The Huron Expositor, 1900-01-26, Page 3900.
leettlee only. Tt
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JANUARY 26.1900
e.MoMMietie, Dendrite's- a.nd Provineial Laud
el „ Surveyor, Member of theliseoeistion ol Ontario
Landillerveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1888.511
/et LINSMITHING.—I am prepared to do sal kinds of
gutunnithing, also all other kinds of diffieult
jobe. Shop next house west of my residenae in
Egmondeille. LEPOLD 0. VAN EGIIOND Sr.
TOnei MUMS, (Nark id the Second Division
ts? lewd! County Commissioner, of II Con.
'veneers Land, Loan and Insuranoe Agent. Fiwda
peveeted and to Loan, Ofinxe—Over Sharp
Peale store, Main street, Seatorth. lege
.CI EEG OA rS FOR sAt,r, —For eats a quantity of
0 The Thousand Oat, suitable for seed. Alert the
new Danish White Oat. Will be at hnme for the
wet 0 &rye to wait o parties who may cell, on Lot
1, Corcess ont7 Ilul eft. Oats clean and free from
leui Geed& ROUT. ARMSTRONG. 1675x1.
ledARM TO RENT.—To rent, Lot SO, Concession 5,
Hiblvert„ Tenant can pleugh after, let October,
1699, snd get full pesecesion lat April, 1900. Lend
lord woulo prefer to rent foo greet' g only. Plenty
of eater. Eor particulare aeply to F. HOLMESTED,
Barrister, Servforth. 165841
MO LET REASONABLY.—Eligible farm, three
je mike from Blyth, 2 0 norm, two houses, two
barna, etc. Any 'It aded improvements will be made
or allowed for. Stabling to be built and barns re -
faired next aping. Apply to T. F, COLLE, Biyth
P. 0. or to CHAS. HAMILTON, Blyth. 1886541
sale cheap, the steam engine and b-iler in use
bi THE EXPO:IITOR printing office. The boiler is
12 horse power and the engine 8 horse power. Both
are in gcod working condition and have only been in
uee atoet Fix years. Reston for selling, ittend pet-
ting in a gasoline engine. AddreasTHE EXPOSITOR,
ea:orth. '1667-1
XTOTICE TO CREDIT0R3.—In the matter of
1Nt William J. Clark, of the toon of Seared's, in
theeeounty of Huron, Baker,and Conti:lone-ear, In-
solvent, Notice Is beret*, given that the above
named William J. Clark has made an aasignment to
me under the provisions of chapter 147' R. 8 0.,
1897 and amending ads, of all his estate and effects
in trust for the benefit of his creditors. A meeting
teethe creditors of the said estate is hereby oonvensd
and will be held at the law office of J. M. Best, Sea -
forth, Ontario, on Thursday, the 25th day of Janu-
ary, 1900, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the put -
prate of appointing inspectors and the giving of.
directions with reference to the dispose' of the said
estate. AI,I creditors of the said debtor are hereby
required telUe thdr claims with my solicitor, J. M.
Beet, Seaforth, with patticulars and vouchers verified
by a ffldevit se direr ted by slid statute, on or before
the dete of said meeting. DAVID HENRY, As-
signee; J. M. ekeeT, Solicitor fcr Assigne Seaforth,
Ontario, Deted 10th of January, 1900, 1676.2
_ -
kitten COW FOR SALE.—For sale a
young milch cow. Apply to 3. T. DICKSON,
Roxboro. 1676x2
CTTLE FOR SALE.—The undereigneel have for
sale on their premieere Lot 21, Coccession 4,
11. R. , Tuckeremith, live head of thoroughbred
Shorthorn Bulb, aged from 12 to 14 -mouths. A 86 J.
BROADFOOT, Seaforth P. 0. 167141
-"DOR SALE.—Ten Shorthorn Bulb, from 10 to 16
J months old, as good a lob es can be found in
the Province and of as good Scatch breeding, good
clone Prime and Wine almost any way buyers
watit. DAVID 31ILNE, Sithel, Ont, 1670 tf
BERKSHIRES.—For sale a number of Berkshiree,
bred from imported etock of the most approved
ype, of either sex, at very reasonable prices. - WM.
°ALLISTER, Varna P, 0. 166741
thoroughbred Durham bulls; both 12 month,
old, one roan and the other red. JOHN BIORRISON,
Lot 22, Concession 11, MoKillop, Winthrop P. 0.
sale three good thoroughbred Durham bulls,
flow 10 to 12 months old • also several cows and
miters, 6H regletered. Apply on Lot 30, Concession
5, Useorne, or addreas Hurondale P. 0. THOMAS
effeDifORE, 1.666-tf
EOAR FOR SERVICE.—The undersigne will keep
for service on Lot 8, Concesefon 7,Tuekenstnith,
a thoroughbred Tamwo:th boar. Terms $1 payable
at the time of !service. JAMES STRONG. 1673 ti
DULL FOR SERVICE.—The undersigned will keep
US for service en lila farm at Rc.xbo:o, a thorough-
bred Durham bull. recently purchased from David
Milne of Ethel, Terms $.150, at New Year!. JOHN
BOAR FOR •SERVICE —The underaigned will
keep for service on Lot 4, Goncess on 4, Tuck-
orstriith, near the bates yard, a thoroughbred lin-
t roved Yorkahire Roar.—Terms $1, payable at the
thee of service, with the privilege of returning if
uecessary. JAMES SPROAT, _Proprietor. 16715x3
BOAR FOR SERVICE.—The understood will
keep for eiervice on Lot 25, Coneeseion 4,
Stanley, a thoroughbred Cheatorwhite boar. Terme—
at, payable at the time of service, with the privilege
of returning if necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL.
• 1591-tf
110 PIG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep
on Lot 26, Cenceesion 6, L. R. S. Tuokersintth,
thoronghbred OnesTele Vett.= Pro, also a thorough-
bred YORNSHIRE Pio A limited number of flows will
he admitted to each, Terms, $1, payable at the time
of service, or $1.60 if charged. Abe a tow Chester
White Pigs for sale. JAMES GEMMILL. 1608-52
. VICE.—The undereigned will keep forsereioe,
at the Brucefield Theme Factory, a thoroughbred
eramw-or'h Boar, .7Ith regletered pedigree. Torino,
SI ; payable at we of nervier) with privilege of re-
turning if necesaary. Alto a number of thorough-
bred young Tamworth Beare and BOWS toy sale.
fi UGH 110CARTK EY, Brumfield. 140541
FSTRAY HEIFER.—Came • into the preiniees "of
tee undereigned, Lot 6, Conceeslon 14, II ullett•
Mout the let of August last, a red yearling heifer.
The owner can have the same on proving property
awl peels g charges. JOHN A. WATT, liarlock,
Brea. will hold a publie sale of pure bred cattle,
sheep end pigeeat their farm 1 nate south of Goder.
ick, on Thursday, the let ef February, 1900, com•
inencfng at 1 o'clock p. m., at which will be cold
without reserve the f, Rowing property viz. : Cattle-
7:pure bred Shorthorn bulls, frqm 7 months to 18
months oht, ad good individuals, 0 pure foci Short-
Horu covve and heifers. Sheep -20 pure bred Shrop•
eltire Downs, 16 pure bred Leicesters. Pip -8 pure
bred Berkehlre sows, 4 and 6 montha old, 2 pure
bred boars, a numter of grade cattle and 4 good
theft colts. Terms—Eight menthe' creditors furnish.
leo approved notes A discount will be allowed off
for cash, For catalogue or any information address
OROS., Proprietors : THOS. GUNDRY, Auctioneer.
PLEMFIeTe.—elessrs. C. Hamilton and T.
Brown have been, instructed by the undereigned to
tiell by public a'c'tion en Lot '2, Concession 13,
Hullett, on ?deadeye January 29th, 10e0 at 1 o'clock
p. ni , sharp, the {following property, viz. :—Hortes
One mare 0 yearaold, eupposed to be in foal to
bleBean, 1 heavy mare 7 years old, 1 general purpose
mare, 7 years old, 2 geldings rising e. years old, sired
by bleBean, 1 foal Hake, 1 year old, sired by
Mann, 1 driving. mare 6 years old, 1 trotting
filly, rieing 2 years old, sired by Gusteer, dam
Guesie Areher.--Cattle 1 cow supposed to
be in calf, 2 cows newly calved, 2 young farrow
cows, 3 ethers rising three years old, 1 heifer rising
3 years old, 3 steers rising years old, 1 heifer rising
2 years old, 10 calves.—Shcep and Pigs. Six regis.
tered Leicester sheep, 2 ewes, 2 iambs and 2 rams.
e Chester White brood sow. 1 Berkshire brood aow
to litter the latter pert of March, 6 pure bred young
Chester White ewe fit for breeding purpose's, 8 store
hogs.—Implemento One efassey-Harria binder,
nearly new, 1 Brantford big B mower, nearly new, 1
Cold Finder seed drill, 1 land roller, Manitoba style,
nearly now, 1 lumber wagon, 1 pair of bobsleighs, 1
double buggy, 1 Clinton 10 beige power with equal.
izera, rode and all complete, as good as new, 1. cut-
ting box, 1 grain erueher, 2 _facto, 1 set of Whiteman
pea harvesters, I dieo harrow, Maxwell reek°, 1 sob
diamond herrowe, t tectione and a stretcher for a
three horse- team, 2 general purpose plows, 2 twin
plows, 1 ecteller, Maxwell make, new, 1 hay fork' car
acid roeee, 2 eats of pulley slings all complete, 1 fan.
nine mill with bagger ettached, 1 hay and stock
rack and box, I. hay rake, 1 turnip pulper, nearly
slew, 1 stone, boat, 2 tots of double 'harness, 1 set
Weigle harneee, t pesthole auger, 2 sets of whiffle-
treee e neck yokee. Aliso 1,000 bushels of turnips
and ireangolds, lh tom of clover hay, 800 bushels of
wheat and oats mixed for feeding, • aoci bushele of
white bananza seed r alt, a number of hem, 3 geese,
a number of grain baps forks, chains and other arti.
eke too nutriereue to mention. The ashole will posi-
tively be rold without reserve as the proprietor has
rented his farm.—Terme. All sums e of eei.00 and
tinder, cash; over that amount 0 months' 'credit
o ill be given on furnishing approved joint notes.
A discount of 4c on the dollar will be allowed for
caret on credit amounts. RM.' lf, WHEATLEY,
Auctioneers. 16e5-2
SICK 11E111410HE
Positively clued by these
- Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per-
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsie
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small PIC Small Dose,
Small Price,
the fraud of ate (la
See you get Carte
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liv'r Pills.
Auction mi ale
Of a Valuable Farm,' Tucker -
The Exeeutors of the will of the I to Jamee Car-
nochan wiUr leer for sale, by public auction, at the
On Saturday, January the 27th, 1900,
At 2 o'clock p. m., that very valuable farm known as
Lot No. 21, Conccssion 3, H. R. 8., Tuokersinith, the
homestedd of the late James Carnechan,
There are erected on the premiees a goad brick
house, two barns, ehecp house, pig home and imple-
ment house.
There is a good orchard and two ood wells, and'
the fencearo in f dr conditon ; thee is about 15
acres of bush.
About 80 acres of the land have bce p'oughed thie
last fall; about six acres are in fall wheat, and 16
scree newly ee teled don.
The property will be sold without r Berm A per.
feat title, frce from encumbrances, rid possession,
on paywent of purchase money, will e given.
One-tenth of the purchase money HI be payaele
on day of sate, and the balance in th rty days there'
after, without interest.
Frother earticulers may be obtain d on appllea-
tit n to Mr. Wm. Carnechan cr Mr. ohn Campbell,
of Tuekeromith, the Executors, or t e undersigned.
Solicit n for the Executere.
Datee at Seaforti, the 3rd day et Jenuary, 1900.
12; Fs:
- 1
' net, "1 .e..e(e'es Leg
, •
7 :7'
Our direct cennections will save you
time and money for all 'Tints,
Canadi4n Norti West
Via T
British Co
Our rates ere
A suit everybo
rsT OARS for
or further info
ronto or Ohicao
tumble and OaI4fornla
the lowest. We have them
our accommodation. Call
Grand , Trunk Railway.
and cline:in stations as
Trains leave Se forth
ollows ;
Paseen c. r
Pasaenger • , .
faxed /rain....
Mixed Train
Gouts Eesr--
Paaeenger.. .
Pessenger„ .
Mixed Train....
12.40 le M.
10.12 P. M.
9.20 A. M
8.16 P. hi
7,53 A. M.
3.11 P. M.
12.65 P. er
10.27 P. 31,
10.16 A. M.
7.06 P. DI
7,38 A.M.
2,65 P. M.
. . M. 4.35 P. M.
Brussels.. ..
• Bluevale..
Wingham ' , ' .
BIUovale .
n, Grey andBruce.
Passenger. Mixed,
10,05 e, M. 1,40 re re,
10.17 2.10
10.30 2.26
10,37 3.15
Paesengerg Mixed.
6.50 A. It, 8.66 A. N.
7.00 9.17
7.18 9.46
7.28 10.02
. r....
. s....
London, Huron and Bruce.
GOING NORTH— Paesenger.
London, delved 8.16 A.m. 4.40 e.m.
Centrolla 9.18 6.65
li. 9,32 8.07
g 'toter
9.4 8.18
Kippen 4 .... . . 9.60 6.25
Brucefield 9.68 8,83
Clinton. 10.15 8.56
Londerbero ....... .4Pd OW 10,33 , 7.14
Blyth. 10.41 , 7.23
. . .... , . 10 56 7.87
Wingham arrive s • 11.10 8.00
GOING Suum— Peeeenger.
Wingherre depart.... 6.53 A.N. 3.16 P. M.
Belgrave 7.04 8,80
Blyth. 7,16 3,46
Londeeboro -.....7.24 3.65
Clinton. 7.47 4.26
Brneefield 8.06 4.49
Kippon- 8.16 4,67
Hensel: 8.22 6.02
Exeter 8.30 6.14
Centralia 8.4 6,23
Loudon, (arrive) 9.6 A. ht. 6.26
Leather Lea her
(rather is edema sing in prim, but as you know,
you ean etill get harness at the old pr en, for a short
time only at
Team Harness At $25 Anc
Hardware tore,
We have a full line of firs
Stoves'and Heaters.
In Wood Stoves we have Mofl
Matchless and Majestic fitte
ovens, the inost perfect bakers
ket. We have also Gurney's
For a Coal and Wood Range
Gurney's Imperial OxforEl is th
some and satisfadtory stove in ti
Moffatt's Welcome is the be
Ram(3 in the market. We hay
of Coal Stoyes and Wood He
and examine our stoves before p
Eavetroughing and Furna
Sills M
Counter's Old Stand,
-class took
att's Crown
with stee
n the mar
Oxford and
six holes,
moot hand -
ie market.
t four hole
a good line
ten). _Call
rch Ring.
e Work a
. Althon;h It le Porniihie Ira Some
Cnoemito Mistake the Idyl g For tile.
Dea(143ftere In Little Cha eel of Me -
taking the Dead For the Living.
Two teeent eases of lather ric sleep in
--Paris, both of which narrowly and by a
. mere accident •eecaped pre= tire burial,
have induced the Parieian ledical col-
lege to repeat the offer 'mule some years
ago of 'a prize 'of considera le value to
any oiu4 wieo will discover an unmistaka-
ble test of death, which is vident and
• practielible to the most in xperienced
Medical men doubt if thi prize will
ever be awarded, for they se*, with reit-
son, that it is with deathen svitli dis-
ease—one cannot come to a d •cision with
any- certainty without a comilete exami-
nation Of the whole organism
Exce t the abdominal discoloration,
the ap enranee of which it winter is
!retitle' tly much retarded, th we is noth-
- lug in he actual state of den h which is
not clo .ely simulated in the state of cer-
tain cases of lethargic sleep.
Without appreciable otitis the body
beconnis cold, the pulsations if the heart
imperceptible, the respirat ry - organs
cease o inflate the throat, he face is
pale aj: d the pupil of the eye fixed, as in
actual death. -
This being the case, many ervons per-
sons are incessantly tormen ed by the
fear of being buried alive.
No doubt some terrible nu takes have
'been Made, most -frequently in countries
where 'the law obliges the sp edy burial
of the ;dead, as in Italy, wh n the body
is consigned to the grave 24 ours after
death and before certain signs have had
full time to manifest themsel 'es. ,
Uncpikstionably danger lies in the im-
mediate embalmment, whics would at
once destroy any latent spa Is of life.
For this reason the French fedi-cal col-
lege -desires some infallible test which
can bel put into practice. him diately on
the apPearance of death. Re ardiiig thin
a prominent physician says:
"With the present advanced knowledge
of the diseases of the nery na system,
a mistake should be impossi le, and it
may be as positively asserte that suffi-
ciently evident signs do exist and with
proper precaution no one nee fear that
he ma* one day find himself alive in a
"One of the first signs of dissolution
Is the cessation of the cardiai pulsation,
and it 'has been established that whea
the central organ has ceased to operate
for 20 minutes at the most life is ex.
"It is well to know that ithout en-
tirely ceasing the heart beat can be so
excessively weak that it can ot be de-
tected by the ear. .
"Circulation Is suspended he instant
the heart's action is stilled. a id any one
caul ascertain this fact by a ery simple
experiment. .
"If on a living pereon's fing r we tight-
ly tie a piece of string betwe al the
joint and the johtt of artie latioa, the
upper joint becomes rapidly violet, but
this is not the case with th dead, for
the whole finger retains its li id color.
"There are three other henomena
which occur speedily after eath—viz,
dilation of the pupil, the gla sy appear-
ance of the eye and the softe ling of the
eyeball. -
"The dilation of the pupil i a difficult
'observation for persons Un R CC stoneed to
such an examinatiOn. Furthe more, it is
transient, and the l very fact af opening
the eye to make the observation may
obliterate the dilation.
"No one, however, who has ver watch-
ed the light of life fade and disappear
forever from the eyes of NOM loved ene
can fail t� underetand the t rrible sig-
nificance of this last phenNne on. .
"It is a general rule that fter death
the body becomes cold, but to this there
are certain exceptiefte, for n tetariun
(lockjaw), cholera and - typlin the tem-
perature may rise many (leg ees during
the first few hours that faille death.
"Be that as it may';; if the e ntral heat
does not rise above 20 degree it is cer-
tain that life is extinet. ..
"The rigidity of the body p educed by
the coagulation of, the conte ts of tlie
,muscular' fiber, commencing i the jaw
and neck and pervading the hole body
in variable order, presumes de th.
"As every one knows, in t e case of
hunted animals rigidity appea s quickly.
Tho same detail has frequentl been ob-
eerved in the field of battle, when the
.bodies of soldiers who have een killed
in the heat of the fight retain the exact
position they had during the c mbat, the
face expressing enthUsiaom or terror.
"A singular case is cited uring' the
Franco-Prussian war in 1871. An un-
fortunate guard mobile was • ecanitated
by a cannon ball while he w s drinking
from 10 Panakin.
"Some hours afterward, wh n the slir-
geons were going over the fiel of battle,
they folind the body in .pr chicly the
same ppsition, the hand . h dding the
panakin to the height of t e absent
mouth, I
"Equally strange was the sight of the
headless body of Major Nolan—whiese
enigmatic and impatient mess tge caused
the immortal ehaige of the Li ht brigade
at Balaklava—riding erect in is saddle,
with his sword s retched aloft for 30 or
40 yards.
"I hardly thin it necesear to com-
ment on the test which consi t of plac-
ing a mirror be ore the mo th of the
dead elor of the tiring by re c hot irons.
The one infallibl and unmist kable sign
is the blue green tint -which s ows Itself
generally ou the •ight side of the abdo-
tnen, and when -this comes we ay safely
lay -our dead one to rest in t e full con-
viction that they are sleeping their last
sleep, for, althou h it is possi le in some
cases to mistake he living fo the dead,
there is but littl chance of mistaking
the dead for the iving."
Live In Midair.
The monks of the monast ry of St.
Mariam, Meteoro, Greece, ar the most
remarkable worlers in nild ir in the
wcirld. The monastery is peiched on a
precipitous rock rising 250 f et in the
air. The walls of the rock run -sheer
down to the ground, and their Only com-
munication with !mother cart is by ii
rope, which is hatiled up and d wn When-
ever necessary.
If a elan was ,hurt every ime he Is
stared, he would never live- to reach the
three score and ten limit.—Au ors Nevre.
ared and
arm cleek,
A man le never quite pre
read* to be awakened by an a
--Neiv Orleans Picayune.
Mr. Gully, speaker of the house of
commons, is au expert at golf. •
Thomas B. Reed, former Speaker of the
Louse, (has been elected a trustee of the
New York Life Insurance company, fill-
ing the vacancy caused by the death of
William H. Appleton.
Lord Wolseley, during one of his cam-
paigns, grew so anxious at the depletion
of his force by sickness that by constant-
ly studyieg the roll callhe came to know
all the soldiers' names long before the
campaign was oVer,
The Duke of Devonshire was once
meted for his silence. To a friend who
asked him how many words be spoke a
day he replied, "Count your own, deduct
all needless ones, reduce one-half, and
you'IT be near the number."
When Lord Salisbury was asked the
other day by a London reporter if he was
very busy, he replied: "I always am.
But, by the way, do you know whom I
think the busiest and hardest working
man in the world? It is the present bish-
op of London,"
• Mr. W. E. Aletford, the inventor whose
system of rifling was applied to the Lee-
Metford rifle, died recently -at Bristol,
England. He received /F30,000 from the
British government for his invention, but
always complained of having been inade-
quately rewarded,
Sir Henry Irving, in common with a
goodly number of other celebrities, writes
a -bad hand. He once penned an order
for a box at the Lyceum and sent it to a
friend. The order got mixed up .with a
-prescription for influenza and was sent to
the drugigst to be made upe
Four years ago Governor Morrill of
Kansas found himself getting too fat,
and he Worked off a lot of fat by taking
long daily walks. Recently he was left
in an emaciated condition by an attack
of rheumatism, and now he is adding
flesh fast by taking the same kind of
walks. l
The 15 -year-old son of Commandant
Cronje of the Transvaal army fights at
his father's side. The only son of Myn-
heer Wolmarans and two sons of State
Secretary Reitz, Judge Kock, ex -Judge
Esseln and several sone of members of
the Cape parliament are fighting on the
Boer side.
Baron Nordenskjold, the Swedish nat-
uralist and explorer, who was financially
ruined last spring by becoming involved
in the failure of his publisher*, intends
to emulate Sir Walter Scott and Mark
Twain in the paying off of his debts. To
this labor alone, be says, be will devote
the remainder of his life.
Prince Sergius Wolkonsky, who has
just been made superietendent of the
Russian imperial theaters, is fairly well
known in America. He visited this coun-
try in 181)3, the representetive of the
ministry of education in his.own country.
He lectured at Harvard and at Cornell,
and .three years later he delivered a se-
ries of lectures in Boston.
John Stephens of New Albany, Ind., is
98 years old and still in official harness,
being deputy sheriff or Floyd county, and
Itis present assigenient is as bailiff in
charge of the gram] jury. He is the old-
est active politician in the state. and per-
haps in the United States and still as-
serts his ability to dance a hoedown with
the lightness and agiliteepe fourscore.
Andrew Lang says: "I love the game of
golf. In fact, I was named after it,"
Lionel Decle, the author of "Trooper
3809," which has made a stir, revealing
as it does conditions in the French army,
has been principally known hitherto as
an African explorer.
Richard V. Risley, the author of
"Men's Tragedies," is a yoang man of
24, who has had a cosmepolltan education
and in -1893 joined the American legation
at Copenhagen, where his father was
American minister.
• Lafcadio Hearn is reported to have be-
come so "Japanned" that nothiug Ameri-
can is left him save his mastery of the
English language. He dresses in Japa-
nese costume, lives in Japanese manner
and is even beginning to look like a nae
Mr. Maurice Hewlett, who has scored
such a literary success with his "Little
Novels of Italy," has rather a fereign
look, wears nn imposing imperial and is
a very "bright" conVereationalist. Ile
has a charming wife nd delightful chil-
dren, to whom lie is p ssionately devoted.
In a man's eyes, hie sin is never as
great as that of his ife in finding him
If a man will onl tell his women
folks he is sorry, it i not necess'ary for
him tobe.
Some.people treat oil so cordially, to
put you at iyour ease, hat they make you
Plenty of people Ne1lI not accept the
truth of a story if the can get .hold of a
lot of scandal concern reg it.
• There are some men so scared and ap-
prehensive that they hear. the wolf at the
door every time the cat steals the milk.
When a i!nan Imposes upon his wife and
doesn't ca 'e who knows it, he stalks
ahead of h r when wa king on the streets
and scats -himself in the pew first at
church,—A chison Globe.
Boiled 6,1i is improved by adding a cup
ofgood c der vinega • to the water in
which it is boiled.
Before a imming m lk move the cream
ateide and hp the spoo In the Milk. The
cream will not then stick to the spoon.
Old brea baked to golden brown and
cinished to fine crumbs with a rolling pin
Is much b tter for frying than cracker
Broiled ried beef will pleasantly re-
lieve the onotony of breakfast bacon.
It may be erved with or without poach-
ed eggs. ,
An 'old fewl can be made as tender as
a chicken if it is boiled gehtly for two
hours, allowed to get cold and then
stuffed and roasted in the usual way.
Bores° tati--1 Elect Roberts has tak-
en refuge In Brooklyn. If the New Told(
polygamist s only dared to come out into
the open, he would not want for com-
pany and defenders.—Washington Post.
Hon. righam H. Roberts is in a
froadful flxi ae can't droivh his wives,
gs the du tan does, without hanging for
K, sal 11 be tries to get into congress
leithetet* ewering himself in some suck
*ay k be thrown out. -
—T o niten, whose homes were formerly
in St, ars, C. R. °then and J, L. Wood,
have j ine1 the Manitoba contingent and
are on heli' way to South Africa.
—FL e broke out in the shoddy mills
Stratfo d, one day last week, but owing te;
the pro ptnese of the fire brigade a serious
fire w averted. There was no ineuranee
on the uilding, so the owners, Messrs. H.
Baker • Sons, loose about $200,
A LA is/lc:ME.
For autumn ir:177i—wi ter Wear hand-
some twilled silks are r vived.
A new shade of wine. ulor and a lovely
one in turquoise blue Are blended this
Iteason in fashionable costumes.
Large hats nee still set forth by all
fashionable millinees. Those of black
beaver, black satin and black velvet are
all in high vogue. 1 1
Royal ermine linings and eolith's ap-
pear among some of the capes andpeler-
ines of expensive IVeneli broadcloth in
rich Cel111S013, Dew° 14e and Russian
green shades. •= .
Costumes of heavy black satin, made
with fitted basque bodice and circular
skirt, have very sheet black satin capes
en suite, the cape and !extreme edge of
the skirt trimmed with black moire fur.
There is a great demand at present for
brocaded fabrics, handsome matelasse
silks and satins, for princess gowns, red-
ingotes, underskirts, dress trimnaings,
combinations, linings for capes, cloaks,
etc., and for evening wraps entire.
With gray cloth or velvet of certain
shades, chinchilla ,is very pretty, and
new French tailor Models show this ex-
• pensive fur on cloth and velvet costumes,
of royal blue, green and Russian red,
with large directoire mnffs and pelerinee
en suit. i
There are now neatly Variations in the
Eton jacket, and some of the shapes for -
stout women have stole fronted ende, cut
long and straight, like a scarf, or have
the lengthened pieces rounded or sharply
pointed with a heavy silk fringe applied
to the edge of the point or scallop.
What the English call "cloth guipure"
—it is also known as cut work—is one of
the most popular of the handsome au-
tumn trimmings for cloth costumes. This
guipure in various devices is laid over
cloth of a dikker or sometimes lighter
shade, or it may be silk of a contrasting
eolor.—New York Post.
What is the matter -with an automobile mowing machine or an autoplovv?—
Minneapolis Journal.
The only things Spain appears to have
to give to her naval heroes are handsome-
ly engrossed verdicts of a court martial.
—Los Angeles Times..
* Manufacturers of jeweled swords are
wishing for a war like the last one every
year. The swordless hero nowadays is
a freak.—Pittsburg News.
Lord Kelvin has discovered that the
earth has been the abode of organic life
for more than 30,000,000 years. Ne won-
der we hometimes suffer from ennui!—
Baltimore News.
Once more the live wire has proved
that it knows its business and has killed
an expert lineman, The inventor who
will discover a nondangerous electricity
will make a forteine.—Philadelphitte In-
It has taken the Cubans just nine
months to acquire the great American
habit of striking. No one seems to know
how long it will take them to acquire the
still greater habit of hustling.—Boston
Circumstances Over which he has no
control will 'make it impossible for the
Dayton (0.) man who tried to knock
an apple front a. tree with the butt end
of a loaded gun to ever try it again.. -
Chicago Time -Herald.
A Russian nobleman has just erected
a paper house containing 16 rooms on
his country eState and likes It so well
that he has ordered paper furniture. The
Slav gets &heed of the American some-
times, but not, often.—Boston Globe.
The Klondike is no longer out of the
world. The Canadian government has
just completed stringing wires to Daw-
son, and now any one can communicate
with the arctfe metropolis by telegraph—
if he has the price.—San Francisco Call.
Britannia rules the waves all right
enough, but not in yachting.—Indianapo-
lis News.
In rig end model the Shamrock was the
most distinctly American yacht which
ever came across for the cup. But it
looks as if a real American yacht were
rather better than the cleverest imitation.
—Boston Journal. ,
Sir Thomas 'Lipton says It was not the
cup he was racing for so much ae it was
a desire to prennote good feeling between
the two great countries of the world,
Anybody can see that be was not racing
for the cup,—t. Luis Globe -Democrat.
It is reported et:4 a wealthy soap mak-
er of Londom'is te build the next chal-
lenger for the; America's cup.' Thet will
make a scrub race put of the great inter-
national contdst However, let the Sa-
ponifier come on. He will find that we
know how to build boats that will never
have to take his "le ash."—St. Louis Star.
No woman eon lo k intelligent and talk
to a baby sixnultane usly.—Clticago News.
That Chicago wofnan who spanked her
husband ever' 24 hours didn't waste any
time on the "cons nt oe the governed"
A physician declares that one of the
chief causes Of baldness is intelligence.
Is this another mean jab at the sex which
does not becoMe bOld?—Louisville Couri-
er -Journal„
The girls of MusCotah have entered in-
to a sensible agreement to the effect that
no young man, shelf be allowed to take a
girl home trona chuoeh unless he also ac-
companies bee there.—Muscotali (Kan.)
Twenty French generals are to be retir-
ed on account of age and infirmity. We
• know nothing about their ages, but all
the World is witneas to the infirmity of
some of them.—Brooklyn:Citizen.
If France is contemplating a. jump on
England during the South African trou-
bles, she would better put some more for-
midable generals in commission than the
job lot shown up in the preyfus trial.—
St. Louis Republic.
Every beetle in his mcither's eyes is a
Consult thy wife and do the reverse of
what she advises.
Joy lasts for seven days, but sadness
endures for s. lifetime.
He who has gold is beloved, though he
be a dog and the yen of a dog.
He who desires to atfain to great
things twit pass through many nights.
For Infants and Children.
Th. fa-
it es
stands for all that is finest in.
women's shoes. It means grace,
style, comfort and economy, all
for $3. It might easily be $5.
These are the sort of shoes that
please fastidious dressers.
, We are sure they would please you
if you will allow us
to introduce you.
King Quality's .the
The Red Front Furniture Store
Has been renewed, renovated. and enTarged, Bild DOW we are
in a position to offer the public all the newest designs of Parlor,
Bedroom and Dining Suites at very tempting pices. Aisn a
very nice line of Chairs in all the newest styles. New line of
Pictures just in, very cheap. We extend a cordial invitation to
every one to come and see us and our stock.
FRIBilsfrih Iv • -
This department is complete -with a large selection of the beat goods, and
obliging attention given to this branch of the business.
Night calls promptty attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes,
Goderich street, Seafortbi opposite the Methodistt chiirch.
012 WWII 0 4;6°r n E
0Thta Ming•
It may, be 'earth a like aunt •
or even Snore
Fingal, Barnes Co., N. D,, March 19, 1898.
el Dear SlrE--I hare need yoar Keadall'eSparla Cure Juyl
• thlnk it re good Liniment 1 have cured Spavin on toy best ug
mare, and I wouldnottake 512.6 for her, which 1 offered for .76 ;
before. I will be pleased to have your book and mceipts for fa
this inclosed stam_p sa I read on the cartoon. 010
TrUly yours, FRANK SMITH. eg
r. 13. 3.,Kendall Co.
Hartington, P. O., Ontario, Mar. '98. t•
Dear Sire :—Encloied please find a two -ant stamp for your.
valuable Hqi• Book. I had one but 11 1, lost, f Mire used •
your KendalPs Sprain Cuir without one failure In years, sad
ertudder It the beet Mehemet for 'Inner beastin theatarket.
Please send me the book as you advertise lt on bottle, forborne.
It Is an absolutely reliable remedy for Swims,
BeUatocares, EIngbones,ete. Removes the bunch and
leaves no sear. Pelee, 111; six fere. As ateliniment
for family use It has no equal. Ir your druggist
for WAAL% SPAYI( COIL also 44.4 Treatise on th•
Itsrse," the book tree, or address
mill11111111111111•1111011101111111•111111ssissirss SIMS
Three Valuable Farms
et—Th THE—
Theundereigned has received instructions front the
• Executrix of the late2 homes French, to sell by pub -
lie auctiou, on Lot 80, Concestion 13, tewnship of
Logen, en Wedneelday, February 7th, ;KO, Sale at 2
Farm No. 1—Th's farm =Wm 160 acres (more Or
lees), being half of Lot Ne. 31, Completer] 13, and the
v eet half of Lot 10 Coneetteon 18, in the Township of
Logan. On the last mentioeed lot there is s log
house, bank barn 42x84, driving shed 30x42, pig pen
11-.3(40, two good log- btables. On the barn is a new
power wind mill, put up this last seaton. Abnut 3
eon s c f gar d oreherd never.failing . well with good
pumping lull. This ILO acres is all In gram, except -
mg 23 acres, whish has been plowed and manured
ihie fell ; sterna d knees, etc. A quer tity of gocd
buil. Ing soto v be sold on day of sale, also a
guar tit 01ery sett v col.
Farm No. 2—Tele term contents 100 acres (more or
bee), te irg rope. d of Let 'se, Cont melon 12, town -
Alio of Logan. Thie let is all cleared and in a good
le ate ct eultivatnn, well fenced and underdrained ;
half an acre of orchard., 17 sores of fell abet, about
60 acres of grass; the remainder is all 1111 plowed and
ready for spring sowing ; hearty enough stone in
pwiol ens ftoenbeculd:d on this lot; never.failing wring, and
Farm No. 3—TIOs farm containE0 acres (more or
less), being weet half of bet 20, Concession 12, town.
ehip of Logan, is all cleared excepting nine acres.
About ten acres fall plowed, and the balance in grass,
insevweeri!rafelininceigilwaerb.din a splendid state of cultivation;
These lotare convent( nt'y situated as to school!,
churches, ete., and will be sod in lots or to emit pur-
chasers. Terms will be made known on day of sale,
cr by applying beforehand to the Coeoutrix. As ai
bthe,70.t..:e has get to be woued up, the faerns must eaforth Saw m ill
Auctioceer, Executrix,
The annual meeting of the Usb,erne and Ribbert
Mutual Fire Iesurance Company, will be held in the
Public Hall, Faretther, on Mondey, Febrile y the
6t41, 1900, at I o'clock p. m. Business, receiving the
D rectors', Sec etary-Treasurer's and auditors' afl.
nun! report., the election of Wet directors, two
auditors and ether business In the interest of the
couipany. JOHN EMERY, Preeidebt ; THOMA$
CAMERON, Secretary. 1674x4
Tenders will be teceived at Leadbury at the coun-
cil meeting on February 12th, for icttbng in sewer
pipe culverts throughout the to ship, wherever
needed, Culverts to be of concret sewer pipe from
9 inches to 2 feet in diameter. 1h6: Contractor to
'draw sewer pipe and put them I tied dfg drains
from lowest end if needed to take Ithe water away
frezn culvert?. Mittel' to pay for sewer pipe.
• JNO. 0. MoRRISON, Clerk of tio mop. 1676 3
Tenders will be received until Siturday, January
27th. foe the eel° and delivery of lie cords of gteen
weed, to the Presbyterian Church, Egteondville.
Wood to be all body timber, hard -naple and 4 feet
Jong. Apply to ALYX, GRANT, EfrnOndville, bair.
man of ktsnaging Board.
Iddrillop Directory for 1900.
JAMES LOCKHART, Reeve, Leadbury le 0,
ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leesibury P. 0.
JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0
JAMES O'LAUGHLIN. Coeneillor, Beechwood P. 0
ARCHIBALD McGREGOR, Councillor, Seaforth 1e0
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clark, Winthrop P. 0
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Wint rop P. O.
WILLIAM EVENS, Asresser, Bee° weed P. 0,
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seat rth le 0,
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Inspector. Le ad
bury P. 0,
Merton Stock Farm,
Thoroughbred Dur1iam Cows,
Heifers and BuUs
of the most fashionable Wallis for sale at
reasonable prices. Poet effiee addrees,
has now thoroughly overbauled and renovated the
teestottlt saw mills, recently purehaeed from the
Colewan estate, and is now prepared to do all
On the ehortert notice lind most reasonable terzna.
7 he proprietor being himself s practical sawyer, and
as be give. the bushier, bis persensi ovenight, be
can guarantee all his patrons the mcet complete •
The higheet price in cash will be paid for any -number
of good Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood and all other
logs, deliversd at the mill,
Any number of Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 inohes itt
length, *anted, for which the higizszt price will stlso
be paid. Give us a call when you have a hill for taw.
ing, or logs to sell.
Money to leen at 41 and 5 percent. per Annum,
Any atnount on first -clam farm land security. Ap.
ply to R 8. HAYS, Dominion Rank Building, 13erte
forth. 1607
The undersigned is prepared to pay the
highest cash price for any quantity of firet-
delivered at the
BrUcelteld Saw & Stave Mill
Logs to be eat II, 13 and 16 feet ha
length. Will also buy timber by
meastifement or by bulk in bush.
AKEpT, Seaforth.
good honest *en In every looslity,loost OteireVellings
to introdnee and adveetiso our good.,lacideg up
ebow esrds on tenees eletg public roads and all non- -
1 spienous placesNo experielmo eusedful, Seery or
crunmisition erJaper monthand entpause.s $260 par
day. Write sty:trimester lull particulart. THE BK.
FIRE MEDICLI., London, Ont, 1073-12