The Huron Expositor, 1899-12-15, Page 7• is9a 1 hoes; hake mper ; lose nor of your t—to cover you forget and ever as been for ai the lasts. 1, all colors, soles with I* $, mommta, imnle'41•4 picture that an old wa.y, unable to re- t into a loud guff, 1 -sly oat of the wiri- e caught doing such Before another five g peeket-boo aerobe and everyone was ; man, ever on the ad was at a loss to of everybody. lie baby. The brake - post on the plat - paper boy found rm. ;en to the baby and 'lige for her edificeught the fever and rider the chin, while the isle forgot to interested Was he Le old lady in front to het reticule mi. ipp" ;land presented net who,, in re - rifle around the edlher rosy little �k. It brought thbranoea to that jtandkerchief was - lay and then that, ar ad pulled into. the with its parents, ook of regret same gentleman asked once; the old lady - had received and the door, shaking E•r of her papa, to ided, including the ,d his farewell with paseengere rushed baby got off and net of eight at the • shaking by-bve all apsed Into silence. knd net one of them :knowledge it. The left a• rift of sun- , warm or bold, in 1 DR. LOW'S WORM ,xpel worms. Children 3sion. )-a the official mind by all who, are hence of the Cir- "arisian fianeur has g particulars of a I la an emigration presents himself asks the agent. krul ray child," ir profession ?" enter ; my wife, re 2, agent. VEI formed Gothio ay ?" repeated the E my time to lose!' t last replies : . highly esteemed ; church, Listowel, onage, Tuesday, H. Irvine. Kinsman, now re - Miss Matilda nd wife, mission - eh, China, are on tine'', of Wallace. Fe extreme west of hibet. They are 'Shanghai Their the mission to the • Yang•tse•Kiapg -s[i by men, somendred men being It requires about he dietance from DECEMBER 15, 1899 The Red Mill, SEAFORD:I. Gadke 86 Cos, Proprietors of the Red Mill, Seaforth, have tompleted the improvements in the mill, eating placed there the latest and most im- proved machiaery, and are now prepared to do all kinds set I Chopping, Gristing and all lines of Custom Work. First-class Flour from Manitoba wheat or sale. Mr. Gselke is a first-class, practical miller, -and all customers will receive prompt and eatisfaetory attention. GADKE & CO., SEAPORTII. 105-tf special Attention to Horseshoeing and General Jobbing. Goderich street, Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARRIAGE Opp. MAKER Queon Hotel, - - - Seaforth. • Your's Fori. Health For the invalid, the convalescent or per- son of advanced years, no known tonic equals A rare old pert wine with Peruvian Bark in quantities prescribed by the English and. French Pharmacopoeias, 'Tie a special brand for (stela. For sale in Seaforth by LUMSDEN & WILSON. Kalbfleisch's Mills in Hay, for Sale. This splendid property, situated on the I6th Con- cession of 11.1.3, township, consisting of a Saw Mill, Planning, Sash and Door Factory and Chopping MW, J s offered for sale or to rent for a term of years. The whole property, including a good residence. will be sold cheap and on easy terms. There is a large and profitable 'brisiness done and a good man with moderate capital could make money, as it is sur- rounded by one of the best agricultural countries in -the province. Apply:on the premises or address Zurich P. 0. T. C. KALBFLEISCH. 165941 If any person tells you that ORICIT - Has left Seaforth, don't you believe it. He is here to stay, and is prepared to de all kinds of Fancy. Painting,Graining and Decorating. Halle and churche a specialty. Scert- ery and piotori 1 advertising. All kinds of pictures jainted to order. 'RESIDENCE—Three dors south of the irtilway track, on the west si e of Main street. J. G. CRICH, Seaforth. 1669 R. ackson ON. .DIREOT IMPORTERS OF Juleps Robin & Co's Brandy, Cognac, Frarice ; Jno. de Kuyper & Son, Hol- land Gin, 'Rotterdam, Holland ; Booth's Tom Gin, London, England; Bulloch & Co.'s Scotch Whisky, Glas- gow, Scotland; Jamieson's Irish • Whisky, Dublin, Ireland; also Port and Sherry Wine from France and Spain, Agents for Walker's Whisky, - Ontario.; Royal Distillery and Davig Ale and Porter, Toronto. To THE PUBL We have op nod a retail store in connection wi h our wholesale bud - business in th rear of the new Do- minion Bank, in Good's old stand, where we will sell the best goods in the market at bottom ,prices. Goods • delivered to ny part of the town free. 1ELEPHONE it. The ItIcKillo Mutual Fire Insuranc Company. FARM AND I OLATED TOWN PROPERTY • NLY INSURED 07 0111.11. I. B. McLean, Preside t, Kippen P. 0. ; Thomas %.e,, vice-president, B catield I'. 0. ; W J. Shan - _non. Seep-Treas. Seat rth P. O. ; Thomas E. =AM Inspeotor of Lo es, Seaforbh P. 0. ma u. W.G. Broadfooi, Seal° h; John G. Grieve Win litfet George Dale, El aforth ; Thomas E. 'Hays Seaforth James Evans, Beeohwood ; John Watt %deck ;'Thomaa Fraser Bruoeileld ; John B. Mo. TAM, Kippen ; James 0. nnolly, Clinton. AG ROW Smith, Harlook ; Helo▪ t. McMillan, Seaforth; James Cumming Egmon v .8 ; J. W Yeo, Holmes - vine P. 0" ; John Goveni k and John C. Morrison, auditors httlen destroue to e tat other twines' wiii be Mstitglrogl'os eat Insuranaes or trans, proraWdy attended to as 0 °Moan, addressed Si Cook'Cott n 'toot Compound I s .; cccSSfni Iv used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies, S fe, effec tual. Ladies ask _your druggist f r Cook s Cotton Root PCom- OW., Take no other SH all Mixture, pills and 1&21., tetions aro dangerous. Price, No. 1, fl p_er 2,10 degrees s ranger. Ss per box. No. L Or • reeled en receip of price and two S -cent Sta.....18, The Cook compaoy Windsor* Ont. war -Nos. 1 and 2 sold ane recommended by all resP0hafble Druggists ln Canada. 1 and No.2 mid in eaforth; by Lumsden & limn, druggist& 1 WF know of nothing better than coughing to tear the lin- ing of your throat and lungs. It is better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and . pneumonia. Only keep it Up and you th will succeed in reducing your -)1 weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever, and making every - thin exactly right for the germs of consumption. I Better kill your cough 1,11 before it kills you. kills coughs of every kind. A 25 cent bottle kil is just right for an ordi- t','.4, nary cough; for the 1 •lder coughs of bron- y c: itis you will need a 50 ccnt bottle; and for the coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical. "My cough reduced me to a mere ri1etou. I tried many remedies. hat Ow all failed. After using the Cherry Pectoral I immediately be- gan to improve, ant three bottles restored me to heal h. I believe I owe my life to it." :. SARA u F. Mona AN, 00t. 7, 1808. Browntown, 'Va. • .4 Things Worth Knowing. Governor Paul Kruger has 104 grand- children. atusalem has neither street lamps, po• licemen, postmen, nor newspapers. Ladysmith, which figures so prominently in the war messages, is one of the oldest, largest and healthiest towns in Natal. • Violent exercise in sultry weather is very apt to produce 'convulsions, and one such attack 'nay 'predispose a child to fits for life. • A baby carriage with a fan attached is the latest_ novelty. The wheeling of the carriage operates the fan just above the child's face. Ground mustard mixed with a little water and rubbed over the hands removes sbrong odors from them. Linseed Meal ane - were the same purpose. Bran water may be made by pou. ring a quart of boiling water on I pound of bran, and straining through muslin. It is very softening to a dry and irritable skin. The soil of Egypt at the present day is tilled by exactly the same kind of plough that was used 5,000 years ago. It is said that three-quarters of the women in insane asylums are farmers' wives, and a scientist promptly oomee forward to say that early rising is conductive to in- sanity. Skim milk in moderate quantities has often been fed to young colts after weaning, with good results.- If the colt has been well 3ared for up taweaning time, feeding milk is hardly ever necessary. For country griddle cakes take one quart sour milk, one quart flour, one teaspoonful soda, one-half teaspoonful salt, and beat un- til light and frothy and full of bubbles; bake on a hot griddle, and you will have delicious cakes. A man never realises the superiority of woman so much as when he is sewing on a button without a thimble, pushing the needle against the wall to get it half -way through, and pulling it through the other half by hanging on to it with his teeth. When the slightest odor is perceptible about any milk utensil it is unclean. When a white cloth rubbed over a dry but - ter bowl or paddle is discolored neither bowl nor paddle is clean. Both can be kept immaculate with frequent scouring with rather ooarse salt. The bride's veil had its origin, it is said, in the Anglo•Saxon custom of performing the ceremony under a square piece of cloth, held at each corner by tall men over the bridegroom and bride to conceal the lattees blushee. If the bride was a widow the veil was dispensed with. From one ond of Japan to the other a child is treated as a sacred thing, be it one's, own or a stranger's. Eaoh one carries He name ,and address on a ticket round its neck; but should ib indeed stray from home food and shelter and kindness would meet it everywhere. In preparing apple fritters make a batter with one oup of milk, one teaspoonful of sugar, two eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, two cups of flour sifted with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Chop or cut fine four tart apples, Mix with batter and fry in spoonfulls in hot fat. Serve with maple syrup or a sugar syrup made by boiling one cup of sugar with one-half cup of hot water. One of the most wonderful farme in the world is situated in Canada. Ito peoularity lies in the fact; that everything is worked by eleotricity. Two waterfalls within the bounds of the farm, some 60 feet and 180 feet high, furnish the motive power, a cen- tral power house being erected near, and the current is transmitted by wires to every available place on the farm. THAT aching head can be instantly relieved by taking one of MILBURN'S STERLING HEADACHE POWDERS. One powder, So; three for ;100, ten for 26o. • Desirability of Truth Telling. s" I am going to stick to the truth here- after," said Jones, as he bit savagely at the end of his cigar. "The other day while I was at home my wife chanced to look out of a window, and I heard her give a gasp as she did so. I looked Up from my paper and my wife gave me a book of horror. Here comes that second cousin of yours, his wife, three children, two dogs and something in a cage," she oried, tragic- " What has ever possessed them to leave the country and inflict themselves upon us?" There is no telling when they will go away, and I simply cannot take the time to entertain them 1" "Here," said I, seized with a bright idea, ',tip over a few chair's, move the fusnitnre about a bit ancl then tell them thatiwe are dewing up house. They will not ,expeet us to-ieceive them with the house fforn , We had barely time to overturn a few things when the calvaleade bore (limn . "Hullo !" roared my second cousin as he nd seized my hand anearly broke all the bones in it, 'thought we would oome dowa and pay you Ei visit fr" "Glad to see YOU" I said with all grace that I could Muster. •" I am awf sorry that you should find us in the m of house cleaning." "Right in our line !" roared my second cousin iagain. "Take hold, Mandy, and we'll show them how we clean house in the country! Gosh it was lucky that we came just as we did." "In spite of my protests and my wife's tears, they caught up • our furniture and carried it into the street, where it was im- mediately !surrounded by an excited crowd of street urchins who were under the din - premien that the house was afire, and who swarmed into the house to aid in the good work. Oar expensive rugs were taken out and beaten with a broom handle until they were nearly in ragsawhile our finely waxed floor that were the pride of my wife's heart were so marred from heavy boot heels as to be ruined. The whole house from cellar to garret was overturned, scrubbed washed and sandpapered. Ie was too much for me; so after trying in vain to stop. the general wreck I fled to my Web, leaving my wife ip the last stages of hysterics. , "Now that they have things all slicked up, to use their expansion, they say they - are ready to pay us a nice long visit. As I remarked in the first place, I am going to stick to the truth hereatter."—New York -Sup. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. upon are you doieg with this ?" "1 fought,' said the little man, with a quivering lip and the penteup loneliness of homesickness in his voice as he tried to ex- plain, "1 fought, maybe, if I planted it, anoizer grandma would grow."—Saturday Evening Post. • Who is Your Druggist ? Who is your druggist - This its an im- portant queation for every family. When people speak of a well-qualified druggist, it is at once suggestive of acouracy and satisfaction in everything that yen- buy from him. • We desire your trade in the dispensing of medicines, as our drugs are always the pur- est, itrongest and best.- We can interest you in a hundred little way si when you need the ully idst • Miscellaneous News Notes. —The barns of D. E. McKellar, near Al- vinston, with contents, were destroyed by fire one day last week, caused by sparks from a threshing engine. Two thousand five hundred bushels f grain and the win- ter feed were consum d. Loss heavy, with onlyan insurance of $1,000. —New York charities feasted 4,500 poor on Thankegiving Date —The late United [States Vice -President Hobart left a fortune Pf $2,500,000. —A Berlin cable sa s that after the /re- turn of the Kaiser to 3 erlin a report warl spread that Queen Wi helmina of the Nettie erlands 'was to be married to Crown Prince William of Germany. —The cry, "Independence or death l' started last week in Havana, Cuba has spread like wild fire over the entire island. Among the lower claims of Cubans the con- dition is such that only a leader, fearless and determined, is needed to cause a. gen- uine uprising. • Origin of the Boers. , The name Boer has its' counterpart in the German word bauer, signifying a peasant or farmer. Thie first Laitch who colonized South AfricS, in 1652 Were of the bauer or farmer class, as were those who immediately followed them, except' the officials of the Dutch East India Coirmany, who governed Cape Colony. Later the colonists were of various nations, especially Germans and Flemings, with a few Poles and Portugese, and Borne Hugenot French, who loft their country on the revocation of the Edict of Nan tes. • STOMACH TROUBLE. A Frequent Source of the Most Intense Misery. Mr. Harvey Price, of Bismark, Suffered for Years Before Finding a Care—Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills Restored Him. Those who suffer from stomach troublee are truly to be pitied. I Life seems a burden to them ;-, food is distasteful, and even that of the plainest kind is frequently followed by nausea, distressing pains and sometimes vomiting. Such a sufferer was Mr. Harvey Price, a well-knownfarmer and stook -grow- er, living at Bismark, Ont. To a reporter who recently interviewed him. Mr. Price said :—" I have found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills of such incalculable value in relieving me of a long siege of suffering that I am not only willing but anxious, to say a good word in behalf of this medicine, and thus point. the road to health to spme other sufferer. For five. years I had been afflicted with stomach trouble and a torpid liver. I doc- tored and also denied myself of many kinds of food 'pleasant to the; taste, but neither the medical treatment nor the diet seemed to help me to any degree. In January, 1899, the climax of my trouble appeared to be reached. At that time I was taken down with la grippe and that, added to my other troubles, placed me in f such a precarious position that none of My neighbors looked for my recovery. My appetite was almost completely gone, and I experienced great weakness and dizzinese, vomiting spells and violent headaches. I was also troubled with a cough, which seemed to rack my whole system. I shall never fOrget the agony ex- perienced during that leng and -tedious sick- ness. Medical treatment and medicines of various kinds had no a parent effect in re- lieving me. After exist1 ng in this state for some eronths my mother induced me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. In May last I purchased three boxes, i and before those were gone undoubted relief was experienced. Thus encouraged I continued the use of the pills, and with the use of less than a dozen boxes, I was again enjoying the beet of health. I can now attend to my farm work with the greatest ease. iMy appetite is bet- ter than it has been for years, and the stom- ach trouble that so long imade my life mis- erable had vanished. I have gained in weight, and can safely say that 1 am enjoy- ing better health than I have done for years before. I feel quite, sure that those who may be sick of ailing, will find a cure in a fair trial of Dr. Williants' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make pure, rich blood, thus reaching the root of disease and driving it out of the system, curing when other medicines fail., Most of the ills afflict- ing mankind are due to an impoverished condition of the blood, or weak or shattered nerves, and for all these Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a specific which speedily restores the sufferer to health. These pills are never sold in any form except in the com- pany's boxes, the wrapieer round which bears the full name " Dr._ Williams' Pink Pills for Pale.People." All othere are coun- terfeits andi should always be refused. Get the genuine, and be made, well. • Growing a Grandmother. He was a wee little map, only three years old, but very brave, courageous, and uncom- plaining—more courageous and uncomplain- ing—than any one knew, for though he was only a baby, he had. trials to bear. The family had gone to a new country in the Far West, the mamma, this little man, and the sister, a little older. It was a very new country, very different from the city in the East, where they had left many friends, relatives, and nearest of all, a dear old grandmother. The mamma was so busy in her new home that she had little time to devote to the babies, except to see that they were clean and well fed. So - the little ones were lonesome sometimes, as mamma found out one day in a way that brought tears to her eyes. The little three- year-old had been very busy and quiet, making a big hole in the ground with such earnestness of parpose that fearing the little fellow was planning some mirsehief, she went to see what was being done. The hole wapoompleted when she reached the spot, and in It had been placed some- thing that she took out and examined with wondering curiosity. It ,wasetthe 'tangent thing to go bite a; hole InI the ,groundd--ate old dagueorotype a pidure• of the dear grandmother at home. "Why, baby," exclaimed mamma, "what Toilet Articles and Preparations. Where do you buy Paine's Celery Com- pound ? We sell large ,quantities of this great popular medicine every week. [ , LaintSniniv & WILSON, Druggists, Stotts Bloc*, Seaforth, Oat. Brave Horsemanship. Monsieur de Pages, in his Travels Round the World," relates an extraordin- ary instance of courage and endurance on the part of a man and his horse. It occur- red at the Cape of Good hope. The writer would have found theestory hard of belief, he says, only that he arrived there on the da after the event occurred, and saw the ve ement emotione of sympathy, blended wi h admiration, which it had excited in the mi d of every person at the Cape. uring a violeet gale, a vessel in the ro de dragged her anchors and was driven on the rocks. Most of the craw were soon wa hed overboard and drewned, but some we e desoribed from the shore, clinging to the wreck. The sea ran high, and the wa es broke with such fury on the boomed yes el that no boat could venture out to the wok of rescue. eanwhile a farmer; considerably e.dvan- oed in years, had come from his farm to be a pectator of the tragedy. His heart me ted at the sight, and' knowing the epi it of hie horse and its wonderful strength an endurance as a swimmer, he determin- ed o attempt a rescue. e blew a little brandy into his horse's nos rile, and pushed into the- midst of the bre kers. At first both man and beast die - app ared, but they came into, sight again, and were seen swimming near the wreck. Th n, after a period of great, 'anxiety, they res peered near the shore, struggling with the breakers. Shouts of joy went up when it sas found that two seilors were °hiving to t e rider's boots and had been safely lanc ed. S ven times the perilchis trip to the wreck was made, and fourteen lives were saved. On he eighth trip, horse and rider being wel -nigh spent, a formidable wave broke ove them, and the farmer lost his balance, fell, and was overwhelined in a moment. The gallant horse swam safely to land, but his rave rider was no more. M sical Clubs in Small Towns. "There is one principle that must be stris tly adhered to in any successful village mus cal society ; there must be no drones " wri es Professor Frank Waldo in an article on "Music in the Village," in the Septem- ber aches Home Journal, "'The instant that any one is admitted to membership on any • ther grounds than ability the decline of t e society has begun. • Regular attend- ance can be secured only by arousing the entbnsiasm of the members, t ' " he one word that expreisses the possi- bilit es of concerted instrumental mac:3 for the illage is orchestra, This word, while rath r pretentious in sound, may have an extr mely humble appliVniion. Orchestra is m ntioned as opposed to band; the or - cher' ra, being intended for indoor practice, is ca able of exerting a Most refining in - flue ce. " G is to chorus work that the vocal ener ies of the singers of the town must be main y devoted, and it is beat to assume a high stand from the outset, and establish an ' ora orio society,' rather than a ' chorus ' or ' horal olub.' For th's purpose a well - bale ced group of thirty •r forty voices is sufficent if it is composed of members who can r ally sing. A email chorus of unex- peote volume of tone is much more effec- tive 'han a laree one wi h a disappointing volu e, II: to th elpec Phiha to gi of music vvhere the memb vidua ly or collectively, d what 's best, for their pu t may be just as well to call attention fact that the larger music emporiums, ally those in Boa on, New York, elphia and Chicago, are always ready e advice and assiate • oe in the selection re of clubs, indi- not know just me" • Tuckers. th. CO NCIL. —Council met at Brucefield on Deee ber 1st, as per adjo rnment ; all the memb re present. Gravel, culvert and other accou 'te, amounting to $4 t1.77 were paid, The r eve received $45, th . councillors each $35, embers of Board o Health each $5, trees rer $100, and clerk $140 for -services rende ed (tering 1899. A meeting will be held on the 15th inst., at 10 o'31ook, as re - 1 quire by statute, at Kyle's hotel, at which it is r quested that all unpaid accounts will be presented, so that the annual statement's of rec ipts itnd expenditur may be made as compl te as possible. 011tildren As An Iayestment. ThoSe who are accustom d to comfort ex- ercise greater self-restrai. t in matrimony than do the poor. These 1, st rush in, reas- oning as they do in Irelan. in this matter. " Shure, whatever we .o, we can't be worse off than we are." And yet many of the Iri h poor enter in- to matrimony as a sort of 1 vestment for old age. When children oo e as quickly as they do to the poor, into he little cabin of Pat and Biddy, they Say: "Shure, they will be a gr te support to us in our ould age," And this they generally are, for in no country is the claret chil ren to provide for aged parents held so ea red as in Ire- land, ° • A Yung Man's Health. Colonel Senn, a surgeon n the Spanish war, told a representative o Men why so many applioations for ad lesion into the army were rejected. The rincipal reason was general debility. • "The cause of this ?" ell, I should say, a lack of natural sleep n most cases. It is not so muela how a an is occupied during the day time, but i is the loss of sleep and rest that makes he difference; young men suffer little f orn overwork. They ought to be asleep hou 0 before mid- night. • If a man can give a pod account of himself in the hours between 6 and 12 p. m., he will find improvemen in his physi- cal condition." —Ellice peat is now in us in one of the Stratford hotels and is givin entire satin. faction. —A frontage tax by-law w 11 be submit- tecl,to the electors of Mitchel at the muni- cipal elections in January. —Mr. P. Chamberlain, Logan, has gone on a visit to the old c untry, as has also Mr. David Dood, of Mo kton. —Mr. A. F. McLaren, M. P,, of Strat- ford, has returned from an ex endO trip to Mexico and Texas. —Jeremiah McCarthy his ,purchased; Michael Murray's farm on th 14th comes - mon of Logan, the price realie d was 83,200. —Mr. Munro, who has ra t in school No. 4, Fullerton, for the past twenty years, intends retiri4 at th end of the year. TAKING THE REI4 Guy's matinee record to wagoln is now 2:IeI2. Tgreat trotter Little Tobe, 2:191/4, has been converted to the pace by Allie Merrifield. Oscar L, 2:1314, is a newcomer to the list this year. He was said to have 'hewn 2:10 over Belmont. The second heat in 2:09 by Prince Alert at Morristown, N. J., recently is the New Jersey state record for a halt mile track. Lord Vincent, 2:08%, was formerly. owned by J. W. Hill of Greenville,' Pa., who purchased him at $700 and Old him for $1,350. ese, There Wmore harness racing let the south this winter than ever befo el and Georgia and Texas will keep the horses busy until the new' year. It is said that the recovery of Lady of the Manor 18 now sure. It is to be hoped that this is the case, as she seems like the best two minute prospect for a -pacing mare out. The bay gelding aeorge, by Scarlet Wilkes, who trotted a skyrocket race at Reedville last year, taking a record of 2:13%, and went wrong soon after, is now winning in the slow pacingOlasses in the east.' Deriel, 2:071/1, is proving one of the cracks of the New York speedWay. One afternoon recently she was timed a quar- ter in 301/e seconds. It is said tbat her owner, Dr. 11.1:I -Kane, is willieg torace her against Bumps, 2:0334. There are eight drivers who have put two or more horses in the 2:05 ist.- Mc- Henry, Snow and Caere are the only ones who have been miles In 2:05 or better with three differeat horses,- and Andy McDowell is the only trainer who ever _ drove two trotters in the 2:05 t. WORKERS AND DRO ES. It is important in wintering bees to have a well formed brood nest. Comb building ceases at the w riding up of the honey flow at any seasin of the year. If bees can gather honey durin , the fall months, usually the brood nes be - well formed. To have bees do well in wi.ter they should be kept very quiet, wit no dis- turbance whatever. [ - If bees are wintered in the ce har, they must be kept quiet throughout ad in ut- ter darkness all the time. . Bees that are wintered in ch if hives may have the entrances to t e . closed entirely during cold weath - Nothing will advance the proems of the apiary so -well as a supply •f: empty combs. With good care they wil last in-. definitely. Empty combs that are not in he hives and protected by the bees are 1. danger of being destroyed by .moth WOrgi5.. "'Fu- migating with sulphur is the ties,. means of ridding them of moth. --St. L uis Re- public. GROWLS IN GOTHA . After the battle at Coney Isl nd be- tween Jeffries and Sharkey no n.e, eve suppose, can doubt that New Yolk is the true home of prizefighting in the United States.—New York Tribune. A good many New Yorkers h e been drinking "milk".that was 88 per ent wa- ter and didn't imagine the truth until it was made known by official inves igation. Benighted Gotham—Boston Globe. - Can it be possible that 'New York is really to have a custom house? Has ev- ery conceivable obstacle been removed? Can re:idling be done to preventit? •` Until the building iS actually finished conserva- tive New Yorkers of long residence will continue to have doubts.—New York WNo relic!. r Yorkers who might otherwise have to patronize the famous baths in Europe can now take them very comfort- ably at home. All they need is to fill their bathtubs with water (?) and allow it to settle a' little while. The resulting de- posit of mud will be all they can -ask for. —New,York Herald. • CHURCH NOTES. The Methodist Episcopal church has established missionary work in more than 100 centers in eight of the middle states of the republic of Mexico. The United Presbyterian church in, Scotland and America maintains 7 mies, sions, supports 62 ordained missionarieS, 21 ordained natives, 16 medical missio - aries and 43 zenana missionaries. New York is the strongest Luthera city in the world, having 84 churches a that denomination with 15,994 commun cants, and church property valued a $2,000,000. Preaching is done in eight different languages. ' THE HOME DOCTOR. Wash the scalp with bran water when troubled with dandrifff. This treatment is said to be sure and safe. Bathing the chest with cold water each morning will greatly strengthen it, and friction should also be used. . Cornmeal poultices are alio heavy where there is a great tenderness. F axseed II and slippery elm should be used i stead. , A glass of hot water t4en before breakfast has cured many ca es cf indi- ' gestion, and no simple reme y i more widely recommended by ph sici ns to dyspeptics. , THE ROYAL BOX. Emperor William has learned to speak Swed ish. The Princess of Wales is en o nivo- rous reader of serious literatur The khedive of Egypt com lain that he cannot Hee on $500,000 a ye r. - The crown prince of Germa y is said to have grown taller than Ws father, which the emperor does not ilehish, and to strongly resemble his mothexj Since the war broke out Qu enVicto- ria has been present at the d ily ublic morning prayers of the royal liousehiold, and special petitions are offered tor the preservation of the army. _ THE PARIS SHO Among the peculiar attracti ns at the Paris exposition will be a great machine for making clouds of all varieties at will. A bicycle geared to 240 will be shown at the Paris exposition. The frisk sprock- et contains GO teeth and the rear sprocket teeth. Eight sections at the Paris universal exhibition of 1900 will be devoted to "the history of the religions of the world, with the beliefs of all the kuown races of men, east and present," rasaussr. - We have to thank Gaza, ht Falistino, the gates of which Samson tarried await • for gaze or gauze. Gaza means "trear ure,' and precious to the fair is the tis- sue which govers without concealing tint, charms. Voltaire, wiehing to domeibo some intellectual but perhaps dinky wi. tuna, said, "She le aa *ail* hica est, el 7 Products Of The Soudan. There is already talk in Eogland oil de- veloping the natural resources of the 6ondan through soieutific exploration. Imrrense forests lined the banks of the Blue Nile along its upper reaches,- extending to the Abyssinian frontier. The ebony tree islrnet with along that river, and also near the Sobat. On the White Nile the india-rabiser creeper, a valuable source of rubber, a- bounds. There are large foreste in the Bahr-el-Ghasel Province. Gold was nee mined in some of the mountains of the ou- dan. Search will be made for coal. ••••••••-•••••••••••••11 Separate Towels for Childre4. Two or more children should not be per- mitted to use the same towel. Each child should have a separate one, and be taught to regard it as personal property. Towels may be bought with initials woven in them, which makes it easy for the owner to dis- tinguish his own. Diseases of the eye and skin diseases are easily communicated by the indiscriminate use of the same towel by different pe -sons. If carefulness in this matter be inculcated in childhood it may save much Buffering—September Ladies Home Journal. No Use For Insurance, Assurance Agent: "I called to' see if I couldn't assure your husband's life ?" Mrs. O'Flannigan "Sure, it wuddent be wort,' th' while; he wurruks in a powder mill, an' is liable t' be blowed up at anny rninut ?" • —Mrs. David Gibson, of Stratford, has received word of the death of her son David, in Texas.-- The cause of death was a liver complaint.- -The Elm& Cheese Company have dis- posed of the balance of their cheese, the September and October make, 1,220 boxes, at 11 9-163. per pound, to Ballantyne & Son. Thin sale will aggregate over $10,000. —The number of dents in Stratford during the year was 86, consumption head- ing the list with 22 victims, old age with 12, and heart failure, indigestion and cancer 2 each. In the year 1898 there were 88 deaths. • Epps's Cocoa GRATE FIJI, CO-MFORTrNG Distinguished everywhere for De- licacy of Flavour, Superior Quality, and Highly Nutritive Properties. . Specially gratefet and comforting to the nervous •'and dr -peptic. Sold only in quarter -pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO,, Limited, Homceopethic Chemists, - London, England. REAKFAST SUPPER, Epps's Cocoa • 1660-26 • - Beat the Doctors. Mr. B. M. Bowler, Cambridge, Kinzer Co., N. S., says : "1 was troubled with a running sore In my ear, for which I tried all kinds of doctors, but could not get cured. I was recommended to try Burdock Blood Bitters, which I did, and the sore was • com- pletely hea!ed." Bealed Ear. Last winter my ear healed land I tried everything to cure it, but nothing. did me any good. Some one recommended Hagyard's Yellow Oil. It healed up my ear entirelY,and my hearing came back. Lizzlir Farlinger, Cornwall, Ont. Mrs. Wm. Herman, Roland, Man., writes " have been using Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw, berry for the past six years, and consider it a grand remedy for Diarrhoea and Dysentery. MILBURN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a specific remedy for the cure of Rheumtism, Sciatica, Neural. gin and Gout. They will relieve and oure these pain- ful diseases when all else fails. Worms Weakened Baby. My baby suffered terribly with worms, I used on• bottle of Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup,which cowl pletely cured him. Mrs. Wm. M. Mesaeoar, Water- ford, Ont. Mrs. Jas. Clark, A well known lady of Commands, Ont., says;-- "Some time ago I was greatly •troubled with Headaohe and Constipation. One bottle of Laxa-Liver Pills cured me." SIGN OF THE CIRCULAR SAW Give a Youth • Resolution and a course in Business and Shorthand at the f011 TY. 1055 24 and who shall place limits to his career. Catalogue free. W, WESTERVELT, PrinoipaL CENTRAL Hardware Store. STCYV-S. We have a full line of first-class Cook Stoves and .Heaters. • Iu Wood Stoves we have Meffatt's Crown, Matchless and Majestic fitted with steel ovens, the most perfect bakers in the mar- ket. We have also Gurney's Oxford and Rival. For a Coal and Wood Range, six holes, Gurney' e Imperial Oxford is the most hand- some and eatisfaetory stove in the market. Moffatt's Welcome is the best four hole Range in the market. We have a, good line of Coal Stoyes and Wood Heaters. Call and examine our stoves before purchasing. Eavetroughing and Furnace Work a specialty. Sills & Murdie HARDWARE, Counter's Old Stand, Seaforth When Children should wear glasses .1. When their eyes are not straight. 2. When they cannot &tin* see the blackboard. 3. When reading, if they squint, hold the book sideways or too close. 4. When they tire easily of reading or studying., All sure signs that great benefit will - be derived from wearing glasses. _ Satisfaction guaranteed. J. ROBERTS, DRUGGIST AND OPTICiAlii SEAFORTH. HIGH GRADE Furniture EMPORIUM Leatherdale Lan dsbor SEAFORTH, Dealers in first-elass Furniture of all kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering neatly done. We also do picture fram- mg, and a choice selection of pictures always on hand. Curtain poles at all prices, and put up. We are alsc Agents for the New William's Sewing Machine, lest in the market for do- mpstic use, no travelling agents, no high prices. ,.1•••1•1•MO TIZTYOMMT.A.3ECINCE1-- . In the Undertaking Department, we buy our goods from the best houses in Ontario, and guarantee satisfaction in every depart- ment of our work. We have always made it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re - to quisites for funeral', FEE 0)? CHARGE< Prices -better than heretofore. Arterial and cavity embalming doze on scientific principles. P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be • attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi- t denee, directly in the rear of the Domita..0 Bank. Ai go 0 171 — es- 4C(DI c<1 0' 0 - 4) 1=04 PT. P 0 0 1:54 cp 20- 4:11 tiQ CD •aeaAga41. jo Leatherdale Landslaprough, SEAFORTH. McLEOD'S System Renovator —AND OTHER— TESTED REMEDIES. A specific and antidote for Impur4i, Weak and Itn- pover4hed Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Coreplaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory t_ Bronchitis, Consumption all Stones, Jaundice, Money and Urinary Disealses, St. Vitus Dance, Female Irregularieles and General Debility. LABOBATOItY—Goderieb, Ontario. J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manu lacturer. Sold by J, S. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 1601-tf THE SEAFORTH !,blusical - Instrument EMPORIUM. ESTABLISHED, 1873. Owing to bard tiniest we have con- cluded to sell Pianos and Organs at „ow :Greatly Reduced Prices. kJ.) • (Ad Organs at $25 and upwards, and ,.PiaTIOS at corresponding prices. See us before purchasing. •••••••=..... SCOTT BROS. 2;7