HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-02-16, Page 3k is a
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A 3,11oKENIIA4 Dominionand Provincial Land
. liktrveyor, Mentber Of theAssoolation of Onfilbritl
rogrulllurvey011, Dublin, Ontario. 1866.59
UNSMITHING.—J ant prepared to do all kinds of
gunsmithing, Mso all other kinds of difficult
jobs. Shop next house west of my tresidenee in
Egmondville. .POLD O. YAN EGMOND Sr.
Toes BATT1EI Clerk if the Second Division
Omni, County Oommiasioner, of Hotron,.0on•
vayanoer, Land, Loan and Insttranoe Agent Fund'
invested and to Loan. Office—Over Sharp
Ivens' store, Main sired, Seaforth. ' 1289
IMARIM TO RENT.—To rent, Lot 20, Concession 5,
U Eibbett, Tenant can plough after let October,
1a09, and get full pessession 18t April, 1900. Land-
lord would prefer to rent for grazh g only. Plenty
of water. For particulars apply to F. ROLMESTED,
Baiter, Seaforth, 16584f
flata LET REASONABLY -Eligible . farm, three
miles from Bbth, 2 0 -acres, • two 'rouses, two
barns, etc. Any n eded improvements will be made
Or eltcwird for. Stebling to be 'milt and barns re-
f Aired next spr iota Apply to T. F. COLLE, Blyth
I'. 0, or to CHAS. HAMILTON, Blyth. 1866541
DULL FOR SALE -:-For rale a Shorthorn bull
Up calf 12 months old, dark roan in color, eligible
Mr registration and from a good strain. Apply on
Lot 11, Bayfield Road North, Stanley, or address
Varna P. 0. VAIN REID, proprietor. 1678x4
STOCK FOR SALE.—The undersigned has for
sale 3 °nog bur° bred Durham rattle, 1 bull
and 2 heifers, eligible for regiatratioa. They are red
in color and are good stook. HECTOR REID, Lot 7
Concession 3, Stanley, Brucefiold P. 0. 167841
BULLS FOR SALE -The undersigned
has for sale 3 young thoroughbred Durham
bulls, eligible for registration. The, are all tad in
color and are excellent stook. HERBERT °RICH,
Lot 2,. Concession 4, H. B. S., Tuckersmith. Sea-
fotth F 0. 1677-tt
jr(ATTLE FOR SALE—The undersigned have for
sale on their premises. Lot 21, Corcession 4,
11. rt. 8, Tuokeramith, five head of thoroughbred
Shorthorn Bulk, aged from 12 to 14 months. A & J.
BROADFOOT, Seaforth P. 0, 167I41
reOR SALE.—Ten Shorthorn Bulls, from 10 to 16
months old, as go7ad a lot as oan be found in
Provhme and of as good Scotch breeding, good
olors. Prices and terms almost any way buyers
want. DAVID MILNE Rthel, Ont, 1670-tf
BERKSHIRF.B.—For sale a number of Berkshires,
bred from brpotted stock of the most approved
ype, of either sex. at very reasonable prices. WM.
cALLISTER, Varna P. 0. 166741
rtuitium BULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, tw0-
If thoroughbred Dutham bufla • both 12 months
old,P one rcan and the other red. JOHN MORRISON,
Lot 22, Conceseion 11, Maillop, Winthrop P. 0.
sale three good thoroughbred Dutham bulls,
-Iran' 10 to 12 months- old ; also several cows and,
nelferia all registered. Apply on Lot 30, Concession'
5, Ushorne, or address Hurondale P. O. THOMAS'
CDMORE. 1665-U
J3OAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigne will keep
for service on Lob 8, Couceselon 7,Tuokeramith,
ethoroughbred Tamworth boar. Tertus 81 payable
at the time of Service. JAMES STRONG. 1073 tt
-MOULT.: FOR SERVICE.- The undersigned will keep
jj for service on his farm at Rexboro, a thorough-
bred Durham hull. recently purahaged from David
Milne, of Ethel. Terme 8.150, at Now Years. JOHN
SCOTT. 167441
litaTEW YEARS GIFE-The celebrated Shorthorn
IA sire, Now Years Gift, -220b7 -will be kept at
Lot 21, Concession 3, L. It. S., Tookeremith, for ser-
viceto a limited number of cows, until further no-
tice . in thee co`umns. Terms upcn appi cation.
SMILLIE & CHAPMAN, proprietors. 16784f
110 PIG`BREEDERS.-The undersigned wit' keep
on Lot 26, Cenveseion 5, L R. S. Tuolcersmith,
a thoroughbred Coae. Wurry, PIG, afso a thorough-
bred Yoluartinz Pte. A limited number of sows will
be adnated to each. Terms, 81., payable at the time
of eeifice, or SI 60 if eherged. Al -o a few Cheater
White Piga for sale. ,JANIF.S GEMMILL: 1008-62
I VICE -The unfit/km(1d will keep for service,
at the Brucefield ',OOP& Factory, a thoroughbred
Tantworth Boar, iota reeetered pedigree. Terme,
; payable at t • o of service with privilege of re-
turning lf necessary. Also a number of thorough-
bred young Tamworth Boars and Sows for eale.
HUGH MoCART NEL Snead& 140641
OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale cheap
a condo( table residence an Sperling etre,
Scalorth. together with one lot. The house is al-
most now and contains rooms and has he'd and
Katt water. There is alio a go .11 garden: This moat
dortrable property will be eold cheap as tho proprie-
tor is leaving town. Apply on the premises . L.
MELVILLE, Beaforth. 107841
a URNITt RE. -There will be offered for sale on Sat-
urday, Fehruery 24th, at I o'e•Ioek, on the premises,
a !ranee and acre of Ian i on Nerth Main Street, Sea
a rfh. There is a good gable on the premises Also
revere' frer'.t trees. There will else be effered for
reale on the same day and plare, 1 drivina• neve ris-
ing !cur 3 ears ol. , 1 top conceit, 1 Cutter, 1 doz.n
hees, elgo eorne houechold cffeets consieting at 1
parlor stove, 1 teeing machine, 1 glags cup toard,
3 bedsteads, 1 lawn mower, 1 fail leaf table, 1 churn,
1 spinning wheel, 2 large eream crocks, 1 butter
dieh, 1 reel, 1 sofa, chairs, wash stande, 1 banging
lamp, ck numbcr of carpets and severe.' other artielee
too numerous to roar Mom WILLIAM REIDY, pro-
priei or, THOMAS IlRoWN, auutioneen 10784
............... , _... - a .., .... .
'IL II.P.-Mr. Thomas Brow it has been insirutsdj by
Mr. Willi3m Dynes to sell by public auetion at his
pakee, in Ilc.raurh. v, c n Fradav, March 2nd 100 , at
1 oaeoek p. w. sharp, the fallowirtz p operty 1
geed drhieg n.ar e, ea eats old, 1 cow about to ccr•ve,
1 'merest, 1 road cart nearla n OW. 1 fret siegle harness,
1 se attires, 1 shoe boat, 1 turnip sower, about 40
te ne, White Leglierna and Pla 1:11,311,11 Rocks, 1 cr se-
c ut s.1.W, 2 hand saa s 1 e hrelbarrow, 1 large h (see
kettle, nne 'ergo copper ke ttle, suitable for ma iece
antler_ butte r in ; one Bran kett e, one caokiro
stove, 1 pallor fttove with pip e, 1 oak exrenaion
tat& , 1 ch o -r} fall leaf tilde, 2 eupOoards, 1 letulga,
1 metre *table, 6 cain bottomed chairs, 10 kitchen
Ind stead, 1 wroth etend, 1 closet wash
attend, I bureau, 1 milk can, 1 bread tray, 4 pair S ot
lace curtolts with pole, 6 window shades, 1 Bruasels
...art t r. 1 rag carpet. 1 o.1 ean, 1 water barrel, 1 03w -
tee it :whin.% eeveral pictures and other small artieles.
11 e it, bOle :must rosithely be eo'd as tbe proprietor
Iitt•i 4611 11;s place and is globe; up housekeeping.
'Arno.. all elitt1H of a5 and under, cash ; over that
„n Gnat 10 ct °lithe' eretlit will be given on approlved
jolt t nott.P. A ri isenith t r 1 0 per vent. pr annum
o di be :owcd ciT for eash on coedit samurai!.
WM. 1)1" a Ea, Proprietor ; TEIONIA.813 R.011/N,
Au tloneer, Mb I
Mr. Th Teas Brown hats received Inetructiona from
Mn. John Hannah to sell by public auotion on Thurs.
daa , March 1 at, Ertl &emir p. m, sharp, on Let 15,
Cora 2, Tirelce -end h, the following valuable farin;
ferni stock and irnple mots viz: 11orses-1 general
purpose mare in f7al to .51cRean, 1 general purpose
mare In fc al to Bel Beene's Star, 1 general purroso
mare in foal to Sidneer, 1 general purport° horse, 1
(tiler general pucpoen horse, 1 good driver. 1 bay
11113 rising a years cad, 1, bay gelding rising 2 years
old, 1 iron grey gelding rising 2 years old, 1 black
filly 2 years old, neon grey filly rising 1 year old.
Cattle -4 ewe in calf, springers, 2 newly calved Jer-
sey cows-, 0 froth calved cows, 4 milking, cows that
will calve In summer, 8 cows, strippers, 1 dry cow, '2
two year aid heifers, 4 calvee, 1 thoroughbred bull
2 years old. Iroplements-1 Frost & Wood binder,
1 bay rake, I land roller, 1 spring tooth onitivator,
1 Champion combined seed drill, 1 wagon, 1 grovel
box, 1 hay rake, 1 top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 tread povor,
1 atford ensilage cutter with blower attache , 1
itek, 2 plows, 1 twin gang plow, 1 }rata° diggei , 1
set diamond harrows, 1 set bobsleighs, 1 root puler,
2 light warn', 1 set milk sleighs and box. 1 wheel-
barrow, 1 nuttier 1 hay fork, slings, rope, pulley and
ear set; 1 thirty barrel water tank, 1 water trough,
1 Clinton fanning mill, 1-25 foot ladder, 3 sot double
harness, 2 set Mogi° harness. 1 cutting box also hoes,
forks, labovels, doubletroes, chains, whiffietrees and
other firtieles too nutnerous to mention. Also 1 Cleat
ham wagon, I corn harvester, 1 mower. A1130 a trio
frigator, 1 Incubator and brooder and some turnit ro
and household stuff. Real Estate—Consists of
acres in a block, situated two miles from %Wort , 1
'lir-from Egmondoille and known as LOW 16 and 17,
2m1 ecneession Township of Tuckersmith, in he
County el' Huron. There is on Lot le a good la ge
stone dwelling holm- and good outbuild lige, s1s a
new silo, two orchards and plenty of good water, a
me hoot house on tho corner of the farm. These are
tv o first close farms and aro in it good state of emit •
aation. Even thing will be gold a) the proprlattr se
is giving up farming and go ng to Man,Mba Te s
on Stock and Implements-obline months eredit 11
be allowed on all sums over $5 secured by good j int
note?. Sums of #5 and under, °ash. A diseoun of
fl per cent, per annum. wilt be allowed on all c eh
payments over $6. Terms of Real Estate -96,
nay remain on mortgage op the property for a te m
el years with interest at 6 pd centper annumhe
balance of the purchase money to be paid cash. For
further particulars apply to J. N. BEST, Barrial4er,
Seaford), or to I the proprietress, MRS. JO lsi
IIANNAII. 1078- -
Pee lively cured by these
Little Pills.
They also relive Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and rroai Hearty Eating. A per -
feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsl.
mess, Bad Tasten the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Sid TOAPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bo els. Purely Vegetable.
Sfflaii PM. *nail Does,
1 email Price.
the fratkd of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
• Carter's Little .Liver Pills,
,Our direct connections wi I save you
time and money for al points.
Canadian No
h West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We have them
Jo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR.
rST CARS for your actoommodation. Call
for further information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trate leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as
4onow WERT—
Mixed ..
Goina EAST--
Mixed Train....
811APonrii. CIANTON.
12.40 r. lc 12.65 P.M
10.12 P. M. 10,27 P. M.
0.20 A, M. 10.16 A, Id
6.15 P. M. 7.05 P. id
7.E3 A. M. 7.38 A.M.
flat P. M. 2.66 P. M.
6.20 P. kb 4,36 P.M.
Wellington, Grey and Bice.
1.40 P. hi
8.15 I
8.56 4.M.
10,02 •
Goma Nonni- Passenger.
Ethel.. • 10.06r. M-
- Brussels.. .. 10.17
. Bluevale.„ .. 10 30
Wintcham. 10.37
Gorse Squad- • Passenger.
, Wingharo. . . .... 8.50 A. ai.
Blacwale • 7,00
Brassele.... ...... .. 7.16
-Ethel-. . . ....... ... 7.28
Loudon, Eiuron and Bruce.
London, depart
'lemma -
Clinton .....
!Myth.— ...
..... .
winghant arrive ...... -
GOING Sourn- •
Wingham, depart.... ....
Biyth .......
Londeeboro ........
Clinton-. ....
Kippen . •
Hensel' .. • •
London. (arrive)
• • •
8.15 A.M. 4.40 P.M
9.18 - 6.66
930 6.07
9.44 8.18
9.50 8.25
9.58 6.83
10.15 8.55 a
10.41 7.28
10.56 7.87
11.10 8.00
8.58 A.m. 3.15r. M.
7,04 8.80
7.18 3 46
8 55.
8.22 5,02
8,06 5.14
8.46 .5.23
9.60 A. to 8,25
Leather Leather
other is advan ?ing In price, but as you know,
you van ttill get harness at the old p,iee, for a 'short
tire only at
Team Harness At $25 And Upwards
Our guar-
antee means
We are not here to -clay and away
to -morrow you know just where
to find us.
Comfortable vision or your Money
back. No guess work.
Accurate, scientific measurements and
tests. Difficult cases a specialty.,
Hardware Store.
We have a full line of first-olass Cook
Stoves and -Heaters.
In Wood Stoves we have Moffatt's Crown
Matchless and Majestic fitted with stee
ovens, the most perfect bakers in the Mar
ket. . We have. -also Gurney's Oxford and
For a Coa,1 and Wood Range, six holes,
Gurney's Imperial ,Oxford is the moet hand.
some and satisfactory stave in the Market.
Moffates' Welcome is the best four hole
Range in the market. We have a good line
of 'Coal Stoves and Weed Heaters. Call
and examine our stoves before purchasing.
Ea,vetroughing and Furnace Work a
Sills & Murdie
CounterOld 'Stand, Seaforth
The liquaress Has a Meat Illstoric. Lineage,
an is ODesoendant of the Celebrated
Fujliiraya irsafall-Ortunts Her Birth.
right- Sack for Forty -Seven Genera-
tlearb-Prliecoes .Sada Has .Great Per-
nonai Attractions.
In -connection with the celebration
Of the birtbday of the Emperor of
Japan this year, several Tokio jour-
nals publfshod portraits of the lady
to witam ;the Prince Imperial is ien-
gagal, namely, Princess sada,, third
daughter for Prince Kujo, His m -
verbal Highness waa. born, on Aug t
81, 1879,' and has, therefore, c 311-
pleted his twentieth year. • He c me
of age two yeers ago, eighteen be ng
the ago of niaturity for Princes- In
Japan. On August 31, 1.887, be Ilk
then- eight years old, the Prince = as
declared heir to the throne, and. on
Npvember 8, 1889—that is to s y,
on the Emperor's birthday—he re-
ceived ' the title of Prince Lupe in.]
.('Kota ishi ).
The 'lady mien whom the impe 4al
choice' hies fallen is of the celebrated
Fujiwara family, which haS had the
honor of -givifig many Empresses to
_Japan. Its renowned anceStor, thK m-
'atari, who, in e seventh c-entu 7,
Was ingtrumental in overthr OW ng
the Soga family, and thus putting an
end to the system of patriarchal gov-
ernment which threatened, at that
epoch, to involve even the succession
of the throne, is new -worshipped at
the shrine of Aweastona, on the Tamu
Peak, hi, Yainato.' - .
The representative of this family,
seventeen generations later, .was Ta-
datnitsu, 'who combined in. his own
person the 'two.highest offices of
state, that of Regent ,and that, of
Prime Minister. The ninth sem, .Tas
datnitsue' Avila the founder of the Ku-
jo famils•—Kujo Kanezane, who-, in
his turn, held the post of Regent -s-
and the present Prince Mich itaka re-
presents .the teventy-ninth generation
front 'Pada in i tsu s
Hence the 1'rincess ''riela, the future
Empress of_ Japan, counts her lineage
litack forty-seven gen era t ions to Fuji -
warn, in the. sixth century, Kama-
kari 'was, of •course, a vdry blue
Wooded noble in hiS oWn day, and
could doubtless have shown a genea-
logical tree with ite roots in the -era
of Fimmu (first Emperor of ;Japan).
But as he first received the name of
1.'11j -swarm from the. Emperor in re-
sonbil iou of his meritorious services
the' Fujisvara are generally cont ent
itO fin to- their origin from his time,
0 ti 1 the f•alettlation gives them ver'
noarly thirteen hundred years of an-
t ieuity. .
The Prince finperial and the. Prin-
ces.; Sethi, are cousins, the late Em-
ile se, _I lo wager Eish o having bcen 1 he
s ia I er of Prinvess Michitaka. 'The
youog lady 'has only completed hol-
e!' t eon th a en r. To grea t, .personal at -
1 roof ions she adds tho advantage of
a robust physique. She was educat-
ed at the Nobility flirl School, -in-
Tokio, until her engagement was an-
notmeod. N01;t7 She is studying undt•r
a privatt• -female'. at her home. She
c;111 speak English, Oerman and
French very well.
Tho preparat ions of the -Princess
Sada for her approaching mintials
eith Abe Prince imperial are said to
be proceeding armee. ' Troussi)au buy-
ing is (elite es ill1111011SV an operation
in Japan as in any part •of Europe,
An Empress of japan as in env part
of Europe must now he rri-wided not
only a. it 11 tan abundance of the beau-
' i-iful garments and artistic furniture
approved by her colln I ry's clisionl,
but. lutist ,, also possess 1111 amply fitl-
cal wardrobe supply of that Menden-
tal nbomination, jewelry. The Prin-
cess has 1,250,000 yen t o spend unon
her trousseau.
li is said The wedding Ceremony'
Iv ill 1 ti 1--.0 Diner, - nisi 111011th • Cre111-0-
11 ry ), CI I tin+ Wit ich the roynl bride 1
eouple will 1 rn vel around the world.
Row GIfIFIN Is Sol floret!. .
afargot, in some interesting investi-
gations in soldering glass, has estab-
lished the fact that an alidy com-
posed Of 95 parts ' of tin and five
parts of ?Atte will melt at about 892
degrees Fahrenheit. Becoming firmly
adhered to 1 hp glass, i1 iei unalterable
aeri exhibits an attractive luster. An
alloy containing 90 part s Of tin and
ten pains of elinuinium, will melt at
500 deerees Fahrenheit and 1; • Iso
teams 0 st rong and brilliant so. der
for elees. With these two alloys a l-
waa a noir dy to hand , glass !nay ' be
soldortal as. easily as two .pieces Of
metal. When thy glass'is- heated in
can • be ric-
o furnace 'the selilerine-
compliehed hy rubbing:: the surface
vt it h a rod of either of 'the compein-
Lions named. The alloak as it floWs
can 1a• evenly distributed Wii.11 il ft 0 1.-
dcring iron.
Tao, eerie water suenty.
Actual' chemical and bact rial
ire collection of water -color (leen:-
aminalIons by Prof. Shutt of the 01-
N\ II. EN peOmentrd Farm, of a large
manlier of samples from fa rin Wn ter
supplies all over the Dontieionethryw
grvilt IllaIly waters .t o be bad-
ly (OiltOill i nal eif wi th barn ya ref
drainage. This is a great -wrong, oae
h iris no farmer can afford '10 let
pass uncorrected: It is just es neces-
-sary -to have pure water as good'
food. The well should neve • be in
the barnyard, eitherfdr .he house
supply or for stock: it there be-
comes a cesspool. Water may be
reeking with the prodocts A animal
'digestion and yet he' clear end spark-
ling. Profs Shutt believes much of
the headache and nausea, so : preva-
lent throughout rural distriets are in
'part caused by impure wate•.
Put aii�l the Doukas'.
- An Irishman, seeing it. donkey ready
:saddled, and thinking of having a.
ride., jumped on his back.
Iio had not gone far ewher fhe don-
key . started jumping and kicking
about, iso much • so that ha got his
hocf hung up in bne of the 'stirrups.
"Bure,T1 said Pat "if you'ro going
14 et, on, I'm going to get ofitt"•
NO WITNESSES kg -Quota,.
IN couRsg OF TIME.
Some Scientific Prophecies as to the
•New Conditierins That Win. Govern
Our Brains, Our Bodies and Our
' Environmentts.
Here are soinq of. the inost remarkable
prophecies evif ventured by Men of
science: To leer ed savants ba our various
scientific institutions I have lately ad-
dressed this question: "Looking as far
into the future asryour mind's eye can
•see, what chang s are likely to occur to
our brains, both s and environments?"
• "Man of the d stant future," says Pro-
fespar Oda. Ma on,. "will occupy a belt
near thb equate . The earth is cooling,
and as a -result the Eskimo must leave
the polar regio s..• Later, tbe Yankee
must quit New ngland. All savage -peo-
ples wF I be Oil hinted from the eartb.
The entlire humin race *ill be brunette.
The blond peo le were onceehrunettes
and became as tt1ey are th,rough some
process ef interbreeding. ,The convolu-
tions of the brai will be larger and will
admit if much gieater blood flow to carry
on the commercei: of the mind. Man will
be stronger physically. His hands and
feet will be much smaller. Labor saving
machinery will reduce physical labor, but
an increase of athletics will 'naake the
race stronger. Disappearance of small
printing ty-pe will leave the eyes much
stronger. The ear can never take the
place of the eye until some other hears,
only body can be substituted for the sun.
rl'he hatwill vanish and the hair will lin-
prove. .
."The home of this age_will be a great
communal dwell ng, where all people of
the same kinship will live Under the
same roof -children, parents, grandpar-
ents, uncles, auats and Cousins. Rapid
transit wRl eliminate skyscrapets, end in-
creased artificia ization of life will ren-
der eo-operntiou more necessary. Sepa-
rate establishments, such as the corner
grocery, will be considered absurdities of
bygone days, as will also the keeping of
servants. Chemically pure drinking wa-
ter will free th cells of the. body from
mineral matter nd permit man to live
to the age of A• ethuselah. Compressed
feeds will never come into uze. If they
should. tbe stom tch wciuld atrophy. The
death of an inf nt will be an exception,
Whereas today one-half of the human
race never mature, The deadly microbe
will suffer the f te of such dangerous an-
imal pests as ha e already been made ex-
tinct. People i ho spread diSease will
be considered s -enemies to mankind,
punishable by evere penalties. Dress
will be more p rfectly adapted to com-
fort, health, lore evitv and beattty."
Dr. Theodore N. Gill. the' eminent bi-
ologist of the Stlaithsoniap.•said _that the
wisdom teeth would disappear, as would
possibly the vermiform appendix and the
little toe. • "Man himself," said he, "is
a striking evidence of the fact 'that he
was not specially created. Ile is not
only like the ape. but bears the impress
01 many inferior stocks. The appendix,
for instance, was inherited from anees-
tors to whom it kl'llS important and came
to us through the apes from primitive
forms, somewhat like marsupials. It
may disappear to a slight extent. The
gray matter of the brain may increase
somewhat in bulk, but cerebration is not
dependent upon size of brain. Some of
the most intelle tual have small brains.
It is possible th t tbe littleitne will dis-
appear, but dou tful. It has its use in
giving greater In sis to the foot. I doubt
whether there w 11 be an increase in stat-
ure, especially s nee in the future intel-
lectuality will 1 eeome more And more
predominant eve. brute force. Hygienic
and sanitary pro rress will have an appre-
ciable effect upon the average length of
human life, but I ngevity dependent upon
improved physic 1 conditions cannot be
anticipated. I doubt if the hair will de-
crease. :' The mo •e citilized have a thick-
er growth upon their faces than lower
,Undoebtedly there will
which cannot be fore -
lace, every man will be
essor W. J. AleGee, the
, in reply to the Cues -
lige height and weight
greater. His head will
ely and relatively. His
will be better co-ordi-
orders of men.
be many change
told." ,
`,..!In the first
white," said Pre
noted ethuolegis
_ton. 9li6 are
_will be decidedly
be larger, absolu
hands find brai
nated, 00(1 therefore he will' Lai a better
mechanician. 1 is vision will be stron-
ger, his sense 0 smell more acute aud
his bearing and •ense of taste more deli-
cate. On the W iole, the man of the fu-
ture will be stro iger in relatioe to stat-
ure and weight. He will live under a
universal, republican government, but it
is doubtful whet er any one administra-
tive head will b required. Disputes be-
tween individual, corporations or states
will he settled b courts of various mag-
nitude. There be a uuiversal lan-
guage' - a co •posite . of all present
tongues, but, li-e the English, a lan-
guage ef vocablcs and syntax. Written
and spbken Ian uage will be more sim-
"Fieli will be relatively more impor-
tant as feed. Oc aus and lakes *ill be the
main sources of f od supply. Land will be
almost entirely o cupied for dwelling and
for horticulture and intensive agricul-
ture. Need 'of clothing will diminish.
Control of temp retire will be met by
other than our present. retail methods.
Ther -e will be no jsorious exposure to cold.
il winter men wilil travel in well heated
vehicles, carryin them from one warm
building to anotl. er. Ozone will- be sold
at drug stores atjd vsrill be applied to kill
bacilli as scam as they appear. The
earth will be ai endless auccession of
suburbs. Cities ill meanwhile grow less
and less dense. The street block or row
will be no•more. The home. will be mere
individual, each amily occupying a sep-
arate house to suit its peculiar taste.
Transportation ill 'be chiefly electric and
Will be much mire rapid as a A•esult of
straightening nd' moltiplication of
tracks. Aerial avigation will be 'valu-
able only for Sp rts and amusement. It
will not be a fa tor in warfare, Itecause
there will he n warfare. Submarine
navigation will- be Valuable only as a
means of escap from storms.' Vessels
will be equippe with means of diving -
and remaining oelow the surface until
asttorms blow ove Perfection of telegra-
phy will decree e mail business. All
children- will re'lye • the foundations of
their education n public schools. Uni-
versities and pri ate institutions of learn- '
ing will give' onl special training. Chil-
dren i11 have study less, will fears
spontaneously aid *ill be encouraged to
do what Shelf m nds naturally lead them
to prefer. Sex e children will be ',reds-.
terminable.r—Pr vidence Journal:-
- Small nostrils re said by- physiologists
to indicate small ind*tak
—The auniver ary services of,, Knox
church. Millban ,. were very successful..
Rev. Mr. Maleol preached on Sunday and
the annual tea me ting was held on Mon.
day evening, whe large number of people
attended from t e surrounding country.
Addreases were g ved by neighboring Min-
isters, and the m ieal partof the program-
me was in charge f Mr. Andrew -Tilly,- of
Stratford. The oeeeds amounted to $100.
Star Pointer and Guy Wilkes have ar-
tificial p sture nil winter.
It is $ id that Seth Griffin will build •
new tit ting track near London.
Henri 0, 2..1.51A, by Patclien Wilkes,
the lea ing stallion" at Gestut Kline
Hale, Berlin.
Secretary C. M. Jewett of Reedville,
Mass, has a green 3 -year-old by Pedlar,
2:181/4, that he has driven a half in- 1:11.
Autraire 2:ie%, recently beat Maggie
Less, 2:141A; Miss Bowerman, 2:211,4,
,and others at Rovigo, Italy. Best time,
221 1-5.
Richball, 2:121/4, the famous old "white
faced pacing pony," is in Nick R,onner's
stable at 'Minneapolis. The old champion
is as chipper as a 4 -year-old.. --
The Trotting Union of France bus made
overaures to the National Trotting Asso-
ciatipn of America far an agreement in-
volving reciprocal respect of penalties.
Idavan, 210%, is not yet distinguished'
as a site of pacers, but there is a daugh-
ter of hie, °wised by Mr. Ahern of Shus
bert, Neb., that is a wonder at the gait,
•F. T. Holder of Yonkers, N. Y., who
recently 'bought True Chimes, '2:17%
(half mile to wagon in 1:02%), of A. E.
Perren,' Buffalo, is driving him to pole
with Mater Chimes.
Lute Lindsay and several others have
leased a 40 acr-d tract near a street car
line at Spokane, Wash., and will build a
five furlong track, with buildings, in time
for a spring -meeting.,
Gold Ring, 2:18, who has been per-
forming in England as a guideless won-
der, was recently put up at auction in
London and withdrawn'as' the highest
figure offered was $2,425.
It is noted that John R. Gentry paced
In 2:02% at Highland park, Detroit, the
first week in July and in 2:03% at Los
Angeles the last week in October, and
these were the first and last iniles below
204 made during 1899.
:Sir Philip' Burne -Jones has just cow-,
!Acted a portrait in oils of his cousin, Mr.
R:udyard Kipling, painted entirely since
his illness and return from America. It
represents him at work in his study.
'An amusing and characteristic remark
bY Miss Rhoda Broughton is reported by
Sir Algernon West in Literature. They
Were discussing' the changes of public
taste in the world of books. 9 was con-
sidered a Zola." said Miss'Broughton;
"now I am a Charlotte Yonge."
George Duval, the author of -the latest
French book dealing with Shakespeare's
life and work, is considered by his eosin-
tilymen a leading authority on English
dramatic lit?rature. Ile has published a
French translation of Lord Lytton's com-
plete dramatic_ works and also Richard
Brinsley Sheridan's. Ms Duval some
years age resided in London.
Ludas R. O'Brien, who has just died
in Toronto, had been for some years pres-
ident of the Royal Canadian Academy of
Fine Arts. In 1872 he -took an active
part in founding the art school of the On-
tario Society of Artists and far six years
was.its vice president. After the Royal
Canadian Academy of Fine Arts was
founded be was a constaut co tribirtor to
its exhibitions.
When he was a schoolboy at Cassel,
the German emperor gained distiection
for one thing at least. He wa the worst
dressed boy in the school.
The king of Servia,..Alexaatter I, is the
poorest potentate in Europe." His father,
Milan, inherited $4,000,000- from his
grandfather, Milosch, who was a hog
raiser before he"became king, but Milan
squandered it all.
The birthday of the Princess of Wales,
which falls on Dec. 1, is always spent at
Sandringham, with only her immediate
family about her. Her husband and chil-
dren take great pleasure in planning sur-
prises in their gifte. The &ince fre-
quently presents her wilth a valuable ani-
The czar possesses the largest Dauieh
hound in existence. He has made a pet
of this creature and pieces such -confi-
dence in its sagacity that he dismisses
any servant to whom the dog takes a dis-
like. The ,monarch c ncludes that the
bound's aversion indic tes that the man, '
is a probable enemy to imself.
The left over pieces f baked or broil -1
ed fish should be flake before they are
Good macaroni has a yellowish hue,
does not break while cooking and swells
to twice its bulk.
A frying pan should the heated hissing
hot before anything hi put in it. The
temperature can be tested with a drop of ,
Too much acid in mayonnaise dressing, -
whether vinegar or lemon juice, injures,
if it does not actually destroy, the flavor
of the oil.
When roasting meat that is not very
fat, it should ilaYS buttered paper placed
over it to prevent scorching. ReMovo
the paper a few minutes before thdjoint
is done, so as to brown the outside.
We beg our eastern friends to remem-
ber that Kansas City is tio longer a west-
ern city. It is a central eity.—Kansas
City Times,
The South 'African excitement leave
Paris vainly struggling to gdt a few
words in edge vise about die great show.
-Washington Star.
When Chicago admits -that bert loss of
the Republican convention was due to
absentminded'. ess, she makes a robust
contribution te Philadelphia's cup -of joy.
-Washington Post.
his piano. He
hour league. -
To be dee
enough that a
and dash."
his leanness a
York Press.
uts in nine hours a day- at
.e is a chance for the eight
linneapolis a‘ournal.
populnr it is not
pianist retain "all his fire
e must also retain some of
d most of.his hair. -New
At any rate Britannia still rules "the
waves.—Lond n (Can4da) Advertiser.
Ing t discomfiture, but
John Br's ealous neighbors are pok- •
ng fun hit in his disco
they had bate. not poke .enYthing else
.l .
at Eurohis present temper. -London
irIenadaAdv rtiser
and Chil4ren.
Thefts -
like hSerhse°1fe
yet it doesn't loo I as_ though it was made for a roan.
as pretty as a shoe can be made and as strong also, an
quality all over. It's
-tdainty and delicate 4 -yet strong to endure.
'1 This is the King -
the price somewhere around $5, and
People who don tt know it, guess
yet it is only $3.
Ask to see King Quality.
The _ Ittd Finit, Furniture Store
Has been retewed, renevated .and enlarged, and now we are
in a position to offer he public all the newest designs of _Parlor,
Bedroom and Dini g kaiiten at very tempting prices. Also a
very nice line of Chairs in all the newest styles. New line of
Plow es just in, veryj elm ap. We extend a cordial invitatiou to
every one to come apti see us and OUT stock. .
guj.L_Lt= It nun u-;,ut It -6. JoAgash—wzrea.
.7 bis department is ecnliplete with a large selection of the best goods, and
obliving ettention given to this branch of the businese.
i•bght calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, MtS, T. Holmes,
Goderich street, Seaforth, o rokite the Methcdist,t church.
Be Surprised
to learn how -cheap we are sellbig fencing
this year considering the cost of wire. Bet-
ter see about it before you buy, No other
fences made of wire like MTS. Fat Page up
wiri good end posts, It win stay
there tight and nice.
walkerviller Ont.
NI 111 I I I I ni 1111Ni
rip A aorrix
11.11P- 70 Ms Mom
it may be tcortle, alike lions
or -even attOret t-O.yote.•••1
Fingal, Barnes Co., IS. D., March 10, 1898.
• Dear Si,:-'-! have used your Kendall'sSpavin Cure and
think it a good Liniment. I have cured a Stiavin on my bet
mare, and I wonidnot take *125 for her, tvlichl offered for 875
before. twill he pleased to have your book laud receipts for
Ilartington, P. O., Oetar1}7,1lar. 0, '08.
'this teamed etzerrrue, as yloreAduri, on the cartoon.
1». B.
"rsKet—ticlencIC:seds- please find a two-'entatamp for your
valuable IrOYSO Book, I had ono but a is lo riaaveustd •
your Kendall's Spavin Cure without one falinte la years', and
smolder it the best LI ninsent for an or betet RI the markets
Please eel:Ulnae the tioolc as you advertise it on tie, for horses.
GEORGE intowsr.
so is an absolutely reliable remcdr for Sparta",
SpUals,Csular, itingboaesote. Reinaven trisi bunch and
leave!! no soar. Fries, El; SIN fort. I - ilLINIOIlt
for family use it has no equal. k your druggist
for KENDALL'S RUTIN OM, also igA Irreatie on tlie
Kers*? the book tree, or address
1111 1.1i v
Merton Sto k
Thoroughbred Durban:1' Ccws.
Heifers and Mills •
of tnie roost faahionable strainil for sale et
reasonable pricse Pott iffilpe atldre-,s,
1 1(101-11
Oil EN
Good ho l est nien in everlo-ell'ay,locat or tr.tvr Wog,
to itaradicet advertise r ur gooi"ti, tack n g np
show t on It nets slo; g avolaie roljrb. and all eon -
spit urns ph.ees l.o C;si el War e. neer,rid. oat ry or
metros,. el: 01 pc c not th. Ind i eicOrers .p r
dna AY/ t It r ft.IJ perticultirti. fin li
HRH ale DIUINE 0 5., L3r.eo e Oat.' !
grow paying drops isecatisitt they're
fresh and always the I ' st. For
sale everywhere. Refuse su stitutes.
Stick to Perry's Seed* andlprosper;
1900 Seed Annual free. Wni to for it.
. D. M. FERRY & -CO., WindsIr, Ont.
Cutters and Sleighs.
R. Devere4ux,
i -
Beiforth Carriage Works,
as on hand a lot of Cutters and Sleighs,
ew and second-hand, which he will telt at
reatl 'reduced prices. If -youi want to get
good rig cheap, now MI the tine. ,
f R. DEVEREAUX Seaforth.
Ins or
Hides, Sheep Skins,
- Tallow
To ftell, don't forget that I a
Seaforth Saw Mil
bas now thoroughly Overhauled and rentensted the
Seaforth saw mills, recently purchased from the
Colman estate, and isnOw prepared to doall
On the shortest notice and 3:11014 roteonable forms,
1 he proprietor being 'himself a practical saner. and
as he gives the business his pereenal ovenught het
ran guarantee all his patrons the most complete
The highest prieein OA will be paid for anynuniber,,
of good Soft Kinn Rock Bin., BIMIIIWOOCI end another
logs, dart rcd at the milL
Any numberofBattinVoOd Beading SOUS, 40 Irian in
length, wanted, for Whieh the highot prim alit also
be paid. Give oast cell *bee you have a bill forsaw.
ing, or logs to sell.
tfLegillep Directory for 1900.
JAMES LOCKHART,,Iiesio likaterth P. O.
ALEX. GARDDIER, loadbuty P. 0.
JOHN 0 GRIEVE,__Connuillort WfatihroP *
JAM O'LAUGHLIN_ __, Bmeltwood P.0
ARCHIBALD MoOREGOR, Councillor, Stiatoeth
JOHN 0: hiont10011, emir, Winthrop P. 0:
DAVID Mk zoss. Treasurer, Winthrop P. O.
WILLIAM. RVENB, Awasei!, Beechwood P. 0,
CHARM DODDS, OollsotOr, Worth P. O.
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Impeder!
bary P. O.