HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-03-16, Page 7:cited dur-
Very shoe
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Cfotor, cautiously,
for a mile and
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; but upon: my
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stood NULL laugh.
* as harmless as
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'Wert for a few
doctor's greeting,
He Iooka amiable
,rk it ? I thoughtar stand-up fight
you, are rather sr
aeverely. " Yow
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me to bear the
our cousin -he io
his mind, at all.
friends now, and'
in with you some
ve some music.'
k blaukly. In-
ks, rather a long
l Nan innocently.
tiler unwell, and
y for his health."
..•he doctor cried.
illneee.. I don't.
led and surveyed
mending figure of
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ampiace talk, and
LT:dries aft 00easiOR
eeep-set eyes were-
biy, and with an
towards the .spot
lovingly upon Nan.
Iiete him !" cried
Affection of the
serious- character
to find his cure l"
ever, clever as he
acknowledge his
three weeks.
te You Secure-
Sleep and
sr the portion of
pure, rich Mood-
eor health and dis-
and impoverish-
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and rundown in
clogging matters •
fe stream, making
and vitality to
d •braces the un -
• and furnishes
the entire nervous
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r:fin disease, the
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g of new energy
dace of nervous-
ation and melan-
elenae the Moo&
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ill be yours.
t2,532 for the
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ates` a wife and
o was killed at
, was born hear
on, of Mitchell,
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ackeramith, has
ned by Donal&
'Liege of Cromer"-
f Stra.tferd, en-
nox churchachoir
a enjoyable time
el for .a consider-
. C. Mewat, of
d manager of the
cession 12, Hib-
a Durban: bull,
it. A farmer
pastor of the St.
nds moving to
farewell sera
ay. of Windsor,
'n Fullerton, diet
the effects of
been manager of
tford, has been
Before leaving
ned at - a supper
of the Toronto
and sisters reside
land, and recent
subjeot before,
MARCH la 1900.
SpeCial Atteiation
Horseshoeing and CARRIAGE
General Jobbing. MAKER Boa.
Goderich street,
Give a Youth
Resolution and a course in
Business and Shorthand trt
.665 24
and who shall place limits -to
his career. Catalogue free.
ini0 All who do business outside their
own town or city, should have
ng Distance Telephone Equip-
Phe cost is small, the advantages many.
Ask the Local Manager for rates.
Notice to Oreditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the
County of Huron.
lin the estate of Robert Gaw, deceased.
The creditors of the above named Robert Gaw, de-
eleased , who diet! at Eganondville on ths 9th ot Feb-
rhary, 1900, are requested t3 send to the under-
signed on behalf of the Executors, on or before the
2nd day ot Apri1,1900,full particulars of their Maims,
dluly ve rifled. After said date the Executors+ will
riroczed t3 the distribution of the estate among the
parties entitled, having + eterence only to the claim +
of which they shall hsve received notice, and after
such distribution they will not be responsible to any
cireelitor, of whose claim they have not received due
tic*, for any part of the +-state. This notice is
la++ pursuant to the statute in teat behalf. Dated
a Seaforth this 2nd day of ?starch, 1900.
F. HOLNIESTED, on 13.3half of Exec atom
e -
To This Man..
it may be vvorth a like sum •
or even Mere to.you •
• •
Fingal, Barnes Co., N. D., March 19, 1898. in:
Dear SIrc--I have used your Kendall's Sparin Cure and •
Mak ft a good Liniment. I hare cured a Sarin on rny best ft
are, and I would not take $125 for her, which I offered for *75 •
?adore. I will be pleased to hare your book and receipts for •
Inclosed stamp, as I read on the cartoon.
Truly yours, FRANK SMITH.
Ilartington, O., Ontario, Mar. 6, '98. •
jr}r. B. 3.,'Kendal1 Co. 41
IDear Sirs :-Enclosed please find a two -cent stamp for your •
skiable Home Book, I had 011C bttt it ia lost. I have used •
our Kendall's Spavin Cure without one failure In years, and •
onsider It the best Liniment for manor beast in the market.
lease ssnd me the book as ;on advertise iton bottle, for horse& ••
It is an absolutely reliable remedy for 8pis•ins,
plints,Cnrbs, Riag•ones,ete. gemoves the bunch and •
eaves no sear. Price, 81; six for $5. As a liniment
or family use it has no equal. 'Ask your druggist
or KENDALVS 8PAPIN CURE. &IS° "A Treatise on the
fors'," the book free, or address
he undersigned is prepared to pay the
hi hest ca.ah price for any quantity of &Eit-
el ES
de ivered at the
B ucefield Saw & Stave Mill
Logs to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet in
length. Will also buy timber by
measurement or by bulk in bush.
WM. AMENT, Seaforth.
Thousands of garden -
ere depend on. Perry 'a Seeds
every year and never suffer
disappointment. Cheap substi-
tutes bring ices, not paying crops.
rt pays to pay a little more for
Fay 's 8zzoe. Five cents per paper
everywhere, and always worth it.
Always the Best'1900 Seed Annual free.
ardware Store.
Ve have a full line of first-olass Co le
St ves and Heaters.
In Wood Stoves we have Moffatt' s Crow
tehless and Majestic fitted with ate
ov ns, the most perfect bakers in the ma
ke . We have also Gurney's Oxford and
Ri at.
or a Coal and Wood Range, isic hole
Gu ney's Imperial Oxford is the most han
BO e and satisfactory stoire in the market,
eloftatt's Welcome is the best four ho
Ra ge in the market. We have a good lin
of Coal Stoyes and Wood Heaters. Ca 1
SW examine our stoves before purebasing.
avetroughing and Furnace Work
epe ialty.
ilis & Murdi
unter's Old Stand, Seafort
Cottoh llo/6 Compound
Is.a:I.,..cesaful,- twig 111(41 Illy by over
i(htOLhdlea. Safe, fee u al. Ladies ask
your druggisc for Coca 3 Cotton Reel Cam -
+1. Take T1 0 other as all 1‘117.tures, pills and
imitations are dahgerous. No, 1, $1. per
bo No. 2, in degree.-; son
trger.`P , per box. No.
10 2 mailed on rec.,ipt Klee and two ti -et nt
Ste ips 'I 1;• Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
C./-Nos.1,41afel 2 aoid ani recommended by all
tea On8ibIe Druggists in Canada.
;O. 1 and Na. 2 sold In Seaforth by Lumsden
11 n, druggists.
• •
Babies and children need
proper food, rarely ever medi-
clne If they do not thrive
on - their food something Is
wrong. They need a little
help to get their digestive
machinery working properly.
Iwill generally correct this
If you will put from one-
fourth to half a teaspoonful
I in baby's bottle three or four
I times a day you will soon see
Ia marked improvement. For
larger children, from half to
a teaspoonful, according to
age, dissolved in their milk,
I if you so desire, will very
isoon show its great nourish-
ing power. If the mother's
1 milk does not nourish the
Ibaby, she needs the emul-
sion. It will show an effect
at once both upon mother
and child.
50c. and $i.00, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
urn Oxproitor.
[The following items were intended
for last week, but I were received too
BREEZEs.-Mrs. Calrnie, of the Bronson
line, is visiting her daughter,'Mrs. John
Tough, Chimquay straet.-air. E. Jennings
and sister, of Parkhill, who have been
guests of their brother, at the Rectory, re-
turned home last week. -Mrs. Brown, of
Parkhill, is the gueet of Mrs. Jennings. -
Christ -al Dressler has been laid up with a
sore knee for a few weeks. He is able to
get around now with difficulty. -Mr. 'John
Scotchmer, of the Sauble line, has decided
to move to'Dakota, and will have an auction
sale on Friday, March 16th, when his stock,
household effects, dwelling and property,
will be offered. We shall be very sorry to
lose such good citizens as Mr. and Mrs.
Sootohmer, and wish them prosperity in
their new home.
It is a Mistake
To suppose that the kidneys alone are responsible
for all the weak. lame, aching backs. Backache as
well as pain under the shoulder blade, frequently
comes from the liver or complications of the liver
and kidneys whiah can only be cured by using tne
great double treatment -Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pill?. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box.
STANLEY COUNGIL.-Stanley Council met
on Monday last. Pathmaster's beat No.
48 was discontinued as a separate beat, and
lot 10, concession 2, which constituted said
beat, was put into Joseph Hood's beat.
The clerk was instructed to notify Mr.
Mustard to remove all obstructions from
road allowance opposite his saw mill. A
petition was handed to the council asking
them th protect the rights of petitioners and
others againat the action of the Grand
Trunk Railway Company in removing the
cattle guards at farm crossings in this town-
ship, and the Reeve was instructed to get
legal advice on the matter. Council ad-
jouroed to meet again on Monday, April_
9th, at 1 o'clock.
In the Jaws of a Lion.
The gallant Major Swaine tells of being
knocked senseless by a lion that lacerated
his arm. His thrilling escape from the
jaws of death is only equalled by Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, which has
eaved thousands from desperate Throat and
Lung troubles. "All doctors said my wife
would soon die of Consumption," writes
L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn., "but
your wonderful medioine completely cured
her, and saved her life." Satisfaction is
guaranteed by I. V. Fear, druggist, Sea -
forth, who gives trial bottles free. Large
bottles 50o and $1.00.
MATRIMONIAL -An attractive event oc-
curred at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Nicholson. of West Wawanosh,
second concession, when about sixty invited
guests were present to witness the marriage
of their youngest daughter, Miss Martha,
to Mr. Temple Clark, of Dungannon. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev. 0. L.
Mills. The bridesmaid was Miss Emma
Johnston, Willow Hall, Heiman, and Mr.
J. S. Nicholson waited as groomsman, while
little Elma Mutch, niece, acted as maid of
honor. The bride was attired in Feream
cashmere trimmed with pearls; the brides-
maid wore white organdy, and the little
maid appeared in white muslin. The wed-
ding march was played by Mist* Mary John-
ston. Congratulatione having been ex-
tended to the bride, they repaired to the
dining hall, where a sumptuous dinner
awaited them. The bride was the recipient
of many useful gifts, showing the high ea -
teem in which she is held. The evening
was spent with expellent music and dancing.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Clark
wish them a happy and joyous future.
• .
LEAGUE NOTES. -The ".at home" in the
League was a great success, but on account
of the bad roads the attendance was not
very large. The programme was especially
good and the members of the League feel
very grateful to those who so kindly assist-
ed them in the programme. The proceeds
amounted to $16.30. The topic next Sun-
day evening; "Rejecting Christ," will be
taken by Mies Flossie McGregor. •
NOT111.-Mr. C. Rinn, of Blanchford, is
visiting his grandfather, Mr. William Rinn.
Tun Savor= So.. -Por the putt three
weeks we have had in our reidet a rarity
who claims to be the seventh on of a
seventh aon, born with a veil over his faoe,
Which he bas sucoeeded in removing, thus
enabling him to look into the put, the
present and the future of person.. It is, of
course, necenary to follow the gypsy cus-
tom of crossing the band with silver before
this vision um, to him, and the larger the
fee the better k his sight. Among other
things, he claims to rival Joseph of old in
the interpretation of dreams.. Atter a tee
is forthcoming, he furnishes the inquisitor
with a bean to diesels on. If you are for.
tunate enough to dream, you return with
your bean and your dream and an addition-
al fee, and the dream is interpreted. To
look into the future, he takes the applicant
by the band, rolls his eyes and goes into a
trance. Then the future is an open book to
him. It is surprisin$ that people should
place confidenoe in such persons and
such practices which have been denounced
tor age!. The authoritias should take steps
to suppress much people.
Babies Have Croup.
No direase comes so suddenly and treacherously
upon its vietitu at Croup. Happy is the mother who
has at hand Dr. Ohaaa's Syrup el Turpentine when
the dear one awakes in the night coughing rind drug-
gling for breath. This famous remedy is the stand-
by in the homes of this continent as a prompt and
certain cure for croup, bronchitio, eoughs, colds,
aabhma and throat irritation. 25 cents a bottle. Fam-
ily size 60 ciente.
COUNCIL DOINGS. -Conon met on Monday,
5th inst., all members present. A notice of
Canada Company in regard to ()leaning out
certain portions of Hay and Stephen drain,
was laid before the coucil. The council de -
bided to attend to the matter as soon as cir-
cumstances will permit. The auditors' re-
port was received and found satisfactory.
The followiug were appointedmtinicipal of-
ficers for the current year: i PATHMASTERS,
e --Division 1, H. Dilling ; 2, John Case: 3,
Robert B. Ross ; 4, D. M Itwen ; 5, A.
Johnston; 6, Robert Meld die ; 7, -Wil-
liam Russell ; 8, William OBriea ; 9 A.
Ingram 1 10, A. Munn ; 11,, B. Philips;
12, D. Kyle; 13, C. Aldswerth ; 14, J.
Gould ; 15, W. Coleman; 16&, A. Munn;
16 and 20, W. Dignan; 17, jWillianl Mul-
holland ; 17 a, E. Deters; 18, J. Berry ;
19, James Howard ; 21 a, H Deters; 21,
Charles Redmond ,• 22, G. eiehert ; 23
aid 24, J. McDonald ; 25. W. Blackwell;
2, James Green ; 27, H. Reichert ; 28, E.
royer ; 29, J. Foster; 30, J. Hay; 30 a,
S. Martin, sr. ; 31, D. Witmer; 32, H.
Bender; 33, W. ' Schwalm'; 34, j. ite.
Bride; 35, E. Broderick; 36, D. Ging-
erich ; 37, J. Weldo ; 38, F. Schnettler ;
39, C. Baeohler ; 40, S. Jacobie ; 41,
George Schroeder • 42, C. Holbein ; 43, J.
Ortwein ; 44, J. Prang ; 45, J. Greiger ;
46, J. 'Gerber; 47, J. Messner; 49, G.
Eisenbach ; 48,. B. Pfile ; 49 a, D. &rains ;
50, C. Schoch; 50 a, J. Gasho ; 51, C.
Roehrig ; 52, J. Schnell ; 53, J. Schroeder;
54, J. Howald ; 54 a, H. Kalbfleiech ; 55,
R. Denomie ; 56, J. Badoui ; 57, S. Spen-
cer ,• 58, J. Jaccbie ; 59, W. Schad& ; 60,
T. Turnbull; 61, J. Taylor; 63, James
Cochrane,; 64, C. Troyer; 67, J. Thomson;
es, J. Leslie; 69, A. Thomson; 72, W.
Pfaff; 73, H.kReynolds ; 74, P. Beaver;
75, G. Nadiger ; 76, Joseph Snell; 77, H.
M. Willert ; 78, J. Willert ; 79, J. Ken-
nings; 79 a, R. Turnbull. ROAD COMMIS-
SIONERS, -R. Carlisle, W. Caldwell, J. Wel.
do, C. Roehrig, C. Troyer, J. M. Oesch, J.
Broderick , J. Wagner.' Fc x VIE w ERS, -
W. Russell, W. Caldwell, W. Chapman, R.
McArthur, S. Thompsoo, F. Stelk, J. Har -
barer, J. Decher, sr. W. Heyrock. G.
,Edighofer, J. Melick, iV. Snider, J. Wag-
ner. POUND KEEPERS, -,J. Paterson, A.
McEwan, R. Northcott, J. Johnston, R.
Thompson, J. Decher, jr., H. Magel, A.
Thomson, D. Spencer, T. Turnbull, W.
Snell, E. Kaercher. A number of accounts
were passed and the council adjourned until
. Wednesday, April 2nd, at 10 a. m.
FRED*HEss, sr., Clerk,
Catarrhozone Cannot Be Beaten.
Mr. Rodie McDougall, of Vanleek Hill,
Ont., says : "Catarrhozone has done me
more good than any other medicine I ever
need. It has cured me of my Catarrh.
Others may grain their preparations, but
Catarrhozone cannot be beaten as a cure for
Catarrh." Catarrh.° zone is a new method
of treatment, guaranteed to cure the most
chronic oases of Catarrh,Asthina,Bronchitis,
Coughs, Colds, etc. Sure, safe and pleasant
to use. Sold by all druggiets. Trial outfit
sent for 10c in stamps by N. C. POISON
& COa Kingston, Ont.,Proprietors.
NOTES. -Mrs. McCallum, of Toronto, is
the gaest of her sister, Mrs. H. Bucking-
ham. --J. A. Stewart is in Toronto this
week, attending the millinery openings. -
Mr. Edward White, of Brandon, Manitoba,
is the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. John White, of the Times. He leaves
here to take a position on the Globe staff. -
Rey. Mr. Martin preached a very interest-
ing sermon to his congregation last Sunday.
His subject being, "The War in South
Africa." -Mies Horn and Miss Miller have
retorned from Toronto, where they have
been attending the millinery openings. -
Rev. Mr. TenEyak is visiting friends in
London this week. -Mrs. John Murray, of
Rockwood, who has been with her son, the
late R. H. Collins, during his illness, re-
turned home Tuesday. -Miss Christie is
home again, after an extended visit with
friends in London. -Mise Brown, formerly
with J. Grigg, has taken a position in the
postoffice.-Mr. Harry Cantelon, of the
Metropolitan hotel, was in Mildmay a few
-days this week, arranging for the lease of a
hotel in that place. It is understood that
Captain Garry will be the Metropolitan's
new landlord. -R. Pickard was in Toronto
this week, on a purchasing trip.
bration by our citizens on Thursday of last
week, when the news was confirmed of
the relief of Ladysmith, was one ahead of
any other celebration that ever took place in
Exeter. Everybody was waiting for the
good news which they were sure would
come, and almost before the click of the
telegraph died away the news spread
through the town like wildfire and piaci-
otic feeling reigned supreme. Eve y shop,
store and many dwellings were p ofueely
decorated with flags, bunting and o her pa-
triotic decoration. Almost ever m n, wo-
man and child either carried a flag o had a
small one pinned on their coat. In his one
grand patriotio feeling our people are at
least in one accord. The reeve pro laimed
the afternoon a- half holiday, and usiness
was suspended and school exercis s were
dispensed with, the scholars taking part in
the afternoon celebration.. At 1: 0, the
time announced for proceedings' t com-
mence, the Main street was line with
people in fact was so crowded tha to get
through the moving mass was im ossible.
Those who took part in the procession mus-
tered at the town hall and were formed into
military order by drill -sergeant Harness.
Theprocession tetrads- (3 the Main street
from one end oc , orporation to the
other, starting . i ward from the town
hall to ti e north d, then countermarching
to the south end and -back to thel town hall.
Patriotic speeches were lirpensed with,
owing' to the cold. Several salutes were
fired before the crowd dispersed. Several
salutes were also fired in front of the Cen-
tral Hotel. The procession lhalted immedi-
ately opposite ,the corner at Spackman's
store, when " snap -shots " were taken by
photo artist Senior, and aleo by W. West-
cott. The procession was made up as fol-
lows: Cavalry officers and troops; County
Warden J. A. Rollina, M. Dr; W. II. Bis
matt, reeve, and councillors ; band; Company
No. 6 Volunteers; 6
artillery, and citizen
It was, without excel
siastio procession t
Main street. The
on far into the nigh$.
fire was built at the
Main streets, where
burned In effigy. T
Exeter whioh has pai
will be remembered
jubilant since the con
Impire. God bless
Long may the old flag
that advocates and
and equal:rights to
eman; snhool children;
•, in pram sleighs.
tient t e matt enthu-
at 'eve paraded our
lebration was carried
.At 10:30 a large bon -
corner of James and
Dom Paul Kruger was
is ended the day in
sod into history, and
ae one of the most
titution of the British
the %elle& nation
wave over the nation
vee free government
all. - "Pod save the
Tour Physic' 'a Prescription.
You should be de ply interested in the
correct and honeat fill g ot your physician's
prescription. In everjy case our dispensing
is scientifically and aeurste1y done with a
view to hest resulta fo the sick.
A Great Mediasl Discovery.
Paine's Celery Compound is the crowning
medical dissovery of the century. This
popular medicine is our great leader. It
gives the best results in nervous diseases,
neuralgia, dyspepsia, Bright's disease and
liver complaint.
LUktIIDEN & Wiesoar, Druggists, Seaforth,
NOUS. -The Misses Ida and Laura Goetz,
of this place, have returned from a vimit in
New Hamburg, Sebringville and other
places. -On Friday evening of last week
two sleigh loads of young folks took a drive
to Blake, and spent a very enjoyable even-
ing in games,-eto., at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. • Allen. -Mr. Harry Bossenberry, of
Grand B nd, was in town Thureday.-Mise
Emma tz, of Shiva,lwas in town Friday.
-On Th rsday, 1st inst., our eitizens and
school oh ldren showed their patriotism in
the way f ringing theschool bell and giv-
ing loud hears for " Our Soldiers of the
Queen," ut, to their , surprise, a pro -Boer
arrived o the scene, and made an attempt
to order he principal of our public school to
quit this ieturbing noise, and, o his sur-
prise, the bells still tol ed louder and cheers
were still heard. Thisl is the wrong place
for Boer ympathizers. Messrs. Cook and
Goetz, se millers, of Ithie place, have re-
ceived lar e quantities lof logs this winter. -
Quite a umber fromi here. attended Mr.
Fulton's s le, at Brews er, last week. -Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Harris, of Sodom, were in
town on business on Friday. They leave
for Manitoba shortly. Mr. O. W. Snell has
received a bicycle tray thug trunk from the
National Cycle and Aatomobile Company,
of Toronto, and will represent this firm for
Western parts, with a full line of 1900
bicycles of best makes, Mr. Jacob Killer -
man beiag the Cleveland hustler this sea-
son. -A number from this place attended
-the funeral of R. H. C Ilins, of Exeter, on
Saturday. -Messrs. D. Tiernan and J. A.
Wambold were in Exe r on Friday last on
businesh.-Mr. Wm. ' illis is seen daily ex-
eroising hia fine Cly, esdale horse. -Mr.
John Ehlers of Hay, h d he misfortune to
have a toe oat off while working around the
horse power2-Mr. Joh Ehlers, of Stephen,
is still confined to the 'ouse.-Mr. Manz, of
Tavistook, ie the guest sE Mr. John Voelker
this week.-1Mr. Bulla i and Miss Fanny
Snell, of Hensall, sp nt Sunday in town
with friends. -Mr. A. 1. Shettler, of Hen -
sail, visited under the sarerital roof Sunday.
-Mr. Jacob Kellerman of this place, has
disposed of four organs. They were "Ber-
liners" Also 0. W. ell introduces both
Berlin and Doherty ma es. Lots of music
in our old town.-Whe, '0 the matter with
the proposed band ?- r. J. A. Wambold
has purchased a collie dog from Mr. Henry
Wiegand.-Our Dash ood-Parkhill stage
had to turn back on ac unt of the heavy
drifts Tuesday. -Mr. J sepb Eidt and fam-
ily left for New Hamb g Tuesday, to at-
tend the funeral of Mr Eidt's mother. -
Mr. Semuel Fried and. re. Louis Simon re-
turned to Cavalier, Nor h Dakota, on Wed-
nesday. -Mr. Wm. W llert was surprised
on Sunday evening wit a bouncing baby
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromi Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund th money if it fails to
cure. 25c. E. W. Gro e's signature is on
each box.
He Was i" ight.
There was a bit -of fen e opposite Rowley's
drug store, in B-, Betish Colmmbia, and
as it proved convenient to loungers it was
broken down more than once. The owner,
after putting it in or er a second time,
fastened a barbed wire an the . top. There
was fun for the clerks fe a white, watching
those who, when just bout to alt down,
suddenly 'concluded that business called
them elsewhere. One d y a farmer in from
the country lounged n i to the fence, and
without noticing the arbed wire, drew
himself up and sat do n equarely. He
didn't jump, he didn't $ ear, he merely got
up and remarked, c1 ly, "I think I've
dwelt on that point long enough."
His Wonder Nerve
Alone sustained Edito F. M. Higgins, of
Seneca, Ill,, when all do tore and medicines
failed to relieve his pain from piles. Then
Bnaklen's Arnica Salve holly cured him.
Iafallible for Injuries, Pine or Bodily erup-
tions. Cure guaranteed. Only 25o a box.
Sold by I. V. Fear, drug int.
A teacher in one of
schools has hit upon the
punctual pupils by prese
hae a month's clear reeo
ture card oontaining a re
well known and generall
of art.
One of the prize winne
as hie reward a picture o
"Dignity and Impuden
study and presents a g
looking down with pit
he Detroit public
plan of rewarding
ting each one that
d with a neat pie -
reduction Of some
commended work
recently received
the painting called
." It is an !animal
eat, noble Imastiff
ing condescension
upon a fussy little midget of a terrier snarl-
ing and nagging at his legs.
The day after the prize had been bestowed
it came back to the surprising teacher
through the mails together with the follow-
ing letter from an indignant parent:
" mebbe Yuse thing Yu is Smart givin'
Mi billey a pictur thet ses Hes impudence i
hey yo to no i ant no dog an Mi billey ant
Ne dog nuther if Yu be.'
The teacher immediately went to the resi-
dence of the aggrieved parent and endeavor-
ed to explain that no inenuation was meant
by the title of the picture, but it was of no
avail.. The parents still consider themselves
and their " hilley " very much insulted.
WOrking Overtime.
Eight hour laws are ignored by those tire-
less, little workers -Dr. King's New Life
Pills. Millions are always at work, night
and day, curing ,Indigretion, Biliousness,
Constipation, Sick Headache and all Stom-
ach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy,
pleasant, safe, sure. Only 25e at Fear's
drug store.
Liberty and License.
Every man is entitled to physical liberty.
He may go where he chooses, and when he
chooses, may engage in whatsoever physi-
cal labor he chooser, and when he chooses
he may refrain from physical exertion.
Yet there are places to uhich at times we
cannot go with impunity as regards our
'physical libe.ty-places which society, in
its own interests and in regard for the
rights of property, has declared to be sacred
or private; places to whioh, were we to
transport ourselves, we should overstep
those limits to liberty, without which so-
ciety could not well exist. Carry, then,
your notion of absolute liberty as to whither
you shall go into practice, and you will find
that physieal liberty will soon be denied
you. Imprisonment is the certain goal of
him who essays absolute liberty as to the
disposal of his body. In other words,
physical penalty is the price at which abso-
lute physical liberty can be purchased.
There is eometimes truth in a paradox, and
absolute phyeical liberty is not without
penalty. We are at liberty to put our
bend in the fire but we shall be burned if
we do this. fire,
are at liberty to walk
over a precipice, but the penalty is broken
bones and lose of life. We are at liberty to
make our bed in the sea, but drowning is
the penalty and purchase price. There is
no such thing as absolute physical liberty
without penalty; and if me picture to our-
selves a man doing in all things exactly as
he ()boosts, we shall at once apprehend the
difference between liberty and license.
Liberty has limits always, but license has
no limits. -Rev, James S. Swan.
One LAXA-LITHR PILL every night ir thirty
days makes a complete ours of biliousness and ocin-
stipation. That is -just 25 cents to le cured.
-The county convention of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union' was held
recently in Stratford. Mre. Gnrdon Wright
of London, was present and gaets an admir-
able address. Reports from ithe various
societies showed the majority to be in a
flourishing condition.
-Mr. James Hutchison, who was at one
time tv traveller for a Toronto grocery
house, and well known to the people of
'Mitchell, received a severe partic stroke
last week, from *hide he died he following
Sunday. He married Miss Clark, of Mit-
chell, who predeeeased him last July.
• i
cure the worst headache in fr m five Ito twenty win
tries, and leave no bad after -e ante. One powder 5n,
8 powders 10e, 10 powders' 25o
-Mr. James Catlin, . P., of North
Easthope, has sold his vii uable farm to Mr.
Alex. Ross, of West Zorr . Mr. Rose takes
possession on April 1st. Mr. Catlin will
likely take up his residen e in Stratford.
-A new postoffice has been opened in
'Victoria county bearing t e name of Buller.
The name of Upper Thorne Centre has been
changed to Ladysmith.
IIAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL cures sprains, bruises„
sores, wounds, cuts, frostbites, chilblains; stings of
medal, burns, scalds, contusions, etc, Piic3 25e.
-The youngest son of Mr. Chas. Pearce,
of Mithhell, had one of his hands so terribly
crushed on Tuesday of last week that, iare-
gnired ill twenty-two stitches to bring -die
lacerat d piecee together. It is not known
how t e accident occurred, and the boy per-
sistent y refuses to make anybody the wiser.
-T ere was a pretty wedding at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Waddell, Mornington, on
Wedne day of last week at five, o'clock,
when t eir daughter, Mandie, was married
to Mr Robert Welsh, of Mornington.
There ere about 'seventy guests present
and t e ceremony was performed by the
Rev. &r. Cameron.
DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP Is a safe, sure and re.
liable worm expeller. Acts equally web on children
or adult . Be sure you get Low's.
-Da 'd Adair has sold his farm of 85
acres o the boundary to Z. E. Gill, 16th
concess on, Elma, for $3,475.
-Mr Fred Gitka, a highly respected
reeiden of the 7th concession of Morning -
ton, di on Saturday, 17th ult. I
-As he result of last year's besiness at
the Wi low Grove cheese factory, in Logan
tewnsht $14,000 was distributed among
the farr,ers of the district.
Mr. T. W. Doxtater, Expresses a
ether's Gratitude.
Hie Little (4irl was Attacked iith Heart
Troubl , and Doctors Said She Could
Not Recover -Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
Have Made Her Sound and Lively as a
From the Sun, Belleville, Ont.
In a comfortable farm home in Sydney,
near Belleville, lives Mr. T. W. Doxtater, a
prosperous farmer and most respected citi-
zen. In this pleasant home the heart of a
father and mother beats with gratitude to
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, because they firm-
ly believed they saved the life of their little
daughter. A reporter of the Sun having
heard of the case, drove out to dr. Dox-
tater's for the purpose of getting at the
facts and fourid both father and mother of
the little girl very enthusiastic in their
praise of the medicine that was unquestion-
ably doing so much to relieve suffering in
this country. Said Mr. Doxtater "Yes,
we have good reason for praising Dr.
liams' Pink Pills. I think they are worth
ten times their weight in gold. - When our
little daughter Clara was about eight years
old ahe was stricken with what the doctors
said Was heart trouble. Up to that time
he had been a strong healthy child. The
first miymptomii shown were fainting spells,
and these would attack her without a mo-
mentse warning. We consulted a doctor,
under whose care she was for a time' but
the t4eattnent did her no good -in factshe
was growing worse. Then we called in an-
other doctor, and he frankly told us that he
could bold out but little hope for her re-
coverY. • By this time she was confined to
bed, and for three months was as helpless as
an infant. In some of the fainting spells
she was attacked with convulsions. Her
appetite seemed entirely gone, and she was
reduced to &living skeleton. At this time I
read the particulars of a cure] through the
use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pine, which gave
me hope, and I determined that our little
girl should try them. I first ' got one box,
and when they were used she eemed bright-
er. Then I got five more box4i., and by the
time she had finished them .hs was as sound
a child as you could find in he neighbor-
hood, bright and lively as a Icrieket. She
has been going to school for the past eight -
teen months, and has shown absolutely no
symptoms of the old L trouble. I attribute
her cure entirely to the use of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, and if anyone doubts the truth
of this statement you can refer them either
to myself or my "
Dir. Williams, Pink Pills are just as valu-
ablt in the case of children as with adults,
and puny little ones Would soon thrive and
grow fat under this treatment, which has
no equal for building Op the blood and giv-
ing renewed strength to the brain, body and
nerves. Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid
at 50e. a box or six boxes for $2.50, by ad-
dressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brookville, Ont. Do not be perattaded to
try something else, said to be "just as
4 -At a concert in Atwood recently the
sun of $90 was raised for the patriotic fund.
I -The north Perth Orangemen will cele-
brate the 12th of July in Listowei this year.
-Thomas Gregor, a former Wingham
boy, is a member of the Stratbcona Horse
contingent going to South Africa,
-Listowel has contributed to, the alatri-
otie fund nearly $600, and Stratford over
-Close Bros., of Mitchell, left last week
for British Columbia, where they will en-
gage in farming.
-St. Andrew's church, Strathroy, has
extended a call to Rev. H. A. McPherson,
of Acton, to succeed Rev. Prof.' Jordan
lately appointed to Queen's College, Kings-
SEAFORTH, - Ontario.
-Dr. Ward's
Blood and Nerve Pills
No remedy ever lintroduod in
Canada has gained so many wdrds of
praise from sufferers all over the coun-
try as these thoroughly effective pills.
Because theypositively cure dis-
eases brought on by impove ished
blood, such as heart trouble, nerv-
ousness, rheumatism, dypepsit, etc.
-Because they ind UCC Sound, h ‘alt.hy
sleep, and restore VIM, VIG TJA,
and VITALITY to the body.
Because their use enabl,4,1 the
system to successfully resist attacks
of colds and the inseoarable re-
sults, viz., lung and kidney troubk,s,
a fact of especial importance it 11,13
season of the year.
ro cents p r ox. fl -re s?, c-0.
or Sam Williams & Go., T, roan, ant)
Leather Leathei!
Leather is advan3ing in price, but as yeti know,
you can still get harness at the old price, fora short
time only at I
Team Harness At $25 And Upwards
Funds of private parties, also company funds,
.oan at lowest rates on firet mortgage; terms tO suit
borrowers. JAMES L. KILLORAN, Barrister,
Seaforth. 16594f
Merton Stock Farm,
Thoroughbred Durham Cows,
Heifers and Bulls
of the most fashionable strains for sale at
reasonable prices. Post office address,
T.J00= I
If any person tens you that
Has left Seaforth, don't you believe it.
He is here to stay, and is prepared to
do all kinds of
Fancy Painting, Graining and
Halle and churches a epecialty. Scen-
ery and pictorial advertising. All
kinds of pictures painted to order.
RESIDENCE -Three doors south of the railway
track, on the west side of Main street.
J. G. CRICH, Seaforth.-
School Children's Eyes
Defective eyes stunt the mind
Can you expect -fair progress
in school or success in
business if so handicapped?
Examination of children for
glasses' is a special feature of
ovr Optical Department.
System Renovator
A 'pacific and antidote ter Impure, Weak and Im-
poverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessneeir, Palpate -
Hon of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Los
nf Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones.
Jaundme, 'ley and Urinary D40118641, St. Vitus
Dance, Female Inegularteies and General Debility.
LABORATORY--Goderich, Ontario.
J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann
• Sold by J. EL Ronxars, Seaforth.
,Dealers in first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
Ineatly done. We also do picture fram-
Ing, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
Prices, and put up. We are alsc
Agents for the New William's Sewing
Alachine, best in the market for do-
Mestio use, no tra-velling agents, no
high prices.
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
ur goods from the best houses in Ontario,
andguaranteesatisfaction in every depart-
ment of our work. We have always made
it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re-
quisites for funerals, BEER 015 0ITAR010.
Prices better than heretofore.
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
ecientifie principles.
L P. S. Night and Sunday calls willbe
ettended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi-
dence, direetly in the rear of the Dominian
Musical - instrument
, Owing to hard times, we have
eluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
on -
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Organs at $25 and upwards, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.
H. R. Jackson
& SON.
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac,
France; Jno, de Kuyper & Son Rol
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland ;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England ;
Bullocb. & Co.'s Se.otoll Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland ; Jamienon's Irish
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Pert
and Sherry Wine from France and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky -
Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Davie
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
We have opened a retail store las
connection with our wkolesale busi-
business in the rear of the new Do-
minion Bank, In Good's old stand,
where we will sell the hest goods isa
the market at bottom prioes. Goods
delivered to any part of the town
TELEPHONE 11. 1514 -ti
Grist mill running night and day, and all
kinds of work done on the shortest notice.
First-class roller flour exchanged for wheat.
0n4iand a quantity of good feed corn for
sale at lowest prices.
All kinds of first-class logs wanted at the
mill, for which the highest cash price will
be paid. Call and see us before .disposing
of your logs.
rhe McKillop Mutual Firs
insurance Company.
Jr. B. McLean, President,- Kippen P. 0.; Thoinae
Fraser, vicelareeident, Brucefield P. 0.; Thomas E.
Heys, Secy-Treas. Seelorth O. 157. G. Broad-
foOt, Inspector of Loeser, Seaforth P, O.
W. G. Broadfosk Beaforth ; John G. Grieve, WI
t op ; George Dale, fiesforth ; John Benneweis,
Dttblin ; James Evans, Beechwood; John Watt,
H riock ; Thomas Fraser, Brocefield 4 John B. kic.
a, Kippen ; James Connolly, Clinton.
ilobt. Smith, Harlock ; Rohl. McMillan, &Morn' ;
Janes Cumming Egmondv ; J. W. Yet', Hairnets -
vile P. 0.; George Murdie and John 0. Morrison,
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trans -
• other business will be promptly attended to on
10 any of the above °Moen, itddreseed Is
Isepastivi poet OffiCti.