HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-02-02, Page 3ra is Drops' Opium, leasant. lions of Feverish,- Ca.•toria ion and regul es ehildr n's a. rzpted ensten errker to any pr - OF PER. fder ever 'EST ,f It is all you powders require ,1s for or se it. eenerittan be- wder at Iat, aOrthe 122'8 ege tinw. -The `4)qiiifiri, • S:adr; Baeineme ham. -lemon to. 1 Es, to Fairleenke eitherdepart- tham, Ont, entary at the e. un- eating- in sewer %emeriti, a hen:, er eewer pipe froul Th a Contractor to to arid dig dieing ke the war away for [rawer Ore_ G wort-. leize-a FEBRUA IliPOEtTANT NOTICES. AdVal•••••••••••••m•e". I .1.1aolLENNA, Dominion and Provinelal Lend ej , Surveyor, Member of theAcsocintion of Oaten() Land Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 198649 UNSMITHING.-I am prepared to do all kinds of jr gunereithing, also all other idnds of difficult job& Shop next house west et ray residenae in Egmondville. LEPOLD 0. VAN EGMOND Sr. 167241 TOBIN BZATTIE, Clerk .11 the Second Division id Court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Con- veyancer, Land, Loan and Insure oe Agent. Funds invested and to Loan. OM o-Cver :Sharp kens' store, Main street, 8efotih. 1280 VARM TO BENT. -To rent, L U Ribber t. 'Tenant can nioug 109, and get full pesseasion lat lord would prefer to rent for gr of water. For particulars apply Barrister, Seaforth, t 20, Concession after let Octube April-, 1900. Lan it g only. Plen o P. HOLMESTED, 165841 rro LET REASONABLY -Eligible farm, three nines from Blyth, 2.0 mores, two houses, two, bar ne, etc. Any nr. eded improvements will be made or allowed for. Stabling to be built and barns re- antireel next spring. Apply to T. F COLLE, Blyth I'. 0. or to CHAS. HAMILTON, Blyth, 18666-tt STEAM ENGINE AND BOILER FOR SALE. -For sale cheap, the steam engliee and baler in use in THE EXPOeITOR printing Oleo. The boiler is 12 horse power and the engine $ hone power. Both are in gcocl working condition and hove only been in use atout dx years. Beaton for selling., intend pot- ting in a gasoline eugine, Address THE EXPOSITOR, • eatorth. 1667-1 STOCK FOR SALE, • riATTLE FOR SALE. -The undersi awl have for 1.s sale on their premises.. Lot 21, Cocceesion 4, 11. B. S., Tuckeremith, five head of thoroughbred Shorthorn Bulls, aged from 12 to 14 months. A & J. DROADFOOT, Seaforth P. 0. 1671-tf XIOR SALE. -Ten Shorthorn Bulbs, from 10 to 15 X months old, as good a lot is can be found in the Province and of as good Scotch breeding, good Wore. Prices and terms almost any way buyers Want. DAVID MILNE. Ethel, Ont. 1670•M BERKSHIRES. -For sale a number of 4iik hires, bred from itcported etock of the most ap roved ype, of either sex, t very reasonable prices. W&1. oALLISTER, Varna P. 0. 16741 TIURHAM BULLS FOR SALE. -For Sale, two 1./ thoroughbred Durham bulls; both 12 months old, one roan and the other red. JOHN MORRISON, Lot 22 Conceesion 11, MoKillop, Winthrop P. O. 1636-tf 11110ROUGITBRED CATTLE FOR SALE. -For 1 sale three good thoroughbred Durham bulls, Iron! 10 to 12 months old; aloe several core and neifers, all registered. Apply on Lot 30, Concession Usborne, or address Hurondale P. O. THOMAS 7111DMORE. 1665-tf Positive y cured by these Little I - They also relieve Distress from ,Dyspepsia Indigestion and Too 'Hearty Eating. A per •kct remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowslo Bess, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the SMe, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small P1111.111 email Don, • , all Price. TSIllastitutibn the fraud. of the day. See you get Carter's, Ask for darter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills, ..-.0Mpre.„4"70f-,.1.24-t•* in' direct connections will save you time and money for all points. Canadian North STOCK FOR SERVICE. -DOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep Xi for service on Lot 8, Coneeseion 71Tookersmith, a tboroughbred Tamworth boar. Terms 81 payable at the time of service. JAMES STRONG. 1673M DULL FOR SERVTCE.-The undersigned will keep le) for service on his farm at Roxboro, a thorough- bred Durham bull recently purchased from David Affirm, of Ethel. Terms S.160, at New Years. JOIN SCOTT. 16744 111DOOAR FOR SERVICE -The undersigned UI .13 keep for service on Lot 4. Concave on 4, TuOk- ersmith, near the brick yard, a thoroughbred litn- proved Yorkshire Boar -Terms $1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning I if necessary. JAMES SPROAT, Proprietor. 1676x8 BOAR FOR SERVICE. -The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 25, Conoession 4, Stanley, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Tering- $1, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN V. DIrITG. 159141 110 PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep j_ on Lot 26, Cr noession 6, L. R. S., Tuckeramith, a thoroughbred CHESTER WHITS Pro, also a thorough- bred YORKSHIRE PIG A limited number of sows will he admitted to each. Terme, $1, payable at the time , of service, or $1.60 if charged. Also a few Chester White Piga for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-52 FrIAMWOLITH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOft SER. 1. VICE. -The tindereigned will keep for service, al the Bruceileld .neese Factory, A thoroughbred Eateworth Boar, 'Ali registered pedigree. Terms, *1; payable at 4. A service with privilege of re- turning if neeenaq . Also s number of thorough- bred young Tamworth Boars and flows for sale. FLUGH MoOADT/elsY, Brueelield. 140641 ESTRAY NOTICES T1STRAY HEIFER. -Came into the premiees of 114 the undersigned, Lot 6, Concession 14, Hullett about the let of August last, a red yearling heifer. Tho owner can have the same on proving ptooenty and paying, ohargee. JOHN A. WATT, Liarleck. 1671-tf THE SEAFORTH TEA STORE Is now opening up a very large stock of, the most beautiful designs in dinner sets; 20 dinner sets to choose from.; 20 stoneware tea sets; 10 china tea sets; 35 by 10 piece toilet sets, all colors and de- signs. These are only a few of the many articles which we carry in stock. My stock is well 'as- sorted, and was bought before the great advance in all kinds of delf, but 1 will still sell at the old prices, giving my customers the full benefit of the rise. -Also, we carry the largest and most com- plete stock of all grades of Tea, from 50c a lb. down to 10c a lb. 1 _also carry the best brands of Chase & Sanborn coffee. Great bargains to be had in all grade of goods. The highest prices paid for butter, eggs, poultry and dried apples. AU'LT SEAFORTH. LOCS WANTED. The undersigned is prepared to pay• the highegt cash price for any quantity of first. class SOFT ELM LOGS - delivered at the Brucefield Saw & Stave Mill Logs to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet in length. Will ale° buy timber by measurement or by bulk in bush. WM. AMENT Seaforth. 187041 MeLEOD'S System Renovator r • -AND OTHER- TESTED-.- REMEDIES. - A epecific and antidote for Impure Weak and Im- poveriehed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sieeplestinees, Palpate - Ilion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loos of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stone% Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, fit. Vatter Dance, Female Iriegalarielee and General Debility. LABORATORY-Goderich. °uteri°. 5. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Mann facturer. Sold by J. S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 1601-tf est - Via Teronto or Chicago liitish Columbia and Califo'rnia points. ' Oui rates are the lowest. We have them ,o suit everybody and PULLMAR TOUR. EST OARS for your accommo ation, Call, 'or fttrther information. - Grand Trunk Railway. Trains leave Seeforth and Clinton stations as ollowe Run Wasr- Peseenger • • Pheeenirer.... Mixed Train.... .. axed Train Goma RAM— Passenger.. .. . Passenger........ Mixed, Train.... 5.20 P. M. - Weuingtoi, Grey and SeArtorern. 12.40 P. A. 10.12 P. M. tome. M. &15P. M. 7.53 A. M. 3.11 P. M. GOMM NORTH— Ethel Brussels.. .. Binevale.. Wingham Gorse SOUTH— . Wingham Bluevale . Bruseele.... .. Ethel • • Paesenger. 10.05 r. M. 10.17 10.30 10,37 Passenger. 0.60 A. M. 7.00 7.16 7.28 ...... . . . • . CLINTON. 12.55p. w 10.27 P.M. 10.16 A. :K. 7.06 I'. M 7.38 A.M. 2,66 P. Id. 4,35 P.M. Bruce. Ai tied. 1.40 . 2.10 2.96 3.15 Mixed: 8.65 A. A. 0.17 9.46 10,02 London, Eturoli and Bruce. 7- Gottio NORM— ' London, depart Centralia ..... • • • Exeter. Heneall., Kippen Brucefleld Clinton Londes Blythe. Belgrav Wingha Gorse Su Wingha Belgrave oro ...... L. • a • a • •••••• arrive ,depart .... YlJ LondeebO• ro Clinton Brumfield Kippen- Hensall Exeter Centralia London, (arrive). Paseenger. 8.15 A.m. 4.40 P.A. 9.18 6.65 _ 9.80 6.07 9.44 6.18 0.25 6.88 6.56 7.14 • • 7.28 7.87 8,00 9.60 9.58 10.16 10.33 10.41 10,66 11.10 Passenger. 6.53 A,M. 3.16 P. M. 7.04 3.30 1.16 3.45 7.24 3,55 7.47 4.25 8.05 4.49 8.15 4.67- 8.22 5.02 8.85 5.14 8.46 6.28 9.60 A. M. 6.26 ..Leather Leather Leether is advaneing in prioe, but as you_ know, you can dill get harmer' at the old price, for a short; time only at J. C. CLAUSEN'S, HENSALL: Teatn Harness At $25 And Upwards GIVE US A CALL J. C. CLAUSEN, HENSALL, ONTARIO. 18d813 Eye Rest For Tired Eyes Is obtained by our scientifically fitted glasses. They enable the eyes to do as mUch work and possibly more without tiring than they ever did, Satisfaction guar- anteed. Eyes tested free J.S.ROBERT DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN, SEAFORTH. CENTRAL Hardware,Store. We have a full line of first-chsee Cook Stoves and Heaters. , In: Wood Stoves we have Moffatt's Crown Matiahless and Majestic fitted with stee ovens, the most perfect bakers in the mar kete We have also Gurney's Oxford and For a:Coal and Wood Range, six holes, Gurney's Imperial Oxford is the most hand- some atid satisfactory stove in the market. Atioffatt's Welcome is the best four hole Range in the market. We have a good line of Coal &oyes and Wood Heaters. eall and xamine our stoves before purchasing, Eivetroughing and Furnace Work., a specialty. ••••••••••m, Sills & IVIurdie HARDWARE, Counter' e Old Stand, Seaforth HE ACCEPTED THE CHALLENGIO. An Experience Which Made Man n Maniac. Bright A tightly cloeed carriage drove up to the Iteadint terminal entrance. An ema- ciated man, with eyes that s emed to hold the ter .or of some charnel I orror un- speakable, issuedep:om the stati n. Two men ot pr fessional appearane accom- panied hin . The carriage oor was slamnied a d the vehicle drive rapidly W away.' h n it stopped, it was before a private me itution for the inse e in this city, and it closed the last cha ter of a etory--gre some, horrible, tragi The occapant of the carria e. was n brilliant young lawyer in a cit in New York state. He was utterly without fear. Ile boasted of it. Time nd again teats were made to break his iron nerve without avail. It needed the in enility of a -group of medical students to consum- mate his fate and toLerush his s irit as a piece of steel in the breaker. In his city is a college of nediclne. Some of his friends were studei ts there- in. Secretly they formulated t eir plan. When all was ready,', a chall nge was made and accepted. The teens were these: The lawyer was to ente . the dis- secting room of the college at 9 o'clock that night. . He must be unaccompanied. - A dim light would be burninl fp the - room. As he entered he was to be per- mitted one glance around the room. Then he was to proceed at once to tier, opposite side of the room and take,his eat veith his back toward the entire issecting room. At the end of every hal hour he Was to be permitted one giallo around. This must continue until dayb eak. No second look would be allowed until the half hour had expired. At 9 o'clock the young man e I tered the room. The fetid smell usual to the' place greeted him. A lamp burn ro dimly, throwing its fe,ble rays on the iiissecting i table. On it lay a shrouded cadaver. The corners of the room were. Iled with grewsome shadows. But one I Ok could be taken. The young man drew up his chair and resolutely turned' hi back to the room. The half hour pas ed. He raised his head and glanced over his shoulder. The eyelids of th cadaver seemed to raise and look at im. He could not give another glance o satisfy himself and turned his face a ay once more. Th el next half honr pass d slowly. The fetid Odor seemed to incr ase. At last the time came again for tie second •look. Quickly he glanced over is shoul- der. The headier the corpse eemed to be raising itself. The lamp ga e a sud- en flicker. The next half hour was an eternity. he surroundings, the silence, the inde- s c ribable odor, all combined to xeite the. young man's imagination to th highest pitch. At last the time for •e third look came. He was sure now that the head was' raised -the eyes, w de open, looking at hirn. '. . But only one look. Twent minutes 'messed. A shriek was hear i by the watchers outside the room. Th,y rushed in, The , young lawyer was insanely laughing and shrieking. The foe m on the dissecting table ihad metamor hosed it- self into the chief of the students' clique. But the lawyer never again re- covered his reason. - Philade phia In- quirer. Growing Crockery. Recently 'there was sold in ew York for no less a sum than $1,011. an old , fashioned china plate of he xtrenaely rare kind wideh is known to toe collect- ors as "growing crockery." 'rem the plate iteelf had sprung to a 'eight of more than a third of an inch sort of eruption of beautiful crystals t lat seem- ed to take the form of elegant trees and miniature pagodas. The growin crystals were gradually rising higher a d higher, and they had brought up with them the enamel *face of the plate at every point where they had sprung from the body of the latter. Such pia es are a chemical manifestation of the ri rest pos- sible kind, and only a very few ears ago a teapot, the property of a lady in Wo- burn place, London, that ha become covered with beautiful crystals in this way, was sold to a collector for 5,000. The clay of which such chin is made contains alumina and m guesi , and in certain cases these are s acte upon by the presence of sulphuric acid s to pro- duce fibrous crystals tha are n reality 'very much of the char cter. if Epson salts, or crystals of a1uni. On y a very, very few instances of this ; "growing crockery" have ever occ rred, ence the "fancy" prices that examples fetch. The plate sold the other day had b longed to: s. poor person who had never, attached much value to it. Training' Sheep Doff The natives of New MexIce • seem to have an original ve y of trai ing shep- herd dogs. A pup is taken from its raother as soon aft r birth a possible --(the breed of dog s immater al). The young of a sheep or goat is tal en away, and the pup is substituted. fter the first few days the pup is nev r fed ex- cept just before the flock goes o pasture in_the morning and just after he sheep are brought ,in at night. As s on as he can walk he goes out with the flock and stays with it all day. Wheiae er he be- gins to anticipate supper by trying to drive the fldck in before sundo n he gets punished. °After he is about a year old he takes a flock out, guards it f om other dogs and coyotes during the day and brings it in at the proper tim at night without supervision. Little Nutritive Yalu The carrot, parsnip, turnip, :beet add radish have little nutritive va ue, being mostly water. They cannot be aid to be important articles of diet, but f r change and variety they have some val e. They are also very useful in making vegetable eoups. The use of celery is xtending rapidly and when properly g own fur- nishes'a delicious relish and co siderable nutriment. It has some repute ion as an antidote for rheumatism, but o her appe- tizing fruits are no doubt equa ly useful. It has also a reputation for romoting sleep. What Did He Mean Themes Bailey Aldrich, who I kind -to -literary apprentices, is said tcj have re- ceived not long ago from an ambitious young author a volume of orbidding length "for him to read." For a moment he was staggihred, but then a happy in- spiration seized him, and he 4nade this delightfully ambiguous reply: 'My dear Mr. Smith, I have received our book 'and shall lose no time in readin it." The Financier. Little Willie -Pa, is a finane er a Mail who can make lots of money? Pa -No; a financier Is a ma who can owe lots of money. -Chicago 1ea-Iler- _ MARRIGE LIO I SSIFE D AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTA, ONT. NO WITNESSES REQ OFFICE, IRED, RON' EXPOSITOR' AUTHORS AND SOOKS. !The first book ever printed in Can- ada was set up. by Quebec printers 130 years ago. ,John Kendrick Bangs attended a crowded reception recently, and, on .coming away, Old his wife he "re- alized exactly how a. nickel felt when it was dropped into a slot." . The egad historian. Mommsen, is still active. Recently he event to Paris and was engaged from 9 o'clock in the umening ontil .6 in the evening in - copying old texts with his own hand. A customer asked in a bookstore for "A prowning, Courtihip," a book of-aenusing short storiee by Eliza Orme White, jand the salesman hand- ed out "The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning." The clerks in bookstores often think they "know it all." Surrey, England, is becoming a great literary centre and a good many notables live round about the Punch Bow. Among there are Sir Frederick Pollock, Richard Le Gal - Ilene, Conan Doyle and Mr. selous. The last, though 'a, successful writer, is more frukcous as a ,mighty hunter than as a 'wielder of the pen. Mr. Selous is °foe of Mr. and Mrs. TT, M. Stanley's warest neighbors. The late Grant Al1en,. was also one of them, Byron's b rthplace, in Holies street, London, is r ow occupied by a depart- ment store. 'rho business paper used by this concern has for decoration a , picture of the poet. The proprietors will place a fine tablet with the bust of Byron on the second story of their house, as near as possible to where the poet was born. I Contributions have been offered, but the owners will pay the bill. TRANSPORTATION NOTES. There are 12,000 miles of railway in Poland. In view of recent railway accidents the, French minister of public works has decreed that all trains must cairry requisites for prompt surgical tide to the injured. There is much French and Belgian caPital ested in the principal rail- way lines of Spain, while England owns many of the shorter lines, and is also at the head of the Mining in- . t eres ts A railroad official in a, recent lec- ture stated that it cost his road each year 'about $1,000 or pins; $5,000 for rubber bands; 4'5,000 for ink; $7,000 for le. d penCils — also that it cost nearly as much for sta- tionery to carry n the business as for iron. The railway system of the United States ireached Buffalo in 1852, Clev- eland in 1858, Chicago in 1855, crossed the MisSissippi river in 1856, and reached Omaha In 1859. The II U ion PaciAc railway, extending from that point to Ogden, and thence to San Francisco, was opened May ' 10 1869. It was the first of the transcontinental railways. The sec- ond -was oPened March 18, 1881; the -third September 8, 1883; the fourth November 25, 1884, and the fifth November 2, 1885. , HERE AND THERE. China and japan furnish more than one-half of -the world's. supply of silk, In 1898 Russia had a mercantile marine of 2,89& vesehls, of seehich 694 were prop-elled • by steam. ;Japan has established at Yoko- hama an imperial museum, modelled after the one in Philadelphia. A seedy scholar roams the ;streets Of Fars and makes small bats that he can promptly and corectly answer any question regarding the , history of France. Nearly- all the 'bets he wins. This is the way he earns his money. .A, complete electric light plant has been installed at the Gluckauf salt mine, at Sonderhausen, Germany. The power is supplied by a current from the central station to all the mince and works. A Current of 500 volts is used for driving- steam winches and fans, and transformers reduce it to 220 volts for eock drills and electric.: lighting, The motors vary from. 11h horse power to 103 horse power. VARIOUS ANIMAL NOTES- " It is estimated that one crow will destroy 700,000 insects every year. There are now over, 100,000 em- balmed specimens of birds, mammals, reptiles and fishes in this country, the bulk of • which were embalmed within eight years._ ' Last year 5,000 horses were slaughtered for meat at Linton, Ore. A Phi1ade1phi profe sor declares horse Meat is as good healthy and nutritious as beef or m tton. Blind fish were recent y drawn from the bottom' of an artesian well 188 feet down at San Marcus, Tex. They were colorless and square-snooted. Their heads are large and they have legs with four tiny fingers front and five toes oa the hind foot. Down deep .in the bowels of the meth, complete- ly shut off from all 'communication with the upper world, these blind animals have hunted other blind ani- mals for uncounted cycles. Window Panes of Shells. Most of the houses and offices., -1.4 Manila have tiny panes of tranelu- cent shells for glaes. An averag window six feet long by four fee - wide contains . about 260 of such panes, which temper the heat of the sun, the shells being very low con- ductors of heat. They also prevent the blindness which is induced by the fierce glare of the sun in that part of the World. Monks as Tradesmen. Most of the monks at King Wil- liam's Town, Cape ,Colony, are trades- men, and do their own carpentering, bricklaying, blacksmithing, etc., be- sides teaching school. All the build- ings they occupy were erected by themselves. An Admirbr of Garrick. • Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada's Pre- mier, is an admirer of David Gar- rick, and has the hest collection of Garrick autographs in the world. -Mr. James Murray was elected Warden . of Middlesex county by drawing lots to get around a politeal deadlock in the conhty council. -The recent storms in Algeria have killed 60 per cent. of the sheep and25r cent. of the meat cattle in the county, partly through conscquent famine. rhe eatimatsd loss hi 50,00%000 francs ($10,000,000), whit& fells with crushing Eforoe upon the agricul- tural population. 4:,v rkT\T1,:inh iut rk iDa;enttheBoer, leboitheBoeritn( thisis evhat he says of him: "He IS deeply religious; profoundly ignora n t dull, obstinate, bigoted; uncleanly io his habits; hospitable holiest in hie dealings with the whits, a hard rnas4 ter to his black servant; lazy, a good shot, good horseman, addicted to the chase; a lover eof poijtical independo ence, a good husband and father, not fond Of herding- together in towns; • but liking the seclueioh an& remotee Pees and solicitude and empty vast- ness and silence of the veldt; a Man Of mighty appetite and not delicate ebout what, he appeases it with— °well satisfied' with pork and Indian corn and biltong, requiring only that the quantity shall not be stinted; willing to ride a long journey to take a hand in a rude .all-night dance in- terspersed with vigorous feeding and boisterous jollity, but ready to ride twice as far for a prayer meeting; proud of his Dutch and Huguenot origin and HS religions and military history; proud of his race- achieve - Monts in South Africa—its bold piunges into hostile and uncharted deserts in search of free solitudes un - vexed by the pestering and detested :English; also its Victories over the eatives and the British; proudest of all of the direct and effusive personal interest which the Diety has a ways taken in its affairs. "Ile cannot read, he Cannot Trite, he has one or two newspapers, 1 but he is apparently not aware of it; un- til latterly he had no schools, and taught hie children x °thing; news is a term which has no meaning to him, and the thing itself he cares no- thing about. He hates to be taxed, and resents it. He has stood stock still in South Africa for two centur- ies and a half, ar stand still- till the he has no sympathy d would like to nd of time,: for with Uitlander notions of progress. , "He is hungry to lee' rich, for he is human; but his prefh.ti erence been for riches in cattle,clothes not in fine and fine houses and gold and dia- monds. The gold and the diamonds have brought the godless . stranger Within his gates, also contamination and broken repose, _and he Wishes that they had never been discovered." --London Daily Mail. What He Watireci to See. ' Lord Rossete who built the famous telescope that bears his name, was an expert ni4rhanie, _and was also somewhat careless about his dr s. On one occasion the Earl was lo k- ing through ethe engine -room of a large manufactory. He suddenly e - came much interested in eomething he saw, and taking mit his -atch, stood looking . from it to the ma- chine with a. peculiar smile n his face. .The engineer' came along. kWe1i, what's up?" he growled. "What are you grinning at? What have y ou to find fault with?" "Oh," answered Lord nosse, '!I am not finding fault. I am cal- culating how long befote the boiler explodes. j' 'Boiler explodes? Why yo 're crazy, man. You get. odt - of this.1' "Well," said the Earl, "if , ou work ten minutes longer with that screw loose there, the boiler Will certainly explode." The engineer looked at the screw indicated, jumped at it, and fastened It as soon as he could. "Why didn't you say that sooner?" he demanded "Why should I?" demanded Lord Bosse. "I've never yet had an, op- portunity of seeing a boiler explode." Not :,ttooessful. , A patient in a lunatic asylum. im- agined himself dead.. Nothing could drive this delueion out of the man's brain. One day his physician had a happy thought, and said to him: "Did you - ever see a, dead man bleed?" "No," he replied, - "Did you ever hear that a dead nuin , bled?" "No." "Teo you believe that a dead .man can bleed?" -No," "Well, if you will permit me, I -will try an experiment with you, and SCO if you bleed or not." The patient gave his consent, hhe doctor whipped out his penknife ahd drew a little -blood. "There," he said, "you see that you bleed; that proves that% you 4re not dead." "Not at all," the patientinstantly replied; ."that only proves that dead men can bleed." Couldn't Pool Her. There were three of them—a man and two women. They saw the sign of "Arctic Soda Water" swinging in the breeze, and they went in and the maii said they'd take abolut three 'drinks. "What syrup?" asked the confec- fectioner. The man's wife, who wae one of the two women, turned her husband around so that his back was to the fountain, and then said: "Now William, if you want lenion and vanilla, or vanilla and cream and wink :for him to put in whisky!" The husband's countenance fell, but he had to quietly sub-init. He has been wondering ever since how his wife could have dropped on that prac- tice. Have You a' Matto ? A man whose feet do not track stopped us on the street the other day and said: "The phenoinenal good health of smokers is not due to to-' bac:co alone. Smokers carry matches' loose in thei pockets and it is the: sulphur on tJ10 mettthes . that sur- -rounds the I ody with - an au:re, of protection. What. smoke and sul- phur won't 40 in the way of killing; microbes is not W'Orth nientioning.'!, We offer this for ' he benefit of the jd chronics "Who can stop smoking any time they w nt to," but who'. never bump up agai st the time wheni they want to. ee--- There Is no fairer offerAhan that a the King Quality Shoe for $3. We have squeezed into -this shoe actually =ore than $3 worth of style, dura. • bility and ease. Nowhere else that e know of can you buy the same amount of shoe tisfaction for $3. You are a judge—every woman is—so please come nd judge for yourself. We are not afraid to have you. do so. gemeraber—King Quality, 4141 TRADE IttiO QUA MAR* The Red Front Furniture Store iHas been renewed, renovated and enlarged, and now we are in a position to offer the public all the newest designs of Parlor, Bedroom and Dining Suites at Nery tempting 'Aces. Also a ,very nice line of Chairs in all the newest styles. New line of Pictures just in, very chcap. We extend a cordial invitation to every one to come and see us and our stock. 15010=Dximiagma 13 DTi1 frpis department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, and obliging attention given to this branch of the business. /*light calls promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goderlch street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt church. BROADFOOT, BOX & CO., SMA_POPMIEE. wormswertesaseestengietewsnaeresise. SIGN OF THE 0 A BOTTLE re Tidal Mang It meg be worth a like stun or even wore towns Fingal, Barnes Co., N. D., Marcli 19, MM. Desr Stret.-1 bare teed your wendalierSesein Cure and it a good Liniment. I have cured.* ftsvISI on my best mare, and 'I would natant $125 for ber, wbioh 1 offered for VA before. lain be pleated to have your book mut receipts for this adored stan2pLas I Teed on the carioca. Trull' Yours, iraiwa lialiagice, '. O., Ontario,Mar. VOL. Dr. B. doltendell Co. Deer Sirs :—Enclated please fall a tyro -met stamp for year valuable Hone Book. I bad one but it biked. lbare wed yotu. Kendall', Spartu Cure without Ofte,falbirle la years, Kai 'sadder lithe bestIdahasatfer masa or beast laths mast. Please 1.06 01 As book as you advertise it ortbottle, forborne. GEORGE BROWN. It is an absolutely reliable remedy for fiparias, Splia*Carbe, Removes the bunch aud lea es no sear. /nee, $11 -fix for $5. AS a liniment for family use It has nociRealeg. Ask your druggist for SZADALTIS SPAM also 411 Treatise ea Me " the book free, or • B. J. aroma co,.,.eriossugo PALLS, VT. 134:111MIEMMOMMIIIIIMMEMF.M II/1/ )11• AUOtioN SALE Three ValuablO Farms -IN THE- TOWN8HIP OF LOGAN. ..V..101...•••••••• 1 eundersigned has received instructions from. the Ex outrix of the late Thomas French, to sell by pub - lie notion. on Lot SO, 000008k1011 13, township of Logen, on Wednesday, February 7th, WOO. Sale at 2 o'el ek. arm No. 1-Th's farm contains 190 acres more or lese), being half of Lot No. 81, Coneetsicn 13, and tbe west half of Lot tO Concession 18, in the Township of - Logan. On the last mentioned lot there is a log house, hank bare 42x84, driving shed 80x42, pig pan 18x40, t o good log stables. On the barn is a new power wind mill, put up this ladRealm. About 3 acres of good orchard, never -failing mien with good puinpink mill. This 100 scree le all in grass, except - 23 ares, whi h has been plowed and manured t . fell': splendid fences, etc. A quantity of good bullaing stone ail be, sold on day of sale, alio a quantit of exy nit not. Farm o. 2-- hie farm contains 100 acres (more or les,), btiig corn es( d of Lot 59, Com clarion 12, town- ehip c,f Logan. 7Lie lot is ell cleared and in a good s'ate of cultivation, well famed and underdrained ; half an acre or oXchard, rfacres of fall wheat, about BO acres of grass; the remainder is all fall plowed and ready for spring sowing ; neatly enough stone in piles to on'this lot ; never -failing eprieg, and Well formed. Farm No. 3-Thns farm contains 50 acres (more or Tires), being west half of Lot 80, Concession 12, town- ship of Logan, ia all cleared excepting nine acres. About ten acres fall plowed, and the balance in grass, is well fenced rod in a splendid state of cultivation ; never -failing well. These lots are conveniently situated as to schoole, churches, ete., and will be sold in lot" or to suit pur- chasers. Terms will be made knownion day of sale or by applying beforehand to the Exeoutrix. A;.I this eetate has got to be wound up, the fame must beeoid. JAMES joiems, MRS. Si FRENCH. Auctioneer. 1675-3 Executtix. ERR ,SED 9 Thougandi of garden- erodepend on Ferry's every year and never fluffer diaappointnient. Cheap subeti- tate" bring Wee, not paying props, It pays to pay a little Mere for Fenny% 81ZIEDS. Five centaper paper everywhere, and always vbrth it. Always the -Rest. I900Seed A anal free. 1. M. HIRT &110., WINOSOI, INT. A. Bat of Diamonds. Sir Jung Bahadur, the Prime Min- ister to the King of Nepaul, has ai hat made of diamonds; .worth over £500,000; arid perched . on top is a Single ruby of incalculable yalue.i 4. CASTORIA For Infants an Children. * OW? Varna Reduced Telephone Nifht Rates Tov On all long distance lines. Between (3, p. ne. and 8 a. tn., you con peak to any .1 on the long distance lines of the Siellatlephone piny of Canada at ONE HALF the day rate, The minimum night rate is 26 cent?, excepItaw6-1152ere the day rate is lees. ern Stock Farm, LOT l',CONCESSION 8, IHIBBERT — Thoroughbred Durhaini Cows, Heifers and Bills of the meet fashionable strait* for sale at reasonable prices. Post oilifice address, .DAVLD SILL, Staffa. 166141 .OIRCULAR SAW ri 111, CD -16-•••• r3a 0 .4 CD tat ,g) '14 7 V. 011, ti3 • 1-5 • 0 rt, fl "c4 a 0 o oiwi cr. • OcM 0 b01 CD ctl- = - "IPt CD CD C. es. 174 CD • •=1 CD t-1-4 Seaforth Saw Mill il•IM.••••=1••••••• JOSIAH WATSON has now thoroughly overhauled and renovated the Seaforth saw mills, rce,ently purchased frotn the Coleman estate, and 'snow prepared to do all CUSTOM SAWING' On the ehorteet notice wad most reasonable tenni. The proprietor being himself a practical sawyer, and as be gives the business his persenal oversight be con guarantee all Ids pstrone the most 000nplete satiefacition. LOGS WANTED The highest price in cash will be paid forany number of good Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Durwood and ell other logs,,delivered atlhe mill. HEADING BOLTS Any number -of Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 inohes in length, wanted, for which the Menet prize will also be paid. Give us a oral whale you have a bill forum- ing, or lege to sell. J 1 JOSIAH WATSON, SEAPORTS. SEAFO your o lum them el now All • B Y 141 catbolle dius TH DYE *OMB este the illenforah, Dye Works and or d ell and muds to look like le giro tatisfaction. 6060$011 streak opposite the ikeforth, , MOM 166841 REV A INI-E WANTED— Aver Good honest men in every loosIny,loosi or travelling, to introduce and advertise our goodie tacking up show cards on fe110811 *long public roads and &roan- spienons places. No expftionoo needful. Salley or c,ommission WO per month, and expanses *LSO pa day. Write at ones for luli iptsrtioulan. THE BM. PIRE MEDICINE CO., London, Ont. 1673.12 Mogillop Directory for 1900, JAMES LOCKHART, Rosy., Seeforth P. 0, ALEX. GARDINER, 0000011101, Lesdbary P. O. JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, iVinthrop P. -0, JAMES O'LAUGHLDT, Councillor. Beachwood F. 0 ARCHIBALD MeGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth P,0 JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0 DAVID M. ROSS, Treseurer, Winthrop P. 0, WILLIAM EVENS, Amager, Beeohwood P. O. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. O. RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspocter. Lead. bury P. O. IsTCYTICIC• Tenders will be received by mall until ?throaty 10th sr at Leadbnly , noon, on February l2tk, for 4,000 feet 013 insh Book Elm, 14 Jest long, and 1,100 feet of S inch WON feat long to be delivered alas Clerk's reeitienee, Afar Winthrop. Also louden far 4 abatanspis, foe bridges, ono neat leadbury, the other war Winthrep, to be bunt of -either Aram or cement. Tho said abutments will be about 3or9 loot high with wings. Tenders to be ay uniab per cubic yard. 11 01 cement, Owen Sound opesent la be nod, 1( 01 skim, to be Irak ideas sad s Atte. Tenders to bo received by JOHN 0. MO SON. Winthgrrp P. 0,