The Huron Expositor, 1900-02-23, Page 1
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y month for the-
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,I to come.
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: Sale and telling
a this Column.
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,gave tho Very ; �
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. tried to secure -
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I is 4 very impor- I
a is given special , .
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Yin& of those with
webby effects� In I
. with their graceftil �
le designs, such as�
i 2 Tapestry �
Mille and
� a _ grand showing .
,naking good sales
mding buyers. ,.
. I -
I -
, Linoleums, Flbor '
[angiugs a -ad Win- I �
,611 have a compre- I
I �
lul which you can I
Lt whaf�- beat suits
.ml taste and your
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wi�,l h%ve them in �
.i sand you will find
.,-itty moderate. In I
��Iorcd good5, plain -
it- have.- pureba5ed a
Rut bf new materi- -
� ar. S,;,on-le correct - a
dtin-si vvehave are .
earl; spring wear. .
I :
I Uttest novelties we
J�vted t� meet the 1 6
1 of ',Scaforth's best
. illsoon be wonder-
, ;
Costume you are to �
,ime, Come early
�the different Styles I
v, it will help You
. and perhaps save � I
s worry, . I
it: stock of. new at- ` I
I i, and lan�y Home- I
, -1
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garth insttiad of J,
Antment. of � a path-
� villege of klginond-
� the next meeting.
ia ofli,_-e are Messrs.
11 'Story, J, �B, Hen-
, - , ,at
i farnea ,J werson,
,.r., Walker, Jaire�i
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� !D(1-ha-n%n, David -
H and "'illiam El�-
era are Xldoars R.
T Jam
�atson, am %,N-Gtt,
�, (;flaprna
.T11A -, Alex. -
q, Willimn MC_X-%Y,,
4`!trnochan, I William-
L Wil�iam G�
��al, and James Mull.
� Tho next meetiflg
114 on F#_.bruary 21th)
.- ----
. J�albfleisch intends
�.ehts this year again,
tatk& thinga. boom In
� e a,rxumber of mOa
,,,n Schnell had the
, of his fine horses
r. Jwiaph 0oolie., nr.1
ler (Jay._�_Nr. John
,Lumber of find hogs
,,--.—,Nfr. Adam At-
U*nd near ',,' ,urich re- -
I ntends -
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THIRTY-FIRST YEA: : . � I I I I i- a MCLEA P. ���he�sl
. � I
q : ,BROS.$
i . � z N
WHOLE NUMBER, I., 0, ; . . � SEAF 'FRID 23 19004 i I - .
I I i . 1 .91 9 9 � � . . .
. �! � I � i I $1 a Year in Advance.
-_-- __ - - __ - � - 6— - - ____ � . — � . ______
. I . � I I ;
" � �
I . i SOUTH AFRICA WAR. tbp�ee of the enem:: attempting to escape I - I -stove, and it - is suppobed that she had
. 11 i , � . I =_ . directors ; Vr. Banderson, pre0ildent ; Mr. ,
I'; I . � ttiare from our artillery fire. . Epplett, 4ice-president ; Mesirs, Beatty � withdrawn it red hot, and' in so doing ig�
. I I WALL ,
. . - � . t . `�' The weather has been intens " and M. Ir i ine, auditors ; Mr. Webster, i - I nited her clothi'
I � I � Kimberley Relieved-7gow it , ely hot, . v in ng.
I . � � I
LLL " : � Was Done. I and the ground tr iversed was rexceedingly speotor of engines. -On tile arrival of the mail steamer -
� - � I )l. . i � � . ! � I
I q � .
. . I i I ' ' f n the,,'apeoial corres- difficult. But the energy and dash of the I *_ Arawa, from St;. John, at Halifax, 11%,3t
I i The followinj�s ror, - . � I
I � I 0 � . rho is troops have been pleasant to see, They PAPERS I week, a detective arrested Alb�rt Venn and
. ! pondent of the ew York Journal, v I The Howick F e Insurance
. ! I . . � i I :
: � -
. I . have all done spler didly, The work of the I i _: �
I-- . 7 with General French's forces : �� . � I � Comp . Annie Secord, two seeond cabin passengers,
. I I
I . . � irregular cavalry, the . The,couple eloped from Brantford� They
I Modder River, February 18._-�For the Queen's the Boots i 'k"' " R 1900 The twenty-sev
- . _.. L i enth annual meeting of
� I I Fi�'sileers, and the Rifle brigade was perhaps , I X " I a I were afterwards released,and starttil for
. first time British generals have completely I � I the owick Mutual Fire Insurance* Com-
o i . . � moat noticeable, vvhile the excellent � I . Liverpool, the police coneldding they had
,- . . - 40 .1 � . out-manoeuvered the Boers. French, with so prac. . pany was held in the town hall, Go.rrie, on
I . tiqe of the artillerf and naval guns a d the Dt ring this in I no grounda for hoMing them. They were
. � I . . his cavalry, has entered Kimberley. Cronje stea I onth w ' e can it .Friday, February 2ad. The president, Mr. ,,der assumed names, The arrest was
a) 4;;:� - � - . has evacuated him position at Mversfoutein diness ot the ganners under, ai times seR you Wall Papp,r and ; J. R. Miller, presided.
. � I i . Mr. -Charles Wit- .
. .0 I . L. I and is trekking esitward towar&Bloemfon- very accurate fire, was remarkable,- The put it on your walls at � a i son, Howick, and L Mr, - Pr ' H�pinstall, of made in response to a telegram from the
a 11 L tein, with the British in hot, bu� ca, accurate fire of the naval guns from Chiev- . i womau�s husband in Brantford. -
. utious, � . � Ford wich, an agent, having deceased mince
I e ;� I .. 7%.-p - pratsit. The sixth 'division started from allay was of great assistance. pri'le that will save you r - -sat annual meeti g � , fitting refe -The Canadian lumber and shingle
: I _ � , the . I rence
i - e modder River, begi.nnibg the mai-ch toward " Our oasualitieg are not, I think, many." money. I was i nade to the loss au tained by the com- manufacturers, of the Pacific Coast kave
� . - . . Jaoobsdal on I a. in , reaching I I � � . 3 � combined under the name of the Britieh
. . LADYSN ITH IIOPEPUL � pany by the� death of two such, active and
- I ; ' . � .
I I I . Coltinillols, .'Lumber and Shingle Manufac-
. Drift, on the Modder River, before Ladysmith Feb� valui d members. � '' - -
. . . nary 15. -The sound of -1 I turers' Association, to prevent competition$
��n'dio�ighti, doing 26 miles in 24 hours. T a was ALIEUX, WINTER � The directors' report, whic : .Was very .h.,
- he steftd� P &din I . 1EIV9 1
% . .1 same afternoon the cavalry forged ahead y cannon along the Tugel J . I � f. h and consequent low,prices. Every a ingle,
- . heird here to -day, ad revived our. dropping — I aatisfa,-tory,� set forth t i4 the - number of and lumber inill in Vaucouver and West-
. L � . . agiia, supported by three batteries of horse hopes, It atirred he town and the tamp . SEA]FORTH. policie i issued during :ihe past .Year was minster has joined the association, and it ig
. . artill the Boers flying At its aP- into wild exeitemb t. I We all feel confident ____ 1056, a nd the number im force at i the close
. � � . I pr; er!" . I - � ;- - looked upon as practically certain that the
. a, h � 11 . of the year 2955, insuring proper
- . � that Buller is agai at to reach us miles mouth of the town - of Clinton, Mr. mills of the Kootenay and Vancouver
- I's le �ivitkg value ( f $4,3X;23.135, bei g an increase of 133
1 � . ft:the roid'elear to Kimberley; �nd and that he will 'i uccoind . tbis timep &ad- Willisou spoke humoroua�ly of' is own early i e, and so the objects
. I � . : . . Thursday night saw French withia distance hundreds climbed the fiills for signs of ad- days of difficulty on a Ilu 11 policie i and $M,550 in e amounb at risk. 1sland will do likewis
. . . rou farm, and sought be achieved.
I - . of, the beleagued town. vancing forces. . The pr unitim. notes bel by the compaily
I . . � . . I I The Boers began trekking from their Mag- � . seriously of the advantages of an early amonal � t . $216,156.7 , and the amount -Aa a sister and brother, Blanche and
i .. - � Our confidence this time is strengthened country training over that obtained within .
i . � - ersfontein position, and *ben aylight broke byl' the discovery of evidences of' Boer re- avail& a on said notes to $197,198VU. Walter H-Ird, were returning home from
. .
. � -
I i I the hurry and Cramp Dg influences of a city' Three ireotorshadtobs appoifited, one to Brantford on Saturday and -while Crossing 1
4 4 the railway track they were run into by the
. I . . � a large trekking force was via ble in the- die. treat. � Their wagoa likagero, which were The references to th And Colonel Ot- fill the vat ancy Caused ty the death of Mr. .
, ! tance. The British CA and artillery clearly visible -near Taba Inyaina, have all ter's share in it were the occasion of the Char, .
. I I - immediately - . Wilson and two to replace the . re- morning train and - thrown about twenty
. I - � disappeared, and t e Boer hospitals on the greatest outbursts of enthusisim, of the even- tiring dir torn, Messrs. John R.'Miller and feet. Walter Hird's leg .was broken above
I . \. C N 4; I . I IT, I � Colesis road have also gone, The only Ing. Following, the Hou. A. M. Ross, � the knee, and he was removed iR the tLmhu-
- 1. - and both forces soon disappeared over the signs of Boers we h ve are a few ,horsemen who mat in the place of honor, at the presi Edward,7 TV&=. Mr. James Wylie, of -
. .: I . I - I I - - Turn was elected to .flll the place of lance to the hospital. Blanche HirA re
� . veldt, - I on Lbe plains with % number of ceIttle. We dent's right, was, nominated by Mr. G. A. M r. I; is Ilys n, and Mr. Miller and Mr oeived some cuts and bruises about the
. � In the meantime Tucker, with the eighth k4owthat Roberts has initiated a great Smith for the honorary presidency, and &a. I : body and face, but it is thought no bones
I . I division, to ld begun his advance on the movement on the m eatern frontier, and we capted in a speech replete with anecdotes of Bryans ere unanimously re-eleoted broken. Tbewaggonwas smashedto
I - ture that the Free State commando the early th Messrs. . rt Miller d James Foster were
� right flan c -from Wegedrall. Colonel cosojoe . irties a the Huron tract, among � pieces. The horse escaped without injury�
h ne back to moet him. - I Were re-elected auditors.- V
Henry had 3een sent forward to Jacoloadal, as 01 which, of course, the! name of Tiger Dun- I � -A very sad accident occurred at the
- .
andt findinj the place vacated by the Boers, Nge beat is intense, but our hopes ' are lop received frequ int.mention. ;Chief Jus- The seer etary, Ur. Mi )Karcher, who was home of Mr Thorna. � 6 Nlsxwell, near Birr,
-Wliat e Know equally high. . Whly con mended by the directors and �
� � assured the inhabitants that their property . - Itice Robdrts.on cai ie ,third on the list of members f )r his efficir.ney and dili Middletex county, on Sunday evening- - -
� � � would be respected 'and their personal � h mber on the nomination of ,gence in After his return from Church, be, And his '
. � - I . . safety askiiiied if they kept quiet. On his Huron Old oys of Toronto. Mr. R. H. M . � the discha ge of his duties; his zeal for the .
. . - . I urra, . i � elfare of the eompauy and his -urbanity hired boy,, from the orphane home, pro- -
. w -
01 return to 'Wegedrsal, Henry's party'w" j,l, G RAN -D GATHERING IN THE (�UgEN CITY. . OLD BOY$ FRM EVERY DISTRICT, towards at �L who have business to trausact ceeded, as usual, to do the chores, The boy �
- fired upon f'rom kopjes, 1,500 yards on his I JFrom the Globe.) I with him, itated that af er paying all loateal was leading one of the borses to water when I
bout Talking, right flank. I A few casualties occurred in - The other toasts were: "TheOld Boys and expew es -of the past year, there still re- the horse kicked him, striking him fatIlly
. � re; 'lad one of the old chiefs of the historical f rom,Godailich dio trict," proposed b Mr.
. - the British ' force here. but the party I I _y - . rfull.
- - . gained the main body practically intact. red-skinued Hurons droppe4 into Webb's Thomas MoGillic ddy, and responded to mained in �be,,treasury the snug mum of on the side of the head, cutting it fea V
I I � . . I � 1 $50M. He a so compar ad the management abovetheenx and breaking the jaw -bone. 1.
I a -lore last Friday ight he would have felt by Mr. E. T. B.'I uncan ; " The Old Boys The lad died a few hours after the accl- �
. - . - , .�ELL WELL RETREAT. of the Ho*,ick company with 72 mutual - I I
,P_A,TA,s - - - - - 1;A A A A 0A4 A A A . . . Eit blood tingle as e noted the spirit of from the Exeter d strict," proposed by Rev. . �
- � � � Next day'two battalions of infantry and a I J. A. Turn ... coopaniesidoinglousiness in Ontarioss.set deaf, * .
. 1 � 4 .. paxiotism, and toy ty to the nion Jack bull, a d responded to by Mr.
. . bat�ery of artillery of the ninth division oc- that centuries ago Controlled the tomahawks M. Parkinson ; ' From Clinton district," forth by the official report. The Howick -A sad accident took place on the Grand'
There is loud talk, � sinall talk, - street. talk, way talk cupied Jacobadal. Ifere scouts brought in of 1. y, be said, in two and a half times Trunk Railway at Brockville on Saturday,
� . . he Iroquois still demon#trated, but in a proposed by, Mr. Gordon Waldron, and cO pan I by which an old and- respected resident,
talk intelligerree flist theBoers were in6full mo e developed an� 4utellectual manner, by responded to ,by Mr. John A. Cooper - lar r then any other purely mutual com-- Mr. John Greorge, lost b � is life. The -old �
, straight talk, nioe talk, talk not so. nice, talking rot, flight toward Bloemfontein. Scores of th men who to. day call theme elves Hurons. " From Brussels district," proposed b Dr� Pa and stands fifth in, 1e Govergiment re- -
baby's talk, and the talk of full grown infants Wise talk, Boars sick and 100 wounded were discover' H would have seet the first banquet of the W` Sloan, and responded to by Mr. F W. por and second in point of strength, while gentleman, who had reached his 76th year,
. I � ' its was walking along the track, when the ex-
' . ed in a, laagtr three miles west, with -150-- H ron Old Boys' 80Ci%ti0n Made one of Gibson ; 11 From Wingbam district,:" pro� general expenses are 80 per-ceRt', lower.
talked to death, horse talk fool talk talked I � . - I oin Montreal dashed along and -
I I 7 - about, talked waggon , a large quantity of amm nitiola, the most enjoyable ind successful To -unions posed by Mr. W. E. Groves, and responded Thf secretary- and treasurer receives a Treas fr -
to, talked.from, talked at, when to talk, where to talk,. ;tores a d personal, effects, all show ng that in' the hi4tory of 11 old-boy�P entertain- to by Mr E. Floody ; 11 From Seaforth , ash ry of $500'a year and several of the struck him, pis. -king him up on the ,cow . . �
. I 'no r doo: ments. Bdt he wot Id. . have been puzzled . -
he retr at -had been pell mell. Bo - district," proposed by Mr. W. Prendergast, mei ribers expressed a feel ing that it should catcher. The train was stopped, but the
and what to talk.. thimblebee talk and there arel MR11y tor lie and respc sided to by Mr. T. - Hig i be increased.- . body being securely fastened on the cowm ,- I
I -k. - I . 8 Att sidinCe W,ounded may tbi laager. - over the menu card." Ho would have been M -. gins ; I � eatcher, was covered and carried that way
other kinds of taik and-151"alkers. We are nattirally inore sugplied the oer defence on the c�sb wing smazed at the expressions of mingled mirth "iGuests from the Old County." proposed T,he meed g was largely attended and to the depot. Daath was instantaneous.
' �`n
- . . . of Magersfontein entrenchments, I and expectation that lightened up the faces , by Mr. Hugh MeMath. The remarks of very harmonious, while the�:mauage-
)rul ar I company, as set for�h by the
interested in our own talk, which we give you in reg VIA DELAGOA BAV.. � ' of those present when they read of Seaforth' the speakers were full of incidepis and Zlet of the -Mrs. Wesley Prertley, a resident of Ot� I
� � ,v taw&, fell into a profound sleep on Sstur-
doses week in and week out -this week you will be I � I �, t - mock turtle soup, fillet of Goderich cod, recolleotionn of their boyhood days in' their sev ral reports, in caref at, economical and
, and I . Among the supplies capt r' d ,w , e ' Wawanosh turkey , with-- Wisogham sauce, native county. I effidient, and eminently sat6factory- to all day and dt-spite all attempts to -arouse her
treated to a dose or fur talk and if you are in need of eral cases of rifles� ammuniutio'en an box'oe�q� � . she remained ia that Condition until the fel-
. l g were lutt
� � ) I I I of bi sweetbreads of Exeter, sirloin of Stephen D i the evening suitable son rested. This is the pioneer insurance lowing Thursday, when she died,- never
any kind of a fur coait, we, have no doubt but that tile soults marked via Dclago% Bay. . beef, not forgetting the leg of Hullett lamb. renderef by M6asars. George Southe(litt, F'. I co pany in this county ; it may property having regained consciousness. The ease '�
On Thursday the naval brigade did good . . be ityled the grandfathe I
� � * J. Walsh and W. C. Senior. i ,. r of,, them all, and . -no cause
i - It would have been nonsense to him ; .and I b ffles the' doctors who can
. Resign
talk will do you good. work, shelling tbi kovjes where Boers were - - - I itlio gr 6 .
: more so still as he would . have seen . lips .1 datifyiug to know that it- io o prosper. 2
- . ; supposed to be lurkini. After a few shots smacking ovbr a genuine Howick plum- The following Was the Menue present( i !d 046 �au is doing such a good 'work in the for the strange case.. Previous to going to .
I a kopje suddenly became a,live with the for the banquet. The various dishes me - �fiolq where it operates. I sleep ebe had been in the enioyment of the
The fur Aook which we had -at the first of this month 11 dis- ft - I pudding, made -more acceptable- by a �mmat. I bust health.- She Aw 23 years � of
., lacing enemy. Over 1,000 we�e seen ter vg of Tuckerem- tioned thereon will, no doubt, be- qui�e I I . . most ro
� i6h sauce. I I
I I I age and leaves a cri led husband, who has ,
appearing very rapidly. Until now we have only'! five galloping away at full speed I Oa . - 0 worip
I The old chief co withstood familiar to most of our readers : - fo
I � ; � .
- : ' been unable t r years, and a small
. ' ' The Boerwouuded bitterl; revile i Cronje an )ld.fashioned hel ng of - M cKillop lemon Some hae m6at and canna cat I ��rAt the annual meeti g of. the'llassey- family .
ladies' jackets left, One of these will be cleared�at $13.50 t i is ' *
� 2 for leaving them to fall into British hands. pie,. -and when tasti the Bay and Gr6y And some would oat that want Ill; I H . Company,, held last week in: Toronto, r. George E, Tuckett, president of ..
. I an mt, I a resolution was unanimously passed grant- the Tackett and Sons Company., the large
the second one at $25, �he third . one at $30, . and the The British casualities were. comparatively But wo hae niest, and we o M
, - I . cakes, the Brussels tot the Colborne ap- Sae let the Lord be khankW-gurna, i I
fourth andfifth at $35. - I insignificant in iriew of the immense gain of ples, the Blyth g , the Turnberr oran. 4 ; 1 iug.$5,000 to the National Patriotid Fund. manufacturers of tobacco at Hamilton itied
� � - . . Soup, ---Seaforth Mock Turtle.'i i : . # 9 I
. the past 48 gee and the Stan Cam, he would L con- I Mr. McNed, M. P. for North Bruce, moroing. He had been ill
i French's rrival at Kimberley was a veri. Fish, -Fillet of Goderich Cod,-Bayfie a h's subscribed one thousand dollars, his for less than a week, hav' been' -stricken
8 vinced that there w , nothing fit to eat that � 4
1 In the men's far coats, off which we have been giving a di - table tri mph for that dashiug general. did not come from Sauce. Poines de Morris. .. .. � I eutire sessional indemnity an a member of 109 I
uron. . He would have i down when he waiabout to leave that eity
I The inbaubitants we e already aware, from H Boiled, -Wawanosh Turkey, -Win. a Dominion Parliarr ent, to the Canadian to attend a meeting of the directors of the I
coullit of 25 per cent., outside of a few number one coon had no idea that silver,streaked heads . I harn th
i - . .
I . . the silence of Boer 1 guns, that their long bent over those Sta ley peas thoughts were Sauce. - . i P.striotic Fund. . Tradere Bank in Toronto. Hix illness was
coats, we have one Bulgarian, one calf, one marmot, two imprisonment bad drawn to A! Close,. And running away back o the time when those Eutrees,-Sweetbreads, a la Exeter. -senator Cox, of Toronto, has been elee- not at first thought jo be serious, but de- I
I . I from every point of vantage a! lookout was sair a heads, then oung . and towsy and Boast, -Sirloin of 'Stephen Beef. g of ted a director of the well known, Massey. veloped into pneumonia, which assumed an I
Ikustralian coon. ' � - - I . kept for the first arrival. When, with e by bare'feet, red to follow tiny hands Hullett Lamb. Harris Company and Mr. W. F. Johnston. acute form Car Saturday with fatal results �
-4 Vegetables, -Stanley I rich for many years superintetudent of the
. goat aid of the telescope, cavalrymen in khaki up Re old russet tr c that stood in the cor- �Jd � works in Toronto, has resigned. � I He was one of the richest men -in Ontario. � I I
0 S 1 hree i were espied in the distance, word was pass ner: where the tin fenod separated, the -Amajority of the members of Knox
There is also one r two nice thing ,�in robes left't
I I � ' Township Potatoes. .
one black Gallaway, and one bear. 1 1 ed to the anxio ' us watchers, and a few orcioard from the mt,rrow-fat pea patch, out Pastry,-Howick Plum Pudding,- ack- -The women of Montreal have met the.. church, Toronto, have declared -in favor -of - �
t� , .
d �11 I �l I
valry ef 4
ii M
I r _� e
i`� , e
! .
.�' U
le y
� VIP -
r a's
. . . minutes later every road and .Xaa,s lately of Which those same skin -bare feet and tin eiremith Sauce,-. McKillop Lemon Pi . . patriotic ball rolling in a new direction.
blocked with a Boer cordon of re warm- hands were often chased by the neighbor7o Clinton Ice Cream, flay and Grey Fan y_ Au association has been formed to be Selling the present site on Queen street and
In inen's-fur Caps, we have some dozen caps which will be Ong to' ent!rprising collie. . eld R%i8in", - known an " The Daughters of the Empire." erectial a building in another part of the
I I . ed with sorely tried citizens, rushi Cakes, Brussels Nuts, Aahfi � he present site of the,eburch is be-
' Colborne Apples, Blytlo Grapes, Tu int lorry, -Garfield Mitson, a Sarnia drug clork,
greet their deliverers. Women and 3hild- .
� -S o �
cleared at 25 per cent. off the regular prices. i RAISA,-,s F ASITFIELD. coi�iisog & business centre and the idea is tQ� '
, � I � reii, eager to taste the joy of long deferred I .- Oranges� Usborne Coffee. ; was so badly burned in an explosion of 9" have a new church erected in a -more real-
. * I . �
And we may, with good reason,Aalk -about th lines d freedom, ran hand �in hand, .while Keke. E ut the old 6hief , would have been most The I'M enue " cards and " Toast dot"! ast week that the flesh fell off his body in dential part of the sity. A large raiii-Drity I
. -
.1 . wich's men formed an escort for the advane. were printed at the establishment of Mr., Dieces when an attesiont was ado' to r .
ur irised b the fre tionE Calla fnr r.101,- !
m,%,n1-_ g"4,Q uvhinh wA YnA A ourselves the -nri es of whic in cavalry. I i I A.uw_ua , I A4. 9 1. Thomas G. Soots an old Seaforth v and! mn,uo h,&,,qn#-.h;" I of the congregation, nowever, are opposed . IV -
. ) . . &us a f LUM V ar nort -west I I I 6. to selling and removing and if the Majority
I are $8, .$'10 and $12. 1 libe road to Kimberly is now open, and cor ier of the county, away up there where a graduate of THE ExroSITOR o ce, and —The oatmeal mill and drying klia, of the carry out their intention there will likely -
- . I . I repairs to the railway are now being push. oen,uries ago lak&'Auron dashed her waves are creditable to his establishment, being a' Flavelie Milling Company, at Vud8sy, be simplit in the conareas,tion. The pro-
� _� ed, so as to allow food supplies to enter, aga nf4t the breakes�s. The Indian Chief remarkably neat and tasty.ep.e6imen of the: were die4royed by fire one night list week.- petty, ex3lusive of Ae I uilding and Ix- �
Tins is but one of the many lines which- we are given to talk- Lie well as for those desirous to leave to get. would havc wonder a a - ego hing'o, " art preservative." . : The la�gc flour mills of the company nearby , -:b
� away as--quich ly aspossible. . but would have bee satisfied by cooling his � were uaissjured. ., - tares, in -worth from $150-000 to $M,W04 ,w �
'There is yet. another line of our _ :t , —A miraculous escape from undoubtedly
re row w, ;1
I CANADIANS IN THE PURSUIT. , ream I � has un-
ing a o,, -eat deal about. . . fev - A Bo Vs Address. —The Toronto Electrical'News
I .
0 . I h Clinton ice.c and . i earthed a pa, - tent . record showing serious injury and probable death w" ex- .
which we are justified in talking most earn- � clearing bie war -whooping throat with -Os- The opening si dress at the recent Farm- . perienoed by Mr, John Kehoe and Uinily-* 1,
own make) The ninth division, with Kitchener-, Kel- borne Coffee. er8, Institute sne(ting at Murdie's school are light was invented by Toronto' men in -
estl abtntt, naraely, � the - boys' -pants, which we Sell 4% t ly-Ken'y and Colville, in the meantime - 18731%nd patented in 1874. The invention of Qaebeo, ".well as several other pemna
y n . THE JIUROMTES PRESENT. house in the .. to 'Dship of McKillop, wafi* i I ", his residence, Champlaiin street,, one .
I a i w
50C 65c and 75c. As the wearers of buckskin pants,re- took- a paralle road eastward, for the pur. M ter Alexander Wright, was ' the result of joint experiment to .
) . ) 9 he president, M r. J. S.'Willison, sat at deliveried by M . I 8 y afternoon last week. About 3 ,eclock
Piise of cutLin off the Boers retreat. The i� s Henry Woodward a medical student, and
uim its of this ma- the head of the gnei to' table, and on each son of Mr. Charl Wright. This lad is I aboutlOOtonsof iceanditone brAe-away
(IL ,no talking to show them the mer prospects Of h),rd fighting being more -likely I Matthew Evans, a saloon keeper. �
7t side sat some of t ie pioneers and older .but 14 years, an his address would - do I from the eliff above and rolled down the
terial - w6 -on rice is 11 a pair. in this di-ieciion, the Highland brigade, ,, credib to very in h older heads. It will —A train ran into two farmers' .sleighs, - �
) W talk about it; fhe'�. ,qp under McDon 0d, was given a .chance, at old boys " of Hui or. county � Hon. A. 13 60 at Miount Carmel crossing, three milea from steep precipice, crushed its way through - .
� . . - I I their commander's request, to retrieve the M. Ross, W. Gordo i, A. Gorrell, D. D. welFrepay a care n.l.perusal by all our the raar stone wall and louded itself . in the
Wi,son, of Seaforth ; E. Holmes, of St. readers. He sail. - . y Three Rivers,,one day last week and four .
YourSpring suit or hat must be* a consideration to you. 0 ul� Magerafonteiii disaster, As quickly as the - persons were killed. A heavy snow storm lower portion of his dwellmiz. The escape -
Stock of flue suitings and hats are full up, so to spea�k. men could be i pushed forward the march Catharines ; John Leckie, Rev. J. A. Turn- Feeling the r(sponsibility placed upon was blowing at the I time and althouf,Lh the of those who were -in tile b4ildtug at -the �
. nued that'day . but, E. Floody, (secretary), Dr. W. Sloan, me to,night it' is with some fear and whistI6 �ounded and the Usual Signa time was miraculous. Strange to relate,
You will find that the newest things 4re indeed attrac- "' """ 41 Dr. J. E. Elliott. E, F. Garrow, Others trembling that I �ise to address you. It is . a were not one of t1fern was' injured, though each
. . I also with pleasur a. It is always a pleasure made the occupants of the sleighs did not
I � 'MARCHED THROUGH A STORM. . re;ent were : Charles C. Rose, Dr. J. S. I . . one received a severe shock.
. I .
L. t ive. ; . I to address such ap intelligent rudience seem to: bear. . �
� Bu can, W. E. Gro es, G. A� Smith, Wil. as I — ----------- * .
l At Klip Dr�f t a terrific thunder !storm e before me. 4nd it is also with p h I residene .
I I lia Prendergast, 1. R. Anderson, John i!e ri $- T e e of H. Garrison, situated �
, broke over too silent marchers.!, Under T I feel proud that I I have been chosen Ao in the 7,th concession of the township of Sid- Perth Items.
your -boy will 1equire a new, suit this Spring .. What will you other circumstances this outburst of the . Ha dane, Dr. _Fergu ion, W. 0, Mackay, W. 4ates sent by our local ney, near Belleville, was,'with its contents, —Mr. John Brown, an, old residentof
oys' clothing._? Certain * elements would have forced the troops to F. cLean, Dr. R. 3. J. Slanbury, R. H. welcome the del destroyed by fire Friday ui ht. Herbert 'Logau,.died.,& short time ago. Iffe Attled - I
be out if yousee our stock of b ly Y Government to bo our ingtructors, ,and &1so 9 -
shelter. Lightning struck all around the Costs, W. Mugford. Dr.. J, H. McFaul, . Baffag6r, a neighbor, while assisting in re- in Logan some 34 years'ago, and mince. 18#4
. nothing, and you may be much the gainer thereby; our E D. M. Johnston, J. H. Pearce, J. H, Ale- the officers of tho, East Huron Farmers' In- moving some a - I
I men, and in many cases struck theigun bar- D' � I to rticles from the burning had resided in Mitchell. Mr. Brown ,eaves
, I I 001inell, J. Ross, G Murray, R. W. Mar. Otitute- eliev this in the firs� meeting
: r6la and forced the poor fell buildin , -grown up family of two sons, and -five
-values are fai : ray! Thomas G. Soo; e,, E. A. G. Wolels, gi was seveTely burned about the a I
r in boyg'-olothing. - - ' own to � drop 'to ? . � of this kind that as ever been held in this face and haude. I . daughters. .
� � the ground, but the Scotchmen's blood was Alexis Alexander, G. l locality, but I ho e it will not be �the last.
i up and they continued to pldd forward .1 � i —A seat on the Montreal Stock Exchange —One day recently the hoinia of Mr. �
. I � I . George MaeVicar, John ,Payne, D. A. I sin glad to kno that the farmers of this
. - . One"blindiing flash struck a vaval i2.ponnd' country are begiOning to realize, i and not Was sold last week -or $10,250, The seat Nicholas Karges, of Wallace, was the seene
I ,- -1 I h er while the men were hauling it 1 up hill. E :le, J. It, Forsyt , Thomas W. Gibson, was the property' of Lieuten'ant-Colonel of ,a weddin
0� . ker, Edwin L, Crocker, Frank 0 1
� il, I - uok down and to R:o`xer S. Croc nly to realize, bu'b to- assume thle respon- Strath _g party, being the marriage .of -
. - jThe British tare were str H. Willis, William . Cantelon, Cecil J. Bible position held by them in the destiny yj and the purchaser is said to be Mr. his daughter, Mim Maggie, to Mr. Welling.
I . complete the disaster, one of the �heela of ' James Douglas, of Montreal. Three years ton Sprowl, Britton. After the weddi
I I Agnew, Harry Cantilon, of this great Dom.inion of ours. They own . � nX
. . . . the gun carriage split in two. G. florton, D. or so ago, meats on theexchange went beg- breakfast the happy couple left on the no" L I
. . 1 Nothing John Robertson, . C. Senior, H. K. by far the greatek amount of wealth ; they I
'. . � daunted, other blue-jmckets rushed to the Cluff Cole an are the great Lpro4ucero ; they are'the .bone ging at from $1,800 to $2,5W. train for London and other parts. They .
. - assistance of their disabled comrades to re- ,, D. Weismill r, Dr. Theo 9 w of the Jeountry. And � in brain --The Brampton electric lighting works will reside in'London, . .
1� I
� John Malloch, W. 11�. Miller. J. A. C. and sine I
t .
i mount the gun on - its broken carriage. power they stan4 second to those of no and plant, situated at Ruttonville,, about —Last week - Mr. L%;wrence Davis, of
: . . . W
. Laren, James A. McKay, J. 0. Hyslop, . � I
: This was impossible, but the men were not other>calling. Iam not ashamed of the four miles from the town, were. completely Mitchell, shipped to his ranch, in Nebraska,
; .
M don Id to be ba,ulked by a little thing like that and T. Pridliarp, W. Aikenhead, G fact that I have destroyed by fire on Friday morning 1"t. 94 head of calvei-ab.d yearlings, which were �
Groig & ac a ' rc - BE ,. been raised on a farm. I - '
) � 11 )n, John A. Coopei, Oswald Hunt, ,rn- -
. 4 so they carried it bodily ten miles, and from I am not ashamed of honest toil. It is true The plant was a valuable one and 1he loss archamed in the n6ighborh4od of 11-itebell, -
; . . . eat H. Cooper, A. 81 Casep M. Parkinii on, . .
! an improvised platform on a kopj� opened r . will be heavy. The ori in of the fire is un- Ey Mr. George Davioson and - Mr, ,Michael
� , Walter Scott, Willi � we may not have the dash and style of our - 9
! .
. . . ! fire on a party of fleeing Boers. I Kitchen- .. am M. Grn Samuel eity boys ; We may not wear ai many rings known. The town will be in darkness for Collins. They were pick6d. up in five days, -
� - . I er witnessed the daring act and jorgised the -Smith, S. T. Church' ' Thomas Mo6illicud ly, . a time. , . e and Air. Davidson infojEnis us that he clould
. J kie may not be cut �� �t
. Z . I 0 ' men's skill and bravery. The British are J. A. Turnbull, 1. ,�ct and E. Holmes, on our fingers ; our clothes —A very sudden death occurred i id . "
. ,Letters of k eing able to be in the latest style ; we may appear clumsy alt have purchased as many more, in the same I
- hers still pursuing the Boers to the eas ward. . present we rom Robert Holmes, M. 4 , one evening lamt week, Mr. George W. space of time. � � -1
r 0 b
-a urn s gret at .
Clothiers nd.,'F i read f .' 3ompared with them. But, (bhough not
. I I h* 'dna Babb and Miss Annie ,Col-
� l I 'BULLER, TOO, IS, WORXIi( IWAY TO P. for Wee t Huron" M. Y. McLean, ea- WIG 109 to breathe a word against our city Bascom, a prominent resident, was � stric, en —Miss li,
. . . w . i � � . I . boys), I stand on this platform to -night, with heart.dinease while in a drug rot lison, of Mitchell, pupils of Miss Davis, .
� ! for to ; Daniel McGillicuddy, Goderich, and
, . LADVOWITIL I moments. Mr .
. . , Dr, J. A. Rollins, Exeter. . and I say it, without any fear of sucoessf ul and died in a few , . Bascom, A, T. 0. M., R M ,of Mitchell, who re -
On the Wrong Side of the Street, London, Feb. 19. 3.08 p. in. —It � is offici. contradiction, that -all those talents and who was aged about 50, had been head -cently tried the harmony examination at tke
S ally announced that General Buller reports - - PATRIOTIC TOAM. . traits of character required in i - order to bookkeeper in Shurly and Dietrich's a&* Toronto Conservatory of Mulsic, suo"eded
. STRONG BLOCK, that he ha' captured several camps, a quan. The toast list was in keeping with the works for the post 25 years, was a promi- in ranking among the first. In the second
� ; 'm . make a great, good and noble in& , you will
- . ! . �. tity of ammunition and a uumbV of prison- opitit of patriotism that � is being felt 9, � pent 04dfellow, and served for some years examination last year,Miss Xsggie Ms,dban, .
7 i - 11 find in the boy behind the plough. ;
I � .. �
Z'- ____ __ I . _____�� -1 era. I I , over the Dominion. I It in not necessary that all who are raim- On the own* council. He leaves a -widow also a pupil of Miss D&vis, made njae,ty-
I #4 ' �
--' . � i I London Feb. 19, 3,20 p. m.—'..'he War The army, navy and volunteers,". oyo- ed on the farm should stay on the farm. and onal son. : t, seven marks out of A possible hundred and
. I IL . .
I � I Office has,rec'eiv'ed the following despatch posed by Mr. D. Wbismillor and regonded- -_ —In letter just received -from ,Private. headed the whole class.
The public will please note that we 'issue through. coup - . Cei -, Providence has given us talents suited for Dalglei lo, of Hespeler, Waterl —Arthur, the five-year-old son of Mr.
. I - Oil from General Buller : . to by Dr. J. F. Elliott, was re ved amid some particular �Alling ; it may ) any "of I 4 00 County,
tickets, and have baggage checked -to destination fi-om chieveley Camp, Feb. -19 —1 , resterday Ion cheers and the I i f this " British the other callings of life, (and it ' well He Who is . ving with the first - contingent in Geor Lennox, of ,Stratford, was drowned
) n Z . . 0-1 -
moved around 'the enemy a flaii ic. The Grenadiers." Mr. lklelemilleor spoke of the has done so, else I fear some oil the other South ries, occurs the following par&- ina 111ttla stream,#_ which pass" biy ibeir '
. Seaforth to all points in Manitoba, Br4ish Columbia Queen's, who'biwonacked on the northern greatness o: the British Empire, of its callings would be but poorly re resented). h: " One man from E. Company went . house one afternoon last week, The little - I
.tX., ,
� I . . r, grap , I
and other Western points; also to- -Eastern Provinces elope of Cingolo, crossed the Nek, nd sup. po or, and itagreat grip ot the secrets -,Of Then whatever calling our talen 5 I suit"us down the hospitql to -day for the purpose fellow and his three-year-old brother were - .
. * . -
� ported by the' rest of the second brigade I nl7alion, The success that is, the P"I for that is what we should follo Y, d. He fell over strolliagalong the banks when in some us-
[ I . 1, 1�1 9 Some 01 h6w, �g his arm AMtste - __..
. .. I
and New England States. - I � I under General Hildyard, assaulted ind took has attended her ventures in that direction, of us who are now on ther faim, mo y be cal. a fence and pricked is arm on a thistle, known way lo� fall in and was �sarried unider � .
� I I I . .
. . the southern end of Monte Cristo. .. sloo Id, he thought, justify her in the stand led to be ministers, doctors, lawyers . Or which, 4ter caused blood poisoning, and the the ice by.the ourrent. Before: he could be, '
Tetetrraph and money order business respectfully solicited. " Assaulted by heavy artillery ., fire on she hai; taken in defending the Uitlanders merchants, but whatever calling ri opqrtti rufwas neemary to save fiis life. recovered he was drowned. A dotor wAs
� - . their front an r may be' The 'i e .
r) I d flank, and attacked:'on tbei of ... he Trinovaal. Mr,� Elliott reviewed I am ture we will fill It none the one wo- rth- ow takes it very hard," gummonedl but he was too late to be of
- ...... . ............. _----__.... . . ........ . .. � . flank and rear, the enemy made but slight the war history of Canada, dwelling upon ily because we were raised on a farm, '—Rry sad accident happened on the service. � I - . �
i resistance, and, abandoning, their strong the !valor of her sold Masud volunteers, and I tbank you for. the kind atu ation you farm a Albert,Downs, a few miles from —What might have been a serious fire -in
Coition, were .driven across" the, TujeZ� ooncluding-by expre ibg the wish that if have given me. . I now beg lew e to take Datton. a few days ago, when � the five-year- the lousiness part of Stratford was averted . -7
have taken�F,eyeral camps, ao wagon nee ed, 10,000 min e sent to South 'Africa my seat. .! . p1d dii lister of'Mr. Downs was burned to -by the prompt action of the firemen and ani;, I
R, J. MACDONALD v and - — q !� � . .
of aimunition, several wagons of stores instead of 2,000, 1 des,th. Her father wae returninpC from the ployes in the shoe store of Dobson & John-
' supplies, and a few � Prisoners. ! Perhaps the mom at of the evening that —The annual meeting of the 1.3lausbard j bam about 11 a. m., and on approaching ston. It wat in the afternoon when it was
if The fourth brigade on the left or west. Willi remain longest . the memory of the- Insurance CompanT, hold at the': township The house was met at the door by. the de- discovered that a light wooden frame cover- 11
� , . I
C. P. R. AGENT Seaforth, . ) - i J .
. . 2 ern slope, ,and the Walsh Fusileers, sup 11 Old Boys 11 was re hod when Mr, J. S. -hall -Blanshard, on Wcdnegday, iFebruary ICAISIG �
- 0 . . d, with her Clotbing in flames. The ed with wooli which had been used for
. � : L . ported by the rest of the sixth igade, as- Wil,lison, as !eside t , submitted for honor. 7th, was fairly well attended. TLise direc- father sacceaded in putting the fire out, Christmas decorations, had fallen against 0, I
I Ited the eastern flank of the ene y?m ary imemberafin 0 b e association the name ors' and auditors' reports were vory .aatis-. but the result of the burns, combined with lighted gas jet, and was burnitig briskly, -
BOLIN BETHUNE, Agent Berlin'Mutual Fire Insurainew sau in � I . � I �
. position, while the second bri a of caval. of foiautenftnt-�Olone Otter,, who, as every factory. There wis a large, moreisise - in the- 1,the shock, was too much for tbel�ftle one, Before the fire waa gotten out' oonsiderible o �
. . Mesmlr�. Sander- and she, passed away soon after. She told damage was done to the stock both by the :
' I 9 �
ry on the extreme right wate the east. inhabitant of Hurow in p6ud to know, was total amount of insurance. . i I
Company. Lowest rates, !0 ' . .
I - . . . era slope of Monte Cristo, .and rove back born. in the towns 1p of' Stanley,- a few son, Leslie, "d D. A. Johnson wepis elected her father that she had put the P#er in the fire and water. ;.
. � . � . I . d I ; 11 I �
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