The Huron Expositor, 1899-11-17, Page 2A tillaral tseil natant MHO. ACCORI)IN • TO I, AW . i.. i ,/i J'agiinese Catarrh Core ---use rex t 'mea-- buj< them at one tlita%--apply exactly ac- cording to the directions --and if you are not cured see your druggist; lie will arrange to pay you your money back. There's a osltive guarantee wine ever,' box that a ranese Catarrh Cure will cure Ne cure, you get your money hack. Guarantee in emery package. 50 cents at all deeggists.115 Ninety-five Cures in One 8tindred Cases. Within. a period of sixty days, one hurl - Bred cases of Asthma treated by Olarke's Kola Compound showed the marvellous per- centage of .ninety-five absolute cures -and these figures are gathered from hospital records, $2 a bottle ; three bottles for $5. Sold by all druggists, or Tato GrifAths & lfdaepherson Co., 121 Church street, Toron- to. oronga. . 21. Why Continue Suffering? - Natnro lie1ds Out Hes .&rnes to Help Yon - Cl rke's Kola Compound Has Suezoossa- y Coped With This Dread Disease stud Cured to Stay' Cured. Tri the Kota plant --a medicinal botanical - product discovered_ in Africa --has been. lou d the mecca for asthma patients, Com- po nds of this wonderful medicinal plant ha a been tested In very aggravated and distressing cases of long standing and prov- ed to not only relieve instantly, but perform speedy and permanent cure. Clarke's Kola Compound has had most successful tests in , the, leading hospitals of England and the United States and Canada. In three years. in the Dominion alone five hundred. testi- monials have been received. Wm. Brown of i300'Burrard street, Vancouver, B.C., says: - "I have been a. great sufferer from asthma for ; four years. • For four months I could. not work a day. I lost my appetite and lost 40ounds in weight. Physicians told me to leave the country or I could not live. Just about this ttme I procured a bottle of CIatke's Kola Compound and in one week I Was back to work, I have taken the treatment two months and I am a cured man." Said by druggists at two dollars per bottle; three bottles, with cure guaranteed,. • for live dollars. Griffiths & Macpherson Co., 1,21. Church street. Toronto, Ontario: 7. Sold by J. S. Roberts. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, MIA FOR SALE. -Foe sale, Lot 5. Concession 8, { a .iliett, near village of K'srburn, containing abou 100 acres, all cleared and in a good state of ontti titian. There eregood builings, good orchard and p city of excellent water. This is a splendid farm > nJ will be soli cheap. Immediate possession. Apply to 1tRa. Si;IIOALES, Constance P O. 1607 Flt ed an andu and tr at goo sirabie forth. furtthe Road, • M FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 20, Huron Road, ekersrmith, containing 98 acres, 88 sores clear - 10 acres of bush. Tho land is well cultivated dcrdrained'. On the place is a frame house me barn, with goof stables. There is plenty water, and.an orchard This is a moat de - farm, being car neut two miles from Sea - It will be sold t<r•t.p and cm easy terms. For particula• e, apply to WM. FOWLER, Huron r.Soaforth P. 0. 1646-tf 1AR5I FOR SALE -For sale cast halt of Lot 7, Con. 17, Grey, 2 miles east of Walton, contain. ing 60 ores, 3 acres of good hardwood bush, balance in a ga d state of cultivation New horn 3848, also new frame h,u e' 3x"s8, good supp'y of water. Will he so1d.cheap, t.rms to suit purchaser, Apply to THOS. JOHNSTON, Watt -'n, P. O. 1884-4 TT OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. -For sale a hnuss II and lot situated :on North. Main Street, Sea- forth, The house is a story and a half frame, in • first-class repair. It contains five bed rooms, parlor,. dining room and closets. Good hard and soft water. The lot contains: a fith of an;'acre and is planted with Iarge and small fruits. For further particulars apply to THE , EXPOSITOR OFFICE, or to MRS. WM. HABKIRK, Seaforth. 1684 4 SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For sale the splendid farm of Mr. Robert Govenlook, on the North Road, a mile and a half from seatsrth. I contains 176 acres, nearly all cleared and in a high state .of cultivation, There is a two story brink ..ouse,'good bank barn and everything in first•alas condition and well underdrained. It willbe sold on easy terms, as the proprietor desires to retire. If' not esn�d before to fall it will be rented. Address ROBE6i.T G.OVRNLOOK, Seaforth P. 0. 1593 tf RESIDENCE IN SEAFORTa F, 1t SALE. -For eale, cheap, the residence fading on Victoria Square in Seaferth, the property of John Ward. There is a comfortable frame house, with gool stone cellar, hardand soft water, and all o•her necessary conveniences. The house captains 8 rooms, with pantries, etc. There are two lots, well planted with allkinds of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs. Also a large stable. Thee is one of the beet, most convenient and most pleasantly situated residences in Seaforth and will be Bold cheap. Apply to JOHN WARD. 1640.tf pARM IN TUOSER3MITH FOR SALE. -Far sale, jr Lot 24, Concession 3, H. R. S., Tuokersmith, oontaining 100 aures, 90 acres cleared and In a good state of oultivation, 10 aores of good hardwood bush. There is on the premises a good brick house and kitchen ; a large new bank barn, with stone stabling underneath an open shed ; dri.ving house, and other buildings two good wells and orchard. It is five miles from Seaforth and six from Clinton on a good gravel 'road, School close by. Will he sold cheap. Apply on the preiuiees to ROBERT McVE?Y, or Sea - forth P. O. - 1639x4bf PROPERTY IN HARPUR%};'EY FOR SALE. For sale, the residence in Harpurhey at present oo- oupted by the undersigned. There: is a good frame house, brickedinside, and testable, also over an sore and a half of Iend, also a splendid orchard of all kinds of fruit, both lame and emalL It is situated on the main street, and has alt necessary conveniences. Also he park lot immediately in the rear -of the ab3ve, containing si aures, on whish there is a good house and: large stable, also an orchard and well. These properties will be sold ',nether or separately. Th see properties are admirably adapted for a retired farm- er eir market gardener. Apply on the premlees to Vie proprietor, or address Seaforth P. 0._ WILLIAM' DYNES. 1634-tf MIAMI IN TUCI ERSMITH FOlt SALE. -For sale, U Lot 11e Concession 8, Tuekersmith, containing 100 stores, all olesred but about 8 ares of good bush. - It is ur derdrained,.well fenced, and in a high stat*. of oultivntion. There is a good stone house ; good barns, stables and out -houses. It adjoins a goad school ; Is within five miles of Seaforth, and throe milee Com W Will besold Kw h or withoen. There ut ts he orop• f good is one of the best farms in the township, and will be Bold, on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to retire. Also 50 acres within a mils and a quarter, a good grasing lot, well fenced, but no buildings, Will be sold to• wether or separately. Apply on the premises, or ed - dress Egmondville P. 0. JAMES MoTAVISH, 1630 tf �tPLEPIITmm FARM IN IIAY FOR. SALE, OR TO fiances - Mon 14 eolith three quartershof Lot 24, en West alf of Lot the 15th Concession, and the no•th half of Lot 53, on the 15th ,.oncea ion, in the township of Ilay, containing is alt 176 serer, all of which is cleared but ten aores. These several parcels comprise one farm and are located close to each other. All well fenced and well undcrdralned, and in a good state of cultivation. The Iand Is of the best quality and every foot can be cultivated. There is a good frame house and large bank barn, also driving house, sheds and oTher build- ings. There is a good orchard, and plenty of good water.. It edjeins Retibfislsch's mills, and is within three and three quarter miles from Zurich. If not sold shortly wilt be rented to a good tenant. Apply en the premises, or address Zurich P. 0. J. 0. I ALBFLEISCH. - 185941 .IIARM FOR SALE. -Lot 33, Cocesssion 4, East wThere is on the place angood br ckning dw Ilingcres. house 20x23, witn wing 18x28, 14 storey h'gh; stone collar full size frame' summer kitchen and woodshed 16x:4; hard a' d soft water; frame bsrn 68x58, with stone ;tables underneath frame pig pen 16x32. two good or. chards; 96 aores cleared, balance Is gocd hardwood bush; well feaced with cedar rails, ani well watered by three good spring wells; school and church con- venient; five miles from Blyth, 12 miles fro.n Wing. ham, 17 miles from Goderieh • must be sold to close the estate. AppIy to JOHN WALLACE, Executor for the Joseph Jackson eetr,te, Blyt'a P. 0., or to 0 Hamilton, Blyth. 1653tf JA' M IN STANLEY FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 9 and the west hat! of Lot 8, on the 12th canoes - Mon, or Brownson Line, of Stanley. This farm con - talus 150 acres, all of which ie c:eared, except four aures. It is in a state of first-class cultivation, well fenced and all undcrdrained, mostly with tile. There is a large frame dwe'ling house asgood as new, with good atone foundation and cellar, large bank barn with stone deleting underneath, and numerous other buildings, including a large pig house. Two good oreharda of choice fruit, ales nice shade and drna- mental trees.: -Thera are two spring oreeks running throughthe farm, and plenty of good water all the year round without pumping. It is well situated for markets,churches, schools, post ofhae, &c., and good wrevel Bleading from is ithin viewofLakeHuron, and the Yeboats can be seen passing up and down from th house. This is one of the best equipped fermi an the county, and will be sold on easy terms, as the proprietor wants to retire on aoodunt of ill health. Apply on the prem. ises, or address Blake F. U. JOHN DUNN. 1649-tf 5 a 0 51 at f() t1' 1 so :1[ tit 111 th let • • 1' tI at na pc, di t rlrt ho ish io ncl El 0 go fret iton self enoi criY is 11 (11)111 zal I th wor such men a nit Babe rch that Ou the judge prob uppr THE HURON • EXPOSITOR • THE WORLD NOT GOVERNED IN A HAPHAZARD WAY. REINS HELD BY DiViNE RULE. Rev, Dr. Talmage Preaches on the Anter - position of the Almighty in the Con - (loot of :human. Atlfairs—Nations, as Well as Individuals, Peel His Con- trolling Power„For Good, Washington, Nov. 12.—The idea that things in this world are at loose ends anis going at haphazard is in this discourse combated. by Dr. Talmage. The text is Psalms cxix, t+J, "Forever, 0 Lord, thy word is settled in heaven.” This world has been in process of change ever since it was created- - mountains born, mountains dying, anil they have both cradle and grave. Once this planet was all fluid, and no being such as you or I have ever seen could have lived on it a minute. Our hemisphere turns its face to the sun .and then turns its back. The axis • of the earth's revolution has shifted. The earth's center' of grav- ity is changed. Once flowers grew in the _arctic and there was snow in the tropic. There. has been a redis- tribution of land and sea, the land crumbling, into the sea, the sea swallowing the land. Ice and fire have fought for the possession of this planet. The cheinical composition sof it is different now from what, it once w rs. Volcanoes once terribly alive are dead, not one throb of fiery pulse, not one breath of vapor—the moan changing its amount of .saline (11401tles. The internal fires of the earth are gradually eating their way to the surfaces—upheaval and subsi- dci>ce of vast realni;s of continent. :uora.vians in Greenland have re- ,novecl their boat boles because the v,41.orse•ir1Q' sea submerged theta: Lin-' n.aeus records that;..in 87 years a ;rc as t si one *as 10() feet nearer the ter than when he wrote. Forests have been buried by the sea, and land thr,t was 'cuft.ured by far'mer's hoc ca.t be touchect only by sailor's an- c''or. Loch Nevis of Scotland and ilieele ]say of Ireland and the fiords of Norway, where pleasure -boats novo font, were one valleys and glens. 11,rihy of the islands of the sea are Cie tops of sunken mountains. Six =::eus.;ncl. miles of the Pacific Ocean ' rt• . :.inking. _The diameter of the rth. according to scientilie an- .' ia'lc's fneet, is 180 miles . less than \":aas. The en 1 ire con (iguralion - of .:.r' earth is altered. Hills are de- . i:cl •d of their forests. The frosts ;i;cl 'the. waters and the air b'om- -.:rd the earth till ,it surrenders to h.' assault:.. The so-called "ever-last- ri;; 1iiIl5' .do not last. Many rail- ed. c•ornlntnics cease to build iron ,rict',c's because the iron has a -life its own, not a. 'vegetable life or r1 animal life, but a metallic life, i,c1• \\llen that dies the bridge goes n. Oxidation of minerals is only pother terin for describing their +..ath, Mosses and'seawveecis help cls troy the rocks they decorate. - 1're changes of the inanimate earth el;v symbolize the moral -change's. oc•iety ever bocornes different for el ter or we r•se. Boundary lines be- vecn nations- are settled until th teet'war unsettles them. If neer Lain, tel. tikes es through laws and customs nil legislation. , The 'characteristicth f is world is that nothing in it is •itic'd. At a time when we hoped rant the arbitration plained lasi; triirrrcr at The Hague, Rolland, ould forever sheathe the sword and like the gun and dismantle the • rtress the world •has on hand two ars mil ich are digging graves for ho flower. of English and American ldiery. Prom the presence of such 'ological and social and national id international unrest we turn i th thanksgiving and exultation to y text and find that there are ings forever settled, but in- higher titudes than we have ever trod. 'orever, 0 Lord, thy word is set- in heaven." sigh up in the palace of the sun least five things are settled—that tions which go continuously and rsistently wrong perish; that hap- less is the result of spiritual Gon- ion and not of earthly enriron- eit; that this world is a school - use for splendid or disgraceful �tduation; that with or without us world is to be made over into a ire of arborescence and purity; t all who are adjoined to the un- rallcled One of . Bethlehem acrd zareth and Golgotha Will be the elects of a supernal felicity with- : any taking off. ' to you doubt my first proposition hat nations which go wrong per- ? We have in this American' na- n all the elc:niemnts of permanence destruction. We need not, bor- v from others any trowels for up - Wing or torches for demolition. 0100ts of ruin --.nihilism, infidelity, osticism, Sabbath desecration, in - 1 ty, sen.nun lity, extravagalr ce, id; they are all here. Elements afety—(.cid worshiping men and ru'n by the' - scores of millions, (i (3!, benevolence, truthfulness, sacrifice, industry, sobriety and ,e religion than has characterized nation thaw.} has ever existed; are all here. The only question s to which of the forces will gain ir�aricy—t.he one class ascendant, this United ,States Government, ink, will continue as long as the Id exists: the other class ascend - and the United States goes into small pieces that other govern- ts would hardy think thein th picking up. all. on 'iii the cemetery of natidns see the long lines• of tombs— >es and Tyre and Egypt and Inn and 1:redo-Persian and Mace-. an and Roman and Saxon hept y, great nations, small nations lived 300 years. r own nation will be judged by same moral laws by which all • nations have been judged. Tho recent day for . individuals will ably come far on in the future. rue nt clay for nations is. every every day weighed, every day oved or every day 'condeiuned. r before in the history of thls try has the American notion more surely in the balances than this minute. Do right, and we p. Do wrong, and we go doffs n. other thing decided in the sable place is that happiness is the t of spiritual condition and • not rthly environment. If we who sometimes have a thousand dole to invest find it such a perplex.. o know what to do with it and after find that we invested it 0 cl S 0 t\ '. 11 hat neuei 1-41 the worrimen t of three.; having millions to invest and whose their resourreS! People who have their three or four dollars a day wages are- just as , happy as those who have ait incolue .of $500,000 a year. Sometimes happiness is seated on a footstool mid sometimes misery on a throne. All the gold of earth in one chunk cannot. purchase five minutes .ot complete satisfaction. Worldly success. is an atmosphere that breeds the maggots of. envy and jealousy and hate. There are those who will never forgive you if yon have more emoluments or honor or ease than they have. To take you down is the dominant wish of most of those who are not as high as you are. They will spend . hours and ditys and tears to entrap you: 'They Will hover around newspaper offices to get one mean line printed depreciat- ing you. Your heaven is, their hell: A -dying pteesident of the United States said many years ago in re- gard to his' lifetime of experience, statesmen of America. in letters of advice warn young men to keep out of politics. yany of the most sue- cessful have tried in vain to drown th-eir trouble in •strong drink. On the other hand, there are millions of people who on departing Lb is life will have nothing to leave but a whose illurnieled faces are indices of illumined sotils. They wish every- body well. When .the fire bell rings, they deo not go to ' the window at midnight to see _ if it is their store that it on fire, for they never owned a store, and when the September- equin.ox is abroad they do mot wOrry lest 'their shi - s founder ,in a gale, for they nev r owned If ship, and whoa the noi linations are made for high political eilice they are not fear-. fill that theit name will be over- looked, for ethey never 'applied for office. There is so much heartiness and freedatti from care in their laughter Cult when you hear it' you . are compelled te laugh in sympathy, although you know not what they are la Ugh i ng about. assemble in the sitting rOoni of the old homes tea to •hear the father's will read; tine', are not fearful of be- ing cut off wi h a million and a half dollars, for the 'old man . never owned . any ,hing more than support the ousehold. 'They have the fa en). - o seventy-five acres, which yielded only enough plainly to Would to god!1 had the capaci ty to 11 more happines • in one month than many have in a whole lifetime. explain fo yoti on how little a man Call be happy and on how much he may lee wretched! Get your heart right and all is . right. Keep your heart wrong-, nd all 18 wrong. That is a principle settled in heaven. Some have vondered why gradua- tion., day in cc -liege is called "com- mencement dal" when it is the last day of college exercises,. but gradua- tion days are erOperly wiled com- mencement day To all the gradue ated it is the ommencement of `act- ive life, and ou -graduation day from earth will be t i us commencement of our chief life, our larger life, our more tremendo is life, our eternal day on earth is! The student never sees any day like it. At any rale, I never did. Old Niblo's Theatre in New York conies back to me. The a ir redolent IN ith garlands to be gowned and ta el hatted professors beh ind us, and our kindred and friends . before .. nd above us, and the thrown to us. What a, commence- ment day it was for. all of us about to- graduate! But mightier day will it be when 1N e graduate front this nation or ha.ndelapping of approval? Will there be . flung to us nettles or. wrea ths? Will it be a resounding "Come!" or a. reverberating "De- ' Another thing decided in the high - iilaces of the universe is that this world, with or 'without us, will be made over inte: a scene of abores- cence and purity. Do not think that Our personal fidelity. It Will be done anyhow. God'e cause does not go a -begging. If all the soldiers of Jesus elitist now living should be- come deserters and - go over -to . the enemy, that would not defeat 'the cause. A_Iarge part of the. Bible is taken Up with 'telling us what the world will be. -There is 'a :large army, human and angelic, now in the field, but, God's reserve forces' are more. numerous and more mighty than those now , at the front, and if he could in Oideon's time rout the and if he could in Shitruecar's , tone overcome a host with an ox goad, and if in Samson's time ho could de- feat an army with a bleached jaw- bone, ancl if the walls , of Jericho went down under a blast of perfor- ated ram's horn, and if in Christ's day blind eyes were cured.; by oint-, men t of snittle, then God. can db anything he sari he will do. As yet he has taken enly one sword out of a whole armory of Weapons. Do not get nervous, as if the Lord were go- ing to bo defeated. Oh, that coming day of the world'a perfection! The earth Neill be so changed that the sermonology ' will be ehanged. There will be no more calls to repentance, for all will haVe repented; no More gathering of alms for the poor, for the poor will .have been enriched; no hospital Sunday, for disje,inted bones will have 1..iden: set and the wounds all healed, -: and the incurable diseases . of other times will have been overcome by a mater- ia mortice. and a pharmacy and a den- tietry and a therapeutics- that - have conquered everything that afflicted nerve or lung - or tooth or eye or limb—heaitholoa, complete and uni- versal.' The poultice - and the oint- ment and the panaCea and the catho- licon and the surgeon'a knife and the dentist's forceps and the scientist's X ray will have fulfilled their Mis- sion. The social life ' of the world will be perfected. In thate millennial age I imagine ourselves standing • in front of a hotfse lighted for levee.. We enter among groups filled with gladness and talking good sense and rallying each other in pleasantries 'and . in every possible way forward,- ing good neighborhood: no looking askance, no whispered backbitings, no strut of pretension, no oblivion of some one's presence because you do not Want to khow him; each one happy, determined on making some one else happy; words of honest ap- preeiation instead of hollow flattery; sauvities Bald genialities instead of inflations and pomposities; equipage and upholstery and scillpture and, painting paid for; two hours of men- '017E3/MEP 17, 1 tal and moral improvement; ati t.:-. e guests able. to Walk as mrea (111y down the steps of that meieden t s and bloodshot eye and incompetent for the day's duties; the social Ilie ae perfect as refinement and connn(ei sense and cultiire and prostwrity end. religion eau inake it; the eartii inat'e better than ite was at the start, and all through gespelizing, influences, di— rectly or indirectly. Another thing. decided 111 that hieh place is that all 1‘110 are adjoined to the unparalleled One - of Bethlehem and Nazareth lied Golgotha will - be the subjects of a supernal felicity without any i taking off. The old adage says that "beggars must not be choosers," and the huthan raee in its depleted state had better not be critical of the mode by which God would einpalace all of us. I could easily think of a. plan more compli- mentary to our fallen huthatilty than that which is called the "plan of sal- vation." . If- God had allowed us to do part of the work of recovery and he do the rest, if we could do three quarters of it and he do - the last quarter, if we could accomplish most of it and he filet put on the finishing touches, many ktould look ' with more complacency up'on the projected rein- statement of ti e human family. No, . no! We must have our pride sub-_ jugated, our stubborn will made flex- ible and a supernatural power de- monstrated in is at every- step. A pretty plan of salvation that would be, of human d4etfling and manufact- uring! It, would be a doxology sung to ourselves. God must have all the •glory, not one step of our heavenly throne made by earthly car- pentry; not One string could we twist. of the bairn of our eternal ree jOicing, Accept I all as an unmerited donation from the skies, or we will never have it at all. "Now," says Isome ooe, "if Christ is the only way what about the heathen, whe lave never heard of him?" • But you are net heathen, and why. divert us f om the question. of onr personal salvation? Satan is al- ways introducing something irrele- vant. Ile wants to take it out- of a- persOnality into; an abstra,ction. Get .. our own salvation . settled, and then we will discuss! the salvation of other, people. "But," says some 0110, "what percentage of the human race will be saved? What will be the coin- parative numbe saved -and lost?" tics of redempti 'n. He suggests that cr There satan thee. sts in the mathema- -you find out the, , Mathematical pro- portion of the teldeerued, But be net deceived. I am how discussing ' the eternal welfare of only two persons, yourself and mYself. Get ourselves right before we Iliother about getting others right. 0 Christ, come hither and master our ease! Here are our sins---pardOn thOn; our wounds— heal them; our Imrdens-e-lift them; our sorrows—co ifort them. Wit want the- Christ or Bar linens to open our blind eyes, the Cudst of Martha, to help us hi ' our ()mastic 'cares, the Christ of Olivet o help us preach our sermons, the hrist of Lake Gali- lee to still our empests, the Christ of Lazarus to raise our dead. Net hag on his whipp carried the world By the bloody t lain on which Jes sepulcher where was inclosed in d by the Olivet -fro while -astonished for his robes to d companionehip,- an and omnipotent t o come, though h d shoulders so lon s woe and on -h • ed this way to a oes of the mou s died, and by t rkened crypt: an which he axes disciples clutche tain him in thei by the radian one on which h sits waiting for Vie coming of al those whose rode9ption was settle in heaven, impldre you bow you head in immediate and final -sub raisslon. Once-. exercise sorrow fo what you have done and exereis trtist in ,him for what; ho is willin to do, and all is well for bot worlds. Then you can swing out del - fiance to all oppos tidp, human an diabolic. - In cow! ering his foes conquered yours. d! have you no ticed that passage in Colossians tha represent him "having despoiled prin 80 bringing befo e us. that - over triumph? But, oh, the diffe ence in represented arrog ace, cruelty, -op- pression . and wr nge but Christ's triumph meant inancipat ion and holiness and joy. ho former was a procession of groans accompanied by a clank of chains, the other a proces- sion of hosannas by millions set for- ever free. The only shackled ones of Christ's triumph will be satan and his cohorts tied to, onr Lord's char- iot wheel,_ with all the. abominations of all. the'earth botind for an eteemel captivity Then will come a feast in wh ich .the ch al fees w ill be filled ''aith the new wipe' Of the kingdom." 'tinder arches comn eMorative of all armies of the 'hurch mil it an 1. through thousands f years 'of s trug- will ride. Conquer( r of earth aryl bawled , will tal e palaces and thrones. "And they Oen COMO from the east and the w- st and the north T, thronsrh the pard ming' and senet:- fying grace of Chri. t, be guests ut, tha royal banquet is 1 In a o is Rheumati m of the back. The cause is Uric Acid in the bloo . If the kid- neys did their wierk there would be no Uric Acid and no Liimbag-O. 'Make the kidneys do their work. The sure, positive and only cure for Lu bago is odd's idne ills POOR COPY Street car conductors in Toro to are often approached confidentially by passengers from the country. Not long go a tall young man with a valise boarde a Queen street car and talked to the con uletor. " Do you know where therel's a cheap hotel—cheap and—and safe, yo noVi !" The conductor named sever 1 and the passenor explained that a Tor ;Ito man had stopped eeveral days fish g at his place this surnmer, and invited m to stay at his house if 'he ever came to T Onto. " He said he 'lived on Bathu st street, and that Pd know the house whe =I dame to it, because the letters T. W. in iron were in the sidewalk just o °ate his door." , The conductor laughed. " Well, said the young far r, I've just found about one hundred of hein iron plates on Bathurst street, and ,ve ,found out that they stand for Toro 4o Water Works, That's why I'm looki g for a cheap hotel. .And .1'm also lookin for that Another conductor tells a story t.if a pas- senger who, during the Toronto ir, asked him how he could find where a gi worked in Spadins, avenue. He didn't frit the number, but got off the oar and be an ring- ing door -belle and making enqui es. The conductor was on a Belt line oar, d after going around the circuit again aa his, man, about two hundred numbers farth r up the avenue, standing in a doorway m ing his enquiry. He probably found the girl, for he had perseverance. " I used to know a family name mwis " said one passenger to a condnot r, arid used to stop with them whenever e came to town. lint they've moved. kty : wife there an' me hev been to three hou s where Lewises live, but can't find the r ht one. We're now going • to another addr so. It's so far off that we're takin' the ears The conductor said that he ho ea they would be successful this time. " You know," said the farmer " your face seems kinder familiar. Wh might The conductor told him. from Wellington county ?" " No, ain't," said the conduct! r very emphatically. " Pve only been 4 t from England about, six months," and e took his cash -box and swung along the itep, thinking it safer to end the conversation right there. • Haire You Catarrh ? If you are trotibled with Catarrh and want to be cured, use Cararrhozone, which ease. There is no mystery about eta rh- is a guaranteed cure for this distress ng ozone, aluhough its effeet is magical. Oint- ments and snuffs cannot reach the d'Eeased parts and have thua proved usele s, but Catarrhozone is carried by the- a r you breathe directly- to the diseased parte -cohere it volatilizes, killing the germ life an heal- ing the sore spots. It cures by inh lation. No danger, no risk, sold by all drug ists or by mail, price $1.00. For trial outfi send Box 610, Kingston, Ont. The Milkman's Joke. A certain milkman had occasion to visit a lunatic asylum to collect his weekl bill. Upon his departure he notieed one f the inmates abetractedly picking up som little stones. As the milkman passed the an he made some chaffing remark, and was t once purshed by the man. The milkman now thorbughly frightened, ran for hi life. Through the spacious grounds they ra0ed. Then out along the highway to Gil city. The pursued man yelled lustily for help, hut none came, and at last, completely e bann- ed, ne dropped to his knees to i pion, mercy. The lunatic rushed up, and, as he reached the crouching, 'trembling mil man, instead of crushing him, as the nflkinan fully expected he would, he only rai ed his hand, laid it lightly on the man's eh ul&r, away. It turned ouethat the lunatic sane amueement was playing " tag" with keeper. t • ANOTHER WITNESS. Mr. Owen Byrne, of Perth, Testi- fies that Dodd's Kidney 13' Cured Him ofBackache. Perth, Nov. 13.—The case, Bac versus Dodd's Kidney Pills, seems to become so one-sided that sensible poop ache have e can no longer hesitate as to which way th ver- dict will fall. Another witness for Derld's Kidney Pills' side is Mr. Owen Byr e, Of Kid- ured thein this place. His testimony reads as fol " I was troubled with Backache and four boxes of Dedd's Sidney Pills fro Killook's drug store, and they .effec complete cure. I can recommend highly to any one else so afflicted." There Before. In a certain !Garb of Banffshire, wher roads are nearly as precipitous as ea be imagined,..a little girl was one day empl yed in her usual task of tending the cows A minister, newly settled irilthe parish, co ino suddenly upon her, remarked—" These art awful hills you have here, lassie." ve come doubtless by a feeling of awe for the cloth, the frightened lassie answers in apologetic tones, " 'Deed, sir, they er here afore we cam'." How to Get Plump and Rosir. Nature meant every woman to be luni and well developed , and if she has become pale, eak sad nervous, Dr A. W. Chrsse's Nerve Food wi store end retitalize the wasted nerve cells, mak the blood rich and pure and give new vigor and dad ItY te the whole body. For ills peculiar to women t ern fen° remedy so emcee iful as this great food au of; A Hero of Waterloo. The Duke of Wellington was once as ed, who, in his opinion, was the braves/-, ma at Waterloo. "I can't tell you that," he said, but I laan tell you of one than whom I am sure- thiere was no braver." The following is the story put in Pie words of the writer-. t " There was a private in the artillery. A fartn•houee with an orchard, surrounded by a thick hedge, formed a most important point is the British .position, and was er- dered to be held against the enemy at any sacrifice, The hottest of the battle raged around the point, but the English behoaled well, and beat back the French again and again. At last the powder and ball were foMed to be running ehort ; at the same time the hedges surrounding the orchard took fire. In the meantime a messenger tad been sent to the rear for more powder and - ball, a d gallant defenders of which were keephig p it in a short time two loaded wagons ca e galloping down to the farmhouse t. e a scanty fire through the flames which s r- -rounded the post. The driver of the firSt spurred his heroes toward the burning heat), but the flames rose fiercely round and caught the powder, which exploded, send- ing rider, horses it.nd wagon in fragments into the open air. For one instant die driver of the second wagon paused, a - palled by his comrade's fate ; the nex $ observing the flames, beaten back for a moment by the explosion, afforded him otie desperate chance, he sent his horses at the smouldering, breach, and, amid the cheerio of the garrison, landed his cargo safel within: Behind hire•the flames closed u and raged num° fieroely than ever. Th private never lived.to .reoeive the rawer which his not merited, but later in the gagement he was killed, dying with the oonaciotumeas that he had saved the day," . 111111111Pilic1,1111:1111111IMPIIIIIIII/M.10,111.11;ni. ton Mil NI iltitplum Oil istmiattslip kigetableTreparationforAS- INFANTS CHILDREN SEE THAT THE FAC—SIMILE SIGNATURE Pr oThotespigeslionglieertuf- OT ICAliC TIC. Sta Poiparnint al. t,yreen, flaw A perfect Rernedy for constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Tharrhoea. Worms ,Convuisions,Feverish, ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. at -14 eeee -efir IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EVERY BOTTLE OP CASIO I 4 (WWI& is pat up in one-rdze bathe only. ft is not sold in bnlle Don't allow anyone ie you anything else on the plea or promise Vat It is "just as goodn and answer emery par. pose." Aar Eke that you got 0 -A -8-T-0.441. The ha - stutters eany of litade ut Made to Fit P. StiMEY'S Rigby Proofed Frieze Utters 4.0 In seven sllades. 52 inches long-. Deep Storm. Collar. of Frie.ze—not ttoffe. Guar- anteer to please or your. money back. Sold by all Up=to=Date t7 Clothing Dealers for tP"tni mart Effects or the Fall. 4 Our Fall and Winter importations of cloths have irrived. They aro beauties, and we feel justified in the pride we take in displaying them to our customers., To see them is to be pleased also. They are smart in effect, cheap in price, and are good wearers This, combined with the excellent fit and finish given all °lir clothes, make a selling combination. As an adjunct to o Ties cold r clothing, we have just got into stock some of the nattiest n tbe .market—just the thing to give the right effect. for the ays, and to give a dressy appearance to your clothes, They are going quickly, so call at once. RIGH7' BROS, .F NIS _HERS, SEilIFORTIL AUCTION LES. AUCTION SALE OF PURE 3RED SHORT-I:TORN AND HIGH GRADE FARM STOOK AND IMPLEMENTS. -Mr. T omas Brown has re ceived instructions from Albe t McGregor to sell by pub is auction on Lot 11, Oo cession 8, Hulled, on Thu day, November 23, at 1 o'clock p. in., sharp, the following property, viz : Horees-One filly 2 yeti a old, sired by SieBean ; 1 sucking eon, by bre Shorthorn cow, "Conde ee Duchess," A years old, by Prime Minietsr, (en rted) ; dam, English Duo ass 2nd ; 1 bull 18 moat old, by Valasco 24th, by ride of Censtahee, dam, Conetanoe Duchess ; 1 b I calf, 4 months old, b Pride of Constance dam Pfullettes Beauty, by rime Minister, eine- pe d.) These cattle are a I registered. Three mile cows, supposed to be in alf ; 1 newly calved cow three 2-yearold steers ; KO 2 -year-old heifer ; 4 ye rling steers ; 2.yearling h fere ; 5 young calves. i Yorkshire sows, due to pig in anuary ; 1 Tamworth i sow, due to- pig on February lst ; 10 pigs about. 5 moilhs old. 'Implemente--One set firm trucks with 'grey I box, 1 pair sleighs, 1 tem buggy, 1 cutter near. .1y new, 1 Brantfor big B mower nearly new, I lit Sharp's hay rake n arty new, broadcast eeeder, 1 ten horse Pitt's pow r in good ruling order, 1 spade ;jaok,11 sulky plow, Teeswate gang plow. 1 single plow; 1 set iron h rows, r Ga e harrow, 1 stunning nesk, 1 set single arness, ,1 robe, 1 pair horse blanete, and other Wes to numerous to men - Mon. The whole wil positively he sold as the farm west. Terme-All a me of $5' under, h ; over has hien disposed ! and the roprietoisis going that amount 10 months' °refill'', be giv n on fur- niehing approved Joliet mites. I , discount of six per eent. per swum will be allowisdi for clash on credit amounts. ALBERT McGRIGOR, Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, auctioneer. Snap Bargains in Real Estate and Live Stock. THIRTY DOLLARS an acre will buy a 1134 aore farm -a firsteslass grein and stook farm -near Vie Vil age of Zurich in the town/112m of Hay, Counlyof 1.1 Olt , good bn 'dings, good fenoes, plenty of Witter and a most desirable place; also three thoroughbred short horn bulls and threes Yorkshire hove, all tit for service; also -several roadster horses, all good etook, and prices right. For partioulars apply to S. RAlts NIE, Zurich P. O. 1612-fd MONEY TO LOAN. ldoney to ben at 41 and 5 per oast per annum. Any amount on firsteclase farm land security. 44. ply to R S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, flaw forth. i.507 McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND OTHER - TESTED - REMEDIES. ammomimmoome A speollio and antidote ter Impure, Weak and hie p_overished mood, Dyspepsia, eieepleeneese, Palpate - tion of the Heart, Liver flomplah3t, Neuralgia, Lem of Memory, Bronchitis, Oonsmm Mon, Gall Skeet, Jaundice, Kieney end Urinary St. Thus' Dino., Female inegularieles and General Debility. LABORATORY-Goderieh, Ontario. I. X. XcLEOD, Proprietor and Manu facturer. Bold by J. S. R.oiamaTs, Seaforth. 10747, Me01:74.4teTrrillirtu.A1•11:tpc:" jbourissert*:111Y,:ffts6ennY:Tocound4:10;61010:y3teeEtlirj Land, Lorene totieeletore, Math str fop d „Sbuo v rhr ecn cr IlLgoe eg rAbs:inuo nrdef leLrt.d. TO RENT.- arrild :131:4-":teorad.'rh:beggetziper:bisrtetropc:::: -geteRil FOR SALE, d with never 1 Q00d frame 013 bia 6 miles from Exe peedenlars 13 ' Wen Mitiletworth, Onto siona,...„_i_t____OtazataAe.IIERA. boot for eittee. '- eli:Imw1345:11111bersT22nPLUAT:31111:8990K110:41 STRAY SOW. --Stn exam's for. Stabil red retict.epeing. al OROUGHBRED wee tame Vol front 10 te 12 months heifers, elliegistered. Ilsborne. or Address 2, megenep, *bout Walk/air WI; olle ell Aar Informatton their will be Prof taxes for Mane eule, nntli end ill Patties interserred el asediagly. MIMES oTIO,Vio 0333131i rot Patdop, lel n the nay of Perth hereby given; purstrant Statutes of Ontario, 1,$ claims sgainst the e. *Unnamed deceased JO WM. Towers, .114 VAT the 20th day Deeemhe addresies with full par: - staternents of their sod Sed. And after the saff . 1899, the said executor] the meets of the said 1 thereto, baring regard notice *hall have teen °rimy part thereof so old executors will netj person or persons, of hes been received at ' Dated at Ihkrquhat the REAL EST./ lerOUSE .AND LOT ands number of fruit I EXPOSITOR, OVFIZE, LI OUSE FOR SAVE I I purchasing or Seaforth, st present In and built by the tulde 10th Of November ; Will sell less non half VAR* IIIILLETI 1! 0, Concession 113, Acne teeded :gravel There lea gored Orchite creek rurts through the' house. Ma near soh ereeient te the hest Mar note feet el watte lend stock raising. It eva emu. Apply to the • ..ANE RONSON, *Range -IP 4 in the tow therefrom It Sores the land beisold coot Ship of Stanley. contatt are both situated en lb be liven. Title free 1 Sumer particulars a .1t0BERT WATSON, .1 Seylreld, Executors, FAR* POR BALE, -1 acres cleared and In e The remainder Is in but fenced with cedar and b drained. There is en -0 -- and stable elotee feet, and peg pen 20x36 I eet. Plenty Of Imo This fermis 21 miles Ire a, :store, blacksmith th utiles from filetiferth ; and Is convenient to cin WE, MORRISON, Whit PLENDID FARM Ft lid farm arid hotel. 13th ooncession of 1 the Village of Leadbury, of which are °leered, ex in a geed stat,e of eul Li underdtained, and BMW raising and feeding. TA land on the farm. T homes, a large hank bar math, *large Impleme buildings b flret-ciaes T1 thuds and four nevem joins the Tillage *I 1401 office, blacksmith -shop, Leadbury hotel is on thi is now under teat is one of the best and er nee in the County of 11 and on raty tonne of not fold hi reasonab ei if a suitable tenant offen apply on the premises, 4 havoit kr DOAR FOR SERV'? 1.) keep for eerviee StollleYs thoroughbred 01, payable st tbe twee of returning if neceesara et OserviePla ,B:LDLE0ESS: FrA•bretliodityrcowt14771:Hbtreci OC°BirinzsciA:e.T•4 White riga for sale. JA s;Ltazott:VICEortitzmene.Boar-Thm:ewithojtdeme: 141.6141:714;:ede:4171164sYilisirr°°d:•ne,:::igibilirasbierheeeigal71:11bLandanirttrilPfl;bofW:breed°4::"ra:EViell] NOKILLia