HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-03-16, Page 1� ,,, ­ _0"71 1 , � - � . . . , . . - 91W 1900: - I __ __ r _______�___________""ft - Flom I I DOS , , ­a,i��'. �, - �i­___ -f fleting of the- rnost - . , date c:'fabrics, from, ii centrea, was t&k- - .v in -Seaforth and - I :eePs us busy, even . I - � I room at our die- I comfortable for * please . 'St arrivals we feel confident L �4 will prove just "'lie- newness and, I - - L -,q go,ods carry is , aet- you so much �10 to Put off the � : . �,Mfjt'_ C much longer. I . I know What Well . I I ' '1' 4,0jM9 to wear this - : , y to acquaint 7 - I store, where you, , ; ir'll the 2Ne-w (;oods � ­ . I I I L I " jabrics . p r . � M You the latest ,Ra and the display .ng as complete a ., U anywhere -well, , I selewea an4i rea� � � � . ; I ; I � �, printa and earn- . ,e and . figured de� . . . - � - - - ,treale caraUriel, In, F . ,)&s- and aheeks. . prints, inazy, new - . ,a and spota, azicl � ground ot eyory . � ;4, new styles, fast . � priataL in stripes, . 1. . I z . , .last colors, per e � � : , - I I I I I . - . � : I . L SlIks � . . .k ­ a, Fae showing of I �g Silks, the color . Fhe different pat- itiop_-_Ily beautiful,. - I as neat. and at- . L I ever shown: also a . . zat.ias in the Staple t � �8. . � . I I - ] L " IiL StUft . : 9 . � 1. �h and becoming emand for black � � for apr' I ing wear I ; ,reate j , .r than ever. , . I ivbuyer with th.e I I -thus far I c ffee tA - I . I � fings - I ; . . n is the scene of I :A W- ill be used for �,e�a this spring. A i varitiea in Home- . ieviats, Venetians, - �4 Will, aid you in ilecting what will, [a. . I � L L a . enes � I �d . . Y complete. We it, ie lace. � liamidson - � 'r iss Embroideries, : � I- , ,tnd lusertious. 1. � . c % . I I . . . � : . i��hfng department I I vaiucs in Carpets, , 'Ma, Lace Curtiins, - I - i. Chenille Goods, . . . � I . . I . I 11 I , .7-!..:,.+. i . . . . . I � - . I - - . 1. � - . - - . . . I I . . . - V- -ff- 'Ir- _W_ - .�� . .. L - I . 11 "I L- - ��J_ U/1', . � - I I . . . . - I - Vfy co - . - � I . 4 L . I I : I 11, 'f' A � . e s -t U (I � ; L . I . 8101"e-4 . I i . L - '-- __ I ­ _ ' I - IL I I r Zl I , .,n Cann wears a . I IIPI,A!181f� its a .. A4 134-rvi�_-, is yisit- .. , , , , I _. ,.Irs. tt-�bert (',Ann, � �f D . - � enison sold a- � I Nilie, of Seafort,h, I I 'o has been suffer- , '; I i E�rnrpation of the . � - I - e �eirj � �i'Mi-Beat.1i is busy n,; Lgs and wood �i I ez:t (4 this place. 11 ;'int, aving , �- .t h -,;.ads h ' lwnrnev..- -Mrs. W. I � I . . `1`81�ill�,' with her I. It., of wal_ - _Iuli-ti I '071, wlib is bta�ying I : Jogeph Iludson.2 . I _,Iit� 4w ,.. i -_,Ufr's, care � I , _'�ter. ­Nlr, James I � , ,&t gave Wrth to � I I, . ,,.-i,_, well. Who, 1i . � " I ; I I � � - i - . � �mj. I �� . .1 i �Ir I I *n our 1 � ,�`;'(,'1'1',�"r'(,i , :1 I I - Cronje 5 , � - , - , -th.-Tho heavy I I I I-4 . I ' ��- I :,dt,ja,,Qf the lake I - - the other day of ��. lawgciit that has - I - , , . - I wmie time. Mr. I - � � I % - ,,iit to take their I t � . ,'hey will be very . I . ��-,n, Mr. Fulton . �� reliable ruan, the M11(1h -espoeted. - �h(-redat the sale I � �ern in which bIr. . I 41 I. l.k,(- are very I . - I (nee, in every linO juite nicely. `�,,,,ijr�rc�;Iased a 200- 0 �.ti eaatof thevil- 1 5- r , t 6d Mr. Smith are � I � � I Jall has sold ana �d bushels of clov- ... I � I � li, week.s.-Larve, �ng in daily to our - . 'y (laule left our 1, - �rke t. Th.ey werer I . � - ant. - - I - THIRTY-FIRST YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, Ll I , - . - ___ - I , , - � Pe,ople'' who. f, . �. I Wouldz--Like'to � i ' . . I Deal with , � use I ( � �, ! . I . �­ i . � I � � - - � ' � I There axe --some people -we have heard about them indirect. ly-who say: well, you know, I would like to dea,l with I � those people, Greig & Macdonald, but you see they are � so plagued sharp about c.olleelting ther I s ; why, . � I can go to lots- of places, and .get a year's - -yes, and two or three years' credit -if I wa-4t it. Well, of course, as our, customors _vrill agree witl� us, we had alwa, s held 'that we' were do-ing all who dealt with us a y ' . ; I crbod turn in that we have aih�ays maintained that there 8 . is only- one -fair way of dealing in this matter, and that . � is) to see that no long'credit is, 'iven, and aJso that when 9 credit of any kind is allowed, Po see that the payment is � I I . prbmpt and according to promise ; for, we reason, that I I ' - if a -great Ilength'of credit is given, 4nd credit customers . I � ,_ i r - :7, are tax in their payments, �the:c.ost of ca, rying these cus .1 . . tomers and any bad debts, which so ' metimes result,'will I- . - � . " naturallyJall upon the cash customer. ' � We claim to do as near a cash: business as it is possible to do .1 . . - _. in a country town, fof it is pure folly and nonsense for I any merchant to claim that he does a strictly cash busi- ness ; therefore, we avoid all .'trifling and foolish.claims, . � . � confining ourselves to the idea that there is no better . , equipped or more satisfactory place to buy men's and i . t i boys' clothing at than from us. i . . ' I In support of such a claim, we place certain- lines at. certain I . � I I ; prices before You in this space from week to week, with i ' . I I the consciousness that in the matter of value there is I I nano better value in" the' market. Herewith, You -may , � : � . � find quoted a few tin's which may prove interesting to I : 0 I o . . i YO -LL. . .1 . . I Have yo � a boys 9, Then - ou will i d that muleskin stockings I � -_ . - - that- price - � -at 25c are more than you wo- 1c] expect at . I . . � they wear, . . . - � _. . I / � - . - � For foundrymen and mould&S, we make to order a black - � - pant at 75c, which e think a little -,out of --'N general : "..? run. I - - � I I I We have the buckskin by the yard at 20c, 25c and 30c.- -We sell the made-up pan t, sewn N� itly linen, at $1 and $1.25, � making a most substantial every day pant. ' It is a little late in the seas.on, we know, to ba talking furs, � I . but if you happen tc have the money near you, and you had.,any idea of buying a fur coat either ladies' or men's - welhink that we will make it worth your while invest' I I ing. Certain it is that you wi-I not be'able 'next season � I to buy a good, coon coat within $ 10 of the 'price we quote - I We have two No. 1 doon in stock, and if you are open . . for a coat, see them , . - Our own make means d Ilars . saved to every . purchaser 'of . clothin _g ready -for -use. 'The three specials in our own make of men's suits are priced at $8,410 and $12, and , � we have yet to hear a manhaNe the slightest complaint to offer regarding thE� full satisfaction which we claim � - 0 . . I for these suits. ' . -_ t is worthy of"note that ,Lhe sewin Y- with, linen, which is a feature of our own make of oveTalls, is fast becoming a I � very popular idea in all overalls. Our own make sell at � 75c, $1 and '1.25. . . 1$ ' Boys'. school palits at 50c, 65c - and 75c, well cut, heavily . lined with factory cotton, make'these goods- worthy. Ladies' tailor- made ,coa,f s- amd cape 3. Wehave the following clan taxtains in stock, which w1i sell either in the made- np cape -or cut the materiallor you, and thereby allowing you to save the cost of nia�king: Murray, I)ress Camp-' bell, Gunn, Forbes,' Macdopl,ald of Clanranald.j Elliott, I I " 2pherson Gordon, Blac - MaclareD Leslie Rose Ma . & I I ) ) , Watch or the 42nd Highlailders, Kerr. Any of these . tartans are handsome pattei�ns, and we have others-,vriv-- � -� . incy at intervals. I . . i 0 � , .� � : . � I i I - i I ii - . I � +++++_1_1_ .i . � I i I � . I I I - . ' . I . . I . � . . - . 7 --- Orel &.- Macdonaldt� - - I t I � - . 9 � � . . I va I � i __ , . I Clothiers and far ,imis,her's I I I . , . � . - I . . - (I I I On the Wrong Wide --of the Street, SEAFORTIR ,,STRONG BLOCK, I - . � - _______________ __ - . __ 1- I � . - . ; � I I I e , I . have arranged for a C. P. R. unequipped to�rist car to le'ave,Seaforth at 7:58 a. in., on Alarch 20th, to go , through- . direct to Winnipeg, Your transpDrt,ation tickets 'must be securecl at the C. P. R. -office. at lon,ce, so as to' locate your , I . I � i I bertlis pv'oulptly. 3 - . I . I I i I 1 . . ----------- - - ------- � ------------ - - _.._­.­.­­_.­._ I . : I I . � ' I 11 " i R* J-6 'MAUDONA"LD . I I .;� i . I- . . , I C. P. R. AGENT, S"eaforth, .: . I ; . " ! COLIN BETHUNE, Agent Berlin Mutual Fire Insurance � . Company. .Lowe3t rates. ,- . I I I I � . . . I - I . . . . . I I . - . I � � I I I � � - - - . . I � � I � I . . . . 1 . . I � I . . . . SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, -1 ARCH 16, 1900e - � � �. I . � � � . - ; FROM THE QUEEN CITY.' former year the rai way certificates were 1. ' PICTURE FRAMINC paid by the sale of,a intlities ; in the laver TORONTO, March 13, 1900. year they' 'were paid out of the current I I � revenue. In 1900 tl e trea,aurer -expects to � I Toronto. will -lose some thousands- receive $318,724 mor , and to eipend $249- NEWEST STYLES I f its population during the next few 448 more than In 189). Last year's surplus - LOWEST PRICES. I , iontha. Over one thousand applicants was $400,000 ; thisyear a surplus of $200, . f Toronto have asked the Department of 000 is looked for. Th 3 assets of the province . !olonizstion-for permission to locate - and are $7,368,917 ; the .iabilitieb, $5,117,985 ; ' Shades R.ke up land in the new districts. D ri . u Ing surplug,82,250,932, The wolf is still some Window he few years when. Toronto suffered from distance away from Ontario's door. �., he phenomenal boom a - laige number of � I � hrifty farriiers,came in from all parts of the' � 1A ]RIG EX�ENDITURE. LACES AND FRINGES � I i ountry bent on making fortunes. When Th4 Ontario Legisl4ture is asked to vote New stock direct from the Old Country. - . he boom burst:rhany hundreds were forced nearly $4,000,�00 for! the carrying on of . . D day labor, which they -were able to get, provincial business �n the current year. . 3metimes, and which they were unable to The total Bq,m asked ter is $3,723,392, made . .1 : - . ALEX., WINTEID .cure much of the time And since then up as follows : a ILI I I 1. . - I 1 . I . [iey have lived a hand-to-mouth, precarious Civil go�er�ment ... 1. . � ....... $263,440 00 I - I . xistence. These men are now flocking to Legislation .......... ! ......... . 133.200 00 , . 81EAFORTH. ie country. Although Toronto is je I f ' ninig . tiration of justice .... 448,649 97 - ______ - ___ - "' . . . � a 'On" 0 �d'uoati�n - 1 700 C48 55 sixes &gin, and McCafferty tainted. 11 That is population, yet every effort is being i .......... iade to assist these people -in their escape. ablio*.iii4ti�U'tio'n.l"n,l,4intenance 829,092 00 was #-reat_ loock," so,ye I to Clancy. I I Ob olonization societies have been formed in. -ImmijrAtion ....... I ....... 7,125 00 I dinnaw," says he, 111.T wun the pianny." Barly every Methodist church in the city, AgHoultilpre ........ 11 ........... 205,725 00 - 6 Thin I had to wit the pianny," he says, ad indeed in many -other churches, the Hospita* and charitiss ,..,."., 185,207 85 an' I didn�t wurrk anny for two days, he �)ject of which is to assist in transporting Maintenance and repairs of says. 11 An' thin," says Clancy, 11 I had to afortunate and deserving 'Toronto people Government and. depart- pay a music teacher Vree dallers a wake to orn the city to the land. One thousand al buildings .......... �­. 82,040 00 tache me daughter how to make loife mish- ?plications have been made in less than Public buil i dings- . I � erable," he says."- "But," says he, "about iree ' months, and as each applicant is the (1) Repairs ... .......... i... 16,984 00 Vree wakes afther that me house- tuk foire." md of a family, probably 4,OW people In (2) Capital account ...... �-- : 32,622 71 " That was hiw-rd loock," says 1. " Ob, I I willigo forth in th ' a next 'few months. Public works- i dinnaw," says Clancy, " th'pianny was bur - he director of colonization is in the north (1) - Repairs ...... ....... �'... 14,160 00 rued." GROGAN. i the present iima making preparations (2) Capital account. ... ... _ ,. 32.822 71 a .1 r the exodus. The Dominion Govern- Coloniiation and min n roads 123,250 00 Postal Returns. . I' ent has made an offer of a settlement of Oharges on Crown laudag ...... 140.075 00 . � The following figures are taken from the alacians, but as yet the offer has . been Refunds account . ' 103256 68 Auditor -General's report for 1898-99, and erely considered. ' Miscellaneous expen'd'4'u*r*e* ', * * * .177,560 00 apply only to what are known &8 accounting � I HONORING THE I ]RIUVA I DIAD. Unforseen � and unpro�idedi ... 50,000 oo offices, the returns for smaller offices in the ' . ; . I I . . i I � county not being available : Already different institutions end cor- Total ............ I ........ $3,723,292 61 . - I � ; - orations are agitating for memorials and � ` I . !_ . 'ROS8 REVENUE, SALARY onuments for Ganadians wbw,- have fallen 7 POST OFFICE G � A' ND COMMrSSIONS South Africa. The town of Barrie has . About �iannys. i �cided to make some testimonial to the (Written for ' i 'ar. Exposrrou.] Auburn ......... $ 92-76 1 $ 234;21 te J. H. Findlay, the son of Reir. Mr. I'lin a gad-nathured man especi 11 I whin Bsyfield ...... .. 576-73 316.'95 ,ndliLy, of that town, a member of C Com- - a I Belgrave ........ 663581 309'76 kny, . who was killed at P&ardeberg. The I'm nat crass. But w hin I'm crass Irn nab Benmiller ....... i6i 10 -5j. 28 ' aeon's Own will -erect a monument of some so gud-nathured. I, 'ink it was Sala Min BlUeVaje L ........ �75 90 17952 )8cription, probably 6 tablet in the armor- who said, says be-' L ye ate, says be, $960 �Iyth._. 1 � 49-92 - � 624,72 do, ye feel," says he, i�anin thereby-mv yer s, to the members who'fell in the war, . 6 1 rucenei�.* , * * " * X.58 2059-2 . it as Vet only one onember has been so . vittles'don't agree WIT -ye, yp'll riot agree Easels.,. . . . . , , 2r;9.45 1616.61 id any 7au else. Now, we L had - pbrk (j .. ifortunate, and that is Private Findlay. wi w entralia ........ 553 12905 shanks for t'ree days in succiasion, an' I was i he MILyor has already spoken on the sub- . ' Clinton .......... 4�78 70 1777.67 eb, but has said that no action would be billyus, and, as -a matther av coorse, I was Dashwood. 373,09 211-39 ,ken until the war is over. Two men - crass, iays I to Mary Ellen, I says, " Mary Ellen,"-. I says, " por� shanks. is- too rich n..... 043.84 . 32414 iring in Toronto, with the Canadian con. Ethel . ......... 436.23 237-96 � ngentj Private Manion and Private Page, fur me blood," I s�ys, 'Iowell have. to Exeter .......... M3,071 968.41 come down to plain food," I'says. An' whin I I I we been killed, With Bailer. however, . � Ford wich ........ 71709 36468 ' ieutenant Oaborne died. To these men Clancy says to me, says he, "Ar -re ye goin' Goderich ........ 6�53 " 2250.56 � A to others, will a single monument be to the cancert to noi�ht, Grogan?" I was aorrlie .. ....... ?06 24 478.48 1 crass, an' I pitched intil him rough , 6ised by Toronto. In . Queen a park the ' 19ensall ......... 1206,04 , 56090 , i -evince of Ontario will"place a third of the shod. " Cancert ?" Isays I, " Cancerb ? - 181.06 , 'I didn't know there As a;ny cancert," says ippe" .......... �68 03 emorials, and by the side of the tablet eaforth ......... 4247 63 18,58.37 . I 1. "Av says 1, rarna ..... .... 41896, � 175,80 hich bears to t-Ee memor of those who ,, . ye mane Spillman Riggs," 6 y that's a hoigh-tonbd- Intertainmint " I I 11 in the raid of 1866, and to those' ' who 11 but," says I,i 11 It's no pmricert be . alton. .. . '.. .. 394 26� 167.14 - , ill in the second rebellion in the west, - will ally", . ingham ....... 416,15.601 1547-87 great manny, -more, . . 1 3 this third. bearing on it the name3 of �nny manes. Loike � �' I iroxeter ....... 794.12, 446.12 iverry toime thure's bit av a shindig ia - ie men who went out from the province of A / urich .... ..... 724.928! 392.17 atario to South Africa to die. In St. the hall)" I aays, ye call it's, cancert.� W bin ' - . homas, in London, too, it �Ofttated th thim Loyceum lads, wid th' I Futfiall hair, - at . 0anada. tonuments will be built, while the Mem- played. " The shtore kayper av Vinnic," . - . arg have discussed the same question in e called that a cane t, Wnin the blood- -The Liberals of the constituency of ie House of Commons at Ottawa. �ouuds and th' Y&PSY b came 'round an' give Mountain, Manitoba, intend entertaining - - � Us "Tin noights in Uncle Tam's Cabin," ye lion. Thomas Greenway at . a public banquet DRAINING SWAMP LANDS. � call ' that a cancert. Whin Hoyty-toity -during the present mouth. Of all the planks in the new latform of � Canary give us " TwD hours' imprisonment -Fire broke out in the furnace -room of ie -Ross Government, none is less under- ' round the shtove,' tl�ert was a cancert, too, the Methodist church, Alvinstan, on -Sun- '00d than that which refers to the'reclam- I suppose. A cancert; is a cancert," I says, ay, and before it was got under control, - "' An' an Intertainmi4t isdifforent," I says, ad done considerable damage. Lose on Ion of waste lands in the province. No' - beca'se its nat the 0 , anie," I says. "But �hurch and church furniture about $1,200 ' " i ratematic attempt has been made to re- when the Feenyan Vi�erans, " I says, "gives , I -Ttiomas Briggs, aged 89, manager of )ver much valuable land which was render- , their Intertainmint," j says, "an the six- ,theFrontenac Loan and Investment So - I useleseby being underwater. No such ,. teent," I says, "that'll be a canaert­ ciet , died Sunday night -after a short ill - Fort has ever been ru'ade by the Govern� ; i y ent or an Ontario rn�uicipality and only to an' a daisy canceit at tba I i,l' I says, t es,3. He was a brother-in-law of Hon. A. " Ye have no mor� intelligence," says 1, F. Hardy. 0 - limited extent by private parties. The 91 as regar-rds cancertis,"_ I sayoll 11 than me -Rev. Norman Dunn, of Deerfield, acci- overnment certainly has taken no cog' dag Danny, there," I! iays" is Mebby ye'll zance on thia portion of the land, and has .. . . lentally poisoned himself Saturday. , He take Danny to the ca�-the Int I rtainmint," Ykas troubled with asthma, and mixed a -retofore treated it as if it were not, and P -he says. " No," sayo I, " I'll n�at," I says. dose of what he thoughri was ordinary medi- ,ve for adjudicating on disputed titles in " It's an Intertainmirit," I a ,aye " but it's cine. Everything was done to save him, ie few -instances where some movement nat an' Intertainmint . fur man an' baste." but to no effect. He leaves a wife and three 0 been taken by private individuals, .the � I i 4 says, "Av ye loike'o corne alang in Dan. children. �. ord reclaimed.land, did not! come before ny's place," I says, I 'I'll pay th' shat,'J say. -Indignation is expressed in the city of is legislator. The Government hms now I I It'eh go," says he, n' we win t; Misther Stratford over the fact, that some unprinci- ade a very systematic study f this phase 4 . the wealth of the province. It has had Riggs gave a. koind I av a Y. R.'C. A. dia- pied persons have posted up printed bills igineers at work for some tirr e and these coorse mi l xed wid a iew shtori�s an' some all 6ver the city referring to one of , the I whi8tltn'. He seemsl to have ' very cam- public school teachers as a " thrashing m en have made reports on their invea- . . a- fortable opinion av I th' Shta , Sh'pangled chine " and being " for sale " by the school gations. It is estimated that the Shtat6s an' Mishter 1�iggs. He . bad a laddie board. This may yet lead to trouble. otal acreage of Ontario is 23,392,584, that � . ' buck wid him who 6arnmered ithe piauny -Mr. Duff, of West Sj mcoe, ,has intro - i land over which there is an occupant. i f this there are 3,200,060 aor 3s widout referrin' to his notes an'lhe made a duced into the L�gislature an act making it of swamp betther job av it than the usu�l Professor compulsory for townships to pay for the r marsh lands. What propo ' -tion of this i 6' Don't1you think," injuries inflIcted on sheep by dogs, when 6n be reclaimed or the value of it upon , av Mushical anaton � -clamation, cannot be eatimat d, but there says 1 to C ur way home, " don'V' the owner of the !dogs can ot be found. At a source of wealth unfolded which very b" k ' �A be etther avir iverry wan present the payment is optional on the part . I maiderably raises the valu6 of Ontario. Loy, �,inalicart.rwd th' n"es an' play wid their of the townshipil I � . he places where reclamati e r, u4 it nat be betther," -According t4 the last report of the On- ont 8_� ,,, ").:ay;�, 11,tawd�ahcarrd th' pianny," tario Bureau of �nduitrie , the value of all, gorously pursued will be alon lake Huron � * )g sais�e. , 11 Wh&Vs �h' m%tther wid th' ,hogs in the counties of Grey, Simcoe, Mid - I id the western pevinsula. 0 lake Huron piann I S&Ys. " I can 't shtand it," says dle8ex, Oxford, Brant, Perth, Wellington, iere are three.counties, all of which have t.13 i - I Clancy. "'Tie too much av a t.wilt o' Jul� Waterloo; Duff4rin, Victoria, Hastings, uch marsh lands. Bruce ,has 131,000 rum-te-tum-tum," be says, 11 an' I can't Ptiterborou h anO Halliburton in 1898 'was ,res, Huron, 88,000 acres, afid Lambton 9 � . I 0 slitand it," � says- he. ! " Av you cud gib a $3, 1'64,339, 1 . .,000 acres. Here the land i I reported to pianny far about tin dallars," he says, " an' -Hon. John � Dryden,� Charles Mille, 3 good and engineers say could be easily had to pay about t'ree hunnerd fur an Hamilton ; Davi4 Rende�pon, Acton ; Wil- Aaimed. Other counties where work will l 3 done will be in; Kent, which has 21,000 acarTje'en," be says, i 11 th', acarrjoen," he liam M --Gregor, windsorl: Frederick Fen- , I says, " wud be th' 'Mureham poipe," he ton, M, D., Tlono; . H. Douglas, i �res of wabte land. Some work has &I- I X 9 L , say,,, 11 an' tb' piannyiwud be th' cutty," he Warkworth ; an... . G. Oucber London, �ady been done in this district and with says.. " But it's th' Other way an," he'says, bave been incor - P � prated s- the Dominion I -ry great success. 1b has been found, that , , an' th' Vandybilkal do have th' pianny Fence Company, limiLed, w,ith a share capi- w reclaimed land is especially good for . . � whoile the acarrjeen %rrnamints tbe-parrlor tal of $750,000. �� . ! lowiDg tobacco. Thcre are vast tracts of I aste lands in the east, but they arb not so � table av the Claucya " I ! he says. 11 Whin I -A unique photograph was taken in Lon- duable. The county of Grey has a large ' lived in Dethrite," sa�a he, " I moved Vree don a few days ago, the subjects being two , . toimes to esheape me � neighbour's pianny," ladies -Mrs. Jafpain, of 138 Fullarton ,paneG of semi -waste land which. may be he says, If At lasht I got toa parrt, av th' str6et, and Mrs.� White, of Westminster eated with advantage. The exact. metho . d c - the Government in urging assistance is .,ity," he says, " where th' folks wur too township -who viere eighty years old on '. � e ay. a pianny,)) -day. The �adies are twins and so barrd up to affoord th" tartup Satur )t given in the report, but some sugges-, he says, " an' I was h�ppy an' gainin' flish, " much alike that 'it, is almost impossible to one have been made. Where the drainage . . . I he says. "But wan': day,"� he says, 11 me tell one from*the Ither. They were born in I Q land is easy of accomplishment no help or n6ighbour, Jawn Too . Ian, had a small far- Ipswich, England, and caine, to 0'anada in . Imparatively no help can be given. Where, . I I nds are to be drained by a long and oir- , tune lift to his woife, by a deceased uncle the early thirties, 1 1 iitous system of � -ditches, making- neces .. - who doied about tbalti toime (bad luck to -The- Farmers", Institute of Portage -la. ,ry* some expense, the "Government "will him)" says he. " W�11, t'ings wint an all Prairie petitions Parliament, pointing out � , I . roight fur about &!wake. Thin Toolan that Manitoba pri oipally derives its supply ake .ert;ain grants in conjunction with the ' ; ,� ' bought himself a n'ew plug an' a grane toy,' of apples from Ont[ario ; that the shipments forts of private. parties and the municl. . says he. " That was all roigh � t, Thin his last fIll were of -a [most inferior character dity in which'the work is being done. Missus bought a grane shurrt waiaht to the two upper lay is being good and con'. ititle will be eone in a day; but the work match th' toy. I lit that go. But wan forming td order, he remainder being so ill be an important one. . - � . noight whin I come home f ram me wurrk -inferior as to b%rel lay the freight charges. a's ' p . THE GRAND TRUINK'S NEW OFFICE. . th"carrpinturs wur tiparin' th' frunt out av Thd Institute k Parliament to devise IToolan's shanty. What's up now," says I such a . plan as will1i - " I I ' ,prevent the shipment of The management of the' Grand Trunk ,to wan av th' min. " Is Toolan &,oin' to inferior frAit. ! .. I . ' ates that the question of a sucoesso-r to put a Quane Ann ft unt to his shack," I -The extensive'planing mill of George ,r. (.',..B. Reeve, the general traffic man- says. ".He is nat," he says, "we're en- Wilson & Sons, of 8t. Cat;harines, was en- �er of the a -'stem, has not Vet- been deter- ia in' th' dure to put a pianny in," he says; tirely destroyed by fire Sunday morning y , - ined. As Mr, Reeve will not relenqbi8h " rfmoved nixt day. Some toime afther with the exception of a small b6iler-room s position until May lst, it may be some that I dhropped' intil McCue's salune. and -dry kiln. The fire was "discovered by. . me before an- official' announcement is " Can't I sell ye a tic cet ?" McCue. I I W bat Mr. Wilson, who lives opposite, and an ade as -to the plans of 'the company. koind av a ticket?" I says. A' For a raffle," -alarm turned in, but before the ' firemen unior is that the position of general'traffic says he. "A raffle fur what?" says 1. could arrive the whole structure was en- auager will be abolished, 'and thai the 11 Far a pianny," s ys be. 11 Ye can't," veloped in flamet,, and in an hour nothing meral-passeuger and ticket agent will be says I. " 'Tia a Kinawby," he says, was to be seen but twisted iron and charred -omoted, to the position of passenger traffic - "An' th' tickets is on'y 'fifty cents," he lumber. The loss is very heavy. � anager, and the general freight -agent to says. " I don't carqe," says 1, " av they -William Stover, of Oldfield, Chatham at of freight traffic man& er. This would wure fifty dallaurs," I says, " I won't take township, went out to -the barn to do his � 9 ' Ban that the Grand Trunk contemplates wan," I says But hi coakshed an' he coak- evenioR chores, Not returning for an un- Ilowing the example of the Canadian shed till at 11sht I bought wan, fur I t'ought usual length of time, the family became un- icific in regard to the arrangement of ther wud be no danger �av me winnin' th' easy,'and on a search being instituted, the 18itions. . - . pianny anyway. "Come ar-round Choosday dead body of Mr. Stover wail found in the ONTARIO Flb�ANCRS, � ndight," he says, "at eight o'clock," he barn -yard. From the marks on the body � says. I didn't get thei e till about half pasht it was evident that Mr. 84over was killed Hon. G. W. Ross, provincial .treasurer, eight. "Ye'r jist in toime," says McCue, by a bull which wa's ninning loose in the ade his first budget speeoh on Thursday of " they've all thrun bat ye," says he, 11 an' yard. l� Mr. Stover, who was very highly st week. He was able to congratulate McCafferty he's .. thru fifty Vree. 3) " An' respected by all, was 69 years of .age, and e Legislature upon t�e general prosperity yez can't bate it," says McCafferby. " Shake leaves a widow, one son and one daughter. the country, as evidenced by, the factories )ern up," says McCue. " The fursht toime I 'he report of 'the inspection of Is 1 al - A Drking oyertime, the increase in exports shuk th' bax I trun Cree sixes," says Clancy. oflic4 shows that the amount earned by the A imports, the absence of unempfoyed "Good enough " says McCue, if Go her office Of the aberiff of York was $5,905, and en, and the increase of revenue, both Do- &gin," he says. 'I giv'her another twurrl an' the, n income $3,078, -The earniDR9 Of inion and provincial. Ontario's treasury out popped tree more sixes.. -I' Ka'e it up," SherigMowxti's offloO were $9,249, and the � p L ceig!s were $3,657,353 in 1898, and $4, says McCue, and Mcoafferty turrned as pale net income $4,369. Other net incomes of 16,494 in 1899 ; expenditures, $3,803,081 as a ghosht. " WeIll," says Clancy, � "to the Tp�ronto offices were : Surrogate judge, 1898, and $3,710,420 in 189% In the make a short shtery� Ilang, I I I thrun Vree t2),98$ ,i assi,stant surrogate judges, $666 � I . � ; : - . I I I I I I i I I . � . � i I . I � I - i ; ; .. I . I a . . �� I I I z $1 La Year hi A,dvance. I I - . -----I -.� ich ; county Crown attorney, -�12,1477 high as $2,500 per mile. Of course the pro- �erk of the peace,, $2,058 ; surrogate clerk � vincial grant will !)e applied - only to main 3,215 ; county court clerk, $2,740 ; city highways and base lines, but it is hoped the . I rown attorney, $3,110. . J object lesson will stirnufi�te the good roads � 1. - -A protest has been filed against the re movement in every muni6jpallty. iru of Captain Thomas Robe � -The body of a man, supposed to be a icently elected,member to the Legislature deaf and dumb peddlar named Frederick . - ir East Middlesex. Every person , -elected Graves, Toronto, was found lying beside the o the Legislature may now makb up his Grand Trunk railway tracksat the foot of iind -to have a protest as well as 'his elec. Frederick street one night last week. - The . � ' an -fight. It will soon be so that. only a rranje neck was broken, evidently by a I xr ) - passing train, but there was no other marks ..y rich man or one who, has nothing to Be,, dare rarL. for the Legislature. i of violence upon him, . . -Mine A� Rowland, a. respected resident -The death of Mrs. John Howlett, Strathroy, . committed, suicide between which took place near Macdonald, Manito-� I )on on Sunday and Mon'day at noon. The ba, a few nights ago, brings to light an- 4ghbors, who have been accustomed to other instance of the failure of the Christ -Ian I - .11 on her'every day, could not g , 06in on- Scien2e cure. -The deceased had been ill anee too her house, and immediately noti. for two months, yet no medical attendant * 6 id Mr. Folinsbee, who after gaining en -1- was summoned, There is considerable * in- . I %nee to the house, found her a corpse inj dignation among the residents of the dis- - ir bed -room. �. She had shot herself through I trict over the matter, as it is generally ie head wi.h a revolver. Deceased, who! thought that had a doctor been -summoned 4 : isbeen despondent lately on account of� Mrs. Howletkwould lisove recovered .long . � ir mother's death, was a sister o�, . John i since. It n' stated -that decessed'e husband - . )wland, Mount Carmel. , � , repeatedly urged that ,medical advice be I -Mr. Miles Spacer has been on ,4 short I procured, but the.Scieutigto prevailed upon � , er . dtito his nephew, M I _h to refuse. I Galk Hew r. James Cromaxty, , -A Canadian ip , ioneer, Mr. Janies 0. as for over 50 years ,tn em- 1 Fraser, was called%o his restand reward :on )yee of the Hudson Bay Compani., and I . ' , nearly all that time was in icharg;6 of � Saturday, Jan�xry 13th, at big home in I a � . st on Hudson's Bay. . It was onlii, when 1 Harniots, manito�a, in the 82nd year ,of came to Ontario a short time to his age. Mr. Frager moved with his famiLy -- I Bud the remainder of his days, th he I from Norval, Ontkrio, to Manitoba, about . I - w a risilway train, having lived at I a sta7, the yea � r 1872, and settled at High BIA non Hudson's Bay all his life, where -avar Portage Is Prarie, where he ,secured a joul farm. They remai dd th' farm for ' idera inventions are unknown. His years, afte e i onj sold- it I . i rue flearly ten _x %which t'b 'y herwasanagentof tha company beforej _ . . w em 0, n. . I andmoved toRamioU, w ey secured -Mr. J'. R. O'Reilly,� Q C., Prescott, .more land. Mr. Fraser was an honorary elder of the' Wesleyan chur,ohi and did what he 9 -been ippointed senior judge of tho unit. - . , could to advance the cause of Christ in that ooui)ties 6f Stormont, Dandas and Glen- atland. Their home 'was a quiet r4sting rry, in the place of Judge Pringle, who gre place for many a weary missionary, during . s resigned. Judge Carman, the junior I' that early settlement. Ige of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, - Mrs. Michael McDonald, of Detroit, , s been appointed senior judge of the on Friday, gave birth to two boys siad two inty of Lincoln. The vacancy was caus- girls. The babies weighed an average of . � by the death of Judge Senkler. This 3j pounds . at birth. - Mrs. ReD 3nalA and . - Ives a vacancy for a junior judge at Corn- her husband came to Detroit, from Canada, . 11. Neil McCrimmon, Q. - C.. Toronto, about six months ago. The mother is about s been appointed senior judge of the 35 years old, rather stout, and florid of � - Linty of Ontario. . le 'on. She does not recall - that an .- � -An accident which may_ prove fatal � COMP x1 . y ppened last Monday night, near Wood- of her ancestere were favoured with twins, . . I �dge, in which Mr. Clarkson, Miss , Clark- -triplets or quadruplete, but Mr. McDonald I � � i and Miss Dobson were seriously injured. is a twin. Mr. McDonald is a day labour- - � they were. driving along EightLh Avenue tr. H6 worked all day kriday and again wards their home at Clairville a dog Saturday, ju,�tifying his - industry on the -, I mped out at the horse which Was a, spirit- ground that he would have to work every I young animal, and becoming frightened blessed minute to earn a living for his fam- L shed along at a terriffie speed and became- ily. Mrs. McDonald is very proud of her, , � unmanageable that Mr. n unusual achievement. ' ,out. The'young ladie3,. follow -Arrangements are now being ma(le by � . I I 'ng his I Mr. R. A. Caldwell, of Axpley, Peterbor ample, also jumped. .Miss Clarkson was', � county, to establish a cheese and butter ,ioualy injured and it is feared she Willi I t recover. Miss Dobson -its also' bad, i factory in. the townahip 0 . ies I near y Port Arthur. When spring cam Mr. I rt, wbile Mr. Clarkson escaped with a Caldwell intendsahipping a large nuiberof ,rere shaking. up. . I "? - he biggest shipment of hardware, it young cattle to that neighborhood, not an to believed, ever made by a wholesale deal_ be ready for milking in the summer ot 1901, - � r in America, started for the west on Mon- when the factory will be ready. Tbie pro- , - ' y, from the Canadian Pacific railway ject, is a largeon . e, as several hundred cattle � . . will be taken up this year. The grasses of innipeg station., It consisted of 40 care . d 2 engines, containing goods trom the the lake Superior section are pronounced 'by iolesale establishment of Mr. J. A. Ash- Professor Fletcher, of'OttaWa, to be better "I wn, of that city. The train was gaily i for dairy purposes, and more numerous than �, I - ., - - I in any other part of the world. The ,owner corated and made the run to Moosejaw in, yligbt. The care were for distribution il of a cheese faLetory at St. Joe, on lake Super- I .various places along the line, and - when 'I ior, has experimented successfully, aud - . . o train arrived at Moosej.ailw the number ,� finds that the cool nights ,there make a I I L � 68 reduced to 14. " .� i quality of cheeve even better than in OU � . I -I) r. Bryce, of the Provincial Bbard ot i Ontario. - . - . I - - -;0th, makes an interesting comparsioni - I I Perth Items. I bween Michigan and Ontario, as fbIlows.: ,_ I Michigan. Ontario I -A joint stock company. has been formed *1 in Stratford-, to make and sell a Lgrain and . af,ba per 1,000 ...... 12.25 11.50 I ntagious ............ 0.85 0.75 1 1 stock rack,;a patent'of Mt� Elias McKim, of I irvous ...... ........ 3,963 8,197 ! Cass City, Michigan. Wettlaufer Brothers I -culation. . . . . 4 ...... 0.81 .L07 will manufacture the rack in Stratford. I spiratory... . . ; . , . ". . 3,289 2,715 -Mr. J. J. McKenna, of Dublin, left a I few days ago for Maple Creek, As8inaboia, gestive .. ........... 4,106 2J820 - . neral ............... 1,452 1 � '840 where he will spend the summer surveying . rpereal ....... ...... 387 . 245 for the Government. He will be ajeeompaa- From tuberculosis 1,291 died, or a death ied by his son and two other young men. -e of 1A.. Ptespecting this disea;se Dr. �Mr. Wm. Griffin, one of the oldest Yee points out that two females die from reieddent3 of Mornington, died ou March 4th, [s disease to one male. The - occupations a,t the ag,3 of ninety-five years. Mr. Gria - 11. � 3wing the highesi mortality is that of came from U. E. Loyalist stock. He had .. iool teachers and painters. . -lived in Mornington since 1857,, and was 11 * -Mrs.LJoseph Powell, i of -- I Galb, recently very highly respected by all in the zons- -1 - I �, *ived through the customs office a parcel munity. . curios sent to her by her husband.,.Who is -The Presbyterian church, of M-itc1hell, -111 hting with the Canadian troops in South have decided to extend a call to 'Rev. A. % L.. . rica. Among them were two'large, black MLcAuley, of Pickering. . The names 'of I . Revs. Harkness and Horn were alto voted ar pipes, a silver broacb, taken -- Irom. a . I � on, but Mr. McAuley received the largest . Or prisoner, and several regimental nu . elds, including a large silver one Of the mber of votes. .�__ . I I . tek-Watch. Alett6rencloaedstatedthall -one of the wors"res that litratford has _7 -, I � . - . k,own for some time recently- occurred in . . Powell is also sending home a ,box of !, )colate which was sent by Queen Vic. that city, when the furniture factory of . . . is to the troops, at Christmas, The Mr. George McLagan, and the planing mill : - � pty boxes are selling at W apiece, &ad 'of Mr. David Easson were burned. The - 'Ire is quite a rush. to get t , . prigin of the fire is unknown. The loss will . lectort, I � . . be heavy for both gentlemen ' -and about . � . -When Mrs. Finbh, of Toronto, retired 11"rity-five men are thrown outo7f employ - Friday night, ahe-was in her usuol good ment. � . � ath. 'She awakened Saturday morning, _'Mr. Wm. Dow, of Witelidl-1, has pur7 - I I appeared to be in - excellent spirits, -3hased the old, Cleaver farm, on the 15th . hile dressing she was suddenly attacked, concession of Logan,. containing 80 .acres, �h heart failure, and died almost- immedi. and also 40 acres .adjoining, making in all . ,ly in the arms of her daukhter. Mrs. 120 acres. The Erice paid was $4,850. There ich was 82 years of age, and had devoted is a 1 e bank arn, stone house, and good I lar I I life to Christian work. She Was the orcharf on the 80 acre lot. - At -ter this year t - . it president of the Toronto branch 'of the it is said that.Mr. Dowwill move onto the � - [)inan's Christian* Temperance Vnion, property. � �. med .25 years ago. Airs. Fin -,h wu pres- -One day not long ago, in the Evangeli- j at the jubilee banquet,'of the, Woman's cal church at Lisbon, Miss Martha A. Falk, L ' . . JangfiLter,of County CoUneillor and Mrs. . iristian Temperance Union, held. about c p weeks ago in the Temple building. - . Andrew Falk, of North Hasthove, was unit - I e44 -a marriage to ,Mr. Edward Schlotzhauer. ;-A deputation from the Pri sone ' Aid . . r's The contracting parties were -supported by 6ciation, of Toronto, consisting 6 ' f Mr. Mists Tillie Falki Miss*T.,. Wagner and Mr. - imilton Cassels, Warden Gilmour and Xosc3 Schlotzbauer, aWd the ceremons was � � ; Rosebrugh, waited upon the provincial performed by Rev. S. R. Knechtel, of Berlin. vernment on,Friday for the purpose of - tking legislation wbereby the parole Bys- -A quieb wedding took place in Mitchel� t n and the probation system in d6aling. on Wednemday afternoon of last week, when . � �h first offenders in prisons may be, made, Mr.- Ernest Sumner, of Logan, was married . .. .... . �irative in Obtario, The devutation to Miss J, A. Robinson, eldest daughterof i I Massachusetts, where .i Mr. Win. Robinson. The marriage was I - � . . - 1, I . 3 probation system is in opersition, about I performed by -Rev. R. Whiting, in'the pres- - .i �, her of close friends of the -per cent. of those placed on probation 'ence of a num � P I 1. contracting parties. The-foung couple will . - . ve either reformed or never again, been � 2victed of crime or drunkenness. 1� leave soon for their future home at Minto,, - I -Mr. Jacob T. Schell, of Alexandria, has I 7i Manitoba. I I - -epted the nomination for the Commons -� Mr. JamesRobb, of ,Stratford, has re- I idered him some time ago by the Liberal I ceived word from Whitechurch, Manitoba, . I 'I announcing the death of Rev. George 'Law, sociation of Glengarry. Mr. Sch�ll, who ! , - � I I � 4 partner of Mr. D. A. Macphenign, the � of thatplace, and formerly of SLratford. . angarry cheese king, in their extensive - � Mr. Law had been isick only two days, He I - � nber business throughout Glengarry, has .- haa-Veen confined to the bouse wM a eold, � -n a resident of Alexandria for a great 'and upon complaining of a pain in his *de 'A �'. , ,uy yejar4, and the Liberals feel certain �i doctor was sent for, The trouble was pro- � . I nounced pleurisy, and ,N,lr. Law ceatinued . . it in Mr. Schell's acceptance of the' nomim :1 to get worse, passing -away the next,day. .. 'ion b ood old- county of Glengarry I - I I 11 got1geral at th next general election, �, -A marriaze took place Wt. the home of e � " 3ig Rorey " ly I L n : c e nan will have t,a- g�t a " Mr. and Mrs. .John D�vis, of Alitchell, on . if t move on at any rate if he is not left "' Wednesday evening of last week, . wkoli I 3ilxd. - . . �j their daughter, Miss Susie, was 'married to -it is s�ated that the Ontario Govern, �j Mr. George Lawrence, .a progressive young I �nt will not ask the Legislature- to make a I, farmer of Logan. The ceremony was per - n . kut towards good roads this massion� as the ij formed by Rev. J. Z Xerrin, of Trinity _. %ils of the proposed system have not yet ".church, and tbQ happy couple.left for their � 3n Worked out. The Premier, however, il home in Logan the same evening. .. � a pledgad the administration ,to 'an -ex- 11, -Mr. J. W, Wood, undertaker, of Sto : � I . aditure of $1,000,000, covering a , -11 z experience ,period d, larys, had a try*u in .the re� � I 0 years. The result at the en drifts. -lie' bad char -go of the � - 1. ie -should be 3,000 miles of standard 'If uneral of the late James Stewart, of --East � i A, if , as is expected, the county councils 'I Nissouri, and, with a four horse team at- I I � �p '�ement the Government grant by $2, i tached to the hearse, made a brave attempt - � ,j I ' ),000. � The siverage cost per mile, *is e8ti- �j� -to get through the fivie and a, half miles of I Xed at $�,000. Some roads, already in 'i snow drifts between, St. Marys, and Well- � Dd sqape,' will require very little outlay i burn. He succeeded in getting' about half ! !! L bring them. up to the standard, and oth- ,1way, but was obliged to turn back, the . i � . � i It still in a primitive state, will �cOst as I roads being impassiUle. " I I I - 14 . __ � I - .� I - . I I . - L - � . I � . � I I - . I . . . . . � I I , L � - I i i . . I . � . I - � . j . I �, � . . � I . � , : .. II i . I - - I I .1 . I � � . I . . 4 1 � I - � I - � - . �, ­ -, _­ - - - - __ ­ L - -Al, ___ ___1- _1 ­ - ­ - - __ -