The Huron Expositor, 1900-02-02, Page 1ads.
tat.e ay:
part mental tore
advertising their
Vhite Goods. It
re time and en
g this month in
ea and garments
[aerials, than any
e whole year.
!aye gotten this
because women
el preference for
eas of these gar-
s they are opened
on sate. Then
the web for home
anxious to have
For use before the
there is always
:ugh without giv-
'Inch could have
ag the month of
range -of Ladle's -
r garments which
the teat of the
st materials and
•k most approved
C) that there are
a our underwear
would scarcely
bot her with. In
could hardly be
lvertisement some
s in the different
are giving extra
ite women shop -
where they may
their money will
no one will be
-en dissatisfied.
ick sellers at
$1.00, ,$1.50
;.":t1.25, $L75
lth, tucked and
red frilling
:le, $1.00, ,31.40
$1.25r ;:iz1.50
roid-ry trimmed
and armlets
5e, 25e, 40c and
30e, 45c 50c
d with a cluster
;.s and frill of
le, 50e, 85c and
-le, 15e, $15A:1.25
-Just the. kind
!' you may want
.4 50c and GQc
d on neck, arrim
wit the front at
30e anal 40e
'tsg, Heavy Plain
PiIIow Cotton,
Pure Linen, un-
ttre Linen, 'bleach -
Table Covers,
Cevers and Im-
r) ie Covers. -
roe and
s Go.
›st Cash
*rig of God ia
ded the preach -
• the real. test
Chi•istisaas was.
tt been Chriet-
of their giv-
1 i fe co en p axed
lowly `:4av ieur.
rue 8011 01 Eriu
ehapient speakeg of our sleighs
ads has had the
•uiet, in our ail -
Hensler, who
skard Campany,
the Methodist
, which was well
of Burns was
riotte style, at
humbly eveuine
lad assembled to
eatpoet. The
tyle by mine
a and Bongo,
order of the
1 Kipper, will
'Carmel tresby-
nati morning,
. Marys, in the
the int erests of
S. Henderson,
so addreseing-
that fund, at
few week—
has been vita-
kersmith, for a
home this week,
Sabbath school
day evening in
erintendent and
.10 — M iss Alice
of Hay, was in
pf laet week,
13-._ ROBS.—
our rink, after
Murdock is in
E lessons on the
ui here attended
. Mr. Paterson,
1!ndrr the auspi-
Caven church,
- of last week
the lecture. —
heista, waa the
Mile Rundle.
arys, is viaitin
ele,—Mrs. Wm.
Mad arten's.—
, is spending a.
and aunt, Mr.
McLEAN BROS., Publifi' dim*:
$1 a Year in Advance.
Heavy Gioods
The balance of our stock of all classes of men's and boys'
underwear will be cleared atlinteresting prices.
One lot will comprise the lines which so
and $1 a suit. We place the cl
suit, or, if you desire the single,
or drawers, it will cost 28c,
ld regularly at 80c
ilring price at 55c a
piece, whether shirt
The second lot will include all kinds of underwear which we
had on hand selling at $1.15, $1.25, $1.40 and—$1.50 a
suit. This lot will e cleared. at 80c a suit, or 40c for
single garment.
Lot No. 3 includes goods s
suit, for which we pl
or 50c for the single
id regularly at $1.65 and $1.75 a
ce the clearing price at $1 a suit,
Ther4st lot will embrace nderwear ranging in price from
$1.50 to $2,25 a suit, and these lines will be cleared
at $1.25 a suit, or 65c for the single shirt or drawers.
To put the naatter concisely and not take
will make last week's'price as stand
following two weeks, viz.'2.5 per
Thus, a $25 fur coat will be cleared
coat at $15, and so on. Any person
chasing, will do well to take a me
We mention as a special that we have still
at $4.90. These robes are great v
ance of the same wili clear rapidly.
don't miss this chanCe.
p your time, we
ng good for the
ent off all furs.
at $18.75 a$20
thinking of pur-
tal note of this
a few goat robes
ue and the bal.-
If you meed one,
We have still a few of the heavy wool soak, which we adver-
tised at 15c a pair, left.
The Storm_ King and Billy Reid cas will be cleared at low
figures. A few dozens of th o storm king caps will be
closed out at 25c and 35c.
If you had any Idea of giving your boy a reefer jacket, anci
you thought that you would be able to make him do
with what he had, possibly the clearing price of a
special jacket at $2.65 may prove an inducement •for
you to change your mind.
Certainly the biggest value we ever ,sold in a heavy driving
naitt is the Klondike the clearing price is 450. .Try
• a pair, it means com ort, no matter the length of drive
you have,e ahead of y u.
The -unanimous opinion of every wearer of buckskin pants
seems to be that th re is nothing in the market which
will give the wear tl4at this style of pant will give, and
then the price is so reasonable, $1 a pair, and with a
heavy factory txttor lining at $1.25.
Groig •&
Clothiers a4n4 Furnishers
• On the Wrong Side of th Street,
• The public will please 11
tickets, and have
Seaforth to all po
and other Wester
and New Englan
te that we issue through coupon
baggage checked to destination from
nts in Manitoba, British Columbia
points; also to Eastern Provinces
The January meeting 01 the county coun-
cil commenced in the Court House, Gode•
rich, on Tuesday of last week. The follow-.
ing members reported present : Messrs.
Bowman, Cook, Chambers, Connolly, Hays,
Holt; Kerr, Miller, McLean, McInnis, Mc -
Ewan, Patterson, Stuart, Rollins, and
Torrance. ,
Moved by Mr. Patterson, seconded by
Mr. Connolly, that Dr. Rollins, of Exeter,
be Warden for this year.—Carried
Mr. Holt was also proposed for Warden,
but an agreement was entered into by which
the Wardenship Should go each alternate
year to a nominee of either of. the political
parties. It is hoped in One way to do
away with the vexed question of electing
,the presiding officer.
• The Warden elected was conducted to
the Warden's chair, and took the oath of
office before his Honor, Judge Ma son, and
thanked the members of the council for
electing him by acclamation.
Messrs. McLean, Connolly, Holt, Bow-
man and, Stuart were unanimously elected a
striking committee to draft the standing
committees for the year.
The following communications were re-
From N. Robson, J. C. Monism], 0. W.
Holman, and A. H. Coohrane, app:ying for
the office of crnty auditor. Left on the
The presentation of the Grand Jury was
referred to the county property committee.
From Robert Gardiner, secretary of the
South Huron Farmers' Institute, on the
purchase by the county of a steam roller.
Sent to the road and bridge committee.
Circular, signed by Good Roads Associ-
ation, dealing with county leading roads.
Sent to road and bridge committee.
Circular from the Canadian Patriotic Fund
From the Municipal World, asking the
county to renew subsoriptions.
• Request for grant from the Ontario Rifle
Telegraph and money o der business respectfully solicited. ,
C. P. R. AGENT, Seaforth.
COLIN BETHUNE, Agent Berlin Mutual Fire Insurance
Company. Lowest rates.
The yearly reports of the Goderioh, Clin-
ton and Seaforth Collegiate Institutes were
submitted as follows :
The aggregate attendance dur ng 1899
was 13,436; of whom 10,155 are county
pupils ; cost of maintenance, $5,771.69;
Government grant, $995.71.
Aggregate attendance of pupils,
county pupils; 10,3474 cost of mai
$5,462.96 ; Legislative grant, $966
Aggregate attendance, 30,016 ; county
pupils,' 8,212 ; coat of maintena ce, $6,-
009.30 ; Legislative grant, $3,19.1. 6.
Committinent of John Letson to the In-
dustrial school by C. Seeger, polio magis-
trate. •
Alt sent to the executive commit ee.
Circular re more effctive cattle g ards for
railways. Sent to special committ e.
Report of trusteee association, and re-
quest that the county appoint one or more
delegates to attend such associati n. Sent
to education committee.
A number of accounts were s nt to the
finance committee.
The following school petitions
sented : From Samuel Cook and
Henry M.cBrien and others, R. J
and others, J. • H. Govier and
Shepherd and others, W. Weber an
J. Starrand end others, W.
others. -
Judge Masson, Inspector Ro
Messrs. ,Pregory, Ritchie and
arbitrators r school section boun
the township of Hullett, reported
petition from arbitration had been
the county council too late, cons
they could do nothing in the matte
• Thirteen petitions were recei
different parts of the county, a
council to increase the license fee f
ers and peddlers.
All sent to the specie committee
ere , pre -
others ;
thers, S.
iles and
b and
erica in
that the
led with
• quently,
ed from
king the
•r hawk -
The striking committee ,reporte , naming
the following standing committees
Executive,—Messrs. Holt; McE an,Kerr,
Hays and Torrance. Special,—Me :8r8. Holt,
McEwen, Kerr, Hays and Terra ce. Fi-
nance,—Mtessrs. Cook, Miller, McLean,
Stuart and McInnis. Education, Meagre.
Cook, MillerelticLean, Stuart and McInnis.
Road and Bridge,—Messra. Snell, Patter-
son, Bowman, Connolly, Chambers. County
Property,—Messrs. Snell, Patters n, Bow-
man, Connolly, Chambers. Equalization.. —
The whole emineil. Warden's C inmittee,
—Messrs. Holt, McLean, Patte son and
Bowman. House of Psefuge,—Mes rs.Snell,
McLean and Connolly.
The report was adopted.
Moved by Mr. Torrance, seoo ded by
Mr. Connolly; that the waren a • d clerk
memoralize. the Local Legislatu e to so
amend the municipal act that unicipal
councils be elected for a term of t o years,
said election to be held at the s me time
and plaoe as the elections for coun y coun-
cillors, and also that the clerk sen , a copy
of suoli memorial to the clerks of . ti e differ-
ent counties in the Province, with view to
securing their co-operation. Sent o special
refr;;)m A. M.
Roseboroug , asking
for grant for the Prisoner's Aid As °dation,
was sent to the executive committe
Application film H. W. Ball, f r county
auditor, was laid on the table.
Petieion from Lambton county re com-
mittment of vagrants, and aeking co-oper-
ation of this, county. Referred ti special
co mAmpietttei tei 0.
n from the Mayor of he town
of Goderich, asking the county ouncil to
take charge of the park around t e Court
House. Sent to the county prope ty com-
mittee. .
Adeputation was heard in re erence to
claim for damages sustained at Simmerhill
bridge, by G. H. Hill, made atIle Decem-
be mr see:se87D.
ulmage and M.cD All waited
on the couucil in reference to he many
petitions placed before the co ncil, and
pressed the necessity of inorea,ein the fee
for hawkers and pedlars. I
J. E. Tom, public school nap ctoxe for
West, Huron, reported that the a hoole in
his inspectorate are in a very efficient
state, and the progress and standi g of the
classes is satisfactory. ' The class ooms are
e venti-
he walls
onis are
te of the
rious to
ring the
e up as
$13,352.19 ;
.51; school
sou ees, $3,-
mo nted to
kept clean and in several section
pictures are hung on the walls. T
lating, lighting and coloring of
and ceilings of most of the cla s r
mostly defective. The glarin w.h
walls of many of the schools is inj
the pupils' eyes. The receipt d
yearamounted to $69,273 99, ma
follows : Balance from 1898
Government grants, $3,67
taxes, $48,522.S2; all other
758.17. The expenditures
$55,02.26, of which 01,063,04
ere' a laries. During 1898, 57
an average salary of
teachers, at an avera
ave been employed. Of
hold first -elan tertifioste
nd 66 third clam The t
ila enrolled during the ye
e average attendauce 4,3
high school entrance exami
pupils passed, and 84 passed
school leaving examination.
at the model lichee% thi
rably leas than previou
are still a number of
ushers who have not b
schools in 1900.
to education committee,
era, a
ere, 8
of pu
and t
ifled t
D. Robb, inspector for East
ported that a new brick school
section No. 6, Grey, to repla
stroyed by fire, at a cost of $9
brick school has also been ereete
No. 1, Tuckeramith. A b Bement and
furnace was also placed in the a hool house
in section No. 9, Tuckeramith. During the
present year new schools will b ereoted in
Kinburn, Gerrie and FordwichT Of the 123
teachers in the inspeotorate, 5 are males
and 65 are females. The ave age salary
paid during 1899 was $314.10, The town-
ship of Tuokeremith pays ite m le teachers
the highest average salary in r ral schools,
$415.72,eand MoKillop the low et, $289.16.
The township of Morris has the unique dis-
tinction of paying its female teachers a
higher average salary than it. • ale teach-
ers, viz, $300 and $295.28. T ere are 60
normal trained teachers, 4 ho ding first -
°lees certificates, 60 seconds and 59 thirds.
The average attendance in rural school,' in
1899 was 2,528; villages, 432; towns, 984.
The total expenditure amounted to $52,924,
of which $38,973 was paid f r salaries.
Two hundred and fifteen pupil's passed the
entrance examination and 87 the public
school leaving examinations.
Sent to education committee.
Balance from 1898, $594.38. Receipts,—
county rate, $34,975.89; land t x, $183.24;
from registry office $1,124.76,; iniatra-
tion of justieee$1,i38,11 ; lice $1,072;
schools, $6,573, together with a er items
making a total •of $54,40398. xpendi-
tures,—Administration of ju Mee, $6,-
920 48; jail, $2,289,61; so eels, $12.-
258.73; school management, $2,25997;
municipal government, $4,174 45; county
property, $90992; roads and ridges, $6,-
973.19; industrial home, $4,5 6.40; total
expenditure, $53,807.65; balanc on band,
$596.33; sinking fund, $16,464; available
assets $20,561.79 ; debenture liabilities,
573,000. •.
Sent to finance committee.
COURty Commissioner Ainal y reported
that he had prepared plans an specifica-
tions for the proposed bridge to be erected
on the boundary between Mord and East
Wawanosh. He had ale° pre ared plans
for a proposed dwelling to be ex oted at the
jail. The reads and Wedges ap ear to be in
a safe condition at the present t me,
Sent to road and bridge comm ttee.
The jailer reported that at tho present
time there are nine inmates, 8 males and
one female. Five are charged with visg-.
ranee% ; 2 with insanity; 2 w th larceny
and one with trespassing. • _
Sent to county property corn ittee..
Instruments registered durin the year,
4,042; total fees therefrom, 1$4,401 65;
total deeds registered, 1,320; mortgages,
1,014; aggregate amount of satne, $1,524,-
837.72 ; wills registered,- 213. 1 Gross fees
earned during the year, $5,689 5; amount
due the provincial treasurer, 51,718.04;
net amount received by the registrar, $2,
t ro-
finance committee.
Moved by Mr. Bowman, seconded by
Mr. Cook, that A. 11. Cochrane be auditor
for 1900, ,
Moved by Mr. Snell, secon ed by Mr.
Connolly, that N. Robson be county
auditor. .
Mowed by Mr. Holtapecone ed by Mr.
Chambers, that R. A. Carrick b auditor.
Moved by Mr. McEwen needed by
Mr. McLean, that Fred Hess be county
Moved by Mr. Miller, secon ed by Mr.
Kerr, that M. Spence be audito .
Moved by Mr. Connolly, seconded by Mr.
Hays, that G. W. Hartman be auditor.
Moved by Mr. Connolly, s conded by
• Mr. Holt, that James &sett b appointed
trustee of Clinton Collegiate Institute.—
Moved by Mr. McLean, secon d by Mr.
Hays, that R. C. Cheswright, f Seaforth,
be appointed on the board of c unty exam-
iners for. 1900. Sent to execut ve commit-
tee. •
Moved by Mr. McLean, semi ed by Mr.
Miller, that James Scott, of Scott Brothers,
Seaforth, be appointed trustee of Seaforth
Collegiate Institute.—Carried.
Moved by Mr. Holt, second.d by Mr.
MoEwen, that John Acheson b trustee of
Goderieh Collegiate Institute.— arried.
Moved by Mr. Bowman, seco • ded by Mr.
'Kerr, that J. H. Cameron, of Brussels, be
appointed on the county board if examiners
for this year. Sent to eduoat on commit-
Moved by -Mr. Holt, secon ed by Mr.
Chambers, that James H. Ti ant -be ap-
pointed on the county board o examiners.
Sent to education committee.
Moved by Mr. Stewart, seconded by Mr.
Patterson, that S. J. A. Boyd be appointed
on the county board of examiners. Sent to
education committee.
Moved by Mr. Kerr, seconded by Mr.
Bowman, that the usual gran of $30 be
made to the agricultural and iortiieu1tura1
societies in the county. Sent t the eaten'.
tive ovd
m ..
Bowman, seco ded by Mr.
Connolly, that the usual grant be made to
publie libraries of the county. Sent to the
executive committee.
Moved by Mr. Miller, /moon ed by Mr.
Cook, that the usual grants be made to the
Farmers' Institutes for 1900. • Referred to
executive committee,
Moved by Mr. Cook, sewn ed by Mr.
Miller, that the sum of $25 be aid to Mr.
Hill, on his claim for damages. Sent to
executive committee.
Moved in amendment by Mr. Connolly,
seconded by Mr. Hays, that Mr. Hill re-
ceive 530 damages. Sent to executive com-
mittee.• .„
Moyed by Mr. McInnis, Beeended by Mr.
McLean, that Messrs. Holt and Wm. Lane
be auditors of criminal justice accounts.—
Carried. • .
Moved by Mr. Holt, seconded by Mr.
McInnis, that the counoil grant 510 for the
purpose of purchasing flowers for the court
house grounds. • Referred to executive com-
• The Inspector of the H91188 of Industry
and Refuge for the county ot Huron re -
is for teaoh-
ale teach -
371, and 77
e salary of
these teach-
, 60 second-
tal number
r was 7,061
9. At the
nation 204
the public
The atten-
year was
years, but
egally qual-
en able to
Huron, re -
as built in
one de-
). Anew
in section
FOR 1900.
During this month we, can
sell you Wall Paper and
put it on your .walls at a
price that will save you
ported as follows for the year ending 31st
Deeember, 1899:
Total number of inmates admitted since
opening of house,
180; number of inmates
on January lst, 1899, 84; number admitted
during the year, including One re -admitted,
22; number of deaths during the year, 13 ;
number abdoonded during the year, two;
number dieoharged during the year, nine;
number of inmates in house let January,
190Q, 82; number of melee, 52; number of
femilee, 30. Number admitted during the
year 1899 from rural municipalities: Town-
.hip—Ashfield 1, Colborne 2, Goderich 2,
Stanley 1, Usborne 3. flay 2, '#ullett 1,
Hoick L-13. Towns and villagesi—God-
erich 3, Clinton 2, Segforth 1, „Exeter 2, (in-
cluding one re -admitted), Blyth 1.-9.1 Cause
of peuperism—Old ago 13, sickness 3, injury
1, Weaknese of intellect 1, epilepsy, paying
patient 1, paralysis 1, destitution 11. Na-
tionality of inmates admitted during 1899:
England 7, Scotland 4, Ireland 2 Canada 6,
Gerinany 3. Number of days 'Lard of in-
mates, 30600; number of days board keep-
er's family and help, 1095; average number
of inmates during 1899, 83.85; with keeper's
family and help added, 86 85; total expen-
diture on house :and farm, 54,506 84; add
valiie of provisions and fuel on hand Janu-
ary, 11899, 51,046+51; add ten per cent. for
dep eciation of implements, 564.48. Total
nditure, $5,617.83. Deduct expenditure
00 !louse,implement shed, etc., on capital
alumna, 198.07 ; unexpired insurance, $21;
proVisions produce, new clothing and fuel
on iiand, let January, 1900, as per inven-
tory, 5,106.83; produce sold during 1899,
end other receipts, 5249.17; received from
pay ng patients, 597.50. Total, 52,072 57.
Ain unt expency for Ruppert of inmates,
$3545 26 ' • average expense per inmate per
day, 11.58cents; average weekly expense
per !inmate, 81.05 cents. The expenditurei
in the house and farm accounts are as fob
low: Hired help for houss and farm, 596;
stets , team and implements, 585; salaries—
ins ector, keeper and matron, 5637.50; phy-
slid n's salary- and appliances, etc., 5210.19;
repines to buildings and furniture, 590.78;
proVisions and clothing, 51,718.99; fuel and
light, 5705.73; books, stationery and post.
age, 515.25; sending inmates to friends and
bringing back abisconders, 519; supplies for
stock and farm, $136.531 on capital aceount,
5498.07; incidental expenses, $293,80. Total,
0,506 84. - I
Sent to House of Refuge committee.
Dr. J. W. Shaw, House of Refuge phy4-
cian,-reported that there have been man
changes among . the inmates 'during th
year. Altogether there have been 107 en-
rolled. Among the new ones is an idiot an
two consumptives, one of whom has died.
There have been two outbreaks of la grippe,
one prevailing at present, with which 613
are or bave been afflicted. During July,
August and September a severe type ef
dtsentery went through tbe house, all bailie
attacked with more or less severity. The
e„aueeasould never be discovered, but by ex-
tra sanitary pre4autions it gradually disap-
peared. The adcommodation is becoming
less and less, and those who are compelle
to sleep in the basement are hard to be kept
warm and domfoetable, although the weather
has been most favorable ; besides, owing tO
so many oases requiring partial isolation,
crowds other rooms. The causes of deaths
during the year are as follows : Epilipsey,
1 ; apoplexy, 1; old age, 3; broken
hip, 1 ; cancer of stomach, 2; dysentery, 3;
cholera, 1. With the exception of the chol-
era case, the average age of the rest ve,as 77;
one having reached the age of 101. One in-
mate wag sent to the jail as a dangerous
lunatic. Some remedy must be provided in
the near future,i particularly as,
if no re-
strictions are to be made aa to who shall be
admitted, for recent infectious cases have
eompelled them, to be separated from the
eest, thereby ensuring the space and air for
the remainder. I
Sent to House of Refuge committee.
The following are the amopnts of insur-
ance on the differeet county buildingse'
1'ourt houae, $12,000-; gaol and . cottage,
10,000; House of Refuge, 58,000; contents
f House of Refuge, 52,000; barn on indus-
rial farm, 5650; contents of barn, 5300.
Sent to eonnty property committee.
A letter was received from Lieutenant-
olonel Varooe, asking a grant of 25 cents
er day to the volunteers while in camp.
'ent to executive committee. ;
The council then voted on county- audit-
rs, which, after several- ballots, resulted in
he election of F. Hess and A. H. Coeh-
ane. •
Moved by Mi. Cook, and seconded by
r. McEwen, that the usual grant of $25
e mede to the teachers' institutes in the
ounty. Sent to executive committee.
Moved by Mr. Hays, seconded by Mr.
onnolly, that this council release from the
Mortgage given this county by John R.
Holmes es security for the county treasurer,
apiece of vacent land in the town of Sea -
forth, the assessed Value being $300, such
property being part division part lot 6,
Sperling isurveY, containing three acres.
Sent to executii committee.
Moved by Me ars. Kerr and Bow an that
the Warden, de k and Mr. Holt b •a com-
mittee to revie4 and ainend the j present
standing rules a d regulations for tie coma
teeto correspo d with ammendirnts to
statutes or othe wise, and that suo report
be made to Jun4 session of this, council.—
Plans and sp cifications of jailer's! resi-
dence, promised by Mr. Ainsley, were; plae-
ed before the council and sent to °Canty
property committee. •
The house •of refuge committee recom-
mend, in theeir report, that the reports of
the inspector and physician be printed in
the minutes. The report was adopted.
The finance committee reported, recom-
mended the pasSing and payipg of a num-
ber of accounts.! The report was adopted.
The eounty property committee reported
that they had examined the XI and found
everything clean and in good order, and the
number of inmates to agree with the jailer's
report. In the matter of the insurance on
the county property, they considered it
satisfactory, and recommended that the
same be printed in the minutese In refer-
ence to the petition of the mayer of Gode-
rich, recommended that no action be taken.
Ther examined the grounds at the jail and
found that they had been nicely levelled
and graded. The jailer asked that a suit-
able fence be erected, 'but recommended
that no action_ be taken. The registry
office had been examined and everything
found in good condition, but recommended
that the iuside of the office be. kelsomined.
Reoemmended that fifteen feet_ • of hose be
purehased for the court house; They ex-
amined the different rooms in the court
house and found them clean and well kept,
and considered Mr. McCreath, the caretak-
er, 4n efficient servant. They had exam-
ined the plans and specification* for a new
hou e at the jail, but recommended that no
actien be taken. The report was adopted.
TEme road and bridge committee recom-
men ed that no action be -taken in the mat-
ter 4f the petition of the South Huron
Far era' Institute re the purehase of •a
stean roller. In the matter of the request
of the Good Roads Association, asking an
exprtssion of opinion by this eminty on the
folio ing questions : "Are you in favor of
legislatio empowering counties to bonus -
leading r ads through the county ?" "Are
you in fa or of legislation granting aid to
counties hat assume public roads in propor-
tion to t e cost of construction • and main-
tenance f the same ?" Reconimend • that
the clerk answer these queetions in the
egative. In the matter of th Wbaghem
ridge, r commend that the Wader of F.
'uttridg , of Seaforth, for ruble concrete, at
5 a cubi yard, and that of tha Stratford
Bridge C mpany at 51,394- for the in%
work, be accepted. The report was adopt-
The ap cial committee reported in refer-
ence to t e motion of Messrs. Terrance and
Connelly Asking that the legislature be
rnemoralized to amend the muninipal act so
that municipal councils could be elected for
'two years instead of one, to run concurrent
with county council terms. ReCommended
that the ame be passed and advieed that a
copy be f rwarded to the members of the
legielatu in the matter of circular from
Gait aski • g for endorsation as to more ef-
fectual 0 ttle guards on the railiraye, recom-
Mended at the council endorse' the mem-
orial. garding a petition from Lambton
county e vagrants rent ,from jails to
houses of Refuge, the committee recom-
mended • o action. In reference • to the
petitione asking for an increase in the hawk.
era' e '• recommended that the same
be incre ed525, and that the law be better
enforced. The report was adopted.
, The ex eutive committee reported, recom-
meeding, in reference to motion of Messrs
Cook en. Miller, and the ammendment by
Messrs. 4 onolly and Hays that the sum of
$25 be paid George Hill in full of all claims
of damag s. Recommended that the usual
• grants �fl $25 to the Farmers' I Inetitutes ;
$15, te th publio libraries : and 530 to the
agriculturalsocieties, be made. Recom-
mended that the clerk subscribe for copies
of the Municipal World for each member of
the council and the clerk and treasurer.
Recommended that a grant of 55 be made
to the Ontario Rifle Association ; WO to the
Canadian Patriotic Fund Association ; and
$10 te the Prisoners' Aid Aesoeiation. In
referenc to Letson, committed to the in-
dustrial school, the county was liable for
his mai tenance in the same at $1.50 per
week, • ecommended that a geant of $25
be made to the Teachers' AssoOation. The
amount • ayable to Collegiate lutititutes " is
as folio s : Seaforth, $2,155.35 je Clinton,
52,172.9 •; Goderich, $1,474.25. Recom-
mended that they be paid. Recommended
that the tender for county printing of the
Goderic Signal be accepted. 1eepmmend-
ed that. 10 be granted for the i purpose of
purchasing flowers to plant around the court
house, In referenee to the release of cer-
tain Ian s in &eaforth from the mortgage
held by he county in security for ,the coun-
ty tree urer, recommended that the release
be gran ed. Recommended that the aura
of 5600 e made to supplement the pay of
the men and non-commissioned' officers of
the 33rd battalion. The reportwas adopted.
A petition was presented from 14 rate-
payers of the township of Hullett, also a
similar petition from the ratepayers of part
of the township ' of Goderich, ticking that
arbitrators be appointed to adjudicate in
the formation of a union school between the
two townships, also two petitions against
any arbitration; recommended that arbi-
tration be granted and that the . following
be arbitrators: Judge Masson and inspect-
ors Robb and Tom. A petition from John
Barr and 27 others, of Hullett, East and
West Wawanosh, asking that arbitrators be
appointed to adjudicate in the formation of
a new ,union school between the said town-
ships, also a counter petition from William
Hiles and 30 others requesting' that there
be no arbitration; recommended that arbi-
tration be granted, and that the same arbi-
trators act as in the former case. Recom-
mended that Messrs. J. H. Cameron, of
Brussels, and S. J. Baird, of Exeter, be the
county board of examiners. The report
was adopted.
Moved by Mr. Bowman) seconded by
Mr. Torrance, that the \ members of the
county council being desirous of having our
volunteer system made more effeetive, and
recognizing that at present the per diem
allowance by the Government while the
volunteers are in camp is not sufficient,
we would recommend that the Government
increase the per diem allowance to 51.00,
and thee a copy of this resolution be sent to
the various counties in the province asking
their • do operation in memoralizing the
Governinent to this effect. —Carried.
Movcid by Mr. McInnes, seconded by Mr.
Snell, t4 at a committee composed of the
W'strdele, clerk and engineer, be instructed
to 6avti new windows put in the court room
as loon as practicable, and that the old
windows be retained to be put on the inside
during the winter months. --Carried.
Moved by Mr. McInnes, seconded by
Mri Totrance that the commissioner be in-
strneted to aend a copy of the plans and
speCifications of all bridges arid abutments
to be built, to the clerk of the municipality
in evhich the bridge or abutments are to be
The following by-laws were passed : No.
1, to appoint auditors ; No. 2, - Vs appoint
arbitrators to arbitrate in the matter of
union school section between linllett and
Goderioh ; ;No. 3, to appoint arbitrators to
arbitrate in the matter of Union school
section between the townships of Hullett,
East and West Wawanosh ; No. 4, to amend
by-law No.15 of 1897, increasing hawkers'
and peddlers' fees to $50. 'i
On motion the council adjourned to 'meet
the first Tuesday in'June.
—D. Walker, a Point Ste Charles, a G.
T. R. brakeman, was killed at St Henri
one day last week by a train.
—Herold Harker, aged 13, of Kingston,
was deceived one morning bleb week, as to
the ite en which he wanted to skate, and
was drowned.
—E. eP. Flynn,, collector of -customs,
Arichart, Nova Scotia, died last week. He
represented Richmond from 1873 to 1887,
and was defeated last , general election by
J. A Gillies, Conservative.
• —Mies Ella Brock, ot Port Perry, at-
tempted to take her life by cutting her
throat, one day lately. She had not been
in good -health for some time, and it is sup-
posed this may have led to melanoholia.
—Richard Williams, a brakeman on the
Esquimalt and Nanaimo railway, was killed
at Russell Station, British Columbia, by
falling between the cars of the mixed
freight from Wellington, and the entire
train passing over him. He went there
only six weeks ago from Toronto.,
---The gold medal offered by Hon.Mr. Roes,
Pretnier of Ontario, to the Students' Union
of Toronto University, for the best orator
in the institution, was competed for by six
Students, and was awarded to Mr. N. F.
Coleman, who took for his subject "The
functions of a great university." Each
contestant was required to speak for fifteen
Horrell, aged 26, son of Coun-
ty Councillor Horell, ef Midland, died sud-
denly in the council chamber, Barrie, of
heart failure, Some weeks ago his father
received a slight stroke of -paralysis, and as
he had not fully recovered from that sick-.
ness when the county council opened, his
son went along to take charge of the father
through the seseion.
—There are 30 eases of smallpox in Res-
tigouche county, New Foundland. 'All are
isolated and all are doing well. No serious
consequences are expected. The St. John
local board of health hes appointed physi-
cians, and is rattling upon the people of that
city to be vaccinated. It is posaible the
vaccination will be enforced all over the
• —A man named Kerrie Thomas, of St.
Catharines, about 45 years of age, was
missed from his home for some days. The
last seen of him be was on his way home,
and as he had to cross the old canal and
waste weir, it was feared he had been
drowned. Fears were confiruied last Satur-
day when his body was found in the water
wheel of a'power house'but so wedged in
that it was some time before it could be
taken out.
—The guests at the Mead house, Pore
Dover, were, eatly Sunday morning, rudely
awakened from their slumbera by the alarm
of fire. Such hold had the flames got on the
building before they were discovered that
the inmates had only time to escape in their
night-clothes. Port Dover has no fre ap-
paratus, and the bireket brigade were help-
less to save the building, which included a
hardware and a drug store. The fire-fight-
ers, however, did wonders in confining the
flames to the hotel building. John Beau -
pre, of &moo°, owns the building.
—The divisional tourt at Osgoode Hall,
proved to one, Jegulioskie, that British law
is no respector of dames, Jagulioskie was
bathing on a recent Sunday in the limpid
waters of the Saugeen river, when a Bruce
county constable and his wife came along
in a buggy. The constable's wife ws.s so
shocked that her spouse arrested Jagulios-
kie and had him fined for breaking the
Lord's day act by publicly bathing. That
was all right up in Bruce county where the
Ten Commandments and the Shorter Cate-
chism walk arm in arm, but the divisional
Court quashed the conviction, Clhief justice
Armour saying that no offense had been
• —Quite a serious accident occurred at
the 13eatneville G. T. R. station last Satur-
day morning. Mr. C. H. Eckhardt, with a
young lad, had driven to the station. After
eying his horse, Mr. Eckhardt went into
the station on some 'errand, when the horse
took fright, broke loose and started up the
track.. Mr. Eckhardt, in attempting to
"'top the horse, .was knocked down run
over and severely out and bruised, besides
beine(badly shaken up. Being a man of
over 300 pounds weight, serious results !ire
feared. The horse ran about 150 yards up
the track, fell into•a culvert and broke its
neck, when the boy climbed out of the
wagon and walked home unharmed.
• Perth Notes.
—Mr. Patrick Regan, of Logan, told a fine
colt, last week, to Mr. Steinacker, of Full-
erton. It was two and a half years old, and
turned the scales at 1,530 poweds. The
price paid was nearly 5200,
—Mr, and Mrs. Flack, of North Easthope,
were very agreeably surprised Wednesday
night of last week by several -sleigh loadis of
young people from the village and vicinity,
who arrived there in the evening and liter-
ally took possession of their hospitable resi-
dence. They then proceeded to make
' merry and a very enjoyable time was spent
in-daneing and other amusements until near
morning. •
—A quiet but pretty wedding took placeat
the residence of ex Alderman McMillan,
Stratford, on Wednesday afternoon of last
week, when in the presence of about thirty
invited guests, his sister -in -lave, Miss Chris-
tiana Kippin, was united in marriage to
Mr. Alexander Howe, a prosperous and
much respected farmer of Wallesestownship.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. M.
L. Leitch, pastor of Knox church, at five
o'clock in the afternoon.
—A short time ago Mr. arid Mrs. John San-
derson, of St. Marys, celebrated their golden
wedding with a family reunion. Among
those present were their daughter, Mrs. R.
L. Torrance and two children, of Guelph,
their sons-in-law, Mreg, E. Hodgson, inspec-
tor for High schools for Ontario, Mr. I. M.
Levan, principal of the Woodstock Collegi-
ate Institute, and Mr. John Parker, drug-
giet, of Owen Sound.
—A big boulder above the Victoria' street
bridge, St Marys, was washed away on
Saturday night by the high water. it
weighed, probably, five or six tons, and had
been there as long as the oldest settler can.
remember. It is supposed that the water
must have got underneath it and ice formed
so that when the water rose it carried the
rock away. As this boulder was a sort of
a land mark it will be greatly missed; in
fact its removal was the topic of discussion
amongst the old-timers. It has moved but
a few feet in 40 years.
—The Stretford Beacon of lett week eaye;
" In remembrance of old dap when the
county council used to stay at the Comtners
cial hotel when he was landlord, Mr. Tim-
othy Hagerty and his good wife entertained
the present council and the eonrt house
officials, together with some few friends, at
his beautiful home on Norman street. For
years the majority of the members of the
council made their home at his hotel when
in tbe city, and they were glad to meet their
Old friend under such favorable auspice;
and find that the evening of Ms life promised
to be no less pleasing than its day.' -