The Huron Expositor, 1900-03-02, Page 8-1
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q3, bh a -is the first break, and the bereave- in the 33rd-battaliqn,appsared in th.e official Mr. Thomas Laing, of Cromarty, while on time, made it impossible to get any hing out lamb w k -Mr. Edward Hazlewood. s hoifi I - � -
I * .
meht is sorely felt by her family and; announcements a Uw &eye ago : 41 M, ajor J. .bis way home from Exeter on Tuesday even- of the house, and the only thi 5 saved stpre . with a severe attack of, inflams, � A CONVENTION � - � � 1-
I , len
O triend i. Mrs. Lee was well known in Sea. A. Wflson ' igns, hie commission& and is � itig, had the misfortune to be upset out of were the clothes which Mr. and R . Jeffrey tion.-�Mi Temes Stewart, of St. Marys, is - � -
6"' . -
- - ,e t I .
� f,orth, where she attended the Collegiate permitted to �r tain rank of Ma or on retire. his out -ter three timee, and the lest time, the gu�st of Miss E. A. Fletcher.'
, i the and Mrs. Jeffrey. sr.� he occupant of the -,-Quite a
h i h6rae ran away leaving him in the snow, house, had on. The fire in a p rl .� ' ay nigh'i .
C� Institute for.a number of years, and in the ment. To belLietitenant, Second Lioutenaul t 0
1 u 0110 to have -numbelt t ok in the social on Fri� ,
I 1) . I
. 4eightLorhood of her own home. She was a W. H. Gundry, V!ice Dudley Holmes, pro. I but fortunately the hDree turned into Mr. originated in the - ohimney, Pit ill be a last b6'1d &it Wm. Robinsons", 4th Ane, and - - . I
- 9 I i 11 OF' . -
NEW SPRI STO OF inost estimable woman and was highly moted!4-Mr. He6tt Lawren3e, Bon .of Mr. Spere's yard'and Mr Laing soon overtook serious loss 'and a irreat irsoonve ience to report�hsvi had a good time.* --44 r, Joh -.
13 i -
I "I . -
. I I . . 0oteerned by all, and the sympathy of her - James L%wrence1,, of. McKillop, who has -it and started off age, n, none the worse for Mr. Jeffrey, who has the sympathy of all left, last week lor To- �
` � I ' I Watson, (if lirkton, ) � I I
11 r,qaiiV friends will go out to the! bereaved i been in South Africa as a missionary, ra- I'his mishap. -The Ines ibers of the Christian his friends in him long. . I
� N - . i
- ronto, where he has secured a !!itiia tion. -
I ---
I . I � I . � ;
:namelfed'Beft Buckles, �mily in,this their hour Of 8,03111011. turned home lasp week. -Mr.. Harry Dean, . r ie 0. 0 amen oa -_ i I � -�
� I I .. i ; ; 1 ian h I k i - ! - , — I SPRING COODS I
I r —19— ! of Brantford, ill visiting friends in this Pre �yterian church re ma Ing active pro- I
. I ; . I I Hibbert. '. �
�.. I . i I ;
! Dashwood. �,
I � . I
� �DEATII OF Mu. R. H. CoLLws.-Many vicinity. -Miss isabell MoKerike went to 'par�tionsforarsllat omia "on Friday even- GOOU COLTS SOLD. -Mr. Patrick O'Con- � I .
( readers will regret to learn of the Chicago this week, where she enters a hos- ing,vMarch loth, whi a good time is &DtiOi- DoL . Tieman and. S. Tieniau won I
Fancy Side 06mbs, nor, of this township, last week mold to Mr. �w . I I -
" our r. � on on Tuesday evening of lam a
. I teath of Mr. R. H. Collins, the well-known pital to finish her course an a nurse. -U ated.-Mrs. glizablet Armstrong, of Ful, to Credit! ti
. i i I
Jackson, of Fullarton, a 'ver! fine pair of week. -Mils Leah Young, of (irelliton, re -i I
I 4rr 8 c ' F y � i
I - J ter, of Exeter, which oc'urred on -and Mrs. D. A Wilson took passage erton village, well known here, where for two year old colts, for the subs of $300. 0 e leor Is ome'on Tuesday of 11wt week. ' .
� f , I . -ve - ) -11 @WLMNKUMWR-���R - .
,Fancy- Hair Pins, , -.hurailay morning. The funeral takes place onibeAllan lio'e California," at many years ate reside4, was unitedisithe of theme colts was aired by thewell-knoWn turned to b � . -�
. on 88turday. Mr. Collins was a severe Portland, on Saturday last. for the old conn. holy bonds of matrimony on Wednesday of horse, I -Mrs, Treen, of North Dakota, im , �riviting 'I - - . �
. � � " Prido of.Glaorsick,") and the other relatives around here. -Wm. ocre, of . 4 1� -
I .
� �ufferer from an incurable disease, and was try. The vessel sailed at 12 o'clocklat niRhb last week, by the Revi Peter Scott, Of CrOm' b "' Crystal City." Me. lackson ham . I
confined to bed f�r-over a year,. He was and early Sund4y morniog, soon after leav- art , to Mr. Harry lWagborn, for man � 901 Clinton, was in town lost week, 1 ' busi- ' - �- -
. �
Fancy- Back Oombs :1 y I y tie making of a prize team. . ! ::i It is'ax though a great meeting of �
-9 one of the ablest men in the county of ing the harbor, she.strack on the rocks. The years a residenter of the 13th concession of I neas.�Mr. Sylvanous Witmer WAS; In town, the Inollp I
. - . i - —� .. , , mitylislid; d to d
guron, and, as a public s0eaker, had few j weather was so rough that assistance could Hibbert. Mr Wagho�n of late yearn has I . On Monday evening last. Must be4iDm.4'ab-; In' fuP i , ate fabrics, ,M, - "
0 g av�, - P
look in our South Window and note prices. Hensall. � I the lea on �centrea, was Uk.
. equals, He leaven a widow and a little � not get to her, until Monday forenoon, when been engaged in the Ramsey -Harrill works traojiob here. -C. Frit.z was in Wn on I I �
I . 0 1 � � ing plaelkriglit here in 86i%f,Drjh#A1d :-f
I , I
- . . : augh:ler. all the passengers were taken off, none the Toronto,%8 ightwatqh. Webelievehein- Good draft colts- for sale from I year up Thursday last. -Mr. Edwar4 Bossenberry, i atourstore. It keepausbasy,
Not- too early to brighten up the walls of I —0, I worse fior their unpleasant adventure. It in tends to livle, . F 11 rton in the f to 4 Years. Apply to Guy 1B. Ross, Henssll P. 0 of Zurich *am in town on Th d ' OVA i.- ,
' 1i I oom I
-A gentleman in town who ' freared the vessel will -be lost. It is expected They passed to . avers F.�Kibbler and J. Fried, . ,Zurich'
. I 'AR. I . In -a ature. Gowlinside Farm, "gerville. 1681-1 , "a '.7- I 1"t'- � with the amount of r
roorii in your house with a little lb�EA � YL through tere on their way M , lit our dis. -
� . ev dently given t e subject some ittudy ' Mr. and Mrs. -Wilson will pursue their Hensall to visit friendi in, that %a!fh. We NOTE.-ClWing to unavoidable circurn- and LoiI&, respectively, were in town this � posall, making it comfortable fe.. - �
. -
- .
eating budget fro i I
i ys : Ordinarily w ien the year in divisible Journey from Now York. -Mrt. W. Prouder. I hope that they may glide down life a stream yr week. ' Mill. - L. Simon and Mrs. "C' Each, please �
Xr -A- IL T -s :P .& :P JM --R 17 !a . . _ stances, out usual inter m them all. The first arrival$
— I by fou - it is a leap y 3ar. For instance, A. gast, of Toronto, inspector of separate! happily and prosperou ly together land that "eneall has not reached us in time for this of Elmira, �re visiting friends and ;rtlativeml � , us very much and we feel � confideat
IS'IT?— ; week's issug.-Hi). . I that those followitif .will prove Jud I,
I :D. 189 3 divided by 4 is 474, and this year, so �
. � hools, spent Saturday and Sunday in their greateab troublesimay be little ones.- : - . in and around he village thin w-,Ak.-Mr. '
. I
- 1 --------- 0— - . : as interesting, ' he newness I . - I ;
1 .1900, is also equally divisible by 4, but be- town. -We are sorry -to hear that Mr. E. Mr. Harry Hunki n I his wife, of Logan, I Wiss 1 Doiphert, of Zurich U&
4t-&,JA-t###",t*"* , . . i and I I � P novelty theme spring goods carry ii'
. 1 : I
itig th( last year of a century a different rule *Sodom. !
" a :nd acquaintances in - 1
. Cish is confin�d to his residence by illness. were visiting friends . I � guests of Louis raft, senior, on 8;nds,y. ' 11 �
prevails. The last year of ab century is . ; I wonderful ; they affect* y -
line Stock and-i�lowest Prices. -Rev. A. Grlillt,l Of St. Marys, preached in this part the In .-Mrs. JOTTwos.-The recent storm blocked I � eu go ninek I
iddle of this we the� Mr. Harry Ho an is wearing i broad I .... -
- . e� I that it in impossible to .pui Oj11-
. aivisibe by 400. If it,is evenly divisible the Presbyterian church last Sabbath fore-. James Vance, who had been residing the roads so bally that the teacher could not, smile this week. Its a girl. -The ,lishwaod �
Ali$ in 1 00 it is a leap year, otherwise it in noon, .and in the Rgmoudville church in the last few yearn with her daughter, Mrs. John get to scho orning.-The storm1 columns in the I Avocate seem to be 4uiet ea- rchave of a new outfit mudli low-_
. . not. � 3o tha next leap year will not occur evening. Rev. Mr. Shaw and he started Mitchell, of Cranbrook, removed from there and cold of Sunday and Monday ng. Woi der if a type-writir could r you want to know what valt, .
I in the I teresti 7 . " �
� l dressed people are going to
until 1 )04. And this goes to 4ettlo another I tip drive to Winthrop in the afternoon, but to her daughter's Mr D '-UnVinn] .1haw-A principal topic of conversation. There was I act a 66 ?-Our anorts are takina aAvsntave . wear tj ,. - �
I ,
— �
APITAL(Paid Up), - $1,600,0001
EST, . -- $11500,000
. Main Street, Seaforth.
A General Ban kin Busine-sstrans
Farmers' Sale Notes collectard
.� and
advances made on same at lowes
� rates.
Drafts sold on all 'points in Canada,
United States' and Europe.
lowed on deposits of One Dollar and
11. S. HAY S, W. K. PEARCE "
Solicitor - Manager.
- .
I am now sellinga firat-el"s now Improvoci High.
Sowing Machine, with the latest steel attach -
ents, finichled in cak or walnut, and wfth cover
five drawers, or fancy drop head and live draw-
, �
ra for $25 cabh. This w-Itchi ne Is the I I queen,
by the "White Sewing machine
All machines fully warranted and guar.
to do firElt-C1,488 work, light or.heavy.
iv - -w-A.r.rislow,
reneral Insurance Ageni & Deal-
er in Sewing Mac,hi�es.
. " I
Admitted at any Time
/�- I 471V7- _d, I- - I"
., _ ��44
1 )--),4///
.1 I
1 --2�5 - ���� . ..
1: I I - .
A school that offers advantages, not found elee
Large staff of expert instructors',
crEaged attendance ; ulp-to-dato bUdiDeSO training ;
of studonts placed in good paying positions;
in attendance who come from places In
I waich
are located other business colleges. They
iin t the test. 16 pays in the end. Now terni now
en. Enter as scoo aq possible. Write to -day for
r handsome prospectus.
1� W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,
1 4444-62
ett ers Excursions.
Settlers One -Way Excursions to Manito.
end Canadian Northwest every Tuesday
March and April. Passengefa with -
stock leave Toronto at 2 p. m, and
th live-atock at 9 p. m. Colonist Sleeper
It be attached to each train. Through
issued and baggage checked through
this office. . Intending travellers for
Western States will please remember
� give you every assist.ance to Stratfor,d or
to pass baggage,
. .
80"ERVIPTIME, Agent,-
ommercial Building, SEAFORTH.
� -
Beattie B - ro I 19
Blend Black, Green, i1pan
mixed sold only in Balk.
Uter years of experience, we have come
the conclusion that it is a waste of money
customers to bn.y pactrage tea, as pack.
printing and package cost from 3e to
Why all this waste? Inplaci
above line an the market, all we ask s
-ial ; we feel as8ur6d. of result. We gi 4
premiums, we prefer to give satisfactio .
B,EATTIE BROS., Seafort .
one 8. � q
& Qocki
At Rock Bottom Prices.
I � I
will pay you to caJ11 wiLhin the next
weellcd. 4- All qoocl� warranted,
— - ..
; 1
- I
--- - .
, V
� , .
At pi, -,-,,0 . 4
-A, aw"k &A-wAtOV6
� y
'I 9'1'-kv1;[.l.1,.'I.-The
-- -
following wexe ticket-'
out this week to distimb ;oint8 at W.
. I
railway ticket agency : Mise
, Neilands, Harlock, and Master Dan
"leod, Tuckersinith, to Pittsburg, Pa. ;
George Ewing, to Winnjp(�g ;' Mr. 6'eo. -
' �-�,,. ldcTaggart,
Seaforth, to Evart, TMichi-
; -Mrs John H. McDo�ugall, to Oshawa,
a r3isponac
to a telegram - announcing the
neiv.,� of her mother's death ; Miss Mo�
to Chicago, where she hag accepted
�u 4ppointment
on the staff of one of the
hoiipita.18 of that city.
IN WiWN1rN4;--A1r. Thomas Living.
of Hullett, has just received the sad ,
C, of the death, at Cheyenne, I
of his youngest daughter, Ellen,
wife of .Mr. Joseph Lee. The.iad event
on February 14bh, after only one i
illness with. pneumonia. M rs. Lee
in the prime of life, b8ing only 39
(if age. Besides her husband she t
a family of four children, the �oung4 f
only three years of age, T1,eu re- I b
were interred in Cheyenne, a a
of 11 childrelti, the oldes't- of whoin is i 1
1 : , .
i i I !
I j :
I ; �
. .
I . . ; .
I ,
. I I . 0. 0 1 spring, you have Only to aoqu ,at
1 roads they were un- *wherq_#he dutien4s to -o )esid'the remainder of "Sunday oebool or League on account of of the ioe pond in W. Snell's field l east of � W .
questi(n which hae been raised,viz., whethark on account of the 'bad no2
' . i d il yourself with oar store, where -
1900 it the commencement or end of the' able to get through.-Mis, (Rev.) Flotoher, her days. Mrs. lVauct' lived for many years thestorm.-LMr. H. Isaac had a horse die town. ---+-Revival servicesare still in togress. y1ft -
. I I ' will learn much from the New Gaa�&
oentur 7. It is clearly the last year of the 1 of the Thames roaa, Usborne, is Lhis week a on the bo one, day reclently.=Some sneak thief broke -Mr. 8 Isia, is . I
'ermany to the now on sale.z
century, the Emperor of G I undary and' a well and favorably Frederi k Shettler, of -
. I guest at Ingleside, with the Mieves Wilson. known in thin part. -I Ve are informed that into Will4m Dineford's granary a few back again, - I has secured a sit I tion on � �
e ntrWy notwitlistanding, aU4 11, I
P ! , -Mr. W. G. Broadfoot, of Tuckeremitb, has the item in the E g that nights ago. � The extent of the loss is not the Buffalo street railway, Buffalo all con- . . I . �
� -- - � been appointed Inspector for the MoKillop Mrs. Hewitt' of this pla6e, was serio yet known -Mrs. William Dunsford in- duotor.-�Mossrfi. T. Ruby and 078chroder I . a - - -
. 0 ugly . lift I
, Fire Insurance Company as successor to Mr. ill in Walton in not correct as no word from tends hold0g a juvenile pau-cake 1 party have purchased the stioamer formerbr owned L -ah i . � i
. �
. A PiE:AsANT E%,F.NiNG.--The members ofl' . I Now unla- I Fabrics �
the local branch of the C. . B. A. held an T. E. Hays, who has been appointed nacre- her'to.that effect had been received here.- Tuesday ev ning.-Mr. Silas Stax I � �
. at how 8 in the C. M. B. . hall on Tues- . . 1lak, jr., by Kellerman & Gunther. -Mr.*, Daniel
tiary -treasurer. -The worst blizzard of this Mr. Archie McLean, who r�.moved to a farm of 11 4, has purchased a ne.w'�- upright Schaefer, of the Goschen line, was in town We are ready now to show, yon the latelt-z - -
day evening, for- the me berm and their season set in on Saturday afternoon and at- he purchased near anbro 'k about two piano. i � �,� ! � . I
families. A large num r were present I 0 1 � last -week, sad pects to move to,;wur Yil- desigull and patterns and the disp y -
a -4 I . . . Is , - - -
tained its height on Sunday. The roads years ago, attended t - Scotch coneert at - � I lage shortly.- r. John Ehlers is !still on 1. is immessel, making an complete, &,- . -
: and a very pleasant time a spent. Af ter were badly blocked up, and church attend- Orommirty on Friday ni ht and is now 6aking Morns �the sick. lie$.- . and Mrs. Samuel Fried stock an � ou'll find Anywhers.-W -
* � .
progressive euchre, a shor but much ap- minee-was slim. Monday morning the ther- out building ma�terial the neighborhood. NOTICH.-The storm of Sunday last was a thave returned f m A visit to Berlin;j Elmira y ow � �
� I . assorted, carefully selected and rvwfi- , �
preciated programme was proceeded- with. inemeter registered ten below zero at eight fie intends working t the framing any bad one. The roads in many places are :nd other pliciss ook agents arollnumer- sonstily priced. - I , -
) The oliairmy.n, Mr. Ja so L. Killoram, ol(,.Io . - .
ck.-Mrs. Win. Mobougall, of Bgmend spare tima he has. chie in a first-class completely Illed up. The Saida will be us in town it p esent. Surely our Atizens !Many, handsome percale prints &ad .. �
the preiident of the branch, opened with a ville, fell on 8uuday morning and fractured mechanic and will got 11 the work hai ean travelled for 9, time at least in a good many minds will be e seed now. -This wi I calk we I brim, in now stripe aud 6 "M ` I
. short aildreas on the benifita of inember- her wrist. -We regret to hear that Mr. do. -Mrs. H. Borland tertained a number localities. -A.good many intenct taking in !chronicle the sa� death of 31ra � signs. swrea ,I*. - .
. . . I IAin, I
ship an i insurance in the society, and its Ralph Elliott, of this town, in seriously ill. of the�y'ourlg people lam Friday evening in the fair at Brussels on Thursday of this of this placie. � er remains we. Phil red in i36 inch, best quality persajo a& .
ibusineeflike record. Songs, reoit tione and, re ilsto�pr! ra,bries, ia� - --
�Mias Margaret Prendregaxt* f Egmonel- honor of Miss Phipps, or nieoe, from Ful- week. -A large, numaker of people are la ro metery.-Mr., ! Mas- i floral d44' 8, stripes -and sheeks. 11 ,
instrumental music followed... p rkicipated .ville, spent last week visitin friends in larton, who has been her guest the past Bell ter king, of (linton, were the giiesis of � in Mb rE If h prints, 1"y
na ' ; . with bad soughs.-Miso a 14f1hie, � 32 ch, I g is �a4w, �
in Illy N isses McQuade, Mo Sil s, Bertha Tuckersmith.-Lmst Saturday"o Globe con- week'or ten days. -Ono of the worst snow ar here laebweek. ia stripes and spots, sad,i
I 0 - Harulpy, Halton sominty, is visiting on MieniFlossio K ng, teacher, . 1 " � 4
Dal , Alinnie Dorsy and Messrs. P. Bur-' -tainedis, picture,of the gold commission r f o t F years . - a i , Igu =*d . groximid of araq -
y a 0 st rins hat we have had for man, the 6th lime. This is Mies Michie"is first -Xi. John Voolker has returned'from T saigns ox
i -
� -
gard, R Mulchay, W. -Durican and W. the Yiikon. with his staff. In the group we raged here from Saturday �igh'k- u�bil San. visit -to Meride.-C. Michis, intends goin visit'down east. Messrs. Hoffinan Brothers � desirable solor. - .
. 9 , i
Moran., In a few well shoman words Row. recognize Mr. Will Beattie, sea of Mr. John day morning. -Thomas Allin returoad home loack to Hospler seen, bab swing to being disposed of a large -quantity of farniture. ,25pieseaAmiericas priatm,new styl
P. McC%be increased '!the good -bumor. of Beattie, of this town, who, is' employed in Friday eve I after driving h!# grand. unwell will remain a little longer than WAS They have been doing good businoo thin 1 . colors. peryard As. as, fast-
, I . �
frozen, n rth.-A moth . intended. �Shovelling snow is. fashion win4r.-The 0. W. Sa mypalky ;
those preserit and,y the pleassn't ieve!tJog the civil servige in the 0 er, Urnalohn Cameron, to Mtratford, able . Bell cycle C., '25 pieces, dark colored prints in striput -
� I . �
- ; brig -
closed with th� singing of the Zfatibxial he I okay match In the Huron Hockey Asso- where she in visiting er daugh"r, Mrs. miast now. -We wonder where the weather will liaove to their new sale rooms i ris- 1 spots and sprays, ,fast colors, per' ' '
oun. 11 : ci&tion series was played in the rink here on Benjamin Alan, who tophir Will' k I .
Auth 11 I was seriously ill a Iiiet bl ek, opposite I Offman .
. ?� I I prophels wont who maid we would have no pard So.
- L dorich and short time ago. -The In winter. . f � Brothers ft
If . im I - �
. I —0 Tuesday evening,- between Go any friends of Mr. re eo Ow rooms, who they
SlaOr Shoes " set the pace, others fol- Seaforth, resulting in a victory for the Gods- I - �-I'.
low n) William Duncan will be please d- to hear tihat . - will have a displ�y of Can%dWs best 4 eIL-clog, 'NOW SIPLrl. ' L L .
" ,Nolie genuine u ealsi the prIc6 is sla pod on rich boys ' of 6 goals to 3. -Divine he lima taken unto birr self !a wife, in the I -
L .
thd so , in a slate frame. 03.50 a pair by ; Constance. manufactured. by the National Cy a and i I I -
Robb Be � i
W .... 8 ,k� Son, sole ageats for Seaforth , - 1681-1 - a n 8t, Thomas churoh on parson of Miss Ida Turribull, eldest daugh ON T WAY. -One of the finest stocks Automobile' . n .
� rvice was held ii - Company. -Mr. Edward;, Wobb i I I g Silks I .
Wednesday, at 10:30 a. in. On Sunday ter of Andrew Turnbull, Of. Winchelses. of Dry 0 )ods and House Furnishings that - isfeellitig steremeopla v -
FEED CORI,,'. -American feed corn always ieweaud repor4 a good I .
. .
nd at Hamilton'& Heralake'a feel and seed ne I I ny was perf orme& by the busineirs.-Mro James Fu � 'We are almle no w to make a - fine showing of ,
on ha I . xt the Reel -or will deal with the subject, The ceremo Rev. has probably yet been seen in Seaforth is -on Ron, of Brewster, i new StYles in Spring Silks, the 'color - %
store, Sea 'orth. 1.680-tf " Confirmation " .in the morning, and Colin Fletcher, at the home of �the bride, on the way rom Europe. We expect to open was in town last week, and carries a hookey J
. I
. HLRBAGEU I It STOCK FoOD.-Goold fo' 11 Lent" in the evening. Holy communion Wednesday � of last weeb, in the presence of . sr. Hard times, Jim.- combinations of the different Pat— -
r , . . . the goo( a early next week and will be. se �Mr. Joseph Dil- I
horses, cattle, bozs and poultry. Try a paok,w,. At at the close of the morning service -Despite the immediate relatives of iihe contracting pleased t) have our lady friends come and ler, after spendin4' ='I weekst b I'd I terne being exceptionally beautiful,
Hamilton & Keralake's Seaforth. 1680-tf the very disagreeable! weather on Wednes. parties. The young co ettled on 8 and the assortment as nest .and ,Lt- -
- . I I I uple bave o ajoth t and best. The E. MoFaul with Frederick � has re u;n,'eTyto"
day, irly good -burnout of the beautiful 60 acre fartn'lat6ly vacated by 0 c we" . laoa�
I -Slater Shoee" for men -let spring ihere was a. fai . , ea rth. Michigan. -Mr. D. Rartleib . tractive as we have ever shown ;also A,
� .1 � full range of new anitins in the'staple .
shipment, nine dozen pairs, artiveA ttife week. farmers at the horse fair, and a nunibdr of Mr. Stinson. May .their trip through life . ]Pwo� DmGuE NOTES. -The to ic, purchased a fine thoroughbred Be I I
Ta . I edle'lijound
. c(alle in and Bea them. Robt. Willis & Son, sole good sales were made. Besides the local be a pleasant one.-MeAre. D. Duncan, J. 11 How od pays men," will be taken n t from Port Hope. -Mr. Pe I and delicate shades.
agents for Sestor6b. , 16814 -ter Lamont, of
buyers, Mr. Eason, of Stratford. �. P. Mo- Duncan, jr., W. Gardi r,-- -of Manitoba, J. Sunday evening, by Mrs., T. Livingsto e, 'Zurich, was in town last week.-Mr�� Fred- I . . � �
Wanted. -Choice roll butter 22 cents. Gregor, of Brucefield, and the Messrs, Allison, jr., and Wm. N onteith, with their We hope for good weather and a t erick Kibler and daughter' of Zuricb,��w,as%n
All kind.9 Df produce hawiled. Few as large ond L � . . Od - i �
-Shea, of Winnipeg,'were here. -A military tendanc ,-The members of * the ki3nb#rn M re. 8 ' Bla0 I
varied 8Mcks UP k6lect from. G. Z. King, Wing. wives attended a famil 7 gathering at the e tow�n last week. -Mr. a4d. 1 amuel ,
ham. 1631-tf conrert will be held in Cardno's hall on home of F. Ri Hamilton Cromarty, on ri- Epworth League intend holding an ,f'&t Fried have returned from a It I 11, all. ; � I
. I
n Le evening they at- y evening, a ia in Back Goods make rich and blecomin .
A word about tea, See our ad. ' Friday eVel3ingy h instan t, day of last.week. In t ' . home " R)cial on Frida t seven -hifrl Samuel Schrader, butcher, of ip eq_ g�
snothur column. fleatile Brob., Sesforth. 168t. ' when the medals will be presented tended the concert an t is ' o'clock, in the Methodist church. The was, in town on Saturday � last.-MrO. Each ' The demand for black .
, � 11 ' di needless to I ay . I . i dresses. I
,�bh number People's Star Course.-Eln to t1lie veterans of the Forlian raid. that they returned home feeling well ple ed young people from Blyth, Seaforth Clinton and son returned to their home in $Imira, ' woollen fabrics for spring wear -
rely diff rent from preceding numberp. Spillinan A good musical programme will be furnished with the day's otiting.-The infant child of and Londesboro, and also Miss olham of Saturday ol laat week. -Mr. Nelson F. Mil- � I promises to be'greater than ever.
ti t 9 I
R N, 9, Ur-turer, impersonator and Vncali.t, and by local talent, assisted by Miss Eva Ache- Mr. Archie MuCtirdy, Thatrids road, died on I : . i
'19 Staffa, are expected to take. pa t in the ler was in to,�n Saturday. --Miss �!Lydia I We can interest any buyer with the -
M ;gibbon Kimbronith, Pianist. The 166ture of Mr. son, of Goderich, and Mr. NT, P. Spa] programme, and refreshments wi I be ,far- Haug and Annie
la followed by a refined programma of songs, of Clinton. The band will ing, Saturday last from the effootm:of bronchiltip. , Kraft are canvassing for 1: collection of new effects thus far - .
11 .�51i a I also take art. .-Mr. John Duncan, jr., sold twovery valln. nished. All are invited to att n l. I
, Inipt-roonations and marvellous .whistl r : . e the Bible dep6sitory.-Messrs. J. am,d T. �i opened up. I
. .
"09 The proceeds are in aid of the militia.- able horses one day last eeki one to a Mr. - *— , Kellerman I lave bougut the Exeter Ux mill. ; �
Solos, wit i piano varations by klegibben Kimbrough. i i
i � - .
See amall bills. Toledo, Ohio, Coulmerolai s%yo: The annual meeting of the Tract So(iety Westoott, of Exeter, the other to J. Whyte, Chicago. . i y eve oth Shipka and Exeter�� mills I
"Mr. Rig �s made his second, appeiaranoe in Toledo was held on Monday evening. It was not of St. Marys. -The boys of school section ow. -Mr. Colored Sultings
last night He was greeted by a packed ho,jae and Win. Pfaff has purchase
his crithuBlagin pie-tstd everybody." largely attended. The,veteran secretar7 of RRIEFS.-A dancing party took place oat I ,d the i I
. enhale mills, east of town, i -
I No, 3, Usborne, went o%,rer to Kirkbou on Mr. #ohn Geiger's last week, and quite �1 . I
11 Megibben I is
Himbiough's rendering of Rubensteld's rualrdy In F the -society, Rev. Dr. Moffatt, was present, Friday afternoon of last week, and played crowe spent the evening ,there. -Mr. Louis I Is Our Dress Goods section is the scene of .
nod 6clectious from Cho iin were wonderful." - Plan and delivered -an Interesting address de- the boys ofthat school a friendly game of � f � . I
ens Monday, march 66. . : I many materials thatwill be used for � I
' ' .
-at Fear's on Fi t in scriptive �-of the Kalyeisob, who has *n sick for some I I i � �.
ine up " first entitled to seat. .11 I
ON) 'r good work the socie., ' Blue'vale, ,. fashionable coEtumes this spritl A �. I
� 169T-1 ty is football.. The game resul 1,ed in a draw, each time, is able to be ar�ound again. -The m *
'New stock of trunks and v&I ' a arrived doing the miners,: lumbermen and sailors, side scoring -onqe. . P ESENTATION.—On Monday evening of � sight of the stylish varities in N;me* * i
this week Dan't pasv this store want � any. . meetings of this ohurch'�s�wgeing on splen-, "' eek the congregation of the Blueval-e I 1 8puns, Tweeds, Cheviots, Vonetians, : I
]pl. Willis generally, as also in China. Rev. Mr. Rug- si "' " an chure and Costing Serges, will aid you in � I
if y .and in the3nower districts -of the coun �ry, —a- didly.-Miss Adelina Riller is on the ok I t,
thing In ihoes, trunks or valises, Pre..�yteri presented Mr. and Mrs.
agent for king's shces, senforth. losi.1 ' sell, pastor of the Methodist church, was I Hills Green. I � list at present. -Miss iMary Miller, of J ohn Robertson w th an easy chair ' each the problem of selectiag what ,will.
. .. . . � I I I -1
� I 0- i Appointed president, and Mies Kate Cowan, ANoT'1111R GOOD Hoinp,.-Mr.' Thomas Dashwood, is working for Mr. Benjamin and I a' compliment ry address, which , wail beat suit your needs.
NEARRY Fitozb.m.-Mr. CharIJa Wright, ! cretary-tresiaurer.-At an informal meet; Farl . Pfile.-Mr, elson Miller has boulaffit a read by the ministe , Rev. W. J. Wei t� - I I - .
. ! uair recently sold a fine draught horse heifer from J. Geiger, as he is goinj into v A 4 � ;
of McKil � op, had an, experience on Saturday I g of the members of the Presbyterian to 1. r. James Bell, of He lisail, for the hand- very pleasant time was spent by all i VhOme ew Embroideries
night Ias that he will not soon forgot. He e urch, held on Wednesday evining, it was some price of $200. the castle buainess.-Mrs. Haymaker, who pr, sent. Mr.
Thi 9 hl�rse was sired I obe tson sold
. his far last
came to ffijaforbh during the aft rnoon, and d cided that the congregation were prepared by the well-known stallion 'IlElevator." has spent some time with her -sister and fal. and bough a � use in Wroxeter, %here ,pring (1900) Stock very complete. We
to Cal a in I ..
' ck at � iight. Ito, t proceed I inister.-We are sorry alway pays to raise good stock. It brother, left for her home in Kansas last ber on, with -their two
left for b0me about 11 o'clo I 11 i he and Airs. have secured those handsome Iate-
-had a ha t, learn that -Mr. Win. Fowler f week. -Mrs. !Schoemaker, of this Dlac youngest daughters, Misses Maggic and like designs in Swiss E'm'br ideries,- � . ,
-Pe and cutte'r. On account of the � f of Harpur- BitiErs.-The many friondis of Mr. Thos. took� a trip to Michigan as her daujhtee' Jei sic, will live retired.
very sev6re storm which was raging at the hey, is very poorly, and is confined to his Farquhar will be sorry to leafn - that while Liz . r, Mr, and Mrs. Rob. I ,Flouncinga, Edgings and Invoertions, - �,
; Zte, is ill, and but little hopes are, enter- ertson have lived in our village, on the a4me O� - .
!. residence. drawing wood from the � b ' i ;
Uille, se�era-1 advised him -that i I was dan- - ush of Mr. J. tained for her recovery. � � ; .
tc ,start out at that hour, and tri�d —&— Mottaso, and when i � farm, for over thirty years. We are very
. coming out of the swamp ; I o . � :1 . ��
111,70,11,11, ruing. He VETERINAAY Mr,,D-ICA,L ASSOICIATIO.N. -The - upset, he . ! a o lose them. The foll ' I
to uade him to wait, till mo: with a load which was about to � sorry indeed t Ow ' Ing is it ed Up
. I I ! �
w" det?,irmined, however, to �make for alanual meeting of the Huron Veteri i jumped to save himself a2d had one of the Bayfleld. the address. fr. and Mrs. John Robertson, ' .
. naries 4 1 `
home. He had, evidently, got as far as was held in the town hall, Clinton, on Mon- smal.1 bones of his foot broken and his ankle John Fraser, notary public and convey . " . Dear Friends: -It is with deep regret we is our Home Furnishing department ' ::
06cve's 3ridge on the north gravel road all day afternoon:of last -week, when there was sprained. The hurt, although painful and ancer. Will, deeds and mortgages drawn on skott learn of your garly removal from our mijdals I with the very beat values in Carpets, .
ri�ht. Here he turned east on the conces. a fair repreaeotation present :-Vice presi- will lay him up. for some time, is getting on notice. Money loaned on good farm seourity. � and we take this opportunity of expressing Linoleurns. Floor Oils, Lace Curtains,
I 1681-tf,: our appeeciati u of I
sion, and,)vhen he got to the top'of the hill, dent, J. Hamilton, of Goderich ; J. Golley as well as can be expected.-Uis3 Tons, I - the friendship and'social � Drapery Materials, Chenille Goods,,
A CHANcE,-Last week we open ed up �a � etc. I � .
between the residences of Rev.' Mr. Mus. so6, of Wingbam; J. R. Black- lot . c 1you #ve done much to pro-, ' I
� and J. Wil Love, of Gmud Band, who came up to st- relation whi h h , , 'I
grave and Mr. James Lockharti; the road all, N. Ball and L. McIntyre, of Clinton ; tend th - e�annivetsary services, and has been , of splendid American Cotton Goods. mote in our locality during the many yeArs - I - --iq
. � I
�-vaa drif led full, and be had considerable Win. Steele, of Stratford, and Charles Me- . viijiting -among her many friends here, re- Early buyers should jump at the chance of of your residence in Bluevale. Your corn. I . , 7
difficulty jin .getting through, e . was forced Gregor, of Con8tance i, Among the matters turned home this week. -Mr., William Love, securing so - me of our New Washing Prints ing to this loc�lity has been productive of I -%-11-++++++-11-+++-1-11 +- !�jl
�e honie f I tl) cutter, and o was .an essay -read by J. E. a - .- I
Lo unhiEch t rqm .. attended t of this pla6, has purchased 'a fine three. and Gitighams at five cents a yard. They much good, when our county was in proces I I . .: I
'I .
leEkVitig t .)e latter bebint Olt, rted on wit' 1, year-old colt from Mr. Peter McGregor, of are the best quality for the money that: we of development yo i were not backward in . . ,q
I h Blackal on 11 bone spavin ;11 a paper on - 1 have seen this season. The E. AlcFaul bo,, doing your ut'nost for its progress, espec- I - � . .
the horse, He had not gone :: efy far until " eculiar lameness," by J. Golley, and Brucefield. -Mrl: J. H. Consitt is busily en- .
r , Seaforth. , , I I a .
I sisting of j. gaged drawing aterial for putting an addi. �
hel came to the turn in the ro around the aer papers. A deputation con 1681-1 ially in a moral and spiritual sense, and I I -
i y n ising -an ul . T�A, MEETINO.—The Presbyteriians of he discharge I .
river in front of Mr. Henr Henderson$ E. Blackall, W. Steele and J. Wilson was tion to his barn, also rai i d tting a have always proved faithful in t .
I . I
ba ement und6i,neath it. -Mrs. this place held a very successful tea meeting of duties in connection with h -
farm. Here again the road was badly appointed to interview the members of the 8. Forest I
drifted, and instead of going around by the Dominion House in regard to the veterin- an Miss E. McAllister, who went to on Tuesday evening of last 'week. After here. We cannbt look back over the tbirty jN,o J1CFA UL
' . M chigan when Mr. McAllister got hurt, epast, provided by the or more years y6u E avre -spent with us inthe . . .
. -
I . ..
ary bill, which will likely come up at the ladies, had been dispose of, ' the chair Master"a work without seeink marks of your " �
rooid he imems to have kept sti the very inviting r
raight on and
himself and the horse got into the water present session. All, the officers were re- e returned Ionic. . Mr.. MoAllister, &I- I , �
which had not been frozen, How long he elected, as follows ;-President, W. Shilling- . ugh severely injured and. while IV' i was taken by Mr. G. W. I olman, when in- presence ;with -us. When called' upon to ,'- i I
Ing 'a teresting addresses were de ive-red by Revs. undertak6 work fd Him you were always 4
had been there no person known, but he was law, Mitchell;. vice -F residen 6, J. Hamilton, th hospital in Alpena i was thought at je ngs . Dry Goods Go. -
found about seven o'clock Sunday morning Goderich ; secret r . J. Wilson, Wingham ; fitit could not recover, is n the mend and is i iand Shaw, of Bayl old ; Hamilton, ready to do your best. And to you, Mr. � .
ear by. a 7' likely to get �better. Muc or ; MCI nee, of I Robertson, many of us owe a deep debt of . . I
by Mr, Bobert Ha,bldrk, who lives n treasurer, J. E. B ackall. ' The meeting ad. h of Uod ch rice, and D. Mc�
e 4oderich Sign , um- gratitude for the helpful .lessons you t u lit '
journed to meet at the call of the presi� of mupical Be � a I '
Mr. Habkirk's dog wakened him sympathy 'a felt Gillicuddy, of th al. A n'
I by his - . I . for Mr. McAllister by his many friends bar lei �tions w( re rendered' bV us while teaching I the Bab] �
furious barking, and be got up to try and dent. around here. . . )ath mehool., fee- C th's Greatest Cash
peacify the animal and lettilig'-bitu out, the a— . . Messrs. Stonemai i and anniei and the sons which, w,e tru t, have beenfruitful in 4 - �
- I I I
� I � - I
Misses Shaffer an� Stoneman, of Hensall., the, unfoldiag of he great mysteriqi.� of A4
dog started for the river. This induced i �l J I
. i
e Cromarty. Egmondv]Ue. i -- accompanied by M ias Rsthwell, of Bayfield. Godliness aild :of leading, many of us to � i
-Mr. HabUrk to look after him .and during - � � i Dry Goods Store". I ,j
' TnE Coscr,RT O�- THE SrmswN.-The Sons i BRv3FS,-Mr. John C. Allen has purelis ed Proceeds of the ev3ning $50. ! . know our Diviue Redeemer, As members ! .
a ILIII in the storm he saw the horse stand- of Scotland concert in Cromarty Hall on ithe pottery from Mr. Joaeph Weber, ho I -
ing in the river. I BRBEzP,s.-Ice cutting is the order of the of our chur0 you have during these many �1
day at present. Air. Ferguson 'in cutting �ears shown�,ourgelves to be very exemo . ;
Supposing- something to Friday. night lastmas a grand success. The goe into the hotel bus neas at Dublin a ut 11 ,14ry. in!Hul)ett, near Clinton, last week--mr.
be wrong'be hurried to the'place, where he performers were 'Miss Annie McNichol, ot ' I i � I for a number of fat mers who are storing it We have fel& that to you the church was a J�seph Sellars, of the first rris,
found the horse standing in 4 corner of the !the first of May.- We lelieve Mr. Allen � . I
. I
ce 4617 t, and - tha.4 the w�o has been ill for a long time, in reported
fence, in � �.bout -eigb teen inches of water, and Toronto ;.Pipe-Major'McGregor, of Hamil. iwill have associated with him Mr. F. Bur. for summer. -We are. sorry to state that ntre of wl triest interes line of k o � - 41
near by h "r. Wright, also. sta,nding in water ton ; bdr and Mrs. H. R. McDonald,. of 9 t e veteran potter. of this village. Mr. Joseph WIld, who has been illl for some work was 0 lBerfully performed because you soine better.- �� i
. Mrs. George Hudson mud .
- , London, and Prof. Gray and class of High- i otb the new proprietors are old employees time, died on Tuesday. 'Mr. Wild was ' nized- he fact that it, was a labor of eb'Rldran have gone t live in Atwood, -Rev, - -
andleanijig up against � - snow bank. He land dancers, of St.- Marys. To particularize of the establishment who are well and favor- of the oldest settlers in this part 4f Stai;ley; love. i Unco sciously you b' 0 1
. ave exemplified James Carlton McCracken, rector of St. - I
was barely conscious and 'nearly exhavated. would be impdasible as each performer- was' ably known to its custompis and they are and very highly respected. -A large num- a tru �h aptly expressed by Ruskin, I I That P40'a church, Chesley, spent Monday at his � .
Mr. Habl.irk had him conveyed t6b�'ls house well received A,fid - heartily encored at each sure to sustain the good. reputation which it ber of logo are being delivered at Jowett when ever # e labors of life are fulfilled in pairental home on the Bluevale road. -
and sent for*Dr. Scott, who was soon in �6t-' appearance. Dr'. Hutchison acted as chair. has for so many years erijoye& under the Brother's mill at present. -Mr. . R , . Mr,
tendance. On examination it was found il ? spirl ;o striving against mi4rule and 1162Cracken was on hie way to Bervie to give
man in his usual able manner and the beat � I
that one Moband one hand were badly frozen. Messrs. Weber.-Miso Minnie Young, -who Thompson's saw mill, on'tbe 4th concession doin what ver we have to do honorably a Jecture.-Mr. Gordon, of Whitb was I -
. I . Y, .
. .
of order prevailedi notwithstanding the has been ailing some time with pulmonary , s -also. doi4g &'rush-. nd erfectly they invariably- bring h.fkppi- visiting his d ghter, Mrs. West, at the
His cars were. also frozen. ef Goderich township, i � & � . V an .
st mostly a business trip to the Bruce Peninsula, ro- - ;
-over $112. By reque .;
, treatment r Under proper crowded condition of the ball. The pro- trouble, is bee Ming week, and is iDg trade. -Mr. M. Ross, who baii been ion ness as much as seems possible to the n tore Ina so last week. -Mrs. Bruce has returned , �'g
,.hoivever, he soon allied and was deeds amounted to* 0 y a 11
removed to his own home, a distance of confined to bed. -A grand sacred of man." We ask you therefore to accept to her home here af t. -r visiting her brother �
. Mr. McDonald sang "The Absent Minded cc* turned home last Friday. Mr. Ross intends t ese chairs as a, slight token of our sincere at Moorefield. -The worst stlarmof ,,,he.s - i
about thr?e miles, the same evening. Since Beggar,�' , neert will be .held in the Presbyterian . .
Lbeu he h 8 been doing and in ' remposise a collection church here on Monday evening" ping north again in a few days. -Rev.. Mr. regard and good will, hoping that , ea 1 .
fairly well and it amo- �-Xlarch 12. i
. pulpit you will son broke over us on Saturday evening and i "
� unting to over $1.3 was taken in aid of -IVis generally reported that Alr. D. Stev- Penman, of Montreal, occupied the �,
is hoped.. ie will recever without' he log' be long spared I
� 8 the Patrioti' to make use of them, and continued over Sunday. Wh n t,be weather ..
c Fund.' The singing of " Auld enson, who has worked for Mr. Thomas of St. Aridrew's church, on Sabbath last,and th3.t they inhy recall in the future the kind- bad settled fit for the people to izo out -the - �
of any of �hc frozen membors. Jlad he not Lang Synb "'and '� God Save the Queen" Hills in the w the past preached a very intere, that have always existed be- ion w drifts on the r6ad took the horeen up -
p durin sting and able sermon IV retwtions
been found when he was he would Certainly brought the proceedings to a close, after tw to a small but appreeiati � . . � . �
have beer fro/en. Indeed, very few could . enty years, intends goit g to Wanitoba in ve coilgiegation, tweers yourselves and us during the thijrty to their necks. On Monday morning, after
which those who had.: taken an active part the spring. EgrnondviII3 will miss ,Mr. not many being out on account of .the severe years you have been merriters in full c ��
have stocd such exposure and lived, but in the ooncerb repaired to Ar. Hi8lop's', St 0111- th fierce raging of the storm had ceased,
Charlie is tough, and we hope to see him where supper was'prov ded. evenson.-Miss Jennie Hills is making a snow otorm.-All the north and south roads In inion with us in the Bluevale Presbyter- th; san came out smiling like an old byro- ...
around all right again -before Iona. The - . 0- lengtben6d visit with here ister, Mrs. Frank from here were blocked on Monday morn- is, I church. We wish you much happiness cri�te. There were very few at the ,churches -
horse which � was a clipped one'.148 also � I � . A. Cole, of Hampton, Ont io.�Mrs. George ing, but are now open for travel. -B, R. in your new home and that you may prove on'Sabbath morning and no servi
fandshed with the cold, but by good . . eral weeks, -as here on Tuesday a ) in the village where you purpose held in the evening -Miss Aggia Herbert
nettrl� Farqi �har. . Brown has been off duty f )r Eev* Higgins, of Brucefield, w pes were
treatment it was revived and will likel� not COLLINS & STANBUR-If but in now improvipg. on business. -Mr. John Harrison,lof Gode- to Iresi .
� . . ,, barristers, convey. -T ier e' -is some talk ! e in the future. Signed on behalf of was kept ijidoors with a bad cold laat week. �
be much the worse. . ancers, not!krie8, etc., Exeter, ont. it. if. collica of introducing' electric- lif. ht into the Pres- rich township, bad the misfortune fo fall. the Prosbyterian congregation, Rev. W�. J. -targe quantities of wood and logs were �
—0— I . and J. 0. Stanbury, B. A., (Este with MacCarthy Osler byterian church here.—Rr. Frank kains f rom the bay lof t of tb e ri er hotol stables, West I ;
Toronto). , . 1, �W. A,�, pastor ; Robert Maxwell, re- drawn last week. The roads leading to our - I I
& Co., barristers, 18-tf and his sister, Miss Alary, of Byron, spent w hay for his I ornes, o� Sa senting the eession ; James Elliott, ohair. village were very busy looking, indeed.— �; - I
Y, Cominiss . . � I I
U, Rastu 5 I s, inort. some days last week with relatives here, . ajisigboard. I .
43,—Onr special reporter, Mr. D 13� loner, C�ijveyaucer, will last, and broke one of his � egs. He is un- man of, man
LoCAL BRIEF, 16, bile getting
, gives a graphic description of g,-kg�s and deeds drawn Up one%* - Misses Ataggie an'd Jessie and Mr. Charleg
r)- .
n' der the care of Dr. Woods —There will be a NOTES.—Riv. Dr. Hende of Toronto', Ro� er on gave a farewell dance' to their , '
the hockey ' M loaned ai the They were accompanied by their aunt, Mrs.
. iatch played on Monday night lowest ratesof Interest, 1660 rson, �
between tie barbers and the batchers'of the � - A. J. Rollins, of Exeter. . concert held in this town ffi the n6ar future, gave a lecture on Missions in the M"ho- i
. e- . . fri n a I t Friday night. Everybody had I I
BRIFFS.—Mr. He�rj Passmore, of here, in aid of the Patriotic Fun�. Look'out for Aiet chtirch on Tuesday even ' of ! Last ap ti .
town.—Tlie following despatch from Win. and John A. Norris, -o Cromarty, directors — ------o . I .the date. ,I � week. The reverend gentlema Ing. I I M , John Mitchell Is' ed � I
uipeg, Manitoba, will be read with pleasure of the Ustorne & Hibbert Fire Insurance - 0 : r lon. Inle.— r a 71p d
- Staffa. 1 12 is a good d of maple rollers from Dul an �
by many in this county : " Ata ineeting of Company, are attending the Underwriters", BRANC-111,N(; , — ; i speaker, and the lecture was enjoyed lii�rall Stowart's mill on Friday last.—Mr. George -
the Liberal executive of , OUT.—We �, are not an ex- Kirkton. i .
E � present. Rev. W. J. West did not hold MIDonald went to8tratford lastSaturday
Vyinni�pe& Mr. H.' Assasiation at Toronto;this week as repre. elusive ladies' store any lloyager, but have NOTFS.—Mrn, H. Smyth, St. Uaqs, who his usual Tuesday evening prayer seating
Cameron wayi recommended for t vacant .. sentatives of, the above Company. We ex'. b to make room for the men has been-spendiii ' ,I oubuminess.—Mr. Robert N. Duff is is Sher- I
Position of postmaster." Mr. Cameron is an . . . g a weak %e guest of Mm. so that his congregation might have an'op- brooke, Quebec., this week attending the
. peat that they will be prepared to give us a and boys too. . �
� �
old Huron boy, and prel We intend after this that R. Fletcher, returned -home on Frid&,y last, ortunity to hear Dr. Henderson. --M r. H' b C urt of the Canadian Order ,of Fvr-
fiOul to going to full report of the business discussed and Clothing and Furnishings will be an im- —Rev. Mr. Ball - .
. preache I mismi-6nalry serl- ohn Watson, assessor for Mbrria, wasball- rs, as th tive of Court Doug- ���
anitoba taught school in Bruceffeld and transacted when the annual meeting conies pbrtant feature of our business. We . I o
I � = e re enta I
congratulates Sun e.v... Ing at J
. 9 week. He has been assessor for to G'ananoque on rriday last to attend the
. ears. To which we will may more about n he future. Jew�tt preached missions, I se . ��-,
years, and, as he always 1111%kes merting of the executive committee beborle �,� .
ong enjoy the honors and emoluments of be forewarned is to be rearmed.—John R. The Lt. McFaul Co., Seaforth. 1681-1 Kirkton circuit.—Miss P (ebe T fts spent his rounds on foot, if ever a man has a prd.ceeding to Sherbrooke. .
-Ila e t -ent, ,
in on his Isn't ,
-e�ftl ,
Seafortb. Ti-tr JTXPOSTTOP. open mons at Hensall, on ay last for R I orris end of -our Ins' Mr. John CeZjess, high auditor, Went', ,
round. This part has been neglected. by to -day a bran New Stock of Clothfn , Mr. Jewitt, of Henfiall c rcuit. ,Rey. Mr, v
hi good- fortune and hopes he may our representatives the ast Iew Y" i
. ?O i t wengbyt've
his new position.—N-Jr. Wellington Barber, wears a broad smile, cause, -a new arrival a FiRr,.—A disastrous fire occurred on the Satdrday and Sunday un �r the yarental chance to know every stick and stone and ! --,--------*
)f Snowflake, Manitoba, is at prevent visit- short time ago. —.Mr, Alexander Stewart, of tarm of Mr. Win. Jeffr y, a mile and a roofi—Mrs. 'A. Brethour is improving nice- mullin weed in the township, it will be Mr. --;I- On Wednexday af ternoon of last week - - -
� I 11
, ng his mother, sister :and obher friends. the 12th concession of Hibbert, returned quarter west of here, on Senday afternoon ly.--Mr. Westoott, of S atson.—Mr. Brampton, Mi! a Mary M., daughte - of M I .
. 4 r r. and -a,
guest of Rev. Mr. Ball last we6k.—Mias Was visiting t Mr. Philip Thomas' 14st 0. J. Fisher, 14th concession, .Elml4 � .
ar. Barber is a brother of Mrs. George 'home on Tuesdayevening from Lakeside, last, when his house, together with all the of Woodstock,
-Ilies�ney, of Seaforth, He is a stranger where he -spent, some days the latter end of contents, was complcteI7 destroyed. About Eth Madge, of Elimville, in the guest of week.—M-ps. Stamper and family have "united in marriage to C' ,eorge Whitfield of - .
not a
0 I1,'Xvo8r1oyt readers, as he used to be a last week and the first of this at his sister's, - four o'clock Mr, Jeftey a mother went out her sister, Mrs. A. Doupe.—Mi�s Ebhel moved from the farm which they occu%hen oon�ession 14, Grey. The inti , re.
God olt, of Sunst - I
requenteontributor to these columns. He Mrs, A, Young.—We are glad to learn that, for a pail of water, and it was then the fire iine, is the guest of Mrs. on the first line of Morris to Mr. ino#y was performed by the Rev. Mr. B�nt,
as resided in Manitoba fo I
nd this is Iiis first YiL%it to Hurdn since be dangerously ill on Saturday and 8 me the roof wits R. , , .. .
r eighteen years Mr. 8&muel Madge's children, who were was discovered. At that t� . Bryans.—Mr. H. Brethour,1 who has Collie's house at the station.—Mre. Mills, in the presence of about one buadrot W
oft it.—The following concerning changes last, have taken the turn for the Unday 'about to fall in. With this� head way and bee spending the last few trionth in N r I h who had been siting her daughters, Mrs. fifty' guests, relatives and frUntle of -the � i A
0 better.— the terrible gale which w"! blowing at the Dak ta and other places, retu ed horr e Watt and Mrs. nell, returned to her home conl(ra-sting families.
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