HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-03-16, Page 3I
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! "ON L 0 8.801I.NX-Mr. Thoseiss
I A"'TWN'sAmp
1 a�meronhxvbconjnPtyuctedbyMr. L. L. WAIPM,
j to sell by public suirtion at the 0"tT41 1101161,F�Xttsr
I an SatuirdAY, March 24th, at 8 o'clock p nr thai
! splendid 100 *or* farm on the London 116�, *ic�;;-
I ship of 1',pboyne, 11 miloe north of Xxoter, being Lai
25, Conoajisjon'L, Usborne It is all cleared and
I well fenced, under rained-amd is in firgi-ols" ordsr�
! There are 60 acres under .rose and 40 acres ploughed
twjoe list fall. There is a comfortable' house and
lay auk barn 3 acres of orchard and plenty at
good Kater, - It Is one of the best and inoat conven-
jontily situated (arms in Huron. Terms -Ten per
I "nii. of the purchase mone) on the day of sale &ad
. the bidance In I 0 days or 60 per cont. Of MO -rwev";
wonevmay remain on mortgage. For %r.Nr,*c
ticul��rii apply, to -the auotioneerortothapropri r,
L, 1� WALPER, 629 Talbot St- cot, London, on=.
I - 1682xs
V FOR SALE BY AUCT10N.-That valuable
propoltty situated on West William fAreet, In the vil-
la'", �l bclo ging to Wni. 0. Olark.
will I e sold by public at-eliion on the premisiis, on
Sat4day, April 7th, IM, Ali one oi'olook P. I%.
Tile property c,Dosisso of two nor" of good land,
well drained and cultivated. There Is a comfort-
able ,rum* house, a good stable, pig yen and other
necel #ary out bufldivp,00 the premimp, also bard
and j oft water, Thoic aye also 14 good fruit tre",
appl(s pluiss &ad pears, beibidoz some choice orling
finite, strawberries on -i raspberries. It Is a M"t
desirable place for a retired tamer or market gard-
nor ii�ild -rill go cheap. Terme—Ten per oent. of
the jiurchase money on the day of sale; the balanoi
within 10 days therealt-pir, when full session will
be given. There will, loo b- sold at V, "me time
a�cdplacetbe hcu#,b,,Id furniture of tbo under-
� signed, con-istirg of heatiu-t and cooking coal
. iitoycs, cupboard burvan, lounge, chairs, ti;bles, ego.
�WX. 0. CLARK, propriewt; THOMAS BROWN,
suotiocoor. 168 1 X7
- '--- � _-1
Brown has been inst uc4ed by 4r. David Ches.
� coy to tell by public sa, tion on Lot 8, Concession 6,
... - -., Ckerswith, on Wednesday, March 210,
at I o'clock p. m. abhyp, the following farm. stock
ind Implement#, Horses -I drought b oA muc
rialng 8 yean old vri%h fo4%] Vi Mactopper iwported,
I draught gelding rising on- by St. Stephen, I Breit
class road horse rising ,ix. Cattl" 0owe supposed
to by in call, 2 helters our-p-me4d to be in , calve, 4
steers rising 2 years old, 5 bailers rising throe yeare
old, 2 helfbirs rising 1, *or old, I bolter oalf 8 months
old, I thoroughb7til Durh%yu bull, 9 years old with
registered pedigree. Sh% ep-12 pure bYtd Leicester
ewes oupposed to be in Jan,b, 1 pure brtd showling
rain. Also about 03 hem, 41 Surkays and I gobble r.
imulements-1 combined w siidrfll�-21umberwagone,
1 *�irin,, wagon, 2 not b, bileigho nearly new, I top
buggy now, One grain riyusber, nearly now, -
one Maxwell cutting s
ten horse power, 1 turnip sewor 1 root pulper, 2
. single plows, I double mould p6w, I set of iron
harrows nearly new, I tanning mill, I M "tS, I met
doulsla harness, I sib bingle X&rsen nearly now, 2
water troughs about NO futt Of lumber, I Daisy
! churn, I gtin3 stone, chain*, f rks. shovels and a lot
of other articles 600 numeorous N) reentlen. The
I wikol,3 will positively be vold- as the proprietor libi
1 sW.4 his tam. Ten&* -AR sums of Ob aid ander,
�eash ; over that &mount 8 mosiths' credit will be
giren on furnishing approved joint notes. A 419-
i court at the rate, of 4 per cart per annum. will be
� .allowed for cub on credit ,mountir. DAVID 01198-
i NEY, Proprietor ; THuMAS BROWN, Auctioneer.
! - � 1682-1
. RED BAIR LBY.-The underaigme4 hai a quantity
S of Mandscheuri i,arleyoultable for #sod. War.
ralitedelasin and free from foul sesdo. Apply 00
Lot 24, Concession 8, Ilibbert,84afts post office.
CHEEM MAKER WANTED -First claqo men 11or
Winthrop F&Aory. heterevc*o re,quired. To
make by The too or will ront- factory by Son. A
ply before the firbli of March. Adilmse JAM&
KkRR, W-11throp. . 1630x4
3 J.#oKXNNA, Dominion and Provincial Land
. Surveyor, Member of theAssoclation of Ontario
LAnd Surveyors, DubAn, Untarlo. law -tis
I —
UNSMITHING.-I am prepared to do all kinds of
I G .unanitbing, aloo all oth,jr kinds of difficult
� jobs. Sbcp next house W0A Of My Tesiden--ii in
� Eginondville. LEPOLD 0. VAIT EGROND Sr
I . 1�72-tf
i__ - - 1- - _
i OHN- BEATTM 01-)rk ,f the Second Division
i court county Commissioner, of Huron Oon-
9,07axicer, 7And, Loan and Invaranoo, Agent. Xu';da
� Inveated and to Loan. Office -Oyer SbeTp &
I Ivena, store. main sirroet, so&forth. 289
� SEED PEAS FOR SALE. -Tho undezeigned has
for sale on I ot 28, Concesal n 3, H. R� S., Tuck-
examith, a (jusntity of Golden Vine seed peas, clean
and nearly free hom bugi. IRA JOHNS, Clinton
P.O. 1(18-I.X1
I PATRONS MEETING -A ineeting will be held in
Winthrop Cneeqe Factory on Monday, March
i 19th, at 2 0'0103k p. w., for the purpose of receiving
tenders for the milk drawing and sale of whey and
the transictiDg of any other biwiness Parties wish.
ing to draw milk are requepted t look ovvr their
routes and have tenders rt:a �y. JAMNS KERR, Sec-
retary. 1682-2
___ -
AlAN WANTED. -A good, steady man, married
preferred, to do grneral farm work. Good
wages slid steady employmont. A go�d house con-
venient. Apply to GEORGE TURN BULL, Besidorth
P. 0. 1"2x2
LlQUOR LICENSE ACT.- Notice in hereley given
that I have applied to the Licenge Coniniosion-
ors, of South B nron, for tbe. privilege a ' f transferring
m%, liotal licente to John M(Kay, of the Township of
Tuckersmith. Any objec,ions to the said transfer
mu.4t. be made Id.the IIL�nse I napector before the
'�3xd day of March, 19W. RUEBRN GRAHAM,
Brucefield. 1682x2
BOAR FOR SERVICE. -Tho undemig-ne!] will keep
for service on Lot 8, Oonces6lon 7,Tuckeramith,
athoroughbred Tamwortb boar. Terms $1 payable
at!)j� time of service. JAMES STRONG. 1073 tt
'BOA�R. FOR SERVICE -Thij undersigned will
eep for service on Let 20, Concession 13, Mo -
1 Killop, a thoroughbred Yorkshire bo:tr. Torm"I
I payable at the tiole of service with the privilegm of
� returning. ADAM DODDS. — 1682x4
� T0 PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep
on Lot 26, C�noemion 5, L. R. S., Tuckergrn'th '
a thoroughbred CHFsTgR Wurrit Pie, &]so a thorough-
bred YoRKsniRxjPio, A limited Dumber of sows will
be admitted to dach. Tormo, $1, payable at the time
of service, or $1.60 if charged. Alco a few Chester
White Pigs for o�'ale. JAMES GEMMILL. IW8-62
i ! I I
T VICE. -no underil�,,_-,od will hoop for service,
at the Brucefl�ld 1hoese rtictory, a thorou hbrod
Tamworth Boar, *14h registered pedigree. Terra&,
11; payable st.4'rne of sorvioe with privilege of re -
I burning If no6amry. Also a number of thorough-
bred worth Boar* and Bowe. for vale.
,,UGliou am
=A T �
R,TNEY, Bruotiflold. � 1405-61
1 1 —
4 .
STOCK FO� SALE.-Th6 undersigned has for
sale 3 3 odrg bure bred Durbsin cattle, I bull
and 2 heifers, �IiKible for registration. They are red
in color and ate good stock. HEOrOR REID, Lot 7
Cctice8gion 3,$tanley, BrucelloW P. 0. 1678-tt
� .
__- _F___ - - -
DL'RHAM BULLS FOR SALE -The undereigned
ban for 6ale 3 young thoroughbred Dwbe6m
htll'�8, eligible 'for registration ' The, are all red In
(,Dior and are xcellent stock* HERBERT CRICH,
L(t -25, Conce sion 4, 11. R. S., Tackeromith. Sea -
for* h P. 0. � - 1677-tf
CATTLE FOR SALE. -The underaigne,1 ha�ve for
bale on their premises. Lot 21, Corcesvion 4,
It. R. 8 , Tubkeymith, five head of thoroughbred
Shorthorn BdIls, agee from 12 to 14 months. A & J.
IIROADFOOt, Seaforth P. 0. � 1671-tt
FORSAL� . .-Tell Shorthorn Bulls, from 10 to 15
tnorlthk old, as good a lot as can be found in
the Pro� ine � and of as good Scotch breeding, good
olori. Prices and teims almost any way buyers
want. DAVID MILNE. 79thol, Ont. 11570-tf
j —
LS ALE. -For sale, two
Dthoroughbrod Duibam bulls ; both 12 menthe
old, one rosin and the other red. JOHN MORRISON,
Lot 21-1, Concession 11, McKfilop, Winthrop P , 0.
. idb-tf
1-1 aillethree good thoroughbred Duiham bulls
frow 10 to 12 months old ; also several cows aaa
neifera, all regist-ored. Apply on Lot 30, Conces6ion
5, ('9borne, or address Hurondalo P. 'O. THOMAS
UDMORR. imb-tt
lllfar,� After. 'Wood"# Ph0g*ft#0
.1 I . 7V Grew Driglish Affliody.
- - * Sold and reeommended.by all
� druggists In Canada, Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Ms
I guaran4ted to cure all
forms 0 Be - . � We& ness, all effects of abuse
e of To-
"100"B"ve use
, Wo l". '""ed on r
or '�Xee`88' Menta 7
"'41000 0 '�m O� 8"Im
f p �e Pne, I'lil' " ow I
11 peov 91 S I r�e t --D An r dd
'i J�
'I ,
_ I' g�
X re. FIM hiew
a a COW�7, W U�or
Wood'it Phospbodine Is Sold In Behforth by Lume,
(m Ss Wilson, druggists.
Take your clothes to the Soaloyth Dye Works and
havo them cleaned or dyed and made to look like
now. All work guaranteed ' 69 give sadtfastift,
HENRY NICILLE, Goderjob street, opposite the
Catholic obwoh, $*&forth. . 200 -if
� . :
I !
. �
- I
. . .
. � �
. 1111111111110111111111111111111111 _.,
Cenulne I
� .
Carter I s
Little Liver PiRs.
Must Bear Signature 91f
7 ".� V�
lAeie-_r�,41_041 .
. _%ft ]PAo-simile Wrapper Below. ,,,
Tavy Buzau &04 of emy
" 11"M as drugar.
Am is si%9,ft FOR-NUMN %
-x0W1I5jaIP .V iU4&jAUt5Kj- L - - — :
- I
I . : - J. 19. Lang, Provincial Municipal I i
I � - ___�_ � I � I .
to Is 4o Sle Tbru it, ric"a ity Iter Feit London Lady JHjkb w 1144 ill the Shape ,j Adirior, in his last annual report makes . .
. Lioti. . 11 is % � ti-olf. . the fol)owiug statemant which will be of in- I * , I I
. . . , terest, and perhaps profir, to. municipal *&a- . T is Shoe.
G,ertmde Charlotte Pianka, the lion' In the ordlnary� 4wurse of things [ thorities and others. He mays: , I -
tamer, loveB her lions, thrills with wolves are nQt regarded as desirable �', The systetit of Government audit inaug. I i , for the ricli and poor alike.
pleasure when they roar, and hopes household pets; blit In the neighbor- urated by the Government is doubdLes re- I
that when She dies her lions will be h9od of Regent's ,Park, appropriately sponsible in a great measure for the ro. I . tx
. What is the use of payiiiur more,
. . . i
I �
rher executioucts, Rnd that they will euough, there . is oge often to be seen I markable diminution in municipal defalea. - . I � *hen you can get perfect shoe
� flonit. Three years amount ed to $100,000. . , . . i
make vi� ueat job of It. taking its wallr, a4road, securely Muz- In 1898 they dropped to $12,000, and laat ... � I
I I atisfaction for $3 ? That if
"I fully realize the dangers of mY, zled, and In the charge of either a lady year they aniounted to $4,OW. Mr. Laing � �
business," she said, "but I do not care. or a gentleman effere the following coulint-nup, which nirs *hat you get when you buy
I shall not give it up until I am killed A Daily kail representative called Enggested by bis personal experiences : " In 11 king Quality. When a shoe.
' the some cases the position of trewattier in fiHed t
b my petB. I honestly expect to die the attention of Allpert E. Jamirach, v -
I �
y I . � by men well stricken in years, who appatr --- . - A. -
in the lions' den; to be torn to pieces naturalist,of St. G[eorge street, to the , ��, fit -
. . fully competent to perf,-rm- their duties. wears welL when it is stylishl and com- I "
whether keeping I
by the beasts to which I have devoted fact, an Tbere are eases,howeveri whete men over fortable, what more CAU be; desired? I
my life. in fact, I prefer such a death, wild animals as peis was�comlng at all eighty years of age fill the office, *he owe it I TRADIC " A R W
vto any other. and I only hope that Into vogue. His r�ply v�413 that, while ' ;o 6etneelver, their family and the com- Try King Quality once, an You will .
en e me comes ; r men a I ar them. I .
clean Job ot it. � Indies, there were Bomevery weird chance. There are municipalities where ' always we I I Ila �
"My fears is that they will only half creatures from the� desert, or the prai- the treasurer is for Vehind the times, who is $3, and the appearance of 45- 0 rd I
kill me, and that I shall have to But- - rie, or the jungle, t6t nowada3ra fouud kept in office out of consider"ion of old i .. I
friendship and family ties sud influence. I , . . -1 � I
fer in a hotipital for weeks after. their way into a household. think this last -.year has been an improve- ; -_ . —
"Knowledge of the fact that more Several fnstance8 were given, As a ' ment in the personnel of municipal treasur- L — �
thin nine-tentba of the lion tamers of rule, he satd, ladle's prefer small anl- era, and I look for further improvement now ' . _� . )
the world who have been in the bual- - mals as pete. A ve�y popular pet is the that there in ft UDiform, system of municipal I I - . " A
� d
noes any length of time have sooner ,.,coatttmund, which 43 sometimes known book-keeping throughout the Province. The AM
. . i I h book has proved a great
1,�a home is in South Govornment cas int Furniture mstull e
or later died violent deaths by being . as an ant eater. . boon to munjoigalities in the way of keeping - The, Red Frt ,
tom to pbees by the beasts has no ,ter- America 7 an. It v6ry quickly bewMes I . d c&xaa where it in not ap, 1 I
I their accoun an
W110 FOR0011nZIN rors for me. I hope to go in the Bameo tame. I It is it out �be size of a badger, 1 preciated are f rare. As mentioned in my Has been renewed, renovated I and enlarged, and now we are
. . . way. It will be a quick death It the aid"can be safely ept in the houme, or I report for last -year, I havo pr &red cash neweSt designs of PaTIOri
run 11U8912taAl � e in a position to offer the publiel aU the
& .. . it .4 lions do their work well. It can be allowed to frolic about the books for school sections, pubto schools, I
. .
oink . n41% garden if there arb not any flowers In I hl Ih soboolm and Collegiate institutes. The, Bedroom and Dining Suites 4t very tempting pices. Also a
� t -tyle& NOW litie Of
NITI ON., I r1fice of the firab named, the school section very nice line of Cbaire in all! the newest r
I - . . I . the way. � I ook, is $1, and the price of the latter $2. 50. Pictures just in, very obeap. VVe extend a cordial invitation. to.,
. 81UN., - Tho surleate, Which - comes frOm I Whert these books have been used they are . �16-
1`8111IM11 - . ' readily submits to every one to come and see us a0d our Stock.
. South Afrlea, very . very popular, and I would respectfully sug- 1
'Nuffawsaw"Wfip. . I
I '. - . . - I &�Jqulet domestic life. The late Frank I goat the desirability of , the Legislature . ______ .--.---
.- -4%tii- W--- .. I � . RVAMM
6 Top aue� am Buckland always �Eept two specimens . � -
- - I - I making their use obligatory, as M the case
- I I .. j I I In his room. The'suAcate is a carniv- of the Government cash 1�mk for the muni- -U-NTJ3DM11RTA 111"TGE.
CURE SICK HICADACH9, . . orous animal abotit as large as a fer- cipalities. There is still a feeling iu a good - � 1,
� �
. Our direet omnsiotions will, save you
time and money for vX poinu. ,
, I
. '
Canadian North Weamat
i- _.,�.
I -
I Vio-Toronte or Chi""
� Briklek ColumWa and ZZ&da I
. P17, t - a- ! � ,
Our rates are the I went. We have them
,a suit evorybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
fST CARS for your accommodation. 00
for ,further ilaformation. .
. I Grand Trunk Railway.
Tialas leave Sestorth and Clinton stations "
0 we: . . .
ll� . 11
_40=0 Wm- SNArORTE. Minos,
Passenger .......... 12.40 F. .k. 12.56 P. u
P"esuffm .... .. .. 10.12 P.LK, 10.ff P. M
Mixed ?yain.... .. 9.20 A. it. 10.15 A. N
mixed Tran ...... - S. 15 P. � IK. 7.06 F. M
� pasesecer .. .. .... 7.53 A. M. 7.98 A.M.
Passenger.. .. .... 9.11 P. M. 2,66 P. M.
Mixed Train_'. .. .. . 5,20 P. M. 4.35 F. W
I I :. .
WeRington, Grey -and Bruce.
Golige NORTH- Passenger. Mixed.
Ethel .......... 10.05 P. X. 1.40 P. m.
Brussels.. .. .. 10.17 2.10
Bluevale .. .. .. 10.30 . 2.36
Winglusin ...... 10.37- 1 8.16
Gouqo souw- Passenger. Mi.ved.
Wingbano ............ 6.'50 A. X, 8.56 A. 3d.
Bluevale .. .......... 7.00 . 9.17
Brussels.. * , .. ... .. 7.18 9.45
Mel ................ 7.28 . 10.02
London, Huron and Bruce.
GOING NORTH- , passorwor.
London depart ......... 8, 16 A, X. 4.40 P..]iI.
Con"la ................. 9.18 6.56
.. 930 6.07
Hensall . ................. 9.44 6.18
Kippen ............... .. 9.60 6.215
. Bruceflold . .............. 9.68 6.88
01"to" .. . . ............ 10.16 &b6
Gondesborc, ...... .... .. 10.32 7.14 1
1 =_�; . . . ............ 18.41 1.23
_. .. I ... ...... 10.66 7.87
. 11.10 8.00
GOING Souva'- paaftager.
I Winghazo, depart._ .... 9.53 A.M. &16 P. M.
.1 Belenve ....... .. ...... -7.04 3.90
I Blyih .............. - ..,. - 1.1a 3.45
- LoDdeaboris ........ - .... 7.24 8� 55
a (3112son ............. .... 7.47 4.215
Brucefield ......... 8.06 4.49 .
Kippen . .............. .. 8.16 4. W
Honsall . ..... � * * .... .... 312 6.02
� Exeter ............ .. .... 8.86 6.14
1 0"61ralla .... .......... _ 9.46 6.0
London, (arrive) ........ 3.. - 9.50 A. X. 6.26
I ret, and Is # rite wilth ZUIUS , ynany quarters to haye a body of skilled au- This department ig oomplete with a large veleetion of the lyeat goods, and
..� - . a great faTo . I ditors to audit the accounts of municipali-
.. � &at Kafirs, who almost worship It. their report@ to, and sub. obli#ing attontion giTen to this branA of the businam.
, ., I . Lately there has been a great de- I ties and making I I . T. Holmes,
. :
I - . � ject to the oantrel of the Provincial muni- Night calls promptly � attended � to by our Uudertaker, Mr. 8 .
I . ila-and for the mon ocise, a curious little eipal auditor. This system would do away Goderick street, Seaforth, opposite thO Methodiatt church.
� - i
. kt system of municipal audit. !
. aRimal which is introduced in oue of with this preset I
. I Rudyard Kipling's famous jungle stor- ing, and may be worthl of consideration ,by f -%'V" & Cool
- � . se,, which no doubt theGovemment. Itisclaimed thattwenty BROADFOOT, 1PW.A36
� 409. The mongoo skilled accountants could do all the Audit. I i
owes Ito popula. Ity to Kipliug, h" �� . I
. iDg rfquired by the municipalities through. ;BMI A -L- M I
. rather a A*ry spirl t, and Is useful as & out the Provin" &I no wore expense and, ' i 3Er0__Rr"
,� . rat-catcher, but it can be remarkably much more efficiently. ,Their work,would. I I -_ - .
_. tane. an4 then it finds -a warm plase . of -course, be continuous throughout the . t ,
in, the hearts of lady admt , rere. .,latirelp I - :P A--- Y -S
Mile,. Planks, the B"uttful Lion Tanter. Up to a few- ye irs ago the klakajou, : ' ,_6 Lis. I rT tO - - -
"Hear, that, and that? Its dlyisel" & native of Soutl America, had , a I WBAKNESS OF HOSPITA - I f
As ezolaimed an the roaring of the PrOminent place h � English homes, but I . - -
empty It ran awiy befor � the advance of Me Said to be Inctapable of Curing � . .
hMe beasU echoed through the .. - 0 . � -
railway - engine, i ud is now runniug one of the Most Deadly Dis- . .. . . .
theatre in San Frituciaeo. I I . � I -
"That is the music for rae. That wild in Inaccessible parts of the great . easesicif the Ago. - . I . .1 - 4P .
son- southem contine nt. Formerly the �1* - I . I
. . I
roar is sweeter to rue than auy I
at&. Ahl now Bowser and Brutus are kiskajou, which ias a very fine pri- ]MONTREAL. M%rch 12th -Mr. William I
hensile tail, was s!een in manY boU569, Brownley tell* an alariming story of utter i
beginntug.. Hear them growling gently I The Oanadla -�usiness 0ollegg Ae
. failure of the hoysitals to cure him of : I
but it Is now rarel peen. There to one I
its Spitfire sings her solo. Never did 1 4 ted in the Ohgth0n, Ontario
AV. in the zoological gardens, and tho . Biight'a Disease. e was trea �
concerto sound grander. Now th .r keeper proudly points it out to ladies, beat bospitals both ia Canada and the i � .
are all pitching in at the top of the.ir L United States. They gaye him up an incur- A training, atiR holds a very strong lead �
voices. What a trio! It Is better than who at once fali in love with It. able. Medical science had failed ; the box. Canada's greatest sch.00l of Shortboind and businef
I over its contemporaries. No better evidence of this claim need be offered than the foflaw.
Among animals o6er' than dogs Which � pitals were powerless to help him. Never- - 147 cities, town$
any overture composed by man; it Is i ing, wbich shows how widely ithis justly pD Ular school is patronized:
ladies keep as pets are large Squirrels, i theiets Mr. Brownley is cured. Dodd's ' d Vewfoundland are represented in the Attend -
sweeter music to me'than any sym- and village* Mi Canada, United Statq,s an j
. I
lustrallan opossu i !tns, and xangaroos. ! Kidney Pills cured him, and he is a well ance duiing the year to date ; .30 counties! in Ontario) six of the United States, together
phony I ever heard." . : ;
aid. Birds as pets hhve gone almost out I man to -day. I with 6ve from Manitoba and Albert4, havel sent their representatives. They come from
M11e Pinka meant what She s I Says Mr. Brownley bimself : " I have the Atlantic on the East to the Pacific on the Went. Distance proven no hindrance to
What fills ordinary mortals with . fear of fashion, atid there is now scarcely I been a aubject to Brigtit's Disease of the those who are determined to atteDd-the best. The present is on excellent time of year to
Aeinand for 'them. In the old
any ic I bave been ' ed at any time. For catalogue, sddreas
and horror fascinates her, and the , . Kidneys fdr tweinty years. in make a start. Pupilm are admilit
louder her IiQns roar the better I she days, well -stocked aviaries were to be , all the best hospitals in Canada -and the I �
1.1kes it. She has beeu rightly dubbed seen in nearly every lady's house, but United States,. I could get no relief. I D. McLkORLM & Co, Chatham Out
' the poor birds have been forsaken bave just finished eleven boxes of Dodd's Tr
"The Lady of Lions." Her life has since the advent of bicycles, and they Kidney Pill 9 and am completely cured. I
. ' I .
been spent In constant companionship are scarcely ever 'inquired for now. I : am a locomotive engineer and we'll -known, - Nil . ow . DAISY AIR R1 FL
with the king of the jungle, and sbe At the present t . ime the most popular �1 110 many can vouch for this statement." - - I - — E
bird 0 -the orang'p, -flanked parrakeet, , we give this sl0ini. Elmalk.-
number. She lives with her beasts, I A Good Suggestion. Rule Wselting two
which1s, delightfUlly tame, one of its ' datiewwkases
' —
ha3 tamed and trained lions witbout I , ; ndations being that I DEAR EXPOSITOR. a The distance /F I?ft Beads at 20 Lc"=
lives for them and declares she always princloal recomme from Aftelt. Zsch IWV
will'. They are the sources of her I Seaf orth to Brussels is about a mile longer ad Aftnisw
It willingly takes Ats food while perch- maim a I
. ____jjX;oL._czroW1y sightoit and teste4 bell3ro leaftV the if i thing tbr
greatest pleasure. . . fi; ow than it wam two weeks ago, caused by I I I = ut,
ed on a lady'S 11ger.-London Daily I 'a, or for shooting ca rVAAcan roos
.1.0. ,etc.,, at" swit%youraddross
. - : p1tob-boles. Every person who keep rail i To "'dirl A . The gosson, Itc agailluing,
. � fences, board tences or hedge fences, I 9; -oft - ", a" 8 g Totuabst,
' Mail. Along 11 - �
3h "T i
Ali Ar Now wolillill." . . -�
I I . - �; roads, should be compellecl to keep the
neyer leaves ' , I
Havoia 1,11101. I roads broken in the winter time. A week I . " .
her house from the time sbe is mar- y the road from Winthrio t
" bahk ]a grippe for the ago Monds P r10
ried until she is 'carvied out to. be bur- latest fad which I swell women have geaforth, where there are mostly wire fences. qn � �
ied. A woman of the middle class is al- was'not half as bad as from Winthrop t'o' A HE QUALITf,
,ty, land occasionally taken up? Whether that preyalent dis- i Walton, where there are wc8tly ,rail or - . ! I
lowed more libei '. I ease is responsible or not. the fact re- 1 board fences. Such fei2ces are public nuis. ' I
goes out for walks, accompanied, as a mains thRt the fashionable woman of I ances, as much an wood or timber left on � . I
rule, by_a servant. The poor creature to -day has taken to Issnuff." the roads. And an the Govemment, bave STYLE and RANGIE: I
to enveloped in masses of white drap- Snuff boxes are a dainty and as yet I made cheaper wire, and money plenty, I : I
� I . ;
. I
ery.which make her look like a walk- novel adjunct for one's dressing table I every man wbo keeps fences along roads to .1 ;
ing bundle, �nd in front of her face she ana f-hatelidne and it is not to be Won_� . block them, as most of the side roads are �
arran ies ajarge black scarf, embroid-
dered at that this has
proved an in -
now, should be tRxed to
keep them fit for
Of ou: Spring &aitings And rantings up to the Ingliest staim-
e . red with blue, red and white flowers.
ducement to the habit.
The very fin-
transit. This iseiiition of parliament should
take some action in the matter.
. ard of excellence whN I the workmanship and. fit of our made -to -
. .
It falls in front, and even by holdi,ng
est snuff is used, and
it Is said that
order clothing is uneaialled. Good -dothiniz is what every man
: , .
� Per .
� ,�
- I
Over eighty Per Cent.
of Disease
is Cauaed in the
by 'Disorder of
. the KIDNEYS,
Boca . use
They Fail
to Filter
up the ends she cannot see more the'n the manner in which some ,of our . McKiHop. I
. —0 is looking for. * wa4ts the best he can get for . the money
a foot or two of the road before her. 'emart women have learned to use It is - i .
I often wonder that she does not get yery taking indeed, though to many Fresh From the Press. I - that he has to Spend o� it. This being the case, it is well for
run over when she goes out alone, for even this is hardly a compensation for him to remember that Ooor quaRty is the deare8t clothing he am
I am sure abe needs a dog to guide her; the habit ae a habit THE ILLUSTRATED ;
buy. There is nothing' inferior in our stock, and Our prices are
quite as much as any blind man. Ser- Only the ultra smart wom DIAMOND DYE RU(-+ BOOK. . I
vants and 'otber women of the lower taken to the snuff habit, as they did to . no higher than you will have to pay for inferior goo& at other
classes Wear pieces of black crepon buv" � and examine our $14, $16, $17,
tkat of cigarette smoking. It does not I places. Before . Ing, come �
wound tightly round their faces, leav- necessarI13� follow that those of more Shows'the Handsomest DesignI3 $18 and $20 hues. We wiU be pleased to show them to you,
� ht for their eyes to iieeP . conservative taste will adopt the habit.
ang just a s for Door Mats and ' I
throug1t, and they are equally Inuffted Leisure, luere and laxity of standard - Floor Rugs, and are confident that any of the Spring goocb wiU be the most
up in white draperies. 'Been from a to an unlimited degree are needed be- satisfactory you have elver worn.
distauce they might be men with fore one can becorae converted either A copy of this novel and uEeful little book I . I "
masks or AbIck black beards, as in to snuff taking or eigare�te Smoking. will be sent free to any address in Canada. I ! !�+ I + 111�4 V, I ! i i ! i i i i i ! i i 4
Arab countries It Is by no means easy ' A Striking thing about the present re- . It tells you how to make pretty and useful
'from a woman at ft%b � -
to tell a man ,vival ig that it appeam to be confined Door Mats and Floor Rup from cotton or �
sight. Th older a wman is the more to womon. wool rags or from yarns, and gives you full , -OS,
how to proc BRIGHP B,R I
information �
prudish I seems to be about cover- which are on Scotch Hessian linen, all ready P .
Ing up her face, which, after all is I - Rabbit root to tlin Fore. for hooking. You can't be hap y until ion � rr zy I
� -i - Lately the rabbit foot has seemed tQ see this book. Wells & RicEardsion o., REW?87 S_E"ORL.",
rather considerate on, her part. E eT F URNIS .
the greater number of negresses wear I
be in disfavor, and especially after sev- q00 Mountain Street, Montreal, P. Q. - 1, .
the yashmak, but the Bedouin women eral purchasers of the charm had diz- ' - i
Indeed I am told that In the . �
never, do. coyered, to their disgust, that their Pioneer, w the � I
, I -
interior there is one Arab tribe whose rabbit's foot was only that of a, poor - perison of Mattbaw Whitney, sr., ham passed
� men wear ve*ils and whose women go harmless domestic cat. ! ; over to the silent majority. He removedto TEILLS THE STOBVIL
.4 I Adi'verton fro his farm near Brunner a few TIME - �
Kidney trouble oftein makos
one feel as though they bad heart trouble,
on account of the quick or umteady heaft
beatm, caused by the heart overworking to
pump thick kidney poisoned blood through
the veins. Rheumatic pains, sleepleasnesq,
and nerve upset, generally have unhealthy
kidneys back of them, wbioh father a hun-
dred qmptorns nearly all attended with
Backache, 'sometimes not an ache, but
-more of a soreness or vincofrifortable feeling.
. When it, leaveii, other symptonris disappear
with it. ! I
This in the secret of Dr. Pitcher's Back-
ache Kidney I TabletB' sucess. Citizens of
every city, every town, conbribute evidence
of their wortb. You need not go a hundred
miles away for proof. I
Right here in Seaforth, A. E. McMurray,
Egmondville, Grain Buyer, says : 7
Is For a year or more, on and off, I have
been troubled with a pain jin the back
over the kidneys, due to cold. During a
recent att"k I procured a bottle of Dr.
Pitcher'a Backache Kidney Tablets at
Robert's drug at -ore, and am pleased to say
that a few donee stopped tke trouble. I can
safely say they acted well and xery prompt-
ly.)) . .
Mail Contract.
Scaled Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster,Gen
oral will be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday,
Apill 6th, ifoo, for the conveyance of Her M^jesty'#
I mail@, on three proposed contracts for four years,
6 and 12 times of eck each way, between Bayfield
and ScAteith (Tally�), iayfield and Brusedold rallway
station (daily And 3emi-daily), and Egrocadville and
Soxforo (newt -dally), from the lot of July next.
Printed notif es, containing further information so
to conditiost of _p d contract, way be teen and
blank forms of Sbuder way be obtained at the post
offices on the rout", and at We office. I
H. 0. HOBNIRN, Post 01111106 Inspeow,
pogi Office Joypector's Offlos, Lo6don, Fetruaff
Xrd, 19M. 1681.3
about -Witn their faces uncovere ; I The demand had evidently exceeded � i L .
These are .probably the "new women' I the supply, and pussy had been years ago. Laist sumnaer he suffered a par- -
&Iytio stroke, from which he never fully re. ) 1� .- I ,�,��,
of Arabia.-Pearson's Weekly. I t I I I
brought intor requisition. The fad, in _. _f - I
. red, and pawd away on Friday of last .. �� I
cove I '. . " I I
apiasequence, perhaps, had fallen into ' week at the age of 72 years. He leaves a . � � � I :
, I
... I � I
: I
CrystnI ornamentation, � iffisfavor, when, lo and behold! from ; widow and grown-up family to moum% his I 11 I � i
. �
Clear crystal to the neweat material the seats of the mighty the edict has � departure. . . . � � ;1 � j
th i -ng I -A uiet weddiuig, owing to the death of . i
for ornamentation The velvet costs, gone forth proclaiming It the : , � . i
. I
' the brile's father a 8hort- time ago, took - � I �
- !
so much a part of the reqeptlon toilet again. One of the principal favors iu ' I . . L - i
place in the Catholic chur4ob, Mitchell, -on. - ! 81karples'
of the winter, are furnished with huge the cottilon giveu by Mrs. Cornelius . , I
Tuesday morning of last week, when Re�v. i
. 4 I
disks of clear glass, and the silk waist Vanderbilt recently -were dainty, gold Father Downey united in marriage Mr. I I i .
has many rows of these tiny buttons, . mounted rabbit's feet. These little feet - JosephP. Stmube, a prosperous haidware i
round, plain or facetted. Umbrella were vouched for as being the genu- mercheint of Treherne, Manitoba, fo Mar- . I . � I I I
handles are also made of it, for the ine left hind foot of a grave -yard rab- guerite Teresa, youngest daughter of the . I Cream
quality of breakableness seems to be a bit, and therefore briniful of talismanic late John Brown. After the wedding Mr. L I . I .
and Mrs. Straube left for L a ahort trip be- !
desirable quality in the umbrella hau- ' qualities . �
I fore going to their home in Manitoba. . ; a IP
. - ! -
. I
point of the maDufacturer, necess � A Trjulo Lost to Women. Brave Men FaH : , sepa,L ato'rs
dle of to -day, viewed from the Stand- -7— A :
tating, as It does, frequent renewaIs. In these days when women are grad- - I ! �
Vietim15 to stomach, liver and kidney . lb ;
' . i
Other toilet articles -brush backs, - ually usurping men's placeB in nearl ' I !
y 11 troubles, and feel the results in loss of ap- LL I . I
: :
. �', :
clocks, combs and a dozen and one all trades and professions, it is re- - petite, backache, nervouanem, headache and . �� � : . . I i Do good work during
trllles-�-are made of the clear sub- , freshing to learliI the fact that ruen are tired, run-down feelmg,, but. 11 Electric I � _,11- i
,-- .. - . � -
I L �� .
stance, which has superseded the ' now paraniountlin a trade which used Bitters are just the thing for i man," writes 1, ___� . .-
I 11 � I i. � a life time.
rhtlaestone in popularity, aud possews to belong entiroly to women -that of J. W. Gardner, of Idavffle, Ind., 11 when �. I I . .. . 11 L - - �
he is all run-down, and don't care whether L ,
the merit of being Itself and n4Dt I au glovemaking. This is due chiefly to the I I �� L .
I be lives or dies. It did more to Igeive me - I I
imitation, which has almays militated introduction of Inachluery used to -day new istrength and good appetito than any- r � There '151 a b* difference betvrsim the amt -
. Againat the success of the rhinestone : for sewing and dressing the scams anct tbing I could take. I could now cat an . � -4,
1 � - � �:,: of Makin a rst,claaa Oream Sepamter,
irith the most Wtidtfts- I 4improved means for'draughting pat, IT- , 4--_ -, I
tbing, and have a new lease on life." 02 , - - - - __
.- I- _z_ - . . -.-- embodying t best of materials and work-
. - - 4-'. : T - 1. ___� -
. :::1--1 -IT, zr�%__
I , �
terns which were formerly of paper or 50c. Every bottle guarauteed by L V. �� - - .. I-- � .1 .-. I . maxiship, done which is made in the I
".,- .;.�-�_�. - .
I ruggist. . � .. 4 -
BlAck Silk, as a fabric, Is never out , wood. Glovemikers are divided into Fear, d _ _ - '. cheaper manner. The buyer of the cheap
- 0_ I . -'i, !
of style. you may vary Me style of three classes. I Those who seam the - ! maoitine soon pays the differenee in the con-
-After a lingeting axid painful illness, I
i stant cost of repairs, to say nothing of it*
- fingers and put In the thumbs are call- i
(,cut and make" as you choo", and Mr. William Watt, of Mitchell, psawd - � -
add "dressy" adjuncts, but do not - ed the makers; those who hem the . . tfficieney. people often say � to us -
airay on Monday of last week, in the 63rd annoyizig in ' . I am expecting to buy a Sharplea Separa-
, " too nuch edges at the wrt%t vetters, and those year of his age. He wais au old and hi hly am I can afford it, but caminot do it jast YOt. We answer this by saying,
. overdue the gaM1511111P L I tor just aw soon ,
of this detracts tiom tko Ntstiblilliess wko embroid�r the back pofnters. The - respected resident of Mitchell, and leek if you have ten cows, sell two of them-�,he poorest oneg-, and with part of the money
- �
and digultY Of 00 111111AWUL � earnings of alYpIlasses Is only $2 a daY. by is expressed for his widow an' buy a ShaMles' Farm Separator, and put the balance of the money in your pooket. You
- befor
I .xi, and "ve the feM
I ,,,---*Nalmmmn,o.o��,�".NmmkllpIiiiipiiiipiiiiiiiII1111% . I =t will then be AW to make more buttor, aad better butter than
. I : : Mr. John Robb, son of Mr. James and attoadazice of the twO cOws. If, yon1have a five cow dairy, is Sharples' Separator wUL
I - Tinp alone. In a ten cow dairy-, it will
MARRIAGE LIOENSES I . Robb, of Stratford, who keep4 a dairy, was pay 15 per omt. intereet per year on i ' ti aranwe it, and the
L . CA ORIA I found dead in bad the other morning. Al. y 100 per eent. It is not.only that 6 I' however, but we "I
ISSUED AT. i though never very strong the young Mau Cparator oomes back on the alight4wt f::ye ttoio all that we claim for it. If you are
� .
THE UPON EXPOSITOR OFFICEs I I retired the night of his death in apparently int�� In dairymig. write us, and we wfll amd you itiustratod cat4lague, tntini011iAls
For Infeats iad ChUdren. 11 table to you. ,
� ood health. The young man was quite mad readisif matter that will be intereatiog and profi
L 5ead wheim found in the momingi, and the L_ �, i
. Tko tw no ig a doctor ascribed the causle of death to heart 1682 - . W. L. OUIMETTEy lmdesboro, OutltriO- I
Simile — � I
NC) WIT14ESSEG REQUIRED. "M failum . ! I
. Q20"f M 42!.� �7zvw�,_ - W011416 I i Im
I . � � . I
. i - � �
I - ___ - "
. . .
t I