HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1900-01-19, Page 79, 1900
•es xnake
per; lose
ar of yeiiir
—to cover
.ou forget
, and ever
s been for
the lasts.
il colors,
:oles with
es and horse -races.
Unconfined. After
all the gueats have
degroom, the wed -
then the guests
icing and playing
,reach of etiquette
-depart before the
Hldler's music and
dancing feet are
the following day.
ts of a journey to
vhich the huabancl
tiler and which ad -
tress, Wks* complex
r.•., yield to the cure-
rILLS. They are sure
`ee Maids.
as to maid's char -
r. honest ?"
Ionestel She never
me !"
:rns in the drawing -
ye hear the water
polish the mirrors
you before I went
tied voiee—" Sure,
with the boot
d the stove brushoff;
e furniture polish,
can I git on 'era
it me do them my
—Just waffhin"etri,
a rag, they'd be re
vr in children or adttits
:RUP is used. 25c. All
&a the Reath
he Iaws of geavitae
lake care of itself.
conclusions with
re meets with giief.
If the perpendicular
mack at the end of
:elated to aetonish
s got what is called
has it.. So much is
xod breeding? It is
Lteriess ham% in so -
is simply a general
avoids giving mi-
nks .self, and which
people. A factory.
be. and often is, as
eood breeding ie to
t self preperly, and
rd -working matrons -
a who can do that.
fun, the frolics and
ices of enjoyment
chase are often, it
Melded. But good
a.ya being frank and
mt self-control, of
indness to all, is as
1 sense of the term,
than a milkmaid, if
mind and clisposi-
,as a pain relieving and
I4g, Well.
Sit to attend to, go
,gletftiller, and do it
DO it as though it
ever had to do in
rthing depeuded on
I be well done, and
e satisfaction, Often
)on the man,ner in
riviai are performed
a or that it is pos-
rythitig well. Make
and live up to it,
t conducive to your
the happiness of
brought heto con -
Lily Lengtry) was
who arrived last
board the steamer
come languid
-ent cause, in
hood. They
ver hungry,
t: hearts after
rely walk lip -
nes a short,
hat they are
ors tell them
is that they
;like that ?
tliade bright,
an any other
aged fifteen,
:Villiarns' Pink
ie was troubled
After using,"
ath as any girl
eine. Mothers
eking Dr.
Dr. Williams'
[pus one ro Use a
six boxes for
JANUARY 19 1900.
'rite Red MA
Gadke 49‘ Co.,
Proprietors of the Red Mill, Seaforth, have
-completed the improvements in the mill,
having placed there the latest and most im-
proved machinery, and are now prepared to
do all kinds �t
Chopping, Gristing and all lines
of Custom Work.
First-class Flour from Manitoba wheat
for ,sale.
Mr. Gadke is a first-class, practical miller,
and all customers willaireceive prompt and
Satiefactory attention.
Special Attention
to Horseshoeing and
General Jobbing.
Goderich street, -
- - - Seaforth.
For . .
For the invalid, the
convalescent or per-
sonof advanced years,
no known tonic equals
A rare old port wine
with Peruvian Bark in
quantities prescribed by
the English and French
'The a special brand for
t j) 31 3.
For sale in Seaforth by,
If any perSon tells you that
Has left Seaforth, don't you believe it.
He is here to stay, and is prepared to
do all kinds of
-',Fancy Painting, Graining and
Halls and churches a specialty. Scen-
ery and pictorial advertising. All °
kinds of pictures painted to order.
• RESIDENCE—Three doors south of the railway
tradk, on the west side of Main street.
J. G.1CRICH, Seaforth.
H. R. Jackson
& SON. -
Jules Robin Sr, Co's Brandy, Cognac,
France; Jno. de Supper & Son, Hol-
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England;
Bullock' & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port
and SherrY. Wine from France and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky.
Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Daviol
Ale and Porter, Toronto.
We have opened a retail store in
connection with out wholesale busi-
business in the rear of the new Do-
minion Bank, in Good's old stand,
where we will sell the best goods in
the market at bottom prices. Goods
delivered to any part of the town
" TELEPHONE IL 1513(-tf
The ItterMop Mutual Firt
Ineura4ce Company.
J. B. MoLean, Preisident, Kippen P. 0.; Thomas
Fraser, vice-president, Brucelleld P. 0. ; W. J, Shan-
non, Soy-Treas. Seaforth P. 0.; Thomas E.
Hays, Inspector of Losses, Beaforth P. 0.
W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; John G. Grieve, Win
throp ; George Dale, Seaforth ; Thomas E. Hays
Seatorth ; James Evans, Beechwood ; John Watt
Ilerlock ; Thomas Fraser, Brucefield ; John p. no.
Lean, Kippen ; Jamee Connolly, Clinton.
Robb. Smith, Harlook ; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth ;
James Cumming Egmondv e; J. W. Yeo, Holmes.
ville P. O.; John Goyenlock and John 0. Morrison,
Parties desirous 'Io effect Inerranoes or trans
ret other business will be promptly attended to or.
• pplication to any of the above (Moors, addreseed it
their respective poet °Moon.
Cook's Cotton :Root Compound
Is snccessfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. La dies ask
your druggist for Cocks Cotton Beet Com-
pound. Take no other as all Atixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Pr lee, No. 1, 51 per
bn.ce No. '4, 10 degrees stronger,e3 per box. No.
1 or 2. mailed en receipt of price and two 8-eent
stampe The Cook Company Windsor. Ont.
OrNoe,i and 2 sold Etna recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
No. 1 and No. 2 sold in Seatorth by Lumsden &
'Wilson, druggiets.
Farm dooms takehat lowest rates; payments to
stilt borrower; satirdeotion guaranteed ; all corm-,
spondenee cheerfully answered. ABNER COSENS,
Wingham, Onb. Office—At corner tt Minnie and
Patriek streets; ev,ery Saturday all day. 1067
Meeting of Huron County Council.
The council of the County of Huron, v ill meet in
the Council Chamber, in the town of Goderich, on
Tueeday the 23rd Instant., at 3 o'clock p. m.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated January gth, 1900. 1674-2
1 Babies and children need
proper food, rarely ever nidi -
cine. ' If they do not thrive
on their food _something is
wrong. They need a little
• help to get their digestive
machinery working properirly.
SC° TEMs ts1011
U of
wmy firpomosmrEs orlINE 4 50DA
will generally
fourth to
in baby's
times a d
a marked
larger chi
1 a teaspo
age, disse
.... if you s e
isoon sho
t ing powe
1 milk do
, baby, sh J
sion. It
at once
and child
eor. a
correct plis
will put from one-
half a teaspoonful
ottle three or four
y you will soon see
improvement. For
dren, from half to
nful, according to
ved in their milk,
desire, will very
its great nourish -
• If the mother's
not nourish the
needs the emul-
will show an effect
• oth upon mother
d Stowe all druggists.
WNE, Chemists, Toronto
LThe following items were intended
for last week, but were received too
Stanley Council.
Stanley council met as per statute on
Monday, January 8th, all the members
present. The old officers were appointed as
follows: J. T. Cairnes, clerk ; John Reid,
treasurer; John Tough, assessor; Thomas
Keyes, caretaker of hall; John Johnston,
board of health offiser. The board of health
was paid $9 for extra meeting in 1899. Six
copies of Municipal World Were ordered for
members of council. A grant of $11) was
made to the hospital for sick children in
Toronto. Next meeting Of council will be
held on Monday; January 29th, at 1 o'clock,
p. rn.
Usborne Cou icil.
TOWNSHIP OFFICERS.—A the last meet-
ing of the Usborne counci the following
offi3ers were appointed at the salaries
named, and the appointmer ts confirmed by
by-law: F. Morley, clerk, 100 ; P. Coates,
treasurer, $70; William iners, assessor,
$50; T. Veal, caretaker, $5 rhe collector
was not appointed. The bo »rd of health is
composed of •the reeve, ch, Paul Madge
for three years, James Handford for two
years, and William Hazlewood for one year;
IL K. Ryndman, M. D., medical health
offie,er, and James C. Tufts, sanitary inspec-
tor. Auditors—Joshua Johns and William
Turnbull. Fenceviewers— . Copeland, A.
Cole, P, Moir, R. Delbridge, R. Dupe,
James Earl. • Poundkeepers—C. Godbolt,
J. Hazelwood, R. Keddy, G. Rook, T. Pass-
more, S. Campbell, W. Gilfillan and R.
Hunter. It was decided ti S invite Mr. A.
W. Campbell, Provincial R ' ad Comm
Athe iesion-
er, to le ure in e town , all, on the best
methods of road constructioh and mainten-
ance. A donation of $5 was made to the
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto.
are easy to take, harmieee in acti n and sure to cure
any headache in frnm 6 to 20 mi utes.
Hay Coun. H.
At the firet meeting for this year of the
Hay township councillors he old officers
were all re -appointed, as follows : Fred
Hers, sr., elerk, salary $125 ; Fred Kibler,
treasurer, salary $90; Henry Lipphardt,
assessor, salary $60 ; Charles Troyer, col-
lector, $60 ; Mrs. Keinhardt, caretaker,
$20 • David Spencer, meinber of the Board
of Health ; Dr. Campbell, Medical Health
Officer; James Bonthron and H. Zimmer-
man sanitary inspectors. Several email ac-
counts were passed and some communica-
tions were read, on which no action was
taken and the council adjourned until the
5th of March, at 10 o'clock a.. m. The fol-
lowing registrations have been received by
the division registrar of Hay township for
the last six months :—birthe 41, males 28,
females 13 • deaths 18, males 12, females 6 ;
marriages 11.
Can Catarrh be Cured ?
• Shepherd G. Frost, Chatham, N. .B.,
writes:. " Fora number of years I have
been troubled with catarrh and headaelte,
and have tried many remedies' during that
time, but without avail. At last I heard of
your medicated air treatment and proeured
a Catarrhozone outfit Within twenty-four
hours my headache disappeared, :and has
not yet returned, and in a short time I have
been completely cured of Catarrh. I re-
commended Catarrhozone a the safest and
cheapest cure for Catarrh. One bottle did
the triek forme." Catarrhozone is sold by
all .druggists. Trial outfit eent for 103 in
stampsN. C. POLSON & CO., Box 610,
Kingston, Ont.; Proprietors.
certain lots in the township of Eaet
nosh. The council deoided.not to g
request of the petitioners. Tenders
received and opened on the 5th day
ruary for the supply- of rook -elm p
lan delivered at different pointsthr
the township, John Wilson, Aub
George Stephenson, Constance w
pointed auditors; Robert Smith, ta
tor, and William J. Mills, assess°
local 'board of health' is the same
year, and Dr. McCallum health offi
circular from J. Roes Robertson, as
aid on behalf of the Hospital for Sio
ren, was read, and the treasurer au
to ,forward a donation to the said
tion. The total number of regietra
turns made during the past year w
being 62 births, 29 marriages and 24
Council adjurned' until February 5t
a. m.
Hullett Council.
The Hullett council elect, viz,: John
Brigham, reeve; Alexander Leitch, R. Fer-
ris, William Moon and William Patterson,
councillors, met in Hill's hall, Londeeboro,
on Monday, the 8th of January, according
to statute, Petitions were received and
read from John 11. GoVier and eleven other
ratepayers, asking the council to appoint
arbitrators for the purpose of forming a new
school section to be composed of certain lots
of lend which it is intended to be taken
from sections 5, 8 and 9, Hullett, and to
form a union section with late 53 to 66, M.
concession, Goderich township. A similisr
petition was presented, signed 'by 'Peter
SValpier and others, desiring to have a union
school section farmed, embracing lots 21 to
35, inclusive, concession 14, Hulletb, and
ant the
will be
f Feb-
ank, to
rn and
re ap-
. The
as last
er. A
mg for
ion re-
s 115;
• at 10
Our Royal Brother.
The following is a paper read by Mr. D.
Stewart, recently, before the 0 aistian
Endeavor Society of Carmel churei, Hen-
na : ,
. HEBREWS, _I.; 1.9.
In these verses of Holy Soriptur which
we are considering to -night, we h ve the
testimony of divine inspirationre arcling
the princely lineage and esaential di nity of
our Royal Brother, the Lord Jesus Christ,
He was not only before all things, ut He
made all things by the word of Hi power,
and when in the beginning "the orning
stars sang together and all the son of God
shouted for joy," it was but the prelude to
the great mediatorial work whiohl Christ
°erne into the world to accomplish Man
carne and fell; the promise was given that
the seed of the woman should bruise the
serpent'a head; the prophets wrote and
spoke of the coming deliverer down hrough
the ages • the world waited ; and w en the
fulness of time-- was oome, the ang Is who
sang at the world's birth, came 01 t upon
the battlements of heaven the seem L time,
and, in heavenly chorus, announced the ad-
veht of Him who was its creator, nd who
waff to be its deliverer.
It is a great thing to have a fr end at
coart, especially when we are in circum-
stances of peculiar dangeror diffiou y, and,
so much the more if that friend is un elfishly '
interested in us, and has great infIttence at
court. How consoling it should be to us
that amidst the sorrows,' difficulties and
trials of life, divine inspiration aseures us
that we have just such a friend and brother
in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is all power -
full ; lie made the worlds. He is un elfishly
interested in us; He gave his life for ue.
Hes acquainted with us; He knoweth our
frame, and was tempted in all point li like as
we are. .He has great influence at, 3ourt ;
Ho is at the right hand of the MajestY on
High. Let us seek to be like Him who was
the iprince of peace ; let us striv to do
nothing dishonoring to that worthr name
by, which we are called, and let is have
sorto part in seeking to carry out His dy-
in commission: "Go ye into all the world
and disciple all nations.
Paine's Celery' Compou d
The past record of' Paine's Geier Cora-
po nd will live long in the hearts of tens of
theusancTs of our Canadian men and women.
They can never forget the fact that it
wals Paine'e Celery Compound that rought
baela strength, health and new, vigotous life
after failures with the many common adver-
tieed remedies, as well as with physicians
and hospital treatment.
Amongst the most notable and ma vellous
iven up
d wo-
er di
ad fled,
ed su-
last re -
the for
ts pow.
's sufff-
or she
f good
's Cel-
er has
in the
ere it
k and
dent or
If so,
can do
reeord: of cures effected by Paine's
CoMpound in the year just closed
cadet ortthousands who .had been
by physicians as hopelese.
These hopelesseases were men a
men suffering from kidney and li
eases, stomach tronbles, rheumatic
ens prostration and Tong standing
sial ---all on the %Ink of the dark gr
t the eleventh hour, when hope
an deep, black despondency reig
pr ne'Paine's 'Celery Compound wa
me ded by some good friend as a
It did not require weeks or mo
Paine's Celery Compound to show
er and virtuee. A few hours or da
ce4 to convince every eufferer that h
had in truth found a medicine tha
cope with disease and death.
This past record of life saving is rn
ed and fortified by thousands of the
eat testimonials written by men an
now enjoying the full blessings'
This glorious past record of Pain
ery Command as a dieease banis
given the wondrousanedicine ,a plac
majority of the homes of Canada, w
is known as "The home physicianel
home protector against disease."
Are you a sufferer from any of th
les mentioned above? Are you we
nervone? Are you sleepless, despo
morose? Have you periodical h
poor appetite or faulty digestion?
try what Paine's Celery Componnd
for you. • A bottle or two will give you sat-
isfsction and delight. I
• 1
Tuckersmith Council.
The council elect for the current year met
at , Dixon's hotel Brucefield, on X1onday,
January 8th, at 11 o'clock. All the mem-
beret were present. Election an41 other
small accounts, amounting to $60. 3, were
passed for payment. • Messrs. &ndrew
Scott and Thomas N. Forsyth w tre ap-
pointed auditors. Hugh M. Ches ey. was
re -appointed a member of the b ard of
health, and William Chesney wa re -ap-
pointed assessor, at a salary of $ 0. The
clerk was instructed to ask for ten lers for
6,000 feet of rock elm plank, 16 fe t long,
two and a half inches thick, to bed livered,
.1,000 feet at each of the following places :
George Turner's, Peter Cleary's Henry
Morton's, James Gemmell', William Chap. _
man's and Kyle's hotel, tenders to b opened
The Disease of this Fast Age which estroys
Beauty, Health and Happines
Nothing so hastens old age as ervous-
ness. Beauty lades, wrinkles a d care
lines disfigure the once beautiful ce, the
sunny temper -becomes soured and citable;
nlghts of sleeplessness are followed by days
o worry and fatigue. The feminin organs
become weak and irregular. Ev rything
gdes wrong to the victim of nervousness,
• fox the whole system is under the control of
tlie nerves. •
'The usual result of nervousness is par=
alysis or nervous prostration, while to
ethers it brings insanity or epilepsy. The
waste of nerve force increases at a terrible
rate,1 until life is clouded by gloom and
desp ndency.
;Mist restorative
and Children, Dr.
rivalled and unap
wonder of medical
and revitalize th
and energy lo
body. It go vel
en its forms in the
Dr. Chase's
ive, in pill Ifor
dealers, or Edmanson. Bates Co..,
Toronto. Book free. tg.
r nervOus men, women
hase's Nerve Food is un-
roached. It is a new
cience which builds up
erves and puts new life
very movement of the
cures nervousness in
Course of a few months'
e Food. the great restor-
, 50 cents a box, at
at next meeting. A letter was presented
from the Stratford Bridge Company, stating
that they expected to ereot the Broadfoot
bridge during the month ef January. Mea-
gre. Chapi an and Gemmell were appointed
aoommlt1 e to eee after the taking down of
the old b idge, and to have the abutments
made rea y for the new one, at the proper
time. Ti e time for returning the collector's
roll was e•extended, to allow the collector
time to reCover two tax accounts which still
remain unpaid. Mr. James Murray, who
has held the treasuryihip for over ten
years, verY faithfully performing the duties
pertaining thereto, handed the council his
resignation, which was accepted, although
the otuncil were sorry to loose•the services
of so faithful an official. No definite action
was taken regarding the appointment of a
successorThe matter will be discussed at
the next meeting. A resolution was passed
and presented to Mr. William Chapman,
expressing the oympa,thy of his fellow coun-
cillors for himaelf and family in their recent
sudden affliction, caused by the removal of
Mrs, Chapman by the hand of the Great
Reaper. The next meeting will be held in
Daley's store, in the village of Egmondville,
on February IOth, at 10 o'clock in the
A Visit to Jerusalem.
If Jerusalem is the most interesting city
in the world it is the most disappointing.
The genuine Jerusalem houses are low, and
have flat stone roofs with low dolma in the
centre to catch as much rain water, as pos-
The Jews' houses are the filthiest tene-
ments ever -seen, the doors are not high
enough to enter without stooping (a pre-
cautionary measure in case of disturbances),
and a wall is generally 'built partly across
the entrance passage, preventing passers-by
from getting even a glimpse of the interior.
The streets are of the narrowest descrip-
tion, in many p1a3es arohed over; some
are but a series of "steps, in rainy weather
almost impassable on account of the mud.
A walk through the smaller streets is a
thing to remember ; they are about as wide
as a dining table, slippery with refuse, and,
being covered in many places, devoid of sun
and fresh air. The shops are dark, and
down the murky thoroughfare crowd dirty
people, carrying. meat, fish, rubbish, etc.;
amid them parade eolenan donkey; quite
unconscious that their burdens are wider
than themselves, and every passer-by is
shouting, quarreling and screaming. Jeru-
salem seen from a Instance, however, has a
glory of its own, and the climate is as
healthy as any in the world.—Maragret
How One Gets Bilious.
A sluggish liver fails to filter the bile from the
blood, ad when the poisonous matter goes through
the bloo in the circulation, the whole system is
tainted and deranged. This is called biliousness,
and can be completely cured by Dr. A. W. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills, which act directly on • the -liver,
making it healthy and active. One pill a dove, 25
cents a box. The cheapest medicine in the world.
• 1
News Notes. 1
—Misa Olive Boyle, of Louth township,
,went out of the house the other day in ap-
parent good health. She dropped insensi-
ble in the yard and died in half an hour
atter being carried into the house.
--Robert Hendry, of Kingston, aged 101
years, died on Sunday of last week, at the
residence of his son, Kingston. Ile had
been a resident of Kingston foe nearly
sixty years.
—,Monday morning, January eth,the
farm residence of Frank Kirkpatrick, 8th
concession of West Gwillim'bur , about
four iniles from Bradford, with ith n arty all
the contents, was destroyed by fir, . The
inmates of the building had narroiv escape
from being burned to deathl The loss will
be about $3,000, with $900 insuranee.
—The.staternen of the London Board of
Trade for the month of December, 1899
shows a ecrease of £4,625,900 in imports
and an in cease of £1,060,100 in exPorts.
—Aoco ding to a private telegram re-
ceived in London, Lord Ave, soni of the
Marquia f Dufferin and Ava, was dauger•
ously wo nded in the thigh during a recent
assault e Ladysmith.
—It is said in Berlin' G-ermany, that a
worse cas than that ofPrince Arenberg,
charged WI killing a subordinate in South
Africa wi bout provocation, and fiendishly
torturing his victim while dying, is still
pending i • German East Africa, the culprit,
being C ptain Von Dannenberg of the
colonial t oops, who ordered several blacks
shot and a number of others beaten to
death amid tortures. The case I will be
brought up in the Reichstag soon. I
—Hurlbert H. Warner, of Neve York,
the patent medicine man, has filed a peti-
tion in bankruptcy, with liabilities $2,310,-
027, and no aesets. Mr: Warner has been
prominently identified with the patent
medicine business in years past and was also
intereeted in mining schemes and -other en-
terpriees. All the debts were contracted
at Rochester, New York, prior to 1893,
when he made an assignment on May 8 of
that year.
—A despatch from Rome says that the
British warships Vulcan, Tretis, Astraea
and Hebe have received orders to keep
watch for a steamer which recently sailed
from the Baltic for South Africa. It is be-
lieved that she is carrying contraband of
—A despatch from New York, dated
January 8th, says : A Paris cable says
that the identity of Vera Douglas, the wo-
man who died last month in the French
capital, and who was known in tvvo contin-
ents by reason of her adventurous life, has
been discovered, She was the daughter of
Stephen Douglas, a farmer at Mitchell, Ont.
Vera Douglas at one time had a Russian
Grand Duke in her train, and her conquests
in New York and the 01s1 World were not-
able on acoant of her beauty. The above
story is corroborated by the young woman's
parents, who have been notified of her death,
and her body will probably be shipped to
—Chatham was shocked to learn of the
death of Wm, A. Campbell, who was killed
by falling off a C. P, R. tram at Milton, on
Monday night of last week. Mr. Campbell
was 65 years of age, and since 1870 had
been clerk of the county court of Kent. He
was accompanying the remains of Miss
• Giese to Toronto for burial, and intended
to say farewiell to his son, Sergeant W. A.
Campbell, jr., of the London section -of the
Canadian Mounted Rill 's, now at Toronto,
bound for South Afrie . It appears that
Mr. Campbell was paled g from the dining
oar to a coach, and was jolted eff the plat-
form, alighting on his h ad, killing him hi -
ently. The deceased ormetly resided in
Woodstock, where he n arried Blanche In-
gersoll. He widow and several children
survive. Mr. D. Glass, manager of the
Bank of -Montreal, Chatham, was with Mr.
Campbell on the train. They were taking
Miss Glass' remains to Toronto for burial.
He was a very popular man in his own
tOwn, and was well known all over Ontario.
Odd Ways of Earning a Living.
When a woman is by neceseity forced to
&make, a living, her ingenuitY usually comes
to the surface in•short order, and before her
friends are scarcely aware of the fact the
odd penny has been turned.
. One woman does dusting and artistic ar-
ranging by the hour." Her own home is so
beautifully arranged that when the time
eame fqr her to make her living her friends
• were only too glad to employ her in the ar-
tistic management of their homes.
Another young woman of refinement does
mending, /
reading writing and shopping for
an invalid:- • , 1
•A girl who is thoroughly instructed in the
art of china painting makes a business of
replacing broken pieces in fine dinner and
tea Pets. She doe e this so cleverl that, no
one can tell the difference betwee the '
ported china and the hand painted copy
unless attention is specially called to it.
• •
/Are. Geeorge Budden, Putmenville, Ont., ea 's :—
I fool it nry duty to recommend Dr. Chase's
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, / as I had the
Asthma ye) y bad; could get nothing Ito do me any
good A Mend of mine persuaded me to try this
remedy, as he had tried it, and it proved successful.
I tried it, and it cured me. I' am thankful to -day to
say I am a well woman thr ugh the use of this rem-
edy, 26 cents a bottle. Family size 60 cont.
Borrowing a posture.
An old woman whose hl sband was ill in
bed sent for the doctor, w io came and saw
the old lady.
" 1 will send him medic ne," said the doc-
tor on leaving, "which m at be taken in a
recumbent posture,"
• After be had gone the old woman sat down
greatly puzzled.
A recumbent posture—a recumbent pos-
ture ?" she kept repeating "1 haven't got
one." At last she thought, "1 will go
and. see if old Nice. Smith has got one to
Accordingly s e went and said to her
neighbor :
'Have you a ecumbent posture to lend
me,to put some edicine in?'
Mrs. 'Srniih, w o was equally as ignorant
as her friend, re lied : •
"1 had one, b t to tell you the truth, I
have lost it."—T t -Bits.
Dr. Cameron Pelstana, the Lisbon bac-
teriologist who id ntified the plague at
Oporto as the hub nie plague, has died of
the disease.
The Marquis of Townshend, who died
in Paris recently, was the first philan-
thropist to take up the question of seats
for shopgirls.
Adnaieal Dewey has given a conditimeal
promise to visit Dayton, 0., after his vis-
it to Columbus. The date for the latter
has not yet been definitely fixed.
Boston's Cobb twins, Cyrus and Darius,
recently sat for a photograph, and when
it came home- they were obliged to ask
the photographer Whiell WAS which.
John D. Rockefeller has offered to du-
plicate any amount which may be raised
as an endowment for Rochester Theolog-
ical seminary (Baptist) up ,to $150,000.
. It is not generally known that Punch
has a chaplain on its staff. The holder
of the office is the Rev. Anthony Deahe,
a frequent contributor to the journal.
Lord Beauchamp, the youngest goyern.
or ever appointed to New South Wales,
has taken a Bible class in the parish in
Sydney in which the government house(
is situated.
Lieutenant Henry OanIlI, who was a
member of the staff of General Gomez
of the Cuban army, has entered the Law
school of Boston university, intending to
take the three years' course.
John j. Albright of Buffalo, who re-
cently gave to that city a rare collection
of palms and tropical plants, valued at
$40,000, is having the new conservatory
for the collection erected at his own
Charles J. Capen has taught in the
Boston Latin school 48 years and prides
himself upon the fact that, though now
7G years of age, no one can yet call him a
decrepit old man, nor scarcely a white
haired one.
The oldest resident of the town of Em-
poria, Kan. is J. P. Mather, who is said
to be a direct descendant of Cotton
Mather. Though 85 years of age, he
goes daily to a gymnasium and exercises
on the bars.
John Garland Price, who represents
Alaska in congress, is a lawyer of Skag-
uaY.Ile was born in Iowa 29 years
ago and is an enthusiast on the subject
of laska. He believes that a, territory
sho Id be made of southeastern Alaska.
r. 0. N. Hartshorn'the founder of
Mo nt Union college, Ohio, celebrated
thej golden anniversary of his wedding
the other day. A banquet was given in
honor of the occasion by the alumni and
un ergraduates of the college at Alli-
anc , 0.
Celonel Ian Hamilton of the Gordon
highlanders, who has the, distinction of
being the first named /or the Victoria
cross in the present goutii. African war,
Is a strict follower, he says, of Lord
Wolseley's maxim, "If 'you want to be a
general, you must do your best to get
killed in battle."
• It used to be the strong brain that told
In college work; now it is the husky right
leg.—Dayton News.
College students will now be obliged to
devote part of their time to books and
lectures. The football season is closed.—
Chicago Record.
If some one will enjoin the newspapera
from speaking of a university as a "var-
sity," the general public will pay the
court costs.—Memphis Commercial
The football player will now return to
his books and by slow and painful edti-
cational process endeavor to acquire the
arts of civilization.—New York Mail and
Express. •
There is no football oligarchy ha thia
country. The games f the year have es-
ploded the fancied c ass superiority of
the overweening eas — Duluth Newa-
• Still another studant has been seriously
Injured while being Initiated into 'a col-
lege secret fraternity. i This time it was
In Indiana, where the student Was given
such a,severe electric shock that I is hear-
ing was destroyed. It is high line for
college authorities to put a sto to this
sort of thing.—New York Herald
Alfonso XIII of Spain is not 'yet 14,
but the German emperor has reeolved to
invest him with the order of the Black
Eagle. ,
One of the aniusements of the German
empress is to follow the emper r in his,
bunting trips with a camera and take
photographs of the ,game be Id Is. ' She
not -only "touches.the butter)." h it "does
the rest" at home with her own lands,
The czar of Itussia proba lily' OWDS a
greater quantity of china than a iy other
person in the \valid. lle has the china
belonging to Ali the Iiii:::-idot ;rulers as far
hack :u- Cat liovilie the CI Lre:3t.! It is Stored
in an immense -closet in the *Infer palace
• , •
At Si 14.to1'shOrt.I. .
• Keiser Wilhelm is at iverk on nn ire-.
pro vement of Vcohor's•••Oberen.°, 11' has
set Major Lon ff.. his pH *ft t e . drnnietis/,
to rewrite the liiiiN`i tn. 31 fVit'llp adeorrat-
- or vv ill met ;Tv. hge 1110 s 'Very 0t.(1 -tios-.
ttlineN,. anll 0 ‘Veklerle4f l-.0pellureiet Or
'will (111.1.PCI .AX:P);i'r'`.4 1111Igi C.
What en ti•t he cured 1101 MJ money into,
the doctor's poelaet.—Chicego News. 1
We be VP to rha11 iitlaza; in Pal stine,
the plies of hip') tInn,son carried tway,
for gaze or gauze. Gesa means " reas-
UrPo" 111311 P ei01.18 to the fair is tije tis-
sue which (.-overs witbonf concealin their
charms. Voltaire. wishing to de cribs
some intellectual bur perhaps dress 'wo-
man. said, "She is an eagle in a cage of
rli. .
ild Irn Gu'od Faith /a a Clift1 e Where
All Berunacing In Barr 4. .
It was the secretary's turn ea- tell a
yt rn to bis fellow members of the Coinci-
fh nee club. The Coincidence dill), by the
w i y, bus no cumbersome machinery. It
hrs members and officers, 'neap once a
W.CIC to tell queer stories along- the line
srggested by its name. and everything
bit• the strict truth is barred. ,
"I've got two stories. much -alike, to
• te I. 'There's nothing dramatic, bit seilea-
tional abeut them. They struck meas
et cer, though. You /MOW I'M II lawyer.
0 te day a man named Dodge. brought in
a Jotter of introduction to mel from a
friend out west. Ile had a simple sort of
1 a case, and 1 asked him to come back at
IS o'clock that afternoon, ',I'hsen I went
1 OVer 10 the criminal Court on .business
that kept me till Within a few minutes of
' 3 o'eloelt. A;s I entered my °Mee there
, Was a Man sitting hi the shadow. With-
] Out really looking at him, and with my
mind full , of the appointment, I 'said, as
1 went to my private office:.
"How are you, Mr. Dodge. I'll see you
in a minute." .
"Pretty soon 1 rang and told the office
boy to show in Mr. Dodge.- The man
came in, and he wasn't thy Mr. Dodge at
all. Iinagine my surprise when be said:
"How did you know my ,name7'
"At the same time he handed me a let-
ter otintroduction from a friend in down
east. Iris name was Dodge all right, and
he had a case. I gasped over -the oddity
of thel. situation, explained th0, -coinci-
dence to my visitor and even showed him
the other letter of introduction., :But the
man did not believe me. He evidently
thought I was a liar and left:Without
putting his case in my hands. • A foie
minutes later in came the first Mr.
Dodge, and we had a good laugh over it
"The other coincidence was this: I got
letters from two friends, one. West Ot
Chicago and one south, asking Me to col-
lect claims against a big Chicago firm
• and a big Insurance company with an
agency in Chicago. I telephoaed and
mad appointment with representatives
of eich-of the concerns, one at. 12 and
the other at 12:30 o'clock. I went out on
an errand and was delayed till 12;30
o'clOk. • When I came in, teeth men
Virerei waiting. Strange as it may seeiti,
both men were named Rose. I introduc-
ed them. One was originally frcim Rhode
Island and the other kom Connecticut.
As fir as they could figure Out they were
not lelated. I've used false, names, but
otherwise the stories are strictly true and
can be proved by evidence that will pass
muster in a court of law."—ChiCago In-
• ter Ocean.
Indians will be admitted herOfter to
the University of Oklahoma.
There are today 40,000 negr4 students
in the higher educational institutions of
this country.
There are 426 colleges In America with
prqperty estimated at $250,000,00'. Gi-
rard'with $15,090,000, and Leland Stan -
fetid, Jr., with $18,500,000, are the rich-
Epps's Coeoa
Distinguished everywhere fe0 De-
licacy,of Flavour, Superior Qtiality,
and Highly Nutritive Properties.
qpecially grateful and comforting
tio the nervous and dyepeptic.
Sold only in quarter -pound :tins,
labelled JAMES EPPS & CO.,
Limited Homeeopathie Chemists,
London, England.
Epps's Cocioa
B. B. B. Cures Abscesses.
=.1 had a large Abscess under my arm as well IS
sores in various parts of my- body. Being advised to
ude Burdock Blood Bitter, I did so with the resulk
that the *dimes and sores all went away, and have
never bothered me since. Mr'. Philip Rice, Villa
Hagyard's Yellow Oil relieves all pain, takes out
inflarnatiOn, reduces swelling, prevents discoloration
of 1 brit* or blistering of:a burn. Does not stain
the skin or soli tho clothing. Price Mc.
-41* ON
An Ex -U. S. Consul.
Hon. Edward Young, formerly United States Con-
sul at Windror, U. S., says that he alwayl keeps Dr.
Fowler's Extraet of Wild Strawberry in the house,,to
use wheri he has eaten anything that disagrees with
Milburh'e Rheumatic Pills are a specific remedy
for Rheulnatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and
Gout. They cure when other medielnes fall. Ptiee
60 cents.
Mothers Know
Row serious a thin it is to have their little ones
suffering from worms. Dr, Low's Worm. Syrup is a
pleasant remedy to take and quickly rids the system
of them dangerous parasites, Price 25e.
tadies who suffer from Constipatiori, Sick Head-
ache, Biliousness or Dyspepsia find LaxaLiver Pills a
pe!rfect remedy. They are small in size,do not gripe,
sieken or weaken. Price 25c.
*hews cheaper
in the end than any seeds
that only cost half as much.
Tested, true to name, fresh and
Always the best. Ask
for Ferry's—take no ()theta+
Write for 1900 Seed Annual.
-D. M. FERRY Ac CO.,
Windsor, Ont.
f Spex
yOur eyes tire easily?
If so, You need (Mastics.
/-o.your eyes burn?
11 50, You need GlasSes.
poen the type become blurred it reading?
If so, You need 'Glasses.
Do you suffer from frontal headache ? •
If'so, Glasses will Kelp You.
you know if you have perfect eyesight?
If not, we can Inform You.
Give a Youth
Resolution and a course in.
Business and Shorthand at
- IF.Ofr51- rT-
I6Z 24
and who shall plate limits to
his career. Catalogue free.
oxplinoaxj Joj
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rn c'D
ca w " 1-3
c -r 1=1
/:7A 1Z
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Pa A:54
CD go
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tanCia CD sp 0
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CD $:),
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Dealers in first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We also -do picture fram-
ing, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put up. We are alsc
Agents for the New William's Sewing
Machine, beat in the market for do-
mestic use, no travelling agents, TIC
high prices.
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses in Ontario,
and guarantee satisfaction in every depart-
ment of our work. We have always made
It a point to furnieh chairs, and all other re-
quisites for funerals, FREE OF WARPS,
Prices better than heretofore.
Arterial and cavity embahniug done on,
scientific principles. •
P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be
attended to at Mrliandshorough's resi-
dence, direetly in the rear of the DOMilli-11
Musical - Instrument
• Owing to hard times, we Lve con-
cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Organs at $25 • and upwardej and
Pianos at corresponding
See us before purchasing.
The Walton Cheese Factory.
The Annual meeting -of the shatebo• lders
piteous of the Welton Chem s,nd Butter Company
Ida be held a*the Royal Hotel, Walton. en ICES -
DAT, JANUARY 16th, 1000„ at lo 'clookp. or.
A full attendance is particulsrly desired. =OAS