HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-02-09, Page 1. - . � �_ I -IT
- - I
me Of .,The -
Shown In
lives Us a,
� very
the very latest -
mespnris. INIC
lement, to have
:4 these goodif so
A and on sale.
.ilong them are
I tweed pattermF
.6 larger plaids.
L�aloringa, which
: -
$Iaced on display
I -ng special att.
. conApicuous a.
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� ,
'Itpuns Is, not yet
'god assortment-,
r -so, any 'antici-
alot act unwisely
Uon at once, be.
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would just have
� . .1
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hings for early
iake handsome
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'riDg the past -
;tady just what ,
. up whitewear
�iust mention a
.he white cotton
tore sells.
perfection and
r good.,foTtune
fussy work of _
-3 i. _
� i past, .
beat source, and
,ifle more than
e and embraid-
irment . is about
by the nimble
:Pt young ladiee
--he ar� of fine,
. -
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..plain how yaa
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, !'i,
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bout l(II-P piecea
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( C-1 fast. YOT.�
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1 1��Ic
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William Tier-
: afters to the
�-.i� know hia
� .A. 11% jSL,ei .
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7 is St'.11 Of' il� -
. hear of hia -
.1hller has re,
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I J-nell lost _� - .
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7 t h e coming
6, of Shlpka,
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"Mlie�- Spael
. I laat weck-.
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- I ,- -_ , - I —_ - . I
TH -FIRST YEAR. I i . : i - .. . , . 11: 1� -_ I I
I I I i . i I t, - I I � I �., .1 MCLEAN .13ROS., Publishers. . r
. I , . I Y 199 190 �. �
VVHOLH NUMBER, .. I- . I ! . . � S�AFORTH97RIDAY,, FEBRUAR . ,� 11 I
. . 0a . . � �
1.678.1 J I � , I . . . -
.- I I � __ . . . I . � . I , 1! $1 a Year in Advance. �,�
- - . �
� . 1. I � � - : . — . 1. I . , a .. — ,
; : . � : . i , I . �
I i : . ." ' . . i � � ' I -
I- .� I I I THE � OENTRAL - HUROI� .her own ftag. 'She atones ienb her appli. � merely of seeing the country land getting parties. Only the immediate relatives of - I �
I i . - ; I . cation to the . I .. mater :
� . � i 7 i � . � CRIMAMERY. .Minister of Militia, was &a. WALL ; k bebre her .re- the bride and groom were present at, the �
� . Z I - . . . i . f - . i
. - i i . �p - � .- — . � cepted, and before she had time to recruit - . . I turn. She afterwards decide� : to rerriiin ceremony, which was perfeimed by R- ev. if
I . I i I Mr. J. E. Crealey, of tPle Central 110ron from the hardshipi and fatigue she had % I there,� and has since acted as : to'cretary `to James A. .Anderson. Mr. UY, b" been ap. i
! , i1vie, the Cat adian Com- pointed manager of the Canadi Ban 0 i
. Cremmeryi Seaforth, has i sued the follbw. undergone in the American war she was on I Mr. - Williatif Ogi Ian. k f I
- .1 . i . PAPER I : I - �_
: , . i L , lar to his patrons. it is well w4rth her way to join the Canadian- contingent at . . missioner. Commerce at Closleigb, Yuk�on Territory, I 1
. . In= perusal ; . . --One�of the oldest businesst! ill leave in a fivv ;
I a I Quebec, bound for the seat of war in South . ...0-Oncerns in for which place he w
I . I I
I . I � !
I L i In immuibg our second annual announce. Africa. We are sure that her many admir. I lalt changed hands last week' when Mr. Weelm., 0 . i
.. - I I I R 1900. , - Stafford, niam, form- -Bert. H. WmIker, men of Henry Walk. - � L
, - I
� - i � ment, we desire to expr6m our- thanks for ing friends, At the close of the terrible , T. W. Gardiner, of I .
, . I �. � I I � 0 i
.. the very generoussup struggle now going -on, in South Africa, will. . I . . ' -
� � � merly a resident of Toronto, u ht Mr. er, of Clinton, is doing well in Tacoma, A
4_90-9 -f-_10-4--if -9- red ;
_H_1_� I 6_60- - - _6_+-H-1-++++++ � � the firob years operations. Ib niss e Robert Gilholm's a p, oyed in a large _ 1
14C 4�_V_ ' ? ort we have recei
I . � _ -i d welcome bar back in health and strength to Dur'ing tbis m can I Aw mill and Cr busi- Washington, and is em I , -,
L . � I i I - I
. . . i I brn og, a n her native count 'From a letter 'to her I nomm. Mr. Gilholm. hwis operi0d. fhe mill music Store in that city, - lie receives the . I
I . 1 � uragement. bc us sell you Wall . Pape r � and - , I
that oonfidence has been so quickly ore& Ad father, in Ham7iticn, dated from No. I for 31 yobrs. He now retires: to private handsome salary of $1,300 per year. I �
- - . i _ I
. It is a far cry bet ; put it on your walls at a - ; � .
ween now �nd- the tim I that eople wil be in the bus�neEs, and the methods employed 'General Hospital, Wynberi, Cape Town. . - life. - � -On Wednesday Mr. Rory Ron#, of Am. i.
- - , 9 P of in its transactioti. The creamery will be South Africa, we, call the following interest. PrIce that will save, YOU —The annual report of the provincial reg- berly, was marriea to Maggle MoKenzie, �
. I
able to wa.'lk abroad w4Lh out - undelrwear—,'-'the time carried onAuriag the entire year, and indi, in f oto : money. - � . . . . istrar of the province of . laid daughter of Mr. John McKenzie, Aslifield. � I
I �; �
bal to 11EY&DEAP. -FATHUR,-Well, here we are ; 81 op just - - Rev. M L
my sprin . And yet it's a funny thing, that, the. time cation* point 'a lar ely increased volume � before the Legislature, XUag tN marriage I
9 9 . I . . %�t 40 joint . r. Miller .conducted the - I
. . I .of business, some patrons having, already at the base hospital. Wynberg. We dis- ID stockoompanien were in000rpor*ted in the ceremonyinthe preseuceof.a large assem- �
0 is d ing to whet or you �happen to be .-doubled the number of cows kept. To at. embarked on Nov. 300t, having stayed on AIEX, WINT]EIL11, - course of the fiscal year 1898,99,� with ,capi. bly of invited guests. .
the buyer or -the seller. If you are t4��ij . . tain the greatest -euooex4, there must be oo the -ship the firstc night we landed. The : � ,J tal stock &'mounting to $1)534,190. . In the -About sixty guests Assembled at the . -
le seller, then sprin - , - i
i doetor from the Somerset Hospital came . I preceding year 39 sual utes, were in- home of Mrs. Alex. Craigii, Godericb, to It ,
d 9 operatiov, and patrons can render valua�le ! Am-- EAFORTHO . -
- sell What you have assistance :in the production. of down and invited us to Amy at that hospital co, vi
will soon be here, and you ha bettO a aup'e�ior corporated. in the provin ,Ith capital witness the marriage of her daughter. Miss .
00100mmu6mumm - I ,
b article, by due car . until we received orders- We were just on . � f I - Jessie, to Andrew Anderson Fowlie, of Buf,
. -
at a sacrifice, than carry the coats o yler. � Then if you, aro exporl e and cleanlines -in I . stock &mounting to $2,513,5W. ' �
the handling of the milk. In all our ere m- the point of leavitig for the hospital when ing this in bed, and so t red that I do not ,At an interesting rhoeting of' the citiz. falo, New York. The ceremony was pot,- I
the b�u hy then spring is a Ion ' ay yet— - Dr. Troves came over to Invite us on their know what I am writing. I Am Writing by ens of Vancouver, British Cola formed by Rev. James A. Anderson. : i
yer., w tim 0 Aw I We ory experience we have never received @ ch ipbi which . 1,
i _ ' . -
I h we ship lor tea with his two sisters, sio we had the dim light of a candli an that is the only packed the city hall to the doork,as' rose- One day not long ago a team b6lon in
- gm I ;
? . ;
-- .
will have three months of oold weat er yet. i . Be all this Iniformily fine flavored milk as we means V re bave of light ing our rooms. -1 lutkn, asking the government to raise 10,- -
. � during thapast year, and to our patrons we tea on the 11 Dunvegan," one of the Castle to Mr. William lfoo�d, of Usbormi, !
as it may, of course y ou.are & bu r and we are sellers, readil givessbaroof the credit, for the ex. Line. You will rocornize Dr. -Treves Am want ths letter to go to morrow, Or 01" -1 000 mountedtroolm for the Tra�iuvi,s fright on 'the main street., Exeter, and rim f
. y � � i - ;
. :
I cellent reimitation won by our goods in both One of Briglan , s, for I would write more, but on must excuse ins paised amid continued cheering, ge.ople into the country as Ur as Devon. Fortan- ,I
t -your reason � I It
-ind it is onlv business dealing ito, g ve us * hile I my rui t
home d tely the horms were not burlio although ;
I .r . ; know you his F Weary ad down to rest standing on shairs and waving tPerr do. a -1
and foreign markets, 1. we his great work on surgery �
. in two volumes, in your own library. He rme drar. A' momor- they ran s � �
*tb the bal%noe of . THN SEPARATOR SY _,� 11'ainst an iron post and bent it to i
why we should be anxious to Part . ,STEM ! nd re 6m about my - mountain home and' A committee was fo d to . �
. I and Sir William McCormac were sent out ]ear oni s far away- I "sure you that life ial. The finance committe* of the. the groun - I . I
. - T
our stock of furs. A man has alwayls to go to his neigh- Has been adopted by all the beat factories, specially to take charge of the surgical do. n the &,my it not a bed Of rosee. Give -The Ontario street Methodist church 11
' . . . . city -council on Saturday vot�d. $500 to I I
I rantages over he no ny love to all my friends � . I
I �
bor to find out what is best for ,his, t wn interest, and so And posee'"es many a& partment of the war. I felb ,IuiW Uttered and with heaps the Canadian Patrietie Fund. ;1 Sunday mehool of Clinton hold a very succom- - J1 ,
. I � skimming. The milk is early in the hall ids it the very kind reception we received from f love f, )r yourself and all the dear ones at -A dreadful accident occurred reeantly ful anniversary on Sunday, January 28th, 4
let us leave it at this—that every an could ran �an- of the experb. maker, and -any bad flavored Dr. Troves.- After leaving the " Danvegan " omeo slid hoping to hear fiom.jrou soon, I on the promises of the Great Webb Laundry On Mondisy. the usual entertainment given _�
. , .z �
others'_ affairs better than he do es hi We will be milk is prevented from injuringthe ,Whole we went to the hospital until I 0 - o'clobir, to ,emain, Your loving daughter' BETSE-C. Company, Winuipeg, when a yo rig woman by the scholars was hold, at which an �ox_ I I
I day's make. Thus the uniform -quality so make arrangements about staying there an. - - I � - Dellent programme was rendered. - . !
Own. , . 0 � employed there, named drun obannson, 4 . I
charitable one toward the other, and I these short- mueh desired in secured, and the patrons til we received Orders. Dr. Anderson,' the . ethocust MissionAxy was caught by her skirts in the`uncovered -Mrs.John Jordan,of Relwnd,Manito- i
. I . . I i
- forget benefib by the. consequent higher pricesob- superintendent wentbaekwith us to the � ba, accompanied by two of bar son*, in visit- i
* . a . � Contributions. 1 ' no I -of a shaft revolvirij'abo �two feet I
COMI11981- I I � rtion 'I
. tained without any additional outlay. 8 " Sardinian. " -'and had all our baggage sent fr-oiW the floor. She was whirl ' A by� Ing some of her friends in Habnevville. She I
' re - 4 arons , I i
The 4 showing the eon. � .
� the moohivery, her I ciathed and mud her husband left, there ton yeano ago, i
*ur object is to cloax all that remains of ourLfurs. Webave milk should 6e strained and aerated in :14 to the h a *tal ' We then wont ta, see 'our t ributions for missions G the various Ideth- �ead being a � i
. . 0 . 1. ' And commenced farming near Roland; they �i
atm sphere, and the nighVs milk atirr men off.0 They were in camp at Greenwood, both her shoulders broken. I The poor' I
a nice lot of all styles ot fur cais i aver, Persian I inbp fore the cooled me odint chArches in this section. will be of in- . -,
- roing's milk is added. , k6 just near to the Somerset Hospital,. and teramb, aid.are taken from � . be Annual ]dim- women lived only twenty minuteol ,aftow the now work a half motion . .i
. I �
alian .. I ' I - n camp when they were . accident. .
Astrachan, Boollaran, Austr eaver, white -'ali2b the areamery the skimming is done by po w were just settled i i 7Prsvious to his leaving for Greene, _� :
I ' � sionary �eport, recently issued .- ;
skim milk pasteuriz)d I
61 . I -'a Michigan, where his parents reside bin com- i
- I er separators, and th ordered to Do Arr Junction. We went -Thomm R. St*aoy, one of Brockville I �
etc., which we axe clearing out at a discount of 25 -per '(heated to 155 degrees), to kill the l"I 10 down to a" them off, and '44he crowd Goderich, Worth 8b.. ,..;...! ...... $290 38 "hers men, rad and friends rememberea 1.)ovia-Heams,
� I I - Was so I 11 I oldest and most respectect buml i
.- soid gorms, and prevent souring. It in th sipmly ' Victoria St ...... ;. I ...... 1 70 26 on w
cent; the priegs are too varied.to quote. Off men s fur awful.' When we oamo in eight of died Sunday, after a short illness from Of Clinton., by prosentrij him. with., a hand- I I
! . . returned to the farms the' same foren them they gave three cheers I for the Can. Clinton, iVattenbury 86, * ... I.I..:411 44 pdeumouis, brought - about 1'� by' eon. scram travelling came " a momento of Wig :
i . -
coats—coon, -'Australian: and Tasm la coon Siberian and when emptied into clean vessels can I . 66 'Ontario St.. * " � I
i . ) adian nurses, and cheered and cheered again , , , "i .... � ... i219 0-1 tracting a cold a week a 0. Hie, wa:s the �sohool days at Clinton Collegiate.
kep* sweet until fresh milk arrives from - Ifolmolville, .............. i. $139 W .1
t for about 15 minutes. Their enthusiasm eeaond son of the late lohn 8,,.,�eaey, con- -A former W, III lady, Mm's .
calf, mongolian lamb, marmot, wallaby, wiombat—wd !are aoto of � pit am young I
' ry. It ia'well to add boiled flax me Was simply b Ebeuezir ...... 1. 20 75 ' tractor, and had attained his 63rd year. Bessie Parker, daughter -of Conductor Par, .1
I , and the uoise &I. so . Sharon ..... e. , I., 13 62 1 - - 1
still allowing a straight discount of 25 per - cent. , To to the skim milk, to take the place of, most deafened me. Really it was the sad. 1173 72. E I in life be learned the t6Ae of a ker, of South Loudon, formerly of The Imu- i
I �
butter fmt� &ad feed it in not too I Blyth ................... 100 731 sr � _. I
illustrate :� a No. 1 prime skinned fu�l underfurred jjan_ ,&r Jpat, moeb patheti6 and touching scene I do - jeweifler, and for the past 41 ye;1;7 carried don, -Haron & Bruce, who has been on pro- I 1 4 .
,2 . .1
_ L ) quantities three times a day. Pastou Jackson's. . ...... _:. 40 43 1!141 16 on that line of business. He ' bation an a nurse At Fort Wayme, Michigaiii4 I
' . . ever witnessed, and Ishall never forget It w" reputed .
adian coon, winter killed, Will cost $50, less 26 per o6nt_. tion is. valuable, not onlv MkL treating sk Seaforth ................... I � .
. 1. as long an I live. It was at 1.30 0. m., a;nd ........ 1146 49 to have one of the finest stores be�Ween To. hospital, has graduated and been. Accepted �
� , Dungannon ................. 144 75'. � ,
olf—$37.50. At this priceyou ill purchase a gendine 'ilk for stock feeding jurpoaes, but m � I terribly'hot, and � they were the s%dderit ronto ondMontreal. :, . on the staM .
I and cream which has ben pasturized is I looking lob of . I ever saw. So many of it Crewe. . ......... 23 00 167 75 -The Rev. Mr. Filmore, B i1st Mini- ,ud I at � i
,. men � -From the list of successful at I
. I - ly recommended by -,physiolans for in all Miss Russell, if we could Nile ....... 61 85. t1ide one the -Ontario Agricultural . LC L o en lob, . , . -
coon I � i " Oh, ster Of Meaford, attempted , I
. � ' * * * * ' ' '; ....... .- Me 9 I
No. 1. 7 add children, and therprocess will doubtl4 se them said. 11 Ebenezer .... ......... 21 24 "011og . G?Iel I i ,
. We have five fine jackets left, and these will be . cleare(1 at only take you nuri em with us it would nob night lately in a- horrible- manne�. While the following are from Huron CoUnty : R -L L. . I
. -
' L be soon adopted foff"VAh factory and rot 6il seem half so hard, i,bub it doe's seem hard Shoppatilton ..... 5 2K 88 377 his family were at the supper t�ble, about Elliott. Senforth ; B. 0. IGIIPM*, Gorrie; W. I
- i
the same big cut in the Price, viz.: 25 per cent. off. O-ar purposes. Any one who wishes may me id after bringi . Benmiller. , .'. . I . I . a ........ 69 44, L i
.. inF you Over with no to leave 66 six weloik-he having decidedly refused to G. Knox, Belgrave. W. T. McDonald, :of i I
, : i �i .
� i,S� cream from hand separators, which can )e you -behind.' Pyor Captain, ,McDonnell. I Is Bethel .......... L.- 53 96' tch I 3
". for this move is the simple one, that ffie mone have say -he suddenly out ed a butcher Culrose, was also one of the succe-saful stu- � I
- reason I I procured from the ereamery at, th� IQW4 st - I wished him all lid Zion ............. 36 907 knife from the table and rushed to the back dents. i
L , When he said goo 1 -bye, I
of more vEdue to us than the furs, ufitil the op-ning of price and on the most favorable I te �, _. . � Balls ............ 14-37'174 77 door, where he dr6W the Made across his - L
e . sorts of success an I told him I hoped he -A Wedding took 'plate on - Wednesday
I ) , I
. - � BY,-MONTITLY PAYMEXTO� - , I would come out 1th honors and saf t Auburn .................... 70 40 throat. - He was re � . i
the, season again n ext Fall. � I . � . ' rl' " Westfield .......... 130 3 .p vented iron" finishing morning of last week, at the residence of I
1 1 __ Every morn" fl 'd unce of milk O�r He replied "But you know, Miss Rusne , � .94 1 his awful Act by his wife and t McKin- Mrs. E. Barber, Dungannon. The happy .
'r .
L - ul 0 . Donnobrook ....... 65 48 265 79 ley, a caller, who rushed out az '� - _ .
11 -again- draw your I m each patron's can', a d I ijd� tZ the ter, Uvinia, one -of
we wi , attpntio'n to th� fact that our s 6ck cream is taken rom there is so much ime I will be a splendid bride wai' her daugh .� ..
- - . target for,!he loe N.$' Walton ..... ...... . : .... L..' 56 38 is ug ladies. *� -
of -buckskin pants are an improvemen't over last season by means of proper preservatives 0 091 i I And it was quite is Bethel .... �. " knife from him. Medical &"in ance was Dungannon!s -momb popular you I
� ! � ' ce ont true, for I 4 a ve,y large man, six feet, ; " * " 12 25 summoned and the wound stitche4 up. He and the groom was Elmer White, a popular . I
. I I samples are kept, until the end of th 9 99 Providence, 11 92 8()-85 is n w violently insane. ; L I young farmer froin near Aylmer. The oero-
I ; .
. M that this season we are sewing allI this class, of weitr- when they are tested by means."of t e a three inches in hei ffit. . All of their face , -
I - �- "' ' * 9 1 - . I
1. will bo were scorched wit the burning Londeaboro ......... ...... 127 49 ' I hou � 6 !t of MODY W1 .
in . this way - cook tooter. As heretofore, patrons . sun, and 61 . ' -1-6 is understood thalt worriC h' li An performed by- Rev, B. L. Hatton.
ing pants with heavy stiong Ii 1 doing on. Poor Kinburq . ...... L 32 71 160 20 L
inen, , notified regarding the price to be paid I they were drenobe in prespirati . officers of the Stratheona H e il p4blished -Mrs. Mary .-WeRay lict Of the late
' . Tuckeramith- I * I � ., re, .
with any chance of thread breaking away un'&r the cream�ery for the following two wee f Colonel Buchan's f ce just looked an if ,it the , name of Lieutenant-Colonel Sam Donald MeKay, of Goderieh, died At Be -A ,
. away � . I � andiks soon as possible afterLthe middle f would burst, El"No officer came up and TurnerN.... ,'.... : 62 05 r. The miller, on January 26th. The doei , -
e -
. Alms ....... I . .... 202 21 84 26 'bres, - h betwe An the gallant coloniq .
. � stress or stra.in. The unlined bucks in sells for, the i old each month statements will be made out . said good-bye and od bless you before they ' ,. �.,- . Lage Of 85 years
. . . I L � r * L 7o �land the who bad attained the great
Bayfield...,_,j.�.... .. 21 00 -
price—$I, the lined for $1.25, and y, a will., travel a long .vancing. filty cents per hundred of milk. t went on the train, ad said if they needed #6 : , - major -general commanding, is sa,i,a to have and 10 month#;, passed the,greater part of hot .
th end of the mouth cheques will be issu nursing they wanta to be nursed by their Cc e's., J...'�.... 1. 16 75 been sufficiently bealed to perniii the latter life in'Goderich. During the post year the ' L
. ... I I .
j-ourney for. anything which will give! as much satlisfac- foe v 11 Bethel,.... it ...... 45 26 53 00 i, n a - posi- I � . . I
r the total value of the mouth's milk, I own nurfies. Wss ope told the P. M. 0. . , . � o reeemme'd Col. Sam Hughes -for bad been livisig with� her grAnd-daughter, '
tion for the money. I . I the cost of drawing and the ',amount alkea y that 'we wanted to L arse our own men. arms, . .... ... .� ...... 63 70 tion. Col. 114-glies went to. SoOth Aftica, Afra. George NeWeiLl, at BoUrniller. . -
. - I advanced, . Arrangements are being made 0 Well, we stayed ur days at- -the Somer. I 11 Goshen. ' 72 76 - with the first -Guadian contingept,but on -Another old resident Of Clinton, Ili*, - �, .
. I I
Our own make of men's -suits still lead for value ;' the prices ' Weste set Hospital, and -t re received a telegram " Brucefield... , .. ....... 15 00,151 46 aocount on some difference between _ himself R. Wilsot� died last week, Of pneumoni I I
,mecare the services of one of the. Weste n . Veter, Main �b_-. . 1
- � . i 5 87 3he ,was I
' e Butter and C6eiese Association inspqcto�s, saying we were to �eport to Sister Garrocb, - afid General Hutton, he was denied a, pool.- having �only been sick a few days. - f -
are $8, $10 and $12. You will seethe force of what w . - #4 James- St .. ............. 287 9 . a n -
� he will call atUe factory each month and ot the General Hoe )ital at Wynberg. so Hennall.,.. ' % ...... . 83 81 9 tion on, the force, and since his arrival In ,ative of Semiarid, and after ber marriage -
� aim by examining the goods, the #t- and. tke finis w here we are. Ea(6 superintendent nurse, cadie, to this country and tattled in Clinton. I
cl * h) superintend the- tem�ivg. An addressed I Cips 'Town has been kicking his heels - -
nary readvmade goods. - post card will be furnished to each patro�'f ed a sis ' , comes out from Eng- Sexsmith. �. . . ... -_ 31 08 168 52 : around that plaeo waiting for something to Her husbain4.pre-decessed her about eloven
.A which So easily surpass the' ordi ' who is call " Bethesda,, , I 111*11 53 63
is -1
, i I . anYwheuever, any suggestions can be maqle land, with a staff ot nine nurses, and they ,P turn up. It seems that all thinp�: come to years ago. Mrs. Wilson was one of the � - -
1 B 'the way, have you taken advantage 6 the prices which I are. all army nurseEj I am the youngest K Pon ....... ..... ...... �� 15 25 those who can wait." I . oldest members of Willireburch. She leaves
� y 0 . � in his own or the creamery's interest, we . to - Cbinelburat 1:-.:, 26 85 1 1
will bepleased to give them our immediate nurse 1� the army, and im treated by the 44 -Members of tho, Dominion ]�Arliament,, a family of three daughters. -
. ail ith us in underwear at the sent time ? I Hills Green.' ... . �_ , .
I I , -. abtention. I . other sisters as if Rwere a child (though I 8 90 51 00 have received a copy of the folloti -Mr. W. LW,cPherwn, of Lo'kelet, bad
. I - � . i , . . . . Wingbam .......... I ....... I ...... 164 136 1 ug reso. I
. � � A BRICAIT OUTLOOK. � ha�e done more wsi nursing than any of lution, which in to be moved in �be House a very narrow 4paps from boting crashed to , - .' - I
� . . I I I . I . I thp,m), and, they 411 call me the baby. Brussels .. .. ..... � ............. 98 12 on behalf of the Dominion Alliancla .- ',' That death one day 'last we6k. while outting . I I
AA -_ I - . Farmers Igenerally are haviDg more of , Ethel ............... f . - . .
I Iwlwlw v'W,V � L Strange to may, hw�ever, I was sent on duty 1'....o.- ... 93 81 in view of the declaration of this house, wood in the bash belonging to R, A. Byron; .
- . - I I . their cows freshen in the late fall, -or ear y in ihe offic Fordwich... . .. .... ... I I, 109 64 �, .
I - : , winter months, and thin is certa nly a chan e errs' wardo while my seniore'were '. - i - I ......... made on -March 26,1884, that obibition is While cutting down a tree he minjudgeathe
- L i Gorrie . . . � ... 187-53 the 1, ' _
- mmies, ......... ' lit and most effectua I tree was to fall, and
. sent to the huts ,be nurse the To I ,� r. legislative direction in which the
in the right direction.' The calves will bh I Wroxeter .......... j--....;..,7 68 50 rig �
I . . wh.1ch I thought was hardly fair to them. remedy for the evils of e and uuf '
UNDERCLOTHING01 � be raised a , a time when it is possible,� 0 1 Bluevale ........... � ..... L ....... : 128 7_2 . in ortunately did -not get out of its wayi - .
I . ;1 - I . I �� � � Well, I have been- nursing the -Queen's that this house is prepared,' a - soon as sad, it fell on his leg, breaking it above the .
- Lgive them 0einecessary care and attentio , , Ashfield- . i . �
. I - , of cousin, Major the ("ount Gleichen, and aev. I public opinion will sufficiently sustain strin- 112kel. .
and the bulk the milk will be produe " I L Blake's ...... ... 40 52 �
� The ba.lance of our stock of all' classes of ,men I s and boys' while the price of butter is the higbe . eral generals, colonels and lieutenant- Hope. I ....... genr, measures, to pro �ghelation ; -A. MoD. Allen, of Goderich, left for
I colonels, etc, I don't think I care for "' '" 4. - - '- . . . 20 42 and further, in view of the substintial ma- Montreal, last, week, .to inspect a lar e _.
i - , I (iommenti upon the Canadian export bt - - HacketVs ....... �. � .... 19 69
e cleved at interesting prices. . . nursing the'officers, they are so fusay, but jority in , favor of, prohibition, �f -all the jinx - t�;Lof fruit, previous to ite shipmen -2
I unde'rwear will b' ter trade %, 'aglish authorit stated re- , k, tr
i t i.14, y the Zion . .......... 1 ...... 34 81 141 71 � .1
I y were all w�uderfully nice to me. I votes polled throughout the D�minion in am the great Exposition. It will be , .
. Oae lot will- comprise the, lines which Sol Tegularl ' at 80C cently that �: if Canadians - continued 'to set d Big . 1. - ,. .
. . L y over buttei of the right q uality, the atnoui i b r Brown is toppen up a hospital at T amount contributed in Clinton is the plebiscite- of --September 2% IL8981 in. .Mr. AIIW* duty to -see that only good fruit, I
�. �_ ii I I
e the clearing price at 55c a RO di Bruschi, and wants to take the Can- lar er than that raised in any other place in eluding an overwhelming majority.! in all- the is sent forward, and -
a�nd $1 a suit. We plac whioh would.find a ready mark"et the- 9 Ll' . he will thus be made I
or if e ad n roes with I ier, and we want to go t on eren(e I London City and , a d a large �reportion responsible for the excellency ok the Coua�'- "_ .
I suitl 'I -you.desire the single piece, whether shirt would, for maby,years to come, only be lini wi 'a he is ] v �ed. , In the co fer- provinces bub on ' " than fruit exhibit.
- .
� ! k hour, as a perfectly Id ely.f ,The St. Thpmas alone excl �i n the fibleeVO em in these )province,,, '-.
I '
- . or drawerR, it will cost 28c. 1 ; ited by the amount they could- produO2e. eon -General came out yeiterday and ence bounds are suck ibwns of all one Poe] Ow of the � I �
� With conditions so favorable for the �r '. suig _) as Windsor, this h e in n ion Ohat it in -Mrs. John Johnstone, who died, at tte,
duction of large quantities o . f the beat ek. nted to go, and, of Chatham, St. Marys, Siratford and others, the duty of the DominoiapninParflament to residence of her son in Dungannon. last �� .
The second lot will include all kinds of underwear whi& Wo I coiirse, we said we wanted to go to the Clinton is a strong car tre of Methodism, and enact without delay such legielat . s will week, was 100 years old, Deceased .1 �
I - , por� goodi.q. Huron should, in the near f4. - . on a wm
�' .
had on harid selling at $1.15y $1.25, �$1.40.and $1.50 a ture, .WarnoDig the leading butter pr . oduc .i fraht, but if we Col Id not go there, then we the people there seem to be as libekal as secure the entire prohibition of (lbe liquor born m' Ireland, and removed.to Canada � .1
. '
counties. 119 wahteAtogoto R adi Bruschi with Mine they are numerous.' traffic for beverage purposes, in at lejab Over fifty years ago, and- becames readent I .
suit. Thig lot will be cleared at. 800 a suit, or 40c. for . I Brown. So he sai i- be. would consider it. '! 0 1 � these provinces and territories which hkve of this county. Her husband died about
� �
� . � . For the convenience of his patrons, M�. Our work is awfully hard. We ga---on duty � voted in favor of prohibition. � I thirty years ago. Mrs. Johnstone had only
single garment. I Crealy will maintain skiming stations 0 at 9 a. m., and corr o off at 9 p. r�. Such 0anada. . . been ill a few weeks, and before her death . I
' '
�t 75 a Clinton and Brucefie in reakfast at 8.30, lunch Ivate bank, in Hamilton - - I ' . could see to read without her glasses. I
Id. The � ilk is tak�n funny hours. We Stinson's pr f I -- �
. Lot No. 3 includes goods sol�l regularly qt S1.65 and $1, to these stations,' the aretim separated froln at I P. m., dinner 9 p. in., and go to - bed has suspended payment. � . . Huron Not,i6s. ' --�-W-hile out driving one day, a short time - " -1 I I
. suit fo.- which we place the ciearin� price at , 1. a suit it, the skim milk returned to the patronp, about 12 o'clock. - -The Canadian General Electric Com- -Goderich wants a new railwa; -depot. I _1
. I any has Sul � National --Ther6 -are 114 names on the m"Omberabip ago, Mrs, Riddle, Of Auburn, was thrown
I ) ) and the oream sent to the factory ab Seo6- �t bscrlbVSq $1000 to the i from the outter and slightly injured. The
I �
or 50p, for the single . piece. � forbh. � . We have 600 patients here and only 16 Datriotio Fund. roll of Brussels Public -Library. " rnnaway.waE
I � . I " . . . .. -
. : . I — � sisters so you may imagine Jiow bard we -A Balmer Watt I J. A., editor of the -B. K. Rose has Assumed th� manage. ; caused by a Aug catching the
,, erwear r gIng in price rom I t e
The last lot will embrace un anit, havetowork. JustbeforeI went over to Woodstock Sontinel-R view, was married ment of t6e ROSS fl6ur mill Brussols. horse b- . _h' heel, which caused it to kick,
' Man Nurse in SOut� my room toretire, I weritto secone of MY recently to Miss� Gertrude Hogg, of Guelph. - mud 14 I
A Can 0 frL t g itself from the cutter it ran
� $1.50 to $2.25 a suit, q,nd these lines wi.11 be cl ared . A&ica. ; -An old resident of Clinton named down the embankment at the bridge, and I -
I I t- men who bad his arm amputated above the -Mr. E. A. Hugheis, of Brandon, Mani- Charles Carline, died at the age of 63 1�cars, finally lauding on the ice below the brid
L 15 a suit or -65c'for the - single shirt or drawers. Miss Eli7za,both Russell, daughter of elbow, and found he had an alarming hem- tob%, son of Judge Itughes, of St. Thomas, last week. I ,ge.
. I . I i - I D . I- . The herse escaped with a broken none.
I � . I Russell , pr ricipal of the insane asylum at orrhage ; so I immediately compressed the has been appointed bu�A'ar of the Manitoba -Messrs. Christopher Nelson and -John --At the Huron Old Boys' bxrtquet to be - I
I , ;
I � Hamilton, ent with. the firmt Canadiiin brachial artery and got an orderly to fetch Insane Asylum. , ' Taylor, jr,, of Exeter North, lefb last wee k, held on February 16th, Colonel W_ D. OWr
+++++-H- .... . . . . I contingent o Sout Africa as A �ain the tourniquet and another to go for Mr. -The Simcoe nU113g ompany recently for Sault St. Marie, where they1have me- 'will be eleited honorary president'of the as.
+� - - nurse, Mi a Russell has had a brilliai �t Fox Symons, the surgeon. The artery bad received a cablegra fro the, War Office, cured lucrative pajitions. ,. soeiation. Colonel Otter is one of the old .
. . i career in hc r profession, and has had son e sloughed and I got there just in time to save London, England, ordexing 67 tons of jam -Miss Middleton, of Goderich --township, bo -a of Huron county. He was born -on the �
4 . 11 . �� remarkable experiences for one so young. his life, but before I left him he - was in good for the troops in South Affics. 1. who has been organist in the obhroh there
I i She is a graduate of the traini Laie Shore road, 'between RmyBeld and I --- ,
- I I . � ug school t(r condition. So many of our men have died -Half a dozen masked burglars entered for some time, was presented last �oek with Goderich townshi-P, -and lived for consider. .
. - I .nurses at the Presbyterian Hospital, Nev during the night of hemorrhage. It is a grocery store in Monti eal, Saturday night- -a music chest. . I I . able length of timer on the London roa I
York. The American -Spanimb war brohe nimplyimpossibletobe near them all the Two of them held up the proprietors and , -James- Cartwright, of the 8 4, just I
,, I , . I ,�h conces- a little Way southof Clinton I
of �j L
I I . . . i out shortly � after she had completed . hf r time, am there are so many patients and so clerks with' guns,. wl ile the rest went sion,*Hullett, intends disposing ,,hisplace �
, I
- I ,cours6, and � while she, was acting as heal few nurses to look after them. MY, but I through the cash 4rawer, gob about $300 to his sous and takiug up his residence i --Stavely �lemorial bull Clinton, Was �
. � I - in I - P
I ,
- 11 nurse in the surgical ward at the hoe Ltal was thankful that I found that man in time and skipped. � - Clinton. - � forinally opened last Thursday night, when
� '0 - I -
I , .
I an application was made to the h . T for for no man should be allowed to die of an -Israel Evans, one A the Olde't Y10- - -of SLta , L hes &nd music were the order ,of the'
. L L � 0 , Malcolm MeGregor, 'l,y, who mPoeo . �
. . . I a nurse to complete the nursing staff on external homorrhage. � neers of Chatham, died 'on Sand 948 a it was The former were,given by F. W.
. I my in Lon- entered the House of Refuge wh A - - "
. . board tbe hospital ship Relief, and I i earn. Mr. Evans opened, died on Friday of last ,0ee`k, aged -
I I � i : 9' Cape Town is a: beautiful little Place, don, at the age of 77 y ,georucibl3agn- b. M. -priLnoip&l Norm4l school,
Lon 7
�, � B Wasell was at once recommended and ar. �uite fashionable, and a regular little Paris. had ,an ifiterestiog career, being one of the I - � don, Hon. J. T. Garrow, H. Eilber and ,
! .
- ' cetted for the position.* � had a letter from Major McDougall, the first license inspectors in Western On- -Mr. Frank'Bowers, of Olin 1 11, died . Hyslop, of the Local Legislature, Mayor
I he made nine trips in all to Cuba an � adjutant of the contingent; He said it was tario. I � � lately at the. early age of 20 years. He had Jacksoif I and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels,
Clothiers a d. Fur ishers , Puerto Rico, bringing home wounded an� awful up at De Aar Junction on account of -John B. Shaw, i King township farm- been suffering from hemorrhages, I nd was -Music was givoit by Madame Wall, the
. I -
I . . fever,.vt soldiers to the various hospl. the wind and dust. Week. 11 � Doherty Qaariettoo and W. P. Spaulding.
1, I ;: . 4 1 tale at riltn York,' Boston, P You -know we do not get er, living near Kettleby, had his hand .out Only eonfined to bed about a � I . I .
- * cutting fodder -Charles Johnston' committed j or one -
1! I 1�-� � hiladelphi any war news, off in a cuttin bo K while I -A quiet weddial took.plsoe at the rosi- ' I
- . I .
, y ". I
, 0
h � a ) .3
BiRGAINS STI�`,,�'I`bb ON I 't , I
, k4
� 'i,
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,�, I
�t �rjll", C11,
I 'I 3
r 6 I I
e6s ! '
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t 0
i e
P1 r
t. I
Oroig & Maodonald
, and old Poliat Comfort. At the close of 4 as they are not allowed to publish anything last Friday. Ae it achine was runni year for horse stioali'n'g, and Ed"rd Hall donee of the bri O'S
On -the Wronz Side of the Street, . �Ne% .A father, Biussels, on
- I -Cub&n war she returned to her CanadiAp, In the Cape Town papers ; everything is high rate of spe , and the halunt six months for shop -breaking, were'lremoved Wednesday of last week, when ,0harles J.
! S AFORTIR 'home in Hamilton for a short rest. , Sh kept so quiet, so you St home know More choppsdpff to abov the wrist. �6851 - from Godench to Kin ston latily �� Stone, merdhant, of L"Idon, Worth Dim. '
STRONG BLOOK, '�, . � i ; � .
. I I � '. J was only a week at home when she receive about the war than we do. -During a torna o one night last w�ek -The Clinton exhSitors at iiii Huron kota, mud Miss Jessie G.s estimable 4augh- .
:__�� � T
; - . ! � - We have seven Boor patients in the huts, an express train o�jnbe Newfoundland RWw Poultry Show in Seaforth wer� ., A. j. ter o z
, — I i a telegram from Surgeon -General Stember g .t a I . f Mr, John MoOr", were happily wed- i
; at Washington, saying: "The hospital and they are awfully funny. Do you know way was lifted off t a track and deposits Grigg, J, Doherty, Geor e Lewalli I F. For. ded. Rev. John Rose, B. A., performing the , i
� -
The public will please note that we issue through couponl 04
. .1 ship Relief, is ordered to Manila. Will vo 1 in this war there are brothers and cousins in a bog some dis, 00 away. The baggko rester N. Davis and i. Ltteuba F ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Stone. ' after via- �
I I 1) . 9 -
tickets, and .have bagg e chee ed to destinationfrom, 90 ' one at once answered : 6, y es ; tha], I 111%[Ifollig 41glIMAU, Shea OUDer ' 111a U It aWIUI ? Oar took fire and destroyed with ,he -Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tich u e, Of Ising friends in utario, will go Wftt, where . � -
919 ., 1 await ordero." On the 3rd of March las�t Tley expect a big fight between Do Aar sontents, including a whole colonial "il Godericb,' have lost two children �=ng one they will n�Ake their home. - . � I -
� Seaforth to all points in Manitoba, British Columbia she Eailed from New York for Manila by Junction and Kimberley, mud our men will for Canada and the'Juited-States. � 1 week. A son died on the Rundav an on _rrh. 03.1.4o__ Mr. V_ --A C I & I- Z. � -1
' � Suez canal, otopping by the wak at Gibral. be in it. We hope they will relieve Kim. -The Ogilvie Millivg Company ba,ve de- the following Tuesday a daughter 4J to "I. V Ay CK, "Im 1,
and other Western points; also to Eastern Provinces - . I W � who bad says * � J. & N. Fair zold to'S. H. Smith I . �
. t tar, Ceylon,!' Singapore, etc. The trip was. berley for us, for thab -in where we Wan' t to cided to cancel all the contracts in connec. been ill for over a year, pawed aw . and shipped on Tuesday, 20 head of e
. alid, New. England States. � I ___ delightful! one, and took exactly 40 day�,, go Cecil Rhodes im in Kimberley, and can. Con with the building of the pr4pomd -Mr. Horace Fonter, of I I xPort � �
- . j ! a . u, was -cattle which had an averAgelo V poun It, � -
I Aftet spending three in; rithe at Manila this not get out, and it in said thab he has ant- W,000 mill and elevator -at Fort Willi '
, I � I � am presented with a gold chain and %h�rm by - They were what Attle men call 4 abort
- __ ship returned by raciflo ocean, to sa� ed a row of trelog on his'estate in Kim9rley and the work will be deferred for the I pres- the Odd Follows of th Cown I , .
I at,town, 4 0 night 'keeps ' that is bullocks wbi when be ht
Telegraph and money order business res eatfully solicited. , and has called it I I giegs avenue." . -- I #I lob 112 I
I . 1 Francieco, with 280 wounded and invalid out, This decision will mean �.11A .
- I . quite 4 lose lately, " a memen'to of his' conne 11 ion with And stabled were in good condition. the "
. ' ,
. _ I -------- . .. . I ; soldiers on board. The ship wassyphooned The Canadians did get a great welcome for that town. - � '. that lodge while a resident of Clin , Messrs, Fait purchased them only 11 ,weeks �
I . . ` A .
� I for two wee4s at Yokohama, which gave by the Cape Town people, They. expectad -A Steamer arrived at Victoria, British -Mr. William McPherson, who � � the re- ago, and they were in prime condition When
I 'them a fine opportunity of seeing Japan, � us a week sooner, and had arches erected, Columbia, lately, bringing the first details iring reeve of Turnberry, I$ years .sent off, as is seen by their weight. The I ... .
I after. 1,L
I �
Their next stopping place was at Honol and all the streets were decorated with of and service, has been presented with- 0:,purso of firm have sold a e6uple of carloads foi Feb. �
, . the Dawson fire. Nine hoteU
- lulu before'reaching San Fransisco. After bunting and flags. Everyone said the saloons are include4fin the burned din trict gold and an address by the council .
I ( - . I - 6 Officiols ruarymbipment,'but will rtserve the balance I
� Z I
R it J. MACDO__�TALD lisp'osiug of I their patients in the variou people were more enthusiastic over the ar- the Bank of Commerce and numerouo'busi- and citizens of that township, , .
. . I I of their stock f�r M ff and Jane. The late' I I
. hospitals, ]�,iss Russell proceeded over laul rival of the Canadians than any other regi- ness houses. The - loss aggregates half a -On W-ednesday, dranaary. 31st,' a Io The Mr. Fair began feeding cattle for shipment I
to her home� at Hamilton, which she 'reach' ment that had arrivel in Cape Town. They million. I ' � ' � I i
C. P. R. AGENT� S�aforth. . I really were a fine lot of men, and as a Can. � Maples," the residence of -Mrs. MO. . Cam- over twenty Y�Aks ago, when there was a
. I ed about th end of August, having in - t 0 -Miss Alice Freeman, widely known in eron, Goderich, a quiet'nimftiage'wa6 4olema. greater profit = the business 1 than at the -
' meantime encircled the globe since she left Adian, I was also proud of them, Canada under the.litarary nom. d� p1nme of ized, Mine Margaret Gale, third'daiighter of present time. The firW* old books show �
. I � I
COLIN BETHUNE, Agent BerHn Mutual Fire Insur'ance -� home.in Fel ruary, Sooi after her retur Well, it is now 11,30 p. m., and I have Faith Fenton, is bethrothed to Dr, Btown, the late Hon. Malcolm Colin Camor0u, and this purchase of good stock steers at an AV- I i
0 �
I I the war broke out in South Africa, atil not had a minute off duty to -day, and did of Dawson City a former resident oX To- Harry Morrison Lay, son of the lat4, Horatio ara"o f $29 per bea -which, when fitted, �
Oompany. I Mine Ruasel , at once became possessed of ,not oven got over for bay tea, and only had routo. Mies' I - -do I A
I Lowest rates- Fr;�man went up to Diwson- Nelson Lsyg 0. B.. Inspector Gd4oral of i_*J for six cents per pound. 11
. . I I - - . an intensely patriotic desire to nurse undek about 8 minutes for lu the C04 g
. �
11 . :� - . neheon, I am writ- nearly three years ago, with the int4ution Chinese Customs, being tractin
� - �_, . - � I I i� TL I I .
- I �
. . I . . : I I;
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