HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-02-16, Page 8tit - THE HURON' EXPOSITOR NOVELT IES. ta, NEW SPRING STOCK OF Enameled Belt Buckles, Fancy Side Oombs, • Fancy Hair Pins, Fancy Back Combs, Leek in our South Window and note prices. Not too early to brighten up the walls of a room in your house with a little vit L L P M , —IS IT ?— t tit Ittt-tfhttkft-at Fi e Stock and Lowest Prides. REiViEMBER PAPST'S TH PLACE BOOKSTORE, SEAFORTH. DOMINION BANK. CAPITAL (Paid Up), REST, - SEAFORTH Main, Street, A General Ban ki ac ted. Farmers' Sal - $1,600,000. $1,600,000. BRANCH, Seaforth. Business trans - Notes collected, and advances made on same at lowest; The Motion was, therefore, else deolaredlosta I The notice providing for the construction of the granolielno side walks on Main street, as prepared by the clerk, was read and ap- proved and the clerk was instructed to have the same publiehed as required by law. After passing accounts to the amount of $238 the council adiourned. a prevision and carnet() this land of freedom 1.11 out here would thank the Goyernment if I they did not import any moread this stamp for some time. These people, many of them, are not half civilized, and they have a Wholesome fear of the Mounted Police. A year ago, last summer there was a train Data of Galacians went through Regina and stopped an hour or so at the station. 'A great many people, including a lot of Indium, who were in town, went to see them. and so many people remarked that the Indians were superior specimens of humanity by a long way. The Galioians and many of the Russians, were, practi- cally, serfs, in the land they left, and such people are not very likely to mix up with the Canadians, or rather Canadians w01 not be apt to mix with them, for a long time to come at any rate. You would not believe what a gulf, if I may use that word, there is between these people and those who come from Englan , Scotland and Leland." COLLEGIATE LITERAM.---A. the Collegiate Institute' Liter was held in the assembly roo nesday. The president in the o the usual business of the sooiet ing programme was rendered: Miss Edna Bright; debate, " Resolved that modern civilization owes More to Greece than to Rome." The negative side was taken by Misses Bell and -Bielby and Mr. J. Calder; the affirmative side by Misses Latimer and Lawrene and Mr. H. Welsh. The negative side won the deb solo, Mr. Allan McMann; reel Leila Beet. The next meeting on the evening of alVednesda 21St. d r the British flag Most Canadians rates. Drafts sold on all points in Canada, the United States and ..Europe. SAVINGS DE PART M ENT. —I nterest al owed on deposits of One Dollar and upwards. R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, Solicitor Manager. IMPORTANT NOTICE am now Belling a flrA-chugs new improved High Arm Sewing Machina, with the latest steel attack - menta, finished in colt or walnut, and with cover And five drawers, or fancy drop head and five draw - eta for eath. This machine la the " Queen," manufactured by ihe •" White Sawing Machine Company." All machines fully Warranted and guar- anteed to do fast -clue work, light or heavy. w _ NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, C-eneral Insurance Agent & Deal- . er in Sewing Machmes. • • 1630 tudents Admitted at any Time COArrii'44 STRATFORD, ONTARIO. A echool that offers advantages tot found elee N 'here C; 'facia. -•Larg.e staff of expert instructors er(ased attendance; up -to date bus nem training ; ;res of students placed in gond paying positions ; tudenbs in attendaneo who come from places in hich are loaated other bseinege colleges. They an the NA. It pal s in the end Nkyv term now pen. Enter as sc on ag possible. -Write today for cur handson.e prospectus. meeting of ry Society ri on Wed - air. After • the follow - Piano solo, te. Piano ation, Miss ill be held , February -MATRIMONIAL —At noon, on Tuesday, a number of relatives and near fr ends Assem- bled at the reaidence f Mr. A ex. Suther- land, John street, the °come being the marriage of his eldest daugleter, Mary, to Mr. William Murdie,1 of the firm of Sills & Murdie, har ware mer- chants, of this town. The ce amen)/ was performed by Rev. P. Musgr ve, of Mc- Killop. The bride was atten ed by her sister, Miss Maggie, while r. Robert Mardie, brother of the groom, acted as groomsman. -After the ceremony, dinner was served, ad Mr. and We. Murillo left on the after oon train for London. • On their return h me they will take up their residenoe on entre street, in the house re- cently purcha ed from Miss Stobie. Mr. and Mr. M rdie have a wide circle of friends who ill unite- with us in wishing them all hapriiness and prosperity. • THE EGMONDYILLE, ANNIVERSAEY.—The Egmondville anniversary last Sunday and Monday, was very successful. On Sunday the weather was all that oould be desired, and good bongregations 7re present both morning and evening. A le, practical and very impressive sermons ere preached by Rev. Mr. Ross, of Brume s, and his earnest words left an impression upon his hearers which will not soon be f rgotten. On acs count of the rain on M nday evening the audience was somewha smaller than it otherwise would have be n. Still the audi ence room of the church was comfortably filled. After all had par aken of the good things provided by -the la iee of the congre- gation, they repaired to he audience room where an excellent progr m was rendered. The solos by Mrs. Baldwin and Mr. W. Willie, of Seaforth, iss Stevenson, of Egmondvillo, and the duet, by Misses Porter and Stevenson, -of Egmondville, were very much enjoyed by all present. Stirring and eloquent addresses were given by Revds. Messrs, Russell, of Seaforth ; McWilliams, of • Hamilton ; Semen, of Brucefield, and Acheson, of Kipper], Al- together the anniversary services were a pronounced success. On Tuesday a din- ner was given for the children of the • Sabbath school and all spent an enjoyable • tirne. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. • 4444-52 TO-Nneria.—Third number of the People's Star Course. Hoyt L. Conary in " Aretund the Stove." Given 467 times in three years.t; Don't 1679-1 rand Trunk Railway MIS" Tickets issued to all points in Canada, l`nited States and the continent—Montreal, ( ttawa, New York, Suspension Bridge, uffalo, Detroit, Port Huron, Chicago, and -11 international pointe ; Manitoba, the Thrthwest Territoriee and Pacific coast oints—choice of route via Chicago or North l'ay. Intending travellers will please bear in r ind we give you every assistance to Strat- f rd or London to pees or bend baggage. W. SOMERVILLE, Agent, Commercial Branding, SEAFORTH. 1645 11 Watch Repairs Entrusted to us will have our Most Careful Attention .1 ND SATISFACTION (ltARANTEED. A. HUMBER & SON JEWELERS, SEAFORTH.1618 DISTRICT MATTERS. ht *mod' tlxpoitor. 4. TRAVELT.I.R.s.—The following were tick - ted out to distant parts this week, at Wm. Oomerville's ticket agency : Miss Charters, 0 her home in Canton, Ohio, after a visit of everal weeks at her uncle's on the Mill • clerk's office, in the town building; that on oad ; Hugh 5mith to Benton Harbor, Mich- receipt of collectoPs roll froea clerk the igen ; Hugh Hannah, Tuckersmith, to Port- treasurer Bend notices of taxes due to each ge La Pra.rie, Manitobi ; Wilbert Taylor, ratepayer, and the other dutiee be the lullet, to Killarney, Manitoba; Mr. and same as provided by statute and by-laws. • Ire. John Downey, Seaforth, to Orillia ; It was moved by James Beattie and sec - Vitt. Smithers and sister, Gertie, and Miss ended by Alex. Davidson, that the report ° -lith Fowler and little brother, to their be amended by ehatiging first clause (that °nee in Enderlin, Norsh Dakota, ,after a referring to the office) to read "In a suit- engthened visit with relatives in this local- • able office in a convenient part of the •--- LOCAL BRIO-S.—Mr. John 'Ward, of this town, has presented THE EXPOSITOR with an egg layed by a barred Plymouth rook of his flock, which measured 8 by Oi inches, and weight, one quarter of a pound. This size every to keep.— two weeks e aggregate aforth. Col- legiate Institute were int:sorra tly stated. The aggregate attendance foi. 1899 was given at 13,436, whereat, it ahould have been 23,591.1 -We notice that et a largely attended quarterly meeting of the officials of Kirkton circuit Methodist church, held on the 7th inst., Rev. J. Ball, the pastor, was very heartily invited to remain for the third year. Mr. Ball is well known to many of our readers as an able and popular pas- tor, and his numerous friends will be pleased to learn that his services are so highly appreciated in his present field of labor.—Mr. Robert Gaw, an old and highly respected resident of Harlook, in the town- ship of Hullet, but who has resided in Egmondville for the past year, passed from this life on Friday last, at the residence of Mr. James Murray, where he had been re- siding. He had reaehed the age 14 73 years, and was a quiet, unasemming, hcinest man, who had many friends end no enemies. He was never married and heid no relatives in this country.—Rev, Mal MeWilliams, of Hamilton, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath, and wil preach there again next Sabbat,h, admi isteriug • the communion. Mr. McWillia a is a gradu- ate of the Seaforth Collegiate institute, and does credit to hie early training. He is an eloquent end able preacher, and his numer- ous friends here Will be plerteed to have this opportunity of listening to him.—Mr. D. D. Wilson was on a business trip to Wash- ington, the American capital, this week.— The Bible Society meeting in the Presby- terian church, on Thursday evening of last we k, was fairly well attended. The presi- de t, Rav. Mr. Reseal, pastor of the Meth- od st church.' presided. Addresses we delivered by Revds. Messrs. Hod i 8 Sh RUFF LOST.—Lost on Sunday morning last, between the rebidence of Mr, W. K. Name, Goderich street., and Si, Thomas church, a Grebo Neck Ruff. The finder will be suitably rewarded bY leaving the same at the DzAninion Bank, Seaforth. 1679-1 I• WAR PICTIvRES.—'3rand life size life • like views of stirring. scenes in the Transvaa% war, •presented by the cemcnietograph in Cardno's Hall, on Tuesday night, February 20th. Not a lecture but reproductions from life presented no oo.nvas, of the war and other stirring events. You will miss a treat If you mies them. Advance sale of seats at Cordon's store, 25c. 1679x1 • hen lags two eggs about this week. This is the kind of hens In our county council report of ago, the figures • respeoting t attendance of pupil's at the S having made good alippini once more.—A game of hockey: was played on the rink on Satur ay evening, betweeni the dry goods I and hardware clerks, resulting in a score of I 6 pale to 2 in favor f the !hardware men. It is proposed to have another game this Saturday evening, between the shoernakers and the hardware men. Toronto, is a guest at Mr. --Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hem% were in town on on (*I friends.—The total patriotic concert held last to $102 35, and the secretory of has forwarded $03,10 to the fund.—Mre. Hicks, of Har tate hastily summoned to the daughter, Miss Minnie Hi ously ill in Toronto.—The James' branch of the Benefit Association of t 'having a smoking concert Mondayevening next, time is Imre to be spent. • Exeter. JOTT NCH. —The Misses don, who have been vial Mrs. John V. Crocker, r Wednesday evening. — • Stephen, has purchased t propertiee on Sanders etre Hodgins. Mr. Hodgins w and Mrs. D. Davis, and move into the house vac The new bell ro from England ial ohuroh belle, s Tows COrNOIL —The regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday even- ing. All the members were present except Mr. Cluff. The awn of $7 was granted to Mr. H. Rae, a member of the Seaforth Com- pany, 43rd battalion, who has gone to South Africa with the Canadian Contingent. Mr. John Bell, chief of the fire brigade, sent in a requisition for new hose and other appliances required by the brigade. The communication was referred to the fire and water committee, with instructions to oon• er with the brigade and report at next meeting of council. The clerk was in- structed to correspond with Messrs. Bell, of ;St. Thomas, Farncoinbe, of London, and Rogers, of Stratford, engineers, and ascer- tain from them what their probable charges Will be to lay out a plan for proper sur- face and cellar drainage of the town and also to assess the !costs on the various pro- d. Tho usual grant of he fire brigade, also $50 mayorand clerk were and forward to the a petition iseking that division courts be see- s at present, to $500 for perties as benefitt $200 was voted to to the chief. The authorised to sig Premier of Ontario the jurisdiction of tended from $200, signed documents and for open accounts from $100 to $300, and claims for damages from $60 to $100 or more. The special committee to define the duties of treasurer reported that the tIreesurer's office be in the Pa w and McWilliams. Rev. Mr. Ho g re elected president-, and all the form r off eers were reeleeted.—The thaw of labt k flooded the flats on the farms pf sere. John Beattie and George Chesn y the frost whioh followed made a lar d of ice'and skaters, old and young, little, had lots of fun disporting the • es on Friday and Saturday.—Mr. J. e bas leased his farm on the Huron road t, McKillop, to Messrs, George Blank William Londesborough, of Tucker-- ith, for grazing cattle during the corning mer. It is one of the best 1 farms in re Killop, having a never -failing spring cr k running through it, and is 'admirably adapted for grazing purposes.—At the an- nual meeting ef the south Huron county Orange lodge, held last week at Exeter, Seaforth was selected as the place in which the next 126h of July celebration will be held. The list of officers appointed for the current year will be found in another column.—Mr. Harry Beattie has opened a law office in Caddy's blook. Mr. Beattie is a clever young man ; is well up in his pro- fusion, and will be a valuable addition to the professional circles of Seaforth.—The many friends of Mrs, John Dickson, of Roxboro, will regret to learn') that she is quite ill. She slipped on the ice and fell a couple of weeks ago, and since that time has been confined to her residence.—Mr. George Baldwin is getting his bicycle busi- ness in shape for the coming season, and has opened a shop in the Carmichael block.— Mr. Norman Hoffman, son of Mr. W. W. Hoffman, formerly of Seaforth, has received a good appointment in the department of erri- the ave of tur- ath- and cold the ther we an fie an sel Ca ea an 811 t.y; Mr. -Edward Barnett, Seaforth, to . town," and that the o ;Matto, New York. • o'clock a. m., to 3 p. • • ment to the motion by A Lees.= Im tett:a-ewes oe 'Direr*, ix The, •seconded by A. P. Joy 1c1)1:111‘i --Mr. Robert McMillan, of received and that it be Onsboro, bas shown us a letter the office hours from a ,vhich he recently received from hie daugh- each day except durin _er, Mrs. Rennie, who resides in Regina, collection of taxes tin irnd from which he has kindly permitted 1 that time be fixed wh is to take the follosving interesting ex- and that the report as recta It es-ae written on January 31st. There voted for the It proceeds: " We have had a mild winter and .Joynt; against 13 'ere. The coldest day we had was last Gillespie. The amen turtlay. The thermometer reeistered 23 . lost. Orr the motion -grees below zero at noon and the wind for it Beattie, Davi was blowing a gale. That is much colder -a.gainet, the mayor, han 40 degrees below zero with no wind. The motion was also declared lost. 'roe hours be from 10 . Moved in amend - M. Y. McLean and t, that the report be amended by making to 3 o'clock p. m,, the time for the that the hours, for n the rate is struck mended be adopted. amendment McLean attie, Davidson and ment was declared eing put there voted son and Gillespie; cLea.n and Joynt. We have barely enough snow for sleighing. 1 Moved by A. P. Joynt le excitement here over the war in South Y. adcLe.an; that. Mr. fries, ie at fever heat. There are thou- pointed treasurer for t and seconded by M. C. Bethune lse ap- e year 1900 at the sands elf men who would like to get away to fixed salary, providing he furnishes security elp these who went from Britain. I do satisfactory to the council. Moved in ot think the country can spare any more amendment by Alex. Davidson and see- uslicertiore from here, because in this coun- onded by James Beattie, that John Beattie .ry there are eo many foreigners who would be appointed treasurer for 1900 in accord - re lawless f the stibug arm of civilizetiOn twee with the requirements of statute and nd law did not keep them in cheek. If council. There voted for the amendment .he police were all taken away the Indians • Messrs. Beattie, Davidson and ; night rise, but they are not to be feared so against, the mayor and Messrs. MeLean alid! arch as the thousands of foreigners settled Joynt. The amendment was declared lost.I hrough the territories, many of whom- are On the motion being put, there voted for it, a candidate for the reeveship this year. He itter against Britain, although they left Messes. Joynt and McLean and againets_ will make a good official.—Sleighs are again heir own country to get away from op- Messrs. Beattie, Davidson and Gillespie. in order, the nice, quiet snow of Thursday ig Mrs. Regan, of tunes Beattie's. atterson, sr., of hursday calling proeeetls of the week amounted the band ed Cross has been bediiIe of her km, satin is seri- members of St. rttholic Mutual is town, intend n their hall on hen a pleasant Agriculture at Regina, North-west tory. Mr. Hoffman is a graduate of Seaforth Collegiate Institute.—We had considerable variety in the wa weather during the pest week. On day, Sunday and Monday the balmy w er and heavy rain Ilkr r ie d off the snow destroyed the sleighing, while the since has frozen things up again and roads are still bad. North there is ne good sleighing nor wheeling, while south of the town Wheeled vehicles are in 'use ex- clusively.—We are sorry to learn of the very serious illness of Mr. Audrew Storey, of Tackersmith. His recovery is doubtful. —Rev. Mr. Shaweof Egmondville, preach- ed in Brussels on Sabbath last.—Mr. W, J. Sutherland, relieving operator on the Grand Trunk railway, resumed duty at Acton on Monday, after spending a few days at: his home here.—The Seaforth Literary Club were_very hospitably entertained at the residence of Mr. George Doirance, MoKil- lop, on Monday evening last.—Mr. Charles Wilson intend e offering his splendid 200. acre farm, which adjoins the town, for sale,. by auction, at the CoMmeroial hotel, Sea - forth, on Saturday, March 3rd. - Any per- son desiring a good farm should not allow this opportunity to slip.—Mr. John Suther- land, of Detroit, attended the wedding of his sister here on Tuesday.—Mr. S. W. Cady is having the store in his block, recent- ly occupied by McNaughton & Dennison, thoroughly overhauled, and intende putting in a plate glass front. He also intends putting a plate glass front in the store oc- cupied by Robert Willis.—Miss Carrie Mal- loy, of Preston, is visiting at Mr. W. 0. Willis'.—Mrs. Bertram, of Buffalo, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town. —Mrs. (Dr.) Burrows and baby are visiting at her home in,London.—Mr. C. W. Papst has been confined to his residence for some days with a severe cold.—Mr. James Scott, sr., although still confined to his residence, is recovering from his recent severe illnese. —Mrs. James Sutherland has been serious- ly ill again.—The school "kids" have com- menced playirig marbles ; a sure sign of an early spring.—Mr. George Watson, of Toronto, son of Mr.- W. N. Watson, of this town, has been appointed temporarily. on the mechanical staff of the Otovernment printing bureau at Ottawas—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutherland, of St. Thomas, were here this *eek attending the marriage of their cousin, Miss Mary Sntherland.—Mr. Hugh Stephenson and Mr. W. J. Bickle met With a mishap at the Seaforth foundry on Thurs- day of last week. They were casting in the moulding shop when some of the molten metal exploded. Mr. Stephenson was burned on the eye, and although the injury was painfulohe is at work again. Mr. Bickle, however, was not so. fortunate. He got both his hands burned and will be laid off work for a couple, of weeks.—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Greig now occupy their hand- some new residence on Goderieh street.— The skating carnival will take place on the Seaforth rink on Monday evening, next, weather permitting. It has been postponed twice on aepount of unfavorable weether ; the third trial is generally successful.—Mr. Herbert Lawrence, son of Mr. James Law- rence, of North Main street, who has been in Seuth Africa for some time as a miesion- ary, is now in Liverpool, England, and is expected home in a short time—Mr,' Wm. al, Grey, of Toronto, and formerly one of Seaforth's leading business men, was in town on Monday.—Mr. George Turner, of the West End, has been appointed treas- urer of the township of Tackeremith, as sacceeeor of Mr. James Murray, who - re- signed the position after many years of faithful and efficient service. Mr. Turner was a member of the council last year, and gins. ordere Memo will be here this week, an the bells Will be again he Dramatic Company's man Oro ker, of Len- in their aunt, tur ed home on r. Martin, of e two residence t, from Mr. Geo. 11 live -with Mr. r. Martin will teal by Mr. Hod- es, which were or the. Trivitt me months ago, the ringing of rd.—The Garrick er has wakened up once more, and a new play will be put on in a few weeks—" Finnegan's Fortune" is talked ef for the next presentation. De- finite announcement will be made next week. • St Joseph. • NOTES.—Fiethermon haire begun fishing operation. The catch, however, has been light. Colder weather isIneeded to strengthen the icee1-Work is still in progress on the mammOth block.—Mr. °entitle has sold his valuable driving mare for. a good figure.— Mr. Beaird expects to finish the survey of of the town this week.—The camp of Mr. Peter Beaver, in George Campbell's himber bush, caught fire one day last week, while the men were at dinner. If it had not been for the presence of mind of Mr. Beaver, the whole building would have been destroyed. The bucket brigade was got to work, and the fire aeon extinguishe .—Mr. and Mrs. Horton, of Tuckeremith, re visiting at Mr. R. Obrien'te Mrs. Horton' father. • Blvth Jona:ewe—Mr, and MCC W. D. Bentley, g, are visiting t the home of Mr. ntley.—The thi d carnival of the 1 take place on he rink on Friday f this week. Iah prizes will be A number o Young people of e spent a very enjoyable time at of Mr. David ichol on Tuesday f this week.— • ev. Dr. Murray, rdine, preaches, a century fund • St. Andrew's ce urch last Sunday ublio library has In two weeks it mbership. Books in the week, and of Winni James la season wi evening awarded. the villa the home evening of Kin° sermon i evening,a-The Blyth taken cite a boom Intel has almo t doubled its m can be exehanged six day any time during the day. • Morri NOTES.—Last week about blocked roads. S ad a big thaw, entirely.—The , and the ice h he council Buggies ere running o day, but Tuesday there of a stor ' so we are not one kind of weather ver The fune al of Millard fE Sunday, as a large one, ceased h d gone to the for treattTlent, and came day of list week, and Friday niorning. He w Mr, M. Cardiff, councill of age. —There is some keep snow on the road, 6th line next summer. has travelled over that badly needed.—William a horse a few days ag Hanna's children died a said that an electric ra frotn Galt via. Leadbur road to run to Port Do Preston, Milverton an we have sleighing very larg places.— • eople complained nee then, however, which, spoiled the Maitland river is s moved in many et on Monday.— Sunday and Mon - as a " gee snorter " troubled with the long at a time.— ardiff, 5th line. on over 200 rigs. De- ospital in Toronto home on Wednes- died the following s'ethe eldest son ef r, and was 21 years alk of a fence to be built on the Every person who road will say it is °OA, 6th line, sold .—One cd Mr. G. ew days ago —It is lway will be built to Goderioh, the er, Hamilton, Galt, on to Goderich. Should this be the case,j then the C. P. R. ked of scheme.— season is a foot of lies M. Halliday, anosh, is ill. We und again. gine for Mr. Passmore and is finishing up the cutting and grinding Or this season.— Mr. Simon Campbell and his wife were visiting last week on the Base line, Blanch- ard, at the home f. Mr. former citizen of Samuel Madge, cold and sore thr on Tuesday after oon last little boy of abmit seven been attending tlte school summer, Robert Pringle, a his part.—A son of Mr. ho had been unwell with a at for a few days, died He was a bright years, and had during the past will no longer be a ta What is wa ted at this snow on t e school tea() er, in Wa hope she wil soon be ar NEWS.—M188 is visiting frien every one of our Walto lice Mc s in th citizens containing oats as been It is too bad the thief ha —The Christian Endeavo church, intend giving an entertammn latter part of this month.—Master Armstrong is reeovering rom an it inflammation.—Mr. W. Hutnp making preparations for this summer.—Mies M Wiarton, is visiting at M t ittie, of ull t, evillage.--INea ly who has is barn the loser lately. not been fraught. Society ofwiilDts the isok of riee is reoting a store n ie Biernes of eorge MeTint's. 1 - • Bluev e. . BRIEF.— o not forg t the school enter- tainment o Friday evening of this week. Let it be ou patriotio concerb. Those who help the oh ldren to get the things they need at soh ol will be dOing the next thing best to helpng the wide.* or orphan of some one who wa "doing hie country's work." So come o t, good people, and " pay, pay, pay."—Mr. end Mrs. Will Gardiner, of Teeswater, pent Sunday with his parents in the villa e.—Rev. C. V. Lake, of Wrox- eter, took c arge of •R v. D. Rogers' work here on Sabbath last. Mr. Rogers was in Gorrie, assisting Rev. r. Garbutt. --Miss Mabel /slitohell, of W ngham, visited her annt, Mrs. Summerville, over Sunday.—Mr. MoAllieter and daugh re, of , Crosewell, Michigan, visited Mr . McKinney, last week. ---Mise Aggie Her ert visited in Brus- sels this week.—Rev. . J. Weist preached the preparatory service in Beier:eve Presby- terian church on Friday este—Messrs. Frank . Greenway and Will Ha ey returned to tbeir duties in Toronto, thie eek, after holiday- ing at their respective h men in the ville e. —The Weekly Mail a d Empire, since its • enlargement sem° mont 8 ago, is an excel- lent paper. Indeed, te quantity is too great for one to read very week, and its quality is suc1 that wer one to read noth- ing else one vouId not e ignorant. • Farq •ar. COLLUNTS & fTANBURY barristers, convey- ancers, notaries, eto., Exe er, Ont. R. II. Collins and 3. G. Stanlniry, B. A., te with McCarthly6,480-tsiler 1( Co., barristers, Toronto). • D. BAY Commlesioner, Co )vey anon., wills, mod - gages anJ deeds diawn up, pMoney loaned at the lowest rates of interest. 1669 Soil° Doises,—The rapid t raised the water on the 1 depth, overflowing roads culverts .—Miss May Du iting friends in London t Smith's little girl, Nano the dootor's care, but certain young lady in o tremely conservative th she employs a postilliou. Maud and Ethel Isaac Harris' Monday afternoo reeiewed the Sabbath sc a manner highly pleasin Kipp NOTES.—No doubt fe ence of single life in a n young man from the W tier sex are not so nu East, and after looking weeks, espied one that make him happy. So and rig, and started o for ansening's outing, ling the ineonveni- w, lone country, a et, where the gen- erous as here, came around • for a few he thought would e procured a horse with his brunette but, being busily en- gaged In conversing on the bright future prospe4ts of life, he so far forgot his horse hat the animal suddenly wheeled round, apset t e cutter and t rew the occupants but, bib fortunately he ing up Ithe horse, and their s ats,"and the pai opposi e direction as ha none t e worse for thei Fletcher, of the Thames' Road, and A. Grant, of St. Marys, halve been through the congre ation here secueing subscriptions for the Ce tury Fund, and have been meeting with g eat suecees, as gre liberal donations given y the members show.—Messrs. H. Passm re and Wm. Poileni who have been thresh ng together for everal years, have he former retaining r the separator.— • running the en - 1 11 NOTES;1-14 T. and Mr son, of te Northwest ing with the former's John Balfour, of this v Dick, of Benmiller, w part of the week, Owing to the height of jam of ice, Mr. Dick tunate as to have about bridge on his ranoh sw this week at Toronto in pany as to the rebuildin Our weather clerk ' changeable weather and for thosehaving much Mr. and MrsJohn Ba were this week the gue Ricker, of t e village. of Howick, ifae calling week.—Ever thing is r just now. Lerge quan being turni3diout daily. at the helnie—Miss J London, has been payin the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Chesney, the genial f Tuekersmith, the ninth annual trip the value of pro - this tirrie.—Owing oes in the Presby - Green, on Sabbath, erviees or Sabbath 's , church.—Good ging' hands. Mr. t week, disposed of Gilbert McDonald, heaVy horse, all at earth Mienteith, of easant visit among • .—Mr. James Me- w weeks has been ealth not being as • rain market 18 on t of the low prices tendency of making ce. succeeded in hold - they soon regained started off in the ppy as you please, r mishap.—Revre C. dissolv; partnership, the en ine and the lat Mr. D Yid Brown is no a4 of last Week lands to a geeat aid washing out Ilford intends *br- ie week.—George has been under e now better.—A ✓ midst is NO, OX - when out riding Misses L. Pro aty, ieited at Mr. W. —Miss Fergueon ool last Sundaylin to all present. n. a Fred Cares and erritory, are visiit- rother-in-law, Mr. llage.—Mr. James , during the fere Iling on friends. ater and the large $ been so Wafer. - 0 feet of the laege pt away and was •rviewing the corn - of the bridge. --- giving us very 't is not the blest aming on hand1— • den, of Centraiia, te of Mn. and Mrs. Mr. John Cooper, mong friends last idling at our mill ities of lumber are Mr. R., P. Bell is nnie Anderson, of a pleaeant visit at 1 Stanley.—Mr. William and efficient assessor past week made his around here. As a rule perty takes a abet abou to the anniversary serv terian church at Hills there will not be any school in SO Andre horses still , keep cha John Chambers, the pa his matched team. Mr of Stanley, also sold. a good prices —Miss Hilton, is enjoying a p friends in this vicinit Dougall for the past f keeping the house his robust as usual.—bur the quiet side on accou of grain. This has the the sheckles a little sea • S lien LOCAL BRIEFS. —Th e week carried away our hnd besides spoiling th had, backed up conside of our cellars, but fort main there very long prietor of the Queen's spent alew days dnrin the Messrs. MoDonn merchants.—Mrs. R. her daughter, Mrs. village this week visiti Donnell, Mrs. Mellie' men are complaining sleighing is making trainees quiet—Mr. D. McGill, of Blyth w o hes lecll the ser- vice of praise in the .sbyterian church of that lace for some time pot, has been en- gage as precentor of church in this village f for which he wilt rece Gill has now led the si Sabbaths, and has a flMr. Frank Marshall, o Mr. J. P. Marshall, on Wednesday afterno ed in marriage to Miss grand -daughter -of Mr this village. The cere at the Methodist parse Jewitt, in the presence the contracting parties rented a home in our once settle down to the life, and we join with ing them long and through life.—Mr. W. very fine display in during the past few we saies.—Bev. D. Ander ton, conducted service Sabbath last, morning an earne t and fluent p mons were much enjoy '—The co Sabbath otic fun was ver that our to the f has been fives an Mies W 11. — I • • • very good, ful yis staining the high renuta- tion Mr. Rae, on'oys as a lecturer. Mr. McGill sang a douple of soles during the evening, whieh were very much enjoyed.— Mr, and Mrs. C A. Richmond, of the township of flay, spent the past week at Benmiller, the gueats of the Rev. Mr, Wilson forinerly of the Hewett circuit.— Mrs. Houlden, of Clinton, formerly of :flay township, was in the village on Wedneaday. —Mis. village t C. A. Green, week vie _ - FEBRUARY 16, HO rapid thaw of last snow with a rush, good sleighing we able water, in many ately it dill not re- -Mr. Ua on Cemen the past 11 Bros., ellis, of Ki alfour, we g Mrs. C. eice.—Our that the er, pro. Works, eek with ard ware pen, and e in the A. Me - business want ot I lection in St orning last, amounted to good when it villagers had nd.—Mies M spending the friends in H tson, of Pais cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dent the village the first pa ing relatives.—Mies London, formerly of spendin the past wee friends is Hensall and liam OarEliale, of Bu armel Presbyterian ✓ the present year, ve $250. Mr. Me - ging for a coupler of e trained voioe.— this, village, son • of f Rodgerville, war, n Wit, happily unit- Elizs,beth J. Clark, . David Clark, of ony was performed age by Rev. George of the relatives of Mr. Marahall has Maga and will at realities of married eie friends in wish- ontinued happiness M. Harlum has a is greenhouse, and ke has made large on, B. A.--' of Milver- 'n Carmelchurch on nd evening. He is eaoher and his ser - d on both occasions. Paul's church on n aid of the Petri - over $25.00, which is borne in mind revionely subscribed onteith, of Clinton, est week with reia- mall and vicinity.e-- ey, is visiting her William Moore. of Mitchell, were in of the week visit- artha Gilchrist, of Heneall, has been with relatives and -vicinity.—Mr. -Wil- slo, is visiting his parents, JMr. and Mrs, R; Carlisle, of the township of Hay.— rel., Twitchell, of Clinton, was in the vil age during the past week Cis ting ber son, obert Twitchell, who m recent illness. — as in Ingersoll this nd, who is employed here. Mrs. Holmes mill as soon as they (scoffing house here. f Mr. R. Bell's eit- greys, of Detroit, is oetz and her sister, Cemmeroial ing well patronized osty weather.—Mrs. Mts. A. Bennett, of ay in the village.— Seaforth during the brother, Mr. R. Bell, ndry.—Mree Richard siting her .daughter, r. and Mrs. H. Reid, e village on Monday s. Henry Rundle.-- nd Augustin' Luker Inc horses from this Luker accompanied r. Ran, of Toronto me) Gauld, of Kippee, was in the is week visiting iher cousin, Mrs. cDonell.—Miss Troyer, of Hills as- in Hensall during the past. ting her sister, Mrs. G. Hudsen. e-- tiorme, NOTES;—The recent rains -have 'Wilma away ahhost all the snow.—Mr. VVilliam James McLaughlin, of Winnipeg, wh bas i been spending a few weeks in and a , ound here, visiting friends -and relatives, le 1 for his home on Tuesday morning. Fevr:' men were better or more favorably known in Howick than " Willie Mac,' as be 'was popularly called,- and ,his many fniends wish him continued suet:sees in the e,apittl of the • Preirie Province.—Mrs. Wright, of Hensel!, is the guest of her daughter, i hlra. N. McLaughlin—Mr. John Ardell, sett of Mr. George Ardell, of our village rettirned to the West, after spending a few Weeks very pleasantly w•th friends here. John likes the West we W. G. Strong, or Order of Forester ent.—Rev. Mr. pied the pulpit here on Sunday 1 appreciative audi of Wingham, ape here.—Mr. Wi li duty at the an il shop.—Mies DI g spending her 4c roof. —The Ma;t1 its volume and Mr. Lambert Stinson, cattle to attend the Lambert is a el ver young boy and we hope he will yet vial distinction in the educa- tional HT. I. May he prosper.—Mr. 4nizer for the Cansdiaii t is at his home at res- _ rigors, of Bluevale, °pou- f the • Methodist church oh preaching to large and ces.—Mr. William Greer, Sunday at hie old home Wiight is again doing Mr. James Walker's e Dane of Hamilton, ie tion under the parental nd has greatly increased enlarged its bounds lately.— tinson, son of Mr. William uyer, has gone to Listowel igh school in that .town. • Constance. NOTES. —Mater John Staples, eon; .tif J. F. Stapl 'day last the elbo snow-bal the broken 11 'Miss E. Poet 'ton High 'Mho 1 is home at present,lith.en attack o me els.—Mr. John Clanwits and dau hter, left for their home, a KiIk arney, Monday morning last. ilbert Taylor a companied them. He lute d's re- maining try.—M s met with a peculiar accident one weeii. He broke his arm ;above , whie in the act of throwing a , but inder the care of Dr. Heitham b is progressing favor hiy.— r, who was attending Cline he ermantly, if suited with teoun- . Robert Snell, of Harristeni ac- oompani d by his wife and famil are spending a few days with his mother,Mrs. Snell. -1'1r Snell has disposed of hie farm at Harri ton, and intends moving neer Buf- falo, whore be has purchased a farnn—Mr. William Lindsay entertained a nuniber of friends to, a dancing party last Friday night. All report having had a good. time. —Mr. Theodore Holland, of Walton,, celled on friends here Sunday last.—Albert 'Carter and wife, of Walton, were the guest's of J. Staples, Sunday last. (From ,an Occasional COrrespondent.)j , NEWS NeTes.—At a meeting of the Ep- worth iLeague the other evening, it was de- cided ilo hold an "at home" on the evening of Ma very s prised bringi all joi be bl cow b Wm. Wood his a schoo lichee John 3ia here, Wilb eh M.—Mr. William Lindsay! had a eeeesful party on Thursday evening The citizens of Kinburn were sur - to see a certain well known beolielor g home a cradle the other day. We • in the hope that his grey hairs will ssed yet.—Mre. McCully 'e aseltiable oke its leg and had to be shot—Mr. oCully is going to run a laundry in *tock. —Master Johnny Staples broke m when throwing a snow -ball at .—Miss Etta Proctor is _home from at present with the mia.sle4—Mr. k, who has been visiting relatives eturned home to Manitoba. Mr. aylor went with him. 14 is recov Mrs. J. week vi in the machine works swing to Ing se of their mes was one Miss S. Co ring nicely ir W. Holmes iting her husb intends can disp Mr. Ho ployees. visiting Mrs. A. A. Mies Phalen, of the Our skating rink is during the present f L. H. Dickson and Exeter, spent Wednes Miss Bell has been in past week visiting her jr., of the Seaforth fo Wright is in Gorrie v Mrs. McLaughlin.— of Stanley, were in t visiting Mr. and hi Mears. T. J. Berry shipped a car load of station last week. M the shipment. —Rev. Junction, delivered the second of a course church on Monday ject was "Woman's ttendance owing no rable stale of the , but the lecture was of lectures in Carmel evening hest. His sub Hemispbere." The doubt to the unfav weather, was not larg ANEW SEASON BEGETS NEW THINGS ffifilesfininerner This month is a preparatory month for the spring season's trade. 4 We make careful arrangement's to be in readiness for the many shipments ofe; goods which are soon to mile. In a Very abort time we will be right in the • thick of it, opening up,- checking, marking, placing on sale and telling you of their merits in this column. - In making our purchases we gave the very demist attention to detail, and in the - selection of patterns tried to secure those that were sure to win favor and sell quickly. We have already placed in stock Borne of our first arrivals, just a teste of what is to follow. Home Adornments Tuckersmith. EA ND NOTES.—In epite of the un - favor: 'le weather on Monday evening, quite t n mber of our young people at- tendet e tea'meeting held in Egmondville chum; a.d report a very enjoyable time. -- Mr. a es Sproat narrowly escaped. *hat migh ha e been a very serious accident the other no ning. He was riding on horse- back nd the animal became frightened and turtle' q iekly, throwing its rider to the grou d. While skating the other sinning one o o r young men became entangled in barbed wire, but luckily some of theneigh- bore hearing his incessant cries for help, ruebed to his assistance and soon extricated him from his thorny bed.—Mr. R. Beattie sundayed in the vicinity of Yarns. i Lotinois ROAD SOUTIT--Mr. John Burtch, who has been on the sick list for some time, is on the mend.—Mrs. Robert Blair spent Sunday Inst with friends near Kippen.— The recent thaw caused quite a flood in this neighborhoott—Messra. James Boyce and Peter Cameron, while cutting wood, were ' prevented from reaching their camp at nights through the swelling up ' of the creek, and consequently had to seek shelter in a neighboringfarm house. While in an- other instance, the good lady of the house in the neighborhood had to navigate about the odllan in an empty barrel, and fish out the necessaries of life.—Mr. William Mc- Millan h e moved into his new house. ANNIVIISRSARY SERVICES, —The annivers- ary servies were held in Turner's church on Sunday and Monday last. The weather on Sunday was all that could be desired, and in consequence large audiences were in 'attend- ance. Tee se vicea were conducted by Rev. R.. Hobbs, of London; who preached inter- esting and elo ,i aent sermons, and was list/ ened to with he greatest' attention , by the large audien es. The usnal tea -meeting was dispensed with this year, and fine Mon- day 'evening Rev. Mr. Hobbs delivered a lectuke on " The Triangular Man." The lecture was a whole entertainment in itself, but unfortun teiy the very wet and die - agreeable weather prevented many from being reeent Special music was also. furn- ished y . Mri and Mrs. W. H. Willis and Mies N. Beattie, of Seaforth. It wee only the 'eather ¶hich prevented the geries of meet op fron being one ot the most linceess- fel in the hist1ory of the church. As% was, the extra in test taken in the Sunday meet- ings in a mea ure made up for the disap- pointment of the Monday evening meeting. THE Cou. rae.—The council met- in Daly'a hall, Jgmondvii1e, on Saturday, the 10th inst., al the members present. The Broadfoot br dge has been completed by the Stratford B idge & Iron Works Co., and, as it is satisfactory to the engineer in charge, Mr. J. Aueiey, of Wingham, the council accep ed it, and instructed the treas- urer to send the company a cheque for the contract pnicc in full, viz., $995. 34T. Rob- ert Watson as paid $50 for removing the old bridge, Idrawing stone required for abutments, ind raising the same 2$ inches higher, as re uired by the plan; other ac- counts were paesed, amounting to $131.32. Mr. Alex. Mustard's tender for SAO feet ef rock elm plank for culverts, at : 115 per thousand, was accepted- Mr. Qeorge ,Tur- ner was appointed township treasurer. The 'Wary was fixed by the council at $05 " per annum, the bonds required being $12,000. The following changes were made in the list of pathmast rs : Division 15, John. Moffat division 53 George Coleman, in ad of i instead of Humphrey Dayrnan ; 'vision Instead of John rray,9, Wm. WallaceW Ilace ; WM. Carnochan ; division 71, John Robert- son' instead of J. Shepherd, sr. ; division 82,, 'Thomas olbert instead of F. lurgrird ; SPECIALLY CURTAINS. The selling time is almost here and people - are beginning to wonder just what is, needed in furnishings for the home or for certain rooms. Curtains are very essential and matters - concerning them should make good and interesting reading matter. The - curtain department IS. very impor- tant one with us and is given special. attention. In Filmy White Curtains we have received some of those with, the daintiest of cob -webby effects. In the heavier styles with their graceful colorings and artistic designs, such as. those woven in Chenille and Tapestry - curtains, vie have a grand showing and are already making good sak*. and interesting intending buyera. Carpets. Regarding Carpets, Linoleurns, Floor Oil Cloths, New Hangings and Win- dow Muslins we will have a compre- hensive stoek from which you ean surely choose just what best suits both your individual taste and your means. New Spring Dress Goods In fewdays we will have them in tempting profusion and you will find. our prices delightfully moderate. either black or colored goods, plain or fancy fabric's, we have purekassed a handsome assortment of new materi- als for spring wear. Some correct and fashionable suitings we have are just the thing or early spring wear. They are the very latest novelties we could buy and selected to meet the tastes and fancies of Seaforth's beat dressers. You will soon be wonder- ing what kind of costume you are to have for 'Easter time. • Come !early and look through the different styles of cloths we show, it will help you make your plans and perhaps save you much needlees worry. We have a most complete stock of new at- tractions in plain and fancy Home- spuns. ON DISPLAY Some New Prints Some New Gingham • Some Fancy Goods Some Neat Embroidai- eries Some New Laces • . The . MeFAUL Dry Goods Gm C4th's Greatest Cash Dry Goods Store. division 89, Wm. Heig'garth instead of J.. Templeton. The appointment of a path - master for division 77, -village of Eginonde ville'was left over for the next meeting; i The fence viewers now in office are Messrs. I John C. Wood, Andrew Story, J. B. Hen- , damn, Min Wiltsse, James Paterson, Henry. Chesney, John Walker, jaires. Landesborough, Alex. Benhanan, David MoCloy, Robert Newell and William El- ; coat. The pound keepers are Messrs. R. B. McLean, Robert Watson'James Nott, , George Nett, William Chapinan, Alex; Buchanan, George Dale, William AloNefe 'Brian Cleary, Samuel Carnochan, ' Carnochan, John Reinke, William Plewes, William Kinsman, and James MIX' holland for Harpurhey. The next meeting 1 will be held at Brucefield on February 24t/it at 2 o'clock p. in. • 1 Philadelphia. NOTES.—Mr. 3. C. Kalliffeiseh 11tod ! going into the flax business this year ana consequently this will make things boom 10 . this burg, as well as give a number of mea employment .—Mr. John Schnell had the- ; misfortune of losing one of his -fine boron -- r one day last week.—Mr. Joseph °Rohe, its was in the burg the other day. —Mr. Joblr Sehilbie,is fitting up a number of fine bos for the spring markets,—Mr. _Adam brecht was visiting a friend near Zurich re* • eently.—Mr. Allan, of Bt. Joseph, /stead* snioeevit.ng into Kalbfieisch's house on Mli il tr Th fu ia- In tbe cc Thee 01 Iii me] eI And Ns 3221 ar. TI e0 (11 te Your ti Your b be • 13.4 Va he.pil COLD