The Huron Expositor, 1900-01-05, Page 7tiate for most people__
tate ones. Colds, la grippe
hem, easy victims.
easily '? It shows that
a condition to resist dis
fortunate if you escape
ight kind of medicine is
and enabling it to resist
)ink Pills for Pale Pea -
e nerves these pills reach
ight, active and strong.
ieve th,at Dr. Williams
wasea weak that I was
peom of going into a de-
ad nerve exhaustion.
d they have completely
✓ six boxes far $2.50, by
e you to take thia trouble,
merely, using conunonplacte
a us do when strong feeling
rottlile. The case iateresta
," she added, with a. suddint
re, " clordt you see, I feel
it responsible for Lady Ed-
Eclvrard-were at home. He
ere he my husband, I should
if only he would tighten the
ants a master, and until she
,ill coritheue to make mis-
became eloteions that she
ith extraordinary frankness
ossibly did not quite under
The thought immediately,
certain coldness, bord-
r, to her manner, a change
,enly felt.
.1 shock you at every turn,"
y. " My aunt Mackinnon
naation, so you may accept
tin going to try and persuade
take me to Kilravock Gas-
. Would 5 ou believe that 1
i anywhere in Scotland ex -
like Kilravock. It is the
lace on earth," h anewer-
.se hia heart ache he felt
tan usual for his Inlyn home.
acoteh myself, yoi know ;-
as a Mackinnon,she said
1 am proud of riy father,
D not remember hi4n. it, is
a soldier's deugh ere and a
te was ; semethin one has
e -ought them to thct carriage,
Igus carefully he ped her,.
man stood by,
ind thank you," sire said, as.
r hand again, "You make
re is sernethiag in life after
worth striving for. No one
me that yet. 1 h ve every..
von Ged bless ou !." he
ind the dtartled color leaped
the eager horses, champing.
ted forward. She did not
in, but the color did not re-
heeks, and her eYes were
fleler, ready for tears.
ahem back, and When- she
ackinnon drewing-roorreshe
uproarious spirits that noth-
tie her. She faun4 no one
ant, whom nothing tempted
letween luncheon :and tea.
la to give Mrs, Malaolm's ode
iss Lawrence protaptly left,
Ordera to drive to Perchester
or Mtn. Malcolm 41y elicit
ion that Mrs. Mat atm saw-
terucein before fiv o'clock.
aely four. Enid b t her lip.
to be baffled, and she par -
to see Katie Forbes.
bess- at home. ?" ahe asked,
r the door WA& ope ecl wide;
be Continued.)
• Calct in One
e Brorao Quinine
fund the money if
W. Grove's signa
t fails to.
ure is on.
40 school child en were
afternoon in an tee pace--
nr, near the Fre oh -fron-
r 'The school c ildren of
beep given a lath ay 'with
ay on the frozen river Lys.
merit was at full height, the
iiy and the children disap-
were reacued half dead, but
-e drowned. Thirty-six,
eeovercd, but others are'
sees Fet.vorite.
O f bieseed ani Turpentine le
illedY for eroup, bronchitis,
and tor: throat. It bee V
.t any reseedy for toisgisa and
to the taste, prompt in action,
seeguare ageinst consumption
eeuta a bottle. Vamily size etit
an Army provided Christ-
-nearly etatioe poor people
d for settle people in Phil
eIy watched dur-
"titre. Evcry shoe
Itatiou after letty-
leather or work-
, slip of the knife,
zrt condemns the
le "Slater " goal
Lai.ATER ; 5 e
JANUARY 5, 1900
The Red 111111
Gadke & Cos,
Proprietors of the Red Mill, Seaforth, have
completed the improvements in the mill,
having placee there the latest and most im- ;
proved machinery, and are now prepared to
do all kinds ot
-Chopping, Gristing and all lines
of Custom Work.
Firat-class Flour from Manitoba wheat
for sale.
Mr. Oaclkeis a first-class, practical miller,
and all customers will receive prompt and
satisfectory attention.
1655 -Lf
Special Attention
to Horseshoeing and
General Jobbing.
Goderich street,
- - - Seaforth.
e -A BIG „ay-,
For.. .
For the invalid, the
convalescent or per-
son of advanced yr:airs,
no known tonic equals
A rare old port wipe
with Peruvian Bark in
qutuatitics prescribed oy
the English and French
'Tits a special brand fpr
For sale in Seaforth by
Kalbfleisch's Mills, in Hay,
for Sale.
This eplendid property, situated on the 15th Con•
cession of Hay tswnehip, consisting of a Saw Mill,
Plannirg, Sash and Door Faotory aud Chopping Mill,
is offered for sale or to rent for a term of years.
The whole property, including a good residence. will
be sold cheap and on easy terms. There is a large
and profitable businees done and a voi man whis
moderate capital could make money, as it is sur-
rounded by case of the be agricultural countries
Th the province. Apply on the premises or address
?Zurich P. 0.
T_AD01 I
fff any person tells you that
Has left Seaforth, don't you believe it.
'He is here to stay, and is prepared to 1
do all kinds of
Fancy Painting, Graining and
Decorating. .
.Halls and churches a specialty. Scen-
ery and pictorial advertising. All
kinds of pictures painted to order.
RESIDEN'CE-Three doors south of the railway
track, on the west side of Main street.
J. G. CRICH, Seaforth.
H. R Jackson
Jules Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac;
France; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hotr
land Gin, Rotterdam, Holland -;
Booth's Tom Gin, London, England 1;
Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas-
gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irisa
Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port
and Sherry Wine from France and
Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisker
Ontario ; Royal Distillery and Daviefr
Ale and Porter, Toronto:
We have opened a retail store ni
connection with our wholesale baser
business in the rear of the new Do
minion Bank, in Good's old stand;
where we will sell the best goods iti
the market at bottom prices. Geod3
deliveted to any part of the town
The McKillop Mutual Fire
insurance Company.
J. 13. were% Preeident, Eippen P. 0. ; Thornai
-Fraser, vice-prosidont, Brucelield P. 0. ; W J. ahan
non, Becy-Tread. Seaforth P. 0. ; Thomas E
Hays, Inspector of Losses, Seaforth P. 0,
W. G. Broadfoot, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, Win
throp • George Dale, Seaforth; Thomas E. Hays
-Seatortl ;' James Evans, Beechwood ; John Watt
garb:sac ; Thome,. Fraser, Brtnetteld • John B. Me
Lean, Kippen ; James Connolly, Clinton.
Robt. Smith, flarlook ; Robb. McMillan, fileaforib
James Cumming Egmondv. e; J. W. Too, Holmes
vino P. O.; John Govenlock and John C. Morrieon
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or trans
Ed other buelnese will be promptly attonded to o
‘pplicatIon to any of the above decors, addreesed
their respeeilve post ofreiss.
Cook's Cotton Root CompounJ..
sne,ssful!y- used MO -D y by over
10.000 La di ce.'. ea f e e ffeet is a I . Le dies ask
V.„ year druggl8t for Cook s Cotton Roof Cern-
roiled. Take- no °tiler as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per
box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger.$3 per box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price B 11 d tWO Scent
stamps The Cook Company Windsor. Ont.
IM -Nos. I end 2 sold fano recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.
4_0. 1 and No. 2 sold in Seaforth. by Lan:whin
Wilson, druggists. '
You may have heard
and have a vague notion
that it is cod-liver oil with
its bad taste and smell and
all its other repulsive fea-
tures. It is cod-liver oil, the
purest and the best in the
world, but made so palata-
ble that almost everybody
can take it. Nearly all
children like it and ask for
SCO 77'S
looks like cream; it nour-
ishes the wasted body of
the baby, child or, adult
better than cream or any
other food in existence. It
bears about the same rela-
tion to other emulsions that
cream does to milk, If you
have had any experience
with other so-called ,ajust as
good" preparations, you
will find that this is a fact.
The hypophosphites that are
combined With the cod-liver oil
give additional value to it beczusc
they tone up the nervous system
and impart strength to the whole
50c. and $1.00, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
News Notes.
-Fifty miners were entombed by a ter-
rific explosion in the Brazoell ooal works,
on Redstone -creek ,Pennsylvania, Saturday
morning, and only fourteen are known 'to
have escaped with their lives- Twenty
bodies have been recovered. The number
missing is not definitely known, estimates
varying from fifteen to thirty.
-Six little girls were burned to death,
four probahly fatally burned and eight other
persons bedly injured during the rehearsal
of Christmas exercises of one of the elcusses
at St. Francis echool, Quincy,Illinoi, on
Friday. There were 14 litele girls in the
class and they represented different char-
aotere. Two of them appeared as lambs
and wore white fleece on their germents.
The fleece of one caught fire from an open
gas jet and in an instant the whole ring of
little cites was in flemes. Sisters - of the
school ran to the rescue and were also bad-
ly burned. Six died almost instantly from
burns, and four of the survivors will die.
To Cure Catarrh and ,Stay Cured
You must use the most up-to-date and most
improved method of treatment. This 'can
only be had in the use of Catarrhezme,Which
cures by inhalation and is sure to reach the
right spot. Treatments requiring the me
of sprays, douches, snuffs, and. ointments
are a thing pf the pest, and the medicated
air treatment supercedes them all. There
is no danger to risk in the use of catarrho•
zone. It, is both pleasant and Effective to
employ in any case of Irritable Threat, Fetit
breath, Bronchitis,' Catarrh and A.sthma.
For sale at all druggists or by mail, price
$1.00. For trial outfit send 10c in stamps
to N. C. POLSON & CO., Box 610, -King-
ston, Oat.
. Wit and..Wisdom.
As a rule people who don't need rest
neVer let anybody else rest. -
alany a man has made his debut on the
.broad road to ruin through a marrow side
You can always depend upon a man
who isn't afraid to say "1 don't know," ac-
No young man has ever looked into a
girl's laughing eyes but he believes in wire-
less telegraphy.
'Husband (to very old friend)-" Strange,
but, my wife always wants me to remember
her birthday bat to forget her age."
Doctor--" After this you ought to sleep
like a baby." Patient (anxiously) "1 hope
you don't.incan like my baby, doctor."
The Bachelor-" Well, do you find mar-
ried life one grand, sweet song, as you ex-
peet ?" The Beeedict-" Yes; but it's a
solo instead of ft duet."
Court of Lt. Resort. -" So you have de-
cided te.Fpend the summer in the country
this year ?" " No, sir, I have not. My
wife has decided it."
Little Boy (to nigger woman)-" Aunt
Martha, was of yours raised on
the bottle ?" Yeas, chile ; why ?"
" Well, it must have Inen an ink -bottle.'"
.Naertdoor-" 1 haven't betted your deg
berking atenight for some time." Homer-
" ; guess the poor fellow got discour-
aged. We bare twins at our house now,
you know.",
Suitor (to her younger brother)-" Coine,
The Improved Blower
Given Free with every. box of Dr. Chase's
Catarrh Cure, is the most effective ap-
pliance ever devised to ieach the roots of
Every person who has ever doc-
tored for catarrh knows that the
great trouble is to get the remedy to
the desired spot where it can heal
the ulcers and eradicate the
disease from the system.
This difficulty is entirely
overcome by means of a
simple but most effective
blower, which is to he found
In every box of Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure.
By this blower the preparation Is sent
direct to the diseased parts, and through its
marvellous soothing, healing influence allays
ktie inflammation, heala the ulcers and
isositively cures catarrh.
Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure is prompt and
effective in action. It clears the air pas-
sages, makes breathing free and easy, re-
lieves the pressure which c4uses headache
and deafness, stops the ringlng in the ears
and droppings in.the throe. and counter-
acts foul breath. It thoro ghly and per-
inanently eradicates catarrh f can the system.
25C. a box, btowerfree.atI all dealers, or
RDMAN5024. BATA? k Co., T onto,
you ought to know; is there any chance for
Inc ?" Brother-" Oh, you're till right.
That isn't what's troubling Mary. She's
wondering if taereat any chance for her."
Gran'pa Maepherson-" How Many does
two and two make Donald?" Donald-
" Six." Dran'pa-" GVhat are yon talking
about? Two and two make four." Dan-
ald-" Yes, I know ; but I thought you'd
beat me down a bit !"
Father (to little girl who is waiting in the
nursery for the amnouncement)-" Well,
Ella, which would you rather have -a little
brother or a sister V' Ella-" Please, papa,
I would rather have a rocking -horse, if it id
all the same to mamma."
An Economiser. -Farmer Sissafras-
" What are, you puttin' barbed wire fences
round ger farm for? Isn't it orfal expen-
sive ?" Farmer Meddergrass-" Yeas, the
fences cost a heap o' money, but the men
don't, fool away any time sittin on
English gentleman in Scotland at grouse -
shooting, to Highland keeper-" Surely,
Dugald, I hit something that time." H. K.
-" 16 wass ferry likely, sir. She'll see a
man ov r there scratsling her leg, and, she'll
thocht ehe h'ard swearing."
An Enormous Sale
To all who hsve ftlt the evil effects of deranged
kidney's is the assurance that Dr A. W, Chase's Kid-
ney -Live, Pills aro meet'og with enormous sale and
unparalleled }moven in this di triat. Balicaches and
aching kidneys are fast becoming a thing of the p set
where D:. A. W. Chao's litdney-Liver Pills are
known. One cent a dose, 96 cents a Lox, at all (ICA-
Her Mistake.
The train atopped at a small local station,
and an old lady, burdened with luggage,
was hurled into an empty compartment by
the patient guard. •
"Don't you forget to put me out at
Brighton," she gasped.
"All right, misses," cried the grtard,
impatiently, as he whistled "Right away."
The stout lady did not cone( al her ident-
ity ea -it was expressed in large capitals on
each -article of her baggage, "Mrs. Bal.
come, passenger to Brighton."
At, each station she popped out her head
and shoulders as far as they would go, and
cried -" Be this Brighton, master guard ?"
to which the guard would reply, testily-
" No, no, minus; I'll let you know whep
you get there,"
Pretiently the train stopped at a little
rural station, and the porter came running
along the platform shouting, "Balcombe !
Balcombe !"
" Hero I be," ci ied Mrs. Balcombo, in
great eicitement. "Only you might be a
bit more civil ! Be 1 to get out ?"
" Yes, if you're Balcombe," cried the
porter; "look alive ;" and he jumped Mrs.
Balcombe on the platform, and jumped her,
parcels after her, as if he had to do with so
many bags of wheat.
Right here," cried the porter ; but just
at that moment, as he was starting kthe
train, the guard caught sight of the agitated
Mre. Balcombe.
" What are you doing here, misses ?"
"Why, ain't this Brighton, sir?" quivered
Mrs. Balcome.
" Brighton be jiggered I" roared the
guard ; "'tie Balcombe station," and he
shot back Mrs. Balcombe into the carriage,
and. shot her bundles after her, in a time
that was ever after.a record on that partic-
ular line.
'Mrs. Baloembe had just strength left to
ehake her fist out at that porter who had so
deceived her.
lare'easy to take, harmless in action. and sure to oure
any headache in from 5 to 20 minutes.
Things Worth Knowing.
'Forty per cent, of the heat °tan ordinary
fire goes up the chimney. •
Marriage, • easy circumstanees ' and a
healthy occupation are favorahle to long
Oily medicines can easily be j taken from
a spoon that is very hot. as the loll slips off
Vegetables are like fresh air -indispen-
sable for Our health; they cool and purify
the blood, and add a. necessary 'acid to it.
LIVER TROUBLES, biliousness, Billow ocenplesi
ion, yellow eyes'
. jaundice, etc., yield to the cura-
tive power a of LAX A uvEa PILLS. They are sure
to cure. .
Son,e cooks add to the water in which rice
is to be boiled the juice of a lemon. It is
said to whiten, lighten and separate the
Bare floors should be wiped daily, but
they should be well swept withia hair brush
before wiping. Mattings should be swept
twice or three times a week. Sweep with a
brush, and then. go over them with a cloth
On the broom. - •
WORSIS cannot exist either in children or adults
when DR. LOW'S WORM SYRUP is Coed. 25c. All
The, rocking -chair causes insanity, so it is
said. In fact, the physicians are claiming
that the rocking -chairs are the cause of
moat of the aervous troubles fparn which
women suffer, and are advising their rel-
egation to any place where they will not be
The turkey was first discovered in Amer-
ica, and taken to England in the early part
of the I6th century. Since then it has
been acclimatised to nearly all paps of the
If there aro fruit trees that are not bear-
ing as they should, stir the soil thoroughly
and apply a good dressing of well rotted
manure, prune well, cutting out all the
dead or diseased wood.
The tomato is now definitely astaigned a
place as a tonic among foods. A nOted phy-
sician has made extensive experiments with
the juice as a medicinesand says as 4 health
preservative it is unequalled.
FOR ioternal or external use HAGYARD'S YEL-
LOW OIL cannot be ,excelled as is pain relieving and
soothing remedy for all pain.
The United States has 222 acres of grain
to each inhabitant; Ruesia, 190; the Ar-
gentine Republic, 160; Denmark, 150;
Roumania, 148; Canada., 130: Australia,
125; Spain, 102; Austria, 100; France,
97; Germany, 84; Italy, 70; Great Brit-
ain, 28.
A horse that is fed on oats will show
more mettle than if fed on any other grain.
An occasional mess of rolled wheat, barley
and bran may be given for variety. Four
pounds of oats at a mess, three times a day,
will be about the right quantity.
If the eyes are tired and inflamed from.
loss of sleep or long travel apply in the
morning soft white linen, dripping With hot
water -as hot ha you can bear it --laying
the cloth upon the lids. You will feel the ,
eyes strong andfree from pain or distress
in half an hour.
And t he
the Ma
He We
Story Must Be True, Because
Who Told It Declares That
nn Eyewitness of the Won-
"Some years ago," said the musician
who dee ared that snakes loved DlIIIC
and who was telling the story to prove
his asser ion, "1 was the organist in a
little coui try chur di near the Blue moun-
tains in Schtdyki I county, The moun-
tains web e fell o1 snakes. I used often
to go out in the e owls and -take my cor-
net along, jUst to have a little music and
practice by mysel . One day I was sit-
ting on a log by a -spring, playing softly
and hard y thinktg about what I was
doing, w 1 s hen ddenly saw a giaut
black snake eery close to rare, coiled up
and swaying his l ead to the rhytlun of
t he LI u ne. I an] not afraid of enak es and
knew this one to be as harmless as a kit-
ten, So I was mote 'amused than fright-
ened and contipue to play a variety of
ales for him to s ,e the effect. He ap-
peared to enjoy it immensely, and when
I played somethis g lively he seemed to
hoc:oast' almost del rions in his 'gyrations.
I conchal el that i he had legs he would
surely da ice, and as it was his motions
\rere exc edingly raceful and his ideas
of time eecellente His eyes shone with
t he pleasere it was giviug him, and his
forked torigue fai ay seemed to blaze in
the eestaSy of his enjoyment. Suddenly
I stopeetel and he seemed a very picture
of. sadness and disappointment. He
crawled 0 ose upto me .and asked me to
iclnisie just as pil hey as if he knew ev-
ere word n the E tglish language. ,
'It -suddenly o curved to me that it
\valid be an int resting experiment to
.see if he would f How the music. So I
get up end playing softly began to walk
0 way:, Ile followed at once, and I ' led
him 81(»g down tb the church. When I
unlocked the door, he followed tue in
without hesitation and came right after
me up into the organ loft. 1 then tried
hint with the organ, and he was even
more d eiechted tbrUl NVitil U1C COMA.
Fiatling that he would never get enaugh
of the niusic, I wos obliged at length to
drive hit 1 away la main. force..
"The lext (ley 1 went into the church
to ce and had not been long at it
NVIIVD 1 ivied it rustle on the carpet, and,
looking down, there was his snakeship
taking i io, and when 1 finished 1 had to
d ri NT h in a way again. By the next
Sunday, had almost forgotten about the
incident, \ellen, just as we were in the
midet o the second hymn, 1 suddenly
heard a screamieg and screeching among
the fem ile members of the choir, as if
some On ' were scalping them all at once.
I looked up just in time to see- my friend,
the suck , disappearing with. a shower of
hyinnho ks and stools hurled by the
einle ne tubers of the choir flying after
him. However, he escaped, and I said
nothiug ibout my previous acquaintance
Ayith the reptile. You may imagine that
it broke up the service for awhile, but
finally e .erything quieted down and went
on as us ial. .
' "After that the snake came again for
many w eks every time I practiced, but
it seems - that he liad become convinced
that it Nyas dangerous when others wer.e
preseet, 'so he never again entered the
church curing service, though doubtless
he was I stening at a safe point outside.
'Soon afterward members of the
church eported that they had heard
3 •
mysterm is breathings of the organ at
night in passing the church and inquired
Idiether 1 was practicing. I assured
them that I was not. This occurred sev-
eral times, and as it could• not be satis-
factorily explained it aroused a deal of
commeua and some of the more supersti-
tious began to whisper that the church
was haunted and that the spirit of a
former oi•ganist was at the bottom of it.
As the Mystery was beginning to tell on
themerves of the neighborhood 'as well as
on my on 1 determined to ferret it out.
The mueic would generally sound as if
Fame one were- touching the keys with
one tinge, though sometimes a number of
keys wot Id be depressed simultaneously,
but wheoever I would enter the church. I
would find no one there. The organ,
however, would be open, though I had
left it closed when I lase used it.
"One evening I determined to :make a
night of it and solve the mystery if it
was poseible. 1 accordingly took up a
concealed, position in the church shortly
after dusk, I was assisted somewhat by
the fact ehat the moon shone into the
building land illuminated a small space
a Sound ti c organ. It WAS no sooner fully
dark tha 1 I heard a slight rustle and a
moment ater .saw none other than my
old frien I, the black snake, wriggle his
way up .on the music stool. He was not
nlone, ,b4 was followed by half a dozen
or more of bis companions, who,formed
a shiny black mass eon the stook You
cab ima,g ne that I was amazed as I had
never been before, but I resolved to
await developments. The next move I
noticed was that all the snakes, appar-
ently under the direction of my old ac-
nunintanee, put their heads against the
lid, and, pushing all together, it went up
as easily as if 1 had lifted it myself.
Then all he other snakes got down. His
musical enakeship then let down a coil
and graseed a lever that started the wa-
ter motor' that did the pumping, and ev-
erything IVIIS ready.
"Then, seated coiled on the stool, he
began 10
reel of col
notes on
vary this
bank of I -
lug 3 um,
press the keys with his head,
irse produced the corresponding
the instrument. Sometimes to
he would jump bodily upon the
cy-s and wriggle' along, produc-
t weird and curious jumble of
soneds. as he proceeded he became more
and mor excited and violent, nnd tho
other sn a :es danced and writhed round
mail 1 00 iId imagine what it must be to
I raw dela imn tremens. I was se interest-.
ed that: I let them go pn fer a full hour,
‘vhen snd evilly making a noise they all
scurried t way. I pretended to the mem-
bers of tl e 'congregation that 1 had not
-foetid out what it was ned thus was en -
o hied to enjoy this novel -spectacle on
several s icceeding evenings. When 1
finally told them, DO ODC would believe
nse,etind I think it was partly ou this ac -
omit that I soon efternlost my place.
Inwever, by placing a lock on the organ
ma stole ing up all holes by which tae
mikes co ed enter the church I put an
nd to 11 e nocturnel concerts, and the
eeelo. ee re satisfied that the ghosts, or
'leer-teer it was. had Ceased to walk.
leer end an experience nobody can con -
ince me that snakes do not have a love
f music and a taste for it." -Pittsburg
Poisouing from overcoats is an unex-
pected danger, but not less than six:y cases
have been reported among the- street clean- : 11
ere of Birmingham, Englan_d. Oa being s
wet the cloth, in the dyeing of which chlor-
ide of zinc had been used, gave off poison- 11
ous vapours, producing painful swelling of
hands and arms.
To get rid of the offensive smell of back 0
'smoke in a room make a fire of newspapers .1
and ground coffee. The coffee should be '
sprinkled freely among and over the paper Misery may love company, but it
before it is lighted. The heat extracts the doesn't entertain its company Very well.
good and dieinfective qualities of the cof- -Kansas City Star.
fee, which gives the room a nice sweet
-News reached Stratford last week of
the death on the previous Friday in London
of Mr. Clarke Moderwell, son of Mrs; Rob-
ert Moderwell, at the age of 42 years. The
remains were brought to Stratford and in-
terred in Avondale cemetery. Mr. Moder-
well was the youngest son of the late Sheriff
Moderwell, and nephew of the present
Bolton Stafford Bird, the new premier
of Tasmania, is a Congregational minis-
General P. A. Collins landed in New
..York at the age of 12, 50 years ago, a
penniless Irish orphan'. Be is now a well
known and prosperoun Boston lawyer.
John J. Corning of New York city- has
P 0 0 R C 0 P Y
irormally transrerred to tne city or flare
ford thefoantain in Bushiiell park which
he has had erected to the memory of his
father. . .
Joseph Chamberlain is famous for his
ceolness and cutting sarcasm, and in de-
bate these two attributes have made him
possibly the man most feared in the
house of commons. .
Edward Gideon has been a public
school teacher in Philadelphia for 50
years, and in recognition of the anniver-
sary his former pupils gave him a recep-
tion the other enening, - .
Governor Stone of Pennsylvania is of
the opinion, and expressee it frankly tied
openly, that every busband should deed
to his wife the homestead, she being
queen of the home and entitled to it.
Giles Wheeler, the veteran architect
of Concord, N. H., has in his possession
ni well preserved ballot of the Democrat-
ic -Republican party used in the election
of 1839, when John Page was elected
governor. .
Colonel Du Paty de Clain I. as com-
pletely recovered his health. He was ar-
rested recently for asaaulting a- dentist
who tried to enter tire railroad carriage
in which he was at a station justuutside
of Paris.
General Grobler of the Orange Free
State is a grain grower, anostrieh farm-
er, a stock raiser and a diamond mine
owner. Though only 86 years old, he
has for some time been an infinential
member of the volksraad, representing
- Philopol is. .
The Duca - Gaetan Caracciola de Oas-
tag,neta of the Itelian embassy is consid-
'ered the greatest matrimonial catch
among the diploniats at Washington. He
is handsome, agreeable, a duke and rich.
He is just 21 years old and is Washing-
ton's proudest dandy.
- Colonel Baden-Powell earned from the
Matabele the nickname af "Impeesi,"
meaning "he that creeps about by night,"
from' his.uncomfortablehabit of scouting
alone emong their strongholds during the
hours of darkness and gaining thereby
much valuable information.
Joseph' Arch, the laborer member of
parliament whom Lady Warwick in a re-
cent book made known in this country, is
to be married. He is 74 years old and
expects to retire from politics when the
present parliament dies and spend the
rest Of his days in hie cottage in Barford.
Net many years ago .3. N. Wriglit of
Detroit was a miner. Theh he rose to the
place of superintendent. 'lladay he is a
millionaire, owns the largest individual
interest in the Calumet and Hecla and
other companies and the largest private
library and best collection Of paintings in
Report is current in England that Pres-
ident Kruger is a aanxmau and that his
real name is Creere His father is said to
have emigrated to South Africa many
years ago. His wife is also of Manx ex-
traction, her maiden name having been
Corlett, and that is also the name of one
of his sons.
Man bears false witness 100 times to
a woman's 17.
Man for forgery and counterfeit coin-
ing was convicted 100 times to a we=
man'S .11.
In France women are summoned be-
fore the tribunals four times less than
In France in 1880 women delinquents
were 14 to 100 men.
In Italy in the same year they were
only 9 per cent.
In Algeria we have 96 male delin-
quents and only 4 women.
In England and Wales between 1834
and 1842 there were 24 women to 100
men, all for the more *serious offenses.
In 1871 Dia Nicholson found in the
prisons In England 8,218 men and 1,211
In Bavaria from 1862 to 1866, In
population consisting solely of peasants,
the *omen who were condemnedwere
in proportion 29 to 100 men.
In the prisons of Turin from 1871 to
1884 the women in respect to men are
represented' by a figure of 13.67 per cent.
Vegetable soups are nourishing and not
so hating as those made from meat
If a dish of cold water is kept in a cake -
box, it will keep the cake fre6h and
moist. The water should be renewed ev-
ery -24 hours.
Dry piecea of bread enn be made very
tempting by dipping in it batter of eggs
and milk nnd 'frying till brown. Serve
hot with catchup or maple sirup.
If it is needed to bake potatoes in a hur-
ry. the process met' lo' cone -id era bly
shortened by puttiee them erst in hoeing
salted "water for ten minutes. They are
then taken out and put into the oven and
will bake in a very short thee.
A tablespoonful of ground ninsfard to.
-a tunthierriti or warm water is the rule
ror 01) (omit ,
A dna) of lemon joit.r in peen. _water
38 111) I rmi h svash. It mit only
removes tartar. bin sweetens tit breath.
- Ent svater taken freely htilf no bony
hefotri boiltiaiti is no exeriltint .0thart10
in the ease or enlist ipat svhile it isas 11
effect . (spin) the stons eh and
leo VP:S.
Damp feet tnay bring e bout difieases of
3)o-,3 tont organs of the
r even stip:fitly
o h11r.31, ihetn eftet• first washing
:zed ilr3'i344 [he crt
‘vill rench 0 lower tem perat re than'
ees if the teurperatisre oq tin, air
IL:1:1 I Lin; 11 crel tele, pr tetieally
ea- temeleetere (1) Hu.. atin((solwro.
P.m.rnii.ess. say the loss cent of
i -i• 'it 1:s(.(1 is 1114411111iDg re-
minder eel) they linye D1111 yet ecilieved
uheees or true mit.tmeering st'lienee.
I hinny years .seieniists known
1.;,• pore of a faint ;roinplin inn to
CI star So Sind fait t is this
ahem 11131 (IW WI'S of smolt tole -
',...have orten tts (f-, it to test the.pow-
e er neee ned nstrumenis.
Penny Weddkrign
The Scotland pent y weddings were ',so
called. although tin guests col trilmtkol
chfllings 011(1 ocensi nally half crowns,
ti)X:11'il the weddin feast. Th penny
wedding of Germany is on '.• a lifferent
beset. The bride lac ives her guests with
O hesin before her, in which • eN erybody
depw..its r. jewel, it ..dver spooh or piece
of emery: ED sonte p rts of GerMany the
expense of a nnirrit ge is met by each
guest paying for what he eats.ancl drinks,
and, moreoger, at .a very high rate, so
that the young coup1e. ebtoin a sum suffi-
cient to start them nicely in life. As
many ak 300 guests Men assemble.
In Vela nd a girl is not eligible. for mar-
riage .until she has not only made. her
own trousseau, but the garments for the
friends that will accompany the bride-
groom to the altar, I
•Ris • -Iralleei7g-e-Ctlati:1;4ve a strll
Two students arra-. sw. They both
one afternoon in Glasge - a4las, but be -
arrived provided with unabre, "-ns one
fore starting on their perambulat., or- 's
hurricdly, returned to his lodgings Ill
der to put some fresh fuel on his fire.
As they walked along they Were rather
surprised to see so many of the passers-
bYlooking at them with amused smiles.
At last some corner boys shohted out:
"What a fancy cane he carries!"
Then, on looking down, onediscovered
to his horror that he was quietly carry-
ing the fire tongs instead of rta umbrella,
having forgotten tce make ate exchange
after replenishing his room .fire. -Pear -
son's Weekly.
Its1(114e. 1
"One of the leaderof fashion in New
York is the owner of a. fain that cost
$100,000. What would you del With such
a fan as that?".
"I should probably: Put on airs." -Chi -
tag° Tribune.
Baware of inquisitive people. An ex-
cessive curiosity to know all ie: generally
accompanied by as great a desire to tell
It again.
Straws show sehlei way the wind Is
blowing, but not howlsoon it may change.
-New York World. 1
,Epps's Cocoa
Distinguished everywhere fix. De-
licticy of Flavour, Superior Quality,
and Highly Nutritive Properties.
Specially grateful and comforting
to the nervous ; and . dyepeptie.
Sold only in quarter -pound tins,
- labelled JAMES EPPS & 100.,
Limited lloinceopathic Chemists,
Londen, England.
Epps's Cocoa
About a yrar ago I had an eruption on my face,
which was of a very itching, burning niture and in-
clined to epread. I ustd.2 bottles of Burdoek Blood
Bitters,ehleh owed sue edinpl,tely and ptirmanently.
Scalded Hand.
Id's. T. Wannasnak'sr, Frankford. Onf.-, states :-
Eight years aso FseaRled my hInd vary badly, and
took cold in it. My hand swelled and we very pain-
ful, but one half a bottle of Hag) ard'& Oil
mini It."
When baby Is t.iething be very careful of bins. On
thell st indications oi" 'diarrhoea or Cholera- Infan-
t= s.ive Dr. Powlei's Extraet of Wild Strawberry.
It has saved ibousandis Of babies' Erts. •
.--e• • to
Couldn't Work,
Mrs J -F. Currier. Victo:la 'Tattoo-, ,Ont., had
Rheumatism in the l:',ees; lett and aloes. Two
boxes of Milburn's nnemeatic Pills cured hie'.
Worms Dangerous.
Don't forget it, sr o'her-wonas tve dargerous,they
suok the life out of your child. The o sly safe and
reliable remedy is D-. 1.4wis Pleasant tVorm Syrup.
Mrs. q. Grime, ITrz Id 'in, rnt., had an attack of
liver trouble and inclieseti n last eprirg She took
Luta-Liver Pills, and found them the best medicine
she ever tried for these complaints. They are small
and do not gripe.
Merton Stock Farm
Thoroughbred Durham Cows,
Heifers and Bulls
of the most fashionable strains for tale at
esaeonable prices. Pea office address,
i 16614
Hardware Store.
We have a full line of first-class Cook
Stoves and Heaters.
In Wood Stoves we have Moffatt/ s Crown
Matchless and Majestic fitted with stee
ovens, the most perfect bakers in the mar
ket. We have also Gurney's Oxford and
For as Coal and Wood Range, six holes,
Gurney'a Imperial Oxford is the -most hand-
some and satisfactory stove in the Market.
Moffatt's Welcome is the best fear hole
Range in the market. Weshave s good line
of Coal Stops' and Wood Heatene. Call
and examine oar stovee before purchasing.
Eavetroughing and Furnace Work a
SIIs & 011urdie
°minter's .01d Stand, Seaforth
yc CoMfort
ithe aid of
Our spectacles and lenses
are guaranteed
perfect in fit and fOcus;
System Renpvator
A specific and antidote for Impure Weitki and ltr-
povorished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleepiessoeu, Palpata•
tion of the Heart, Liver Coteplaints Neuralgia, Lou
et Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption Gall Stones,
Jatindpie ney and 'Urinary Dlaeisea, St. Vitt*
Dane°, Noses Inegnlarietes and General :Debility.
L.ABORATORY—God ale]; Ontario.
J. M. McLEODt. Proprietor 'and Manu
1501.458old by J. 8. Roman, Seafeith.
Give a Youth
Rtt,olution and a -course in
Buiniess and Shorthand at
1655 24
•*- ''s to
and who shall place
his career. Catalogue free.
)fOO la V al
N30100 10 NM
unatnoax3 �o
CflATTLE FOR SAT.—The undersigned have for
sale on their premises. Lot 21, Corcession 4,
II. B. S., Tuokersmith, five head of thoroughbred
'Shorthorn Bulls, aged from 12 to 14 months. A &
BROADFOOT, Seaforth I'. 0. 1671-4f
TISTRAY 11EIFER.-Caine Into the premises of
1r4the undereigned, Lot 6, Concession 14, Hallett
about the 1st of August last, a red yearling heifer.
The owner can have the same on proving property
and paying Charges. JOHN A. WATT, Harlook.
Dealers in first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatly done. We also do picture fram-
mg, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put up. We aic alsc
Agents for the New William's Sewing
Machine, best in the market for do-
mestic use, no travelling agents, no
high prices.
"CT 1NT M In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses in Ontario,
and guarantee satisfaction in every depart -
meat of our work. We have always made
It a point to furnish chairs, and all other re-
quisites for funeral, FREE or CIIAPPE.
Prices better than heretofore.
Arterial and cavity embalming done en
scientific principles.
P. S. Night and Sunday Calls will be
attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi-
dence, direetly in the rear of the Domini. n
Musical - Instrument
Owing to bard times, we iliac con-
cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at
Greatly Reduced Prices,
Organs at $25 and upwarls, and
Pianos at corresponding prices.
See us before purchasing.