HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-12-22, Page 3DE EMBER 221 1899. „ HTTRON 1899 mieummei ia is a Drops Opium, leasairt. ions of everish- :lastoria m and .trtriat es giing ildren's .ed. to children .er to any pr iokin X y OF - mono ER. 11181=11111 der ver tt is an you vders require for 50e, or yrdition, be rEe last fail NG. Grill11. _ . ear- ve are We I 00 00 1) 1 $4 oa 100 y Geo. L. - book, 400 ustrations. (-presente- e, irrespec- both by y qualified fly visited peak from ti bound )tit cover. e specially oposi- 4 books r`. e j J.MoR idSurver lar RTANT NOTICES. NA, Doneirrion and Provinohel Land , Member Of theAbsociation of Ontario Dublin, Ontario. 1 .59 T OGS W.AN Ita their sa lop. Highest Leadbury. ED. -All kinds of good saw logs at mill on Lot 12, Coneeteion 18, Mail. rice in eash paid. biUNN BROS., 16Q84. 0T01100NursiABEA,.. veyancer n invaded' and Ivens' atoet, CLARE TO U Ilibbert. 1809, and get lord would p of water. Po Barrister, Sea rro Le.T 1 miles frc bar ns, etc. A or encored fo" faired next ep P.O. or to OH 1E, Clerk '4 the Second Division unty Commissioner, of Huron, Con. ,Lean and Insurance Agent. Funds to Loan. Offioe--Over Sharp Lk n street, Eleaforida. 1289 ENT. -To rent, Lot 204 Concession 6, Tenant can plough after 1st October, nil pcseeasion let April, 1900. Land. for to rent for greet! g only. Plenty particulars apply to P. HOLMESTED, orth. 16684f - EASONABLY.-Eligible farm, three Biyth, 2 0 acres, two houses, two y n eded improvements will be made Stabling to be built and barns re- ing. Apply to T. F. COLLE, Blyth S. HAMILTON, Blytin 18665-tt OTEAM 0 sale EU rhea in THE EXPO 12 horse powe are in good w nee about six ting in a geed ear orth. INE AD BOILER FOR SALE. -For , the steam engine and boiler in use TOR, printing office. The boiler is and the engine 8 horse power. Both rking condition and have only been in ears. Reston for selliug, Mend pia- no engine. Address THE EXPOSITOR, 16674 calm is luireby given that the 25th eeting of the members of the Hay =ere' Mutual Eire Inenranoe Company the Town Hada Zurich, on Tuesday, 00, at 1 o olook p. In. Business ;- feeders' and Secretary's annual re. of directors, and other business for elfare of the Company. All members se tend. JOHN MERRITT, Pres'. LBER, Secretary,• 1670-8 TRAY. NOTICES EP.-Ortme into the premiees of the ed. Lot 11, Conceseion 4, Stanley, in ether sheep. The owner can have ving property and paying charges. ILL, Brumfield P. 0. 1670x4 °TICE.- Annual Township Far will be held at January 9th, 1 Receiving the potte, eleption the good and are requested dent, HENRY MISTRAY 811 174 undereig August last, a the same on pr THOMAS GBIR L1STRAV OA LE. -Came into the premises of _Li the unde signed, Let 13, Concession 1, Mo. Killop, about tb let of December, three steers about a year old. Th owner can hews the same by pro'. Ing property nd paying cherges. JAMES. FOX, Seaforth-, P. 0. 1670 4 TRAYED 811 ceasion 4, I the middle of same by provi JAMES SPROA P. 0. EEP.-Carrie into Lots 1 and 4, Con- . R. S., Trickersinith, 2 ewes', about ugust. The owner can have the ng property and payine charges. AND L. 8otoLprcE, Egmondville 1670x4 STOCK FOR SALE. OLSTEIN 11.. old. will c pply to J. M. 10OR SALE. - la months old the Province an eelors. Prices a want. DAVID 3 OW FOR SALE. -Cow, 'five years lye In March, excellent butter egw. RMSTRONG, Weitome 16604J en Shorthorn Bulls, from 10 to 15 as good a lot as can be found in of as good Scetch breeding, poi d terms almost any way buyers /LSE. Ethel, Ont. 167041 BERKSHIK For sale a number cf Berkshires, bred from reported etock of the ,most approved ype, ofeither sex, at very reasonable prices. WM, cALLISTER, arna P. 0. 166741 TaeURHAM B thoroughb old, one roan an Lot 22, Conceal LLS, FOR SALE. -Po' sale,, two ed Durham bulls ; both 12 menthe the other red, JOHN MORRISON, n 11, McKillop, Winthrop P. 0. 168541 L110ROUGHB sale three from 10 to 12 miters-, all reef. 6, lasborne, or a lUDMORE. ED CATTLE FOR SALE -For good thoroughbred Durham bulls, onths old ; also eeveral cows and ered. Apply on Lot 30, Concession dress Huroneale P. O. THOMAS 166541 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. • -VARPri FOR 12 Hullett, n Oita 100 acme cultivation. T and plenty of e farm and will b Apply to MRS. ALE. -For sale, Lot 6, Concession 6, ar village of Kinburn, containing all . cleared and io a good stale of ere are good builiage, good orohard cells/it water. This is a splendid sold cheap. Immediate poseession. CHOALES, Constance P p. 1607 SPLENDID ARM FOR SALE. -For vale the splendid fa m of Mr. Robert Govenlookaon the North Road, a Ile and a halt from &Worth. I contains 175 aor s, nearly all cleared and in a high state of crultiv tion, There is a two story brick ,ouse, good ban barn and everything in Mt -class zondition and w 11 underdrained. It will be sold on easy terms, as t e proprietor desire. to retire. If not sold before he fall it will be rented. Address ROBERT GOV OK, Seaforth P. 0. 1598 tf -IGIARM IN AT TOWNSHIP FOR SALE. -For 17, sale, Lot on the North Boundary of Hay Township. Th farm contains 100 sores, 85 acres cleared, the Tea good hardwood bush. It is well un- derdrained and erased. There is a good stone house with a No, 1 Ilar ; large bank barn • iin lement shed; sheep h use 70x75, with first -oho. tebting and root cellar derneath ; a good otchard 2 good wells and dater • There is 12a acres of fall wheat sowed on a riclb fallow, well manured ; 40 acres seeded down r eently, the rest in good shape for crop. This Is a No. 1 farm, well situated for markets, churches, echools, post office, eto., and will be sold reatenably. Apply on the premises, or address 10BERr 14. D0UGLA8,Blake,0n6.1668x8t1 PLE,. ID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, a 'Oen. did arm and hotel property. This farm is on t e 13th concerto on of the Township 'of MoKillop, at the Village of adbury. It contains 1124 tforae all of whichare ole red, except about three were it is in a gcod state cultivation, being well fenced and underdrained, ai d suitable for grain rOwing or stock raising and feed ng. There is not a foot of west° land on the 1. rm. There are two good dwelling houses, a large- 'ank barn with stone stabling under. neath, a large Implement house and all necessary buildings in fire -Wags repair. There are three or. chards and four never -failing 'wells. The farm ad- joins the Village of Leariburi, where are stores, post office, blaokemit shop, school. eto. The well known Leadbury hotefl on the farm, and will be sold With it, It is DOW un er team for a term of years. This Is one of the bee and most profitable farm proper. ties in the Count of Huron, and will be sold oheap and on env term of payment. If the property is not mid in a rest) nable time, the farm will be rented it a suitable tens t offers. For further partioulars, apply on the pre "'see, or address the undersigned roprietor, Leadb ry P. 0. JOHNSTON KINNEY. 1658 STOO FOR SERVIOE. BOAR -FOR SE VICE. -The undersigned has for service on Lt 29, Conoession 7, McKillop, a thoroughbred Yor shire boar. Terms 81,00 payable at time of eervice ith the privilege of returning if neceeeary. 0HA8, DULMAGE. 1668x4 1DOAR FOR SERVICE -The undersigned will .1.5 keep for service on Lot 26, Concession 4, Stanley, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite boar. Terme- 81, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. JOHN V. DIEHL. 159141 110 PIG BREED RS. -The undersigned will keep ore Lot 26, Co cession 5,L. R. S., TuokeremIth, 4 thoroughbred On JITAR Wfunt Pio, also a thorOugh-, bred YORKOMER PSI. A limited number of Howe will be admitted to cacti. Terms, $1, payable at the time of service, or 81.56 if charged. Aiwa a few Chester White Pigs for salei JAMES GEBIMILL. 1608-52 rfiAtIWORTH BOAR FOR SALE AND FOR SER- I_ VICE. -The underrigned will keep for service, at the Brumfield Jhoese Factory, a thoroughbred Tamworth Boar, with registered pedigree. Terme, ; payable at time of service with privilege of re - burning if neceesary. Aleo a number of thorough. bred young Temworth Boars and Sows tor sale. HUGH MoOARTNE , Brucefield. 14054! pAIIWORTH PI 1 signed hastor lieKillop, a t cro limited tiumber of extra good pig Efld creme their berkshi Terms al, with ri /WIN MeMILLMI FOR SERVICE.-Tiee under. service on lot 82, conceseion 8, red Tamworth pig, to which a so -we will be taken. mi. is an reeders find it advantageous to e sows vvith this breed of pig. ilege of returning if necessery. 1605xtf Morton Stock Fa-rth, LOT 27, CO CESSION 8, HIB -BERT Thoroughlged Durham Cows, Heifers and Bulls af the most fashionable strains for sale at reasonable pri es. Poet office address, DAVID HILL, Staffa. 16614 je- • 7 'Cf:( 11 • • va.I . ,.rn • ; . euy ti 10 iirte W, -"US/NESS eZP. /7; /1"1/C/f. 11 America for young mere arid '0It. kragiriese Education, Shorthand, d le- or Perunamthip. Thorough eye - 14.” -s. Session entireyear. Students cate;ovne Free. Reference, all 'WELL, Pres, I' H. SPENCER, 8e. '‘s THE ORIENT PAPERS. VARIETIES THAT CANNOT BE DUPLI- CATED ANYWHERE ON EARTH. Some Interesting Information About Jap- anese and Korean Hand -Made Papers -They Are of Extraordinary Strength -Aro Yellowish in Color and Leave a Silk-Lik Gloss -Paper Suits For the Soldiers ok the Flowery Kingdom. The results of the enquiries of the commission , of industrial experts, which was appointed by the German 0°1;7 -eminent to visit and- report upon the markets of east Asia show the various markets present excellent prospects for the paper trade and the paper: industry generally, The Corea liand-made papers, thus far very lit- tle know -n in foreign markets, are of mach interest: They are of yellowish color, silk -like gloss and extraordi- nary strength. In purity they are be- hind the better grades of Chinese pa- pers. These papers are made In sheets about 201/2 by 51 inches. Oiled .papers of this kind are used in place of window glass, and very impure but extremely strong board is also made of the same raw material, as well as blotting and wrapping pa- pers. The Japanese hand -made pa- pers are divided into two classes. The so-called "hansi" (half -paper) is loaded with about 20 r per cent. of rice starch; the "minogam" consists entirely of the fiber.- The hansi pa- pers are the stronger and the• coarser and are made in snuffler sizes (abotit 9% by 18 inches), while the .mino- gaini papers are thinner and better and larger -11 by 16 inches. ICK HEADACHE iPesitivety' bitheso Little mrs. - They also relieve.Dis ess from 1yspepsh1; IndigesUon and Too II rty Eating. A -per• • feet remedy for Dizzin ss, Nausea, Drowsio ness, Bad Tastein the M uth, Coated Tongue 'Pain in the Side, TORP D LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. urely Vegetable. Small PIII. Small Dose* Small ace. , Substitution , the fraud of the day. See rou. get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter's Little Liver ills, Cardigan Overshoe Pon Women Misses and Children The Cardigan Ov rshoe is a keavy black over -stocking with the foot ,ritticanized into a rubber oboe. The 'stocking is complete to the toe of the rubber and makes the warmest, lightest ' and eatest rubber in the market. No butto s, no buckles. Madeto fit all shoe 'hap Sold by all dealers. Manufactured by The Co dim Overshoe Co., Str. tford, Ont. - - 4144111:1 •)1VAI r. ...... tI, ...... h. A I '1., ., CTr - 4 Our direot connections will 'save you time and money for 'II points, ; Canadian No West Via Toronto or Chicago British Columbia and ICalifolinia points. Our rates are the lowest. 11We have them bo suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR. rsir OARS for your accoMmodation. Call for further information. Grand Trunk y. Trsins leave Seaforth and Clinton stations as -allows ; ammo Warr - Passenger Passenger.... Mixed Train faxed TrOn Goma Elm- , Passenger.. Passenger.. .. bfixed Train.... .. SnAlr04471. 12.40r.. 10.12?. M. 9.20A. If. 6.15 P.M. 7.a3 A. M. 8.11 P. M. 5.20 P. M. Marron. 12.55 r. a. 10.27 P. M. 10.15 A. M. 7.06 P. M 7.38 A.M. 2.65 P.M. 4.85 P.M. Wellington, Grey and Bruce. GOING NORTH- Passenger. Ethel 10.05 r. m, Bruseele.. .. ' 10.17 Bluevale.. .. 10.30 Wingham 10,87 Goma Bourn- Passenger. Wingham 8.50 a. se Blnevale 7.00 Brussels.... .... . . 7.16 Ethel 7.28 Mixed. 1.40 P. M. 2.10 2.36 3.15 Mixed. 8.55 A. M. 9.17 9.46 10.02 , London, Huron and Bruce. 001N0 NORTH - London, depert Centralia Exeter. Hensall Kippen Brumfield, Clinton. Londesboro Blyth.... Belgrave Wingham arrive... GOING Elutire- • • Wingham, deparb.;.. •••: Belgrave Blyth. Londepboro Clinton. tripupeoefineld Hensall Exeter Ceetralis London, (arrive) . Passenger. 8.15 am. 4.40 P.M. 9:18 6.65 9.50 6,07 9.44 6.18 9.60 6.25 . 9.58 6.88 10.15 6.65 10.83 7.14 10.41 7.28 10.56 787 11.10 8.00 Passenger. 6.58 ant. 8.15 le ea 7.04 8.80 7.16 3.46 7.24 3,55 7.47 4.25 8.05 4.49 8.16 4.67 ,8.22 6.02 8.2 5.14 8.46 6.23 9.50 M. 8.26 Seaforth Foundry AND Machine Works Are now in FULL OPERAT ON And We are prepared to do repairin Engine and Mill Work a specialty. farmers' work promptly attended to. Plow Points and all repairs for the ments kept on hand and made to ord We have for sale, at very reason Stevens & Burns portable engines, te able engines, one Waterer]s and one For full particulars, call or addrefie ROBT. BELL, of all kinds Mentors and oleman imple. r. bis prices, two o. White port - emir& r•Ir PROP I ETOR. 164341 AN ITEM OF INTEREST. . Farm loans taken .at lowest rates; payments to suit borrower; satisfaction guarante d ; all cone-, spondentse cheerfully answered. AB ER COSENS, Winghem, Out, Ofilee-At corner f Minnie and Patric* stfeetr; every Saturday all d y. 1667 , A quire of paper is called "Jo" in Japanese, and has frora 20 to 48 sheets; a ream is called "shime," and has from 480 to 2,400 sheets. The prices of hand -made paper have e,e- cently risen .about 15 per cent., ,be- cause the growers of bast denia..nd and obtain higher prices for their product. Printing paper is used m Japan noi. only for printing purposes, but also for writing. The most popular sizes of printing paper are 25 by 27 inches and 31 by 43 inches, flat. The consumption of paper has increased extraordinarily in Japan, and, 1 although the hotne production is large, there is a good market for inipkied paper. Rico straw is an inipOrtant factor in the manufacture Of Japanese in'aohine`made paper; only when there a poor* rice crop is od 'fibre imported to any apprecia- ble extent. I . Among the. f iOst curious things to be seen in Jai an are the jackets and troasers of st .on.g hand-nia,de p iper with which. he Japanese soldiers were supplied during the war be- ta een Japan and China. The seams and buttonholes. were sewn with cot- ton thread. Chines e hand -made pape s are n ade mostly of rice straw, and are col red or stained on 'one' side bz hand; for instance, criniSon for viaiting cards (,which are th'n, large oc avo sh'eet) pale red for bills, yellow sprinkled with gold or, green for wrapping goods., orangoI for wedd ng finery, etc. Large qnantities atal consumed in the Principal place of i s inanufac- ture for decor tting variot s places .of worship, whici are visited by Chi - 'nese from all over the- country., and considerable q iantites are also sent to the adjoining provinces. There is no doubt. that, chea.p imported mach-• ine-niade priutliing papers, stained' or unstained, , coti d successfully compete i . these home-made and hand- made papers. i 044%101nm Peoreges. . Mr. Henry j.- 'Morgan writes from Ottawa to The Scottiah-American Journal: In rfferenca....tozathe ,. state- . raent ma.de in your Canadian notes, Nov. 1, that "There. are now three Canadian peeragee, namely, those of Lord Mountstep en, Lord Strathcona, and the. Barone s Macdonald of Er- nescliffe," .perinit me to point out that, in additiO i thereto, there are no less than ,hree ' peers and ono peeress, whose, present titles were obe tained for serk ces rendered to the Crown in Can da. These are the Baroness Dore ester, Earl Amherst, the Marquis o-tvnshend and Baron eatbn. ; There was also sitting in the House of Lor4s at the present time . . six peers* wh.o are natives of Canada, namely, the Earl of Erroll 4 -heredit- ary Lord , High Constable of Scot- land and knig t mareschal of that kingdom), ithe- Earl= of Elgin and Kincardine the Earl of Albemarle, the Earl f Samford, Baron Do 131aquiere, Gre- t Alengar of :Ireland, and Baro II ,11burton of Windsor, Nova, Sco ia. The Ea,r1 of Carnwarth is the son of , Canadian mother, a!nd Baron 'Carew and Viscount Hill Os- . sess Canadian :wives. Vieepunt -Mil- ton, the eon Oicl heir of Earl Fitz-. william, is likewise a- Canadian lby birth, as is aleo Colonel the Hen. Matthetv Aylnier, so long a resident of Canada. Prom the above it Wili be seen that -.he Dominion is mere fully represefitcd in the second branch of the sukeine legislature of the enf- pire than is g .nera,113- supposed. Giaditt4 titt'S.Ii.th*me to Young- Alen. Be sure that` every one of von has his place and ocation on this earth. and that it ests with himself to find " it. Do .helieVe those who lightly say: '."othing succeeds. success," Eff rt, honest, manfal, humble effort, ucceeds by its refie -L- ed action, esp ially in youth, bet. er than succese, hich, indeed,. too e s- ily and too ea -ly gained, not seld( m serves, 'like Iva mug the throw of the dice, to blind and stupefy. . Get knowledge, all you can. Be thor- ough in all ycu do, and remember that though i norance often may he innocent:, pretension is always des- pica,ble. But y u, like men, be strong and oxorcise our strength. Work - onward and pward, and may ,the blessing of the Most High soothe' your cares, 'clear your vision, and crown your la ors with reward. Q 'to True. "I can tell you," said he, "how M11011 water ru rts over Niagara Falls to guar t. " "Vow • much'? ' replied she. "Tte, o MARRIA E LICENSES IS UED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 8111AFOR H, ONTARIO. NO WITN 88ES REQUIRED, are .si filter t 'there. he hlood passes throug neys e% ery tt ree minutes. If th do the'r work no impurity or disord r can remain in the ci longer than that time. Therefor blood s outtof order your kidney 'failed i their work. They are i stimul tion, sttengthening or d One m dicine will do all three, t and m st imitated blood medivin is Tal ply itidney disorders. Th le blood of all that sho OSITOR. idneys n't be t le kid- idneys, ase of c lation f your have eed of ie Coring.fithneerset dd's idu,ey '11$ Said by a Sage. A sp sm of virtue is certainly a m sfit, In a thunderatoin the trouble is' si I over. All nJtn really belong to the hire lasses. Ghos a aieSuppesed to have their vorite haunts. 4 Good advice] is easy to get and asy to forget. Drop int') lightly ifiyou m• ust e 1 them drop, In te lottery of life your chanc s ate numbe d. Prou • people are not the only ons who have v in hopes. , The an who can't foot his bills Of en has a lame xeuee. , Man a horsethief will never chat] until he beco es sheltered man. Sche es designed to take men in, a e gen- erally: &vigorous to carry out. ' A to eriog rage usually does betite to do its tow ring unacoompanied. All tIu) world can eee through in n who make s ectacles of themselves. You an't tell the extent of a map' piety by the etgth of his Sunday face. . Man man feel e that he has a 'i.t ure in store fo him but hasn't the price. . The eccentric cannibal had rathe take in a missionary than a three.ringed el up. , A br ken heart must- be worst an a broken head, no man being coni el ed to carry t e latter around with him. ' • ho is Your Druggist Who s your druggist? This is a 'im. . portant • uestion for every family. 1 When people speak of a well-qu lified druggis , it is at once suggestive of tie uracy and sati faxtion in everything that buy from bit , ' We d sire your tradiain the dise4n ing of medicin s, as our drugs are always 1th pur. eat, stro gest and best. We o n interest you in a hundred little ways w en you need - -To let Articles and Preparations Wlier do you buy Paine's Cele y Com- pound? We sell large quantities o this great po ular medicine every week. BUMS 'EN & WILSON, Druggists, Block, S aforth, Ont. • C nous Word Studies. Baron once meant only a strong ma Parlor was originally the talking pl The wprd nice originally meant ig or fooliah. A man etiver:was once a dexteroue p handiwo Ir. Cemet ry is from a Latin word,14 "a sleep ng chamber." To speenlate, in its:original sense, look out 'ef the window. Cambric originally came from Oa whence its name, and calico from Cal Gin takes its name from Geneava, it was ormerly made in large quantit Boo was originally a ne.me for the be oh, and was afterwards tran to its b rk. The ord character is derived Latin xpression signitying an inet for br nding. Spin ter was originally the spinner house old; unmarried sisters of th usuall do this work. 1 Sillwriter quent Eli of do se°Duo bein from the inst A diff The ace Or 17317.; 9%44 co Ws ce. orant eee of ifying as to bray, out. where es. tree, ferred m the ument of the wife once meant "blessed." The Engliah of three hundred years ago fre- y allude to " the silly child Jeans." inate was once meant "W tuau out re." In Cicero's time men were pro. d for eliminating their wives). lar was originally-thaler, the applied to a lump or bar of Jaachim's Valley, in Germany. Psalm was once nothing but a 1name le liver Wang, onnd produced When the string of an ument was played with the fingers. miscreant was originally a person who red in religious belief 'from yourself, name was the first applied to the Sar- a. 1 Long Letter'in a Nutsh1. Londesboro, Ont., Nov. 12, 899. J. . Maxon; Goderich. 1 ear Sir, -If anyone can profit rem thi letter, print it. I think my ease sho Id he made known. Last fall I Iwas tro bled with a weak back and withl my kid eys, etc. My case took it serious lurn at I et. It turned to dropsy. I had t ree goo doctors attending me, none of tem con d help me. I was tapped seven Si es; aft r this I was given 24 hours to live. 1 A goo neighbor advised us to get some' of you remedies. My brother went at once to Go erich and got your System Renovator and Specific Cure. I was sure I could know the change after the first dose. I began to improve at once, and was able to bel -in Goderich four weeks after I began them; I am since quite Well. I worked quite a 1 lot this summer. I thank you and wiith ou much success and long life. • Yours truly, - JAMES BROWN. 1668-4 • Grant and the Prima Donna When the English singer, Parepaa Rosa, came to America to sing, among her a di- ence on one occasion was President Gr nt. With his daughter Nellie be had corn to hear the renowned singer, or, at any r te, Nellie had come for that purpose. She sat erect and sedate but her father lou ged comfortably in the background and tit ked to friend. ' 'Soon the prima donna's portly figure ap- peared on the stage. All eyes were tu ed upon her, but she slaw only one man, the warrior, whose,,deeds had stirred the w rid. His attude was not flattering. He was till lounging in the background and talkin to his companion. Then the rich, deep voice of the s ger rang out, but the President talked on. "Papa, Parepaa singing," whispered his daughter. "All right, Nellie, she is nob disturbing us. Let her aing," replied the President, indulgently. And she did sing; but the best patfb of the story is that the prjma donnahe d of that answer, and being as jolly as ih was , portly, thoroughly appreciated it. SheI had a good laugh at her own expense ani ad- mired Grant more than ever. ' MATRON AND MAID. Misa Ruth Underhill, this year's golf champion, is a granddaughter of the late Charles A. Dana. Mrs.11 Maria Allen of Elyria, 0., who is 98 yealrs of age, is the oldest member,of the Weman's Relief corps. , Mrs. Mary Banks, the widow of Gen- eral B nks, has just celebrated her eight- ieth bi hday at her home in WaIthatn, Lass. , Miss Ora A. Root of Cincinnati spends her spare takaea collecting books and read- Ipnhgfimipapinteers. Mrs. Anne E. Brumby, mother of Lieu- tenant Brumby of the Olympia, was one of the spectators at the, festivities) in .it - tante in !honor of her son, sec- retary o war, iu Miss rith Root, daughter of the akes the tenth yoang un- married , woman in the cabinet i set at Washington, an unprecedented nuinber. i Lady Edwin Arnold is a young Japa- nese whons Sir Edwin had educated aftei the English fashion and then married. She fully appreciates her husband's liter- ary talents. Three Parisian women, Mme. Gustave Parer, Mme. George Ostheimer and Mme. Gustave Richelot, have offered a prize of o20,000 to the inventor of the best device r life saving at sea. May Nunez, who as Mrs. William Lo- ring Spencer is known as the widow of the late United States Senator Spencer, frem Alabama, is goingonthe stage again, this time in vaudeville. Before her marriage she was a member of Au- gustin Dely's company. Baroness Nathaniel de Rothschild has left numerous bequests to the museums of Paris. Among them are a collection of musical instruments and autographs to the CoriserVatoire and a collection of works by early Italian painters to tbe Louvre, together with a picture by Greuze. Mrs. Yznaga, who is the mother of tie Duchess of Manchester, having spent the summer in Europe with her dangiaters, another of whom is Lady Lister Kaye, is now in this dountry. Mrs. Yznaga will, as has been her custom for years, pass the win er months on her plantation in Louisla a. - Mrs. arrie Chapman Catt of Brook- lyn, wh succeeds Miss Susan B. Antho- ny, retired, as president of the National A.ssociation of the Woman Suffrage So- cieties, is a popular college woman and has for a number of years been asso- ciated with Miss Anthony in advancing the work of the organization. Dr. Anita Newcomb McGee, who is at the head of the woman army nurses and is an assistant to Surgeon General Stern- berg, has the rank of a first ieutenant and is entitled to wear ehoulderstraps in- dicative of her rank. Dr. McGee has the distinction ofbeingthe only wpm= offi- cer in the United States army service. POULTRY P INTERS. Hens thrive best on a good variety of food. Keep the chickens clean and the house clean. Kaffir corn makes an excellent food for poultry. So long asi, gocel variety of food can be supplied there is little need ot giving condiments or stimulants. Hens should be killed- when 3 years old.' They lay less after this, and they natural- ly become diseased with age. The goose, if properly Managed, lays as many eggs as the turkey and can be rais- ed to maturity at about one-half the cos. Leaves aud hay chaff make an excel- lent litter for floors. By throwing grain among it the fowls are kelt busy scratch - leg. It Is not necessary' to thrash out sun - lower seed, sorghum, Kaffir coin or broom corn. Let the fowls pick the seeds from the heads. Ducks are much more easily fed than chickens. Nothing seems to disagree -with them as long au it is sound and sweet. - St. Louis Republic. IMPERTINENT PERSONALS. ' 1 Congressman Roberts nust not get the notion that the United States was an- nexed to Sulu. It was * other way.-:- Chicago Record,. itudyard Kiling conti nes to show fred Auetin, Esq., of S inford Old Man- or just how the poet 1 ureate ought to do it. -Boston 4lobe. General Jou ert, the !Boer commander In chief, is not a tailor by trade, but he makes iia ow clothes. IIe likes that kind of a fit.- ansas Cornelius V nderbilt left $200,000 tol Chauncey M. Depew. Chauncey must/ have retrained ire= telling stories when Cornelius wile around. -Chicago Timeset Herald A court of justice of and for women only is proposed in France to .adjust dis- putes in which imen take no interest and about which they are fundamentally ig- norant. This ip in line with the sugges- tion made by The Herald in connection with litigation between dressmakers and their clients. -New York Herald. RINGS. The present is to be a "ring season" unsurpassed in fashion's annals. A striking ring consists of five dia- monds in a straight bar crossing the hoop at right angles. - A pink topaz heart makes an attractive ring. Pink and other colored pearls, as solitaires, are among elegant rings. , A novelty in men's all gold seal rings is 'one differing from the ordinary ring in that the 'surface of the portion usually devoted to the seal is slightly rounded in- stead of flat. Among inexpensive rings, fire opals in various combinations with small Hants are, in favor, as is a small emer- ald or a ruby with one or more diamonds in graceful two and three stone designs. - Jewelers' Circular. RAILWAY TIES. Belgium has the largest amount of rail- road in comparison with' its total area, the amount being 32.2 miles to e,ach square mile of area. In Sweden street cars rarely stop to pick up or to set down passengers, and the natives of both sexes -are wonderfully expert ha jumping on and off while the cars are in motiOn. Complaints have been made lately of the poor quality of window -glass used ea Osmium reilways, not only in the passen- ger ears, but in the locomotives, w4r4t, To save a few dollars, the 11•Ves of pawns - ;ere are put in peril. TpRIA For Infants and Children. 1 Any man who wears the j. D. King Co.'s Stub Proof Rubbers makes money—money that will jingle in his pocket, Search the world over and you diowill find nothing better than stub 416 proof Rubbers, because eap eiglio there is nothing better. Any progressive -dealer can tell you all about Stub Proof, if not, write to the J. 9 King Co., and -they will tell you. You an't afford to be without them, because they are the best. ee that Stub Proof is STAMPED 011 the bottom a etch sl4e. The J. D. KING CO., Limited, Toronto. Montreal. Winnipeg. The ed Front Furniture Ster ' Has b en renewed, renovated and enlarged, and now we are in a po ition to offer the public all the newest designs of Parlor, Bedroom and Dining Suites at very tempting piices. Also a very mee line of Chairs in all the newest styles. New line of Pictures just in, very cheap. We extend a cordial invitation to every one to come and settus and our stock. iliElEfFE TIME famettniv • '411 in - This dep rtment is complete with a darge selection of the beat goods, and +Ali ing atten ion given to this branch of the business. Night ca Is promptly attended to by our Undertaker, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goderich stree , Seaforth, opFosite the Methodistt church. BROADFOOT BOX & CO., SMA_TNOTITT Chatham, Ontario. . CANADA'S GREATEST SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS, Public echool teachers ehould notice this institution has prepared over seventy teacherts forother buil (se colleges ard commercial ecboole in Came a dt3d the United Steam more than twice as many as all other busine col (gee in Canada, cc mbint d have Eo placed. 1 he proprietors of five of the leading business olleges hi Westeen Ontario, who are to -day amcng our etrongeet opponeets in the field of Shorthand end mimes treining, received their tralniog under the Principal of th5 institution Beeiclee these, there are five others holding leadir g positicns is teachers in Busineess Colleges in Ontario. SEM) September lit, I even of our pupils have acceetcd petitions as teachers in Business Colleges and Commercials Sehools in Canada and the Unit ed States ; another is ric_w- negotiating for a similar opening in a Bnainees College In a learlitig An erican city, ar d there are still five unfilled coals of this kind on hand. Doeslt not pay to attend the beet ? Ycu must decide. 236 of our pupil]] secured gocd rositions in seventeen months, and the good work of placing our atm eats still continues. C,L:Fer catalogue f either Shorthand or Business Department, address r D. licL OHLAN, Principal, O. B. O., Ohathara, Ont. 1662 pecial Xmas Goods. ,.10101*ValAgreraeyvaAprawAatenowaradvIe Jist rec ilved at the Old stand, Santa Claus' Headquarters, New Boo s, w Cards, new Toys, new Perfumes, new Dolls, . new G mes, new Baskets new Brushes, .new Shaving itugs, And lots of '0 her new things for old or young. In fact, if you want suitable presents for L s or Gentlemen, Boys or Girls, Children or Infants, you vvill be best suited in variety and price at LIT SDEN, (Sr WILSON'S SO TT'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, SE.A.F RTII, - - Ontario. RISTIVAS OODS • • 14, In recent years the custom of giving useless gifts at Christmas time has been wisely changed, and now Christmas shoppers de- • /nand that their i)urehases shall be useful as well as pretty. Our stock combines both of these qualities, as wen as being very reasonable in price. What more suitable gift could be given to the men or boys than a good fur' cep. a tie, braces, shirts, collars, gloves, etc. These are all useful, and. every item in our )3tock is of the newest and most up to -date.. Call and see our Chri6mas presents. RIGHT. BROS., EURNISRERS, S_EIFORTH. Se forth Saw M JOSIAH WATSON. I 4, has now t °roughly overhauled and renovate the yta 8eafortil w mills, recently purchaeod fra a the Coleman etate, and is mow prepared to do all . CUSTOM SAWING On the liorteet notice and most reasonable rms. The prepriator being him/Jelin practical sawy r. and as he giVes\ the burliness his personal overeiglit, he can guarantee all his patrons the mcst complete satisfaction. ' LOGS WANTED The highest rice in cash will be paid for any timber logs, delivered at the mill. HEADING BOLTS Any number of Basiwoild Heading Bolts, 40 in ehes in length, wanted, for which the highest prim will also be paid. Give us a call when you have a bill fersaw. ing, or logs to sell. 111 Leather Leather of goo Soli Im, Rock Elm, Bastrwood and aq other „ - JOSIATi WATSON, SEAFORTH. 16684f MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 4, and 5 per oent. per annum., Any amount an finli-oisal farm land *send flfir It B. HAYS, ilominion Bank Bu o Leather is advaneing in price, but as you know, you can AIR get harness at the old price, for a abort time only at J. C. CLAUSEN'S, HENSALL. • Team Harness At $25 And upwards GIVE 138 A CALL Je.,,e0. CLAUSEN, HENSALL, ONTN811480. McKillop Directory for 1899. JOHN MORRISON, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0, - JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor, Beec,hwood P. 0 JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Winthrop P.0 ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Lesdherry P. O. JOHN G. GRIEVE, coneeino_ir, Winthrop P. 0, JOHN 0 MORRISON, Clerk, WintbraP r -o DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winthrop P. 0. WILLIAM EVERS, Ammer, Beechwood P. O. CHARLES DODDS, Collector, gesforth P. O. RICHARD POLLARD, sonitery Inspector, Lead. busy P. O. SIENFORTH DYE WORKS Take your clothes to the lleaorth Dye Works and have them cleaned or dyed and made $ojoo)Jlke new. tUU$flI.d 10 gine HENRY MIT; Modal* street, opposite the eathelks church, nesenth, ,