next at its height,
� -U:L-T3D:E11R1 I_r_A_1K:1W0-_ 1k Thp_rb.'s n0thing new '% .. 'stead of, followiDg. She would know better her I spirit,' if you would lat,�r avoid the - � -
I �
In the Undertaking Department, we buy f ;>. 2bout it. YO'Ur gl�a rl -1 - �'.-. anothter' time,Aoo, how to dress herself. . companionship of that very undesirable per- 0 0 .of Rheumatism � The next Sunday after that
our goods from the best houses in Ontari J.\, I U , _.� . � Is aye Pasche right.
61 Ir , � ' gown of cream -colored faille, 80nage-the I woman with a temper.' " I .
. i I � : It,Wa$ 'Said
I parep-ts i-ook it. 7 w 2. -0 ,;,'- , '�i'ty a . 0 I I L _ ti�&t _this rhyme was never
andguEtranteesatiafaction in everydepart- � ,.�, flounced ,with lace ; the pale blue brocade I Are Ciused by Uric Acid Being Left 1h i
ment of our work. We haAre always made �. \'. I I -1 . � - . � known to be inaccurate before ; but if it is
. V on old S-arsap--l-illa beforo , ., , of one woman, and the pink -and-silver 1 They StAck It Rlich. , the Blood by Diseased Kidneys . . . .1. w � rked out for this year it will be found
ir a point to furnish chairs, and'all other re- . .i bravery of a third, the maize velvet and It was a grand thing for this community . q
��, other sarsaparilizis were . 'Ic that it places Easter day on April 2111-2ad in-
.. .
. quisites for funerals, FREE oir cnAP.P& I ,-, . �_ i black! lace of the dowager across the table, that sa'ch an enterprising firm 4s I. V. Fear, i I
- known. It made d � A . stlad of April 15th. The explanation of the -
Prices better than heretofore. L'. Lle'viord - �� i` and the mauve -and -white marvel of still an. druggist, Seaforth, has secureo the Agency To suffer the most excruciating ris, to
V % - ; di-crepaucy is that there are wo moons to'
Arterial and cavity embahning done' on V1 �. " Sarsaparilla " famous ,> 11 .1. � otherltoilet, threw her apperal into blackest I I for Dr. King's New Discovery 'for Consump- lose the use of limbs, and to have tt:ijoints 11 t
scientifie, principles. . I . I Is a symptom of Kidney Ilen and aisfigured 'is the lot ojf� the bel,�'dealC with -one the natural and the
��,� . 0vq the whole vio�ld. ). shade�. She caught herself hoping people tion, the wonderful remedy th'at has -start. DWO - . 0 - other the ecclesiastical moon. the latter of
P. S. b6ght and Sunday calls will be � �_ would,think that she was in alight . Disease., A well-known -
, ), ( . mourniDg, led the world by its mariellous cures. The victim .of rhetiftiatism. .1 wfiich was devised in the fourteenth centarT -
attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi- i1elle a no oth er " I- doctor.has said, " I never furor of, enthusiasm over.. it has boomed Uric'acid in the tlood Is thd CaUNS Of by,, the eouncil of Nic&e to settle just such *
. � (q- rs,l " " Besides her allotted attendant nobody at the -
dence, direetly in the rear of the Domim_'n ,.' table �spoke yetmadea post-mortern ex-
. parilla like it. In age and N � a word to her, but Kitty shot their busineEsi as the demand for it is im - rheumatism. .If the kidneys are actfvw,they difficulty as has now arisen. If the natural
Bank. - . ;i manY1 a smile at her during tbe'feaat, and anrii�ationinacaseof dcath mense. They give free trial bottles to suf- remove the uric acid. That is their ' iA1 in d on Easter in some yew* * -
� , �
". � ; ow on were relie
.- p,plver to cure it's "The J_.- nodded Eeveral times in significance that from' Heart Disease with- fers, and positively guatantee a cure in 1f, on the other I= - I
. -
leader of them all." " mightbe approval or reataurance. Mr. Hitt, out finding the kidneys Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis : Asthma, Croup work. , d, the Wasys a ifferent day In this cou12- -
' �'. wereatfault." The Kidney are deranged,;there is j1pre to be uric add in tr from what it does in Europe.
Leatherdale & $1.00 a bottle. , All drqgghsts. 1.� �; a rather handabme man with big,.bold eyes, and all Throat and Lung �roubles. A Uial the blood andzrheumaile pains through the . art from ita religious significance,
. I . I looked hard at her now and then, but.did medicine which was firston proves its inerit. Price 50 and $ . 1.00. body. . I . .
� .
� Ayer's Pills cure constipation. ' ' the market, niost success- E4stertide is usually a welcome !period of
Landsborough, � "After suffering terribly I mig. k '�' , not aacost her, even after he grew talkative ful for Heart Disease and —0 — I . � thh . . art of the country. It if
in t' under the faster flow of wine. - Hie glasses I Use Your ]lead. No iLmount of liniment will evsr ,41ire n , yeax in any p
� due,edtoti-,,,-%,(')iirS,-ir.i-il),t�ili;i.. I X J all Kidney Troubles, and theumatism. It sometimes relieva � 1put a,tural that the advent of summer ,should- -
- three boltles and now Teel liko _ � - .
SEAFORTH. toot . I wers) filled so often* an'd emptied so quickly most widely imitated is Some,men seem to. t��inkl at be looked forward to with gladness. it is,
. . .11 tbat8usie wondelr`ed toseehiswife's smil- I enre'ean only be brought about by odftg I
— — anewman Iwouldadvisealljny -, i , 1Wr&1*
� follow erea' didne fulfil the purpose for w 'o a beneficent mide the winter �
tures to try this me � ,-, ing tinconeern. Perhaps she had faith in the kidneys r1glik. The most effectivc kid- Pleasant to throw I .
Iffe for it has stooti tU-o tb�t -of �iine anil � � �"` , Providence intended -them when they- ab-. o forth to b attitid
---� , . �,'. - the strength of his brain. ; ask in the sunshine
,Killan Diredory for 1900. its cura.tivo Pc - I e,y remedy known to man is Dr. C6AWs �'
i � — . ig C .Ter cannot bo ex- �'�. I sorb three meals a day and afford a means . . J 'tism resh, if not.gay, at- re. Nature and tbs`� -
- lled 11 -1. D. Gp9i+-jj- , . Arthur did not touch one of the Dodd's ire rheunl� in f ti
IT, Reeve, Seaforth P. e , e five g the latest lashions in hats. , ne ver Pills. They ci
�AMES LOCKIIAR 0. � Z I of displayin !_ - - a the,
Jan. 30,1899, -Brownawn, Va. , 1: chalicea of differeub shapes and colors flank- 'd 4 r- . ently by making the kidneys g�otiva bi stores, the birds in the parka an
ALFX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leadbury P. 0. . : Like the dog with the chronic I tired feel- aq irrels, combine to make things attr&O'
JO11N 0, GELIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0 � �! , their work of rem6ving the Oria!acid
JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, Beechwood P. 0 . I writo the Vaefop. A�: ing his plate, and SuEie was weak enough, Kl*dney ing," who used to lean aga not the fence to I tive out of doors ; while the rays of old 801
If you b�ve any coniplaint i.vhatavor ',� perceiving that his conduct in this respect from the blood. . I I �
AROHIBALD bleGaEGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P.0 and dealre the best medical odvice you � - . . bark, the'process of tbinking is so exhaust. , � I i ,at mling into nooks and crannies reveal t& -
JOHN 0. MORRISON, Clark, Winthrop P. 0 .$-, was exceptional, to feel mortified by his ec. I I nV- ive
. ing that with many it is or ly- indulged in at Dr. Ohm's Kid Li r Pills positively
. can goaslbly receive, wrJte the doctor 11. centricty. It was in bad tasoe,'ahe thought, � . th a busy housewife the necessity of making -
.. � I
DAVID 31, ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. you n-111 receive a prompt re- ��. interval& People let out their thinking cure backa&e luVo, rheumatism and I everything tosh at home. It is the gre6t -
ithout - � . . E. .1 ii4
WILLIAM _EVE_Ni4, As;ewer, Beechwood P. 0. ply, a co3t. Address, .! to offer tacit censure of the practice of host ... . Pills ) I
C11ARl,E8 DODDS, Colloobor, Sesforth P. 0. 1. DiL. J. 0. AYER, Loy-oll, Xrm;, 1 . . i I In politics there are few m n who can givi 01 disbrders of the neys and liver. 'One ; -
RrCHARD POLLARD, Sanitary inspector, Lead 4F. I I - . and felloW-guests. To nullify the unfavor- - I - - ..in E dose.' g5c. a.box, at all dealer?, or I lif ain actuality as well as of the one Of - I
. , J� '!-;--"n,-T;- - -r--;_��.5�-F, —.� =_--_Z'�--:�--;- -'] able impression of her huabnad's singularity, . a reason for being on on's side or the ot I I pe riod of renovation, the beginning of. a -new
bury F. 0. ; , ve"�.�_._'. � _- _." .. - - -�:_',� -.. " : -4 - - - `_ .7 beyond e;chOiDg the shitboleth of eoM , VdAnion, Bates & Co., Toronto. !4 14 w] dch it in the symbol. -Scottish Anbedofiv- ..
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A n�w!xPeFt
republic,, is Wd
tion in Baltimol
colored girls. 1,
sm*n scale by J
Inatron of the 3
. � I
phan AA-VIum, �4'
ZW�Jdren w b-- f I
oording to a WTI
the; scheme is W,
Currency of t
. Qe% I piece rr4.
,00ju-it re reseii,,
fully I tu i,
ith 'the uyil�i
The g�irls are�j.
pay varies aect
w U.
the .Workers� I
-cents a -week 1
11 _41
thIs the girls W
,exception,of bei
stoekin.-a and- o!
I ej
'caudy and all 1.
money eamed. ;
Most iof tbe- 1
-care of their *
nes's leaves the
teaebes them tl
with their 1 -loth
before they, haV.,
them. i
They -soon run I
. I
are ,then classedi"
TO be v, paupi.
pauper must siV
-dining room,'Mi
Tauper'e� list oli�,
I �
go to bed earliei
-whieh title the I
-designated. If 1
she is given a -n I
'Pat6h it. Natu
et iout iof this i
'the, therefore -J!
practices ecoao�
-ten out Of the 71
-the pauper clasAl
Rew,ards I'D ti.
to themages, -0
I �of a decrease of 1
to, Sucj� a schl
lessonsof indlis"
. I
I ,, ,
- i
Hundreds d,
cam .
__ 1
Xqat an .1 R -ug 11
trat�10# the At�d,'
Dominion - i
Mond Dyes are I
popul-ir demand.
signs in ats t�
an illuat , d bi
styles they havii,
is given in this 1
-dress by W�ell"
Monntain St, _V�
papa Al
%A You look �!
, �
Smithera, wben�,
,offl,2e the other 4 !
ter 915 - �
, ,
...'The ,c-hil&rell
t6-Iday," repli'm '
It seemed as if I
traoted.-" ��
IDon�t let `�
con'siderable lene
,over -y,ou. Just!
papa's talking��
but firm—didy4
ly, and youM gq
this int,tant 1—a
worry�don`t pi
ting 'em worty-
- ets, I said—will
�not ? Now, keg
-e,n 96 eouple 4 -(
vvbaV-,s Willie In
Annie ? Great.
ha�t. Take it—
]Dick, if �you -1-17
both commentec
Inif the -minute I
can't think -1
take lem off to 13
�f I was at how(
But an the 'bo,
with their tired
-and stared glo
sa-ying just exac
was at home.--,
Don!t '
-When H. I
" Through the ��
tile babit Of *pr,
,upon the Ifi-oor.;
- �
__ AN
_191d YOU .
. rain -drops I
� very welft �
as useless I
the terms,-.,
-cwet do ft
-on :every t
stantly "
lungso T
;Then W1
this dises-4
-these gern
hold In a
lungs. 1i
weak that
) Tfte bod3
. with lat';
When the I
body Is thl
. - e ,,,
lungs leel
*'QuId no'
En I
- i
vt 1.0 lv,
phites at I
*01"t1te I
"M" W1
�, , J
Vrms 0,11,
gain it I'd
I It's tht
Ing -and I
of SCOT1
tas mad�
All was� I
41'seas". I
_ ___ - - ____ - I