HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-04-13, Page 35 a •ops unit, vat. of ishat ;aria ilnd Ites • LA" Eifs children arta pre - Ito 1 1* • a 'of te :'eoas7 and • Hedmes, rite rrow, as adjust - tire is in- E'vator tie cutters hest work- ; pultivator k* directly cel lime. s=isure. re so well apeak for cr '00,00a 3 ceantry. which we Hita atten. also oar k. ,11, will 4ora eine- `ellasing eyetera. • ahn - Of ss' t)r four z•-•• drib& • • • • . 4 APRIL 1311900 • • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. _ - • 3 IMPORTANT NOTICES. fro TEACHERS. -Wanted a male or Female teach- er, holding a first or eeeond °lass ceitlfieate, for the echool in Section No. 1, Turnberry. Duties to continence after Easter. State tottery desired. Ap- ply et once to JAMES A. EDGAR, secretary, Wroxeter P. 0, 88O21 SEED BARLEY. -For sale s quantity of. Mend/J- cheuri barley, suitable for seed. Warranted clean and free from foul seed. Apply on Lot 21, Conceselon 3, L. L8., Tuokersreitte THOS, ELDER, WPM- 1698x8 TOHN BEATTIE, alma nf re Second Division • s) Court, County Commissioior„, of 1111k011, Con. , vayanaer, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds inv(oited and to Loan. Otlioe-Over Obsrp & 1;Q' More, Main street, Seaforth. 1289 ?STOCK FOR RVIOE. - BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The tIndersignei will keep for service on Lot 8, Conceseion 7,Tuckersroith, etboroughbred Tamworth boar. Terms Si payable at the tune of service. JAMES STRONG. 1878 ti 44.01113,00 FR SERVICE. -The undersigned has on his j_ farm, on the Huron Road, Tuokertmith, two wales wett of Seal nah, a thoroughbred Improved Yorkshire pig, to which he will tubbit a limited num- ber of ectwe. This pig was purchased frem.Mr. Bow- man, ot Mount Foteat, who is one of the beet breed- ers in the Provinbe. Terms. --$1, payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necresaaty. JOHN B HENDERSON. 1685x4 110 PIG_BREEDERS.-The undersigned will keep J. on Lot 26, Concession 6, L. R. S. TuckerstnIth, a thoroughbred CIEZSTIIP. Wums Pro, also a thorough- bred Yoe/mums Pus A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, 81, payable at the time of eervice, or 81.60 if charged. Alto a few Chester White Piga for tale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1808-52 frAtIWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR BER - VICE. -The tinder/kited wilt keep for eervice, et the Brneeneld .ilheese Faotory, a thoroughbred Tarrivorris Boar, with registered pedigree. Terme, 11; payable at tune Of service with privilege of re- turning if neoessary. Also a number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Boers and Sows for sale. if UGH MoCARTNE.Y. Brucefield. 1406-t1 STOCK FOR SAI.14. TAURIIAM BULLS FOR SALE. -The undereigned 1.1 has for sale 8 young thoroughbred Durham bulls, eligible for registration. The., are all red in color and are excellent etock. HERBERT OUCH, Lot 25, Concession 4, H. R. S., Tuckersmith. Sea - forth P. 0. 1677-tf 'IVOR SALE. -Six grand Shorthorn bulls, 10 to 17 X months otcl, the beet Scotch breeding. Also a pair of agricultural home, rieing 8 years, filly sad gelding, good ones, won brcke and used to all kinds of farm work. DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont. 1084-tf ▪ 1VE STOCK FOR SALE ANT; MEN WANTED KJ For sale draught lead roadster horses from 2 to 6 years old, registered short -horn cows, heifers and calves. 1 bull tit for service, red ; yonrg mileh cows some newly calved. Wanted -1 married man to take charge of a farm by the year, 1 married man to take charge of a brick and tile yard, 2 unmarried men to do preferred farm and mill work. For par- ticulars apply to S. RANNIE, Zurich P. 0, 1686-4, setteite - ( - ,,,44,)4,; 11,11t.,,•0°.:: 1(0 "I IISOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of See Fae-Simile Wrapper Below. „demeses.mmw small and as easy to take as augur. FOR 'HEADACHE* FOR DIUINES4 FOR BILIOOSIldi. FOR TORPID LIVER: FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR 1141111.0W.SKIL FOR THECOMPI.EXIiill br=girslaimilablu LsTr=te4%.7q.4"Alua VE ILL CURE SICK HEADACHE. Don't Guess' Results. 44 Our direct connections will save you time and money for all points. Canadian North West Via Toronto or Chicago, British Columbia, and California points. Our retee are the lowest. We have there be suit everybody and PULLMAN YOUR IST OARS for your accommodation.' Cali kr further information. Grand. Trunk Railway. Trains- leave Seaton% and Clinton stat1one (Wows : 1400so Wiser -- Passenger ..... . , Passenger.... Mixed Train...-, s. Mixed Train...-. Gotrea EAST- Paggenger.. Pasaenger.. Mixed Train.... EINAFORTE. Mame 12.40 P. M. 12.66 P. M. 10.12 P. M. 10.27 P. M 9.20 A. M. 10.16 A. M. -6.16 P. M. 7.06 P. M 7.53 A. M. 7.38 A.M. 3.11 P. M. 2.66 P. AI 6.20 P. Id. 9.36 P. M. Wellington, Grey and GOITIO N08.111 - Ethel Brume's-. Bluevale.. W1ngham GOING SOUTII- Winghatn.. ...... Bluevale • Bruseels.... .... Ethel Paseenger. 10.05 P. M. 10.17 10.30 10.87 Passenger. 6.60 A. M. 7.00 . • • .. • • 7.16 7.28 Bruce. Mixed. 1.40 P.M 2.10 2.26 8.15 Mixed. 8.66 A. M 9.17 9.46 10.02 Loudon, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTII- London, depart Centralia Exeter Hermit Kippen Brucefield. Clinton Londeaboro Blyth..._ Belgrave Wingharn arrive. Gorse Struan- Wingharn, depart.- Beigrave Myth. Londesburo ....... Clinton _ 7.47 Bruceffeld 8 06 Kippen 8.16 Eferteall 8.22 ' Exeter.... ...... . 8.86 Centralia 8.46 6.23 London, (arrive) 9.60 A. M. 6,25 0 • • Pansenger. 8.16 A.M. 4.40 P.m. 9.18 6.66 9 30 6,07 9.44 6 18 9.60 6.26 9.58 6.83 10.16 6.66 10 33 7.14 10.41 7.23 16 56 737 11.10 800 Pasoeuger. 6.51 A.M, 8.16 P. M. 7.04 3.30 7.16 3 46 7.24 3 65 4.26 4.49 4.67 6.02 6.14 Merton Stock Farm, LOT 27, CONCESSION 3, HIBBERT Thoroughbred Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls of the most fashionable strains for saie at reasonable prices. Post office address, DAVID HILL, Staffs.. 1681-tf The Seaforth Tea Store ho th of its lifs man knows what he did and he did it. Such endorsements as foll wing are are a sufficient proof erits. ....arawassvernatraeAta Oshawa, Do 'cr., Feb, 22, 1108. Dear Si :-Pieno send m. o, c your Treatise on the Hors( , your new book ea advertised on your bottles, F1 gligh print. 1 h. 'e cured two Spirvine and one 'orb with two betties of your KondalPs Spavin (.'LIre in four weeks. " FRANK JUBBRIETT. Price, Sy, six for 85. As a liniment for family use it has no equal. Ask your druggist for KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. also "A Treatise on the Horse," book free. or address DR. J. B. KENDALL CO., ENOSBURO FALLS, VT. 4•14444414444/44#4444. ) It Will Pay You To PU IL' S OF THE CANADA BUSINESS COLLECeE, CHATHAM,'ONT.° -Are ver in demand by business housee. Among DIN) who have recently secured good positions are the dlowins : George Carroll, stenoarapher and book keeper with Double Truss Brake Company, Buff lo, New York. Henry White, book-keeper with B. I3oustun & Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Alic Cane ns as stenegra her with Rio mond & Rae us, Detroit. Ruth Adam. atienegra her with Windtor Paint and Varnish Company, Windaor. " Fre Carter, stenographer, in Michigan Cenral Rail- way office, at. Thoma, Ont: These, with 30 others O f rtr pusils, bave taken y cod positions Wee July lat . I' ot-411 not pay to attend the beat? The pres- ent a cne of the best seasons for making a aunt No Laster vacation. Pupile may begin at any time.1 la still at the front with all kinds of goods at wholesale prices. A very large stock of Teas in Black, Green, Japan and Tea Dust, at prices from 100_ a pound pp to 5tlo a pound. A large stock of fresh prunes, dates, figs, dried apples, evaporated' peaches, evaporated apples and also all kind's of canned goods. A full stook of all kinds of fresh groceries and provisions. Also a good eupply of salmon trout, lake her- ring, salt water herring, boneless cod fish, box herring and kippered herring. A full stock of china tea sets, dinner sets, tea sets, in all colors and designs in stoneware, also a large stock of toilet sets, in all colors and designs. All kinds of glassware in plain gold and colored. The above stock to be eleered out, at once. A cordial invitation to all to call and see some of the great bargains. Wanted fresh butter and eggs, for which the highest prices will be paid in cash or trade. A. G. AULT SE -A FORTH. Special Attention CARRIAGE to Horseehoeing and General Jobbing. MAKER t Goderleli street, - • Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and Opp. Queen Hotel. ;.* • • • Seaforth. Fcir Catalogue, addreett.. 1). McLACHLAN & SON, , 1084 Chatham, Ont THE HONEY MAKERS. Bees can endure dry cold, but not dampness. There are no lazy bees. Quecnless bees build drone comb. Heat does not damage honey, but tends to ripen and improve it. Dampness and darkness do not agree with it. Honey that remains in the comb for some time after being stored is always the best article .when extracted. In very cold weather bees often die, and, falling, will clog the entrance. They must be removed or the bees will smoth- er. During the winter care must be taken - in removing dead bees, so as not to dis- turb the hive and arouse them into ac- tivity. It is net so much in understanding the • theory of beekeeping that brings success as la the capacity for looking after the details. If there Is too much drone comb in the hive, rensare it and replace it with worker comb. In 'this way the supply of drones is easily regulated. By having and keeping the entrance to the hives and vicinity' clean and con- venient for the bees to get in and out many bees may be saved in winter. When bees receive but little attention and are allowed' to build all of their own comb, they always have a large amount of drone comb, and this results in an overproduction of drones. -St. Louis Re- public. Not long Stories. Short Fact Pinning Siatements by Seaforth Citizens Verify Pritcher Tablets a Success. RECENT INVENTIONS. .Electro medical treatment is given pa- tients by means of a new sofa, which has batteries and an iuduction coil contained in the lower portion, with head and foot plates to be placed in contact with the patient. India rubber can be devulcauized by a new Danish process, consisting in re- ducing the rubber to pieces of suitable size and then subjecting -them to, a solu- tion of sulphite under heat, the solution being washed out after it has softened -,:he rubber. For scattering the compound contain- ed in hand fire grenades -when broken, . • Massachusetts man has designed a spring, which is contracted and placed in the center of the extinguisher, to ex- pand suddenly and act on the contents when the grenade is broken. A western man has patented a wa'rm- ing device for raising bread; having a lanip set in the bottom of a casing, with • number of trays to carry -the dough neranged in a tier in an uppercompart- ment, the heat circulating around the trays and passing off at the top. THE JEWEL CASKET. Some of the gold scarfpins for men are in light, open designs set with the tiniestof pearls and olivines. Elegant bits of usefulness for milady's toilet are silk stoeldng supporters with gold mountings either plain or chased. Gold bracelets stulded across the top with turquoises graduated from one large 1 stone in the center to small ones at ei- ther end commend themselves to the ad- mirers of this stone. Bracelets that appear to be InsPired by French taste consist of fine cha n link- ing together small enameled bl ssoms, each as the violet or wild rose delicately ornamented with choice stones. The hitherto exceedingly utilitarian as- pect of the heavy chain braceletsr is now modified by the addition of gem. Into one attractive chain bracelet are intro- duced rings set with pearls. -Jewelers' Circular Weekly. Is it true ?' Can this be so? Are the facts grabbled ? These are the questions that are sugeested to every man and woman in Seaforth suffer- ing the tortures of Backache and Kidney trouble, when they read the accounts pub- lished in newspapers about medicines which claim to cure. The success of Dr.Pitcher's Backache Kid- ney Tablets is so great and general, home testimony is adways forthcoming. One of the many ii Seaforth la Mr. J. B. . Thomp- son, Grain Bayer, Board of Trade, who says: "Some years ago I had an accident, re- sulting in a hack and kidney trouble. The pain was fires in front, and finally shifting to the small of the back and hips. Change in the weether or exertion aggravated it. Af er using many things suggeated without relief, .1 got a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Back- ache Kidney, Tablets at Robert's drug store, and found them just what I needed. They took hold immediately, and, although I did isot quite finish the hotel°, the pain soreness and kieney derangement was cleared away. I am glad to endorse them." Price 50 cents per bottle. A free sample of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets mailed to every applicant. It you doubt the testimo y of your neighbors you can prove for yo rself-get a sample absolutely. free. Send stamp t� The Pitcher Tablet Co, TORO TO, ONT. LOOK I If any person tells you that G-_ CRICJd asieft Seaforth, don't you believe it. e ie here to stay, and is prepared to o all kinds of F ncy Painting, Graining and Decorating. ails and ehurohas a specialty. Seen- ry and pictorial advertising. All inds of pictures painted to order. SIDENCE-Three doors south of ths railway brack, on the west side of Alain street. J. G. CRICH, Seaforth. CURIOUS CULLINGS. INCONSISTENCY OF MANKIND. Lori," of Cron:1,10p 11 11(l.* 1 .4/%41 :•,tories, 1111 Objects to Corry lot: z5otti tle-..:01. Cool. Alen are not willing to share with wonien the odium of the 111CODS1S- tency that goes With human nature. The woman. always gets the blame for not being consistent, while the Lords of Creation sit back and enjoy the sensation of being always jest what they should- be in this respect. Read this, and see 'if something shni- .1ar has not occurred to you at some time in your life: . "James, dear, will you bring me up a scuttle of coal from the. cellar?" said a busy wife. "That's just the waY with you," said James,. with a frown, as he put down his -book' and rose from the armcha ir. "Just the way with me?" "Yes!" he snapped. "As sooe as you _see nte enjoying r•rryself, you have something or other, for me to do. Didn't you see I was absorbed in My reading?" "Well, dear, I will do it, Myself." " Yee, and t1l , everybode --your mother especially -that you have to the cel - ark my • In Tyrol the rose is believed to be a sleep producer, and rose leaves are thrown into the fire for "good luck." The following notice is posted on a pri- vate road near Loadon: "Funerals, hawkers and other objectionable traffic not allowed." 111 many parts of Europe it Is at the present day considered an omen of 111 luck for a hare to cross the road in front of a traveler. A child in Arkansas recently having, died at the age 'of 10 months, a coroner held an inquest over the body and in making Gut the certificeite of death stated that -the -child was unmarried and that its occupation was "keeping its parents awake o' nights." ; TRUST THRUSTS. 1 9 The • trusts were never safer. There are about 100 bills against them in the house -of representatives. -Chicago Jour- nal. The 'lobe pays a daily tribute of $8 to the riet paper trust;' that is, it pays $(') a d y more for white paper than it ould pay. -Atchison Globe.. It In • already been made apparent that while t great trust combination bent on the es ablishment of a monopoly may defy for years the application of the com- tnoa and statute law, It must sooner or hiter succumb to the ordinary laws of trade. --Journal of Commerce. THE MOLINEUX VERDICT. . Molineux has money; therefore the law- yers have hope. -Chicago Record. Molineux's case is one instance where a man's family connections failed to save 'him from a conviction on the charge of murder. -Detroit Tribune. Molineux has had Mair trial among an unprejudiced people. The result is a noteworthy vindication of the weight and value of circumstantial evidence under modern methods of judicial administra- tion and practice. -Philadelphia Record: Apparently Molineux is regarded by many persons in New York, lawyers as well as laymen, as a defendant who was probably guilty of the crime imputed to him, but whose guilt had not been proved so conclusively as to justify conviction of murder in the first degree. -Baltimore Sun. carry your own coal up from lar, No, -111 do, it,, I.et nao 111 place." So he marked the :place in tl e book at which he had ceased readi g, and when he went down to the cellar, grumbling all the way, she picked up the volt:One, and found that it was a love story, and that the passage he had been ebsorbed in was as follows: "My darling, when you are my wife I will shield and protect you from every care: the winds of heaven shall net visit your face too roughly, these pretty hands shall never be soiled by menial tasks, your wish shall be my youtl happiness-" :Just then he reappeared, and, drop- ping the scuttle upon the floor, said: "There'e your coal! Give me my book." HOUSEHOLD HINTS.° A clothes wringer with cog bearing turns more easily than other kinds. A lamp chirimey should be as large in *diameter as the brackets will permit. Vern sh the soles of shoes before wear- ing. It will add to theirlength of days. Dam cornmeal is excellent to use on sweeplttg day. It not only absorbs the dust, but it freshens and brightens the carpet. Red wine stains may be removed from table linen with thick milk. Let it el - main for several hours, then week the place in lukewarm water. SHACOWS. Most strange it is to stand when shades are free - Loosed from the light 0 at chained them here and there, 't To hold their hushed derrinion everywhere - To stand and commune with them silentba For one was hound by dataight's tyrant glare, The faithful follower of a cisr to be, And one was forced -light letters needed he - To wait all day upon a maiden fair. And each wore then the shape of lore or loathing Of him whom day their daylong master made; Now all have doffed their loved or hated clothing And mingle o'er the earth in shapeless shade. And we, when death shall loose our souls from self, Shall shudder to have served so foul an elf. -"Miauseula," Francis William Bourdillon. ito•li ph, When Abraham Sapiro of Person, N.Y., practiced running' in his boy- hood clay e and minted lanrels as a sprinter, he probably did not , dream that some day he would have to re for his life with competitors not of flesh- and blood. . Sapiro had charge of tile mixing • vats at the. Katz brewery. Sonne of tvere empty the Other day, nnd t he opportunity for clean ing. the machinery was considered good. In the centre of each vat is an upright shalt. ,11o this are attached two sets of large paddles, the edges of which are sharp. as knives. These are en around at high speed, and the boiling malt is thoroughly mixed. 4 Sapiro had been cleaning and sharp- en i ng the h Lige blades and told Mc- Kay., his assistant, to go to the next sown rsnd raise the lever that. allows the ma It to flaw in. He wished t o see if it was in working order. Ile reran ined in the -vat and a moinent -later was licirrified to see the great blades moving.. alsttegan to move, for he rightly conchtded that McKay had ra h:-11 1 he Nvrong lever and that he wOuld have to keep moving until he .inistake could be rectified. But fright had incapacitated McKay, who heard the cries of Sapiro and was soon at tbe side of the vat. What he there saw transfigured him and robbed him of all presence of mind. Sapiro, now racing about the little circle, might as Wen have been alone. 111; knew just how fast he had to -go, - orxvbile one set of knives was pur- suing him the other, moving at' the same speed, was making pace for The. pare finally reached its limit, and ..as Sapiro ran, fearful of slipping on the smooth copper bot- tom, he began to realize that. it could not last long. Already his limbs began to fall.him, a int his bred th came bard and fast. Bat. Sapiro deterinined to die gamely, Lind thus his life -was saved. A Work- man in a distant part of the building heard his cries: Ile took, in the sit n- ation at a glance and signalled to the pugineer. , _The knives a minute later began to slow up, and so did Sapiro. tIn 'watched the knives with a look of teri•or., It became more dif- ficult for him to keep his distance from the awful pacers, even though the latter were going more slowly. Sapiro fell exhausted as they stopped. He was lifted. out and taken home, suffering only from the effects ,of his race and the strain upon his nerves. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 8BAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED.: Human Nature Fnilihio Every where. We sometimes put on ,a long face, remarks an exchange, and 1oql5 as though 'We hadn't, a ft•iend..in the World, just 1 ecause some person has Poundwith something he saw in our paper. But why feel so badly over "spilled milk?" The merchant doesn'l please all his customers; the postmaster, 'too, is kicked and cussed liecaustli he made mistakes; tbe sta- tion agent is frequently backed up in the cornpr by Some old woman, and given t understand this andthat and nun erous other things; the bar- ber is ensured for his dull razor; the baker is accused of fraud -some peo- Pk! (led' re that .he puts too much Arilld in his bread; the -butcher is for- eVer rep bided of his tough meat; the grocer .c iarges poor accounts to good M81.0111(118 so as to "even up," and even tin. preacher finds it hard Work to _pleas.: all his congregation With his best sermon. The only good per- son is the one who is doing the kick- iug. 'To Keep The best way to clean hair brushes is with spirits of ammonia, as its effect is immediate. No rubbing is required, and cold or tepid water can be used as successfully as warm. Take a tablespoonful of ammonia to a quart of water; dip the bristles Ivithout wetting the. back, and in a nioment the grease is removed; then rinse in cold water, shake well and dry in the air, but not in the sun. Soap and soda soften the bristles and do not get them so thoroughly clean. Not a coilliel tog Nato., o. 111 J01111:411) g -I don't like dat Ft -firmer .Jones. He's too 'spicious. jackson--What 's he done now? Mr. Jelins-ing-IIe's done gone an' put a six-foot bahb-wiah fence &roan' Ws melon patch.. • CASTOR IA tor Infante and Children. ZANZIBAR SULTAN'S CLOCKS. Bow Time In Regulated In the Do- main* of That Potentate, Robert Crawford of Chicago spent a number of years wandering about this globe and in the course of his travele spent some months in Zanzibar. In speak- ing of his experiences there Mr. Craw- ford said: "Zanzibar, yeu know, Is a small Island on the east coast of Africa, about half way between the entrance to the gulf of Aden and Delagoa bay. While I was 11.1P.re I became very feiendly with the sultan, and one day after we had become well acquainted, when I was.calling 00 him, he led me to a room in a part of the palace in which -I had never before been, saying we could talk more quietly there. "We were enjoying a tepid peg when clocks began striking in an adjoining apartment -first a sharp tingaling,' then an alarm went off, the u the boom, boom, of what could only have been grandfa- ther's clock. Finally I could stand it no longer and asked him what it was. 'Have I never shown you my clocks? he ques- tioned as his face lit up with pleasure. He led me into the next apartment. The walls were literally lined with clocks of all sorts, sizes and descriptions -and of every manufacture. America was repre- sented, and so, too, was -every other coun- try. All were ticking merrily, but no two kept the same time, and so I asked him why he didn't have them regulated. "'Oh, I do that on -purpose,' he airily replied. 'You see, some days when I rise late I am sorry and want it earlier, and vice versa. Then I come in here and glance at one of my clocks that I know to be either fast or slow, and there you are. The time is 'as I want it. Younee, I reg- ulate time like everything else in Zanzi- bar.' With a dazed feeling that 1 was in intiMa to conversation with the Red Queen in 'Alice In Wonderland' I help- lessly asked hiin what he meant by regu- lating time for the island. ' "In Zanzibar the official time is taken from a clock on the tower opposite the. palace. The sultan asked me What tune I would like it t� be. ai3d upon my saying 8 a. m. he led the way to the pOrch, sum- moned the official timekeeper vand said: 'It is now 8 in the morning. Ant accord- ingly!' And in a few moments I'm bless- ed if the hands of that dizzy; old clock weren't turned back to 8 o'clock!" -New York Tribune. we know of satisfaction. There is no fairer offer than that of the King Quality Shoe for $3. We have squeezed into this shoe actually more than $3 worth of style, dura- bility land ease. Nowhere else that can you buy the same amount of shoe for $3. You are a judge every woman please come and judge for yourself. We are not afraid to have you do so. Rem.etaber-King Quality. TRADE. bithid 141414 r0; 1: 111111111 IIIII 111111111 11111 We don't know. -The first WEIS put up 13 IIIII OM use special wire -none other like it. Page years ago and is in perfect condition yet. We 111111 No. Over 500.000 farmers mg Page fencing. 111111 11 Wire is as strong as common No. 9. They find It to be the best and cheapest. Send for our new pricelist. MIN 111111111 THE PAM WIRE EIRE CO. WS.) 11111111 OM saw am WALKERVILItE, ONT. allall MIMI 11101111111billaMMIIIIIIIIIIMIB 1011111mpallinillk .11111.1116 sillinms 011111Mot wilMalls 01111MairtillaillalallanIllaganlina isalninesewomo HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? The Dreams of infants. The idea has long been entertained that babies do not, dream, but it seems tibia this is a mistake. A few weeks after they are born •and while asleep signs of suction. smiles and -laughter have beet: seen. No doubt but that the remem- bran'ce of dreams only occurs when a child begins to talk -and understands what is said to it, and that is the reason why our recollectiondo not go mueb further back than the time when we were 5 or 6 years old, but that we dream long before that age there is no doubt, al- though the range of our dreams is nate- - rally circumscribed by the elementary sensations we experience. And that is why in rearing children normally or ab- normally formed it is most essential to watch over them while they sleep and try to gauge the significance of their d It IS a fact medically admitted, says the eminent psychologist M. de Mena- ceine, who supplies us with this informa- tion, that the heavy, troubled dreams of infants indicate approaching illness. If, they awake with a start, begin to cry and are not easily soothed, then recourse should be made to medical adVice, for it is a sign that their normal equlibrium is affected. Truest Economy ht to gete les A cheaply made warn Separator is dear at any price, because faulty in construction, liable to break, and diffi- cult to opt -late. The Shaxples No. 1, with a capacity of 325 lbs. an hour, and the Sharpies W. 11. S, with a ca- pacity rkf 300 lbs, are the finest pro- ducts of the largesi and best equipped cream separ -tor factory in the world. The matedals eptering into the con- struction of these machines Ere the best ol;t air) able. The work Is done by skilled workmen, and is Subjected to the mest rigid impection. Without fear of sub- tantial contradiction, we can say that for case in operating, clean skimming and durability, th r- is no other hand, power cream separator made bty.any one anywhere that is (vial to the Sharpies. We sell these machines on the r merits; We believe that the buyer should be allowed to decide which machine is best for him to buy. We I, ave them to any iiitendi-ng buyer for a wick or ten days, with privilege of retur,ing the machine if nqt peifectly satisfi d with it. P.ice of No. I machine, $90; W. H. 8. ma- chine, $75. Wr:te for illustrated eatallogue. We want a reliable man, with horse and rig, to sell the Sharptes Separator in the Towt.ship of McKillop Will pay salary or commission. Write at once. W. L. OUIMEITE, Londesboro Ontario. • Nature and the Darn ele. In the barnacle we have a nique and wonderful case of a creature that can af- ford as age comes on to dispensle with the eyesight that was so useful in youth. For the young and old barnacle are as differ- ent one from the other as fishee from sea- weed. In the heyday of life the barnacle Swims about tbe sea, seeking its food With the aid of its eyes and generally leading a roaming existence. Later in life, however, it grows tired o this aim- less wandering and settles do -*n to wor- ry ships' captains bY attaching itself to the keel of their eraft ,and defying the mach advertised !powers of various pre - vendee paints. Once, then, the barnacle has beCome a fixture, whether on ships or sharks, its eyesight is of rio more use. It cannot seek its food, and it cannot shun its foes, for it never more will move. Therefore its eyes become superfluous and, accord- ing to ature's invariable rule ila such castes, d &appear. The Point of View. Fuddy-It is the same with humor as with everything else. A good deal de- pends upon the point of view, I suppose. There was Tolfet, for instance, who was butted by Clotigh's billygoat. It seemed nwfully funny to the rest of us, but ol- fet di ln't laugh a bit: Doesn't appear to be any senee of humorin Tolfet. Duddy -Oh, I don't know. You can't expect a man to laugh very heartily at what is going on behind his back. And you ens, yourself a great deal depends upon the Point of view. -Boston Tran- script. Hie Pleaging Way. Snarley-How did he become so popus tar? Yow-He'll repeat the story you told him yesterday to you today and say that it was the funniest yarn he ever heard. - Syracuse Herald. SILKtrgtmlirtl put of placing fromtholeading Silk Rasa of Canada, and aronilthg in packages each: contalii g in choice assortnient of finest silk, nt in newest patio and brilliant; colors, enough to over over 300 sguareinehes. No ingliketheni for fancy work. Mailed for Thets, ;silver, 2 for 25o. Johnston 42 Me4. Parlane,110 'Yong° St., Toronto, 11#04•41•1•111144111.1.4•••••• 4 for 10 Cents ItIlrtraautZ Bargain List, we will send1 four 9 -inch DoWes for only 10 eta. Tboi4e Doilies are atamped in the latest and prettiest de- signs and are sold regularly at 10 cents each. Don't send stamps. , Johnston & eFarlane,110Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. 1 56 POPULAR SONGS P.90"19# neatly grinted and bound in one volume), ti grand collection of Musical Gems, sentimental, th- etia,comic ; a variable treasury of the world's pew -- tar and beautihil songs. Price. 10 cents, postPaid. Jontarros,taltiOFARLass Yonge St., Toroate. esn. OVRTStilPs ttette 0 Courifhlm*Jurrt out.. A few area eba onztabi xisoesy,Oinutater_pofierzerer Young 14041',14rre llowtoWlnYavor. Wed, ding =iguana, Church Weddings,ntt. Tortneitine, JohnstonaMeirarlane, Tonga fit., Toronto, Van. ASBESTOS PIPE2*Lztbe• gar271 ordinary ztipe foil oftoleoco. Will last for years. Twenty smokes of.i/grana to. bemoan. the price of one peer cigar, ratotnowity on*. Una &feriae. Agents want. JohadonimerarisaesDomato BOY'S PRINFER acompleto -printingoadoe;nontsithg a font ofehangeable rubber tyl, to,ink padAireezers and holder. Useful in inattyways-printingeanis,sustking oh:thing, bozei,eto. Everyshould have one. Postgaid15ate..randons Iferariaite, vaageflt.lareaba,Gan. Not Very Consoling. Humorist -The editor makes fun of my jokes. pa Scer-Well, I don't see that you have i any kick coming. That's more than you ; are able.to de. -Chicago New.s. Mot people eat as if they thougilit It was .' have. -Chicago News. - Time is Rot so large as eternity, but It 3011P03 to take up a good deal more room. Such is Fame, Bunko Steerer-Exeuse me) sir, but your face in familiar ! Farmer Greene -Yew probably seen it in the Connecticut Farmer for last July, whar wuz a•standin' beside my prism Holstein bull In a photygraft 1 I kinder thought I'd be reoognized when I got to New York.- Puok. CHARM PENCIL ed pencil. Makes up tyauduseful, Beantifullyengravedr4:7 Writ ebarm;tbe lead screwing in and out as des Malted, sisilover. joluasten a Mob arlauo, 110 Yong° Bt., Toronto. I I NE t • 110 for10 Gents re 0)..reg. of the best tounorons redraws, outmodes Abe Negro, Yankee, Irish. and Dutch dialects, boa is prose &adverse, a well as humorous companions of .W017 kind mulehansater fientpastpaidferlin. - sieinnitOORS NiFsrLa., 110 roessig•Torweb A WONDERF L ANTISEPTIC COMPOUND 1\1"-CYNTO A Aledicated Toil4 Soap of the Purest Av.' •r e Silver Medal Britain Exhibili, n, 1897 A FEW REASOS WRY YOU SHOULD I.T-44; NOVO. Ttr g. leo. 3007. VITHAT IT WILL DO 1 -Prevent all contagious diseases froth 6 -It will ele a a,- .. ne.ve psint, oil and Greater • approaching where it is ueed. V 1 2 --It will (dean and polish point work and not kill the gloss of the paint, 1 3 -It will clean carpets without takiug them up. . ! 4 -It will clean linoleums like new. 5 -It will clean bicycle chain and rims, Novo is claimed to be the chea eet and best paint ' cleaner on market. Try it on r ger marlin on dont. , greafolitalt f! VI D and cotton ot12.. ing. AIM) ti .; nellareetead hate. 7 -It cont. ins no a ' anti 16 _strongly re. commenth t t-^ 0.1 g" the head, as it imparts a :411,y iterid gloss to the hair, and is istp ,;sefel for children. it at( IC.1311d2ie, eaontdi 021, 0:: in Biro eue Ke Atlas Works,, Ern t FI:a• B•• peal, Liverpool, Eng. R. H LAVERS & CO Ltd 7 '7 Estate JOHIssoN *sot.- g 1587-62 DAISY AIR RWLE We etre ibis splendid Eine fersellingonlvtwo dome pariagesofi4weet Pea Seeds, at 10 ante emcil. VS most *splint Tiitieties. Ail eelers. This isoftbeltreakelargePacluggearntst andlatertmodsi,luwell finished. 'deka Plated, carefully eighted and tasted be °releasing the factory. It is just the thing for target *entlee or for shooting eats, xfaiwrowL _etc. this kdrortlecoeht with your address And we rind seeds. Sell them, return MOW We t'sird,_ vs& sal=1:ed. les season for selllawn, Goa DOS TOtOlitaiing seeds ts sheriseerder at egos. Moms aajacksPg sea Fortner a year we have bad the agency tr the sale of iNDAPO. Our first order was for a glade of a dozed, our last'for One Hundred and Forty-four Hi/liars worth.' • 1 • EGISTERED, 111 _ ; TRADEMARK 4411 dia Made a well an of wie:, viaitig9 HIN000 REPAILDY PROTKYOBB THE ABOVi RANNilfs Ds 30 days. Cures an Nervous Diseases. Failing Monurr Parma. Sleeplessness, Nightly Ends- sionsotte., caused by past abuses, gives , surely tea Lost Manhood in old or soung. 1 visor 7,11toize to sluenken organs, and oniekly but 1 His for 0.00 with. written guarani e to entre Ras y carried in vest pocket. Price girl:Dan money refunded. DON'T IstrE an IM Ion. b Or got_ it, we 14 send it prepaid, insult on higna INDAPO, If your drOggist has n 111.111000 101 011 CO., Proprs, Mims°, 111.11srear Igen s. This rapid Increase moves Ills a resiely.thst eve17 who tries it speaks well of. Yours reeally, ortb. Ont. MONEY TO LOAN Fundi of private parties, also tromOsay funds, o ...ma at lowest rates on first mortgage; terms to .411 harrower*, JAMS L. esatostik 1400- McLEOD'S System Renovator -A NI, r-11ER--- TEGTF 6 ememEs. A specific and - poverished Blood. 1... Hon of the Heart, LI of Memory, 13,/ nJ--- Jaundice, Ki 14••, Dance, Female Tr- a LABORATORY-- r, NI McLEni t. V. . Sold by J. Remotes, Seaforth, 1501-tf . aura, Weak and Itt plesintos, Palpate - at pestilent/rig* Lose nestSen, Gall MOMS, .r' Disease., EL Vitus' General Debility, atarle, ,tst triPtor and Mann Privacy for the Telephone The Bell Telephone Company offers for sale, at reasonable prime' SOUND PROOF CABINETS of handsome dteogn, and with all the improvements which experience slur gusts. The local manager will 1* able to efe you full partioniers,