HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-02-02, Page 20 11 _ . k . _ , _ . • s • ... .. _ ....... a._ ...._,- , - . . ....... ,........ ... „,.... . '-' , - • . -et-e .-e.•„-a ee '., 1 ,;.--T.Vt-Lit---7-. . - . - TEE ' .-11113:4- • . .N EXPOSI • , . OR .. • , - ---- . • -. --ir - - BRAW Uf4 IR0- 0 _ .. REAL ESTATE. -FOR BALE. ,,,,„ „,.. 11 ,. . .111,E '-':lit „ ' te.Fiy. to carry two hands Veripone of deatn! . 'God 4111. the or aftendig to ottier duties. le ue-1 - . -• FA M 0 U S MOU Ili N ROUGE. moralizes 1.e entire nervoua am mus-= . , - ARM FOR SALE.-Foteals, 'Lot 5, Commotion 8., Mullett, Mao village ' of Woburn, oontaining_ . .nt 100.terese all chew* and in a goild stets of • Itieation. There aregited bulling% goOd crabber& a d plenty of excellent 'Water.- nit ill t 90304 n fa a I I and will be sold cheap. Immediate. 'peaseade „ MAN -I I , .:__, ::: . -_______-- : ' . A Lessori of Gratittide ti A for i The . our weapons AY° re Again, the; hoed tient &deer Of • help. Just. se,„ constateted. 1 gave us all ed to carry, is the chief ex he soul for afford how that hand ' - ckW easily you • ea- ng. •is eah ---1- - cuter systeni.." But while this exer- i A Vivid Platten; erif thi eisti may he fatiguing, it is als an Ttine 1100 °lie , opportunity, He Who: knOWs - how ' ••.. Artistic - - heartily to, shake .hands has ot e of ' ' • • As the BP I des- Qu' the inightieat _arts . -for - con `eYing • opea to this - Resort at I* Ise - ' It 49 More sto. : ' . t'e Arts in not nd.. as nonei but • . t e '! IS A tply -to MRS. SOVOila S. Constantin .0 O. • - 1607 • Which We Oa NotAppreciate . loWer it to ra is se the fallen. HaW . . pliblic, : 'ai d life happiness and good cheer • .. • accredited memberis 'of eternal.' After you h £1.Ve lialeil - - - - the fourl arts ' vette. etet, -, • -,. eieeets. . aeete. e t,e, :. , • easily it ext ti.ded to feel the in- - - • are admitted, • -the greatest precau- _ ARM IN STA.NLEY FOR. SALE -For sale Lot ,, 0, Conceasiont, London Road, near the yillage of Brueeft Id,. cooteining about ICO acres, 00 aeree et -Cued and in. a good etate of cultivation, the re- leder is herd wocd bush. There are good build- . • j • ,. - THE SOUL'S EXECUTI.VE OFFICER. . • - valid's pulse; o 'the tear of or • • . - • I alms, or . sinoo - gently wipe .1.1.N • - . lane, 0 or contrib g , h the excited br oW, ay te S with. .oan, a' ne Of con multi handJi - tions are taken to p cation IS opened that was no.t Open - „ ,before. . Two hands _clasped in treet-sion of outsiders; a _deg ' are a bridge on -which ali the ingenuitr exercistd event the . ntru- . , d wonder' 1 - us to outW.t; the /, : e e 0 re bet; 1.2 acres ot wheat, 80 seeded to grass, a good o ..ard a d plenty of water. -•Will be sold (Mean e aid on easy terms. Apply to A. J. ROSS, Bruoe, fi id it O. , 167(nti The Construction of thtelaand Illustrates the, Divine Wisdom -Ito Employnient , or beckon into • mg hands! There -thousands of them, . wants at least isafety. 0 the h - are hundreds - - iteiel the wo . 1,000,000,000 lp- of Id of ,sym- . authcrities. ott-thiefr and kindnesse's aid •e icour- agetnents and blessing's cross ov r. To :Inside -, . - , the Moulin Nli - . long bar), behind 1 'hands with some pereon- 'does _ha:cc ••• • , , siers of the d as erec i w -fferent, he vestibel of 1 ed a tribune (a ,. . ch sat the 1mas- tuch-00 of *axis, / . ' • , • • - -... e — Lot 25, Huron Road, 7 ea the 'Might Direction Will ' Make . them. Hands ta) 11 ' otl • 3 ess. leis, hal d s us more , than a good sermon ii3c_, , . in strikm cost ,ines. It was e • • - . • - , ,,;, \Seta -a '--,,,N..N, s•siX-N.V.,.., -,,...:,-..,.....\-:. V•s,..,N.,.....:,\Z-..;‘,;:,,,,, 'NV \,X,X,N,,,,,\,,,V,,,V,I.M.,\. \ .\:\sx'S: e• a al o al forth. f . R. i ARM FOR SALE.-FOr eale, 1 Trurkersmith, containing 98 acres, 88 acres dear- and 10 acres of bush. - The land is well cultivated d underdesined. On the plao is a frame house d femme barn, with- good stables.. There is plenty good water, aod an o rehard This is a most de- able term, being onlv vent two _ miles. from SCA- it will be sold to sap. and on easy tonne. For i rther partiealars, Apply WWII'. FOWLER, :Huron ad or Seatorth P. tr. . : 1640 tf course , 1 Niue Mankind. Better tend • Happior. . ,- . Washington, Ja.n. 28. -;--- ,The dis- -of In% Taliiia e is a,- lesson of . , . g , atitude for that which, none of us ,, 4 . ., . il I a appreciate and show's the di- . , meaning in our • phytsical struce tO rescue . others, othets. • What and church L -Outstretched those hands earrying nietlicines blind eyes • ard bopes d , , hands .-to st are •all these- stho 1 .I I Vh - t r ' ' hands. 1 a a 0 - ,a distributing tractS • and trying to c (Leaf -ears and bro ,r ye' la - ? 11 lid lre en , .all it is ' a. sernam. To shake lands • - their task no d doctor 'When we are i ' with a goo . , . holders of ti, : sick le an apoelyee, a, tonic, -a ilebri- - - i 1 on the suitab ' lege, thefore , he feels 1, the pule . o • 1 , . , • , . i , , .t a... 1 esca IpLIAM. r.g.10- 8 MAC 1 • • -11. su.ch as Were eve 'tee 1 he 1 „ tt s • handS • with a eh eeflful man whei we nil 0.000. . 1 at e discopraged fille • ue- with • . Leith . have consp!eu ' j---' . to try again what .wehave oughly artiste- ' - fat e hi , only kets b , • lay of therwise he costumes . us merit .. - Nothing o identify the t also to pass the costumes of eligible.to must all end be thor- black, no -CaStOrta, harmless and. Morphine is for Infants :substitute Soothing ,Syrups. nor other - -and 'Children. Castoria is a for Caster - Oil,. Paregoric, Drops : t , . , It contains neither Opium, Narcotic substance. It Is Pleasant. , . I, • 4 PLENDID FARM: FOR SALE.-Fer oak the look on the 11 opt:candid faun of Mr. Robert Goyen . _ 'orth Rold, *mile and a halt from Seaforth. 1 c•ntains 175 acres, nearly all cleared and In a high • te. of oultivationa There. is: a two stoYy brick ,...ouiso, goo.ct bank bein and everything in fiestelass o ndition and welt underdrained. It will be gold on e y • . , proprietor desires to retire.: If terms as the n t sold before the tall -it will be rented. • Address • OBERT GOVRNLOCK, Seaforth P. O. 1593 tt - -Linsey taxi, 1 Corinthians xii, 21, e - ''Tha eye cannot say unto. , the halm, • , - • - i have no. need •of thed.'t • • These - NVords suggest that some time to very important parts of ri ' 4 I. lhe -hittnan• . lio--y got ...n.,o confroT verSv, Ond the eye ;became insolent taw .full of b-raggadoCio and said: "1 and wayward sons? Let each one n 11 tuber if . through casuklty one. • if thes SO long 1Cdp through in•do ferenee Or d Intel] . q_ sortli e • y., s Helping . hal of lie add two to , tt we • have t WO, or, ' rtnly one, edd tl • hands whith we h ani ' thrust into poeeet.s enee or folded in irel iiiiployed M -Writeng n( 1 ss at if al I 'V a if- doing To shake hands with F • _ -' . lerical or la , consecrated man, c. . , have Wandered away int ter we . . . . , .Y is to feel tho grasp of a fa. t . God welconling •h.onei. the. pro ltgal.- Shake hands 0 3'e stolid and . —1 sive and cold blooded a.nd precise conventional Christians! Jelin cried . • cone af_ • sin ' e____ xclu- e axle i d-orni noes, non pass. Many ' , , testations tha 1 u. e as one ' t'b 1 , _ , e d back and h door. Once pa4t the we entered a - in civiliaa dress, .may ncl loud were the pro- rang thro• ugh the ves- • ci - titer an ther was turn- •mly 'conducted to the . implacable tribunes, dazzling 'fairy -land, a • Ittit• , , I . ' . n - r'lleves - • ' F : . guarantee \ is. thirty others. Castoria destroys . sig. .Castoria cures Teething tulency, Castorm e Stomach and. Bowels i.cars use by Millions of Worms :and allays Feverish - Diarrhccaand Windeolie. eastoria Troubles, - cures Constipation and . assimilates the. Food, regulates of Infants and. Children, giving OR SALE. -That valuable: property situated on Weet William street., in the village of Egmond- v Ile: and coirsisting of two aores et good land, well drained' and cultivated. There- Is a comfortable f me house, It good etable,• pig pen and other necen ry outbuildings en the premises, . slim- hard and ft There -ire also 14 fruit trees, apples ant an independent part of the hum.... -an system. How far I can see tak- . . . ., ing m sin in • I ' h • g morning and inn mg t aurora! iCompared with myself; what an ihsignilicant thing is the ' wrong things or doing mewl_ thiligs or heaving up obstacles in the wirey .. r. - of 111tehleoile progress might t lie hour be coliseet a ' 4 ted • to helpng others out and up a.nd on, ti ey out to 3ehonadab: ‘,Is thine .heart . dream of rieh color and recklese. , , • . ....•., ni. 0 ine h nd." abandon. From gorgeOus kings and re ht? lf et tee, give e 1 - I-4 save res all were There is in an hottest and Chi stian queens. to wild: 1, , . 11 of *os el e,ectri- there; courtiers in silk; naked, gladi- handshake a thri g p 't • ai t to cloth- ci v YOU take part of hie t euble &tors, nymphs set h p n r - 1.- . - - • - • jtibi ance. ".• mg -all were there; and the air was • ix P 'thy _and natural naceg---TIm Mother's • Castoria. - Sleep: Fyiend. Castoria is the Children's Castoriaa it, water. , good ' it fruits lune and pears, beside some choice sera , s rewherriest and raspberries.. 2 Terme eessomsble, a . ply on tho premises to. W.. O. CLARK, owner, or t box 53,..Seatorth P. O. 1672x8 . human hand. I look own upon it: There it hang's, s Winging -at the side, a clump of muscles. and n.erves, and i t cannot see an inch seither Way. w - ti I • - o Id ie _hands worth being rai ed, - on the resurrect.i4 1310111 and wo th clapping in eternal gladness _over a world redeemed. and he takes part .of your , d"d ' 'etas hea.vy With the perfume - of roses. In tha.t way you ivi e up an a -1 , , , 1 cohgratulations. rr he . main -Shouts;laughter, the silvery clinking and • , , " .• life and trunk line • of that hanashake has of glasses, a„ whirling mass of • • - • "C child •orits torla is art excellent medicine e t nfothers haat reneatedly d effect upon their children." G. LowrI4 - for told foie e a Castor's ls so well adapted to childreei‘- that 1 r-econnuend it as euperior to :any pro - seription known to me." . ii• GOOD CHANCE.-Ifouse end lot for sale Or tO rout in Egmondeille, eituated on the •2nd Con- e. esion of Tuckeremith ; going weet front the grnondville bridge, the 20dohnuse past the dune- cy, on the right hand side There la half an acre land and a. number of good fruit trees on it: ' The use is a good one with god cellar and soft Water., 0 °tern.- The assessor sore it is worth $61fel CO. I is ill take $500.00 for it if no; reetedsoon. WILLIAM f,' PP, Seatorth. 1671-tf 1 t lia5 no _rustier compared with la hich I behm forth." "What- less talk " responds the hand. , . the eye, would have been ptitl ietig ago but for. me. Witholit food I have earned_you wolild been sightless atui starved t ' years ago. • You cannot do V`ithout "can that sense-, You, , out the have death • - lets own hands- free, see how. ;Lord sympathized with the man ii had go -t the .) - f hi hand s use o . s. AN a ( .. t. p•h„ , a. . Nast, ' e a case if 't ro v . 1 ' away Mt( ii I he arm and hand been reduced in size beyond tiny in ietell or surgical restoration. Are (Wel'. It was his right hand, the 171 he ho It - n r g ad el- ce St - bra.nches of blessed telegraphy right down to both hearts and up to both. - heads, and you both get' the me sage. Ihe same instant. Take off the _love - ' . when 3 tou s hake hands, for that rlove uts the *hide of a -kid between the l' • lin of your hand and the pa m of l'4 ,,.• . ., , . . I and and that animal s ni e is 11 iS -1-- ' luctor of this gospel °lee - color, a bewildering kaleidoscoxe, a maze of tangled visions in the soft yellow haze that filled the. vast hall, There was no thought of the• hard- ness and sordidness of life, no dream of the morrow. It was a wonderful witchery that sat upon every sent there. , • This splendid picture Woe- framed . DR. C. OSGOOD, . PV THE FAC—SA, • Plas.s. L: A., :ARCHER, Ni. D.. Brea/yea ,X, y - S. , : , . • . , . 0, F - its 41 T,I ARMS FOR SALE. IN TUCHERSMFrff TOWN- P Lot No 4in the 5th Concession. and the - S111 .- . 3 . -t half of Lot 4in the 4th Concession,: both ie the :urea Road SurveY, of the Township of Tucker- th, in the Coenty Of Huron, w II be sold together in separate parcels se purchasers may d sire. e owners' of the** farms are desirous of making a le. and: are prepered. to' sell on reasonable terms, r full: partionlare apply to R. S. leAYS, Solicitor r tbe owners, Seeforth, Ontario. Dated at Sea, 4 die january 10th, 1900 1674-12 me any better than I do 110 t• You - '' . At th is part of .t1 pill a t 1011 .11it til of my text br oaks and ends the controversy - by . ine• -The eve cannot say unto a• . , . . ... Lund, 1 ha ve no need of thee.' Fourteen hundred and thirt ,, . . `1111('S, as nearly as I can ' count :lid of .concordance, does th with- e dis- in declar- the athree by Bible important of the two, :Cie ,in all its parts the k igh 1 side, and in aby exigency Out- • , hand beause we know hand. So- that pc• mote than half of 1 ment. It w otdd not . had if it, had been the for the • 1 ls - weaker t w e. innoluntari out the ri it- is the ii or man had lc is • physical aril havei been left hand. net ,ft n y, ht st st a- so n, fi 0 neon( . f- e tricitv. Do not geip the bone thwall • the 1 f the l'ttl ftirelinger and le tone oi , e• A o• w it h r !shin v iower that -rig( - a 0.._1.-- h 1 i s one into a severe suffering i rhich Im - .e have experienced from many of u. 1 ., t hose ,who aye, more brutes than men.. Take the hand gen . reason bly, . , 'now that Cod or lerecl heartily and It the t form of s alutation That' i one h:t by a o lodges, eae aump uouSe 'th banner ly decorated and hung wi s, tableaux and greens, each,. represent- ing a particular atelier and adorned in harmony with the donainant ideals ,.. . . , _ of their masters The lodge of the 1 • re- Atelier Gerome.. was arranged to r present a Grecian temple; all the de - . , , corations and accessories were ure• APPEAR'S ON 1' . . THE CENTAUR CON11111NN'. * ., EVERY WRAPPER . , TT MNIPINANI -13111ECIN NEW YORK CITY. ARM IN HULLETT FOMISALE.---FOr Sae, La- 1, Ooncession la, Hullett, containing. 75 acres, t cleared, nnderdrainede well fenced, and abeut 40 seeak of the human hand: AN," lir fa miii • .• 1 b I 1 ar wit 1 .t. e mit( , b ina 11 - has yet to be born en-li are t the can Christ looked iit 1 'I - hand 1 l• rie• A, c ang in aThat man's side anti then at shriveled ip • 1 I 1rt i use ess y at , ie. cried out w'th • ' thing that the band was Grecian, cleverly imitated by. the ,r as- imporVint . of. the 111•1(10 for. You can see the b dica- i ter's devoted pupils. . • • i <- .inuge , . tes.eeecled: 14) greet. There are fair building% - fa.; ly unders•tand this avoiadr ot S in- a Voice that had c mnipotence in 1 t, v onion( nt,- I Atelier Corm tni represented a tions in ai LS shape and e , big-inus- c ki . sre is a good orchard, and a. neverdailing epripg eek rues through the farm and a good weil at the . use It is near achool and poit office, and con: „ true:lout . 81.r 'Charles 1301, the Eng- ,. . - - . - IL'll stir ge 011, came h otne front the "Stretch forth Illy h• di" 1 tl . , an . . am , ie . . record iS '`.he stretched - i t forth the four fingers to take your 1 eigh- caravan of the prehistoric bor's hand . on ene side, .and the cled men that appeal strongly to so strong . • • • - N ri 9 nient to the best markete .- It is a zeplendid farm, it:if:get of waste land- on it and' is well adapted for . *raising. It Will be itold cheap arid on easy .... „p„,:y to the undereigned, Seaforth P. 0. --.E ROBISON. - , 1069 tf be t 1 hafield 'of Wa ter1 o 0, Where he had .. : : yen amputating .limhs arid binding o .`,1 ti '111-811 frac t Ina's, and wrote a intok (sniffled -The Hand: . Its Alech- whele as• i he 4 140w °Mei lic destin y ! --Mary 0 p it g . 0 1 esc * 1 • f- 111 •111,1 ther." • . s the hand decided a Queen of Scots, W El • s in . it .- t I 1 n on ti a .a) a- thumb to take it. on the other,- and Line foreorm so Swung that yoU can ' •` easily draw it toward you. • . . ' 1- • 0 f course there is ,a, Wicket slit king 1 t ) it Cormon; large skelet animals, . giant ferns, .kins implements we s -while the 'students o f ked V.ith ns of extinct and stone about : ttered • , . Cormon's ,ates bushy hair , ei iota -•" on, „„,,A.,„ t , , • . . i . .. , .. . . P de t. t . e, LLAGE LOTS- FOR SALE -For Bete in the Village of Bayfield, the following lots. : Lot8, Renge F, ili the township of Stanley (excepting erefrom: 14 acres owned by- Mrs. L. park): eland. tobo sold containing seven stores ; second- orthectet corner of Lot 7, in Range F. in the town- ip of siseioy; cantaining three aores. These lots 0 both situated on the_ Bayfield. road, within the ..ration of Mayfield. Iinmediate possession will a aisill and Vital Endow nulents as T * • .1 •T) : • But- • •''Though N tranteln a -eel '11 11, -Is 50 •L 8 • 6 , • le • prt•iound a book that. only tt scien- [ tiet who is. familiar with' the' tech -i• . , , . . . • , , , d 1 • ''• 1 tin. ti it . les or ana tonna an p 13 sio ogy, can linderstaild ,i L. I ;40 we are..all •going on oPening and: . . - •• . . • . lever had boatman • •1' N C.1 and hand mai in the dress" 0 a laundress ald• her. face el i I 1 _hes. veiled. Wiled a , at1.4.11ipte tO rellIOVe tile 1 • t 1 • 1 "n 1 i 1 e • a : • t S le pH .. Up a r la ,1 a ( e tti , 1 eo revettl•ed Lb . White and f ' ir of a- queen, i ndi so the bcy t- 3 N 1 took her back to cal ti ''11 ' of V‘ hand' ` ] f on-, re•fere hands, and So-oM . . hen he sa•3•'.5., hand join in le wicked shall not be un- il ' - oi spira u n ished.'" Shake hands in • c • to damage individual or coin- C V •I, 1 ' a tion she; I) ian s t de- amity _or na : ' d i t each 1.1 tiCI, shake hands to sten )5 Y ou 1) el meem lier, almost na , , , and clothed in skins, ' • picture. Aed eo it w. s ach typifying ledge. , e . . ject, and carrying it o fidelity to the minute rrow in The Ne C. Mo , completed thei eta ii th s -we a e a special sub- 't erfect 1 wi h p t detail ---W. Lippincott. -1 a Th Best an -d • . givent . . .. BEST , !•• , C : hea i: - ,, to . _ . - • s m 1 .n. ---- ps t ' ,,eid ci e ever a horse. , . CHEA:PEST - b It wen., Title- free from all enriumbrances. For her - partioulars apply to the ulitionsignech 'BERT WATSON, Brueefieid ; HENRY PECK, se li 1 1 1 IL, this d i vinely constr ueterl in :* I r unman t -• t It e ha nd - ignorant of tutich Of tile ree elat iem it -was in- Aga strated ,-,.. 0 and a g a i 11 it has been dEl- " that the hand hatii a inn 411- ' ' stuff 1 iller in wrongdoing. . i.nd I will see this ballot box, , , 1 int When I am in poWer you sha 1 NO MUSIC Hsi THE • AIR, Because of the results it produ.ce:s. , • . Because a teaspoonful of A is . 'ail you feed at --,all -other 3 yfieldoExecutors. . 16854 - tended to make of• the wisdom and age Palmistry as wll a e s the -.mom 1. 1 th • " ' b 1 ' .1 have pre/motion. '-'• You help - m 1 Lights of Literature to hem Music Was , - Mr Alexander Ross • -of Bruce4eld . . •once powders require a tablespoonful. ,,oreeniencee. p a Alto p ESIDENCE IN -SEAFORT Li FOR. SALE -For I top, cheap,. the residence facing on Victoria uare m Seafarth, the - property of john Ward. • ere, is. a comfortable frame home-, with good stone e liar, hard and soft water, an.d all crher neceseary. The house -contains 8 rooms, with tries, ete. There are two.lote, well 'planted with 1 kinds of fruit tied. ornamental trees and shrubs. a large Stable. Tnie le one of the best. most a neenient and most. pleasantly situated residences • Seeforth and will be seld. cheap. Apply t,JOHN "ARD. 1640-tf .. go od 01 s! • of God. You can see_ by t hei r . structure that shottl der and elbow aud forearm are get ting readY ior the culmination in the hand. There is your avrist, with , i ts eight ' hallos and their ligaments in two - 'T • • • •• roes. hat la 1 1st, aa i th its bands of li hers and tts hinged joint and Lurnin , -: „ • e on tel. 0 ales - oe t ie al g- 1 1 • ' er axis inoving backward. and for- character and destiny Luce 'read 'ea the lines of the hand, is -vet cry. le f ' - ' and_ incertain and unstatisfaCtory. b. It as• astrology etvas• the mother Of i fr. tronoinv and 'alchemy was 1 he nib ! h- er of .chenii ' 1 Stry, it may be t tat palm- isfry will result. in a, science vet 0 be born. • .0n- two discourses, one concerni ie , 1 3 t 8 is Pilete ists projected. 1 i.Y__Ilifil lnY, and oar infamy. Oh, on of a hely rite;•-•thai. I le gt'l illSt a Li VII gripping yoUr. and Herod, ' ok before, sho assassination. Again, the han the i will help vot in - - • that is pro ana- -is sac) liege arrangement ; that a own . destruc e . though. ant- gon- ands over Ch •ist's .h, . . is the chief e, ecu- ill 4,31ere Impertine , ' Many 'distinguished totally deficient in •tho sic. In the world w_ her e it mig.ht have 0., an. apprecia. ion . th ' " co -exist with a sens4 language, this deficien ly ' noticeable. Man t Noise." 10 en have been sense of' mu- of literature, been expected mus c wou -of rhythm in y is especial--Fear'sCondition• literary inen• made over $50 Fear's Condition Every f -a - a never buys.. Mr. Wn • . . . cause its leg- and before Ihristraas out of a 50c package of , PO wder. ,, met -a.thp uses it once, I y other- Fortune had a horse that : always broke out, ne tried - sold his horse for . -. You -get tb.ree pounds for .50c, or seven pounds for $1.00. . • This is the tune to use it. . he eould not feed into eoncrition be- 3 - - ., - last Powders at $150. ARM IN TUUKE143511TH: FOR SALE -For aisle Lot 24, Conoeesion 8, II. R. 0., Tookeramith, nteining 100meg, 90 *ores- cleared- and in a good s le of cultivation, 10 acres of good hardwood bush. • ere is on the premises a good brick house and tehen.; a large new bankbern, with inone stabting u derneath .. an open Shed ; driving house, and other b ding., two good Irene and orchard. It le five ne tee from Seater% and six front Minton on a veztrd, and on the smaller - inw nearly round. And th ' - . . ' paint „of your hand, . with banes, each. having a' shaft taeleieations, There aixi 1. of that hand, With- 14 bones, linger wit ii! its aX is tUrti- '''' • , • • OIL if' the its five and two ie tinge rs each ,un the ear and the other concerning- 1 n! ' es I I* f ti • • . c, spo ,ei r 001 the potent 1 ex t . in the Psalms. "lie -.that planted t e ear, shall he not he, r " '1 , .1 110 .. 11ts that 'formed the eye eh011 he n' it - ' ' • see," but What use in the eve 'tend ewhat use in the' ear if the hand iii d tive of soul lieneclictiOn. No man hand means stretteied gesture. religious denoininlations • permitted to pronotince benediction until when employe. gesture of the hu- more than the out- . In many o our we are not ees apo toile we have! been egu- have Swift johnson it. -it said, fort difficult, n, musical. been cared nothing for music. Dr. was altogether insensible to At, an evening party, on hearing in praise of ' 0 _musical per- iancee. that it wat in any case the great man blurted out: .4 ...4,1; " .,r •: .."- , • 7 , ..d.--'-• '7,1r, , .-l.Feee.- - ., -•'-,... e. - - / ' \ 4P- letil et good curious] y wro1-112:11t• ung net been str• with. 11 ' a larlY ordained as ministers of the "Si-, 1''t had been impossible.' wishe- . . vel road. School close by. Will be sold oheap.. A ;ply on tire preiniees to ROBERT MOVETY, or Sete to.- . P.. O. , 16893r4tf- ' ton-ilons, five of the bones ,, elle roughened for, the lodgment 1-- . • • a, t • • tac ds. hei Vith end- of a .1t8 ht.I'VA-8, " • e !id moved with all its Muscles, ai id reticulated. with all its joints, a id . goses , u ere diction that you are in s o iene- may all pronounce Sir ,mal , 'Walter Scott, while he had venous ear for verse and. rhyth.m .---,--- f•—• -C--"-::-.--1-- • 1 -••'•--4 14' ' .a. -see 1,, 011SES AND LOTS FOR SALE. -For sale two . 1 na e is the thumb, coin- ' ' • • titg flout opposite direction to. meet strengthened With all its bones, .a id - without especial perthission i rom had no ear for music. In his auto .,,e,,,,,,. . . 4 - I si a tel. ' ft • inlialn 8 , ;12.. ... e tea h .tor in the a S, ARK comforteble frame houses in Seaforth. One is • tel on the corner of Market and- James streets the olter on Jarvis street, both only two bloffics street. The houses. are both comfortable ry and a half frame ones and there is one lot to planted with froit trees, also two lots sa streets. The property is most desirably tee iwill be. sold cheap. The undersigned also le a good, frame store,with dwelling over it, t: ;Rage- of. at. Joseph. For further particulars. ly t LEVI S , TH., Et. Joseph, or to LOFT11.8 Seafortb. • 1668 tf - i , - • toe, lingera, so that in conjunctloit they may Oar and hold .fast. that AN -11M' you des re. to take. There a,r , 'l c• the long nert es running from the- armpit to the 46 muscles, so that. . a a I , 1 re under mastery . The whole . t 1 i f h d • anai.lo i.,..ya-t:o , youran an, iatii;.c01.11131ex,. as 1 to as a 31-11 La , at, ust• fill as 0 od - could _ make i t. What contrived With all its ingentlitk The h an d ha th ,forwarded all ti'le arts, and tunneled the mountaf is • l through whith the rail train thurt er s , and launched all the' shippin ' and - fought all therieat t les' ond bu I - ' all the temples, and swung all 1 le , cab lies under the sea, as well as li t.7 .10 10 Mid air the wire tracks on which whole trains of thou dit ' u - 61)ti . - , I presbytery or conference or co ven- t ion. You haye a right to s read abroad both right. and 'left han iii bestowing a blessing of kindness and goOd . will upon all you . meet. With both hands bless the children. rake • them. in your arms and kiss heir fair cheek., Take with them a, r • und of met/ Intent 111 the room before you leave it, and by prayer -put •the n in 1,1 ,..,...ography only quired ing Sterling," sic hint," be sell Dr. - he- tells US that it wa after long practice that htet ac the. power of even distinguish melodies. • In the "Life of Jan Carlyle says that "all mu was mere impertinent noise . t and the same might probabl, said of the sago of Chelsea. hi m Arnold of Rugby, the , -- , ea. . .. • 'tar .-_. eeT-e„-e-- . - •-'-'ts'esse-,- ,• j - • . ati,,, e"..--.. BEFORE USING• , e • , , Otot. . ; e . ' ' •--'1, 1 st ,. e AFTER USING. ore ea ' S -' forth 9 . st ‘. a i ,R11- IN TUCKRRSMIrl FOR SALE —For SaiTe, .LOti s, Concession 6, Tookersmith. containing ei i acres, about 15: scree are wall tirebered with b - • • . , Wald; elm: and ash, The okared land is all w underdrained, well fended. ond in a high- state of cultivation. There -are about 20 sores seeded to g and 18 acres of fall wheat. There is le new b 'de Lose, large bank. barn whit good etone stab- can 11., do? • It can .climbi it can lift, . i it, Can push, it can repel, it. Can m(n- are, it ca ii clutch, 0. -can deny, it Icon a ift111 it ca n extend, . i t. c. I ' ' * ' on tweave, if can bathe, it can smite, it I can li amble, i t can exalt , it can el cross t he don 1. in en t s, atul ilt,r r 111 the cities and hoisted the pyramicii. no noi eulogize the eYe a n d ear et the eXpense of the hand, for the e •e may be blot ted out, as 'in the case o f A r ii't „ „ end yet his hand. -writes a --- ---- the arms of' that Christ, to go to -W110-01 in olden time they stru gled to get out, of the arms of heir mothers. God bless the cradles and high Oa irs and. nurseries• all .ar •lind the world. ' - greatest schoolmaster of the nineteenth cen--1 tury, is another instance Of_ a maw ' of rare ability in whom the musical I. faculty - did not exist. ''I eimply I cannot conceive," he writes, with re-' ference to music, "What to others is • . nt 41 /-1-1-1÷1,44,1-14+01÷1-01- • • I cip I- , , . ' a . ' - an s. te - ..-..-• , . t . 1 , g underneath, pond other 'buildings. There is a g...' young preliard just commencing to bear and L' •ut. 120. evergreens- and other ornamental trees. , ere are three nener tailing wells. It i8 within th ee miles, of Seaforthand oenvenient to, school. It s .ne of the best farms in Huron and will be sold ch • ap and on easy terma settle proprietor wants to re ite from farmirg. Apply on the premises or teltrese Denloodvile pest office. DAVID ORES- . . N : Y16.6„u soothe it Ca throw,'t • defy,'t , , n i can 1 ' .'Para(' can wave, it can imprecate, it can pray. A. skelet,o,1 of th . ' e hand traced on , , I I oar& or unro • ' '• ihaei.- ) ' t - ' ' lied le diagratil, or hung in hie:dicta museum - is might- 'I ill- t ' f • dt . i y i is ratfiee re, the "vine tvisdont and goodness, but h c --ov lunch- 111"e : i se 1 foSt," or a: ."Fiains( n aagemsiese, as je the ease of winit et- 1 I Preecott 'and yet his hand nuy ' --.' Wrii.e. the em-thanting "Conquest 1 pei.u... - Or the ea.r nia -he sil n i d. Y 0 (- -(3- -vers as in the. case of Beethove a and .yet his heed may put into. it -I- inoriAtl cadences th • "Ni th 8 ' ' e n yi -1,- ' ,',. And what better use my hands, which are the tive .officer of my sOul, spread them. abroad in benediction which has ed fot• centuries, and over thousands of assemblages, • time; and • - obsequies, can I Make of chief ecu- than IlOt to' the .apostolic been ioron tine- hundre ,s of at co ona- at ha vest a keen source of pleasure; there lei no link by which my mind can at -1 1 tech it to it.Self; I can no niore rem- i edy it. . than some other men could 1. enter in to the deep delight with ' I which 1 look at wood anemones or , wood sorrel." "Wild flowers," - . he used to say, "ore my music„" , A Te\it , , . , ' - A Heavy Mara , 8 1 , Oveiroat , Iiiilderwear I- :•,: 4444+14 . r ARM IN TUCKERS/SITU FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 11, Co.noession 8, Tuckersmitle, containing Acres', all cleared but about 8 mores pf good bush. It la arderdraiaed, well fenced, and in a high state ot clultivatinO."'There is s good ston.e house ; goOd ba at stables and qat-hbuses. Is aijoins a good 80 o -; 18 within five miles. of Seaforth, and three lei eilrom Kippen, There le plenty of -good water. w aloe- Lold wioh. or without the crop. it 19 (me of pleasing when in living -act ion all i ls nerveS and : muscles and bonds an 1 ' • - • ( tendons and toss LICS 8 nd plutlanges dieplity W h at God 4invented when he. in N. 1'11 led the bunlan hand. Tivc ' • . • • i • - - ) tette of i t 11 • 1 . •' . fipeC111 . , . C carry at out side • froin t he lime when in infancy lve• -- open them a I ) 3,, - • 7 , '' 1°11.'" oh, tile .liand! rfhe • CIO)d lash 1 on e d hand! The ti 111 It hand! it is an Open I3ible of divi ie .. . e ' ' d h f ' ' • 'Ilion, a» ,t ie ive lingers a •e t et(' ' 1 lie Iimiah, and sthe Ezekiel, and t. ie Daeid, and the Micah, and the Pa I of that almighty- inspiration. ' - homes and on fast days, in inist ers of the gospe as •it will be by all 0 the. gospel until. the c reaches up its right ha right ham of the chur 0 benediction which, when by aii the in the past minister- of, urch militant, d to tak the h triumphants i ba. full. The W ritings of .Dean Stanley are - remarkable for the sustained rhythm of the sentences, yet, in the 'sense Of , music, lie was as deficient aS ib the sense of smell. Archbishop Talc the greatest archbishop of Canterbury, since the latitudinarian Tillotson, • i '...r".1 7 .... : • aSlii ..P' 1' lonable 4-14-1-I-1.+4-1444-144*4-4-i-14++++ ur ' - • mslungs- th best farmein- the to.wnship, and will be sold on e teime. as the proprieter wants to retire. Also 50, res: within a mile and a uarter, a. ood. grasing lot well fenced, but no buil age Wil be gold to• g:e, her .or separately. Apply on the premises,. or ad- dr se Egtnondv.Ille I% 0. JAMES MCTAVISH. 1630 41 '. to take toy till in the.' ' taet hour* .of a. long life - ,•• ' • 1- , , .fe "(• exten(* It I -wit 4 in bitter farewell. •hi with the ,.v. help _ , .. , . , tie me .1. snail. spew( ` , . • • 1 1 as the el' -- - • • • ,t of the -rant -. . .1 ief execute% .._ orlivie• of the soul, whethert: lifted for .. _ A -leztator. in his sermon told how a little 'child aPPreciated the value af - rw r . s hand when he ttas told that. it , tote morrow it must be amputated n - - order to ele .... ...:„ ,. a . , c. his ille. J real mg 1 ne, , , • ' ne went to a quiet, and A SWIly; NV i.1 World to "'Slay the Christ, an , cc-1,11114th 1011 . • with you ., - • 'leave nothing - for our Want or heaven to lies •ow: grace of our „Lord esus 1 the love of • God, and the of the Holy Chost, be all forever. Amen." WEIS, like' his friend Stanley, totally deficient in any* knowiledge •oi• appre- . . elation of music, whether vocal, or instrumental. -It was, therefore, a matter of much amusement to him- self and his frienda, when he Wa8 in . . - • . i. : , IG. ,: , : / • i - ' , • ' • 8.E.IFORT11. :FURJVISIMES ' ' ' ' • - ' ARM IN -STANLEY FO.11, SALE -For sale, Lot (1c.fense, .or extended for help, 01' in1S-- •,,ti ' . . place pray that th)(I" would epare his hand. T1 1 ---s- \./. vited by "the Prince of Walee to be a , - . 9 and the west half of Lot 8, Oland' 10 the , rt , ff I ' ' • I le a . s, or o erec in sa eta- e. ' - "the . on: comes- sio , or Brownson Liee, of StinieY. nil farm 000. ,. , i ion, or wrung in despair, or speeass surgeon , coining the next day to ( o - - - t ht. - . . Most. ot• Course.. . Iptors SpeaVer at g-reat meeting'. in a. . Tarnes' to inaugurate . tai-. a 160 sorep, all at which is cleared, except four a i -,es. It 1.4 in a Onto of first -claps cultivation, well e. I n• on d i ti benediction , 0 od evident- " Wor15:, found the hand so MU h better Lha t ampu tation • wns Poe - so Most fen could carve a j >int. mite's could cast a she. ddw • palace the Royal Collego of Music, The- sneech, [ i TO fe . ced end all underdrained, is ., large frame d we. ling go d atone foundation: wf h stone stabling underndath, bu kliegs, including a or.liards of choke fruit, ni atai tree... There a th ough tho farm, and ye. r round withorit pu rkets, eburchee, soh "el route leading ft meetly with tile. There hoese as good co new, with and cellar, large bank barn end numeroue otherconcluded arge pig hoeiso Two good else nice ehade and orria• c two spring areeke rtinning 'lenty of good water ail the Ting, it le well situated for ole. post 001"0..&e, old gaol it in a lv in enc.« i 111 11 th 1 . e ower erders of • ' - II\ Inc beings should have vt-eapons of (1(.1onse, and hence the elephant's tusk, and the horSe5' 1100f, and the cow's horn. and the lion's looth. tilld : t he insect 'F: sting Having eiveo I . • . '-' tteapons of defense to the lower or -e delis of 1 i v big beings, of course he poned, and the hand • past.or, telling of la. holding saying -mat. is " ' • ' -With spared in answer hold it up, a mOnumetit mercy!, • A ' , „ , he got -well. '1'1 - this in a. seine° i up his hand al t he ve-rv h•imrth - ' '' 1 to prayer,- al ( of Mail or ti glance. Most, blacksmiths cheque if they Most artists Moat builders . . - 111 the air.. Dia tailors for a coat el. . - could forg wanted. could draw a. Iii- nth. could build . a, c stle . : never measure a hLuse of paint. however, in which he classed himsel wi lb '‘certain unfortunate -people. Who are deaf to =isle," is said to. have been a marked success. 73 01.1V ith- etaialing that on entering the hill he wh ispered to a friend that he neverin in his life felt so entirel•y at a lOss. . ' • . ,.. .1 -,...0°...- . -au, .., ' "9111W del, "<ajo . , i g eel.hin. view of Lake 1 at ail directional Is as oron, and the boats can be Wu tild not, lea Ve man,' the hi "lies Or- • Ago 111, ' 'land is the chief exec i . . . If You have not :seen the Catalogue of He a passing up anci do 9-11 of the bete equippe wil be sold oa emy terro, re re on account of ill n from: .b house. Tins. is 1 farm .n the sonnet, see a the proprietor wenti to eaitia Apply on the- prem- • I • ' 1 r i ''' r der of it ii. e a ;nes on earl h, de- r .nci.loss and at i1lie mercy cif brutal it. ruffian a l 1 ite ... The righ t ,• vea , • • Live officer of the solid when vertu Li . ,,,,,„ . ri- f 1 1 • f ' I 11 1-1'"'""'''' KU'S 0 rc e are som t biles del t hot tO trouble, : The eyeli - tit such t inie are as hot and • , LUCICY OWEN SOUND MAK . The Power of Niagara. "The powers Of Niagara"- says • Prof. B. B. OWCnii, in Cassier's 3ilag- . The- _ Canada' ' • Business College . !se ; Or addrem Mike P O. JOHN DUNN. 1519-M he (-bay of self defense is .t.-30 eel.-- dent ne..ds , parche- and burning as the brow. Al •st.ah . Charles T. Bye Fscapes azine, has been estimated tet about 1 Chatham. Ontario - • ARM IN HAY ' T', age , ..., Let 20 on 1 To estee, - This farm wxsun, Fon sAim.-For te Nor th d Boutiary of Hey ontains 10e tierce, 85 :it nO argunientation. What a defen-se it is againsi" acci- lea t e mere have. been tiutes' i 11 • ' n a • time even ehe voice is sum»•essect, an • there is 170 SOb or o tit (try. Then tl e From • Almost Certain Deatli 7,000,006 horse-p,ower -: g-reatei, probably than the Physical force the whole hinnan race 'is capable of.con- , _ r ' • , ou are no ann Tar with the advantages offered by :Canada's greatest chool ole. red, the red goad de . rained and fenced. wi a No. 1 cell.tr ; I sh.d; sheep. boiler) 70 nt.. root c liar and -erne we Is and cistern. The so edloa a rich tall se. aed down renutly„ otos. Thii iii a No. res kete, (hutches, EC acres ardwoed bush. It is well un- There is a good stone house rge benk barn ; implement -75, with firet-cia s et tbling tti ; a geed orehard; 2 good. .e is 124 acres of fall wheat W, well moored ; 40 acres th.e rest in good- shape for 1 farm, w.11 t:tnued for 0019, post office e to., and '11r exPeriences when, we hat•e. he lea d w irded -ft s 1 1.1 ' ,v t , . o on .e , Itni.., would- itsIve 'extinguished our ' ' • i•2:111 • °I" br °ken 'the skull, or ' I lied us for a lifetime: Wh I i• la ' • a e las ( te.c.overe( the , approaching '1, e•il . the hand has beaten i r struck' it dOW11, disar with la r tha( eye- crip- i I t I e . ie. t ' hack, . -wringing olf the • ' At. the close of , , . c r et wipe comee '' " 1- ' tile twisted fingers , - * • rears teat will portuni ties the neyer again occur its hand tette; the stor . a •life wasted in si tho t exiareesion ( ' -' ` - - ' ' I -the itionia ry fsides, never return, of -o like of which NV i 1 and conscience i i OWEN Sotrxo, Jan. 30z11. -L -Mr. 0 axles Bye of -this place, has escaped from the hitherto..' ' nievetable .coneequences of Dia - • betes. lie bas' had this fatal cliseas for three yeiare,-atfd has been treated by va ious physicians in vein. Diabetes is, next to' Bei h ' ' D' h g 1,8 mew t e tinuously exerting. At present-, about 250,000 horse -power, is to be develop- ed on the •Ainerican and Canitdian or about five per ee t 1 n . 0 the • P • total power avallable-not enough • to perceptibly diminish the flow over the falls. Shot:tit-mid ., ... 1! We have no present is an - - ex ,; ], The folioviina -- - '- Fred Ansley, . , ' 1.1 and Business 'Training. Write for it if interested. rm. divisions. Pupils can - . :. : : , • .- , , • - - . ine, . • • • therefore begin at any ti The i II nt ti ., e . roe to -enter h bo I ve c tly , , - . • , , : O. a posi ons . 8.re a few of t • e pupils w ia re cn se ured *ti ' - ! • t - formerly of Vt• -Ingham, -ail Commercial teacher West Side Bilsine88 bilege, -Chicago, 1 t mil be sold reetoneb y. sd zees. ROBEhTen D , Apply on the premleee, or ITOLeal,Blake,.Ont.1668x8tf or nd in Inossing let m • y A • .• ' ' - e Sa" [‘vlio has the weapon of the h tied it. . hat. he- mi wrath poun all the past a horror, by ing upon the Boni only to be, an stir- most htal people had form f K'd 121-' o i ney maim '4. Few ever escaped, once its elu hes - Ealcimo lee Cream. Maggie Koir,,as.Stenographer,Nrith Fred McGann., . t. the Sutherland Imes CO., Chatham, as stenographer wlth MoCell Bros., painte ..and oils, Toronto. - LI LENDID FAR51 FOR SALE. -For gale,: e foilen- did farm and hotel property. This farm ii on 113018th conece-don of the Township of MoKillop, at., the Village et Leadbory. It contains 1124 acrea all if bich are weared, except about three scree. It is a good state of cultivation, being well fenced and . • etdraieed,ani suitable for grain grosving or stock is ng and feeding. There is not a foet of w ate an on the farm. There are t /go good dwellieg Injured . r t h ve •cowards 'word . cane, nine hip v 0 Ur dee ', tier. or . ' and in full use .- n S' who wt or carry a pistol pocket had better lay. dly weapon. .At 1. in barbarious. lands, tin- eds no Ile -with- in Aside e iron- or as passed the approaching torroi So a anin wrings his ha,nde over ' casket of a dead 'wife whom he cruelly treated. : So a man his hands at the fat•b of • sons daughters whose pros t • I pee ry lave ruined by his inebriety and neeleet. and depravity. So the sinner . lb' hag wrings -Kidney an I bee 1 wring had bee ()every ef "1 reed test, them boxes and iriney K' bold.". fast•eued upon them, Dodd'is Kidney Pills. of -the wonderful Pills bad made, and' mYself: I have -am completely ' P1118 should be in Until th dia. cures D dd'o conclude to finished three cured. Dddd'e every house- A fa.vorite dish- with the Eskimos is .an ice cream made of se.al oil, into which snow is stirred until the de- sired consistency has been obtained; . -then frozen, berries of different kinds are added, with a little of the Koh . egg for flavoring. • ' Jitteeit Redford, Arch. littiVicar, °roe Qui pupils are in demand ' meat free hy addressing -,, hook -keeper, Parham Furniture Co. Vains...Ont. Changed fromeraggart & Rmippen„ 4rand Bapiat, to FairbAnult Seale Co,, Chicago. - 1' -with the leading business houses. Catalogue of either depart= ' ii.• Ma-LOTMAN lis CO.: Chatham Ont. ! 5 5 1011 es, a large bank barn with stone - stabling under- •111 °nicer of the law about to ina)ke 'his . xsa ., a loge implement house and all neoessery ni age in first-aiess repair. There are three' or- IhA , sand four -never -failing well& The farm ad. oin the Village of L adhury where are stores, .arrest, +ich arming may be saaao ou • • - ' • t no citizen moving civilized, regions needs sucl neces- n these 1 re -in- hands will' f 1 en alter a ire el r 1 ' •!' Offers of pardon 'and peace and heat- .' On- h dies 1" - e withouthope. __ ---Two dropped „ . millers named rat x nearly two tbousa -. and bweet ',Were d feet in the -A probably fatal accident occurred one . day recently on the farm of Charles . • -. INTCYTIICM. . . ..LSTCYTIOM. ,ffi.- , -;•. I 0 [es s• t ppi r , post ... blacksmith shop, school-. eta The well Known ;bury Is tel le ort the fame, and will be sold w•th 1 tie now under ;ease kr a term of yew% This 0 of tee best and most profitable farm pro.per• , the. County of Flume and will be /told oheap ty Unwed- paymeet. For further puttee's:a . On the premieel. or address ilia undereireed etor, Lesdbuty . 0. jouss,rox 'LINNET, i 1663 , forCelllent down country. a i . if you are afraid t,0 aii.,. • these stre' ets or 1 ''', 1 - - . - - - a - - a ong theSa- roads without da.gger or fira-' runs bet ter ask y -our grandmother o go i iti ' • • • v i you armed with scissere- -- - . lid knitting needle. What cotvards, not what intended murderers 11-919- ., • ...., gam:, the hand 'is the chief exec - etit-etsof the soul in salutation, fottner president of the -United State said: -"I think handsh ki • a ng J8 • ea• 'ell.' 'eat nuisance, and' it should b• b i• "- a 0 ished. It not only makes th, right tient sore b , ut shocka the whol,. 3 t • • - . y8 eni and unfits a man t9r writin • • ..__ shaft of the Atlantic mine -. ... • onenigan, one day last week came through another amide IT - L t- hous% ,Asabling We ,,oist. horriblY, tnangled and both leave les ee ' 0 ' to h - . wing; t e.great increase at the milltee of the copper dietriet • MOSS Iire.aliiriniegly frequent. at Houg ' Theseei t at the en Both men large in fats ._ ton, ent ne -on ere am- 000 .14- coo , Raleigh, near Chatham, -Charles - Ha 11 was standing in a leaded farin•wag- when the' horses. tolt,ed and 4e was - - . • 1 , thrown to the ground, alighting on Ins head. 114 skull Wile fractured in a terrible man- nee and several ribs were 'broken. ! 1 1 The annual-rneeting Nietual Public Hiell_, re ma, rectors!, oust stlitort suditoteand , iiir4i I 9 , • at t Fire leeurstice Co Fructulfail_ le at I o'clock t). tu f )rif -* ' ele Won other 1:4Minels JOHN may, Nokoreimi. • , •••• . - sell . .. . Lreb-rne Itibbart pertY, will :be held 14 the Monday, Februaty the Business. rarely's* the roes. NA.. 06, .014 of twelldir. . rot etleo in the Interpol* 0, the Preildatl Tnnlist . 1.430x4 • - , Tenders will be reoelvoid at Leadbury sot tho Cain- ell meeting -on retrieve I2t,b, for witting in *ewer e p, V. rel.er pipe culverts throughout th teivnisbi •he • needed, Stniverte to lie of entrerete *ewer alp, from otiiiheiv : -I itveitiovitenctionitutto, to .. . , erier - .- Mal put thein In Ind dig settee ono lowesitendgetoved to take tbe water ewity .,- ea indveite -,0:.en to .pay for -sewer pine. MO. O. MORRISON, Ole* of Mtitilop. MU& , __ ___ • _ , _ , ____ _ ._. _________ _ - _ - -- . _..,.,.......--„_--- • - - - „ - 11 ' i 4411 zolcian Tani( g" fka erryanoes invaded krone' i 1b99., lord tyo - 'onto] Bari:late T° barns, e inile oe allow atatred TEA7 f1/1E; 12 lanai are in g use ale!: ting in a IL R. 8.1 Shorthoi BROAD] RS e Pro, olors. • woot, 1 IrRR bei yr% of 4 CALUI Dth old, one bet 22,4 11.4 n 10 neifers,i • Usbor zltIOM01 ior ethereal' at fhetbi B To; bred Dar Milne of Ira keit ennnub, preyed tin3e tif ;meatball OAR ite4 fitanl.ey, of returm 110 Pit en atlioroa bred Yol be admit of seri* White Pi