HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1899-11-17, Page 3• 189Lr
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NOVEMBER 17, 1899.
isurveyor, Member of theAssociation of Ontar
laj.leggEleastA, Dominion and Provincial Lee
Surveyors, Dublin, Ontario. 1386-62
°VEY TO LOAN.-Funde of private partie
also corneaey funds,- to loan at 6 per cent. fir
mortgage; terms to suit borrowers. JAMES l
NerzORAII, Barrieter, Seaforth. 1669 tf
-OEN BEATTIE, Clerk ef the Second Divisio
J court, County Commissioner, of Huron, Coi
velem% Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. rune
e„.,aea wad M Loan. Orate -Over Sharp
iev -
(rons' store, Mein street, Seaforth. 1269
Ear/1AV LAMB. -Came into the premises of al
undersigned Lot 3, Concession 1, maKillop,
wee. The Owner can have the same by provir
report3- and paying charges. THOS. Murree
P 1684x3
ratililleet BULLS FOR SALE. -For sale, tw
jef thoroughbred Dui ham bull.; both 12 montl
essa one re an and the other red, JOHN MORRISOe
It4t 22, comeeeion 11, McKillop, Winthrop P. 0.
estARM TO RENT. -To rent, Lott 20, Concession 1
r- Ribbeit. Tenant can plcugh after let Octobei
ma, Ind get full pcseession 18t April, 1900. Lane
lord would prefer to rent for guzzle g only. Plant
of water. For particulars apply to F. HOLMESTEI
Sinister, Seaforth. 1658-1f
-DARII FOR SALE. -Being Lot 34, Cone:onion 1
Jr Usborne. A first•olass farm of 99 acres, la we
wiatered with never failing springs. Stone hots
add good fraine outbuildinga. li miles from Hensa
arid &Miles from Exeter on London Road. For Jul
the peeesesoare apply to vvit. ELDER, Hensall
ACHER WANTED. -For olesworti
school for 1900. Must hold 2nd class profes
siOnaleertifleate. Applications received Sup to No
vember 22nd, 1899.. H. R. SPENCE, Secretary-Preaa
man Molesworth, Ontario. 1685-2
..... --a-
TaiSTRAY SOW. --Strayed from Lot 23, Concesaloi
_Ei 1, Bibbed, the last Sunday in October, a largi
hack eow. Any information leaving to the recover3
will be thankfully received at THE EXPOSITOI
or with PATRICK CARLIN, Dublin. 1685-8
ert0 LET REASONABLY. -Eligible farm, three
„Unites from Blyth, 2)0 acres, two houses, twc
bernieete. Any meded improvements will be math
orallawed for. Stabling to be built and barns re.
tatted next spring. Apply to T. F. COLLE, Blyit
I' O. Otto CHAS. HAMILTON, Blyth. 186f36-tf
1 sale three good thoroughbree Durham bulls,
from 10 to 12 months old; also several °owe and
heifers, ell registered. Apply on Lot 30, Concession
5, treborne. or address Hurondale P. 0. THOMAS
UUDMORE. 1665-11
CfREEP LOST --Strayed from Lot 21, Concession
0 3, aleKillop, about the last of September, five
awes sold one lamb, black faces and lege. The lamb
hada long tail ; one ewe was aged, the others young.
Any Information leading to their recevery will be
libenkfully received and • person found harboring
them will be prosecuted. MRS. McKENZIE, Sea -
forth. P. 0.` 18853
MAX NOTICE. -Mr. Charles Dodds, collector of
sa, taxes for MoKillop township, will be at the
Royal Hotel, Seaforth, every Fridge- and Saturday
dienecons, until and including December 14th, from
late 5 o'clock. for the purpose of receiving taxes.
Parties interestei will please govern themeelves am
xtrdingly. CHARLES DODDS. 1865 -td
°TICE TO CREDITORS, -In the estate of Mar-
garet Dunlop, late of the township of Hibbert,
in the bourty of Portb, widow, deceased. Notice is
hereby given, pursuant to chapter 129 of the Revised
Stetutes of Oetario, 1897, that all persons having
1.1411118 against the -e tate of Margaret Dun'op, the
'fore named decea.sed, who diel on or about the
Uitli day of July A. D., 1899, are regutatel to deliver
to Wm. Towers, at Farquhar or Denald McLachlan,
It Cromarty, the executors of her estate on or before
:he Seth day December. A. D., 1899, their names and
'arcane with full particulars of their claims and
statements of their accounts duly and legally veri-
fied. And after the said 201.h day of December, A.D
1809, the said executors will proceed to dietribute
;her aseets of the mid decemed among those entitled
:hereto, having regard to those claims only of which
mace shall have Leen received as above and the
mid executora will -net be liable for the said assets
meny part thereof so distributsd as aforesaid to any
Ierscn or persons, of whose claim or claims notice
saalaeen received at the time of ouch distribution.
Dated at Farquhar the 24 day of November, 1899.
D. HAY, Commissioner. 1665 2
[TOUSE AND LOT FOR 3ALE.-For sale a com-
as1 fortable house with good lot,on which is a stable
Ind a number of fruit trees, in a central part of the
:own of Seaforth, for sale cheap. Apply at 'THE
La purchasirg or leasing house on Sperling street,
kaforth, at preeent in occupation of Mr. I. V. Fear
Ind built by the undersigned, will be received until
of November ,- possession after lst of November.
gill sadness than half coet. Easy term& W. M.
MAY, 6 Welliegton Street East, Toronto. 1661x4
1 4, Concession 13, Hullett, containing 76 acres,
11 cleared, unierdrained, well fenced, and about 40
.cres seeded to grass. There are fair buildings.
Caere is a gocd orchard, and a never.failing sprite;
meek runs through the farm, and a good well at the
aeuse. It is near eohcial and post office, and con-
anient to the best markets. It is a splendid farm,
3ot a feet of waste land on it, and is well adapted for
stock raising. It will be sold cheap and on easy
erme. Apply to the undersigned, Seaforth P. 0
ANE ROBISON. 1654-11
V Village of Bayfield, the following
n Range F, in the township of
aierefrom if acres owned by
he land to be sold containing seven
Northeast corner of Lot 7, in Range
3hip of Stanley, containing three
are both situated on the Ba3 field
formation of Bayaeld. Immediate
el given. Title free from all encumbrances.
itiather particulars apply to
10BE1?.T WATSON, Brucefield
;wield, Executors.
DARM FOR SALE. --For sale
I 10, MeKillop, contaieing 100
ems cleared and in a good state
he remainder is in bueh and pasture.
sewed v,•ith cedar and black ash
rained. There is on the place a
ed stable 61x80 feet, together.
nd pia pen 30x36 feet. There is
welting. Plenty of good water and
hie farm is ea miles from Winthrop,
store, blacksmith shop, and
ales from Seaforth ; school within
nd is convenient to churches'.
s.asonabje terms. For further particulars
(If. MORRISON, Winthrop P. 0.
-For sale in the
lots: Lot 8,
Stanley (excepting
Eire. L. Clark).
acres ; second -
F, in the town-
acres. These lots
road, within tha
poeseseion will
the undersigned.
Lot 21, 'Concession
acres. Eighty
ot -cultivation.
It is well
and is well under -
good frame barn
with sheep house
also a good frame
a small orchard.
where there is
post office, and 7i
a mile and a half
It will be sold ou
apply tO
:1 PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, a eplen-
3 did farm and hotel property. This farm is on
im 13th conceseion of the Townebip of McKillop, at
he Village ot Leadbury. le contains 112e acres, all
f which are cleared, except about throe acres. It is
2 & geed state of eultiva.tion, being well fenced end
ndercirained, and suitahle for grain growing or stook
aising and feeding. There ie not a foot of w ate
and on the farm. There are two good dwelling
ieuEes, a large bank barn with stone stabling under -
math, a large implement house and all necessary
>uildings in first-emes repair. There are three or -
lauds and four never -failing wells. The farm ad
0108 the Village of Lcadhur3 , where are stores, poet
iffice, blacksmith shop, school. etc. The well known
seadbery hstel ie on the farm, and will be sold'VOth
a It is now under lease for a term of years: This
8 one of the best and most profitable farm proper.
Ie in the County of Huron, ani will be sold oheap
nd on ca. i Orme of payment. If the property is
lot mid in a reaeonable time, ths farm will be rented
t& suitable tenant (More- For urther particulare,
IsPir on the premises, or addre a the undersigned
reprieter, Leadbury P. 0. JOH 'STON KINNEY.
BOkeep for service on Lot
Itaracy, a thoroughbred Chesterwhite
n, payable at the time of service
if returning 11 necessary. JOHN
undersigned will
25, Conceseion 4,
boar. Touca-
i with the privilege
L on Lot 26, Conceseion 6, L.
'thoroughbred CIIESTER Wnrre
red YORE:INURE PIG. A lin:Inca
se admitted to each. Ternue el,
If service, or 81.60 if charged.
elite Figs for sale. JAMES GEe
°reigned will keep
R. 13. Tuckeremith,
re, also a thorough -
umber of sows will
payable at the time
Ale° a few Chester
MILL. 1608-52
[ VICE.=-Tbe undersigned •
l the Brumfield Jheese Eisele',
amworth Boar, with registere
1; payable at time of service
aming if necessary. Also a nu
'?ed young Tamworth Boars a
[UGH MoCARTNEY, Bruoefield.
--- -.---
11 keep for service,
a thoroughbred
pedigree. Terms,
lth privilege of re-
ber of thorough.
d Sows for sale.
ICE. -The under.
82, concession 3,
pig, to which a
taken. Thi. is an
t advantageous to
this breed of pig.
ning II necessary.
L. signed ha e for eervioe on lo
loKillop, a thcro'bred Tamwojth
°Aid number of sows will be
Xtra good pig and breeders and
1ross their aerkshire sows with
terms $1, with privilege of retu
Positively cured by these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
indigestion and Too Heasty Eating. A per-
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small P111. Small Dose.
Small Price.
the fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills,
The Cardigan Overshot
Is ts heavy black over -stocking with the
foot vulcanized into a rubber shoe. The
stocking is complete to the toe of the
rubber and makes the warmest, lightest/
and neatest rubber in the market. No
buttons, no buckles. Made to fit all shoe
shapes. Sold by all dealers.
Manufactured by
The Cardigan Overshoe Co., Stratford, Ont.
Our direct connections will save you
thne and money for all points,
!Canadian North West
Via Toronto or Chicago,
British Columbia and California
Our rates are the lowest. We have them
to suit everybody and PULLMAN TOUR-
IST CARS for your accommodation. Call
for further information.
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trains leave Seaforth and Clinton stations
Paaaenger 12.40 P. M.
Passenger.... 10.12 P. M.
Mixed Train...... 9.20 A. M.
Mixed Train ...... 8.16 P. M.
GOING gear -
Passenger.. 7.66 A. M.
Passenger.. P. M.
Mixed Train.... .. 6,20 P. M.
Wellington, Grey and Bruce.
12.56 P. M.
10.27 P. M.
10.15 A. M.
7.06 P. M
7.40 A.M.
2.55P. M.
4.86 P.M.
GOING NORTH- Passenger. '
Ethel 10.04 es M.
Brussels.. .. 10.18
Bluevale.. .. 10.28
Wingham • 10.40
GOING SOUTTI- Passenger.
Wingham 660 es M.
Bluevale .. ....... 7,00
Brunets .... ...... 7,16
Ethel., 7 28
1.40 e. M.
8.66 A. K.
London, Huroi and Bruce.
GOINO NORTH- ' ,, Passenger.
London, depart.. 9..4...a 8.15 A.M.!4.45 P.M.
Centralia 9.181 6.515
Exeter., j. -9.80 8.07
Henna:. 9.44 8.18
Kippen 1.‘ 9.50 8.25
Brumfield 9.68 8.38
Clinton. . .i . 10.16 8.55 .
Londesboro - .........10.33 7.14
Blyth.....-. - 10.41 7.28
Belgrave...... .... ' . 10.56 7.87
Wingham arrive ...... .. 11.10 8.00
Goma S('uris- Passenger.
%%Ingham; depart.... .... 6.68 A.M. 8.80 P. M.
Belgrave 7.04 8.45
Blyth . 7.18 4.00
Londeaboro 7.24 4.10
Clinton... 7.47 4.80
Brumfield 8.08 4.60
Kippen , 8.17 4.69
Hensel! 8.24 6.04
Exeter 8.88 5.16
Centralia 8.60 6.26
London, (arrive) 9.50 A. M. 6.29
Seaforth Foundry
A N D----"mmor
Machine Works
Are now in
And we are prepared to do repairing of all kinds
Engine and Mid Work a specialty. Threehers and
farmers' work promptly attended to.
Plow Points and all repairs for the Coleman imple-
ments kept on hand and made to order.
We have for sale, at very, reasonable prices, two
Stevens & Burns portable engines, two White port-
able engines, one Waterous and one Leonard.
For full particulars, call or address
Bulls and Rams for Sale..
For sale a choice lot of SIIORTMORN Braes, from 6
to 12 months old, big growthy fellow@ ; also a few
loweet and terms eesy.
Ethel, Ontario.
rev. 1)r. Maul: of Toronto Says 'British
z,,uccess 314.ane' LibortY•
At St. Andrew's Church, Toronto,
Rev. Dr. Armstrong- Black, the re-
cently -inducted pastor; preached at
powerful sermon to, the 48th Regi-
ment. •
Dr. Black spoke • from Ephesians,
vi., 10 to 20,' especially the clause
in the 12th ' verse: "For we wrestle
not against- flesh and blood." Dr.
Black referred to the writer, who
was then a poor decrepit harmless -
looking Man, -but who had been a
gr eat ' soldier. They were then in
the garbl of war in an hour of peace.
It was herd to realize that the sound
of war viras in the air, but .they all
had great battles to fight in their
'own nat res; battles for which the
stake w s their eternal ,happiness.eferring to the Transvaal trouble,
he said the nation of which they
formed a part might have made mis-
takes in striking when they should
not, and in withholding when she
should have struck, but it could
truly be said that her flag -. never
fluttered in the war breeze unless
libertywas at stake. Britain's rule
had ever been a most beneficient one,
and no reasonable man could detw
tnat lt .would be a good time for all
if British rule prevailed in the Trans-
vaal. No government at the head of
which v‘ras such ' a peace -loving
Queen would ask what was selfish
or unjust of any natio, nor demand
what could be attained by peaceful
measures. He believed God had seen
some great wrong that had to be
righted which was w9rth the price
of blood. There was no cure for
some national evils other than war,
and t at was why he rayed for the
success .of British arms There would
sure1y! come a time wh n he who had
.no sword should sell his ga.rment
and buy one. At the present time,
with ' 11 nations armed as they were,
and -1, -ith interests ao interwoven,
who binew how great a fire any spark
might kindle? They must have sol-
diers and patriots at I heart; might
their etTorts be inspired by unselfish-
ness, and in the hoUr of victory
they be conspicuous in humil-
31 liking W hal ee For COnsumptives.
Tn T,ontion some years ago my at-
tention was
tl e opposite side of the street,
tention was attracted y a huge sign
and also by thc. number of people
Ilockh g into the -building. The sign
read t s follows: "Whaloid, Infallible
Cure . for Consumption, Dispensary.
hours, 8 to 10 a.m., 3 tcs 5 p.m." :
Ent( ring the building I was at a
loss s 'hat to make of the matter, as
all.I :wild see was the crowd and a
la re-() an k. in the centre of the room.
This ank was some seventyfeet
long, 'thirty, feet wide, 411d as I learn-
ed aftierward, about thirty feet deep
having been constructed at. groat ex-
p, kilisse . While waiting jiatiently for
developments I found that the liquid.
being lowered cor let out by
some Imeans. Soon a smooth black
surfacb appeared to view, and as the
water continued to. recede I became
aware l that. a captive whale was' on
exhibition. Surprised at not ilaN la) gi
to pa Y any admission fee, I was soon
made aware of the reason. A frame-
work had been constructed on whieh
the- animal rested, and soca) an ex- _
pert milkman was engaged in ex-
tracting whaloid, or whale's milk,
which was greedily absorbed at five
shillings per glass. This :plan seems
to be identical 'With that, of the
milkmen in Naples, who load a cow
tc3 the door and deliver the fluid in
the presence of the consumer, .so that ,
the latter can be satisfied that no 11 -
legal dilution is indulged in. -I had
hardly reecrvered from my surprise at
this unique method of getting na-
ture's own emulsion when • I was to
encounter a . severer Shock. Joining
the throng who were drifting further
down the street I went to South-
arnpton Row. The place of attrac-
tion was a smaller building, also la-
belled .in a mysterious. manner: "Cod-
loids. Authorized agencyprotected
by letters patent. Supplied' to sub-
scribers only. Specific for rheuma-
tism and consunipt4on."
Now what do yo suppose cddloids
proved to be? Whyeggs of the cod-
fish, and wonderfully large ones too.
They were retailedj at two shillings
per egg and eaten raw with a little
sodium chloride, w ich in plain Eng-
lish means 'salt:
'The mind readin
concealed articles
declared a New
1.1114n.• .con b
anybody Of ordinar,
way to go about i
or eight people seat, themselves about
a room, not too CllOse together, and
have somebody, selected as an assis-
tant, blindfold you. with a ,handker-
chief and lead you to another apart-
ment. While You albsent some small.
article is hidden.' anywhere! they
"On y1;1.117 return take the hand of
the person who did the hiding-, tell
everybody to think about. 'the place
of concealment and start in a run
around the room. Let yourself be
i-erfectly passive and stop when you
.,e1 an impulse to do so. Then
s retch •out the hand that is being
held, grope about. still pa SSi ve . and
still obeying impulse only, and three
times out, of five-youll find the .ar-
t cle.
''That sounds strange, but it's
true. If, you don't be1iev it, try for
.:Nitirsel.f. Yon will improve by prac-
tpce, by the way, and finally you'll
hilt it almost every time. It is capi-
till amusement for a little evening.
le. 'discouraged by a few failures and
arty, but I would warn you not to
plot to permit any laughing or gig-
gling. The secret of the thing is un-
d;pubtedly unconsciqus muscle -reading
but I have not bothered my head
• about theories. The facts are as
h av o s tated."-New Orleans Times -
ing Trick.
tric!: of finding
absiirdly easy,"
rleans news Duper
done by almost
intelligence. The
is this: Let six
Didn't.Conte Hero to Coal Uo•
"Don't you find our lake breezes
replied the visitor from
oast, -looking Sorrowfully at the
• eaks of soot on his freshly lann-
d rad cuffs. "1 like your air ever so
much better than your 'sell."'
For Infante and Children.
Paine's Celery Compound gives
Prompt Relief' and Cures
Thousands of people die in November of
rheumatism. In the vast majority of cases
carelessness, ignorance and a lack of medical
skill send the sufferer to the grave.
It, can be honestly and fearlessly asserted
that in ninety-nine oases out of every hun-
dred Paine's Celery Compound would have
banished the disease and saved life.
The original cause of rheumatism, as of so
inany other diseases, is a lack of nerve force.
With this weakness of the nervous system
there is a derangement of the digestive organs ;
the food stays too long in the stornach,it'turns
sour,and the resulting acid enters the blood.
The victim then takes cola, and thel itcid
cannot be expelled from the system by or-
dinary means. Soon the joints swell, and
then there is inflammation and great suffer-
Paine's Celery Compound used promptly
and regularly quickly expels all the deadly
acid from the body; the pains are banished,
muscles and joints that have become con -
traded and stiffened soon become limber
and regain their,power and the patient walks
with comfort and ease.
No other medicine can do such marvellous
work for those afflicted with rheumatism
and sciatica. Paine's Celery Compound is
truly your friend and life -renewer; it is
the medicine recommended by the ablest
physicians for the banishment and euro of a
disease that has such fatal results in the
variable autumn months.
Sandy's Explanation.
A braw son of Scotia accepted an invita-
tion to spend a fortnight with a friend in
London,•whoae quarters were in the dense
purlieus of Clerkenwell. On joining his
host at breakfast the morning after his ar-
rival the follo-wing colloquy took place,
muoh to the annoyance of the mistress of
the house :
Host -Well, Sandy, old man, how did
you sleep?
Sandy-Aweel, mon, to say the truth, na
so vara weel.
Host -I am sorry to -
Sandy (interrupting) ---Ah, dinna faith
yerself, mon 1 I was better aff than the
fleas, for they never closed a blessed e'e the
whole night.
cure the worst headache in from five to twenty min
utes, and leave no bad after-effeote. One powder 6n,
8 powders 10o, 10 powders 26o.
A White Dove in Church
A Newton, Massachusetts, young lady
saw a peculiar feature in a church in a
Maine town which she visited this summer:
Hearing the cooing of a dove, she looked
around and saw a white dove perched on
the organ and listening to the music with
great appreciation. She learned afterward
that the dove had been a regular attendant
ats church for eight or ten years, being
attracted by the music, of which iti was
very fond. It was twelve years old, and
was the pet of a lady who lived near.
After church the dove was taken to his
Sunday school class by a boy, and seemed
to enjoy the proceedings. Unlike many
church -goers, tbe weather made no differ-
ence to the dove, but every Sunday,
summer and winter, he was at his post on
the organ.
• HAGYARD'S YELLOW OIL mires epraine, bruises,
sores, wounds, outs, frostbites, chilblains, stings of
insects, burns, scalds, contusions, itc. Price 26o.
His Wedding Fee.
A clergyman, speaking of wedding fees
said: "About a month ago a opuple came
to my church to get married aecording to
arrangements made with me. The church
was opened and lighted up brilliantly, and
the organist played the regulation marches.
The nuptial knot being tied, the smiling
groom arproached me and placed a spotless
white envelope in my hand. It was. heavy,
and a touch showed that it contained a
coin. I concluded that it was a $10 Old -
piece. After tbe bridal party had departed
I opened the envelope. What do you
suppose it contained? A silver. quarter, I
dropped it in the poor box." -Brooklyn
DR. LaW'S WORM SYRUP is a safe, sure and re.
liable worm expeller. Acta equally well on children
or adults. Be sure you get Low's.
A B. bit.
The lawyer asked the witness if the in-
cident just previously. tl1uded to wasn't a
miracte, and the wit era said he didn't
know what a miracle was.
"Oh, come," said tbie attorney. " Sup-
posing you were looki g out of a window in
the twentieth story of a building and should
fall out and should not1 be injured. What_
would you call that ?"
"An accident," was the stolid reply.
"Yes,Yes • but what else would you
call it? Well, suppose you were doing the
same thing next day; Suppose you looked
out of the twentieth story window and fell
out, and again should find yourself un-
injured. Now, -What would you call
"A coincidence," said the witness.
"Ob, come, now," the lawyer began
again. ".1 want you to understand what a
miracle is, and I'm sure you do. Now, just
suppose that on the third day you were
looking out of the twentieth story window
and fell out, and struck your head on the
pavement twenty stories below, and were
not in the least injured. Come, now, what
would you call it ?"
"Three times ?" said the.witness, rousing
a little from his apathy. "Well, I'd call
that a habit."
And the lawyer gave it up.
One LAXA-LIVER PIILL every uight for thirty
days makes a oomplete cure of biliousness and con-
tipation. That is -just 26 cents to be oured.
The New Waitress.
A lady had a green Irish girl for a wait-
ress. After training the girl for a month
the lady ventured to invite two very digni-
fied people to dinner. For two courses
everything went welt. Bridget refrained
from speech, spilt not a thing, and looked
as pretty as a fresh young Irish girl can.
But when she removed the fish to take it
down to the kitohen she tripped on the top
step, and a scream and a series of bumps
and crashes accompanied the descent. The
hostess tried to keep from smiling, but the
two dignified guests never moved a muscle
until all was still and the voice of the girl
was heard calling in Kchest accents from
the bottom of the staiiks : "Did you hear
me? Fell all the way downehtairs and
landed on me fut loike a burrd."
To Cure a Cold in One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box.
Set Him Up.
An Aberdeen paper resuscisates the story
of the Auchmithie fisherman who was sent
to Edinburgh as one of a deputation about
something or other. His wife, in order to
do justice to the occasion, had insisted on
his donning a white shirt, and at night, in
the hotel, when that fisherman ought to have
been in bed, he was found sitting looking
sad. Inquiry brought out the intelligence
that he could not get to bed because 6 6 the
wife had shoed up tho white shirt tee mak'
it sit straucht."
Mrs. Rorer says that she neii-er spends
more than $10 a Week for her family ta-
ble expenses.
Sarah Bernhar t was once intended
for a milliner and came very pear to be-
ing sent to a shop to learn the trade,
Mrs. Joubert, Wife of the commander
of the Transvaal forces, accom ianies her
husband in the field and has he -self gain -
en a considerable knowledge Of military
Miss Lillian No ton attracted little at-
tention as an operi singer until she took
on a foreign dis uise by changing her
last name to Nor ica. She was born at
Farmington, Me.
Mrs. Nelson A. Miles, with al her 'trav-
eling, is a very domestic womaiti and par-
ticularly fond of : managing hier house,
though she has not as yet ad pted nit
tad of "cooking lessons."
. Though Mrs. George Gould hais $50,000
set aside for her each year, she frequent-
ly winds up the 12 months sone $10,000
in debt, for she is interested in a nuinber
of charities which she helps lib rally6
Miss Maud Goldschmidt, a gr nddaugh-
ter of the famous Jenny Lind, i now be-
ing trained in Paris. She is sail to have
inherited her grandmother's t lent and
to be a most charming young onaan of
Dr. Mary Bacheler is in charge of the
dispensary of the Free Baptist! Mission-
ary society at Midnapore, India, where
about 3,000 patients are treated every
year. he began her -work as 4 medical
missionry in 1875.
Mrs. aeland Stanford is complete mis-
tress of all the details connected with the
management of her husband's vast es-
tate. She has every working day prear-
ranged by a regular programme and gives
BO much time to every task.
Mrs. Russell Sage gives this account
Df her marriage: "Mr. Sege was a widow-
er and wanted a wife. He had known
me as a schoolgirl, and when he aeked
me I consented, expecting to aead my
life away with a quiet husband."
• Mrs. Leonard Wood, the wife of Gen-
eral Wood, interested herself in her hus-
band's work when he was an army Sur-
geon and, under his direction, read Med-
icine to such good purpose that it is now
said she could easily secure a diploma
from any medical college.
Adelaide Ristori, Countess del Grillo,
is- fond of company in spite .ot her ad-
vanced years. She always darries a
charm, which she believes has protected
her against the evil eye. It is a bird's
claw set in gold, and it has but one rival
in her affections. With it she always
carries the pen with which, at Ristori's
request, Queen Isabella of Spain signed
the pardon of a condemned man.
A full grown goose picked 'regularly
will yield a pound of. feathers.
One way of making poultry pay is al-
ways to have something to sell.
Chickens fatten faster on coOked food
than on raw, because it is easier di-
gested. , ,
Though turkeys are good foragers, It
will not pay to let them go without
proper feeding daily.
Paralysis in chickens Is due to Over-
feeding and lack of exercise. ive less
food and make the -fowls scraach for a
part of their living.
It is rarely the case that it is advisable
to stimulate egg production by the use of
irritating condiments. Plenty. Of whole-
some nutritious food is what is heeded.
' The profits from poultry are often
wasted by feeding more fowls than
should be kept. When a hen is not lay-
ing, she is expensive. Roosters sore also
One of the best ways of remciving lice
from fowls is to make them do it them-
-selves by having a lot ot dry dirt where
they can dust themselves whenever they
feel inclined, having first spripkled 'the
earth with carbolic acid. -St. Liouis
Salt is beneficial if scattered tinder 'the
grapevines and .pear trees.
All fungous diseases of plantsuch es
mildew, scab, - blight, rust, rot, etc., . are
It is not the growth of the tree so much
as the formation of the seed that ex-
haustthe tree.
If all wormy fruit is destroyeii as Soon
as it falls, your orchard will eyentually
be made free from worms.
One of the best arguments in! favor -of
a good fruit supply for the farmer is that
it will contribute to the health of ethe
family. -
It is a safe plan at all time si to burn
the trimmings from the berry and grape-
vines, as well as from the trees.' They
are troubleso-me if left on the ground,.
Props under the branches Of a tree
should never be allowed. If the load of
fruit is too heavy for the branch to hold
up, trimming is the proper thing to do,
It looks as if polygamy in Utah were
considerably claeapee than divortce in Da-
kota. ---New York Press.
Polygamy conies as cheap out in Utah
as running a Joint does in rropka. The
fine is $100. -Topeka State Journal.
Angus M. Cannon: svas fined ,only $100
for having six wives. Pretty lightl We'll
wager he would not part with one of
them for ten times that amouist-Balti-
more American.
"If let alone, polygamy will die a natu-
ral , death," says the present Brigham
Young. There can be no doubt of that
But will the Mormons let ipolygamy
alone? -Boston Globe.
It becomes apparent that the law offi-
cers of the nation must talke action
against the violation of the lasys enacted
versus polygamous marriages unless the
state of Utah will itself undertake this
work. -Seattle (Wash.) Times.
The male ostrich at times iscters acry
which sounds like an effort to speak With
the mouth shut tight.
Vultures cannot discover a 6reass by
the sense of smell. They rely entirely
upon their sight when in quest of food.
Bees are said to see an enormous dis-'
tenet). When absent from their hive,
they go up in the air till they see their
home and then fly toward it in a straight
The gorilla is furnished with a sort of
air bag in the chest, over the lungs, con-
nected with the windpipe. It is with the
help e; this organ that the animal emits
its terrific shrieks and roars.
Ally man who wears
the J. D. King Co.'s
inStubakesPr far 0:life y Rubbersmony
that will jingle in his pocket,
Search the world over and you
ego 001,iii find nothing better than stub
ea) Pthre°re°1is nRouthbibnegrsb, etbt:re.
, Any progressive dealer can tell
you all about Stub Proof, if not, write to
the J. D. King c., and they will tell you.
You can't afford to be without thern, because they are the
best. See that Stub Proof is STAMPED on the bottom of
each shoe. The J. D. KING CO., Limited,
Toronto. Moptreal. Winnipeg.
Chatham, Ontario.
anada's greatest school of shorthand and business training.
re successful. Note the following:
otoerale NIP.1111ROA7J..
Our pupils are
wizzrAm. IVErttROALZ._
6‘e-o-itjeWiehergall ce_Son,
, • mare'
Aranainettgrera of . . .
•4.rdwooditurn° ber, Staves:. and ; Hoops,
MeGiegoKT:p., gnit., Apr „ 2.9 , 1899:
stoesT• 11.1deo .
• chat ham
Dear,Sirs:z.*Yolifir,i5f.7th-e-)15-th7 inst:4t'd.- hand in)
duet Ime':1,1- '1'1Y1twciTyoung 'men • you refer to-,
!Jamea:i Rarail t McGregor office, and Mr
Char1e s Detroi t • office.Bottel
fd eine we 114- and..* -p t t Ing7a2.4mg,-,f ire t'Y rate-4r--
he Mr. Hamilton here referred to was formerly
most euccessful are those who have come to us
ce. We pay the railway fare of students from
0 per week and for gentlemen at $2.50.
For catalogue 'of either horthand or Business
D. ilcisACHLAN, Principal,
of Varna, Huron County. Many of
from the counties of Huron, Grey and
a distance. Good board for ladies all
Department, address
C. B. a, Chatham, Ont.
.04774 Of 7.; M/4'/
ttien to re a Business *Mit r cation, Shorthann,
T e best place in America foyoung men and
Mechanical Drawing or Penmanstkip. Thorough Bya,.
tern of Actual Business. Session etalre year. Student
been any time. Catalogue Free. Reference. all
Dettolt. W. F, JEWIZLI Isres. It. R. SPENCER, Seei
Yoyr s
For, .
For the invalid, the
son of
no kn
escent or pen-
dvanced yeare,
wn tonic equalfi
A rate old port wine
with Peruvian Bark in
quantities prescribed by
the English and French
s a special brand for
ted people.
Far sale in Seaforth by
Bebre• Aire% Wood's Philp:iodine; I
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all.
druggists in Canada, only reli-
able medicine discovered. Eli
forme o sua 'wkageakesneguarass, ainteedi effeetots rof abbus4alli
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To,
bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of prase, one package 01, six, 05. One will jsleas4
six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood compaar, Windsor, Ontai
.Wood's Pbosphodine is Sold in Seaforth by Lumss
den & Wilson, druggists.
Highest cash price paid for black ash, white s,eh,
red and %bite oakliard and soft =pie hemlook, soft
and rock elnl. Either stumpage or delivered in yardi
For further particulars apply to
Manager for the S. I .Co.,Exeter.
It is very gratifying for lis to announce
to our readers,
former student
larger attenda
reOur instruction
Waite for catal
hat as a result of the
of HUNDREDS of ouT
, we have at present a
ce than ever before.
ents admitted any time.
A. S, NIMMG, Proprietor.
thorton Sock Farm,
LOT 27, 00N04810N $, HIBBERT
Theroughbredl Durbam Cows,
Heifers and Bulls
the most fashionable strains for 16813eh
reasonable prices,. Poet office address,
Dealers in first-class Furniture of all
kinds, in latest designs. Upholstering
neatiy done. We also do picture fram.-
mg, and a choice selection of pictures
always on hand. Curtain poles at all
prices, and put up. We are alsc
Agents for the New William's Sewing
Machine, best in the market for do-
mestic use, no travelling agents, no
high prices.
T.T 1NT M 41'..A.MI/NT GI --
In the Undertaking Department, we buy
our goods from the best houses in Ontario,
and guarantee satisfaction itt every depart-
ment of our work. We have always made
it a point to furnish chairs, and all other re-
quisites for funerals, rare or 0nsna1.1
Prices better than heretofore.
Arterial and cavity embalming done on
scientific principles.
P. S. Night and Sunday calls will be,
attended to at Mr. Landsborough's resi-
dence directly in the rear of the DI omims.n
Money to Loan.
Any amount of money to loan on good farm pro;
perty, at 6 per tont. per annum. Straight loam,
payments made to suit borrower, satisfaction guar-
anteed, chargeelow. At offioe Friday afternoon and
all day Saturday.
McDonald Block, Winghara.
McKillop Directory for 1899.
JOHN MORRISON, teem, Winthrop P. 0,
JAMES O'LAUGHLIN, Councillor. Beechwood P. 0
JOSEPH C. MORRISON, Councillor, Winthrop P.0
ALEX. GARDINER, Councillor, Leedbury P, 0.
JOHN G. GRIEVE, Councillor, Winthrop P. 0,
JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. O.
DAVID M. ROSS, Tressurers Winthrop P. 0.
WILLIAM EVENS. Asz eager, Beechwood P. Ce
CHARLES DODDS, Collector, Seaforth P. 0.
RICHARD POLLARD, Sanitary Irzspecter, Lesal.
bury P. 0.
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