HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-02-23, Page 7meweameomearee...eamea • ; make er - lose -e orgt.t 'e en- for laets. olors, E [ L was a poor lad night be living in r,gh yet, and even rk, might bnild keep their eye ouug 8110p keep - lout of his own act a tent home r fa.ther and moth - ahem their Sate ing him back to and they seonld some fel-away leer+ because her gh with all its • an d vrite home moth& in one wing and assort- ioth Weahes and 1, Hand Mirrors, les generally; all possible prices. out our continued department. We which always in t and the public. ry Gomponed are the popular medis seed it, sys put forth to e "popular drug, Drugeists, CE AGAIN. a kville, Cured T Pills, the soiree Of ;treat. I9. ---There /8 no idney Pills have able medicine of weat Territories. - that of William , ISloyd had dia.- eied to cure hirn- hePrairie tried Lloyd lost thirty Inch thirst made adney Ei1is regu- tines e, day, and My thirst has qg half so much and intend five' years old, but ney1 Pins are curs Kia et kcoking frorn • pllxce a, small the .;`,ack of the , after the floor that the floor is rut and destroy uon whethet in inong the people - marriage. She aiees. oeiiety she takes d is- taken in to etiVe of Au lady chance to be ie ent the steak e three or four dropa of lemon ialt and pepper, n each, roil up iiah with bard. af- - ashes, with clear miefut and tilers whichlhas not 'ensurea clean, doth from that which ao many dnt never to re- in the house. 'knowing ie that obtained from a ht if tine powder- eiedie until the labed. kb to e. quart of Mix with the teaspoonfull of a of water. Let ram tt the juice of r to extrect as the juice one ar and stir it , Thea freeze i hoar. iiy eartains for sre you get 'ace aa'el at the art pretty, and for as being ey du not dark - they. have no you them ever , lastever so ;et them in ex- ia to auit any Yore sent from ro ment hospital I- it is probable go east in a month a near- ileve been sent it ia said thet ve from Manila. rough Bey, the ted Statee, has - has ereated a 'derspat eh. The s his consent to es that she ad- Keran. In n- is ttuoted •as ears of age, and Autiful„. woman. ,tioh because 'she will live exactly Iser Moisiem lady' tthe same de- nsehold exactly °plc- She will tors, She can - from gentlemen, atanding. My la.dies, but, .a tibsence of their her reepecte to di be neeeesary arecative houses FEBRUARY 23, 1900. Give a Youth Resolution and a course in 13u8inees and Shorthand at the &Jen and who shall place limits to his career. Catalogue free. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. MY 24 HE KIPPENP .1141111•••MM•mw.....• MILLS Grist mill running night and day, and all kinds of work done on the shortest notice. irst-claas roller flour exchanged for wheat. • P,MMIL) 001:Rag-- On hand a quantity of good feed oorn for eale at Iowest prices. LOGS WANTED. All kinds of firet-class logs wanted at the ill, for which the highest cash price will Le paid. Call and see us before disposing of your logs. JOHN McNEVIN, Kippen. 70-tt • Special Attention to ilorseshoeing and General J9bbing, Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH CARRIACE opp. MAKER Atute.r Gaderich street, - - Seaferth. 1 ISOAr, . - 4 . 41441,41,1"4:0. ' ,-„..4, sr tees ' ea seasea • I s 0 4k. law Ataa..b.° Your's For . . Health For the invalid, the convalescent or per. son of advanced years, no known tonic equals Wilson's Invalids' Port. . A rare old port wine with Peruvian Bark in quantities prescribed by the English and French Pharmacopoeias. 'Tie a special brand for = For sale in Seaforth by UMSDEN & WILSON. LOOK I lis I:: saneayfopret H Ils and churches a specialty. Scen- ting DENCE—Three doors south of the railway J. G. CRICH, Seaforth. Tnaotereibilly you that believethat i t. 1 t ack, on the west side of Main street. G—.. 0 RI 03E e is here to staly, and is prepared to d all kinds of I I Fa cy Painting, Graining and Decorating. , er and pictorial advertising. .A11 ki ds of pictures Painted to order.' , , 1 46 D H. R. Jackson & SON. DxROT Ittroneesne 07 Julest Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognae, France; Jno. de Kasper & Son, Hol- land Gin, Rotterdam, Weiland; Booth's Tom Gin London, Bngland ; Thiiloeh & Co.'s lie,oteh Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson' s Irish Whisky, Dublin, Ireland ; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for palker's Whieke Ontario; Royal Distillery and Davie' Ale and Portet, Toronto. To THE PUBLIC We have opened a rata% store in, - connection with oar wholesale buai-i business in the rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods 'in the market at bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of the town free. TELEPHONE II. 151a4f The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED ormolus. J. B. McLean? President, filppen P. 0. ; Thonues Freser, riee-preeident, Bracefleld P. 0.; J, Slum - non, Eecy-Treaa. Seaforth P. 0.; Thomas E. Hey', luepector of- Lotwes, Sereforth I'. 0. DutieorMas. • W. G, Broacifoot, Efeatorth ; John G. Grieve, Win throp ; George Dade, Seaford& ; Thomas E. Kaye Seafort ; James Evans, Beeohwood ; John Watt Harlook ; Thoman Fraser Bruoefield ; John B. Mo. Lean Kippen • James Connolly, Olin tows. Rob*, Smith, Harlook ; Robb. McMi lan, /fantod& ; Zanies Cumming Egmondy e; J. W. Yoo, Holmee- villa P. O.; . John Govenlook and John C. Morrison, auditor" Pinkie doeircras bo effect Insurances or tams, tot other bualneee will be promptly attended to as anlioatIon to any of the above offioers, addreseed -their respective post refines. CV:fel Cotton Root COMPOUDA. To auccesefully used inonthly by over .te.i)Johadies. safe, effectual. Lo dies ask yozir druggiet for Cook s Cotton Root CABE- found. Tak: no other as all Mixtures, pills and imitat ons are tlangerous, Price, No. 1 , 81 per box, No. o,i0 degrees s tronger, $8 per box. No. 1 or 2, loaned on reveipt of price and two 8-eent Stamps 1 Ito Cook Company Windeor, Ont. SAY -hos. 1 and 2 Oold tenet recommended by all respOtolible Druggists in Canada. No- 1 end No 2 sold in Seaforth Luresden Wilson, arugglets. AN -ITEM OF INTEREST. Farm loana taken at lowest rates; payments to thif borrower ; satisfaotion guaranteed; all corn- Volutezee chew fully answered. ABNER COLISNR, willer,Itare, Ont. Office—At corner of Minnie aid Pstrioir streets ; every Saturday all day. 1667 THE H , - • . ON EXPOSITOR,. DISTRICT. MATTERS. nen expositor. LThe following items were intended for last week, but we received too ate.] - Clinton. A LIBERAL CJONGRECIATION:—The filthi- vereary services in Willis church on Sun- day, February llth, ivere well attended. The pastor endeavored to obtain the ser- vices of a city divine fo the occasion, but was not successful, anl hiP people were quite well satisfied.. Vbey would sooner have him in his own pu pit than any substi- tute. The collection' were handsome, amounting in the morniag to $185. In all they totelled $265. Limit year the amount was $261, • IT'S so pleasant to take thst children ery for it bob it's death to worms of all kinds, DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP. Price 26o. All dealers. '— • Hills Green. Nona—Mr, Wm. Jarrott has sold his fifty acre farm to Mr. Wm. Coneitt, for $2,500.—On Friday last, as Mr. Norman Workman was engaged in cutting wood for Mr. James Turner he had the misfortune to get hie leg badly wrenched by the spring- ing back of a tree, which will no doubt lay him up for some time.—Quite a pleasant and interesting time was spent at the home of Mr. Wm. Logan, the other evening, when a number of young men, with their ladies,assembled and spent most of the i night n tripping the light fantastic, but the most interesting feature of the evening was that the young men had purchased a handsome album as a prize for the most graceful lady dancer present. Eight couples competed, which made quite a keen com- petition. Mr. James Swann, of Brucefield, acted aajudge, and, after a most close and careful observation, awarded the prize to Mies Katie Logan, who, throughout th.., contest, acquitted herself h most pleasing manner. •• SICK HEADACHE, hoirever annoying and dis- tressing. Is poeitively cured by LAX A -LIVER PILLS They aro easy to take and never gripe, Brussels. SCHOOL FUNDS —The leceipts for the Brussels public school for the past year amounted to $2,349.31 and were made up in part as follows : Non-resident fees, $48: 50; (lovernment grants, '291; Loca).-assess- ment, $1,4501 continuation classes, $100. The expenditure for the year amounted :to $2,009 59, and was made up ini-part of the following items : Teachers' salaries, $1, 560 ; caretaker's salary, $102 ; salary of Secretary -treasurer, $30 ; interest, $26.75 ; wood, $82 35. The year was closed with a balance of $2,349.31 in the treasury. 'BUILDING BOOM.—Tbomas Newsome, the well known contractor, of Brussels, has al- ready the following contracts on hand for the opening of next spring : George Kelly, 8th line, Morris, new 2 -storey brick cot- tage; John Searle, 9th line, Morris, a 2atorey brick cottage; Teesdale Whitfield, 14th concession, Grey, a 2 -storey cottage ; John McIntosh, 6th concession, Grey, enlarging and improving residence; Wil- liam Wilkinson, 4th line, Morris, addition to house and veneering with brick; John Crerar, 7th line, Grey, a straw shed, 36x40 feet, with stone stabling underneath; Con- rad Michael, llth I concession, Greys straw shed 40x56 feet, stone stabling to be put underneath; D. qampbell, 15th concession, Grey, barn and a bling ; Harry Sperain, 9th concession, Gr y, to split barn, making it 60 feet square When completed '• James Moffat, Grey, addition to barn. Mr. New. has other jobs in: prospect also, so that he has a busy -season before him for a large gang of men. r • . HAGYARL'S YELLOW OIL le prompt to relieve - and nue to mire coughs, colds, sore throat, pain in the chest, hoarsenese, quinsy, etc. Price 26c. • reenway. • NOTES.—The North Middlesex Farmers' Instate meeting held here last Wednesday, was well attend d. About 50 of our best and moat enterp ising farmers were present at the afternoon meeting. The address by Mr. S. Nichols° on feed and feeding was listened to by ev ryone present with mark- ed attention. jMr. A. P. Ketchen, on " Keeping hogs for profit,"s brought out a lively discussion.Mr. James J. Sheppard's address on " Plating and care of orch- ards," was ver , profitable, and showed clearly that he f "Hy 'understood- his busi- t nese. The even ing meeting was jut as interesting, and a though ;the night was a stormy one, the hall was well filled.—Mr. Thomas Stinson and Miss A. G-albraith, of Bayfield, visited friends here last Sabbath. —Miss Marion Remsay and A.- C. Wilson left here last . Monday for Chicago.—Mr. James Brophey attended the county mut- at the Loyal Oran e Lodge at Exeter last Tuesday.—Mr. J seph Guninan, assessor, was on his annual 4ounds laot.week. ' INSTANT RELIEF 1 guaranteed by using MIL - BURN'S STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS. No depressing after-effect. , a Grev. COSINCIL MEETING.—At the last raee hag of Grey Coaacil D. W. Dunbar applied for aid to construct 30 rods of wire fence at lot , 20, concession 8, being a very bad place for snow drifts in winter. Moved by Robert Livingstone, eeeonded by Adam Tuinbilll, that the council pay half the cost of the barbed wire and staples for 5 wires in seid fenee.—Carried. The auditors' report was received and read over and finally audited by tbe council, and it was moved by Adam Tunsbull, seconded by Isaac Lake, that the auditors' report be adopted and the abstract ablitshed in the Brussels Post.—Carried. John MeTaggart and others applied to be relieved of the water flooding their lands from lots 22 to 2.5 incluitive in the 15th and I6th concessions, stating that Governnient drain No. 1 was inadequate as an outlet to carry the water from their lands, and asked that an engineee be sent on to make an ex- amination with a view of repairing said draM or having a new outlet made. Mov- ed by Robert Livingstone, seconded by Adam Turnbull, that the clerk be author- ized to notify John Roger, Ontario land surveyor, to make an examination of said Government drain No. 1, from lots 22 to 25 inclusive -1n the 15th concession, with a view to repairing, changing the course of said drain, or make a new outlet as provid- ed by seetion 75 of the Municipal Drainage Act, and report to this council.—Carried. The council meet again on Tueeday,. March 6th. • e a Cold in One Day. To Our Take Laxat,ive Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the mobey if it fails to mere. 25c. E. W. Grove's] aignature is on each box. • Quite Enough for Her. "Possibly," said the Glasgow physician with a fashionable practice, the lady was from Paisley, and possibly she was from Edinburgh. Whatever her place of nativi- ty, she was a wife of e rich man, and I on a visit to Glasgow. Her invariable I good nature atoned for • many things Which would not have been forgiven by society if she had attempted to be a leader iiistead of submitting cheerfully to leading strings. It was not true of her that in reply to a query as to the whereabouts o her husband she bad said he was in the la oratory tak- ing a dialution, for in the_ la atory taking an ablution; but she did ski something to me one day that almost gave me a ner- vous shook. She was talking of taking a summer trip abroad, !Alt l' said I, how delightful that will be Have you ever crossed the ocean V Once when I was a girl,' she responded, 'Are you a good sailor I should say I wasn't." Do you suffer much from mai de mer 1," Indeed, doctor, no,' she answered with a WrSr I'm that busy being seasick I never have a minute for any other complaints. That is the only recommendation eeasickness has I think." The Queen and the Old Woman, On one of the Queen's earliest visits to Balmoral she Galled one day on an old wo- man who occupied a cottage on the estate and introduced hereelf by saying—" My husband, Prince Albert, has told me that you are not in good health, so I have called to see you." Her Majeety's amusement may be imiteined _when, after looking her all over, the old body exolaimed—" Bless nue ! Is this really yourseP, Mrs. Albert—really your ain eel' 1" Honey a Healthful Food. Soientifie men say that honey is a much more healthful sweet than sugar, and has many valuable properties. It is nutritive, and when used freely with bread makes an excellent food for children. It is a laxa- tive, and may be used advantageously in place of medicine by persons of sedentary lives. Being also the daintiest and most delicious of sweets—an extract of blossoms— it is hardly possible to eat it to an injurious extent. It needs no digestion, as sugar does, and even acts u a digestive aid, News Notes. —C. Sanders'of Bernie, went home at noon one day lately, sat down to the din- ner table, looked at the faces of each one at the table, smiled on all and expired. Mr. Sanders was one of the oldest and most re- speoted citizens of Sarnia a life-long mem- ber and worker of the Sarnia, church, nd a member of the school board at the time of his death. Some years ago he was a member of the town council. He retired from business some months ago. He leaves a widow and grown-up family- all of whom are married. His age was 74 years. _—Richardson Bedlow, Brockville's old- est resident. and probably the oldest resi- dent of eastern Ontario, died last week ab the extraordinary age of 99 years and 10 months. He was born in County Wick- low, Irelapd,- and emigrated to Brockville 60 years ago. His,wife is dead, and he is survived by a family of mons and daughters, also several grand end great grandchildren. He maintained his ineutal faculties till the last. Mr. Bedlow Was an ardent Conserva- tive. • BANISH ALL SAD THOTIO-IITS. Despondency and Melancholia Result from Kidney and Liver- Troubles. Paine's Celery Compound IS THE ENFAILING CONQUEROR OF.ALL' PHYSICAL MISERY AND SI7FFERING. • Prompt Relief and Speedy Cure Guaranteed. DR. PHELP'S' MARVELLOUS PRE- SCRIPTION MAKES THE OLD AND YOUNG HEALTHY AND HAPPY, T118 EREAT HOME MEDICINE OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD. When the great nerve centres are restored to perfect action by Paine'a Celery Com- pound, then, and only then, can the liver and kidneys become healthy and perform their several functione with ease and regu- larity. Yr sad thoughts, depression of spirits, melancholia and hours of darkness proceed directly from a diseased condition of your liver and kidneys. • • The best physicians in the world hare openly indorsed Paine's Celery Compound as the safest and surest remedy for your troubles. Thousands • in the past have found solid health and happiness from the nee of the great medicine. i Bo not accept any substitute for the great i tI fe-giver. Insist upon having "e kind that cures. i Nine's," • Parliamentary Ameneties. There is, evidently, no love lost between Hon. F. Carter-Cotton,Preesier and Finesse° Minister of British Columbia, and Hen. Joseph Martin, a ona time member of the Manitoba Cabinet. MrqCotton, it is sup- pued, was the means of erowding Mr. Mar- tin tout of the British Columbia Government. "A few days ago, in the Legislature of that Province. Mr. Martin was speaking,urging Provincial insistence on the restriction cit Asiatic immigration until the entire Domin- ion was educated to the facts as bearing en Provineial destiny. By way of illsistretim4 he cited the experience of Manitoba when he was Attorney -General on thte railway question, him fieldstone* then being sum's- • ful in the !conversion of Beaters Canada to Manitobai way of thinking. Swinging 'sally in Ws cheir, Hon. Mr. Carter -Cotton observed, sort° yoce, that this had nothing to do with the case, and the opinion of Manitobans with regard to Mr. Martin was evident in the way be had left that ,Provinee, he remark was voiced just loudly enough for Mr. Martin to eats& its import, and be at once retorted in kind, istimitting that he had net left Manitoba under dishonor, had never been capiased, or in gaol, had leaver skipped between' two suns on a vagrant freight train, leaving his oreditors locked in a room to prevent pursuit. He challenged the Finanee Minister Se say 'as Mush. He ,dared tke*inanoo Mter to say- that he eould go back to Colseado. repeated his allegations seplefleally, and on Hon. Mr. Colton enterieg a denial, and virtually giving hiss Qs lie direct,- inti- mated that he was mewed to prove Hon.' Ms.. Cotton a defaulter flue Colorado, and old sieve for a oesosaiftee of inquiry, "to in astigato the eadinfrual mord of the Mi ister of Einanee'," being prepared to on mit evidence to We committee. NURSE noun. TAie follolxving ineidenst is reported from our own Dominion Parliament at Ottawa, it occurred between Mr. Nisholas Flood Darin, the bald-headed bard, who repro - Email; "PLof Bones" and vicinity in in Parlia est, and his eolleague, Mr. Davis, of 4eeinlbola, Northwest Territory. Mr. Davin, who was addressing the House said the balfbreeda were re dhotis, and that the testate' Polies ought te be re- eneited im ediately. Mr. Davis said the halfbreeisWere orderly and loyal. More- over, they had produced a Norapsay, once Pressler of Manitoba. liven now, there were two half-breeds in each of the Legis- latures of Mattitoba and the Northwest Ter- ritories. He advised Mr. iDavin to leave the halfbreeds alone, and te clean up his own beak yard. Mr. Davin reborted that- Mr. Davis, in his last campaign, ha4 exactly 42 auditors at one of his meetings le Primes Albert. That," said Mr. »avia " was ten more than you could dram gather." When I went to Prince Albert," said Mr. Davin, "the big hall was three-quart- ers full, and the son f the president of the tia ; ito You ha e used all sorts of cough reme- dies but i does not yield; it I too deep seated. It may wear itself out if time, but It is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonial or a seri- • ous throat' affection. You need. omething that will give you strength and build up the body. • SCOTT'S' EMUL§ION 1 t wig" do this when everything else fails. Ther4 is no doubt about it. It nourishes, I strengthens, bu Ids up and I makes the bod strong anti healthy, not on y to throw6 off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against , further attacks. If you are I run down or eMiciated you should certainly take th's nourishing food Medicine. scorr &clOVITJiniiiigst„nto. aniniMmin. ame.4.0.1 Liberal Association came Conservative roll. " Re was only fourte torted Mr. Davis. Mr. Davin read a news the effect that Mr. Devis person, and could ,enter a room without knocking a "Now," said Davin, the conduct of a boor, I t of Prince Albert, who are represented by a gentlem present representative." " Well," said Mr. Da to be represented by & bo Mi. Davin left it at th it will be some thine befor take another rise out of uri and signe the • years o1d1 re- aper quotaticn to was a privil ged Cabinet Minister's the door, , . P., "1 call that 11 you, the people accustomed to be , den% like their is, " it's bettor ✓ than by a fool.' t, and quite likely he attempts to avis of Assiniboia. Could Take He " I won't .take those woman angrily. 1 "Why, look like a fright V' "Madam," said the ou "1 see that you bo not w but a fancy pietu e. Jae selection from th shovve4 Choice. hotos !" said the they make ne ve photographer, int a phosograph, make your own e," A LoVIer of ature. Mrs. Freedum---Notv t et you hey hed dinner, you kin take this 'rtn shovel off Use walksa Belted Bill—Madam, s me folks delight - in trimmin' treee an' efacin' beautiful scenery wid soap adiebut believe in leavin' Vine as nature puts ern', n' while I wud be delighted ter shovel de siow fer yer, me aesthetic nature cempele e ter decline. — Judge. The Food an Arm Consumes. There is a very interesti London Times on the pro army in South Africa, T arrangement is that ther months' provisions ilwayi seat of war for 11 ,000 t transport helpers rid 51 mules. At the pre ent m only three months'l tuppl South Africa, but t e addi bring the totals up to t limit are being desp tehed that limit, once reached, w II be maintained as long as may be though necessary. Of the enormous quantities of food which- go to make up a four menthe' supply for this number of men and anim Is few persons can have even the remotest idea. The one . item of preserved meats alo e stands at 12,- 000,000 pounds, and'of bui anit there is the lame quantity. Coffee etude at 400,000 pounds. tea at 200,000 p undo,' sugar at 2,200,000 pounds, compress d vegetables at 800,000 pounds, and salt at 400,090 pounds. One article of diet which 4iae been found I particularly suitable for t oops Ion active s rvice is a preparation of neat and vege- t hies cooked together. f this a single tins. Pntraetor is sending tins a the rate of half o ' a million a month. Of ondensed milk s eetened and uneweete ed, the four imi nths' supplies represent d 360,000 irticularly interesting is t e item of jam. T, is commodity was fits given 'to the British troops n the Souda expedition of 1884 and 1885, and it was fterwards sup- plied to the Ashanti expe ition. It was reported on very favourabl on each occa- sion, for not only was it regarded with favour by the troops, but i was found to P be distinctly healthy food, specially on ae- count of its antiserobutio properties, an important consideration in he absence of a good supply of freak vegeta les. Jam has, therefore, taken its permanent lace as one good thing among, ethers, for trbopja to fight on, and the quantities -to be kept n South Afrioa as a four months' resbrve amount to no less than 1,450,000 pounds, consigned in tins -each eentaining a single paund. In regard to the liquids the list provides for 80,000 galldne of rum, 12,000 bottles of whisky, 30,1000 bottles of port wine, nearly 40,000 pourlds weight of lime juice a vast quantity of," sparklets " for making soda, water, and 80 tons of alum for purifying spring or river water of wh ch the quedity may be doubtful, Of tobacco the quantity s nt out by the War Office for the four mo ths is 40,000 pounds, this, of course, bei g quite inde- pendent of the amont contributed by pri- 1 vete donors. It should be !said, however, : that the troops have to pay or the tobacco supplied by the War Office, loing oo at the rate of one shilling per pouutl, so that, DO doubt, they will be don ly beased = to get' free gifts from the Britih public. Of , ordinary hospital supplies the quantitiee are -based on the uuppo.itiofl that 10 per ea.. of the troops are away either isick or wounded, thou h, happily, this percentage is never reached. In the w4v of disinfect-'; ants, also, it l assumed tha during each ' g article in the isioning of the e basis of the shall be four available at the oops and native 000 horses and went there are es on hand in ions necessary to e four menthe' ith speed and four months there will—or may be—requir., ed 6,000 pounds Of carbolic Reid powder, 20 tons of chloride of lime, 10,000 gallms of izal, and 10 tone Of M'Dougall's dikinfeeting powder. Still another item on the list is that of 80,000 pounds of candles. For the horses and mules these are provided for the siune period, 25 000 touS ef hay, 31,000 tons of oats and 3,000 tons of bran. A CURIOUS INCIDENT. AN UNUSED ROOM THAT HAD A DASH OF MYSTERY IN IT- A Transformation. That Was quickly and Silently Effeete , or It May Be au Optical Illusion That Deceived Three L'aire of Eye,. In the course of the af er dinner talk at a little gathering a few ights ago a well known professional man of New Orleans told the following singul r "story: "In the spring of '1,89.2," be said, "I was Hying in a house on North Rampart street which I had taken on a one yeai lease, expecting to build. Our family co sisted of myself and wife, our little b y, then only 5 years old, and my unma ried sister. The house was a two story •rick which had been built before the w r, and the inte- rior arrangement was v ry simple. T front door opened on a hall which co tained the staircase andranall the. wa through on the right had side, while o the left was first onr parlor, then the di Ing room and laetly a small unuSe apartment not, much larger than a close Up stairs were bedrooms, and in the rea was a detached kitchen. "We allowed the little room on th first floor to stand vacant for several re sons. To begin with, it was -really to small for actual service and saas be& lighted by only one high, narrow window Besides, some :of the plastering had fal en from the ceiling, and I was afraid t rest might come tumbling down on our heads. That was undoubtedly a sourc of danger and prevented us -from using i for storage,. so we timply left it as vs found it—entirely empty. I suppose th room was constructed originally for pantry. I have been a little particular i describing these details because, as yo will see, they have a direct bearing on mstory. riVe had been living the house al most a year," continued the speaker "when one Sunday in June, as nearly a I can remember, I went with -my wif and child, to see some friends near Audis bon park; My sister was visiting at Bi loxi at the time, and we let the servan off for a holiday. We got- back at 5 o'clock or thereabout, for I recollect it was still 'quite light, and as we were walking toward the house •I noticed that somebody had left a stepladder standing 'directly in front of the high window opening into the little disused room on the ground floor. 'That's rather a cordial invitation to prowlers,'J said, half jok- ingly. 'Let's see whether any have avail- ed themselves of it,.'- "So. when we went inside we walked back together to the last door, and I pushed it open. 'Why, what does this mean?' I exclaimed in amazement. There was nobody there, but the room, which had always been eutirely vacant, con- tained several pieces of furniture. A. rough looking table stood in one corner with an old fashioned straight backed chair in 'front of it, and opposite was a sniall cot bed. There Were some papere and other things on the table and a reli- gious print stuck on one of the walls. "I started to enter, but my wife held me back. 'Don't go in,' she pleaded. aThe plaster mriy fall. Those things must belong to the cook.' . It struck me as very strange that the cook should move in without asking permission, but 1 noticed nsy wife was very nervous, so I drew the door to, and ,we went into the parlor. A few moments later I walked outside to shift the ladder, and as 1 pick- ed it up glanced through the window. The rciom wa.s perfectly .empty. "I am not superstitious, and the proof of it is that I thought immediately 1 was the victim of some practical joke. I 'res entered the :house quietly fop the rear and again I Opened the door. The rdom - was as empty as a drum, and it was evi- dent at a glance that no sort of trickery , was remotely possible. I won't atte pt tol describe my feelings. I was so sho k- ed; so bewildered, so frightened, to ell you tho truth, that for a moment or to I Was simply rooted to the spot. Then I pulled myself together somehow aed went back to the parlor. My wife saw at once that something. was wrong. 'It's that room!' I blurted out. 'There's noth- ing in it now --not a stick!' and immedi- ately I had 'a case of hysterics on my hands. That's about all there is to the story. -Next mornhag exatnined the place carefully by broad 'sunlight, and it wile plain from the dust en the floor that nol furnishing of any kind had been there fo.r . years. We left- the hoese before the end of the week, paying a inonth's forfeit on the lease, not because we believe In spooks, but because we didn't care to re- main in a place !where unaccountable things happen. It'elbed for the nerves. i "My wife end have talked the matte over a ahonsand dine's, carefully compar- ing notes, and ITS far as we know we both saw exactly the same things. My boy must hare seen them, too, because whon he went baek to the parlor he ask- ed his mother whether that Wasn't Aunt '-liattie's chair. Aunt afattie is tun old relative of ours who has favorite straight back chair, simile'. to the one we saw—or thought we sew—in" the room. 0f course we have neer allowed ourselves to refer. to the occurrence be- fore tho child. so I una ble to stif what else lie observed_ What 1 saw mw yself as as plain and distinct as you arem at this moment. I even noticed that one ot the table legs had beeu mend- ed with a piece of slat, and my wife re- marked the stone thing. The house is still standing and. has since been occu- pied by several successive tenaots. As far as I am aware none of them has ev- er had any unusual experience."—New Orleans Times-Derhocrat. a 11 One Who Controls. "Who Is the bead of your house?" The benedict gives a few minutes to tbe consideration of the question before answering. "No one," he said finally. "My wife and I started our married life on perfect equality. As you might say, we trot in double harness and"— "Well ?" "Well, I guess, perhaps, the baby drives the team."—Chicago Post. • The Parson Caught On. "My dear brother," said the prominent member to the pastor, "the congregation desires to present you this handsome watch as a token of" -s- • It goes without saying that the pastor understood and 'cut his sermons down to leas than an hour each.—Baltimore News. It Is i rule of Zulu warfare for the young Imply to go first into the battle, while the mem of the old' guard stand by and criticisetheir conduct in the fight. 144114 a psis if Aloes toads la Ilog- tad seat Sosiossa. Is`t Coffee In Jamaica. - You See all those bushes with red ber- ries among their -branclice? That is coffee, and the taller trees among Which it is gnawing, are pimentos, from which the woad gete its allspice. It looks like jungle, dOes it not? Yet many hundreds of pounds would not buy that one hill Slope. AMong the lovely flower t hum- ming birds sparkle as they fly and hover; butterflies as large as the birds dispute the honey with them. As you turn round the collier you surprise parties of tiny ground iloyee, and every DOW and again the larger pea doves flit across tbe road. Up'from the valley below the SOUI2f3S of " voices and laughter. Stop your (furring° and look down. Those are the weeks on a coffee estate, and those fiat terraces partitioned off into squares are the "bar- becues" upon which the berries are dried. You can see that some of the squates are a different color to the rest. The dark oneare those that are covered with cof- fee; the others are those which have not yet been ililed.—Good Words. A South Sea Island Bride. The bridal procession was approaching. In front, Walking abreast, came the wed- ded pair—tall, handsome and of Lin ex- cellent tawny hue. The bride, a beauti- ful young girl, exhibited a ludicrously ab- surd appearance. Her shapely legs and feet were naked. She- wore a low bodice of scarlet satin bedecked with sheulder knots of brilliant blue. Round her body so many robes, some of the papetaike barkeloth, Others woven of the native grass, were enwrapped, that her aspect, instead of itnpressing us, as it doubtless did the natives, with respect for her wealth, merely made comic sugostion that the poor child was parading ineide a barrel! Hee pretty head, running over with close rings of tan tipped hair, was uncovered, and her neck and limbs glis- tened with oil.—Blackwood. Ile Was Remembered. A young man whose rich uncle recently died tells The following story on himself: 4fAly uncle was a crusty old fellosi and -something of a skinflint. I had perform- ed a number �f kind offices for him while visiting him on several occasions, and I bad an idea II would come in for a good stake after hp passed in his cheek. I was present when his will was read, and you can imagine how I felt when I caw thee words at the bottom of one of the pages: `To my nephew, B. J., in consid- eration of his many thoughtful kindness- es, I bequeath 10,000'— The sentence was finished on the other page, but the word that completed it was 'thanks' and not `dollars."—Memphis Scimitar. Ws Work Unsatisfactory. "Did you ever get the money D'Atiber owed you?" s"Nto. He wanted to square !Icemen -is by painting my house inside and out." "Well, that would have evened things up. Why didn't you let him ?" "I was going to until I saw one of his pictures."—Philadelphia Press. Barring. the Egyptians, the uncient Mayas of Yucatan seem to have lieee the greatrat pyramid builders tbe world ever saw. Colerid e, the -dreaming philosopher, composed one of his poems, "Kuble vishu," bile fast asleep. .WASHI,NGTON MONUMENT 0 pure; white shaft upspringing to the light . With one 'grand leap of heavenward reaching might, - Calmly against tbe blue for evermore Lift thou the changeless type of souls that soar Above the dornmon dust of sordid strife - Into the rediant ether of a life Shepherded y the vastness of eternity! A hero's qu lekening spirit lifteth thee Unto the sli4es that claim thee for their own• In those VI1E fields of light, sublime, alone, High comm 'te boldest thou with the young clitY, With sunset glowing heart ere twilight gray! Hath stilled is throbbing fires and with dim night That folds tliee softly in the Alver light Of many A d teaming moon. In majesty Serene, 1ie he great name enshrined in thee, Thou dos • defy the all destroying years. Smite with t ry still rebuke our craven fears! Point as 1ore ,er to the highest height And in or n Lion's peril hours shine white , With thy piue witnese to the undying power Of the lihTsiulthat lives above the hour' —Julia Larned in Scrilarter'e, "ASLEEP." Did y u oar me when 1 called you, Lor .? IYou lay so, fast asleep. Did y sten when I whispered Thr ugh your slumbers calm and deep.? Summ Ses lay beside you, Slen ler lilies white and tall, And y u' lbolted so still and errantly, Did *ou ifeel my teardrops hill? Oli, M dair/ing, but I murmured Words sci Wildly true and food! Were you dreaming there serenely Of the Orange and vast Beyond? When I whispered how I loved you, Not a token crossed your face, But you laf all pale and placid ba that st?Ileary place. Did you hero me when I called you, Love? Tau lay so fast asleep, And the stillness seemed so holy That 1 ecareely dared to weep— Scarcely dared to take a rotobod, Crushed arid crumbled to my braid, When I left you calmly, sleeping ln your everlasting rest —tanclon aun., -Tin is one of the oldest known theta* The Chinese have need it in the fabrieja- tion of their brasses and bronzed' from time Immemorial; The number of Buddhists Is cOmputed to be 455,000,90. Printer. Are All lIonest. •The first Anstrallan newspaper, the Sydney Gazette; ,was published March 5-, 1806, 15 years after the rise of the coke ny. The delay waft caused through there being no 'printers among the convieta, who represented every profession, In- cluding the iegal.—tineinnati Enquirer. - zit,* bairewri meow. • B: -,41,5 --What are yeti writing now? i I ilseay—A book on the eft of boxing., ';!14$1,Y—Why don't you call it a sera* Epps's Cocoa GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality, • and Highly Nutritive Properties. Spedially grateful and oomforting to the nervous and dyepeptie. Sold only in qoarter-pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited Honiceepathic Chemists, London, England, BREAKFAST ElIPS9S SUFP1411 Cocoa 1660-26 we • 40. Sciatica 2 Yea._rs. Mr. Fred Platt, 12 Frankish- aseral Toronto, says that he suffered over two years witk Striaties. Time boxes of Hilburn's Rheumatic' Pills rseurred every trace 'et *open and mode his as limber sea boy, 1 Owing to hard time , we have con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at Pain in the bowels, Diarrhoea and Dosentery are cured Wire Trickly and effectually by -Dr. Fowler'', Extract of Wild Strawberry than any other reme-dy. Beware orsubstitutes, Ire a nice tieing to use---Hagyttrere Yellow 01'. The skin it won't f tiill And the clothing won't solo It limbers Stiff Joints, gives relief from all pain. I 3 ou use it you nnce, you will nee it again. Perfect Worm Medicine. have -given Dr. Low's Worm Syrup to my Oilier ren with excellent results, and I find it the most per- fect worm medicine, 03 you are not reql,ted to give any Cathartic wiO, it. tin. Daniel Swain P, 0, Box 50, lane ...lease N. S At Night, Before retiring, take a Laxa-Liver Pill. It will wok while you sleep without a gripe or -psin, oaring Con.cipationBiliousness and Sick Headache, and moke you feel better in the morning. DR, WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP heal, Ind soothes the lungs and cures the wont kinde of Coughs tad Colds more quickly and effectually than any other remedy._ 1111111111r 411111MINIENIIMMV.111111 MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 4f and 6 per cent per annum. Any atnount on first-elaes farm land security. Ap- ply to R S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Buildine, Boa - forth. 1807 MONEY TO LOAN Funds of private parties, also wrap:en:4 futds, to .oan at lowest rates on first mortgage; tertot to suit borrowen. JAMES L. KILLORAN, Barrister, Seaford,. 1059 tf STOCK FOR SERVICE. BOAR FOR sEavicz.—The uodersigned will keep for service on Lot 8, Coneeseion 7,Tookoremith, Lthoroughbred Tamworth boar. Terms 81 payable at the time of service. JAMES STRONG. 1873 tf 'DULL FOR SERVICE—The undersigned will keep Le for service en hie farm at lifsxhalo, a thorough- bred Durham bunarecently purchased from David Milne, of Ethel. Terms 8.150, at New Wire. JOHN SCOTL 167441 NEW YEARS GIFT.—The celebrated Shorthonr sire, New Years G11t,-22087—wil1 be kept at Lot 24, Concession 3, L. R. S. Tuckersmith, for ser. vice to a limited number of cowe, until further no- tice:in then r olumne. Terme upcn appreation. SMILLIE & CHAPMAN, proprIttore. 1878-tf TIO PIG BREEDERS.—Theundereigned will keep 1 on Lot 28, Conemeion 8, L. R. 8„ Tuckennetth, a thoroughbred enemata WIIIVE Pin, also a thorourh- bred YORIESIIIIts Pm, A limited number of sows will be admitted to each. Terms, 81, peyeble at the times of service, Sr .1.B0 11 eharged. Ale° a few Chester White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1808-65 _TA &MOM= BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR BER- VICE.—The undersigned will keep for service, d the Bruoefield ahem Factory, a thoroughbred Tam worth Boar, with registered pedigree. retina ; payable st Eine of service with privilege of re- turning it necessary. Also a number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Basin and Sows for We. 1U0111(50ARTNICY. Brumfield. 1406-tf SEED GRAIN AND STOCK—'The undersizned has f or sale on Lot 14, Cnaceericin 2, nay, a qoantity of good clean MandscheitH barley 'or seed. Also a thoroughbred Improved Berkshire boar, no oonneotioa with his old one, Varna Prince, also in hhapossession. Will also keep a thorottAbbred Dur- ham bull for the improvement of stook. This is one of the best build in the district tato' thould be well patronited. Chargee moderate. JOHN ELDER, Her.eall P. 0. 16704 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE,—For tale -cheap a coinfottable residence on Sperling streee, Seaforth, together with one lot The house is al- most new and containa8 rooms and has ba d and soft water. There is aleo a good garden. This most desirable property will be sold cheep as the proprie- tor is leaving town. Apply on the premises . L. MELVILLE, Seaforth. 10713-tf 'GRADE' turniture EMPORIITAI Leatherdale Landsborough SEA FORTH, Dealers in firstclass :Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture fram- ing, and a choice selection of pictures always on hand. Curtain poles at all prices, and put up. We are else Agents for the New William's Sewing ifichin.e, best in the market for do - mastic use, no travelling agents, no high prices. TIZT tr.A.ICI In the Undertaking Departnient, we buy our goods from the best houses in Ontario, and guarantee satisfaction in every depart- ment of our work. We have always made It a point to furnish chairs, and all other re - collates for funerhle, FR119 OF carantsg. Prices better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming done on soientifie prinoiplee. P. S. Bight and Sunday calls will be attended to at Landsborough's resi- dence, direetly in the rear of the P6umin. n Bank. Leatherdale Landgborough, SEAFORTH. THE SEAFORTH Musical - Instrument EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED, 1873. Greatly Reduced Prices. Organs at $25. and upwor.ls, and Pianos at corresponding price. See us before purchasing,. SCOTT BFOS. McLEOWS System Renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES. A 'Nola° and antidote fer Impure, 'V ler and Im- poverished Blood, Dys,pepels, Sloepleaaness, Paipeta- Mon of the Heart, Diver COMpIttint, Natt-mt4s, Lags of McNealy, Bronehitie, Coneumptiou, ,.:41.1 Stones. Jaundree, Caney and Urluary Mee -sea. $t Thus. Danoe, Female Inegularieles end Geuera. LABORATORY—Goderiols, Ontario L M. McLEOD, Proprietor: aad Mann facturer.-, gold hy Ji 8. ROBERTS, Sieif srth. un4t.