HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-04-06, Page 7lout comfort
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APRIL 6, 1900,
_ - •
Johnson Bros.,
Now offer their large stock of
At and below whole-
sale prices.
We are sole agents for the
Sherwin & Williams
House Paints and Enaniel,
The most durable and beautiful paints
in the world.
Call and examine colorings.
• Are you going to
If so, don't forget that Dauphin is the finest'
district in the Prairie Province and that the leading
Real Estate, Loan, Insurance and Commission agents
there is the firm of SPARLING & MURRAY. Office,
corner of Main street and Wakefield avenue; en-
trance, Main street. Correspondence Bolioited which
will be promptly attended to. Seed for list of farm
and town properties for sale. 1686•18
MARCH 30th and 3Ist.
The ladies of Seaforth and rrounding country re
cordially Invited to visit our show room on ab ve
dates, vrhaen a large displa of dainty oreations in 11
the newest styles in pdng millinery wil be.shown.
Also everything in mill ery trinurninge, inch as
flowers, feathers, laces, rib es eto. If not conveni-
ent for anyone to call en o r opening days come next
week or any time, we shall be Ocala to eee you at
any time and show you all our beautiful designe in
fashionable millinery. W always keep on hand a
large assortment of the ready-to-wear hal, including
Abe ever stylish sailor and the walking hat.
Opposite Commercial Hotel SEAFORTH.
Grist mill running night and day, and all
Enda of work done on the shortest notice.
First-class roller flour exchanged for wheat.
On hand a quantity of good feed corn for
Sale at lowest prices.
All kinds of firat-class logs wanted at the
mill, for which the highest cash price will
be paid. Call and see us before disposing'
of your logo.
Farm loaner taken at lowest rates; payments to
euit borrower; satisfaction guaranteed ; all oorre-
apondeace cheerfully answered. ABNER COSENS,
Wingbar, Ont. Office -At corner of Minnie and
Patrilk streets; every Saturday all day. 1667
Bank of Commerce
Six Million Dollars -$e 000,000.
A general Banking business tran-
sacted.- Farmers' Notes discounted,
and special attention given to the
collection of Sale Notes.
SAVINGS BANK. -Interest allow-
ed on deposits of $1 and upwards.
Special facilities for transaction of
business in the Klondike District.
Money Orders, payable at any bank, issued at the
following rates :-
Under 810 .08 to 830 .12
810 to $20 .10 830 to 850 .14
F. II 0 LMESTED, • F. C. 0. MINTY,
Solicitor. Manager.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Detwiller and
Messrs, Baldwin, all of Mitchell, all left
there for the west last, week.
-Rev.. E. W. Crawford, Staffs, is about
to leave for Chaco South America, where
lie will be engaged mission work.
Too T 7
I! so, there must be some
trouble with Its food. Well
babies are plOmp; only the
sick are thin.' Are you sure
the food Is all right? - Chil-
dren can't help but grows
they must grow If their,food
no rishes them. Perhapsa
mi take was made in the
pat and as a result the di-
ge tion is weakened. If that
is o, 'don't $ive the baby
a lot of medicine; just use
yo r every -day common
sense and help nature a
little, and the way to do
it is to add half .a teaspoon-
ful of -
to the baby's food three or
1 four times a day. The gain
will begin the very first day
you Me it. It seems to
correct the digestion and
bzts the baby started right
gain. If the baby is nurs-
i ing but does not thrive, then
I the mother should take the
Iemulsion. It will have a
f good effect both upon the
I mother and child. Twenty -
i five years proves this fact. i
• erse. and $r.00'all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
DOTS. -H, Patrick still continuee very ill.
-Mumps area very prevalent disease just
now. -Mr. Payne has moved to the Rea
farm, let concession. -Mr. Wolfe has moved
to a farm near BIuevale.-Miss Annie Hoy
has gone to Fowlerville, Michigan, where
she will visit her aunt, Mrs. Tyinsalor a
while. -Last week Robert Ferguson left for
Leamington, Essex county, where he has
taken a tailoring situation. -W. W.iMcKay,
9th concession, left for Niagara Falls, New
York, this week, where he expects to spend
some time. -Mr. Robert Hoy, th conces-
sion, haapurehased a new McCormick bind-
er, and John Smith, of the Bathe line, a
mower. Mr. Hoy infends putting up a
driving shed, and is having the lumber out
out no for it. -In the space of about one
hour I t week, three Leicester ewee, be-
longing to David Milne, of Ethel, increased
his floe by seven lambs.-Mrit Walker and
family, ho had James Laird'afarm rented,
have .r Roved back to Michigan, and Mr.
Laird has gone back to the farm, after the
winter' sojourn in Ethel.
tching, Bleeding Piles.
Mr. W G. Phyall, proprietor Bodega Hotel, $4
Wellingt n Street East, a oronto, nye :-" While liv'
ing in C few, I was in a terribe Wispe with itching
and la! log piles, I tried several of the beet physi•
clam, an a a9 burnt and tortured in various ways
by their reatment to no avail, besides spending *
mint of °nay to no putpose. Since cooing to Tor.
onto I is rned of Dr Challell ointment, d used bet
one box, and have not been troahled with piles In
any this e or form lime."
older r
liam 5
had for
berry a
ham t
week o
a form
s. -On Sunday last, one of the
sidents of this section died at his
e in Wingham, in the person of Wil-
son, in his 74th year. Mr. Benson
a number of years been a highly re -
resident of the township of Turn -
d a few years ago moved to Wing -
reside. -Word reached here last
the death of Mr. George McKibbon,
r well-known resident of this town.
Mr. M oKibbon was, at one time. one of
Wingh m's most enterprising citizens. -Af-
ter sev ral months of suffering, Susan M.,
wife of Thomas Endes, died at the home of
her br • then A. W. Webster, on Wednesday
of last « eek. Mrs. Eades had been suffer-
ing fro n consumption for several months.
She ha( lieen a resident of Wingham for a
numbe: of years and was respected by all
who ha the pleasure of her acquaintance;
she wa a consistent member of the Wing -
ham P esbyterian church, and also a mem-
ber of ern Lodge,. Lady True Blues. -Eli
Elliott of the Wingham brick yard, is hav-
ing th machinery placed ou the farm he
recent& purchased from Mrs. Robertson, on
the B1 evale road, where he intends to menu-
factur red brick. Mr. Elliott says he has
alread :received large orders for both red
and w ite brick and expecte a large busi-
ness tit's' season. He will ran both yards to
their f 11 capacity during the season.
THA aching head can be instantly relieved by
POWD RS. One powder, So; three for 103, ten for
NOT 3S. -The Sage hotel property has not
been a Id. -A sleigh load of young 'people
spent n enjoyable evening at Mr. Dundee',
McKil op, Thursday of last week. -Messrs.
Rams and Harris gained fresh laurels on
Tuesd y by taking 1st money at a sawing
match at Clifford. -The Minto Club, of
Brussels, was entertained by Mrs. R. H.
Fergu on on Tuesday evening of this week.
-A b e was held on Tuesday for the pur-
pose o hauling stone for the foundation of
the pr posed new hall for the Ancient Order
of United Workmen. There were 15 or 16
teams t it. -An upright Grand Heintzman
piano as placed in the home of Mr. Hugh
Fulto on Wednesday of this week. -Mr.
David and Mrs. Campbell, of th'is locality,
were away at Beeclaville this week, attend-
ing th funeral of Mr. John- Bennett, a
nephe , who was! killed at Woodstock,
while ttending to hie duties as brakeman
on the railway. -Mrs. Williem Sroith, 16th
concee ion of Grey, has gone to Toronto,
and t i is week ltlisa Georgia also goes to the
Queen City. Mr. Smith will follow io the
course of a couple of weeks, having repted
his fa m hereto his son John. T -he Smith
family are old and histhly respected residents
of Gre , having lived on the 16th concession
since •he fall of 1862. They will carry with
them he best wishes of many old friends to
their • ew home. Miss Charlotte will keep
house for her brother for a time. -The young
people of the United Presbyterian ohnroh
met at the manse on March 19th and were
organized into a" Young People's Christian
Union." On March 26th the organization
was completed, the following officers being
elected: President, Rev. C. M. Filer ; vice
president, Miss Jean Stewart; secretary -
treasurer, Miss Maggie Hislop; correspond-
ing secretary, Mrs. C. M. Filer. Regular
meetings will be held on Sabbath evenings
at 6:30 o'clock.
REGULAR ACTION of the bowels is necessery to
health. LUCA-LIVER PILLS are the best owes-
ioual cathartic for family or general use. Price 25o.
Any druggist.
Miss BALL WEDDBD.-An interesting
matrimonial event took place at the home of
Mr. William Ball, base line, on Wednesday,
the occasion being the marriage of Miss
Evelyn to Mr. James Raithby. The cere-
mony was performed in the presence of a
number of Mende and relatives. After
this the party sat down to the wedding
supper. The presents were numerous, and
not only were they costly but useful. The
happy couple will live in Hallett, where
they will be heartily welcomed amid the
well wishes of their many friends.
PAsSED AWAY. -Janette Fairservice, be-
loved wife of Mr. Daniel Stevens, passed
peacefully away on Thursday, March 22nd,
at the early age of 30 years. She had been
ailing for the rust six years with a compli-
cation of diseases, but was only confined to
bed for two weeks heart trouble being what
carried her off, She died at the home of
Alex. Watt, gravel road, where she had
come to visit and have a change only two
weeks previous. She was a native of Hul-
lett, and third daughter of James Fairser-
vice, who left here about twenty years ago
for Kenna, where he now lives. Her
mother having died when she was young,
she always resided at Alex. Smith's, conces-
sion 12. She has two sisters living in Kan-
sas, Mrs. Wm. Botz andAlre. Bowers, and
Margaret, living at Mr. Jbhn Watt's, 13th
concession. Her parents were of Scotch de-
cent, her religious connection being a mem-
ber of the Presbyterian church at Londes-
boro. She was only married about six
months and her husband feels the loss very
keenly, and she will be missed, not only by
her relatives, but by a large number of
SYRUP the best medicine to expel worms. Children
like it-worme don't.
• WEST SIDE NOTES. -Miss Agnes McClin-
chey returned home on Thursday last from a
visit with friends in ,Marlette, Michigan. -
Mrs. James Reid, who has been visiting
friends in Grey township, returned home on
Friday last. --Miss Rachel McOlincheyi s
recovering fast from her late illnesa-Miss
Mary Stinson, from Lucknow, who has been
visiting in this vicinity, returned home on
Monday last. -Mr. William Herd, our pop-
ular farmer, has secured the eervices of Wm,
Elliott and Albert Townsend for the com-
ing season. Mr. Townsend is going to oc-
cupy the house of Mr. John Scothmere.-
Mrs. William Clark, senior, who has been
somewhat indispoled for a short time back,
is not enjoying very good health, but we
hope she will be speedily restored, -We are
sorry to report that Mr. Calvin Dowson is
not gaining strength as feet as we would
like to see him, but we hope he will soon re-
cover from his illness. -Mr. Wm. Clark i*.
still gaining strength, and his many friends
are glad to see him able to be out of bed. -
Ms. Richard Penhale has purchased a very
fine Shorthorn bull from Mr. E. Wise, of
Goderioh township. --James and Alexander
Forrest, of the Parr line, left on Monday for
Manitoba. They are two of Stanley's most
highly esteemed young men, and we wieh
them success in the new prairie province.
Your Physician's Prescription.
You should be deeply interested in the
correct and honestfilling of your physician's
prescription. In every case our diepensing
is scientifically and accurately done with a
view to best results for the sick.
A Great Medical Discovery.
Paine's Celery Compound is the crowning
,medical discovery ot the century. Thia
popular medicine is our great leader. It
gives the best results in nervous diseases,
neuralgia, dyspepsia, Bright's disease and
liver complaint. -
LUICSDEN eit' WILSON, DUggiste, Seaforth,
Ontario. -
COUNCIL DOINGS. -At the last meeting of
the Morris council a communication was re-
eeived from the reeve of Grey, respecting
the advisability of employing .road grader
on the boundary between Grey and Morris,
to be need in connection with the perform-
ance of statute labor. Ileum Cardiff and
Shaw were appointed a deputation to meet
a deputation from the eo#ncil of Grey, in
order to arrange the matter proposed. The
clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders
for the completion of Garniss draM, tenders
to be opened at council meetiog on May
28th. Patbmasters were appointed as fol.
lows, via. :-North boundary, C. Henderson,
W. J. Henderson, P. Fowler, Thomas Jew-
itt, George McDonald Wm. Robertson, R.
Maguire Wm. Fraser, C. Maguire, W. H.
Fraser, kV. J. Johnston, W. J. Johnston,
junior and R. Miller; 2nd line, R. War-
wick, John Casemore, T. Scott, Wm. Gar -
nista I. !errand, Wm. Turvey, S. Caldbiek,
James Robertson and Wm. Moses; 3rd line,
Wm. Wray, George` Hanna, Thomas Proctor,
John Garniss, F. Brewer, John Budd, H.
Bone, Wm. Farrow and James Ireland ;_4th
line, W. G. Nicholson, Wm. Bryans, George
Proctor, John Wheeler, R. McMurray,
Shedden, R. Cardiff, John Shurrie, K. Mc-
Kenzie and Wm. Bryans; 5th line, John
Bell, A. Cloakey, A. Easom,, M, Watson, B.
Wilkinson, T. Clark, D. Somerville, J.
Davis, F. Keys and John Manning; 6th line
J. Orrasby, J. Young, E, Laundy, J. Conk,
J. Thuell, Wm. Smith, F. McCutcheon and
Thomas Walker; 7th line, R. Nesbitt, M.
Kelly, J. Wallace, Wm. Thuell, R. Pratt,
H. MoArter1Wm. McCall, 1). McLean and
H. Beam; 8th line, J. Laidlaw, H. Rich-
mond, Wm. Laidlaw'P. Kelly, Wm. Phe-
lan, John Coldough, Wm. Skelton, G. Mc-
Callum, J. Moore and John Lawson; 9th
line, C. A. Howe, R. Cockerline, R. Brown,
James Jackson, D.flosidlaw, John Shortreed,
R. Stubbs, D. Farquharson, George Grigg
and John Lamb; west boundary, James
Golley, Wm. McCreay, C.' McLelland, T.
Gosman and N. Cunning; east boundary, A.
Bryans, A. Forsyth, Thomas Maunders, O.
Ritchie aad Thomas Waghorn. After pass.
ing a number of accounts, the council ad-
journed until May 28th next, then to meet
as a court of revision.
A Bad Case of Asthma
Mrs. Samuel Ferndel, of Clementsport,
N. S., writes : " It is with great pleasure
that I write you to tell of the good I have
derived from the use of Catarrhozone. I am
in my eightieth year now, tnd from youth
up I have bean troubled with Asthma, and
not until I used Cat arrhozone did I get re-
lief. It has cured tro, asthma in an ineredi-
bly short time; anci,I heartily recommend it
to all." Ciatarrh-o-ztkne is sold by all drug.
gists. Trial outfit sent for 10e in stamps
by N. C. POLSON & CO., Kingston, Ont.,
Trees Bearing Early.
The Cultivator says that there wcald be
much leas discouragement to fruit growers
and a great increase in the amount and
profitableness of fruit grown if some way
were devised to bring trees, after they have
been set, to bearing more quickly than they
usually do. It is usually the fault of the
tree planter. He overdoes his work in try-
ing to give the tree a good start. The re-
sult is that roots and wood growth are un-
naturally stimulated, and the formation of
fruit buds is delayed. What is needed is
suitable alterenation of stimulants and
checks to growth, so that after the tree has
atteined the Mae and vigor required for
bearing the making of new wood will be
stopped, and the energies of the tree di-
rected mainly to the formation of fruit
bud,. When the young tree is set oub ib
has not enough size to hear more than two
or three specimens, and so it is thought not
to be worth while to keep the tree in the
bearing habit. So the surface soil is culti-
vated and possibly manured in order to
stimulate growth.. Usually the tree blos-
soms, but this exceses of plant food pro-
duces so much sap that the blossom drops
off without setting any fruit. It is usually
not until the trees grow too large to be
cultivated and are sown with grain and
seeded down that the grewth is sufficiently
checked to indnoe the formation of fruit
buds. Then toomany form and the whole
energy of the tree is devoted to maturing
its fruit crop, giving no opportunity for
starting buds for another year.
Sentenced to Death.
"You are in the laet stages of Consump-
tion and cannot live More than a month,"
were the words of doom heard by Mrs. Rosa
Richardson, of Laurel Springs; N. C., from
her doctors, "but she began to use Dr.
King's New Disoovery," writes R. L.
Daughton, of that place, "and was wholly
cured by it. She is now a stout, well wo-
man." It's the supreme cure ler desperate
diseases of throat and lungs, Infallible for
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup,
Whooping Cough. Guaranteed bottles 50o
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at I. *V. Fear's
drug store.
Three Cheers For Them.
We saw old Erin's flag afloat
Upon St. Patrick'e day,
And proudly pinned some shamrocks on
To celebrate the fray..
Where Ireland gave her noblest sons
For freedom, home and Queen ;
Adding bright records of renown
To thoseithat long have been,
Sweet Isle of beauty often teen
By party hate, and strife,
Tine be the greatness that shall rise
From death to endless life.
May no discordant voice disturb
The union firm and free,
Which binds anew by tears and blood
The mother -land to thee.
May she, too, seek thy highest good,
And no'or forgot the debt
She owes to those who saved the realm
On which no sun has set.
Then twine the green, let it be seen,
With red, and white, and blue;
The Union Jack so deeply dyed
Is Ireland's trophy too.
Lang may it shield her Emerald shores ;
Three loud Canadian cheers,
For Royal Rifles, Connaught men,
Dragoons and Fusiliere.
Troubles of a Minister.
To benefit others Rev. J. T. W. Vernon*
of Hartwell, Ga., writes : "For a long
time I had a running sore on my leg. I
tried many remedies without benefit until I
used a bottle of Electric Bitters and a box
of Bucklen's Arai* Salve, which cured me
sound and well." !Sores, Eruptions, Boils,
Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, show impure
'blood. Thousands have found in Electric
Bitters a grand blood purifier that abso-
lutely cures these troubles. Satisfaction is
guaranteed or money refunded by I. V.
Fear, druggist, Seaforth. Large bottles on -
Josh 'Billings' Philosophy.
We ally/use diepize thoae whom we kant
Medflatter the improvident, but seldum
flatter the caushus.
It is better to be kikt bi a mule than to be
praised by a fool.
He who knows a gratemenny trades iz sure
to be master ov none.
No man ever shouldered a ton yet, either
bi the aid ov tears or prayer.
Man's pashune make him more terrible
than enny beast ov the dessert.
You kan't make a man think according to
law ; you may make him sat so.
There hi no. labor main invenshun that
kompare with the eye ov the master.
What a man gets unjustly iz harder to
hang onto than the hot end ov a poker.
There iz a grate difference between a brave
and reckless man, avd the two should not be
Children are constant anxiety. The only
time we kan konsider them safe iz when
they are fast asleep.
Poverty iz not dishonorable enny more
than sickness i ; it iz only the cauze ov it
that may be dishonorable.
One cm the most diffioult things in a man's
karaoter to judge ov iz the aktual amount
ov happiness he iz posfeesed ov.
Everethe bees will rob a weak hive ov Its
bunny ; just so a weak nation falls a victim
to the neighboring strong one.
Happinness haz been defined so often arid
in so many different ways that I am almost
ov the opinion that it doesn't exiet at all.
The only way to find out about a man iz
to set him on the top round ov a, ladder and
then stand off and take a good square look
s at him.
The best hits that have ever been made
hav been made just as the boy hit the wood.
cook on the fly -hi picking up the fast stone
he could find and lettin drive without tak-
ing aim ; and the boy and the woodcock,
both were astonished at thereault.
Her Head a Fright.
44 Large sores covered the head and face
of our child," writes C. D. Isbill, of Moto
ganton, Tenn., " that no treatment helped
till we used Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which
quickly 'cured her." Infallible in Eruptions,
Bruises, Accidents and Piles. Cure guaran-
teed. Only 250 at Fear's drug store.
Hospital ShiPs.
The British nation owe a great deal more
than they realize to the Prince and Princess
of Wales. Hie Royal Highness retains de-
lightful memories of certain cruises made by
him on board one of the Royal yachts, dur-
ing the weeks which immediately followed
the accident to his knee -joint ; and both he
and the Princess ascribe his complete recov-
ery greatly to the fact thet.the long peria
of convalesence was orient on board ship, one
of the Royal yachts having been converted,
for the nonce, into a delightful floating hos-
It is a touching fact, and one which well
, illustrates the beautiful nature of the Prin-
cess, that every one of the appliances, costly
orl the reverse, found to be of use to the
P ince, was included in the elaborate fittings
' of her hospital ship the S. S. Princess of
ales ; and this although of the whole Ise-
co11modation only two per cent, is reserv.
edl for officers, the rest being entirely given
ov r to that most fortunate of " absent
minded beggars," Tommy Atkins.
: o take one example of Her Royal High-
nets's thoughtfulness and intelligent care for
; the wounded soldiers, says a writer in the
Sunday Strand for February, by an ingen-
io ti device every one of the two hundred
cots can be lifted away from its stand, and
co; veyed with its precious burden to the
• pr menade deck.
: All the Princess's patients, as they are
: alrieady affectionately called, rejoice in lux-
- urious spring mattresses, and literally an
abundance of cool, snowy white linen; while,
i the moment the occupant of the cot is
able to alt up and look about him with
interest and pleasure, he notices, literally
at his elbow, a convenient bed table whioh
can either be laid fialt.acrote the counter-
pane for meals, or sloped sten angle to hold
a book, a magazine, or a sheet of letter
It is easy to imagine the pathetic and
quaint epistles penned ander such condi-
tions often, no doubt, .with the help of o e
of the devoted group of nurses who for
the least attractive feature of the Pri
cese's ship.
"I want all my nurses," Her Royal High-
ness is reportedito have said, "to be both
motherly and sisterly."
And, after all, among the most importait
duties of the modern army nurse is that f
providing sympathy and spiritual help o
her charges.
Those old fashioned people who are apt to
regard electricity as a fad of the moment,
would quickly ,change their minds if it fell
to their lot to alternate for a fewliays be-
tween a vessel so lighted and weighed, and
one of the older kind. Here, again, thoae
to whom were zonfided the practical arran-
gements of the Princess of Wales were given
an absolutely free hand, and were assissed
by the invaluable advise of the Prince, who
has kept up to an exceptional degree with
electrical invention.
Never has water power been harnessed to
more purpose. In addition to the usual
electrie lamps and globes, with which by;
this time all the world has become familiar,
each ward is embelished by a dainty cooking
stove, which, by the help of electricity, can
turn out in a few moments boiling water,
arrowroot, or beef tea.
The whole of the laundry work 011 board
ship is also got through in a miraculously
short space of time by the same potent
agent, and, thanks to its aid, every mime,
however rough or sultry the weather, can
always appear spotlessly arrayed in cotton
frock and white cap and apron, as if she
were preparing to appear at the nurses' gar-
den party at Marlborough house. What a
change from the laundry experiments made
by the gallant group of army nursing sisters
who went through the Zulu -war of 1878?
Then the only way in which caps and aprons
could be "got up," was to stretch them be-
tween large atouee bn which the ;natives
wore put to sit in rows.
Again, electricity is being used to good
purpose in what is, perhaps, the most char-
acteristic section of this wonderful Palace
of Pain, that is, the operating chamber. It
is on the lower deck amidships, and its
most interesting feature to mot people is,
undoubtedly, the admirable Rontgen Rays
apparatus. This was given to the Princess
hospital ship by the Duke of Newscastle-
himself a distinguished amateur photogra-
pher, and thus fully asvare,of the value of an
invention which, according to Sir William
MacCormao, "may be said to have revolu-
tionized military surgery."
Tq turn to a brighter side of life on board
Her Royal Highness's hospital ship; those
happy warriors who find themselves well on
the way to convalesence have reason to feel
thatf they have been as little neglected in
health as they were in sickness. Their gen-
tle patroness seems to -have made an appeal
to all the younger Members of the royal
family. The two daughters of the Duke
and Duchess of Connaught, who take a very
special interest in the army, must have
worked long and earnestly at the delightful
lounge dressing gowns in which those pat-
ents who are well enough to sit up in the
deck chairs -provided by the bounty of
another royal lady -may envelop them-
The three Princesses, after whom the
smaller wards are named, not content with
providing all sorts of little luxuries for the
wounded who occupy severally the Victoria,
the Maude and the Louise wards, are repre-
sented by quite a library of entertaining
books, and of gables which can be either
played alone or by a couple of invalids. As
soon, too, as a man is considered welf enough
to enjoy the solace of a pipe, he will have his
choice between a good cigar and a first-rate
briar, of a pattetn specially chosen by the
Princess as being a favorite of her sailor son,
the Duke of York.
"What will Netley be after this ?" many
a poor follow mild murmur to himself, at li@
surveys the large airy ward, or, better still,
the sunlit deck, studded with neat, active
Sisters'each wearing the pretty white liners
brassard on which glances triumphant the
eight -pointed arose of St. John of Jerusa-
lem, while on the upper arm the Princess
coronet and the letter"A" are a modest
reminder of her to whom all these good
things are owing.
Life goes on very peacefully on the Prin-
cess hospital ship. A momentary excite-
ment in caused when a British vessel heaves
in sight and exohanges cordial greeting;
with the beautifnl Palace of pain, which,
painted white, with the Mercy Cross in red,
tells its own story even at a considerable
What Worried Her.
The fAverpool Poet says that a firm in
Liverpool, being delighted at the idea that
one of its employees was called upon to join
the reserves, at once volunteered to pay
half his wages to his wife in his absenoe.
At the end of a month the woman ap-'
peered, and the moiety wad at once given
4 4 What ?" she said, "four pounds 79
" Yes," replied the senior partner, " that
is exactly half ;, sorry you are not satisfied."
"It isn't that I'm not fiatiafied. Why,
for years he has told me he only got 16 shil-
lings altogether, and -and -if the Boers
don't kill him, I will."
Epps's Coega
Distinguished everywhere for Del -
limey of Flavour, Superior qual4,
and Highly Nutritive Pro erties.
Specially grateful and co forting '
to the nervous and dy peptic.
Sold only in quarter -pound tias,
labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited Homceopathic Chemists,
London, England.
60 2
Hagyard's Yellow Oil relieves pain, reduces swel-
ing, takes out inflammation, Cures Rhedrnatism,
'Croup, and Kidney Complaint. Can be used extern-
ally or used internally. Price 25e.
a• • 111..
Feverish From Worms.
Two of my little boys were troubled with worms.
They would wake up in the night and vomit, and
through the day would sometimes be very feverish.
I gave them Dr. Low's Worm Syrup, and it com-
pletely cured them.
Mrs. *m. Mer61, Teeterville, Ont,
Mrs, Chas. P. Temnir, Hope Town, P. Q. write •.
"1 used to be troubled with severe Headaches and
Constipation, but Laxa-Liver Pills have cured me,
and I heartily recommend them to my frier:Me."
A Terrible Cough.
I had a terrible coueh and cold, and not getting
anything to help me, I tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup, and am glad to say it cured me at Once.
Miss Carrie Bowman, Peepabun, Pi 0., Ont.
SCIATICA :-That most intensely pain13/ • of die -
+mace that defies doctor's treatment, can be prompt-
ly relieved and thoroughly cured by Milburn's Rheu-
matics Pills.
-41/ • eme--
, A Half Century Record..
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberryhas now
been in use for 60 years,and there is nothing to equal
it as a rapid and effective cure for &mei Conipleinte
of young or old.
ardware Store
smicrv-11 s_
We have a full line of first-cIass Cook
Stoves and Heaters.
In Wood Stoves we have Moffatt's Crown
Matchless and Majestic fitted with 'tee
ovens, the most perfect bakers in the mar
ket. We have also Gurney's Oxford and
For a Coal and Wood Range, six holes,
Gurney's Imperial Oxford is the most hand-
some and satisfactory stove in the market.
Moffatt's Welcome is the best four hole
Range in the market. We have a godd line
of Coal Stoyes and Wood Heaters. Call
and examine our stoves before purchasing.
Eometty.roughing and Furnace Work a
8iIIS Murdie
Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth
Give a Youth
Resolution and a course in
Business and Shorthand at
the ,
47, /
1 55 24
and who shall place limits to
his career, Catalogue free.
that you cannot possibly be
happy or successful unless you
sleep soundly, eat heartily, and
digest what you eat.
that if your nervous system
needs toning you will be miser-
able yourself and make those
you come in contact with mis-
that in Dr. Ward's Blood
Nerve Pills you have a remezly
that has never yet failed to cr.re
any disease caused by
poverished blOod, sy.ch asJe
Greenish or Sallow Com ,
Nervous Prostration, Weakr_e,
Loss of Appetite, Dys,pci.-:s'a
and Stomach Disorders,
ache, Depression of Sri:115.,
Lack of Energy, Puffiness azd
Dark Crcies under thc-E)-;
Pain in the J.3?.;:l:, Kidney
Liver Disorde:s, and Catanh,
10 rata per box.. five box,,,z for St .A1
or Sant Wdlitmi & Co.. Toronto, On:.
Musical - Instrument
Owing to hard times, we have con-
cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
Organs at $25 and. upwards, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.
of Spex
Do your eyes tire easily?
• so, YOU need Glasses.
Do yew eyes burn?
If so, You need Glasses.
Does the type become blurred in reading?
If so, You need Glasses.
Do you suffer from frontal headache?
If so, (passes will Help You.
Do you know if yon have perfect eyesight ?
If net; we can Inform You.
if WflLeon YOU Namibia.
The Seaforth
Tea Store
Is still at the front with ell kinds of,
goods at wholesale prices.-- A very
large stock of Teas in Black, Green,
Japan and Tea Dust, at prices from 10e
s pound up to 50o a pound. A large
stock of fresh prunes, dates, figs, dried
apples, evaporated peaches, evaporated
apples and also all kinds of canned
goods. A full stock of all kinds of
fresh groceries and provisione. Also a
good supply of salnion trout, lake her-
ring, salt water herring, boneless cod
Ur, box herring and kippered herring.
A full gook of china tea sets dinner
sets, tea seta, in all colon anidesigns
in stoneware, also a large stock of
toilet setis,:in all colors and designs.
All kinds of glassware in plain gold and
colored. The above stock to be cleared
out at once. A cordial invitation to
all to call and see some of the great
bargains. Wanted fresh butter and
eggs, for which the highest prices will
be paid in cash or trade.
Special Attention
to Horseshoeing and
General Jobbing.
Goderich street, -
MAKER 1171!
- - Seaforth.
Seaforth Saw Mill
_bag now tholvZiughly overhauled and renovated the
heefettli taw mills, recently purchased from the
Coleman estate, and is now prepared to do all
On the shortest notice and most reasonable terms -
The proprietor being himself a practical sawyer, and
as he gives the business his personal overnight, he
can "guarantee all his patrons the most eomplete
The highest price in cash will be paid for anynumber
of good Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood and all other
logs, delivered at the mill.
Any number of Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 inches in
length, wanted, for which the highefit price will aIso
• be paid. Give us a call when you have a bill for saw
ting, or legs to sell.
System Renovator
A specific and antidote ter Impure, Week and Ina.
poverLhed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpate -
Mon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss
of Memory, Bronchitis, Oonetunptkot, Gall Stones,
aundloe, Kidney and Urinary Menem, St. Vitus'
Dano., Female 'mini/Ades and General Debility.
J. M. MeLEOD, Proprietor and Mann
facturer. -
Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth.
1501 -if
Privacy for the
The Bell Telephone Company offers
for sale, at reasonable prices,
of handsome design, and with all the
improvements which experienoe sug-
gests. The local manager will be
able to give you full particulars.
ei P-7
is., 4 cr:4
rla 1-w•
oig pf.
Ike 1:5 eAt
1-d • 0 ti
CID 4d. En
1:r1p. o
cm •
cs1:$ et•
1:74 sid
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cD 4.t
inr• 0-c
n e+ -
ca 0 cr.
•+14*-. 1Z/
";411-tplaki 1•Z 7/2C:14
ta,illop Mutual 1 Fire
Insurance Company:.
J. B. MeLean, President, Kippen P. 0.1 Thomas
Fraser, viee-preeident, Brueefield P. 0.; Themes E.
Hays, Seoy-TrSae. Seaforth P. O. • W. 0„ Broad
toot, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P. O.
W. G. Broadtail, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, WI
throp ; George Dale, Seaforth; John Benneweis,
Dublin ; James Evans, Beechwood; John Watt,
Herta* ; Thorns. Fraser, Brucefleld „ John B. Mo.
Lean, Kippen ; lamest Connolly, Clinton.
Robt.,Smith, Harleek ; Robt. MdMillan, fleafortb ;
James Cumming Egnaondv e; J. W. Yeo 4 Holmes-
ville P. D.; George Hurdle and John 0. “Orilion,
Parties desirous to effect insurances or trans
vet other business will be promptly iiiisudsd os
-ppliestion to any of the above orsers. addressed 1g
Weis sespsolivo post atm.
Cook's Cotton Foot Compound.
IS FucceEstully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladles ask
your druggist for C.esit s Cotton Root Com-
pound. Take no other as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Pelee, No. 1, SI per
box,No 2,10 degreeS s tronger,$3 per box. Ro-
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8-eent
stamps, The Cook Company Windsor. Ont.
1111Y -H -os. 1 and 2 eold and recommended by all.
responsible Druggists In Canada.
go. 1. and No. 2 sold In Beaforth by Denuder' ig
Wilms, druggists.