HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-03-30, Page 519w )RE T. arday, hats were veed, lined "E CENTS erL is. These eu can take od elastic )re ss Goods. eceptinn FORTH )ds only. ). 3, Gro and teas: twelve little e.ry popular. rarth a friar - red the little kda's anthem, Mr. A. Mc - e order was an enteatairt- otic we need suffering with .oep her from st,.. John Gar - Ire. Fred Mc- Pek.—Mr. D.. other of Mr. .ine of Morris, myn, of Turn - Master at the kange Lodge. ato this week of the Cana - as the repre- -Fred Wane - John. Kerr's Patterson, of ore last week. ay he was ac- s, who spent Ti.—Winter is iaru Maguire Fel this week. lingwood sev- ; maple rollers try.—Mr. and yth, visited at onday. —Mr. attended the —Mr. Thomas e summer with alay with Mr. Richard Proc- Peter King.— ;oderich, was week.—Mr. :er and Miss ha. this vseek. .ar Holmefield, y. Miss Mary til summer.— Stewart's rniil mas Johnston, n, of Morris, atber pile that. re of the horses ,as taken to Ea- rl?' surgeon sent anuns.1 around as Coultea and I the funeral of Iter of Mr. H. on Tuesday. moat rme I wrote to winter f the f the Qatari° w days of cold good part of summer in the the weather November, the ttrry of snow which lasted being pretty as cold. Af- t hey have in ite so warm as a delightful cold week in s towards the weather is a- nd healthy in 'rat vveek, was for the past the prairie he winter, as y cold days at d bracing, so ke they da in has not been o cattle and is spring. A is far super horses prefer the farmer ter like in seldom get tssabIe every tier of inuni- ates and the Prices have especially for . Wm. Thirsk his thoroughrsk is getting as stout as 'dr. Johnston in splendid es, their only cattle have nter. I have rid they look Akt which are seeding I may sry truly, WAg.1.). ,.-013 by the , St. Marys, and as a re- = for their MARCH 301900 Atereareseassailiegrasesmexammasearse TEE HURON EXPOSITOR, 'wennsommmenwemmemineemilmr' 5 TELE MABKBr1S Sza10141.11, 'March 29 1000 oat (new), Standard—. ... .4 •• SO 64'$o *0 64 waruthper 064 to 0 64 el ...... 0 NI- 10 026 per bush0— eat ••• im• ••• am • -0 *0 058 to 0 60 per bushel.. •••• ••• m• 111 •-• 0 NI to 0 40 N0,1, —.•.. 0 16 to 0 16 0 16 to -016 0 10 to 0 11 2 00 to 200 per low ma am 7 6040 8 00 r 100 5 00 to 660 kins• • •••••weiv•••••••••••• it. 0 AO to 070 0 18 to 0 16 adr mm • • Wm per both (new),.... 0 25 to 0 80 (retail) per barrel— —.. 1 00 to 0 00 per cord 4 00 to 4 75 2 00 to .2 60 0 40 to 100 00 110 5 50 1 25 to 200 5 67 to 600 04 to 005 par bib.* ma *.• mo. Olt ••• • a so_ per dor— — goa ma.. mos per 100 be — — ... • r cord (short).— r bag gr • • Or Cadm. o's •••••• ••••••• ••••••• hYSelid Mai • • 9 • 0,6 011 • • ••• per 100 tit ma • • mow • • oar oM .r • 41“, MO OM w, per lb kwil 0.4. •,.• mu • • MiD l•• Dairy Markets. OBONTO, Marell 27th.—Butter—Plenty ing in,and the market is easy and values er. The trade here is shading freely to off t sales. Dealers here sell to the trade al ollows :—Dairy tubs, medium, none in ; e rolls, 18 to 20o; email dairy, pound nate, 19 to 20e ; crearnery,tubs and boxes, to 22o; pounds, 22 to 23e. Oheene— er being made in the ordinary -way g 13 to 13? -,e. Eggs—Free deliveries, and values are going lower. Demand locally is fai ly active. New laid are the only active 1ln selling, and bring 12i to 13o. ONTREAL, March 27th.—Butter—The ma- ket is rather weaker to -day than at the en of last week. One firm reported small Jan le packagesof finest fresh made selling at ; another reported similar goods selling as- igh as 22 and 23e. The market was y dull, and, as every one was holding off, few wholesale lots changed hands. One on Saturday of finest goods was made . Cheese—The local market is feature- • and pricee are nominal at 12i to 13a ve bu sal at les fo all goods. Fodders are arriving, but no price can be put on them yet. Eggs—The rket, is strong and prices have advanced ood half cent since the last report. Sales w &re made at 15c this morning as well as at 16 but those were extremes. The real m rket at which the business was done was 15.. to 16e. Receipts were pretty light, and ce siderable had been sold to arrive, so that th ir is none too much to meet the iiemand. 11 CU Seeds. ORONTO, March 20th—Following are the rent quotations : Red clover,$5 to $5.75 bushel; alsike, choice, No. 1, $6.25 to 37 per bushel-; alaike, good, No. 2, $5.50 to $6 per bushel ; white clover, $7 to $8 pe puslrl ; timothy $1 to $1.35 per bushel. -*- Potatoes in Toronto. he market is easy. Car lots , sold on the tr ck at 38 to 40c per bag.; and I at farmers' wagons at about 45 to 50e per bag. Out of stire choice stock bring about 50o per ba li er ar sh ti tr lo T ursday. Prime cattle sold at from to 4c per pound ; pretty good animals field at frim 3 to 4e; and the common stock at frim 2t to no per pound. There were a g od many bulls on the market, and these so d at Hem 21 to nearly 40 per pound. 80 la so to LiveStookMarkets. ONDON, England, March 27th.—The e stock trade is firmer, and a good East - demands noted. United States cattle worth 6,t2d, Argentines, 6d ; Argentine ep, Thd to Td. Avssarotti, March 27th.—Canadian cat - ,61. loNTREAL, March 27th.—Cattle—The tellers were present in full force, and de was fair, with the prices somewhat er, quality considered, than on last 0' li B P Ives sold at from $1.50 to $6 each. Sheep d at from 4 to 4o per pound, and the arlinga at from 5 to 5jo do. ; spring be sold at from $3 to $5 each. Fat hogs d at about 51c per pound for straight s, weighed off the ears. TORONTO, March 28th.—Cattle—Export, Prices ranged from $4.60- to $4.80 per . for heavy cattle, and $4.40 to $4.60 for ht. An odd lot brought a trifle higher an market prices. The larger part of the erings sold at $4.50 to $1.65 per cwt. tchers' Cattle—Choice cattle aold at $4 to .25 per cwt., good loads at $3.50 to $3.90 r cwt., medium to mixed lots at $3 to .50 per cwt., and com on cows at $2 to, .50 per cwt. Stockers Better demand at eady prima as -quoted i±i table. Offerings w re moderate. Feeders—Not many offer - e to a moderate demand at steady prices. ich Cows—Prices unchanged at $30 to $50 head. Sheep—Export ewes sold at $3 to .50 per cwt., and bucks at $2.50 to $3 per t. Hogs—Advanced to $5.85 ito 86 per t. for selections of 160 to 200 pounds nat- al weight, and $5.50 per cwt.1 for thick d light fate. Lambs—Two niany . barn. rd lambs were offered, but trade was fair •d stock sold out. Prices were "steady at to $5.50 per cwt., and $5.59 to $5.75 per t. for picked ewes and wethers. ft a 11 a y a 0 Births. RANHIN—ln Seaforth, on Starch 26th, the wife of Mr. John Rankin, of a daughter. MoPHERSON—At 157 Hugheon south, Hamilton, on March Maki to Rov. Neil and Mrs, McPherson, a daughter. I HUNTRit--Gri Saturday, Maroh 17th, the wife of Mr. John Hunter, of Colbornelbf a eon. AMEY—In Goderloh township, on March 21t, the wife of_Slr. Thomas Amoy, of &daughter, Wingham, on March 20th, NM J. daughter. BRADDOON—In Gontle, on March 20th, the Mr. Thomas Braddock, of a son, ill, of a wife of — saarriagres.-. YELLOW—FORTHCOTT—At the reailence of the bride's plarente, Exeter North, on Maroh 21 t, by Rev. Mr, Millyard, Mr. Richard Yellow, to Niles Jessie, daughter of Mr. John Northoott. HIGGINS—OHS—At the residence of the ride's parents, Exeter, on March by ltev. . W. Brawl), Mr. William Higgioe, to Mies race Oke. FLSHER—KESTLE—In Exeter, on Mardi 214t by Rev. C. W. Brown, Mr. Geoffrey Fisher; borne, to 1iu Martha, daughter of Mr-. 0iarIc� Kett, " • JEWELL- SANDERS—In Exetir, on March 210, by R8V. . W. Ten Eyck, Mr. George Jewell, to Miss Mary, second daughter of the late in. , &indent, of' Stephen township. OKE—SQUIRES—In U.borne„ on March 21st, by Rev. J. Waddell, Mr. Walter John Oke, to Mies L. Squires, both of Usborne. HOOVER—HOWSON—On March 21et, at the Ratten- bury street parsonage, Clinton, by - Rev. W. G. Howson, father of the bride, MUD Moraine N. Howson, t3 Rev. J. H. Hoover, of Lansing, Michigan. DOUGLAS—SAUNDERS—At St, Paul's Rectory Wingham, on March 2Ist, by Rev. W. Lowe, Mr. William John Douglas, to Miss Margaret Saund- ers, both of fltwiok. STEWART—MILLOY—At 62 Woolwich street, Guelph, on March 21,4. by Rev. Mr. Ross, Mr. James Stewart, t3 Miss Oralene, eldest daughter of mr. Neil Milloy, all of Brussals. Deaths. POLLOCK In Morris, on March 20th, the wife of Mr. Ja es Polbek. aged 29 years. 3ICGOWA —ln East Wawanosh, on March 17th, John 01. McGowan. aged 26 years and 9 months. ALISEBRO K—In South Dumfries, on March 7th, Annie hriatina Barker, relict of the late Tboe. Aueobijook, and mother of Mr. Thomas Anse - brook, Q. T. R. conductor, Goderich, in her 77th year. /tIcLEAN-1-In Wingham, on March leth, Sarah, wife of Mr. John MaLean, aged 86 years, 1 month and 18 days. DU HANAN—In Heneall, on March 21st, Alexander Buchan' an aged 80 years, 1 month and 19 days. BA LAII—InCulross, on March 20th, Line J., wife 'of Mr. Hoeing Banish. and second daughter of no thelateW. B. Jeffrey, aged 32 years and 4 ,"11611011111•01111111111111Vr-.7•1111• SPIIINC TERM Begins Monday, April 2 Central Business College, TOR( NTO, Twelve regular tette machines; splendid more for a course her equipped school ; no right along through Write for catalogue. era ; 60 typewriting equipment ; costs no than in a small half - vacations ; work runs J uly and August. W. H. SHAW, Principal. Yonge and Gerrard sta., Toronto. 1586-52 IMPORTANT NOTICES. 11OUSE TO RENT.—To rent that commodious and pleasantly situated esidenee on John street, owned and recently occup ed by Mr. Finlay Ross. There is a good stable nd large: garden. Apply at THE EXPOSITOR, Sea oxth. , 1686 2 ANICE RESIDENCE IN EG ONDVILLE FOR SALE.—For Elate the yea and commodious brick residence in 4Egmondvil1e, belonging to John Landsbormigh. It is pleasantly situated, Is heated by a furnace and has all the cony .nieneee of a mod- ern and up to date resid,ence. It is in good repair andwill so'd cheap. 'Apply at the furniture store of JOHN LANDSSOR0,17011, Se forth. 1685-41 DIG FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned has on his I fano, on the Huron Road Tuekeremith, two miles west of 'Seaforth, a thoroughbred Improved Yorkshire -pig, to which he will admit a limited num- ber of sows. This pig was purchased from Mr. Bow- man of Mount Forest, who is one of the best breed- ! ers in the Province. Terms.—$1, payable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN B. HENDERSON. 1685x1 BUFFALO, March 27th.—Cattle—In fair •osition, but irregular ;good to best smooth f t export cattle, $5.35 to $5.50 ; good to est, $1,90 to $5.20; export bulls, $4,25 to .60 ; good to choice butchers' steers,$4.65 t. $4.90 ; good to best butchers' steers, .10 to $4 40 • good to best fat bulls,$3.75 t $4.10 ; feeder buns, $3,25 to $3.50; c mmon to good bologna. bulb], $3.25 to 3.75 ;'good to best fat heifers, $4.25 to 14,60 ; fair to good heifers, $3.75 to $4.25 ; f t cows, good to best, $3.75 to $4.10 ; edium fat cows, $3.35 to $3.75 ; fat cows, ommon to fair, $2.75 to $3 ; stockers, hoice to extra, $3.75 to $4.30; common to ood, $3.30 to $3.60 ; stock bulls, $2.50 to .50 ; fancy yearling steers, $3.75 to $4.25; &Ives, good color stock, $4 to $4.65 ; do., ood to ohoice, $4 to $4.25. Sheep and ambs—In bad position ; the close on ambe was, choice to extra, $7.45 to $7.55; ood to choice, $7 to $7.45 ; sheep, year - nags, $6.50 to $6 75 ; mixed, $5.75 to 6 ; wethers,$6 to $6.25 ; ewes,$5 to $5.50. n the close there were several loads left ver, and the feeling was very weak. The recline for the day was fully 25o. Hogs-- larket rather slow, and 5 to 10c lower, ith a total of 104 loads on sale. Heavy pened nt $5.40 ; mixed $5.35 to $5.40 ; 'orkers, $5.25 to $5.35 ; pigs,$5.15-to $5.20, 'rincipally, $5.15 ; roughs, $4.70 to $4 80 ;- tags, $3.75 to $"4. The close was at astand- till, with several loads unsold, and an ab- ence of orders. • 1. FARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 26. Concession 4, L. R. 3., Tuckeramith, containing 60 mires all clear and in a first-class state of cultivation. There are on the premises a comfortable log house, a good frame barn.,35x80 feet with stabling attached, plenty of water, convenient to markets, with good gravel roads and is considered to be one of the beet 60 acre farms lir the towoship. Will be gold cheap as the proprietor wishes to %et more land. Apply on the premises or to ALEX. GORDON, Egmondville P. 0. 1685x4 I IVE STOCK FOR SALE AND MEN _WANTED. LI For sale draught and roadster horses from 2 to 5 years old, registered ehott-horn eowe, heifers and calves, 1 bull fit for service, red ; young milob cow. some newly calved. Wanted -1 married lcan to take char'e of a fano by the year, 1 married man to take aha 0of a brick and tile yard, 2 unmarried men to do preferred farm and mill work. For par- ticulars a ply to S. RANNIE, Zurich P. 0. 1685-4 " SALE REGISTER. On Tuesday, April 3rd, at one o'clock p. ., on Lot 5, Concession 9, Hay. Farm :tock and Implements. Daniel Schaefer, roprietor ; E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. On Friday, April 6, 1900, at one o'clock m., on Lot 25, Concession 4, McKillop, mile and a half north of Seaforth. Farm ,.:tock and Implements. Robert Govan- ock, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, nue- ioneer. On Wednesday, April 4, 1900, at one p. m., at the Commercial Hotel, eaforth. The west half of Lot 4 on the '.?th Concession of Mcliillop. R. S. Hays, solicitor; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. On Saturday, April 7th, at one o'clock p. m., in EgmondviNe. House and, two acres of Land and Household Furniture. W. C. Clark, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, auc- tioneer. On Wednesday, April Ilth, at 1 o'clock p. rn. sharp, on Lot 24th, Concession 2, L. R. S., Tuokeramith, farm stock and im- plements, Donald Smith, proprietor ; T. Brown, auctioneer. On Saturday, April 7th, .at 1 o'clock P. m., sharp, on Lot 16. north east boundary of -Osborne, farm, farm stock and imple- ments. George and James Stewarh, pro- prietors ; Thomas Cameron and H. Brown, auctioneers. AUCTI by Stanley, sharp, th N SALE.—Mr. Thomas Brown will eell ublio auction on Lot 24, Concession 2, Wednesday April lith, at 1 o'clock p. no. following stock and implements. Horses —1 heavy -d-faught mare aged, 1 draught mare, 1 driving rn re 7 years old, -1 driving mare 3 years old. Cattle -2 ows supposed to be in calf, 2 farrow COW, 2 fat hell re, 3 heifers, ri ing 2 years old, 2 steers ti rising 2 y ars old, 8 calve also a number of hens. Impleme • te-1 Massey -H rris 8 foot binder nearly new, 1 M ssey-Harris mower. 1 Noxon seed drill, 1 horse Lay double b bobsleigh plow, one diamond harness, forks, eh rake, 1 gang ggy with pole a , 1. cutter, 1 sin 2, a plow, 2 fanning mills, 1 d Ehafts 1 wagon, 1 set of le buggy and top, I. single 000 pound weigh saalee, 1 seuffler, 1 set rows, 1 set double harness, 1 set single ar posts, 1 ladder, 1 sap pan, chains, ve e, crowbars and other articles too num- erous to tion. Alao some hotasebeld furniture. The abov 111 positively be sold without reserve as h .tkr has sold his farm. Terms—All sums e prop. of $5 and rier, ,ash; over that amount 9 months' eredit willbe given on furnishing approved joint notes. A d'sconnt of 4 cents en the dollar for cash ,orojaciValsta .onnts. DONALD SMITH, proprietor ; ROW, auctioneer. 1 118i-2 Receipts and Expenditure OF THE Town of Seaforth, 1899., RECEIPTS. Balance from 1898 Debentures sold Dog tax Lawns Licensed 'Government grant to -public school Interest - Discounts Fines Market fees Miscellaneous Grand Trunk Railway Street waterlog Poll tax Tax roll Per centage added B The t Binder tiaty ha partioula s Penitenti EXPENDITURE. Expenses re bonus by-laws Sidewalks (granolithio) Salaries Printing Insurance Loan to R. Bell, Jr. Law Costs Streets I Charity Unoollcotable taxes Coupouns Discounts paid Interest • Fire and Water County rate • Public school Collegiate Institute inking fund Public library Miseellaneous Street waterti Electric light Rebate on t Unoollected t Balance on h Cash Invested in Mortgages to Inyested in d for receiving orders from farmers for ne manufactured at Kingston Peniten- een extended to 1.4 May next. Further n application to J. M. Platt, Warden of , Kingston. 1886-1 88 xes nd ASSETS. ortgsges secure loam* ebenturee LIABILITIES. Debenture debt Due sinking fund Hor and Cattle Fairs $ 1,190 89 17,815 40 0200 ' '13400 707 85 296 00 540 00 7,467 86 10 00 600 88 18 94 • 849 92 287 98 - 38 00 1,690 02 64 77 145,423 00 217 46 1,260 89 1,540 58 116 88 97 15 17,00 00 104 10 1,481 18 152 99 47 26 2,110 00 7,407 85 100 05 806 64 677 00 8,946 00 1,800 00- 1,000 00 100 00 465 48 210 56 1,088 28 826 02 1,109 41 2,873 09 $45,423 00 $ 2,873.09 12,800 00 21,400 00 5,000 00 841,673 09 $62.000 00 8,700 00 985,7000 00 Audited and found correct, 1 W. SOMMERVILLE J. O. ROSE I Auditors. 1686-1 MONEY TO LOAN.- Money to loan at 41 and 6 per cent. per annum. Any amount On first-class farm land security. Ap- ply to R- S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Sea - forth. 1807 Faire o the sale and exchange of horse. and cattle, w 11 lie held in the T WN OF SEAFORTia During' h coming season on the following! dates Wednesday, April 4th. Thesa F ire will be hold Board of T ,ade. Arrangem ergo representatio e fairs will afford a s to dispose of th abling accommodat D WILSON, Presi have a that the to Mune Ample 9 all. D. Secretes SION OF COWEN P A DL OCK. GIVING UP Business, Johnson Bros., SEAFORTH, Now offer their large stock of BUILDING HARDWARE WIRE FENCING BINDER TWINE FARM TOOLS oder the auspices of the nts are being made to of bnyers present, so , excellent opportunity sir merchantable stock. on will be provided for lent; W. D. ItoLEAN, 167) MI 0 MA LLINERY ENING. CH 30th and 3Ist. The ladi of Seaforth and surrounding country are cordiall invited to visit our show room on above dates, n en a large display of dainty oreations in all the ne' est styles in spring millinery Wilt be shown. Also e erything in millinery trimmings, such as flowers, feathers, laces, ribboes etc. If not convent- ent for nyone to call c n our opening days come next week,or any time, we shall be pleased to eee you at any Urn and ehow you all our beautiful designs in fashion ble millinery We always keep on band a large as ortment of the ready.to-wear hat, including the ove stylish sailor and the walking at. ISS KINSEY Oppos te Commercial gad, SEAFORTH. 1685-8 • CUTLERY CUT and !IRE NAILS STOVES and TINWARE A and below whole- sale prices. 0 NON & CO., 13zry-Eiga. Are You in Love With fine dressgoods and silks If so you should see the grand display of new and fashionable goods we are Showing. Our stock this spring comprises aI1he newest fabrics in stylish dress goods. Having placed our orders for tho e goods before the advancs in prices, we can give you ex eptionally good vale in all lines. We open the spring campaign with prices like these : New Poplene in black, brown andnavy, bright finish, medium size Vienna cloth, three shades, very stylish, 75o. Vigorbaux, in two special 50o. Black LustrOs at 25o, 35e, 5dc and 75o. Black Wool Sena Empress Wool Serge, in black and navy, 50e. Black French Blister Ur $1.50. Fancy Tweed Dress toods, summer weights, 50o. Colo inches wide, .worth 25e'for i5o. J panese Silks in all colors, very a silk, 35c. Striped Silks for wallets, a snap at 25e. Waist Silks, in atri 500, 75e and $L We carry a full range of gimps, braids, fringes, silks, etc hand. cord, special 50c. ned goods, very , heavy twin 30e. pone at 75c, $1 ed Cashmere, 42 arcs goods, pure es and Oheeke— ress Trimmings, to rcateb, all Dress Goode,--, in April fashion sheets free of charge, now op, O.A.SIEE .A.W3D CDIqM VRICEL McEINNON & CO., BLYTH. TO BE IN ST/LE THIS SPRING . . Covert Coats , +41-1-1÷1±1-1-4-1-141+++++++++ We are sole agents for the celebrated. - Sherwin' & Williams House Paints anct!Enaniel, The most durable and beautiful paints - the world. Call and examine colorings. CADY'S BLOCK. Don't Waste Your Money By buying a pair of shoes just be- caus,e they are cheap. Get a good pair. You can't get style or com- fort in a cheap shoe, ancl it will last only half as long as a well - made shoe. One look at our Slater Shoes will convince you that they are all that good shoes should. be. Slater Shoes are made - in twelve different shapes, five different widths, and all the faith- nable shades of leather: Every air is guaranteed to give satisfac- tion. Once worn, always worn. Price of the genuine Slater Shoes is stamped on the sole in a slate frame—$3.50 and $5 a'pair. R. Willis & Son ROBT. WILLIS W. G. WILLIS SEAFORTH. Wear a Christy-; you want one, but where to get it up-to-date and at a suitable price, is the important question.3We have ICorner Maln and Market Brutal Soartorth, Ontario. Laraosi - Dry Goode and Clothing Concern in Four Cneentios. CHARACTER AN REPUTATION. , This itore possesses both. Character it makes for itself --reputation comes from you. That this store's reputation is ood, is evidenced bya satisfied and steady paqonage. There's a foreshadowino of coming events Which will be of interest to you. Spring time looms up w'th all its trade possibilities. We ale preparing for it as we never prepared -befo e, but more of this. in good time. The great NOW offrs you buying chance that claim your immediate attention. We've planned for a big spring trade. 0 r stock being all bought before the recent advance, enal3les us to place goods afore our customers at the lowest prices e'er reached before in our experienee. Small Wares Department exactly what you need. We carry a complete line in al shades, shapes and sizes, and from our $L25 leader to our $2 50 "Barrington," they are all guaranteed to be correct in style and unsurpassed for wearing qualities. Try one. are now a most necessary article in the well dressed man's ward- robe. Our range will please the most fastidious. Call' and examine it. BR/CHT BRO FURNISIIER 8, SEAFORT It's the most popular, nicest to take, quickest and surest cure for a Cold or Cough. Everybody who has tried it says so. Price -25c an d 50c, at S.* TA. 1. • -.4 _RUM —AND C EH The best remedy known for chasing a cough or cold out of the system. Cures like magic, loss of voice, hoarse- ness, bronchitis, asthma, soreness of the chest or lungs. DOSE—A teaspoonful three or f ur -times a day, and on retiring at night. Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth. MILLINERY OPENING Abell & Ortwein s SEAFORTH. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 6th and 7tb. Special line 01 Ladies' Kid Gloves in blacks and ,colors, all sizes, Worth 80; $1 and $1,30, to be slaughtered at 50e. Belts—a new Duchess Pally Belt at 35c,150c and $1; belt buckles in great vAriety. We have an assortment of Under- wear here which will pay every weraan to eome in and investigate. The goods are durable, dainty and economical; they will save you time and. temper. A feW prices may be -of interest : A large range of medium weights for be- twe nIseasons at 15c, 25c and 32c, owadays ,,sihen you want al good fi ttng dress, the best dress makers in the world cannot satigfy you if you wear a poor *set. Our corset !range is very largel 1 and. varied. Amongst otherS we have a very special line,Imade of satin jean, steel filled, lace trimmed, with high or low bust, for $1. In Shirt Waists the designersi have not produced anything more beautiful, and, we have secured the pick of sev- eral raakers'stocks. Simplicity and daintiness, elaboration and elegence— there is a wide variety. Any ta,4e can be pleased, all pockets suited ; waists at every price ; - value in every waist. Five dozen, newest styles in light and derlrlshades—price 40c, very special. Betteir goods at 50e, and 75e in fancy st "pes. Two very special lines in faicyi striped ginghams, with 1white piue land white tucked yoke h with white Collar—Prices 95c and $1. Spe- cial line at $2—style, lace andlinser- tion back and front yoke. We sell House Wrappers, and just now we ihave an extra good stock of values. They are made from net pat -- terns in a tasty manner, and we can fit you perfectly, and- the finish is such that you will he proud. of one.. Fifteen flannelette wrappers worth $1, $1..50, $2 and $1.25, to be cleared at He. We have also a large variety o print wrappers in black, light blues, inavys, greys ancl black and white, in a variety of prices. Also a very special line of ladies' strped underskirts at $1.33, ww#NAA')"www"AwA! All are invited to inspect the array of new , and stylish Millinery at SEAFOTHS CASH STORE, IJ DER THE TOWN CLOCK. Are you going to Manitoba ? ' If eo, don't forget that Dauphin is the finest district in the Prairie Province and that the leading Real Estate, Loan, Insurance and Commission agents there is the firm of SPARLING & MURRAY. Offioe, corner of Main, street and Wakefield avenue; en- trance, Main street. Correspondence solicited which will be promptly attended to. Send for list of term and town properties for sale. 1685'18 1 Staple Department Print range very large ----:special values at 5c, 6.e, 9ic and 12e. Fifteen pieces ginghams at 9ic, worth 150; Isrge range fine ginghams at 12e and 15e; table linens at old prices, lthough they have advaneed in the market hilly 20 per cent; grey cottons, white cot - ns, shirtings, -flannelettes, itt fact all s vies at old pica, which means the lowest prices ever reachedby staple goods. Carpet Department This department is filling fast with new goods. We have received consid enable shipments of Brussels, Axmin- ster, Tapestry, Wools, Unions, Japan- ese Mattings, Henn* Linoleums and Oil Cloths. Fur Department The balance of all Furs at hand be - los i cost. Still on hand to clear, six ladies' fur coats ; 12 ladies' capes at Tearing prices ; mountain bear capes at $4.75 ; Astrachan capes from $6,70 to $10.75.- Privacy for' the Telephone . .1. The Bell Telephone Company offers for sale, at reasonable prices, SOUND PROOF CABINETS of handsome design and with all the improvements which experience ant gests. The 1.0ea manager will b able to give you full particulars. Dress Goods Department Constant arrivals of new lots of the piek of the mrkets, swell our magnifi- cent showing of seasonable dressi goods. A large range of homespuns in plains and plaid, skirt lengths, pric-eu $3,25 and. $4.50. Full range sergesiin all shades at 25; 40e, 50c and 7.5e per yard. 411 the new shades covert coat- ings at $ .70 and $6 per drawl. length. Specials itt plaids and checks, Eiuitable for waists, at 25e, 500, 750 and 80c. Full range black lustres at 2c, 35; 50; 751 and $1, in plains and. fancies. Full assoitment black maltslasse cre- pons, wool Satins, serges, chevios, pop- lins, bedford cords and sebastepools. Silk' Departmeni , i 1 1 Full St* waist silks in '-stries and fancies. Jut to han two very] special lines of satins—one rt -.56c, th O other the celebrated libertir satin at 63c. This line is noted for its fine soflt finish. .., Millinery Department Miss Shepperd has returneld from her eastern style gleaning and novelty purchasing trip, accompanied by her large 'staff of assistants, ready for orders at .4 time. blothing Department The closest inspection will fail to disclose the slightest flaw in any over - oat or suit that goes out of our store. iOne tells another, and we witness every day the power of that influenee. You 21ever read an advertiseMent of poor ,^lothing. Strange, too, for there is ore poor than good. Eaela advertiser represents his own cheaper than others, Not so hare. Ours is as good as our best energies, ability, knowledge and experience Cita get. It may not be as good, it may be better th_an others; only one way for ;you to know—ome, and see. One thing sure, business is growing here, Special line of men's all -wool suits, brown shade, sizes from 36 to 44, at $4.75. Special line in worsteds, in blue and black, sizes from 36 to 44, at $5.45. Special line of tweed, dark color, at $8.50—all sizes. It will pay you to examine our Regent street ready-to-wear clothing in special lines at $9.35 to $10.45. Our boys' clothing cannot be duplicated. for the same money. Inspect it You will be pleased, and we know you will come again. Special line of men's wearing Ipants at 85c and 95c. Special in tweed pants at 90c, $1,10, $1.25, $2.50 and 3.35, Hats. Complete stock of Hats of all shades, sizes and shapes. Five mene Fur Coats to be cleared regardless of cost. Eight Robes to be cleared at great reductions. Bankrupt Stock. We have this day purchabed a com- plete stock of Clothing at a very low rate on the dollar. This stock will be found in the basement of our present clothing department. The stock is well assortd, consisting of men's, youths', boys' and children's suits and overcoats • also odd coats, vests and pants. The whole stock to be cleared out in 15 days. Don't fail to call and inspect, as some rare bargains will be offered. WI. PIC RD & CO. Opposite Town Building Corner Main and Market Sts,, Seaforth. DIRECT IMPORTE