HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-12-29, Page 2r- •611.1111611=11111•1111•11111MOMMININSINMEbe A Guaranteed Catarrh Cure. 3fapanese Catarrh Cure --use six boxes— buy them at ope time—apply exactly ac- cording to the directions—and if you are not cured see your druggist; he will arrange to pay you your money back. There's a ()slave guarantee with, every box that apanese Catarrh Cure will cure. No euro, you get your money bates. Guarantee in every package. 50 cents at all druggists. 115 Important to Athletes. Mr. Mack White, the well-known trainer of the Toronto Lacrosse Club and Osgoode Hall Football Club. writes : I consider . Griffiths' Menthol Liniment unequalled for athletes or those training. 1 have used It with the beet success, and can heartily re- commend it for stiffness, soreness, sprains and all forms of swelling and inflamma- tion. All druggiste, 23 cts. 22 ASTH An His Birthright — But Cured by Clarko's Kola Compound—Develops Into a, Hearty, Ltuity Bey, • If the- hardships and sacrifices of life In exploration of the Dark Centinent had but discovered to humanity the Kola plant, the woven specific for Asthma, it would be .worth ail that it has cost. Right in the heart of the African juniles such noted explorers as Livingstone al d Stanley matte many discoveries of medicinal plants, but up to date this one overt. ps them all as healer to this heretofore i serrate° disease. Poatraeted disease is bad inough to battle svith,but the hereclitarr forns always prove most stubbora in res Ws a cure. Mr. ens, Rarklancl,, 52 Princess 4venue, Victoria, 13.C., writes: --"Our boy, nil e years old, has In spite of medical aid it ew worse and been troubled with Asthmaksrinee his birth. worse. Neither myself nor my wife had a night's rest for a year—ha to be continu- ally pouiticing and feedin him medicine to keep him from choking. fA neighbor had been cured by Clare's Koh. Compound and rwe resolved to try it eur elves, with the result that to -day our ehI11 is completely cured. We need about two nettles, and it Is now over a year since any ymptom of the trouble has appeared. He is healthy and strong. We give the credit to this wonder- ful remedy." Sold by all druggists, Price two _dollars; three bottles With cure guar- anteed, Ave dollara The Griffiths Sr,. Mac- pherson Co.,_ sole Canadian importers, 121 'Church Ste Toronto; or Vancouver. B.C. O. ' . Sold by 3. S. Roberts. 111111•1111111111.1111MINNI REAL elti.PATE FOR SALE, "DAM FOR.SA,LE.—For sale, Lot 21, Huron Read, Tuelcerereith, containing 98 acres, 88 sores el .ar- ed and 10 acres of bush. The land is well cultivated end underdreined. On tha plaee is a frame house and frame barn, with gaol stables. There is plenty ot goad water, and an orcherd This is a nio3 de- sirable farm, being only oeut two miles from Sea - forth. It will be saki e ...kr) and on easy terms. For -further perticularse apply to WM..FOWLER, Huron Road or Scialorth P. O. 1646 tf , MIAMI IN HULLETT FOR SALE.—For Fab, Lot _U 4, Concessirm 13, Bullett, containing, 76 acres. all cleared, underdianed, well fenced, ad abaut 40 sores seeded to grass. There are fairy' buildinge. There is a genet orchard, and a nev3r-failiog epring creek runs through the farm and a good well at the house, It is near Schell and post office, and son- venient to the beat markets It is a splendid farm, nol a foot of waste land on it, and is well adapted for stock raising. It will be eold cheap and on easy terms. Apply to the undersigned, Seaforth P. 0. JANE ROBISON. 1069 ti LAGE LOTS FOR SALE.--rFor sale in the Village of Bayfield the following lots: Lot 8, in Range F, In th.e township of Stanley (excepting therefrom 1 acres owned by Mrs. L. Clark). The land to be sold containing seven none ; second-- Northeaet corner of Lot 7, in Range F, in the town- ship of Stanley, containing three acres. These lots are both situated on the Bayfield road, within the corporation of Hayfield. Immediate poeseerdon will be given. Title free from all encumbrances. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. ROBERT WATSON, Brucefield ; HENRY PECK, Bayfield, Execrators. 163541 "DESIDENCE IN SEAFORT11 FOR SALE.—For Jai sale, cheap, the reaidencie facing on Viotoria Square in Seal. rtb, the property of John Ward. There is a comfortable frame house, with good stone cellar, hard and soft water, and all eller necessary conveniences. The house contains 8 rooms, with pantries, etc. There are two lots, well planted with all kinds of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. Also a large stable. This is one of the bast, most oonvenient and most pleasantly eituated residences in Seaforth and will be sold cheap. Apply ta JOHN WARD. 1640-tf LIAM IN THOKER3MITH FOR SALE.—For sale J Lot 24, Conoession 8, H. R. 8., Tuokersmith, containing 100aorea, 90 sores cleared and in a good etate of cultivation, 10 acres of good hardwood bush. There le on the premises a good brick house and kitchen; a large new bank barn, with stone stabling underneath, an open shed ,driving house, and other building., two pod wells and eirchatd. It is five miles from Seaforth and six from Clinton on a good gravel road. School olo3e by. Will be sold cheap. Apply on the premises to ROBERT MoVETY, or Sea- fo4h P. O. 1639x4if TrotisEs AND LOTS FOR SALE. --For sale two L comfortable items hotline in Seaforth. One is situated- on the corner of Market and James streets and the Wherein Jarvis street, both only two blocks from Main street. The houses are both comfortable story and a halt frame ones and there is one lot to each, planted with fruit tree', also two lots 05 Louisa street. The property is most desirably lo- cated and vrill be sold cheap. The undersigned also has for sale a good frame storeorrith dwelling over 11, In the village 01 8*, Joseph. For further particulars apply to LEVI swill, fit. Joseph, or to LOFTUS STARK, Seaforth. 1668 id FOR SALE.—Two extra fine farms for sale. _10 As I have decided to give up farn31ng I will sell my two farms adjoining the town of &Worth. They have both been in pasture for about 20 years and are In a high state of cultivation, clean and well fencea and drained. About 20 sores of fall wheat, 2) acres of stubble land and the balance all in gram, a fins large bank ham and a good frame hones. For crop- ping or grass they are two of the best farms In the Country. A never failing spring creek running through each. POiffeVon given May tutor in time t3 do spring Truk. C. WILSON, &Worth. 166341 ARM IN TUCKERSMITII FOR SALE.—For sale J. Lot 11, Conceseion 8, Tuckeninith, ()containing OCraciree, all cleared but about 8 BMX of good bush. ItIs urderdrained, well fenced, end in a high state of cultivation. There is a good stone house, go3d barns, stables and oot-houses. It adjoins a good febool ; 1e within five miles of Seaforth, and three wiles, from Riopen, There is plenty of good water. Will be told wish or without the crop. It is one of the best farms in the township; and will be Goldon easy term". as the proprietor wants to retire. Also 60 acres within a mile and a quarter, a good graeing lot, well fenoed, but no buildings, Will be sold to. gethet or separately. Apply on the premises, or ad- dress Egmondville P. 0. JAMES IdeTAVISEf. 1639 tf OPLENDID FARM IN HAY FOR SALE, OR TO 0 RENL—For eat°, West half of Let 25, Conces- sion 14 eou`h three-quartere of Lot 24, on the 16th Concession, and the no th half of Lot 63, on the 16th cones ton in the township of Hay, containing in all 176 acres, a'l of which is cleared but ten acres. Thesel several parcels com.prise one. farm and are located close to eich other. All web fenced and well underdraincd; and in a vood state of cultivation. The land is of the best quality and every foot can be cultiveted. There is a good frame house and large bank barn, also driving home, ehecis and other build- ings. There is a good orchard, and plenty of good water. It adjoins Kalbfleisch's mills, and Is within three and three quitter miles from Zurich'. If not sold shortly will be rented to a good tenant. Apply en the prethisee, or address Zurich, P. O. J. U. HA.LBFLEISCH. 165941 MIAMI FOrt SALE.—L0t 33, Concession 4, East Wawannah, containing 123 acres There is on the place a good brick dwelling h3use 20x28, with wing 38x28, l starey hgh ; stone cellar full /dee ; frame summer kitchee and woodshed 16z4; hard and soft water; frame barn 56x68, with stone stables underneath ; frame pig pen lam: two good or. chards.; 95 acres cleared, balance es good h dwood Inth; well feeced with cedar rails, and well watered bythree gond storing welhr; eihool and church con- venient; five milee from Blyth, 12 miles from Wing. ham, 17 miles from Goderich ; must be tuld to close the estate. Apply to JOHN- WALLACE, Executor for the Joseph Jaekaon este, te o., La c leamilton, Myth. 165311 FAR R IN ST aNLEY FOR, SALE —For sa13, Lot 9 and the west half of Lot 8, on the 12th CORCC9- 111011, or Browneon Lie, of Stanley. Thies farm con - Wm! 160 acres, all of which is (seared, except four sores. It. ia in a state (If fitst-elans cultirat4on. web fenced and all underd rained, mostly with tile. There is a large frame dwe ling hOuse as good sir new, with gool,stone fauridatiot and cellar, large bank barn asItA stone Ft.ibling undernlath, and ntneerous other battings, including a large pig house Two geed orchards of choice fruit. also nice shade and (free- sheetal tree. Thera are two epring oreeka running through the farm, and plenty of good water all th3 yearaound without pumping. It is well situated for markets, churehee, sehcoli, post offi 3e, ex., aid good gravel roadi leading from it in 401 direction. It fs raillste view of Lake Huron, and the baste clan be aemrpessing up and down from th honse. This is on0 id the beet equipped farm 4cr the countyand will be sold on eav term; A. tire proprietor waate to retire on account of ill health. Apply on the premt lens, or mistress Blake P. 0. J oHN DU. 161941 DAYS OF ESTIY111 Sunshine and S adOw on the Cradle of the Saviour. THESTORY OFTH INCARNATION Dr. Talmage Takes His Text Prom What Many Consider the sanest and Most Unimportant Chapt r in the New Tes- tament, But Be Finds It Full of Prne- Veal, S tartlin e *and I tern al / it teres tr. Washington, Dec. .--The story of the incarnation is here told by Dr. Talmage in a new *ay, and practical use is made of these (lays of festivi- ty: text, Matthew 1, 1', "So all the generations from Abral)am to David are 1.1 generations, and from- David until' the carrying away into Baby- lon 55re 11 genera times. and from the carrying away into. Babylon unto Christ. are 14 genevat ons." lerem what many et riskier the dull- est and most unimportant chapter of t he NCAV rreStalllent. 1. -take • my anet and find it full of p actical, 1111(1 eternal intere 't, This .chap - tor is the front doer qf the Nev Tes- tamertt, through whic all the splen - id olici Ly 14 -generations ext—that is,. ing down to 1 relation to 2 genera t ions v a ere good, goocinees„ If the, results of 51111'AN-Cre good 1 is an inter - at puts its And as we st 42 genera - u rj influence s to come, if _ ,000 years. So ore important dors of evangelism a eater. Three times are spoken of in my 4 2 genera 11ons, reac finest- They all ha Hoe .And al least - peet affect us. If 11 we feel the reenit of .they were bad, We fee their wickedness. If . and soMe were bad, mingling influence 11 miehty hand -upon its fasI the effect of at let Hong past we will in at least 42 generatim the world shall last 1 s op see the cradle is than the grave, r opose to show s shadows upon the Chi Bethlehem and then th poured in upon the pi Noliee among the sha infant's bed that- ON there a specimen of d try. ileauliful Ruth Oh,yes! Devout As forefathers? Oh, yes! e-,eth his father? Oh, les mot her? Oh, yes!. But in tha tnnealogical table we re idolatrou and cruel Aunnop anch oppressive R hoboam and some men whose abom naliOns . may not be parficularized you see bad men n ay have goo descendants. One of he most con eecrated men I ever 1 new was th son of a man who liv .d and died blasphemer. In .the 11 le of an o pressive .Rehoboam con es a. gracion and merciful and 0( rious Christ (h -eat encouragement 1 r those wh ,had in the 42 generat ons that pr ceded them, • however close by o however far back, some Instances o pernicious and . baleful and corrup ancestry. To nee- amazement 1 found in thos parts of Australia to which man years ago felons were transporte from England that the percentage 0 crime was less' than in those parts o Australia originally settled by hon est men and. good women. Some wh are now on judicial benches In Aus tralia and in high govermnental posi ion and in learned and useful pro .ssions and leaders in so,cial life ar he grandsons and granddaughters o len and -women who were exile oat Great Britain to Australia fo rson and theft and assault. and .aud and murder. : Since we aro all more or Jess al cted by our ancestry we ought to e patient with those who go wrong emembering that they may bo the ictims of unhappy antecedents. How nient it ought to, make us in our 'figments . of the fallen! Perhaps hey had 42 generations back of them ushing them the wrong way. Five undred years before they were born ere may have been a parentage of iquity augmented by a- corrupt par - stage 200 years ago. Do not blame man because he cannot swim up d rapids of Niagara. Do not blame ship captain because he cannot. out - de a Caribbean whirlwind. The fa - ser of this man who des wrong ay have been all right and his rim- er all right, but away back in the nturies there may have ntarted a d propensity which he now feels. O of the Ten Commm andeats •given Mount Sinai recognizes the fact at ,evil may elsip a generation, m hen the comandment speaks of sitinga"the iniquity- of the fathers op the children unto the third and u.rth generation," but ,says nothing out the second generation; and if il Islay skip- one generation ewhy two and three and four and five n erat ions; ma.k lig a thigh ty leap .alighting- very hardupon the ad and -the heart of some poor vic-" n? Iletter be a littlr merciful toe ids the culprit lest after awhile me hereditary evil born in the year 00 or 3700, having skipped the ieuries, 'alight just as heavy upon 0. knother shadow on the Christie idle Was that. it stood under et. -cle- aved 'king. Herod was at that le ruler and the complete helpers iation of all, depravitieS. It , was unfavorable time for innocence to wet geed treatment.' listorians sey- that it was at a le of Peace. that Christ was born, t his birth aroused an; antagonism hich the Bethlehem massacre was y a feeble expression. War of the ;ht lest nation Of the earth opened inst. that 'cradle! The influence t came forth that night from that rounding of _camels and sheep and n challenged the iniquities of ,all canturies and Will not cease un- it has destroyed ther.u.• What a nunciamento went forth from. that ck -and barbarian throne, practi- y saying, "Slay all the babes un - 2 years of age, and that wide eghtee will surely include tAre th ef the one child that mat atees my d on lin ion!" Awful time it for the occupant of that dle! If he escape the, knife of the skin, then the wild '.boast's paw, the bandit's clutch. eor the mid- nr sone: of the istic cradle Of t sunshine that low of straw. °WS 011 that was here and ssolu te anccs- 18 one of his Honest 3o - es! Holy Mary ee- cl a e- 1 t. 1. 11 fr a ft fe le jt 1. th in et th ri tl 111 th ce ba On on. th vi up fo ab no ge an he Wa SO 3 6 yo pr tin sot an ex' tin hu Of onl 1114 age tha stir )Xe the til )1*0 bl a Cali (4'1' Slal den titre was cra assa or night chill between Bethlehem ef Judaea and Cairo, will secure his de- struction. All the powers of earl& and all the demons of hell bombard- ed that cradle. Another shadow upon that Christie cradle was the obscurity of the place of birth. Bethlehem eves an obSeure- villagn. David, the shepherd boy, ba.d lopann born there, but after he be- came :p:eneral and kies his gave Lb no signieheru ter: . ie but to ask for a out. of the old well t to go in childhood 811111 11 and uninonn UtL to be separated ill: other 13e1hlehem t hen THE HURON ell e, es water 5 le li ich he used 1 he v i 1 lege eo it 1.11111 iL had eind from 015 - existing and so was called Dethleheni“ of judaea. There WaS a area 1 c Apital of Jeru- salem; there were 1 le 15 beautiful cities on the beach of Galilee, any of 1 hem a. good place to be born in; *there were great tosoris famous at that time, but the n eivity we to' day celebrate was in a village which Christ intimated had been called by some "the least amodg the. princes of Jude." Christ hinise 1 was to make 1 the town famous for :1 1 time and all . eternity. So heroes i I later days by ' their deeds have give I celebrity to neighborhoods that i 'would never i otherwise have been heard of beyond the radius of a few hundred miles. t What a place for Chr st, to arrive at 1 send to st art from 1 rhe hero of *the etern 11 ies 1 0 Intel and women portunity, why do yo 1 place ,of your eativits your philanthropies— Messianic op - not make the ,ntemorable for y the churches YOU build, the free lib series you open, the college you endow? (lo hach lo the village \there you :were horn, as George Peabody wen haeft to ...Dan- vers, Mass., and SVit 1 your wealth bless the I-wig-111mill( od w h ere 111 childhood yen played and weir by where your father 1511 1 mother sleli the last sleep. Bs- so pe such charity invite the Bethlehem le gels to come back again, and Over he plain bolls(' Of your nativity ring out the old anthem of ''Clo-od - will to men,' Christ, born in an obscure place, made 11 so widely km wu by his self - sacrifices and clivine c melte' that all around the earth the -illage of Beth- lehem has ite muni. e -oven in gar- lands and clmuted b. "Te Ileums" and built in houses of prayer. It. was while the p !anent and his wife x‘ ere on a visitor purposes of enrollment that. Jesus wets horn. The I 3i hle translators g1 the. wrong WOrC1 W11011 Clio, said that .Tose1515 and Mary had gone ta Bethlehem to be " t exec!. " .1 'e ople w 001. no far Lher then to get taxed than they do now. l'he effort of most pro always has be -en to escape tax time Besides that, these two lannble folk had nothing to tax. The that projected his ha was not worth taxin man 's turban 1 from the sun ; the woman's sandals which kept he: feet from be- ing cut by the lime. tone rock, of which Bethlehem is. in 81.13' Made up were net worth taX 0g. No; lb fact is. that a proclaim. tion had beer made by the emperor that all th people between. Great Britain an Parthia, and of those lands include should go to some ei pointed plae and give their names ii , be register° and announce. their 1 alty to th Roman ethperor. During thnt patri Mit and loyal -visit th first cry of the Divine Boy was he rd. They had Walked 80 miles over a rough road to give 1 their names and take the oath • 1 allegiance. Would we walk. SO s to announce our allegiance to Om Kin, one Jesus? Caesar August s wanted to know by the record n which that man and that .woulan wrote their names, or had them oltten, just how many people in is •empii-e he could depend cm in case of exigency. 1111 all our churchee there are so many half, and half dis iples, so mane one-th ird -'espousers. They ra 1 her think the Bible is tru , at ..any rate parts of it, and they h pe that some- how -Chr is tiani ty will • 1 isent hra 11 the nations. They stay -away froth -church ou communion t ays and hope when they have lived as long as they can in this world they can somehow secak into heaven. 0 , give' lin your names! Be registered. n the church record down here _and n the Lamb's Book of Life up there. Let all- the world know where you stand, if you ha.ve to go as far - as Joseph and Mary walked, if you h ve to go. 80 miles before you find, just the right form of wcirship and just the right creed, start in this modern Decem- ber, as those r Wagers tarted in an ancient Deceniber, and • mid the con- gratulations of elitirch militant and church triumphant g ve In your names. it wae while Joseph and Mary were on a *visit, f duty and obeying. a reasonable . ommand of Emperor Augustus t, at the star pair:led to the place of nativity. -Another gleam 'of su shine striking through the shadows ja.bove that Christie cradle was the fact of- a special divine protection. Herod was determined upon thec ild's destruc- tion. The monster put all his Wits together in stratagem or the stop-. ping of that young life just- Started.- ' Ile dramatized piety. He suddenly got religious. He wo ld leave his palace and take chari t isni hew steeds whipped up .o t at he could. kneel atthat cradle. Ve IlaVQ te -smile at what the impbrial said when he ordered, "o and search diligently for the yound child, aeid when ye have found h1ir bring me word, that I may go land Worship him also." All the d tectives he sent out failed in the s rch. You catmot reasonably acconnt for that unhurt cradle .except on the theory of a special divine protction.. • And most cradles are likewi, e defended Can you understand wh children, with all the e assail them and all thei dangerous heights and a ous experimentwith their risnAing against h and daring of trolleys a dri CCM, yet somehow especially boys -b1 high that are going 'to amou I ancount for their e all rig -ht, with only f and bruises, by the ac are divinely proteCtetl charges of "Don't do "Don't do that" rt d there" seem to ausousit They are the •same reckl about whom you aro anxious- and wOndering matter flow. Divinely protected! , The most of your chil ren would have been dead long ago 1 ut forthat Another gleam of scatteripg ;some 01 • the gloom of that C,,h5iet,ld piIiow in Bethlehem was the fat that it was the ctarting Wade Of • the most wonderful of all tareers. Look - Mg at Christ's life from mere writ -Id- ly standpoints, it wee amazingly be- yond all Capacity ofipee or tougue or canvas to express. ltiiithout tak- ing a year's curriculum in any -college or even a day- at any cho1, yet say- ing things thet the snigl tiest; intel- 1ect of subsequent days iave. quoted and triad te : expound. rent 1 1 tern ary- ,.Work's have for the most part been the eesult of much 4sIaboration Edfnetud Iterate rewrote the conclUe cei his speech age nst Warren MeeStinge 18 times.. Loi:4 Wong/sane risWriate Isweek bh1Jt of Qbeen 11 so many idemics that climbing. to 1 their -peril- plosives and rses' hoofs id carts fast et through, , spirit and it fo much? ing through NV Wounds that they All your this" and "Don't go to nothing ss creatures constantly hat is, Slid- EXP081TOR garonne eer II11104, 11115 - the mount see ned e 11 Christ ,. was eloquent . r• io «. having etuditel yne of gilt. ley oratety. Ile was the rya alo on tor that ever lived, It Aeres ere 1. elognence Dentoet:herde or oi or like' that of .1n In litee Este ' .; .1 lon or like thatawhicli,iinlilete himself ,11 ereat °eat or, a as over 0: with in log cabin meeting hoe: es ( Virginia. vs, hen the blind oetelele. cried out in his sermon, "Suerate died like a. plailosopher, bet Jt sr. Christ, died like a (loin"- • Christ's oratory wns unlike_ runk t„hing flint Ns en before 00 caine a tee. Even the eriticisra of the worl Things Worth Knowing. bedroom crewded with fuinitare is tin' 1' he [thy. '',41itigi that have become molted by a pe roliamslemp may be washee deem with w ak soda wa.er. ' 1 'he skin in our heels becomes so hardened an modified that in time ite composition be - 00 08 the same ea that of nails, horns and 0 hof ,f • A resident of New Zealand haspi r ' liquid for branding cattle which ca ; plied with a brush. Good feeding must attend rapid growth .Make the soil in the orchard rich. nimals. n trees and plants as well as in In pruning encourage the growth wood. Many trees and vines fail he new weed is cut off, leaving tb . A scientist has calculated that t ids of the average men open and ewer than 4,000,000 times in the c single year of his existence. A diet of meat ane hot water is emark- bly effective in beautifying the complexion. t is, however, a "cure" that sh tad be aken under the supervisi n of a medical man. When making meet pies always bat the meat into thiek pieces nd pile lightly ound the dish, leaving hollow centre. ato `the hollow pour the stock or water hat is to forrn the gravy. In hot weather the whol body should be ashed at least once daily Cold baths for hose who can take them a e very refresh - ng, and tepid baths are v ry cooling aua leasant in hot days. You should never tear a ong at winter's peed on a hot day Heat as the effect of elaxing your physical p wer, and, cense- uently, your system ea net stand the ame strain that ems 'be pu op it with im- unity in cold weather. People over 60 would do w411 to give up ilk and eggs as a diet, is he lacestdicbum f the medical man. Thetse a e the ntruc• - ure forming foods of anim s jivhich mature a a short time, and when t k n in quanti- ies by human beings whose at uotures have already formed they tend only to the hard- ening and aging of the ti5sues.1 Many babies suffer from thifrst, especially when teething. ' We have iheard young mothers say :—" I cannot understand what ails the child • he has fussed a d fretted -all day," And Co them we reply —Try giving him a little cold water at fr quent inter- vals. The effect is magical. t this time their gums are sore and swol en, and the cold water or ice ,allays the nfiammati▪ on, and baby stops fretting. - The way -to keep small ankleis to wear well fitted shoes. The cause of ankles en- larging is usually the wearing of slippers strapped tightly over the instep. Thestrap presses down the arched flesh, which, natur- ally seeking an eaeape, crowds against the ankles. The ankle has no support, and the entire weight of the body rests °nit. What wonder then, that the poor dainty little ankl 3e nal s large and protruding? . • The Ills of Women. sn id, —Never 1111511 spahe like thi man." Dra ina tic? ‘S by he took up 1 cliilcl OUL Of 1110 nedienee and eet 11111 on a table a»ti by the yin harrassec look of the Child teught hitinilily. II -eerrt the prosecutors of a poor, sin ful woman, blushinge and, confounded out of. thc room :be-' one sentence o sarcasm. Not ine hie power of em phases and nutmeat tion when he re vealed himself after his reeurrectioi by the peculiar way he pronounce( he one a 5)0 (1 ." 1110 poWe of look Shown by the way Peter, th great apostle, wilted under it. Th book suys, "The Lord ;mined anc looked upon Peter." 11 was an ont nipotent facial expression. . His Power of hyperbole: A -came ) trying to croWd its hump througl t he eye of a sewing st omen's heedl antl al1. that learned talk about. t gate called the "needle's eye,!' only belittling the hyperbole. Power o sarcaem: The hypocri te styled by hie "the whole who need not a physi clan.'' His power of perora tions Tin ernalling of the timbers of the poorly built house on the beach of the Ai edit MT )10W(.1- to take ad 'Milt:Age of circumstances: When al auditor' asked him whether they oneht to pas, taxes to Caesar, Chris practicelly said, "If any gentlemee in this audience has in his pocket. a - penny, I wish he would, just • . .t up to 1110." And someone handed F him aperiny, and then came the overwhelming answer of Christ, "Render to Ctiesar• the things that rine Caesar's and to Cod the things that. are God's." So 1 have shown you the shadows and the sunshine. of that Christie cradle of Bethlehem. In these Christ- mas times I realize that there are many cradles under shadows. -Oh, the _story of empty cradles' all. up and down the earth, in cabins and 1)1 palnees 1 There are standing in garrets or in storerooms cradles -that wilI iseVer rock- again. "Rachel mouring for her children and will not be 'comforted because they are not." But through all the shadows -break gleams- of sunshine, as the clouds of the Christie cradle Were cleft by gilorious light. Escaped from the struggles -through which we have all p ssed and must yet pass, those lit- tle, -ones. took heavee at one bound, liistend of an earthly career It -is a heavenly career, with capacities, with- velocities, , with opportunities beyond our comprehension. Instead of .celebrating on earth the Saviour's birth they stand in the Saviour's peesance. . Instead of the holiday celebrations o'f the old homestead it is to them eternal jubilee at a table where, the angels of God are the cupbearers and amid the festivities that resound with a laughter and a music and blaze with a, brilliance and a glory 'that eye hath not seen nor ear heard." No use in wishing them a merry Christmas, for ° the merriments of heaven ring out upon them from temples that are always open, antid pleasures that never die. Oh, it is not a dull heaven, but a lively heaven, for there are so many children -there! They throng the streets; they look out of the "House of Many Mansions;" theystand on the beach to see the fleets cast an- chor within the 'vale; they crowd the gates with greetings when the Id folks come in; they .clap their ha ds in an eternal gladness; they dance M- an eternal glee. See you not the s n - shine that pours into the shadow of that cradle until t ey are all gon ? But the shadow, have their uses. There mUst be a b ckground to eVery good p'cture. Ttnner always put at least one fleck of loud on. his can- vas, an 1 the cloud of earth Will be the ba kground to bring out More mightilo the brigh noes of heaven. And wi 1 It not be glorious if after all this scene .01 arthly vicissitude WO Ince again in ur Father's house and tal over tha past, in an ever- lasting ioliday. 13 it meanwhile look out for the cradles. How much they decide or this wo '1,d and the next! When Christ was b rn at Bethlehem, that decided the re lemption of the world. 'Oh, look o it for, the Cradles!, May a Bethlehem tar of hone point down to ,each one , 51 them and every hovering cloifd be -tiled with- chant- ing angels of mercg. 13 f - f a I f I r r I e 1 w t 1 P f 8 P o tented a be ap- Just Lik Boys. You may see young garefish plae- lug a •ganie of leap -frog, just as youe have seen the big hoys, at it. A floating hawk's -bill turtle. just now is the ueder boy, and again and again the gar -fish leap ON'Vr 11101. Sometimes in the ga1ne the gar -fish lands squarely on the sleeper'e back, when the indignant turtle takes a, long breath and dashes away, scat- tering the varioue little fishes that have assembled to see the fun. If, you have ever had an aquarium he sure and have some gar -fish in it .and: the turtle, and you can see the *pert foe yeurselvee. . • - FOR THE CONTINGENT. Montreal Recruit to Swell the Ranks -of Cures by bodd's Kidney Pills: MONTREAL, December 251h—Rohert S. Thomson, employed at Auld's Cork Factory, 642 Laugehietiere Street, is the latest re- cruit to the army who have endorsed Dodd's Kidney Pills in thia city. Gradually but eurely all prejudiced persons are b.ting won oyer to the side of the conqueror of Bright's Disease and Diabe!es, the two former tyrants of the human race. •Mr. Thomson says : "1 used several remedies and consulted some of Montreel's best doctors, but they could not give me any relief. I read of Dodd's Kidney Nis bought a box and tried them. Before this could not sleep, having to get up so often, but now I am all right in this and every other respect. • • —News reached Ssratford laat week of the death on the previous Friday in.London of Mr. Clarke Moderwell, son of Mra. Rob- ert Moderweil, at the age of 42 years. The remains were brought to Stratford end in- terred in Avondale cemetery. kir. Moder- well was the youngest son of the late Sheriff Moderwell, and nephew of the present sheriff. • POOR CO of new ecause old. so eyc- hut no arse of Are usually tho result of an exhausted nervous eyetem, whi h can be fully restored by the use of Dr. A . W Chase's Nerve Food. Womei made rervons and irritable by the wasting disea-es whieh drain their system find new life, new vigor, row energy, in Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, the world's greatest blood and nerve builder. • Vanity, Vanity ; all is Vanity. DEAR EXPOSITOR,—It was with a sense of considerable satisfaction that I perused the criticism of our old friend, John C. Morrison, on municipal taxation, in a recent issue and I could say "Hear hear," to needy every sentence it centained. But there is a matter from which many readers of THE Exeosrron have suffered, as well as myself; and which friend Morrison has evi- dently overlooked ' • that is some of the cor- respondence whichappears from week to week from correspondents; all honor to them to whom we are indebted for the bright, newsy items THE EXPOSITOR every week contains. But now as the holidays come, and with them the numerous 'wed- dings, the papers are certain to contain elaborate descriptions of the festivities of the occasion. The appearance of the bride, "beautifully arrayed in the handsome par- lor," while the walls are made of loge, per- ' baps; or, if in the summer season? on "loVely lawn," which on the remaining six days of the week may be the cow pasture; the table loaded with tempting viands; the presents numerous, beautiful, costly and useful, and all this, for what? Nor. are our ministers of the Gospel, who should teach us lemma of humility, free from the contaminating i fluence. Once again in looking over the missionary report of the Methodist chum , we find such as this "John Smith, wi e and baby, 85.00." All credit to the bun reds of subscribers to the miaeionary fund, ut when John Smith' has to use that repor to let people know that he and his wife h ve got a baby, it is time to let the curtain drop. We are always pleased to beano the advent of another in- nocent, or the mnion of two exemplary young people, wi "two minds with but a single thought; wo hearts that beat as one," but suffice. I know I shall se dubbed- a -Crusty old bachelor, or a p3sroon suffering from dis- eased digestive o gans, but after all, I am certain my .entiniente but echo those of many others. Yours en e., SEXTES. ED. NOTE.—WO don't want to tell tales out ef school, but we have no doubt if the identity of "Sentra" were known it, woula be found that he is "a crusty old bachelor" who has been jilted by some fair inamorata:, 'and is jealous of t e "boys" who can get h "bonnie" girl for wife and have sweet babies to give a d light to the hearto and it charm to the life, uch as the crusty bachi- elor knows nothin of, and of which, in his solitude, he can o ly dream of. Babies Tortured By earn'ng, itching weenie, find com'ort and per- menent cure in Dr. Chases Ointrru3nr, a preparation which has a record of °urea unparialieled in the bin: tory of medicine. Eczema, salt rheum, tetter, mkt head, old people's rash, and all it3hing skin diseases, are absolutely cured by Dr. Chase s Ointment. • A Fniend of the Rich The oharacar of Cornelius Vanderbilt's private generosity is well illustrated by a single innident deecribed in the Philadel- phia Pres. The late Samuel Barton had been a life long friend of his. They had been pleymates arid schoolmates, and at school Berton, who was somewhat the elder, had been made the custodian of his friend's pocket -money. When both the boys grew to manhood Mr. Batton became a successful broker, but in later years fortune was un- kind. He lost his Money, and hia health gradually gave way. Mr. Vanderbilt heard that Mr. Barton was in some distress of mind, as well as of body, and called unron him. The meeting was like that of men who have been play. i mates. They spoke of their sports and of their experiences rit the boarding-sehool, and at last Mr. Vanderbilt very delicately enquired if •there was anything that was causing Mr. Barton anxiety, and the old playmate replied that he was fearful that his estate would not leave kis family com- fortably provided for. Thereupon Mr. Vanderbilt eaid, s cak- ing the familiar name of childhood days : " Sem, don't let that worry you." That was all he said, but the next dey he depoeited in Mr. Barton's name a tarp sum of money. When My. Barton heard that it seemed to give him peace, and be called his femily to him, said that he was conterit to die, bade them good-bye, and then, saying, "1 am very tired," turned his face to the wall, and in * moment was gone. DECEMBER 29 lanai 1111111111110111111111101111111aiiiiii 111111111Malaill Nina. (900 DROOS linffil-111111(ft, itultue,VITo IIIII11111111111;011111111111114011101. Age tablePreparationforAs- Mutilating theFood andliegula- theS Commits atidDowels of N99 SEE THAT THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE • PrornotesDigestion,Cheerful- tessAndllestcontaini neither ppaturt,MorpItine nor )iinerat zioTagAit c o 1 .• • .Rett;a of 07-cKTIrgilVOIZETICHER MorAin Seed - 41x:Satnat # Adak Safes - ..efaise Seed 4 rid n t - (aroma/a:04p Afrip Sced - ;:d Sugar . ifideryrcen, Rarer. Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea. Wornts,Convulsions,Feverish- ness andLOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Siirjle Signature of 044-/e4r. NEW YORK. IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OW EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 0.7TAXIM- 2 --e-eseerneere. Ontaria is put up in one -size 'bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don't allow anyone to sell you anything else on theplea or protaisinthaante_irt. /Or is "just as good" and kwill answer every per pose." Bee that yen get 0 -A - T-041,-1-1. Th - signature emile cf Condition Powder The Best and Cheapest medicine ever given to a horse. BEST I CHEAPEST Because of the results it pro uces. Mr. Alexander Ross, of Brucefieldr made over $50 out of a 50c package of Fear's Condition Powder. Every farmer who uses it once never buys any other. Because a teaspOonfol of it is all you feed at once -911 other powders require a tablespoonful. You get three pounds for 50e, or seven pounds for $1.00. This is the time to use it. Mr. Wm. -Fortune had a horse that he could not feed into conlitiaa, cause its legs always broke out. He triqd Fear's Condition Powders lait and before Christmas sold his horse for $150. BEFORE USING. AFTER USING. Fear's *Ding Store, Seaforth. THE EXPOSITOR End = of --.the=Centory COMBINATION Expositor, Westminster, tile of Christ for the Young, Ideal .Cook Book The large announcementS.,that have been appear- ing in these columns for some weeks past have given readers an idea of the generous offer we are making subscribers for the season 1899-1900. We briefly sntrimarize: —The Weekly Expositor, than wbich you will grant there its no better and brighter home newspaper in your district, y'parly wsul)essctrinn:pti idsn . • . • ter, weekly, of Toronto, that has deservedly earned the name of Canada's ideal family paper • — 1—Life of Christ for the Young, by Geo. L. Weed, particUlars of which are given below, _Adeal' Cook Book, a work of more than 300 pages, thoroughly practical, sUbstantially bound in,oilcloth 00 2 00 I 00 1 CO Wpuld cost you, •taken individually $5 00 --Our combination—price of thetwo books and the two papers .• $2 60 ,4 Life of Christ for the Young," by Geo. L. Weed, ie a particularly attractive Wok, 400 pages, with 75 full-page half -tone illustrations. It has received the counnendation of representa- tives of the leading Christian churches, irrespec- tive of denomination. The -author, both by training and sentiment, is thoroughly qualified to write sach a hook, and has personally visited the Holy Land, enabling him to speak front experience of the scenes described. It is bound in handsome cloth evith 'embossed front cover. The publisher's price is Van We specially recommend this book to our read-ers. Iialance of 1899 of Expositor and Westminster Free to all New Subscribers Wide-awake men will avail themselves of this proposi- tion without a day's delay. Papers start at once and books are mailed immediately, post-paid, to the subscriber. EXPOSITOR, SE/WORTH, ONT. DE jourved J.MeR: Land Survey OBN Bra Conde teayencea lovested Ivens' store ARM TO Ribbei and ge ioid woule eieter. Sarrieter, S. fro LET fri inmate% , or alltwid f .ealra sit :at - P.O. or toC 0 TEA M sale Phi 111 THE EXI 32 home pci, sre10 god me Aleut a+ tit g in a gas ecorth. -k-rencE _IN Avow. aannthip Fa will be beld et nuary 0- b, neceivieg 11) poita-electio She good and are re -quotes %dent. liENR! TISTRkY S =den' August last, the tune en THOMAS GE lfilSTRAY C J]a the Kitlop, stout a, year old, 2 ing propefty Sesforth, P. 4 QTRATED ceesion 4 the middle ta same by pre JAMES SPAO P. 0. OLSIEIN old. will 13, to J. M OR SALE, - =able the Province a olors. Pri*. want. DAVII IDERKER/le eV bred trot 3 -pe, of tither cALLISTER thoroug old, one teen Lot 22, -Cancel ::e1;14t 0° eerl11 reg abo11e iLIDMORE. B,RA1 -E1ARII FOR J2 Mullett, nbcut 1CO acre cultivation. " and plenty of hum and will 1 egtyply to MRS A GOOD CI ,±V rent in E nession el Ti • Ea -mends -111e bi tory, on the rI of land and as heuse is a good cistern. 1 he o will tithe 50teC COPP, Seaforti PLBij1D- ZD eplendid t North Road, I contaires170 es state of .eultis -vise, good lee eondltioo end e einy tenns, at not sold before ROBERT GOV "ElARM IN I J. sale, Lot Township. Th cleared, the rei ecrdreined and with a No. 1 t shed; thecp h and root cellar wells and deter sowed en a ri retried down r crop, This ie markets, Thum will he fold ree addreee ROSSI PLEI.MID F did ferm ft the 13th conceit the Village of I whieb are el In a grod state inadesdrained,e reisieg mid fee land en the f homes, a large math, aJarge tuildiegs In lriti chirds and foul joins the Wag c flee, blacken) Ltadbury h it Is now u is One -of the las Ike in the Con and on ta,-3- net/ nOt told in a to if a suitable ten applyon the pr V' prick); Leat IDOAR FOR Di keep for Stanley, a then 'St, yaysbie at t of returning 11 -1 '110110 BRE. on Lot 26, a thoroughbred bra Yeasernin be admitted to te service, er White rigs foe! MW-ORTH VICE. -21 itt the Bra:1mM Tituworth Boal 111; payable at turning if nen feted young 24 WQU MotlAir, *TIAMWORTII. I -signed bai limited nottibe1 *Are good pig ,Ck018 their her] Termill, with JOHN McMILT Merto LOT 27, Throui of the most f reasonable ] DAVID Mk L9.67: 'Mg 11u,St Ssigt1071 X•.,/ -1:4n1••53 117•• • cr -1ettia.11t begin any tit• ;Jett w.